#hate on ignorace
wack-ashimself · 8 months
If you liked 'District 9'
even tho is not on the same level, it is in the same themes.
Code 8.
Basically, super powered people, who built the city of the future, are replaced by robots, and perceuted like minorities.
Not even 1/2 way thru, and enjoying it far more than I thought.
Just thought you'd want to know.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
I HATE when people say 'aces' when they mean aros or aroaces or aspecs. When I see 'ace' I assume it means alloaces or at last the romantic orientation is unimportant to the context and I can't understand why it's so common to put all aspec folks under the name asexual. I'm aegosexual myself but I swear if I see the purple falg where the green should be one more time I'm gonna start biting. The ignorace is driving me INSANE
Submitted May 20, 2023
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so this random article popped up on my google recommended, and usually I just ignore these things but I love umbrella academy and loved season 3
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so I had a look and
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first of all bitch, the dance scenes are arguably some of the best parts of the show. are they logical? maybe not, but they bring me and many other immense amounts of joy.
second of all, deadnaming Elliot Page? ok asshole go be transphobic somewhere else. Viktor being trans doesn't negatively impact the plot in any way, and the casual way it was handled in the show only helps normalise trans people and their experiences (I'm not trans myself so pls correct me if I'm wrong). The story doesn't need to justify it because there's nothing to justify.
the article also later slanders the wedding episode, claiming it's "unnecessary"
so I've come to the conclusion that everyone who didn't enjoy season 3 and thought it had "unnecessary" scenes just doesn't like fun. go back to watching your miserable straight people shows like riverdale
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chimicalbomb · 2 years
The reason i love The Karamazov Brothers is their duality,each brother earns for greatness and yet their human nature gets in the way.
Dmitri is hateful,full of rage, and yet he is hopelessly in love. He's just like his father,and that's why he hates him so much. He 's stuck between two women and two brothers. He is afraid of Ivan because of his judgemental stare,the stare of the world against his father. He's fearful but likes to put the front,the front of the martyr. Yet none of the characters are able to be one. Alyosha idolizes the only father figure he got,Father Zosima,only to get broken in pieces when he realises that he was just as human as him. Torn apart between the cynical world and faith,he chooses to keep the light in his heart and step into the world like an old cat.
I find Alyosha the most tragic of them all,because he forgives and believes,believes in his brothers,in his sulken father that would never catch the last breath from under the rock that he was living. Sinners don't need punishment, but rather knowing what forgiveness feels like ,that's why his father felt to close to Alyosha after years of ignorace for his poor sons.
Ivan,in love or in death,he believes in nothing,he wants to think that sensibilities are for the weak, but in the end,that's what comes after him. His academic youth drove him into an overthinking mess that can describe our generation better than anything, having conversations with the devil on the couch is something that only he can do in peace.
Smerdyakov,as much as he's not a legitimate brother ,he's insane as people say,sadistic or almost a socipath. But i believe in his humanness, not in a "he could be fixed",cause nobody can fix any human but himself. I believe his human nature because of his grief, of his shame,the shame of the womb of the mother,the shame of substituting a wanted child,the shame of being ill and yet using it against others.
Dostoievski's novels are like verses to the soul and i think more than anything,he teaches us that humans aren't perfect.
Even the angel that died in the little bed of the dirty home once threw rocks at others,even the most devoted friend once swore to be an enemy.
Even the drunken man loves his children in his sick madness.
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toxicwolfbreath · 5 years
Yall want to know one thing that really annoys me about the creepypasta fandom?
The treatment and ignorace about mental disorders used to make a character scary.
For example: homicidal lui. A classic repeated story of a person with an aggressive homicidal "split" personality. The actual term is dissociative identity disorder ( DID) and is oftem villanised. I know what you're thinking reading this, "oh but levi hes only fictional, writing that stereotype isnt hurting anyone" actually this stereotype gives people an irrational fearof did and other dissorders. It affects real people.
If you wanted to write lui correctly while still having did, lui would most likley have more than one alter (the name of the "other personalities") and they would NOT all be like sully. Sully is what you would call a persecuter, an alter who acts in an unsavoury manner as a response to the trauma they have faced.
If you're going to write about Lui or anyone with DID please use the correct terminology and do your research!! I would love a fic or piece of writing where his dissorder is written correctly. Its important to note that i am not hating on people who write/make art/kin about Lui, i just want people to get the facts right and not push harmful stereotypes ❤
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litglob · 5 years
Democracy as Demagoguery
When politicians Are propagandists Democracy is demagoguery You’ll have to look these words up Intelligence is now idiocracy Friends and allies Are traitors and spies We recline to our social spheres Try not to breathe in this atmosphere There is nothing to fear But blissful ignorace So we la-di-da our way into incoherence There was a time we used to care About each other, the planet Our future and that of others Now we turn on our own Sisters and brothers Mothers and lovers The monsters plot Some fiendish plan Some grand design To rule the land Thanks to the Trumps and Putins The Brexiteers’ bloody cheers The hateful banter of the ill-reputed You win, OK, you’ve laid ruin To the You-Us, Eh So “Don” your red hats And swing that hammer and sickle Load your guns And glam for the cam As our world sizzles. litglob © 2019 Quick note that I won’t be posting much here. Tumblr has become quite a hive and haven for scum and villainy and the depraved. A hotbed for bots and spam and shell accounts. The poets and writers here are a voice of hope and reason. You guys rock. I consider you friends and allies. Your words are important. Keep on. I have other battles in the near term. The election season is a time for Trump’s renewed treason. Stay woke. Believe. Most people hold dear truth and justice, peace and love, and history will be on our side. Impeachment is a start to the reckoning and rebuilding process.
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allnaturalbliss · 6 years
@offsetyrn Damnn, 😱😱😱 the self hate is real!!!! That shit is low self esteem!!! It’s 2018 leave the slave mentality on the plantation. Its crazy how a lot of these down south niggas HATE their darkskin; won’t marry or date women who look like them for fear of producing dark children. They trying to kill us because of how powerful this dark matter makes us. When you mix you weaken that strenght!!! The sun is what gives you your power!!! The sun is thee most healing element of the fuckin solar system!!! How da fuck fo you not know that!! Without it you contract mad diseases and genetic mutations. How the fuck do you not know that??? Sooo disappointed 😔. IF YOU DON’t LOVE YOUR BLACKNESS, I can’t rock with your music. I was tellin my cousin today how handsome he was. We black women can see the beauty in them but they’re sooo brainwashed they can’t see the beauty in themselves. No wonder they go after these lightskinned or Spanish chicks, they hate their color. I was hoping despite what people were saying that this nigga wasn’t with Cardi B cause she was light bright, but this answers that question. From now on I’m not celebrating NONE of these rappers unless they unconditionally love their blackness and black women. Sooo disappointed! Now you know why most of them don’t give af about Haiti or Africa’s issues and if they do its fir a photo op. I’m sooo done!!! I used to fuckin love the Migos music, despite what erybody was saying about mumble rap. These rappers are bottom of the barrel ignorant af. #colorism #selfhate #lowselfesteem #ignorace #blackhate #wakeup https://www.instagram.com/p/Br2sztrnSeH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g49020t5xupb
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menatiera · 7 years
Inktober Day 4: Compliment (based on this prompt list) Pairing: StarkSpangledWinterHawk (shown: Stucky) Length: ~850 words Summary: Steve and Bucky is worried about Clint, so they ask Kate's help. @akira-of-the-twilight
Kate was grabbed by her upper arm and yanked into a cleaning supply closet without any warning.
"Eeek, what the--?!" she shrieked, but Bucky's metal palm on her mouth stopped her protests.
"Hi Kate", Steve grinned. "We need to talk."
Bucky removed his hand, and the younger Hawkeye stared at them with total disbelief. "Here?", she managed to say. Okay, a supply closet in the Avengers Tower was bigger than her whole room back at Clint's shitty apartment, but still it felt crowded with two beefy supersoldiers inside. "What are you doing here? You know I'm not against porn in general, but please, I'm not into ones starring my family!", she stressed, a little exasperated. If the two wanted some alone time from their other two boyfriends (AKA Rich Idiot and Miserable Idiot), that was totally their business. Kate preferred blissed ignorace.
"Nothing like that", Cap (AKA Idiot With A Cool Shield) reassured her quickly. "It's about your dad."
Kate scrunched her nose. "Birdbrain is not my dad."
"Okay, your guardian-mentor-landlord-whatever", Bucky (for now codenamed Traitor Idiot in Kate's labelling system) corrected, but he had no patience for finer details. "You ever noticed how bad is Clint with compliments?"
Kate stared at them again. For one, what the hell. For two, did they really dragged her into a closet to talk about this? And for three, it was nonsense. "What on earth are you talking about? Clint is always complimenting people. I'm pretty sure that was the only reason he wasn't fired from SHIELD back in the days. The interns loved him too much and would have rebelled against his leave."
Bucky snickered, but nodded in agreement.
"No, you misunderstood", Cap said softly. "We know this. But did you notice that Clint never takes well the compliments when he gets them?"
Kate wanted to answer immediately, but Bucky talked sooner."Yesterday he saved the whole mission by spotting the undercover agents, but when Steve acknowleged it, he said it was just the advance of his position, nothing to do with him."
"Or that time when he helped Tony out and then he ran out of the room when we tried to..."
"And with Natasha, if you remember that time..."
They both interrupted each other mid-sentence while asseverating their truth, and Kate frowned more and more, because... actually, they were right.
"And when we compared his ass to Tony's..."
"Okay, that will be enough", she said quickly. She had to draw the line somewhere. Having three badass Uncle was great, but she really didn't need the mental images of their actual love life if she wanted to keep her sanity. God knows it was a tough project sometimes around them. (It was top secret that she sometimes actually found their open affection cute.)
"He always belittles himself and his efforts and deflects it if someone tries to praise him", Bucky pulled out their shared conclusion.
"I got the point", Kate repeated himself. "What do you want me to do with it?"
The two supersoldier exchanged a look. "We want you to join us in our mission."
A huge smile appeared on Kate's face. Fucking finally! She hated that she wasn't allowed on any Avengers mission, saying she's 'too young'. She was sixteen and already an even better sharpshooter than Clint, for fuck's sake!
"Absolutely", she agreed immediately.
"We have to bath Clint in praise and compliments until he learns to receive and believe them", Steve announced ceremonially.
Kate's stomach dropped. "WHAAAT?", she shrieked again, and barely registered Bucky's laugh through her utter horror.
"Don't try to fool us, we know you love him, and just act the opposite."
Kate crossed her arms in front of her. "I'm a teenager, it's kinda in my job description to hate him."
"Maybe, but you don't." Steve's smile was so soft and gentle that it almost melted Kate's heart. Almost. And then Bucky had to give him a deep and passionate kiss. With tongue and all. Kate closed her eyes and gave them fifteen seconds.
"Ugh, guys, I'm still here", she reminded them after the time was up. Their mouth separated with a smacky sound. "Disgusting", Kate murmured quietly to herself.
"No, it's really not", Steve chuckled. (Kate contemplated for a moment to rename him Little Shit in her mental database.) "So, will you help us, please?"
"What about Tony?" Kate had to ask.
"He's himself, he will do fine without us asking him specifically..."
"You mean he can't keep a secret for his life and would go straight to Clint with the problem?"
"You said it, not us", Bucky grinned again.
Kate sighed. "Fuck you, Captain America." Bucky's palm flew to Steve's face before he could say the word language. Kate appreciated the gesture, and sighed again. "Okay, okay, mission accepted. Objective: praise Clint more often. Got it."
Bucky kissed her cheek. "Thank you, Katie."
"Yeah, thanks", Steve agreed with a bright smile.
Kate pointed to them before she left the closet. "You owe me so much!"
"We know", Bucky grinned back, and Steve closed the door. Kate didn't ask what will they do inside together, she fled as quick as possible.
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knuckleheadjk · 7 years
God forgive me this time i don't think I can let go
I've given into every demon once again
My stomach is in knots and my head is splitting apart
We both knew i was bound to lose from the start.
Stand high above me and crown yourself a hero
Instead of helping me up you kept me down to make yourself taller
And even though letting you go is gonna break my heart
We both knew i was bound to lose you from start.
I don't deserve your hand in mine
You're too good for me and I hate myself for being so blind
To think that someone saw love and comfort in my eyes
The ignorace is almost as ugly as your lies.
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mystruggle18 · 7 years
Hey!! You fuckin No Longer Human... stop act like one... just go on the edge and fucking do this. Fuckin End This Life. I'm serious, you've got no right to live. You've whole body and mind, yet you act like you've got nothing. What's the point of living, if you can't improve yourself.... and if you wanna die... just go in once, not like this.... bitly /2iou1ME Do not survive... just die... you deserve this... or you can stop it n help urself... there is no god after this life. plz die or live
Firstly, No longer human is my favourite book, so get over it, its just a book. Secondly, Im sorry for all the people that know you, it must be horrible being around to such a negative person. And lastly, I am sorry for you. You are full of hate and ignorace and its a pity, really. News to you: I wont kill myself, but you better grow some brain. Trust me, you need it. Be careful with these messages, couz there might be people that can really get affected by them. But Im not one of them so LOL BYE ASSHOLE!
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therandomgrin · 7 years
Eyes shut tight under the weight of stuff I cant explain, only know not knowing will take the edge of the pain away. Even if Im ignorant about whats to come if there is something the past has taught me is to fear and run. Self defence mecanism, light up the bridge before its built, cut the red cord without a hint, of feeling, empty, never happens because its all like fairies. I only know I know nothing, famous last words, in my case I dont want to know everything because it will hurt. Living in ignorace annoys the shit out of me but even to this day I canmot find that bravery, within me, to give it a chance, love equals hate according to my scars. Im a cat. Thats it. Scared. Scaredy cat. Thats it. I survive the fall. I land on all fours. Thats it. Remeber that im human and all fours is a lot. Of pain. Thats it. Scaredy cat. Wish I wasnt but its what I am. Accept.
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yashalex · 7 years
Now i hate Ian even more after this interview! He has no respect not to Aaron’s, not to Robert’s, not to Robron’s fans. He just doesn’t care and he continues feeding up us with lies and with his ignorace, saying the same things all over again. Probably he considers himself as big important man but he's nothing without some really good actors, writers and us, fans. i hate this man and the day he’ll be fired would be the happiest day of my life!
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enchantedbyhiddles · 8 years
I know it’s overshadowed by the Women’s Marches and that is the best thing that could happen (yay headlines for women and fight for feminism instead of racists!!!!), but yesterday the leaders of the European Right Wing partys (ENF) met in Koblenz/Germany to celebrate Trump and to make plans how they can win with their racist, nationalist, sexist movements in Europe. People like Frauke Petry (German AfD), Geert Wilders (Dutch PVV) Marine Le Pen (French Front National) and others are teaming up in their effort to win elections. 
They excluded media, so we have very little reports on what was said behind closed doors. But we know what they do. They want to learn from Trump. Their plan is simple: provoke people with hate speech, garner the most attention, then gaslight them. The horrible thing is: it works.
I know we all look to the USA right now, but we can’t forget that they are here as well. They are not far away and we mustn’t be afraid. We can’t turn them into a doomful dark that sneeks up on us. We have to put them into the light as the idiots they are. We have to resist their provocations. We have to stand up and call them out. We have to fight for the rights that are important to us. For the free and democratic movements that value everyone the same. Before it is too late. Before we are standing here in autumn and bemoan our own stupidity and ignorace.
Edit: If you want to read up on it a bit.
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deythbanger · 5 years
Comedy: Anger
By DeYtH Banger I have anger issues… I get it… my family is not stable… my mom is a fucker who is sick for cocks as for my dad… fuck 'em… dead or life..  just a cup of semen. I hope this fuck rot in hell. I like people who are blind it's fucking awesome ..  they have less issues than other people… + plus deaf people are fun… less vision… lowe standards. Some people go on round take life serious, fuck 'em… all of them… each by each… single by single. I hate mom telling me, take life serious my friends…  aka parents… I won't take life seriously… I got one life … I took life seriously in my early young age… I went as far with the circle of depression and anxiety episodes… I was nearly mentality disfunctional. Here is one thing children getting killed by car… it's not bad… it's fucking awesome… we need to hit more from those fucks..  what we get from those set of tests is that they are brainless zombies. Okay… that's the conclusion… brainless… greedy… selfish pricks… - I want tablet - I want candies - I want Iphone - I want new set of toys - I want this new thing - I want new phone - I want new computer SO FUCK YIU GO TO HELL AND LEAVE ME ALONE GREEDY BASTARD … STOP FUCKING AROUND! I hate people who stutter What's wrong with those guys? Your mom didn't love you enough? Your father is a badboy? What's wrong… here is the thing… I son't care… you have in tour pocket excuse and THIS FUCKING EXCUSE IS STOPPING YOU FROM SUCESS Rape… what's fun in that here is the thing… nothibg that's come here and make it fun. First of all reason of rape too fucking horny at first place. Second of all why we all are suprise… and impressed of all this rape bullshit? Here is the thing young men was out he had urges which he couldn't anynore control and a young woman… with a sexy clothes… He couldn't repress those set of urges and more… and he went up to her full on… FUCKING FULL ON JUST FUCKING FULL ON AND THEN HE WAS CLEARLY WITH DICK ON HORNY AS HELL AND HE WAS DEFINETLY ALPHA AND DOMINATING AND WHY THAT COUNTS AS RAPE AND OTHER SUCESS LAY STORIES COUNT AS NORMAL IS AS INTERESTING AS MORE PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED INTO PORN! IT'S DEFINETLY OBSESSIVE AND COMPULSIVE WHY AM I ANGRY? MHM WHY NOT IGNORACE FAKE REALITY SOCIAL MEDIA IS THIS ENOUGH TO MOVE ON THE NEXT TOPIC? I don't like phone calls… those shit brings… massive amount of anxiety…. Fucking massively! Screw up… yup I was screw up in my life because: 1) I took life seriously 2) I was tryingbto apply morality 3) Religion (Fiction Shit) FUCK ALL EXPERTS FUCK ALL THOSE DATING AND GURU EXPERTS… FUCK 'EM I have seen all 'em! People want respect… but do they deserve it? Fuck this topic, let's move on..! Now I want to give lesson to all of you… fucking all of you… look at yourself.. look how much things you have done… look how much fucking opportunity you have missed… mainly because of your ego and scarcity mindset. What I can say is the person who stopping himself from yourself is you…it's you! How did went one case with a girl… when I wanted to talk to a group of girls… MY MIND GAVE ME CALL IT WENT AS FUCKED UP AS MY LEGS GOT SHAKING NOW HOW DO YOU MAKE THIS MARK AS CONFIDENCE… HOW DO YOU TURN IT TO THIS SHIT WHILE YOUR FRIEND IS CONTINUEING TO BE A THORY JUNKIE AND THE OTHERS ARE FUCKING AROUND… BOT ANSWERING CALLS… ANSWERING CALLS FUCK EM ONE BY ONE THOSE WHO FUCK AROUND ARE THE GUYS WHO GET CHICJS THE OTHER DUDES ARE JUST THE CROWD… WITH DICKS ON AND BEING NICE STOP BEING NICE GROW UP
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deythbanger · 5 years
Comedy: Wose 2
By DeYtH Banger I want to die into spoon of syrup. I want to die in pie of shit… I HATE NATURAL SEDUCERS! I was supposed to be an extra in a movie… but tge road when along the line "too excited"… and I just didn't make it… the moral of lesson is when life goes well you are excited … that's why you don't suceed… BE FUCKING MISERABLE Okay… okay your kid us watching some bullshit kids show + he has imaginary friends also and playing with imaginary objects… THE WORD FOR THIS… LET'S BLAME IT ON BEING TOO HONEST ….. IT'S A WHOLE DISORDER… THE FUCKER IS CRAZY! Fat fucks suceed… get beat up Gays suceed.. always going out with girls or with their sexual partner… As for me.. I am a fucking failure… I showed middle finger into people's face at the Mall.. it got as far ignorance and ignorace… WOW Such a low level I have never been to! I know how to get girls… I know why my system is working… I can basically tell you the whole pile of black magic tricks out of the book. Dirty secrets… flow… natural game… openers… WAIT OKAY WAIT Mhm… how about go swallow "Fuck you" and if you feel offended go dial this number 087 654 342 fuck your mom… I am greedy and I won't for fucking sake te you anything. This does not make me a bad person… you are bad… I AM JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE… THE LAST THING ON THE LIST I WANT TO BE BEATEN DOWN BY MY TEAM. I started reading book about pornography most of the shit was typical repeatable cliches… after one… then another… and it had 1000x (times)… used the word "Porn"… this more helps me feel theoretically more bad about myself… soon my libido won't work… There was even something about people fucking over their relationship, because  of porn and I was like FUCK THAT FUCK 'EM SKIP, SKIP, SKIP, SKIP It makes me mentally blocked… when I am going out with a person who is my mom fucker and my friend… those relationships… JUST FUCKING CAN'T EXIST… I DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THAT FATTY TWAT.
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