#hatsuko eshima
capricities · 4 years
Dynasty AU: Part 1
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I did some world building for this one. I hope you enjoy! If you want to see the first part, here’s the masterlist. 
also tagging @idiotwhotalkstoomuch​ since she’s awesome lmao. Love ya platonically
“Be on your best behaviour Yuu. The Asim’s are visiting. After lunch you can play with Kalim, okay?” His mother told him as she combed his hair. Yuu was pretty ecstatic, it’s been a while since he’s seen someone his age ––then again, he had cousins the same age, some even younger–– especially since this was the cheerful kid back from the party.
And he had nice clothes...nevermind.
Yuu nodded. His mother set down the comb on the vanity table before squishing his cheeks. He pouted but giggled soon after. He hugged his mom as a way of thanking her before running out of the room, followed by his nanny.
As he walked beside his nanny, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes downcast. “What’s wrong Yuu-sama?” His nanny asked.
“Okaasan..why does she look sad?” He asked his nanny, who only looked at him with an undecipherable expression. 
“I’m not too sure Yuu-sama, but it’s most likely just stress. After all, it takes a lot of time to prepare the house for guests, especially when they’re such important people.” She tried explaining. Yuu merely nodded at her explanation. He knew she was hiding something, but if she was hiding something from him, it meant that he didn’t need to know. 
Though that didn’t mean he would be any less curious.
His nanny guided him to the green room, where he was greeted by his sister. He sort of wished his nanny would come with him, but as soon as his sister took his hand, she shooed her off. His sister smiled at her, and for a moment he almost forgot about that time at the birthday party. Almost. 
Ever since the party, his feelings on his sister have been rather...conflicted. She was demanding, intimidating, everything she wasn’t at home. It was as if her personality took a complete 180. He kind of wanted to ask her if she was sick or if anything was bothering her. 
Yuu felt his sister squeeze his hand. He wasn’t sure if it was a warning or reassurance. Hatsuko guided Yuu to the table where the Asim’s and their grandfather were currently chatting.
Yuu immediately let go of Hatsuko’s hand and ran to hug his Sofu, ignoring his sister’s yells. His sofu chuckled at his antics as he hugged him back. “Good afternoon Sofu!” Yuu greeted.
“Now aren’t you energetic, aren’t you little dumpling?” His grandfather mused. Yuu pouted at this. He was just excited, he hadn’t seen his Sofu all week due to a business trip he and his dad went to. He should probably ask Sofu why his dad wasn’t back too.
Hatsuko gracefully sidled beside them, bowing to the Asim’s who watched in amusement as Yuu interacted with his grandfather. It could only be described as precious, adorable, and undeniably heartwarming. “Yuu, you have to greet them too you know~” Hatsuko whispered into Yuu’s ear.
Yuu paused, suddenly remembering why he was in the green room in the first place. He sheepishly smiled as detached himself from his Sofu to bow politely at the Asim’s. Politely waving at an excited Kalim, who was all but ready to tackle the other into a hug if it came to it. His Sofu called him energetic, but Kalim was probably its dictionary definition. 
Yuu noticed another boy beside Kalim, and he immediately took interest in their long hair. It must’ve been hard to wash, he should know, he had pretty long hair too, but it wasn’t as long as theirs. It must be fun to braid that…
“We shouldn’t keep the children from playing. After all, this is part of the reason we came here.” The woman on the opposite side, the third wife of Asim, stated as she motioned for the boy with long hair to follow Kalim. The boy nodded vigorously.
Sofu smiled. “Yes, we shouldn’t.” He sent a sidewards glance to Hatsuko, before motioning to the chair beside him. Hatsuko gracefully sat onto the chair, and honestly, she seemed like a robot with how proper her movements were. The adults led the children away from the table, instantly talking about a potential partnership. 
Kalim instantly bolted towards Yuu, gung-ho, throwing his arms around him and pulling him into a hug. Yuu was rather shocked for a few seconds before hugging back, chuckling a little. The long-haired boy stood a good distance behind Kalim, politely bowing when he realised Yuu glanced in his direction. When Kalim had separated himself from Yuu, Kalim gently took the latter’s hand and led Yuu towards Jamil.
“Yuu, this is Jamil! He’s my-“ Kalim was cut off by Jamil, who bowed once more.
“I’m Jamil Viper, Kalim’s attendant and retainer.” He formally introduced himself. Yuu awkwardly told him that he didn’t need to bow, but it seemed there was no stopping him. 
“No, you’re my friend,” Kalim said with a pout that made Yuu chuckle. Jamil sighed, bringing a hand to massage his temples.
Yuu was curious about Jamil, especially since it was his first time seeing him. During the party, he wasn’t there, does that mean he was just newly appointed? But aren’t retainers supposed to be a bit older? That’s how the Kingscholar’s retainers looked like. Or were those just elders? 
He saw Kalim’s excited eyes as they wandered around the manor, his eyes darting around every single piece of art that hung on the walls, as well as the numerous pieces of technology, his curiosity was ever-present. Jamil was following behind them ––even after Kalim’s insistence of walking beside them, to which he declined–– his eyes intrigued by the grandeur collection. Just one of these paintings could probably keep his family alive for a good decade or two. 
After Yuu’s tour of the house, Kalim had all but begged Yuu to let them into the kitchen. Kalim went on going on and on about Jamil and his ability to made really good Roti’s and curry. The three of them ended up running around the kitchen with supervision from Yuu’s nanny. Kalim was bouncing, carefully placing the bag of whole wheat flour and a few cups of water on the kitchen island that he could ––luckily–– reach. Jamil was about to go and get the rest of the ingredients himself before Kalim assured him that he could do it himself ––with a bit of help from Yuu’s nanny, who found it heartwarming how much the young Asim heir wanted to help.
While Jamil was mixing, Yuu decided to watch from the bar stool in front of the island. . He didn’t really have any idea what the two were doing, so he decided it was best if he just...didn’t interfere.  
Yuu was curious about Jamil. He seemed distant, recluse, or maybe robot-like was a better way to describe him. He only did what he was told, followed Kalim like a loyal puppy, and always put Kalim above him. He didn’t really interact with Jamil much, mostly because Kalim was able to grab his attention at any given moment, but now that they were just chilling in the kitchen, maybe he could finally interact with the boy.
“So...Jamil-san, I didn’t see you at the party…and I was wondering why...” He trailed. Jamil looked up from the bowl, still stirring the mixture that was beginning to become thicker.
Jamil pursed his lips as he stirred. “A few days before the party, we found poison in one of Kalim’s meals. As his attendant, I had to poison test his food...you get what happened.” He said as he placed the spoon down and took the dough in his hands and placed it on the board.
Yuu didn’t know how to respond to that. “A-Are you okay now?” He asked as placed his hands on the counter. 
Jamil hummed a short yes while kneading the dough, sifting a bit of flour on top since it was a bit too sticky. “I was only sick for a few days, I was back on my feet once the Asim’s returned from your party two days later.” He said, a small smile on his face as if reassuring him he was alright, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes...just like his Sobo’s, and even his mom’s.
He shook the thought of his head. “M-maybe I should take over…even though I don’t know anything...” He mumbled, but Jamil caught onto it. He nodded and motioned for Yuu to take his place. Yuu walked to the sink to wash his hands.
“You just need to knead the dough anyways…” He said to Yuu as he moved to make space for him. Yuu approached the board before placing his hands on the dough.
It was silent for a few moments, Yuu internally contemplating what to say next since he didn’t want his conversation with Jamil to end, and another because he was genuinely concerned. There was something that was weighing him down somehow...he wasn’t sure what it was, and he was pretty sure he wouldn’t understand it either. Jamil on the other hand was wondering why it took so long for Kalim to return, but luckily he could see him from the pantry. His safety was his top priority. 
“You know, you remind me of someone I know.” Yuu said out loud, which startled Jamil. Yuu felt his cheeks flush at the sudden realisation that he had said his thoughts out loud.
Jamil hummed. “And who do I remind you of? I may ask.” 
Yuu bit his lip as he stopped kneading the dough. “You remind me of Sobo.”
Jamil tilted his head to the side. “I remind of you of someone  as great as the wife of Ryo Eshima?” He asked, rather amused. She was a great woman. She rose to the top, and unlike others who selfishly took, she gave. She managed to give the homeless stable jobs, the middle class the ability to rise the ranks, she even welcomed others as her own. It was definitely a comparison that Jamil didn’t see. 
“Yeah, she’s great and all, but people keep making her a god or something.” Yuu mused, and Jamil just found himself nodding, best to take the word of the one with an actual blood relation to them. “She’s human too...maybe that’s why she hid her illness. Kind of like you.” 
Jamil blinked, not expecting such a declaration. Yuu noticed the confused expression that coloured his face, so he quickly added. “You’re hiding something. You may not be ill, but you’re hiding something, and I want you to know that you shouldn’t be hiding it.” 
Jamil paused, processing the words that just came out of Yuu’s mouth. “Trust me Yuu-san, if I could, I would be revealing whatever I’m hiding.” He said cryptically as his eyes became downcast. Yuu was going to ask what he meant but Kalim had finally entered the kitchen, towels, butter, and some fine sea salt in hand, Yuu’s nanny fretting about the young heir.
Yuu wanted to frown, but knew that it would just get the attention of his nanny and Kalim. Instead he sighed as he glanced to Jamil, who approached Kalim, taking everything from his hands and taking the towel and putting it over the dough. Seriously! Why did everyone hide everything from him!
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capricities · 4 years
Dynasty AU Prologue
(Here’s a Masterlist! I hope you enjoy)
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7-year-old Yuu didn’t like the fact he was getting dolled up, being showed off to the world like some prized possession. He didn’t enjoy the fact that there were so many unfamiliar faces in the crowd of guests, all of which came with gifts of gold, platinum, silk, and so much more that Yuu was pretty sure he wouldn’t be using them anyway. 
The manor’s ballroom was filled to the brim with decorations, tables with silk cloths were all around, butlers were working through the sea of guests, there was loud ––incessant–– chatter. Music was blasting through the speakers, he was pretty sure someone was running through the buffet, and cameras were everywhere. 
This wasn’t how Yuu wanted to spend his birthday. He didn’t like being surrounded by camera’s, constantly smiling until his cheekbones ached. He didn’t like the constant sea of reporters, nor did he like talking to other people. They all seemed so...evil. Like they were all lying.
And though it was nice he was seeing some new faces, and even interacted with others ––the Shroud’s were nice people, it was nice talking to Idia-san. He didn’t like the fact that they didn’t know the concept of...umm..personal space as his Sofu would put it. Speaking of Sofu, he wondered where his grandfather went. He was one of the reasons he agreed to wear this annoying suit. 
Sofu promised him they’d eat cake together... 
“Smile, don’t answer any questions. Just smile.” Hatsuko whispered into his ear as his father greeted another family. He was curious about their ears, they looked so fluffy. He wasn’t really sure what their name was though. Honestly, at this point, he just wanted to go back to his room and eat cake while watching some Cardcaptor. 
He politely thanked the family, who had given him a small box that housed cuff links before giving them to one of the butlers, who had placed their gift on the huge pile. His eyes darted to the child who was behind the tall woman ––who was currently talking to his mother. He smiled at the guy, who also looked like he didn’t want to be here. He tried getting the other guy’s attention. He waved his arms frantically, motioning to him.
He celebrated internally as he finally got the other guy’s attention. The guy sighed as they approached him. “What do you want?” They asked him, and for a moment, he wanted to pout, but he decided on responding to the guy instead.
“This place is boring isn’t it.” He whispered to him, and now that he was closer, he noticed that his ears looked fluffy too. They kind of looked like… a lion?
The guy beside him chuckled, their tail ––his eyes widened when he saw their tail–– wagging a bit. “Funny hearing that from the birthday celebrant.” They replied.
Yuu’s urge to pout overtook the small voice in his head that constantly reminded him of his sister’s words. So he did, he pouted, crossing his arms. “It’s not like I wanted this. I just wanted to eat cake with Sofu and Hatsuko-niisan. But then okaasan went on and on about tradition.” He huffed.
This seemed to amuse the guy. “I understand that. During my birthday I was forced to wear these big robes, I even wore a small crown. It was heavy, and I didn’t like it. I would rather just lock myself up in my room.” They said, moving their hands around to emphasise how big the robes were. Their ears twitched, as if annoyed.
Yuu giggled. He liked talking to this guy. “How old are you, anyway?” Yuu asked, curiously.
The guy shrugged, his ears dropping down slightly. Did he not like being asked his age? “I’m eleven.” They answered shortly. 
Yuu’s eyes widened. “Wow, you’re eleven and you’re taller than niisan. That’s so cool!” He exclaimed, pressing his hands together in delight. “I’m only seven, but I think you know that..”
They chuckled, nodding. “I guess that’s cool.” He paused, his tail wagging, curling around Yuu’s leg, tickling him a bit. “I can do magic too...” He said reluctantly as if the fact he possessed magic was something he wasn’t supposed to disclose.
Yuu’s admiration for him shot through the roof. He had magic? He was tall? he had lion ears! He was amazing. “C-can you teach me how to use magic?” Yuu paused. “Wait, I don’t even know who you are…” Yuu trailed sheepishly. He was getting carried away. It was common sense to ask for a person’s name.
The guy smirked. “Leona Kingscholar. That’s my name.” He answered confidently. His tail swishing around in what Yuu could only decipher as excitement. Maybe confidence too.
“Well then, you already know my name, but it’s polite and courtesy to introduce yourself so...I’m Yuu Eshima!” He said, sticking his hand out for the other to shake. The latter took his hand and shook it gently. 
Yuu was about to say something but a hand clamped down onto his shoulder. “Yuu, what did I say?” Hatsuko said as she moved, smiling at the other.  Leona growled at her, a scowl painting on his face. He was usually pretty respectful towards women, but she just screamed “asshole”.
Yuu whimpered slightly, and he felt Leona’s tail flick at his feet in some sort of reassurance. “I-I just wanted to talk to him...he’s nice...besides, it’s not like I’m committing a crime right?” Yuu countered. 
Hatsuko bent down to whisper into his ear. “I’m just doing what’s best for you… there are many rumours surrounding Leona.” She paused, glaring at the lion. Leona snarled at her. “Now let’s go, the Asim’s are greeting you. They came all the way from the land of the hot sands.” She said as she forcefully turned Yuu.
Yuu almost lost his balance, and he pursed his lips in both fear and annoyance. His sister would never hurt him...right? He turned back to look at Leona, who was still snarling at his sister. He would’ve chuckled if he weren’t in his sister’s arms. Especially when her grip on his shoulder was tight enough to possibly break it. 
“Now let’s go, you’ve got a long night ahead of you. Maybe you can make some more friends.” Hatsuko said as her grip on him loosened. “Just don’t be friends with that cub. His magic is deadly. He’ll only hurt you.” She whispered into his ear.
Yuu gulped, swallowing down the lump in his throat. But Leona seemed nice...was he lying? No, he doesn’t have any reason to lie right? Besides, he was with that nice family. As he turned back to Leona, he saw Leona’s ears drop in disappointment, his tail drooping. He felt his eyes soften.
He waved a sad goodbye to the older, and he saw them wave back before sauntering back to his parents. He felt his lips pull into a small frown. Hatsuko glared at him, and he returned the smile on his face. He told him to keep on smiling after all.
As he greeted the Asim’s and thanked them for the presents, his mind wandered back to Leona. He didn’t seem like a bad guy, in fact, he was quite polite. He was fun to talk to too, and his tail was fluffy. Yeah, he seemed like a good guy, but...maybe he should trust Hatsuko in this. 
After all, Hatsuko knew best.
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capricities · 4 years
To all the lovely people who read my AU’s! Thanks for the support cc:
Dynasty AU
Yuu Eshima (Yuu Interpretation)
Hatsuko Eshima (That OC made to bitch on Yuu Interpretation)
General Info
Parts; Pre-NRC Arc:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Pre Part 2
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Siren AU 
Hamako Kaito (Courtesy of @idiotwhotalkstoomuch)
NRC Arc: Prologue
Prologue: How to Lose One of Your Nine Lives
Part 1: I Should’ve Ran
- Floyd Attempts to Catch a Siren 
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capricities · 4 years
Chapter 2
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(Happy Reading! Here’s the masterlist cc:)
In a world where everything is at the touch of your fingertips, where you can have access to information from all across the globe with a push of a button, it was no surprise that the world soon found out about his Sobo’s unfortunate death.
Sobo’s death spread like wildfire, with multiple people from around the world sending their condolences, both half-hearted and not. Sobo’s wake was equally as full, with several families paying their respects, from world leaders to other oligarchs and matriarchs.
Several faces came and went, most of which Yuu barely even recognised —with the exception of the Shroud’s once again, he really liked them, though their appearance to such an event when they were manifestations of the god of the underworld was questionable at best. He was glad Hatsuko was doing most of the talking, even though he had to occasionally interact with one of the more —for lack of better term— stuck up and bratty types. 
The wake would only be held for one day before they cremated her body. They mainly passed their condolences to the head of the clan, his Sofu, who hadn’t left his wife’s body. His Sobo was laid in a bed of chrysanthemums, and if Yuu didn’t know any better, he would have assumed she was just asleep.
It was sad to know that only death could bring the entire Eshima clan together. Most of which were probably waiting for the release of Sobo’s will apart from actually weeping and grieving. It was rather vile and twisted, but it was the family dynamic, had been for centuries.
Yuu ended up staying in the corner of the room, sitting beside an already sleeping Kalim, who arrived a few hours later. He only interacted when someone asked —just as Hatsuko had instructed, and only during his mother’s insistence— and honestly, preferred talking to Kalim. But he couldn’t do that when said boy was off in dreamland.
He was tempted to walk around, maybe he’d be lucky enough to meet another person his age? Maybe he’d bump into a few people he’d met before. He just...wanted to leave this place. It was suffocating if that made sense, even though nothing was keeping the air from his lungs (He never was good at describing his emotions). He carefully repositioned the sleeping Kalim into a more comfortable position —which was essentially anything that didn’t strain his neck— and motioned for Jamil.
Jamil nodded as he approached Kalim, who had immediately cuddled into Jamil the moment he sat down beside the young Al-Asim. Yuu could feel Jamil’s soul leave his body. Being Kalim’s retainer must’ve been a lot of work, and they were the same age!
Yuu scanned his surroundings for his sister. She would stop him from doing anything, from talking, playing, running out to get fresh air…and he really needed that. He slowly sidled out of the room, following a few people out with him (it was by luck that there were people leaving, it was some family from the Rose Kingdom he never really talked too).
As he stepped onto the cement pavement, feeling giddy that he managed to pull it off, he ran towards the foyer which overlooked the oceans of the place. It was tradition to let the family lay with the elements related to their sign. Since his grandmother was born on the year of the water dragon, it sort of made sense why the wake was being held by the ocean.
 Yuu leaned on the railing as he stared at the way the waves crashed against the rocky shore --no one ever said the beaches here were covered in fine white sand-- watching the way the seagulls dove into the ocean, successfully catching fish, squawking in delight.
He brought out a hand and outstretched it towards the ocean, letting the magic within him flow out as he visualised a bunch of snowflakes. He closed his eyes and pursed his lips as curled his hand into a fist before opening it once more. He opened his eyes and smiled to himself as he succeeded. A small flurry of snow surrounded the boy.
“Sobo...may you rest in peace.” He whispered as he shaped around the snowflakes into the silhouette of a dragon, turning his hand into a fist once more. Slowly taking shape of the all too familiar sign, he moved his hand to make the dragon slither around him. “May you guide me-” The flakes of snow stopped haphazardly, suspended in the air before Yuu could finish his sentence. 
Yuu blinked as the dragon slowly disintegrated, turning into...sand? Yuu rose a brow as he tried to create the dragon once more but frowned as it turned into sand faster than before. He turned around and met the gaze of a familiar lion, who was deadpanning at the Eshima.
“Minors can’t use magic in public places without a permit, it’s against the law.” Leona yawned as he brought his hand down, placing it on his hips. Honestly, the kid was going to get in trouble if he didn’t do anything.
Yuu decided to ignore Leona’s warning and focused on asking about his magic instead. “Was that elemental magic? Earth right! C-can you teach me how to-” Yuu rambled. His magic was cool, even though it did stop him from casting his own.
Leona sighed. “It’s my unique magic...” He trailed as he set his gaze anywhere but the curious 8-year-old. 
Yuu perked. Hatsuko had told him about Leona’s unique magic is dangerous, but what was so dangerous about that! It was cool! Amazing! Powerful! Maybe Hatsuko was just jealous since she didn’t have her own unique magic yet. “That’s so cool!”
Leona felt his soul leave his body. Did he really not get it? He could kill with his unique magic and he calls it...cool? Just what world was this kid living on? He sighed, bringing a hand to massage his temples. “It isn’t cool, it’s dangerous. I- I hurt someone with it, and people hate me for it. Everyone does.” He stated, remembering how he had used it on his nanny. 
Yuu paused before raising a brow up. “Did you mean to hurt them?”  He asked curiously. Crossing his arms on his chest.
Leona tilted his head, his ears twitching slightly. “Well no-”
“Then why are they so afraid. It’s not as if you wanted to do it. You don’t seem like the guy who’d hurt someone.” Yuu stated matter of factly.
“It isn’t that simple herbivore-”
“How is that not simple, a while ago you seemed like you had perfect control over it. And you said it yourself, it was an accident, which means it would’ve only happened if you just manifested it.” He shrugged. “They’re just being idiots since they’re scared of it. It’s rare to have magic like that after all.”
Leona sighed for what would be the umpteenth time. “You don’t understand.”
“Well, I don’t understand how someone can be so dumb. It was manifesting. You wouldn’t know how to control it. And then they blame it on you for being unable to control something so foreign. That’s wrong.” Yuu said.
Leona blinked, his tail swishing against Yuu’s leg. “Unique Magic manifests during your most desperate time. Keep that in mind, herbivore.” Leona said as placed his hand on Yuu’s head, lightly ruffling his hair.
Yuu huffed. “Eh, your magic is still cool, and my point still stands. You sound like Jamil-san. Always being so…pestic” He announced. 
“Pessimistic.” Leona said with an amused chuckle.
“Yeah that. ” Yuu declared as he brought his gaze to his shoes.
Leona’s ears perked at the sound of other footsteps, the characteristic tap of heels against the concrete in a strict pattern. A sound distinct, yet masked. Leona was aware that he may have overstayed his welcome, or at least with how much he was allowed to be near the kid. 
Leona removed his hand from Yuu’s head. “I have to go.” 
“Ehhh, but I still want to ask more about your unique magic.” 
Leona paused. “Your naivety is going to get you killed one day.” He sighed. 
Leona had put a good amount of distance between him and Yuu, and Yuu was confused as to why he had done so. He turned his head and the realisation hit. Right..Hatsuko didn’t like him talking to Leona...or anyone except Kalim, for that matter. But he still wanted to talk to him.
Hatsuko approached her brother, head held high, glaring at Leona but not quite at the same time. A rather intimidating aura surrounded her. “Yuu, the ritual is about to start, as the next heir, you need to be there.” She said as she patted his shoulder, a hint of venom in the way she stressed the word heir. 
Yuu felt afraid of his sister, a feeling he hadn’t felt since last year. Leona’s presence was a bit comforting, but they weren’t close like he was with Kalim, so his anxiety was evident. He silently nodded, head downcast. “Yes, niisan.” He said weakly, not wanting to protest to an evidently mad Hatsuko.
Hatsuko smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes. She took her brother’s hand and gently tugged him. Yuu hesitantly followed. His eyes still trained on the floor. Another meeting cut short, once again. 
Yuu turned to look at Leona, who was looking at him with a small smirk on his face. “Next time, I’ll teach you how to play chess.” Leona mouthed, hoping that his simple message could be received. 
Yuu smiled before turning back to face forward. All he understood was “next time” but that was enough to give him a bit of hope. As he followed Hatsuko obediently, he couldn’t help but wonder. 
When was next time?
Kalim yawned as he sat up. Jamil had shaken him awake, saying something about how they were going to start some eulogy or something. Kalim rubbed his eyes as he took in his surroundings. Everyone was seated now, but he could still hear their faint whispers, the murmurs, and the incessant chatter.
“Ryoichi is missing, isn’t that kind of disrespectful considering he’s the first son.”
“Maybe that’s why his son is the next heir.”
“Skipping a generation, he must’ve done some pretty bad things.”
Kalim didn’t understand what they were talking about, then again, he never paid attention. Most of the time he was just there, happily going on about his day, pestering Jamil. Talking with his dad’s multiple wives. Generally just being him. He never really heard about rumours like this.
“It’s a rumour, but they might divorce.”
Jamil looked at Kalim, who was visibly saddened at what he was hearing. Jamil usually let these rumours go through one ear and out the other, so he sort of expected Kalim to do the same. Maybe it was because he cared about Yuu. They were pretty good friends after all.
Jamil already knew that the world he and Kalim were seeing was just a sliver of what was really there. They were just scratching the surface, and quite frankly, Jamil didn’t want to know what underneath.
Asks are highly encouraged! You can even submit a post if you want. Once again, I hope you enjoy reading. I’ll be able to post again in about a week or two cc:
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capricities · 4 years
Dynasty AU
Here’s some info on Dynasty AU Yuu. I really hope you’ll enjoy whatever concepts I’ve laid out since some parts of this are sort of based off on reality. I’d also appreciate if you send asks to my currently empty blog too.
There will be two new characters
Yuu Eshima - My interpretation of Yuu in this AU. MC is male because all the other AU’s we’ve been making so far had female MC’s. He’s the younger brother, and the heir. (Basing this off rules on male superiority in previous business dynasties, though this isn’t really applicable to current ones, it’s just for the sake of the story). 
Hatsuko Eshima - Manipulative bitch older sister of Yuu. Originally the heir but when Yuu was born, she lost her right to become the next heir. She didn’t understand it at first, but the older she became, the more she knew, and the more hatred took over. The development of her brother’s Unique Magic sent her over the edge. 
I have some Picrews too.
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Yuu Eshima
First picture is without the activation of his Unique Magic, the Second is with.
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Hatsuko Eshima 
I really hope you’ll enjoy whatever concepts I’ve laid out since some parts of this are sort of based off on reality. I’d also appreciate if you send asks to my currently empty blog too!
Tagging @idiotwhotalkstoomuch​ cuz she helped in making these picrews and gave me some good ideas. 
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capricities · 4 years
Part 3 C:
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(Here’s the masterlist! Happy Reading!)
Yuu knocked furiously on her grandfather’s room, completely ignoring the fact that it was such an ungodly hour to even be up, especially for someone as old as his Sobo, but what he witnessed would certainly be engraved in his head for the rest of his days. As Yuu continued his furious knocking, the lingering thought of bothering Hatsuko instead came to mind. 
After all, who needed beauty sleep when Yuu probably witnessed one of the most life-changing earth-shattering moments of his life.
As he thought of retreating and running to his sister’s room, the sudden realisation that he’d have to pass his father’s office room halted that train of thought completely. He now felt even more panicked. Did his father see him? Did that person see him? Yuu felt tears well in his eyes as his hands tightly scrunched the hem of the sweater he was wearing.
He gritted his teeth as he sniffled sadly, his eyes trailed on the door. He never expected that. He heard rumours, he heard people bad-mouthing his father, but he never thought that those rumours could be true. 
Did his mother know? It was a horrific question that had dawned upon the Eshima, and he really didn’t want to follow that train of thought. Was that why she always looked so miserable? Did his dad seriously know what type of damage he’s caused?
Did Yuu even want to call the man he saw in that room his father?
He sat down, curling into himself as he leaned on his grandfather’s door,. Crying as tears spilt from his eyes. He sometimes wished magic could do more than just parlour tricks.
Yuu woke up in a tufted sofa bed, curled into a pillow. He was aware that he fell asleep ––he actually collapsed due to shock–– outside his grandfather’s room...which was why his current disposition puzzled him. He slowly sat up, yawning as he looked around. Was this a loft? No, this isn’t a loft this was-
“Ah, you’re awake èr bǎo,” Sofu said as he sat down on the ottoman beside the couch, placing the tray of pancakes and hot chocolate on the table. “I suppose you know what room this is?” He asked as he faced his grandson, a melancholic smile on his face.
“It’s Sobo’s study room…” Yuu trailed as his sights set on the tray of food beside him. 
“I made sure to keep it clean, it’s a great place when you want to sort out your thoughts.” He said, his voiced laced with melancholy as he sat on the ottoman beside the couch.. Yuu kept his head down, his hands on his lap.
The study was still the same as always. A large bookshelf that spanned from floor to ceiling, a beautiful chandelier that wasn’t obnoxiously oversized, a large bay window that gave a view of the beautiful bustling city from the comfort of the Eshima estate. It was humbling to know that Sobo didn’t use any overly expensive furniture in this room, nor did she waste her time decorating her private rooms with priceless items, and other useless objects. 
It really showed how simple she lived, and her rather clear pursuit for knowledge.
His Sofu smiled at him, urging his grandson to eat up. “I won’t ask why you decided to knock at my door at such an ungodly hour, considering how dishevelled you were when I saw you. You can say it in due time.” Yuu sheepishly looked up, taking the food from the tray and started eating. He enjoyed the silence his Sofu was giving him, it helped him sort out his thoughts. 
Yesterday... was haunting. It felt scarier than the moment they found out about Sobo’s illness, it filled him with more anxiety than the time he and Kalim rode on the magic carpet ––which was an actual national treasure–– and it filled him with all sorts of emotions ranging from rage to disappointment. He was glad he knew the things that were happening around him but, at the same time, ignorance was bliss. He knew that from Kalim, who was awfully oblivious to things at times.
His father’s absence in his life was rather prevalent. He wasn’t neglecting him per se. He was always present during things that came to him and his sister, but Yuu could remember clearly how his mother waited for his father to come home during their wedding anniversary, having prepared something for him.
He didn’t come home until a week after, with a lacklustre excuse that anyone with an eye and half a brain could see through. 
Yuu awkwardly cleared his throat as he turned to face his grandfather.  “Sofu...did fùqīn ever tell you why he wasn’t at Sobo’s funeral?” He asked his grandfather, who had set the book he had down on the table. 
“I never asked, though, I think I know why.” He answered with chagrin, his smile faltering as his eyebrows creased ever so slightly. 
Yuu froze as he set his fork back down on his plate. He met the somber gaze of his grandfather, who was looking rather abashed, mortified, though not in the same way as he did when he saw his father yesterday. “What do you mean?” He whispered.
His Sobo exhaled a sigh. “You’ve heard of arranged marriages, haven’t you?” Yuu nodded, already dreading the rest of Sobo’s words, already forseeing the only way it could end. 
“Your father and mother were great friends, a bond thicker than blood, so when the topic of marriage was brought up, it seemed natural to just, place them together. Your mother could follow your father to the ends of the earth and vice versa.” He paused, shakily inhaling.  “But I'm afraid that I, both as his father and the head of the clan, made the wrong move. A move that damaged whatever they already had.” 
Yuu stared at his grandfather. He wasn’t aware that his parent’s marriage was an arranged one, and it seems neither his father nor mother had any say in it too. Not even the right to object to it. He was also aware of the very customs the clan had. An arranged marriage just wasn’t the way to go, never had their been an arranged marriage ever since the horrible death of Sakusa over 10 generations ago. Marriage wasn’t a thing to be arrayed with, so why?
Sobo was already well aware of the question’s going through Yuu’s head. “Your father came out to me when he was 17, he told me he was bicurios and demiromantic. This family has a history of homosexuality, and as much as we keep patriarchy, the family has grown to respect it. However, as the son and the direct descendant of the clan head, he had to at least try to provide children who were related to him by blood. And he still hadn’t found someone by the time he was 27...” He trailed, clearly ashamed of himself.
Yuu didn’t need the rest of the story for everything to be pieced together in his mind. “So...the marriage never had any love in it?” He finished, his voice slightly laced with venom and rancor. 
“I’d like to say there was, but I’d be lying. Maybe your mother loved your father, she was smiling during their wedding after all. And she really tried her best to give both you and your sister a healthy family experience.” He answered with a sad smile on his face. His eyes were crinkled in a way Yuu had never seen before.
Yuu bit his lip, letting all this new information sink in. For nine years, he didn’t know about his real family situationfor nine years. It sunk into him that the tears his mother shed, and the constant absence of his father in his life, was the result of a decision way beyond their control. And the man who did have control, disregarded the possible doom that could come with this risky decision.
It was...a hard slap to the face. A wake up call of sorts.
A deafening silence befell the two. His grandfather, who’s sights were set on the picture that hung on the wall adjacent the large shelf. Sobo looked on the verge of tears as his eyes fell on the framed family photo. It looked so unbelievably fabricated. “I’ve never regretted something more in my life.”
“So now your brother knows, Hatsuko.” Ryoichi stated as he stared at the papers on his desk. A few more contracts, a leave request, and a few charts and graphs with the company’s progress.
“Yeah, it was bound to happen with how much you’ve been sneaking off. It’ll be harder for me to out him on a leash now,” Hatsuko said as she tapped her foot on the floor.
“I really do think that you shouldn’t do this. You still get huge shares once he takes over, you’ll even be controlling a good portion of the company. You and your brother can live in peace, without the need for your interferance.” He stated as he glared at his daughter. He was severely disappointed with the actions she was willing to take. It was all so..desperate. The again, he couldn’t judge her he had made many mistakes himself.
“May I remind you that I have blackmail on you?” She stated.
“May I remind you that I’m still your father? At least treat me with an ounce of respect.” He retorted, signing his name on the renewal contract with the Shrouds.
Hatsuko rolled her eyes. “I don’t respect men who can’t keep their word.”
“Then perhaps you should humble yourself, because you’re being a hypocrite.” He responded to her. Venom laced in his words. He didn’t know how deep her utter desperation ran for, but it wasn’t healthy.
Hatsuko chuckled, bemused. “Learn how to hide your hickeys better then, Fùqīn.” She smiled at him, though it was evident how it didn’t reach her eyes. 
“Learn how to hide your motives better, Achi.”
I hope you all had time to spend the holidays with the people you love, whether they were present physically, or bonded with them over the phone. I posted this a day before the new years so I can say to myself that I managed to finish it before this hellhole of a year ended. Just because we’re finally leaving 2020 doesn’t mean it will automatically revert and go back to normal. For now, let’s just hope 2021′s a better year! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
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capricities · 4 years
Dynasty AU
Least favourite food (Hatsuko): Steak (if it isn’t A grade at least)Alright so I’ll be linking two posts so you can strin em together. It’s essentially just bios and picrews (since my drawing tablet doesn’t have it’s adaptor) of my interpretation of Yuu for this AU, and an OC that’ll play some part in it.
Yuu Eshima, General Bio + Photos
Name (sister): Hatsuko Eshima
Age (Hatsuko): 22
Alias/nicknames (Hatsuko):
Bitch (Ace)
Tyrant (Ace Trapolla’s Older Brother)
Personality (Hatsuko): 
Manipulative bitch. However, she wasn’t always this confident. As a child, she was relatively a good person, but circumstances change, and with the sudden disappearance of her aunt, the new addition of her brother who was born to outshine her, she slowly progressed into this vile, business headed personality. By the time she was 13 she began to slowly nudge and break at her brother’s self-esteem so she could feel a sense of control. 
Likes (Hatsuko): Power, designer bags (used constantly as a status symbol), Stock Market Control, Reality TV (it’s so dumb it’s hilarious)
Dislikes (Hatsuko): Being underestimated, being used (imagine how Yuu feels), her brother’s friends (primarily Jack & Kalim)
Talents (Hatsuko): Brewing and Concocting potions (more specifically, healing potions)
Best subject (Hatsuko): Alchemy, PE
Dominant hand (Hatsuko): Right hand
Favourite food (Hatsuko): Foie Gras
Least favourite food (Hatsuko): Steak (if it isn’t A grade at least)
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