#haven i hate you so bad but in one month we will be cuddle piling on each other so hopefully that solves one of these problems
astrobei · 11 months
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secret-time-is-here · 4 years
TW: Dreammare
Queer-platonic or romantic polyamory between Reaper, Error, Ink, Dream, and Nightmare. All ancient Gods that have lived through hell at some point or another and all understand that yes, someday all their friends will die of age.
Maybe slowburn? For a while, like years and years, they were all quietly friends, aside from maybe Dream and Nightmare. Or Dream and Nightmare secretly became friends at some point. Your pick. Then as time passes, deaths happen and Reaper has to take their souls, they begin to fall back on each other.
Maybe Reaper has just a random moment of clarity where he realizes he likes one of them, maybe Ink. They begin being something more than friends, Reaper enjoying all the cuddles since they’re all immortal or a god. Dream learns of the two together because while he might not be able to tell that Ink’s feeling something, he can definitely tell if Reaper is.
Ink invites Dream to a cuddle pile because he’s bound to walk in at some point or another and suddenly it’s the three of them. Error and Nightmare are slowly building trust together in the background, Nightmare’s goop easier to learn to touch rather than bone.
Out of the blue Ink suddenly realizes that the five of them haven’t hung out together in years, I would say months but they’re gods years will pass and they won’t notice any time has passed, and brings this thought to his boyfriends/ cuddle buddies.
Thus a movie night happens likely at Reaper’s house since he’s the only neutral god amongst them that doesn’t have a secret place of stay. As they’re all cuddling up, they realize that they’re all kind of in their own relationships.
Ink blurts out in the middle of the movie, “Hey guys... what if we were all boyfriends/cuddle buddies.” They all say fuck it why not if we regret it we got lifetimes to forget this.
They all end up enjoying it a lot and have their own little system of falling back onto each other, knowing what everyone’s comfy with and not, they know their cuddle buddies/ partners better than they know themselves. Even when Reaper has to take the souls of their other friends, they don’t hate him for it, and in fact give him extra cuddles because every time Reaper tries to close himself off because he feels really guilty for it.
Edit: They disguise as mortals for dates sometimes and Mortals try and make them feel bad for being in a consensual poly relationship and not a single word is reaching any of their ears until one of the mortals starts throwing insults at them and Dream and Ink get out of their disguises in a snap pissed off as fuck and the mortals immediately regret being alive. 
Why Dream and Ink? Because Error, Nightmare, and Reaper are used to insults and just learned to ignore it, although they would give a very stern and intimidating talking to whoever would do it to anyone that isn’t them. Dream and Ink are not having any of that bullshit. 
Plus, it’s funny to Error, Night, and Reaper the reactions Mortals have when Dream and Ink, the so called good guys/guardians/gods, get pissed.
I have found my new favorite rarepair, sorry NightBerry, the new rarepair- idk what to call it, maybe elements? Let’s go with Elements, it’s my favorite now.
@rarepair-haven what you think?
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queerhargreeves · 6 years
hi again :)) Trans!diego is near and dear to my heart and this is me projecting/venting my dysphoria onto my angel boys and nb love. this could be really triggering so pls read w caution ! yet another fic written too late at night on little sleep
Diego woke up with a jolt as he frantically eyed his room. He looked over at the clock which read “2:26 AM”. He sighed, running a hand down his face. Waking up during the wee hours of 2 - 4 AM had become an unfortunate common occurrence lately. After successfully avoiding the end of the world it was sort of difficult to think about life clearly again. He’d become a bit lost on what he wanted to do. He knew he couldn’t play pretend cop forever just like he knew the Umbrella Academy couldn’t last forever. Even if they had come together to save the lives of billions.
However it took about two more seconds before he registered the dampness beneath him. He froze, the smell of dead skunk quickly slapping him in the face.
Silently, Diego stood up. The sticky/damp feeling growing to be too uncomfortable. He turned on a lamp to assess the damage. His baby blue sheets looked like a murder scene.
When he had his first period, Grace was the person who helped him. Diego has had to walk into the kitchen with stained sheets in hand and eyes red on more than one occasion. She would understand immediately every single time. She’d put a hand on his cheek and wipe any tears that remained.
“Accidents happen Diego - even to big, strong men like yourself. I’ll go ahead and put these in the wash. Go have a seat and I’ll make you some tea.” She’d kiss his forehead and would go off with her duties. Diego always would go back to bed feeling more content than he did when he awoke.
Diego let out a whimper and immediately wrapped his hands around his stomach. Diego’s cycles were always the worst out of the Hargreeves siblings. He had hoped that going on testosterone would stop his mensuration but alas he wasn’t so lucky. Of course he wasn’t. Testosterone did however make his periods far and few between. He had gone a year and a half without a period just to have a 2 month long cycle. The unknown was the worst part. When he had his unexpected periods he suffered all of the symptoms and then some.
He quickly disposed of his underwear and sweat pants and threw them in a bag along with his sheets to inspect the damage. He came to the conclusion that shark week took victim on yet another pair of perfectly good underwear, pj’s, and sheets.
He set the bag aside and walked over to his dresser. He got ahold of another pair of sweatpants and underwear and shuffled into the bathroom, uncomfortable in his now complete nudity. Once inside he took a look at himself in the mirror. His face was rugged, jaw sharp. He had facial hair, thick brows, and two scars underneath his chest. His flat chest. He looks like the epitome of masculinity. Diego should see a man looking back at him. But all he sees is the little girl his father oh so wanted him to be. He saw the little kid with bangs and long hair in that stupid uniform. He saw that little kid that hated being called “she”. His vision started to blur and he blinked violently. He let the tears stream down his face as he choked back a sob. He couldn’t do this now.
Diego shook his head and slapped his cheeks, focusing back to the task at hand. He quickly opened the sink drawer and found the black box hidden in the very back. Opening it he grabbed a pad and placed the box back where it belonged.
For Christmas one year Klaus had bought Diego special briefs that were made for pads. His sibling learned that tampons made him even more dysphoric - the thought of anything being “inside” of him was too much to handle. They were 17 and Klaus had helped him get through a particularly bad episode. He was always thankful for him for that even when Klaus insisted on calling them his “best sibling ever rescue briefs”.
Diego placed the pad in his underwear and slipped the pair on, sweatpants quickly after. He washed his hands and made his way out of the bathroom, avoiding the mirror. His reflection was a little too much to handle right now.
Without the damp clothes on he already felt a bit better. Diego knew he probably wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon; he never did when he had these accidents. Diego grabbed the bag and walked out of his room and made his way towards the kitchen as quietly as he could.
As walked down the stairs he saw that the kitchen light was still on.
“Huh.” Diego thought to himself. His mom was already asleep as is everyone else in the house. Or so he assumed.
He turned the corner and into the kitchen to find Klaus in nothing but tiny silk shorts that probably belonged to Allison. They had a cup of tea in their hands and they were chatting softly to the seat next to them. They seemed to be in a pretty deep conversation seeing as they didn’t notice Diego.
Finally Klaus made a little “wha” sound and whipped their head around.
“Oh! Guten morgen brother!” Klaus chimed with a grin on their face.
“What brings you down here?”
Diego swallowed, his voice and brain trying to process what he wants to say.
“I-I uh,” Diego shifted his gaze, not wanting to make eye contact. Even after all these years, after all that Klaus had seen, he still felt ashamed when he was vulnerable.
“Shark week.” Diego signed, sliding his pointer finger straight across his palm. He didn’t quite trust his words yet.
Klaus’ smile quickly turned into a look sympathy, their muscles softening. They knew how bad their brother hurt when this happened. They got up from their seat and walked over to Diego, linking their elbow with his and walked him over to the table.
“I’m going to get you some Advil and make you a cup of tea, alright? You sit tight, sir. Ben will keep you company.” Klaus took a deep breath and clenched his fists. Blue light emitted from them and slowly their brother appeared in the seat across from Diego. Over the months of sobriety and training, Klaus had gotten a lot stronger in their abilities. It didn’t take nearly as much out of them to manifest their brother. They just couldn’t do it for 12+ hours at a time. Klaus took the bag from Diego’s hand and disposed of the remnants of his items.
Ben had a welcoming smile on his face as he pat Diego’s shoulder.
“How are you?” Ben asked softly, his eyes never leaving Diego’s gaze.
“P-pai-pain.” Diego choked weakly, wanting nothing more than to look away. But he knew his brother wasn’t there to judge or hurt him. Ben, other than Klaus, was the only other person who could understand some what of what he was going through. Ben never felt at peace with his body either, his “demons” hurt him. Physically and emotionally.
The hooded man nodded, “You know what I mean Diego,” Ben started. He chose his next words carefully, “How are you dealing with this? It’s been what....7 months since your last one?”
Diego shook his head, “N-nine mo-onths. Glor-g-glorious months.”
Klaus walked over to their siblings with 3 advil PM’s in one hand and a hot cup of chamomile tea in the other. They placed them in front of Diego, taking a seat next to him. He popped the pills in his mouth wordlessly and swallowed.
“If you don’t want to talk about this it’s fine, I understand. But,” Klaus put their finger under Diego’s chin and turned his head so they were making eye contact, “you know we’re always here for you. The even numbers gotta stick together, yeah?” They winked, removing their hand from his chin and back into their lap.
Diego’s vision blurred once more and he felt his cheeks heat up. He took a shaky breath as he tried to regain his composure.
“Diego it’s okay. I promise it’s okay.” Ben reassured his brother. He knew he needed time to process his thoughts when he got like this.
“Y-you’d th-th-think aft-after all th-these years I-I-I,” he let a sob escape his lips, his whole body jerked as he did so, “I’d b-be u-u-used to th-th-this. I’m f-f-fucking thirty!” Diego exclaimed, slamming a fist on the table.
“Diego you shouldn’t have to get used to feeling like your body doesn’t belong to you.” Klaus took their brothers hand, leaning down so they could attempt to lock eyes.
“Your body is yours and it’s a wonderful body. It’s a strong body. Its a talented body, one that can do things not a lot others can. It’s saved the world before too, ya know? It has a lot of memories written on it.” Klaus ran their thumb along the scar on Diego’s eyebrow.
“You are you and that’s all we could ever ask you to be.” Ben expressed, his tone steady.
His siblings kind affirmations were proving to be too much for Diego to handle. He broke down even more, his body shaking violently. Ben got up and walked around the table to his brother. He immediately wrapped his arms around the sobbing man, cherishing the fact he was able to comfort his siblings again. Klaus quickly followed suit.
Klaus and Ben gave each other an expectant look and then a nod. After a few minutes of their embrace, Diego’s sobs slowly started to subside. They silently stood up and put their hand on their brothers back.
“Diego we’re gonna have a cuddle pile, okay?” Klaus inquired even though they knew Diego would have no problem with it.
Diego nodded and they made their way up the stairs and into the “cuddle room”, a term Ben coined. It was one of the many guest rooms in this giant house however this one had a full king size bed. Aka a bed big enough to fit 3 grown adults.
This room had been their safe haven growing up. It had been Klaus’ when he woke up screaming, his nightmares not having left him in his sleep. It has been Ben’s when his demons were hurting and taunting him so much he felt like he couldn’t breathe. And it had been Diego’s when his body worked against him. They were always there for each other.
Ben opened the door and they made their way to the large bed, the three of them finding comfort in the familiar fluffy light yellow comforter. Diego crawled in first with Ben to his left and Klaus to his right.
“Is this okay?” Klaus asked, their voice barely above a whisper. Their arm hovered above Diego’s mid section, ready to back off if needed.
Diego mumbled out a “Mmm” and Klaus happily dropped their arm. Ben nuzzled up on the other side and followed suit, wrapping his arm around his brother.
The three of them fell asleep within minutes. Klaus nightmare-less, Diego content, and Ben relishing in their touch. This was the best night sleep they had gotten in a while.
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