#haven’t watched LJ’s from today but I will later
7yearsofdele · 1 year
Lucy Bronze on Lionesses Down Under tomorrow.
Cannot wait, I’ve been waiting for her to be on it.
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suzukiblu · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
Tagged by @jupitermelichios; tagging anyone else who’s interested! I’d like to see you guys’ answers, I’m curious. 
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I wrote . . . SO much this year, haha. I have a word count post queued up for later today and WOO BOY is it a lot, you guys. 
In no particular order: 
you make a really good girl (as girls go) (Azula/Yue, ATLA) - I think we can safely consider this one the breakout success of my ATLA fics for the year, this one definitely got a lot of love. Wasn’t my idea to write it at alllll, it came from @primtheamazing wanting an Azula/Yue arranged marriage, but I’m very happy with the results and the reception it got. Also, like . . . one of the few times I’ve actually written femslash, I really don’t do that often and I really should do it more than I do. 
Avamorphs updates (mostly canon pairings, ATLA/Animorphs fusion) - Resurrected a dead fic from waaay back in my LJ days at the end of last year and added like another 25k this year. Doing that was also not my idea, like three different people got me to write more, but I got REALLY INTO writing it all the same, haha. I love this fic a LOT, okay, imho it includes some of the best concepts I’ve ever come up with. 
I’ll give them shelter like you’ve done for me (Geralt/Jaskier, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer, The Witcher; a/b/o, nsfw) - I watched The Witcher specifically so I could write this fic and it was worth it. 
you are in my blood (Geralt/Jaskier, The Witcher; creature!Jaskier, nsfw) - I just really dig this one, I think I did a really good job with trans!Jaskier/vampire!Jaskier and pet!Geralt and putting them together. I think the concept’s a lot of fun and I’m really proud of how it came out. 
best friends means you get what you deserve (Geralt & Jaskier, The Witcher; creature!Jaskier) - Also think I did a good job with this one, very fond of it too. I think I handled the core concept nicely and I liked Jaskier’s POV on the situation a lot. Also @primtheamazing’s fault. 
I also worked on clay kids (Jetko, ATLA) a little bit more, speaking of resurrected fics, but I haven’t posted like any of so it teeeechnically doesn’t count, I think. But I still love it so I’m linking it, haha. 
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yeetingmyfeeling · 4 years
Boys Without Fear
Chapter One
Jeff was in the mansion today. He had very little he wanted to do, hasn’t even gone for a kill in the past five days. He was content to observe, watch life move around him, watch his friend mingle. Even that piece of bread going mouldy underneath the table was interesting. 
The couch was very comfortable, in his opinion at least. Much better than the bed he lays on at night. That’s mostly been his routine. Get up from bed, lay on the couch for the day, go back to bed. The only reason he doesn’t stay in his bed is because he shares a room with Eyeless Jack. Nothing wrong with him, just, if Jeff had to watch someone, he would rather watch everyone. 
He was feeling rather peckish, so perhaps he was to get up and get some food. Only, when he sat up, someone sat next to him. 
“Thinking of stealing my couch while I leave?” Jeff quirked an, what would have been, eyebrow. He has no eyebrow, or eyelids. So really, it didn’t look like much. 
“Jeff,” The fellow proxy spoke. It was Laughing Jack. His nose stuck out, pointed at Jeff. “While you are gone, to do whatever, I am going to cleanse the entire thing. It reeks.”
“It does not,” Jeff argued. “And for your information, i'm going to go get food.”
“I literally don’t care?” LJ offered. “Just get off.”
“Well, now I don’t want to,” The killer crossed his arms over his chest, an invisible pout on his lips. 
“Get up boy,” LJ deadpanned. “I will call down Hoodie and Masky on you, do not tempt me.”
Jeff stared, and reluctantly got up. LJ immediately got to cleaning. Jeff rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen. Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned and Ticci Toby, were all hanging around. 
“He rises from the couch,” Ben gasped. “I am in shock, someone restart the routers.”
EJ puffed a laugh. “Leave him be guys, we all know why.”
“We do?” Asked Jeff.
“We do?” chimed the other two.
“Oh, well if we apparently don’t..” EJ snickered. “Pretend I didn’t say anything.”
“Excuse me, please continue,” Jeff gestured. “I would like to know.”
“Well, Jeff..” EJ’s left hand came up and rubbed at the back of his head. “You have been down, and depressed. You haven’t killed someone in five days, even though it has been dry lately. Plus, you’ve barely touched your knife, or even sharpened it.”
Ben nodded. “I’ve noticed these things. You go straight from your room, to the couch, back to your room. From knowledge, that’s what people with depression do. Or, who are going through a struggle.”
Toby nodded. “You haven’t showered, and hardly eat. This is the first I’ve seen you eat in two days. You're always spacing out.”
“Is this an intervention?” Jeff queried. ‘If it is, I rather go back to my couch.” 
“We aren’t.. Real people. We are classified as monsters, really. Maybe, we are. We don’t experience emotions and feelings the same, but we do experience them. Certain ones can be stronger in us,” EJ stared at Jeff, his eye sockets boring into Jeff’s lidless eyes. “I am just expressing what I have observed from you in the past, let's say a month. Jeff, you are either really horny or madly in love with someone.” 
The killer choked. On air, just breathed in too sharply. Now he is doubled over, hands on his knees, coughing and spluttering. He heard two voices of cackles in front of him, but he didn’t care. He was focused on not dying from choking, so he can choke EJ. 
“You- you fucking what?” Jeff stuttered. “Horny, or in love? In love!?”
Ben and Toby laughed louder.
“Look, it’s the best thing I came to,” EJ explained. “It was those, or you’re about to die.”
“I would rather die!” Jeff stated, rather loudly. “I don’t even know who you would think.. I… no!”
“Jeff, we still have needs we need to cater to,” EJ went on. “Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I think I know who it is..” Toby whispered to Ben. “Jane.”
Ben snorted. “Probably.”
“I’m not ashamed,” Jeff grumbled.
“Well, if that’s the case,” EJ clapped his hands. “Go take a shower, we shall prepare dinner, and we will have family bonding.”
“But I-” Jeff tried to argue. EJ just stared him down. Jeff sighed, groaned, then went to take a shower. 
Jeff decided to change into his more usual clothes. That being the white jumper and black pants. Who knows, he thought, maybe family bonding meant killing. He made sure to wash himself thoroughly, as he did stink quite a bit and his hair was more greasy and knotted then usual. 
Upon making his way downstairs, he smelt food. He went into the kitchen, seeing other proxies pile up their plates then go into the living room. Jeff began doing the same. Not everyone ate real food, so there was an array of options. There was spaghetti bolognese for the more human proxies, so Jeff grabbed a lot of that. 
He went into the living room, luckily being able to sit on the couch. Smile dog came and sat down in front of him, and Jane the Killer sat next to Jeff on the couch. 
“He is clean,” Jane gasped. “It’s a miracle!”
“Fuck off,” Jeff mumbled through a mouthfull of spaghetti. 
“We had an intervention for him,” Ben explained. “We think we have figured out what his problem is.”
“What?” Jane 
“Who wants to go for a killing tonight?” Jeff interrupted before Ben could say anything. The Link look-alike laughed. 
“I’ll go,” Jane said. “Although I will have to harass Ben later for why you’ve been so depressed.”
“We’ll go,” Hoodie and Masky chimed.
So after dinner, the four agreed to go out for a kill.
Once they returned, they all went to go get washed up.
“You got a kill then?” Sally asked excitedly, leaning over the couch where she sat with Clockwork.
“We got three,” Jane grinned. She went over to Sally, running her hands through the child's hair. 
“There was a group of teenagers in the woods,” Jeff added. “They were expecting Slendy, but got us instead.”
“Well it is Slendy’s woods,” Masky shrugged. “We have been here for long enough though.”
“Oh well. We got three kills, and we got Jeff out of the house,” Hoodie pointed at said teen. “A win win situation. Now dare I say, time for cheesecake?”
“Time for cheesecake!” Masky cheered. Then the two walked into the kitchen. 
“Speaking of Jeff getting out of the house,” Jane looked at Jeff, then at Clockwork. “Where’s Ben?”
“In his room playing games with EJ and Toby,” Clockwork replied.
“Thanks,” Jane nodded. “Gonna try to stop me?” 
“No,” Jeff sighed in defeat. Jane grinned and practically skipped away. 
“Jeff,” Clockwork looked at the permanently grinning killer. “Slendy wants to see you.”
Jeff groaned, throwing his head back. “What did I do this time?” He started walking down to Slenderman’s den, or office, mumbling to myself. “I haven’t done shit, literally. I’ve been laying around the entire past five days. I have barely existed. Today was my most productive day-”
“That is exactly why I wanted to speak with you,” Came a voice from behind the door, before Jeff had even knocked. “Come in.”
Jeff opened the door. “What do you mean?” he questioned. “Because I actually did stuff today, I’m in trouble?”
“I never said you were in trouble,” Slender shook his head. “I would like to talk about you, and your feelings.”
Jeff groaned. “Not more of this shit. Look, I’m fine, perfect, great, happy even.”
“Yes, you say this, but the dent on the couch in a Jeffrey shaped figure says otherwise. Don’t use language with me.”
“So I have been lounging around a bit. What’s wrong with that?”
“Jeffrey, are you depressed? Is there something getting you down? Or making you upset?”
“Stop calling me Jeffrey, and I’m fucking fine.”
“Stop using poor language. I am merely concerned about your mental wellbeing, if there is something wrong, I want you to know you can speak to me.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I get it. I’ll be fine, boss man.”
Slender sighed. “You best be fine. You are my family, and I do not want my family to be upset.”
“Gotcha!” Jeff saluted the tall, white man. He spun on his heel, and walked all the way to his room.
It hurt, hearing that. Jeff didn’t want to admit it. 
‘You are my family,’
Jeff walked into his room, shut the door, and punched the wall. 
“Fuck…” He breathed out. “Feelings, man. Screw what EJ says, I’m blocking them out. Then I can’t get hurt if I ever got rejected by Slendy.”
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misshoneywheeler · 5 years
So I got into GoT/ASoIaF at a really vulnerable and lonely time in my life. I’d started watching the show in part because someone I considered a very close fandom-to-irl friend had gotten into it, and I wrote many of my first fics for her. That friendship dissolved in a pretty spectacular disaster, and I later found out wasn’t actually a real friendship at all and she just used me for her own purposes. This all coincided with a pretty low period in general for me, which only made the dissolution of what I thought was just about my closest friendship harder and more painful, and the way I filled the void she left was by throwing myself into GoT fandom, specifically the current kinkmeme at the time. The very first GoT-related person I friended on LJ after I’d started writing earlier was @thefairfleming, and we started talking more on the kinkmeme and then messaging back and forth on LJ before graduating to emails and co-writing and the over-the-top crack-AU-machine Til-Death-Do-Us-Part Partnership that you see today. I met many people I’m still friends with/following on that early kinkmeme: my beloved lobster @vixleonard, who has slept on my couch for weeks at a time and spoiled my cat with people food and chair danced at me for many miles of road trip; @lunaplath​ @xylodemon​ @workswithwords @theyleftherbones @starkfish​; all of them made my early GoT fandom experience so much fun in so many ways. It’s obviously unbearably dramatic to say they saved my life in a sense, but that’s kind of how it felt at the time (thanks, y’all lol). Having people to share with and give to was so valuable and exactly what I needed, and it put me on a road to learning so much more about myself and understanding how to make fandom exactly what I needed it to be.  I found new appreciation for and enjoyment of my own abilities, after hitting previous points where I considered quitting writing altogether. I fully figured out my own sexuality (I’m a late bloomer lol). I found the kind of true, deep-heart friendship I’ve always wanted with someone, someone to write with and for, who made it so comments and praise on fics were appreciated and valued but ultimately optional, as long as she and I were having fun. 
I’ve gotten to know many more lovely friends here on tumblr, new people with every Jon/Sansa wave, people who’d been around for the early kinkmemes and people who were completely new, people from other ships, people who quit the show seasons ago and people who are hanging on to the bitter end. I’m still making new friends. I started to list everyone out but it turned into my entire follow list, so please know I treasure you all lol. I haven’t always been nice, or liked, or fair. It hasn’t always been fun. There have been low times before where it hasn’t felt worth it. The good has far outweighed the bad, though, at least for me.
All of which is to say that it’s really emotional watching the last season be what it is so far. I didn’t expect it to be good or satisfying to me personally, necessarily, but I’d hoped it would be at least somewhat narratively satisfying, and although aspects of it have been, most of it has not. It makes things bittersweet and strange, particularly with how emotionally important GoT has been to me for so long, not for the storylines or the characters or the plot so much as for what I’ve shared with people because of them. It feels a lot like the last day of senior year, signing yearbooks, ready for summer and college but feeling emotional because even if friends stay friends and we find new things to share, it’s still a goodbye. Something important coming to an end. I would feel that way regardless of how this last season went, but this makes it feel rather sour, like one of your friends skipping the yearbook thing and yelling “SMELL YA LATER” as they tear out of the parking lot and then move into their dorm early instead of sticking around for the summer. I fully get why people would want to check out of all this, and I don’t blame anyone. It’s just a real fucking bummer that this is where it’s ending up, you know? 
I don’t have much point in saying this. It’s just thoughts I wanted to get out of my head and into the world, I suppose. I’ve really enjoyed sharing this with all of you, and I hope we all find more things to share, either with each other or with other people, new friends or old ones or both, when this has all died down.
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bee-kathony · 6 years
The Holiday | Connections
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Thank you @jules-fraser for this moodboard! 
Chapter 1: Home Exchange | Chapter 2: Unexpected
Chapter 3: Connections 
I had lost all sense of time while I slept in Claire’s comfy bed, surrounded by fluffy white pillows and cozy quilts. Why the bloody hell would I ever leave this bed?
Looking over at the clock on the nightstand told me it was now 9:37am… the next day. I had slept for almost 16 hours after the flight from Scotland. And my stomach was making enough noise to tell me how I had neglected it during my slumber.
Venturing downstairs, I found some bread and jam and settled on a quick, easy breakfast before I would go into town and stock up on groceries. Never good to go grocery shopping on an empty stomach.
An hour later, I step out of Claire’s incredible shower with one of those rainfall shower heads and dress in my warmest layers as I look out the window at the snow.
“Potatoes, veggies, some fruit,” I make a list of what I need at the store, “Wine, eggnog, whisky, more wine and then maybe some vodka.” I laugh and write down the last bit and tuck the list into my purse. Just as I reach the door, a knock comes, making me jump back.
“Christ!” I shriek and compose myself and open the door.
“What bloody good timing you have,” I say to the man standing on the front step, “I was just goin’ out the door when I heard the knock, nearly scared me half to death.”
The man smiles and then I shake my head, “Oh yes. I’m Jenny Fraser,” I offer my hand in introduction, “And you are?”
He shakes my hand firmly, “Ian Murray, nice to meet ye,” he says with a thick Scottish accent.
“Och, so ye’re from Scotland then? Or are ye just makin’ fun of my accent.” I crack a smile and then invite him in to the house from the cold.
As I shut the door I turn and notice just how handsome he is. “Aye, lived in Scotland all my life until a few years ago when I got the job offer to teach at Harvard,” He smiled, “How could I say no to that?”
“Is Claire here?” He asks. Oh right. Of course, he’s not here to see you Jenny.
“I’m afraid she’s no’, she’s in Scotland actually.” I say and put both hands on my hips, “Can I help you wi’ somethin’ though?”
Ian shook his head, “Oh, I was just comin’ to get some of Frank’s things. He’s a colleague of mine at Harvard.”
“Right! Claire told me someone was comin’ by to pick up something. Stay there, I’ll go get the box.” I held up a finger for him to wait and went to Claire’s office where she told me she put a box of her ex’s things.
“Here ye are, Ian,” handing him the box, our fingers brush. “Would ye like to stay a bit? I can fix ye a cup of tea or maybe coffee?” I turn towards the kitchen.
“That sounds lovely but my girlfriend Hannah is sittin’ in the car waitin’ for me, so best not keep her waitin’.” He smiles and I open the door for him and then spot his girlfriend in the passenger seat of her car, I wave but she doesn’t seem to see me.
Pausing on the last step, Ian turns back to me, “I might take ye up on that cup of tea another day though, Jenny, if ye dinna mind.”
Blushing, I gather my thoughts, “Och, yes! I dinna mind. Drop by anytime Ian, it was nice to meet ye.” I watch him leave and sigh. Of course he would have a girlfriend. I bet she’s some American trollop too.
Distracted from Ian’s arrival, I suddenly remember that I was going to get groceries. “Stop thinkin’ about him, Jenny.” I say to myself and leave out the front door.
He said he would leave before I woke up so why am I so hurt that he actually did leave? Is it because when he said that we hadn’t slept together yet? We hadn’t kissed and laid all night in each other’s arms…
“You’ll never see him again, Beauchamp, it’s for the best.” I mutter to myself and slide on my pyjamas to go downstairs and grab a cup of coffee before I need to head to the airport.
“Good mornin’, Sassenach,” I hear a deep voice say as I enter the kitchen. Jamie. He stayed.
I realize that I’m standing in the kitchen with my mouth slightly ajar when Jamie repeats himself, “Good mornin’, Sassenach — ye sleep well then?” He smiles smugly and takes a sip of coffee.
I can just tell that my cheeks are bright red from the attempted wink he gives me. Going to stand next to him near the coffee machine, I reach out my hand to the cup he offers me, “Yes. Quite well actually.” And I take a sip of my coffee, giving him back a smug smile.
“Ye dinna have to worry about a thing, Sassenach. With us,” Jamie puts his hand down on the counter, his fingers dangerously close to mine, “I know ye’re leavin’ today but for the record… yer ex is extremely mistaken.”
I bite my bottom lip like a flirty teenager and move my fingers to touch his, “You were very drunk,” I laugh, “You couldn’t remember if I was any good or not.” I whisper and look down at our hands.
“I remember,” his voice causes me to look up, “I canna forget ye. I willna forget ye.” I think he’s going to kiss me again but he pulls back and crosses the room to reach for something in his jacket.
Jamie pulls out a pair of wire rimmed glasses and sets them on the bridge of his nose. God, if he wasn’t already attractive, now he has to pull out those.
“I couldna see ye properly. Lost my contacts last night — somehow.” This time he blushes and walks back over to stand in front of me, his hand reaching to cup my cheek.
A phone rings and it breaks the spell. Picking up the phone I get a glance at the contact name, “Faith,” I say and hand him his phone, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to read it.”
“It’s alright. I’ll call back.” He sighs and then moves to put his coat on. “I guess ye’ll be going to the airport today?”
I nod and wrap my arms around my chest, wishing that it was his arms that were wrapping around me instead.
“Well,” He says, wrapping his scarf back around his neck, “I know you’re not interested in gettin’ involved but you should know that things in my life are a wee bit… complicated.”
“It’s okay, Jamie. I’m leaving so…” I say and regret it instantly when I see the hurt look in his eyes.
“I just want to assure ye is all, that ye’re better off,” he turns to leave but then pauses at the open door, “I just want to be sure ye’re okay, Claire. I tend to hurt the people I’m with simply by bein’ myself.”
I move to stand closer to him, “I’m not going to fall in love with you Jamie Fraser, I promise.” I smile and he nods in return.
“Nicely put, Sassenach,” Jamie still doesn’t move, “What if I wanted to call ye? If ye change ye’re mind and stay…” He moves his hands to settle at my waist and I shiver, from the cold coming from the open door or from his touch, “Meet me at the pub down the road. Tonight.”
“I’m lea—“ I start to say again.
“Ye’re leaving. Aye… I know,” he runs his hands through his curly red hair and adjusts the glasses on his nose, “Then if this is goodbye, ye’re lovely, Claire.” He leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek and I shock myself and him when I grab his face and move my lips to his, savouring the taste of his mouth.
“Please stay,” he whispers when the kiss breaks.
“Goodbye, Jamie,” I force myself to say and he turns and leaves. I stand in the kitchen for way too long, just staring out the window in the direction he went.
“Time to leave, I guess.” Sighing I head upstairs to finish packing.
On my way back from the store, I noticed a man standing on the door step. What is it with Claire’s house attracting men to her door?
As I got closer, I noticed it wasn’t Ian but an older gentlemen. “Hello, can I help ye?” I asked as I climbed the steps.
“Hello,” he said in a straight Boston accent, “I’m Joe Abernathy.” He shook my hand, “And you must be the woman staying in Lady J’s house this Christmas?”
I nodded and unlocked the door, “Yes, I’m Jenny Fraser. Lady J is Claire, I take it?” He followed after me and I set the bag of groceries on the front table near the door.
“The only and only,” he smiled warmly and immediately picked up the bag I had just sat down and proceeded to take it to the kitchen, he knew where he was going apparently.
“I bet you’re wondering what I’m doing here, Jenny?” He laughed and I nodded, turning to the kettle to fill it with water.
“I live next door to LJ and I can’t seem to find my keys. She has a spare key to my house,” He said.
“Do ye know where it is? I dinna know if I can help ye find it if ye don’t,” I shrugged and set the kettle to boil.
“Yes,” he smiled, “She told me she keeps it in the drawer in her study, would you mind getting it darling? My knees are real weak and I’m afraid by the time I climb up and down those stairs it will be Easter.” He laughed and I gave his arm a light squeeze.
“Of course, Joe. I’ll be back in a second,” I said and went find the spare key.
“Here ye are,” I handed him the key. “Would ye like a cup of tea?” I ask as the kettle whistles and I pour myself a cup and when he says yes, I pour him one too.
“I love a good cup of tea,” he lets out a deep breath and takes a sip, “Tell me something, Jenny.”
“What do ye want to know,” I said, coming to sit beside him at the kitchen island.
“Do you have any plans for dinner tonight?” I shook my head no, “Then would you want to go to dinner with me?” He asked, “I know I’m an old man but it would be my honor.”
I didn’t have any plans for this holiday at all. There would be no risk in falling in love with him as he was a bit too old for me so what was the harm in making new friends?
“I’d love to Joe, ye’ve got yerself a date!” I smiled and squeezed his hand that wasn’t holding the cup.
“A date? I haven’t had a date since my precious wife Gayle passed. It’ll be one you never forget.” He winked and I couldn’t help but smile. Joe Abernathy must have been the real charmer back in his day.
After the cup of tea, Joe went back to his house and I said I would swing back around in a few hours to go to dinner.
“What I don’t understand Jenny is why a beautiful young woman like yourself would spend a Saturday night with an old almost retired chief of surgery like me?” Joe said once the waiter finished pouring the wine.
“Because you asked me,” I joked, “I just needed to get away from all the people I knew. Obviously I’m no’ from here as ye can tell by my accent,” I smiled and took a sip of wine, “It’s one guy actually that I needed to get away from.” I felt myself getting emotional, “An ex boyfriend who just got engaged for forgot to tell me.” I sniffed and finished the glass of wine.
“He’s a damn shmuck.” Joe said flatly.
“Well yes, how did ye know?” I laughed and wiped a finger under my watery eye.
“He let you go.” Joe smiled, “No real man would let someone like you get away from them.”
“Ye must be the kindest man I’ve ever met Joe, if only ye were forty years younger!” Laughing we continued the conversation about our lives. I told him how I worked in a book publishing company and that was how I knew Oliver.
I learned that Joe was a colleague of Claire’s, her Chief of Surgery in fact. I didn’t know much about the medical field but I knew that was important.
“Ye’ve worked in that hospital for more than fifty years?” I gasped, spinning pasta on my fork and taking a bite.
“Indeed, I went in as a fresh faced medical student and worked my way up. Never had any other kind of job. That’s where I met Lady J,” he took a bite of his steak, “Well, I first met her when she moved in next door but then at work. A fine Doctor, that girl is.”
I saw Joe up to his house and made sure he was good before I walked the few steps next door. Unexpectedly, my “date” with Joe had been one of the best nights I’d had in a long time. Maybe it was because I wasn’t worried what he thought about me.
My phone rang just as I settled into bed. “Oliver Bloom” the screen read and I bit my lip, deciding whether or not to answer it. My heart gave in and I put the phone to my ear, “Hello?”
“Jenny? Ah, good to hear ye’re voice,” he said on the line, “Darling, I know ye’re away but I’ve just got stuck on this one part of my book, ye know, the one ye helped me write —“ I made a yes sound, “Well I was just wondering if I could email you what I’ve got and you could help me out a bit?”
This damn fool, calling about work. Of course he wouldn’t even mention that fact that he’s now engaged and only gone and ripped my heart out.
“Sure,” I answered before I had time to think, “You know my email, Oliver. Goodbye.” I threw the phone to the end of the bed and closed my eyes, not caring what time it was, I needed sleep and I needed it now.
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whiskynottea · 6 years
An interruption in the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Previously Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21
Shout out to @katnoenau for being my awesome beta!
Chapter 22. The Game of Things
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Birthdays are strange.
The day comes just like any other day and it’s the same to everyone, apart from that one person who happened to cry for the first time on that particular date, years ago.
All I had from my early birthdays was pictures.
Colorful cakes printed on glossy paper. Smiles and shiny eyes.
My daddy’s strong arms hugging me and raising me up so high, that I could almost hear the toddler that I was giggle through the paper.
Curls just like mine falling across my mother’s cheeks, her warm lips smiling as she kissed my nose.
Lamb was travelling, and my birthdays were always a celebration for three. Judging from the pictures, we didn’t need anyone else.
I didn’t remember those days, but I made a story for each one of them, based on the pictures I had in my little box. And I remembered my stories.
Every 20th of October, I would lay on my bed with these pictures scattered around me, spending time with them, replaying the stories in my head.
It wasn’t a tradition that saddened me.
I just wished someone could tell me how many times the little me had to blow before the flames on the three pink candles were extinguished. Or what gifts I asked for. I wish I knew more, some accurate information to add to the stories I had created.  
But what I knew deep inside me, was that these days, like any other day I spent with them, were imprinted in me forever. Forged with laughter and love, they made me who I was.
For that reason, I loved my birthday. I felt I was celebrating my parents’ gift, keeping them alive inside me.
With Lamb every birthday was different.
My gift could range from excavating the personal belongings found inside a tomb to a trip on a camel’s back in the desert.
Candles standing proud on a Basbousa or almost falling from an Om Ali.
Hugs and words that conveyed love and support.
Every time I woke up on the 20th of October, I felt that the world was shinier and cheerful songs would play in the back of my mind. The positivity that people hide on other days is finally released when it’s your birthday. It’s like an unwritten rule – you can’t be mean to the birthday person. Not today.
I couldn’t believe that Jamie ordered a special birthday cake for me. I couldn’t remember the last time I actually had a real birthday cake.
“You found yourself a really nice lad this time, lamb.” Uncle Lamb said, kissing me on the forehead when I finished narrating the day’s events. “This is for you.” He handed me a small box, with a wink. It was a beautiful watch, with a rose gold cadran and navy blue bracelet.
“Oh, thank you uncle! It’s beautiful!”
“I’m sorry I have to leave on your birthday.” He said with a rueful smile that then changed to something I couldn’t discern. “There are beers in the fridge, too.” He smiled seeing my raised eyebrows. “Gift from your uncle. Happy birthday, Claire.”
I snuggled into his embrace as I did years ago, smelling the ocean breeze of our conditioner on his suit, the mint leaves and cedarwood of his cologne.
“Have fun today and behave, okay?” I closed my eyes as he placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Okay! I love you, Lamb.”
“Love you too, lamb.” He said and was out of the door.
House cleaned.
Beers and soft drinks cold in the fridge.
Crisps in their bowls. Vinegar, oregano, barbeque.
Tortilla rolls made and laid out.
Cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and carrots all in place next to the mayonnaise and yogurt dip.
Dried fruits and nuts.
Am I forgetting anything?
The cheese and spinach pie!
The doorbell rang the exact moment I finished applying my lipstick.
My long lasting lipstick, that is – because with Jamie in the room it would be impossible to keep anything else on my lips.
I didn’t wear too much makeup, just my lipstick and mascara, and I thought it was perfect with my high waist blue jeans and a polka dot blouse.
Opening the door, I saw Joe and Gail’s smiley faces. Five minutes later, the swimming gang arrived.
Jamie was standing at the front of the door with a huge smile on his face. His lips were on mine the moment he got close enough and I surreptitiously checked his mouth for any sign of my lipstick.
Nothing. Cool. Maybe a hint of pink, but… I like it on him.
We joined Joe and Gail in the living room, my hands full of gifts.
“Do you want to open the gifts first, Claire?” Jenny suggested, and I sat on the couch next to Jamie, all the bags at my feet. I couldn’t remember the last time I received so many gifts.
I raised a medium sized orange bag first.  “This is– ” Jenny started, but Rupert interrupted her.
“Let the lass guess who brought what!” He winked at me, leaning into the armchair’s back.
Jenny looked at me with a frown, trying to understand how that made me feel. Seeing me shrug, she smiled.
“Okay then, let’s do this.”
Gift number one was an infinite scarf, brown, red and yellow, and I loved it. Looking around, I smiled to Jenny and Ian. “Thank you, guys.”
“Did she find it?” Angus asked, reaching for the crisps.
“Aye, she did.” Ian’s smile was one of the sweetest I’ve ever seen.
“Grab the next, then!” Angus said with a mouth full of crisps, catapulting some bits towards Rupert who glared at him.
“Okay, I know this is from Joe and Gail…” I picked the white bag Joe handed me when they arrived. Books. The first two books of the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin; A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings.
I raised my eyebrows. “No, you didn’t.”
Joe laughed, holding Gail’s hand. “We did. You love the show and you said you wanted to read the books!” As if Joe could read my mind about reading fiction instead of biology and chemistry for my classes, he continued, “It’ll be good to take a break from school stuff once in a while!”
“I don’t know how I’m going to stop reading these, once I start.” I muttered. “I hope I won’t get as obsessed I was when I was reading Harry Potter.”
“Ye read Harry Potter?” I heard Jamie’s excited voice from my left.
“Of course I did! I love Harry Potter! Don’t you?”
“Of course!” He said indignantly.
I sighed, relieved. “I mean… Who hasn’t read it?” I asked rhetorically, looking at my guests.
“Well, I haven’t.” Gail’s reply made Joe turn and look at her through bulged eyes.
“What?” He asked, not waiting for an answer. “We have to fix that, G.” He announced in a serious tone, making her shake her head.
“Ye should see the movies!” Rupert proposed, with Angus nodding in agreement. “Tis faster and more fun than reading.”
Jamie, Jenny, and I almost shot out from our seats. “WHAT?”
“What?” Rupert asked perplexed as we erupted in laughter at our identical responses.
“The movies are shite compared to the books.” Jamie stated and Jenny, Joe and I nodded again in agreement.
“Read the books, people! What’s wrong with you?” I asked, exaggerating my exasperation.
“Have ye seen the books, Claire?” Angus said, grimacing. “They weigh more than me. And are thicker than Rupert’s head.”
As we laughed, Jamie leaned closer to me, whispering, “Ye were Hermione, right?”
I looked at him smugly. “Why would you say so? And who would you be?”
“Well, I always imagined myself as Harry.”
“Of course.” I snorted. “The leading role.”
“I dinna want to be Harry anymore.” That made me turn to look at him. “Can I be your Ron? I’m a ginger already!”
My heart stopped before beating so hard that it was almost painful.
How does he do that?
I didn’t have time to answer his question, because Jenny’s voice directed my eyes back to her.
“Let’s move on with the gifts, aye?”
I opened the long and narrow bag to reveal a bottle of whisky. Angus’ smile reached his ears and Rupert’s eyes were glinting at my revelation. The disbelief in my eyes must have been evident, as I asked, “How did you manage to get this?”
“We have our ways, lass.” Angus wiggled his eyebrows with a huge grin.
“Okay then, let’s save this for later. Aye?” I mimicked his accent, and the Scots filled the room with laughter. I knew they would, because Jamie found my horrible impersonation hilarious every single time.
“So, this is the last one.” I turned to see Jamie, who for some unknown reason had started to blush.
Let the gift not be underwear or I’ll have to listen to crude jokes from Angus forever!
Seeing my furrowed eyebrows, Jamie stroked my back and smiled.
No underwear, then. Or he would have said something.
I opened the small bag to find a little box inside. Biting my lip, I swallowed hard and removed the top. There was a beautiful stainless-steel bracelet inside, with little leaves and bluebells with azure enamel on them. I couldn’t stop my smile, remembering the first day Jamie came to pick me up with a bunch of bluebells in hand.
“I love it.” I said, leaning into him for a kiss. “Help me?”
I extended my hand to him and Jamie locked the bracelet in place, interlacing his fingers with mine when he finished. I couldn’t take my eyes off my bracelet and our hands together and I felt my heart beating harder.
How did he find a bluebell bracelet?
I looked at him, grateful and happy, and I didn’t need to say anything, because he knew. He just knew. He held my hand tighter for a moment and then relaxed his grip again when my head found his shoulder.
With the gifts now opened we talked and gossiped about our teachers, eating the finger food I had prepared, and drinking both six-packs Lamb left in the bridge. When Rupert rose, stating that we should open the whisky, I got up too.
It was time.
I returned from my room with the box in hand. Everyone’s eyes were on me, their question obvious.
“The Game of Things!” I announced, excited.
“What?” Angus’ eyebrows almost touched, and I saw Joe shaking his head.
“Whisky and The Game of Things is a bad combination, LJ.” Joe stated, his raised eyebrows in complete contrast with Angus’.
“So, what is the game about?” Ian’s smile indicated that he didn’t mind whisky and games together.
“Okay, the rules.” I said, as everyone’s eyes focused on me.
Jamie’s stare was different than the others, and I soon realized he wasn’t thinking about the game at all. I knew that stare, I’d seen it more than once, and I felt my cheeks flush. Clearing my throat, I continued, “We all have to answer to the same question. We write our answers down on folded papers, and then we collect them all and open them. Each one of us tries to guess who wrote what. If your answer is correct, you go on guessing. If it’s not, the next one continues.”
With everyone on board Rupert started filling glasses with whisky. Lamb said that whisky is an acquired taste. If I was to stay in Scotland, I figured I had to learn how to blend in – with a blend.
I sat next to Jamie, opening the box and distributing the papers and pencils to everyone, painfully aware of his hand sinking deeper than my waist to settle comfortably on my arse.
I drank my first sip of whisky as Jenny revealed the first question.
Acquired taste. It’s going to taste better after a while.
THINGS… you wouldn’t do naked.
I bent over my paper, hiding it from Jamie’s prying eyes, as I tried to think what I wouldn’t do naked. Jamie’s free hand however, plainly disclosed what he would do if I was naked.
Cook. Plant greens in the garden. Open the door to a stranger.
I folded my paper placing it in the middle of the table. Joe guessed first, and he immediately identified my answer.
“Cook,” he said with a smirk. “Ever the logical mind, LJ. And greens?”
“Shut up!” I grinned back at him as he tried to figure out which was Gail’s answer.
On the next round Jamie immediately found Angus’ answer to THINGS… you would do if you were invisible.
Enter the shower to check on a lass.
But then he missed Rupert’s, who wouldn’t go around eating people’s chips. That would be Ian, the little bully!
The fifth question was the hardest one.
THINGS… you would do if you were a superhero.
The answers were collected again, and it was my turn to guess first. I squeezed my eyes, thinking.
“Will you stop distracting me?” I hissed at Jamie. “Are you doing that on purpose so I won’t win?”
“Busted!” He said, raising his hands up before replacing them on the exact spots they were previously.
I tried to ignore him – and the squeeze low in my belly – as I read the answers again.
Listen to people’s thoughts.
Be invisible.
X-ray vision
Time travel.
Run fast.
Transform to whoever I want.
Time travel was me.
X-ray vision should be Angus. Certainly. To see through girls’ clothes.
Heal, I had to go with Joe. Damn! Why I didn’t write that?
Now for the rest, things were getting hard.
What would Jenny do?
Definitely not being invisible. Neither fly nor run fast.
“Today, Claire.” Rupert grinned smugly from the other side of the table and I narrowed my eyes on him in response.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
I started my guesses, but they stopped me when I said that Ian would want to listen to people’s thoughts. Apparently, Jenny’s voiced thoughts were more than enough for Ian and he didn’t want access to more. Jamie’s turn was next, and he lost when he guessed that Gail would want to be invisible.
He didn’t seem defeated though, he just sank further into the couch taking me with him. I snuggled close to him, his chest in sync with mine as we laughed together at our friends’ inaccurate, tipsy guesses.
My eyes wandered to the table and I noticed that most of the bowls and plates were empty.
“I’ll go get more crisps!” I said, taking two empty bowls as I headed to the kitchen.
I was on tiptoes, trying to reach the packages in the back of the cabinet when his low voice came next to my ear, startling me.
“Open the door to a stranger?” Jamie’s breath was hot on my neck and I felt a current running through me.
“Mmm,” I smiled, content that he remembered my answer four questions back.
“But to someone you know? Would you?”
“Would I what? Open the door naked?”
His teeth on my neck answered my question better than words.
“Are you implying something, Fraser?”
“Aye, Beauchamp, I am.” His voice was burning me. I heard him inhaling deeply before he spoke again, more somber now. “You are so beautiful, Claire.”
He trailed kisses across my neck and I shivered, feeling his tongue against my skin.
I turned around, trapped between the counter and Jamie, feeling every inch of his body against mine. My hands found the nape of his neck just a moment before our lips crashed in a desperate kiss. To have him next to me all this time and not kiss him properly had made me crazy. Obviously, the effect had been the same for him, too.
“I want ye…” He whispered, his breath shallow. “I want ye so much, I can scarcely breath.”
My body trembled and my heart was racing as the whisky in his breath mingled with mine through our almost touching lips. “I want you, too.” I ran one hand down his body, until I found the waistband of his jeans.
Someone called my name from the living room and I heard the word crisps before everybody started laughing.
“We need to go back.” I whispered, my eyes locked with Jamie’s. Hooded and wild.
“Mmphm,” he exhaled loudly, his broad chest deflating. “I canna believe this.”
I smirked at him, running my tongue on his bottom lip one last time. “Can you reach the crisps?” I asked, nodding towards the cabinet.
Jamie gave me a lopsided grin and with an exaggerated move to show how easy it was for him, he handed me the bag.
We waited a few minutes for Jamie to be in condition to join our friends and we entered the living room, flushed, smiling, with our hands intertwined.
Ready to hear all the teasing.
Chapter 23
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myxtina · 6 years
One Night Chapter 27
Well we Jared and I have been married a couple months.. We are still on tour.. The kids are still with Constance.. She says she is having a ball and for us to just enjoy married life.. We have visited a couple times.. Shannon is speaking to me again.. I have missed him.. Things between Jared and I are ok.. I have caught him flirting a couple time but I blow it off to fans.. Sex is great but that was never our problem.. The guys have finished a show and I am on the bus.. Shannon comes in.. “Where is Jared?” I ask.. “Oh getting shit from the dressing room.” Shannon says.. I jump off the bus and head in to help.. I walk in the dressing room hearing giggles.. What the fuck I think.. I walk over to the bathroom open the door and there it is.. Jared is fucking some blonde against the wall.. Wow two months of being faithful.. Unless there was some i don’t know about.. Jared looks over.. “Oh fuck.” he says.. I just stand there.. I can’t believe it.. I don’t say a word.. I turn and walk out.. Straight to the bus.. Shannon is like “Where is Jared?” “Oh he was busy..” I say and go to bed.. I hear Jared come on the bus “Where is my wife?” he asks. “She went to bed.. What did you do?” Shannon asked.. “I fucked up and fucked someone else.” Jared tells Shannon.. 
“Baby you awake?” I hear Jared ask.. I don’t answer.. He goes away. I finally fall asleep.. The next morning we are at the next venue but they have a couple days off.. So we are able to check into a hotel.. I tell Emma I want my own room. She tries but they are booked.. Fine but I’m not sleeping with Jared.. But looks like I don’t have a choice.. Everyone one else already has a roommate.. “Hey,” Shannon says. “Jared told me what he did..”  “I can’t believe it.. He promised.. I don’t think I can forgive him this time.. I mean we are married, does that mean nothing to him?” I ask Shannon.. “I don’t know what to say.. Hey come to my room, we will have a old fashioned slumber party.. Movies and junk food..’ Shannon says.. “OK” I reply.. We head to Shannon’s room.. I jump in the shower and throw on a old tshirt and shorts.. Shannon orders and the junk food he can find.. We settle down to watch a movie and over load on junk food.. “This is fun.. “ I say.. “Yeah like old times..” Shannons phone rings.. “No, sorry I don’t know where Maggie is..” Shannons says.. he looks at me and mouths Jared.. They hang up..
“Thanks, I don’t want to see him..” I say.. “In fact, I think I am going to file for divorce.. He will never change.. How many times do I have to give in and take him back?” I say looking at Shannon.. Shannon’s phone rings again.. “Hello, oh hey you.. Yeah I miss you too.. You did, your bad.. Ok talk to you later..” He hangs up.. “Hey look I will go.. You can call her back and talk.. I know I’m in the way..” I say.. “No, it’s fine.. no biggie really just someone I have been talking to for a week or so..” He says.. “I’m going to bed..” I walk away and climb into the bed.. Shannon turns the lights out and climbs in with me.. I try to stop the tears.. I am so stupid.. I marry the one who has always cheated on me and turn away from the one who has always treated me right. And now he has found someone else.. Morning comes to soon.. I feel awful.. Shannon gets up and orders room service.. I go to the bathroom and grab a shower.. When I come out breakfast is here.. “What are you plans for today?” he asks.. “I don’t know maybe a little shopping..” I say.. “Want company, You know I love to shop..” He laughs.. So we set out shopping.. We have lunch at a cafe and Jared calls my phone all day and Shannon too.. Shannon still won’t tell Jared I am with him.. We grab dinner and head back.. Movie night again.. lol
Once back in Shannons room he says, “So going to model what you bought,,” “No you were with me with I bought it..” I say.. “No I think there was some lingerie you bought..” he winks. “Behave Leto..” I say.. I grab a quick shower and throw a tshirt and shorts.. Shannon goes to take his shower.. While he is in there I decided to try on that lingerie.. He takes forever in the shower so I have time.. I put on the first set.. red lace.. I pull out the second black lace with purple on it.. I am looking in the mirror when Shannon walks out of the bathroom.. “Oh shit,” I say.. I grab my shirt but too late.. He stops and doesn’t say a word.. “I’m sorry you normally take longer.” I say.. He walks to me and grabs me by the neck.. He kisses me hard.. I melt into him.. My mind racing but it feels right.. It is so different.. Jared is always so rushed.. Shannon takes his time.. 
He pulls away.. “This is wrong.. You are my brothers wife..” “I am but I can’t be with him.. He always cheats.” I say.. “But you love him.. I know you do..” he says.. “But I love you too Shannon.. I really do.. I’m sorry but when you just kissed me it didn’t feel wrong.. It felt right.” I say Looking up into his eyes.. I can see the fight in them. Like he is trying to decide what to do.. “What do you want Shannon.. Don’t think just answer.” I say.. “I want you.. That’s all I want.. I want you.. I want you to be my wife.. I want to be your protector, your lover, the person that makes you feel safe..” he says.. “I want children with you.. I want to take care of LJ and Mia with you.. I haven’t been with anyone since you..” he tells me as he sits on the bed. I just stand there.. I put clothes on.. I walk to stand between his legs and run my fingers through his hair.. He leans into my touch.. He leans his head against my chest and that is how we stay.. Finally we lay down and sleep.. I know what I have to do.. It is going to hurt people and I don’t know how it will turn out but I know what I have to do.. 
The next morning I get up.. Get dressed and leave Shannon sleeping.. I leave a note.. “Shannon, I love you.. I know what I have to do.. It’s about to get bad but please have faith in me.. I hope you meant what you said last night.. I want you to be those things too..  Love Maggie.” I call Emma.. I meet her for coffee.. “Ok, here it is.. I don’t know if you know that Jared cheated again.. but he has..” I tell her.. “I know..” she says.. ‘I need a divorce.. I can’t take this anymore..  What do I need to do Emma?” I ask. “Let me check into some things..” she tells me.. I go to Jared’s room.. I know on the door.. He answers it.. Half naked.. I walk in and turn.. “Jared, I want a divorce.. You have promised me over and over you would change.. But here we are once again..” I tell him.. He stares at me “And what if I don’t want a divorce..” he asks.. “Jared who was at the door.” Blondie walks into the room with just a sheet.. “Wow really.. I am his wife.. Guess you were not to concerned where I was or maybe you were making sure I was out of the way so you could continue..  Goodbye Jared.” and I walk out the door.. My phone rings.. It’s Emma.. “I can book you on a flight to Vegas.. File for divorce and within 5 weeks, its done..” she tells me.. “Let’s do it.” I tell her.. I go back to Shannon.. “Hey where have you been?” he asks.. I am getting a flight to vegas, filing for divorce will be finale in 5 weeks.. I told Jared and i’m sure he didn’t care he had a girl in his room.. The question is do you want all those things you told me?” I asked.. “Yes, I do..” he says.. I kiss him and walk out the door to meet Emma.. Vegas here I come.. 
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wafflesetc · 7 years
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House Hunters International: Outlander Edition
Obviously a crack!idea that has come to life. Yes, I do spend a wee too much time watching House Hunters, but who doesn’t. We’re going to go with this being an modern AU for our Jamie and Claire. Two little girls, Faith and Brianna as well. As of right now, this is going to be a 4 parter story because in house hunters we always get the little background into the family, then they tour three different properties, and then we see them living happily ever after in the house that they chose. So, I am planning to stick to that format as well. Shout out to @futurelounging and @bonnie-wee-swordsman for this crack!fic idea and helping me spawn off some thoughts to get this plot bunny into motion.
To say I was tired was an understatement. I had not washed my hair in nearly three days, slept more than a consecutive 4 hours in a row in four days and had not seen my husband in the daylight in almost five. Residency was going to be the actual death of me. I had vomit from a two year old with a pneumonia on my scrub bottoms, some lady’s blood from bed 4 on my scrub top, and I had iodine stains on my *new* converse shoes from the trauma that had made me go over my clock out time, by four and a half hours. It was now nearing two AM and as I closed my locker in the resident’s lounge and sat on the bench. I put my hands in my face and heard the door open. *What I would do for five minutes alone.* I thought to myself, contemplatively.
“What are you still doing here, Lady Jane?” I heard Joe Abernathy ask me. With a sigh of relief, I looked up and smiled at my dear friend.
“A trauma rolled in just as I was about to clock out. Being chief resident is going to be the death of me, Joe.”
“Maybe so, LJ. But I have to admit, you’re the only one who was even remotely equipped with the skill set to take those nails out of that man’s head. Aren’t you off for the next few days?” Joe asked as he took off his lab coat and hung it on his locker, right across from mine.
“I am off for four, glorious days. I can’t wait to kiss my husband and get no sleep because of toddlers. And have a pager that is going to stay permanently off.” I replied as I turned my pager off. “But we’re finally going house hunting. I can’t handle a 1100 square foot flat with two toddlers and being on the third floor. Between strollers, diaper bags, groceries, and lack of sleep, both Jamie and I have decided we need to move to a bigger place.”
“Ah.” Joe laughed as he washed his hands in the sink. “I remember hunting for our first house. We thought we were on the same page with what we wanted out of a house and then we looked at the first three and well… The wife and I wanted very different things.”
I had to laugh, that was the feeling I was expecting to happen with me and Jamie as well. “I have a feeling that is what my experience is going to be like. And I don’t know who will back down first, me or Jamie.”
Joe sat down next to me, patting me on the shoulder. “Well, marriage is just a game of give and take, or being stubborn till you both get what you want. We found that when we walked into the house, it just felt like home. Don’t fret, LJ. You’l find the place you’re meant to raise your red headed Frasers. I promise.”
I smiled at him, standing up and grabbing my bag. “Thanks, Joe. Now I’m going home to kiss my husband and hopefully spend some time with him before one of my spawns decides to wake up before dawn.”
As I got home, I quietly peered into the second bedroom and looked at the girls, asleep in their cribs. I dropped my bag on the couch and crossed the room to our bedroom. I opened the door to find Jamie in his usual starfish position. I slipped out of my scrubs and threw on my pajamas. I pulled the duvet down and started to slide into my side of the bed, as to try and not wake Jamie up. I quietly gasped as I felt his cold hands on my the sides of my hip.
“Jamie!” I said, in almost a whisper.
“There ye are.” Jamie said as he pulled me on top of him, slowly undoing my pajama bottoms. “I have missed ye.”
Having seen not nearly enough of my redheaded husband, I kissed him on his bare chest. “Are you sure you want to do that, I smell like a sterile hospital and I haven’t washed my hair since I bathed the girls before my shift the other day, and I’m pretty sure you’re exhausted because—”
I was cut short by Jamie’s mouth overcoming mine. He kissed me slowly, shimmying my pajama bottoms off. I could feel his cold feet kick them off the bed and onto the floor. I smiled into his kiss, pushing my hips down onto his.  
“Eager as well, are ye?” Jamie said as I felt him grab my elbows and roll us over so he was on top. “Ye do smell like a hospital, Claire. But I havena seen ye in almost five days. I need ye and I need ye, badly.”
I grabbed the top of his boxers pushing them off his hips.
“You do need me badly.” I laughed as I pulled his head down to mine.
“I’m tired of sharing ye with the hospital. Tonight, it’s just me and you, mo nighaen donn.” Jamie said as he slowly started to slide himself home.
“Oh, GOD, I’ve missed you.” I squeaked as he pushed my hips down into the mattress setting the rhythm. Jamie was slow and steady, taking his time, throughly showing me how much he had missed me. And when he slowed himself even slower for a minute, he cusped my face with his right hand bringing my attention to him for a moment, and was holding himself steady above me with his left hand.
“Ye need to stop making so many squeaky noises, Sassenach. Yer gonna wake the lassies up. Drywall in the new house, these plaster walls are not going to cut it.” Jamie said sternly. I laughed and kissed the hollow on his neck. I reached up grabbing his ass pulling him back down so his full weight was on me.
“Yes, master.” I playfully replied. “Wait till we can christen every surface in what will be our home.”
I felt Jamie smile into my curls, but as he started to move at a more erratic pace I was blissfully sent into oblivion.
I woke up to an empty bed. Not surprising, I thought to myself, Jamie knew I needed the sleep and I figured he got up with Faith and Brianna. I walked over to the closet, grabbing my robe and wrapping myself in the blue fleece.  I quickly made the bed and tried to brush the birds nest on top of my head but settled for throwing it up in some sort of a messy bun.
As I made my way to the door, I heard the soft giggles of Bree and I heard Faith yapping some nonsense to Jamie. I smiled. *God it was so good to be off for a few days.* I walked down the hallway to the smell of pancakes and butter. I watched as Jamie flipped one over and then turned to settle Bree in her highchair, feeding her a scoop of something orange.
“MAM!” Faith squealed as she ran into my arms.
“Hi baby!” I muttered as I scooped her up into my arms. “What’s da making you for breakfast?”
“Pwancakes! With sprinkles today too. Da says we gonna go shoppin for some fin later today!” Faith said as she stuck her syrupy hands on my face.
“Faith.” I heard Jamie say as he took the rag from the counter and wiped her hands. “I told ye not to touch anything until ye washed that syrup off your hands.” 
“Don’t burn the pancakes, Jamie.” I said as I took the rag from his hands. “I’ll take the girls. Let’s eat and get ready. I told Joe we’d drop them off at noon and we’re meeting with Mrs. Crook at 12:45 to go over what we want and don’t want in a place.” 
Jamie huffed and smiled as he turned back to the stove. “As ye wish, Sassenach.” 
“I canna believe we are bairn free for a whole day.” Jamie said as he pulled into the realtor’s office parking lot.
“I can’t believe we’re both off and finally looking for a bigger place. If I step on one more teething toy when I get home from a shift, I am going to go bonkers!” 
Jamie laughed as he opened my door and handed me my coat. “Well, Sassenach, ye are already as ye say, bonkers. Ye married a Fraser.” 
“I sure did, didn’t I?”I said as I pulled him into the office.
Mrs. Crook’s office was warm and welcoming. A fair yellow on all the walls, a tiny desk with a computer and three big chairs. 
“Och! That must be the Frasers!” Mrs. Crook called from the back room. “I shall be with the two of ye in just a moment!” 
“Take yer time.” Jamie said as he took a seat in one the chairs. I quietly walked around the office, taking stock of all the pictures of families on the wall with their ‘sold’ signs. 
“That will be the two of ye verra soon!” I heard from behind me as Mrs. Crook showed up with a pile of folders. “Let’s sit down and go over your must have lists, aye? Then narrow it down from there.” Mrs. Crook led me over to her desk. “Och. And ye must be Mr. Fraser. I have heard nothing but good things, mister!” 
“James Fraser.” Jamie said as he stuck his hand out to Mrs. Crook. 
“Mrs. Crook.” She replied happily and then took her seat. 
Jamie smiled and took my hand in his. 
“First home?” Mrs. Crook asked. 
“Can ye tell?” Jamie asked with a large smile on his face. 
“Sure can, the two of ye look like yer in over yer heads a bit, but dinna fash. I shall find ye the home of yer dreams. But first, we must go over what ye want and what ye willna want.” 
Jamie let out a breath and sat back in his chair. “Claire’s commute has to be shorter than 30 minutes. I would like as much land as we can. Something around 7 or 8 acres, if possible. And weel, preferably something with dry wall over plaster walls because.” I felt Jamie’s hand tighten on mine and saw the red flare on the tips of his cheeks.  “Och, Claire likes to make squeaky noises when she’s in bed with me and Brianna is a light sleeper. You dinna want to wake a sleepy, cranky, red heided Fraser baby.” 
“Jamie.” I said as I took my hand from out his grasp. “Mrs. Crook probably does not need to hear about that.” 
Mrs. Crook laughed and smiled. “Dinna fash yerself, that is a verra reasonable request. And Mrs. Fraser what are yer requirements?”
I took a deep breath and gave Jamie a look. Two can play this game. 
“Something a bit modest. A bit bigger than 1100 square feet, maybe around 2400 square feet. I’m not too picky. Although, I do love some good oak floors. My absolute must haves though would be a three bed two bath place. That’’s the minimum.” I said as I took one of the folders Mrs. Crook placed in my direction. I smiled and opened it. “And definitely dry wall, not plaster. Jamie likes to say ‘Oh, God’ and I don’t want a cranky Fraser myself.”
Mrs. Crook handed Jamie a folder and laughed. “Weel, that means newer construction for sure, if ye really want the dry wall. If not, sounds like ye’d have yerself TWO cranky Fraser’s Claire, and I willna lie, a cranky Jamie might be worse.”
Jamie laughed as he took the folder from her hands and opened it. “Ye best believe it.” He muttered under his breath.
Mrs. Crook put her hands down on the desk grabbing both our attentions. “So, it sounds to me like ye need a 3 bed 2 bath place, minimum. A decent amount of land, newer construction and preferably as close as we get Claire to the hospital but not too close to the city, aye?” 
I smiled and reached for Jamie’s hand, intertwining our fingers. “That sounds exactly like what we need.” 
“Weel, I have three different properties in mind. What do ye say we go look at the first one today?” Mrs. Crook said as she grabbed her purse from off the desk. 
“Ye lead the way, Mrs. Crook. The Frasers are yers for the day.” Jamie said as he squeezed my hand in return. 
“We must be off then, this first one is the furthest away!” Mrs. Crook said as we all stood up, Jamie and me following close behind her. 
“You two just follow me in your car. It’s about a thirty minute drive from here.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” I said as I grabbed the keys from out of Jamie’s hands. “I’m driving.” I shouted to Jamie as he slid into the passenger seat. 
As sleep deprived as I was, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face and neither could Jamie.
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7 Days into 2018
Well here we go, entry number 2. We are officially seven days into 2018, and I feel like now things are about to get started again for myself, after the Xmas Break and New Year celebrations. This week was a lot of the first of 2018 in some ways. First ‘Wrestling Drills Class’ of 2018, for those who have no idea what I am talking about. Some time ago now, I started running a wrestling class, that really focuses on the in ring cardio portion of wrestling. Even if you haven’t wrestled in a wrestling ring, anyone who watches wrestling, will realise like any sport that it requires a lot of stamina & agility. Myself and guys like Gabriel Kidd, Alex Gracie, LJ Heron, Visage, Garrett Bond among others, began to really push ourselves in this area, focusing on drills that we’d seen used in WWE try outs or the NXT Performance centre, along with HIIT Cardio workouts such as card workouts.  Towards the end of 2015 I started to become quite close with another UK wrestler on the scene, after admiring his promo ability, I got the chance to wrestle him one on one, this being ‘Savy Sid Scala’. Before I move on, I will also add that I think in terms of gimmicks on the independent scene Sid Scala is one of the top ones around, plus in terms of dedication and thinking about his craft once again Sid tops the charts in those areas. The reason I bring my friendship up with Sid, Is he became interested in taking part in these ‘Drills Classes’. He started to make the bus journey from London every week, just so he could do these classes with us. From there, I think this inspired other wrestlers from other parts of the country to start coming down. It’s really built a close group and friendship between a group of guys who may not have had the opportunity to spend as much time as we do together now. Names like Amir Jordan & David Graves for example travelling from Leeds, both who in my opinion are all ready in the process of having break out years for themselves in 2018. Both incredibly dedicated and skilled and have a lot to offer, which a lot of people are finding out currently. Then Saxon Huxley, who I met at a local show a couple of years ago. The first time I met him, I liked the way he carried himself and knew he was someone I could get on with. From being around each other from the WWE UK stuff, I can very easily say Saxon has become one of my best friends. Such a top gent, he loves professional wrestling and works bloody hard at it, and deserves all the success that will come his way. The reason I bring the background of this class up, for anyone reading this, is that this kind of stuff showcases what can be great about pro wrestling. Putting together a group of guys, different ages, different experience levels, different backgrounds but all who are dedicated and want to push each other to help them succeed. This Tuesdays class saw myself, Gabriel Kidd, David Graves, Amir Jordan, Visage, JC Thunder (Great Guy, Hard Worker) & some new faces Kip Sabian (Another guy that I’ve really enjoyed getting to know), Joe Nelson (One To Watch For Sure), Miles. Putting in a good start to the first class, looking forward to pushing myself along side these guys and others for the rest of the year.
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Wow, I’ve just looked back and realised there’s a lot of paragraphs dedicated to one topic. Not sure if that’s a good or bad things. I will let you decide. Also as I finished my first blog entry, I mentioned I was going to take my Elevation class that evening in Leicestershire. That was fun, to see a lot of the guys for the first time this year, everyone worked hard and we kicked things off well. Once again, another thing I’m looking forward to this year, is seeing the Elevation students continue to grow as performers and seeing where this year takes them.
There seems to be a class/seminar theme to this blog. So I’ll end on talking about today (Sunday Jan 7th). My first wrestling gig of the year, I was asked by ‘Falling Star Wrestling’ based in Kings Lynn to come down and take a seminar for them. I will also add, by no means, do I think I know it all, when it comes to professional wrestling. That’s why I still continually train and try and attend seminars with professionals such as Marty Jones, Dave Taylor, Johnny Saint, Ricky Steamboat, Rockstar Spud among others over recent years. What I can do, when I’m asked to come down and help out at a school, is try and pass down knowledge that has been given to me. I can also try and help people not make the mistakes that I did. Don’t get me wrong, we all make mistakes inside and outside of professional wrestling, it’s apart of life. Though having some experience in a field, allows you to try and help people from not making the ones you have made. I try and stress whenever I give my opinion on something, that, that is all it is an opinion and my opinion alone. That doesn’t make it right or wrong, whether you take the advice or not, is down to the person. As for anybody reading this blog, I could ask you all “Who are your favourite professional wrestlers?” or “What is your favourite movie of all time?” I’d bet money, that we would all have different answers to those questions. That’s why I lot of us love wrestling in the first place, is the fact that it is subjective. We don’t all have to like the same thing, because there is enough variety, that there will be something or someone that we do like. So I can’t hate someone for example for not liking me, it’s there opinion, there entitled just as I am to mine.
In regards to the class I was very impressed with the students who took part. They listened to what I had to say, they implemented a lot of the advice that I gave them, and as the class went on, in the small window of time we had together, I noticed improvements. There was definitely some faces in there, that I’d be be very interested to see where things take them in the future. I don’t want to leave out any names. The two females in the class I though had unique looks and did fantastic, one being Ashleigh who did a great job of portraying her character without me ever seeing it before. There was a young man there named Jack who I would later find out, is only 13 Years Old!!! Who was very impressive, reminded me a lot of Joe Nelson in the sense, that he seemed wise above his years, especially for someone so young. There was plenty of others who stood out, Falling Star definitely have some good young up and coming talent, and truly was a pleasure to be apart of their academy today. Thankyou for having me guys. (Photo From Todays Class At Bottom Of This Post) Well I think I will close it on that. Tomorrow I start the first workout of a new 6 week workout plan, that my good friend and fellow WWE UK Star Tucker has given to me. Wish me luck, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this, if not, sod you ;). Until next time. P.S Thankyou to Shaun & Pat for their company today, especially to Shaun for driving. Top Gent
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blamebrampton · 7 years
10 years, today
It was a decade ago. A woman I’d never met but had instantly liked on reading her words (Hi, Libby! It breaks my heart your LJ is deleted) posted 20 Random Facts About Scorpius Malfoy and said she wished someone would write a fic about them. Naively, I did, thinking that it would be a thing we shared and that made her smile. Over half a million words (not all in this story, mind), many friends, and much silliness later, today is the day I wrote about in Sins of the Fathers!
Happy first day at Hogwarts, lads. Sorry about everything I got wrong, but we weren’t to know back then! What a path it sent me down…
He meets Al on the Hogwarts Express.
The small, black-haired boy barrels into his compartment and declares: "You're Scorpius Malfoy!
Scorpius agrees that he is.
"We need to be friends, or it will look stupid," the boy continues. "And my big brother will think he knows everything, when really he's not that smart."
Scorpius nods slowly. "OK," he begins. "Except I'm not sure who you are."
"I'm Albus Potter," the new boy puts out his hand, which Scorpius shakes politely. "Albus Severus Potter."
Scorpius blinks slowly. "We have the same middle name," he announces.
Al drops into the seat beside him. "Oh, well then we have to be friends," he declares.
"I suppose we do," Scorpius smiles back. "Do you like Quidditch?"
"Oh yeah! My Aunty knows Victor Krum! And I've met him, and he was really nice." The record-holding player has recently signed a contract to coach the English team after a disastrous English World Cup outing, his name is like gold, and even works on Scorpius.
"Is he tall?"
"No, but he's really strong. And he's really fast." Albus stops himself before launching into his Short Essay on the Virtues of Krum, there'll be time for that later. "Do you know what house you want to be Sorted into?" he asks.
"I haven't really thought about it," Scorpius lies. "What about you?"
"If it's not Gryffindor, I may die," Al declares with feeling.
"I hope it's Gryffindor, then, I don't have any other friends." Scorpius is gratified when he makes Al laugh.
"Chocolate frog? I got a stack from my Dad, he says the trolley takes ages to get through the train." Albus offers a handful of the brightly wrapped sweets and Scorpius takes one.
"Thanks, I love these, but Mum says they'll rot my teeth."
"My Mum says everything good is bad for you. She doesn't like me reading comics or watching scary movies, but Dad doesn't mind."
Scorpius is entranced. "Your Dad lets you watch movies?"
Albus smiles, he realises that is a winning shot. "Oh yeah, we go to the cinema all the time. And we have a computer that you can just watch TV and things on." And he knows this is a risk, for while the Ministry is more relaxed about wizards and Muggle technology these days, it is still not the done thing.
Scorpius leans close to him and whispers. "We have a projector and some days my Dad closes all the curtains and we watch old films. I like the Sherlock Holmes ones, with Basil Rathbone. Have you seen them?"
Albus has not. "Have you seen football?"
Scorpius has not. For a moment this stops conversation. Albus restarts it. "I could watch movies with you at your house in the hols, maybe, and you could watch football at my house. It's really good, it's like Quidditch without brooms but with really angry men with whistles."
"In the hols."
"Yeah, cos you have your friends over for hols, right?"
Scorpius is smiling. "Right."
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geekmama · 7 years
Still trying to complete that table of 100 prompts at LJ’s Sherlock100 community (for my own satisfaction, LJ is such a ghost town any more that I doubt if I’ll post there, even when I finish it). Haven’t had much time to write lately, but I only have a few prompts to go and it seems a shame to give up now. This one is for the “Christmas” prompt -- Christmas here used in the strictly Sherlock sense.
Sherlock had been back on terra firma for almost two weeks, and John had watched him plunge into a routine that alternated between long, manic bouts of crime-solving -- double murders, stolen pets, and everything in between -- and brief, but intense moments of introspection that were no less worrisome for being understandable. It had, after all, been a tumultuous year for him, what with several narrow escapes from death and hair-raising behaviors that seemed to obliterate the boundaries of what he would do “for a case”. Not to mention his increasing awareness of what people and sentiment actually meant to him, which was at the root of it all. John could see why Mycroft feared for his little brother. Sherlock was deep in the throes of becoming human again, and for a man for whom the word “extreme” was obviously invented, it was an alarming prospect.
John and Greg Lestrade were watching over him as best they could, however, and so were privileged to witness an encounter that set one more nail in the coffin of Sherlock’s “machine” status.
“Ten to one Molly Hooper would know exactly how to interpret all this,” Lestrade said, pointing and frowning over the photographs of the victim, evidence in the latest puzzle he’d brought to Sherlock. “Maybe we’d better run over to Barts.”
“Not there,” said Sherlock. “She’s off today, pedicure at noon, then lunch with that friend of hers, Meena, at 1:30. Probably home right now, though. Let’s go.”
John found himself scowling. “How do you know all that? Did you hack her personal calendar?”
“If she doesn’t mind why should you?” Sherlock said, dismissively.
“She’s aware you do it, then?”
“Well, she’s known me for years, John. She’s not precisely stupid.”
Lestrade merely shook his head with that you have to laugh look in his eyes, but John’s scowl deepened.
However, when the three of them were standing in front of Molly’s door some fifteen minutes later, John’s annoyance with his friend and colleague was much assuaged when the petite pathologist opened the door within a minute of Sherlock’s peremptory rap.
“Hi, guys!” Molly said brightly, smiling up at them.
Lestrade grinned, and John felt himself smiling back, too, even as the word “adorable” popped into his head. But Sherlock… just stared. Quite knocked acock.
Molly’s usual pert ponytail was in evidence, but that’s where usual ended. She’d been exercising, apparently, doing yoga or something very like, for she was dressed in black leggings and a purple, feather-patterned sports bra. Modest enough, really, though the bra did leave her midriff bare, and the ensemble did nothing to hide precisely how fit she was. Small, and surprisingly shapely, and beautifully proportioned, with a glow of good health about her.
Sherlock, however, seemed bereft of words, and Molly’s smile faded just a little, a pretty blush stealing over her cheeks. “Sherlock…” she began, uncertainly.
But Lestrade chuckled, stepping forward. “Don’t mind him, Molls, apparently he doesn’t know quite everything about you. Now here, will you take a look at these and tell us what you make of the pattern of bruising -- it’s baffled all of us, even the consulting git, here.”
Goaded, Sherlock said, “I merely want my theory confirmed…” But his voice trailed off and he stepped aside without protest as Lestrade pulled out the photographs again.
John watched Sherlock watching Molly. Her head bent toward Lestrade’s as she studied the evidence and gave her thoughtful replies to his questions. Sherlock began to look less than pleased as the discussion went on, his hands curling into fists once or twice before he remembered himself. Then he straightened his fingers, and his back and shoulders, schooling his expression, though his eyes narrowed when he glanced over at John.
But John couldn’t have stopped his smirk for a thousand pounds.
Finally Lestrade said to Sherlock, “Well, looks like you were on the right track.”
Sherlock nodded. “It’s always good to have confirmation from a professional, however,” he said with contained approbation. Molly looked up at him, surprised and pleased, and Sherlock cleared his throat slightly, his eyes helplessly sweeping over her lithe form once more, a tinge of color rising. “We’d better go, you’ll be late for your pedicure,” he blurted, turning away, and rather unfortunately added, “My regards to Meena!”
Molly’s brows drew together in annoyed realization as Sherlock strode quickly toward the car.
Lestrade patted her arm, laughter in his eyes. “Now, now, you know what he is. Thanks for the assist, Molly, you’re a peach as always.”
Molly took a deep breath through her nose, still glaring at Sherlock’s retreating form. “Always a pleasure working with you, Greg. And you, John.”
“Cheers,” John said, still smirking, and followed Lestrade back to the car in Sherlock’s wake.
Once they were seated and on their way, John said, quite casually, “Molly was looking well, wouldn’t you say, Sherlock?”
But Greg gave a bark of laughter. “Well? Lord, that’s nowhere near the mark! If I wasn’t close to reconciling with Mrs. L., I have to say I’d be sorely tempted . Sorely tempted.”
Sherlock was muttering something that vaguely sounded like “Shut. Up!” as he stared out the window.
John continued smirking and wondered how soon he’d have a chance to text Mary. “Machine” my arse!
Dinner? - SH
Molly, recognizing the text alert, pulled out her mobile and sighed, a combination of exasperation and amusement.
“Sherlock?” Meena asked with a wry grin. “What’s he need now?”
“Dinner, apparently,” Molly said, resigned. Her finger slid over the keypad.
OK. Mine or yours? - MH
She said to Meena, “At least I’ll be able to rake him over the coals about the hacking.”
Meena sniffed. “You think that’ll stop him?”
“No, but--”
Angelo’s. - SH
Molly stared. Then sent a reply.
The restaurant? - MH
“What’s he say?” Meena demanded, apparently alert to Molly’s expression.
Molly flushed. “Nothing. He just wants Italian, I think.”
You want Italian? Are you going to pick it up or shall I? - MH
I’ll pick YOU up. - SH
At 7. - SH
Molly gaped, first at the message, then at Meena, then at the phone again.
Meena said, “Give me that!” and grabbed the phone.
“Meena!” Molly objected.
“Good lord! Is he asking you out?” Meena exclaimed gleefully, on reading the brief conversation. And then the text alert sounded once more and Meena gave a shout of laughter and handed Molly the phone, grinning like a fiend.
It’s called a date, I believe. - SH
Molly stared at the words.
“Well?” demanded Meena after a minute. “Aren’t you going to reply? Serve him right if--”
“Shush!” Molly said, rounding on her friend a little fiercely -- though she knew Meena had reason to feel that way. Still…
Yes. OK. 7. - MH
You could have asked me in person, this morning. - MHx
There was a rather long pause. Then…
You know I prefer to text. - SH
Molly gave a small snort.
Alright. But we’re still going to have a DISCUSSION about you hacking my phone. AGAIN. - MHx
There was another longish pause, but just as Molly began to fear she’d pushed too far, the text alert sounded once more and she smiled at the brief concluding message.
Yes, ma’am. - SHx
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tellytantra · 4 years
Adi was sitting on his bed silently. It had been less than two days amidst which he had to say  goodbye to his mother twice!!! He felt sad and lonely. But more than that, he felt angry. Angry at  everyone and everything that had surrounded him. Pari as usual was making plans on how to reunite  their parents but for the first time he felt disinterested. Did it really matter? Piya was very clear when  she said she had her reasons and didn’t stop for them also. Then what result would Pari’s stupid  plans bring? He walked out of their room and knocked at Ansh’s door. “May I come in papa?” “Yes beta! Since when  do you need permission?” Ansh smiled at him but it didn’t melt Adi’s heart even a little bit. “Can you  answer a question?” “Sure! What is it?” “You have always told me that mumma had left us. But today  she said you had thrown her out when she came to you. Is it true?” Ansh was stunned. After everything  that had happened earlier that day, he was praying that his seven years old wouldn’t question him  because he had no proper answer to that. “You haven’t answered my question papa. Did you throw  mumma out or not?” “Yes! But there was a reason for that.I can explain.” “I don’t want to hear that; not  anymore.” Adi turned around and left Ansh’s room. Ansh felt helpless; he was having a hard time to  come to terms with the revelations himself. It was no wonder that Adi was behaving so coldly with  him. Adi returned to his room and Pari came out running, “Where were you? Stop behaving like a LJ and  wasting time. We need to make some plan to bring mumma and .....” “Just shut up Pari!!! Do whatever  you want to do but leave me alone!!!” Adi shouted so loudly that Ansh could hear it from his room. He  rushed to their room and found Adi was fuming and Pari was visibly upset. “What’s the matter with  you Adi? Does anyone behave like this with his little sister?” “Stop advising me papa and spare some  advice for your darling daughter also.” “Adi!!! Mind your language!” Ansh lost his cool. Vedashree was  passing by. Upon hearing their loud voices, she came to the room and took Adi with her. “What’s the matter beta? You never behave rudely with anyone. Then what happened today? Why are  you misbehaving with your papa and Pari?” Adi didn’t replay and kept quiet. Vedashree heaved a sigh.  As much as she wanted to overlook Ansh’s faults, she knew his one wrong decision had destroyed his  entire family. Piya moved on and had Pari but it was Adi who had suffered the most – grew up  without a mother and had a lifeless father who hadn’t been himself. But it was enough!!! For once  she needed to prioritize Adi over everyone else, no matter the consequences. She asked the driver to  take out their car and took Adi with her. Adi didn’t notice where they were going until the car stopped in front of Nishant’s building and he got  surprised. “Why have we come here dadi?” “You need to talk to your mumma.” “But I don’t want to.”  Adi protested and looked away to hide his tears. “I am not asking for your permission Adi. I am telling  you what you need to do.” She got down from the car and signaled Adi to get down. Piya heard the doorbell and went to open the door. She was surprised seeing Adi with Vesadhree.  “Piya! I know we have had our differences and we’ll need much time to resolve all the issues. But your  son needs you.” Before Piya could open her mouth, Vedashree left the place immediately leaving Adi  with her. Piya looked at Adi. The dried up tears on his cheeks were visible. It broke her heart to watch  her son in that condition. She held his hand and bought him to her room. Adi was blankly staring at the walls. On one corner, there was a big photo frame containing Piya and  Pari's photograph but there was no picture of him! He felt abandoned all over again. Piya sat beside  him and gently stroked his back. There was a windchime on her balcony that rang suddenly and for a  second Adi’s face lit up. Piya looked away to wipe off her tears and then started talking. “You have  always loved that sound, even before you were born.” Adi looked at her with confusion. “Whenever I  used to ring a bell in the temple, I could hear your laughter and during the most difficult phase of my  life, you were the only one who was there with me. In a way, it was our little world.” Piya smiled a little  recalling when she was pregnant with Adi. “When you were a kid, we used to play all day and you were  really naughty!” Piya was about to say something else when Adi stopped her midway, “Why did you  leave me then? Didn’t you care about me?” Piya felt exhausted. Deep down, she was prepared for that  question but it would have been much easier if Adi hadn’t been so little. How could she explain her  agony to him? She didn’t want to tarnish Ansh’s image in front of Adi. Neither did she want to give  him any false hope.She just cursed herself that she made her son go through the same pain she had  endured during her childhood – feeling abandoned by her parents at a small age. “I didn’t leave you Adi! I just wanted to protect you from myself.” “Why? What happened to you?” “Just  like today we had a fight with Bhasmika, when you were little, a horrible battle took place. We defeated  the Kalishaktis but I lost my mother in that battle.” “Nani died in that battle!!!” Adi was shocked. “Yes!”  Piya looked away to control herself. “It was a devastating war and your papa and I decided that we  would sacrifice our powers so that we could keep you away from all these and give you a normal  childhood.” Piya paused for a second. “But for some reason, there were some residual powers left in  me and I had endangered your life. So I felt it would be better if I had left you with your papa until I got  better.” “Then why didn’t you come back?” “I wanted to but .....” Piya stopped midway because she  didn’t know how to tell Adi about what had happened between her and Ansh. “Pari was born and you  got busy with her.” Piya was shocked listening to Adi’s words. “You had a new baby with powers and  decided you didn’t want me anymore.” “How could you even think that Adi?” Piya’s voice chocked. “I  told what I had seen in cartoon. The Ugly Duckling – one duck was different and even his family didn’t  want him. I suppose Pari was better than me; she had powers. So you just left me alone with papa.”  “That’s not true!!!” Piya broke down completely and hugged him tightly. “Then why didn’t you come back for me?” Adi finally let his guard down and started confessing what  was bothering him. “When I told you that Monster Auntie had kidnapped Pari, you barged into our  house. For Pari, you fought with papa as well. But when everything got over, you just left the place! You  recognized me in that temple that day, didn’t you? That’s why you were approaching towards me in  the camp. But why did you stop? Even if papa had forbidden you, why couldn’t you argue with him for  me like you did for Pari?” Adi continued sobbing. “You promised me in that broken car that you would  never leave me again. But you left me anyway. Papa just chose not to talk about you. He didn’t answer  any of my question and moved all of your pictures from our house. He kept telling me that you had left  us and now you are saying that you wanted to come back but couldn’t!!! Whom should I believe then,  tell me!!!” After that sentence, what could Piya say to Adi? She just continued comforting her little boy  and gave him some time. After a while, when she felt Adi had calmed down a bit, she started talking, “I wish you were a bit  more matured so that I could explain my reasons to you. But I can try. I know you are feeling angry and  betrayed that your father and I had never given any explanation to you. But I had my reasons.” Piya  paused for a moment. “When my powers went out of control, I expected your papa would support me.  But he didn’t. Like today you are feeling that everything you have known all along has been a lie; that  moment I felt the same. Because I love your papa way too much.” Adi quickly looked at Piya and that's  when she realized what she had just said. “I loved your papa too much and he gave me everything I  could have asked for – love, family, you! Which is why I felt even if the entire world had abandoned me,  your papa would have always been there for me. But he didn’t. When my powers got out of control and  I almost hurt you, for a moment I felt he was right in his stand; that I should stay away from you so  that you remain safe. But after Pari had been born, all I could think about was his changed behavior  and feared that he would never accept Pari. We had already been separated. Besides, no matter how  angry I was with everyone, I knew that you would be well taken care of. And I didn’t want you to witness  our ugly fight. I thought, slowly you would forget me and that would be best for you." Piya tried hard to maintain her composure and continued, "I got separated from my patents when I  was very young. Your nani and nanu papa had a fight and maa walked out of the house holding my  hand. I was hoping for a miracle that may be, baba would stop us; may be everything would get sorted  out. But it didn't. And then maa got kidnapped one day. Before leaving me, she said she would come  back for me and I kept waiting. But she never came back." Piya broke down completely. "She might  have died in the Pralay-Yudh but I had lost her way before that. We reunited but Mohana killed her. My  aunt had resurrected her later but then she died in the war while fighting for the good side. Every time I  had lost her, she took a part of my soul with her." Adi felt devastated seeing Piya's condition. He  wanted to hold her hand or say something to soothe her but didn't understand what words should  he choose. "It's ironic that I have felt abandoned for most of my life but at the end of the day, I left you alone. At  least I had some hope that one day, my mother would come back for me but I didn't give you any such  assurance because...." "Because?" " Because if I took one step towards you, then I held myself back  thinking about your papa and and the pain he had caused me. And it wasn't just about the   misunderstanding or his lack of trust in me; by the time Pari was born, you grew up a little and you  would have definitely understood that something was wrong. All I could think about was how I was  ripped apart from my mother over and over again and how it created a void in my heart. I wasn't sure  how Ansh would react to everything. I didn't want you to know about me or get attached and then face  the same heartache as me. I felt you would be better off without me. But I was wrong.” Piya tried to control herself but failed miserably. The pain she had been carrying for so long had  finally surfaced and found their way through her tears. "To be completely honest, I think more than  you, I was trying to protect myself. When I left your papa's house, you tried to stop me in your own  innocent way and nothing could ever come closer to the pain that I had felt when l left you. But  the thought that I might have to go through that pain over and over again was even more frightening.  Losing maa repeatedly left me devastated. But if I had to do the same with you, that would have ended  me. I tried to mask my fear saying I was doing it for you. But deep down, I always knew that more than  you, I was trying to protect myself. A mother's fear of losing her child won over her love; love -  that should have urged me to fight for you." Piya tried to wipe off her tears. “As parents we are supposed to take the right decision for our kids. But  parents are human too Adi. Sometimes, even we can commit mistake and it’s my biggest regret in life  that I had left you behind.” She tried to control her tears. “There hasn’t been a single moment when I  haven’t remembered you. There has never been any comparison between you and Pari because I love  you both, equally. It’s just that she was with me and I could shower my love on her. But when it came  down to you, all I could do was pray to Devi Maa that somehow you would receive that love from your  papa or someone else in the family.” Piya cupped Adi’s face and wiped off his tears. “I don’t blame you for not trusting me. You have every  right to stay mad at me because I have failed you. It doesn’t matter what my situation or intention was.  I left you alone and as you have pointed out, I have repeated it again. But there’s one thing I need you  to know.” “What’s that?” “I love you Adi! It wasn’t your fault that I had abandoned you. It was my own  weakness. You are the greatest gift of my life and I would be damned if I didn’t take enough measures  to let you know that. We have missed so much Adi. But if you give me another chance, I’ll try my best to  make it up to you. Will you give me another chance?” “What about papa or Pari?” “It doesn’t matter Adi.  Your papa and my relation has nothing to do with it. You are my son, my truest love and no one or  nothing can change that. I know you are confused about whom to believe and I give you full liberty to  choose for yourself. But the only thing that matters to me is that you realize my love for you isn’t a lie.  Even if you stop acknowledging me as your mother, you’ll always be my son and I’ll always love you.”  Piya kissed Adi on his forehead and was about to leave when Adi stopped her by holding her hand  and hugged her tightly. He could say nothing but his tears said it all for him. He was happy. Because  no matter how messed up the situation was, he got back his mother and had this assurance that she  didn’t abandon him purposefully. Piya on the other hand, felt content. Nothing mattered to her  anymore. She finally got back her Adi and the guilt that had been eating her alive all these years  subsided. This was a new beginning for them. A chance to right her wrong, a chance to try and start  over from scratch, a chance to their new beginning.  Nushy1995
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