#haven't actually watched the christmas devotional in....years
gonzo-rella · 6 months
Headcanons: Being Married To Old Man Ray Stantz
Relationship(s): old man!Ray Stantz x gn!also old!reader (romantic)
Warnings: Possibly inaccurate science words, because I'm a simpleton. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: Here's my first Ghostbusters thing! I've got a few other Ghostbusters fics in the works, mostly Ray-based reader-inserts because I'm in love with him, but I've also got a Phoebe-centric character study in the works that's based on part of her storyline in Frozen Empire. By the way, I loved Frozen Empire! I've already seen it three times, and it's such a joy. I'll try to catch it a couple more times at least before it leaves cinemas. Anyway, I haven't included any explicit spoilers for Frozen Empire in this, so you're safe to read this if you haven't seen it yet. I'd love to write more old man Ray Stantz fics, especially something involving Phoebe. I'm really excited to write for Ghostbusters, so feel free to send in requests! I've only seen the movies, but I plan on watching the Real Ghostbusters at some point soon. Also, even though I took my mum to see Frozen Empire the other day, I still don't have anyone to talk to about this movie, so please feel free to talk to me about it!)
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It’s evident that, even after all of these years, Ray is still madly in love with you.
The adoration with which he looks at you is clear as day.
Venkman has always loved to tease you both about how sickly sweet your relationship is.
He will make fake gagging when either of you are affectionate to one another when he’s around.
(He won’t admit it, but he actually finds your relationship to be kind of cute)
It’s not like either of you are overly lovey-dovey, especially now.
Ray’s naturally a very passionate and expressive guy, but he’s rarely mushy.
Still, you show one another how much you care.
I have this idea that your silent way of saying ‘I love you’ to each other is holding the other’s hand, stroking their knuckles with your thumb and smiling at them.
It just seems so cute to have this thing that you’ve been doing for your whole relationship.
Ray knows you like the back of his hand, and you know him just the same.
It’s almost scary how well you know one another.
I can imagine that there’s been a time that someone’s asked one of you a question, and the other has been able to answer it with ease.
I love the idea of Ray being with someone who’s not a scientific mind like himself.
So, if you’re not as knowledgeable about the supernatural as Ray, you’ll still have picked up on plenty of information against your will, and Ray will always be impressed with and proud of you when you manage to regurgitate or understand his ‘science-y word salad’ (as you have referred to it).
He will also find it very attractive when you talk supernatural or science to him, but he tries not to make it obvious.
His eyes still light up like he’s a kid on Christmas when he explains supernatural stuff to you or tells you about a new psychically charged item he’s bought, and you find it so endearing.
Also, I can imagine him practically forcing you to listen to Podcast’s podcast when he discovers it, and you both end up getting really into it.
As devoted as he still is to his work and his supernatural endeavours, spending time with you is his greatest priority.
He might miss being an active Ghostbuster, but the silver lining of it is that he gets more time with you than he ever used to.
Even if you both used to be Ghostbusters, it’s nice to spend time together that doesn’t involve being covered in ghost slime and shouting over nuclear accelerators.
If you’ve not got anything else to do, I think it’d be sweet if you kept him company in his store.
Phoebe and Trevor are your honorary grandkids and you and Ray are beyond proud of them, especially Phoebe, who you’re closest to of the two of them.
Phoebe will always remind the both of you of Egon, so whenever she does something particularly Egon-like, you will exchange a knowing glance, and when she’s gone you’ll end up reminiscing about your old friend.
If Phoebe or the other Spenglers ever want to hear about Egon, you’re both more than happy to talk to them about him.
Even in his golden years, Ray is still the same sweet, passionate, excitable man you married all those years ago.
Sure, the regular excitement that came with Ghostbusting is long behind you both, but you both cherish this quieter time together just as much.
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jungle-angel · 9 months
The Simple Things In Life (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: A small act of kindness on your family's part can make a huge difference for someone else
Tagging: @floydsmuse
Christmas, though one of yours and Rhett's favorite holidays, was sometimes a tough one seeing as the big warehouse behind the church had become a shelter for the homeless. You and Rhett had several friends currently living there and Pastor Jim had been having trouble getting volunteers to come and help with day-to-day activities, but it surprised you how close the community actually was and how devoted many of the farmers and ranchers were to helping out.
"Alright Doodlebug, c'mon over and help," Rhett said as he unbuckled Amy from her carseat and let her out of the truck.
He gave Amy the lightest grocery bag and into the building the three of you went. Getting out of the farm store across the street from her school, had been hell enough with last minute grocery shoppers, but thank God you had some of the leftovers from the stock at Royal and Cecelia's own farm store to bring down with you.
You and Rhett were surprised to see how festive and cheerful the place had become overnight with a tall Christmas tree in one corner of the huge room and the rows and rows of cafeteria tables each decorated with a little centerpiece or miniature tree.
You and Rhett went up to the second floor which had been converted into dormitory rooms for the residents until you reached Room 222, belonging to a friend of the Abbotts.
"Go ahead and knock sweetie pie," you told her.
Amy knocked three times on the door until it was answered by a familiar face, a heavy set man with a pleasantly round face, short curling grey hair and a laughing look in his eyes.
"Hey! There's my favorite kiddo!" he greeted happily.
"Hi Mister Herbie!!!" Amy chirped as she ran up and hugged him.
Herbie Dickenson laughed as he returned the hug and took the grocery bag from her. "The hell are you doin here Rhett?" he laughed.
"Wise men come bearing Christmas gifts, Herbie," Rhett chuckled.
"C'mon get in here," Herbie told you. "The hallways are always a shitshow this time of year."
You, Amy and Rhett entered the bare looking room and set the groceries down in one corner of the room. "You doin ok Herbie?" Rhett asked him.
"Aw much better than the other day," Herbie told him, sitting on the worn out ottoman he used frequently for a chair. "Gettin around's alot easier but the asthma's a different story. How 'bout you? How's the farm?"
"I'd say everything's good," Rhett told him. "Is uh.....are the Pavlachenkos still your roommates?"
"Still roomin," Herbie said with a nod. "Tania says they still haven't found her brother though. Ya know, I keep hopin they do but....I dunno."
Rhett felt a deep, burn beginning to well in his chest and springing into his eyes but it never came forth. "If you see Tania and her family," you said. "We made some kolach at the store. We thought she might want some."
"Aw honey, you guys are too good to us," Herbie told you. "We don't deserve ya."
"Herbie, ya'll have been through enough," Rhett told him. "We've got some canned goods and some other stuff in there from the farm store. It ain't much but, (y/n) and I hope you and the missus will appreciate it."
Herbie dug into his bag, laughing a little as he found jars of huckleberry and apricot preserves, a few wedges of cheese, a loaf or two of bread, smoked sausages, fresh cans of soup and bundles of vegetables, all of which had been surplus from the Abbott's own farm store.
"You're too good to us ya know that?" Herbie said, sniffing back the tears of gratitude as he hugged you, Rhett and Amy.
"It's the least we can do Herbie," you told him.
"Mister Herbie, can you open mine next?" Amy chirped again.
"Of course honey, c'mere, come and sit," Herbie told her.
Amy sat on the ottoman beside him and eagerly watched as Herbie opened the gift that all of you had helped her make. There were hats, mittens, scarves, wool socks and even a pair of knitted Christmas stockings that had the names of Herbie and his wife on them.
"Aw Nancy's gonna love these," he said giving Amy the biggest hug he could give.
You spent most of the evening with Herbie and visiting with some of the other residents, exchanging a few gifts here and there. You went to Mrs. Brodsky's room where Amy gave her a rather belated Hannukah gift, a little knitted square with a blue, white and gold menorah on it along with something Elie and Sarah had meant to send the week before. Even still, the elderly Ukrainian woman was more than happy to see all of you most of all.
Brian O'Dowd, who lived down the hall from Mrs. Brodsky, couldn't thank you enough for the maple syrup Royal had bottled for him. Being fresh out of prison had been tough on him, having done a three year stint for assisting in a car burglary, yet where others hadn't given him a chance, your family would and it was Rhett who had delivered the good news to Brian that Royal had agreed to take him on as a ranch hand so long as he stayed out of trouble.
Fanny King, the lead singer in the church choir, was surprised beyond all reasoning when she had received a new pair of boots from the both of you and a new coat for her husband. You and Rhett had always felt bad for Fanny and her family, her husband having been a Wabang police officer for years but his pension never having been enough to pay the nasty landlord that had run their old place. Despite the hardships they had faced, you and Rhett had stayed close with Fanny and Teddy, helping where you could and Rhett helping Teddy scout out a location to try and start his own barbershop.
You and Rhett were happier than a pair of clams in the sea, knowing that even if it was just a small little bit you could bring to your friends, it would make all the difference. You shared a quick meal with them in the cafeteria before heading home and hoped that their holidays were made just a little bit brighter.
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george-weasleys-girl · 6 months
North Star Series
Chapter 47 - Three Kisses and A Wedding
Start here:
Summary: the title says it all☺️
Warnings: other than I haven't proofread it, none
Two years ago, George and Y/N cuddled in a quiet corner booth at the back of The Three Broomsticks. His heart pounded in his chest as his eyes searched hers, looking for any sign of reluctance. He didn't know why he was suddenly so nervous. It wasn't as if he'd never kissed a girl before. Despite his disastrous track record in dating, he had actually managed to kiss a few girls before Y/N came along. Even made out with one. So, it wasn't that.
Nor was it that three pairs of eyes kept indiscreetly glancing in their direction from several tables away. Fred, Ginny, and Lee sat huddled together, watching with bated breath for the first kiss.
Well, maybe, on second thought, it was a little distracting. He'd never kissed in front of an audience before.
But that wasn't why Y/N had placed her hands over his to calm their trembling.
No, he realized it was neither of those things.
This was the first time in his life that a relationship, a real relationship, was within his grasp. And all he could think about were the millions of ways he could screw it up.
He sat there frozen, his lips inches from hers, the air buzzing with an electric current between them. This kiss was the turning point. It was both a beginning and ending to George as he knew himself. All he had to do -
"George," Y/N's voice broke through his ruminations. "Just kiss me already."
So, he did. And everything changed. His forever began right here, right then in a little, rickety booth in the back of Hogsmede's inn.
George lost himself in her soft lips and the sweet taste of butterbeer on her tongue. He deepened the kiss, pulling her into his arms and into his life, pointedly ignoring the cheers and clapping from their ecstatic audience.
It'd been a year.
Well, really, six months since she and George had been together. But could she actually count her Christmas visit? She blinked, and the whole thing was over.
As Y/N walked down the dark cobblestone street that was Diagon Alley, she couldn't help but worry if things would be the same between them. Up until now, it was a passing thought. A momentary worry, and then she'd get a letter from George, and everything would feel alright again.
Yet, the closer her return date, the more that thought plagued her. The love was still there, of course. But it wasn't their love she was worried about. It was change. The change that had already happened and the change that was yet to come. The great unknown continued to hurtle toward them at break-neck speed. Can we keep up? Can we adjust?
She locked gazes with a set of wide, unblinking eyes, tracking her every move from the inside of another dark and dusty window. Y/N gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile to her trembling watcher, who promptly closed the curtains with a loud snap, the sound of their frantic footsteps fading away into safety.
Will we survive what's coming next? She wondered with a sigh.
Lucky for her, she didn't have to wonder long.
George welcomed her with a kiss that sent her head spinning and her knees giving way beneath her. In one fell swoop, he silenced every doubt in her mind. And then, as the days and weeks passed, he obliterated them completely.
It was the happiest of days, one of the best of their lives, the day they snuck off and got married. It was a day full of love and silliness and the thrilling knowledge that they were getting away something very, very naughty.
Wearing nothing fancier than sweaters and trousers, George and Y/N pledged their eternal love and devotion, giggling and bouncing through it all. Fred teased them, calling them "kids in a candy store," even though he was giggling and bouncing around right along with them.
But then there was the kiss. Their first kiss as husband and wife. The moment their lips touched, the world screeched to a halt and then shifted itself to make room for their great and eternal love.
And now...
The day of the official ceremony had finally arrived. Y/N wore her grandmother's wedding dress and George, a three piece suit. It was a small affair, and yet it held their entire world within it. Surrounded by their family and friends and what seemed like hundreds of candles, Y/N made her way down the little makeshift aisle toward her husband. Despite already having exchanged their vows, George's eyes blurred with tears as he watched his wife walking toward him. Her whole being seemed shimmer and glow in the candlelight. And, as she grew closer, he could see her trying to hold back tears of her own.
"Look at us getting all weepy," she whispered as he took her hands in his.
George smiled and gave her hands a gentle squeeze. Look at us, indeed. A couple of sentimental fools, acting like we aren't already married.
But it was more than just dewy-eyed affection. And they both knew it. They understood what this moment meant. They belonged to each other. Wholly and completely. They'd always known that.
And now, the whole world would know it, too.
When it came to time kiss his bride, George dipped her low, kissing her with such unrestrained passion that the temperature in the room rose a few degrees.
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felicity38fornow · 1 year
Kate Bishop | Priorities
Summary: Reader comes face-to-face with his girlfriend, whom he hasn't heard from for days.
Kate Bishop x Reader
Warning: Angst, longing, little cries, some tantrums.
You were so worried that Kate hadn't returned any of your calls in the past week and her mom was arrested yesterday. You had your eyes and ears on the phone. You've been watching the news channels so much lately that you didn't care about the gangs that spread terror everywhere.
All you wanted was a message that your girlfriend was safe.
Even you yourself were tired of torturing yourself by remembering your last fight.
Your eyes are filled with tears. Your nose twitched again. You thought your tears had already run out. You're so tired and worn out, but you haven't heard from Kate.
You left the balcony floor where you collapsed with a tired sigh. Maybe even if it was Christmas, Kate wouldn't be near her. Your heart clenched and you stood for a moment on the doorframe. You've been beating yourself up for days and thinking of possibilities that should never have occurred to you, but it had never occurred to you. You didn't even give a chance. Because that's not what your Kate does. She was someone who always loved to give her love and attention. She was never a coward, she stood up and never gave up.
But ... what if she gave up?
What if she's gone?
"No, no," you said, trying to console yourself. Blinking your tired and sore eyes, you tried to get rid of the scary scenarios in your mind. "She will be back."
Kate didn't come back that day.
And in the last three days ahead of it.
When Christmas passed, you apologized to your family and made the excuse that you were too busy at work. You also added that you are planning something special with your girlfriend. They never made it a problem since they've known Kate since you were kids, and they invited you both on their next vacation.
'If she's here,' you stipulated. You didn't even know if she was alive or not.
The cops weren't very helpful to you. After people who returned five years after the blip, there were so many reports of missing persons that no one was even going to be given priority. Of course you were pissed that Kate wasn't on the priority line, but there was nothing you could do. She was all you could do, she.
In your shared flat, the house actually belongs to Kate, it had been a day or so since she had packed some of her belongings into the suitcases. You never gave up on Kate, but standing in a house full of her memories for twenty-four hours was torture. Also, the thought of her leaving you was growing stronger with each passing hour. You just hoped she wouldn't at least do it unawares. Even though she was never like that in all the long years you've known, you both became different people as you grew up. Maybe it was because of her college friends; Could she have hit her head? But you talked to all her friends. Maybe it was because your last fights were so violent? But each time you won each other's hearts.
God... Then why? Why hasn't your girlfriend been around for the last week and a half?
Didn't you do anything? Or have you done something wrong? Forgot to take out the trash? Did you hurt her? Did he think she had given up on him?
Or ... Did something happen to her?
Your heart is tight, you tightened the cabinet doors you were holding. The scattered image you could see in the mirror made you grimace. You looked awful. You're so devoted to finding Kate that you can't even remember if you ate a few hours ago. You didn't eat. Your weight dropped, your face sunk, and you always felt sad. Maybe you didn't realize that much until now, but Kate was the center of your life. She was by your side all your childhood. You grew up with it.
But she is no more.
You sighed.
You took your backpack from your bed, which had been tidy for days, and started pulling the suitcase that had been standing by the door. You didn't want to leave here, but the loneliness began to feel very difficult.
You closed doors that you left open. You're starting to check the windows for the last time. As you walked towards the hall, you heard low voices. Your heart pounded with fear and excitement. Could it have been Kate? Then who was the other person? You tried to maintain your composure.
Kate, who was arguing quietly with Clint, watched your arrival with longing. You stood at the entrance, looking at her expressionlessly. Kate wasn't used to you acting this way. However, she missed you so much that your actions did not go unnoticed. "Baby," she started to pace you.
But suddenly you took a step back, glaring at her sternly. At the same time, you didn't understand what you were doing. Kate hesitated at your movement. "Hold back." You said calmly.
"I know it's very confusing, but I'll explain everything to you-"
"I'm going,"
"You wouldn't believe what happened with Clint - What?" She didn't hesitate. "What do you mean I'm going?"
Your eyes touched the man she called Clint for a few seconds. "You stay with Clint. I mean, I'm going." You said keeping your calm. You weren't sure what to feel. "I'm sorry about your mother. Really. And if you have time, give my family some excuses, please."
"Thanks, Kate. Anyway. Nothing matters anymore, right? Besides, there's no excuse for me lying at the police station for a week and a half thinking something happened to you, right?" You mocked. "Oh, or it could be. I'm not worth it after all, huh?"
She gasped for thinking that way. Clint turned to Kate, realizing that the two of you were going to have a private conversation. "I'll be waiting downstairs." He left saying.
You looked behind the man with your mocking eyes. Besides being with the former Avengers member for weeks instead of being with you, she had even seen a message a lot. You couldn't forget that you slept in police stations at night. It's not that easy.
"Honey, I understand that you are angry." Kate began, but couldn't go on when you laughed nervously. Being angry? She really couldn't think that she was just angry. Disappointment burned all her cells. Weren't you justified in being angry?
"Anger? You think I'm angry?" You said with your voice getting louder. "Am I really angry? I've been running around for you for days, dead or alive, to find you. Just texting me was all it took."
"Everything happened so fast and dangerous. I didn't have time to tell anyone, I couldn't communicate with anyone."
"Then how did they arrest your mother?" ' you asked in a calmer tone. You weren't sure how to feel. Even being angry made you tired. Kate was tiring you out right now. Even if you're going crazy with longing, you can't ignore the part where you were wronged.
She didn't answer. Kate pushed you out of there as she started to put heroism at the center of her life. She didn't notice that. Right and wrong became the only thing that mattered to her as she faced the hero she had followed for years and fought back to back. Kate didn't really realize it, but she would understand that it was losing you. She had to set new priorities while you held her before her. Especially if he's going to keep doing this.
"I'm going, Katie," you said softly. You gripped your suitcase tightly and supported yourself from within. "Maybe it's your turn to think."
First but not bad? Share your views with me! ^^
I'm taking requests and will definitely try to write.
(English Version)
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Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @thescrumptiousbooksstuff !!
Three Ships
1. Tinn and Gun (I nearly missed discovering them but thankfully, i started watching MSP and the way these two have a strong grip on my heart 😍😮‍💨😭)
2. Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter (I may not have shipped them while reading the books, but reading all the excellent fanfics have changed my mind)
3. Prapai and Sky from Love in the Air (They are WAY too cute and oh to have my very own prapai)
[You know just HOW HARD it is to just list 3 ships, considering just how many i read fanfics for]
First Ever Ship
I mean, my first EVER ship was (still is, to be honest) Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail was my introduction to world of anime (i considered Pokemon as cartoons as they had eng dub when i watched it) and I still pray for the day they actually become canon.
My first M/M ship? That would probably be Kirk/Spock from the Chris Pine movies (AOS). They might not have had that actual onscreen romance, but their devotion to each other was simply unparalleled.
It's either that or Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale from Teen Wolf. I started shipping them while reading fanfics of them first, then watching Sterek scenes and actually watching the show only a few years ago.
Last Song
Sugar Rush Ride by Tomorrow x Together - This song and Devil by the Window from txt's lovely album The Name Chapter: Temptation have me in a tight grip.
As of writing this post, the song changed to the My School President cover of Just Being Friendly so might as well add that in. Because I LOVE this cover so so much. The MSP soundtrack is probably gonna be my part of most streamed albums this year.
Last Movie
I haven't seen an actual movie in almost 2 months. But I last watched
Matilda: The Musical on Christmas. It was such a good musical, thoroughly enjoyed watching, especially the Revolting Children sequence, it was GLORIOUS (though i still like the old movie better, this was a good nostalgic trip)
Definitely watch if you like Matilda.
Currently Reading
I'm assuming you're asking about actual original books instead of fanfics, right? Because I'm sorry but if so the last actual non fanfic stuff I've read is Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, not kidding.
I'm actually preparing for a very important pg medical exam so it's mostly like mbbs books with fanfics and genshin and some thai bls during breaks.
Currently Consuming
Black Coffee (I'm having french roast americano that i made in my coffee maker at home) and had breakfast just a while back which consisted of paranthas made with radish filling!!
I honestly didn't really expect to make friends on Tumblr because I've always been more of a lurker on this site. But I've found a lot of interesting people. I may tag you but you're in no way obligated to have to answer them, feel free to ignore if you want!
@sarahandtheninjas @theyellowhue @i-che-bi @certainpancake @petrichoraline @randomfandomtraveller @heretherebedork @quodekash @silvercrystal1
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butterflyintochains · 3 months
Best With Three: Part 1
Gabriella ''Ella'' Lemieux is a 23 year old tennis star from Montreal. A devoted cat mom, lover of the hard courts, and tennis history nerd to her atoms. Best friends with just about everyone, she courts no controversy. Beloved and admired for her elegance on court, as well as her charity work off court. One of the icons of the young Canadian King Cup Team. With her besties, Leylah and Bianca, at her side, she's unstoppable.
That is, however, until a wild Christmas in Vancouver while visiting family out west before going to Australia. When she meets two local hockey stars.
TW: some sexism, social media au, language,
Deux Moi - 1/1/2024
Looks as if we have quite the juicy story for you this new year's day, friends! The United Cup in Australia might be very spicy to watch, one of the ladies on the Canadian team was spotted in Whistler with two members of a BC based hockey team over christmas break, skiing and ice skating. Local sources say they rented a lodge to themselves, and were inseparable for their whole stay. They were seen leaving in the same car. Wonder what this is all about
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Liked by: leylahannietennis, felixaliassime, and 35k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Salut, Sydney!! So happy to be here for the 2024 United Cup with my beloved brothers and sister on Team Canada! Had a bit of a weird christmas break, Whistler is always amazing. Happy to be back in the saddle, and excited to finally get going again!
leylahanietennis: Can't wait to win this with you, sis!!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Let's get this, sunny!!
felixaliassime: You n me for doubs team?
Gabriella.Lemieux: Post me up the front, and Chile and Greece won't stand a chance, Feli!
denis.shapovalov: Hate that I'm not there 😢 please win this, guys!! I'll be with you from my couch!
leylahannietennis: Love you, Shapo! felixaliassime: Come back to us stronger, mon chum! 💕 Gabriella.Lemieux: Sending my love to you and Miri, MC!
MapleFam: Wait, wait, did you say you were in Whistler over christmas, Ella?
Gabriella.Lemieux: Yeah, I was, visiting some family out west. Why? What's happened?
taylor_fritz: That was you, Ella?
Gabriella.Lemieux: Taylor, honey, I love you dearly. But, what are you talking about? MapleFam: Looks like someone girlbossed a bit too close to the sun this winter! 😁 taylor_fritz: Check the gc, Ella, now.
New World Kids Chat 🍁🦅
Sunshine: Okay, Ella, have you seen the pictures yet or no? EllaAngel: No? Leylah, I haven't? ChampionCoco: Someone managed to get pics of you at Whistler Blackcomb with two hockey players, babes. DadFriendFritz: Apparently you three shared a lodge or something? And, went skiing together? FDoubleA: Tay, we don't know everything, maybe Ella just made some friends? DJShapo: Yeah! Maybe she just made friends out west? Who doesn't become fast friends with Ella? EllaAngel: Oh... no... oh, tabernak. MamaBianca: Ella, sweetie? EllaAngel: Oh... I am so fucking stupid. Sunshine: No, no you're not, angel, what's going on? EllaAngel: I've done something very stupid... we did something very stupid. BigFoe: What'd you do, Ella? EllaAngel: Fran, if I actually type it out, I might just keel over. Please, don't tempt fate so close to us getting back to work. Sunshine: Do you need some love, angel? EllaAngel: Yeah, sunny, I think I do. Sunshine: On my way.
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liked by: leylahannietennis, denis.shapovalov, and 250 others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Had a rough night, but my bestie leylahannietennis is always with me to help me back up. Don't know where I'd be without you, sunny. Thank you for being you, sunny! Je t'adore, mon soleil!
leylahannietennis: Happy to help, angel! You'll never be alone as long as I'm here, promise!! 😘😘
denis.shapovalov: Did you investigate the thing further?
leylahannietennis: We did, Ella has another post coming before our tie against Chile! Gabriella.Lemieux: Should be done soon, DJ!
taylor_fritz: Good to see you're taking all this in stride, Ella!
felixaliassime: I convinced Adil to let us do doubs, Ella!!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Merci beaucoup, mon chum!
biancaandreescu: Miss you both soo much, Wherever you got those hoodies, link them to me, plz.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Miss you too, BiBi. 💖💖 leylahannietennis: Can't wait for Melbourne and our breakfasts already, BiBi.💕
MapleFam: Love seeing the New World kids come out to support Ella through this rumour storm.
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liked by: leylahannietennis, felixaliassime, and 4k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Okay, long post, buckle up. So, your girl definitely girlbossed too close to the sun this winter! I went to Vancouver to see some family out west, and met these two hockey players at Whistler Blackcomb. I remember things about them, but that's it. So, I need some help.
The first guy was tall, just over six feet, had this blondish buzz cut. Swedish, named Elias. Spoke with a very heavy northern Swedish accent, said he was a forward.
The second was a bit shorter, just shy of six feet, had darker swoopy hair. American, called Quinn. Sort of sounded midwestern if I had to place his accent? Said he was a defenceman.
So, my knowledge kinda ends here. They said they were on the same team, and were best friends too! Anyway, if anyone can help me, or put me in contact with them again, that'd be awesome.
Thanks for helping me last night, Leylah!!
MapleFam: Oh, oh my God, it's true? That gossip site actually got something right? Colour me shocked!
BelieveInBlue: Crossover of the century perhaps?
bboeser: Well... this is a plot twist and a half.
leylahannietennis: Who are you, and why are you in my bestie's comments? felixaliassime: Uhh, sunny, I think he might know these two players... Go easy on my Habs, please. bboeser: Yeah, not likely.
tdemko30: Oh, my God. _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes: check your damn messages for once, please!
taylor_fritz: Ella, are you still playing now?
Gabriella.Lemieux: Of course I am, Tay.
denis.shapovalov: Oh, to be a fly on the wall in Sydney this week!
leylahannietennis: DJ, don't make this worse, please...
cocogauff: So brave of you to come out with this, Ella! But, holy hell this is weird!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thanks, cookie! Yeah, this is weird, and I messed up, and it's my dumb fault. katiecboulter: You've not messed up, Ella, you're 23, stop being so hard on yourself. Hope you find these two guys, tho, so does Alex. GabriellaLemieux: Me too! And, thanks, Katie!
conor.garland8: _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes. For the love of God, check both your messages and the gc, this is beyond urgent! Also, big fan, Ella!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you?
All Together, All In 🏒🐬
DadMillsy: Well, Petey, Huggy... care to explain yourselves? Captain Bear: Last I looked, I'm the captain, Millsy. Snatcher: Doesn't matter, what have you two done? Caldersson: Well... we met this girl at Whistler, and... stuff happened. Caldersson: Now, here we are. TheFlow: Yeah, 'this girl' is the current Canadian number two tennis player! She's in Sydney for a tournament! Captain Bear: Australia? Why is she there? Garly: Because, dummy, that's where the tennis season begins! JoDak: This shit is hilarious! DadMillsy: No, Dak, it's not. Caldersson: Wait... are we talking about Gabriella? I just looked her up, Gabriella Lemieux. Captain Bear: Ella? Oh, she was so cool! Better skier than us too. Chaos Giraffe: That's the least of your worries, boys. The optics of this aren't great. Your roster spots and letters are a concern too. DadMillsy: And, y'know? Gabriella's career? Which could be over before it begins because of this? Caldersson: What do we do, then? Snatcher: Reach out to her? She deserves that at least, right? Captain Bear: Yeah, she does. Caldersson: Good idea. TheFlow: And, for the love of God, no one tell Tocchet about this whole thing. He'll pitch one. BigHog: Good idea, Brock.
Chile fall to an onslaught from Team Canada at the 2024 United Cup. The all-in Canadians 2-1, taking both singles ties, but losing the doubles with some excellent tennis from Auger-Aliassime and Lemieux. 1/3
When asked about the recent rumours of a hookup in Whistler during her post match presser with Felix, Gabriella had this to say: ''Yeah, it's not been great, training with this cloud over me. But, I've got my friends, and hopefully this will sort itself out in time. First scandal of my career, good to get it over with early.'' This got some laughs. 2/3
When asked about if she's heard from her mystery beaus, Gabriella said: ''Not yet, I had some hockey players in my comments of the post I made. But, nothing from Elias and Quinn, no. Hope they reach out soon, I'm getting worried.'' Felix, ever the gentleman, gave her an assuring pat on the back. 3/3
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liked by: leylahannietennis, bboeser, felixaliassime, and 50k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Some sneak peeks of my kit for the 2024 United Cup, which will also be my kit for Roland Garros, and (if I'm there) the Olympics. Red and white for my home country! Had to use last year's RG kit for the Spain tie, now my actual kit has arrived from France! Still nothing from my mystery men, btw. 🙁😕
leylahannietennis: Love it on you, angel!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thanks, sunny!
cocogauff: Love it! Red's your colour, and the collar is to die for. Might ask New Balance for a polo dress too.
bboeser: They're working on it, Gabriella.
MapleFam: Ella really used a fit check post to ask her boys to get off their asses! Go off queen!
liked by Gabriella.Lemieux.
_eliaspettersson followed Gabriella.Lemieux.
_quinnhughes followed Gabriella.Lemieux.
felixaliassime: Finally!!
denis.shapovalov: About damn time!
taylor_fritz: progress!!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Okay, boys, stand down 😅
Gabriella.Lemieux DMs
_eliaspettersson: Hi, Gabriella. _quinnhughes: Sorry we took so long, we were so shocked ourselves. Gabriella.Lemieux: Hi, guys, I'm in Sydney right now. _eliaspettersson: So, we won't be able to meet up until february, then? Gabriella.Lemieux: Yeah, I'll be flying to Melbourne for the Australian Open soon. _quinnhughes: So, who are the people in your comments, then? Gabriella.Lemieux: Leylah, Felix, Bianca, and Denis are my fellow Canadians, we're basically family. Taylor and Coco are our American friends. Gabriella.Lemieux: Who are the other people in my comments? _eliaspettersson: Thatcher, Brock, and Conor are our teammates. _quinnhughes: Sorry if they freaked you out. Gabriella.Lemieux: That's fine, this whole situation has been weird, so... _eliaspettersson: Yeah, it has been.
Tstitsipas beats Auger-Aliassime to take the first rubber for Team Greece! Gabriella and Leylah are on the bench sitting all close together as always. Fernandez is up next against Sakkari for the women's singles tie! 1/4
And, Leylah gets it done in style! 7-6, 6-3. When asked about how the team have been supporting each other, Fernandez said: ''We're family, brothers and sisters, we've all known each other for so long. Steven's been team dad, and the three kids have each other's backs.'' Could not agree more, this team is giving family vibes. 2/4
The crowd are all cheers as Diez and Lemieux take to the court for the deciding doubles tie. Normally, Diez acts as an advisor to his partner, but today, they're playing together. Let's see how it goes! 3/4
Team Canada take down Greece 2-1. With an emphatic doubles win led from the front by the nation's number two women's player. When asked about her situation, she said: ''We're in contact now, and I'm pleased to be kinda out of the woods of the big rumour mill. Happy to get this win today, can't wait for the quarters!'' Phew! Situation kind of resolved! 4/4
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liked by: _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes, leylahannietennis, and 30k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: All for one, one for all! Can't wait for the quarters against Germany! So happy to be up and running this season, and doing this with my beloved brother and sister. I think this big breakfast spread in our team room was well earned! 🍁😍
felixaliassime: You were insane in the doubles last night, Ella!
danielnestor1: That's my girl!! So proud to be your coach!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thanks, Danny 💕
leylahannietennis: Germany, here we come!
_eliaspettersson: Don't tell Tocchet, but I woke up to watch your doubles match, Ella. 😘
Gabriella.Lemieux: Secret's safe with me, sweetheart 😉 Did Quinn wake up for me too, or... _quinnhughes: I did, happy you won. Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you, honey!
MapleFam: So, are they dating now, or...
denis.shapovalov: let's not speculate about my sister's private life, please.
mirjambjorklund: Can't wait for doubs in Indian Wells with you, Ella.
Gabriella.Lemieux: So excited already, Miri!
BelieveInBlue: Happy to see this all working itself out.
tdemko30: Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm rooting for Team Canada to win.
bboeser: Same.
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liked by: leylahannietennis, felixaliassime, and 2k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Not the result we wanted, but Germany came out swinging. Happy to have had this experience, though. Oh well, onto Melbourne for the Australian Open!!
felixaliassime: We'll get them next year, Ella.
leylahannietennis: We did so well, though, no one expected us to make it this far, and we did!
danielnestor1: I've booked John Cain for our first session with Leylah, Ella.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thanks, coach!
_eliaspettersson: You did so well, Ella! Don't be so hard on yourself.
_quinnhughes: ^ Gabriella.Lemieux: Thanks, guys 💖💖💖
denis.shapovalov: Can't wait to get back together in Melbourne already.
biancaandreescu: We'll hopefully have a full team next year. Onwards and upwards.
Can I just say how proud I am of Gabriella for how she's handled the last few days? We've watched this girl grow up, and now she's navigating her first career scandal. Anyone else would've flown back to Canada, but she's come through this so well? And, like, she, Elias, and Quinn seem to genuinely like each other too?
@/EllaLemieux: Thank you so much for the support! Means more than you know. It's not been easy, but I think we've handled things as well as we can all things considered. Hopefully, I can meet up with them soon enough.
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liked by: _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes, leylahannietennis, and 40k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Salut, Melbourne! Training with leylahannietennis was awesome as always, and my hotel room is so cute too! Thank you for the lilies, Mr Tiley! Excited for my first round match against Daria Saville too!
_eliaspettersson: Is it weird that I wanna go to Melbourne now?
_quinnhughes: ikr? It's so beautiful there, still winter here. And, Ella's there! Gabriella.Lemieux: How about Wimbledon? _eliaspettersson: We'll be there.
MapleFam: Not Elias and Quinn wanting to be with Ella again already! 🥺
danielnestor1: Let's get you this title, Ella 💪🙏
Gabriella.Lemieux: Let's get us this title, Danny.
leylahannietennis: Same section, hate this draw so much.😭
cocogauff: All three of us? wtf? 🙄 Gabriella.Lemieux: We'll be okay, trust me. 🥰
BelieveInBlue: Can't wait for this tournament! But, putting the besties in the same section is just straight up cruel.
Gabriella.Lemieux: You have no idea! Leylah and I have been friends since we were kids, this is just unfair.
NucksForEver: How long has Daniel been your coach, Ella?
Gabriella.Lemieux: Since mid 2021, he's been a miracle worker. My serve and net game have never been better. He's like a second dad to me. I loved watching him and Nenad growing up.
Whistler to Melbourne, an interview with Gabriella Lemieux by Barbara Schett.
There's three days to go until the 2024 Australian Open, and one of the young Canadians has had an interesting start to her season. Following a fling with two hockey players while visiting family in Vancouver. Montreal native, Gabriella Lemieux, arrived in Sydney to a cloud of speculation over her head. However, she has navigated it as though it's a casual hold of serve. ''Ella, first, how have you been?'' I asked her as we sat down in hospitality at Rod Laver Arena yesterday.
''Good, actually, I'm doing okay. Y'know, it's been a bit rough, all the rumours and gossip, but overall, I'm okay.'' She said, nursing a smoothie in her hands.
I asked her. ''Your two mystery men, I understand they play for the Vancouver Canucks, yes?''
She answered, with a laugh. ''Yeah, I've been a lifelong Montreal supporter, so, that's gonna be weird to tell my dad.'' Indeed, Lemieux's father, Francois, is a season ticket holder for the local Montreal Canadiens. ''Have yourself and the men came to any agreements yet?''
Gabriella said, fiddling with the ring she wears on her right index finger. ''No, we've been chatting via my dms, but we want to have that discussion in person.''
I asked her about how she may be looked at for having two boyfriends in another sport, she said. ''I'm not interested in that, never have been, how I'm perceived. I know myself, my loved ones know me, that's all I need.''
When I asked her about the support from her fellow Canadians, Gabriella got very emotional. ''I would not be where I am without them. Felix and Denis are my brothers in all but blood. Leylah has been my rock, Bianca is a text away, Daniel has held me when I needed a hug.'' Drying her eyes, she said. ''I just hope they know how much I love them all.'' Love was the thing the team credited with their Cinderella run to the quarter finals of the 2024 United Cup, and it has served them well. ''I'm sure they do, and, if you do go ahead with the relationship with those boys, they're very lucky to have you.'' I assured her.
Gabriella smiled, that glowing smile we've become so used to seeing on court. ''Thank you, Babsy.''
I can only wish Gabriella all the support this coming tournament, and for people to remember that no one knows everything that a person is experiencing in life. We all are owed a little bit of grace.
Just something a bit experimental, have no idea if this post will go anywhere. But, this was fun to work on over the last day and a bit. Had this idea randomly one night. This will be hopefully part one of a series. I love Gabriella already!
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moonlightperseus · 1 year
I'm going to do my best to answer that SeaWorld question without infodumping lmao, but essentially I was talking to a friend and I said "I have always believed if I went to SeaWorld I'd get banned" and she said "now I need to know you have to go" but I was like have you considered I refuse to give them money? So she told me to break in and I said mmm but the last guy who broke in was found dead, naked and missing body parts? So really I had to do some research to find out if I would end up like Jessie in Free Willy or Craig (the name she bestowed to the dead naked guy- his real name was never disclosed). 
It's honestly pretty impressive that I was such a girly girl, given that I had three older brothers and a tomboy sister. My brother's loved superheroes, and the animated shows (at least the original Teen Titans) and I just refused.
I loved the Avengers (2012) i like made it my whole personality. I WAS younger but like embarrassingly so, and that lead me to seeing most of the Marvel movies in a certain time span. Like I haven't properly seen any of the pre-movies like iron man or the first captain america (but God did I try for Peggy) but I watched the second captain america, the thors, I think pretty Faithfully up to Endgame and now the only marvel movie I even a little bit want to see is The Marvel's. (I DID really enjoy Captain Marvel though I will say that) 
Marvel comics I read ? Black Widow, I HAVE read some captain Marvel, spider woman, and a big like Avengers AU that my teacher lent me. I don't remember what it was called but it was pretty good, part of the plot is that like, Thor claims he's a god but Loki claims he's clinically insane so they all trust Loki (and you trust Loki) until y'know he's actually the bad guy and Thor was Thor all along. It's some darker stuff but it was good.
I will just go into Dollarama and flick open justice league comics to see if they have my favorite blonde in them and if they do I'll buy it. That's like my only rule. My collection is a mess (two Batgirl beyond Burnside, and two injustice: gods among us year 4 volume 2, but one in hard cover and one in soft cover (this was accidental and NOT a sign of my absolute devotion)) I barely even have full runs for most of the comics I read, like Batwoman Rebirth (and absolute favorite of mine) I have volumes one and four. But admittedly I use Issue and Volume pretty interchangeably (though I know the difference) and have very few random issues, however, secret me lore is my older sister briefly owned a comic book store and I think I should've taken more advantage of the cheap random comic collection they had for sale. 
And that is annoying!! Especially with Bat-stories. I LOVE a good throwback (like in the gail Simone birds run when Dinah got kidnapped so it has a bunch of references to the longbow hunters comic and even Babs knowing she couldn't go through that again) but it's annoying with the bats because they're so prominent and big so it's just like "remember in issue 1045 of detective comics?" But not only is that over a thousand issues of something half of them are also impossible to find because it's so numerous that at least pirating sites really only include the most recent couple hundred and that doesn't help if you're reading older comics. 
plus there's SO much Kate Content I can't get because of the way detective comics are. 
​​​​​​I do absolutely love the BOP movie too!! It's honestly kind of annoying because I got it for Christmas- but on exclusively Blu-ray. I have a dvd player, a portable dvd player, AND a laptop with a disc drive and NONE OF THEM can play it. 
I don't have a lot of issues when people don't like something I like. I have very few opinions so I am pretty consistently just chilling to some extent. But I get what you mean, granted I think fitting or not a tractor would've been very funny and they should remake the movie just to do that. 
I don't have like real attachments, I watched one Superman movie when I was little and didn't even like superheroes yet, I've never liked the batman movies. It just really is the consistency? Like look, I don't like Marvel movies anymore, and they've got a lot of problems ethically, but one thing you can say is that they built a universe. DC just starts building one and then throws it to the ground like a toddler mid tantrum. It's SO frustrating even knowing that I probably wouldn't watch most movies anyway. 
I watched both wonderomans, I really liked the first one but haven't really been able to get through it a second time and I don't think I liked the second one that much. Everything else? Was kind of mid I think? That I watched. Like Shazam and Aquaman were all fine but nothing to write home about. Bop I also was a huge fan of. And while I wasn't excited for the Batgirl movie I probably would've watched it (which like genuinely does say something- I barely watch movies) 
I'm not the biggest fan of the Arrowverse shows, I know you are but. I LIKED Supergirl but I never finished it (I'm also had at watching TV) bit if there's one I'd try again it's that one. I also got through most of the Flash and it was enjoyable but I don't think I'd try again. I liked legends? But I didn't get very far because my streaming service short circuited and I don't think I could do it again. Then I watched the first season of Batwoman, I was PUMPED, but once ruby rose left, and Kate left, I was devastated. They were leading up to safiyah!! A KATE plot from the Comics!! I was so excited!! And then the character I was watching it for was gone so I just refused to ever watch it again.  And I have never been able to get through Arrow. I honestly can't get past Laurel or any of that. I hold the green arrow comics way too close to my heart for it to be wrong. But ofc that's just my opinion. 
I have one, and I live in like rural Canada so I feel like that's a good sign. (admittedly though it's an hour away from me and more like pokemon cards at this point. I am physically scared of the store and feel like a fraud when I'm there) it would he nice for you!! I hope you do. 
If I do I will keep that in mind thank you. It really is so exhausting and it's so funny because like? I like them?? Why is it hard?? But it is. Plus sometimes I feel bad because I'll talk to much. Like an example is the BoP run, the new one the ONE issue. I don't/ didn't really have any comic friends so I just like posted a screenshot of the cover on my close friends Instragram story and was like "I will NOT shut up about this" and then I read it and genuinely did not shut up and just kept posting stuff when originally I'd been joking and I just feel? So bad. Like logically I know none of them stopped to read it they were just flicking through but I'm still like guys im sorry you didn't want that I'm sorry I got excited 
I just bought like a very large Funko Bombshells Harley pin that sits by my comics!! Actually!! It was from the dollarstore or I wouldn't have, and honestly I'm not a big Funko fan so it was really just because I also love the bombshells design, but she's cute!! And I have a bombshells Ivy felt banner my sister bought me years ago. So I agree designs good.
And that's completely fair!! Sometimes I daydream about dressing up as like black canary for a con. But I don't think I have the confidence. I think cosplaying sounds really fun just in general. (and honestly good on you for the blonde wig I just used my 'natural' hair which was: blue)
Oh!! I LIKE year Zero, I do think it's good!! (The only injustice things I haven't read are ground zero and versus masters of the universe) HOWEVER I would say since you don't even know if you'll like it you should just start with Injustice: gods among us year one. It's up to you, that's kind of why I put out the disclaimer that I do also like year Zero. But I would personally recommend skipping it for now (or possibly even entirely, my brother never read it). (I read it last but that's because I read it as it came out). 
to restate, I think the best idea would be just start with the main plot because I think that's your best chance at liking just based on the way I know it got me into comics. I don't know about year Zero. 
No pressure to like Injustice obviously but I hope you do!! 
​​​​​​​Have a good day <3 
bestie you are literally always welcome to infodump to me !!
also re:the break in at sea world with the mysterious death, I seem to remember buzzfeed unsolved mentioning that case? though i cannot place episode wise or if i’m remembering correctly. but anyways i think you would have a much better chance of survival so long as you don’t climb into any tanks with orcas or any other similarly large aquatic animals known for being unpredictable.
also yeah i def also got into the avengers movie at least a big, though i never watched the others i think prob just didnt have access to the others? bc i watched avengers on netflix? i absolutely devoured agents of shield and then the agent carter show when that came out. tv shows are easier for me to digest tho.
i had to google what a dollarama is and i gotta say i dont think dollar stores in the US typically have comics but it also has been quite a while since ive been in a dollar store tbh. but i did find a few places near me to potentially check out if i ever feel brave enough (and ever have actual time to go check out bc my life is very very busy rn lmao) i need to do more things branching myself out and trying new things its just very scary and i have a very small comfort zone
also, personally, i think when comics do decide to have a storyline thats gonna have multiple parts across several different comic series at the same time they should at least do something where they like, collect all those individual parts and put them all in like one like, book/volume? so you can easily read the story without having to jump to different series
(boy howdy. did i ramble again lol)
also lkajsdf i have a very complicated relationship with being a "fan" of arrowverse. (its a love hate relatioship i have lol) bc like yeah. a lot of it is. not good. and definitely not super comic accurate but its like. arrow is a dumpster fire and horrible green arrow representation however its what led me to my passion for black canary im not gonna lie and like i think honestly what led me to read actual comics (bc while i loved the animated shows i dont think i picked up comics until after i had started in the arrowverse) and like with arrowverse as a whole i think there was a lot of potential to the idea but a lot of poor execution and bad writing. the first two seasons of the flash are still very dear to me i will say but i also never finished it or... actually i dont think i fully finished any arrowverse shows, except for black lightning (did i finish black lightning???) (i dont think naomi counts as arrowverse) legends i stuck with the longest but i stopped when maisie richardson-sellers left the show (i am gay. i am gay.) i watched the last two seasons of arrow but skipped a huge chunk in the middle that i dont ever intend to go back and watch, i picked back up in s7 bc katie cassidy was a series regular again and while not my laurel i did grow very attached to the e2 version of her who i refer to as siren. (i am gay. im gay) i think i mightve picked up and dropped supergirl a few times?? i think i ended up watching up to the final season though. i never got into batwoman really bc i wasnt a fan of the casting for kate personally. (i got very attached to a fancast of monica raymund as kate kane and honestly im still attached to it) but yeah anyways sorry for rambling about arrowverse lmao i dont know how to be normal. all the parts of arrowverse that i love are my version of arrowverse that is good and exists only in my head and maybe in a few actual scenes on television. (i dont know if any of this made sense and i apologize again for rambling, i totally respect people not liking the arrowverse and completely get why... its not good. its not great. but it certainly was a huge part of my life)
literally no pressure to read the bombshells comics but can i just say you DO have a comic friend now its ME and i will happily welcome any comic book rambling in my inbox that you wish to do, encourage it even!
but i really do get that "i genuinely enjoy this thing why is it hard" like god human brains sure have a lot of design flaws i gotta say. like for me i definitely have that issue with reading in general its like i ENJOY reading I LIKE reading however the thought of starting reading? of keeping up with reading? i used to love going through books when i was a kid and now its like. have i finished 1 book over the span of a whole month? audiobooks helped me a little bit getting back into reading and comics at least, for a majority, feel a little shorter (however the longer series do feel a little more daunting)
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(here have a hastily made meme i whipped up in like <5 minutes)
i do have a small funko pop collection i will admit but its mostly women from dc and i have a few different bombshells ones (theyre in a box rn but uhh i know i have bombshells! hawkgirl and batwoman and i think i have a mini bombshells wonder woman?
also finally able to look into my comic collection and it turns out i dont have the first volume of bombshells but i have 2-6 lmao.
anyways i will skip the prequel for now of injustice but keep it in mind to go back and read if i enjoy injustice. i meant to start the first issue of injustice but ive been busy back at my parents helping them pack to move and then i had to drive home and today i had to work and just didnt have the brain space but goddammitt i will find the time to start it and soon. i probably shouldnt start it after finishing responding to this bc it is 1:30am now and i do have to be awake in like. 7 & 1/2 hours BUT i did notice that the second issue of the new bop run is out so i may end up reading that in bed before going to sleep. ooh maybe i should. draft this. go read it and then come back with some thoughts before i finally publish this response
(also, sorry again for the delay in response , like i said life has been busy 😭)
okay. 2:30 am now. BUT i read the new issue and ooooh it was good! continues to intrigue me. also i had genuinely never heard of the megalodons that guard themyscira before. that’s wild (and just like that. the conversation circles back to large marine animals) i won’t say any more bc i don’t wanna spoil it if you haven’t read it yet but if you have or if/when you do please feel free to come ramble to me about your thoughts!!
& i hope you have a good day!! 💕💕
0 notes
carrottuan93 · 4 years
Haven’t met you yet | Mark
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Masterlist (1/4) | part2 - part3 - part4
Starring: MK x You
Tags: Mark Tuan, Fluff, Destiny, Waiting, Christmas, Bookworm, Nerd, Love, Fate
Total WC: 2631
Foreword: You promise yourself you’re going to wait for the perfect love even if it takes forever but you’re already barging on it’s doorstep without even realizing that love has met you already in the first place.
It’s all about timing and seeking reassurance in all the right places.
It’s a chance you never want to miss and an opportunity that you wouldn’t trade for anything.
Learn to take risks and learn to fall in love along the way. Cause true love is patient and it’ll come when you least expect it.
Have you been good all year round? You never know what Santa has in stored for you this Christmas.
[Feel free to listen on the playlist that I made for this one shot :)))]
"Eunhee, I should probably take a break from your endless blind date setups. Nothing is working out for me, seriously." You heaved a sigh, slouching on the couch as you gave your best friend an exasperated look the moment you entered her humble bookshop. She's too excited for your love life ever since she and her long-time university crush Jackson became an official couple on your birthday when you celebrated it on Jeju last year. It was a really cold New Year’s Eve when you chose to reserve this romantic restaurant by the beach as the venue for your special day. Eunhee doesn't have any idea about Jackson's plan when you booked a flight to Jeju Island for a week despite the busy season. Since you wanted to play the fairy godmother role for the both of them, you saved Jackson from worrying and suggested that he'd do it on your birthday instead. And just like that, they spent the New Year countdown melting into each other’s puddle while greeting you a happy birthday. The things you do for your friend, if that ain’t salty for your part (it is, for being the third wheel), automatically elected you as the sole Queen of singles club after Neun’s grand exit.
 Since their anniversary is just around the corner, they are planning to spend it once again on Jeju and Eunhee, for being the supportive sister from another mother that she is, will surely drag you with them at all costs since it has been your tradition to celebrate New Year’s Eve with your best friend. She is dying to set you up with someone so you won't be celebrating your birthday alone anymore.
 "I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought you and my friend Hae In will work out. What happened by the way? tell me about your date." She sat beside your spot after closing the shop and did the honor of pouring you a glass of your favorite merlot. This girl knows how to calm you down for sure. I mean she isn't your best friend if she have no idea that wine is your comfort drink. For whatever reason it is, you don't know why it helps to lessen your loneliness by drinking the night away. Maybe knocking you down into a deep slumber and finding yourself completely clueless the next day, alongside the horrible hangover can patch up the painful truth that you are still single up to this point of your life. In addition to the earthly and God-sent smell of neatly piled books crowding the interior of her paradise, Eunhee's bookshop is your go-to place at all times. You used to frequent this a lot during your childhood days where you first met her and together you shared the same passion and love for books and wine through all these years.
 "He's too overrated for my type. Like I don't know why we need to talk about all of his exes and why his relationship with them didn't work out when we can sit and be comfortable with just talking about our interests, 'us' the present and not his past. He's a perfectionist per se and I don't like it when a guy shows disinterest whenever I told them about myself as some nerdy bookish girl who craves for a netflix kind of night compared to his ideal dream girl-next-door whom you can freely bring to a club the minute next." You look down on the red liquid in your glass, appreciating its refined and classic smell that is clouding your nostrils. You're way too excited to go home so you can finally sink on your newly changed bed sheets and savor the enticing smell of fabric conditioner which you cannot live without. You glanced outside the window, observing the couples walking together under the falling snow, as if Valentines day has come all of a sudden in the middle of December. Red roses are a popular gift for the ladies as you've observed and you cannot help yourself from wondering if someone will ever give you flowers on Christmas, particularly pink roses, which you really admire. You always dreamt of tending a bed of pink roses only for yourself because the sight of it makes you really happy. It's just unfortunate that they aren't in full bloom during this season that's why you can only wait for February to come so you could save the trouble of finding a lame date and just buy yourself a bouquet for Valentines. You can give yourself flowers and still feel like in a relationship with all the fictional characters on your novels. No one is stopping you from dating them in your mind, you thought.
 “Ugh I can’t believe that guy. I thought he’s a good catch but actually a bummer for real. Don’t worry, I’ll choose better next time." She gave you a warm hug, patting your head as you lay your cheek on her shoulder. She released you and you gave her an 'I'm-okay-don't-worry' kind of smile. And you sat there for almost an hour talking about your other failed blind dates in the past week that all belongs in either Jackson or Eunhee's circle. You have no idea why none of them matched your personality. Either they are too wild or too boring for them to function as your potential boyfriend. No one could really captivate your specific taste in a guy. It's not that you are too picky and have a high standard when it comes to scouting a lover. You just have your own preferences when it comes to choosing someone whom you'll devote your precious time into. No relationship is perfect because everything is built out of flaws, misunderstandings, heartaches and drama but if you'll enter in a commitment at least choose someone who's worthy of that pain. You aren’t getting any younger and all you need right now is someone reliable, honest and trustworthy enough to not waste your feelings and emotion. You need a serious guy who will not take you for granted and who welcomes the idea of settling in the near future. At least someone with a nice job? Or a bearable attitude, outlook and philosophy in life? He doesn't need to be the most handsome or richest guy in the planet. After all, you always talk to God about giving you with someone who will really love all your imperfections and flawed nature. You always pray to the heavens above that maybe he'll cross the mountains and bring you the moon and the stars like they always did on the movies and in stories but you're fed with too much fantasy and began to think that maybe the guy for you was rather inexistent or an alien inhabiting a distant galaxy located in a million light years away.
 "A break is all I need after all. I will be fine tomorrow at Christmas eve. Don't worry about me having a date on our dinner. I'll bring some macarons as an antidote for all things bitter for you and Jackson's couple party." It's your best friend’s first Christmas with her boyfriend that's why they are throwing a mini gathering for their family and close friends. You had this feeling that you will be the only one attending the party without a date so might as well go straight to the kitchen and grab a bottle of whatever wine you can get and spend the evening dancing on tipsy toes and the floor would be very much pleased to accommodate your drunken needs. But you will not gonna end up wasted on a party especially Eunhee will not be there beside you to take you home since you do not want to rob Jackson of his time with her. Their happiness always matters before you and that's what makes you happy, to see your best friend happy with the man that he really deserves.
 "All right sweetcheeks. We'll not let you feel gloomy on Christmas eve. Good girls get a reward from Santa so you have nothing to worry about." She gave you a wink and clanked your glasses in unison as you both emptied the bottle of wine to your heart's content. You both agreed to watch a romantic holiday movie over a shared furry blanket and hear out your friend as she talked to you mostly of his boyfriend, as if you’ve read a book about the guide to 101 ways on how to fall for Jackson. Maybe the love bug bit too hard on your friend now that she really has the man of her dreams right on her fingertips, she can’t ask for anything else. Their love story is too underrated and you’re one of the living witnesses that a coin is never wasted on a wishing well. If you only joined Eunhee on her wishing spree every time you both pass by your University’s fountain of love, your coin bank would have gone empty by now. But you didn’t do it and saved all of your coins for yourself cause you really enjoy playing basketball in the arcades for fun. For all you can remember way back in college days, your friend is just one of the many timid girls who are cheering and admiring the ever-famous fencing athlete, business student and heartthrob, Jackson. You have classes together with him and that is how your job as a love guru began. You really deserve a raise because you did succeed on making them a couple. You could set up a dating agency and earn better than your current job for all you care. But amidst all the love advice that you gave to them, you’re the complete opposite of a matchmaker. Because love never finds your way despite making love work for the others. Love is sweet but a bitch most of the time.
 If love finally came to Eunhee and Jackson, hopefully yours would come in a whirlpool, sweeping you off of your feet and rendering all the other love stories made in the history irrelevant. You love spontaneity and you’re up for the extraordinary. In fact, you already made a dozen of playlists on spotify and counting, awaiting to be dedicated to him. You may have weird habits, like using ketchup as a dip for your honey glazed donuts, and still act straight and sit the whole day finishing a book with your favorite espresso at coffee shops. You love taking midnight trips to the art museum and you wonder if he can appreciate the abstract the way it makes your soul come alive. You love travelling back to time and studying history and it would be a bonus if he’ll join you on the 3% mint choco enthusiasts in the whole world. And your list goes on and on and it’ll take a lifetime to introduce yourself to someone but you want to meet him soon. You can’t wait for that time to annoy the hell out of him and if he still chooses to come back after your endless nagging, that’s the time when you’re not gonna let go of him anymore. You know for yourself, you’re looking for an almost perfect individual but you’re ready to tear up your never ending list of your ideal guy if someone could really surprise you and made you want to look at the world in a different dimension. After all, an ideal can never be achieved in real life. You cannot make someone ‘the one’ but you can only search for someone and make them ‘your one’. Things may not come out the way you want them to be but things will work out if he’s your destiny. It might be hard to find the rarest form of love, which is true love, but you’re willing to go on a train trip bound to a destination you’ve never been to given that he’ll meet you at the end of the tunnel. Love isn’t hard. Love is supposed to be easy. You just need patience and it’ll come to you when you least expect it.
 It's nearing 11 pm already when you feel lightheaded because of your wine intake and maybe due to the fact that your early sleeping schedule has been breached by tonight's unfortunate event. You bid goodbye to your friend despite her invitation that you should just sleep on her place and decided to call for an uber to save yourself from zoning out like a zombie because you can no longer walk straight with your clouded vision. Eunhee lives upstairs her bookstore because she manages her family's business when her father passed away that's why she isn't living with you anymore. You've grown to be independent now that you're living on your own after sharing the same apartment with your friend during your university days.
 "Tomorrow night at 8. I'll text you the address. Don't be late, Y/n. Have a goodnight!” Eunhee tucked you up nicely on your seat and soon the taxi sped up passing underneath the city lights in the mood for the radio's yuletide playlist. You're a bit drunk to see clearly but you can recognize the faint Christmas lights flickering throughout the busy streets. In just half an hour, the uber came to a stop and you hopped off the cab as you made your way towards the entrance of the condo that you’re residing in. You walked past the concierge and romantic music is donning the halls screaming love is in the air but not for you cause it makes you suffocated. Inside the elevator you noticed that you'll join a couple on your way to a 5-minute trip to the 12th floor. You silently wished that nobody would enter in between floors so as not to slow down your fast lane to your unit or else it'll be another episode of 'You-are-single-fgds' slapping your face. Geez, you badly want a damn break but the couple is too absorbed in their own selves, doing whatever cringey couple thing it is behind you, so you chose to ignore their reflection on the elevator walls.
 God spared you for that ride and luckily you reached the 12th floor in the fastest speed possible. You walked in a crazy zigzag pattern when you reached the front step of your door and you held on the handle to prevent yourself from falling directly on the ground. Your eyes are zooming in for the door lock as you punch in your keycode multiple times and still wonder why the door isn't granting you any access at all.
 "The fudge why aren't you opening?" You tried all possible combinations already but to no luck, you are still denied. For the 10th time, the lock gave up on you and is now urging for a password reset when all of a sudden the heavens finally heard your prayer and the door automatically opened. You fell towards a pair of arms, as if on cue you are saved once again from falling directly on the floor. You grabbed on a pair of shoulders, and you felt like you've reached your bed already as your senses are welcomed with a lovely scent of fabcon, which for you is the sweetest scent in the world.
 "Hmm. I can finally sleep now." You smiled the moment you felt safe and secured within the parameters of what you think of as your bed.
"Wait, you cannot sleep on my arms." It's too late for you to wake up because you're already dozing off to dreamland.
"Oh shoot. What am I gonna do with you?" You barged into someone's room and you haven't had the slightest idea of what you'll gonna do the next morning when you wake up.
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jiangwanyin · 3 years
10, 38, 40 & 44 for the end of the year ask? 🍓
thank you so much móna!! ☔🫐🧃💕
10. what song sums up this year for you?
uhhh sick again by led zeppelin? i'm so tired by the beatles? okay no on a more serious note and actually going by lyrics maybe the greater good by styx, this is the day by the the disco 2000 by pulp, achilles come down by gang of youths and patricia by florence + the machine
38. what was the best moment of the year for u?
i'm not entirely sure, i've had a very uneventful year and haven't been able to get up to much what with being sick so i've been trying to focus on smaller good things instead of grand moments that stood out buut actually this christmas is a fair bet, i'm also really glad my mum and i found a new flat even though everything about the renovation has been hell so far but as far as i'm concerned every good movie i watched and book i read and meaningful conversation i had with someone important to me counts even if objectively they wouldn't make for such an impressive list!!!!!
40. did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn't?
ooh that's a very good question and one rather difficult to answer, there have been a lot of changes in my life and i thought i was changing a lot and believed i would come out as a different person at the end of this year but in the end i think i just became more myself?
44. did your opinion of anyone change for the better?
i'm actually not sure, i haven't been in contact with too many people this year but most of the people i'm close with right now are ones i've already liked buut i suppose i've grown to love them even more with time as i got to know them better, does that count? (um alternatively this is going to sound mildly narcissistic but myself... i went into this year with a fair amount of self loathing and i'm not going to say it's 100% gone but i definitely feel a lot less useless and worthless and like i've been ruined for good thanks to a certain person's devotion to making me feel alive and loved for who i am 💖)
end of the year asks!
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rrrawrf · 8 years
thxx edler oaks now i have the hallelujah chorus stuck in my head
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