#haven't done one for awhile
dear-ao3 · 6 months
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n00bcat1234 · 4 months
have you ever thought that other people can have harmless fun? that it doesnt bother anybody? are you allergic to all that is good and fun? /nm
Yes, I am
I absolutely hate fun
Anyone who has fun can go jump off a cliff(/J /J /J)
Honestly, the shipping in the Chonny Jash CCCC fandom isn't that bad compared to other fandoms. I think what really puts this fandom in an odd position is that the characters themselves are pretty "shippable," because of the general theme of unity, but the problem is that you're essentially shipping CJ with himself.
I'm pretty sure that in most of the AUs I saw Chonny Jash ship art of HMS were all individual people instead of brain creatures, which at that point, I don't care much about. (Only pretty sure though, I didn't read too much into the actual AUs.)
I don't really condone making CCCC ship art, but I don't really actively go against it, because in all honesty, I probably wouldn't know if most of it was ship art if it didn't have the tag.
Unless you draw the regular characters doing something cursed, it's not too bad. (I know people do, though, and I hate that, hence what the earlier post was referring to, as a joke.)
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trans-xianxian · 2 months
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there she is!!!
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slepdepriv · 5 months
Someone mentioned wanting me to share the posters I have around my VotV base in the tags so thought I'd do that. If you don't care about that then uhhhhhhhh-
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I have this poster from Portal 2 in my the little Administration Booth thingy, I originally put it up to remind the mannequin I had trapped in here that they're not allowed to do anything but work! Unfortunately said mannequin did break out. But don't worry, I caught them again and have since locked them up in the basement to learn their lesson. Source: This rip of it from the game I found on a random wiki.
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I have another Portal 2 poster in my hallway to help remind me to be safe! I need to eventually alter it to help reflect the exact situations that occur out here in this forest, however. Source: the exact person who posted this hi-quality version on Reddit has deleted there account -I have no idea why- but this Imgur link still has it.
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I originally found this poster while trying to search for the coffee poster that appeared in the earlier version of VotV -I've since learned that poster was made custom by someone of the VotV discord- and found someone trying to do the same on Reddit found this gem instead, and I knew I had to use it. However, as a avid coffee drinker I can tell you that it's almost impossible to NOT commit some amount of murder when you have caffeine in your system, so I thought I would alter the poster to reflect this truth! So here's that edited version:
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I originally had the original horse man image thingy on my wall but then I had a thought! "what if, pomey" and immediately blacked out and then found this on the wall! 10/10 didn't even have to do anything -that I remember-. Source: this.
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This one is one of my favorites, now as you can s- wait, what? Why is this just a cease and desist letter? Where's my poster?!? I- I must of left some food out during the night and attracted some copyright lawyers. I'll have to buy some traps to get rid of them, ugh. Guess I don't have a poster to share here, my bad.
And just in-case anyone really wanted them, here's my semi-intentionally poorly made mannequin hiring signs:
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Not sure why anyone would want these, but I might as-well put them here.
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boar-cry · 2 months
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daily-table21 · 5 months
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Video: Mississippi Joins the Table
Status: Public
Link: Mississippi Joins the Table - YouTube
Date Posted: September 6th 2022
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starburstsobsessions · 11 months
CFV characters and how they are around kids
Aichi: He's literally just normal. He has a little sister he just acts the same as always
Kai: What the fuck is that??? He'll get in a fight with a little kid so fast and take it to heart.
Misaki: She's pretty good with kids but definitely can't be around them all the time and doesn't want kids like ever. She's very kind to them especially around the shop but their energy can be too much
Kamui: idk if he'll ever grow up but he definitely likes to pretend he's a god around them. The attention is good
Miwa: Kids think he's rlly funny so he's good with them. He lets them play games on his phone
Ren: BAD. He cant even watch himself without getting in trouble
Asaka: Fuck them kids!!!!!
Tetsu: He doesn't care. He'll probably get married and have kids and sit on the couch and ignore them
Kyou: Kids hate him. They just do
Kourin: Bad with kids she's mean to them on accident and makes them cry.
Naoki: He's actually great with kids he just doesn't know what you're supposed to do with them. Like uh.... wanna go dig a hole in the yard?
Shingo: Kids hate him too but that's because he's annoying
Ibuki: Has never seen a child before
Suiko: Scares children
Rekka: A child
Morikawa: Kids look up to him and that's a bad thing actually
Izaki: He is the ignored middle child and he has no experience around children
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chickenmcnuggies · 1 year
sometimes I see you on my dash and I'm like "wow these posts are pretty good but I dont remember why I followed this person" and then I load up my dwarf fort with my beloved hippogryphs
YEAAAAH im glad you like them! the hippogriffs and griffons are two of my absolute favorite creatures, so im very biased to them :) (also glad that you can tolerate my other post lol)
i suppose on that topic, it gives me a good excuse to show off the last 6 beast/giant variants going into the mods since i already finished all their sprites.
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first up is the stymphalian bird! it's a small bird with feathers composed of bronze. they're docile by nature but are capable of shooting out their metal feathers to attack their predators
...on the other hand there's the giant variant, which is vicious by extension of living in savage lands
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speaking of giant variants, there's 5 other ones being added
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(griffon, fae dragon, bicorn, warg (it's default sprite was changed and the old sprite repurposed), and chimera)
the other brand new creatures are:
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owl bear, a large carnivore with claws capable of slashing through metal. inspired by the cool looking owl bears from baldur's gate 3 that i saw when a friend was streaming the game. can be war trained if tamed
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basilisk and mandrake
the basilisk are aggressive carnivores which possess a gaze that can turn their prey to stone, similar to the gorgons. unlike the gorgon's stare though, supposing their victim doesn't die while in statue form, they will return to normal after an in game week (they dont require food/water/breathing while afflicted)
Mandrake are small plant creatures who live rarely in underground lakes, where they 'breed' by planting their seeds in the ground. upon death they drop their seeds which can be planted to make very potent ale. the ale has many beneficial effects, such as helping infection and stress relief, but also has a grocery list of rare (2-10% odds) of triggering multiple ill side effects, such as nausea and sending a person into a fit of rage. made entirely just to make taverns all the more FUN
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something i didn't plan to add, but added based on request: a tressym! flying cats from forgotten realms (and also baldur's gate) that i thought looked cool and had interesting enough lore to make a good addition. I only actually finished their sprites earlier tonight, and their raws aren't made yet.
going off what i read about them, they were going to be the same size as a cat, capable of being 4 different colors/coat patters, and immune to poison. it also mentioned them being able to see invisible creatures, so i'd like to play around with them having extra vision/high stats to be able to detect ambushers, tho i'd need to test to make sure they dont completely trivialize it. Was planning to make them like the griffons and wargs, where they have the [PET] token, but not [COMMON_DOMESTIC], so there's a chance for dwarves and humans to tame them in world gen, but they would hopefully be very rare due to their spawn biome (taiga?) and frequency (was thinking around 7%)
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last but not least, another mega beast, this time the Undead Dragon! an undead mega beast that's intended to be a similar difficulty to the bronze colossus. it lacks blood, and damaging organs or connections doesn't bother it. It is capable of raising corpses once a day, and breathing a cool breath that makes a target drowsy and nauseous. while it can of course be killed in the usual dwarven solutions (magma, crushing) it can also be killed instantly by being speared in the skull by a spear, or decapitated. it is not capable of flight due to it's body being too rotted.
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galaxymindart · 5 months
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✨️art duuuump✨️
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kasienda · 7 months
Opening Line Patterns
thanks for the tag @ladyofthenoodle!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern. I'm not going to link each individual fic, but here's my Ao3 if something catches your fancy! :)
From most to least recent:
Rena Rouge: Secret Keeper - Ch 4 Chat Noir was earlier than Ladybug. That was hardly unusual. What was unusual was that he was dreading her arrival.
The Untold Story of DJWiFi - Ch 9 Alya’s biggest complaint about being tied up in a giant spider’s web was that she couldn’t film the whole akuma encounter.
Bend the World Around It - Ch 3 They don’t talk about their names and identities. He doesn’t ask and she doesn’t want to talk about it anyway. It’ll just make them both sad.
Not Part of the Plan - Ch 12 She wakes up next to Adrien. He looks as gorgeous as ever and more than anything she wants to throw herself at him and have her way with him.
Celebrity Status - Ch 7 I can’t believe Ladybug dropped someone! 
Miraculous Reveal #15 - Rings True I figured out who Monarch is. He’s Gabriel Agreste. Meet me at the Agreste Mansion.
Right Behind You - Ch 13 Nino adjusted the headphones over his ears, and hit play again, listening to the track he had so far.
Yin and Yang - Ch 5 Adrien’s room was something out of a child’s fantasy.
Spin the Bottle Nathaniel’s family home is not as large or ostentatious as the Agreste family manor, but that only means Adrien feels more at ease.
Aftermath - Ch 5 After their unplanned disaster sleepover, Marinette and Adrien fell strictly back into their routine.
Well, in 6/10 the first line seems to serve to establish where the character is more than anything else. Nothing too fancy about those.
And in 5/10 (with some definite overlap with the previous six) there's something in there to quickly establish the character's mood/mental space.
In 2/10 it's a line of text! I think this is interesting in that it's similar to starting with a line of dialogue, which is very easy for me, but I've mostly trained myself out of that. Mostly! Haha! But apparently I can still find ways to cheat. I'm actually shocked that none of these are an ACTUAL line of dialogue. I'm sure that it will happen again.
I don't usually put a lot of energy into the opening line. I more try to get into a character's head and that often takes more than one line and I usually find the rhythm later. The first line is helpful for getting in that mood though and getting words to flow!
No pressure tags to: @asukiess @bbutterflies @bittersweetresilience @jennagrinsoverml @blur0se
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theviolenttomboy · 1 year
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PokeSpe/Pushing Daisies (again)
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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junibugs · 2 years
hi guys i'm absolutely so embarrassed and ashamed to be asking this, but if you could send me anything, any amount of money to help pay for summer classes i have to take and payments i have to make for for physical health, i will be so astronomically grateful. i've had a long journey with different health problems and doctors appointments, and course payments (which some of you know the history of) and my spendings are running very very low where it's very hard to sustain myself, my health, and my education.
struggles economically and financially are so very real and sometimes they're so hard to seek help for because of the embarrassment that comes with it. i would never ask for anything if i didn't need it for my health or education. i would never resort to this if i didn't think it was one of the only options i had left.
your most valuable donation to me is support and kind words, but of course if you could give anything i would be beyond grateful.
my venmo is @marawrs, and if any other method works better for you please let me know. i am so grateful for all of you and all the support you have shown me over the years. i will forever be thankful for all of you.
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Nooooo, Nate, don't keep reading. Don't listen to John. I love John, but I also have genre awareness and know he's, in the long run, going be evil. Don't you see Nate, John served the role of the trustworthy outsider, the man unaware and blissfully unaffected by the curses and horrors. He gave stability and represented common sense in a way that was confident and comforting, while also being, due to his true role, underhandedly degrading. "Nate, that couldn't happen." "Nate, do you need to seek help?" "Nate, when's the last time you got out of the house?"
Which normally could all be reassurances or healthy check ins, but coming from someone who has Eldritch knowledge about the fact that those things *do* happen, that Nate has a history with his mental health and the underlying fear that John is feeding with the implications that he is losing his mind, and the fact that he *can't* leave his house makes all of John's words gaslighting. He's saying, 'see it's not so hard. Just be normal. Is it even real? I'm not affected, why are you?' and leaving Nate to doubt *himself* instead of ever scrutinizing John's whole role.
Which has now switched by the way. No longer is he the trustworthy outsider. Because Jim is gone.
Jim served the part of the the only other man who knew what was happening. Jim was the one other player who could look Nate in the eyes and not just say yes something is happening, but also yes something is happening and it got me too. It used her against me too. It played me, and it tricked me, and it manipulated me, and I don't know what's happening either. And while Jim and Nate never got along (good to estrange the two people who might actually be able to help each other out through the use of shared experiences), Jim was still proof that what was happening was real and it was bad. If he'd stayed maybe they could have learned to coexist. Maybe they could have helped each other. Maybe Jim's approach to the situation, doing the bare minimum of what he had to to get what he wanted and hightailing it as far away as possible could have rubbed off on Nate. Which would be bad. Because "Steve" wants Nate to keep reading. John is now saying to keep reading. *Nate* is convincing himself to keep reading. So it's fortuitous (or menacing) that Jim is gone now and won't be filling his head with schemes of freedom.
Now John can fill his role (and Steve's). The Cohort. John knows about the horrors now. He can be the confidant, the believer, the partner while still being collected and confident and comforting in the face of it. This only adds to his already held position of the only reliable source of information. His dedication to Nate's cause in the face of actually 'comprehending' the monsters will motivate Nate to push on, to pay back his effort by continuing to read. Which we all know can only lead to good things/s
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lux-astrorum · 13 days
lying on my bed at 6pm bc it's finally the weekend and the last two weeks have been some bullshit
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galadae · 2 months
Decided to write bc I didn't want to do more lineart and ugh shfhdkf the words are not working tonight
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