#haven't watched the finale yet but :(((( bubbas
sheriffopossum · 1 year
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Nellie stood in disbelief as Clover walked back into the main room where everyone anxiously awaited. Just earlier she was a cold corpse, bleeding out on the table, still as death, and yet there she was now as though none of that ever happened. Nellie wasn't real familiar with science or medicine, but even she knew that that wasn't normal.
Clover spoke to the group delicately, obviously picking her words carefully. She talked about the charity that night, how it was a test to see if the Darlings would strike, how she risked her own life to see how far they would go. She started to say how she couldn't give any answers which finally burst the dam of questions, filling the room. Nellie watched as Clover raised her hand, quickly silencing the onslaught.
Clover's voice wavered just slightly as she spoke about the reality they were in: the Darlings would hunt each member of their ragtag group without second thought. What she said next though, nearly took Nellie's breath away.
"You can come back, just like how you saw me do it," echoed in Nellie's head repeatedly. Come...back? From death, as though it were some cool party trick? She knew that members of the Darlings had some uncanny ability to do so even after being completely torn to pieces, but she figured there was some strange dark magic at play there. Now the same thing was being offered to her?
"So, are you with me?" Clover asked, snapping Nellie out of her daze.
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She gripped her walking cane tightly as she furrowed her eyebrows together. Well, she thought, looks like it's now or never.
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"Clover, do you remember the day I accepted your proposal?" Nellie began, slowly taking a step forward. Clover stood still as a statue, her expression neutral as the company's arms dealer moved closer.
"I certainly do, dear," Clover replied wearily, folding her arms across her chest. "You said that I was crazy--"
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"I said that you was the craziest, most batshit insane person to go against THE most powerful mob in the city, hell probably the whole country!" Nellie finished for her, her southern drawl honeying each syllable. She stood before the group's leader, looking up as she planted a hand on her hip.
"But, I also said that you gave me hope. Hope that I haven't felt in years," Nellie added, her facial features softening. "I gave up hope in ever getting my brother back from those twisted bastards, just accepting that he was gone forever. But you, YOU ignited that fire back in my heart, that determination to git my Bubba back home, that he's not a lost cause."
Nellie paused, looking deeply up at Clover. Her words were softer this time, as she lifted her hand up to place on her leader's shoulder.
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"Family sticks together, and I ain't about to be no bitch and run off with my tail between my legs." She gave a playful wink and smiled.
"Whatever voodoo-hoodoo shit you got cooked up, well count me in. I already got a target on my back for betraying the Darlings like I did, ain't no way in hell I'd be able to outrun them, and I fer sure ain't about to give up the chance to make a difference in this city and everyone who's been fucked by them assholes.
"Ride or die, partner. And seems like you got something to say about the dyin' part." --------------------------- ;AKSJDFLAJS;DLFJALSDKFALSDKF finally finished Nellie's reply to Clover's offer!!! I'm still not 100% happy with how the last panel turned out, but I already redid it at least 3 times so 😩 But yeah, looks like Nellie's on board the death-defying crazy train that Clover's conducting. So excited to see what happens next 💛
Clover belongs to @chimeracarnival Mob!AU belongs to @clownsuu Wonder who that mysterious brother Nellie mentioned is whoooooOoooOooo 👀
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my-muppet-art1224 · 11 months
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Floyd pepper kids
Scooter/skeeter are the oldest being 18.
Animal is the baby. His 14
My head cannon for the kids
How they were adopted
The twins- Floyd is the brother of the twins mom, who gave up her kids for a man and just dropped them off on Floyd's doorstep and just ran away and never been seen again. The kids were about 1/2 years old when this happened. Floyd took them under his wing very quickly and began his parenthood of a single dad that night.
Animal- basically the same story as episode 3 in electric mayhem, but with the twins added in (they would be around 4 or 5) and Floyd would know dr.teeth by then.
Floyd- he balanced out his work life at the music store and took care of the kids at the same time. There were a lot of ups and downs, but overall he was doing the best he could. Later down the road, after teeth ran away from home, he would watch the kids for Floyd, while Floyd goes to work
When the kids got a little older. Floyd, the kids and teeth went on a big road Trip, just to explore and wanted to get out of the routine that they were stuck on for a while, they wanted something new, something crazy. That's how they met the rest of the band.
Janice- backpacking on the side of the road, she was a runaway getting away from her toxic family and wanting her own life
Zoot- they met at one of the parks, they stopped at. Animal ran away, because he was throwing a big tantrum and he trip over zoot, while zoot was taking pictures of the pigeons. Floyd apologized and a little of this happened and zoot just started to vibe them.
Lips- Janice cousin, he also ran away and was trying to find his cousin, when they finally bumped into each other in a Coffee shop. Janice and him talk for a while, lips decide to tag along and just go with the flow.
What the kids call the band mates
Floyd - scooter (dad, pop's) skeeter (old man, dad, pop's, grumpy) animal ( dada, dad)
Janice -the kids(auntie, aunt, aunt Janice, janice)
Dr. Teeth- the kids (big bro, uncle teeth, teeth)
Zoot- the kids (zoot toot, zoot, uncle zoot)
Lips- the kids (bubba, lips, curls, uncle/aunt lips)
The kids jobs
Scooter - works as a tech guy for Kermit at the Muppet theater, he makes sure everything is up and running.
Skeeter - she is a soccer coach for preschool kids and she is a soccer player
Animal - his is the drummer for the electric mayhem. He also helps out at the animal shelter, when he has free time
Scooter is in a 3 year relationship with his boyfriend Walter. They love each other very much
Skeeter is about to get married by her childhood sweetheart summer penguin. They just haven't picked a day yet
Animal is just happy with himself, he hasn't found anyone yet, but he is more focused on other things than love.
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tounderstandthesoul · 2 months
Chapter 12: 𝘗𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘺𝘴 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭
Tomorrow is a another day You are back with the Smilling Critters and the person you healed. But who exactly is she? Why did she work here before? How do the Smilling Critters see you now? After all, you were beaten up by Kickin two chapters ago in front of everyone... Does anyone even care? And then there's the DogDay thing...That could be something.
Well guess what, I'm back again! This chapter was… A challenge. More on all of them in the end notes (Or author Notes). Wc: 3.2k
DogDay. DogDay. DogDay.
The corridors of Home Sweet Home are strangely warm, as if someone had turned on the heating. But you're not paying attention to this as you walk along, you're thinking about something completely different.
She was just...Ugh, you just couldn't put it into thoughts or words. Her smile, her manner and the fact that she pays attention to you. Of all the other Smilling Critters and that woman you healed, she looks out for you. To the boy, the experiment that was bred down here in the dark. Although she only knew rainbows and green meadows in her 'Critter Valley' world, she was interested in you.
What is that feeling?
Although you hadn't eaten anything yet, your stomach felt as if it was full, as if it was filled with something indescribable. The hunger was there, but this feeling outweighed everything. It was as if you were in a sun-drenched meadow, experiencing the best day of your life, full of joy and yet nervous. This mixture of excitement and uncertainty was so intense that you only wanted one thing: to find out exactly what this feeling meant. It was an overwhelming tingling sensation that completely captivated you and left you feeling inspired and excited at the same time.
Turn right once, then left and there you were.
The large common bedroom of Home Sweet Home.
The door was open, and you could look in. The bloody bed in the middle is no longer there, the one where the woman you healed was lying minutes ago. The beds next to it were occupied, Crafty and Picky were sitting there. Crafty was drawing on a sheet lying on the bedspread, elegant hand movements with pencils on her hoof across the paper. Picky watched her, her curly tail over the bedspread and her legs out to the side on the floor outside the bed.
Although you haven't entered the room yet, you smell something. Delicious warmth. A mixture of melted cheese, crusty bread and butter
I am hungry.
You go in with that.
You can also see directly where the smell is coming from, apart from the two of them, everyone else was in the next room, a kitchen. From a distance you can see Bubba and DogDay, including the woman you healed. She was tall, slightly taller than DogDay and Bubba. She was no longer wearing that CatNap T-shirt, now she was wearing a leather jacket and funny red pants.
You automatically move towards them, what else could you do?
Light footsteps through the room, hoping that neither Picky nor Crafty will notice you. This place brings up memories in you, memories that you prefer to keep hidden in the back of your mind.
( "I don't want to be here" )
It was dark in the common bedroom, your eyes were closed anyway, at least you were trying to sleep. Beneath the thin blanket tugging at your skin.
( "I don't want to be here with that thing" )
That meant you.
("W-Why is he even here?" )
You rolled over in bed, closed your eyes even tighter and pressed your face into the comforter. The air was thicker than usual and you just wanted it all to stop. It should finally all stop, you can't stand it down here anymore.
("Be quiet! What if CatNap is coming?" )
CatNap. CatNap. CatNap.
( "I want to go to my mom" )
You heard that every day, you might even have answered and agreed if it hadn't been the child that bullied you every day.
You start imagining some melody, something to finally fall asleep to. Tomorrow was the first day of the new month... That means new tests. And only for you, no other child was chosen for these damn tests except you. Why?
( "I don't want to sleep under Patchface" )
This was all a week before it happened...The Hour of Joy.
You didn't realize it, you were already in the Small Kitchen next to the Common Bedroom. You instinctively followed the smell, like a damned animal, not like a human thinking.
"Is...everything okay?"
Should I tell her?
"Okay, you're in time, because now-
"Are the sandwiches ready!" DogDay Was Loud, she was happy and even though you actually hate loud noises, you didn't care with her. Her voice was just...perfect. You could really listen to it for hours.
"So you're Y/N then?" That was the woman now. She doesn't turn to you as she addresses you. She picks up a plate and takes the sandwiches out of the black oven as she continues talking. "Did you help me?"
"Yes, it was him! That's Y/N" DogDay answers for you, with a huge smile on her face and a thumb sound coming from behind her.
"Soooo I don't really know what was going on in the group before I was here." She takes a pair of trays and places a sandwich in each, tying the trays around her and putting everything on a large plate. "But I'd like to talk to you, you know, in private."
Your hands start to sweat slightly, not from the heat radiating from the stove, but from the fact that you've already met her. She was the woman with the funny voice on the phone when you were in the wagon...She used to work here.
How much does she know? Why did she know my ability?
"Well, only if you want to, of course, we could talk right now." She hands DogDay and Bubba a sandwich, which they both accept. But she walks past you. She just keeps walking into the Common Bedroom and calls the other Critters, who arrive quickly. Heavy footsteps and quick hands as they all take a sandwich from the plate.
Then your gaze meets Kickin.
He stands next to Hoppy and takes a sandwich when his gaze meets your empty hands...he takes two sandwiches.
You move closer, hoping to finally get something to eat. Your view is still obscured by this woman, you don't know her name, but you don't dare ask anyway.
"C-can i have one..." Your gaze wanders to the plate, which is now empty. The only thing your ears can hear is giggling coming from behind you. You turn around and see them. Kickin and Hoppy are walking towards the door, both holding two sandwiches and looking over at you. Your bent form, still with internal injuries.
Some things never change.
"Come over here then" It was the woman, she walks over to one of the beds at the very edge and just sits down on the edge with a sandwich in her hand. Then she raises her empty hand and caresses the seat next to her.
I am hungry.
You walk over, ignoring all your surroundings and the hunger that is already spreading. Without making a sound, you sit down at the edge of the bed and look at the floor in front of you, your head empty, as is your stomach.
"Soooo my name is Sophie, by the way, and yours seems to be Y/N."
Should I answer that?
"I don't really want to keep you here for long, you seem to have... more important things to do." She raises her hand and points forward, in the direction of the front door. DogDay is standing there. With her wrapped sandwich in her hand and her eyes fixed on the two of you. "You really are a sweet couple you know?"
"Wh-What?" What is she saying? Couple? Me and DogDay?
"Well, I think she's actually a dog, because DogDay and all that. But you two are really perfect together!" She gets louder, takes a bite of her sandwich and stares at you. "It's really cool that she comes from another dimension or something, after all, I think DogDay is actually a boy... But you can clearly tell from this DogDay that she's a girl."
What does she mean? What does that mean?
"All right, back to the topic"
She talks far too fast.
"You...are one of the experiments, aren't you?"
Your head switches off, an infinite emptiness that contains memories you don't want to see. The cold neighbors in the white room, the screaming in the corridors when a new child was taken away. It was terrible.
"I didn't mean it like that, really!" She takes another bite of the sandwich, looks deep into your eyes and stops moving for a moment. Her eyes seem to wander over your body, as if she has some kind of pity for you. "Well, I didn't mean to offend you... But do you know the prototype?"
Your head switched off for a second.
("We should send him to the prototype! The two experiments can learn from each other!" )
( " Forget that! The prototype is betting everything on one thing, if he knew we had something like an "angel" here, he'd do something else!" )
Now you've even admitted it.
What if she now thinks I'm one of them? Who is she really anyway? She's not going to hand me over to the other experiments, is she? What if she's using me as a bargaining tool and-
"Wow, take it easy" Her voice was strangely...soothing. She closed her eyes slightly and looked at you, this time with a cautious gaze. As if she were your mother, she slowly and carefully lifts her arm and places it on your right shoulder. She barely moves it, not a bit. "I just want to know if you can help us here, tomorrow we were planning to go out for CatNap...the praying mantis version. Ollie said I can trust you, if we work together we can defeat CatNap and find out what happened to all the other people!"
Who is Ollie? I've never heard of a kid here at Playcare called Ollie...
"I...I-I don't know "
"You don't have to, I just want to...sigh...find out what happened to all my work colleagues, you know?"
Your coworkers? The people in the lab coats? Why should I help you? Why won't I just let myself die here alone? Like you'd care if you weren't here at this very moment...
"But you can decide...If we can do all this, stop the prototype and everything...you can finally get out of here."
Your gaze met her green eyes.
"You can live with me and the others if you want...with DogDay." She had this silly grin on her face, like she'd just caught you doing something private. It was weird, you were only half-listening to her the whole time, but ever since she said DogDay's name, you were paying attention.
"I understand you, I really do! I heard about all the experiments from others, I heard really bad things. And when I think of your abilities... I can't imagine what they've done to you." She put the sandwich away, put it next to her and next to one of her hands that was on my shoulder, she put the other one in front of me and continued talking. "I know you won't get on without problems, without trauma. But this is a chance! Your chance."
My chance... mine. Only and solely for me. No more suffering, no more torture, no more experiments and no more corpses.
You imagine it, the warmth that bounces off your body through the great sunshine. In a large meadow, in freedom. No one else, just you and your mind. The fresh air of the outside world, the rays of light that make your vision vivid... Freedom.
"I...I-I'm coming with you"
That was it, you now chose to go with them and face the catastrophe. The fate that was waiting for you until now was now waiting for all of you.
"Perfect. Then have fun...with her."
She had put on that big grin again and took her eyes off you, your eyes shifted back to the door, DogDay was still standing there. With her wrapped sandwich in one arm and her body leaning against the door.
She is waiting for you.
You, no one else.
You get up and walk to her like a zombie.
You stand together at the door, she just smiles at you and without saying a word you leave.
You're outside, on the porch of Home Sweet Home. Actually, according to Bubba, nobody should be out here. But DogDay wanted to talk to you, just you. The others would give you funny looks all the time, maybe even whisper and say something nasty, you didn't want that.
You wanted to know why you always have this funny feeling in your stomach when it comes to DogDay.
You were standing a few meters away from each other, she was sitting on the small fence of the porch and you were standing at the entrance to the house.
You in the dark. You in the light.
"You can have my sandwich if you want" Her voice rises over the whole area, this is the best you've heard the last few days. The warmth in her voice was still there, it sounded just like when you saved the Smilling Critter.
"Come on, sit down"
You immediately run to her and sit down next to her. She was still taller than you, but you didn't care. It's like she's protecting you, nothing could hurt you now...
You finally have the chance to say what's going on in your mind.
Your view extends far out from the veranda, onto the huge meadow and the statues of the Smilling Critters.
"I...I-Im sorry"
"Like what?"
"The lie."
"Oh that, you didn't know any better yourself, Y/N"
She trusts you, completely. There it was again, that warmth in your stomach... those butterflies. The pressure in your stomach gets stronger now that you're sitting next to her, so close. You can already smell the vanilla scent and it was fantastic. Your body acts automatically, slowly... Very slowly you rest your head on her right shoulder and close your eyes.
You had the feeling you were dead, the feeling in your stomach got stronger, your ears were ringing and the only thing that proved you wrong was the unbelievable pounding of your heart.
"But this is really great..." Her eyes meet yours, and the surroundings go out of focus. Her eyes were just perfect, human or not, she was better than anything you've come across before. Her perfect sunshine-yellow features, floppy ears, and sleek black nose are something you think about all the time. "You smell really good after the shower Y/N...Not after all that blood anymore."
"y-yeah i...
I mutilated two minicritters just because they looked like Kickin and Hoppy. I ran into the worshiper version of CatNap and yelled at him, starting a war. I went completely crazy at the school, and CatNap just left me there all alone. And then I had this weird dream where we were lying on the floor together and you were...
"I-im going through s-something, I don't really know y-yet...what's going on here."
You look down at the stairs that connect Home Sweet Home to the Great Grass Field of Playcare. You're afraid to look at her...to let her down. You know exactly what you did after being alone after school.
Plus the thing with the notebook where you wrote in it.
"Hey this...It's not your fault. You got beat by Kickin...ugh, I should have intervened sooner and..." There was that feeling in your stomach again, even though it never left. You don't look at her anymore, but you feel her gaze on your skin...her warm gaze that robs you of sleep. "I'm... sorry, really. You don't deserve to be here like this..."
She raises her hand in front of your face, very slowly so that you don't flinch. At first she barely moves it, soft fluffy paws finding space in front of your face...And then they touch your scars. Your face feels as if someone has poured hot water on it, the feeling in your stomach gets stronger and your body becomes incredibly warm. She strokes the scar very gently, then slowly over your left cheek.
Blood is flowing through your body faster than ever before, if she keeps this up it will get worse. The feeling is far too strong...you have to do something.
I...I have to tell her, otherwise I can't take it anymore.
She makes that head movement again that you've already memorized. She angles it and looks you in the eye. The sight is just perfect... She is perfect. You've almost forgotten where you were. Hell. Playtime Co. But DogDay was your hope, she was there for you, even in the moments when you weren't.
Her touch is irresistible, the warmth that emanates from her has already made your head tingle. The fluffiness of her paw makes you forget all your worries, she was simply perfect.
I like you DogDay, I like you a lot.
"Why...why did you help us?"
"I g-guess I helped y-you because I-i like-
You don't get any further. The warm paw on your left cheek pulls you gently and your brain switches off completely.
DogDay's Kissing you.
Your brain doesn't process it, your eyes move from her nose to her eyes. They were wide open, as if she was waiting for you to move away. She seems somehow unsure, as if she's asking you if you really want this.
You want it.
Her lips are soft, you barely notice that they are on your mind. You close your eyes and the only sign that you exist in this moment is the taste of her lips. It's sweet, vanilla-like and the best you've ever tasted. It is this soft taste that makes you forget the disaster in this place, as if none of this had ever happened.
She puts her other hand on your knee and turns you slightly towards her. Now you are fully angled to each other, her legs were out of the way, giving you the feeling of being safe. You were safe with her, only with her and no one else.
"I know...
She doesn't have to say any more, she puts her lips back on yours and your head switches off for good. DogDay was here, so everything was fine. Her scent infiltrates your nose and you feel like you've never smelled anything else. That soft vanilla smell mixed with the vanilla taste from her kiss... It's perfect.
Then she moves away.
"We...we have to get back to the others" She says it like nothing happened, your brain not really processing it anyway. You were tired, hungry and about to pass out, but you made it with her.
The moment doesn't feel real. Her perfect smiling face and Playcare in the background... The future and the past at a glance.
"You're perfect...Y/N, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, ok?" She speaks between breaths, and it still sounds like her...Perfect. The moment is surreal, her voice sounds so quiet even though you're sitting right next to each other. It becomes even more surreal as your gaze wanders around Playcare and sees all the statues, maybe all roads lead to the same destination after all?
Is this all just a dream?
"We have to sleep...But tomorrow is another day..."
Was that the security for your next kiss?
With that your gaze juts away from her, she stands up straight and waits for you...Your gaze, however, is set in the vastness of Playcare. From afar you see it...The monstrous black pupils encircled by white irises and a mouth unhinge widely, devoid of discernible teeth.
The worshiper version of CatNap, 1188.
Tomorrow is another day
As mentioned in the notes at the beginning, writing this chapter was really tough. First of all, it was so incredibly hot here, almost 31 degrees or 86 Fahrenheit. As soon as I sat down at the computer to write, I had a damn seizure because of the heat. Secondly, I didn't know exactly where to dock. After all, the situation is so uncomfortable for the reader (because of Kickin's beating, the dream with DogDay) To get into the whole good I'll just let you suffer, you don't get a sandwich...Because Kickin took two. Third, I uploaded last week, but my Arcane fanfiction. So nothing with Poppy Playtime (you can still check it out) because that's where the story is slowly starting. My head is always in the middle of the different events of my stories (Telekinesis, Holy Wizards Corpse, The Genius, The Rat). I also don't want to make the chapters boring, there's always something big at the end (like the Monster CatNap version). I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, please leave a comment!
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amberjazmyn · 7 months
skin to skin
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - skin to skin
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - ulitmate fluff, dad x misha, just really adorable so nothing sad 
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 -misha's wife, evanna, has just given birth to the newest member of the collins' and extended spn family. their first daughter and misha arrives just in the knick of time despite missing the birth. evanna though couldn't be mad as misha was still there before the sun set.  
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - like i say every time, i have nothing at all against misha's wife vicki, from what i heard she's a stunning, very intelligent and amazing mother and wife to her husband two beautiful kids, maison and west. however, for the purpose of this story, vicki is with another man which also means that unfortunately, maison and west don't exist. 
- - - 
"...she's gorgeous evanna..." 
you smiled at the tiny bundle of joy that you had just introduced to the world. looking from your newborn daughter to jared & jensen, their wives, matt, richard & rob and the two marks, you all wondered where misha, your husband and baby daddy was. 
hoping that wherever he was, he wasn't too far, "...isn't she just gen?" you were in awe at how small your baby girl was whilst also in utter shock that you had an entire human come out of you
"what's her name?" rob questions, speaking ever so softly and calmly knowing too much noise and excitement would be too much - not just for the bubba but for you as well
"good question rob, we have some names but i'll wait for misha...that is when he gets--" 
"--evanna, babe, i am so sorry i-" 
"-i...she's here!" 
just before you could finish your sentence, misha rushes in sending his apologies. he then notices the little girl that was now wide awake in your arms as she made direct eye contact with her daddy. he pauses in his tracks, his speech pausing as well. misha then finished his sentence as you nodded your head, the biggest smile on your face as misha started to shake his head as a smile grew on his face. 
his baby was finally here but, he had missed the birth entirely. what a great first impression that is to the midwives, right? no we're not doing that, they all knew the reason why misha missed the birth but, he still kicked himself from missing the birth of his own first daughter due to a stupid meeting that easily could have waited until after the birth. especially due to you and bubba being his first priority but no, not this time apparently. however, you couldn't be mad at him, no one could because, he still made it within baby's first twenty-four hours of being born. and, he still had input in naming the baby and holding her before anyone else. besides, this was the first time that he wasn't present with anything regards baby girl so, it was no problem at all that he missed the birth since he was around for everything else. 
"...you wanna hold her, mish?" you finally spoke up, the silence being disrupted as misha's eyes widen
"are you sure?" he questions nervously as you nod your head 
"i'm sure love, she's your baby too. also, i still haven't named her just in case you didn't like the name i chose," you smiled, handing your little girl over to misha as he gives you a confused look that makes the hospital room erupt into laughter
"she still doesn't have a name yet?" misha questions, his questioning face being the centre of the laughter as you nodded your head
"yeah...i wasn't sure if you'd like the name that i had in mind..." you trailed off as misha looks up from his little bundle of joy to his first bundle of joy
"...you don't know that, tell me. what did you have in mind?" misha questions as you smile shyly, taking a piece of hair behind your ear 
misha watched, not able to tear his away from the baby girl that his wife had just given birth to as you responded. 
"evangelina genevieve collins..." you trailed off shyly as a smile develops onto misha's face as his eyes tear up 
you get shy again as misha takes your hand in his whilst still holding onto his little girl as he smiles at hearing the name suggestion. 
 "...evangelina genevieve sounds absolutely perfect darling!" misha smiles before his attention is taken back to his little girl
"hey evangelina genevieve, it's me, your daddy. i love you so much my love. i'm sorry i got here so late but, i'm here now and that's what matters and it'll be the last time i'll ever be late for you. i'll always make sure you are the most important thing, no matter what happens! i love you forever my dear little evangelina..." misha whispered as that's when evangelina's eyes opened 
a small smile forms on the newborn's face as misha sheds a singular tear, shock flowing through his bloodstream as you just watched, struggling to keep your eyes open since you were so exhausted from all the pushing and screaming. 
"...evangelina genevieve is a gorgeous name, what made you choose that name?" sarah, evanna's midwife asks as evanna makes herself comfortable
she also tried to stay awake as she smiled at her husband and daughter in the corner before looking up to respond to sarah's question. 
"evangelina is the character i play on supernatural and genevieve is my sister's first name..." evanna smiles, holding her hand out for gen padalecki, her older sister
her older sister who was still coming to terms with the fact that her baby sister had named her firstborn after her.
"aw, that's beautiful, evanna. i'm sure that said older sister is very happy about that?" sarah smiles, in the direction of gen as she giggles tearfully
"yeah, it's a gorgeous name and, the meaning is even more gorgeous," gen spoke softly as her husband and evanna's brother-in-law, jared, rubbed her back in comfort 
they then noticed jensen, rob, matt, the two marks and misha with evangelina. they were all doting over the newborn baby as evanna found herself laughing at her husband and best friends. 
"...evangelina, you've definitely got your daddy wrapped around your little finger for the rest of your life..." 
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ok, this was way too adorable and, i think i'm gonna have misha and evanna replace natalya.  
ok ily bye xx
word count; 1091
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Santa Baby
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: What's a better gift than the gift of life? Nothing.
Warnings: none
The melodic tune of classic Christmas carols flosted throughout the warm and cozy house, just outside the window, a thick blanket of lilly white snow covered the yard and pool covering.
The wood burning in the fireplace crack and popped ever so often as its warmth was a lifesaver in this cold weather. Dodger was laying at the foot of the floor to ceiling window playing with his stuffed lions and Chris was somewhere about the house doing God knows what.
It's Christmas morning and instead of spending the earlier half of the day with his family, he wanted to spend it with just the three of us, Dodger, him and myself.
We had already exchanged our gifts as soon as our eyes opened, excited like little children to see what Santa left for them under the tree but there's one gift left that I haven't given him yet.
"Chris!" Taking a hold of the gift box wrapped in red and green paper I called out to my boyfriend and soon enough he appeared from around the corner. His eyes lightning up at the neatly wrapped present sitting on my lap.
"What's this? I thought we exchanged all of our gifts already" kissing my forehead he sat next to me and Dodger came to lay at his feet; I passed the gift over to him
"Honestly I forgot where I had hid this one, go on, open it"
I watched as he tore the wrapping off to open the box, he immediately looked up at me, his eyes filling with tears at the contents.
"No way" he pulled out the clearblue pregnancy test and the sonogram of our baby that has been growing inside of me for two and a half months according to the doctor.
He took out the onsie and the tears flowed freely
"Baby Evans, June 2022" placing the items to the side he pulled me onto his lap, wrapping me up in his arms as he showered my face with kisses.
Chris couldn't believe that this was finally happening, he always dreamed of having a family of his own and he's glad that he's found the one to do so with.
"We're having a baby"
"You're going to be a dad, Merry Christmas bubba"
"Best Christmas gift ever."
MCU Taglist:
@dorks2022 @sophiaedits @peakascum @anonymoustip217 @mel119g @iiddaaa @panaitbeatrice @mintphoenix @hardcoppizzasludge @tanyaherondale @creatingjana @calimoi @rootcrop @louisianalady @chrisfucksblog @thummbelina @n3ssm0nique @vicmc624 @leyannrae @janaev4ns @queenofkings1212 @stumbleonmywords
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It Takes A Village Chapter 5
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Chris Evans x Pregnant!daughter!reader
Series Master List
Series summary: You find out that your pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?
Chapter Summary: It's your first day at school in boston and you make a new friend
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapter Warnings: none that I know of
You should know the drill by now Y/n means your name, n/n means nickname.
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It Sunday night and all weekend since you told your family about the baby on Friday, you were mostly left to your own devices which for the most part you did hang out with family but today you were just relaxing since your dad was making calls for work, and you just felt like being alone. Your walked around the neighborhood with Dodger, but right now you were in your bed scrolling through Instagram. You came across a photo Jake posted. Him at the skatepark seemingly unbothered by the fact he broke up with you cause he was sitting with another girl cuddled on his side. The post was captioned "Skating with Friends." You frowned deeply, he was already moving on. You finally have a minute to grieve the breakup and he's already moving on. You sighed cuddling up under your blanket deeper. Sniffling you hid your face in your pillow. You should've known it wasn't going to last but you didn't think it would end with you moving back in with your dad pregnant.
"Bubba?" Chris knocked on your door. "Can I come in?" He asked.
"One second!" You hollered wiping the few tears that managed to escape then you closed Instagram opening Netflix on you phone to make it look like you were going to watch a movie instead. "Come in!"
"Hey, Sweetpea. So I have a bit of news." He said walking in and sitting on your bed. You nodded turning your phone off before you sat up. "Well this summer I have to go to LA to film a movie and we'll be there for a few months. You'll have come with me." He told you.
"Okay.. But I'm due in november will we be back here by then?" You said.
"I'm not sure but I can't leave you here alone especially when you'll be pregnant. Bubba it'll only be for a few months and even if the baby is born in LA we'll come back to Boston in no time." He tried to reassure you.
"Okay... Oh dad! I wanted to talk to you about me getting a job so I can pay for the baby..."
"I'll help you pay." He said.
"Dad... But I have to do this on my own.. You can help but more with babysitting not paying for them... Do you know anywhere that might hire me?" You asked. He sighed nodding.
"Probably the McDonald's close to your school. I'll help you get a work permit filled out. If you promise me you won't over work yourself with at your job and with school." He negotiated.
"Okay now go to bed you have school early in the morning. I'll drive you there." He kissed your forehead before leaving your room. He really hopes you keep up your side of the deal.
You jumped out of the car waving to your dad. "Bye!" You hollered smiling at him before making your way up to the school. Joining a new school in the middle of March isn't exactly what you wanted but none the less you can't just not go to school for the rest of the school year. You made it in eyes darting around the hoard of your new classmates all pushing around to get to their lockers.
"Hi! You must be the new girl!" A girl with bright smile said out of no where making you jump.
"Yeah.. I'm y/n... Who are you?"
"I'm Darcy! I'm going to help you find your way around the school! Do you know your locker number?" She asked you cheerfully.
"Uh.. Yeah, uh." You pulled your paper out of your backpack looking over it for your locker number. "Locker 543." You said looking at her smiling.
"Okay! Follow me! So did your family just move here is that why your joining the school so late in the year?" She asked as you began walking.
"Not really I just moved in with my dad." You told her.
"Oh cool!" She said happily as you guys turned down another hallway.
"Okay! Here's your locker. What class do you have first?" She asked. You held up your schedule to her before opening your locker. "Mr. Sparks English class. Cool! He's my favorite teacher he's pretty chill." She told you a her bright smile still on her face.
"Cool. Uh where is his class?" You asked her.
"I have to go the opposite way for my class but it's down the hallway on the left second door." She explained. You nodded before began going the other way for her class. You followed her directions to a door. You walked in seeing most of your classmates already there only a few desks empty.
"Hi? Who are you?" He asked giving you a welcoming smile.
"Uh y/n Evans. I'm new." He nodded.
"Okay take a seat."
You went to a empty seat and sat down looking around the classroom. Nothing to strange. "Sorry I'm late!" A boy with black tousled hair and a outfit that looked like it had been thrown on in minutes which you presumed by the fact he was wearing his sweatshirt on backward and inside out.
"It's fine Mr. Conley. Sit down." The teacher said. The boy came over and sat in the empty seat next to you.
"You new?" He whispered to you. All you did was nod.
At lunch you sat alone, you haven't made any friends yet. "Hey new girl." The boy from earlier slid into the bench across from you at the table. "I'm conley, Oscar Conley." He said in a slick voice.
"Well Conley, I'm Evans, Y/n Evans." You mocked his slick voice a smile on your face.
"Well, Evans welcome to the school!"
"Mhm.." You nodded noticing his sweatshirt was still in backwards. "Your shirts on backwards and inside out." You pointed out. He frowned looking down at the tag.
"Oh come on no one told me!" You giggled. "It's not funny I've been walking around like this all day."
"It's a little funny."
"Okay new girl, what's your story?" He asked.
"Oh come on no one just comes to a new school near the end of March. Let me guess you got into a fight and got expelled from your last school." You shook your head. "Your secretly a spy for the fbi here to spy on one of my classmates because they're apart of the mafia!"
"No!" You laughed.
"Your actually an alien from Mars here to wipe out all of the human race."
"No. I just moved in with my dad." You said rolling your eyes at his crazy assumptions.
"That's boring you should tell everyone your an alien." He said smiling. You laughed.
"Okay. What about you Oscar? Do you sit and talk to all the new kids?" You asked before taking a bite of your lunch.
"Only the ones that look like a secret spy." He joke. You cracked a smile shaking your head.
After lunch you and Oscar swapped numbers before Darcy took you away to show you your next class. Right now your sitting outside waiting for your dad to come pick you up. "Evans." You heard Oscar say from behind you. "Waiting for your flying saucer?"
"Yeah." You chuckled looking at him for a second then back ahead at the street. "Well Conley that's my ride see you later!" You stood waving at him before running to your dad's car.
"Thought you said you were taking a break from boys?" Chris asked once you got in.
"Dad he's a friend the only person who talked to me without the school telling them they had to."
"Okay how was school?"
"It was good I made a friend."
He smiled at you beginning to drive as you looked out the window. "Well. Your gonna have to tell him about the baby since he's your friend now."
"Oh yeah." You said.
"Okay I got the paper work for your work permit we'll fill it out then you can apply somewhere you can walk to from school." He said.
You nodded giving him a smile.
A/n: kinda got carried away oops.
Taglist: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries
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metal-cowboy · 3 years
HII For the ask game!!! 6, 7, 9, and 13?? If you feel like it!!!! For whoever you most feel like talking about!!!!! :]]] <333
AHH thank you for the ask! 💕 I naturally picked Bubba for this one, but the next one is for Steve so I'm finally achieving some Variety on my blog, lol
6. When was the exact moment you knew you were in love with them?
ooohh so I know I've already talked about this a couple times, but I'll JUST DO IT AGAIN!!! ha I really distinctly remember one night when I woke up and just... couldn't stop thinking about Bubba??? I didn't know anything about him, I'd never seen TCM or even thought about it, but seeing him associated with other slashers (Chucky was my gateway slasher lmao) meant I kind of knew about him. I think it was right after I'd been mindlessly surfing for slasher stuff in general, since it was a newer interest, and I'd come across a few pieces fanart that caught my attention for a second (nothing insane it was all really nice content 10/10) but I didn't think much of it and just went to sleep shortly after. AND THEN. I woke up literally in a cold sweat and he was so so Present in my mind, like HE WAS LIVING IN MY BRAIN RENT-FREE DUDE, and I remember immediately going back online to look for content again and like... even if I was kind of uncertain (I can be reserved when it comes to gaining new F/Os) I was quick to accept how much I liked him. there were so many reasons I saw for liking him, so many things I found endearing specifically about his original '74 portrayal, and I was honestly pretty happy about it.
also, my friends encouraged me so I guess they get some credit too. I know one of them might be reading this like "I GOT YOU TO WATCH THE MOVIE" yeah you did, and I wouldn't be balls deep in love with this man without you basically being a wingman, lmao.
in terms of my S/I, Joe, I haven't really settled on a solid first-meeting-and-getting-to-know-each-other story that I like yet, not for either timeline that this ship is in, so uhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ngl I feel I've been struggling to develop their relationship in a way that makes a whole lot of sense, which I guess I shouldn't worry about but I'd like to be able to write fanfiction with them someday, and not just short drabbles based on what-if scenarios.
7. What do their hands feel like?
a bit rough, a little hairy on the back, also when holding hands with someone (me lol) he's super gentle. they probably also ENGULF my own, and ofc I love it and I think it's really cute. maybe also sweaty sometimes but honestly me too, I don't mind it.
9. How does their body temp usually run (are they naturally warm or cold)?
OOOH warm, so so warm, which is good cause I feel like I'm always so cold, which means I'd love for him to cuddle me (even if we're both in tragically hot states lol)
13. What’s one thing that surprised you about them after you got to know each-other?
HMMM🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 to be honest, Bubba surprised me in a lot of ways. I think one of the biggest and sweetest surprises to me was that we both like sunflowers. they're my favorite flower of all time, and I think him being already heavily associated with them just made me like "HOLY SHIT!!!!" and sometimes I still can't get over it 🌻💖
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blubberingmess · 4 years
[Little guy: Peach] *Bucky's view pt1*
Pairing: Bucky/Chibi!Bucky x male!reader
Continuation for [Little guy: Bubba]
Note: a few changes in Bucky's tactical gear.
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'Happy 18th birthday!'
      Bucky is practically shaking with excitement as he stares down at the cake in front of him, his smile so wide he could almost feel his cheeks rip. But the cake nor the presents he got was not the reason for why he was excited, no, it's so much more than that. He finally turned eighteen which means there's a high chance his soon-to-be chibi would appear, ready to shower him with affection and love just like his soulmate would - or hope they would.
But alas, day became night and there's still no chibi in sight.
"Don't worry, Bucky. She will come out eventually, just you wait." Bucky heard Steve said from beside him, placing a cold and thin yet comforting hand on his shoulder. He can't help but feel envious as he watched his friend pat the small female chibi on his lap, cooing up at him like a love-sick puppy.
"Yeah she will," Bucky puts on a boyish grin and puffs his chest out as he spoke with certainty. "And when she does, she'll the most prettiest chibi in the whole world."
And wait he did; his 20th birthday became 27th. At the same time as Bucky's getting older, the single flame of hope inside of him is getting weaker and weaker as the years gone by. The thought of himself not actually having a soulmate or her dying at such a young age is like a sharp stab in the chest; like of ice-cold water pouring down on that small flame until it was only a mere burn inside his chest, a scar to remind him of the sad, sad reality he's living in.
"Wanna come with us, Jamie-boy? Our last day in Brooklyn. Don'tcha think we deserve a little bit of fun, if y'know what I mean?" One of his so-called friends Karl nudged him on his side playfully, a mischievous grin on his face as he spoke.
Bucky eyes flickered at the small female chibi on the table that belongs to Karl, putting on a fake, tight smile despite him clenching his jaw in irritation for saying such things in front of his chibi.
"Nah, I don't think I can right now. You guys go ahead without me," declined Bucky.
Karl shrugs his shoulders, not really caring if Bucky comes or not. "Suit yourself. Hey fellas! Let's go!" The brunette was shocked and angered as he watched Karl harshly grabs the chibi from the table making it squeak in pain before walking away with his small group of friends, with their own chibis on their shoulders.
Bucky wanted to stop him, he really do, but he doesn't have the right to do such thing no matter how the person deserves a good punching.
Why haven't they said anything about Bucky not having his own chibi by his side? It's because he lied, saying he doesn't like to carry his chibi around and all that. How can he say the truth? Even himself doesn't know the truth! Does he or does he not have a soulmate? He's pushing thirty for Pete's sake!
Bucky's gaze is down as he propped his elbow in the table, sighing to himself before averting his eyes back up. Blue eyes danced around the bar, fiddling with the shot of whiskey in hand. Regardless of knowing how fruitless his searching was everyday, he can't stop no matter how hard he tried to - like it's now in his instinct to look around, to search for the small being that would lead him towards his supposedly other half.
Leaning his head back, he downed the whiskey in hand before slamming it onto the table a bit harder than intended, causing eyes to turn towards him. Bucky doesn't care, there's so much thoughts running around in his head to do so, tossing a few coins on the table before heading out of the bar to find his best and only friend Steve Rogers.
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[Winter Soldier!Bucky]
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The cold brittle December night and the harsh falling of snow from above barely made the winter soldier flinch as he crouches on top of the rooftop, aiming his sniper rifle at his target. His breathing is steady as well as his heart, like he isn't just about to kill one of the people who crossed Hydra.
He steadied his aim, locking at the target's head.
His index finger pushed the trigger just the slightest in a thrillingly slow--
His eyes narrowed at the sound, leaning his head back to look around his surroundings, ready to pull out his gun from its holster. He found nothing but snow and the fresh corpse of one of the guard at the center, he focuses his attention back on the scope and almost jumps in surprise.
Blocking his scope is a small almost human looking thing, curiously looking through the glass, tapping it a few times before grunting. The winter soldier immediately knew it was a male from the way he looks and sound, watching him waddles a few step back.
The chibi tilts his head to the side and unconsciously, Soldier tilted his head as well before registering what he had done a second later, shaking his head with a scowl. Bucky grabs the chibi with his calloused yet surprisingly gentle hand, and carefully placing him on the black case next to him before focusing back on his mission.
Fuck. The target moved away from the window, but it's nothing the Winter Soldier can't fix. With a small turn of the rifle to the left and a single pull of the trigger with no hint of hesitancy, the target fell down to the marbled floor, immediately causing the guests and securities to panic and run around like some headless chickens - pathetic.
The soldier straightens his back and turn his whole body to face the chibi who just casually continues to stares up at him with curious look on his face, once again, tilting his head to the side. Without a second thought, he lifts the chibi but now with his metal hand instead and started packing the sniper rifle in the case.
"Good job, Soldier. We'll be waiting for you." A familiar voice said from his earpiece before it goes static to silent.
The soldier for once didn't heard what has been said in his ear for all his attention is now on the chibi in his hand, face squished up at his grip but seemingly comfortable as it closes his eyes and sighs in content. The sight made his cold, steady heart skips a beat.
He's not stupid, he knows what chibis are and what their purpose is, and he don't like it. Anger surely bubbles up inside him and he don't know why, looking at the little thing makes him want to punch a nearby wall all while simultaneously wanting to just sit down and bask in the affection the chibi is currently giving him - peppering little kisses on his metal hand, like he's trying to comfort him.
The soldier closed his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh before grabbing the black case from the ground.
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Having the chibi around isn't as irritating as he first thought it would.
He was apprehensive at first, the idea of having someone out there waiting for him; a cold-blooded murderer. The asset did not paid attention to the chibi whatsoever for a few days, only sharing his disgusting food with him; stale bread and just as unflavored mash potato, or some MRE food pack. To his surprise and relief, the chibi doesn't complain and would accept the food gratefully.
The winter soldier slowly warms up, letting the little guy in his very, very small, one person 'personal bubble'. He started to actually enjoy the little guy's affectionate actions and kisses, instead of pushing him away every time.
He once left the chibi alone to train one day, which caused to one of the agents almost finding out about while doing a quick survey of his room.
He never left the chibi's side since then.
The soldier isn't that heartless-- well, not much to the chibi-- for he is still... practicing, learning how to be gentle. Who could blame him? he once made the little guy cry, and truth to be told, he did not like it one bit.
He also found out that he likes-- loves peaches after leaving him on a unguarded stall that sells peaches because the mission is too dangerous, only coming back to him snoring on top of one with his tummy all big and full with four peach cores around him - thus the reason why he called him 'Peach'.
He cannot recall how many times he would wake up from a nightmare he couldn't remember at such ungodly hour with Peach crawling up to his rapidly rising and falling chest, patting his cheek and giving him a kiss on the forehead. Remembering all the night when he would just cry, letting out his frustration, anger, and confusion while holding Peach close to his chest.
The little guy don't talk, isn't that helpful, squeaky and loud, everything he hates to a person (except the first one) but he would be lying if he said it didn't provide him immense comfort.
Four years had passed. The winter soldier's chibi was there when it all happened, tucked inside his vest made from kevlar where no one could notice, not even Hydra which was quite shocking. A makeshift pocket the soldier himself sewn after stealing a small sewing kit from one of his previous mission, prickling his flesh fingers a few times. Reason why he started to clipped on his vest a bit loosely than how he normally does to avoid Peach getting squished or suffocate to death.
"You're my mission." Bucky roared as he throw a powerful punch after punch while the blonde kept his hands hanging off to the side, not making a move to fight back.
"You're my mission!" He repeats.
"Then finish it." Bucky immediately stops his fist in mid-punch as Steve continues.
"Cause I'm with you to the end of the line--"
A small squeak-like grunt was suddenly heard, freezing both men. Steve watches as something-- a mop of hair-- pokes out from inside his vest. A disheveled looking Peach looks around his surroundings, sleepy eyes swinging from Bucky to Steve before letting out a yawn.
"You have a... chibi," Steve whispers in shock.
Just then another explosion happened, sending the whole helicarrier to shake as the bottom of the falls, taking Steve down with it. Bucky watching him fell down after he managed to grab hold onto of the remaining part of the helicarrier, a sense of recognition and inner-conflict within the stormy blue eyes is the sight Steve last saw before he blacked out.
That and the particular chibi tucked in his vest. What shocked him the most is the fact that the chibi is a male.
Who would've thought?
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Too long, Tumblr can't take it. Next will be the last part :) more shorter.
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Excuse my poorly drawn sketch. Anyways, this scene makes me laugh now that I think about it 😂😂😂
Tags for [Little guy]: @fafulous @putinovertime @daybreakmistakes
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jimjamthehorrorman · 5 years
"Texas Hold Em'"
(PART TWO of the "Unconditional Love" fic. In this AU, the boys are all alive, modern setting and not cannibals. Just a bunch of eccentric boys with secrets. Hope you enjoy!)
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Early morning, a tinge of blue coats the walls like thick paint. You forgot to close the curtains, but this isn't your house, so how would you remember so easily? You wonder if your dog is having a good time lazying up the house with your friend who came to pupsit. But you have other things to worry about, she's in good hands.
The guest room at the boys farm was empty other than an uncomfortable old futon, some strange bone art (as you know, Nubbins and Bubba are quite the taxidermy artists) and the subtle smell of a "cinnamon clove" candle on the dresser that really ties it all together.
The sound of a rooster crowing next to the window reminds you..
"The boys are up already. Today I finally get to meet the notorious 'Chop Top'" you thought to yourself, struggling to get the heavy flannel sheets off so you can get dressed. "first day as a farmhand, that's a step up from gas station attendant."
When Drayton saw how easily you got along with the boys, he realized that you could be a good addition to the farm. Obviously you wouldn't live there full time. You've got your own home and your own life seperate from them, but something draws you there when you have free time. Actually, someone.
Stomping down the hall, you hear boots already mud clodden. Speak of the devil, he knocks at the door frame with a gentle thud. He groans in a way that almost sounds like "are you up?" You see his eye barely peak through the gap in the door.
"I'm getting dressed, Bubba!" You shout, grasping at the sheets to cover yourself. You hear the sound of his heels turning and a slight jog that turns into some thudding and stomping again. He must have been embarrassed because he turned heel, ran, stumbled and hit the lamp in the hall on his way out.
Drayton's up.
You hope to yourself he isn't like that with you. Poor Bubba.
"You about ready in there Y/N? We've got to get some work done and then we'll get breakfast made." He took a totally different tone with you. It's almost sickening that he can be so nice to you and so mean to his brothers, but you can't complain because he'll do his best to hold his tongue with you around.
"I'll be out in just a few, Drayton! I'm putting my boots on now!"
He chuckled on his way down the hall.
"Chop Top's back from the VA Hospital, so be prepared. He's crazier than any of us." You can't tell if he's joking or dead serious.
You meet Nubbins at the door.
"Hey! Hey Y/N! Bubba wants you to meet the animals and his favorite are the birds! They're so nice, really good tempered! The ducks are his favorite but I think the chickens are mine!"
"Alright! We'll go check them out together, they have to be fed anyways right?"
"Oh yeah! And they eat real good too! Hungry little things!"
He prances down the lane towards a little crooked shack, Bubba's standing outside the door putting buckets of water and feed out for the birds. He just can't stop wearing that pretty mask and suit. He knows how much you like it and you haven't seen the other mask since the day you met. He's dressed to impress and he's going to get his dress boots dirty, you just KNOW it.
The sun's come up as you were coming down the lane and Nubbins, running in his standard silly formation, makes it to the door and slams it open, letting out all the chickens to Bubba's dismay. He hadn't finished putting everything down and now he has to get his shoes muddy to get back to the other side.
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He looks to Nubbins and groans loudly, putting his hand up to his masked face. Shaking his head, he walks around the muddy nasty pen and finishes his job. As soon as he sees you he perks up, running out the pen and nearly ripping his good coat on the wire fence.
"Good morning big guy! Thanks for the privacy this morning!" You laugh as you watch his cheeks redden from under the mask. "It's alright you didn't know I was changing. Anything exciting planned for this afternoon?"
He points toward the gate at the end of the midpoint in the driveway, a truck is making it's way out toward the road and you see Drayton, his mouth running like he's cursing his whole way out. His window is closed but you feel for the poor soul on the other end of the phone.
Nubbins runs up and grabs you by the shoulder. "He's going to get Chop Top from the bus station in town! They finally got him out, he's going to get him and we'll have a great time, a hell of a time!"
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You've heard wild stories about this guy, and you weren't sure how to feel about him but certainly he would come to be as close to you as the other boys.
Bubba and Nubbins finish doing their jobs while you get some Alfalfa treats for the cattle out back. Who knew these hefty old things were like big dogs themselves? The one with the biggest horns you knew to be "Dolly" the longhorn named by Drayton and his favorite. You give her a couple extra treats for good measure.
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It's only been about fifteen minutes since Drayton left, and based on Nubbins' watch, he wouldn't be back for another 45. Now's your chance to get even closer to Bubba. He doesn't talk much but there's a spark and he for sure likes you.
More of an action than words guy, that boy.
"Hubba Bubba, look at you all fancy!" You smile at him, he's got his sleeves rolled up to the elbow, his pant legs rolled to the knee and he's slinging a 50 lb bag of cracked corn into the feeder. He looks down at you, giving you a once over before wiping corn dust off of his tie and jacket. "I'm done with my jobs if you want to go on a walk!"
Bubba giggles to himself before putting the burlap sack on the pile and walking up to you, excited to spend time with you, knowing soon you two can have a snack at the barn.
"So, do you like living on the farm?"
He nods, he loves it here with all the animals, you can tell. He scratches his chin under the mask. He must get hot wearing those all the time and shaves quite often so it must get itchy.
Walking down a hill toward the barn you pass a beaten up old shed. Getting too close to the door he grabs your hand and snags you in close to him. He's shaking his head no.
"What's wrong with the shed, Bub?"
He looks uncomfortable and points to the barn.
"Okay okay, we'll keep moving." You give him a pat on the lower back and keep walking before giving one hesitant glance back at the shed. What's in there and why is he not letting you in? Weird.
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Halfway to the barn you realize you're still holding Bubba's hand. He's tangled his fingers up in yours and you feel him gently trailing his thumb around on your hand. He looks down at you every once in a while just to be sure you're comfortable. He's nervous and it's easy to tell.
You try your best to reassure him by doing the same and smiling back each time. He lets out a relieved sigh as you make it to the barn. A decrepit old metal barn from the 50s filled to the top on one side with square bales of hay and the other side a little table with five chairs and a couple of empty stalls sit. The barn is open on both sides other than the back, a torn up old screen sways back and forth in the wind, like a piece of paper held on with tape. Bubba retracts from your hand to pull down some bales with ease, stacking them into something roughly resembling a couch.
He flops down on them with only a slight rustle of the hay, obviously more comfortable than the little rusty metal ones at the table. He sits up and pats the bale beside him. You walk over and flop next to him, looking around to see that Nubbins is nowhere close by, you wrap your hand around his and lean into him. Between the heavy overalls you have on guarding you from the itchy hay and this space heater of a man, you're warm and comfy. Bubba gazes down at you and envelops you in his arms. He too is very comfortable.
"I think they're in the house, I couldn't really tell you!"
You hear Nubbins in the distance, it sounds like he's yelling to Drayton and Chop Top but you can't be sure.
They can't possibly be back yet unless...
Bubba's asleep. You were asleep. How long have you been out? How long have they been home? Is Nubbins covering for you?
"Well tell them if you see them before us that Chop Top and I are making lunch and they'll be too late if they don't get themselves up here!" Drayton sounded like he was content for the moment but if you didn't get to the house soon you'd be in big trouble. Footsteps trail around the back of the barn, Nubbins peaks in and whispers loudly to the both of you.
"Get yourselves together love birds! Drayton's gonna whoop my ass if you two don't get in this house soon. It'll be real bad! So hurry on up!" He blows a raspberry at the now awake Bubba who groans at the thought. You look up to see the bottom of his mask has rolled up to reveal a normal looking chin and mouth, a freshly shaven face is hidden by the mask every day and you don't get to see it so this is a glance you didn't expect. As he starts to roll down his mask, you grab his hand. He looks at you scared and worried.
"I'm not going to take it off" you smile at him and he calms, holding onto your hands. "I just want to try something and you have to tell me if you're uncomfortable okay? I won't ever try to make you uncomfortable."
Bubba nods at you, his left hand trailing up your arm, resting on the nape of your neck where he can run his fingers along your hairline. As you lean in for a kiss, he closes the gap. Your lips touch and he pulls you in closer, holding you in his arms.
Bliss. You may have been kissed before, but he was a whole other ballgame. He had never kissed before and there was a level of touch starvation that he was trying to cope with upon this embrace. He was holding you and being held by you at the same time and he was beyond happiness.
Bubba's depraved lips were soft as silk and cherry flavored as they grazed over yours, his cologne thick but not overpowering smelt of burning oak wood in a crackling fireplace. The only fire here is one of desire and soon you would both be burning. His hands crept up and down your back and hips, trailing over your hands and back to your hair. Soon enough you felt smooth shaven skin and soft pillowy lips crawling down your chin and neck, circling your shoulder. You were completely and utterly surrendered and victim to his tender embrace.
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*horribly obnoxious phone ringing*
Bubba breathed hard letting you go, a sigh escaping his lips as he pulled his mask down again. You reach into your pocket and pick up the phone. Of course, Drayton was getting finicky.
"Where are you kids? Your jobs couldn't have taken that long!"
"Sorry Drayton we'll be right there!" He hung up and you could see the dissapointment in Bubba's eyes. You were dissapointed too but relieved because you weren't sure how far that could have gone. "Sorry Bubba, Drayton wants us at the house."
He grunted as he stood up, helping you up after him. He held your hand as you walked back to the house. You didn't get a snack, instead you got a whole lot of a hot take.
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The birds squawked and cooed softly as you passed by, echoing the same calmness that filled the breeze. In that breeze came the smell of lunch: a mixture of fried eggs, bacon, fried apples, little crunchy potatoes and fresh squeezed orange juice. The taste of cherry carmex chap stick still lay thick on your lips as Bubba walked beside you.
It was going to be the best job you could ever have dreamed of.
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom and I React to Game of Thrones 8x05
Before the Show
Mom: "I hope we don't cry. They're killing characters. That poor girl just got beheaded and she was totally innocent."
Me: "I don't think we'll cryat t his one. I think we'll cry at the last one."
Mom: "I just wanna see The Hound kill The Mountain."
Cat hears the recap and hops over to the bed. We haven't watched all week and he's missed it. We hummed the Game of Thrones theme during the Handmaid's Tale recap but it wasn't the same. He knew.
Mom: "Stupid, Jamie. Stupid. Stassi's gonna kill him."
Cersei. She means Ceresi.
The Map
We hum the theme with gusto to make up for trying to fake the cat out yesterday and the day before
Me: "I can't tell what's on the ring. A dragon and something else."
Mom: "Okay, I couldn't tell either."
Varys writing a scroll about the true heir to the iron throne
Me: "Ohhh Varys!"
Mom: "Ohhh shit!"
Tyrion watches Varys talk to Jon
Me: "He's going to tell her."
Sure enough
Daenerys decides Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, and Varys all betrayed her
Me: "Oh, man. She is LOSING it."
Varys writes on a scroll
Mom: "He's sending them everywhere."
Me: "He's not going to get to send them out."
Varys hears footsteps and burns the scroll, takes off his rings
Mom: "He's about to get killed."
Varys is escorted out and Tyrion tells him he was the one who told
Me: "Tyrion knows! He knows she's out of her mind!"
Mom: "He thinks he can influence her."
Daenerys: "Dracarys."
Me: "Look at Jon eyeing her like 'What the fuck?'"
Daenerys dismisses Grey Worm but calls him something else
Me: "Did she rename him at some point?"
Mom: "I think so."
Daenerys tries to kiss Jon
Me: "They're related and that weirds him out."
Mom: "They're not really, though."
Me: "She's his aunt."
Mom: "But... He's only half Targaryen."
Me: "Her BROTHER is his FATHER. She's his fucking aunt."
Mom: ".... Oh."
Tyrion: "Please, if you hear them ringing the bells, call off the attack."
Me: "Oh boy."
Mom: "She's not gonna have any mercy. She's going to kill them all."
Me: "I never thought I'd be rooting for Cersei to win."
King's Landing
Mom: "What are all these people moving in?"
Me: "Yes. Cersei's bringing the townspeople inside the walls so Daenerys will have to kill all the innocent people to get to the castle."
Mom: "SO THOSE PEOPLE ARE JUST BARRIERS FOR HER?! Oh, this is fucked up."
Arya: "I'm Arya Stark. I'm here to kill Queen Cersei."
Me: "Hah!"
Tyrion goes to see Jaime
Mom: "Stooge."
Me: "Tyrion's gonna have to let him out."
Tyrion produces a key
Mom: "Well, they're both dying now."
Tyrion tries to convince Jaime to escape with Cersei
Me: "He's like 'You don't get it...'"
Tyrion tells Jaime to convince Cersei to surrender the city
Me: "This whole thing hinges on Jaime?! FUCK."
Tyrion: "You were the only one who didn't treat me like a monster. You were all I had."
Me: "Aww. He's so scared for him."
Mom: "He knows he just sacrificed his life for that. Ring the goddamn bells. Do you think it's gonna matter? I don't think she's gonna care. She just wants revenge, they're all gonna go, because those people don't love her. She's gonna fill the city with her own people who live her."
The armies prepare for defense
Mom: "She's not gonna leave. She is not gonna fucking leave."
Me: "Jaime's gonna leave her."
Mom: "He's gonna die with her."
Arya and The Hound
Mom: "I hope she kills her and I hope he kills The Mountain."
Me: "He's gonna have to kill The Mountain for her to get to the Queen."
Jaime walking with his golden hand plainly visible
Mom: "COVER YOUR FUCKING-- Oh, he IS dumb."
Daenerys's army is revealed in full
Mom: "Oh Christ!"
Me: "Well because now they also have the wildlings and the northmen."
Mom: "She's not going to surrender. But she doesn't know The Hound and Arya are coming in. Shit, they closed the gate! They didn't get in!"
Me: "Arya and The Hound got in."
Mom: "Oh. Oh, HE didn't get in! But he knows the castle like the back of his hand."
Me: "Hah!"
Mom: "Oh! That wasn't even on purpose."
The army waits
Mom: "The air's changing. She knows about the harpoons so she's gotta have a plan."
Me: "Coming at them from behind maybe?"
Drogon comes barreling down
Mom: "Ooh right in the middle so they have to spin around to aim."
Me: "They can't spin them fast enough."
Mom: "And they gotta reload. Not fast enough."
Me: "Jaime's gonna see all this and go 'Fuck.'"
Grey Worm, Jon, and the Essos army
Me: "These guys are just waiting."
Mom: "She's not done with the fleet yet."
Mom: "WOW! She just took them all out."
Me: "And this guy doesn't even know what happened."
Mom: "Dead."
Me: "She's got people on foot, people on horseback, and the dragon in the sky."
Mom: "And there's only so many harpoon things and he's burning them all."
Me: "And this isn't taking very long at all."
Cersei watches
Mom: "And she's watching it all."
Tyrion walks through the carnage
Mom: "No bells."
Me: "Nope."
Kyburn gives Cersei the rundown
Cersei just nopes him
Me: "So she's just delusional then."
Jon and co get to the castle guard
Mom: "Throw your arms down."
Me: "Tyrion's waiting for the bell and nothing's happening."
Mom: "Nope."
Dragon lands and the castle guard all look at each other and drop their weapons
Me: "She's still gonna do it."
Mom: "They're all yelling to ring the bells."
Me: "Jaime's gonna do it. He's just gonna run up and ring it."
Mom: "The queen hears it."
Me: "Daenerys hears it too."
The bells ring
Me: "She's gonna do it anyway."
Daenerys hears the bells and looks psychotic
Me: "This is like Carrie 'They're all gonna laugh at you!'"
Mom: "She's flying right for the queen."
Drogon lights up the townspeople
Me: "Jon's going to lose his shit."
Army starts attacking
Me: "Jon can't believe this. Because they surrendered. Jon's gonna kill her for this. He's horrified."
Mom: "He's gonna kill Grey Worm."
Me: "No, he and Grey Worm are in the same boat."
Brutal carnage
Me: "This is horrifying."
Cersei just stands there
Me: "Bitch, she is COMING for your ass. Like, grab a sword. Do something."
Yuron: "Kingslayer!"
Me: "Oh!"
Yuron vs Jaime
Me: "Really? This is what we're watching right now?"
Yuron gets a stab in
Jaime wins
Me: "I guess he's not dead yet."
Yuron: "I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister."
Mom: "No one's gonna know it, dingaling."
Castle legit is falling apart
Mom: "So much for the iron throne. She's not gonna have one."
The Hound: (to Arya) "You come with me, you die here."
Mom: "He saw it in the fire."
Ceiling caves the fuck in as Cersei and co are running down the stairs
Me: "Oh my fuck."
Mom: "Nothing left! It's all open."
The Hound: "Your Grace." *cuts down some soldiers*
Me: "'Sup? No big deal."
The Mountain kills Kyburn and abandons Cersei and Cersei awkwardly shuffles out
Me: "She's like 'Um... byyyyyye.'"
Cersei crosses the map on the floor
Me: "Is she gonna go right by Arya?"
Mom: "No! Jaime!"
Me: "He's about to die. He's bleeding out."
Mom: "They're both gonna die."
Me: "He's gonna tell her there's a boat, or try to get her there if he makes it."
The Hound vs The Mountain
Me: "All he has to do is throw Big Bubba over the side."
Mom: "He stabbed him!"
Me: "Yeah, but he's inhuman now."
The Mountain shoves The Hound down the stairs
Mom: "Arya's gonna go back to help him."
Arya's gauntlet run
Me: "She's gotta get the fuck out of there. She didn't see any of this She got in before this happened."
Arya falls
Me: "OH NO!"
Keeps switching between The Hound and Arya
Me: "Did this become Inception? The fuck?"
The Hound keeps trying to stab The Mountain
Me: "Head! Eyes!"
The Hound stabs him in the head
The Hound tackles The Mountain off the side
Me: "They dead."
Green explosions
Me: "The fuck is that?"
Mom: "Wildfire."
Me: "Oh fuck!"
Jon sheaths his sword
Me: "Jon's like 'Fuck this. I'm out.'"
Arya passed out
Mom: "Oh no!"
Me: "I don't think she's dead."
Arya gets up, then gets quickly blown aside again
Me: "Jesus fuck!"
Arya finds survivors and tries to usher them to safety
Me: "Arya, MVP as always."
Suddenly we're in the tunnels
Me: "..."
This rapid scene switching is ridiculous
Mom: "It's all caved in! They can't get out."
Me: "That's what you fucking get, Jaime. You dumb fuck. You could've had a happy life with Brienne, but NOOOOO."
Cersei finally realizes she's not fucking immortal
Cave in
Mom: "That's it, they're dead."
Mom: "She destroyed the whole place. So where's your fucking throne, under rubble? There's nobody left."
Me: "Jon is going to fucking kill her for this. She just murdered an entire city and made his people do it too."
Mom: "And they surrendered."
Me: "Arya! There's Arya! She can't believe it either. She's like 'What the fuck?' There's the little girl and her mother she tried to save, burned alive. And those were innocent people. She's like 'What the fuck?'"
Mom: "Oh, a horse! Get on the horse!"
Arya rides off
Me: "BYE!"
Mom: "She went insane! She just went absolutely insane."
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Yo dude I haven't read some good gumlee in a while so could you write me a meet-cute??? Ty ily
(a/n): Hmmm meet-cute, huh? Haven’t done one of those in a while! Let’s do a little AU, shall we?          Uhh… okay 1,700 words. This turned out to be more of a one-shot than a drabble. So enjoy!~
also on FF.net
WARNING for, um, some suggestive stuff. *wink wink*
Gumlee Human!AU 
Marshall Lee had been a tailor at Abadeer Suits for just about the past two years of his life. It was a good-paying job with minimal stress and the bonus opportunity of getting up-close and touchy-feel-y with many a dashing young man’s body. 
So there he was, one sweltering hot summer afternoon, sitting behind the counter with his upper half plopped over it. The shop’s AC had stopped working and, according to the electrician’s he’d just phoned, wouldn’t get a good fix until three days later. For now all Marshall could do was keep all four electric fans on high, keep a big glass of lemonade nearby, and roll up his sleeves because he was sweating bullets. 
Shortly after he’d put the phone down and let his upper body fall over the counter top, Marshall felt a hovering presence block the weak breeze of his precious electric stand-fan. He looked up, squinting through the florescent lighting, to find his spunky blond co-worker Fionna, glaring down at him, seething with annoyance and sweating like a farmhand. 
“Hey,” He grinned and gave her a little wave.
Fionna only huffed and set her hands on her hips. “What’d the electricians say?” She demanded.
Marshall sighed. “Won’t get a check-up until Monday.”
“Oh my glob, three days?” Fionna groaned, letting her arms fall as she mock-sobbed in misery. 
At that moment the little bell over the entrance door rang, signaling another customer entering the shop. Both tailors’ heads snapped to attention at the sound, then Fionna sighed and slid Marshall an expectant look. 
“I just took care of the last one,” she said, making her way behind the counter. “This one’s yours.”
Marshall Lee wasn’t feeling in the mood for bodily contact at the moment. The shop was too hot and the sweat was sticky underneath his silk-like button up shirt. Sure, the uniforms weren’t too hot when the AC was running, but without the precious cool air, it was hell on the body. 
“Can’t Lumps do it? Or Cake?” Marshall whined. Fionna only shoved him off the swivel chair and took his place plopped over the counter. 
Marshall landed with a lazy thud to the floor, before standing, brushing himself off, then shooting his co-worker a death glare. “Fine,” he mumbled. Fionna responded with a satisfied grin before planting her face down on the linoleum. 
Meanwhile, Marshall begrudgingly rolled down his sleeves and straightened his tie in an attempt to look somewhat presentable. He made his way through the numerous shelves of clothing, and then began his mandatory greeting as he rounded the last corner to the shopfront. 
“Welcome to Abadeer Suits! I’m Marshall Lee, may I take your–ow!” 
Apparently, the new customer was a little impatient and decided to delve into the maze of shelves the exact moment Marshall stepped out. The tailor collided with another flailing body, and before he knew it, fell backwards into a rack of expensive suits sending limbs, fabric and coat hangers flying everywhere. 
After the initial chaos, Marshall shoved an expensive white suit off his face to find that the heavy warmth over his lap was, indeed, the new customer. Marshall could tell he wasn’t a regular because they’ve never exactly had a pink-haired businessman as a customer before–and if they did, he would’ve recalled. 
He also probably would’ve recalled those broad shoulders, fine-looking ass, and distinctly handsome face that was, unfortunately, glaring daggers at him at the moment. 
“Uh, watch where you’re going, dude,” Marshall said unintelligibly. 
The pink-haired man only sputtered in shock, then immediately scrambled to get up from Marshall’s lap. The tailor, in turn, couldn’t help but snort. 
“What?” The man snapped, glaring down at him. 
This time, Marshall decided to be a little more polite. “Sorry, uh, I’m Marshall Lee, and, heh, welcome to Abadeer Suits!” He grinned, spreading his arms to gesture at the array of now-wrinkled suits scattered around the floor.
He thought he saw the mans lips quirk up, just a bit, before they settled into a neutral blank. He looked around, eyes scanning over the mess of suits and the fallen tailor, before focusing on Marshall. 
“I’m sorry. I suppose I should, um, pay for the damages?” He asked, stretching an arm out. Marshall took the hand and shook his head. He brushed himself off for the second time that day. 
“Nah, it’s alright. Accidents happen!” He offered a cheery smile, not quite letting go of the man’s hand yet. “Anyway, you’re my client, so let’s just go and get you a suit, huh? But not, you know, these ones.”
“A-are you sure? I mean, even though this was totally your fault, I do still have quite a bit of–”
“No, really, it’s alright,” Marshall waved him off again. Silently, he was drinking in the sight of the man’s form. He was lithe. The pinstripe suit he wore was an extremely tight fit, showing off his slim athletic figure and a little extra skin above his wrists. Yeah, Marshall was going to have some extra trouble with the heat this time.
“What’s your name, sir?” He asked, casually trying to keep his eyes on the man’s face, not that that was such a hard thing to do.
“Bubba Gumball, Kingdom Corps,” He stated, flashing a small business card from within his breast pocket, which was immediately tucked back in as soon as it appeared. “Ah, sorry, rehearsed introduction. You may call me–”
“Bubba, huh?” Marshall mused. His face lit up with an amused smirk. “I’ll just call you Bubbs. It fits. Sure, Gumball is cute, but I like Bubbs better.” 
In a moment, the man was blushing again, bringing a pink tint to his face which almost matched his hair. Marshall decided that he liked that. 
“I-I-don’t–Oh, please stop cutting me off!” The businessman sputtered out. For some reason, he still hadn’t drawn his hand back. “Listen, um, Mister Lee–”
“Marshall. Call me Marshall.”
“Marshall, I just need a suit, alright? I’ve got an important presentation for Monday and I really need something to replace, um, this. As you might have noticed, it’s a little…”
“Yes. So if you would be so kind as to get me a suit, I’d be grateful.”
Marshall gave him a welcome smile. “But of course, sir! Come on, this way.”
Using the hand still clasped in the businessman’s, Marshall tugged him through the multiple coat racks, passed Fionna on the counter who gave them a questioning stare, and made their way to the fitting rooms. 
“So what’s with the pink hair?”
“I like pink, and I wanted to dye it pink. I keep it gelled back anyway so it can pass for formal.”
“Hmm, I like it.” Before Gumball could get another chance to sputter unintelligibly, Marshall asked, “So what kind of suit do you want?”
The man only wanted a simple, pinstripe suit which matched his own, only a bit bigger for a better fit. It had a few kinks, of course, which needed to be tailored in a very specific manner, so Marshall listed them out on his carry-on notepad. He then took out his measuring tape and began to take his measurements. 
He made quick work of the arms, but took his sweet time adjusting the tape around the man’s neck. His let his fingers fumble around his chest and midsection a lot, seeing if the slips of his fingers were noticeable at all.
“H-hey, isn’t it a little hot in here?” Gumball breathed. 
“The AC’s broken,” Marshall replied, casually letting his measuring tape slip a bit too tightly over the man’s chest. “Won’t be fixed ‘till Monday.”
“Oh. Ha ha, I thought it was just my suit.”
“Mm, maybe.” Marshal knelt down, ready to take the measurements for his lower half. He dragged the tape around his hips, letting his hands hang a little lower in the middle than necessary. Glob, that suit was extremely tight. “You know, your suit does look really hot.”
“Oh yeah?” Gumball’s breaths were a bit heavier, and the sweat on his forehead was bit more noticeable. Marshall Lee wasn’t doing any better either. 
“Why don’t’cha take off at least that jacket, hmm?”
“Yeah, sure,” 
Marshall stood and set his hands on the buttons, popping them open one by one. He could have been nose-to-nose with the man, he felt his heavy breath grazing over his cheek. He dragged the heavy jacket down, letting his hands trail down Gumball’s arms. He liked the way the man’s blush seemed to deepen. 
“It’s… really hot in here,” Gumball said.
“So it is,” Marshall replied. His eyes darted down for a brief moment, then he smirked. “Is it me, or has the rest of your suit gotten a bit tighter, huh Bubbs?”
The man’s blush was on full-force right now, a shade of red that far surpassed his hair. “You’re doing this intentionally aren’t you?”
“Tell you what–you take the rest of the suit off, and I’ll give you a little discount.”
Gumball seemed to ponder the question for a moment, letting his eyes dart around the small, confined space of the fitting room. Finally, his gaze met Marshall’s and a small smile graced his own lips. “How about you take off your suit, and I’ll give you a hearty tip?”
Then, from outside the fitting room, an amused voice screamed, “How ‘bout no one takes their suits off, you pay for it normally, and you two find a hotel somewhere?”
“Globdamit, Fionna!”
To Marshall’s surprise, Gumball actually laughed. He honestly didn’t expect that from someone who initially seemed so stuck-up. Then again, he didn’t really expect those previous advancements either.
“Alright,” the businessman said. “How about we finish up here, then we go get some coffee, hmm?” 
Marshall smiled back. “Sounds like a plan.”
(a/n): Aaaaand there’s another drabble that I’ve turned into a full-on one-shot. Sorry this took so long, I was still finishing up on some school projects. X3 Hope you enjoyed!!
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