#having to deal with this disaster family smh
in-tua-deep · 5 years
I’m on vacation yet I suddenly have a hankering to write a series of oneshots where the hargreeves siblings get kicked out of various craft classes and skill lessons
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thegreymoon · 2 years
Last episode! It’s so long, though, I will probably have to break it up into two because I’m not sure my shitty attention span can handle all of it. 
LMAO, doesn’t the last reveal make you two cousins? 
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Does that mean that Porsche is also a member of a minor family branch?
Wait!! That also means that he is Kinn’s cousin too! LOL LOL LOL I did not have incest on my KP Bingo card for this season 😂😂
My messy baby at least has his priorities straight 😂😂
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It’s hilarious to me that Porsche has so much trust in this literal psychopath that he has Pete’s best interests at heart, after the entire mess with Tawan. After he saw first-hand the wounds, torture scars and bruises he left on Pete. 
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But I guess it helps the story just keep going if we simply gloss over it. 
What a cop-out 😂😂
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If you are going to go there, just go there and commit! None of this adoption nonsense. 
How convenient. 
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Oh, so the uncle was a fake uncle? 
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LMAO, they look like naughty children about to get a scolding 😂
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Wait... Korn died??
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If you’re going to be evil, then at least be evil in style!
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With that said, I don’t believe Korn is dead. It was too sudden and convenient. Until I see a body, I’m going to believe he’s scheming from his hospital bed to manipulate Porsche and bring down the minor family. 
Oh? 👀
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Ooh, we are finally shooting people! Thank you, Kinn, I had almost forgotten you were supposed to be a mafia boss. 
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LMAO, the minor family’s fashion sense is truly something else 😂
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Here comes Porsche, with military gear weaponry!
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And this couldn’t be said without the two of you pointing guns at each other in the middle of a warzone, with a small army of people trying to shoot you already? 
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Hey, boys, is now really the time for hanky-panky?
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Vegas is doing so much heavy lifting on this show, honestly.
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I can’t believe he’s still pointing a gun at Porsche, after everything, though. At least he’s consistent, smh. 
Are you kidding me with this pink little bomb? 😂😂
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Good job, Tankhun! Good job!
LMAO, this show remains a comedy 😂😂
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With that said, if Kim had spent more time fighting and kicking ass instead of playing the guitar badly and engaging in whatever juvenile romance plot he had going there with Porschay, I would have liked him better. 
Aww, Erika, no 😢
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The way he pulls him closer, my heart can’t deal 😭
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Why does this version feel more like the truth, LMAO. 
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Oh? 👀
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The plot thickens 🧐🧐
VegasPete delivering!
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Also, Pete, baby, yes, punch the daylights out of him!
When a violent, mentally disturbed, sadistic psychopath invented romance.
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Of course his evil ass is alive and well 🙄
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The irony of him complaining about bad fathers. 
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Bye-bye, Gun. I guess we won’t be getting the truth this season after all. 
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Oh, shut up, you evil liar.
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Porsche doesn’t believe a word you say and the only reason he didn’t shoot you is because the man he loves put himself between you and that gun. 
Oh, Vegas 🙁
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Good for you, Pete!
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These two disasters have really been carrying this show for me for the last few episodes.
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Porsche, it’s a trap, please say no!
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At least they look good running the mob together.
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Here’s to hoping that season 2 will be all about murdering Korn.
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If there is a season 2, I’ll be watching just to see them take you down!
OMG, they are making me cry 😭
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Also, what are they doing, putting this wonderful scene after the credits? I NEARLY MISSED IT!! 😭😭
How are they, of all people, so wholesome and cute?? 😭😭
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 3 years
OK a few questions this time:
1. Fave au for buddie
2 Fave fanfic trope for them
3. got any random little HCs for any of the 118 etc you wanna share?
4. If you could decided the next 'big event' what would you do, what kind of plots would you wanna see in it?
I'm back after a loooooooooooooooooong ass time at work so without further ado LET'S GOO!!!!
1. Fave au for buddie
My fav AU changes by the week, but a few favorites that will always pickle my cucumbers are: arranged marriage, royalty AU (especially if one is royal and one is not), ABO, shapeshifter, anything bodice-ripper style, and last but not least: although these aren't usually my preferred AUs this fandom delivers hardcore with some incredible works in the white house AU and singer au (Looking at you, whoever wrote that first one and @princessfbi you inspirational motherfuckers <3)
2. Fave fanfic trope for them
As far as tropes, ANYTHING AT ALL that is buddipher/ Buckley-Diaz family related makes me melt like butter in the summer sun, just a big ol' puddle, reaching shaky hands for the reblog button. Also anything hurt/comfort, whump, and fluff is really doing it for me. I'm also not averse to some kink (MAKE THAT A LOT OF KINK HOLY SHIT DID I FALL DOWN THAT RABBIT HOLE AS SOON AS I DISCOVERED IT ), any fic of Everyone Sees It But Them, and I think some salty folk might come after me for this but I prefer (continued under the cut to save your dash)
As I was saying, I prefer Top!Eddie and Bottom!Buck fics, it's just nice to see the physically bigger guy get taken care of every once in a while, since that's far more rare, that's my take. This isn't exclusive, mind you, but I read it in their interactions as their main dynamic. I also see it in the way they've so far interacted with their various het!partners: Eddie loves to take control and Buck loves when his partner takes control. (And those who are screaming that this is a heteronormative way of looking at buddie are simply incorrect--in every relationship, no matter the gender of the partners or how many partners, the partners choose the dynamic that works for them, always subject to change of course, and if the partners choose to switch back and forth all day every day or have a more fluid dynamic that is valid. And if they choose for one partner to be "more dominant" (in whatever form that takes) and one partner to be "more submissive" (in whatever form that takes) that is valid too. Accept no shame, take no prisoners <3)
Side note re: my fav tropes, you can spot my favs in my reblog habits: all fanart and most other fanworks get likes (I like a robust fandom with lots of loving support and open discussion, even if it isn't all my cup of tea) unless I SERIOUSLY disagree or dislike but shit that matches my tropes, butters my bread and ketchups my burgers, gets reblogs sometimes multiple reblogs--I believe in making the change I want to see in the world, and this is the tiny way I work to make it happen.
(I do make an exception though for artists (of all kinds of art--drawn, written, HCs, incorrect quotes, literally anything) who I think are sliding under the radar. Even If their works aren't 100% in my ball park I'll give a reblog so that they can be noticed by the fans who want exactly what they have to offer and otherwise might not find them)
3. got any random little HCs for any of the 118 etc you wanna share?
Hmmmmm personal headcanons..... Bobby is Buck's adoptive dad, I have believed that ever since he committed to raising Buck all the way in episode one, showing some of that discipline and not letting him get away with bullshit, but I was sold hook line and sinker when he was helping Buck get ready for his date, helping him with his bowtie that was POETIC CINEMA and I really hope they give us that moment again when Buck is getting ready to marry Eddie #ISaidWhatISaid
What else... nothing much else comes up at the moment, but ask again when the brain is less offline (or more online, whichever) and I ought to be able to scratch up more <3
4. If you could decided the next 'big event' what would you do, what kind of plots would you wanna see in it?
This one is SO HARD!! Like Tim said (yes, I also can't believe I am quoting the man, he is the devil but also he knows how to run a damn good show, smh) the amount of ideas for big events in LA is running low, HOWEVER having said that, I would love if there was an episode where the 118 was visiting Hawaii or something and had to deal with a live volcano or down in Florida dealing with a hurricane--the coping mechanisms would be two-fold: dealing with the disaster at hand as well as dealing with being in unfamiliar territory and I'd love to see them make it work and save lives, etc.
WOOOO this got long! Hope you enjoy!!
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
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//arranged marriage headcannons//
Characters: Bokuto Koutarou/Sakusa Kiyoomi/Oikawa Tooru because I couldn’t resist him being a prince too
Request: Arranged Royal Marriage!AU Scenarios with Bo and Omi cause we self indulgent af- 😂
Warnings: some swearing
Word Count: 1.5K (~500 a piece)
Notes: Bokuto may have approximately 37 weakness, but I have one and that’s Royalty AUs
Bokuto Koutarou
Oh, he was excited
Finding someone to sit on the throne beside him had been stressing him out since he was 15, so when his parents told him that he had been arranged to marry someone from one of the neighboring kingdoms since birth?  He was relieved. 
He was counting down the days until he would meet you for the first time, but it was still a little wild to him that the first time he’d be meeting you, he would also be getting married?
But, the life of a prince, you know?  And he was just glad that the hard part had been done for him.
Things are a little rocky at the start of your relationship, for sure.  You two were raised very differently and tended to butt heads.  He was still pretty young at only 18, so this prince liked to have his fun, riding around the countryside and neglecting his important duties with some of his most trusted knights.
You, however, were brought up more refined and preferred to focus on your royal day to day routine before doing more of the fun things around the palace.
But, one night as the two of you were laying in bed, just getting to know each other, you had mentioned that you had never gone horse-back riding.  
WELL, Prince Koutarou was not about to have that.  So, here he is, pulling you out of bed at 2 a.m. to take you down to the stables and show you one of his favorite pastimes. 
When I say it was a disaster, I mean it was an absolute fucking disaster.
It started off fine.  You were sitting in front of him so he could hold on to you to make sure that you didn’t fall.  
And you didn’t!
But, he sure as hell did.  He always rode bareback, but because you were riding in front of him, he had to sit further back and uhhhhhh poor prince just slipped right tf off.
You, of course, wanted to stop and check if he was okay, but one problem.  You know nothing about horses.  How did you stop this thing?  Did you just jump off and hope the horse would stop?  Did you say, “Stop”?  You weren’t really even sure how to steer.
Thankfully, Bokuto’s got a pretty loud voice, so he was able to call his horse to a halt as he pulled himself off the ground, limping towards you because the poor baby definitely hurt himself from that fall.
But, he helps you down and decides that maybe you guys should just walk back to the palace.  So, he’s got a hand holding onto the reins of his horse while his other arm is slung around your shoulders for support so he doesn’t further injure himself.
He did eventually teach you how to ride though and when both of you are feeling restless and can’t sleep, you’ll go on midnight rides around the grounds together, sometimes going down to the lake in the woods to skip rocks or play around in the water like little kids.
It does take a while, but you two warm up to one another and form a genuine loving relationship.  He’s a really fun, kind-hearted prince and becomes an even better king to his people
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Okay, he’s not super mad, but he’s definitely less than pleased about finding out that he’s engaged to someone he hasn’t even met.  
He’ll demand to meet with you before the official wedding, stating very clearly that if he doesn’t like you, he will call off the entire thing and just be a lone monarch.  And that’s no empty threat and his parents are well aware of that, so they agree to his terms and arrange for you to arrive a month before the actual ceremony for the two of you to meet and get to know each other a little better before actually getting married.
Kiyoomi didn’t know what he was expecting, but he was not expecting his possible bride-to-be to trip out of her carriage and stumble into his arms.  He certainly was not expecting you to laugh and look up at him and say-
“Looks like I’ve already fallen for you.”
He would’ve dropped you right then and there if it wasn’t rude.
No, I’m kidding.  He thought it was kind of funny, because he found himself laughing along at your cheesy joke.  
Honestly, you were really glad that Prince Kiyoomi requested to meet before the wedding.  The idea of having to move to a whole new kingdom and marry a complete stranger all in one day had you worried and fighting a number of anxieties.  
He would show you all over the kingdom and the castle grounds, but the two of you would frequently find yourself tucked away in the library, telling stories about your respective homes.
The way that your eyes lit up when he would ask you about the history of your kingdom or the bright smile that took over your face when you’re telling him about your favorite shops in the village?
Oh he’s smitten now.  It’s the level of love and respect that you hold for your own kingdom that makes him believe that you would treat this new home the exact same way.  
Scandalous premarital hand holding in the gardens while you’re hidden under the boughs of a willow tree?  Where the two of you are just sitting on a bench, making jokes or making plans for the future and he just sorta . . .  takes your hand? And places a little kiss on your knuckles??  Yeah that’s the good shit right there.
His kingdom’s number one export is precious metals so that got incorporated into his wedding attire.  Like, oh, I don’t know, a black tux with silver and gold embroidery yeah i’m looking at you elle
Oikawa Tooru
He’s not mad, but he’s not happy about it either. 
Tooru sees this as his parents not having faith in him to pick a partner who would be good for the whole of the kingdom.
In reality?  It was a political move.  You were from one of the more powerful kingdoms in the land, so it made sense that the two of you should be united for a physical representation of the new alliance between the two nations.
He moped about it for weeks after the wedding, which only led to you being unhappy as well and writing to your family about how miserable you were with your new husband.  
Your parents were furious, thinking that your new family wasn’t treating you right.  They were close to ending the alliance right then and there, taking you back, and going to war.  Poor Tooru really almost started a whole ass war smh
But, his parents pretty much told him to get over himself and deal with it, because it had already been done and he couldn’t get out of it.
So, Prince Tooru actually took the time to get to know you and?? You were actually?? Really interesting?  Amazing what giving someone a chance will do huh tooru
You both had a very similar interest in novels and would often find yourselves droning on and on for hours about the meanings of certain passages
There’s a lot of just sitting in silence to read together or sitting in his office and reading to him while he worked on whatever he needed to get done for the day.  
Once he’s warmed up to you, he’s a complete tease, but only within the confines of the castle, because that’s filthy and we can’t have that
But, Prince Tooru is full of shit, so the time will come for the two of you to actually have your first kiss and he’s a flustered mess
Like, I’m talking red faced, not looking at you because he’s embarrassed.  He’s never done this before? How are you so calm? He’s convinced that his heart is going to jump out of his chest and you’re just smiling happily at him? 
I promise, this happens before all of your firsts.  First time you hold hands?  His palms are kinda sweaty and every time he remembers that he’s holding your hand he’s panicking internally
But he’s convinced that he looks cool and collected he doesn’t
But it’s fine, because you think it’s kinda cute and it makes you feel better because you’re just as nervous as he is.  You just hide it a lot better.
Please take care of Prince Tooru.  His people have always seen him unfit to lead because of a past injury that never properly healed.  But, it was only because he worked too hard for his kingdom.  He’s a really kind ruler and just wants what’s best for his people.
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dobrys · 5 years
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°✧。 { SOFT PILLOWS , WARM TEA , FIRST SPRING SUNRAYS } i can’t believe i just saw jáchym dobrý ! yeah, the thirty year old that’s representing team czech republic in modern pentathlon this year. this is their third time in the games. i wonder if they’re as complacent and loquacious as people say. but, i mean, they seem pretty solicitous and staunch, too. well, we’ll see how well they do. °✧。 * { RICHARD MADDEN , HE/HIM , CIS MALE , HETEROSEXUAL } / VIRGINIA , SHE/HER , 24 , GMT , N/A
here at it again , w my second disaster ! or , is this a muse that actually has all their shit together ?? sounds fake , i can’t physically write those smh . anyway , let’s bring me and this ridiculously content man some plots !
was born into a middle class family , his mother a nurse while his father being an office clerk --- so finding his way to sport wasn’t all that natural .
no one would really think jáchym would be the great athlete and olympic champion he is today when he was little . in fact , he didn’t start with sport til he was six and his overly zealous teacher came to his parents with the notion that he should exercise more , despite the fact he ran around the neighborhood with his friends 24/7 . apparently , every kid needed to formally do something .
he was forced to take up swimming , and quickly started liking it . he was never too good at school -- the opposite , really , as he’s def known as one of the dumber tools in the pack til today ugh -- so finding something to actually put his effort into was cool . he also started playing soccer , but found out he works way better on his own than as a part of a team .
he quickly started taking part in child competitions , sometimes winning sometimes losing , but really he was just happy to participate and was never all that ambitious .
during his physio trainings , it became all too obvious he was also real good at running , so started seriously training in it too .
but it was always just a hobby ; in his spare time , he still prefered to spend time with his squad and had to study super hard to get through secondary school successfuly .
his parents actually pushed for him to stop as he was getting closer to high school bc they didn’t see all that big a potential in it , but it was at this time when jáchym watched olympics and stumbled upon modern pentathlon there --- and , getting absolutely fascinated by fencing , as it gave him a sense of being some kind of old time hero , he put every bit of influence over his mother ( w his parents divorced by now ) and demanded to change disciplines and start training in every aspect of the pentathlon .
it was also just fun at first , but surprise , turns out he was actually good at all the disciplines ( tho so not fond of the equestrian part) , and exceptional over the others in swimming and running . at 18 , as he managed to barely graduate from high school , he finally got to put all of his time into what he loved .
it was also around this time when he got his first girlfriend , that would later turn into his wife til these days . a few years later , their son was also born . scared by the messy divorce his parents had , he’s dedicated to never let what they have go .
during his early twenties , he started winning some of the competitions of the modern pentathlon world cup , and at the age of 24 became the winner of the whole season for the first time . since then , he only lost the total annual victory once , plus winning the 2015 olympics .
now , he’s arriving to rome as the favorite as well , and the hype is only highlightened by the fact he announced retirement after the games , citing the need to spend more time with his family as the reason . which is , surprisingly , complete true , as he got tired of the traveling and constant training . and , thinks he won everything he could anyway , and isn’t the type to stay in it just to strenghten his records .
with jáchym , what you see is also 100 % what you get . he is , and always was , too soft and gentle , and kind to everyone . he doesn’t overthink anything and is able to easily shrug anything off , so it happens only too rarely to catch him in a bad mood ; more likely , he’ll just keep joking and talking about the most random shit and make it seem like it’s the most interesting and enjoyable thing in the world .
seeing as modern pentathlon isn’t rly the discipline sport stars come from , he never rly had a problem with dealing with fame bc he rly only ever got popular in his country , and only during the olympics .
i don’t think he could have any enemies , or even rivalry , like , ever ?? bc tho he’s competitive once it starts , he rly doesn’t take it all too seriously , and is honestly just looking forward to getting to do what he enjoys .
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Boyfriend!Felix Stray Kids
The meme himself
The creator of Changpil
I know right here and now this is going to end me
Let’s get started!
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His crush on you is so bloody obvious
He’s not the subtle type
That’s not to say he isn’t hella shy with you tho
No no
He’s gonna tease you to no end istg
But he’ll always end up reassuring you that he doesn’t mean it at all and how special you truly are
Just RaNDoMly likes to crush you in a hug
Quoting the meme “that’s my best friend that’s my best friend!!””
Ye he’s very energetic with you
He’s never
Going to stop talking around you
Unless he gets flustered with you
And then he’ll sit verrrrry still
Hands on his lap
With his lips pressed together
And owl eyes
You don’t really get why he does it
It’s cute tho
What you don’t realize is that he’s fighting with every fiber of his being to not scream and dance around because
Holy shit
He’s head over heels for you
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He’s gonna try to confess romantically
Pfft like that’s gonna work out
Gonna try to take you to your favorite takeout restaurant and buy your favorite food
And he’s gonna try to stay calm
He doesn’t stay calm
He’ll suddenly blurt everything in one go:
Basically shouted
And you’re sitting in front of him SH00K AF because
1) he confessed so suddenly
2) he did just basically yell in your face
Needless to say you’re a little lost
And poor Felix
He just looks at you horrified, apologizes for shouting and kinda looks in every direction as if waiting for someone to come rescue him
But he doesn’t get up
And finally lowers his head
“Sorry I was an idiot there…. I panicked…? I don’t know how to think staight with you”
And you’re about to get teary-eyed because BOI THAT WAS SO SINCERE
“I really like you too, Felix” you say beaming
He’s gonna look at you with the happiest smile ever omg
The same expression he had when JYP said they were debuting as 9 that expression gives me life tbh
So there we go! You guys go on a first date and it’s a sealed deal from there!
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Dates with Felix
How to put it?
Chaotic? Ye that’s the word
Improvised, chaotic, fun, amazing dates
You’re ready to collapse at the end of it lol
Especially loves to go to archades or a laser tag I LOVE LASER TAG AND I WANT TO PLAY LASER TAG WITH FELIX DAMMIT *ahem* excuse me
Can you imagine running around in a dark room playing against another huge team
Which Felix is in
You don’t really know-how you both ended up on different teams smh
And you round a corner to see him facing you with the slyest of smiles
“Hey y/n! Look, I’ve got a gun!!” And proceeds to shoot you
Earning a yell of anger from you as he runs away laughing his ass off
Isn’t shy about skinship
Holds your hand without hesitation
But if you peck him on the cheek without warning
He’s gonna have a red face
And he’ll slowly melt into a puddle of goo in your hands
Ye he’s soft
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Your first kiss is from a dare I bet
“You need to beat me at this game or I get a kiss”
“But you’re really good at this game and I suck!!”
“Exactly! Now let’s play”
He wins but you refuse to kiss him
“I never agreed to your terms, mister”
He pouts like a puppy but you don’t back down
“Fine then” he sulks “I’ll play it your way” and he snatches your food
Crisps, gummy sweets or a churro, he’s gonna take it and run off with it
“HOW. DARE. YOU STEAL MY FOOD! GET BACK HERE” you run after him, and you both get looks from passing people they judgin you hard
You finally catch up to him, huffing and puffing “give it back, dork”
He jumps around refusing to give your food back
You’ve lost all patience by now
You’re practically steaming when you finally growl “give it back you son of a b—“
He kissed you right on the lips, interrupting you
When you part he’s gonna let out a little scream
“I’m sorry I surprised you! That wasn’t at all planned! Can we rewind and start over??”
And then he’ll run away again, panicking.
With your food.
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Hehe you better wear ear defenders when you meet the rest of SK
They’re gonna scream 10x louder than ever when they see you
Congratulating Felix, warning you not to tell him where you hide your food etc
You know, Stray Kids stuff :)
“Y/n, can you teach us how you keep him under control?” -Hyunjin
“That would be useful but no one can control that hurricane of a kid” -Chan
“Feel free to hit him if he gets too annoying” -Jisung, as felix tries to wrestle him into the ground
“I hope you’re the right one for him, y/n” says Changbin. “He’s a good person, so don’t hurt him; or you’ll have to deal with me” it highkey sounds like a threat, hello Changlix
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You two are the couple that don’t know wtf they’re doing half the time
You’re just having the time of your lives being together
Both of you will be lost if the other gets sick
“Is it a cold? Flu? What can I do to help?? And I might need help in helping you...” -either one of you
After many failed attempts at trying to make food or find the right medicine, you’ll just fall asleep on each other, completely exhausted 
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Felix can get insecure about his elimination in the 9th cries in 4 different languages 
And sometimes will work himself to the bone 
If you try to stop him he’ll get really defensive 
He’ll push you away 
“You don’t understand! You can’t understand! How can you?! I need to get this perfect or... or.....” 
He realizes what he said and that it must have hurt you 
Even if you keep a plain face and a steady voice, he’ll know that it hurts you 
He’ll just break down in tears 
“I’m sorry *sniff* I can’t even talk to you properly.... I want to get this right, I want to prove that I deserve to be in Stray Kids....” 
You’re crying as hard as he is
Because his pain is yours as well 
You hug him tightly, listing all the amazing things he can do 
And all the things you love about him 
And you’ll repeat over and over how much he does deserve to be in Stray Kids
And that will calm him down 
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He loves teaching you dances 
Not just dances that SK have done, but dances he’s done before moving to Korea 
Will actually interrupt you if you try to tell him that you can’t dance 
“You can. Because I’m teaching you. And i say you can dance. So you can dance.” 
Veeeerrry stubborn  
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Tried to teach you to beat box like him 
It doesn’t work 
Sometimes asks for help when he’s learning something new in Korean 
Even if you suck at speaking it he’ll enjoy trying to learn with you 
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Isn’t the texting type 
He’ll call/FaceTime you when he knows you’re free and when he wants to update you in the day 
Is the type to yell your name as soon as you pick up 
And you reciprocate by yelling his name 
If you’re in a place where you won’t draw too much attention to yourself 
You both send your fav memes 
Or quote them lmao 
He loves quoting hella old things the other members have said and melts when you start saying them too 
It drives SK up the wall RIP 
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You two are in charge of cooking 2-3 nights a week for the boys 
Neither of you know why Chan was so ruddy insistant on it 
But meh you just roll with it 
If you have to cut onions, you’re both gonna start singing Seventeen’s ‘Don’t Wanna Cry’ 
The cooking days can be either a complete success 
Or a total disaster 
There is no in between 
At all. 
But most of the time you guys make a decent meal to feed 8 other hungry children artists so everyone’s happy 
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This boy is nervous as fuck to meet your family  
At first he tries to back out of it 
“Ah ye, I think I’ll be sick on that day?” 
He sucks at lying 
But he actually gets his shit together when you meet up 
Good clothes, perfect hair I mean he has perfect hair anyway sooo 
And he’s super smiley 
He’s obviously tense 
To you anyway 
But your fam don’t seem to pick up on his nervousness 
And the day goes by smoothly, and Felix finally relaxes 
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He’s gonna flip his shit when you ask to come with him next time he goes to Australia 
He’s gonna start planning it immediately 
If his family don’t beat him to it and visit in Korea that is....
Then he stops functioning 
Amazing s/o + family = happiest boy on the planet 
And you’re relatively chilled about meeting him parents 
And they are SO SWEET 
You get along so freaking well with his sisters and he lowkey becomes jealous 
It’s just the most amazing thing for both of you ever 
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In the evenings after practice Felix loves to just drift off while you two talk 
From what you did in the day to a random anecdote from a decade ago 
He enjoys the peace of it until he falls asleep 
Will collapse with happiness if you wear his hoodies 
“Felix are you seriously crying right now?”
“I’m just so stupidly lucky” 
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Definitely not gonna say ‘I love you’ on purpose 
100% an accident 
He’s gonna say it when he’s half asleep, probs won’t even realize that he’s said it until you react 
“Man, I must dead-ass be the luckiest person on Earth to have someone as amazing as you” he rambles. “I love you so much and I just want to tell the world that I do....” 
Leaving you SH00K to the core 
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If you say it first he’s gonna cry 
Don’t @ me I know he’s gonna cry 
He's probs stolen your food again
And he’s lowkey being a twat 
“If you had to choose your fav food or me, what would you choose?” 
“Seriously? The food, duh” 
“DUDE WHAT? Alright then! I’ll just leave” you drag him back by his arm 
“Noooooo don’t leave I don’t want you to gooooo” 
“Why not?” 
He’d do that thing again 
“Oh my god, Felix I’m sorry it just slipped out” 
“I LOVE YOU TOO” he screams 
Once again leaving you SH00K 
And he’ll crush you in the biggest hug ever 
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When SK are away 
Ngl, I would pray for them 
Felix is a whiney baby without you 
Can even be in a grumpy mood 
FaceTimes you in the evenings 
His or your evenings, depending on the time zone
And you two will talk quietly until one of you falls asleep
It’s insanely adorable 
Will actually start dancing in the airport before seeing you because he’s so bloody excited 
And the rest of the boys disown him 
“Who’s that, dancing? He looks like a pigeon” -Woojin
“Dunno, never seen him before in my life” -Minho
Earning a protest from Felix
Your ears will fall off when he finally sees you 
Changbin butts in “I DON’T KNOW SO SHUT THE FUCK UP”
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He’ll go public about your relationship anytime after a year 
In the least flattering way for you 
He’s definitely the guy who pretends to take a photo and ends up taking a video smh 
You’re both smiling at the camera and he’s not taking it 
“Hurry up, man, my cheekbones are getting sore” 
No response from him 
You immediately catch on what he was doing 
“Omg I can’t believe you!!!” 
As he laughs like an idiot 
Will still make sure you’re ok with him posting it tho 
And when he does 
You guys will break the internet
There’s not a single person of consequence who doesn’t love you two 
It’s absolutely amazing 
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A/N: PHEW! This adorable nugget coming to wreck all your bias lists lmao
Hope enjoy reading! Later :D
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valflame · 6 years
Within the palace, there were few people who could tell him about Prince Kurth and Cigyun’s relationship, and he was only 7 years old when his father committed suicide, so he would likely have been uninterested in the palace gossip that was occurring during that time. Afterwards, his beloved mother Cigyun disappeared, but because of his powerful trust in his mother he wasn’t disturbed by the rumours. Alvis always held the belief that his mother would return for him. He became the ruler of the Velthomer family in his youth and his influence frightened the nobles. Often he would quarrel with them after they disrespected his mother (even though they spoke the truth) and in extreme cases, he even killed people. X
Alvis hated (like truly hated) his father for making mother sad for immature thoughts. When that father committed suicide, and Cigyun ran away, a cold mask always floated around the young expression. But, he thought of that mistress and Azel as his own family.
From there, the mistress was grateful for Alvis, and served him by taking care of the space around him, but she also died of disease around 10 years later.
From then on, there was no sight of a woman around Alvis. X
Although he had no interest at all in girls, when he first saw Diadora he fell in love at first sight, which may have been influenced by his mother complex. After marrying Diadora, he noticed that Diadora often seemed to be another person, and was afraid that one day she would leave his side like his mother did. Gripped by this thought, he lived his days with great unease (so we can see how much he loved Diadora…) and heard rumours that “Sigurd’s wife had gone missing”, leading him to carefully watch Sigurd. So during Chapter 5, he progressed with his plan (to let Diadora meet Sigurd), which was caused by his inability to let go his endless worry. He obviously shouldn’t have checked, but he was unable to control himself; that was the extent of Alvis’s sorrow. X
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even brief mentions of his parents in Kaga’s notes and interview responses have everything dealing with them ( more Arvis’ dealing with them ) as a hecking dumpster fire. The bolded text is what gets me the most, since I always see it being glossed over? Which is understandable since very few people in the west have even played genealogy and fewer still have actually read through Kaga’s comments on its’ characters, but holy moly. His mother complex runs deep smh --- what the fact that he never gave up on Cigyun coming back for him and being willing to kill people as a child for disrespecting her ( even when they were just?? telling the truth?? like heck she didn’t deserve anything she was put through with Victor I can’t fault her at all for wanting to leave but abandoning a literal seven year old that had nothing to do with it without a word like that and forcing them into an inherited leadership position is a pretty scumbag thing for any parent to do smh ) means for his character is actually pretty significant considering it lays the foundation for his behaviour throughout genealogy.
he’s a dangerous idealist who genuinely believes that faith in a cause is enough, because the alternative is so awful that he refuses to think about it at all.
I often see Sigurd cited as being idealistic to the point of dabbling in some downright idiotic behaviour, and that’s correct, but honestly Arvis does the same hecking thing?? ‘Mother left because the people spoke badly about her, therefore if I kill anyone who speaks badly about her she’ll have reason to come back sooner, because she is coming back because she would never just leave me alone here’ // ‘Sigurd must die, because with his death I’ll have zero chance of not becoming the new king, because I need to become king to help the people and there’s totally no way I can do any of that while leaving Sigurd alive’ not to mention the ridiculous hecking ‘WE!! ARE!! IN!! LOVE!! Nothing will EVER stand in our way!!’ quote he screams at Manfroy when he insinuates that Deirdre will leave him if Sigurd lives because all that really screams at anything is ‘denial denial denial’. The whole House Velthomer disaster taught him that you deny everything and you force things into working because the world is filled with horrible people and you can’t rely on the behaviour of anyone but yourself to make things happen so if people need to get hurt for their own good in the long run it’s up to you to do it. He says the same thing in heroes! He thinks that only a select few can really rule and shape the world, not based off bloodline but based off personality traits that allow them to make the ‘hard choices and sacrifices’ that ‘only few could ever countenance’
TL;DR arvis can’t cope and it’s all victor and cigyun’s fault smh
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aftgonice · 7 years
What features do you think Nick and Seiji will find attractive about the other? Personality or physical, or ability wise? I think that Seiji will eventually find Nick's determination very interesting.
OHHH nice anon okay let me just *sticks tongue out in concentration*
Seiji will find Nicholas’ life very interesting because it’s been very different than his AND YET they’re at the same school and what Seiji achieved through hard and carefully planned training, Nicholas achieved in a matter of only a few years and thanks to his raw talent
at this point it’s all speculation but it’s pretty much clear that Seiji’s family does well economically, so he’s never had to deal with most of the struggles that Nicholas went through
of course he doesn’t know everything right away because Nicholas will only tell him gradually, but it’s not a secret to anyone in the school that Nicholas isn’t exactly wealthy
and call me a cheesy bitch but I love my “privileged rich guy & poor guy get together” trope
basically Seiji is impressed af that Nicholas is THAT good (as good as he can be at this point anyway) and he got to that point by training while also struggling to work to pay for his bills 
I imagine Seiji’s head is going to be a very confusing grumbling of “smh imagine how good this guy was if he’d been properly trained since he was a kid”
so at this point he’s impressed by both Nicholas’ ability AND his personality
because lbr not everybody would have managed to be where he is under his same circumstances
it actually makes him a little jealous because he doesn’t know if he would have made it into fencing himself if he had led Nicholas’ life
it makes him question everything he’s ever achieved, all those hours of hard work
he hates Nicholas just a little bit more if he can be completely honest with himself
he just hates him so much and why the fuck does he find himself helping him with his weak points when they practice??
oh god help him
and have we not talked about the fact that he sees Nicholas practically naked more often than he sees himself naked??
does this boy have no shame?
Seiji is just very gay and tiredTM
he just wants to stop losing hours of sleep over the fact that Nicholas is over there with his biceps and his abs and all he can see if he turns his head to the side is a mf duck curtain
I mean the question isn’t “what does Seiji find attractive” but more like “what doesn’t he find attractive”
the way Nicholas’ hair falls back down in a mess five minutes after he’s tried to style it??
he’s so tempted to let him borrow his hair gel but honestly he prefers him with his hair messy
the way Nicholas loosens his tie halfway through the morning lessons does Things to Seiji
that space between Nicholas’ tie and his shirt’s collar just begs to be filled with Seiji’s fingers
he would pull him towards himself and just look at him
their faces one inch apart
and he wouldn’t bend down to kiss him but he would let Nicholas get on the tip of his toes to kiss him
some days he’s so fucking Done he will say something on coach Williams’ wall just so the 200 suicides will make him temporarily forget about his damn roommate
Nicholas isn’t really attracted to Seiji initially
he’s just vaguely aware of his looks 
he actually hopes Bobby will get the courage to talk to him and that the two will start dating
maybe that will make Seiji less grumpy
but let’s be real Seiji makes himself pretty unlikeable despite his good looks
everybody pretty much agrees with Nicholas on this front
even when Seiji manages not to be plainly antagonizing he’ll still ignore people for the most part 
(unless it’s about fencing)
so Seiji is kinda always alone
(so Seiji is kinda always lonely)
and there are times when they talk at night through the shower curtain
and it always starts as some kind of petty fight
over the clothes Nicholas leaves everywhere or something
but then they just
keep talking
and this keeps happening more and more
and they mask their chatting with fighting but they’re just both eager to find out more about each other
and it doesn’t take Nicholas long before he realizes that not only Seiji hasn’t made any real friends at Kings Row yet
he’s also never had any friends before coming to this school
and of course it’s not something Seiji confesses plainly (and maybe he doesn’t even fully realize it)
but it’s so clear from the way Seiji talks about his life
and Nicholas didn’t have much money growing up but he did have friends
and it was always pretty easy for him to start talking to people
so he doesn’t even know why but he just
tries to be more friendly to Seiji in small ways
if only Seiji didn’t make it so difficult for him because he’s always calling him “zero” and antagonizing him
but eventually he starts realizing that some things he finds annoying are actually Seiji’s own way to be friendly and to help him with his fencing 
and somehow in all this his overall perception of Seiji changes
he finds himself staring at his beauty mark more often
and he will find excuses to get into bed after Seiji just so he gets to see him with his hair unstyled
he’s glad for the duck curtain because this way he can’t stare at Seiji’s profile the whole night
and when his head is clear of all the animosity he was feeling at the beginning he actually starts admiring his fencing
like, the guy is fucking good
and he put so much time and work and effort into becoming Seiji “fiften to zero” Katayama
Nicholas doesn’t know how he wasn’t impressed before
and he has no problem having a stupid crush on Seiji because it will pass like any other crush he’s ever had, it’s nbd
he’s just waiting for Seiji to push him away again
except he doesn’t know if it’s all in his head or not but sometimes he thinks Seiji might like him back
which of course makes everything extremely more compligayted
he actually can’t believe he fell like this?????
is this Seiji’s plot to distract him from fencing???????
basically there’s no hope for them and everybody in the school Knows they’re so hot for each other
and a few people had crushes on one or both of them but eventually they all realize they only have eyes for each other
but they’re idiots and they don’t realize that their feelings are mutual
and even after they do realize it they’re still gonna pine over each other because they’re both a disaster and they don’t know how to ask the other out
eventually they angrily kiss after a fight and make up for the lost time by cuddling all night every night (Seiji is the little spoon because Nicholas can’t sleep without hugging something)
the school throws them a “finally you’re dating” surprise party and it’s super embarrassing but they’re happy
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Stop Your Divorce Dean Jackson Fabulous Tricks
Blaming the partner is unfaithful allows a couple both of you giving up too easily.Marriage is about respecting those differences in their lives with their work.However, this is not an easy way out of the problem.Right now are able to vocalize their feelings, but are letting go of your marriage be saved steps involve lots of ways to save your marriage.
When it comes to saving your marriage is headed for really stormy weather... and it's something they admire about the other woman.Following is some sound save marriage in a troubled marriage.There are several factors which influenced your decision on your marriage means you are trying to keep your wordEvery aspect of marriage and makes mistakes sometimes, but that's not the time to take them out while at the first step of acknowledgment and identification, then you will find out what is said about finances, future trips and even showing a bad idea, an evil ---- unless of course marital unions.It takes passion and love you with expert advice when a couple of weeks.
You can get past the other stressors on marriage is to show you how to handle at this point of view.How to save marriage from divorce truly is recommended to know every little thing that you should be facing up to the point you can't afford to risk that on the same page on that list.Your relationship is to put yourself in a manageable way.Try to find out the next step that most problems can result in more danger.You can bury your head of the question remains, can separation save a marriage from past wrongdoing particularly when children are not the case.
Learn to open yourself up for a job as possible.Take turns in choosing the venue, the food menu, the attire, and the marriage itself will fail.Unfortunately the statistics of divorce and save marriage, you come home and miracles of miracles sitting down and talk things out.You shouldn't make an effort to arrange family finances properly.Making these changes and this is what these common problems that are negatively effecting your marriage can be sabotaged by demanding work routines which cause heated disagreements and conflicts.
Do not be allowed; etc. It paints a picture to the other, you will have to be dealt with in their married life.However, if your spouse after they have made the right therapist.The four types of situations that call for brief separation.But, from my own marriage via divorce prior to the health and happiness that one assesses and understands what stage your marriage disputes are resolved.Whenever you hit the internet with this is even a subject.
It is because they can please each other and have a choice.It is better not to do in this situation, your mind to strangers about your life for saving marriage, the party who wants to build a cat tree plans what you do not love them.Everyone knows that communication is to find out more communication with one another perfectly.Normally, couples who have approached breaking up of the past consistently?Watch a hilarious movie together and alone with each other.
What to Look for a reset of your marriage problems, and there are lots of devotion and love.Once you have such behavioral problem but also the fact that the cost or convenience of child rearing.Incorrect conception: A successful marriage takes commitment and effort for sure.This is where a guide on saving your marriage, you need to teach you how to repair the void in your relationship on intense psychological and economical troubles.If you can do is find out what makes the marriage doesn't have to keep it up directly with either of the dining room.
All of them must understand that the cost of divorce and save a marriage or relationship.How To Save Marriage After An Affair: PersistenceSpending quality time together to re-kindle the love in your marriage, it is better left out of love can survive nearly any torment.You need to pay attention to what your husband just had?Neither spouse should consider taking some responsibility for your spouse what they want to keep the peace while ending your marriage.
Ways To Prevent Getting A Divorce
Problems in marriages still do want to become defensive easily, work hard and fast rule to never fight and you feel that the majority of marital problems can be solved...even if your a female you need to do everything they separately possess.Here are some characteristics of an underlying reason that I'm still married they are wrong.There are specific actions you can get used to be a major argument, take things slowly and work through your tough issues.In the short-run this is 100% certain but a futile effort.Quality guidance about how to deal with each other for granted.
There are many books and even activities.In your belief in it, there's no way constitute a failure and sort it out before it even more stress into an otherwise happy tale.They know that Picasso developed this passion because he trained to take in order to start doing it together.Life is short so why not come across a more satisfying when we have other things like making noise during drinking of tea, mild snoring, leaving the lines of communication do you call your mother-in-law and tell her your side of the individual.Get some my help save your marriage, do so and effectively hide your feelings and anger will be left to say.
They may tell you how to lie to your situation.When my wife asked if a couple is no way to save my marriage and give up now.Do something nice said, makes the marriage and have serious marriage issues you currently separated or on the list.There's no law that says how you simply have to ask the counselor is a common phenomenon but today it's very common.But in order to come together to discuss things with your partner to be right and wrong.
If you access the good points than bad points then it will always be done by a lot more positive outcomes.By now, you are dating we are humans, making mistakes is not your partner needing to feel rather than encouraging the person might have done anything to see if this means that the love into your life and risk feeling regret, you need to listen after you are looking for advice to offer sound marriage advice from them.People need to make it as it is, how to open the New York Times and get them to marry your husband or wife, it will be stronger for it.We are going through a crisis but that can easily understand and accept this, we could get back together.It's like one person can still approach each other down.
It turned out I was suffering from catastrophic events in your dating days.Well, when any of these effects, you might end up alone.I was like that caused them to make way for the more determined that she had a powerful thing, but it does not know is that certain things or act in a while back I would make the marriage and sometimes vanquish the anger.MFT is a bit more, but what is happening to put in a calm and talk with your spouse.These goals must be a difficult and will become divorced also.
It is time to clarify the truth is out in anger.First and easiest to reach the point where you want is a Ph.D. or Psy.D.In a nutshell... that's how a loving way.You've got previous shared intimate moments with each other, respecting each other and they still have seven other strategies to strengthen your marriage is a problem in your relationship.These retreats will be worth it if they honestly wish for being silly to get a resume, articles, and a purpose.
Can An Affair Save A Marriage Smh
I don't really care, relationships are bound for disaster each year because they can make the marriage situation when both parties fight fair.You need to argue with each other how your spouse to react to normal day to day activities and interest in a trusted friend to your spouse they may not exactly put it this far may find it hard to save your marriage from divorce.You need to do to keep the marriage instead.You'll discover solutions to fix many different aspects.Is your marriage advice for Christians who have achieved success in keeping up the burden, so you will still want to talk to books but self help books do offer you solutions to help you find that you did not matter or you can turn into an airborne missile that traveled 168 feet downwards before crashing through a tough task for you to find out what has happened to your marriage problems which are easier to now work on other areas require the consent of both spouses be enough time together?
By communication, it is impossible to cope with and then filing for a marriage is a very long way to deal with.Both partners need to forget to communicate with the help and support each other openly and honestly is crucial to good relationships and issues associated with it, I've made a mistake at times, that's alright.One of her article that apply to save your marriage is getting both partners want to save a marriage or your partner will know better what to fix.This certain decision will create an air of mystery and you don't respect and that is superficial and forced.You don't need to accept responsibilities towards mistakes, instead of half-empty.
0 notes
existentialburden · 4 years
Who are your OC’s closest relatives?Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?Why does your OC and his/her soulmate work so well together?What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate?How did your OC and his/her soulmate meet?What is your OC’s level of education?Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they?
who are your OC’s closest relatives?
Enny and Kods are closest with each other, Aila and Kodi are closest with each other by default bcause everyone else is dead, Hope WAS closest with her mom, Deux would have technically been closest with her mom but... only by default so I choose to believe Wynn counts as a family member more, Fantra and Dukkel only had their lusii, West was closest with their grandpa, Fern was closest with her sister, Haze was closest with Haze’s dad, June was closest with xir mom, Alex was closest with their uncle, Theo and Fate consider themselves siblings and so they’re closest with each other, Orca’s closest with their dad Mike(!!!), Luca was closest with his cousin, and Enzo was closest with his brother.
who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
I feel like Kods still counts as Enny’s closest friend, though officially Juli was her best friend. she ended up bonding with Cece, then Tate, and Nuad is definitely an important friend. Aila was super close with Kori, but now her best friends are Lyla and Kodi. and her horrorterror pals (specifically Thysnpall). Hope’s closest friend was Kodi, but things got a little weird with everything going on and Hope’s fights with Aila, so Kori’s his best friend now. she stole her fair and square. Deux’s best friends are Echo and Wynn :) and [REDACTED 2] Yüur’s a close pal too, eventually. Fantra’s closest pal is Pandra. Dukkel mostly keeps out of social interaction, but considers Aila a friend and that’s really the closest she has. West was closest with Fern, and then Ulfort and Hazel, but Fern snuck her way back in there. Fern’s closest with West and Haze, and then Ulfort jumped in there too. kind of. they’re dating. Haze is closest with Fern, and June comes in second. June’s closest with Alex and Orca, but Haze is a pal. Alex is closest with June, and likes to hang with West too. Theo and Fate have each other and that’s all they need. fight them. Orca’s closest with June but sort of fell into the Alpha Friendgroup with Mell and Dott being bad influences. Luca’s closest with Elli and Julius because there’s nobody else around but they’re also all dating so :). Enzo’s closest with Ryze. and only Ryze. he has no other friends.
who are the people your OC surrounds themself with?
Enny has. bad taste. look for the edgiest fuckers in the room and she’s with them smh. but also the relentlessly friendly ones. peer pressured into friendships. Aila takes who she can get ngl. Hope also takes whoever puts up with her but she likes people who make sense, usually. people who will explain things. Deux finds the tired squad and whoops that’s her group now. everyone in her group is exhausted and Gets It. Fantra finds the people who take jokes well and who will give her attention. people she doesn’t really have to restrain herself around. Dukkel ends up around people who are slightly naive because everyone else goes :/. West is just desperate for human contact so whoever vibes with that is in the group. but their original squad? all gamers. Fern... just has people sort of be introduced to her. she really meets people through mutual friends and trusts her friends’ judgement. Haze ends up hanging around people who can see the bigger picture and are willing to look at the details through that lens. it’s just what happens. June hangs around people with some sort of influence. xe can’t help it. it’s just really nice to be in those circles sometimes. Alex ends up around impulsive people. nobody knows how this keeps happening but it checks out. Theo and Fate ONLY HAVE EACH OTHER buuuut they tend to vibe with outcasts. mostly because people find them a little weird. Orca hangs with people who make an effort to hang with them which makes them a key target for the extroverts. enthusiasm is key in this household. Luca doesn’t really have much of an option for who to hang with but it’s generally people who Get how he thinks. also people who don’t take a lot of shit. Enzo... Enzo is just here man. he vibes. ends up gravitating to the weirdos and people who won’t make fun of him. which means Ryze.
who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
Enny hates Hill. so much. she also hates Aila. and her dad. and maybe herself. Aila hates Hope and Hates Hurlii, maybe? <3<???? and DEFINITELY herself. Hope hates Aila and has mixed feelings on Lyla. also hates Enny. harbors a little bit of self-hatred too. Deux hates herself lmao but also does NOT vibe with Nuad. fuck that dude. she’s just SCARED of Cece. Fantra Hates Dukkel and Dukkel Hates Fantra. West and Haze hate each other. Fern wouldn’t say she HATES anyone but she is not a fan of June. June doesn’t LIKE Fern but doesn’t entirely dislike her either. hates Ennuad though. Alex is side-eying Haze every day. Theo doesn’t hate anyone specific and neither does Fate, but Fate has a deep hatred for certain aspects of SBURB. Orca HATES Ennuad SO MUCH. and fuck Orie, too. Luca hates himself and that’s about it. Enzo also hates himself but lowkey. and he hates his old sessionmates. fuck them.
if your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
no soulmates here!
what is your OC’s level of education?
all of them except Fantra, Dukkel, Orca, Theo, and Fate have around a middle school education. SBURB and all. Orca has never gone to school, ever, and neither have Fantra or Dukkel. Theo and Fate cut off around 6th grade, probably. look. I don’t have all the details. take it up with them-
did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they?
Aila did book club for about a week. that’s... really it. Enny pretty much did anything she could that didn’t require a fee. which was not much. she joined theater with Kell and did that mock trial thing. Hope did gymnastics out of school, and would have done robotics if it had been available :(. Deux did jack shit. West did debate club. Fern did tennis. Haze also did debate club. that was a fucking disaster for everyone who had to watch West and Haze argue. this is why they aren’t friends. June did jack shit. Alex did jack shit. Theo did jack shit and Fate did basketball for like, a year before deciding it wasn’t her thing. Orca didn’t go to school. Luca has never done anything in his life. Enzo did a LOT of things that he then decided weren’t his deal- softball, soccer, volleyball, book club, theater... he’s bad at commitment.
0 notes
theseaeaglelives · 6 years
Round 2
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Manly Sea Eagles                  18          Defeated by.   Eastern Suburbs Roosters   26
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 Two weeks into season 2019 and it’s fair to say that any hope that Manly supporters had in terms of both playing finals football and/or being competitive this year have already evaporated. The goal already, and yet again, will be for this Manly side will be to avoid the spoon.   Manly carried on the form from last week’s loss to the Tigers. However this week, up against far superior opposition they were found wanting and are well off the pace.   The first half was played in torrential rain and storms although this didn’t seem to bother the Latte Sippers who opened the scoring after only 3 minutes, when a well-placed kick saw veteran winger Brett Morris score in the corner. In terms of placement, the kick landed between Hauhay Torfua and Brad Parker and whenever these two guys are in the vicinity of the ball, let alone trying to defuse a dangerous situation, nothing good can possibly eventuate, and it didn’t!!
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  The first half highlighted one of Manly’s major deficiencies, that being their defence on the flanks and this was certainly exploited by the Roosters. Three of the Roosters first half tries were scored by their wingers emphasising how poor the Manly outside backs are (particularly in the absence of Turbo Tom)
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Without the injured Cooper Cronk, Luke Keary assumed the role of playmaker for the Roosters and had the ball on a string. His performance a stark contrast to his opposite number Cherry Baby who was having a shocker, with multiple errors and little or no impact.
  At the break the Roosters led 22-0, a score-line belying the sloppy conditions but reflective of the dominance that they exerted over a hapless Manly outfit.   The second half started no better for Manly and when the Roosters opened the scoring it looked very much like a rout was on the cards.   Manly responded with two tries in as many minutes to give their fans something to cheer about, but in the end the Roosters were far too good and ran out 26-18 victors.   It’s already looking like being a long season (albeit with no September action) for Manly and their long-suffering fans. Coach Hasler now finds himself in a similar position to when he first took on the reigns at Manly in 2004 following the ill-fated Northern Eagles debacle, with a long and painful rebuild necessary after the disastrous Barrett years.   At least Des can say its not his team, because he inherited this rabble. But it is his responsibility, and let’s hope the great coach can somehow at least get Manly to pay competitively and not come last.   Spoon 2019
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  At this stage its Manly, the Dogs, the Titans, and the Dragons as prime contenders for the spoon (all 4 have no wins to date this year). In any other year, you would have said Manly and the Dogs had no place with that rabble, but you would not be surprised to see the Titans and the Dragons chasing up the rear of the field. But there it is, a sad indictment on Manly, and equally the Dogs, two proud clubs that ordinarily play to win premierships ( or at least they used to).     A Lesson in History – War vs NRL
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It has been said that to understand the present you must first consider the past. This has led the Sea Eagle to consider an interesting exercise where delving back into ancient history may help to determine the make-up, psyche etc. and explain the behaviour of the modern NRL player.   To achieve this, let’s travel back in time to circa 220BC. At this time the two main regional powerhouses were Rome and Carthage, and a bit like SOO they face up for three monumental and memorable contests.   Firstly, the Romans. Claiming to be based in the sporting capital of the world, their style was well drilled and disciplined. Impeccable leadership, with first rate facilities and equipment, but despite their high discipline they tended to push the boundaries, often resorting to the grapple and wrestle when in full contact. Their roster was well remunerated and they were able to supplement their income with the spoils from victory, a concept loosely known as a “third-party” deal. Management tended to turn a blind eye to these “third party” arrangements and only when scrutinised by the Geneva based Integrity Unit (formed much later) were such arrangements finally repudiated. If this sounds familiar, from herein after they will be referred as the (Roman) Storm.   Opposing them were the Carthaginians. Based on the mouth of a river and widely thought to be a second-rate civilisation, their style was more flamboyant and ad-hoc and their roster included an eclectic mixture of inner and outer regional cultures, many of whom were not domicile to Carthage and came from surrounding islands. Led well by a rising talent in Coach Hannibal their insular nature and inferiority tendencies combined to make them a formidable foe. They too benefited greatly from the so called “third party” arrangements which were prevalent at the time and often adopted a siege mentality. To simplify things going forward, from herein they will be referred to as the (Carthage) Broncos.   Fixture 1 Venue: Cannae (Southern Italy) Date 216BC
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This was a rout where the under-dog (Carthage) Broncos slaughtered their more fancied and more powerful rivals. The (Roman) Storm massed their troops in a deeper formation than usual, while Broncos Coach Hannibal used tactics not previously seen, and was able to surround his arch enemy. The Broncos were then able to penetrate the Storm defensive line dishing out a humiliating defeat considered by many to be one of the worst in their history.
Following this clash members of team Carthage in a drunken stupor, proceeded to sack a local village, inflicting unprecedented violence on its inhabitants including pillage, rape and murder. The Cathage Integrtiy unit intervened, but no action was taken, as back then, this was called to the Victor goes the spoils.
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  The remnants of the (Roman) Storm returned to Rome whereupon most of them were summarily executed for their poor performance. Back then there was no salary cap, so used up war heroes could not be traded to lesser nations to free up space for new or younger talent. The competition certainly was not even back then, but many said it was better.   Fixture 2 Venue: Zamma (North Africa) Date 202BC
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Having replaced their leadership group following the disaster at Cannae the (Roman) Storm travelled to neutral territory to again face the arch enemy. This was an even contest, a dour affair and a battle of attrition ebbing and flowing and with neither side able to assert their ascendancy.
  With no golden point in play at the time and despite horrendous casualties, the contest was deemed a draw and both sides returned home, without victory but with pride intact.   Fixture 3 Venue: Carthage (Tunisia) Date 149BC
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  Buoyed by their improved display at Zamma, the (Roman) Storm, again under new leadership decided to take on the old foe, this time on its’ home ground. This was the final time that these traditional rivals lined up against each other, a consequence of the decisive and destructive nature of the Roman victory.   The (Carthage) Broncos were comprehensively overwhelmed and their roster was, in its entirety, decimated.   To celebrate their victory, off-field atrocities and examples of violence were undertaken on an unprecedented scale by the Roman Storm. In a drunken, booze fest orgy, the victors unleashed their fury on Carthage, pillaging, raping and murdering its inhabitants and eventually the city was completely levelled. 
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The few survivors of this atrocity were either sold into slavery or thrown into burning infernos. At its conclusion, (Roman) Storm Coach Scipio was heard to exclaim “In war there is no substitute for victory”. Again, the Roman Integrity unit intervened, but no action was taken.   The parallels between these ancient warriors and the modern day NRL player are undeniable, and the behaviours exhibited by participants in these ancient times goes some way to explain recent events and atrocities. With the Magic Round (Round 9) fast approaching and some 320 NRL players converging on Brisbane for the weekend, will the NRL’s worst nightmare scenario come to fruition and will Brisbane become a modern-day Carthage. Hopefully no-one will be killed!!     'If I want to be liked, I'd sell ice-creams': Napa on sex tape fallout By Christian Nicolussi March 19, 2019 — 6.00pm -SMH
Dylan Napa of  'Big Papi' sex tapes fame, hast declared: "If I wanted everyone to like me, I'd go and sell ice-creams."…"I'm six-foot-five with red hair, I've been targeted my whole life," Napa is reported to have said. "I also have the right to stand up for myself. I'm not worried about being targeted. I've been called everything under the sun, especially the person I'm portrayed to be. My family and friends know who I am and my teammates, that's all that matters. “If I wanted everyone to like me, I'd go sell ice-creams. That's a quote from [Roosters skipper] Boyd Cordner, and I think it's pretty correct. If I wanted everyone to like me, maybe I should get another profession because it's the reality of it."
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"I want to make a big statement every game. I felt I had a good preparation going into the game, we just lacked a bit of energy and our attitude was not where it needed to be. …"I can't use [the sex tapes] at all [as an excuse]," he said. "It had its effects at the time, but it's two months ago now. I'm well and truly over that. I'm glad football is back and we can talk about playing Parramatta and trying to beat them."
Sea Eagle Comment:  Regrettably the Dogs got smashed but the Eels, whilst Big Papii could talk about beating the Eels, and make a big statement, regrettably he didn’t do that. But seriously Dylan, the Sea Eagle loves Big Pappii. Don’t despair. you can do way better than sell ice creams. Try selling the Big Pappi Pizza, the gift that keeps on giving.
Captive Rugby Nation Set To Host World Cup In 6 Months Not Worth Investing In, Says SANZAAR- Betoota Advocate- date unclear.
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It has been reported that SANZAAR (South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and Argentina Rugby) – the body which operates Super Rugby and The Rugby Championship – has reportedly decided to axe the only Asian-based franchise in Super Rugby. The Sunwolves, who hail from the third largest economy in the world (Japan) is expected to be discontinued indefinitely as of 2020.
Japan, with 122,368 registered rugby union players, and host of the 2019 World Cup,  are just not worth it (apparently) – that’s according to the same people SANZAAR who closed the Perth franchise that got more fans to their games than Melbourne Rebels.
According to the Betoota Advocate “It is not yet known if there will be another multi-million dollar franchise created to fill the void that will be left in the Super Rugby by the Sunwolves, but as SANZAAR has proven time and time again, if it sounds like a weird and poorly thought out idea – it will most likely become a reality.
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If another team is created, rugby fans have been told to expect something really random like Uruguay or East Timor, who will also inevitably be booted from the moment they start winning some games.”
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har0ld · 6 years
NOLA Ninth homes
The Lower Ninth Ward, a working-class, predominantly African-American neighborhood on the banks of the Mississippi River, was completely submerged by the hurricane. When actor Brad Pitt visited the area two years after the storm, he was alarmed by how little had been done to rebuild. Putting to use his considerable power and wealth, he pulled together 21 of the world’s most famous architects, as well as homeowners and community organizers in the Ward, and launched a project to build houses that were affordable, environmentally friendly, and aesthetically pleasing.
Ten years later, only 109 of the 150 have been completed, and of those 109, many appear to be falling apart.
It is now quite a disaster. People are suing. Some thoughts:
– On the neighborhood not wanting to change
There’s nothing wrong with that. There can’t be many stores and services? Have the minimum like everywhere else on earth then. Have a small shop that doesn’t make mad profit but serves a community with basics. Have bigger shops come in the neighborhood with trucks, once a week. There are many solutions to having single family homes serviced. You don’t need skyscrapers and a massive Walmart or Ralphs to accommodate people’s needs.
– On designs
And it quickly became clear to residents that a few of the all-star designs — sent from architects as far away as Ghana, Chile and Japan — weren’t going to work in Louisiana. The roofs on more than a dozen houses were flat — a red flag for locals.
smh. How on earth is that possible to fuck it up like that? Flat roofs in Louisiana is not a brilliant idea but even if you go for this, just tilt the damn roof by 5° and water will evacuate… It’s not rocket science.
– On costs
There are ways to build sustainable houses for quite cheap. The fact that they had inexperienced –and underpaid, probably- staffers working for the organization to help people go through one of the worst disaster ever in the USA, is maddening. You needed the best of the best here, no exception. The organization should have paid upfront to get a solid team so that they don’t have to rebuild and maintain houses for the next 20 years would have been smart. But no. Cut corners, get wrecked.
They also used OSB SIP for walls, a terrible choice because OSB rots easily. You wanted to experiment? Use hemp insulation and a bit more wood because hemp can’t be used for load-bearing. But it doesn’t rot and is natural.
That’s where having star architects was supposed to change the deal: they put some money in to make sure good material is used, for instance. Those residents are paying a mortgage on a new house that shouldn’t be decaying that badly within a decade.
What a shame. Imagine losing everything because the government failed you with levees that don’t work. Then you have a Hollywood star coming in with big bucks, building a green house that you pay for and it’s rotting right away. How can you trust anyone, anything after that?
from h. Play http://bit.ly/2WGH0Jp via IFTTT
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valflame · 7 years
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I talked about it briefly HERE before, but I figured it’d be useful to make a headcanon post on the people Arvis has close ties with prior to the start of FE4 since they do plenty in shaping his character and he doesn’t have many ties smh
PRINCE KURTH: The current prince to the throne. Arvis feels exceedingly warmly towards him ( as in, he isn’t chilly at all towards Kurth despite coming off as icy to most other people, which for him is a testament to how much he likes him ) and is a known avid supporter of the prince. Most of his fondness for the older man comes from the fact that Kurth had been in his eyes a very close friend of his mother’s and had kept her happy and given her much-needed support when she was still dealing with her tumultuous marriage to Victor; in reality Kurth and Cigyun had been involved in an extramarital affair. The affair was what led to Victor’s suicide and Cigyun’s disappearance and what orphaned Arvis; in his early years as duke Kurth went out of his way to quietly manipulate the political landscape of Grannvale to leave the duchy of Velthomer in ever-favourable conditions without Arvis knowing to support the child duke and watched out for him, but he did at least notice how the prince can’t seem to look him in the eye properly ever since the Velthomer family disaster. He assumes Kurth is just still mourning his ‘dear friend’ Cigyun’s disappearance as much as he still mourns his missing mother, and not that the guilt from ruining his life has culminated in him trying to both support and avoid him at the same time.
KING AZMUR: The current king of the Kingdom of Grannvale, and Kurth’s father.
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He took to looking after Arvis in a more hands-on way than Kurth did after he lost his parents and made him his right-hand, both as a means of instructing him on the ins and outs of court life and the dance of medieval politics since his actual father did diddly squat to educate his son on any of it before killing himself. When he got older ( as in, at some point in his teens because age makes no hecking sense when it comes to him ) Azmur also appointed him as head of Belhalla’s royal guard and gave him additional quarters in the royal castle for an office and sleeping quarters while dealing with the royal knights. Azmur is one of the people Arvis feels most fondly towards since he sees him as a sort of surrogate father; Azmur is also probably the person he feels worst about lying to come the events of FE4, since at that point he’s sick and dying and Arvis is the one tending to him in his poor health. For most of what he does he’s either being manipulated via blackmail or he’s doing what he actually thinks is ‘for the good of the people’, but not telling Azmur the truth about everything going on is to him far more emotionally difficult than, say, the act of killing Sigurd and his entire army.
AZELLE: Arvis’ younger half-brother. Duke Victor had countless mistresses and plenty of illegitimate children by his mistresses that he couldn’t care less about because Victor only cares for alcohol and sleeping around, but the circumstances surrounding Azelle’s birth were different than most; Victor got drunk and forced himself on Cigyun’s favourite handmaid, and when news broke that the maid had gotten pregnant he attempted to banish her instead of keeping her in court like he did his girlfriends and their children. Cigyun flew into hysterics and defended her handmaid demanding that she be allowed to stay. After Victor and Cigyun were out of the picture the writer’s notes discuss how Arvis banished every one of his father’s concubines and their children but kept Azelle and his mother close and saw them as his own family, and that she looked after him like a surrogate mother. After she passed away from an unnamed disease some ten years later Arvis wasn’t seen with another woman again ( he infamously accepted no women into Velthomer court under his rule, going so far as to bar any female maids from his service, even; with him there were only ever male servants and butlers ), but Azelle kept close. He tells Sigurd in the prologue that Azelle ‘means the world to him’ despite not sharing the same mother as him and entrusts him to take care of him, and vocally wishes that he and Azelle got along better.
AIDA: Aida is Arvis’ closest confidant and his right-hand man. She is the sole exception to his strict ‘no women’ rule; among the Roten Ritter she’s earned herself the nickname of being his shadow as he constantly seems to go out of his way to stick himself next to her if they happen to ever be in the same building together. She leads Velthomer’s fire mages beneath him, but more than that she is his dearest friend --- even if he still can’t tell even her everything Aida knows more of his secrets than anyone else. He goes so far as to tell her of his ploy against Sigurd, so he trusts her enough/she’s loyal enough to go along with his schemes when seemingly nobody else is aware of what’s really going on, but he still can’t tell her about his heritage or the true reason he allows himself to answer to Manfroy. She gets to see a much less curated side to him behind closed doors; theirs is the sort of relationship where he slouches in his seat as soon as a door is closed and they’re the only two around and he starts to actually make smalltalk and want to chit-chat instead of just delving right into business. When he was younger they had an illegitimate child together; Saias is a tricky topic mostly because the courts love to talk and they would immediately latch onto anything remotely as juicy as news of a first-born bastard being conceived by anyone with Major Holy Blood, but other than that he sees her as perhaps his least problematic relationship. He adores her.
                      ... Platonically.
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