#hawthorne brothers NEED therapy
riddles-n-games · 7 months
They may not always be in Texas, but Tobias Hawthorne still has a chokehold on them. 😭😭😭
Ladies and gentlemen, Texas Hold' Em, the Hawthorne Version:
Tobias Chokehold 'Em, the Graveyard Shift Edition.
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clarissaweasley-10 · 4 months
The one thing the Hawthornes don't have and absolutely need is a therapist.
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winterf4iryy · 1 year
reading the brothers hawthorne and idk how to feel 😭
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thefatedbonechameleon · 11 months
I just finished chapter 49 of The Brothers Hawthorne and HOLY SHIT.
I thought that Tobias freaking Hawthorne was an absolute psychopath in The Inheritance Games Trilogy but this bitch defies all my expectations and then some. Calling him a psychopath is too nice. We need to invent a new word for this mf because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN?!
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Targaryen Inc (7/?)
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Description: Alyra and Jacaerys talk about his weekend with Helaena and Alyra finally joins Aegon on a night out, so she can ignore her broken heart.
Alyra crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Helaena came over this weekend to help me work through some stuff with Sarah, and I’m afraid I may have made her uncomfortable.”
“We were just talking, and then we got in a tickle fight, and I complimented her, then she basically bolted.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I apologized, and she told me it was alright, but you know her. She never wants anyone to be upset.”
“Why did you start a tickle fight, that’s a cheesy couple move.”
It was Jacaerys’s turn to hide his face in his hands. “I don’t know, I’ve just been so up and down since Sarah and I broke up, and Helaena was there, being kind and pretty, and I just wanted to see her smile.” He ran his hands down his face then laid them flat on his desk. “I swear her smile could cure cancer; it always makes me feel better.”
“Do you have romantic feelings for her, or are you two just friends? Because if you’re just friends, you need to reevaluate.” Her cousin was toeing the line between friends and something more, and she did not want to see either him or Helaena end up with a broken heart.
“We’re—she’s—it’s Helaena. I love her, she’s a wonderful person, and a great friend. She’s beautiful, smart, kind, loves dogs, and we like the same movies…she’s perfect.”
Alyra sat back in her chair, and just stared at him. Her idiot lawyer cousin was in love with her best friend, and completely blind to it.
“She’s the perfect person, the perfect friend, I love being around her.” He continued, not understanding the meaning of her stare.
“And Aegon just set her up with one of his friends.” She said, resting her chin in one hand, waiting for his reaction.
“Aegon? Aegon’s friends are manwhores. They’ll just take advantage of her and break her heart. I can’t let that happen.” He said, standing up and storming towards the door.
She caught his wrist. “Helaena is really excited about this date; you will not ruin it for her, and you will not use her as a rebound. So, sit down, and make a therapy appointment before you decide to rush over there and declare your love for her.”
“I’m not in love with—Helaena, my flower!” He perked up when Helaena opened his office door.
Helaena smiled at him, then noticed Alyra was in his office as well. “There’s this goth woman by the elevator, and she glared at me when I hugged Aemond.”
“See, she’s a bitch.” Alyra said, throwing her hands in the air for emphasis. “She’s your brother’s date for tonight.”
Helaena sat in the other leather chair and smoothed out her skirt. “I don’t like the energy she gives off; it reminds me of—" She cut herself off, just as Jacaerys had.
Alyra intertwined her fingers, biting the inside of her cheek. “Does everyone know Aemond’s tragic backstory, but me?”
Helaena looked at Jacaerys then back at her. “It’s not something Aemond likes to discuss, he’s very back and forth on how he feels about it.”
After a few more minutes, it was time for them to clock out, and she gathered her things, knocking on Aegon’s office window. “Are you going out tonight?”
“It’s Margarita Monday, of course I’m going out.” He said, grabbing his car keys and shoving them in his pocket.
“Can I come with you?”
Aegon’s face lit up. “Alyra Hawthorne, are you finally asking to come out, with me, on a weekday?” He flung his arms around her, hugging her tightly. “This is going to be so fun; I promise.”
She hugged him back. She herself wasn’t a hugger, but Aegon was, and overtime she’d gotten used to his bear-hug attack-style of celebrating good news. “As long as we don’t go to any strip clubs.”
“You got it, clothing required places only.” He released her, and they made their way down to the parking garage.
Alyra sat beside Aegon drink in hand. They were seated in a private booth, and she was certifiably drunk.
“She’s a bitch, an old goth-hippie bitch.” She yelled over the music.
“Aemond has weird taste, always has.” Aegon yelled back.
“Why go after her when I live down the hall from him? He wouldn’t even have to drive anywhere.” She complained before dissolving into giggles at the shock on Aegon’s face.
His mouth dropped open. “You’re into Aemond?”
“Yes, thoughts?” She said, attempting to sound sober and serious, but failing miserably.
“And prayers, Alyra, thoughts and prayers.” Aegon said, taking a swig of his drink. “Why Aemond?”
Alyra took another sip of her drink. “He’s smart, sweet, good hair, killer jawline, is always respectful, and defends me, he’s so charming. Also, he’s hot, he’s so, so hot.” A flash of silver caught her gaze, and she turned her head. “And he’s right over there…”
Aegon followed her gaze.
“He’s right over there, dancing with that woman, after he invited me to his award thingy, bought me flowers, flirted with me, and said he’d want me close. This is bullshit.” She slammed the rest of her drink down and tapped her nails angrily on the table.
“Don’t let it bother you, you’re too hot for my brother anyways.” Aegon’s said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Alyra couldn’t tear her eyes away from Aemond and Alys dancing together. “Aemond doesn’t even like clubs, he doesn’t even know any of the songs.” She huffed, grabbing another drink from the bucket in the center of their table.
“He’s a nerd, and she’s a cougar, let’s get out of here, I know this great place down the street that Aemond definitely won’t be at.” Aegon coaxed, standing up and reaching to pull her up with him.
She brushed off his hands. “No, I’m saying something to him.” She made her way out of the booth and attempted to navigate her way through the crowd. She really regretted that last shot, as her legs felt unsteady beneath her, and her vision was swimming. Someone bumped her, and she stumbled forward, catching herself at the last second on a man’s shoulder.
The man turned around and gave her a look that sent a shiver of fear down her spine. She tried to back away, but he grabbed her wrists. She struggled against him, yelling for Aegon, but the music drowned her out.
Suddenly an arm was around her waist, and she was pulled backwards. She elbowed whoever grabbed her, and they shouted her name.
She turned around to find herself chest to chest with Aemond.
His eyes were panicked and scanning her for any injuries. “Are you okay?”
“I…” She was interrupted by the man who grabbed her.
“Hey chill man, I saw her first.”
Aemond’s eyes grew cold, and he pushed her behind him before leaning forward and speaking quietly to the man.
She couldn’t hear what he said, but the man’s face drained of color, and he turned and fled. Pushing through the other people dancing on his way out.
Aemond turned back to her, trailing his hands from her shoulders down to her wrists checking for bruises.
“I’m fine.” She said, ripping her hands away from him. “Go back to your girlfriend.”
Aemond cupped her face, the panic still clear in his eyes. “Alyra, what are you doing here?”
“I’m with Aegon, I lost him in the crowd.” Technically not a lie.
Aemond swore under his breath. “It’s too dangerous for you to be by yourself, what if something happened to you?” He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. “What if I hadn’t been there to stop that man?”
Normally this concern would’ve had her stomach fluttering, but all she could feel was the alcohol turning her blood to fire. “Who knows, but why do you care? I’m not your problem.” She removed his hands from her face. “Go back to your girlfriend, Aemond.”
 “Alyra, I’m not leaving you here.” He said, catching her hands and intertwining them with his own.
Tomorrow, she would blame it on the alcohol, but tonight she was hurt and angry. “You said it yourself, we’re co-workers. Not friends, not dating, not anything. Just two people that work together.”
He shook his head. “I didn’t mean to offend you, of course you’re more than a co-worker.”
She laughed bitterly. “I’m not offended, I’m hurt. I don’t like this game you’re playing, Aemond, I really don’t.”
His face was a mixture of confusion and anguish, and she longed to comfort him, but she steeled herself.
“Alyra, oh my gods, you scared the shit out of me.” Aegon wrapped his arms around her from behind, and she let him pull her backwards.
“Let’s go to that other bar.” She said, turning away from Aemond and clinging to her friend.
“Ñuha dōna, please, let me take you home, you’ve had enough.” Aemond pleaded, following behind them as Aegon expertly weaved through the crowd.
They reached the door and Aegon stepped in front of her, speaking quietly to Aemond in a language she didn’t understand.
She rarely saw Aegon angry. Bored, upset, hungover, obsessed, tired, she’d seen countless times, but angry was not an emotion he displayed often.
Aegon broke away from his brother and pulled her out of the club.
Tag List: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @depressedperson88
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mollywog · 1 year
Wild Wednesdays
Rye had called in a panic. Their sitter canceled and he needed someone to watch the boys so he and his wife could go to their (much needed) couples therapy session. Peeta wasn’t convinced there had ever actually been a sitter; it was more likely that his brother had been tasked with the duty and forgotten until an hour prior.
Either way, it wasn’t like he had plans and Rye couldn’t afford to fail at this responsibility on their first week of counseling. Besides, Peeta was convinced that the twins weren’t as much work as his brother, who had a penchant for exaggeration, made them out to be.
Peeta was wrong.
He’d chosen to take his nephews to the children’s zoo in town. Spotify had repeatedly alerted him to ‘Wild Wednesdays’ there, and although he hadn’t been paying enough attention to know exactly what that entailed, it seemed as good an option as any.
Once when the twins were two Peeta had joined Rye and his family on a trip to the zoo. The boys had been strapped in to their stroller and had been fascinated with the water fountains and table umbrellas during the first half of the visit, then had fallen asleep during the second half.
This was not the experience he was having now.
Though the now four year olds looked shockingly similar, their wants seemed to clash at every turn. Rowan held Peeta’s hand walking slowly and stopping at every exhibit, while Alder had a tendency to sprint ahead of the pair, skipping to his favorite exhibits. There was no slowing the one or rushing the other and neither had any spatial awareness, so Peeta spent his time playing zone defense and apologizing to amused and annoyed patrons. He’d been at this for an hour before he was able to slump down on a bench in the indoor play area. Fixing his eyes on the slide, the main exit point for the tunneled monstrosity, a tiny girl in a little league shirt and red checkered shorts caught his attention. She popped out of the tunneled depth and jumped off the edge, stumbling on a discarded shoe in her path, dark braids flopping with the motion. She quickly recovered her footing and continued on her way, but not before turning to scowl at the offending obstacle.
The scene transported him back in time to music assembly on his first day of school and another girl. The force of the memory took him by surprise; he hadn’t thought about Katniss Everdeen in years. He craned his neck to get another glimpse of the girl who inspired the memory, instead his eyes fell on the object of his musings herself, now an adult, smiling as she waved to the little girl. With the girl turned to face the woman, he could make out the name printed in bold letters across her back:
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elif-in-wonderland · 1 year
Excited for The Brothers Hawthorne more than you can imagine :)) before I can buy the book I know I will get some spoilers and I don’t mind. I like spoilers. 😂😂 So curious to see what’s going to happen with my #averyjameson babies and Grayson. This one in particular needs therapy and some happy moments. Can’t wait 🤭 (I know Avery and Jameson will just slay again)
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chomesuke · 2 years
rook! angel! rook and angel lore now please
adding picrews just because!
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picrew here rook! no last name. yet. (they start using hawthorne later). one of several artificial (supposedly) humans known as dolls created (supposedly) by mysterious doctor and magician iris. like the other dolls, rook is incapable of defying orders given to them by iris or any of her mysterious "puppet masters" who work for her.
their number one order that they must follow above all others is to not die. this order was not given to the other dolls. iris wants rook alive at all costs. no one knows why.
rook is very detached from the world around them. they see no point in caring for anyone or anything as their life is now, but are somewhat intrigued by rogue hitmen agents turned thieves crow and gang. despite crow's change of profession they try to hire him to kill iris while trying not to kill him like they're supposed to.
they originally had bat wings but I kept forgetting they existed so now they look like smoke and shadow and only exist when needed. convenient!
they like murder mystery novels and always try to solve the mysteries before they end, even taking notes
the closest thing they have to a friend is lucia
they have recurring dreams of a sea they've never seen before
their gravity powers only affect things within 10 meters from them. otherwise they'd be too powerful
they possibly have a gender but no one knows what it is, especially not me
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picrew here angel! real name hani. family name eternally undecided. she inherited the name angel from crow. half fae half human 13 yr old witch who looks like she's 9 bc she's aging slower than a full human. she's spent some time at a magic school but mostly self studies after she was expelled for arsonist reasons. tiny pyromaniac.
there's a lot of unrest in the fae realms and her father is currently a little bit cursed. so she's hiding her true name and going by the one her brother crow used before.
while she does her best to seem cheerful, she's extremely lonely. she's spent a lot of her life isolated and now without her parents she's desperate to be useful so she can stay with crow while he does Very Dangerous Things. crow agrees bc she's barely any safer away from him than near him.
she has so many protections spells cast on her by her parents the seelie king and the most legendary magical craftsman ever that she's the closest to unkillable you can get
she was named hani after a woman I met in a therapy group whose name I thought was v pretty!
willing to kill much to crow's consternation but agrees it should be avoided unless necessary
she's been targeted by some of the ppl who want to kill her parents. she home alones them. has only been caught once. that time did not end well.
would like fantasy novels but. what counts as a fantasy novel in a fantasy world.
probably trans. definitely a girl.
dream job is as a pyrotechnician. she mostly works with bombs now but she figures fireworks would be fun and not too different.
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ok so i might need fucking therapy because im like in love with like castellen and it’s a goddamn problem like why the fuck do i think that he is the hot shit like bitch get your fucking shit together i don’t know why i like him i just do so when i get older i’ll probably find my very own john fucking mayor and i will just be screwed over because i put myself in toxic situations and like i think i should have known this from the start because i read shatter me before i read percy jackson and like i hated adam from the start but Aaron i was like in love with even tho he like put julliet thru hell doesn’t mean that i don’t want to yk but like yeah also im getting on the topic of books but like i am on my knees for atlas corrigan like wtf i read caraval and no offense to stephanie garber but i hated it so much like scarlet’s only character trait is that she can smell colors or some dumb shit like that. i think i will die when the brothers hawthorne comes out like grayson 😮‍💨🥴😩😏 same with xander but yeah i hate john mayor, caraval, and fucking ryle. i love luke, atlas, grayson, and the baby and best hawthrone xander.
if you are still here i luv u have a great day
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cherryschaos · 2 years
This is going to be long, but I promise it's worth the time
I think Grayson also knew how manipulative and abusive Emily was. Hear me out, during the two books whenever Jameson knows/figures something out there's a 95% chance Grayson has too and vice versa.
My theory is that while Jameson saw this and was like "you don't do this to people" and confronted Emily because 1) break up with her and tell her how awful she's being and 2) protect Grayson (remember that "it's one of us we protect it" then "SHE is one of us we protect HER" part in THL at the foundation 100% applies to the brothers' relationship) Grayson saw it as how their grandfather was to them their entire lives and thought he just needed to solve the riddle.
If/When it comes out that Jameson watched Emily die. Because it's really convenient that this one secret has actually stayed secret in that family. The relationship between Grayson and Jameson will be massively shaken. We forget that while Jameson saw her die and left, Grayson who at the time believed that Emily chose him, found her dead. He had to call for help, he had to wait ALONE (most likely) for help to arrive.
Why is Grayson avoiding Avery? Because the last time a girl liked both him and his brother, he found her dead.
They all need hugs and therapy
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fallindomino · 2 years
i just finished tfg so i’m going on an averyjameson rant bc i love them
**spoilers for tfg ahead !!! **
okay the way they were somehow both jealous of grayson in this book like 😭😭😭 it was so funny to me like boi ur jealous of a man who has So Much unresolved trauma seek HELP shddhdj im kidding (kind of,, they could all use some therapy tbh) and avery girl ,,, i do feel bad for her a bit cause it can be easy to doubt the strength of a found family bond (specifically her bond w toby) when his blood daughter who looks just like the girl ur boyf and his brother loved shows up (although i would be grateful not to look like a dead girl butttt thats just me)
and the whole escape room deal ,,, like im not the biggest fan of the “im locking u up bc i love u and want to protect u” trope but likeee he locked her in an /escape/ room so his goal was prob just to keep her in there long enough for him grayson and eve to leave ,,, its not like he locked her somewhere where someone had to come find her, she got out on her own. still p shady but i think its ironic that the thing jameson did that caused the most tension between him and avery was trying to act like grayson who avery didn’t want to be with anymore 😭😭 but if he wasn’t insecure there would be less of a romantic tension subplot so it goes ,,,
also i love their tahiti code word we stan couples who actively try to avoid miscommunication ,,, like sure they had their problems in this book but they were both super open abt their shit and i respect that
i just love avery as a character ngl. like there’s that part where she’s solving the old man’s bag puzzle on her own and grayson comes up to her to talk abt eve and he asks what the bag’s abt and she doesn’t tell him bc she wants to tell jameson first. like i don’t think this is explicitly stated in the book but i know my girl is trying so hard not to be like emily and play the boys off of each other even unintentionally and i think thats so cool and sexy of her.
and then the part
“it was always going to be you,”i told jameson. he needed to hear it. i needed to say it, even though always painted over so much.
and THATS why he said “i wish i’d fallen in love with a girl who wasn’t quite so good at bluffing,” bc they BOTH knew she wasn’t being honest when she said that. it didn’t mean avery loved jameson any less, but that wasn’t how she really felt. then later in the hedge maze avery says
“i can’t say it was always going to be you, jameson, because i don’t believe in destiny or fate — i believe in choice.”
and she says to herself “love wasn’t just a choice—it was dozens, hundreds, thousands of choices.” and even through her lingering feelings for grayson, she chose jameson over and over, which is why this scene is where they make up.
prob my favorite moment was in the epilogue when avery mentions enrolling in uconn and jameson’s immediately like COOL guess yale’s getting a hawthorne like i love himmmm 😭💕
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riddles-n-games · 7 months
I have a question:
But when in TBH (chapter 88) there is this phrase from Jameson: “Anymore. He didn’t go out of his way to risk his life anymore.”
Does it mean that Jameson tried to kill himself or is he always connected to his reckless character?
Hi, I believe that this passage was just connecting to his reckless character although those attempts sometimes seemed to be him trying to kill himself. However, who is to say Jameson didn't try to actually kill himself intentionally at times? And it's sad thinking that he wouldn't have thought a second that he would be leaving behind people who did love him. But, transparently, I think if anyone had real suicidal thoughts, that likely would have been Gray. He might still get them and hopefully his character growth will allow him to stop that as time goes on so he's more forgiving to himself.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 5)
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Summary: Sam moves back to town and under Dean’s roof meanwhile the reader learns more about Dean’s hesitancy in certain areas of their relationship... 
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, mention of accidents, PTSD, past sexual assault, injury
A/N: Parts of this series are told from two different POV’s. Dean’s POV are written from limited third person. Reader’s POV are second person (like a typical reader insert). Enjoy!…
Reader’s POV
“Uh…” you said the next morning as you found a strange man in the kitchen. He spun around and you recognized the face. “Sam?”
“Y/N,” he smiled. “Nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you said. You walked over and he gave you a hug. “You get in town early for Thanksgiving?”
“Yeah, something like that. Dean said he might be out and to just let myself in,” he said. “Sorry, I thought I had the house to myself.”
“It’s fine,” you said, tugging Dean’s shirt down a little, grateful you at least had put a bralette on underneath. “He took my sister to an appointment. They should be back soon.”
“Cool,” he said as you went to make yourself a cup of coffee. “So um, I actually was going to surprise you guys today with some news. Well, you and Tessa.”
“What’s that?” you asked, grabbing your favorite mug.
“I’m moving back to Lawrence,” he said. 
“Really? That’s great. He misses you so much,” you said.
“Yeah. Got a job at the big firm downtown. McKluskey & Associates,” he said.
“I heard really good things about them, at least when I worked at Hawthorne I did.”
“Oh Hawthorne is the worst,” said Sam. “They dump paralegals all the time.”
“Yeah. I was one of them. But I’m doing really good at Dean’s office. I just finished my first certification so I get a little pay bump for that,” you said.
“Nice. I know he loves getting to pop in and see you during the day, even for a minute. You’re very cute in scrubs apparently,” chuckled Sam. “I actually was going to talk to you about this but um, I was going to see if I could move in here for a bit while I look for a place. Is that cool with you? It’s totally okay if you’re not. I get it if you and Dean want your own space.”
“I’d love for you to stay, Sam,” you said with a big smile. “I really would like to get to know Dean’s family, his real family.”
“I’d like to know his new family,” he said. You both turned when you heard the front door open, Tessa giggling.
“I don’t believe you old man.”
“I am thirty one you little shit,” laughed Dean. “I so have been skydiving!”
“He definitely has,” said Sam. Dean poked his head out from the foyer and gave you both a big smile. “Hey De.”
“Sammy! You managed to get those days off work early?” asked Dean. He slipped out of his boots and jacket, quickly walking into the kitchen with a bag in his hands. He set it down on the counter and gave his brother a hug, Sam shrugging. “What?”
“Got that new job. Starts next month. I was wondering if I might still be able to crash here with-”
“Of course,” said Dean, quickly looking at you.
“I already told him it was cool,” you said, Tessa slowly walking inside. She set her starbucks cup down on the counter and got out her breakfast burrito. “Tessa this is Sam. You’ve said hi to him once or twice on the phone.”
“Hi,” she said quietly, looking at Dean.
“Sammy would you mind giving us a real quick second alone?” asked Dean.
“No problem,” he said. He excused himself to the bathroom and you got out your breakfast from the bag, Dean giving Tessa a nod. “Go ahead.”
“I want to see a different therapist,” she said. You sat back and looked at Dean. “If that’s okay.”
“What happened today? I know Dean sat in on your session.”
“I didn’t particularly like some of the comments the doctor made,” said Dean. “Tessa’s eighteen, not five. I think she should start going to a doctor for adults. Tessa’s not been happy with him for awhile she mentioned. I have a colleague from my med school days that specializes in young adults.”
“Tessa why didn’t you tell me you don’t like the doctor.”
“Because you say I have to go no matter what,” she shrugged. “I know there were only a few that we could get covered too.”
“I have a new health plan and we’re definitely going to switch you over to somebody different,” you said.
“Dr. Ketch is good. I used to use him when I was around here,” said Sam, walking back inside. “I was gonna call him up myself, try to get a spot in again.”
“I was thinking of Arthur for Tessa actually,” said Dean.
“Why do you go to therapy?” she asked Sam.
“Lots of reasons,” he said. “Pretty sure everyone in this house has so no need to by shy about it.”
“I’ll call Arthur,” said Dean to you. “It’ll be better for her Y/N.”
“You’re the doctor,” you said. You unwrapped your food and started to eat, Dean digging into his own meal while Sam sucked on some kind of green smoothie.
“Are you like a health freak?” said Tessa with a mouthful of food. Sam sipped some more and shrugged. “Good. He won’t touch my ice cream.”
“Oh I love ice cream,” smirked Sam. “I wouldn’t count on it being safe around me.”
“Are you teasing me?” she asked.
“Am I?” said Sam, slurping his smoothie again. Dean rolled his eyes and whacked the back of Sam’s head. “Ow.”
“She’s tougher than you, Sammy. I’m sure you two will harass each other to death,” said Dean while he ate.
“Mhm,” he hummed as Toast ran in through the doggie door. “You have a dog!”
“Yeah. This is Toast,” said Tessa. She leaned down and unclipped his vest, Toast rushing over and sniffing Sam. “That’s Sam. Don’t let him eat my ice cream.”
Toast barked and Sam looked at her.
“His vest isn’t on. You can pet him,” she said. 
Ten minutes later Sam was in the backyard with Toast and Tessa, tossing around a ball and smiling like a little kid.
“Well we won’t have to worry about those two getting along I don’t think,” said Dean as you watched out the back window.
“I wasn’t too concerned. I know her sessions are private but what exactly happened today.”
“We talked a bit about how she feels about me being a part of your lives. She does like me, she cares about me even. But she’s still getting to used to sharing you with someone else. Tessa’s doing fine aside from an uptick in nightmares recently. Her doctor was very negative though. He doesn’t help her reframe things. I’m not a therapist but even I can do a much better job than he was. We talked after on the way to get breakfast and I think it’d be better for her to go to someone that helps her progress more, handle things on her own in healthy ways. Tell me to shove it if I crossed a line but it’s my honest opinion.”
“If Tessa thinks she wants to try a new doctor then I am all for it,” you said. “I’m glad you went with her after last night and everything.”
“She’s your sister...but…”
“I know. You watch her back and I’ll watch Sam’s?” you said. He smiled and nodded. “So I was thinking...you know how we were talking about that taking care of you thing last night?”
“Yes?” he said. “What’d you have in mind?”
“I was wondering if I couldn’t give you a little spa night tonight. A nice bath, massage, a fresh pie…”
“Mmm, that does sound nice,” he said. “But that sounds a bit extravagant.”
“Trust me?” you said. He threw his head back but sighed. “Good boy. You’ll love it. I promise.”
“How was your bath?” you asked that night, Dean’s skin all warm and soft as he laid on his belly in a pair of black boxer briefs in the bedroom.
“Nice. My skin feels all smooth. I should use the tub more often,” he hummed. 
“You definitely should. I’m gonna give you a back massage now, okay? I’m gonna use a bit of some special lotion with oil in it,” you said. 
“Go for it,” he said into his pillow. You straddled his back and squirted some lotion onto your hands, rubbing it in a bit before you put your hands on his back. You worked him slowly for a few minutes, Dean’s muscles tensed more than you realized. After a while he loosened up and you slid your hands to his lower back, Dean tensing once again. 
“You okay? I didn’t hurt anything?” you asked.
“I’m okay. Just don’t take off my underwear,” he said.
“I’m not going to. I’m almost done and then I’ll get your feet,” you said. You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, Dean closing his eyes. He was still for the most part, his feet not too bad and his back was all dry by the time you told him he could roll over. He didn’t move though and you figured he was comfortable where he was.
You washed up your hands in the bathroom, whistling as you came out, the bedroom empty.
“Dean…” you said, the back door open. You stepped outside, Dean standing by the railing and looking at the backyard. “Dean it’s cold out.”
“I need a minute,” he said. You went inside, taking a seat on the bed, Dean coming inside a few moments later. He wouldn’t look in your direction and you took his hand when he crawled back on the bed. “Thank you for the massage. It felt very nice.”
“You’re welcome.”
He moved his hand away and you looked across the room. 
Only to have a pair of boxer briefs be dropped in your lap. You turned your head and Dean was laying back on the bed, naked, his face red. 
“Dean, what-”
“I’m not going to get over this if I don’t try and I don’t want to be scared of you so...there,” he said. You smiled and laid back, bringing your head over close to his. 
“Want me to get naked too?” you asked.
“No. I uh, think he’ll get excited down there and I’m not...ready for that,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, cuddling as close as you dared. You laid an arm over his waist and he eased, his fingers toying with your hair. “Proud of you.”
“You don’t even know what happened.”
“No but somebody hurt you so I know this is hard for you and I’m proud of you for facing your fears.”
“It’s not as bad as you think,” he said. “It was just...judgement free zone?”
“Always,” you said.
“I got stupid. I’d had a little too much. I let...I let the chick I was with tie my hands together, to the headboard at the motel we’d stumbled into. I shouldn’t have done that with a stranger. It was fun at first and everything and then I mentioned...fuck it, I said sometimes I like when a girl sticks a finger up there, like the tip when I’m getting a blowjob and it can feel good, you know?”
“I’ve met guys that like that. Nothing wrong with that,” you said, kissing his arm. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes.
“I told her a tip of a finger. At most.”
“What happened?”
“She stuck a whole lot more than a tip in. Without prep. She didn’t care that I told her to stop. She did what she wanted after that and I was so freaked out and it hurt that I just...laid there until she was done and untied me and I never saw her again.”
“She assaulted you.”
“I did ask her to do it.”
“You asked for a tip of a finger, not whatever she did not to mention you said to stop. I don’t blame you one bit for being scared Dean.”
“I’m not scared of you,” he said. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, nuzzling his shoulder. “I’m just not ready for somebody else to touch me like that yet.”
“That is so okay,” you said. “I got you a little present.”
“I don’t need presents,” he said.
“I think you’ll like it. Stay right there,” he said. You got up and walked over to the closet, slipping inside and pulling out a bag. You carried it out to the bedroom, Dean sitting up on the bed.
“I hope you like it,” you said. You gave him the bag and he unwrapped it, smiling as he took out the new onesie and nice boxer briefs. “They’re supposed to be really soft and comfortable.”
“I love it, Y/N,” he said. “I’m gonna wear this thing like all day tomorrow.”
He took out the boxer briefs and tugged them on, smiling to himself.
“Oh wow, these are great. They’re so soft and comfy,” he said. He ran his hand over his thighs and nodded. “I know I’m okay with you. Give me a little more time is all.”
“Take all the time in the world. I don’t like you cause I want to have sex with you. I mean I do want to but it’s not why I want you,” you said as you sat back down.
“Why do you like me?” he asked. You shrugged and he tucked your hair behind your ear. “Cause I helped you guys out?”
“Because you’re kind...and you understand not being ready to be a parent...and you make me smile for the first time in two years. I missed being happy.”
“Me too,” he said. “I am very much down for a cuddle though.”
“That I can certainly do, Winchester.”
“Tessa…” you said as she was pulling on her boots by the front door the next afternoon. “Did you finish your history paper?”
“Yes,” she groaned. She put on her jacket and grabbed her purse. “Can I go? Hailey’s waiting.”
“Home by seven at the latest,” you said. “You have school in the morning.”
“I know,” she said, hooking up Toast into his vest and leash. “Later!”
“Have fun,” you said. She waved and took off with Toast, nearly knocking Sam off his feet as he came inside. “Careful, Tess.”
“Sorry, Sam,” she said, taking off with Toast outside. 
“No problem,” he said. You sighed and he chuckled, kicking off his sneakers. “That Tessa’s friend? Expensive car for a high schooler.”
“Hailey’s dad owns a string of car dealerships. Plus her mom’s a doctor so they’re kinda rolling in it,” you said.
“True. I’m in the market for something new myself. You’ll have to give me the name,” said Sam, padding into the kitchen for a drink.
“Anytime. We always got a friends and family discount. Maybe we can sneak that in for you,” you said. “By the way, what happened to Dean? I thought he was working out with you in the garage.”
“I think I went a little too hard for him,” chuckled Sam. “He was laying on the floor last I checked.”
“Try not to kill my boyfriend, Sam,” you said with a smile.
“I’ll do my best,” he said. “I was gonna apartment hunt this afternoon if you’re interested.”
“Why don’t you stay here a little longer?” you asked. “If you want.”
“I don’t want to get in your and Dean’s way. You moved in not long ago yourself. I’m sure you guys want your space.”
“We have a barely eighteen year old living with us that’s gonna be here for a long time. Space isn’t really an issue,” you said. “And that was...we needed to get out of our old house. You’re so not in the way.”
“I’ll hold off for a bit then,” said Sam with a nod. You smiled and went out to the garage, Dean laying on the floor with his eyes shut.
“You alive there?” you said as you squatted down and poked him.
“I am never, never, never, working out with that psychopath again,” he said. He peeled open an eye and you ruffled his sweaty hair. 
“Well I think Sam’s gonna stay here for awhile so you may have to suffer some more,” you said. 
“Really? Good. I’d like him to stay. I think he was concerned about getting in your guys way though.”
“We can share,” you said, wiping your wet hand on his shirt. “Plus you’re extra hot all sweaty like that.”
“Am I now?” he smirked.
“Yes. Sweat is how you cool off so you must be extra hot. I thought you were a doctor, Dean,” you teased. He rolled his eyes and ran his hand over his face, wiping it on your arm. “Gross!”
“If I had the energy I’d give you a noogie,” he said. He sat up and leaned forward, stretching himself out. “I didn’t realize I was out of shape.”
“You’re really not. Sam’s a skinny little rail and all muscle that’s into running and that high intensity stuff. I bet you can bench press more than Sam any day,” you said. 
“Yeah but he’s still pretty healthy. I am a doctor. I ought to practice what I preach.”
“Dean. You’re healthy and hot. I mean, work out with Sam if you want but don’t cause you think you have to, you know?”
“I know,” he said.
“Why don’t you do yoga with me tomorrow?” you asked. “It’s more fun than you think.”
“Sure,” he said as you helped him sit up. “I was thinking maybe once I’m not all sweaty I could…”
You both turned your heads as you heard a dog howling loudly. Your stomach dropped as Dean quickly got to his feet. He walked out of the garage and to the end of the driveway before he took off running.
“Call an ambulance!” he shouted back. You ran inside and looked for your phone, Sam watching you run around.
“Are you-”
“Sam give me your phone!” you shouted back. He took his from his pocket and tossed it at you, before you were rushing out to the garage. You jogged outside and to the end of the driveway, Sam already running down the street along with a few other people that were outside to the two cars that were smashed together a few blocks down.
You sprinted down, the voice on the other end of the phone saying help was already on the way.
“Tessa,” you said as you got up to the accident, Dean sitting with her and Hailey on the side of the road. She was crying hard, Dean holding onto her but he gave you a smile. 
“She’s okay. Few bumps,” he said. You became aware of the dog whimpering and turned around, Sam helping get Toast out of the backseat. He was hurt, badly from the looks of it. “Y/N. Take Tessa and I’d call Hailey’s parents too. Tell the paramedics and any doctors she sees about the previous accident, medications, the seizures, all of that, okay?”
“Okay,” you said as you sat and he stood. “Where-”
“I got my own patient,” he said as he took off his shirt. He tossed it to Sam who started using it to put pressure on one of Toast’s injuries. “Sammy, I’ll grab the car.”
The guys headed back towards home, Tessa burrowing her face in your shoulder.
“Toast is gonna die,” she said, wrapping her arms around you. 
“Sh,” you said, holding her close. “The boys are gonna do their best to get him help, okay? Don’t worry about it. Hailey, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she said, holding her wrist with her other hand. “It wasn’t my fault, I swear, Y/N.”
“That’s debatable,” mumbled Tessa. You hugged her and glanced over to the man sitting on the other side of the street, some people over with him.
“It’s okay. We’ll make sure you guys are okay and everything, I promise.”
Dean’s POV
“How’s he doing?” asked Dean as they got stuck in traffic. Toast was still howling and whimpering in Sam’s arms in the backseat when Dean checked his mirrors. “Fuck it.”
“Dean,” said Sam as Dean pulled onto the shoulder and drove up to the light, taking a right on the red and speeding down the road. 
“It’s fine. Vet is right around the corner.”
Two Hours Later
“Mr. Winchester,” said the nurse, popping into the waiting room. Dean and Sam both got up and followed him through a pair of doors into the back of the office where a doctor in scrubs was walking out of another room.
“We can’t save the leg,” said the doctor. “It’s shattered, muscle’s been shredded, veins are-”
“Is Toast gonna live though?” asked Dean.
“He should. He is banged up pretty good but no signs of major damage aside from his leg. We’ll amputate and get him on meds. If he does well he can go home tomorrow.”
“That’s great,” said Sam.
“You want to go through with the amputation then?” they asked.
“Of course,” said Dean. 
“The bill is going to be around four thousand for the procedure,” the doctor said. She waited and Dean stared at her, blinking slowly.
“I don’t care how much money it is. Fix my dog,” said Dean. The doctor went back inside while Dean got a bill for the service, Sam pursing his lips when Dean returned.
“Y/N’s gonna want to pay that.”
“Y/N ain’t gonna know about it,” said Dean, shoving his wallet back into his pocket.
“Her sister was just in another car accident, Sam. She’s freaking the fuck out right now I’m sure. Besides, Toast is a living creature. He’s their family and he’s starting to be mine too. Can you imagine if I had to ask my patient’s families if they wanted to go through with life saving treatment cause it’s expensive? I put it on an installment plan. I won’t even notice.”
“Does Y/N’s insurance cover it?”
“Not something like this. If it was your dog I’d be doing the same thing,” said Dean. “Toast is gonna be alright and that’s all that matters so don’t say a word about this to either one of them.”
“Can he still help Tessa? With a leg gone?”
“I don’t know if he’ll meet the legal requirements of a service dog or not after this but that dog loves her. He’s still gonna watch her back, maybe a bit slower now is all. Y/N and Tessa are gonna have to decide if they want to get another one or not. She’s been going close to a year with no seizures though.”
“That’s really good, isn’t it?” asked Sam.
“Yeah. It doesn’t mean she won’t ever have one again but it means she’s doing good. Toast could probably handle things fine on his own, depends on what they’re comfortable with.”
“That kid’s pretty tough.”
“I know she is. She reminds me of you a lot.”
“Y/N reminds me of you. Except nicer,” chuckled Sam.
“I wasn’t your maid. You could pick up after yourself,” said Dean, leaning back in his chair. “They’re miles ahead of where we were.”
“She know we knew her dad?”
“Yeah. She knows he helped but not the extent of things.”
“Ever think it’s funny, you ending up with the her of all people?”
“No actually. Our families seem to fit together is all,” said Dean.
“I can second that,” said Sam, Dean’s stomach rumbling. “I’m gonna go grab some food for us. Call if anything happens.”
“Will do, Sammy.”
Reader’s POV
“Hey,” you said later that night, the guys returning home. Tessa popped up from the couch, rushing over. She teared up when she saw no Toast and Dean shushed her.
“There’s good and bad news. Good news, Toast is gonna pull through,” he said. She sniffled and looked to Sam then back at him. “Bad news...he lost a leg. He won’t be able to be a true service dog anymore.”
“I don’t care. Where is he? When can I-”
“He’s recovering from his surgery. The vet said it’d be a few days before he can come home. Tomorrow night at the earliest,” said Sam. “Maybe we can see him tomorrow after school?”
“Tessa’s staying home tomorrow but we’ll definitely get you over to see him,” you said. 
“Good. You need to stay home and rest, Tess,” said Dean.
“The hospital didn’t even take me. I got a few bruises,” she said. Dean crossed his arms and Tessa rolled her eyes. “I wanna go see Toast.”
“Toast is resting and I don’t speak dog but you are the most important thing in his life and I know he wants you to rest too,” said Dean.
“But I’m fine.”
“Come here,” he said. He grabbed her arm and ducked outside, talking to her on the front porch as Sam ran his hand through his hair.
“Which leg?” you asked. “Toast.”
“His front left one. He’s got some stitches on his body. He’ll be okay.”
“She still needs a service dog,” you said. 
“We’ll deal with it tomorrow. I’ll keep an close eye on her until we figure something out,” said Sam.
“Don’t know what we’d do without you boys,” you said. You shut your eyes and he gave you a hug. The door opened, Dean and Tessa returning inside. You glanced over to him but he just smiled. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just had a little talk,” said Dean. “Now off to bed and turn off your alarm. No school tomorrow, okay?”
“Night,” she said. She jogged upstairs and you heard her door shut softly, Dean taking a deep breath. He took a seat on the couch and closed his eyes.
“She alright?” you asked, taking a seat next to him.
“Yeah. I just...put things in a different perspective for her. Your perspective. She’s gonna go a little slower for the next few weeks. Toast is gonna need her to look out for him until he gets used to things.”
“I know she didn’t have a concussion or anything and it’s been a while since she’s had a seizure,” you said. He smiled as Sam went to the kitchen, returning with three beers. “Thanks.”
“No problem. They wouldn’t have let you guys come home if she wasn’t cool, right?” asked Sam.
“Let’s just watch her carefully for the time being. She might not need a service dog but she’s only going to get more independent and a year from now she’ll be in college and she’s gonna be on her own more. I told her she’s gotta think about that,” said Dean. 
“Is that boyfriend Dean or doctor Dean talking?” you asked.
“It’s I care about my girlfriend’s little sister Dean,” he said. “Trust me. If I had doubts, I’d be calling for her to get a service dog lined up tonight. I think it’s a peace of mind thing right now. She can change her mind later if she wants.”
“It’d give me peace of mind,” you said.
“Yeah but take it from someone who was the younger sibling, let her choose if she wants it or not,” said Sam.
“Alright. Maybe...maybe Toast can get a prosthetic and still go places with her at least,” you said. “Or maybe he’ll be okay on just the three legs. Just slower.”
“I think she’s much more open to that,” said Dean. You nodded and sipped your beer, taking a deep breath. He threw his arm over your shoulder and tucked you into his side, kissing the top of your head. “She’s a tough kid and Toast is a tough dog. They’ll be okay.”
“She deserves a break,” you said. 
“You both do. It’ll turn out alright, sweetheart. I promise.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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cosmicabsurdism · 3 years
tell me in detail about the dahlia hawthorne receives therapy alternate universe
ok so in this au phoenix drags dahlia to therapy and she goes to humor him, and she gets a lot out of it and stops doing murder. at therapy she’s like “oh i do have feelings for feenie!” then she realizes she’s a lesbian and is like “oh those feelings are friendship. huh.” so they break up and she changes her major to business, minors in fine arts, and opens a art supply store called “Flowering Tree Art Supplies” that just so happens to be right by the apartment complex that one girlfriend of larry’s that dies lived in. so a few years later she sees larry running out of the apartment complex and a little bit later, frank sahwit. she testifies in court and that reestablishes her and nicks friendship. also when she first opened the store, she was taking a walk in people’s park and found kristoph sitting on a bench and was like “hey i need employees for my art supply store wanna get hired?” and kristoph is like “yeah sure” and they’re gbfs now. klavier is her little brother. in later years she’s trucy’s godmother.
godot comes into the store.
kristoph: damn this is the guy you tried to murder? damnnnn *bites his lip*
dahlia: haha queer
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heliads · 2 years
I don't throw up anymore and was able to eat normally yesterday and I've started to cough out slime that's been stuck in my throat so I'm getting over it slowly but surely 💪🏻
if you want a grishaverse morally gray mob character who's affectionate, jesper is right there!!
Ohhh but Jesper is black, you can't love a black person like you love a white person!!!!11 🙄🙄🙄 (This is sarcasm if someone is coming to burn me alive)
Okay maybe some people don't like him being so flirty and having a problem with gambling but like Kaz on the other hand is extremely feared and violent so realistically, who would you choose if you didn't know more about them? Like if you live in a town full of criminals and for some reason you wanna join a gang and the leader of it is handsome as hell but he's known of beating people to death on daily basis if necessary, is known as cold and incapable of love and people think he'd sacrifice anyone for his own profit, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't approach him for his looks alone. You would probably be intimidated first and you'd learn to respect him quickly and do your job. If he's not some lewd boss, he probably wouldn't approach you for your looks alone either.
We readers know how Kaz is, we know about his traumas and his insecurities. But if you really were a Grishaverse character and met Kaz for the first time, I doubt you would be like 🤤🤤🤤 right away… you don't even know him behind Dirtyhands. Your neighbor told that her friend's dog's friend's cousin's owner's sibling's best friend's brother had his hand severed because he had a debt unpaid and Dirtyhands got tired of waiting. You've learned to be afraid of him.
And still people write fics like where reader just casually met him because he was struck by reader's beauty and went to buy flowers from her just so he could talk to her.
Who is this, Kaz Rietveld? Pin Hawthorne?
I hope people would make more in character content for Kaz 😭 Some people who have requested OOC Kaz stuff and I've turned them down, they've come back like "in case you don't know, TRAUMA CAN BE BEATEN!!!" and yes, it can, but it doesn't happen in just a few days??? Kaz's trauma would easily take years to heal. Even longer without therapy. Power of Love isn't the only thing that can help him. It's good to have a support net around him but it isn't the only thing that can heal him. Even holding hands with Inej took such a long time (and it was behind a small struggle with him then too, he stiffened at first when Inej touched him lightly before he clasped their hands), it's frustrating when writers make Kaz make out or even fuck with the reader after just a month or two because somehow reader is the Magic Girl whose touch has never bothered Kaz, they didn't need any training or anything because reader is just so ✨special✨. Like no, please don't do that.
I'm bothered btw, I just told my friend about this in my answer to an ask but I was bored a few days ago and browsed my new followers blogs and like??? 8/10 of them were completely empty and 2 didn't have any fanfic reblogs, just some memes. And another observation, I'm fairly certain that I'll never hear from those people again in any form, which leads me into a conclusion that they read my stuff and move onto the next one without reacting in any way. 90% of my followers are like that, it's actually a pleasant surprise when someone new follows and becomes a regular in my notes, even as just a liker. Most just follow, maybe read some of our stuff and don't do anything else?? I'm shy to reach out to new people myself especially if a moot of my moots follows me but I do it eventually when I see a fic from them I enjoy reading. And lately I've tried to practice reaching out to non-moots too. Got a friend that way recently. But yeah people who just follow us, consume out content but do NOTHING else anger me even more than the ones who like our stuff but never reblog or comment.
yeah, i'd say that it's definitely frustrating to see people's takes on the same characters. again, as writers we have the ability to write whatever we want, but you also have a duty to the character, in a sense. i feel like it's kind of like defamation if not- you wouldn't want someone writing about you and making you out to seem like a different person than you are, so why not extend the same courtesy to the characters?
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The Hawthorne Legacy Review
Warning: Contains spoilers
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About the Book:
The book was released in 2021 and is written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. ‘The Hawthorne Legacy’ is the second book in the series, ‘The Inheritance Games’ which is a trilogy. In this book, the plot mainly revolves around finding Toby Hawthorne, who is actually alive but believed to be dead. The book also goes into detail about how Avery, the main character, feels about two of the Hawthorne brothers, Grayson and Jameson.
If you’ve been following my updates, you would already know how I feel about this book’s plot. For those of you who haven’t, or skipped to the review, I am disappointed, to say the least. I think most of it comes from my own expectations, to be honest. The first book was honestly amazing and just excelled at making me curious about the mystery while also adding some romance in the background to spice things up and add to the plot. While going into this book, I was expecting it to be of the same quality, or at least similar but that just kinda went out the window real fast. Um, this was mainly a romance more than anything. Like, more than 75% of the book was spent on Grayson, Avery and Jameson. It was painful and it was kinda boring at points. Sometimes I really just wanted Avery to take a moment, figure out who she wants to be with and stick to it. Honestly, it became annoying after a while. I think if this was a stand-alone romance/some sort of Cinderella story, I wouldn’t have been as harsh on it as I am. Hopefully, the last book turns out better and gives the series a good ending.
I have so much to say that I have no clue where to start. Let’s start with Avery. I honestly don’t get her. She clearly likes Jameson, wants to mean something to him and cares about how he sees her, but then when Grayson comes around to help her, she’s suddenly like, ‘oh, I’m attracted to him and really wanna be with him but can’t.’ Someone explain because what? If she’s so attracted to Grayson, she should leave Jameson and date Grayson, but if she truly wants to mean more to Jameson, she should try and get over Grayson and set boundaries to avoid anything that might make it difficult for her to move on. What does she do? NEITHER. Did I miss something? Because she’s acting so idiotically about her love life it’s annoying. Next, we have Rebecca. She needs therapy. No, okay, listen. She was treated terribly by her entire family and because of that, she’s messed up now. I really don’t want to see her in the next book, because honestly, her presence feels so unnecessary and just overall ‘why-is-she-here-she-needs-help.’ Idk how else to word it. And Thea. While I do appreciate the LGBTQ+ representation, I kinda hate her. The person she loves (Rebecca) is clearly suffering, so you should probably help her by taking her to a psychologist, right? Apparently according to her, nope. Secondly, yeah, she loves Rebecca, but I question she’s a good person or not if she’s willing to throw out her morals for someone. To be frank, I do not like her. Thirdly, Libby. I’m in a bit of a grey area on her. Like, I ship her and Nash, but also, it feels like the author kinda wrecked her character. To be fair, I have barely any memory of her from book 1, but still, hear me out. I just don’t know what there is to her other than wanting to protect Avery and being too kind, sacrificing and trusting for her own good. Seriously, what is there? Because of that, her character feels so misplaced in a way. I think I’ll leave it here for the characters.
My Thoughts Overall:
Honestly, at this point, I’m just done. I have no idea what to expect from the next book and I’m clearly disappointed in this one, but I think I might have expressed that already. Um, to be honest, Max and Xander were really the only characters of this book I enjoyed reading about, everyone else was...no. As I said in one of my updates, things, other than the romance, were rushed quite a bit, so that kinda wrecked the book. Would I read it again? No, at least not unless I re-read the entire series. Would I recommend it? Depends. If the last book turns out good, then yes, I would encourage you to read it along with the other two books, but if it doesn’t, then honestly, I wouldn’t. So far, only the first book has been worth reading, at least if we’re talking about them as a series.
P.S. I've been running out of reading material lately, so let me know if there's a book or book series you'd like me to try/review.
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