#hayriye sultan granddaughter of mehmed v
ottomanladies · 5 years
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Known fair-haired women in Ottoman history -- requested by anon
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ottomanladies · 4 years
Hi, I love your content, it's very interesting. I have a question, was there an imperial princess who was married to someone outside the Ottoman Empire?
I hope you understand my question since English is not my first language.
Thank you :D
Of course, most of the time this happened at the beginning and at the end of the empire:
Nefise Melek Hatun, daughter of Murad I Hudavendigar, married Karamânoğlu Alâeddîn Alî Bey. As the name suggests, he was part of the Karamânoğlu family and the ruler of the Karamân Principality. Her sons became rulers of the principality as well, as Mehmed II and Alâeddîn Alî II
her sister Sultan also married a member of the Karamânoğlu family, Turgut Bey
another sister of hers, nameless for now, married Saruhânoğlu Hızır Bey
Oruz (or Uruz) Hatun, daughter of Bayezid I, married a grandson of Timur's, Ebû-Bekr Mîrzâ, and died in Samarkand.
İlaldi Sultan, daughter of Mehmed I, married another member of the Karaman family, Karamânoğlu İbrâhim II Bey, ruler of the Karaman principality, and son of Nefise Melek Hatun's son Mehmed II Bey.
two of her sisters, a nameless one and Ayşe Sultan, married two other members of the Karaman family, Isa Bey and Alaeddin Ali Bey, both sons of Mehmed II Bey and therefore brothers of their sister's husband.
Mihrimah Sultan, granddaughter of Mehmed V, married Prince Nayef bin Abdullah of Jordan
Hatice Hayriye Ayşe Dürrüşehvar Sultan, daughter of Caliph Abdülmecid II, married General Hidayet Ali Han Vala-şan Azam-cah Bahadur Nevvab Mir, Prince of Berar
Fatma Neslişah Sultan, granddaughter of Abdülmecid II and Mehmed VI, married Prince Mehmed Abdül-Mün'im of Egypt.
Her sister Zehra Hanzade married Prince Mehmed Ali İbrahim of Egypt
Their sister Necla Hibetullah married Prince Amr İbrahim of Egypt
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ottomanladies · 6 years
Hello,could you list some of Mahmud ll’s granddaughters.
Hello! I have listed all the granddaughters in case someone else wants to know about more of them.
by Saliha Sultan:
Ayşe Sıdıka Hanımsultan (1821 – 1886), who married Server Paşa, son of Saîd Server Efendi.
by Atiye Sultan:
Seniyye Hanımsultan (3.10.1843 – 10.12.1910), who married Hüseyin Hüsnî Paşa, son of Sırkâtibizâde Mustafa Paşa.
Feride Hanımsultan (30.5.1847 – 1.1913), who married Mahmûd Nedîm Paşa and, with him, had Mehmed Sâib Bey (1861 – 28.11.1871)
by Adile Sultan:
Sıdıka Hanımsultan, died in infancy
Aliyye Hanımsultan, died in infancy
Hayriye Hanım-Sultân (6.1846 – 26.7.1869), who married Ahmed Rifat Bey later Paşa
by Sultan Abdülmecid:
Mevhibe Sultan (9/31.5.1840 - 3.11.1840/9.2.1841), daughter of Huşyar Kadınefendi
Naime Sultan (11.10.1840 - 1.5.1843), daughter of Tirimüjgan Kadınefendi and thus full sister of Abdülhamid II.
Fatma Sultan (1.11.1840 - 26.8.1884), daughter of Gülcemal Kadınefendi and thus full sister of Refia Sultan and Sultan Mehmed V Reşad. She firstly married Galib Paşa, who drowned at sea, and secondly Mehmed Nuri Paşa, with whom she had: Mehmed Fuad (1859-1862) and Emine Lutfiye Hanımsultan (1863-1866)
Behiye Sultan (22.2.1841 - 3.6.1847) her mother is listed as the Second Ikbal but no name was given.
Neyyire Sultan (13.10.1841 - 14.1.1844)
Hatice (?) Refia Sultan (7.2.1842 - 4.1.1880), daughter of Gülcemal Kadınefendi, she married Mahmud Edhem Bey (son of the above mentioned Adile Sultan's husband Mehmed Ali Paşa, from a previous wife)
Aliyye Sultan (20.10.1842 - 23.7.1844/10.7.1845), possibly daughter of Şevkefza, later Valide Sultan, and thus full sister of Murad V
Cemile Sultan (17.8.1843 - 26.2.1915), daughter of Düzdidil Kadınefendi, she married Mahmud Celaleddin Bey later Paşa with whom she had: Fethiye Hanımsultan (1887-1915), Fatıma Hanımsultan (1890-1901), Sakıp Bey (1897-1930), Mehmed Celaleddin Bey (maybe twin of Sakıp Bey, 1897-1916)
Münire Sultan (9.12.1844 - 29.6.1862), daughter of Verdicanan Kadınefendi, she married firstly İbrahim İlhami Paşa and secondly Ferik (lieutenant general) İbrahim Paşa
Samiye Sultan (23.2.1845 - 15.4.1845)
Nazime Sultan (26.11.1847 - 1.12.1847)
Sabiha Sultan (15.4.1848 - 27.4.1849), daughter of Mahitab Hanım
Behice Sultan (26.8.1848 - 30.11.1876), daughter of Nesrin Hamın, she married Halil Hamid Paşazade Hamid Bey but died only 14 days after the wedding.
Mukbile Sultan (9.2.1850 - 25.2.1850), daughter of the Fourth Ikbal, no name was given.
Seniha Sultan (5.12.1851 - 15.9.1931), daughter of Nalandil Hanım, she married Mahmud Celaleddin Paşa, with whom she had: "Prince" Sabahaddin Bey (1877-1948) and Sultanzade Lütfullah Bey (1880-1973). Sabahaddin Bey was called "the Prince" in Europe.
Zekiye Sultan (26.1.1855 - 19.2.1856), twin sister of Fehime Sultan
Fehime Sultan (26.1.1855 - 10.11.1856), twin sister of Zekiye Sultan
Şehime Sultan (1.3.1855 - 21.5.1857), daughter of Senior Ikbal Nalandil.
Mediha Sultan (30.7.1856 - 7/9.11.1928), daughter of Gülistu Hamın and thus full sister of Mehmed VI Vahideddin. She married firstly Sami Paşa-zade Necip Bey later Paşa and secondly Damat Ferid Paşa.
Naile Sultan (30.9.1856 - 7/18.1.1882), daughter of Şayeste Hanım, she married Kabasakal Çerkes Mehmed Paşa but died at the age of 25.
Bedia/Bedihe Sultan (30.9.1857 - 12.7.1858), daughter of Serfiraz Hanım
By Sultan Abdülaziz:
Saliha Sultan (10.8.1862 - 1941?), daughter of Dürrinev Başkadınefendi and younger sister of Şehzade Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi. "She was engaged to a son of Khedive Ismail of Egypt, but the engagement was broken off  after her father’s deposal and in April 1889 she married Ahmed Zülküfil Paşa". Her only child was Kâmile Hanım Sultan, who died in 1896.
Nazima Sultan (26.2.1866 - 26.11.1895), daughter of Hayranıdil Kadın, she married Ali Halid Paşa in 1889. She died at the age of 29.
Emine Sultan (1.12.1866 - 22.1.1867), daughter of Edadil Kadın
Esma Sultan (21.3.1873 - 8.5.1899), daughter of Gevheri Hanım, she married Çerkes Mehmed Paşa (former husband of her cousin Naile Sultan) and with him had: Sultanzade Hayreddin Bey (1889), Sultanzade Saadeddin Bey (1895), Sultanzade Hasan Bedreddin(?) and Mihriban Hanımsultan(?). She died in childbirth.
Fatma Sultan (1874): was born and died in the same year.
Emine Sultan (24.8.1874 - 30.1.1920), daughter of Nesrin Kadın. Abdülhamid II had proposed her marriage to his eldest son Abdülkadir Efendi but she did not like the prospect, so in the end she married Çavdaroğlu Ahmed Şükrü Paşa in 1901
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