#hc: andy
onsunnyside · 2 years
https://twitter.com/princess4_daddi/status/1608953264585990145?s=46&t=Iq-vPJVByaHLFcS95GwPrw tell me thats not dark!alphas any of them would do that with no hesitation no matter where they are just because they can
...oh goodness, definitely Curtis with cherry and andy with casanova !!
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andro-dino · 17 days
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doctorwhommm · 1 month
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got silly with this one ◡̈
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All the mechs mechanisms are dodgy as hell
Oh Tim your trying to look at something ha your eyes are unfocused
Jonny being a bit too physically active? Oh shit, something's knocked out of place, there's a weird clicking noise and it h u r t s now
Ashes gets a bit of water in their lungs? Well the whole thing is fucked up now. You can't even soak that shit in rice to get the moisture out
Ivy accidentally downloads a bad virus? She's down for the count until someone is able to clean her out (and more often than not they have to kidnap and threaten some computer scientist or some such because not everyone who can help is always on the ship, and sometimes whoever can help doesn't have the expertise in how that planet's computers work)
Brian moves in the wrong way, gets shot in the wrong place, or any other number of things? Wait weeks for the metal of his mechanism to twist painfully back into place, or have someone open him up for a wildly invasive surgery to fix him, which he probably isn't always up for!
The Mechs are disabled mark my worms
-mod wil
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karmablush · 11 months
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royalsweetteaa · 1 year
Hi! I really like your HC AU. Could you do one of how Cevans characters would react to reader flinching during an argument?
Oooh I love this idea! 🥹💔 Let’s get to it!
POV: Y/N flinches in midst of an argument.
Warning - The following HC contains: angst/fluff, comfort, reader has hinted trauma.
Steve Rogers
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Steve would cut himself off and stare at you. “Doll, why did you wince like that?…did I raise my voice too loud? I didn’t mean to if I did but I….you know me…I have never and wouldn’t…” Steve begins to ramble a little with his words as he processes what just happened. “Who hurt you, my love? Please, tell me…I’m worried…this had to have come from somewhere, right?” Steve asks as he’s ready to receive an explanation while pulling you in to stroke your back gently. He listens, already plotting in his head to pay ‘someone’ a visit responsible for your trauma response.
Ransom Drysdale
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Ransom raises his eyebrows as he sees you flinch and he furrows, confused. “Kitten,…did you seriously think I was about to hit you just now?” Ransom would ask with his arms crossed. “…Do you think I would steep that low?” A part of him takes offense as he first assumes that’s the whole story, but the pieces pick up slowly that this could have come from a previous encounter. He sighs, realizing he’s handling this poorly. “Darling…I didn’t mean for you to react that way. I hope you’re not scared of me…are you?” He’s relieved when you shake your head, and he decides it’s best if you both take a break from arguing. He comforts you, reassuring there’s nothing to be worried about. He hopes you’ll eventually tell him and explain on your own why you flinched.
Andy Barber
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Andy would shut his mouth the moment he sees you flinch, and he would stay still as he processes the moment. When he receives your look of feeling guilty, his face softens, “Oh honey…it’s okay, let’s stop arguing about this and talk about what happened, okay? Did I scare you?” He asks first, not wanting to put much pressure on you. He wants to know right away if it was him who had caused you to flinch, and he wants you to feel safe so he speaks in his most soothing tone. When he sees you’re not reacting negatively to his closeness, he pulls you in to an embrace, making you feel safe.
Jake Jensen
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Jake would stiffen, wondering what just happened to make you flinch. “Are you okay? You just flinched as if I was going to…” his heart breaks in a million pieces as he puts two and two together. He carefully takes your hands to give you reassurance. “Baby, what happened? Was it me?…You know you can talk to me about anything…I’m all ears, always.” Jake would reassure as he makes you sit down on the couch with him encouraging a chat about it. This incident would bother Jake for a long time, and he would often catch himself in future mid-arguments asking if he’s not coming across as too aggressive to make sure you won’t react like that ever again.
Johnny Storm
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Johnny’s sentence would die out the moment he sees you wince and ask, “What was that?”, distraught and confused. “Did you just…” he doesn’t complete his sentence as he flattens his hands and raises them. “Babe,…I’m never putting my hand on you…my parents, while they died when I was very young raised me good enough to know that’s never okay…I wouldn’t do that even if you called me names or cursed at me like Ben always does!” He makes light out of the situation to distract you and pulls you in to caress you when he sees a small smile form on your lips, already leaving you two to forget about what you were even arguing about.
Ari Levinson
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Ari’s response to you flinching would be to take a step back and give space between the two of you. He’s encountered women with traumatic responses before and knows that to deescalate the trigger, he needs to show he isn’t going to do any harm, like raising his hand. He would then say to you in a soothing voice, “Sweetheart,…I apologize if I came off as heated just now…let’s put this aside and think of something else, alright?” He would then crouch down, look up at you and making himself small to further deescalate your trauma response. You would respond getting closer to him and come into his welcoming and warm embrace, as you know Ari’s safe. It’s all forgotten and Ari doesn’t see any point of bringing up the argument again. Your feeling of safety comes first.
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Thank you @imyourbratzdoll for helping me out a little on this one! ♥️🥰
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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lookingformoondrop · 11 months
Gonna ask some relationship hc w leyley!! It could be yandere if you like (I mean she is one already but-yk)
Ashley Graves X gn!reader - Relationship Headcannons
TW: Ashley is manipulative, she's a red flag but I'm colorblind, everyone has a foul mouth, mentions of cheating and kissing, Ashley is very emotionally dependent.
♥︎ Notes: I thought about making Ashley a yandere, but then I reflected on what Anon said and thought... they're right, LOL. I'm always happy to supply content for TCOAAL, and I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to request! I hope these meet your expectations. <3♥︎
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Ashley Graves is impulsive, stubborn, cleverly stupid, and a pain in the ass.
If I had to describe dating Ashley I'd say it's like riding a roller coaster but never knowing when it'll drop.
When you first met her, you were blinded by her beauty (her tits) and decided to walk up to her for a number.
She was flustered that someone was interested in her, sure she's had people walk up to her before, but it was because they were always more interested in her brother than her.
But once she realized you were in it for her, she never let you go again.
It started with frequent house visits. She'd sleep over without asking, and just like a stray-cat that cuddles up to you, you couldn't say no.
She'd try to cook you for you! Every morning where she aserted herself into your day, you'd wake up to the wonderful smell of burning shit. When you went to your kitchen with a loving fire extinguisher in your hands, you'd see she was cooking eggs and some unidentified meat.
You'd walk up behind her and kiss the nape of her neck, never telling her you're only doing this because her hair smells like cherries and if you don't you're pretty sure you'll pass out from the smoke.
"Y/N, why is there a fire extinguisher in your hands?"
"Early Christmas."
Dates were fun, too! Even though you'd organize the actual dates like eating out, going to amusement parsl, carnivals, and the like, her dates would be along the lines of staying at home and cuddling. You might call it boring, but to Ashley, a perfect date would be where you're both left alone with only eachother to give company.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, would be able to see her precious Y/N except her.
And not that you minded anyways, you enjoyed spending time with Ashley, even if half that time was her being exhausting.
Speaking of which, exhausting, you ask? How is little ol' Ashley exhausting?
Be it a nice co-worker, a pleasant stranger, a funny waiter, or even that woman who works at the deli that gives you that cheap vegan processed ham with bacon bits, Ashley hated the fact you even acknowledged them.
It often became her favorite topic to annoy you with.
While cuddling on the couch (iykyk), Ashley began to look at you with intense eyes. You knew what these eyes meant. It was a warning sign that she was about to ask you something that could potentially piss you off. Of course, she didn't care about that part, all you needed to know was she was going to ask and you'd better be honest.
"N/M, do you love me?"
"Sure I do, you're my girlfriend after all."
Ashley wrapped her arms around your neck a little tighter, "So then," her face darkened, "would you ever cheat on me?"
You sighed, this line of questioning was becoming less and less of the 'would you love me if I was a worm' deal and more of the 'whose that bitch you were talking to' deal.
"No, Ashley, I wouldn't. Why would you feel the need to ask me that?"
Ashley raised her head from your chest and opened her mouth, her final statement ready to fire,
"So then why do you still look at other people if you would never cheat?" Her eyes narrowed on you.
You groaned and rubbed your temples, "Jesus Ashley, now I can't even have simple eye contact with people?"
She blew a breath of annoyance, "why would you even make eye contact?! I'm the only one you should be looking at, N/M!"
You went to push Ashley off of you, already sick of her shit.
"No! Do you even still love me?! All you do is go to work, go to school, hang out with your stupid friends, and ignore me!"
"I'm not doing this with you AGAIN, Ashley! Just because I know or talk to other people does not mean I'm screwing them! Jesus Ashley, you would think we'd be over this by now..."
Ashley pouted and blinked the tears in her eyes away, "...fine. leave me then, see if I care."
She sits up and goes to the opposite end of the couch.
"You're sitting on my feet, Ashley."
Ashley turned her head away and ignored you.
You hated it when she got her way, but you also couldn't stand to see her so upset. After all, she was only upset because she missed you.
Sighing with defeat you said softly, "I'm sorry I don't pay enough attention to you, Leyley. Life distracts me sometimes, but that doesn't mean I don't still love you. This weekend I'll cancel with my friends and we can go on a date. "
She hummed, "id rather we stay in and watch a movie."
"Which movie?" You coax your girlfriend for a smile,
"...Hypergore Splatterbrains 4," She looked at you and grinned.
"There's my pretty girl," you wrapped an arm around her waist, "alright, you happy now? Will you stop bitching about people in my life who I will NEVER cheat on you with?"
She brought a finger to her bottom lip, "Nah, maybe a kiss will convince me?"
She looked at you with a devious smirk, you sighed. "Cmere you," Ashley giggled and jumped on top of you, sharing a loving kiss.
Yeah, Ashley is exhausting.
But in a way, you're happy she's yours. You couldn't be happier, even if her cooking skills are shit, she's a tad bit possessive, and she leaves passive aggressive notes in your lunchbox when you go to work.
You love her either way.
"Hey N/M?"
"Do you love me?"
You sighed with content and wrapped your arms around her waist, "Yes Leyley, I love you. Do you love me?"
Ashley laid her head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat,
"I love you, N/M~"
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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acetone4veins · 5 months
Do you have any Rejanis headcannons?
Not to shamelessly self promote but uhhh I wrote a rejanis oneshot that you can find here if you're interested in more of my take on their dynamic
It takes a while for them to get to a point where they're comfortable with PDA (Regina is the poster child for internalized homophobia give her time to get over it) but after a few months of dating they are so insufferable. Constantly in physical contact with each other
I don't think they're like, making out in the hallways or anything, but they're both inherently possessive and it shows in the way they wrap around each other or hold hands
They tease and bicker with each other so much. The type to casually call each other "dumbass" and "bitch" but god help anyone else who tries to talk to them like that because they are so fiercely protective of each other
This is more 24 version specific but Regina definitely takes advantage of how much taller she is than Janis and brings it up every chance she gets
Both of them tend to lash out and get defensive when they feel vulnerable, so whenever they do have serious fights they get out of hand very quickly with how volatile they are, especially early on in their relationship. But I think after they calm down they both feel so guilty about it and are quick to apologize
So much of Regina starts to bleed into Janis's art, even before they properly get together. Every time Janis goes to show Damian her most recent work he makes fun of her because "Regina, again?"
At one point Janis does an entire painting on Regina's back and turns her scars into art to convince Regina of how beautiful she is and Regina definitely cries
Janis sometimes forgets to eat when she's absorbed in her art, so Regina always drops by to bring her food and make sure she takes breaks
Janis can always tell when Regina's in pain, regardless of how much she tries to cover it up. She's scary good at reading Regina, and Regina would hate it if it didn't make her feel so loved (oh the mortifying ordeal of being known)
Janis is the only one who can pull out Regina's silly side. She's also the only one who can get her to calm down when she's pissed off about something and the same is true vice versa. They put up with so much teasing from their friends about being whipped for each other
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sandrockianblues · 11 months
🤍Logan Headcanon🤍
I’ve said before that Howlett used to ruffle Logan’s hair all the time or would pat his hair, lay a hand on it when his son stood by his side, or even just affectionately stroke his hair. And how I believe it was one of the last signs of affection he did when he died in Logan’s arms.
But Logan never expected to miss it so much, and to subconsciously start doing it with Andy as well just like his pa did with him. And once he realized, he felt it was important to hold onto and felt wrong to stop doing. It became one of Andy’s main sources of comfort when he needed it.
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highendphasrs · 1 year
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been thinking about the sixteen candles mv recently
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candysharkart · 1 year
hiii long time no asks ab luis!!! i would love to hear any fave/new hcs ab luis belcher!!! <3
hi :)!! im unfortunately a lil stumped on new ones but heres some doodles of him doing some activities bc i miss drawing him tbh
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onsunnyside · 2 years
i feel like i’m the only person curious about HCV andy and his omega😞
oh fear not bestie, they’re one of my faves so I’m always up to talk about them !!
it’s so interesting to me bc Andy was the president before Ari, he was Vice President before that (when a Lloyd was president), so he’s truly one of the worst and filled the rest of the guys’ heads with those toxic perspectives. So ofc he picks the untamed omega, the campus brat who “fucks anything that moves” (Ari’s words), the spoiled princess who thinks she could get whatever she wants whenever she asks for it. She’s got the most ticks by her name on the slut walk, she’s the first of Arcadia’s girls and loathes them bc Andy had her old sorority shut down bc it was “promoting inappropriate behaviour that would negatively impact the college”
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"he's very. . . nondescript. pale, skinny, wears these big baggy clothes that hide how he's actually shaped, has this kinda non-hairstyle where you can tell he just took a pair of scissors to it during quarantine to get it back to a sorta masculine length. dresses EXACTLY like an egg we've all seen the dysphoria sweater, andrew." - Anonymous
"She's a majorly repressed and depressed literature nerd who doesn't care to remember any of her male friends' names.
Even during a months long quarantine, she keeps a shaved face, plus only started wearing her big dumb sweater AFTER puberty.
Furthermore, her whole literally having a deadname! Like, yes, yes, symbolism and defining identity isn't solely transgender, but, come on, it's very sussy.
Her pathological obsession with her sister can be very much viewed as a twisted up form of gender envy.
Transitioning would either cure her internalized misogyny and be less murdery...or she'd become literally any mutual I see on tumblr" - Anonymous
No justification submitted - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open!
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wynnyfryd · 7 months
so like… fruity four as interns/employees in the Hawkins Parks department?
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Ok so my shitty headcanon is that at some point the Mechs decided to get some of those shitty plastic kid's food toys to give to TS so that it could pretend to eat with them without wasting food or feeling left out.
They argued about getting the silly kids kitchen for the lols, but that idea was vetoed. They ended up making a fake kitchen for it anyway, because TS accidentally melted some of their plastic food in the SpMicrowave.
(pictures for reference)
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It wants to be involved!!!
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royalsweetteaa · 1 year
I absolutely love your character HCs and would like your opinion on another: CE Characters reacting to random physical affection. For example, they're reading something and you caress their cheek, run your fingers through their hair, start scratching their back, or even a quick kiss on the cheek?
I’ve been sparing this for when I’m in a certain mood and I’m so ready to write out this HC now. 😌♥️
Steve Rogers
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Steve is sitting at the edge of your shared bed, getting ready to take a nap as he’s tired after days of hard work at S.H.I.E.L.D. You decide while he’s sitting there that you should get behind him and give him a back rub. He’s surprised as he looks behind, and that’s when you continue to do a back massage.
“Oh that feels really good, doll. Thank you…is there anything you would like me to do?”
He always wants to service you back, but this time you deny him other than have him stay where he is so you can show care to him. He appreciates it a lot and from then it becomes a frequent occurrence.
Ransom Drysdale
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Ransom is sitting on the couch, reading through a magazine about the nominated mystery novels, among those being Harlan’s newest book. He’s so into the reading of reviews that he doesn’t notice you getting behind him, and his head goes blank when your fingers run through the root of his hair. It’s unexpected but it feels heavenly to him, - but of course Ransom being Ransom ruins it as he gets defensive.
“What are you doing that for?” He asks, and you respond how you simply want to take care of him. He laughs as if he finds the idea is amusing to him, and dodges his head away from your touch, “I’m fine, I don’t need you to do that.”
Ransom later groans in frustration when you’re not there, realizing how much of a mistake it was to deny you because he knows he won’t have you touching him like that now unless he asks for it. He hates asking for things like that, but he has to learn from his consequences after all.
Andy Barber
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Andy is standing by the kitchen island, sipping on his hot coffee while reading the news on the news paper. It’s a morning routine, and that’s why he doesn’t expect anything other than a kiss as a usual morning greeting from you when you come downstairs. However, as he puts the paper aside and meets your lips, you hold his cheeks with the palm of your hands for a deep kiss.
His eyes widens a bit, not expecting something so intimate from you first thing in the morning, and he speaks when you break away, “Woah, honey. Does it happen that I have done something in particular to receive that kind of greeting? Because if I have I’ll have to do it more often.”
You chuckle, shaking your head as you respond something in the lines of you doing it because you love him.
Johnny Storm
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Slight NSFW
Johnny is in the living room couch eating his ham sandwich while watching WWE, unaware you’re right behind him. With the both of you being playful comes with shenanigans, and now you are given the opportunity to do something to take him by surprise. You give his hunched shoulder a kiss, and as he leans back to see your face with a dopey smile you grab a handful of his pecs for a squeeze, making him burst out laughing from the ticking sensation.
He puts the plate of food on the table before jumping over the couch, attacking you with physical affection and being grabby with your breasts as you laugh and push him away playfully. “Baby, you started it, it’s only fair I get to do it back.” He says, not letting you get away. You eventually give in to his embrace.
He loves surprises, especially of those being from you where you touch him in the most interesting places.
Jake Jensen
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Jake spends time playing video games mid afternoon on his time off, hoping to reach high levels before he inevitably has to go weeks without playing as he goes on missions again. You check on him, chuckling to yourself as you overhear his series of roasts to the team through the headphone microphone as he gets ahead of them. You decide you don’t want to disturb him, and walk over to place a quick kiss on his cheek which makes him stiffen from the sudden affection but he welcomes it.
“Aw thanks, babe…lemme give you one too.” He requests softly, and you get closer giving access to your cheek, receiving a gentle kiss from him.
He decides he hasn’t had enough and leads out to spend time with his girl, not caring that he’s loosing scores as the game carries on.
Bryce Langley
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Bryce has been watching tribe documentaries for hours at his place, to the point of having to lay down on the couch with his eyes getting tired. While he naps his eyes, you come by, placing yourself on the empty space beside Bryce’s head on the couch. You sigh, turning off the documentary and Bryce furrows his eyebrows in protest, but before he can say anything, he is given a massage on his scalp, making him relax again.
“Oh fuck, that feels nice, baby. Keep going…” he requests with no shame, the feeling too good to deny.
Ending the evening with a head massage was certainly not in his plans, but Bryce can’t say he minds it at all. Your affections comes above his obsessions.
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A/N: Ari will be added when I have an original idea for him. T.T
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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