#hc: drax
vadfannypack · 11 months
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the worlds okayest dad award goes to draxum
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marvel-hcs · 21 days
aroace spec guardians of the galaxy. that's it that's the headcanon. this is for the cartoon version btw
more specifically:
⭑ aromantic bisexual Quill
⭑ demi Drax who's only ever romantically loved his late wife
⭑ aroace Groot & Rocket
⭑ greyromantic Gamora who Actually had feelings for Quill for a very brief moment and upon realizing it was concerned she had gone insane. said feelings dissipated after a bit but somehow Nebula found out and will never stop teasing her about it
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istherewifiinhell · 5 months
character opinion bingo!! rottmnt donnie, draxum, and cassandra 🥺
BESTIEEEE HELL YEAHHHHHH. my writting gets worse in my excitement please persue the alt for clarity. OUR FIRST TRIPPPPLEEE BINGOOOOOOO
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[ALT] DONIIIIIEEEEEEEE MY BOYYYYY my special special shaped boyyyyyy. everyone is wrong i THINK ive disscussed. his autism doesnt present like urs or some other guy just cause u realise hes autistic. HE LOVESSSS HIS FAMILY. he has VARIED interest in hugs and textures and flavours and cleanliness. the fandom meanness isnt actually that bad MORE. they looooove to hit him with the angst hammer. well. by all means. scraped s2 and 3 EPSIODESSSSSS GUH. hessss a botantist hessss going on a journey with his mystics hissss ARCSSSSS. WAH. best donnie design we all know this. u can like other ones (I DO!!) but we all know hes best. look at his eyebrows. groovying donnie still my discord icon <3. I WANT EP WERE HE PASS AWAY. the sacred text. IS LITERALLY ABOUT HIM. DID i cry at rise movie i think so. ALSO. famously. well i never know if any of u know. BUT bnf super popular au comic. I DEF CRIED.
HAVE I MENTIONED. how much of a perfect addition he was to turtles character villian/ally roster. HESSSS SOOOOO GOOD.
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[ALT] HES THE HOT VILLAIN REDEEMED BABY TRAPPING GOAT MAN!!!!!!! he was evil and scary and evil and scary and used and then pathetic and wet and then running this lunch room like the navy and then PROTECTIVE COOL DAD. in a hot robe. actually maybe the au evil draxys have calmed down now. or i just check the tag less..... HE WAS. suppose to HELP HIS KIDS. with their MAGICS. there was an EP he was supposed to help RAPH they were supposed to BUILD UP as a FAMIBLY. CRIES FOREVER. hessss so silly hes such a perfect fun cartoon villian i have EVEN more opinions than previously about the laws of cartoon villians. which is that if their fun they can do whatever they want. this is not a contradiction. its the purpose of a cartoon. sorrrrrry sorrrry mr cena sorrrrry i really want to hear his villian song with the second va. think he woulda had the range. tho i dont know. silly bastard man.
(sung like sweeny todd joana) I SEEEE U, CASSANDRA.
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broooooo. BROOOOOOOOOO. THEY MADE CASEY A CRAZYYYYYY 18 year old GIRL DUDEEEEEEEEEEE. and then REPLACED HER IN THE MOVIE. forrrr normiessss. WITH SORA???? shes a great turtles character fake out moment shes a great CHARACTER. its GREAT that she gets added to the group by being mentored by splints cause he sees a upset child hes like. well no thats not good. DO U KNOW? what ususally happens with caseys and aprils in TURTLES?? U GET ME??? crazy girl 4 crazy girl. she issss SO silly. shes drawn and written and VOICED soooo fucking spectacularly so perfectly executed. frankly. where the hell else are u getting a female cartoon character this buck wild. es arcee... maybe. kdjfgnjdf. WE SHOULDA GOTTEN MOREEEEE. she and raph were gonna be the best of fucking bros U_U. they would fucking BREAK. EVERYTHING <3. her fucking gay dads and their cupcake shop. etc
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rxin3akamallory · 1 year
Bro, I’m listening to a particular Donna Summer song and I made a huge realization. It totally represents how Rocket and Magril would find out about their feelings for each other! (In the TV series, in the MCU it happens completely different)
Ok so like the song is called “On The Radio” and it’s about the song’s narrator, who is reeling from the end of a relationship. She hears a song on the radio that reminds her of the good times she once had with her lover. As she reminisces, she realizes that her former partner has moved on with someone else, leaving her feeling alone and disconnected.
And I thought, what if the title was taken literally?
The idea I’ve had for a while is that in the middle of the episode “Mr. Roboto”, Magril is jealous of Rocket’s infatuation with Ja Kyee and it gets to the point where while on the Milano, Magril separates herself from the group to cool off. Drax checks up on her and inquires as to what was up with her and Magril confides in her feelings for Rocket with Drax and her jealousy toward Ja Kyee. Drax tells her that she still has a chance to tell Rocket. And even if he was with Ja Kyee, it’d be better to be honest with him. Plus Rocket knows when Magril lies so it would have to come out eventually.
Later, right before the episode “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”, Rocket notices how quiet and distant Magril had been toward him and tells Quill and Gamora about it while they’re alone at the cockpit. Quill starts laughing and is all like “Dude, it’s obvious Magril has a crush on you.” Rocket poorly denies it and Quill and Gamora notice. Quill immediately suspects that Rocket has feelings for her. Rocket keeps denying it and tells Gamora to back him up. She says “This feels weird to say, but I actually agree with Quill.” Rocket gives in and tells the two his feelings for Magril. Quill starts to play matchmaker, and it’s all like,
Quill: I knew it! I knew you two would get together eventually.
Rocket: Hold it, Quill! We aren’t together, first of all.
Gamora: How do you even know that’s how Magril’s feels?
Quill: Well… I don’t. BUT, that doesn’t mean that isn’t the case!
Rocket: Not a chance.
Quill: What do you mean? Don’t you want Magril to like you back?
Rocket: No, I want her to hate me forever. Of course I do! But…
Gamora: But what?
Rocket: She wouldn’t fall in love with me. There’s no way she could.
Gamora: Why do you think that?
Quill: Is it because of your appearance? Rocket, we already told you, you’re not a monster. Plus, Magril is a lot like you. Appearance wouldn’t matter to her.
Rocket: It’s not that, but think about it. After all those years of being apart, each of us thinking the other was dead, and I treat her like dirt the minute I see her again.
Gamora: Rocket, you guys had already patched that up, that’s long behind you now.
Rocket: Sure, I’ve gone past that. But I doubt Magril has.
Quill: Why wouldn’t she? You guys are like super close.
Rocket: I don’t know, I’m not her. None of us are.
Rocket points a claw at Quill accusingly.
Rocket: Which is why you shouldn’t be making assumptions about her thoughts and feelings.
Quill: Whoa, dude. It’s not making assumptions, I’m just giving you hope for what you want, man.
Rocket: What’s the point in hoping for something that won’t happen?
Gamora: No offense, but you’re the one making assumptions here. You don’t know it will or won’t happen. Why do you think it won’t?
Rocket: Because if I expect the worst out of this,
Rocket stands up and starts to walk down the ladder to the main room.
Rocket: the pain of being right won’t hurt as much.
Without another word, he leaves.
(Btw, I’d like to add, at the end of that episode, the Guardians leave Rocket’s family with the Klyntar to be safe and Rocket’s all like “yeah, but what about me? I still got nothing.” Then his mom silently pushes Rocket toward Groot and puts their hands together. Yeah in this OC AU, instead of Groot’s hand Rocket’s holding, it’s Magril’s >:3)
Then later on, maybe during an incident on Conjunction, Quill accidentally blurts out Rocket’s feelings for Magril via the stadium’s intercom.
NOW WE GET TO WHAT THE TITLE OF THE SONG IS REFERRING TO!! The song is in Magril’s perspective since she was the one to hear it!!
It’s not a perfect correlation but I think this would be cute! Also it gives me an excuse to use a Donna Summer song :3
☆彡 @raccoonfallsharder | @twigglestblog | @bakaotakulife
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quietwings-fics · 4 months
so don't forget it
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy Ship: Gen (Drax & Gamora, Gamora & Thanos) Additional Tags: Hair Brushing, Past Child Abuse, Trauma, Past Violence, Gamora Needs a Hug (Marvel), POV Gamora (Marvel), Post-Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Pre-Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Canon Compliant, Team as Family, Past Character Death, Song Lyrics Wordcount: 1950 Summary:
Murderess and Destroyer, plotting patricide over hair care.
Child of Thanos is a cruelly ironic moniker. Gamora has never been sure if that was the intention or if it was truly how he saw them. What could daughter mean when it came from the mouth of a man who’d starve her for a week for refusing to beat her sister’s brains in and praise her the next when she finally broke and kept hitting and hitting until she couldn’t see the green of her own skin under Nebula’s blood. Thanos said it was love, then, to allow Gamora to be led back to her room (cell) and given a hot meal and not made to stare at Nebula’s body. Gamora spent a long time thinking that she had finally killed Nebula. Some irrational part of her was jealous. There was more spite in her wishes for Nebula to live than sisterly love.
Nebula did not die. She came back with wires and metal holding together the bits of brain Gamora had broken open. For one brief second, all that anger at the idea that Nebula had gotten to escape, even in death, had vanished, and Gamora had just seen her sister.
Nebula had tried to put a knife in her throat. Thanos told Gamora to break her wrist. And she did.
Nebula had hair before. It was as dark as her eyes and long as Gamora’s own, something she was proud of. They must have shaved it when they welded her skull back together. It never grew back, never grew at all ever again. She got crueler about Gamora’s after that, always trying to rip her hair out from the scalp, yanking her head back nearly hard enough to snap her neck before Gamora always got the upper hand. She tore chunks of it out that Gamora had to grow back in uneven chunks. The only mercy she was ever spared was that Thanos never expected his children to be anything less than mangled. Some lost hair was nothing to another victory.
She knows, a very, very long time ago, that someone once brushed her hair and sang to her. (It’s possible she made that up. She wants to believe it’s true, and that’s what matters.) She knows someone gently untangled the knots with a comb and a kind promise that any pain would be over in a moment. She can’t remember if it was her mother or father, or some other relative she doesn’t even know she should remember, or a family friend whose face is long gone from everywhere in the universe. It certainly wasn’t Thanos. The only times he touched her are vivid in her head, the titan’s hand on her shoulder after every won fight, forcing her to look at what she’d done to her opponent while he droned on about survival, or his fist closing like cuffs around her wrist to drag her where he wanted her to go.
The last person she thinks may have touched her hair was Nebula, and Nebula wanted her dead. Not exactly a happy memory.
She’s used to being awake when no one else is. The Milano is small. Maybe that should make it feel cramped, and it does, some days, when Quill is on her last nerve, but mostly it feels alive in a way that every room she’s ever slept in before didn’t. Thanos’s ship was defined by its deferential silence. The Milano in the early hours is filled with snoring and Rocket’s sleep talking and occasionally, music that whoever was last at the helm forgot to turn off before going to sleep. She mouths the words unconsciously as she gets up, press your space face close to mine, love!
Drax is an early riser, too. He probably sleeps as well as she does, considering his whole... everything. So, they’re both running from nightmares, probably, and both pretending that’s not what they’re doing, that being awake at some ungodly hour is the mark of a disciplined warrior and not someone scared of their own memories. She’s walked in on him telling stories to a very interested Groot before. Sometimes, she sits and listens. She never believes a word of Quill or Rocket’s bragging, for her own sanity, but Drax? He could probably tell her he took on an entire army single handedly, and she would believe him.
The little tree is asleep today. Drax stares off into the expanse of space, still and soundless, an unreadable expression on his face. For all that they’re often the only ones who see each other this early, they don’t really talk. The ship fills their comfortable quiet with the low purr of the engine and the inescapable creak of metal that Gamora sometimes convinces herself means the ship is about to be torn apart by its own speed. That allows her to be pleasantly surprised every time when it is not. She drags her fingers through her hair and winces at the pull on her scalp when she snags a knot.
“Do you want assistance?” She tries not to jump at the sound of Drax’s voice, and when she fails, she tries to pretend that she didn’t instinctively reach for where she’d keep a dagger. (She’s stopped carrying any sort of sharp object on her while in the Milano. It cuts down on how many times a day she gets accused of trying to stab someone. Never mind that she hasn’t actually stabbed anyone, except for that one time Quill snuck up behind her and grabbed her shoulder, and besides that was just a tiny stab, and he shouldn’t have been such a baby about it.)
“I don’t need your help,” she says, automatic refrain.
“I know. You’re incredibly skilled.” Drax doesn’t really do compliments. Drax does statements of fact. He continues to look at her, waiting for an answer that isn’t a deflection because he’s not going to register it otherwise. She glances away, at the stars outside, at Groot sleeping in his pot, at a grenade that someone (Rocket) has left out on the table like an explosive breakfast muffin.
“Yes,” she answers, finally. It’s not like anyone else will see. Except maybe Groot, and she gets the feeling that he can be a reliable secret keeper when he wants to be. Drax stands up and goes rustling around in the cabinets for a bit. At this point, she’s not that surprised when he comes up with a comb. It turns out, search around in the Milano long enough, and you can find just about anything. Quill’s a part time space mercenary, part time hoarder. She sits down in front of Drax and realizes that she’s going to have to consciously turn her back to him for this to work.
She can do that. They’re teammates now.
(And there’s still a dozen ways she could kill him, even without turning to face him, she reassures herself.)
She braces herself. The Milano creaks again. Drax’s hand brushes her back as he gathers up the magenta tips of her hair. He starts at the bottom. She stays rigid, waiting for the inevitable yank, but there’s just an insistent sort of pull instead, until the knotted ends are straightened out. Slowly, he moves upwards, the strokes of the comb becoming longer and longer. The Milano creaks and creaks, but it flies steady and strong through the stars.
She can’t help relaxing after a little while. It’s the most pleasant thing she’s felt in years. Decades, really. It feels like patching each other up after bar fights (that Gamora has stopped pretending she’s above) and exchanging money for the bets they made beforehand on who could take on how many assholes. It feels like when one of them will start humming, and another will tap along to the rhythm, and eventually someone will break into the lyrics because there’s no way not to. It feels like that time Quill went and got himself shot, and they all decided separately that the best thing to do was to pile up around him to sleep.
She has no idea what to name this feeling, but she’s going to die if she ever loses it. And she’ll go to that death gratefully.
Drax brushes her hair, a soft scratching sound where her hair rubs against the teeth of the comb. It scrapes at her scalp sometimes, never aggressive, leaves a tingly warmth behind. She thinks she might be smiling. She stops that immediately. A minute later, her face does it again. “You’ve done this before,” she says, because maybe if her mouth is more focused on forming sentences, it will be less likely to make ridiculous expressions.
“For my daughter.” Gamora’s smile falls away. Well. That is what she wanted, isn’t it? “Kamaria used to claim that she would grow her hair long enough to reach her feet. Ovette and I both told her how impractical that would be. She still refused to cut it. She might have even achieved her goal.” The shadow of Ronan lurks accusingly behind his words, and behind him, a greater shadow and one Gamora is all too familiar with standing in.
“I’m sorry.” It’s what you’re supposed to say in these sorts of situations.
“You are not the one who murdered them.” Some part of her wants to point out that it didn’t matter before, that proximity to Ronan was enough for Drax to lay a death sentence on her head. Murderess, he named her. He wasn’t wrong, not really. “One day, when I’ve separated Thanos’s head from his neck, they will be at peace, and I will be at peace.” He sounds certain. He runs the comb through her hair again. The knots are all gone now. “And you will be at peace.”
“I’m not sure that’s how it works.” Drax hmms thoughtfully.
“Would it help if I also let you remove parts of him before we kill him?” Gamora actually considers it. She thinks about Nebula’s blood on her hands. If she could cover that blood with Thanos’s instead, she still won’t be able to see her own skin, but at least she won’t be looking at her sister’s viscera whenever she closes her eyes.
“I’m not sure about ‘at peace’,” she says, “but yes. That might make me feel better.” Drax claps her on the shoulder. She stiffens, but his hand is already gone. The comb clatters when he puts it on the table.
“If killing Thanos doesn’t work, there are plenty of horrible people in the galaxy. We can always find more.” That sounds like a promise. She runs her fingers through her neatly combed hair. Murderess and Destroyer, plotting patricide over hair care while another Earth song hums through the air, I like to see you, but then again, that doesn't mean you mean that much to me.
Groot stretches in his pot and stares at the both of them sleepily. Gamora reaches out a finger for him to hug.
“Why not?” She agrees. “Someone should.” And if that someone is a bunch of assholes in a too small ship, well. Who’s going to stop them? Groot butts his head against her hand. It’s going to be chaotic, soon, when Quill and Rocket wake up and they all argue about where to go next and what to do and who, exactly, ate that last pack of cookies they picked up on Telmorra. And she will throw Drax under the bus for that, even if she was the last one anyone saw near the cookies.
So if I call you, don't make a fuss.
Don't tell your friends about the two of us.
The Milano sings, and Gamora listens, and Gamora understands.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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time-woods · 2 years
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Thinkin bout how we never got a draxum backstory ep-hes a warrior so chances are hes fought in at least one war right? Also considering his long life span hes def seen some shit, bc we never got draxs backstory Im making my own (with more reasoning why he hates humans sm)- draxum had to have had a family right? Where are they now? What happened to them? when he was young some yokai were actually able to live on the surface(secluded and far away but still) he lived in a small yokai town/village- humans having the belief that yokai were dangerous and should be driven away, they attacked his town,(this wouldnt b at NY somewhere more rural btw) this left a sour impression on drax, growing up he had the intent to protect the yokai race by any means,- His intent was good but his methods warped over time, by war after war, yokai against yokai(this type of war definitely happened, like rebellions n such) seeing the worst in others made him leap to the harshest of methods to protect others.Aka leading to him being a alchemist etc
(rough idea ^^ taken from my twt- some other ideas bellow))
draxs mom was a warrior- protecting the yokai, but to take care of her kids and her village she decided to devote her time to that, she cares for her family and her community and will stop at nothing to protect them(dont look 2 deep into that- dw)
Random ass hc but drax keeps his hair long because when he was a kid in his family having long hair was a sign of strength, his mom was one of his biggest (and only role models) but he always looked up to her. So he keeps his hair long in her honor.
mama drax would definitely hum/sing as she would brush draxs hair, that or tell interesting stories about her time as a warrior (she embellishes to make them either sound more cool or to make them a bit more kid friendly))
Just thought abt somethin else about the hair thing-as kid drax is running from his village last thing he sees is his mom get captured by yokai hunters, yokai hunters knowing  these warriors- they cut her hair, washing away the last bit of pride she had, failing her sworn mission -to have the strength needed to protect her people and family, at least she saved a few, right? This is another reason why drax keeps his hair long, to remember her strength even though it was taken from her,
anyways,, i think thats all i got 4 nows, beware more angst soon (possibly))
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vrisrezis · 1 year
If your willing, general romantic hcs for rocket raccoon?
Yay first rocket rqqq ! Pls ask more I love this mf . For the record your a biologically enhanced animal experiment like rocket in all of my rocket x readers unless you guys state otherwise in your rqs. Light spoilers for gotg vol 3, if you know about his past anyways. Even then I don’t greatly spoil his past.
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- Dating rocket can be rather stressful. Though the girls of your little family of misfits are typically fine, quill and drax tend to tease the hell out of your boyfriend. While it can be annoying from time to time, it’s typically funny. Even groot has his own share of light teasing, but it’s really just him saying things outright and being a little too honest.
- also yknow. Getting constantly attacked by people your family happens to piss off also can be stressful at times.
- but all that shit aside, your boyfriend can be rather.. stressful to be with at first. And there’s a lot of shit you have to tolerate when it comes to him.
- you MUST be able to deal with his constant sarcasm and light insults towards you, to be perfectly honest I can’t imagine him with anyone easily hurt or too soft. You have to be a very strong motherfucker to be willing to deal with his shit.
- however, despite his personality he is a tiny bit softer around you and even if it’s not noticeable to you it certainly is to literally everyone else on your shared ship.
- rocket can be difficult to deal with, but so long as you’re patient enough with him he becomes less difficult to be around and a lot softer as time goes by.
- you’ll notice that he insults you a lot less, and they seem less like insults and more like light jokes to make you laugh. Light teasing. But the sarcasm doesn’t ever wither away. Though he’s not as sarcastic with you.
- rocket, over time, is very into physical affection but is not good at admitting it. It takes a very long time for him to become comfortable with you being affectionate physically with him, but once he grows used to it he loves it. He .. won’t ever tell you that but man if he doesn’t make it obvious.
- over time rocket with lightly, lowkey flirt with you, until it just kinda becomes straight up, shameless flirting the longer you are together.
- rocket also becomes bolder as time goes by, initiating or even asking for some affection if he’s feeling particularly needy.
- while he tends to not do this in front of the others, the longer you guys date the more accepting he becomes of pda.
- likes to cuddle a lot, also insists you sleep with him often. Claims it’s in case groot needs something while he’s sleeping so you’re also there but.. you know he just wants to sleep with you lol.
- lets you pet him :) sometimes he purrs when he’s really relaxed
- (will pet you too low key)
- rocket is overprotective often, and very jealous.
- he has many insecurities, so it’s only natural he gets jealous especially if he thinks anyone is into you (most likely not, but still).
- he’s also lost many people, the first friends he ever had, his entire family during the blip, he even lost groot when he first met that family. He’s protective for good reason.
- losing you is his worst fear
- he doesn’t know how to tell you how much you mean to him, so he shows it through making you things, fixing you things, and just… gift giving in general. If he notices you eyeing something for too long, he’s definitely getting it one way or another. Even if it means he has to steal it. Especially if it means he has to steal it.
- likes to listen to you talk while he tinkers with whatever the hell
- he kinda says a lot of offhanded shit that makes it sound like he’s not listening that much, but he’s hanging on your every word
- while shy with a lot of stuff in the beginning of your relationship as time goes by he is quite bold
- holds your hand a lot, likes to just feel your hands in his? It’s easy to drag you in case danger comes, it’s nice to feel your warmth and feel the comfort of you being there. It also helps that physical affection isn’t his go to all the time and it’s not like a huge amount of contact in comparison to hugs. (Not that he minds physical affection with you, though).
- he sucks at apologies, he just makes/tinkers your shit for you to make up for being a jackass. But he will apologize if you two had a serious fight.
- always willing to let go of his ego if it meant you’d forgive him after a serious altercation. But yknow, it would have to be REALLY bad.
- might even make you food as an apology lol very rare since he doesn’t make food for anybody
- likes to kiss you on the cheek a lot, sometimes on the lips but his go to is to kiss your cheek
- he will open up to you, but it takes a very long time. You are the one person he truly trusts and opens up to but it’s usually when he’s having a nightmare or something. He tends to not want to focus on his past, so he doesn’t talk about it. A part of him just wants to forget that was ever his life so as a result doesn’t talk about it to anybody unless he gets a nightmare that reminds him of his torture.
- it also makes it easy that you’re like him and know what he’s been through so, lol.
- hates seeing you cry, will actually beat the shit outta anyone that makes you cry and if he is ever the reason he feels like the biggest asshole in the galaxy
- while it does take him an extremely long time to open up to you, he will encourage you to open up to him. He’s very understanding if it takes you time too, but will be ultimately hurt if you tell the other guardians anything about yourself that he doesn’t know. (Unless you had some history with one of them prior to meeting him cause that would make more sense to him).
- bad at comforting but wants to be the one there for you
- surprise! Rocket actually likes hugging you but you guys never hug because he seems so against it anytime you hug him. He secretly is a big fan
- anytime you compliment him he’s just kinda like “yeah yeah”
- calls you nicknames btw :) “doll” is a favorite one of his. However he also likes classic ones like “babe, baby, hun, honey, sweetie” sometimes even “sweetheart” and likes if you do the same
- nuzzles his face in your neck/chest when he sleeps
- while rocket can be rather selfish at times, he always thinks of you first, or at least tries to. Which is a lot coming from him.
- if you guys had a hammock, he would actually just love lazing around with you two on a hammock
- when you two are sleeping together he’s very cuddly, if you have to get up for any reason at all he starts to growl and tells you not to move
- “rock I have to pee” “not my problem.” “It is going to be when I pee everywhere!” “Ok now you just made it weird.”
- I can imagine before you started dating the two of you were like the bestest of friends lol.
- gets nightmares often about losing you
- tends to.. show off from time to time.. when you first met he showed off how smart he was at making scraps of metal into literal bombs, or how good of a shooter he is, or how good of a pilot he is, etc. he LOVES to show off because he just loves the idea of impressing you
- this also comes from a place of insecurity and just thinking he’s not that great or competent
- yes, he does purr when he’s very relaxed typically when he’s asleep :)
- don’t tell him you heard him tho he will get mad at you for “invading his privacy” lol
- just the biggest softie for you if you give him time and have the patience of a saint
- he’s kinda aware he’s a lot to deal with, and is eternally grateful for your patience and for your love and kindness
- because honestly people being kind to him? Loving him for him? Not something he’s used to. And honestly something he’s scared of, because of how foreign it is to him.
- and also take the fact everyone that ever cared about him has died at some point (like other than nebula, honestly) you can imagine his fear of letting others into his life, especially when he cares about you so much.
- can I just say… boop his nose? He tries not to laugh every goddamn time
- rare moments where rocket is sentimental talking to Peter and is like “idk I just feel happy for some reason” and just looks at you with a lovesick smile and Peter is like… “hmm… wonder why..”
- speaking of Peter he teases the hell outta you two because he genuinely thinks you guys are adorable. Drax does the same. Mantis on occasion, but not as much lol.
- also thor ships you guys too btw <3 like hardcore he is so annoying about y’all LMFAO
- I can imagine y’all playing with eachother like… him just chasing you around on all fours for fun, trying to tackle you to the ground
- kinda reminds him of when he was little, the good times he had, anyway.
- also you taking care of any of his injury’s, no matter how big or small, is cathartic for him. He likes feeling like he doesn’t always have to take care of himself, or be alone. You have his back, you can take care of him for once, you can protect him too. (It certainly helps that the first act of kindness towards him was lyla easing his pain so LOL).
- if he ever has to take care of your injuries, he will. He’s willing to take care of any injury you get, though if he knows it’s not a huge deal he tries not to make it a huge thing. But he tends to.. overreact anyways and gets overprotective and tells you (more like yells at you) to be more careful.
- kinda steals your stuff
- likes an s/o that finds him funny, but also isn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit even if he finds it annoying in the moment, he grows as a person because of it
- when you guys stay in knowhere together, much more time for cuddles since you have your own space to relax
- also way more space for him to chase you around all over the place lol
- also low key being parents to all the little raccoons rocket now has with him… 😪
- he’s started to accept a lot of your kind gestures as you caring for him and being nice to him, instead of it being charity work or because you pity him for some reason, he still gets grumpy when he sees your gifts in his line of sight tho
- Would probably blame himself if you ever got hurt, but wouldn’t utter a word of it to anyone. Would probably end up telling you though because everytime he’d look at you the guilt would increase. Probably resulting in him not looking at you for awhile until you get him to spill.
- also if he ever thought you were dead (perhaps during the blip) again, blames himself hard and cries A LOT. Holds onto any possessions you may have had that were important to you. He makes it his goal to keep them safe for you. Would also wear your clothes quite a bit. Sometimes when he’s about to go to bed he just smells your clothes, and thinks about how much it smells like you and just cries.
- what a lovely guy to be with who loves you unconditionally, truly
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logolepsy-babble · 16 days
Watching Guardians of the Galaxy and I feel like assigning Marauders characters Marvel characters (mostly Guardians)
James Potter - Peter Quill
- Honestly the vibes are there.
- Both very goofy and Peter is extremely strong but also a bit of a weirdo who goes by codenames. Sound familiar?
- He’s mischievous, it fits.
- Likes people that try to kill him.
- Too trusting.
- Arrogant
Regulus Black - Gamora
- Gamora and Regulus are both cold.
- Gamora betrayed Ronan like how Regulus betrayed Voldemort.
- Very violent.
- Very hated by the public for working for a killer.
- Speaks cryptic.
- Bad relationship with sibling who is hated.
- Knowledgeable.
- Differing morals to Ronan/Thanos (Voldemort).
- Sheltered.
- Died while trying to save the world from Thanos (Voldemort).
Barty Crouch Jr. - Drax
- Became a killer for revenge when Thanos killed his lover.
- Violent and blood thirsty.
- Horrifying and unhinged (in a comical way sometimes)
- Jokes are odd af, but enjoyable and sometimes hilarious.
- Smart but definitely not street smart
Pandora Rosier - Mantis
- Very kind hearted and takes care of others.
- Very soft spoken and hard to dislike.
- Comforting person to the point of wanting to protect her.
Rubeus Hagrid - Groot
- Doesn’t entirely think before acting.
- A big oaf. /lovingly
- Extremely strong and knowledgeable but doesn’t use brain a lot of the time.
- Man of few words.
- Good friends with Rocket.
Remus Lupin - Rocket
- An animal that was experimented on (Technically Dumbledore “experimented” on him).
- Silly.
- Extremely smart and overlooked in that case.
- Very determined.
- Brutally honest.
- Insecure.
- Good friends with Groot.
- Angry easily.
- A bit insensitive sometimes.
Sybill Trelawney - The Collector
- They’re odd. I just can’t think of anyone else.
- Collects odd shit.
Voldemort - Thanos
- It just feels right idk
Rudolphus Lestrange - Ronan
- Following Thanos (Voldemort)
- A cruel killer who doesn’t care about who dies.
- Betrays Thanos when is stronger (HC Lestrange would do that to Voldemort if he could)
Bellatrix Black - Nebula
- Sold off by family in hopes could serve them better.
- Killer and violent.
- Traumatized from constant criticism.
- Not seen as human due to loss of something crucial (for Bella her sanity, for Nebula her body)
- Plausibly enjoys killing.
Sirius Black - Scott Lang
- Went to prison (LMAOOOO).
- Though got out of prison, went back to crime.
- Protective of family.
- Tired of people.
- Falls for the confident and intelligent people. (I will argue Remus for this even though technically in this AU they wouldn’t get together 😔 Unless he’s a werecoon… 🤨).
- Very good at sneaking around and mischief.
- Good at thieving.
- Brings best friend into everything.
Remus Lupin (Alternately) - Hope Pimm
(- Haha his mother’s name.)
- Sassy.
- Very blunt and doesn’t take shit.
- Falls for the dorky person.
- Intelligent and very creative.
- Wants to prove self as worthy with every possible task.
- Overworks self.
- Confident.
Evan Rosier - Dave (Ant-Man)
- He’s a background character.
- Chill, but a criminal.
- I think it’s funny so I’m doing it.
Couldn’t Figure Out:
- Yondu
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inari-zaheer · 1 year
requesting hcs of nebula pining over female reader please and thank you! set after gotg 3 and reader is one of the teachers who teaches the kids they saved from the high evolutionary
Nebula Pining Over Fem! Reader
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Pairing:Nebula x Reader
Tw:Angst with a happy ending
Ever since the events of the battle against the High Evolutionary, Nebula got way sadder than usual
Sure they saved a bunch of people and lots of civilizations, but right when she was getting used to her lil disfunctional family they decided that they needed some time apart of the group
She helped everywhere she could in Knowhere, from building stuff, to fixing equipment, till a day where Kraglin asked her if she could help with teaching the children the basics of self defense
It was definitely not what she was used to, but coming from a "family" of abuse she understood the importance of it
An that's when she met you!
As she was waiting for her class with the children start, she saw you on one of the windows of the building teaching the children how to comunicate with everyone
From that moment she felt weird, overwhelmed, it was a feeling that she never felt before, and the fact that she didn't knew what it was only made her upset
She was going to pretend that it was nothing, until a day when her session with the kids ended that you went to talk to her
You waited just so you could thank her for what she was doing with the children, because as they were learning your language they were able to tell the horrible things they suffered on the ship
It was a simple thank you, but that didn't help Nebula with her feelings, quite the opposite actually
But after the group kinda dissipated she had no one to talk to
Her sister was not the same she lived with before the battle with Thanos, Quil was back on Terra and the most important person who could maybe help her, Mantis, was somewhere in the space, and it was obvious that Rocket, Groot and Drax where out of question
Every day you would stay to watch the kids you quickly bonded to see their improvement (definitely not for the goddess of a woman who was teaching them that you were slowly caughting feelings for)
Geeting closer to her, telling how cool her abilities were, saying how one day you wanted to be as strong as her
And every day that passed she got more intrigued by her own feelings towards you
Until one day Kraglin was telling her about some movie tapes that Yondu had found for Peter but didn't had the opportunity to give them, so he asked if she could keep them safe on her room till he came back
She wasn't exactly the type to like music or this so called movies, but she was just so bored one day that, when she was sure no one would ever know, she put a movie on the device that Rocket had made for Peter if they ever found one of those
She did not knew or cared about the name of the movie in question, but one of the main themes that kept poping over and over again made her understand everything
It was love!
Oh fuck it was love
Those were her first thoughts when she realized it, immediately turning off the thing and throwing the tape as far as she could
She could not feel love for you, in her head love wasn’t meant for her, she wasn’t worthy of love
But then again, why would you love her? A killer, a destroyer, machine
And after that day, she was not the same again
She asked to change the day of the sessions just so she would not see you, avoided you everywhere in Knowhere, and asked everybody to tell people to just leave her alone
She kept pushing the feeling back, and one day she cried for the second time in her entire life for a person
But she underestimated you
One day you simply showed up at her door, and even when she pretended she was not there you just screamed that you were going to wait
Seeing you really weren’t gonna budge she opened the door for you and saw your state
You looked sad, tired and even a bit sick
She went to ask what did you wanted but was met with a "did i do something wrong?"
Of course she was not understanding, but you just asked why she started avoiding you out of nowhere, almost starting to cry
Then all of the conflicted feelings she was feeling immediately turned into guilt
How could she do something like this to you? To leave you in that state just cause she could not understand what was happening
Then she finally could not wait any longer and told you everything, how she felt about you, how she was scared of those feelings, and how she thought she did not deserve any of what you wanted to give her
You immediately told her that it didn't matter the stuff she had done, the past was in the past and she deserved someone to help her see that things could be great, that she deserved to feel love and be loved
She said she was not used to it, but asked if she could give you a hug
It was kinda akward, but you could see that this was definelly just the beginning of something special between the both of you
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froglovemushroom · 1 year
Gamora x daughter!reader HCs
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Warnings: none! All fluffy like cream!
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It's obvious to everyone that you're Starmora's child
From the green skin identical to Gamora's, down to the strawberry blonde curls passed down from Peter.
Your parents love you more than the galaxy itself
And you love them just as much
But despite all that, everyone can see that you're simply a mommy's girl at heart
You would boast to anyone that your mom is indeed THE amazing Gamora, no one can say otherwise.
Not even you Daddy
"My Mama is coo'est!" (coolest)
"No....Daddy is cooler"
"No! Daddy coo' but mama coo'er!"
Peter is devastated, but being the lovestruck malewife he is, he agrees with your statement and is a fellow Gamora fanclub member.
Joins in your secret little fangirling babble sessions when his wife isn't around
Gamora over heard you two once when she returned with some groceries and couldn't stop the huge grin taking over her face
Ever since you learned how to walk, you've been following your mother everywhere, acting like a little tail.
"Mama! Open p'ease!"
"Sweetheart, I'm pooping-"
Still wouldn't budge from your spot in front of the bathroom door
Nebula had to distract you for a while
People would say that your personality is similar to your dad's
But when it comes to tour temper?
Copy and pasted from your mother.
The angry growl? Done.
The iconic Gamora glare? UNCANNY.
Protective nature? Probably even more than your mother
There's no hiding the fact that Gamora loves your fierce side
But then it also comes with a downside
You would often get into fights with people at a very young age
Whether it be adults or children, one wrong word about your family would result in Drax holding you back with the other party laying on the ground with scratches all over their face.
And probably missing parts of their hair.
Rocket would send you a proud wink every time
But both your parents would be worried sick every time they heard you got into a fight YET AGAIN
Your mother would scold you (softly) as she tends to your wounds
"Y/n/n, this is the fifth time this month, you can't keep getting into fights baby."
"But the boy said mama bad...." You'd sulk with your arms crossed
And she'd gently pull you onto her lap and softly thank you for defending her
Gamora was thankful that you were so protective of her just as she is to you
But she's going to have to start teaching you how to control your anger
And that's how you started training with her
Years pass and you've grown into a teenager (Still sticking to mama whenever possible, even if it's not as much as you used to)
At this point you've mastered everything your mother had taught you.
Joining them on missions and fighting alongside your family, whooping happily as you shoot down various monsters.
Gamora would come to a realization that you're actually growing up, and way too quickly in her opinion.
She knew that her baby bird would leave the nest sooner or later, but the thought of it overwhelms her
Maybe she'll slowly accept it as time goes on
But for now, she'll let herself relish in the moments she still gets to spend with you, her beautiful little girl
"Don't grow up too fast my little warrior"
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separatedleoau · 1 year
Hey! Four asks here. I haven't figured how to ask properly though don't mind my mistakes please TwT
1. Has One ever heard birthday's before? Would that be relevant somehow?
2. How does Spilnter react to having deal with telling the boys about who created them once they tell him about Drax and that they found their "dead" brother.
3. This whole disaster twins dilemma got me thinking about what would happen in the episode where Donnie and April are with purple dragons. How would One be there?
4. Would One be friends with Shelldon?
Hi! Oh this questions are fun!
1) One does know about birthdays, he just doesn't celebrate them. I like the hc that Draxum has lived a few centuries so his kind doesn't really celebrate them because it gets tiring. The mindset Draxum has on birthdays being useless and a waste of time is a mindset he passed on to One.
It will be relevant later! :3c
2) This one is a little hard to explain because is not a thing that gets solved in a single situation.
The boys know One is alive and Draxum created them, but Splinter doesn't know that One is alive and that they know about Draxum. Then Splinter finds out about One being alive and the boys have to come clean about how much they know, but they also have questions for Splinter, because the story he had told them on how he got them now doesn't match up if Splinter knows who One and Draxum are. So Splinter "comes clean" but is actually still lying about a whole part of the story so they don't know he was Lou Jitsu.
And then they find out about Lou being their dad, and Splinter still doesn't tell them the truth.
Is not until One moves to the lair that Splinter tells them the whole truth. And it is mostly because he doesn't really have another choice.
Since he lost One, he had been lying to the boys to protect them, so they wouldn't be hurt for things that were out of their control. But as the truth starts to come out Splinter is struggling to keep those lies, some are still to protect his boys, but honestly, some are to protect himself, so he doesn't have to talk or think about about a time of his life he doesn't like.
Raph is the one hurt the most by all the lying.
3) honeslty, I don't think im gonna do that episode. There are some things that don't change from canon since they don't really involve One, so I'm just not gonna make them, that doesn't mean some of them don't happen, it just kind of happens off camera.
4) I still haven't think up much about that dynamic (is still a very long time until I get to that in the story so I'm not worried) but I do want One to be a bad influence on Shelldon lmao
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sunny-clover · 1 year
YKNOW. AT THE FINALY. SHE WAS LIKE “My friends cal me Casey”
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stevewarlock · 5 months
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
The way he cares about others. Rocket puts up a lot of fronts to avoid seeming like he gives a shit, but he really deeply feels love for his friends and even people he doesn't know. Stuff like him comforting Quill after their first mission in the comics, or when he demands a homeless man be fed during Grounded. He's seldom nice about how he acts compassionately, but he's good about not letting anyone he empathizes with be treated unfairly, even by themselves.
least favorite thing about them
More of a writing thing but I hate when he's an idiot for the sake of being a jerk. I'm fine with him being an asshole as long as he has some sort of reason, whether its vehemently disagreeing with a friend or his own self-destructive tendencies, but I hate when writers make him do stupid things as part of said assholery, like he's some gremlin who needs constant reminders not to murder people he needs information from or to not blow things up on a stealth mission.
favorite line
"Same here buddy. End of the galaxy and back." always kills me.
Groot and/or Quill! They both have such great dynamics with him and vice versa, and I hope they get more good writing like DnA and Ewing gave them.
Torn between Lylla and Blackjack but honestly there's so little of both characters :(
Otta Spice, IG? Idk she sucks.
random headcanon
This is kind of a "GotG in general" HC, but I think they watch Terran movies for movie night. Rocket normally makes snide comments throughout (he's not the only one! Drax asks a ton of questions and Gamora points out dumb shit too) but when they watched Lilo and Stitch he just sat there in silence for 85 minutes and was never the same again.
unpopular opinion
I know MCU synergy is every cosmic marvel fan's worst enemy but they might as well make his movie backstory canon atp. It's not like they've committed to any other origin story for him so they may as well tie it to the High Evolutionary as a prototype for Counter Earth. Halfworld could easily be retconned into a planet he used for experiments and it'd be better than leaving his past as ill-defined as it is now.
song i associate with them
So many from the GotG soundtracks but Dog Days Are Over is just too good to not pick.
favorite picture of them
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I'm sorry it's a gif but I couldn't find the right frame!
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nickeverdeen · 5 months
MCU masterlist
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Peter Quill
Peter Parker 1
(you can choose a group in which I’ll pair you with the characters from it or you can just leave it in general and I’ll choose from all of the groups)
The original 6 Avengers reacting to you kissing them while being drunk
The young Avengers and their love language
(you can choose which characters you want or whatever group you want)
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Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Steve Rogers (Capitan America)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Carol Danvers (Capitan Marvel)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange)
From Crayons to Canvases | Doctor Strange x platonic fem!reader
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Peter Parker 1 (Tom Holland)
Caught in the Act (Sort of)
Across the Miles
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Peter Parker 2 (Tobey Maguire)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Peter Parker 3 (Andrew Garfield)
In anoter life
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
The Guardians of Galaxy
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Peter Quill (Star-Lord)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Rocket (only platonic)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Groot (only platonic)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nick Fury
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Maria Hill
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Melinda May
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Sharon Carter
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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T’Challa (Black Panther)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Brock Rumlow
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Winter Soldier
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Bruce Banner
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
The young Avengers
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Yelena Belova
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Kate Bishop
Bodyguard!Kate Bishop x Mafia boss fem!reader
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
America Chavez
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Cassie Lang
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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gidget-claws · 2 years
Any stray HCs for your au?
I have a few small ones - some being minor spoilers for the fic I'm writing but regardless I hope you enjoy (spoiler ones will be at the bottom for those who want absolutely everything in the fic to be a surprise)
April is a bit more a tech wiz is this AU to make up for the fact Raph, Mikey and Splinter don't have Donnie for a while
Leo and Donnie have multiple names- orginal called One and Two, then Lee and Dee, then when put into jail called Leo/Leonardo and Donnie/Donatello
Raph is less stressed and allows himself to be a touch more childish than in canon- in turn Mikey is a bit more clever with having to help make plans more
Donnie and Leo are both stronger than Mikey and Raph- Raph and Mikey together could overpower one of them though
Donnie knows how to make more advanced tech since he had Drax's tech available to him- with that follows more of a mad scientist vibes even more so than in canon, icon is doc ock /hj
Leo is very much a homosexual still
Donnie is even more adverse to touch, but makes up with feeling more comfortable with Leo hugging him. He also initiates touch more often with Leo
Raph has a little less of a fear of being alone (well see where that goes when he has more people to be around tho :])
(Spoilers for the fic)
Donnie usually needs to sleep with other people in the room to feel safe- normally he feels safest with Leo but the alternative is usually Raph since his sleep deprived brain just "big brother- safe- protect-"
Huginn and Muninn mostly make sure Donnie and Leo didn't kill themselves by accident when they were really young and Drax was busy- making them see them as uncles of sorts
Raph has woken up to see Donnie asleep in his room but never comments on it
Leo has more scars than Donnie, but Leo claims Donnie has more emotional scarring
April is a bit closer with the Purple Dragons
Donnie and Leo are close with a lot of the othe mutant villians, though there's a decent chunk of them missing with being taken away due to being seen as dangerous
Donnie loves Repo like a dad, and same for Leo with Hypno
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kitausuret · 1 year
opinions on venom interacting with rocket raccoon or groot? im not super into GoG, but i know they've probably interacted at some point in time. any headcanons for them? :D
Hiya, friend! You'll be pleased to know that Venom (host: Flash Thompson) and Rocket have interacted! Now, at the risk of alienating my friends who hated this run, I'm going to still point out a few of my favorite moments, because I did like a handful of the times they interacted. It was fun. Bendis didn't deserve Flash.
They actually met in the 2014 Free Comic Book Day issue of Guardians of the Galaxy, which is kind of odd to put a major change in a team lineup in a FCBD book, but... at least it was accessible?
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Beyond that... they teamed up for quite a while during Bendis' GotG run, from Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #14-27, and then in the next volume (GotG 2015) #1-19. Now, don't go looking for Venom in every issue, because you won't find them. But I think they could bond over cool weapons and general bad-assery.
There was an interesting moment in GotG #19 when the symbiote actually bonded to Rocket, but it was brief, and largely so it could grab Drax later and pilot the ship to Klyntar.
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Flash cares about his buddy. 🥺
They're also a little snarky with each other! It's fun though. They had a great team-up scene in GotG #27 that also is a neat showcase of Venom's new abilities.
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Overall they have a fun dynamic. It's a lot of them being a little short with each other but they fight together really well!
There is just one thing that they don't agree on... and that's how much to respect Spider-Man. But, to be fair, most people don't have as much respect for Spidey as Flash does.
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(GotG v5 #14)
And they got one final fight together against Thanos in GotG #19! As well as a last goodbye...
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Now, all that said... It's been told to me many times that Bendis' Guardians run is... hm... how to say it... not very good. But! I would love to familiarize myself with some other runs and maybe build some better HCs off of those. Bendis didn't exactly utilize Flash or Venom in the most interesting way, and unfortunately that means they didn't really get any well-developed, meaningful relationships with their teammates. But I would say that maybe more than any of the other Guardians, Flash and the Symbiote did seem to get along with Rocket really well!
I really enjoyed this delightfully specific ask and it was fun going back through the issues. If there's anything I really love, it's talking about Flash and his dynamics with other characters... so this was a real treat to me! Thanks! 💖
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