#he 100% would have a skin care routine
tomriddleslove · 6 months
The devil can be beautiful.
✩Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader (Part 1)
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Summary: The one where you have it all planned. There’s not a single thing you haven’t sorted, you’re practically untouchable in how perfect you are. He wants to destroy you, and he always gets what he wants. Alternatively: A bet is placed on whether Mattheo can ruin you. It’s not as easy as he thinks.
A/N: Imo a bit more accurate Mattheo here? He’s fucking toxic and they’re all horrible. This is a series!
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Nietzche famously rejected connotations of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. They were nought but social constructs - ways to enforce power and authority under arbitrary values. Rather, he believed ‘good’ was relative, as was ‘bad’. If an action or doing promoted life, or power, then it was ‘good’. If an action promoted weakness, and conformity, then it was ‘bad’.
You weren’t religious, but you prayed to the heavens above that Nietzche was right because fuck.
Wrong has never felt so right.
‘Pl- plea-” You gasp, a breathless moan escaping your lips as you tilt your head back. His lips attach to the tender skin of your neck, nipping and biting at the delicate skin with no regard. He was ravenous, and you tasted like ambrosia, something too sweet for him. You had never felt so alive, feeling as though you were numb yet also like every nerve end was on fire.
Ravenous lips meet pure, untouched flesh. Iconoclastic in nature, the idea of corrupting such a sweet thing was enough to send the boy into a haze.
What was the saying? A wolf in sheep's clothing? Someone who seemed so unlikely, so deceptive. You couldn’t even fall back on that as an excuse. No, Mattheo Riddle was the devil himself, presenting himself to you with red horns and a fucking pitchfork in his hand and you stupidly let him sink his fangs into you.
He was beyond tainting you, no.
Mattheo Riddle was destroying you, and you could only let him.
- • -
Proper and prim.
If you had asked anyone to describe you in two words, you were sure those were the ones they would choose.
Proper and prim.
You were near perfect. Hell, if perfection existed you would be the image of it. From your neatly ironed robe to your polished shoes. Not a single thing was out of place. You embodied routine, and order.
Hair brushed back into a simple plait. School uniform modest, your tie neatly tucked underneath your grey school jumper. You had not produced a single piece of work that scored below 100%, from apparition to flying, you simply never did bad.
“Merlin, it must be depressing,” Theodore murmurs as he watches you walk through the Slytherin common room, up to the girls' dorms.
“Who?” Blaise quips as Pansy rolls her eyes, the distaste evident in her voice as she speaks.
“Who else but her? Miss Prissy Goody-Two shoes.” Pansy drawls, redirecting the group's attention to your retreating form.
Theodore reaches into his pocket, rolling a cigarette between two fingers as he speaks.“Did you know she scored 100% on all her OWLS?”
“Of fuking course she did. All she does is bury her nose in books. No wonder she’s always alone.” Draco mocks and Lorenzo snorts.
“She’s a bit of a weirdo” Lorenzo comments and Theodore barges in, a sleazy grin on his face as he raises a brow.
“You know what they say about the quiet ones right? Always the freakiest.”
Pansy dissolves into laughter, clutching her stomach as she speaks through giggles.
“Her? She’s an absolute prude! You should have seen her when she had to work with Pucey during potions. She couldn't even look in his direction. It's pathetic if you ask me.” She taunts.
Mattheo stares off into the fireplace, legs spread lazily as he reclines back onto the sofa. He had no interest in this conversation, really. Not for the reasons one would think, though. It’s not that he secretly cared for you or something, no it was far from that. He agreed that you were rather weird, too perfect and normal to be likeable. Rather he didn't have the energy to engage in such trivial matters.
“You should go ask her out on a date or something Theo. Don’t you like the nerdy girls?” Lorenzo teases as Theodore scoffs, propping his feet up on the table in front of him.
“Absolutely not, She’ll probably perform some kind of fucking blood curse on me.” He mutters as Draco raises a brow.
“How about this? If you manage to fuck her, I’ll give you 100 Galleons.” He proposes. Lorenzo nearly spits out his water as Pansy shakes her head.
Mattheo snaps out of his daze, looking up at Draco with mild curiosity.
“100 Galleons? Are you fucking insane?” Lorenzo blurts, looking at the platinum-haired boy in disbelief.
“Oh come on. It's a guaranteed win for Draco. It’s near impossible for anyone to do that.” Pansy adds.
“I’ll do it.”
It's his first contribution to the conversation and they all turn to look at him. Theodore raises a brow, an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips as Pansy leans forward.
“Oh? And what makes you think you can?” She taunts.
“Look at her. Teacher’s pet, an absolute loner. Always reading. It’s so predictable. She probably has wet dreams about some bad boy coming to sweep her off her feet. It’s almost too easy.” He says, cracking his neck with a small groan as he sits up.
He could really do with the money. 100 Galleons could buy him at least 3 weeks in the shabby little inn he frequented over the school holidays.
Draco eyed him curiously, before extending his slim pale hand out.
“Agreed. 100 galleons if you manage to fuck her within a month.” Draco repeats, and Mattheo takes the offer.
His calloused palms meet Draco’s, and he shakes on it with a resolute nod, before leaning back in his chair.
1 month? What a joke. He only needed 2 weeks.
It had been two days after that conversation and Mattheo had been observing you closely, waiting for the right opportunity to crop up. In the meantime, he dissects everything about you. Theodore was right, you were so undeniably boring and monotonous Mattheo had to pause and wonder if you were a sadist of sorts, finding pleasure in such mind-numbing perfection.
It was the same damned thing every single day. You would turn up for breakfast at 8:00, and fix yourself a plate of porridge topped with a handful of blueberries. You’d eat as you read the newspaper, and finish by 8:15. You’d rise, put your bowl away, and head to your first class. You ate lunch during the first half, the same sandwich and apple every day. After lessons, you’d go up to the library. You’d take the furthest seat on the second floor, between the muggle studies and world history books. You would revise for 3 hours, close your books, and head back up to your dorm. You would then re-emerge no longer than 20 minutes later (still dressed in your school uniform) and head down to dinner. You always ate whatever was offered, had a single mug of peppermint tea, and then headed back up to your dorm before it was even 10.
Every. Single. Day.
Mattheo could not comprehend how on earth someone could live like that. Surely you had to be some sort of psychopath, right? There was no way you could find peace and comfort in such a routine. Sure, Mattheo certainly did not feel content, but he’s as sure as the sky is blue that he’d go insane if he lived like you.
Maybe you had some sort of secret? Perhaps you escaped the castle grounds at night to smoke or do some hardcore drugs. Maybe you were some sort of recluse who believed they were some sort of divine being. Your meticulously structured routine, your unwavering discipline—it all seemed too calculated, too perfect. There had to be something lurking beneath the surface, something that explained your seemingly robotic adherence to the same monotonous pattern day after day.
The countless possibilities run through Mattheos mind as he rests his chin on his hand, zoned out as he sits at the back of the astronomy class. Professor Sinastra drones on about Lunar phases and their implications on a wizard’s abilities. Mattheo gazes off at you, who (as per usual) sits right at the front of the class. Your posture is impeccably straight, and you jot down every word Sinastra speaks as though she’s teaching the class how to become a millionaire instantly.
“... And for that reason, I would like two volunteers to come work alongside myself on a month-long project locating rogue planets in the atmosphere. Not only will this be an exciting and unique opportunity, it’ll also put you in incredibly good standing for your upcoming NEWT exams, which may I remind you are in only a few months. The study will largely commence in the evenings, however, there will be a few instances where you will be required to complete monitoring throughout the whole day. You will be excused from lessons on those days, rest assured.” She says.
Mattheo straightens up in his chair as he sees your hand shoot up almost immediately. In any other instance, your enthusiasm would be infuriating at the very least, earning you a snarky remark. But now? Well, it was clear the universe was giving him a sign.
Taking advantage of everyone else's hesitancy, Mattheo raises his hand. A few murmurs ripple through the class, and Professor Sinastra cannot hide her surprise as she nods at Mattheo.
“I must say, I am glad to see you volunteering Mr Riddle.” She says, and Mattheo nods.
He can’t make it too obvious, though. He usually wouldn't be caught dead volunteering for such a thing.
“Getting to skip classes and being permitted to roam around at night? No brainer.” He says, not so subtly to Blaise. Granted, Blaise knows Mattheo’s true intentions, but the statement seems to satisfy the rest of their class, who turn back to their work whilst muttering about how it was a rather good offer.
Mattheo looks over to you, only to find you turned around in your seat, observing him for a second. Your eyes squint, an almost imperceptible change, before you quickly avert your gaze and turn back around.
“You might actually have this one.” Blaise murmurs, leaning closer to Mattheo. He can’t help but smile, an almost arrogant smirk, as he nods.
Looking at the way you diligently return to your work, Mattheo’s indifference suddenly morphs into determination.
This was too easy.
Mattheo saunters up the stairs to the astronomy tower, the faint moonlight just barely illuminating the path in front of him. As he pushes open the door to the tower, he sees you perched by the telescope. You're still in your school uniform, looking pristine as you sit on the floor, scribbling notes down in your book. You look up at the intrusion, clearing your throat when you see Mattheo. In the dim moonlight, Mattheo can see your face turn slightly red as you swiftly avert your gaze down to the floor.
“Riddle.” You greet, quietly. He hums in acknowledgement, setting his bag down to the side as he slumps against the wall, leaning back.
“Professor um- Professor Sinastra has asked us to just observe the sky and try to make predictions for when we can sight a rogue planet. I’m mapping the movement of the planets but she said you should try to calculate angles of visibility.” You murmur, voice quiet and hesitant.
Mattheo raises an eyebrow, feigning disinterest as he looks over at you. "Angles of visibility, huh?" he muses, pushing himself off the wall and saunters over to where you're seated. "Sounds like a job for someone with a keen eye for detail."
You glance up at him, your expression guarded as you nod in agreement. "Yes, exactly. It's crucial to accurately calculate the angles to ensure our observations are precise."
He laughs, but it's not genuine. No, rather it's almost mocking.
“What makes you think I’m doing any of that, hmm? This is just an excuse for me to skip classes. How this is actually going to work, is that you’re going to do all the work, and let me slap my name on the parts I was meant to do, yeah?” he says, his tone oozing with faux sincerity.
You look up at him, a glimpse of surprise flashing in your eyes.
There we go. Wasn’t so hard to get a reaction out of you, wasn’t it? Mattheo thinks to himself, raising a brow. This would be simple enough. You’d fight back, and after a bit, he’d reluctantly agree. He’d begin to feign actual interest and before you knew it he’d be walking away with 100 galleons added to his name.
But instead of fighting, you nod and look back down at your book.
“Ok.” You murmur.
Mattheo's smirk falters for just a moment as he processes your response. He hadn't expected you to simply agree, to comply without so much as a hint of resistance. It throws him off balance, leaving him momentarily speechless.
“What? You’re not going to disagree? Or go snake on me to Professor Sinastra?” His voice comes out more incredulous than he intended, a mixture of surprise and confusion evident in his tone.
You glance up at him, your expression unreadable. "It's not like I have much of a choice, do I?" you reply calmly, your voice devoid of any trace of emotion.
Mattheo's mind races, trying to make sense of your reaction. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. You were supposed to push back, to challenge him, to give him something to work with. But instead, you're just... accepting it.
A flicker of annoyance flares within him, quickly followed by a surge of frustration. This wasn't what he had planned, wasn't how it was supposed to play out. He wanted a challenge, not this... this acquiescence.
He eyes you with a small frown, before turning on his heel and walking out. He’s both frustrated and confused, pondering your words as he makes his way back to the Slytherin common room. Were you really that pathetic? Did you actually have no backbone?
He walks back into the relatively empty common room, spotting the whole group in their usual spot. He goes over to them, tossing his bag to the side as he plops down onto the sofa with a sigh. Pansy eyes him with amusement as she speaks.
“So how was your first evening with our perfect student? Did you woo her under the stars?” Pansy teases as Mattheo fishes around in his pocket for a cigarette.
“Serenade her with a poem?”Theodore joins in, a grin tugging at his lips.
“Merlin, I knew she was a stick-up but to be that much of a push-over? She’s so mind-numbingly fucking boring it's actually insane.” Mattheo starts, lighting the cigarette as he takes a deep drag.
“I mean, I told her that she had to do all the work and give me the credit, and she just said ok! No fighting back, not even a look of annoyance. She just looked down and said Ok,” He exclaims, still rather baffled as he smokes his cigarette.
Lorenzo raises an eyebrow, his lips curling into a sly smirk. "Well, isn't that just precious," he taunts, the hint of mockery in his tone unmistakable. "Our little goody-two-shoes just rolling over and playing dead at the first sign of trouble."
Mattheo scowls, taking another drag from his cigarette as he mulls over their words. It's frustrating, infuriating even, to think that you would just acquiesce without so much as a fight. He had been expecting resistance but instead, he's met with nothing but compliance, and it grates on his nerves in a way he can't quite explain.
"Well, whatever," Mattheo mutters, exhaling a cloud of smoke as he leans back against the sofa.
Just as he goes to speak, his eyes are drawn to the entrance of the common room. The group falls silent at your arrival. You walk through the common room, not even glancing in their direction as you clutch your school bag tightly, heading back up to your dorm.
‘Like you have your tail between your legs’ Mattheo thinks, observing your retreating form.
“Maybe it turned her on?” Theodore proposes. Draco groans, setting down his mug as he rolls his eyes.
“That's disgusting. I do not need to be thinking about that,” He complains.
“You’re the weirdo who proposed the bet anyway!” Theodore quips back, and they soon fall into a silly argument.
It’s all background noise for Mattheo, who can't seem to stop thinking about you. There was no chance you were simply so easily swayed, so complacent. No, there had to be more to it.
Mattheo was a Slytherin through and through. Cunning, resourceful, and ambitious. And if he wanted something, he would always get it. Mattheo would win this bet, and if not for the 100 galleons, it would be to unravel and destroy you, for he saw in your innocence a challenge — a spotless canvas begging for the brushstrokes of corruption, a pure soul ripe for the taint of himself. Even the most virtuous are not spared, and in his eyes, your fall would be his ultimate triumph.
@schaebickel @multifandom-worlds @mildlyuninformative @lillywildly @gillyweeds @anti-hero03
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milkyst4rs · 1 year
BF headcannons
Diluc, Kaeya, Scaramouche, Xiao, Zhongli x GN reader
Fluffy floof☁️
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Though some might think otherwise, dating Diluc is SO FUN.
I feel like Diluc would like to tease his s/o a little? He wants to see you all smitten and flustered ya know?
Will get you tiny trinkets that reminds him of you. Bro doesn't care about the price ofc, he loves your reactions to his tiny gifts.
Diluc prefers to be the big spoon but won't mind if you wanna hug him too.
When y'all are in bed, he is the type to sling his large leg over yours so you can't go anywhere while y'all sleep.
Gets SOOOO happy when you come visit him at the tavern (he doesn't show his excitement tho cause he though like that💯🔥)
Is the biggest softie for you behind closed doors. He's just a little shy outside, don't worry.
SUCH a tease oml. He always does his "oh?~😏" whenever you speak.
He doesn't care if you both are in public or not, he will always try to make you flustered somehow.
Loves kissing you. Your soft lips on his just makes his heart go KDNDHDKWKHDISOW
Like Diluc, he also prefers to hold you while you both are sleeping. But he won't argue if you want to be the big spoon.
I feel like Kaeya is a light sleeper, so if he has trouble falling asleep he'll just admire your pretty face till he does close his eyes.
He loves tracing your features leaving small pecks afterward.
He knows he can trust you so he seeks you out for comfort when he is feeling down :(
Immediately feels 100% better after being in your embrace tho.
Mega-tsundere 1000. Boss level.
Absolutely loves holding your hand. (Secretly though ofc)
Scaramouche is a big mean guy so he doesn't have time for romance!😡 (Except, he is extremely touch-starved so please PLEASE hug him)
Both of you are honestly shocked that you are still in the relationship and are loyal to him.
He slowly realises that you genuinely love him and are not trying to betray him or hurt him in anyway, so he warms up to you.
Likes kissing your forehead. Whenever he sees you, you are going to have a peck on the forehead 100%.
He finally can feel some form of happiness with you.
Mega-tsundere 1000 boss level #2.
He probably has never gotten intimate with anyone ever before so he is a nervous wreck. Which leads to him panicking and resorting to throwing insults at you.
Obviously he doesn't mean it, he just doesn't know what to say when you kiss his cheek! You know he means well, so the "you have no respect for the adepti" insult goes in one ear and out the other.
Eventually warms up to you and tries to be romantic by bringing you flowers and such,(with the help of hu tao and friends^^).
Likes to watch the sunset with you on the roof of Wangshu Inn. His hand always finds its way to intertwine with yours.
He probably doesn't sleep so he keeps watch and makes sure you are safe irl and in dreamland.
Zhongli...what a gentleman.
Boyfriend material ON PAPER‼️
Helps carry your bags, showers with you, reads with you. He just loves being by your side.
He can sense that you truly love him so he lets himself go and his walls crumble for you.
Most people would be bored of Zhonglis constant talking, but not you no sir. He appreciates that you genuinely listen and add in your own sentences in his story telling.
Loves to pamper you!!!!! Making you delicious tea, date nights, skin care routines, you name it.
Both of you are probably named 'Liyue's #1 power couple' by locals who often see the two of you hand in hand walking by the pier.
His kisses are always soft and gentle, each one reminding you of how much he adores you and loves you <3
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kokomos · 1 year
abby anderson relationship headcanons
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  + Abby's the girl who says hello to everyone in the morning and will never fail to thank the people working around base. She's a sweetheart at her core and it's the reason you two got together. She's so friendly that it's almost unknown for her not to get along with someone or at least try to.
+ Definitely tries to impress you with her strength, she knows you've got a thing for her muscles so she'll be sure to show 'em off whenever she's got the chance.
+ Goes to the gym every day, she's one of those people who's hardcore dedicated to their routine. She'd love it if you visited her while she's there working out!! It would make her so happy to have you join her, she'll guide you patiently through all the new equipment so you can get a feel of what you wanna try. Definitely will use anything as an excuse to put her hands on you. She's so cute, she'll give you encouraging rubs on the back after you complete a set.
  - "You did so good, babe! Wanna keep going?"
+ Always has you over at her place, she kicks Manny out for the night so you two can be alone.
+ Basically makes you wear her clothes; after a night together at hers she'll give you one of her favorite shirts to keep. She thinks you're the cutest in her stuff because it's always a little too big on you. Having everyone in the cafeteria see you in her attire is just more incentive to the cause.
+ On occasion, she lets herself enjoy a quiet, lazy afternoon spent with you.
+ Unfortunately for you she takes enjoyment in tickling other people; specially reserved for only those she's closest with. She doesn't go all out, usually a sneak attack of a side tickle but sometimes, sometimes she goes in for the kill. She can have you under her within seconds and it's used to her advantage greatly.
+ Soft dominant. She's had to make a leader out of herself since her father's death meaning she'd rather you take the backseat while she takes care of things.
+ Abby isn't the biggest on physical touch, she wouldn't be constantly touching you like some people would. Affection from you, either alone or with friends, is always welcomed with loving arms though. She prefers expressing her love for you through quality time in your company or doing simple favors to help you out.
+ That being said, she's the kind of girlfriend who will let you take her by the arm or spontaneously grab your hand while walking up behind you.
+ Tilts your face by the chin when she kisses you. Her fingers are so blissfully light on your skin like she's trying her hardest to be as gentle as possible with you.
+ She really is so tender and delicate with you. Always giving you the lightest touches when her fingers inevitably end up tracing the curves on your body.
+ On the other hand, she can show her true strength if you want it. She can pin you down so easily; she can't resist teasing you about your weak muscles (of course she'll follow it with a kiss to avoid your pouting).
  - "See, babe, this is why you have to go to the gym more. What if I was an attacker?"
+ She will more than volunteer to teach you about self-defense, weapons, etc. Actually, if you don't know that stuff already she'll force you to attend a mini class of hers.
+ Such a good teacher, her patience makes learning from her a breeze. Comes at a cost when she’s almost always assigned to training the newbies because of this unmatched skill of hers.
+ If you're a soldier, too, she tries to convince Isaac to let you two stay on the same assignments. Nine times out of ten he says no, it'll be a rare occasion when he gives in to Abby's relentless arguing.
+ She patches you up after missions!! No one else can be trusted to tend to you. You deserve to be babied 100% and anything less than that is unacceptable in her eyes. She ends up staying with you for a couple nights checking up on you near constantly to monitor your condition. It doesn't matter if it's just a couple cuts, she's treating it like a broken leg when it comes to you.
+ With Manny's help, she begins writing you little love letters. Mostly they're innocent messages with her declaring just how cute she thinks you are and how much she loves you. Simple, yet so effective. She knows you cherish each and every one she's written.
+ A sentimentalist at heart! Aside from her coin collection, she has a stash of memorabilia from days in the past to keep the moment and the feelings associated alive. Give her a flower you casually picked from one of the bushes around the base and it'll be drying in a book under her bed so she can keep it forever.
+ When you two get into an argument, she tries to hold back her honesty but it slips out in hurtful ways more often than not. She has a problem of not working with you as a team to solve the issue; Abby views any conflict as a fight and she wants to win more than anything. When this unavoidably makes you upset, she realizes she's done wrong and takes back whatever she's said. Fortunately, arguments never last long and they without exception end with some cuddling.
  - "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I care about you so much…"
+ Very good at reading you, it's half scary and half comforting. You don't need to use a lot of words to get your point across with her, she understands you completely.
+ After you two date for awhile, she realizes how much time she spends away from home and you. She has a talk with Isaac to take shorter trips around less dangerous areas essentially taking a step down in her position.
+ Dreams of following in her father's footsteps by working in the med unit, she knows she can't be a soldier for long; not when she's got a whole future with you to live for.
— ♡☆
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lordofshitposting · 2 months
General Inumaki headcanons because we have too little content of him and as the head Inumakier I have to make up for it
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He's not a natural platinum blonde, he just dyed his hair, since his hair in his original colour palette was light brown.
He's talented at drawing (since Gojō said he is [source:Jujutsu Kaisen Stroll Radio]).
He loooves kids.
As a kid, he was isolated from the outside world for a long time because of his CT.
He watches funny cat videos on YouTube.
Has a sleeper build.
His ass does NOT read books. Like, even if he started one, he would 100% drop it.
He would only go to weddings for the food fr (unless it's a close family member or one of his friends).
He's held and played with snakes in the clan. I like to think that they own a few.
His room is pretty clean.
If it weren't for morning assemblies, he would wake up at like 11am.
The Inumaki clan has very high athletic expectations from their sorcerers. This is why Inumaki is so athletic, + natural talent.
He knows martial arts. His combat style mostly consists of Karate, Kuk Sool Won and Taekwondo (the Karate idea came from him using a hand chop in the Thorny Road At Dawn novel and Taekwondo is self explanatory. Kuk Sool Won because I wanted to add something more and this one looks like one he would use).
He can jump extremely high.
If you insult onigiri in front of him, he will either look at you weirdly or say something like "we will torture you".
Once he hid somewhere and threw a silicon snake at Maki, imitating a snake sound to scare her. He got his ass beat afterwards (this one is something I did LMAO).
He's a deep thinker.
Consequently to not being able to communicate freely, he's gone through a lot of self-reflecting, and he understands people around him immensely well too.
This is why I think if someone liked him he would pick up on it fast, lol.
He's a foodie.
He has a ton of silly pictures of himself and his friends in his phone.
No skincare routine. His flawless, soft skin is a gift from God.
Once Yuji asked him to watch a movie with him. It didn't seem interesting to him from the description and the trailer, like AT ALL, but he agreed nonetheless so that Yuji wouldn't feel bad.
I don't think he gets sick easily, but when he does, he acts like a baby. And Yuta takes care of him.
He doesn't kill the insects and flies in his room, unless it's something disgusting like a cockroach; he picks them up with a tissue and puts them outside.
It may not seem like it, but he got some sass in him fr. After Hakari, he's the second sassiest boy in Jujutsu High
So it is canon that he has low blood pressure (or hypotension), and I think this gets in his way in fights when he's pushing himself past his limit. Extreme and sudden blood lose can trigger symptoms of hypotension, which in his case I think are blurred/fading vision, dizziness, fatigue and fainting. A good example of him experiencing all of these is his fight against Hanami. After finding out that he has low blood pressure and reading about it, this explains his lightheadedness and him passing out during the fight. Maybe the source of his hypertension is his CT in the first place, who knows.
He's an INTP
He loves it when people compliment him! His reaction is always so cute (source: Jujutsu Stroll Radio when Gojō complimented his artistic skills, his reaction when Yuji said his technique is cool)
I wanted to put some more things his interests and preferences, like his taste in music, his favourite media, his favourite sweets, but nothing sits quite right with me when deciding such things, and I usually don't agree with the headcanons of others on these either. I will post such headcanons too, if I come up with anything.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Could you do headcannons where they shower/bath together but it's fluff??
Fluffy? Bathing fluffy? With THEM? Goodluck, but it sounds fun enough to write🥰 you didnt mension what slashers should I put in so imma go with who I think would fit in this headcanons
They/them, mostly sfs, Request open
Bathing with slashers headcanons
Vincent Sinclair
Will get flustered 100% but he won't even think about doing anything sexual
He will be soo anxious he will ask about everything! 'Is it okay if he touches s/o hair, can he massage them??? Can he go near them'
If s/o washes his hair or massages him he will probably fall asleep
Tbh s/o needs to gain a lot of trust if he even lets them enter bathroom when he is without mask. So don't even stare at his face for too long he will get insecure
Billy Lenz
Surprised hes in bath with somone and its fluffy? Me too
But imagine
This guy will forgor about all his nasty thoughts as soon as he sees bubbles in bath, or bath bombs or any kind of water decoration
He will check is water tastes difrenlty after bath bomb
Will ask nicley for second and third bathbomb
Will splash them and declare bath war
Litteraly hes going to lay on top of them and relax
Also if they wash his hair he will hiss
Spooked of loud shower noises
Brahms Heelshire
Oh a bath? With them? Oh my how splendid
Wanna remind yall that Brahms is british
Hes gonna be all nice 🥰 if s/o promises him reward afterwards of course
He gonna look like wet dog, and he will stare into their soul
He will literally toss them into bathtub tbh. Why he has to be only one feeling like cat in puddle
Will splash playfully. And look where he shouldn't look at
This devil loves laying in chilly water😔
Also it sounds weird but pls help him shave he never did that and he looks bab
Asa Emory
Goodluck this guy bathes in water that hot theres steam around bathtub
Maybe he's just burning his skin on purpose?? Incase there was anybugs on him?? Or maybe he just likes feeling of his homeland, hell
He falls asleep in there, no matter if s/o is there or nah
But he will cuddle, ah wet cuddles yay. Tbh its rare for him to cuddle so ig he just needs hot atmosphere (litteraly)
Some bugs only mate in hot weathers anyway
Will take good care of them. Wash their hair, take out all creams and gels they use in their normal skin routine.
Jason Voorhees
You either have to have huge bathtub or lay on him for whole proces
He gonna be so nervous, he doesnt want them to get spooked by his face
Hes also terrified of water so s/o has to give him a lot of support and understanding so he can warm up to the idea of being in huge box filled with water
Will do lil splashy to cope
Water will be soso dirty afterwards, this guy was soso dirty he almost shines now
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
Hi! Can you do one of what the wind breaker guys are like on the PDA with a girlfriend who is very affectionate and that includes sugishita and taiga? Thanks🫶
We need more interactions between them please. They are so extra, they could be besties
Kyotaro Sugishita, Taiga Tsugeura x Affectionate! reader
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Kyotaro Sugishita
He was a little uncomfortable with PDA. It was strange for him and he had the hardest time getting used to your soft touches. But he slowly adjusted to it. He wouldn't necessarily initiate it but he would let you hold his hand, sometimes even hug you back when you embraced him.
The only times he would be the first to instigate the contact was while he saw you nervous and scared. He knew that affection was your go-to, especially when you were anxious, so he would grab your hand and hold it tightly without a second thought.
Kyotaro seemed indifferent whenever you touched him but inside he was a panicked and flustered mess. You could rarely see him blush with his indifferent face.
As an affectionate person you liked PDA, and weren't afraid to show it, but you were skeptical because you weren't sure if he was 100% okay with it.
So once you heard older women talking about how it was unethical and awful, you doubted yourself. You could understand them if you really did something bad, but you were just standing with him, playing with his fingers, as the both of you waited for the bus. The doubt made you let go of his hand as you became nervous.
Kyotaro, however, as soon as he felt you letting go of him, became irritated. He huffed loudly glaring at the women. "Come here." He said looking at you and pulling you back to his side grabbing your hand and entangling your fingers together. "Huh?" You asked a little confused but also content that he didn't actually concern himself with the comments. "I don't mind it, so don't listen to them." He voiced, his thumb caressing the back of your hand while he continued glaring at the people who spoke up.
You felt better knowing that your touchiness didn't matter to Kyotaro. If someone said something like that again, he'd glare at them pulling you closer to him. He didn't care what they thought, or said, he just cared that you were happy.
Taiga Tsugerura
He wouldn't mind your touch at all. His muscles, his body, everything was for you, just as much as it was for him, that's what he would tell you.
He initiated the contact immediately when you were near him and didn't do it first. The feeling of your warm skin and body against him was pleasant and relaxing. He liked flexing in front of you while you were gushing over him and your hands moved all over his arms, it made his ego big and he felt very satisfied after the exhausting training he did.
Taiga loved to have you helping him with his workouts. He even searched through the Internet looking for couple exercises, especially the ones that let you be as close as you could. And so, you would be his frequent partner during workout routines. Doing pushups with you lying on top of him, crouches to kiss you, squats with you on his back. He would always make sure you're comfortable and enjoying yourself.
It didn't matter if you were in a public gym or exercising privately. "Oh God!" Someone once called when he saw you working out together. "Cut down on the PDA" He continued joyfully and then others joined. "You don't need to show off." "No need to remind us we're single." The voices mixed and soon laughter filled the gym. You also joined giggling to yourself and looked at the amused smile on Taiga's face.
People at the gym had enough of your lovey-dovey sessions, but it was their problem, not yours. Maybe he would tone down the touchiness, but just a little, when in the gym, in front of others, because he didn't want the two of you kicked out.
Tags: @misticbullet
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veren-cos · 5 months
Bachelor's (Sdv) and Self Care!
x reader, but these can be platonic too!
Whether the Bachelor's would join you for self care and if they do it themselves :3 (in this instance, self-care is like skin care and stuff mostly)
• Probably would not do any skin/self care with you unless you are either dating or married. He might if you are super close friends tho!
• He tried it with Haley when they were younger, but Haley was just starting with that stuff, so it got in Alex's hair, and he was just like "never again." haha
• Would not paint his nails
• Would however do a face mask if you really wanted him too
• Would probably paint his toes tho.
• I feel like if you introduced a small skin care routine to him he would follow it religiously. Like moisturizer, toner, etc.
• Yes!
• Doesn't do it on his own, but he is a little bit of a pretty boy as the face of his band
• Likes to do it for stay at home dates with you *I have a fic of this in the making ;)
• Would for sure let you paint his nails!!
• He would either want to match with you, or have them black or red
• Down to try a lot of skin care stuff but like refuses to let you mess with his eyebrows. Idk why, he just won't.
• Would let you do stage makeup on him before he performs!
• Would let you paint his nails black or purple!
• Probably would join you on an occasional face mask stay at home date but wouldn't do it on his own
• Does not really do self care ever, even when Abigail realllly wanted him to join her
• If you tried to get him a skin care routine he wouldn't do it
• Would however let you do his hair! A little side braid or something
• Also- he would let you do small makeup on him. Mostly just eyeliner but you have fun!
• 10/10 would join you
• Has all of his own stuff
• Will 100% join you for face masks, painting nails, etc
• Is so good at it. He would paint your nails and help you figure out a skin care routine if you didn't already have one.
• Has really good hair care too
• Overall a beautiful self care king
• God that would be so much fun
• Will let you braid it, curl it, tease it, whatever you want. Even has heat protectant for you to use!
• Would let you do his makeup but probably wouldn't leave the house with it.
• No
• He wouldn't ever lmao
• He probably uses a 3 in 1 shampoo conditioner body wash or something
• He doesn't really do like 'for funsies' self care.
• He would if you asked him, but after the first time he would buy really quality stuff
• Not that he doesn't enjoy it, he loves doing face masks and such with you, but he thinks a lot of it is a hoax and wants them to actually work.
• He probably has a small skin care routine. Does it whenever he shaves his face and trims his mustache.
An: if you think I can add another thing for any of the characters lmk! I'd love to flesh these out more:3
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nikkeora · 1 year
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The Whole Being Soulmates Thing
summary; in this world, soulmates exist. he has one. it’s just that he already found someone, and your marks don’t match at all.
or, in which a stupidly stubborn punk in stupidly in love with someone who’s not his stupid ‘real’ soulmate.
pairing; hobie brown x reader, spider-punk x reader (soulmate!au)
warning(s); mentions of police brutality, not-too-detailed descriptions of injuries. r is non-gendered, no mention of r’s race. not proofread & written in the wee hours.
i am not black, i don’t have wicks. i did some research on how to properly care for them and wrote tiny parts in here with the info i had, but it may not be totally accurate. if something is wring, let me know. same for the lcp.
also hobie might sound a bit ooc but it’s a quiet fic and we don’t rly see him ‘quiet’ so eat my ahh(/j)
inspired by this post by @corrodedcoffeen ! not exactly 100% accurate but yea
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He lived in a world full of soulmates and soulmarks.
Everyone who had a soulmate had a soulmark, like a little tattoo; whether it be on their arm, leg, back, even on their face. Sometimes, a person would have multiple soulmarks. In other cases, they wouldn’t have any at all. Some people were born with their marks, some appeared later down the line.
In most cases, people would do anything to find their soulmate. To be with them. To unite with their missing half.
Hobie Brown was among those who’d been born with a soulmate. Four little streaks that wrapped halfway around his left arm, like a scar from an animal that had halfheartedly tried to claw the whole thing off at birth.
Hobie loved his soulmark.
Not because he’d met his soulmate. Nor was it because the idea of a predestined partner made him giddy. No, it was because he felt a sense of pride whenever he looked at it. Pride that he’d beaten the system when he got you.
His thoughts wander as he sits on your your and his shared bed, a towel flat under his bum to prevent any grime that may be on his suit from rubbing off on the sheets. His vest and T-shirt had been haphazardly folded and placed on the bathroom sink, desperately needing a thorough cleaning after a particularly hard day, which left his torso bare for you to assess and repair the damage he’d been dealt once you peeled off the top half of his suit.
“Bit eager, yeah?” He’d joked as you hastily helped him out of his clothes, that cheeky smirk still shining through on his tear-streaked face. You’d answered with an exasperated laugh.
He had come home at two in the morning, stumbling through the window with a hand over the right side of his mask. When he’d ripped it off, tossing it on a random bit of the floor somewhere, you were met with red eyes, wet cheeks, a runny nose and a blood-crusted lip. Apparently, he’d been at the frontlines of a protest when one of the tear gas shells hit him right in the face, cracking his right eye lense and leaving him vulnerable to the gas’s full effect. You didn’t need to be told what happened to know what came next. After all, it was always the same routine with the pigs - gas the crowd and beat any individuals that strayed from the mass.
Now, as Hobie’s fingers tap a little rhythm on the mattress, your hands glide a washcloth long his skin, being careful to minimize pressure on his bruises. Which, granted, is hard when they cover most of his back and ribcage, but you made it work somehow. Tear gas residue sticks to anything it can, and although his body was mostly had been mostly covered, it gave the both of you peace of mind to clean anything off just in case. He thanks you by softly gripping your other hand, his fingers lacing together with yours.
“Need more milk?” You ask, going to put the cloth down and grab the already half-empty sprayer on the ground next to the bed, having already been used in the bathroom just minutes prior and put there just in case. He shakes his head, the hand that’s not on yours gently grabbing your wrist and guiding it back to his chest.
As you continue, he thinks back to the first time he’d held your hand like that.
It was when the two of you were barely teenagers, when he didn’t fully understand how the whole ‘soulmates’ thing even worked, or how messed up it really was. The only thing he really knew was that people were supposed to stay together forever if their marks matched, even if that wasn’t always the case.
Having known each other since you were just kids, he remembers wishing so badly that your soulmark matched his. He had wished that little planet on your ankle could be washed away, a temporary tattoo or doodle instead of an actual mark. He remembers drawing little black holes at the corners of his school worksheets, hoping that one of them would eventually swallow your mark whole and replace it with four lines identical to his.
Back then, he had wished his ugly little bands would somehow arrange themselves into a square. At least then he could insist that his mark was a planet. A weird square one, yeah, but a planet just like yours.
But as you looked at him with that warm glow in your eyes, he swore you were the best thing that had ever happened to him, soulmate or not.
If only that kid could see him now - here, with you.
He suppresses a smile that threatens to slip onto his face, as moving his lips makes the cut sting.
“You almost gave me a heart attack,” you mutter, wiping at the last bit of his torso. Hobie lets out a low sigh.
“‘M sorry love,” he says back, giving your hand a little squeeze. He really does mean it. He hates seeing the worry and sadness in your eyes every time he came back to you after one of these days. Fuck knows how he’d cope with it if you came home like this just every now and again, let alone what seemed like every other day recently. “I do try to be careful.”
You hum in response, getting up from your spot and holding out your hand for him to do the same. He does so with little to no hesitation, only waiting a moment to brace himself for the soreness that would follow. You lead him to the bathroom.
“Everything off,” you say, then immediately follow it up with, “Don’t.”
“I didn’t even say nothin’!” Hobie protests, feigning offense. As if that glint in his eye didn’t give it away.
“You need to get cleaned off properly.” You stress the lest word, letting go of his hand so that he can strip. “You can’t just go to bed after a quick wipe-down tonight. You need a shower.”
“But it’s gonna be cold.” Hobie groans. Tear gas wasn’t anything new, he’d had to clean the residue off of himself more times than he could count. That didn’t mean he was a fan of the cold showers that did most of the actual cleaning. Despite his complaints, he hastily steps out of his remaining articles of clothing as you start the water.
His muscles tense as he steps into the shower, pulling him out of his somewhat drowsy state. He quickly scrubs every part of his body, wanting to get out as fast as possible.
He washes his hair out last, taking care to not mess them up no matter how much he hates the temperature of the water. He’d made the mistake of trying to shampoo the whole of his head in one go just once before, and he’d be damned if he had to go running to the auntie down the street again to fix any tangles neither you nor him could sort out.
In his defense, he’d almost bled out just a couple hours beforehand that day. Having your first (superhero-related) near-death experience tends to shake you up a little.
“You’re such a man-baby,” you’d teased him as Hobie gripped your hand for dear life, the woman you’d guaranteed could get that nightmare of a knot out sorting through his hair with an arsenal of olive oil and a wide toothed comb.
“Oh piss off—” his reply was cut short as she detangled a particularly nasty bit of the problem, unfortunately having to tug exceptionally hard at his head. “Ow!”
The woman - Aunt Margaret, as you’d introduced her - tsked at him to sit still, poking at the tangle with the handle of her comb to see if it would give way now. Luckily, most of it did. She muttered something along the lines of ‘young people nowadays’, but in a sort of gruffly affectionate sort of way. From what you’d told him, Aunt Margaret was sort of the neighborhood mom, always helping people who needed it no matter how much she gave them grief for it.
The three of you made small talk over tea after his hair was nice and hairball-free, albeit a little slippery. Turned out, Aunt Margaret had plenty of stories of her own to share. Hobie had been delighted to hear about everything that had happened when she was a part of the League of Colored Peoples, almost ready to practically beg the woman to adopt him.
Two weeks later, when he decided to drop by again, the topic of soulmates came up. Aunt Margaret asked if he’d found his soulmate yet, to which he replied he didn’t believe in the soulmate system. She nodded in agreement.
“Just as well,” she had said, a frown making its way onto her face. “I’ve seen too many good people get their hearts broken because of that bloody mark.” She eyed his upper arm, exposed in the sleeveless top he’d worn at the time. “I got mine covered ages ago.”
“Did you meet your soulmate before that?”
Aunt Margaret shook her head. “That’s a story for another time, Bartholomew.”
He still makes time for tea with her every week or so.
The second he steps out of the shower, he’s greeted with a huge, warm towel fresh from the dryer. He wraps it around himself as you usher him back to the bedroom where you’d laid out some comfy clothes for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices the clothes he’d discarded on the bathroom floor is long gone, along with his vest and tee that were sitting on the sink.
“I put the studs out on the veranda to air out,” you say, noticing him glance at the empty sink. “They’ll need washing, though. My eyes got all weird when I looked at the vest too close, and your belt’s not much different. The rest of everything’s in the machine.”
Pulling on his bottoms, Hobie silently nods at your words before pulling the tank top you’d dug out for him over his head. He then walks over to place a kiss on your head. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to leech off your warmth. He lets out a little noise of contentment when he feels you hug him back.
Wordlessly, he walks the two of you to your the shared vanity, plopping himself down on the seat. You grab the hairdryer off the table, checking to make sure it’s okay for you to help before switching it on to dry his wicks. Hobie closes his eyes as you make your way through each piece, eventually stopping once there’s no more water to be purged. Your fingers sorting through his hair so carefully is calming - almost therapeutic, and it takes all his willpower to keep himself sitting straight up for you.
After that, he clumsily grabs you and throws you over his shoulder, ignoring how you yelp in surprise and unplugging the dryer. He then proceeds to carry you around your place, flicking off all the lights before getting back to the bedroom and (softly) throwing you on the mattress.
“Was that really necessary?” You groan as he throws the sheets over the both of you. Hobie then proceeds to drag himself half on top of you, using you as a full body pillow.
“Definitely.” He replies, his voice a bit muffled against your pajamas.
You laugh. “Sure.”
He tilts his head up to give you a goodnight kiss, murmuring ‘dream ‘bout me’ next to your ear to which you respond by playfully pushing him away.
“Rude,” He mutters, smiling into your clothes as he huffs in indignation. Your laugh echoes through your body, a sound more beautiful than any music he had or would ever hear.
He doesn’t fall asleep too easily that night. Rogue thoughts on soulmates and fate flinging about his skull. For some reason, they’d all picked tonight to bug him to pieces.
Unknowingly, his grip around you tightens, feeling your weight in his arms. It grounds him as all the doubts try to throw him off, to destabilize something perfectly happy.
What if they find their soulmate? Then they’ll decide if they want me or them. (Me.)
What if I find my soulmate? What, like I’d break their heart for a stranger? Yeah. Fat chance.
He swatted those questions away like pesky little mosquitoes until he eventually fell asleep, choosing to focus instead on your heartbeat ringing in his ears.
So what if you two weren’t soulmates? He loves you, you love him. That’s all that matters.
The universe can suck an egg.
The next morning, Hobie woke up at 11, as usual. You woke up right after him as he stirred, like you always did. The two of you lounged in the comfort of your the sheets for a while before you had to eventually get up for breakfast.
Hobie was trailing behind you on your walk to the kitchen when something catches his eye.
His reflection in the vanity mirror.
Something’s… off.
Oh shit.
“Y/n?” He calls, looking down at his upper arm just to make sure the mirror isn’t playing tricks on him. Sure enough, there it is.
You turned around at his voice, eyebrows furrowed in a confused way. “Hm?”
He watches as your confusion morphed into surprise and then back to confusion again. Then you auickly check your ankle, confusion turning into realization.
“We match.”
Your soulmarks had somehow changed overnight, turning into small, stylized sun symbols that stand out more than either of your marks before ever did, clear as day.
It’s a few moments of stunned silence before laughter breaks out between the two of you.
“You know what we have to do now,” you manage, an arm around the front of your midsection and the other hand on your face.
“I think I do.” Hobie says, practically wheezing
By the end of the day, the two of you have covered up your new soulmarks with mismatching tattoos.
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sugawhaaa · 6 months
can you do p1harmony soul headcanons, fluff and smut :3
💕Soul as your boyfriend 💕
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His love language is 100% physical touch and gifting
He loves gaming with you in his room 💕
Any chance he can get he'd want go bring you over to meet his parents in Japan
He always encourages you to try his Japanese sweets even if you claim to be on a diet
Loves it when you play with his hair, he'd just melt into you
He's the ultimate snuggle bug, he just cuddles right up into you
He would enjoy doing skin care routines with you
This may sound weird at first but when you get a bath he'd sit on the outside of the bath and talk with you 
Dates to the park are a regular occurrence
He likes taking you to romantic places but little dates and quality time at home is still just as special as a date to him
Baking together happens a lot between the two of you and usually for no reason
Would make a bouquet of candy grams for Valentine's/Pocky Day
He doesn't say how much he loves you very often, language and talking isn't his strong suit and he sometimes feels bad for it but he hopes you understand at the end of the day
If the two of you lived together he'd want to get a pet dog most likely a corgi
He'd let you pick his outfits for him and when he picks out his own he'd ask you to rate them
Weird outbursts are normal now. You're used to him bursting out into weird sounds and going back to normal
Soul sat between your legs as he played on his Nintendo, a suck stuck between his lips. You patted his head comfortingly as you watched him play, the TV illuminating your faces. You started playing with his hair and he hummed in satisfaction. Your phone buzzed on the couch and you went to go pick it up, your hands separating from his hair. Soul paused his game and pouted at you. 
"What?" You laughed and Soul crossed his arms. 
"You stopped," he pinched your knee lightly. You chuckled and moved back to the comfortable position. You continued to run your hands through his hair as he played but he eventually started to fall tired as you continued. He rested his head between your legs. He turned off the TV and crawled up to you. No words needed to be spoken, he just wanted to curl up and cuddle beside you. You laid down on the couch with your arms wrapped around each other. Both of your eyes closed as you dozed off to sleep with each other. 
Would whisper little dirty things into your ear and pretend like nothing happened especially when you're wearing something that shows a fair share of skin
He loves playing the pocky game just to hold you close to him
He'd be a sucker seeing you in a skirt, his mind would just go wild
When he takes you back to Japan with him he'd secretly hint that he wants to have sex with you because this is the only time he legally can
Your constantly covered in hickeys and marks from him
He is a switch, he really doesn't mind doing either it's more about what you wanna do to him
After doing something to tease you and the members catch him and call him out for it he'd get really shy
He loves making you sit on his lap with your back against his chest. He'd roam his hands all over you and rub his leg against your folds
Soul had his arms wrapped around your waist as you sat on his lap. You and the members were all sitting in the living room after dinner just chatting and hanging out like a group does. As you chatted with the members you felt soul nuzzle his face into the back of your shoulder as his hands crept under your shirt. You tried not to react to avoid drawing attention to yourself but it was difficult. His touch was gentle yet seductive and it made a shiver run down your spine. 
You then felt his thigh push up and inch forward. It made you clench around nothing and Soul grinned as he felt you react to his actions. You coughed to cover up your whimpers but nothing could hide the red tint on your face. You watched as the gears turned in Keehos' head. He sat right across from you and watched the whole thing go down. He leaned back and nodded his head with a little smirk. You scowled at him and he put a finger over his lips to tell you he'll keep his lips sealed. 
You tried to go on with the conversation between the members but it was difficult. You continued to cough and ended up going to get some water from the kitchen.
"Excuse me," you said as you stood up and went to the kitchen. You poured a glass of water and chugged it before feeling familiar hands wrap around your waist. You set down the glass as soul hugged you. He set his chin on your shoulder next to your ear, his hot breath trickled down your neck. You sighed. "Soul is now really the time?" You asked half heartedly. 
"Myeah," he hummed and kissed your neck softly. You chuckled before you felt soul lean down to whisper in your ear. "You have no idea how bad I want to bend you over this counter and fuck you until you can't walk," he said with a light smirk before going back to the living room. You chugged the rest of your water and sighed. The things this man does to you.
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
Could you do skin care headcanons with the bat boys? I don’t know why this popped into my head but it did and I’m not complaining lol
A/n: I feel like they’re each so different with this stuff lmao
Warnings: none
Cass just uses regular soap and a face cloth for his daily routine and it’s so frustrating bc he has nice skin
It’s definitely not smooth and soft but blemish free for sure
Az and Rhys have been wondering for over 200 years what his secret is to his skin care routine bc every time they ask he just teases them by saying “you wish you knew.” And skip away
The truth is he started stealing products from Rhys
Cass used Rhys’s bathroom at the town house one time and knew he immediately had to keep using this stuff bc of how good his skin felt after
He didn’t buy his own though, he decided messing with Rhys would be better and started stealing products if Rhys had a duplicate of it or Rhys never used it
It drives Rhys insane and he still hasn’t figured it out but Az did and he still hasn’t told on Cassian
Rhys has a 12 step skin care routine with 100 other products that help with something
He also uses sunscreen and lip balm with spf
He definitely has one of those jade rollers, a gua sha stone, and ice face roller that he uses religiously
I also think Rhys would use under eye patches to help the bags under his eyes. He’s always up late and everyone exhausts him so he needs the extra help
Rhys also has extra fluffy face towels bc why not have them match his regular towels
When he does find out Cassian is stealing his stuff they get into an argument that Feyre and Azriel just love watching bc it’s not a conversation either of them ever thought a High Lord and General would ever be having
Azriel’s skin is perfect and with minimal effort
He has a 3 step routine of face wash, prep serum, and moisturizer
Az started off using some of Rhys’s stuff while figuring out what worked for him or what he wanted to use
I think Azriel is a very routine person and he hates having it messed up
If he’s on missions it’s fine if he doesn’t do his full routine but he just makes up for it when he gets home by taking an extra long bath and scrubbing his face
After missions Az does face masks to relax and it’s always a detoxifying one
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luna-the-moth · 2 months
Styling Deuce's hair has awaken something in me :)
Just hear me out...Deuce tries so hard to remember + take part in your self care stuff. He has a whole note section on his phone dedicated to what kind of face cleanser you use, the type of face cream you are picky about, what eye mask branch you like, any makeup you like, nail care oils, etc. He doesn't quite understand feminine care, but he tries hard for you! Also asks his mother about the different types of face toner, cleanser, serum, jade roller, etc. Oddly, but genuinely, finds face masks relaxing. Boy studies a lot, he needs it!
YESSSSS deuce is sooo boyfriend coded and him being invested in your self care routine is the cherry on top <33
SFW, GN! reader but mildly spicy at the end for my fellow period-havers lol
he has photos of all of your cosmetics and whatnot in a folder on his phone in case you ever ask him to pick up refills from the store <3 tbh the first time u take him into the beauty section/a beauty store he's in awe at the variety but also gagged at the prices LMAOO. he did Not know that snail secretion was a thing that can be good for ur skin but he does now ! definitely will be like a lost puppy at first but he's got the spirit! if he notices a product similar to one you use that's at a better value he'll bring it to you and ask your thoughts on it <3
but also if u have sensitive skin he's so sweet about it , , , sending you magicam reels about new products for sensitive skin that might suit you , , , sending you photos of fragrance-free lotions and moisturizers if you mention you want to branch out and try new ones , , , making sure you don't run out of the lotion you rely on , , ,
also i hc he has skin with minimal acne but it's a bit Dry and he has a bad habit of scratching at it here and there using more hydrating products will be a huge help!! also he does enjoy a skincare regimen a Lot once you've introduced it to him bc he enjoys feeling his best and it wakes him up nicely in the morning!
self care nights Will be a thing once u bring them up . generally i hc deuce prefers the milder, cleaner scents for his skin (cucumber, honey, etc) and avoids things like heavy florals/heavier scents in general (orange, rose, etc) simply bc they overwhelm him a bit and his skin's a tad sensitive :( but he does enjoy face masks like you mentioned- they make him feel refreshed and pampered <33
and if you want to do your nails he likes to watch you paint your nails <3 deuce isn't a gossipy bitch but he LIVESSS for spilling tea over painted nails and drinks , , , will ask you to do clear coats on his nails or solid dark blue on his nails but if you want to experiment who is he to say no , , , he can't deny his partner if they want to treat him and put so much care into him , , (just no acrylics or extensions pls they feel so heavy and they Will break by accident within 24 hours) , , , also gets sooo lovesick if you ever wear dark blue on your nails because they remind you of him , ,, hes such a sentimental loverboy i love him .
if you're someone who has periods he has a period tracker on his phone 100%. puts in little reminders on his calendar to get your favorite snacks/charge up the heating blanket the day before it start , , , he would get you a heated waterbottle too if you asked and it'd have little chicks on it too , , , also eats you out like a man starved on ur period if ur into that . he didn't think about it before but now...
thank you for sending in this ask i did Not realize how much self care/cosmetics mean to me in terms of love aksdihf. PLEASE feel free to send asks if you would like to hear my thoughts on the other boys/more detail on deuce re: self care <3
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littlewitty · 3 months
Weird Ikepri HCs I have
Yves has an acne problem and that’s why he spends so much money on his skin care routine, but anytime he does get a pimple, Clavis, Jin and Nokto tease the shit out of him. Nokto has small breakouts but is never that bad.
When Gilbert enters a room and he’s the only one there, he 100% sighs, leans against the wall and breathes deeply (sick boy and all)
Clavis has a surprising amount of paper cuts on his fingers from studying, working and reading in his room
Licht is literally pristine. No acne. Always smells gorgeous. Never dirty. Always presentable. No matter what just happened. Like he just woke up? He looks gorgeous, ethereal and snuggly. He’s just finished training? He’s macho, sweaty but in a hot way man
Jin smokes. He was really bad back in his early twenties, but Sariel found out and punished him by (sorry an NDA was signed and no one’s allowed to tell) but anyways, he smokes in the office now and then when he knows he’ll not be found out by the devil himself.
Keith once accidentally got high when mixing the wrong quantities of herbs together….. So now Wicked!Keith purposely gets him high and switches out just because he thinks it’s fun to torment him!
Walter and Gilbert spent one year of Gilbert’s childhood together in the safe house in Rhodolite, and they are a lot closer than people realise. Little Gilbert would constantly ask Walter to cuddle him, and to sleep in bed with him because he was homesick and missed his mother and brother. Walter would read Gilbert bedtime stories to keep him happy when he was too sick to leave bed. He would give him all the love and affection in the world and stroke his forehead to sleep…. But when Gilbert returned home and found his mother and brother dead, he ran to Walter and scream-cried in his arms.
Gilbert treated Luke the same way that Walter treated him as a child.
Clavis regularly walks by just moving his hips and not actively avoiding things meaning he walks into a lot of desk corners, door frames, breaks vases (you know the ADHD walk?? Yeah that’s him.)
Clavis also used to own a pet rabbit as a child.
Ive written a 3 part fic about child Gilbert and Walter haha 😂 didn’t post it but might do
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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@defnotnoodle I dont know man that sounds pretty cute.,,... lil baby port..,,
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@tumblingbackwardsdownthestairs Donnie is so going to rethink his prosthetic plans pfft
@teainthesnow Its going to take him a week to finish it-
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@wolfasketch Ight. Hear me out. I have been thinking about this all day and I think this is what happened
This probably happened about 2 weeks after the invasion, so Little Leo would not have a port yet but the arm is still reasonably healed, and emotions are still a little high (Future Leo still feeling mad guilty about the whole situation)
Future Leo found 100% totally legit wrinkle remover theres nothing sus about it, not at all.
Little Leo, the fruit he is, found it and went "wow!! future me skin care routine!!!" and smothered himself in it
Cue being tiny.
Cue Future Leo freaking out and crying over him for a whole week before going "damn this kid is making me age faster, where did I put that wrinkle remover"
They are now both tiny.
Was probably like that for a few days before the "wrinkle remover" wore off for Little Leo
Little Leo got to try and take care of a tiny Future Leo for a few more days before it wore off on him too
They never spoke about the situation again.
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lil-binuu · 3 months
Elias headcanons
my personal head canons for elias :))
tried to make it open and non specific for everyone! lmk if there’s anything else you want me to add for you?
~ back. hugs. BACK HUGS!!! Elias would def come up behind you and wrap his arms around you
~ similarly, NECK KISSES. I feel like if Elias was with a shy listener, he’d give them little kisses on their neck and cheek
~ when he wakes up in the middle of the night or when he can’t sleep, he just looks over at you sleeping peacefully and it makes him feel so much calmer knowing you’re there and safe.
~ would always notice when you’re feeling a bit down or depressed and does everything he can to cheer you up: trying to make you laugh, putting a loving arm around you and letting you lean back into him, making you a nice drink, etc
~ if he wakes up before you, Elias will make you breakfast and surprise you
~ every time he wakes up in the night, he has to make sure you’re there beside him.
~ Elias strikes me as the type of person to immediately know if you’re not okay
~ 100% would play fight with you, and give you kisses when he has you pinned down (which, trust me, happens every time)
~ i don’t think he’d get shy, at least not very often, but sometimes he just can’t stop blushing because of you (and it would be the cutest thing ever)
~ would suggest all kind of new things to bake, new games to play and new movies to watch to keep you happy and entertained in the safe house because he understands how depressed you feel, and feels a bit of guilt that he brought you into this so he tries his best to make it up to you!
~ remembers all the things you tell him you like, a childhood favourite food or a specific kind of jewellery, he’s buying everything for you once you’re out of the safe house
~ likes to subtly flirt with you, not just a cheeky comment, but he’ll make sure to walk around the house shirtless or place a hand just a little too far up your thigh because he likes how you try to hide your blush
~ i feel like Elias would really value your opinion, asking you what you think about stuff and actually caring what you think
~ Elias would definitely respect if you wanted tl keep your relationship private, especially because of the gang and the wrong people finding out, but i can imagine him being excited to introduce you to his friends
~ skincare buddies. He’d already have his own skincare routine, he is a pretty boy after all, but he would definitely enjoy doing skincare face masks and stuff with you
NSFW: (minors look away lmao)
~ no matter what position, he’d be holding your hand to squeeze it gently and rub his thumb back and forth
~ always wanting to tell you how good you feel
~ not shy about being vocal
~ you don’t even need to ask him for a condom, he’s already ready to respect your boundaries
~ motorcycle sex. he has a motorcycle for a reason, no?
~ LOVES IT when you grab and tug at his hair when he goes down on you
~ he’s a thigh guy. always wants his head squished between your thighs
~ with a shy or inexperienced listener, he’d make them feel completely comfortable before doing anything
~ always takes a moment before sex to love every part of your body, kissing all over your skin and murmuring little appreciations
~ would def get carried away in a make out session, things with him stuck in the safe house get heated pretty quickly, you can trust on Elias to sneakily leave hickeys on any part of your skin that his mouth can reach
~ sex in the safehouse consists of him shushing you gently, making sure you don’t get uncomfortable or embarrassed making noises the cameras can pick up
~ i feel like he would be a praise guy? like that he would be praising you or talking you through it. (there is also a little part of him that loves to be praised too)
~ would love to hold you close to him as he fucks you, an arm around you waist or hands on your hips, or squeezing your thighs, Elias just wants your body close against his
~ but at the same time, likes to lean back and just let you make him feel good
~ would reposition every so often to make sure he hits that spot inside of you
~ would make bets with you about winning card games or video games, guess what happens if you lose. (and trust me, he’s doing absolutely anything to win)
~ literally could never get enough of you. he wouldn’t be demanding when it comes to sex, any kind of physical affection he would love
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tokyothirstygang · 1 year
Last time, sex deprived shuji had to leave before he could cum. Now he’s back to finish the filthy mess he started
Hours have passed since the shower incident, and you haven’t stopped thinking about it for a second.
Now it’s close to midnight and you haven’t heard from Hanma since he left you earlier.
You pace around your apartment, glancing at your phone on the table every time you pass it. Hanma is strong, and you are almost 100% nothing bad has happened to him but you still wish he would at least text you back.
Eventually, the adrenaline from the day wears off and the exhaustion of roaming around in circles for hours has you ready to give up and go to bed.
You’re in the middle of doing your skincare routine when you hear faint scratching noises at your door. At first, you think it’s just a neighbor’s cat that escaped and is pawing at your door for food. That has happened from time to time.
The noise grows louder and suddenly you hear the metallic sound of your doorknob jostling around.
You freeze in place, too scared to think or move. Your heart sinks as the front door creaks open and soft footsteps cross the threshold. You glance around your bathroom for something to use as a weapon but you can only find a plunger.
“This will have to do.” You mutter to yourself and inch your way out of the bathroom.
You’re creeping down the hall when you accidentally step on a squeaky spot on the floor.
“Baby? Is that you?”
Relief floods your body when Hanma’s voice fills your ears. You enter the living room and find a roughed up Shuji standing in the middle of the space.
“Shuji? What the fuck are you doing here?” Your eyes travel to the door and he follows your gaze.
“Oh yeah, remind me to change your locks. Your door is weak as shit.”
You stare at him, dumbfounded.
“Why didn’t you call me? You didn’t have to pick the lock.”
His face breaks out into a giant smile when he catches sight of the plunger in your hand.
“What, were you gonna fend me off with that thing? I knew I should’ve taught you self defense.”
You roll your eyes and head to the bathroom to discard the plunger, wash your hands, and grab some first aid supplies.
“You’re impossible, Shuji.”
He smirks as you return with your kit, something you hardly ever needed until you started dating him.
“Is my princess gonna take care of me?” He asks as he makes himself comfortable on the couch.
Your heart skips a beat at the nickname. Today is the first time he’s ever called you by one, and it sends a surge of excitement through you every time.
You get down on your knees in front of him and rummage through the first aid kit.
“Here. Give me your hands.”
Sin and Punishment enter your peripheral vision as you soak a cotton pad with antiseptic. When you press the pad to the cuts on his knuckles he doesn’t even flinch.
You’re quiet the entire time you’re patching him up. You finally finish by putting a bandage across his right cheek and as you press the fabric into the skin you feel his face burning.
When you pull back to look at him you notice a light blush across his cheeks.
As soon as you’re done he pulls you onto his lap and you squeal as he puts you in a straddling position.
“You know…we never got to finish up earlier…” He starts caressing your thighs, and a hint of mischief glints in his eyes.“I could go for another shower.”
It’s your turn to blush as you consider his offer.
When you agree, he immediately stands while holding you.
“Wrap your arms around me.”
You secure your arms around his neck and his hands hold your legs in place around his waist as he carries you into the bathroom. When you get there, he places you down on the counter and reaches into the shower to turn it on.
Right after, he slots himself between your legs and cups your face. He’s kissing you so hungrily that you can barely keep up with him. He bites his lip and grins when you pull away, gasping for air.
”oh, baby. You gotta keep up. I’m just getting started with you.”
He lifts you off the counter and turns you around so that your back is against his chest. He watches you through the mirror as he slowly runs his hands down your body. He notices the way your breath catches and your eyelashes flutter when he slips his hands into your shorts. His fingers trace the fabric of your underwear and you shiver as he begins to whisper in your ear.
“I’ve been thinking about this pussy all day.”
Swiftly he strips you of all your clothing. When his right hand starts toying with your clit you can’t stop the sigh that escapes your lips.
“Look in the mirror. Watch what I’m doing to you.”
Your eyes travel down to the reflection of your own pussy being teased by Hanma. You watch as he plays with your clit and slides his fingers in and out of you. Whenever you start to feel your eyes closing with pleasure, he slaps your ass and makes you open them again.
He has you on the edge of an orgasm and he can sense it so to help you along, he uses his free hand to pinch and play with your nipples.
“Fuck!” You cry out as your orgasm hits. When your head lulls back, you immediately feel Hanma’s hands around your chin.
“Keep looking. I want you to see how pretty you look when you’re cumming for me.”
You watch as your body trembles in his hands and a wicked grin crosses his face. He leans you even farther forward over the counter and gets down on his knees. Soon his face is buried deep in your pussy.
“I’ve been waiting so fucking long to taste you again.”
His tongue curling in and out of you combined with the vibrations from his voice against your sensitive skin has you ready to cum again, and he knows it.
“Let me have it baby. I know you want to.”
So you do.
You cum again as you reach behind you, grab a fistful of his hair, and push him even closer to your body.
He lets out a soft growl at your aggression.
Shuji likes it when you’re rough with him.
When you’re done he pulls himself up to stand.
“You don’t know what I’m about to do you.” He confesses, voice low and raspy with lust.
Before you realize what’s happening he’s stripped himself naked and is pulling you into the shower.
When you’re both in it, his lips are on yours again. His hard cock is pressed against your stomach, and it hits you that’s he’s already made you cum a few times but you haven’t touched him at all.
Your hand travels down between his legs. You wrap your hand around his cock but he only lets you stroke it a few times before he stops you.
“I’ll let you jack me off some other time. Right now, I just need to be inside you.”
He glances sideways at the tiny bench inside the shower.
“You know, I always thought it was dumb that your shower had this but now…” he sits down on it and soon you’re straddling him again. “I’m so fucking happy it’s here.”
He leans you back far enough that he can line himself up with your opening. You gasp as he eases the tip in.
“You’re going to have the tightest little pussy. I can just tell.”
As his thumb finds your clit you gasp and unintentionally clench down even tighter around him.
“You’re gonna have to relax if you want me to get in deeper, baby.” He tilts your head down to make you eye level with him. When you look into them, you see that they’re blazing with arousal and excitement. “Just trust me. I’ll take care of you.”
You do your best to keep your muscles relaxed and when he gently thrusts his hips up into you again his cock starts sliding in deeper and deeper.
“That’s it, baby girl. Keep doing that for me…keep taking me like this.” Your legs shake as Hanma inches himself in and you’re feeling especially grateful for the shower bench and his iron grip on your body for keeping you stable.
When he’s finally in all the way you both sigh with relief. You barely have time to adjust to the size of him when he’s already pounding you.
It goes on like that for what feels like hours. Hanma has you in every position the shower permits and before you know it you’re back in the one that started it all: your back pressed to his chest and legs spread open with the shower head between your thighs except this time he’s actually touching you in the ways you wanted him to.
Though he’s got the shower head pointed directly at your clit, he’s rubbing it with his fingers too, and you can barely handle the overstimulation. Then Hanma decides to push you to your limits and attempts to slide his cock back in you.
He slaps your ass when he notices you wriggling away.
“Be still, baby. Let me show you what I wanted to do to you earlier.”
As his hand grips your throat and he manages to get himself fully back inside you, your eyes roll back.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, he leans down and whispers what you’ve been dying to hear for months:
“You know you’re mine now, right?”
Listen I tried to pack as much spice as possible into this one to make up for the fact I accidentally made some of you wait almost 6-7 weeks for part 2 so thank you for being patient I hope you liked it!
@sherlockscumslut @sin-and-punishment @sleeplessreader @acroso @cutedrank
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yanderepuck · 5 months
How do they sleep?
Napoleon: he's got a weighted blanket that weighs 50lbs/25kg. He is sleeping so soundly that Praise could be under attack and he's sleeping through it. He was told that he could sleep when he's dead and well.. he's supposed to be dead.
Mozart: a pretty light sleeper. He has excellent hearing and he hears everything, making it hard to sleep. 100% sleeps with an eye mask on and has a 25 step skin care routine. Also silk sheets. Definitely a side sleeper
Leonardo: on the floor. Standing up. Sitting in a chair. Anywhere but his damn bed. Comte is talking about something and Leonardo just falls asleep while he's going on. Light snoring as well. His coat is so big because he uses it as a blanket. He is also sprawled out taking up as much space as he can. Get him something bigger than a twin bed PLEASE. Sleeps naked if he's in his bed.
Vincent: get this baby a bed. He's sleeping on his side or on his back, but he can't curl up. He has pillows on the floor because he has fallen off the couch before. GET HIM A BED. He loves to cuddle a pillow in his sleep, holding it close to his chest.
Theo: he almost always falls asleep by blacking out but he's laying on his stomach with one leg bent. Somehow he is able to breathe with his face buried in the pillow. His room needs to be pitch black. Wakes up with very messy hair
Arthur: falls asleep at his desk half the time. Face down in the papers. Gets an outline of his glasses on his face. But in bed he's curled up. Sleeps on his side with his legs bent. Almost curls into a little ball. Definitely a pillow cuddlier
Isaac: he just sleep walks. He can't even have peace in his sleep. But he sleeps up against the wall, the blanket almost over his head. Needs to have a window open which sucks because Dazai WILL COME IN. also has a weight blanket.
Jean: definitely a back sleeper. Wears two eye patches instead of one. Only time he takes shis eye patch off really. It never stays on in his sleep so he has to take it off. Stares up at his skylight until he falls asleep.
Dazai: naked. Butt ass naked. And if he has to get up to get something he will not put a robe on. Why are you awake? He's a side sleeper and drools a little. That's how you know it's a good sleep.
Will: silk sheets and pajamas. Puck sleeps next to him meaning they cuddle almost every night. He sleeps on his side to be able to hold Puck and pet him. very light sleeper however. Small noises wake him up. Cannot sleep through storms.
Comte: he's wearing a dumb little night gown and night cap. It is silk tho. Not much can wake him up. Sebastian normally has to yell in his face to get him to wake up.
Sebastian: sleeps on his stomach and feels his body just melt into the mattress after carrying his whole damn vampire family on his shoulders everyday. Someone get him a weighted blanket. He needs it. He still has his phone and uses some weird song as his alarm.
Vlad: like a little baby. He takes up as much space as possible and his blanket is barely on his bed. He rolls around a lot which makes his hair a disaster. Also a light snorer.
Faust: once he's cozy you're never getting him out. He also didn't go to bed until the sun already started to come up. Pulls his blanket over his head in hopes Charles won't bother him. Never works.
Charles: he doesn't. But when he does he's a light sleeper, curled up on his side cuddling all those pillows. He would love fuzzy pants. Louis curls up with him to get some cuddle time.
Drake: he's so used to sleeping on a ship that getting used to a normal bed is hard. Wants to be rocked like a baby. Sleeps on his side or back because of this tho. Pulls the blanket up high. Definitely a sleep talker/grumbles in his sleep.
Galileo: too busy outside looking at the stars. His thoughts keep him up. A sound sleeper though. When he falls into a deep sleep there's no getting him up.
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