#he Does give aroallo vibes
curiositycryptid · 4 months
hmmm td pride hcs cause it’s June 🔥🔥🔥
Ezekiel - Alr here me out what if she was a girl
Eva - I’m thinking either lesbian or aro
Noah - I used to just straight up think he was gay then found out Nemma existed so idk. Unlabeled ig, that’s cool. Oh and ace
Justin - ok he seems kinda aroace tbh. I don’t know how to explain
Katie - she’s pan fr
Tyler - ik everyone says this but bi. He just is
Izzy - I think she knows exactly what she is but just refuses to tell anyone. That being said Justin probably made her not straight
Cody - I have no idea ig I’ll say bi since everyone else does that. Also yall gonna kill me for this but I think he’s cis
Beth - she’s questioning definitely. Like in action girl just got a boyfriend and she’s probably finding herself tbh. Queen.
Sadie - pan like Katie tbh
Courtney - Alr you will also kill me for this but I think cishet. Smth about her I literally cannot see her as being in the community
Harold - he’s ace and demiro tbh, probably has liked no one else but Leshawna before and ik they didn’t interact much so Demi doesn’t make sense but here me out what if they did talk off camera. (They totally did ok u can’t fight it)
Trent - they give nonbinary vibes. Also aroace and probably bi. And probably told the drama brothers first
Bridgette - she’s so chill I love her. Anyway, bi aroallo
Lindsay - she doesn’t know what the lgbtq+ is. Or what straight is. She straight up just exists and that’s so real
Geoff - nah u can’t convince me he ain’t pan
Leshawna - Alr don’t kill me but I think straight? May change later I just don’t want people to attack me for this since some people get so aggressive abt hcs lol
Duncan - that guy has internalised homophobia I can smell it. Anyway ace demiro and omni. Probably not cis too I mean just look at him
Heather - oml I always saw her as aro. Don’t care if it’s aroace or aroallo or whatever but before I knew Alejandro existed I was actually so happy to have a female character with no love interest
Gwen - pan pan pan pan yessssss
Owen - ain’t no way anyone would think he’s straight and we love him for that
Sierra - idk I don’t think about her too much but either pan or straight
Alejandro - never thought abt this too actually. So either he just doesn’t tell anyone or straight. I think he’s ace tho
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number1villainstan · 1 month
Sending you a list of villains to stuff on the turbovirgin to megaslut scale:
Megamind, Endeavor, Shigaraki, Overhaul, Nomu, Toga, All for one, Nagant, Dabi, Kurogiri, Spinner, Palpatine Vader the grand inquisitor Dooku and fuckit why not sith obi wan as well, Jango Fett, Zhao, Ozai, Unalaq/Amon/Kuvira if you've seen Lok, Sozin Long Feng Pakku Hama
Putting a bunch of villains on the Ultimate Blorbo Chart, as my name would suggest. Alright let's fuckin do this
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alright it's late and i'm using my shitty free came-with-Windows image-editing software that doesn't have a text box option for some unfathomable reason so you get my shitty computer-mouse handwriting. EXPLANATIONS UNDER THE CUT:
Megamind (written as MM): 100% Literal Angel for obvious reasons, 50% Turbovirgin because he did get with Roxanne but it's like his first relationship of any kind outside of Minion and Metroman, and his first romantic relationship period.
Endeavor (written as End): 80% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 100% Turbovirgin because--listen. I know he has four kids. But that man has never had sex in his LIFE it was all artificial insemination Hawks or All Might makes one flirty comment and he combusts on the spot
Shigaraki (written as Shi): 0% Literal Angel/War Criminal because he's in a weird superposition of being both 100% Literal Angel and 100% War Criminal so they cancel out perfectly, 45% Turbovirgin because he gives me ace vibes, so he's still a virgin but only because he's not interested in sex.
Overhaul (written as CK): 100% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 100% Megaslut because look me in the eyes and tell me the Eight Bullets aren't a harem. If he wasn't germaphobic (and the yakuza wasn't homophobic) he'd have a sexual body count as high as his murder body count. Plus extra points for aroallo swag.
Toga (written as Toga): 90% Literal Angel because everything she ever did was justified by her being a teenage girl with a Quirk that made her literally thirsty for blood, 5% Megaslut cuz she's flirty and also a teenager but I don't think she's ever gone further than a makeout
All For One (written as AFO): 100% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 10% Turbovirgin because like Shiggy w/ the morality axis he gives me both Turbovirgin AND Megaslut vibes but they mostly cancel out
Lady Nagant (written as LN): 20% Literal Angel because she was justified but also she knows what she did and would do it again, 15% Megaslut because I feel like a) she's aspec and b) she's had sex but it's not exactly a priority.
Dabi (written as Dabi): 80% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 75% Megaslut because he gives me the vibes of someone who sells $5 blowjobs in the club bathroom but can't full on fuck because it hurts too much/his body gives out/his one-night-stands are less-than-understanding.
Kurogiri (written as KG): 10% Literal Angel because dealing with teenage Shigaraki sounds like hell and somehow Kurogiri got through it, 0% Turbovirgin/Megaslut because he knows what sex is (in detail) but has little interest in it. At least in his current form.
Spinner (written as Spi): 20% Literal Angel because he just wants to Do Good, 55% Turbovirgin because he's in the same boat as Shiggy but more awkward about it
Palpatine (written as Palp): 100% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 100% Turbovirgin because he just Does Not Seem Fuckable to me. IDK maybe someone out there wants to fuck that old man but he'd probably electrocute them before they got close. "Palpatine" and "sex" just do not belong in the same sentence.
Vader (written as Vader): 70% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 20% Turbovirgin because he's canonically fucked at least once, but it was only after he got married, and I STRONGLY doubt he ever even THOUGHT about anyone else that way. If either EU contradicts this don't tell me because I don't want to know.
The Grand Inquisitor (not on the chart): I really don't know who that is, aside from the vague notion that it's a Rebels character, and the one I'm thinking of may not be the right one so I'm playing it safe.
Dooku (written as Dooku): 80% War Criminal for obvious reasons (and not 100% because I like Chisaki too much), 100% Megaslut because now THERE'S a Fuckable Old Man
Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi (written as S!OBK): 40% War Criminal because I can't see him being as bad as, say, Dooku, but he's a Sith and therefore still pretty bad, 100% Megaslut because obvious reasons
Jango Fett (written as JF): 15% War Criminal cuz he didn't really do all that much, 80% Turbovirgin because the only kids of his we know of are actual clones, which I have decided means that he is Simply Uninterested in fucking.
Zhao (written as Zhao): 75% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 60% Turbovirgin because it's funny
Ozai (written as Ozai): 100% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 40% Turbovirgin because--listen, I know some people think he'd be a Megaslut like Iroh, but I will hold onto my demi!Ozai headcanon until the day I die. He is Simply Uninterested in fucking right up until he gets to know Ursa properly and then feels sexual/romantic attraction and is like "HEY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS"
LoK villains (not on the chart): sorry, it's been a while since I've seen any LoK and it didn't stick in my brain like AtLA's Fire Nation did. Didn't trust myself to make good judgements.
Sozin (written as Sozin): 100% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 90% Turbovirgin because you KNOW he spent most of his life pining after Roku
Long Feng (written as LF): 80% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 10% Megaslut because he kinda gives me slut vibes but not very strong ones.
Pakku (written as Pakku): 10% War Criminal because he's an asshole but more of a garden-variety asshole than someone like Ozai or Endeavor, 100% Turbovirgin because *gestures to the sexism*. Maybe if he and Kanna reconcile properly he'll become less of a Turbovirgin but at the beginning let's just say he is not beating the incel allegations
Hama (written as Hama): 50% War Criminal for obvious reasons, 30% Megaslut because she's definitely taken a few men her age to bed before fucking them up (rather than just fucking them lmao). Maybe this is me falling for the 'witch'/evil woman = sexually promiscuous stereotype but she's definitely not on the Turbovirgin side.
BONUS CHARACTERS (that I forgot to put onto the chart, whoops):
Ursa: 70% War Criminal because Fire Nation Princess during the war and you can't be happily married to Ozai for any period of time without being at least 50% War Criminal even if it ends unhappily, he's a real bastard4bastard type, they both are actually, and a solid 40% Megaslut. i feel like she has a Normal amount of sexuality and is very comfortable with it. at the very least she knows more about and likes sex more than her husband does lolololol
Chronostasis: 20% War Criminal because he does terrible shit but all on Chisaki's orders, he strikes me as very 'no thoughts head empty' wrt to morality. 70% Megaslut, trying very hard to get into Chisaki's pants (good luck with that with how often he cleans them)
Todoroki Fuyumi: Comes across as Turbovirgin and Literal Angel but every day she lives under Endeavor's thumb is another day she inches closer to 100% War Criminal. Likewise, I think she has this secret bad habit of sleeping with random strangers (as in I literally wrote a oneshot about it) that no one knows about. Her smile is fake her dreams are full of violence the end of her rope is near she Cannot Take Much More Of This Shit
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psychicmisfortune · 8 months
you. give me your ninjago headcanons
i know who you are you ain't slick, HOWEVER COMMA. let's do it (this is about to be way too long-)
first of all, cole! (RAAAAAGH WE LOVE COLE)
- blasian. blasian. bl
- BISEXUAL DEMIROMANTIC!!! he gives bi but at the same time that boy does not crush and when he does he is down so bad
- watches gordon ramsay shows RELIGIOUSLY (it does nothing for his cooking skills)
- probably also really skilled in interior decoration for some reason
- they/them user. they/them user and no i will not budge
- aroallo omnisexual! look at them and tell me i'm wrong
- blew everyone's tetris scores out of the water the first time they played and was never allowed to play again
- plays animal crossing, makes absolutely insane double reacharound attempts to get all the robot villagers
....kai. hoo boy. (/aff)
- panromantic demisexual you can fight me on this
- got told his hair looked like a gmod error once and almost got legal charges against him
- got his tetris score knocked off the board and banned zane from playing
- probably has multiple sets of neopronouns
- favourite pokemon is like, tepig or something
jay aka The Blahaj Owner
- transmasc he/they user
- owns a blahaj. blahaj is love blahaj is life
- REALLLLLY loves pokemon. i'm just sayin he has to play at least one tcg
- everybody masc till the roach starts flyin
- she/they girlboss, possibly girlflux
- would go on a rampage if anyone ever saw that bowl cut of hers from the first few seasons
- polyam lesbian
- can quote every single oceans movie
- golden retriever boyfriend vibes
- sent anon hate when he was younger, made an apology post about it years later
- has the most gotdamn fluffy hair ever
- he/they user he/they user he/th
yeah idk that's all my brain can churn out right now (i stopped in the middle of a drawing for this ask) but i'm gonna be thinking about this all day ✌️
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
yeah yeah, i know im so extremely late to the atla party but it's pride month and i have THOUGHTS
by thoughts i mean headcanons
THIS HAS BEEN CLEANED UP AND EDITED. You can find that post here!
so like i've seen a shit ton of kataang shit?? and?? fuck that right now?? because i'm pretty sure that aang is aroace.
this tiny monkey boy is AROMANTIC ASEXUAL
he just. how the fuck. does he apparently end with katara.
no sense? make no sense?
i just
he gives me. so many.
bigender vibes
and literally glows whenever someone calls him by non he/him
because yeah he doesn't really give a fuck about pronouns
he's acknowledged! he's not weird!
katara's prob the first person he told
speaking of
katara is such a lesbian
jebus crysed
yes, ik that she's been put into romantical situationships with dudes
too fucking bad
she really does seem like a cottagecore (watercore?) lesbian
oh and cis, doesn't care about pronouns
but if asked will say she
now for sokka
my friend said that he was the straightest one there
he seems like a disaster bi to me
extra heapings of internalized homophobia
bc he thinks it makes him less manly
i am currently wanting him to get smacked in the face with gay panic when he sees zuko, and like i mean get an ACTUAL GOOD LOOK AT HIM
i wanna see this mans with gae panic
cisn't, feel like he's demimasc
kk so i haven't seen as many zuko centered eps yet
i am getting MASSIVE ace vibes from him
mebbe demiromantic too
pretty sure he's hetero tho so that kinda makes me sad
cis(n't). probably doesn't care enough to figure it out
his sister. i havent seen a lot of her...
but i am CERTAIN that azula is a complete lesbian
she is. just. SO GAY
but like in the aroallo way
ok yes
ik that this seems bad
but. hey
i feel like she is very aromantic
but also
isn't completely against sex
also i've only seen ty lee and mai once
but they are both lesbians
ty is prob pangender
mai is enby but won't say anything about it
i will update/rewrite/clean this up this once i have finished watching
will probably only take me the rest of the week
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Re: aspec headcannons
I strongly believe that two of my favorite blorbos are aspec (specifically arospec):
The first is Link from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (minor spoiler warning for this paragraph). Most Zelda games' iterations of Link can easily be read as aspec-coded in some way, but Twilight Princess's emphasis on Link's relationships made his lack of romance really stand out and resonate with me as an aromantic. Over the course of the game, we see countless instances of him caring deeply about the people around him, friends and strangers alike. This is so prominent that it's honestly a defining trait of his; he even stands out from his other iterations in just how much he's a Guy Who Cares. Yet for all his personal and emotional investment in people, there is a striking lack of romance in his relationships, much to my delight. Instead, his relationships are founded on his caring nature. The best example of this is his friendship with Midna. Introduced near the beginning of the game and serving as Link's companion until the very end, Midna initially establishes a very transactional relationship with Link; a sort of "I help you, you help me" dynamic. At that point, she is closed off to Link and confides very little in him, while Link probably isn't thrilled with her demeaning treatment of him or how much she asks of him, but puts up with it anyway out of the goodness of his heart. They're reluctant allies. However, they gradually come to respect each other as Link's kindness and courage inspire Midna, and Midna's disparaging behavior slowly gives way to benign, endearing snark. Before long, when Midna is brought within an inch of her life, and Link carries her off in search of help (because of course he would), he does so with desperation, dashing frantically on foot across Hyrule's vast fields in the dead of night, worried for the acquaintance he had only just begun to appreciate, having seen her grow over the course of their adventure. That experience—Link fearing losing Midna, and Midna having her life saved by Link—brings them closer than ever. After Midna recovers, the two are best friends. She eventually opens up to Link about her identity, past, and insecurities, and Link is understanding of her plight and committed to stay by her side through everything. At the end of the game, Midna's plotline is resolved, and she prepares to return to her realm. Never to see each other again, she and Link share a heartfelt goodbye. Common tropes would have them be lovers by this point, and lament being torn away from their soulmate. Instead, Nintendo gave us something that's a precious rarity in media: a bittersweet ending for a pair of dear friends.
The other is Big Boss from the Metal Gear series. I haven't finished every game he makes an appearance in yet, but as far as I can tell, he never has any explicitly romantic relationships. However, he does have a wide range of other kinds of relationships. Plenty are sexual, plenty are platonic, and plenty are... something else. Furthermore, there are certain details throughout the series that, from my perspective, give him strong aro vibes. For example, in Metal Gear Solid 3, he is asked about the nature of his relationship with another character, in terms of an amatonormative false dichotomy. His response is "Does it have to be one or the other?" In Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, there's a sexual dynamic between him and another character, which I would describe as "brothers-in-arms with benefits." In Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Big Boss's relationships are pretty much all based on his desperation to hold on to the people he still hasn't lost yet. His relationships don't take on very clear forms; he's just trying to cherish the ones that are left while he still can, in whatever way he can. So yeah, I think Big Boss is aroallo, and that's pretty cool.
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wander-wren · 2 years
HELLO WREN i do not mean to be bursting into your inbox like this but do you have any thoughts on aro shouto? he has been on the mind a lot lately and you seem like you'd have some cool ideas/hcs floating around
hi!!!! don’t be sorry that’s what it’s there for!
hm, aro shouto,,,,i am not Super the type to just Have Headcanons but i managed to think some thoughts. then they got kinda long so. cut.
first of all i’ve like the idea of tododeku qpr (and also just, qpr with anyone i normally ship him with) for a while, sometimes paired with romantic bakudeku. i feel like shouto’s pretty uneducated about Queer Stuff so he’d probably fall into it completely by accident and then be very confused. and my other related hc is that deku is the local queer things encyclopedia bc idk. feels correct.
speaking of confusion, given the not-great example of romance he grew up with, i imagine he’d be pretty confused for a while about how much of his attraction (or lack thereof) related to his father, maybe trying to force romance to “get over it” or thinking it’s just another thing broken about him :(((
don’t make yourself sad, wren, don’t think about him planning the most cliche romantic date he can think of and rehearsing how to be a Good Boyfriend and being all tense and stressed the whole time while his partner is deeply confused. and then obviously they have to be like “…..okay whats going on” and then it all comes out and there are like, hugs. it’s okay shouto!! you don’t have to give more than you’re comfortable with!! whichever way you love people is enough <333
i also feel like he’d be very touchy. maybe not at first, kinda depends where you are in his arc and how emotionally stunted he is, ig. just always in his partner’s lap, or with them in his lap, hugs, holding hands,,,,oH omg the thing where you draw things on someone’s back? that. bonus points for mixing hot and cold sides. massages. yes. but i do just feel like my boy is touch starved and incredibly touchy once he figures things out in Any universe so. lol
but in spite of the touchiness, i think he would draw the line at kissing or anything. OH. *yoinks a hc from my own ocs* i have had this cute idea of a person who is generally not fond of kissing vs his partner who Does like it, and it being like a special-occasions thing. or a thing where the partner can ask if they rlly want to and maybe he’s like “eh. alright.” bc it makes them happy am i explaining that right is it weird. ack. anyway.
connected to that last point, i feel like he’d be kinda romance-neutral? that might just be bc he’s Always neutral in canon. that face. but like, would do stuff if his partner wanted to, doesn’t really get the point otherwise.
i just realized you said aro and didn’t specify aroace or aroallo uhhh. hmph. i have no thoughts on that. this is kinda hard lol i am…fairly firmly demiro/demiace myself i think, so i just never know what i’m doing on either end of the spectrum. *flails*
wait (wow this is getting long) lets. jump back to pairings. my main shouto ships are with deku, shinsou, and sero. i do like the dynamic i mentioned at the beginning where bakudeku are also dating but mostly just for the angst factor of both shouto and bakugo being insecure but shh deku has two hands. also i think its funny if the two of them are boyfriends in law its such a silly dynamic. they can gang up on deku and force him to do self care or smthn
i think shinsou could also very easily be some flavor of aroace…hm…idk just smthn about his Vibes. him and shouto just doing whatever the hell they feel like and then everyone thinking they’re dating and they’re just ????
“are….are we dating?” “i didnt think so?” “should we be dating?” “do you want to date?” “idk” “okay. cool.”
“wait, shouto, don’t you have a boyfriend?” “i…have friends who are boys.” “no, like…shinsou.” “oh. shinsou?” “yes, babe?” “are we boyfriends?” “no??” “no i do not have a boyfriend.”
sorry i think he’s silly. he’s so smart but so dense. fun to play with. but also he’s right!! other people should catch up.
where the hell was i im so sorry im getting carried away. SERO. himb. i just. holds him. i think he’s a sweetheart. i think he’s maybe allo but like fully chill with whatever shouto’s chill with. i think every day about the time he called him roki.
wait i have a cute idea. after the sports fest sero comes up to him like a one-man hype squad. and like, hugs him or smthn. and shouto just decides Okay We Do This Now and the touchy things begin and sero just kinda rolls with it. eventually they both realize they are like, spooning during movie night and thats. hm. perhaps Not Quite Friends territory. and talk about it.
yeah ummm i think that’s it idk how i did like i said i am Not the kind of person who can just like rattle off a list of headcanons like other people do. i chipped away at this for like half a day lol. i do love all the shades of aroace rep tho!! and i would love to hear your thoughts aswell
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autistic-beshelar · 3 years
Hello, fellow aspec critter here!
I saw your post about Ashton being alloaro (100% agree btw) and in the tags you said you hc Molly as nebularomantic and I was just wondering, what does that mean? (I've also considered aro-spec Molly but I'm not committed to a specific hc yet)
Also, I get what you mean about sg in the "Enough-tp" post. I might just be biased 'cause it's not my fav ship but still. Also I know it's not canon but I low-key hc Caleb as ace-spec so that adds to it when it comes to sex-related stuff, be it sg or not. Like you said, it's not a bad thing, I just don't see it that way personally. I don't want to play into the "asexuality is caused by trauma" thing though.
Anyways sorry for rambling lol
hi aspec critter!! thank you for the ask and do not apologise for rambling it is NOTHING compared to this answer lmao
on molly:
nebularomantic is an orientation on the aromantic spectrum! likely it comes from the term 'nebulous', meaning cloud like, or ill-defined. it's when you have trouble differentiating between platonic and romantic feelings, due (in part or entirely) to being neurodivergent. so, it's solely a label for neurodivergent people! i headcanon molly as having a tbi, adhd, and npd, and i hc that he's a little bit in love with all his friends, but has trouble telling if it's in a platonic or romantic way, or somewhere inbetween or outside of that.
molly i think feels a lot, but has a lot of trouble working out what it is exactly he's feeling. he's the same with gender - pinpointing what it is is impossible, he just knows he's feeling a lot of it. he's more focused on just doing whatever makes him happy - if he wants to wear a dress one day he will, if he wants to sleep with someone and they want to sleep with him, he will, if he wants to give yasha 500 forehead kisses a day he will
on caleb:
as for caleb, yes i headcanon him as aspec as well, although i actually do think it's due to trauma for him! he gave me such strong asexual vibes in the beginning of the campaign, and i think he's slowly becoming more comfortable with it. especially with essek being demi, and caleb being somewhere on the bi ace spectrum (i feel like it probably goes up and down, depending on how he's doing mentally, i think he probably uses bisexual and asexual interchangeably), i think they're a great match for each other as they'll both be very understanding
(cw for sexual assault/trauma mention)
i can totally understand feeling uncomfortable with headcanoning him as ace-due-to-trauma, esp since there's such a harmful stereotype that people are only asexual because they're broken, or because we're mentally ill or have some kind of deficit. but sexuality is fluid, and mental illness and trauma can change so much about a person, so while the stereotype is bullshit, sometimes that really can be a person's experience. i think it would make a lot of sense if caleb was aspec bc of his sexual and relationship trauma from being a volstrucker and with astrid and wulf. i've talked to aces who are ace due to trauma like that, who just lose sexual attraction because of what happened to them. they might not have been 'born' that way, but their experience is still an asexual one, yknow?
especially when there's such great aro and ace rep in cr who AREN'T that way because of trauma - like caduceus, who is so kind and loving and very content with being aroace, like essek who, while traumatised, his being demisexual seems to have nothing to with that. there are so many different aspec experiences and it's nice to see that diversity portrayed.
honestly i have a long list of queer and neurodivergent headcanons for everyone (i have thoughts on cr1 as well, but i'm still early campaign for that)
also HELL YEAH aroallo ashton fanclub
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