#he Might have put his career ahead of his family though.
hello I am back and I'm having THOUGHTS about Artemis fowl
in book 3, it's mentioned in passing that Root set the airspeed record 80 years ago
it's mentioned several times that Holly is in her 80s
therefore, Root's already a Recon officer during Holly's childhood
i'm FAIRLY sure it's mentioned that Holly's mum died pretty early in her life from radiation poisoning
Holly's dad is never mentioned
therefore, there's a decent chance that Root's the only parental figure Holly has; or he's just. straight up her dad.
anyways. the Angst? the Trauma?? of book 4??!? FUCK opal koboi for this shit, and thanks Eoin for giving me Numbers to think about.
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years
Signs you’re dating a high-value guy:
He cares about seeing you play at your best
A great guy has no interest in seeing you scale back your ambitions so that he can feel good about himself.
On the contrary, he loves to see you flourish. For him, supporting your success only means more excitement and adventure. He loves seeing what you make of your life and cares about protecting your dreams.
In short, the high-value guy lives to see you playing at an extraordinary level.
He isn’t afraid of you over-taking him
Guys worth dating aren’t fussed about out-earning you or worried about who is further ahead in their career.
He won’t get insecure because you happen to be a lawyer or have a PhD, nor will he fret about your substantial paycheck. He doesn’t measure his life in competition with yours, because (would you believe it?) he has self-esteem and measures his life on more than just achievement.
He wants to provide for you
This one might seem like it immediately invalidates the previous point, but it doesn’t.
Here’s why: Even though he’s fine with you over-taking him financially, a high-value guy still wants to be someone who can provide for you in all kinds of ways.
This doesn’t mean he wants to pay for everything, but he’ll work hard to be the kind of man who can protect and serve you, whether by being emotionally strong, financially independent, or by being able to treat you to incredible experiences and indulgent surprises.
He’s turned on by your independence
“Damsel in constant distress” is not sexy to a high-value guy.
A man worth being with delights in seeing you handle your own life (even if he loves to help now and then), and will want to encourage anything that promotes your autonomy and independence.
While every man loves to feel needed, only insecure daddy-type guys seek to acquire importance by seeing you helpless and entirely dependent on them.
He’s responsive to your needs, even if he doesn’t always get them right first time
Ok, he might not know the *exact* words that turn you on most right away, or he might not realise that “quality time” is your love language, or he may not know that handwritten birthday cards make you melt.
But he learns. And responds when he drops the ball and gets it wrong.
The best guy isn’t a mind-reader, but he is an expert at following the signs if you make them clear enough.
Just enjoy it (and for god’s sake let him know how happy his effort makes you ­– positive reinforcement works!). Showing him that you notice and appreciate his listening skills is the best way to get more of it.
He doesn’t need to be asked twice to come and help you out of a bind
You’re in trouble? You need help with your university paper and want someone to come and read it at 4am the night before submission? You need to be saved from your family?
He’ll jump out of bed and into his car to come and save you before you’ve even put down the phone. He might not like the “damsel in constant distress”, but the “damsel having an occasional freak out” will make him drive all night like a knight riding to save a princess.
He won’t take your crap
Be warned: high-value guys have high expectations. If you’re ok with that, this will only raise your game.
He’s strong, and that means he doesn’t put up with draining people in his life.
He has no interest in indulging complaining and doesn’t have time to waste endlessly going over old problems or moaning about the past.
If you’re being unreasonable, he’ll tell you. To your face. Like a man. In other words, be ready for a guy who will stand up for himself and won’t stand for being walked over.
He takes care of his life with minimal fuss
High value guys limit the amount of time they spend wallowing in self-pity after a setback. They are responsive in the face of failure and spring into action at the sight of problems rather than falling apart.
Of course, he’s still human. And vulnerable. Which is a good thing. So sometimes he’ll need love and reassurance that everything will be ok. But then he’ll be back on his feet and fighting to get a grip again.
When the castle crumbles, he’s the one who starts stacking bricks to rebuild the fortress.
He cares about keeping small promises
In the book The Road by Cormac McCarthy, the son tells his father: “If you break little promises, you’ll break big ones.”
This is essentially the philosophy of a high value guy. It’s his code. He doesn’t feel ok simply shrugging his shoulders when he promised to pick up your shopping on the way home and just forgot. He kicks himself when he promised he’d book that restaurant and it totally slipped his mind.
The idea of not living up to his word is death to him. As it should be for all of us.
Speaking of which…
He chooses his words carefully
A guy who is great relationship material says nothing idly. He doesn’t make empty proclamations of love that he doesn’t feel in his heart.
He won’t say trite phrases or go through the motions if he thinks he’s just using cheap sentiment to soothe you without addressing the real problem.
If he says he adores you, he means it.
He’ll comfort you. He’ll stroke your hair and tell you you’re incredible. But he won’t make everything sound easy or simple when it’s not. Because he cares about big ideas like Truth and Honesty.
He wants to improve without needing to be asked
Great guys are always looking for ways to be better.
He doesn’t want to get healthy because you asked him to, he wants to do it because he takes pride in caring about his body.
He reads books not to show off, but because he takes education seriously.
He seeks adventure not to impress you, but because he wants to grab life and suck up experiences while he’s on this earth.
He seeks success because he wants to fulfil his potential, not because he arbitrarily wants a bigger paycheck.
At his core, he’s self-motivated. That might sometimes mean he tries a bit harder than he needs to, but that’s a much better problem to have than having a lazy man who never makes an effort.
He’ll “grasp nettles”
I stole this one from advertising genius David Ogilvy, who wrote “leaders grasp nettles”.
What Ogilvy meant by this is that leaders in life are willing to do the difficult action that no-one else will. This is the same of any high-value guy. He doesn’t run from the difficult or sensitive conversation. He confronts problems. He makes the difficult phone call.
He doesn’t put off troubles hoping they’ll just blow over. Which is why others respect him and look up to him.
He’ll invest in the relationship without losing himself in it
Maybe it sounds romantic to think of the Edward Cullen obsessive-love type boyfriend, but in the real world a high-value guy is capable of falling loving without obsessing (he can still be passionate and intense, just not in the creepy stalker-esque way vampire romance novels portray it).
Guys who are well-balanced have multiple sources of joy in their world. Friends. Family. Fulfilling work. Because they’ve learnt how to be happy being single first (as I’ve spoken about before).
All of these are important to him, even if eventually you become the most important thing to him.
He listens to what you tell him and responds
As mentioned earlier, high value guys want to make you happy. And this means they listen. They look for clues. They are endlessly curious about you as their partner and want to understand your mind.
You’ll usually see this in the amount of thought he puts into gifts and trips, particularly if it involves things he’s clearly decided based on your previous conversations.
Of course, that does NOT mean he’ll always get it right. Even high-value guys will sometimes get it completely wrong and screw up badly (we have to be realistic, after all). But crucially, he’ll keep trying to fulfil your needs. He’ll remember when he messed up and adjust his behaviour. And if you communicate your standards well, he’ll strive to live up to them.
He has unique pairings
High value guys, like high value women, don’t rely on a single personality trait.
He can be intellectual and deep, but he can also be exciting and totally silly. He’s comfortable being sexual, but he’s also a gentleman and has class. He’s fiercely loyal, but ready to double-down on his principles when his view differs from everyone else’s.
The best people always embody both sides of the coin.
He builds a future with you
The high-value guy who is serious about you will want to make you the strongest team in the world. He’s loyal and wants to find ways to bring you closer together, which means he thinks about the future with you and discusses it openly.
That doesn’t mean he’ll necessarily move quickly, but it does mean he wants to invest in the relationship and make your emotional connection stronger so that he can share his world with you.
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partycatty · 8 months
we back with another request⁉️
can be old or young (mk11 or mk1) johnny your pick, but what if fem!reader and johnny are sparring (likely in private, but if they wanna be risky go ahead) and reader is losing.
sooo, she flashes him her titties as a distraction and ends up getting him pinned. you can turn it into smut or end it there, your pick
love your writing 💙💙
johnny cage > eyes on the prize
warnings: Oh, these? My boobies? My massive fucking titties? My super stuffed milkies? My honker bonker doinky boinkies? My fucking fabric stretching wind flapping gravity welling sex mounds? You mean these super duper ultra hyper god damn motherfucking tits?
[ part 2 ] [ masterlist ]
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after the time merger, your boss seems uneasy seeing his younger self parade around the compound like he owns the place. you're unfortunately put up to the task as babysitting him.
"private," the older counterpart summons you to the center of the room. "keep an eye on him for me, yeah? he's... well, he's me, and i don't trust him one bit." you both glance over to younger johnny, who is kicking his feet up and browsing IMDB - his own page, to be specific - with no regard for authority. you nod and walk off, approaching the younger star who doesn't notice you at first.
"mr. cage," you try to get his attention, leaning down to his level as he sits. johnny tears his eyes away from the screen to catch a good look at you in your uniform, pulling his sunglasses down his hooked nose. "captain cage requested i accompany you around the compound for safety as the time merge is figured out."
"oh, i'll follow you anywhere, beautiful," he replies smoothly, clicking and winking up at you. your face heats up, this is your... almost-boss. this version wasn't with sonya, doesn't have a kid. a part of you wonders if your present johnny also finds you attractive if this is how his younger version behaves. you'd always found him hot, but that was something you kept to yourself for the sake of his family and your career.
johnny snaps in your face with a twisted expression. "hey, since you're here, the future sucks! i've been here for an hour and i haven't seen one jetpack. not one!" he holds a finger in your face, and you can't help but stare down at him in bewilderment. how did this man become the captain of the special forces??
his complaints sprout an idea, as you try to divert his annoyance. "the special forces compound contains plenty of advanced technology. would you care for a tour?" you suggest politely, gesturing out of the room.
johnny seems intrigued by your offer, willing to follow you around like a dog if it meant getting a good view of your ass the whole way. it's your figure that intrigues him the most.
"older me was a dumbass for not tappin' this," johnny very loudly exclaims as you two walk down a hallway, making you pinch the bridge of your nose. "i might have to alter my destiny... there's no way you fight with a pretty body like that."
"the members of S.F. are put through extensive physical training and discipline. i can fight, mr. cage," you reply curtly, not all too impressed by his catcalling, though his boldness amuses you.
"yeah?" he asks playfully, jogging in front of you to walk backwards as he glares at you through his shades. "care to prove it? you lose, you give me your number."
"and if you lose?" you question, crossing your arms.
"then i give you my number." jesus, he was dumb. hot, but dumb. it was impossibly hard to remain professional in front of him. you entertain his bait and open a side door that led to the garage. it was spacious and full of various tools, vehicles and weapons. the crew often met there for mass debriefs and announcements, but served as a perfect sparring location.
"you're on, dollface," johnny sneers, readying himself with an overdramatic flourished war cry. "but first, no handicaps. take all that off." he waves at your vest and various equipment strapped to you. you shake your head and sigh, readying your own pose after shrugging the extremities off and kicking them to the side. it was johnny in his coat giving you a delicious view of his chest, and you in your skin-tight underclothes. you figured regardless you'd have an advantage against johnny considering you were familiar with his fighting style, but his strength outmatched you easily. he was twice your size in muscle, after all. didn't really matter just how much studying you put into his mannerisms in combat.
his powers proved to be a significant advantage as well, doubling his strikes when most humans could only land one in the time it took. each punch you threw was parried embarrassingly easily, and each kick was matched with an even swifter swing.
despite being military trained, you couldn't help but find the fight fun. johnny would grab hold of you and spin you around, as if you were dancing, or flash one of his signature smiles at you when he felt more in charge. he'd cackle when you made a fool of yourself, swinging at nothing.
one of his backflip kicks infused with his powers knocked you straight on your ass, and johnny towers over you with a devilish grin. his legs are spread, with you on the floor between them as you catch your breath.
"do you yield, sweet thing?" he asks, bending forward to hover his face over yours. you cringe, holding your side as you try to get up, but johnny just places his boot on your chest. "you were all bark and no bite, sweetheart."
as you regain your composure, thoroughly displeased with the outcome of the battle, you get an absolutely evil idea.
"how about you get a bite of these?" you ask, smirking. your fingers find the hem of your shirt and pull upward, revealing your bra and your breasts spilling from the fabric as you lay on your back. the chill of the room defines the shape of your nipples through the bra, and johnny's eyes fixate - hard. his sunglasses comically slide down his nose and clatter to the floor, his puppy eyes wide and wanting at the sight of your barely clothed chest.
when you know for a fact he's transfixed, you swat his foot off of your chest and curl your body before placing a hard upward kick into his balls, making him yell out and stumble backward.
you stand up and brush yourself off, beaming at the actor for besting him at his own shallow game.
"you - ngh -" johnny whines and clutches his crotch, pointing a finger at you accusingly. "i yield."
you shrug innocently, reaching a hand out to him considering your positions were now fully swapped. "gotta keep your eyes on the prize, cage."
you hoist him up with a grunt, patting his shoulder.
"oh, believe me," he breathlessly chuckles. "i was." he smiles crookedly.
...did you just flash your soon-to-be-boss? is this gonna alter the timeline...?
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peacefulwriting · 9 months
A Christmas Wish
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For years, you were used to Jake being gone for some holidays, including Christmas. His job had him gone for countless holidays and sadly, it was nothing new to you and you'd be able to handle it. When you started a family, that had all changed.
You and Jake got extremely lucky and he didn't have to leave for any deployments for a few years but that had all changed in a matter of time.
Your son had just turned 5 and you little girl was 2. Your son was old to know and remember why daddy wasn't around for the holidays, but your daughter didn't know much. You got lucky and he was gone for the spring and summer holidays and home for the ones that mattered the most.
Jake left in late October for his temporary deployment. It was only supposed to be for a little over a month, but the news came barreling down on you at the begging of December that it was going to be longer and that he should be expected to be home after the new year.
"I hate this, I know it's your career and you can't help it, but I hate this, Jake." You choked back tears. " Your kids miss you. I miss you."
"I am so sorry, honey. It breaks my heart that I'm not there. I miss you all so much."
Jake hated it as much as you did. He hated knowing that he was missing being able to go visit Santa with the kids and go look at Christmas lights while drinking hot coco. He hated being stuck on a ship with nothing but the ocean skyline in the distance.
You had to be strong for your kids and not have them see you break down. You had to still go and do everyday life with them, including going and doing Christmas things, without Jake, so that it seemed somewhat normal, even though, none of this was normal.
So, that's what you did.
You would load them into the car and go grocery shopping, Christmas shopping, going to see Santa, and Christmas lights and Ice skating, all of the things. You had to take pictures and videos for Jake and man did that break your heart.
You never thought you'd be the one to breaking down crying in the middle of a store when your son pointed to something that reminded you of Jake.
"Mama, look! It's a plane like daddy's!"
He pointed to an F18 ornament and your heart dropped while tears started to brim the edges of your eyes. You bent down, gracefully holding the ornament in your hands. Tears were spilling out of your eyes as your turned towards your son.
"Can we get it for daddy, mama?"
"I think he'd like that, baby."
You shook your head as your song grabbed the ornament and gained the biggest smile on his face. He held it so close to him throughout the whole store and all the way home. It was his little plane just like daddy's.
You got everything in the house, laid your daughter down for a nap, and took a rest, and when you looked over into the living room, you saw your son looking at the Christmas tree that uncle Rooster helped put up. He had the plane in his hand and you knew he was contemplating on wether he wanted to put it up or keep it close.
"What are you thinking, baby?"
You bent down, hugging him to your side, looking at him. He just stared right ahead at the Christmas tree and the lights.
"Will daddy be home for Christmas?"
You sighed, your heart breaking all over again. You couldn't lie to your son but you didn't want to ruin anything for him, so you did your best by sugar coating it with a little Christmas story.
You sat down on the floor and your son turned to look at you, still with that innocent smile on his face.
"You know how Santa has to work on Christmas so that all the children can get their gifts and treats?" You asked, and he shook his yes, "that's kinda like daddy's job. He he gets to fly to all these places so that he can help us and provide things for us when we need them."
"Daddy's like Santa!" He shouted with a big smile on his face.
"Yeah," you said, tears threaten to spill out again, "and that means that daddy might have to work on Christmas, like Santa, so that we can get what we need and want."
"Does daddy and Santa work together then?" He asked, so innocently.
You had to blink up so that tears wouldn't come out in front of your son. You composed yourself and looked back at him.
"I think so, baby. They are both working super hard to make sure everyone gets what they need."
You son smiled, walking to the tree and putting the F18 ornament on the tree. "Mama, if I'm really nice and ask Santa to let daddy not work on Christmas, do you think he'll get me that?"
Your heart shattered.
"Maybe if you're extra nice, baby."
Your son jumped up and down, giggling. You sat there watching him with his excitement and you had tears welling in your eyes that were slowly dripping out.
You cleaned yourself up, heading for the kitchen to make dinner for the kiddos. You silently hoped the night would go by quick, more so, the whole month of December.
"Our son thinks he if he's really nice for Santa that you'll come home."
You snapped. You know this wasn't Jake's fault, nor yours, nor your sons. He was hopeful and full of dreams while this was breaking you. The only time Jake could FaceTime you was late at night due to the time zone.
"Our little boy, full of hopes and dreams," Jake whispered, you watched through the phone as tears were coming out of his eyes. "I want that so badly, for you and the kids."
"You have no idea."
As the days passed and Christmas grew closer, you felt more and more sadness. You were loosing sleep making sure everything was wrapped and Christmas dinner was bought, and watching your son remain hopeful that Jake was coming home. You were exhausted.
Christmas Eve approached and no sign of Jake coming home. You wanted to scream and cry knowing that when you'll wake up that Jake wasn't going to be here and how sad your kids were going to be.
You finished up cleaning up the kids, laying your daughter down before your son, partly, because you know he's going to ask a thousand questions as to where daddy was.
You gave your daughter a kiss on the forehead as she cooed. You turned on the rain machine and shut the lights off and walked into your sons room.
You walked over to him as he was slipping under the covers. You grabbed the corners of them and pulled them up on his body. He pulled his arms out from under the blanket and turned on his side, looking at you.
"I think I was really nice for Santa."
"You were very nice, yes. I'm proud of you."
"I asked Santa to bring daddy home since I was so nice."
"I hope that Santa is able to give you that gift." You leaned down and kissed him on his forehead. "Goodnight, baby. I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight, mama."
You shut off the lights and to your bedroom. You shut the door, sighing. You didn't have anymore energy to cry, just felt empty. You knew that Christmas was going to be extremely hard and you just wish things were different. You swallowed, shutting off the lights and slipped into bed, drifting off to sleep.
You woke up to your son jumping on you and laughing. You blinked your eyes open and looked at your son, smiling. You grabbed him and pulled him in for a big hug.
"Merry Christmas, baby. Why don't we go grab your sister and see what Santa brought you?"
He shook his head with the biggest smile and jumped off the bed. You walked into your daughters room and she was already awake, just standing in her crib. You smiled, grabbing her from her crib. You gave her a kiss on the forehead.
When all of you approached the staircase, you heard the backdoor opening and jinglebells jingling. Your heart began to race as your son looked up at you with a big smile on his face. He took off down the stairs.
No, there's no way, you thought. Jake wasn't due to be home for another few weeks.
You began to take a few steps down the stairs when you heard your son gasp. Flight and fight mode activated but when the next word came out of his mouth, you felt your heart flutter.
You began to rush down the stairs with your daughter in your arms, trying to hide a smile, and once you rounded, your eyes locked with Jake's.
"I was right, mama!"
Jake laughed, giving your son a kiss on the forehead. He looked at him again and released him and your son went flying past you to the presents. Jake began to walk towards you with a big smile on his face.
"Is this real?" You whispered. "Are you really here?"
Jake stopped in front of you, grabbing your face and pulling you in for a kiss. You pulled back and placed your head into his chest, laughing. You heard him give your daughter a kiss.
"I'm home, darling."
You lifted your head, looking into his green eyes. He grabbed you by your waist, pulling you into him and placing the soft kiss on your lips. You stayed there, taking it all in and embracing your husband. You just wanted to stay in this moment forever.....
You and Jake pulled apart, looking at each other, laughing. He took your hand in his and you walked over to the couch, and sat down. You set your daughter on your lap and you gave your son the okay to open his presents.
You were so thankful and happy that Jake was home, able to spend Christmas with your and the kids.
A Christmas Miracle.
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I’m gonna need morden day au Scara HC i love that man
hmm i don’t want to spoil anything i might throw into a potential part 2 but i can give you some stray thoughts i have about the guy
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Anemo tattoo
Like his coworkers, Scara has a tattoo of a triangle with wings extending from it, reminiscent of a bird spreading its wings; his sits on his left pectoral, right over his heart.
The matching tattoos were an idea Venti had while drunk on a night out to commemorate opening their own shop together and while some might have grumbled about it (Xiao and Scara *ahem ahem*), they all have one.
Morning routines and opening times
Scara and Xiao are always the first at the shop, everyone else is late without fail. On his way to work, Scara stops by the same coffee shop every day to get a large black coffee (if he has to put up with his energetic coworkers that early in the day he needs the caffeine).
After opening up, the two wait for the others to trot in one after the other as they set up jewellery displays and check the equipment. If the order of piercers coming in isn’t Scara/ Xiao —> Aether —> Kazuha —> Heizou —> Venti, something is very wrong, apocalypse might be upon our world.
Scara has a habit of altering his clothing himself; whether it’s cutting it up, drawing on it or even taking it in, he’s gotten pretty good at it. If someone’s clothing gets torn or a seam comes loose, he can certainly mend it; the problem is getting him to agree to do it.
A glimpse into his past
Scara met Venti after he ran away from home and had no place to stay. Venti took the young man in and they bonded over their shared interest in art; his roommate’s free spirit was a welcome breath of fresh air compared to the stifling expectations (he felt) he failed to meet at home.
Venti brought up the option of Scara pursuing a career as a tattoo artist, something he never considered before, seeing as his family disapproved of art as a job. After being introduced to some of Venti’s friends, drawing became his main outlet for his emotions and he eventually decided to risk it and make it his life.
At the studio
Despite his generally brash way of speaking and being the person who hits his coworkers with the newspaper most, it’s clear to everyone who knows him that he deeply cares for his friends and clients. He’d grate his ass on a cheese grater before admitting it but they all know.
If he critiques someone’s idea, it’s never to put them down but he genuinely wants everyone to walk away satisfied with their choice. The improvements he proposes are always founded on his experience and have his clients’ best interests in mind.
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hmm i think that’s all i can offer for now without getting too ahead of myself :>
i’m happy you’re enjoying how i’m writing him though!! <3
modern au masterlist
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protectoratenova07 · 6 months
I do love how before the bank robbery, Taylor mentions how excited Lisa was to talk about her cops and robbers theory, because we find out later that for her it never really applied in Brockton Bay. But, she's still happy to go through her thought process on it because she wants it to exist. If it did, then she could have found help when Coil pushed those limits. It doesn't though.
“But the real evidence to my ‘cops and robbers’ theory,” Lisa continued, “Is the reaction you see when someone crosses the line. You’ve heard about it happening. Someone finds out another cape’s secret identity, goes after the cape’s family. Or a cape wins a fight and decides his downed opponent isn’t in a state to say no if he’s feeling lusty? Word gets around, and the cape community goes after the fucker. Protecting the status quo, keeping the game afloat. Bitter enemies call a truce, everyone bands together, favors get called in and everyone does their damndest to put the asshole down.”
This only happens when it's helpful for everyone else. With the ABB, it's because the increased attention was making it bad for the other villain's businesses. Even when the Slaughterhouse 9 show up, no one could come to an agreement because villains wanted to gain something from it at the cost of other villain's business.
But! Something does change. Lisa gets power. She gains everything Coil had and decides to make her theory a reality.
"...our pseudo-truce with the Undersiders... The city’s pretty peaceful, pretty safe, and nobody even hints about why, but people know. My bosses know why, and that means my career might never recover. The only thing keeping things remotely interesting is the challenge of trying to get to any new bad guys before the Undersiders do, to enforce real justice instead of vigilante scare tactics-...-Except we barely even get to do that, because Tattletale’s always a few steps ahead..."
She goes so much into it that her and the Undersiders end up doing the heroes' job for them. Lisa wrangles the villains in the Bay, either kicking them out or making them her subordinates. The Ambassadors are managed, Heartbreaker is kicked out, the Red Hand are made allies.
For two years, Lisa managed to get her cops and robbers game.
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calisotaducks · 11 days
DCRC Week #01
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Hello DCRC! I know everyone is technically on week 14 now, so I hope you don't mind a late entry. I may or may not have gained a new hyperfixation lately.
With that said, let's get into the very first issue!
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These guys really love their beak-shaped architecture huh. Do you think they find earthlings slightly more superior to Xerbians because at least some of them have beaks? Imagine if we put human mouths on every vehicle and building we created. Actually, don't imagine that, I just tried it and I hate it. Let's never do that ever.
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jhkj he thinks he's so cool. Are you going for brooding and mysterious or are you just cold up there? It looks like he's wearing a blankie.
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You know, having read a few issues ahead it actually surprises me how little we see of coolflames in the next issues. Sure, they're brought up but 90% of the time when PK is fighting anyone it's always just Evronian warriors. You'd think they'd throw in at least a couple of coolflames to boost their numbers, if nothing else.
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They've got some pretty neat powers too. Or is that just whatever species these guys used to be? Are these guys not originally from earth? I thought they'd started coolflaming some Duckburg residents already, but maybe not?
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He really just went home with a "huh. That was weird. Oh well." after all that.
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So we're just gonna throw a tarp over those and call it a day then? Extreme nonchalance runs in the family apparently.
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Lyla. Honey. Lyla what have they done to you. Why is your face shaped like that. Why are you so square. You look like you've swallowed a boomerang Lyla I am so sorry.
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Wow hold on, is Angus actually pulling a big brain move here? Bringing up the Anxieties story and telling Donald about the supposed disappearance so he'll tell PK? His boss can't blame him for investigating PK OR the disappearance if PK shows up at the party and gets involved with both!
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Oh never mind. They're just dumb. That's what I get for giving Angus credit. RIP.
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Have you ever considered not giving your creations claws, teeth or angry eyes maybe? I feel like that might help.
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I can't decide what's funnier. If Uno's already messing with him or if he really was just going to shoot him on the spot, no questions asked.
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He really said "I need to make fun of you in every color of the rainbow at once for this one."
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Uh ohh, interrupted the world's worst sleepover
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by the way, whats this funky little pose all the coolflames keep doing?? Do the raptorhands come with being coolflamed or are these guys just like that? Good for them.
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I love how much they're immediately trusting each other and working together. Uno lets Donald run off with Ducklair's tech even though he's never heard of him until today. He even goes out of his way to make him breakfast! And Donald telling him about his nephews right away. I'm sure Uno could have found out about them on his own if he really wanted to, but the fact that Donald trusts him with his identity right away says a lot.
Also those tiny PK nephews are adorable. Get them their own little outfits STAT. At least for Halloween or something!
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Look at him go!! I'm so proud of him, he's doing so well. Plus Uno in the background hitting that guy over the head with his little statue, I see you.
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Well. That's embarrassing.
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Go give your new boyfriend a smack on his bubble Donald, he worked hard too! He deserves one!
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He says, as if he didn't JUST find out about any of this a few hours ago.
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He thinks he's so cool. But alright, just this once, he's earned it.
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Angus starts his career as professional slanderer. Nobody is happy about this.
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And we end with Uno lying to Donald to make sure he gets a good nights sleep and doesn't get abducted by aliens. What a pal.
And that's our first issue! Really fun setup, we got to meet our main cast of characters, and square Lyla will not haunt me again after this issue so all's well that ends well. It's fun looking back and seeing PK still finding his footing with both his new friend, his new gear and his new enemies, especially when compared to later issues when he's gotten much more used to all three.
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avengerscompound · 6 months
The Interview - Chapter 16
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The Interview - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings: none
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Melody Danes
Word Count: 2126
Summary:  Melody Danes gets the break of a lifetime when as a lowly intern, she’s assigned to write a profile piece on Captain America.  Steve Rogers is a hard man not to fall for and as she and Melody get closer and Melody’s career takes off, jealousy leads to sabotage, and the potential to bring her whole world crashing down.
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Chapter 16
Excitement bubbled in Melody's stomach as she rode the Avengers Tower elevator up with Bobbi.  They’d both been to the tower plenty of times.  They’d met all the Avengers.  This was different though.  They weren’t there to sleep over with their prospective boyfriends.  They weren’t there for a party that half of the city had been invited to.  They weren’t there for work.  Tony Stark had invited them to dinner with the team specifically to get to know them.  He’d even had an assistant call to find out if either of them had any special dietary requirements to make sure they felt completely correctly catered for.  He wanted them to feel comfortable because for the Avengers this was the equivalent of meeting the family.
It felt like a big deal.  A relationship marker.  This was the part where the people who loved them best decided if Melody and Bobbi were good enough for them.  Melody just wished it had been Steve’s idea.
Bobbi reached over and gave Melody a push.  “It’s going to be fine.  It’s just dinner.”
Melody pushed her back. “I know.  I know.  It just feels like a big deal.  I don’t know if I should ask Steve to come meet my parents after this or what.”
“Well, at least you get to think about that as an option,” Bobbi said.
Melody frowned and put her arm around her cousin.  “I’m sorry.  I know.  But you got me.”
Bobbi rested her cheek on the top of Melody’s head for a moment.  “Yeah, I’ve got you,” she said.  “And Bucky’s already met you, and he thinks you’re great.  So I’ve got nothing to worry about.  Still, there are my sisters, and I hold out hope mom and dad will come around.”
The elevator opened, and to Melody’s surprise, instead of opening out onto the party deck where she’d first met the rest of the team, it was straight into an apartment.  She could only assume this was the penthouse because it appeared to take up the entire floor, and at least the one above too, as there was a large glass staircase that wound up on the left of the room.  Ahead of her were three steps that led to what appeared to be a living room and the top of the Chrysler building dominated the view out of the floor-to-ceiling windows.  The Avengers were all sitting on the couches together and they stood when the doors opened.  As well as Steve, Bucky, and Tony there, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, James Rhodes, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Thor, Maria Hill, Sharon Carter, and Pepper Potts were all there.  She’d met them all at the party, though some only very briefly, and while most she knew just due to their fame, there were others whose job it was not to be known by the general public.  Melody had Steve go through everyone’s names before coming just so she wouldn’t embarrass herself.
“Here are the guests of honor,” Tony announced, when they approached he stepped forward and kissed each of them on the cheek.  “Welcome, welcome.  Have you all met?  I’m sure you know most of them from their do-goodings.  That’s Maria and Sharon.  Anyone else you might not know?”
“It’s fine, Tony,” Steve said as he put his arm around Melody.  “They both met everyone at the party.”
“Though some of us only briefly,” Hill said.  “It’s nice to see you still around.  I don’t think any of us have ever seen that before.”
“This is the first person I’ve even seen Bucky actually date,” Clint said.
“There was that blind date Natasha set him up on,” Sam replied.
“Alright, alright.  We don’t all need to be going over my love life in front of my girlfriend,” Bucky said.
Bobbi took his hand and kissed his palm. “Your past doesn’t bother me, mi corazón.  They can tease.”
“Great, permission granted,” Sam said, rubbing his hands together.  “This is going to be great!”
Bucky groaned and ran his prosthetic hand down his face.  “Fuckin’ great.”
“Come on, come on,” Tony said.  “Dinner won’t wait forever.  Let’s go through.”
Melody had never seen a dining table as large as the one in Tony’s dining room in person before, and while she’d seen ones on TV just as big or maybe even larger, they featured on shows with vampires, or large mafia families, or epic sagas with Kings and Queens.  Those tables were always dark and heavy hardwood.  Often they were ornately carved.  This was nothing like those tables.  It was rectangular and made of what looked like a single piece of highly polished obsidian and sat on a support of polished chrome in the shape of an x.
Steve pulled out one of the black padded chairs for Melody and she took her seat as everyone else sat down around her.  As soon as they were seated two waiters came out and began filling glasses.  One poured either red or white wine into the wine glasses, while the other poured water into the highballs beside them.  Already set out on the table were platters with olives and warm sourdough bread, as well as meatballs, stuffed zucchini flowers, focaccia, and some kind of arancini.
Melody helped herself to a little of everything as the rest of the group filled their plates.  She was used to eating with Steve and Bucky at this point and wasn’t surprised to see how full Bucky’s plate was, nor how Steve had leaned more into the high protein things like the meatballs over the empty calories of the white bread.  She was surprised to see just how much Thor had taken.  He had dragged an entire platter of meatballs down to himself and added handfuls of everything else to it.
“Speaking of people’s love lives,” Melody said.  “How’s things going with Mattie, Sam?  He talks about you a lot.”
Sam’s eyes lit up at the mention of his new relationship.  “It’s going great,” he said.  “I mean - you know what it’s like dating an Avenger.  I don’t always have a lot of free time, but we’re having a great time together.”
“Ohh… is there another meet-the-family dinner coming up?” Tony asked, a teasing tone in his voice.
“I’ll happily let all of you degenerates meet him any time,” Sam teased.  “But we’re a little way off taking him back to Lousianna.”
Tony put his hand on his chest.  “I’m wounded, Tweety.  You wound me.”
The appetizers were already starting to run out and the waiters started to bring out bowls of a rich soup filled with clams still in their shells.”
“That’s Zuppa Di Vongole,” Tony explained.  “It was one of my grandmother’s favorites.  Or if you don’t eat fish, you’re getting minestrone.”
“How many courses are we having tonight, Tony?” Steve asked.
“Just six,” he said.  “I didn’t go overboard.”
Sharon, Sam, and Clint started laughing, while Steve, Pepper, and Rhodey shook their heads, the look of resigned disbelief was mirrored in all of them.
“Thank you so much for doing all this, Tony,” Bobbi said.  “In a way, it reminds me of dinners with my whole extended family.  Only we all cooked together as well.  And it was a lot more dysfunctional.”
“Give it time,” Bucky muttered.
“You don’t want to cook with all of us,” Bruce said.  “There’s only a couple of people here who can cook.  Most of us burn water.”
“Well part of the fun is passing on tradition, isn’t it?” Bobbi said.  “Bucky’s a great cook.  We’ve been teaching each other different recipes.”
“I didn’t know you liked cooking, Bucky,” Sam said.
Bucky shrugged. “You don’t know lots of things about me.”
Sam looked at him deadpan.  “Well I was going to offer to share some of my family recipes with you, but see if I do now.”
Melody was using one of her clam shells to pick out the clams from the others, but there was still a lot of soup left in her bowl compared to the people around her.  She was a little worried she’d still be eating by the time the next course came out.  She leaned up to Steve’s ear.  “I might need your help to eat all this.”
Steve chuckled.  “And you’re asking me?”
“Think of it as a public service.  Your poor hard done by girlfriend needs to save face,” she whispered.
Steve laughed harder and stole a quick kiss.  “Okay, I’ll help you,” he said.
“Thank you, honey,” she said and kissed his cheek.
Steve shook his head, smiling affectionately as he scooped some of the soup from Melody’s bowl into his own.  She was just getting to the bottom of the bowl when the waiters came out with the next course.  This time it was a salad course.  Most everyone got a Caprese salad, though Tony and Pepper seemed to have gone for something without dairy that featured pear and red cabbage.
“Still avoiding dairy, Tones?” Rhodey asked.
“Well, cutting it down.  It’s hard when there’s a Ben and Jerry’s flavor named after me,” Tony said.
“That’s not the humble brag you think it is, Tones,” Clint said.  “Most of the people here have Ben and Jerry’s flavors named after them.”
“And not one of them is as good as Phish Food,” Maria said.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Tony said.  “Hey now, I won’t hear a thing against Stark Raving Hazelnuts.”
Melody was starting to think she might make it through the entire six courses as she ate her salad.  It was light and fresh, and it didn’t feel like it was filling her up at all.  Then the waiters began bringing out the next course.
“Gnocchi with pesto cream,” Tony said.  “But it’s a cashew cream.”
Melody took a sip of her wine before she started eating.  Before she even took a bite, the conversation had started up again.
“Stark said you interviewed him, Lady Bobbi,” Thor said.
“Yeah, that’s right,” she said.  “We had fun.  You should do it.”
Tony snorted and took a quick swallow of his water.  “Sorry.  I just imagined what it would be like for your team to be making food from 2000 BCE.”
“Just big slabs of meat roasted over coals,” Melody laughed.
“I would not complain,” Thor said.  “A feast is a feast.”
“That sounds better than what I had to eat.  Everything I had was set in jello,” Tony said.
Clint laughed loudly. “Amazing.  I can’t wait to watch it.”
“So what’s the premise?” Sharon asked.
“Just a casual interview while you eat food made from recipes in magazines that came out the year you were born,” Melody said.  “We have other ideas too.  But so far we like that one.”
“That does sound fun.  I hate doing interviews and I’d do that,” Clint said.
“You’d be so welcome,” Melody said.  “I was also thinking of doing a series where we compared things from different chains.  Like pizza or burgers.”
“Oh, oh, I want to do that one,” Clint said.
“I’ll call you to set it up. Thanks, Clint,” Melody said.
“So what did you have to eat Tony?” Natasha said.
“There was a red cabbage salad in a jello that tasted like acid,” Tony said. “This loaf made of creamed liver, this sandwich that was made to look like a cake.”
“Mmm… sounds so appetizing,” Rhodey said.
“I was a little worried he was going to get revenge with this dinner,” Bobbi joked.
“There’s still two courses to go,” Sam said.
Tony laughed hard.  “See, I’m a better person than I thought.  That didn’t even occur to me.”
Despite Steve’s help, Melody was very full by the time she finished the pasta course.  She noticed that most of the other mortals were struggling too.  Pepper’s plate was practically full when they took it away and replaced it with Tuscan-style lamb shanks, while the non-meat eaters were given eggplant parmigiana.  Thankfully, the conversation flowed freely around the room.  So while Melody was feeling overfull, she didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.
The fact that Steve’s friends were all so open to accepting both Melody and Bobbi was gratifying.  Nothing was quite as gratifying as seeing Steve and Bucky enjoying having Melody and Bobbi fit in with their friends.  By the end of the night, Steve had never looked so in love, and it made Melody’s heart feel full every time he looked at her.
By the end of the night and after a serving of Tiramisu served with Vin Santo, Melody not only felt very full but very content.
She said goodnight to everyone and headed to the elevator with Steve.  “Will you spend the night?” Steve asked.
She looked up at him and smiled. “You couldn’t keep me away.”
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httpiastri · 2 months
pt 1
based on pepe's off the track ig stories he travels and takes a lot of aesthetic pics hence..... 🍯
whenever it's off season or summer break, you take a leave and travel around pepe to unwind yourselves. pepe with travelling as his second nature, plans out the itinerary, having a balance of relaxation and thrills that you might hate him for later on (a kiss would solved that anyways)
pepe is always the adventurous one when it comes to travelling, he'd never force you if you don't want to, but he highly encourages you to step out of your comfort zone to try out some of their cuisines, picking ones from the menu that he thinks suits your palate, or to go try activities like scuba diving or hiking to make your trip worth it.
but pepe doesn't always push you to your limits, he'd be down to anything that you want to do. he'd take your pictures, helping you pose and capturing you in your best angles, hyping you up while doing so since you tend to get shy especially when you are taking pictures in a crowded area.
he'd also be down to your pub hopping around the town. getting different drinks since you want to try all of them (even though you'd switch with pepe at the end since you always choose the hard drinks at first) and you'd talk about what's ahead of both of your careers, and as time goes by, gets into more serious ones like settling down together and starting out a family.
at the end of the day, you'd be so tired with the shenanigans pepe put you through that you'd be magnetized to the bed. pepe would helo you with your clothes and remove your makeup before the both of you ending up in a spooning position, reminding you how he's lucky to have a partner and travel buddy like you for a lifetime, and in the end, promising you that in every universe the both of you are in, he would travel the world just to find you again and again.
pt 2
OMG OMG IT POPPED UP IN MY HEAD 🍯 MOREOVER pepe knows you're a fashionista at heart whenever you travel and he always tries to match up with your outfits, he even asks you beforehand what would you wear so he can pack up clothes that would pair with them. he also has things prepared in his backpack just it case the fashionista in you won't last a day: a bandaid for your blisters, a pair of sandals when your feet decides to give up, an extra hair tie when the wind is too much for your laid down hair to handle, and a cardigan if it gets too cold or something spilled on you. when you are almost at your hotel and your feet decided to kill themself, he won't hesitate to carry you bridal style to your bed.
is it a lot to carry all of those in his backpack, and even more when your weight is added when needed? definitely, but he thinks it is all worth it just to hear your sigh of relief when he brings it out of his backpack or when he's carrying you, pecking his cheeks, because you as well, is lucky to have a attentive travel buddy and partner like, and you promise as well to meet him halfway when he comes to find you in every universe.
(im answering this ask instead of the separate ones, hope that's okay 🥰)
i'm about 100 years late and im SO SORRYYYY!!! but omg you really cooked with this 😭
gosh i think traveling with him would be so so cozy :(( he would definitely be up for planning and taking care of stuff, but also involving you a lot? but just making sure everything is as comfortable as possible for you because he knows how important it is for you to just relax during your break (bcs school/work is so exhausting & you deserve time to recover)
but yes, he definitely tries to push you out of your comfort zone, but little by little !!!! you mentioning cuisine made me tear up a little ngl because i'm super sensitive when it comes to food and just... this made me think of other traveling/food thoughts i have had about pepe... like the fact that if he orders new stuff for you from the menu, and you end up not liking it, he definitely offers to swap your meals and eats it for you (so you don't feel embarrassed about not finishing your food)... or if he tastes something new that he really thinks you would like, he will suggest that you have a little taste and if you don't like it then he'll just smile and think no more of it... anddddddd my #1 thought, he definitely orders for you if ordering food is something that bothers you (like it does to me) 🥺 especially in spain when you come with him, he has no issues placing all of your orders in one go in spanish, all while holding your hand on top of the table and secretly asking the waitress about stuff he knows about your food preferences (like, "are there a lot of carrots in this one or is that just on the side?" or "is the sauce very spicy?")
pepe as your personal photographer >>>> !!!! god he would be so good at that, and he definitely has an eye for taking good candid pictures... and he also takes a lot of pictures of the scenery, especially ones where you're subtly in them, just to fill out your pretty instagram carousel for later <33
and pls drinks with pepe? help??? im not very good with drinks but if i were to sit next to him at a bar, i would try any drink he offered to me (and i would watch in awe as he drank everything i didn't like) <33 and pls having talks about your future together? and just knowing you two have each other until forever, and the fact that it doesn't really matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as you're together?? 🥺
aaaaa pepe would lowkey act like he wasnt sure about the idea of matching outfits at first, but he grows very fond to the idea really quickly.... and soon it's him initiating it 🥺 and him being so prepared with his backpack is soooo true!!! some snacks for whenever you both need some energy, a little polaroid camera that he bought as a surprise just to get some extra memories from the trip, tons of water to make sure you don't get dehydrated.... and it all just comes so naturally to him that when you point it out one day he's just like "?? am i not supposed to do this? what else is my job??" :(( he doesn't mind it at all, because any opportunity to make you happy is a win for him <3
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hsjazebel · 2 years
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Summary: where you give harry an early christmas present
A/n: this is my first one shot i write so i don't know how good it is but i hope you like it. Also english is not my first language so if there are any grammar mistakes please excuse me in advance. IF YOU ALREADY READ THIS FIC IT'S BECAUSE I LOST MY OLD ACCOUNT
It had been 3 years since the best day of your life, where you and your soul mate exchanged rings and made promises of love.
Many times Harry had dropped the topic of having children with you, even before the wedding, but due to your different work commitments it didn't seem like the right time to expand your family.
But now that you're in the bathroom waiting for the longest 3 minutes of your life to go by, you think back to the first time Harry mentioned he wanted kids.
Before harry's first solo tour you had decided to go on a little holiday to Italy and now you were curled up on the sofa watching some silly program on television which you pretended to understand since you didn't understand the language.
Your head was resting on Harry's chest and he ran his fingers through your hair when you finally break the silence "maybe I ate too much pasta and my belly is bursting, look! I look pregnant" you indicate your belly with a movement of your face downward.
Harry lets out a small laugh "you'd be beautiful pregnant too, especially since it'd be my baby" but maybe he just wanted to think about it and his words came out even before he formulated a correct sentence.
You lift your head and look at him, thinking you misunderstood, even though you wished you hadn't. "Do you really want to have a baby with me?" Not that you've never thought about it, quite the contrary. You've fantasized many times about your future life with harry and you've always thought about children, but now that you've heard that he thinks like you too everything is different.
"Yes. I didn't mean to tell you just like that but every now and then I think about it and I'm more and more convinced of the fact that I want you to be my children's mother"
The strange Italian program is long forgotten and is the background of your voices. "I don't mean now, I mean soon I'll start my first solo tour and this is already a very important step for me. But I wouldn't rule it out in the near future, if you feel the same way, because it's your body And I would never force you to do something you don't want to."
"No no" you shake your head "I've thought about it too, many times, but you're right, we're still young and you have a splendid career ahead of you. But yes, maybe in a few years who knows, we could bring another human in the world".
Harry nods and gives you a soft kiss on the temple. You both keep trying to figure out what's going on on television, with hearts full of joy and love knowing you want the same things.
The sound of the timer set on your phone brings you back to the present, with your heart pounding to know if a baby is really growing inside your belly.
It had been about 2 weeks and as time went by you kept feeling more and more tired and the morning sickness that lasted for more than 5 days put a bell in your brain telling you maybe you might be pregnant. And now with shaking hands you turn the stick sitting on the bathroom sink to find that there are two lines on it. There is no doubt, you are pregnant.
Tears begin to roll down profusely and you bring a hand to your mouth in disbelief.
The only thought that crosses your mind is how to break this news to Harry. You don't want to tell him in a trivial way and therefore you are looking for a nice way to announce your pregnancy to your husband as you have seen in some tiktok videos.
But soon your mind is taken away from your thoughts again, this time by Harry's voice calling to warn you that he's back home.
"Y/n, love I'm back".
You quickly wipe away your tears, wash your face with cold water and hide the test in your bottom drawer to make sure Harry doesn't find anything.
You go down the stairs and enter in the kitchen where you see your handsome husband unpacking the shopping bags. You approach him and give him a kiss on the cheek, greeting him back.
"I also bought some new decorations for the christmas tree. This year I thought about making it red, what do you think?" he asks you, while he removes some red balls from the bag. "I think it's a great idea" you agree with him.
After putting everything in place, you start cooking for dinner by agreeing on a plate of pasta with cheese. During dinner you talk about what you did during the day and you find it hard not to reveal to him the big secret you have for yourself.
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The next day harry is in the studio to sort things out with his manager so you take some time to think about how to tell harry that he's going to be a dad soon. You still can't believe you're starting a family with the love of your life.
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When Harry gets home around 6pm you are determined to tell him the big news. In the end you settled on something simple and not too ingenious to tell him that you are pregnant, since things too elaborate are not your strong point. You left an envelope on the table with the pregnancy test in it covered in layers of wrapping paper so it wouldn't be seen right away, and a note saying "you're about to be a dad".
Harry doesn't notice the envelope at first and so you decide to take matters into your own hands, with your heart that you thinks it can get out of your ribcage at how hard and fast it's beating.
"I got you a present" you say pointing to the envelope on the table
"A present? Forwhat?" he asks confused taking the envelope.
He starts removing all the cards but as he's about to tell you something about you're kidding him because he can't find anything, he stops by finding the stick with the two lines on it. He picks it up and with tears on the waterline looks at you "you're not messing with me?"
You shake your head and tears start to flow too.
A smile creeps across his face and finally tears begin to flow on him.
You wrap your arms around his neck for a hug and he brings his arms around your waist and thrusts his face into your neck while still sobbing.
"I'm going to be a dad. I'M GOING TO BE A DAD I DON'T BELIEVE IT" he says pulling away from you.
"And you will become a mother, a fantastic mother. thank you thank you thank you"
You laugh at his reaction and wipe your tears "thanks for what?" "of what? for giving me the best gift of my entire life. for making me a dad, I've dreamed of this all my life and I'm finally living it with the person I love most in the world."
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eliza-dearest · 10 months
You 🤝 Me at that Bakugou Post
You have opened a can of worms. I'm so sick of people denying the truth, and the truth is that Bakugou has always been flawed, dumb, and, frankly, kind of a loser. He gets punished by the narrative for said flaw of being dumb and not thinking regularly. And that, dear Goofy, is why I adore him as a character. I embrace the punching bag-ness of his story arc. The man is a comedy show's worth of odd karma waiting to happen. Man could be one of the impractical jokers.
My evidence is as follows to my theory, manga spoilers ahead:
Tells Izuku to swan dive w/o thinkin -> instantly is called out, gets caught by the sludge villain, has to be saved by said loser shitnerd he told to die along with his literal idol while he's covered in sewer goop. Also because he got saved by shitnerd, shitnerd now has his idol's quirk.
Top score in the entrance exam -> speaker of sports festival/people scout out their class -> says something dumb and impulsive -> instantly makes everyone hate him and as a result his entire class.
Denki said his personality was hot trash and nobody liked him. The class just kinda agreed??
Big power gauntlets to boom with -> almost kills izuku without thinking bc 'he'll dodge' -> is stalled, outsmarted in the end, and fails his first exam.
Yeah he won the sports festival but he also won because the other guy wasted his strength with loser shitnerd. Also because he's raging, they put him in a muzzle. Like a dog.
Final exam. Against Toshi. With Izuku. Spends too much time arguing and decides to go off on his own. Gets punched into the letter C for going in with no plan and being an idiot. Has to be saved by Izuku. Again.
Winning the sports fest on a technicality -> throwing a tantrum and being muzzled -> getting targeted for kidnapping and going off on his own -> entire class is injured, hero loses a quirk -> his idol losing his ability to fight/ending his whole career AND having to get saved AGAIN.
Got chewed out by his mom for threatening her. In front of All Might.
Develops an odd relationship with Izuku n All Might, accidentally becomes son-in-law
Gets to take license exam early! -> is too aggressive and doesn't get it. Deku does though, as does everyone but him and the guy he won against in the sports fest -> while everyone is dealing with the yakuza he's babysitting kids and learning to cool his temper. Shoto now thinks they're besties. He's befriended more idiots.
Gets his license! Misses the entire arc, a man is now dead. He's falling behind.
Goes to an island! Saves the entire place and potentially the world, gets to use All Might's quirk -> forgets all of it and only has broken bones. OFA said 'no we wanna stay with Izuku'
Interns with the number 1 hero -> It is endeavor. Izuku is also there. Shoto invites them to the worst family dinner ever.
Loser boy has MULTIPLE QUIRKS?? and they got triggered bc someone insulted him? That's embarrassing. Now he's gotta go to secret quirk meetings because like it or not, he's involved now.
Gets a quirk upgrade! -> is instantly impaled by shigforone bc he moved without thinking to save Deku. -> announces hero name in dying breaths without thinking -> everyone makes fun of it. Even the villains.
Awakens from a coma to ambush Izuku. He's run off to become a vigilante. has to chase him down in the streets and have an entire army restrain him and he only comes home when he BARES HIS SHAME to him. In front of their entire class.
COMES BACK TO LIFE, RIPS AFOS ARMS OFF -> Calls himself "Kacchan of the Bakugous" on a live broadcast. Is actively fighting with a hole in his chest. Probably dehydrated and delirious. Has a JEART.
Quirk upgrade -> it comes from the fact that his body is in so much pain. The more it hurts, the stronger the boom.
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Help, Jinchwita was so emotional. The vibe was so different from RM or Jimin-chwita. Suga has this deep respect and admiration for Jin, one he shares with Namjoon. Both RM and Suga are really ambitious and very eager to prove themselves; they're worriers who worry a lot about the group and their future, as well as their individual careers. But Jin knows how to live in the moment and go with the flow. RM and Suga have both stated so many times that they admire Jin's life philosophy and have tried to learn from jim. I remember Jin and RM's talk about life in BV 3 was life changing to RM and changed the way he saw Jin. ITS season 1 was life changing to Suga too apparently, for the same reasons. Jin may act flippant and call it being "dumb", but his emotional intelligence is seriously impressive and Suga rightfully called him out that he's too educated to be dumb. I remember that Jin said he used to worry a lot, but when Fire came out he changed his attitude, and now he's like this. I wish he gave himself more credit and didn't see his inability to think that far ahead as a limitation or a flaw. I wonder if it upsets him that he doesn't have the ambition the rest of the team has. Not caring about the future can be sad because it means you don't have anything that drives you, or dreams. I think Jin feels like less than the other members because of that, even if it means he can be happier in the present and feel less regret or worry.
Anyway, it's cute that Jin turned to Suga when he was feeling down and Suga told him to put his feelings into song. That's literally Suga's go-to advice, because that's how Face came about too lmao. But it's funny that, at the time Abyss came out, Jin said it was Bang PD who told him to write a song regardless of how dark it was...
Speaking of Bang PD, the supposed "father" of BTS, it was hilarious that Suga immediately said "my father is my father though" when Jin said sharing the alcohol turned friends into brothers. Suga did not hesitate to reply that BTS were already friends and family, yet Bang PD can't be his dad because he already has one lmao. He has siblings too, but the members can still be his brothers. J-Hope immediately said BTS were already brothers too aww.
The episode made me cry so much! Hearing The Astronaut made me cry, knowing Jin asked for the episode to be released in June made me cry, talking about Jin made me cry, the editing made me cry. I miss him so much. J-Hope's bright laugh felt so good to hear too; it's so comforting, like home. That's when it feels that BTS is BTS, when you have J-Hope smiling, laughing, and hyping everyone up.
Suga and Jin really love Jungkook! Suga mentioned Jungkook like three times, called him annoying lmao (the editors showing a pic of Jungkook being adorable was so funny and cute). Jungkook is really special to Jin. I love Jinkook so much so this episode was great for that reason too. What was most touching for me was when Jin said that, if he had to live with anyone, it wouldn't be his brother, his mom, or even Jungkook, or any other member, but Suga. It's like he was telling Suga they were such perfect roommates that he wouldn't even choose Jungkook over him. So that's how special Suga is to Jin, but most of all that's how special Jungkook is to Jin, because Jin picks Jungkook for everything but not this. And Jungkook was there when Jin cut his hair, along with Suga... These three are really so private because they never share who they hang out with. J-Hope shares so much with us in terms of the members; when he, or even RM and V, hang out with the members, they share pics or videos. But Jin, Suga, Jimin and Jungkook rarely do so you might think they're not hanging out but they are.
I love that so far all the members said they would go to 2025, but Jin said 2050 lmao. He doesn't even care about 3 years, he just wants to know if they'll be living together when they're old lmao. Suga said Jungkook would still be annoying haha, and Jin doesn't want any member to change... I love them so much... This episode was so emotional and touching.
Also, I loved that Jin and Suga accused J-Hope and V of crying in their 2018 MAMA speech, but it cut to a scene of Jungkook and J-Hope being the only ones crying lmao. Like, Jungkook was silently shedding tears the whole time. Before V burst into tears and Jin got more emotional, Jungkook was already yeeting his tears lmao. RM got emotional too, and even the fans' screams sounded a bit pained...
Anyway, I need to recover from this episode. I love Jin. I miss BTS.
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narcisosims · 9 months
The Partihaus Gang 𓆩♡𓆪
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Townies Makeover 𓆩♡𓆪
Paolo Rocca (young adult) - Marcus Flex (adult) - Eva Capricciosa (young adult) - Jade Rosa (young adult)
At the age of 35, Marcus has no idea of where he's going in life: partying all night, working out all day... the few tips he occasionally makes by bartending every now and then at clubs are not going to pay his bills forever. He can try baby-sitting, dog-sitting, dj-mixing, but not actually studying or putting in the work in order to become anything bigger makes him look and feel like a completely lost soul in the world. And his friends are certainly not making it easier on him! Jade Rosa, originally from Italy, is now back in San Sequoia to reunite with her family and ocasionally flies to Windenburg to see how her best friends are doing. She is giving her all in both the Business career and in her side hustle as a food vendor! She uses her time in a completely polar opposite way to how Marcus uses his, so much that, from time to time, he wonders how she can be so career-driven and also find some time to focus on her family and friends as well! Paolo has kicked the soccer ball since he was a barefeet little kid having fun with his friends in the poorest streets in Brazil. From when he was born he dreams to become a big football player and live a lavish life, finally being able to relax and not worry about poverty. But, this might also mean he can sometimes be a little too drawn to the pleasures of life... And then there’s Eva. Bubble tea and thrifting clothes are the primarily reasons why she wakes up in the morning: that’s why ThrifTeas and coffee shops are her workplace! She might also works as a barista from time to time to earn little money to help with the household's bills, but eventually those coins always end up into purchasing more clothes for herself. That's also why she's trying to make it as a famous stylist in the city! Even though the four seem to be on good terms, as he’s living among them Marcus can definitely feel the stress arising now that he’s reaching a certain age, and now that he sees how his friends (who he had initially invited to Windenburg himself!) are unwantingly making him feel like they are so ahead of him in their lives at their young age. Is it time for him to use this as a motivation and finally figure himself out, or will he end up moving away from all this stress?
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faofinn · 2 years
DAY 25: limp (alt 6)
Fao’s pain had really gotten on top of him. He’d been doing okay for a while, without too much drama, but he still wasn’t long into his recovery. The accident that had spelled the end of his career in the Army Reserves meant he had more time to spend with the family, but it had been serious, and he was still dealing with the after effects. Surgery after surgery, a completely broken neck of femur, shattered shoulder and jaw had meant they’d needed to be creative with what they did. Werewolves weren’t so simple as humans, you couldn’t just put them back together with metal and let them heal. He’d had the metal at first, of course, to give stability, but then it had had to come out, and the bone encouraged to heal naturally, so he could shift. 
They’d been happy enough with all of his imaging, the advanced wolf hospital having covered his care, and alongside Steve, had given him the go ahead to shift. Months on the suppression drugs had been hell, but he was coming out the other side of it now, and he’d generally been feeling okay. He’d had a couple of ‘test’ shifts, and he’d been working with Tai to improve his gait both as human and wolf. He’d gotten better, stronger, but the pain hadn’t gone away. He wasn’t sure if it ever would. 
Now it was flaring, though, and he hated it. He’d been working in the clinic that day, trying to keep busy, helping Steve out with his surgical cases where he could. He wanted to keep his eye in, for when he was ready to go back to his ‘real’ job. His painkillers just weren’t working, and he felt like crap. Every time he took weight on his bad leg, it felt wrong. He was due to be shifting with Tai and Steve that evening, another test to see how he got on. There was still some uncertainty as to whether he’d need any surgery as wolf. 
He struggled through the rest of the day the best he could, hoping that maybe once he shifted he’d feel better. He finished up his ‘shift’ with Steve, and headed to the staff room to wait for Steve and Tai to get free. When they were, they headed out to one of the smaller runs at the back of the clinic, and Fao could shift before he came back out to them. 
He was still getting used to his shifts, most definitely, but he was used to the pain on shifting now. His bad leg definitely still didn’t feel right - it actually felt worse - and he limped out to Steve and Tai, ears pinned back looking sorry for himself. The pain was awful, but it felt like it was unstable, as though the leg itself was going to give way under him. 
Tai glanced at Steve uncertainly, watching the way Fao moved. “That limp is much worse.” He commented, reaching out to stroke Fao’s ears as the wolf limped closer to seek out the affection. He was in pain, and everything felt wrong. 
Steve hummed. "Might be an idea to get a few scans."
“Fuck, it’s not fair.” 
"Not at all." He sighed. "Might just be all the shifts."
“He’s been doing well, he needs to strengthen, and he won’t strengthen without the shifts.” Tai murmured. 
"Yeah, it’s just going to be a weak spot until then."
“Bring him inside, then?”
"Do you think you can walk?" He crouched to ask Fao. "Or do you need us to get the trolley?"
Fao whined. He could probably walk on three legs, but he was sore, and some pain relief wouldn’t amiss. 
"I'll get the trolley and bag, eh? You're gonna have a permanent bald patch on your leg at this rate, Fao." Steve laughed to himself. 
He huffed, shifting his weight awkwardly so he wasn’t putting anything through his bad leg, He licked his lips, anxious. 
"I won’t be long." He murmured, disappearing off to find what he needed.
Tai sat down in front of Fao, rubbing his ears. “This wasn’t what you needed, was it? You were doing so well.” 
Fao pawed at him, keen for more attention. It absolutely wasn’t what he needed, he’d been looking forward to not having to worry about all of this.
"If your scan is alright, it might just be muscles. I've been doing more research about massage techniques and they've got some good success stories."
Fao certainly wasn’t going to complain about massage. That had to be better than the endless exercises he had to do. His tail wagged and he nosed at Tai. 
"Yeah, thought you'd like that." Tai laughed. "You're almost as bad as Harrison, and he's just a whore for attention."
Fao grumbled playfully, glad to be distracted from the pain for a bit. Steve wasn’t long, appearing with the trolley and the kit. They got some pain relief in, got Fao on the trolley, and headed inside the clinic. The scan didn’t take too long, Fao reasonably compliant for it, given the circumstances. The pain relief had taken the edge off, and then Steve and Tai left him comfortable on a pile of blankets whilst they had a look at the images. 
“Oh, that doesn’t look great.” Tai murmured, leaning on the desk. “No wonder he’s limping.”
"Not at all. We're gonna have to knock him out."
“Yeah. Fuck’s sake. You go talk to him, I’ll call Sheila?” 
“Yeah, thank you.” Steve murmured. He moved over to Fao, kneeling next to him to explain what was going on. It was hard to know how much he’d take in as wolf, but it was always best to treat him as though he was able to take everything in. It made all the difference when you were the patient. 
When Tai had finished on the phone to Sheila, the pair of them got Fao into one of their treatment rooms, where they could knock him out and get his hip joint back where it was supposed to be. There’d be no shifts for a while, that was certain, and they’d likely need to think of a better solution for the joint in the longer term.
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hyojongpromo · 1 year
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Dawn Remembers Relationship With HyunA “Fondly,” Explores Sacrifice on New Song “Dear My Light”
“There are some situations where letting go also helps people shine, though,” he tells Teen Vogue.
Kim Hyojong, known by his stage name Dawn, is done with the spectacle. In the music video for his confessional new single “Dear My Light,” wisps of smoke efface the K-pop star, and a media circus confronts his anonymous silhouette. It’s a powerful statement from an artist whose private life has been broadcast everywhere online for the past year.
That’s not to say his songwriting isn’t personal. He’s just being intentional with how it’s packaged. “Even if there’s something I want to hide in my life,” Dawn says over a video call, “whether I share it or not is up to the music.” Form is everything to him, and the acoustic “Dear My Light” is first and foremost a letter. The subject remains nameless, though its addressee would be immediately obvious to even a casual K-pop listener.
In 2018, soloist HyunA revealed that she and Dawn had been secretly dating, contradicting a statement from their company. At the time, he was just beginning to break through with his group Pentagon, while she had been making a name for herself in the industry for nearly a decade. The move got them kicked from Cube Entertainment, though they were signed by P Nation, Psy’s label, shortly after. In the following years, fans honed in on the underdog romance. For better or for worse, HyunA and Dawn became inextricably tied in the public’s mind.
Last year, when the couple quietly let their P Nation contracts expire, few predicted what would happen next. “We broke up,” a post to HyunA’s Instagram read. “We decided to remain good friends and co-workers from now on. Thank you always for your support and care.”
Now, at his new creative home AT AREA, Dawn is ready to start fresh — but “Dear My Light,” his reentry into the K-pop scene, isn’t tinged with regret as you might expect. It’s defined by its gratitude and grace. Ahead of its release on April 13, Dawn spoke to Teen Vogue about stepping into the spotlight alone and being understood by the ones who matter most.
Teen Vogue: “Dear My Light” is your most personal, raw single to date. What made it feel like this was the right next step for you?
Dawn: Well, it is what I’m experiencing right now. I just so happened to also meet and find a new family in AT AREA. In our conversations, the idea of wanting to put sincerity in music came up often, which is how this single came to be.
Teen Vogue: How would you describe the message of the song, in your own words?
Dawn: I think every person, no matter how bright they are, has a dark side. I am like this, too. There are times when the darkness becomes darker. This happened to me, but then, during that time, I met someone who was a great light in my life. This person was able to make my darkness become light again. It’s these sorts of experiences and feelings that allowed me to make this song. As I was writing it, I felt as if I was writing a letter to this person.
Obviously, what I experienced was a breakup. But this person was such a light to me that even now I remember them and our moments together fondly. These memories could become faint and disappear altogether later on, but I believe the traces of the person will always remain.
Teen Vogue: Writing a letter to someone can be very cathartic, even if there’s the possibility they might not read it.
Dawn: I think of it like this: This person was a light for me, but I was also a light for them. If this person is the person that I know them to be, then they will definitely read this letter and correctly understand what I tried to say.
Teen Vogue: There’s a lyric: “Even if I have to let go a lot of me for you to shine / I’m fine.” Have you felt that way in your career as an idol, that you’ve had to let go of a part of yourself?
Dawn: In Korea, there is a negative perception towards idols dating. This does influence the situation. But both me and the person I dated, in my mind, were people who shined more if we were honest [with the public about our relationship]. There are some situations where letting go also helps people shine, though.
Love is between two individual people. There always has to be a certain amount of consideration and sacrifice from one person to the other. But rather than sacrifice, I like to think of it as care and consideration. In any relationship, care for the other is necessary.
Teen Vogue: It’s fitting that you bring up your life as an artist and your life as a part of this relationship, because those are two things that became very publicly entangled. How have you been unraveling those threads?
Dawn: The events overlapped with each other. I left my old company on good terms, but I left because I wanted to do something new. At the time, I wasn’t sure what that was. I wasn’t prepared. At the same time, the person that I loved most said they needed some time alone, so we were apart from each other.
It was a hard time in my life, but now I see that hardship was what helped me clearly determine what path I needed to follow. I’m going to continue to think back on that time and follow this path as I move forward.
Now, in my new company, I’ve figured out what type of music I want to do, the things that I have to do, and the stories I have to tell. I also figured out what I want to tell my fans who love me. As difficult as that time was, it was also eye-opening. I plan to continue to work through it with my company in order to find a variety of things that I can offer beyond just music.
Teen Vogue: With you moving to AT AREA, are we going to be seeing more hip-hop and R&B influence in your music?
Dawn: Not necessarily. Rather than dividing it into genres like hip-hop, R&B, dance, or EDM, I think K-pop has its own specific appeal. As it continues to influence and be influenced by music across the world, K-pop continues to develop. Rather than saying I’ll do R&B or hip-hop, I think it’s better to say that I will continue to do K-pop.
Teen Vogue: In the past, you’ve described “Dawndididawn” as an introduction to who you were as a soloist, at that time. Given your life and label changes in the past year, would you say this is a *re*introduction?
Dawn: I don’t really consider it a redo. No matter how much I would want to redo something, the Internet already has all the things I have done. [Laughs] They’re not going away.
But also, I don’t want to redo anything. It’s a path I’ve already walked and I don’t see it as bad. I like what I have done. And there were fans who liked that me but have stayed with me, so I want to build upon that rather than redo. The only difference is that the person I was then is different than who I am now. But I love both.
Teen Vogue: How do you hope fans will view this new chapter?
Dawn: It’s nice that people know Dawn the artist, the entity that is Dawn, but my real name is Hyojong. I was afraid to let people know me because Dawn the artist is spectacular and strong, but Hyojong is, in my mind, a very plain, sometimes cowardly, and not necessarily impressive person.
I tried to hide Hyojong, but now I want Dawn to be Hyojong and Hyojong to be Dawn. Hyojong is stronger and continues to become stronger. And I personally find that impressive.
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yanawildstar · 4 months
This makes me luagh..
1. *BOXING WIVES* : These are the type of wives that fight with their husbands deliberately just to provoke him to anger. These kind of women are ready to fight with the husband mostly in the public area to create a scene.
These are the wives that are well paid in either their career or business but they disrespect and put their husband down because they have the financial edge over their husbands.
This type is very common. These are the wives that inspect or police their husbands every where they go. When the husband goes to the bathroom they pick up his phone to quickly check his messages.
If the husband makes a call they hide behind the door to listen to every conversation...If the husband goes out they make sure he is followed and has friends that keep an extra eye on the husband activities.
These are the wives that don't listen to the advise of their husband but rather they prefer to listen to their mother or sister or friend.
Whenever their husband says something, they quickly go to verify from either the mother, sister, friend e.t.c like a dictionary to know if she should go ahead with what their husband instructed or not.
They prefer to buy every available handbag and shoe to attend any available party even though her family does not have the financial muscle to entertain such expenses...They are readily available at every party and drinkathon thereby neglecting their children, husband and home..
These are also known as daddy's little girl...They call and report their husband to their father at any slight argument or conversation. The rich ones are highly dangerous especially when the husband is working directly for the father..
The name might sound harsh but they exist...These wives leave the home unkept and dirty and you only see them rushing to clean the house only when they have a visitor at the door...There are several occasions were some husbands get home after a days work only to find the house upside down and dirty.
They are caring and loving. Provides emotional needs and creates extra time for family. Guides home spiritually, Very responsible and treats husband and family with respect.
They are always on the internet, instagram, posting pictures with twisted legs, chatting and even forget to do basic shores because they want to know what is happening on FB.
10. Unappreciated Wives:
These are wives who stay home and take care of everything and everybody but are treated like children. Seen and not heard.. So for the ladies which one are you and for the guys which one do you currently have...Kindly go through so that you can work on yourself if need be.
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