#he actually know when to do it and that makes him more atractive
babiestmunson · 2 years
joseph quinn manspreading in photoshoots and i'm here for it
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b0r3dtod3ath · 5 months
Hello hi!
Can you do a challengers fic?
Art x reader, where he and reader had a flirty relationship but he started to experiment with tashi and patrick and she was like "well, it happens" but the trio didnt work out so he tried to recandle that dinamic between him and reader but she lost all the atraction to him.
(lots of groveling)
Thank you!
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Thank you for the request!
Warnings: Mention of an injury, curse words. 
You and Art have been friends since middle school and since then he was always by your side. Your shared interest in tennis and joint decision about applying to Stanford resulted in you two being inseparable best friends. Well, maybe not really. Your relationship was quite hard to describe. People constantly mistook you for a couple but in reality you were just really close. Sure, there were a lot of flirtatious moments, some may even say romantic, but you never thought about it too deeply, thinking that it’s just the way Art is. 
Each morning he knocked vigorously on your dorm room door. “You need to wake up! We need to go.” The sight that he sees when you open the door always makes his heart skip a beat. Messy hair and a toothbrush in your mouth give him a glimpse of what it would be like if he was living with you. “Good morning!” He gives you a beautiful smile as he hands you a coffee in your favorite thermos. He insists on doing it because “it saves time in the morning as he’s up anyways”. Oh and also when you finish he takes the cup back to clean it so he doesn't bother you in the morning. His friend Patrick has always made fun of him for those small gestures but he recently got a girlfriend so he’s busy. Actually, you have heard of Tashi. She attends your school and you were supposed to play against her in a local tournament. You have heard that she’s really good but people also always point out your skills.
You head to the canteen, sipping your coffee as Art tells you about Patrick’s new girlfriend. It’s not like you are jealous but hearing your male best friend ramble about another girl is weird. You keep quiet, after all there was nothing romantic between you two. You eat your breakfast without saying much which goes unnoticed to your friend. He stops eating, looking at your face for a moment, trying to figure out what’s going on in your mind “I saw they had watermelon in the fruit section. I can bring it for you if you want. Did something happen? You know you can always talk to me. I will always be there for you.” The gentle tone in his voice almost feels like he is talking to a lost child, scared to make you withdraw. “No, no. It’s fine. I’m just a bit less confident about the next match. You know, after what happened a few days ago, my leg still sometimes cramps up a bit.” you halfy make up a lie. You were stressed about the match but it had nothing to do with your calf. “You should have told me earlier. I will massage it before we train today. You are going to do amazing".
He didn’t listen to your begging not to knead your muscle so you ended up with him rubbing it firmly enough to “help you” but gently enough not to hurt you. As you trained he could sense your frustration. Sure, it made you more confident on the court as you transferred your anger into each fore and backhand. Then suddenly you stop. Your opponent gives you a confused look as you out of the blue ignore the ball. “I don’t feel well. I’m gonna call it quits. I have a test tomorrow anyway that I should study for. I can’t be hitting a ball with a racket my whole life.” you look at him, his expression as shocked as a moment ago. “See you in the evening?” You two usually had some evening tennis sessions or just went for some walks as there were not many people around that time and you could freely chat about anything. “Well. I can’t actually make it today. I’m really sorry. Patrick invited me for some drinks. He wants me to meet Tashi”. His eyes looked like they belonged to a puppy. “Oh, yea. I mean. That’s fine. See you tomorrow then.” you say without giving him the usual light hug as a goodbye.
The following morning Art didn’t knock on your door. You assumed he must have been tired from the day before but it still felt unusual. You decided to push it aside and focus on yourself and your preparations to play against Tashi. The match started at 2 pm so you still had some time to get ready. You followed your usual routine with only one exception - your regular companion. 
The tennis court simmered under the midday sun, a gentle breeze whispered through the air, carrying a promise of an intense match. It was one of the most anticipated matches of the season on the Stanford campus. It was the end of a debate of who is the best tennis player among students but most importantly it was evidence of passion for sports and competition. You looked at Tashi coming on the court, getting a bigger applause than you did. You didn’t let it bother you, it didn’t matter who was the fan favorite, it mattered who was better. You were first to serve. Silence established itself on the court, a neon yellow ball bounced a few times between your hand and the ground. You looked deeply into your opponent’s eyes. It wasn’t a game of tennis, it was a battle for dominance. 
A thunderous serve from you, the ball sliced through the air with precision. Tashi returned it with equal force, the ball skimming just inches above the net. Back and forth you played, each stroke a testament to your skill and determination. The crowd watched in silence, fully immersed in the spectacle unfolding before them. As the match wore on, the intensity only seemed to grow. Tashi unleashed a powerful forehand, sending the ball to the other side of the net. But you were quick to react, sprinting across the court with lightning speed to return it with a perfectly executed backhand. The crowd erupted into applause, recognizing the sheer athleticism on display.  The game continued in this fashion, each player refusing to give an inch. Your muscles burned like they were on fire as you chased down every shot, your mind focused solely on victory. On letting her know who Art belongs to. 
Then, in a heartbeat, disaster struck. As Tashi ran to return a particularly fierce shot, her foot slipped. Time seemed to slow as she stumbled forward, her knee buckling beneath her weight. With a sharp cry of pain, she collapsed to the ground, clutching her injured leg. She started crying like a hurt animal, unable to think what people thought of her. You stood there in pure shock, unsure of what to do. In the corner of your eye you saw Art running up to her and trying to calm her down. 
You felt really bad for her. Not liking her didn’t mean you were happy for her injury. After asking the medical team about her, you got to know that she’s waiting for an ambulance. When you found her, your heart immediately dropped at the sight of Art holding her hand. “I just wanted to say, I’m so sorry it happened, I-” you started to apologize, “Out! Out! Out!” she screamed at you “But-” you tried to say something but Art stood up “Get the fuck out!”. He had never raised his voice towards you. He was always your gentle, soft, good boy. You silently walked away as hot tears rolled on your cheeks. The echo of your sobs filled your room for the whole night. 
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For the next few weeks you didn’t see Art. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to see him, you did actually, but he was always accompanied by Tashi or Patrick. It did make you feel a bit lonely but you focused on training and improving. You actually started to do really well and moved up the rank. Despite an opportunity to get an apartment you stayed at Stanford. You told everyone that you would feel lonely living alone, but the truth was you just didn’t want to leave Art. He would still sometimes catch your glimpse across the canteen or the training hall but no words were exchanged. 
He found you one evening, your silhouette illuminated by the artificial glow of the light. You were alone, your movements fluid yet tense as you practiced your strokes with precision. Taking a deep breath, Art approached you cautiously, unsure of how you would react to his presence. "Hey" he said softly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. You turned to face him, your expression stone cold. You said nothing. A hint of bitterness in your eyes. "I-I just wanted to see how you were doing," he said, his words stumbling over each other in his nervousness. "What do you want?" you snapped, you tone sharp and cutting. Determination glinting in his eyes. "I saw you playing alone, and I thought... maybe you could use a partner," he offered hesitantly. You scoffed, your grip on the racquet tightening as you glared at him. "And why would I want to play with you?". Art took a step closer, his gaze unwavering as he met your overwhelming stare. "Because I miss playing with you, I miss you" he admitted softly. "And because I'm sorry. Truly sorry for what I did." You hesitated for a moment, your eyes narrowing as you considered his offer. “Don’t you have to take care of your little Tashi’s leg?” you said under your nose. "Fine. But don't expect too much" you warned.  
As you began to play, your movements were sharp and precise, your shots landing with deadly accuracy. Art did his best to keep up, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. You had always been better than him but he could sense something else. After all, tennis was the most intimate out of all sports. Suddenly, you unleashed a powerful forehand that sailed towards Art with an alarming speed. Instinctively, he raised his racket to block the shot, but it ricocheted off the strings with a resounding thud, leaving him staggering backwards. "Are you trying to kill me or something?" he exclaimed, his heart racing as he moved closer to the net. You turned around -  a little habit you gained, you never looked at your opponent after scoring a point. "Maybe," you replied nonchalantly, your tone betraying a hint of amusement. Art chuckled nervously, rubbing his sore arm where the ball had made contact, as he got closer and closer to you. "Well, you can kill me if you want," he offered, making you chuckle. He reached to touch your hand, his expression pleading, as you turned. "Please. I know I messed up, but I can't stand not having you in my life. I... I have feelings for you. And I need you to know that. I don’t see you as just a friend." You felt your heart skip a beat at his confession, your breath catching in your throat. You had suspected as much, but hearing him say the words out loud sent a jolt of electricity through your veins. "I... I don't know, Art” you responded, torn between the anger still simmering inside you and the warmth of his words. "You ditched me for her. "Art nodded, his eyes brimming with regret. "I know. And I'm so sorry. I was weak and I thought you would never look at me the same way I look at you. I'll do anything to make it right, I swear." he got on his knees, both hands holding yours. “I will never leave your side, I will show you how much I love you and I will buy you this diamond bracelet you always wanted.” You chuckled “Art, get up. I don’t need a bracelet from you. I will give this a chance.” A smile broke across Art’s face, relief flooding his features as he reached out to wrap you in a tight embrace. "Thank you, I promise, you won't regret this." he murmured, his voice thick with emotion and eyes wet with tears. You returned the hug. The two of you swayed for a moment before you broke the silence with your dead serious tone. “Never raise your voice at me again, understand?” He looked deeply in your eyes. “Understood, maam. I’m incredibly sorry”.
April 29, 2024
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Naoko kirino, Yuri (Doki Doki), Shouko Komi, in a relationship with a reader who can see and talk to ghosts and other supernatural things and constantly gives them amulets for protection
S/O can see supernaturals
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Naoko, Yuri, Shouko ]
[ Gravity Falls ] [ Pumpkin Night ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Komi can't communicate ]
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hehehe I like how you think A-chan ~
can you believe that i had the same idea some time ago!? Waaaa hahaha
I hope you like it as much as I did ❤️
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Dipper Pinnes
At the start of the relasionship Dipper can be pretty awkward and nervous, even when he knows you like him just the way he is he can't help but be kinda flustered by the thought of actually being in a relationship
Sharing with you the information of the diary that he had found is really important for him, is just that he is too excited by everything that says on that diary that he doesn't really thought it could be dangerous or anything
The fact that you actually believe him about what the diary says it was enough for him to get incredibly excited and start talking non-stop about everything there is in the diary, all that he had saw and that had uncovered, he is just too excited that someone is finally taking him serious (if he already knows Standford then he will talk about everything he had teach him too), he will probably apologize and stop at some point, embarrassed for doing it
Even when he had seen a lot of strange things already he is really surprised that you had seen them too, specially since he needs the diary to get to know about all of this. Dipper will be initialy unsure and nervous about it but he slowly gets used to the idea and start to ask you a lot of things about it, he wants to know everything! since when you know the supernaturals, how did you find out, how had been your experiences with them, what you had learn from them and specially if you know things that aren't on the diary (although, that will be incredibly surprising)
If you say that you had bad past experiences with supernaturals, saying that they had put you in danger or were a threaten he is imediatly worried, he tries to ask you for more details without being pushy or potentialy trigger bad memories for you, he wants to know the details because he wants to be able to protect you if any creature tries to attack you again. In the other hand, if you say that you had pretty good experiences with them and even that you are friends with them he is really surprised, this wasn't what he expected but is way better than being in danger, that will make him really curious again, wanting to know how that could be posible
In Dipper grows a little bit of a feeling of wanting to protect you, his experiences with this kind of creatures haven't being the best, there are good times but still he can't help but worry sometimes, he tries to study the diary and be ready for whatever it can came but if you teach him how to do amulets of protection or teach him how to avoid conflict he will accept it right away, it help him feel more at easy to know that you know how to defend yourself and that he can help you too
If you gift him amulets of protection or give him advice for him to stay safe he will be pretty flustered by it, not matter if you do it just once or do it frecuently it flustered him the thought of you being worried about him and actually taking time of your day to make something to protect him (he will say a million of thanks and probably try to find something to give it to you that is as meaningful as what you gave him)
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Mabel Pinnes
Mabel is really excited to be in a relationship, is easy for her to be atracted to someone and at first it was simple atraction but as the time pass and you two get to know better the feeling grows to be stronger and more stubborn, that is how you two end up in a relationship
She likes to share everything she does with you because is what she is, she likes to drag you in her little adventures and play with you a lot, is probably that you end up covered in colors and brilliantine from time to time
Just as she loves being herself with you and drag you in what she is doing she wants for you to feel free to be your true self with her too (but sometimes she ends up hogging the time), she always asks you for your opinion and what you like and dislike, even when it doesn't seem like it she keep you in mind a lot for a lot of things
Finding out that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals creatures is pretty surprising and a little strange for her (even if you don't try to hide it normally), is something she expected from his brother but not from her partner, is strange but it won't take her much time to believe it and accept it! She actually take it pretty normal and will praise your hability if you feel insecure or uncomfortable for it
Mabel isn't too interested in knowing about the supernaturals but is totally willing to heard your stories if you want to share them with her but be ready for her doing a lot of comments and jokes about it, she may even ask the silliest things about it
If you had bad past experiences with the supernaturals or had even been in danger before she will immediatly get worried and sad, saying sorry and offering you comfort, and later she will ask his brother if there is anything she can do to help you. If you actually get along with them or even be their friend she will laugh at it, totally something she didn't expected but is amazing nonetheless
Mabel will totally introduce you to his brother and tell you about the diary and how he is amased by supernaturals too, what could lead you to spend a lot of time together, she is happy for it but it doesn't take her much time before being bothered by it and even jealous, she will try to separate the two of you to be able to spend time with both without the supernaturals things
If you ever gift her things that can help and protect her from supernatural she thanks you a lot, she find it like a pretty cute gift, even when is more probably that she doesn't fully understand for what it is, althought she probably wil ask if she can decorate it or have one full of colors and brightness (probably even do one for you in that way, imitating the one you give her, it probably won't protect you since she doesn't fully know how it works but she does it from her heart)
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Wendy Corduroy
Getting into a relationship with Wendy isn't too difficult, she normally doesn't care too much as long as she feel atracted to you, although the more time you two spend together the closer you grow and you start to be more important to her
She likes to talk to you about what she is in, she is always telling you the funny stories that she has with her friends, family and sometimes even in her work (whenever you weren't involved on the mess with them), also she likes when you tell her things of you too but isn't going to force you to talk and just wait until you want to share something with her
Its not a secret that Gravity Falls can be a really strange village although she doesn't pay much attention to those things, so the moment you tell her that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals she won't believe you at first, she probably will only laugh and agree sarcastically thinking that you may be trying to prank her or even scare her, but as you insist or even seem serious about it she will ask you if you are actually being serious with it
Despite her first reaction it doesn't take her much time before she finally believes you, she is pretty interested in you stories about your past experiences with them, although she is pretty lay back with it too, she is really interested but if you don't feel comfortable talking about that she won't be mad or anything, she can wait until you are ready (but she will playfuly tell you that isn't fair to let her with the excitement and curiosity)
If you have bad past experiences with the supernaturals Wendy will be a little worried about you but is more focused on comforting you and promising that you don't have nothing to worry about because you have her and she will protect you from any supernatural! In the other hand, if you have good past experiences with them she will laugh at it because she find it hilarious, she will be even more curious about hearing your stories and may even ask if you could introduce her your friends
She isn't going to talk much about it, is more likely that you two talk about it if you are the one bringing up the topic but whenever you do talk about it she is paying a lot of attention, truly interested on what are you telling her (sometimes she gets distracted but tries to always put attention)
If you ever make her amulets she will find it a rather cute gesture, she will call you adorable in the moment you give it to her and will actually conserve it, she may don't carry it with her all the time but she keep it as something special for her
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Naoko Kirino
It doesn't take her much time before falling in love, and once it happens Naoko is pretty open with her feeling, she is pretty playful and affectionate with you before start dating but once you start a relasionship she becomes even more affectionate and clingy
Naoko can be pretty playful and tease you from time to time, is the way she is, however she isn't someone who judge others, she has her own bizarre liking and is seen like a weirdo for others, so she prefers to don't judge and she just accept you the way you are, besides she loves you the way you are
She has her own weird liking and she is pretty energetic, Naoko likes to drag you around whenever she is excited to do something, as well she will like to know a lot of you and probably ask you constantly about you and your opinion, so is probably that she gets to know about your hability earlier in the relasionship
When you tell her that you can see and even interact with ghosts and other supernaturals she is imediatly excited, she ask you twice only to confirm that she had heard you right, Naoko will believe you and accept you with this talent right away, she doesn't even try to hide how excited she is for all of this so there will not be the slightest doubt about she seeing you as weirdo or something
Naoko wants to know everything about it and she will ask you right away, if you don't feel comfortable or even overwhelmed by it she apologize with a smile in her face, she didn't mean to, however she will insist on hearing your stories about the supernaturals you had met, if you are hesitant to talk about it she will make efforts to make you feel comfortable enough to tell her and when you finally do it she will pay a lot of attention to what you tell her
Naoko is specially interested on the bizarre details, how they died, how was their life, how they look and if they have any power she wants to know what kind of power they have (and if she can see it it will be amazing)
If you had bad past experiences with them she will be sorry for you and a little worried, she loves all of this but if it is going to put you in danger it would be better if you two avoid it, she loves you more than those stories. In the case that you had good experiences or even get along with them she will ask even more about your experiences, she find it incredibly interesting!
Naoko wants to experience it too so she will ask you if she can see and interact with them too, if she can she ask you to please let her meet the ones you already know or that are your friends, even if she can't directly see them she will like to see you interact with them and will ask you what they are saying
If you ever gift her a protection amulet she will find the gesture rather cute and loving, she promise you to always carry the amulet with her and always tell you that it did protect her even when she has not encountered any danger or didn't even worked
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To get to be in a relationship with Yuri she had to be comfortable around you first, she suffer from a really bad social anxiety so she needs to feel calm and safe around you, once that happens is pretty obvious and even in a relationship Yuri will slowly win some confidence and will be able to express herself more
Yuri has a like for horror and bizarre things, she likes it and loves reading books of that kind however she doesn't like sharing that with all people, but since she trust you and loves you she will like to share that like with you since is important for her, she will satisfied if you just accept her but actually being interested on it or understand her liking will make her incredibly happy
Yuri isn't someone who will judge you or doubt you, specially if you accept her without asking, she feels like is only fair so in the moment you tell her that you can see ghosts and others supernaturals and even interact with them she will accept you and won't judge, it take her a moment to fully process it and a while to get used to the idea but she assure you that she trust you and doesn't think you are weird or anything
The thought of you talking with ghosts will wander around Yuri's mind for a while before she win the courage to ask you about it, she is a little unsure if it will be alright for her to talk about it (specially is you don't talk much about it yourself) and when she finally does ask you she is really curious about it, she want to heard all you are willing to share with her
Yuri wants to heard all the stories about your past experiences with supernaturals but is a little nervous, not wanting to trigger something on you or bringing you bad memories by accident so she tries to be as subtle as posible with the topic as long as she can, until she is sure is okay for you to talk about it
If you had bad past experiences with them she will feel really bad about it, she gets nervous at the thought of you possibly being in danger and she will try to bring you some comfort, probably will try to avoid talking about it from then. However, if you have good experiences, may even having a good relationship with the supernaturals then Yuri will grow even more curious and want to heard all your stories, but will be shy while asking you about it
Yuri wants to know all you are willing to share with her, however her curiosity is really big so as she grows more comfortable and is sure it is okay she will start asking for more details, either about the supernatural or for what you felt, she may try to hide her excitment over the topic but if you know her well you can notice her inmense curiousity
If you ever gift her something like a protection amulet she will see it as a really loving gesture from you, is a really special gift for her and she tries to take proper care of it and carry it everywhere since is for protection, she really hopes she never gets into the situation where she have to use it because she doesn't want to be in danger and because she will like to keep it
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Shouko Komi
It would take while for you two to get into a relationship for how anxious Shouko is, and, also it take her a while to realice her feelings, however when you two start dating Shouko is incredibly excited, wanting to do a lot of things with you but still feel a little bit nervous
In Itan Private High School almost all the students have peculiar personalities, everyone has their own talent or unique quirks that make the school always interesting, so having a student that can see ghosts and other kind of supernaturals isn't strange to think (however it could be that people won't believe you at first and brush it off if you try to tell them)
Shouko slowly get more comfortable with you and get even excited about the idea of letting you know more about her and she getting to know more about you so from time to time she motivate you to share your thoughts and opinions with her just as she tries to do it too!
Getting to know that you can see and even talk to ghosts and other supernaturals is something completely shocking for her, it take Shoko a moment to fully process and comprehend what you had tell her and when she does she will get incredibly worried in a second, she has a lot of things she wants to ask you about it but she is too nervous
She doesn't say that she wants to know more but is pretty obvious by her body language, but all her nervousness is obvious too, she is scare about it because she immediatly think that you may be in danger or that the supernaturals threaten you somehow
If you actually had bad past experiences with them she will just become even more worried about you and probably will like to stay by your side, clinging onto you for a while in hopes that she help you to avoid it or at least comfort you. In the other hand, if you had good past experiences with them she will feel more relief about it but still it will take her a long time to don't feel anxious about supernaturals and your safety
Shouko isn't exactly excited to heard your stories with supernaturals but doesn't has the strength to tell you to don't tell her, although she doesn't mind hearing silly and even funny stories, the ones that aren't scary or about you being in danger
If you ever make her and amulet for protecting she will be between being flustered and scare, she find it a really sweet gesture but she is scare about why does she need an amulet for protection? Although, if it is an amulet more for good luck or to keep away supernaturals (because you know how anxious she gets about them) she will feel touched by the gesture and may try to make something for you too (even when she has no idea of what she could do for you)
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sweetmariihs2 · 9 months
🪄My thoughts on Cedric The Sorcerer🌙 (until now)
(not that anyone cares idk i just wanna talk about him, it's a lot of random thoughts and it's messy, but it's fun to read I guess)
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Did you like that cute moodboard I did for him? It took me like 10 minutes I loved it. It fits him so well I'm so proud of myself for doing this. The whimsigothic aesthetic matches him so well I wish more people knew it so we would have tons of moodboards and cute stuff of him in this aesthetic it would be so nice. Ok let me start my post
I wanna share some headcanons, talk about my first impressions, it's not really organized I just wrote down whatever I remembered and the result was that. I wanna share my new hyperfocus with more people, that's what I'm doing here today :)
Everything started when I saw this man on Tumblr and though "who's this guy and why is princess Sophia next to him?", when I clicked on the hashtag out of curiosity I understood that it's because he's a character from the cartoon, and I was like "lol another tumblr sexyman again let's move on keep doing my things and interacting with my fandoms" (december 24)
I also mentioned it to my friend on IG bc I saw a reels that was like "you don't have any weird fictional crushes right?" and then proceeds to show us an edit of him with millions of hearts around. I sent it to her and said "omg I saw ppl talking about this on tumblr" and we just laughed a lot because it was something we did not expected (not mean laughs, they were genuine laughs of shock and because that was very unexpected like HOW IN THE WORLD, and she remembered him in the show while I didn't)
Some days later I saw more fanarts of him on tumblr and that made me a little curious, but not enough to search about the subject.
After some days I just couldn't forget him, and that's when I searched his name on youtube purposely trying to find compilations of his funny moments to understand what was happening
And boy I did
At this point was just having fun and laughing thinking "omg another guy who's sassy, has good personality and is another ugly-atractive character that has a fandom on tumblr, I got it, he's very nice" and I went to do other stuff again but this man just DIDN'T CAME OUT OF MY MIND
Just making an interruption here, I loved watching Disney Junior as a kid, maybe when I was six or seven, idk I don't remember, and I was a huge fan of Sofia The First, it was one of my favorite cartoons from Disney Jr alongside Doc McStuffins and Art Attack. AND I JUST DON'T REMEMBER CEDRIC IT'S LIKE I NEVER SAW HIM IN THAT SHOW, EVER. I literally don't remember him being part of the cast i'm sorry Cedric 😭 now he stands out so much to me, he's carrying the whole show on his back. Btw now that I mentioned Disney Junior I would like to say that here in Brazil Sofia First is actually called Little Princess Sofia, and Doc McStuffins is Doctor Toys. Sometimes I call Sofia "Princess Sofia" but I don't even know if that's how they call her in the english version, I watched everything on portuguese 😭 but ok let's move on (I have more things to say related to the brazillian dub, but let me finish my train of thought first)
As I was saying this man just didn't came out of my mind, and I was like "Oh no another hyperfocus where people around me will make fun of me because they will say that he's ugly and that liking kid's shows is something weird 😭 I can't take this anymore" and I tried to deny it but I CAN'T i'm almost making a pinterest board for him, I just accepted my fate (gonna draw fanarts soon and no one can stop me)
I found a list of every chapter he's in and i'm watching every. single. one. of. them. I watched the movie first, and boy this is gave me so much nostalgia because I remember some vague objects and scenes from when I was a kid, I used to love the Disney Princesses, when I got a little older I started watching Descendants, I grew up watching Tangled and Frozen and I swear to god I almost teared up from nostalgia during the episode Rapunzel shows up, and they didn't changed her voice actor, that's what got me. It was like travelling back to a time I didn't even remembered that existed anymore. Because since I haven't seen Sofia The First in about 10 years, I don't even remember anything FROM the show except for some parts, and that this show had so much old Disney energy that I didn't even know made a difference, but it does.
I'm sounding like a granny here but (i'm not even in my 20s yet) it feels like another time, Disney changed so much. Some of the new movies are good, some are bad, I see Disney much more as a company that wants money and makes movies instead of that perfect place where all dreams come true and every girl is a princess (Here in Brazil I never had a dream to go to Disneyland because Disney in the early 2010's invested more in products and blue ray DVDs in Brazil, since the parks were in the United States and we weren't really the target audience for that. So they didn't minded making publicity about it, so I just watched the movies and Disney Junior). Everything felt more magical when I was a kid, I spent my days watching DVDs and sometimes had some Disney princesses themed toys, it was so fun playing pretend that I was a princess and I really felt like one. Rewatching Sofia The First made me feel like this again because they made this show at the time that their public were HUGE fans of the Disney princesses and it has the same characteristics, plots, even styles of the songs and soundtracks, visuals + I watched it when I was younger. It's not just "princesses" it has the whole Disney girly early 2010's magic into it and it made me so bittersweet, even if they tried they could never do nowdays a movie inspired by that time and give me the same feeling as a REAL movie from that time does. Sofia The First: Once Upon a Time was like watching a new movie from that old Disney, one that I didn't saw before, but at the same time I did, and that's the best part. The end of the movie gave me so much nostalgia that I almost cried too. That experience was amazing :")
It gives me the same nostalgia that I feel when I hear that song "a dream is a wish your heart makesss" it makes me cry how I miss to be a little girl again (i'm crying right now btw i'm very intense with my emotions)
(And hell I don't remember Cedric at all, since when he was there the whole time? Now that I know that he's there I'm feeling like really reeeeaaaaalllyy vague memories are trying to come back in my head, but I don't know if my brain is doing this on purpose or i'm just confusing him with an equally vague memory of Cruella. I guess it's the first option, I'm trying so hard that my brain is making up memories. Weird.)
But yeah at first I saw everyone falling to his feet and even though I understood that he was very funny and had a well-writen personality I couldn't really get why people were romantically in love with him. Well um I actually got it, he was a good character and was one more of these strangely atractive characters that people fall in love with, I've been there too. But I just couldn't see what was so atractive that people were simping over him, for me at that moment he was just funny and fits very well the "let's make a fandom" type of character, like for example Preminger from Barbie Princess and The Pauper. But then I thought "idk what i'm talking about i'm demisexual lol let's wait a few days" (That happened before. Many times.)
And I'm like. I don't know what's happening to me I'm so susceptible to weird (in socially non-fandom people's words) crushes and I thought I wouldn't be afected this time. Just so you can have an idea some of my last crushes were: Dr Flug from Villanos, Jackson Jekyll from Monster High, Victor Frankenstein from Okegom, Raggedy Andy, Mettaton from Undertale (and UnderLust), THE Eddie Munson (for a whole year and some months, and I was so bullied after his "trend" ended because people said that his fans were cringe and everything (that's fake lol they are very nice)), 70% of my list are just nerds and sensitive guys with different types of mental illness yay my fav type
and now I think I'm feeling unironically atracted by this man it's just happening really slowly 😭 (DEMISEXUALS ‼️‼️⁉️⁉️💥💥💥💥💥👊👊👊👊)
I'm gonna be honest with you, at the moment I can't decide if I like him or not I'm so confused at the same time that I get it I also don't like how tf am I atracted by this man 😭 and then I'm like hmm he's acually cute let me search for some fanfiction
I'M SO CONFUSED I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE i guess I'll just wait to see what happens
you guys know that tiktok audio "at first I was like 'hmmm feet' as a joke,,,,, but bro....... I don't think that's a joke anymore...." (that's me rn but with Cedric)
Also I would like to take this oportunity that you're listening to me talking about Cedric to say the most important thing that this fandom needs to know:
We need more Cedric representations in Whimsical/Whimsigoth/Whimsigothic aesthetic it's like it was made for him just search that on Pinterest please you won't regret
And I'm here wondering what kind of songs he would listen to. I think he would like dark fantasy music, or witch music. I don't care if he's on medieval era and people didn't had access to a lot of music genres at that time, we are talking about disney nothing is historically correct
I can't help but think about Lana Del Rey but being a huge fan of her songs I don't think that it matches his tastes. I guess he maybe would like Aurora's last album, The Gods We Can Touch. I don't know why, it's the witchy vibes I guess. But I don't know, it's still not something that matches him a lot. EXCEPT FOR THE SONG MIDAS TOUCH FROM AURORA. IT'S PERFECT FOR HIM YOU GUYS SHOULD CHECK IT OUT
The cover isn't giving the aesthetic though, Aurora made this song for a show and then put the show album cover unfortunately. But her aesthetics are usually whimsical and magic, inspired by theatre, greek gods and tarot. This song is so good 😭
And of course there are songs like Everything Matters that fits his vibe but idk it depends on who's listening since it's not about the lyrics. The Innocent has a small part who matches him a little, the whole song has that witchy vibe dancing around the fire, I don't know how to describe it.
Coming back to Cedric I think my favorite scenario is him having an apprendice not too much younger than him. I think it's cute. I've never seen any fics like this (in fact I just read like 5 oneshots which is almost nothing) and if you guys know any let me know. I think it's just nice the idea of living with him and being his apprendice while having like a romantic tension between the two characters. It's cute
Also remember when I said I was going to talk a little more about the brazillian portuguese dub? So, something that I thought was really funny happened to me: In the first season he had his voice actor obviously and I was already used to his voice some time after watching the cartoon. It was very funny to me because the first time I saw a "scene compilation" of him it was in english, so hearing him talk in my language was fun. And btw his voice actor did a really good job voicing him, he (had a similar voice and) was really expressive just like his english VA, so like, really nice 👍
And then at some point in season two, from one episode to another, his voice actor suddently changed????? And obviously I got a little sad because his first VA was really good and I was used to his voice :( but the thing is: The new VA wasn't just a new one, IT'S THE SAME GUY WHO VOICED DR FLUG HERE IN BRAZIL AND I WAS LIKE OMG
THEY ARE SO SIMILAR IN PERSONALITY AND NOW THEY HAVE THE SAME VOICE WITH THE VOICE ACTOR'S MANNEIRISMS AND EVERYTHING (because that VA really has an specific way to talk, he stutter a little, sounds a little ironic but at the time really anxious, make some funny sounds for no reason sometimes like his screams)
I was really upset when they changed all the brazillian voice actors in Villanos, and that Flug didn't had his full-of-personality-and-expressive voice anymore :( the new episodes now have new voices and eveything, and they did their best, but it's not the original voices anymore and it doesn't hit the same yk? And then BAM CELDRIC HAS DOCTOR FLUGS VOICE NOW BITCH TAKE THIS
and the fact that Sofia The First was dubbed even before Villanos came out it's so funny to me
So yeah let me show you guys his amazing work at voicing two of my favorite characters:
After they changed Cedric's voice actor I was a little annoyed by the fact that I couldn't hear Cedric anymore, just Flug 😭 but now I'm slowly getting used to it and it's starting to sound like Cedric again.
Before that happened I could see some similarities between the two but I thought that I was just thinking too much and trying to connect two fandoms that I like, so I just forgot about it. After that happened my mind just blew it all make so much sense right now
And they are so similar in personality that I had to make a list of everything they have in common:
They work for guys that are completely blind to their talents and think that they're just idiots all the time
They have more potential than people think
Their projects/spells always go wrong because people keep disrupting their public moments, and so they are seen and weak and dumb (when they're not)
Science/Magic guys (they keep throwing liquids from one pot to another and saying difficult words, only for someone to stop them halfway and the substance explodes in their face, making them angry because this person once again interrupted their project that was going perfectly)
Self-confidence issues
Anxious mess, are always nervous and scared of something bad happening all the time
Childhood trauma because people never really saw their acomplishments and again and again kept repeating that they are idiots who don't know nothing (when they are geniuses!!)
They say that they're mean and they say that they do mean things when actually they are just really nice. They just choose that path because they think it's the only one that can bring them sucess and recognition in the future, but they were never made for this. They just do that because they want to proof their value to people who can't see it.
At the same time that they are mentally unstable, sometimes their confidence is so high that they start to act arrogant because "they're too smart and their projects are amazing": "I love what I do I'm the best sorcerer/scientist in the world"
But when they need to show that to people something bad always happens (because of other people!) And their plan fails, leaving them with confidence issues
"I'm too smart you guys don't deserve me"
"I can't do anything right omg i'm so stupid"
Their movements and maneirisms are so expressive, they're both skinny and tall and keep making those anxious poses, fidgeting with their hands, always anxious, scared of something, thinking too much and overall being nervous and ankward around their bosses
Boss just treats them as failures and gives them orders, in which they respond in the most submissive and saddest way because they're just miserable and just two little guys who are trying to proof their value in a place where no one even see them as people
But sometimes they are genuinely egoistic and egocentric because duh they're the best sorcerer/scientist out there, hello everybody is gonna know their name when they rule the world bye
They act so stupid and lovesick in their official crushes episodes, it's so funny
And even if we never saw Dr Flug's official face there is a design out there in the fandom where he has black hair with white streaks on his bangs so like 👍👍
Well um I guess that's all I have to say about this subject for now
These are my thoughts 🫶
I feel like I said a lot in a short amout of time but I'm here writing since 04:30 AM and now it's 07:47 AM so like. yikes
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rzyraffek · 2 years
How would Fallout 4 Romanced companions react to young looking SS reveals her/his real age (looks like 18 y.o. But actually is 35 y.o.)?
Yeah! (Thanks for request btw)
(She/her swf)(also Google says that almost all companions are around 30 or 25)
Paladin Danse:"I cant belive such young soldier was able to do so many good things for brotherhood" Sole tell him shes like 30 "oh I I mean you look young?ee?I mean good for you? I mean you look good I-" He will be super akward but it kinda makes him feel better that she is a little older because he is 30himself and he felt litte werid having crush on 18year old Sole( yeah it would make her almost twice his age). Now that he knows that shes around his age he wont feel weird and probably be more open. Also if Sole is insecure about her age he will tell her that shes amazing soldier AND person so no need to worry
Nick:simiar to Danse tbh. Nick is very old guy, if Sole tell him that shes like 35 he will probably Look like😳(in good way)
Deacon: "woah babe you age like wine"💀he will relate, again he himself is like 40 and he looks not bad. Also He probably already knew before Sole even find railroad. He wonders if every person from before the war never aged and looked young for most of lifes lol. But ig Sole Just got lucky. He will make jokes that the freezer she been locked in for 200years just was very good for her skin
MacCready:"even better", he gives off milf hunter vibes im sorry, i feel like hes even more atracted to her than before. If shes insecure about her age he will be confused?"honey you look amazing what you mean?"
Preston: "aw babe its alright^v^ you still the best btw" he is our wholesome king okay he will say a lot of nice anc supportive things to Sole. Hes kinda jelous that she looks younger at him even if hes the younger one.
Gage:"eh okay boss, i mean sure i dont care" he doesnt care, as far as she loves him back He does not give a fuck (I mean he is a bandit raider idk what yall expected) Also He still thinks that Sole is the hottest in whole nukacola world, and she doesnt have to worry about anyone getting his attencion.
Manson:"even better😈" he is weird, he will coment on it and say very unexpected stuff(im sure he will say something along the lines 'older women=better women because their bodies are more adapted to having kids???He is weird asf) But nothing will change really he will Just get a little weirder, but nothing out of ordinary(for him atleast)
X6-88:"so my calculations were correct" before Sole told him he was very confused, she looks 18?? And she was in frigde for 200years? And her son is 80?? Kinda confusing if you ask me. So he probably used his super hiper advanced robo-brain to calculate how old is she. When Sole told him, it didnt really bother him, age isnt something that he really cares about.
Please i beg for more requests my life is rather boring
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Sometimes I think I should do a Scriddler fanfic for the only reason I never saw people writing their dinamic as Cecilos but fucked up and evil.
I need my Riddler with weird radio host vibes who is a genius but on a unconvencional way and manipulate people in a whim but it's really bad with other people secrets and my Scarecrow to be the socially ackward overly curious scientist who loves his work to obcessive levels, is convencionaly smart, mesures all his worlds and is very confused by this guy who is super vocal about his crush on him.
I want Eddie destroying the life of a random hairdresser because they gave Jon a bad haircurt and how dare they do that with Jon's perfect hair (and since I want Eddie to have Cecil's obcession but Jon to not be convencionally atractive like Carlos is this will make Jon rly confused because Edward was the only person who thought his hair was perfect to beging with). I want Jon to talk about how sometimes you spend a lot of time thinking someone has bad intentions when they are actually genuine as his declaration.
I want them to be apart and Jon to lie about how he got it worse to spare Eddie's feelings while Eddie goes into a depressive episode because he is alone (or Cecil learning to not be codependent, Carlos learning to be more open and me learning that I rly love angst).
I want Edward having to face the fact that there are parts of Jonathan live he doesn't know and will never know as he finds bits of the reasons Jon came to Gotham until his digging causes their first major fight.
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sohychocochips · 3 months
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synopsys: sunghoon was always a shy guy, but this cute girl next class is making him wanna be more brave, he wanted to talk to her and maybe even kiss her, but he can't. so he starts a diary and document her everystep.
ׂ°₊ 𐙚 warning: english is not my first language, pls correct me if i type anything wrong! thank youuu ♡♡♡
ׂ°₊ 𐙚 dinamics: shy guy next class sunghoon x cute f!reader
ׂ°₊ 𐙚 infos: fluff, a little healthy stalking(?), anxiety crises, suicidal thoughts
ׂ°₊ 𐙚 note: i need someone like y/n in my life!
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start reading here:
sunghoon started monday well, he was standing next to your class at the morning, so you would say "good morning" in that soft voice just for him. you actually says it to everybody, you're so polite, but that good morning, that one was just for him. "oh, sunghoon! good morningg" he melts as you say, almost forgetting to respond. "good morning, y/n!" he tries to sound atractive and just stands there like the silly boy in love he is. "hey, hoon. what you doing here? I was looking for you!" his golden retriever friend says, they always spend every school day together since kindergarden. jake and sunghoon are just stuck to each other. "wait, that's y/n's class.. all for a good morning... again?" jake has a bored face on. "ike, you don't understand! her voice is so soft and sweet, she has to be mine" sunghoon was serious, but his movements were dramatic as hell. "stop being a weirdo and give some flowers to her, maybe?" jake suggests. "she doesn't like bouquets much" "how do you know that? weirdo"
park doesn't know, but you also love him quite a lot, you knows he's always looking at you at school, your friends say he's a little weird, but you just happen to find him very cute, so you put a little more love in the good mornings when it's for him.
today's classes were so boring, but who said sunghoon was paying attention to it? he was thinking about you, his adorable crush. he gets sad as he remembers he graduates this year, and will never see you again. seeing you everyday is a serious matter for him. "sunghoon" jake tries to wake him up, the last math class is already over. "SUNGHOON YOU DUMB, LET'S GO" he finally wakes up. "im going! and you're the dumb one here" he teases jake a bit. "what score did you get in this class?" sunghoon leaves in silence. "oh, I see" jake follows him.
as soon as sunghoon gets home, he locks his door and pick up his diary that he writes just for you. "dear y/n, day 467. today you gave me one of the sweetest good mornings you can give, you were so cute, that messy hair and adorable smile" he draws sad faces and hearts to the page. "I hope you're not dressing up for other man, you're always so beautiful in school, cute little dresses flawless makeup that suits you so well. today you used a pink roses florar dress, hair tied in a pink bow and pink doll shoes. my lil bunny is just the prettiest. I like to call you lil bunny cause first, you're adorable like a baby bun bun, and second, you use pink blush on the nose just like a baby bun bun, YOU'RE SO CUTE MARRY ME" he sights, remembering he'll never see you again after this year. "I love you so much my darling, maybe I have to be brave for you! I'll try to think of a date for us and just hope you don't dump me. bye! love you always and can't wait for you to be mine!"
he likes to take a look at previews pages too, he forgets what he writes and it's always good to read about you. day 8 says "this diary thing is still a little weird to me, but I do whatever to talk about my lil bunny as jake doesn't wanna hear it! i'm starting to hate weekends now, i don't see you, I hate everyday i don't see you. I start to think you were so pretty yesterday, you were using jean shorts and and a super cute strawberry t-shirt. and of course, your loved red dolly shoes, you were using the one that has a bow in it. SO CUTE" he reads another one, day 16 says "lil bunny i want to thank you so so much! you're helping me so much, even if when anxiety hits i think of you and think you're kissing me and that it's going to be real soon! today you were wearing a orange dress and collorful acessories and of course, your favorite red shoe. i heard you complain to your friends that you put too much blush on and was late, but i wasn't too much! it was cute. i like when you use makeup but i also would like to see you without, so i could make you blush!"
and then, the anxiety came, qhen thinking about a date, sunghoon suffers from social anxiety, he never forgot the middle school bullying and he just go on crowded parts of school if jake is beside him. thinking of you does make him feel better, but going on a date already makes him nervous, plus in a cinema or a restaurant? it's not working for him. he spent the whole night trying to figure out something, but he can only think of his own home. he can't invite you for his house, you'll sure think he's a weirdo!
next morning, sunghoon has a very tired face, you notice that, you gave him a cheerful good morning, but his just sounded... empty. now at break, you look at him at the table next to yours, he looks sad, lost and after looking at you he suddently leaves, letting half sandwich behind. you're worried and follows him. jake started to think you're a weirdo too for stealing the half sandwich, but you don't care, you want your favorite boy to eat his food well.
you follow sunghoon to a far place in school's garden, no one is ever there. he was crying so desesperatedly you heart hurts. "JAKE I SAND NOT TO COME, GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE" he's very rude. "oh, im s- sorry! just gonna leave this here." you leave the sandwich near him "eat well my prince, hope you feel better" you just ended saying that when he grabs your arm "you... y-you can stay" you sit by his side. he hugs you and starts crying again. you pat his head. "do you wanna talk about it?" you try to sound very sweet so he feels confortable. "i love you, i love you so much" he cries "but i can't take you to a date and you'll think im a weirdo if i invite you to my house and if i do nothing i'll graduate this year and never see you again, i need to see you everyday or my life will suck again" he lays his head on your legs and you continue to pat his hair. "i- if, if i don't see you it's better to die" "don't worry, you'll see me a lot! it's okay hoonie, i can visit your house anytime, i know you're not a weirdo" you kiss his forehead. "do you really want to date a loser like me? who can't protect you and cries everyday?" he looks at you with doe eyes. "you're not a loser, hooney, and who said you can't protect me!? you're very strong." you kiss his nose. "but I'm anxious and-" you interrupt him. "sunghoon, I. don't. care. we'll get this together. I love you so much." he stops crying and you wipe the last tears off. he hugs you and gets up. "thank you, darling" he kisses your forehead. "im feeling much better now, i promise i'll get better and take you to proper dates." he smiles at you, you're happy to see that beautiful smile again. "hooney, as long as i'm with you im happy" his smile gets bigger and bigger as he gets his face closer to yours, you close your eyes, mentally preparing for your sudden first kiss. "hey, sunghoon, i know you told not to come but the class is already started, i was worried..." he noticed in what moment he's walking in. "oh... im sorry" sunghoon looks at jake with anger in his eyes. he gets your phone number before anything "lil bunny, don't miss your class, love you." he gives you three kisses on the nose. and then... "HEY JAKE YOU PUNK"
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note: i'll write a little extra abt them cuddling in hoon's house later! thanks for reading till here ♡♡ ;))
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kumamoto-division · 9 months
Aoba sighed as his modeling shift was finally over. He didn't do modeling much, save on days when he was free from his job at the library. After hours of smiling, turning this way and that, he was prepared to finally head home and relax. As he saw his home in the distance, he could see something waiting for him by the doorway, a small rectangular package. Cocking an eyebrow, whilst looking around cautiously, he picked up the package and walked into his house.
Looking around again, he opened the package to see what was inside. As he did, his eyes grew wide and he covered his mouth in shock at what was inside. It was... several pornographic DVD's featuring the one and only Vivian Vixen. Aoba had heard of this woman before and had even had the pleasure of seeing her... in action before. Purely for curiosity's sake, of course! But he had never gone out of his way to purchase her movies, no matter how talented he was.
As the librarian felt his cheeks getting red, he wondered briefly if this was someone's idea of a prank. Looking around once more, he opened one of the DVD's and looked as something fell out. It was a slip of paper. Kneeling down, he picked it up and unfolded it to see that it was a letter, which read:
'To Aoba Yamamura,
Merry Christmas, good sir! I've heard much of you from my good friend, Lola Takahashi, and I've seen you in pictures before. You are very much a good-looking person. Therefore, I felt it was necessary to give you something as a Christmas gift since I was made to be your Secret Santa this year. I hope you enjoy my... present. Don't hurt yourself watching them!
Vivian Vixen'
At the end of a letter was a kiss mark, which only helped to make the model/librarian even more embarrassed. He was very confused to his next move. Should he hide these so no one, especially his teammates, ever saw them? ...Or should he just take the leap and take one small gander at them? Decisions, decisions...
-Almost an hour later-
After a time watching one of the DVDS (with headphones of course) Aoba has a blank look
"she's pretty good but...¿She knows i don't feel atraction sexual or romantic for women?-Aoba wonder smirking, although he not deny Aika has...talent (actually so much of his own in-bed abilities are something Aoba "learned" watching Aika) and Aoba recognize her attractive, he only felt that type of things for men (in part due to his biológical condition,that made his body and hormones was male and femenine but leaning toward the female)
Thinking on how do with this gift Aoba was to Kururi's bedroom (although his sister not was in home now because she are working at the Starless theater)
And Aoba left some DVDs on her bed giggling-"thanks you Yumi-san but i think my sister will to enjoys this more than me"
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Asked by anonymus
@amalthea9 @angelixgutz @thealmightyemprex @goodanswerfoxmonster @spengnitzed @bixiebeet @themousefromfantasyland @stantzed @filmcityworld1 @professorlehnsherr-almashy
Favorite Thing About Them: Ray is one of the first dorky geeks that was proud of his geekness in visual mass media. He is optimistic, resilient, outgoing, curious, sometimes shows concerns and reservations, but when pushed into a new situation, he jumps with entusiasm at the adventure, and he loves to share his passion about the supernatural with people, and even if he appears at the wrong hour, or some people are just not interested and may judge him as a "weirdo", he never looses his entusiasm or acts ashamed of who he is. A lot of people in the audience would love to have him as a friend because of how quick he is to embrace new people into his life, and he is also one of the first plus size characters that many fans to this day consider phisically atractive, wich should be considered an important mark in the Body Positivity movement.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: When in the novelization of the 1984 movie, there was an insertion of "Innocent Insensitivity" in his character in a scene where he reacts surprised for Winston being black, saying that "the supernatural reacts more strongly in the presence of black people". I hope Winston had a talk with Ray about the concepts of positive discrimination and exotification, and why they are harmfull, in private after that.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
*I enjoy the taste of roasted marshmallows as a comfort food;
*I love comic books;
*I have a fascination with mithology and folklore from around the world;
Three Things I Don't Have In Common With Them:
*I'm too easilly frightened to want to make physical contact with a ghost;
*I don't drive;
*Both of my parents are still alive;
Favorite Line:
From the October 1983 Script Draft:
"Drop everything; Venkman. We got one."
"Peter, at 1:40 this afternoon at the main branch of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue, ten people witnessed a free-roaming, vaporous, full-torso apparition. It blew books from shelves at twenty feet away. Scared the socks off some poor librarian."
"No, this one's for real, Peter. Spengler went down there and took some PKE readings. Right off the top of the scale. Buried the needle. We're close this time. I can feel it."
"Spengler and I have charted every psychic occurrence in the Tri-State area for the past two years. The graph we came up with definitely points to something big."
"What do you mean by "seen?""
"Well, I was at an unexplained multiple high-altitude rockfall once."
"I told you it's real."
"Okay. Okay. I got it. I know what to do. Stay close. I have a plan."
"Okay, now do exactly as I say. Everybody ready?Okay... GET HER!!!"
"I guess I got a little overexcited. Wasn't it incredible! I'm telling you, this is a first. You know what this could mean to the University?"
"Then we were right! This is great. And if the ionization rate is constant for all ectoplasmic entities, I think we could really kick ass - in the spiritual sense."
"You said you floored ‘em at the Regents‘ meeting."
"My parents left me that house. I was born there."
"But at nineteen percent interest! You didn't even bargain with the guy."
"Wow! Does this pole still work?"
"Are you troubled by strange noises in the night? Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic? Have you or your family actually seen a spook, specter or ghost? If the answer is yes, then don't wait another minute. Just pick up the phone and call the professionals —— Ghostbusters."
"Everybody can relax. I found the car. How do you like it?"
"Just needs a little suspension work...And a muffler...And maybe brakes."
"You know, Peter, this could be a past life experience intruding on the present."
"I just realized something. We've never had a completely successful test with any of the equipment."
"All right. Let's cool the negative vibes. These things can sense them."
"Sir, what you had there was what we refer to as a focused, non—terminal repeating phantasm or a Class Five Full Roaming Vapor...A real nasty one, too."
"I couldn't help it! It just popped in there!"
"It can't be! It can't be!"
"It's...It‘s...It's the STAY-PUFT MARSHMALLOW MAN."
"I tried to think of the most harmless thing...something that could never destroy us...something I loved from my childhood."
"The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man! He was on all the packages we used to buy when I was a kid. We used to roast Stay-Puft marshmallows at Camp Waconda!"
"Either way we're history."
From the novelization of the 1984 movie by Richard Mueller:
"It's not a car, it's an Ectomobile."
brOTP: Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Janine Melnitz, Dana Barrett, Louis Tully, Slimer, Jake, Buster, Louise, Irena Cortez, Bryan Welsh, Ilyssa Selwin, Melanie Ortiz, Kylie Griffin, Eduardo Rivera, Walter Peck.
OTP: Winston Zeddemore, Elaine Phermon, Jenny Moran, @amalthea9 OC Peggy, @spengnitzed OC Michelle.
nOTP: Kylie Griffin.
Random Headcanon: In the 2009 videogame, Ray briefly mentions that he went to study in a Seminar, so I assume he was raised Catholic.
Unpopular Opinion: I wish he made use of the camera that he appeared at the beggining of the 1984 movie more often, as a way of documenting the ghosts behaviours, maybe even interviewing them. Is a pity that this filmaker side of Ray never went furter explored.
Songs I Associate With Them:
Frankenstein Twist
Monster Mash
I'm a Believer
The Night
Ghostriders in the Sky
Favorite Picture of Them:
Dan Aykroyd in the 1984 movie
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His design in the pilot and first two seasons of The Real Ghostbusters
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raraavisalterego · 5 months
To the Wonder (2024) Ep1
(A quick intro)
So i have to say i went into this drama with high expectations based on the cast, the cannes and peoples opinion i had seen. And i was a bit meh in the beginning. The first 2 eps are the lowest point of the drama (which is not bad by any means) but i really enjoy it as a whole. I´d say i enjoy it more than the actual quality of it, like it is good but its better for me because i like it, know what i mean?
I will be writing this as i rewatch . Also like im not going to spell/grammar check this so there may be mistakes
(lets get into it, its going to be loooong and SPOILERS)
"So in the coldest and longest days in winter, no set of footprints can lead to my home"
I really like the intro, gurl set that tone
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Damn 3mins and im already glad that i am rewatching, the birch!
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(just coping this here for later)
But i do find it curious that an young artist does not know what they want, how does one experience the feeling of wanting to create without a vision of ones creation? i guess insecurity plays a part on it but its something you dont see often
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the way the camera panned here made me think this lady was going to be someone later on, is she the writer-housewife? ill see
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Girl we will be able to tell... An yet (i am not knowledged in how altay is) one would think that the county seat is still quite "rural" for how city-like they have written Wenxiu to be, and eh i dont know if its the same in the novel but its definately something that made me go ??? at some moments later
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the icon, the legend, speak your truth
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and now this rat
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we will get back to virginia woolf later on, nice
also another note, for someone who loves writting we never see her read, but there is a respect conveyed with straightening the frame that i liked
ok now we are on the village
Like why are we saying hello in mandarin to the neighbours. Here we have thing nº1 that bothered me: you live here, maybe before in a less rural area but still, and you dont know shit in kazak. And i get that she is han, that at home and at the school she went they spoke in mandarin, that they are closed off in their communities, that everyone has to adapt to them and not the other way around. But with all this considered i would still expect her to know some, like a greeting, like thank you. If this is what is normal irl yikes.
Because i understand its use to define a line and she is written to make the viewer feel like an outsider, but too much. Write her a greating please cmon. An ick of mine. Lets move on
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We go from watching wuxia on tv to nature documentary to 200m dash, who told you to change the channel!
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Exactly: baby. (but i feel this is a minstraslation)
Good point to talk about thing nº2 that bothered me. (it looks like im only talking shit but trust i love this). Ok this happened mainly before starting to watch it. I read the sinopsis and it says Yushi is playing Batay a kazakh and im like wait a minute, he is not. I liked him a lot on fengshen and i knew he can ride a horse pretty well an that is a positive here. So when i started watching and i hear him talk im surprised by the quality of the dubbing, he has the same voice! Then i found out its actually him, nice, another positive. Overall, would i wish that the main actor was kazakh? yes; where the chances high for that? no; am i satisfied with the end result? pretty much.
Also i find him really atractive so...
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XD. But its a real thing.
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Ok they have mentioned the county they live in: fuyun, total population of the county 99k, 54% kazakh. Point nº1 stands.
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"We are practically living like vagrants" watch what you say, in a couple eps you will be all in for that seminomadic life bby
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
Y'know, once I thought about purposefully doing a story full of clichés and molding them to my likings, just to loose up, you know? Not having to worry about using too oversaturated tropes, since I'm doing it purposefully, and I abandoned it a while ago but I think it'd be nice to revisit it.
cws: death mention
Mary Sue has a tragic backstory: Her parents died in a gruesome way in front of her, and she was sent to live with her uncles/a foster family, who are like, very bad at parenting, and she is also trans to add a little more angst and make her an outcast as well
She also has a magical heritage of being from the noblety of a magical people but she doesn't know that yet, of course
One day, she is being attacked by a vampire! But then another, conventionally atractive and conveniently skilled and well-meaning vampire appears (hes a vampire hunter) and saved her
He figures she has some magic abilities (from this part i draw a lot from The Mortal Intruments coz i like that series very much) and takes her to his base where he works with a lot of other people and eventually she ends up joining them
The team and their dynamic is gonna be inspired by the Institute in tmi
Oh and they're also the harem:
We're gonna have an older mentor figure, ofc, but then there's the guys,
The Vampire Vampire Hunter who saved Mary Sue
Flamboyant Gnc Catboy because I Can
Angsty Sasuke (Trans) Boy
Exiled Prince
and some others i haven't thought about
Okay, so, at some point, (they're anomaly/ghost/vampires/bad magic people hunters) we Burn Down the Setting, maybe a little literally, and they have to run away. The mentor is Out so they have to deal with things on their own and they decide to travel to The Misterious Forest of Something (so misterious i dont even know what happens there) and arrive at a temple-ish of a retired Sage Mage
they spend some time there (insert bonding of Mary Sue + Angsty Sasuke) and then they decide to go to the Magic Capital (there is a whole bunch of countries that are hidden from the Normal People and inhabited by magical beings like them) to reagrupe, and, hmm, plan of taking down the Evil Mage who actually Burnt Down their Institute
When they go to the capital, there is this prince guy who agrees on helping them and giving them the information they need, but only if Mary Sure wants to sleep with him (coz shes very Desirable as a Mary Sue, remember?), and at first she tries to go along despiste her teammates advising her not to since she doesn't really want to do that, but anyways, nothing happens because she just ends up leaving him there. Shes a little ashamed of destroying their only chance of getting Information (teammates are currently trying reassuring her) when A New Guy Appears
He's Dumbass Prince's younger brother, and wants to help them
He ends up joining the Team and in the next arc they leave the Capital and go to another Magical Kingdom/Country (maybe a fae land >:] ) to get more info on Evil Guy (who, although they don't know yet, is Mary Sue's--wait, not father, since his dead, my bad--uncle/cousin/brother/idk, something)
That's what I had planned so far lmao
Yeah, it's a fun concept to mess up with so I think I'll eventually revisit it
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thequietkid-moonie · 10 months
Inmortal darling can travel from worlds
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[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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×× This fic was comissioned by @serendipitous-soul
This was really interesting to write!! I think this idea was really interesting to write!! Totally liked it!!
Hope you like it and that i made a good job
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It can be pretty hypocritical of his part that Buddha professes about freedom and find happiness in their own while he is possessive over you, while for him you are his biggest sourse of happiness
It all started by a small atraction that quickly grew to more and more until become a more obsesive and possessive feeling, although he doesn't really care, he just accept those feelings and act on them
Now that you have all his attention on you (even if he is subtle with it), Buddha want and will know everything he can about you, so hiding that habilities of yours of being able to travel around worlds isn't exactly a posibility, even if he himself doesn't get the idea of can actually do he does knows you are hiding something from him and won't rest until he gets to know
Despite his stronge feelings and anxiety for not knowing what you are hiding he will never treat you bad, he has his own charming way to lull you so even when he start to feel more and more stress or even desperate to find out your secret he won't be rude or agressive, but he will be more indirectly pushy and insistent in his own charming and flirty way
Getting to know that you can actually travel around diferent wolds is going to be really shocking for him, and it would take him a while to be able to accept it, however it actually doesn't take much time since in this world humans can reach the Valhalla and gods can be physicaly close to humans, besides he has reached the status of a god by his own efforts even when he had born as a human, so a power like yours of yours doesn't sound too imposible to exist, and not just that but the risk of you going to another world without him being able to do anything terrified him
Buddha is immediatly in panic over the posibility of losing you, he isn't the type to lock you in a room in order to keep you with him but he does start to insolate you and keep you close, he appreciate a lot freedom and that is why he give you your own freedom to some extent, however he tries his best to convince you to don't go around visiting other worlds, at least for a while (until he would manage to convince you to don't do it ever again)
Buddha act interested and intriged by your hability, willing to heard all your stories and how it works all this traveling around, he tries really hard to put a smile and cheerful voice even when he is filled with the anxiety and stress, desperately trying to understand how all of this works to be able stop it. On the other hand, Buddha is working really hard to make you love this world, showing only the good things this world has to offer to try to convince you to stay in this one with him (besides, you don't have to worry for negative things when he can easily protect you from anything and everything)
One time you told him about having your own little pocket world, a special dimension that is just your room, somewhere safe where you can rest and keep safe all your souvenirs from all the places you have been, and, sadly, even when you had shared that information with him because is something special for you and you trust him in that moment, he couldn't think in nothing else that wasn't the posibility that if he would be able to get his hands on that little pocket world it could make it easier for him to keep you with him
Despite his wide smile and cheerful voice Buddha is suffering a lot from this since he doesn't know how to handle it, it is driving him crazy the posibility of losing you because you found another more interesting world or because something happened to you where he can reach you. Since the day he get to know he had been working really hard on make you trust him to the point where is a blind trust just so he can lull you to stay here with him for the rest of your life, however, for being an inmortal being you have the rest of an eternity to live and he doesn't want to steal your freedom from you neither (besides, you are always so excited while talking about the other worlds that he doesn't know how he will be able to live with himself after being the culprit of you losing that smile)
At some point Buddha will finally be able to reach a better conclusion, travel with you. Having the status of a god make him inmortal too and he is pretty stronge so even if you two are in another world he is confident that he can protect you (but not too confident, he is smart enough to know to don't underestimate his surroundings), besides it has been long ago since he resigned to anything material and just go on his own, so he has nothing to lose (aside from you, but the plan is to never let that happen)
He probably tell you the idea at the start in a playful manner before making it seem like a romantic plan, painting the future like and eternal honeymoon where is just the two of you, loving each other across the universe, but at the end is just him trying to don't steal your complete freedom while not letting you go neither, no matter where you are you will always belong to him just as he belongs to you
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fritz-federleicht · 2 years
Metal music/Eddie Munson x reader
Words: 690
Before I even enter Eddie's trailer I hear loud metal music from far away. I know immediately that it can only be Eddie. Beside the loud music I can hear loud electric guitar playing. So when I enter the trailer I feel like I'm standing in the middle of a metal concert. I move in the direction of Eddies room. When I open his door he stands with his back to the door in his Hellfire T-shirt. He doesn't even notice that I have entered his room. I stand in the open doorway for a while and watch him play.
His back tenses again and again and he moves skillfully to the music. When he then also starts to shake his head to match the music I am even more taken. His muscular arms move up and down the guitar.
As the song ends I move carefully towards Eddie. The next song starts and Eddie puts his guitar on his bed. But he still keeps his back turned to the door.
When I get to him, I put my arms around him from behind. He immediately turns around and assumes a fighting stance.
,,Hey, stay calm. Or do you want to hit your girlfriend?" ,,Sorry, I thought you were a burglar. Come here and greet me properly first." Immediately I am embraced by his arms and pressed closer to his chest.
I put my arms around his neck and press a kiss on his lips. I want to move my head away from him a bit but Eddie already presses the next kiss on my lips.
,,Where are you going? I need a little more love." In response I give him another kiss on the cheek.
"How long have you been watching me?"
,,For a while," I say, playing with the hairs on the back of his neck.
During the whole conversation, the music continues to play in the background. When Eddie notices that I am looking at his jukebox, he immediately says: ,,We can also turn off the music. I know not everyone likes metal."
At that moment I realize that I've never told Eddie that I really like metal. We have been together for a short time.
,,Actually I love metal music, my love."
When I say this Eddie gets big eyes and looks at me puzzled. I can tell from his face that he's wondering if I'm making fun of him. But when I don't say anything he notices that I seem to be serious.
,,You, Y/N, like to listen to metal and I don't know about it?" ,,I don't know why I never told you before, but I do. I love it!" ,,Do you know what you're doing to me right now? It makes you five times more atractive. If that's even possible."
Thereupon I must only laugh.
,,I know I'm irresistible."
The hearty laughter that fills the room fills my chest with butterflies.
,,You really are. What do you think how I always have to watch out that the other guys at the Hellfire meetings don't make a pass at you." I just shake my head.
Eddie puts his guitar from his bed on the floor and pulls me by my hand onto his lap.
,,But that's the only fact that makes you even more of a dream girl for me." I sit down on his lap so that I can wrap my legs around his hips and put my head on his shoulder.
,,Someday I will marry you and you will never get rid of me. I hope you know that?"
I nod against his shoulder and mumble softly: ,,I don't want that either. I love you."
,,I love you too my darling."
Eddie slowly drops back and gives me several kisses on my shoulder. As he does so, his hands travel up and down my back. I feel his cold rings through my thin tshirt. They immediately give me goosebumps.
With these two words he starts to kiss me passionately. The rest of the day we spend together in his bed. We cuddle all day and enjoy each other's presence. 
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wierdaesthetic · 11 months
Smashbility and explanation for each one for COD men. (hate dni)
Starting of strong but basic. Ghost.
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I meann. Do I even have to explane myself... (yes Raven, yes you do) Okay then. Well he is a 10/10 top to bottom. (YES INCLUDING HIS VOICE ACTOR) which contributes but not limits his canon face. Smash 100% no doubt, he seems cold and might ghost me(haha) and might regret it but shit I already fucked some questionable men, one more wont hurt, actually he better do. (HAHA RAVEN YOU ARE SO FUNNY) 2. Konig
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See, now this is where it actually gets questionable, would I fuck him for the fun of it yeah sure, do I consider him atractive thoo? I mean again yeah sure but he is not my favour of man. I mean he is tall yes but too tall for me 6'10?? What am I going to do with all of that? And he has a high pitch austrian accent, mhm I dont know how I feel. 8/10. Again I am trying to describe it but lets leave it at that cause I have 0 hours of sleep and my brain is functioning just from being high. Smash but this type I thing I would be the one not hit him back. 3. Soap
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GURL STAWP YOU MAKING ME BLUSH. When it come to the MW francase, he is my favourite. I wish he had tattoos but that about it. What more could I want? He has "my typical ex" haircut, he would manipulate me and I would even realise it from my delusions. 100/10. He is the hottest of the crew. 4. Gaz
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When it comes to black guys. Howf, he is the ideal man. And I realised that today like literrally I was mindlessly scrolling/stalking a cod editing account and he popped up. Like damn keep some for the rest of us. Instant panty drop of a man. I would gluck gluck 1000 him to death. 15/10 Instant smash from me. I am way to high to type any longer pt2 in a few hours
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orangevtae · 2 years
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy [S.Harrington x Henderson!Reader]
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Epilogue: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme
A/N: And we finally came to the end, thank you so much of who had the time to read and enjoyed the history so far, i was actually afraid that i would suck but it really made me happy to know that people enjoyed it and shared on the same Stranger Things and Steve Harrington obsession as i did, hope to see you guys soon, love you all, enjoy the last chapter ♡
"I mean, i know that it's too soon and you just got out of a relationship, a long term one, i don't want you to feel pressured or something like that when you obviously still healing, i don't wanna push you" You said, looking up at Steve, playing with your fingers that weren't covered by the baby blue sweater you were wearing. It was middle November, the air got even more chilly because of the arrival of the winter, it was due to start to snow in a few weeks and you were talking to Steve about everything you guys felt during those first days on November, about not only the sudden connection but the sudden atraction too.
You not gonna lie, since that last day after everything got solved and your little group saved the country ass again, you and Steve were a little bit of the hook: flirting anywhere without shame, whispered words on your ears, almost kisses during movie nights with Dustin on your living room, subtle touches whenever you could (hand holding, hugs that lasted more than it should, hand on your knees, the tip of your fingers massaging his scalp).
Neither Dustin or the party couldn't take anymore the obvious tension (both romantically and sexual) that was between you guys and you keep pretending that there was nothing more than it should, a blantaly lie of course cause either of you couldn't help to stare at each other more than just five seconds. And you started to feel guilty, that maybe you were forcing him into something, that maybe you were making him uncomfortable by showing too much that it left no space for him to say to you to fuck off.
"And i don't know...don't want you to think that i'm being annoying or forcing you to move on already and i just wanna make things clear because i don't wanna feel like a replacement at all too...do you think...do you think that i'm being too selfish?" you asked unsure to him, eyes anywhere but him
"What? Sweetheart, no! No way! Look at me" he holded your chin between his fingers, making you look up at him "Sweetheart, you not forcing me into anything, i don't feel like that at all, i never once thought that you were forcing me into it, okay? Yeah, i'm still healling, picking up the shattered pieces and gluing together and i'm not gonna lie, it still hurts like hell but at the same time it's weird cause, whenever i look at you i feel so light. You are not a replacement Y/N Henderson, and i'm sorry if i let you think that you were, cause you're not. I'm not doing anything that i wouldn't like to do, okay?" He said softly and you nodded at that, the nickname he uses with you still had to make you used to it, to be adresses so gently and caring by it coming from his lips, it always made your stomach do turns.
"How about that: we take it slowly, get to know each other more, like truly know each other more without the monsters part" you giggled at that and he smiled at you, he loved your laugh "We can go to dates, learn more about each other, let things go slowly, calmly and see where this heads us"
"Let us know if it's serious or not?"
"Yes, we can take from that: go to dates, have some riding around the city together, watch those sappy movies you oh so love, get to be tigether like this, just the two of us, if that makes you more comfortable that is"
You really didn't need to think the much about it since you already made up your mind. Taking it slowly would absolutely be wonderful, you and him didn't want to rush things and both wanted to see where it would lead you guys, so you just nodded, soft smile on your lips while he carressed your cheek with his thumb "Okay, yeah, i like the idea"
It looked like years ago as you remember it now, but it has been only a couple of weeks as you thought back at it now, looking up at your ceiling as you were lay down on your bed. It was december now, snow have started to fall at least one hour ago as you were helping Dustin to get ready for the Winter Ball.
Steve would be there any moment now, since he was his ride and the mere thought of seeing Steve made your stomach do turns as you holded a cushion strongly against your chest as you smiled like a fool at the mere thought of the boy.
Since the conversation you guys had that day, everything felt a little more light, you had gone to dozens of dates already, talked about nothing and everything, learned that he's a goofy and fully received that, received him as he is. You noticed that he had an strange habit to brush his hair with his fingers when he was flustered and that his eyes were actually a soft light brown, the softest brown eyes you have ever seen actually.
You were brought back to earth as Dustin suddenly opened the door of your bedroom and looked desperatly at you "What's wrong?"
"Where did you put it? The brown bag you bought for me? I can't find it anywhere"
"Oh! It's on the kitchen counter, next to the door"
"Ok, thank you"
And he stormed out of your room and you laughed at his nervousiness, Dustin been waiting for this for a month now and had asked you to buy him a Farrah Fawcet's hairspray for the ball. You laughed remembering of how nervous he looked at asking you that cause the moment he did it, you were watching a movie with Steve on the living room, you don't think you ever saw Dustin that nervous before.
You heard the doorbell ring and Dustin let out a groan at the sound and you laughed at his reaction and got up from your bed and out of your room "I'll open it!"
You exclaimed as you runned past your mom on the living room that already was up and walking towards the door with the little kitten that she gained on her arms and she laughed at your obvious earginess, just to be sure of who it was, you looked out the window just to see the well known red BMW outside and you tried your best to look apresentable.
You let out an excited sigh as you passed your hands trough your hair to get it on it's right place before you opened the door "Hey pretty boy" you smiled up at Steve
"Hey sweetheart" he kissed your cheek and you got flustered "God you're so cute when you do that"
You got out of the way to let him in just so he wouldn't feel cold out there and looked puzzled at him "Do what?"
"This thing you do with your foot back and forth when you either got flustred or nervous"
You giggled at it cause you haven't even noticed that you were doing it.
"Oh, i didn't notice i was doing" you laughed
"Don't worry, i think it's adorable" he winked "Goodnight Mrs.Henderson!"
"Goodnight Steve sweetie, how you've been?"
"Quite fine, thanks for asking" he told to your mom and turned to you "So, i was thinking..."
"Yeah? That doesn't sound so good" you joked and he laughed
"Do you wanna take a ride with me? We can eat something and blast Queen on my car" he leaned in, arm above your head where you were against the door "After we drop Dustin off on the ball and we do our usual thing?"
"Yes, i would love to Steve"
"Is it okay Mrs.Henderson? For me to take Y/N/N on a date? I promise you that i'll drop her off by ten" He asked your mom that was sitting on the living room smiling at the both of you cause even if he was asking her to go out on a date with you, he couldn't stop looking at you.
"Of course, darling. I know she will be in good hands with you"
"Awesome! So...?" he asked you
"Give me ten minutes" you told him
"Ten minutes Henderson"
As he nodded, you get out of his obvious hold and went rushing to your room, when you looked at the mirror that you had, you hissed at your state: you were using a ridiculous pajama short bottom with duck patterns, a huge sweater that belonged to your father and socks on your feet. You couldn't believe that you went to open the door for Steve dressed like this.
You quickly got rid of your pajamas and put cute and warm clothes and were finishing to apply lipgloss on your lips when you heard Steve shout at you and imediatly turned off the lights and went back to him.
"And exactly ten min-Wow!" he said when he looked at you
"It's just that...you're so gorgeous oh my god"
"Steve...it's just jeans and a sweater"
"Still...and would you look at that: it's the baby blue sweater i gave you" he said as he got closer and twirled you around
"It is? I haven't noticed when i picked up" You smiled at each other as your arms got around his neck and you felt your breath got stuck on your troath as he leaned in but before even your noses could touch, you heard someone clear their troath behind you and when you turned around, Dustin was there looking annoyed at the both of you and you let out a giggle.
Even if Dustin played matchmaker on the first weeks that you and Steve were going out, he would always find annoying of how slow you guys were taking everything, once he said "I just don't get why the hell you guys won't kiss! If you kissed i'm pretty sure that you would be together right now!" and you just answered that it was better like this.
"So...how do i look?"
You turned in Steve's hold, his arm over your shoulders as your brows went up at seeing as he turned around, he clearly took Steve's hair advice.
"Wow Dusty, you look amazing! I can see you took Steve's advice"
"Of course, he's gonna kill all the ladies tonight"
"Photo time!" your mom interjected and you pushed Dustin by his shoulder for him to stay still
You really didn't know how many photos your mom took of Dustin, all that you knew is that he complained a lot as she did so. When she thought that she had enough photos (you and Steve being dragged too), she let you guys go off, you decided to seat on the backseat of Steve's car as Dustin seated on the passenger's seat, you could swap when you arrived at gymnasyum of his school.
The ride didn't take that long and in a few minutes you where there, you saw Dustin slump his shoulder's, you could see that he was nervous and so did Steve, the both of you exchanging looks as you motioned to him so say something.
"All right buddy, here we are. So remember: once you get in there"
"Pretend like i don't care" you let out a low giggle at that
"You don't care"
"I don't care"
Steve noticed how much Dustin still doubted himself, his eyes shifted from you for some seconds and you smiled at him, before que kept talking to Dustin.
"Come on, you look great okay? You look...you look great!" he reassured him "Now you're gonna go in there"
"Look like a million bucks"
"And you're gonna slay them dead"
"Like a lion" Dustin made his purr and you fully laughed at that, such a dork
"Just don't do that"
As he said that, you and him got out of the car, him for to get inside the gymnasium and you for take the passenger's seat, but before he could take a step, he turned to you, a lost look on his eyes and you smiled at him, getting on his eye level "Hey, you gonna do great, yeah? I'm gonna say something to you: most girls are superficial at that age. If they won't dance with you, don't get sad, you look amazing and i can assure you that in a few years they gonna regret it, but for now, you should have fun with the party. Okay?"
"Okay" he smiled at you
"Now go over there and as Steve said: slay'em dead" He nodded and started to walk away as you smiled at his back and opened the door to the passenger's seat and before you could get back inside, your eyes fell on Nancy that was inside and gave you a smile and waved at you, you smiled at her and waved back, finally getting inside the car and buckling your seatbelt.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's go"
You smiled at him as he holded your hand and off you went.
You guys chose that your date today would be in the top of a hill, had picked food (pizza this time) and you could see all of the town from where you where at, you guys were seated at the top of Steve's car hood, the pizza long forgotten, his arm around your shoulder and your head on his, his thumbs making patterns on the hand he was holding.
"Hey, i've been meaning to ask something" he said and you hummed, he took this a signal to keep talking "Dustin said to me last week that you used to have a crush on me...is it true?"
"Oh..." you said, lifting your head from his shoulder to look at him "Yes, i did, ninth grade. It was a silly little crush, you haven't done much and i fell head over heels for you"
"Really? What i did?"
"I don't know if you remember but...one day i was alone at the art club, finishing a project and then your bursted right trough the door and when you saw me you said..."
""Hey can i be here for some minutes? I'm trying to get rid of Tommy H." " he laughed and you nodded "I remember that day, Tommy H. was being...i don't remeber now, i think he was making fun of someone and i think it was the first time that i ever felt tired of walking with him and Carol"
"Yeah, i remember it and hmm...i let you stay there as i finished it and then you got behind me watching as i was painting and said something like "Wow this is so cool, do you think i could be able to do that if you teached me?" " you laughed remember it "and i said something like "yeah, if you stay quiet and let me finish it, i may teach you" and we started to talk about a lot of things, i got to know you, before i thought you were a douch and i changed my mind of thinking that you were at least torable" he laughed, hand on your waist pulling you closer as he saw you were trembling because of the cold "We talked few days more and it was easy to talk to you when you weren't around Tommy H. and Carol tied to your hip, i developed a crush on you, yes, but..."
"One day people started calling you "King Steve" cause you and some girl i won't remember now, made out in front of the whole school" you laughed bitterly
"Yeah, oh...i-i think that it was the first time i ever experencied heart break, it was a uni-lateral crush, i knew it already but it didn't make it hurt less. Then after that, we never talked to each other again."
"Why you didn't said something? Back there?"
"Because you seemed so immersed on your popular life, why would you lose your time speaking with Y/N Henderson of all people? It was short days but i was happy that someone besides Jonathan talked to me"
"I'm so sorry, Y/N/N. God i was such a douche"
"You were indeed"
"Unfortunatetly i have no excuses, i guess i would stuck with everyone that would gather me popularity and it was futile of me. But you know what?"
He turned to you, smiling and holding your face in his hands.
"I always remember those days and when i think back to it, if i haven't be such an asshole, i would've get to know you much better in times than right now, i lost the chance to do that back in the ninth grade and the start of HighSchool but i want to stay with you, wanna be able to everyday be with you and.." he inched his face closer to yours "...and i wanna be able to call you my girlfriend, if you let me"
You looked surprise at him, your eyes connecting with his and full doubts surrounding your head, to wanting to know if he really mean it, that he wouldn't feel regret and want to end things in less than one month "Steve...are you sure? It's not that i don't want it it's just...i'm afraid that in less one month you'll regret it and i don't wanna a heartbroken over you yet again" you confessed softly
"I'm sure, i want this, i want you, i wanna have this with you. I have no idea of how you were capable to have a hold on my heart so fastly and even had all the patience with everything with me, if there's something that i'm afraid in all of this, it's not being able to be enough for you, because i want you so so so bad sweetheart " His confession stole a breath out of you, you never thought that you would hear this coming out of his mouth, not towards you that is. Steve Harrington got other chance at having a grip on your heart in such a small amount of time yet again but this time...this time, you knew he wouldn't turn his back at you.
So as your noses touched each other and your hands went around his neck while his breath fanned over your cheek, you nodded at him "Yes"
"Thank God"
"Yes...i wanna be your girlfriend, i wanna be with you too" he chuckled
And finally, after days, after weeks, you finally had your first kiss with Steve Harrington since all the tensions you felt towards going after Demodogs from the Upside Down, fighting inter-dimensional monsters and flirting in the middle of it all.
His kiss was slow but it was full of meaning and want, since the day at the couch on the Byers's house, he thought back of what it would be like to kiss you and it was better than he imagined it, the remainents of you the strawberry lipgloss you were using tasted so good against his tongue as he passed it on your bottom lip. It was better than what he imagined it, to kiss you, he felt as of he was on the clouds and he smiled thinking of it.
And as you were kissing, too busy in each others hold, it started to snow on Hawkins and here, kissing Steve, you thought that it was the perfect first kiss that could easily be in a sappy romantic movies that you loved.
Taglist: @mochminnie @marmol4d4 @starhastoomanyfandoms @ren-ni @xoxoloverb @nctma15 @realmoose @yeswhatever33 @lostinneverland @rinsane @0shippingtrashaway0 @fixtionlover @doctorsgirl262 @glitterygreeny @wheresantarctica @sunfairyy @steveharringtonswifey09 @lily-sinclair-2006
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chronosaurusnot · 3 years
VIP boy
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pairing: dom!bangchan x bratty sub!reader
genre: smut
word count: 2.1k
warnings: +18, night club, mentions of alcohol, teasing (with minho), jealousy, possessiveness, bratty behavior, explicit sexual content, bathroom sex, choking, pet names, degrading, slight humiliation, fingering, oral sex (m), rough sex, unprotected sex (stay safe please), cumming, creampie
note: so the original idea was a request from my friend about chan in a night club, but after that teaser i can't get out of my mind that scene of him choking hyunjin from behind. so, this is a mix of both things, i hope you like it!
as always, i’d like to clarify that english is not my first language, so please let me know if there are any mistakes, and feel free to give me suggestions<3
you ended up in the night club again with your friends; another night when you don’t know why you are there. it’s been a rough week, full of work and with stressful exams, so your friends insisted on getting you out to distress yourself a little bit. but between the time you’ve spent on getting ready plus all the sweaty people pushing you all around right now, you could swear you would’ve been better in your bed watching a movie or something, or even sleeping. it’s been already an hour maybe? you don’t know so you go straight to the bar to get some drink to see if time gets faster; hopefully it’ll make you less grumpy.
but when you are there, you see him on the vip section of the first floor. chan is there with his friends, talking and looking good as he always does. you start feeling like the night could maybe get a little more interesting, but when you get to see him talking with a girl that feeling changes to anger. sure, you agreed on being friends with benefits -if that was even a title or smt- so you both could be with anyone else you wanted, always respecting each other. so if he didn’t know you were there, in the same way you didn’t know he was coming too, it was okay if he wanted to be with someone else, right? but all the logic didn’t seem to care to your emotions, because you were now in a horrible mood.
you took your drink from the bar and drank it in less than a minute without taking your eyes off him and that girl. that dumb girl, she really thinks he’s hers tonight. but it’s stupid to feel like fighting over a man, so you get your mind clear and go back with your friends to tell them what you just saw to laught about it.
but when you look up again, you see chris leaning on the railing looking at you. he smiles when he notices your stare and waves at you, and after you wave back he makes gestures to let you know you can go there with them. you really wanted to play hard but you go there with your friends, following his instructions like a puppy obeys his owner.
“hey princess, you didn’t tell me you were coming” he greets you with a smile on his face. “yeah, the girls insisted on going out to destress a little bit, but i think i would have been better sleeping” you answer, trying to hide your growing excitement to see him there. “oh don’t be grumpy y/n, it’s early, we can still have a good night” he said in a cute and smirky way, an attitude that you hated and loved at the same time.
“yes i see you were already having a good time” you answer, and chris looks kinda confused. you point with your eyes to the girl he has been talking to, and he smirks at your reaction. “don’t be jealous princess, i was just talking”
you rolled your eyes at his stupid answer, and he just smiles. you hated how flirty he was and his fuck boy vibes, but there was something about him that eventually made you like him; maybe way too much. it all started as just a sex partner, but since day one you discover he was actually a super sweet, caring and fun guy, so you got really atractted to him in a matter of time. friends with benefits sounded right for both of you, but you always wanted more from him. maybe it’s his fault, cause he’s always giving you everything you want, but not only sexually; he is a pleasant man, you know he would give and do anything for his girl. and you wanted to be that girl. his only one.
and especially tonight. how could someone be so fine? he was all in black as always: black pants, black leather jacket and a black silk shirt that let you see his whole chest. “what a fucking fuck boy” you said to yourself, trying to hate him.
“what do you wanna drink, babygirl?” chan said, bringing you back from your thoughts. “your favourite one?” he continued while taking off his wallet from his pocket. you knew he was just doing it to show his hands; chan knew exactly the power his hands hold on you.
“yes, please” he smiles at your answer and goes to the bar for your drink.
but as soon as he goes, minho comes to you. “come on change that shitty face and dance a little y/n” he says while grabbing you from your arms to force you to dance with him. he takes you maybe way too closer to his body considering he is chris’s friend. but you think to yourself that maybe it’s a good idea; using this to get chan’s attention, to look at you, to make him jealous, and taking advantage to dance with a man so fine like minho. you wouldn’t be with him, sure, he is his friend; but it would be nice to at least flirt with him a little bit.
you sincerely got lost while dancing with him, so close to each other; till you notice chan looking at you both while leaning on the railing with the two cups on his hands. he looks at you in a challenging way, like wanting to see how far you can go.
and you accept the challenge, getting minho even closer to your body without cutting the eye contact with chris; you can see how his eyes turned darker, and you just smirk at his reaction. you dance a couple more minutes with minho, his hands on your waist, yours on his neck; after deciding it was enough teasing, you go back to chan playing the innocent. “he was helping me to cut out the bad mood, he’s so sweet. thank you for the drink channie”
“yeah i see, you should hang out with him.” he answers, his look darker; you prouder. “oh you think so? i mean, he seems to want to help me out to not be bored.” you answer, loving to see how your dumb plan worked.
“oh you just want to have fun, mh?” he says in a dark way, making you feel nervous and taking a big sip from your drink. “i know a place when you could have fun”.
you finished your drink in a couple of seconds, so he just takes your cup away from your hand. “why don’t you follow me, princess?”
he lefts the cups in the table, and takes you by the hand to guide you through the place. he talked to you calmly, but you knew he wasn’t not only because of the way he looked at you, but also cause he was holding you rough.
“get in, princess” chris says, letting you place to came in the bathroom. you get shocked; is a public space, but you are feeling so aroused with this situation that you just got in. chan locks the door behind you and turns you around to put you against it, resting his hand above you.
“you’ve been such a bratty, babygirl” he says, using his free hand to caress your cheek, slowly moving down to your neck. “if you were just bored, you should have told me instead of acting like a slut with my friend” chan continues while adding pressure on your neck, making you shut your legs from the feeling. he notices it and smirks in a mocking way. “are you already turned on, y/n? are you that desperate?”
he keeps on adding pressure, driving you crazy. you felt your panties getting wetter as every second passed by. so you decided to keep pushing his limits. “you’re not the only one who pays attention to me, chris. you should try better” his smile turns devilish.
“do you want me to remind you how good i fuck you, y/n?” he keeps choking you, but uses his other hand to touch you under your skirt. “do you want me to remind you whose name you repeat endless times while moaning?” he moves your panties to a side and start touching your pussy while still choking you, making you moan at the feeling of his cold hands rubbing against your clit. he laughs mockingly again at your desperate face.
“did you get this wet while dancing with minho? do you prefer his fingers over mine?” he never desease the smirk on his face, his nose touching yours and the feeling of his heavy breathing so close to you while you were cutted out of air made you go crazy. but you let out a moan after he gets two fingers inside you, making him laugh again.
“tell me, princess. tell me whose are you” you wanna answer, but he curls his fingers inside you while increasing his pace and makes you even harder to breathe. “i’m yours” you answer, and he takes his fingers out of you to put them in your mouth. you suck them instinctively, keeping eye contact with him, seeing the arousal in his eyes.
“you’re mine, y/n. no one else” you keep sucking on his fingers while his other hand finally moves from your neck to your waist, getting you closer to him. he softly moans at the feeling of his hardened dick rubbing against your hot core. “you are my baby slut, and the only one i want to please”
that was everything you needed to hear for being now completely at his will. the only thing you wanted was to be his only girl, the only one who he pleases, the only one who pleased him. you were feeling more desperate than ever now, getting crazier at the way he was rubbing his bulge against you in such a needy way, with both of his hands now on your hips, guiding you to make the touch rougher.
you remove his jacket and your eyes travel all over his chest, revealed by the thin silk. one of your hands caresses his chest, shoulders and neck, while the other one unzips his pants to get his cock out, making him moan louder at the feeling of your skin. “let me please you too, chris” you tell him in a whiny voice that makes him shiver.
you kneeled before him, and as soon as your lips touched the tip of his cock he rested both of his hands on the door that was behind you, moving his head backwards between deep groans.
“you’re such a pretty slut for me, y/n” he says and you speed up your pace. he starts to feel uncomfortable in any position, battling his urge to cum only to have you sucking on his dick for a longer time.
just when you feel his precum in your mouth he lifts you up, getting his eyes teary due to the denied orgasm. “turn around, princess. i’m not over yet”.
chan pushes your body against the door, guiding your ass close to him and lifting your skirt. he kisses your neck before pulling his cock inside you, making you both moan at the feeling of your stretched and wet pussy. “tell me who can fuck you this good, y/n?” he says while keeping a painful fast speed, tears forming in your eyes from the intense excitement.
“are you still thinking in minho, mh?” he says while he chokes you from behind, the other hand guiding your hips to move on his cock even harder. “tell me again, babygirl, who do you belong to?”
the feeling of his fast and hard pace, his hand holding you hard from your hips, his other hand cutting your air, his heavy breathing on your neck, his possessiveness, his moans; everything was making you feel extremely sensitive, desperate for a release of the tension that’s been building up. “you, o-only to you” you cried out in a broken voice.
his now clumsy moves showed you he was close too, getting weak to your submission. “only mine, y/n. f-fuck.” his last words whispered in your ear made you hit your orgasm. the feeling of your release all over his cock made him cum inside you, groaning your name in a completely fucked up way.
after a moment to catch up your breaths, he turned you back, facing you with a relaxed smile. “you’re still my girl after this, y/n. and i’ll always please my girl.”
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