#he already feels exhausted a few hours after getting up. He has a wound on his right knee that has been there for weeks without healing.
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htchnr · 26 days
♰ old and weary ༻ L. HOWLETT.*ೃ˚
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✮ꜜ masterlist. ✮ꜜ buy me a ko-fi!
content warning hurt/comfort ⋆ r's mutation is healing wounds with the direct touch of her fingers ⋆ blood ⋆ injuries with no mentioned severity ⋆ this tired old man needs a hug ⋆ if i missed anything, lmk!
pairing old man!Logan.
summary his body isn't what it used to be, so you help him after each fight he gets into. you heal his wounds and heal his soul, day by day and kiss by kiss. wordcount 0,6k.
authors note i'm trying to work on a few Logan requests (it might take me a bit to get them out as i'm still struggling with my writers block, so pls bear with me), so while i fight my brain, have some more sappy old man!Logan comfort 🫠🥹
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© 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐑. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!
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your home's quiet at this late hour, only the low sound of the tv playing some show in the background. the distant sound of Logan pulling up outside in the limo makes your heart jump a little with a tired smile.
you set your sewing project aside — patching up one of Logan's shirts — as you move up to greet him at the door.
your smile falters as you're met with the bloody sight of Logan, his shoulders hung in exhaustion, his body flinching with each heavy step. he closes the front door without a word, letting you lead him up the stairs and to your spacious bathroom.
he sits down on the edge of the tub like clockwork, sore fingers already pulling at the buttons of his stained and torn dress shirt. you sigh, gently pushing his hands aside. you wordlessly take over, unbuttoning the shirt and peeling the fabric off his figure.
you sigh sadly as you observe the damage, cuts and scrapes spanning across his broad chest and shoulders; no doubt scattering across his back as well. Logan flinches beneath your touch as your thumb slowly smooths over the first small cut on his shoulder, starting the intimate routine of healing the wounds his aging body has trouble with.
he grunts as he feels the skin weave itself back together beneath the soft pad of your thumb, leaning forward to rest his head against your stomach. you lean down to press a kiss to the skin where the small cut once was, letting your lips linger for a second before your thumb finds another injury to smooth over.
the room is filled with Logan's quiet grunts and pants as you lovingly work away each wound; leaving only the dried blood behind as evidence. and after each wound is healed you press gentle kisses to the aging skin — a regular routine that slowly heals Logan's aching, old heart kiss by kiss.
you rest your cheek against the top of his head after healing the last wound, your body slouching beneath his hold from exhaustion. while you would always heal him, no matter what time or day; that doesn't take away from the fact that it's a draining routine — the healing taking every bit of your energy.
you tiredly pull away from him, his strong arms reluctantly letting you go as you wet a washcloth with warm water and soap. you could almost hear low purrs emitting from Logan as you drag the wet cloth across his scarred skin, gently scrubbing away at the dried blood.
you drop the dirty cloth in the sink, raking your damp fingers through his greying hair as he keeps his face pressed against your stomach. his rough hands are tucked beneath your shirt, fingers digging into the supple skin of your waist. " sometimes you're really like my big dog i used to have, he liked head scratches too. "
Logan doesn't say a word about your quiet admission when you bend down, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, your lips lingering before you rest your cheek a top his head. " let's get you to bed, " you yawn, your fingers scratching soft, soothing patterns against his scalp.
he hums against your stomach, the sounds low and rough. he lets you guide him up, his knees cracking as he stands up, leading him out of the bathroom and to the bedroom by his hand.
the moment he slides into bed beside you his shoulders finally relax, melting against you as he settles with his head on your chest and his face buried in the crook of your neck. you smile tiredly as you lace your fingers with his with one hand, the other rhythmically combing through his hair.
Logan lets out a long sigh, his heavy figure deflating against yours. " you know, sometimes i think he came back in the form of you, somehow always there to protect me. "
his fingers twitch around yours, his heart throbbing at your mumbled words. he scrunches his face, nuzzling impossibly close against you.
" goodnight, Lo, " you yawn, resting your cheek against his head. " 'love you. "
he tries not to tense against you at your words, not wanting to startle you wide out of your sleepy state. his eyes are wide open, blinking at the soft skin of your throat. the more he thinks about your words, the more at ease he feels. no longer do those particular words send him running, they anchor him.
he lets his tired and aching eyes fall shut, pressing a soft kiss to your skin. " i love you too, sweetheart. "
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explosionkatsu · 9 months
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Dad!Bakugo x Teacher!Babysitter!Reader
7 p.m. is what it says to the clock and Katsuki hasn't arrived yet. It seems like Eijiro is quite busy as well for Kazui is still with her.
You were starting to feel uneasy since something must've come up that caused them to be this late. After checking your watch once again, you've decided to just drop Kazui yourself. The thing is, you don't know where Katsuki's parents live and you doubt you'll get a detailed answer from him.
'Well, no harm in trying.' You thought to yourself and poked Kazui who was busy watching some cartoons on your phone.
"Kazui-chan." You called out making Kazui look up at you confused.
"Hai?" He responded.
"Do you know where your bachan lives?" You asked.
You were surprised when Kazui told you the complete address, including the lot number.
"H-how?" You were amazed.
"Papa told me if I got lost, I can state Bachan's address so that someone can take me there safely!" Kazui beamed.
"That's very smart of you, Kazui-chan." You praised and gently patted his head smiling.
"Thank you!" Kazui answered.
"What do you say I drop you instead to your bachan?" You suggested. "I don't think Uncle Eiji will be here anytime soon. Something must've come up."
Kazui just nodded when you noticed him yawning. Of course, he's exhausted.
"Alright. Let's pack our stuff and head out." You said.
Y/n began fixing her things as well as Kazui. Once finished, she checked everything and left the school taking Kazui's hand to hers. She plans on buying something to consume on their way as well since it's been hours since Kazui ate anything.
Y/n took Kazui to a ramen house where Kazui finished his meal almost immediately and ate his yogurt on the bus. You intentionally made him sit at the window seat so that he'd be able to point out the place.
"We're here!" He suddenly exclaimed while pointing to a certain house.
Y/n pressed the stop button resulting in the bus halting a few blocks away from where Kazui's pointing. Carefully, Y/n guided Kazui out of the bus and headed to where he was pointing.
'If this is the wrong house, she could just apologize and say it's the wrong house.' Y/n thought while internally praying, as well as readying herself for the excuse.
When they reached the porch, Y/n shakingly pressed the doorbell twice. She was ready to make an excuse, chanting it over and over in her head. Her dread vanished when a woman who looked exactly like a female version of Katsuki opened the door.
"Can I- Kazui!?" Mitsuki shrieked. "Where the hell is your father?!"
"Bachaaan!!" Kazui beamed hugging Mitsuki.
"That brat," Mitsuki mumbled. "Masaru! Your brat left Kazui to some- wait." She blinked, finally looking at you. "Who are you?"
"O-oh!" Y/n stuttered. "I am Y/n L/n." She said and bowed down. "I am Kazui-chan's homeroom teacher, as well as his babysitter."
"Did Kat-, Bakugo leave Kazui to you?" Mitsuki asked and let Kazui in the house.
"Oh, not entirely." Y/n sweat dropped. "Kazui has been waiting for Kirishima to pick him up. But it seems like something came up. I realized it was getting a bit late so I decided to drop Kazui myself, which I am a bit thankful he knew the whole address." She explained, chuckling in the end.
"Oh what am I doing, come in!"
"Glad we were able to catch that villain. Man, I thought I'd leave patrol early today." Eijiro said while sitting on the stretcher and letting someone treat his wounds. "Sorry, I couldn't pick up Kazui today."
"Shit!" Katsuki cussed.
"What is it?" Eijiro asked looking at Katsuki in panic.
"I have a fucking date today!"
"What?! With who!?" Eijiro exclaimed. "Bro. You realized it's 8:30 in the evening already, right?"
"I'm supposed to fucking pick her up at the daycare."
Without hesitating, Katsuki told the medic to stop treating him.
"Who!? Where- Dynamight!!!" Eijiro called out. "Awe man."
Katsuki darted away from the scene focusing on getting to the daycare fast, hoping Y/n and Kazui were still there. But as soon as he reached the establishment, he saw that the lights were out and the portico was locked.
"Fuck!" He cussed loudly.
'She must've taken Kazui her. But where? At her home? Yeah. Probably it.' Katsuki thought to himself and blasted himself towards Y/n's apartment.
It took him a few minutes to get there only to notice that her lights were off as well.
"What the hell?" He mumbled. "Where the hell are they.." Katsuki said. He went to the window to check closer but saw no one.
The only place he hasn't gone yet is his own house and his parents.
"Damn it." He cussed once again and blasted away.
"So, you've been spending time with Katsuki." Mitsuki was surprised after learning this. It irritates her that Katsuki never tells him anything. "So, how's he?"
Y/n, who was sitting in the dining with Mitsuki smiled. "He's very-"
"A-ah. No..." Y/n sweat dropped. "He's really sweet." She giggled. "Whenever I come over to take care of Kazui, I usually cook dinner for 3 people. He'll get mad at me for cooking instead of ordering takeout since he always leaves enough cash for takeouts."
"What do you do to the money he leaves?" Mitsuki asked before sipping her cup of tea.
'Ah.' Y/n thought. It seems like she knew what Mitsuki was doing.
"I bought groceries." Y/n looked down as she said this. "I noticed that there aren't any greens in the fridge. It's usually meat, cereal, a bunch of juices, and a few spices."
"What happened to Katsuki." Mitsuki facepalmed. "That kid is always passionate about his cooking."
"He always complains whenever I cook for him, but he'll eat it anyway." Y/n giggled and took a sip of her tea.
"Why do you do it?" Mitsuki's getting interested in Y/n.
"I can see how tired and exhausted he is whenever he gets home from work."
As Y/n went on to explain, she didn't know that Mitsuki was watching her facial features. Her expression changes whenever she mentions something about Katsuki.
'He'll be so lucky to have this woman.' Mitsuki thought smiling to herself. "Ah. I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself." She smiled. "I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, and here my husband, Masaru Bakugo. You can just call me Mitsuki."
"Oh. It is a pleasure, Mitsuki." Y/n stood up and bowed as a sign of respect.
Reaching his own house, Katsuki can see the lights are as well off.
"What the hell?"
He's starting to get worried. Did someone kidnap them? Did they know who Y/n is?
"Fuck!" The only thing he can think of now is to call. But as he tries to reach for his phone, he realizes he left it in his office which frustrates him more.
The only place he hasn't checked is his parents where he doubts, they will be there, but he was hoping they are.
"Masaru," Mitsuki called out for her husband signaling him to come over.
Y/n was with Kazui in the living room, obviously spending time with him.
"Yes, dear?" Masaru responded.
"We haven't fully known Y/n right here but I'm liking her for Katsuki right now." She was grinning ear to ear while murmuring what she said.
"What makes you say that?" Masaru said placing a palm on Mitsuki's shoulder.
"I heard the things she did for him. She's the woman I want for our son." Mitsuki smiled.
"You know we just can't-"
"Set them up," Mitsuki answered mischievously.
"Katsuki's smart, dear."
"Not with us." She snickered. "Y/n dear! Come here!"
Y/n blinked curiously but stood up anyway and went to Mitsuki and Masaru.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
This question made you blink again. "Huh?"
"Oh! We apologize for snooping around. You are a very lovely woman so we're guessing you have a man in your life." Mitsuki's a great actor alright.
"U-um. I don't have a boyfriend." You stuttered but confused. "It's been years since I last had one."
"Why's that, sweetie?" She was curious, okay?
"I just don't have enough time to look for someone..." You answered truthfully. "If someone came into my life, then I'll accept them wholeheartedly."
"I swear to god if they aren't here-"
Just as Y/n finished her sentence, Katsuki came barging in. Everyone was jolted by his entrance, making them all look at him, and Kazui, well, ran to Y/n in fear.
Mitsuki though, after seeing it was only her son, stomped her way to Katsuki and gave him a hard smack on his head which made Y/n gasp.
"That's normal, Y/n," Masaru says assuring her.
"Ooh.." Y/n said in response.
"Why the hell are you barging in here like that!? You gave us a heart attack you idiot!"
"I was looking for Y/n and Kazui!"
"That doesn't change the fact that you almost killed us all!"
"How the hell would I do that woman!?"
"Who are you calling woman, hah!?"
Then Mitsuki gave Katsuki another smack whilst Masaru just sighed in the background, smiling.
"A-ano.." Y/n's voice halted both the blonde-haired.
Both blonde-haired paused in bickering when they heard Y/n's voice making them look at her.
"Kazui!" Katsuki called out as he reached for Kazui, embracing him tightly. "I was so worried." He breathes out what after seeing Kazui safe.
"Papaaaaa." Kazui groaned, squirming a little while being embraced by his father. "I'm okay!"
Mitsuki just slightly shook her head while witnessing the scene.
"How did they get here?" Katsuki asked as he stood up looking at his mother.
"They knock at the door, genius," Mitsuki answered crossing her arms.
"I- whatever." Katsuki facepalmed.
"A-ano.." You stuttered. "Kazui-chan gave me the address."
He was so focused on Kazui that he almost forgot that you were also here in his parent's house. So when his eyes gaze upon you, he can't help but blush a little which goes unnoticed by Mitsuki who smirks seeing this.
"Tsch." Katsuki tched. "Thanks for keeping Kazui safe."
"It's my responsibility as his teacher and babysitter." You smiled.
"I'm guessing you've met my old hag here," Katsuki mumbles as he scratches his cheeks.
Y/n was a bit distraught. She never focuses on what he is saying because Katsuki is covered in bruises, scratches, wounds, and dirt. She was tempted to heal him.
"Katsuki.." Y/n called out softly.
Katsuki stopped talking and looked at her raising an eyebrow.
"I apologize for cutting you, but I hope you don't mind if I take a look at your bruises. It might get infected... Especially those open wounds.." Y/n said staring at Katsuki worriedly.
"Now that you mentioned it," Mitsuki spoke up. "You look terrible! I was just watching you and Eijiro defeat that villain! Why aren't you patched up!?"
Katsuki only rolled his eyes hearing his mother yell at him, but deep inside he kinda missed it. "Eijiro was getting patched up." Katsuki started. "I was going to as well when he fu-, mentioned Kazui. Since I made plans with Y/n as well, I thought of picking him up instead. But I realized it was a bit late, and looked around for them."
"Be glad that your son knows our address." Mitsuki sighed.
"Son, why don't you use your old bedroom and stay here for tonight?" Masaru walked towards them, smiling. "Your mother can help you with those while I prepare dinner. I'm sure Miss Y/n and Kazui are starving as well."
"A-ah! You don't have to-"
"That would be lovely!" Mitsuki beamed.
"Tsch." Well, it was not a bad idea. "Fine. Only because I'm exhausted."
"Alright then! I'll bring the aid kit while your father-
"Give it to Y/n," Katsuki said finally removing his combat boots.
"Ha?" Mitsuki was confused.
"She's a healer." Katsuki simply said making Y/n's eyes wide open.
"How did y-you know?.." Y/n stuttered.
"Doesn't matter," Katsuki said.
"Oh? That's very interesting, Y/n." Mitsuki smiled. "You can patch Katsuki in his room. I can finally spend time with my grandson!"
Katsuki went to his old bedroom along with Y/n following him. He didn't expect his night to turn this way but he was a bit glad to have some a little privacy with Y/n.
"This is my old room," Katsuki said stopping in front of a door.
He slowly pushed the door open and switched the lights on revealing a tidy room with a bunch of Almight stuff around the room.
"I see a fan." Y/n giggled while they both walked into the room.
"Whatever," Katsuki answered. "Be thankful it's not like Izuku's." He mumbled.
"I'll go shower." He said. "You can wait here. Just sit on the bed, I guess."
"Oh. I'll prepare the med kit while waiting for you." Y/n smiled.
"Alright. I'll be quick." Katsuki said and left.
A few minutes passed, and Katsuki got out of the shower fully clothed. He decided to just change in the bathroom so that it wouldn't create any awkwardness between him and Y/n. He also wore something that might help Y/n while she heals him.
"Would these clothes be a bother?" He asked slowly approaching Y/n who was comfortably sitting on the bed.
Hearing his voice shook her a little bit. Luckily she managed to hide it.
As she looked at Katsuki, her eyes widened on seeing what he was wearing. A loose black tank top along with what seems like sleepwear shorts stops a few inches above his knee.
Y/n blinked when he called out. "I-it's okay."
Katsuki sat across from her, not too close but not too far either. He watched how she took a bunch of stuff out of the kit as if she was familiar with what she was doing. Like a muscle memory almost.
"I have a question." Katsuki suddenly blurts out.
"Oh, uh. What is it?" Y/n asked while focusing on the liquid disinfectant.
"Why didn't you take the medical field?" As if hitting a sensitive spot, Katsuki noticed how her movements turned slow. "You don't have to answer if it's something sensitive." He quickly added.
"No, no. It's fine." Y/n smiled at him. "It's not sensitive as well." She said. "I just dont like seeing people die. Especially under my care." She sighed as the smile never left her lips. "I get attached easily which is not a good thing as a doctor, or so I was told. Haha."
While reading the formula of the disinfectant, Y/n managed to answer Katsuki. "I wanted to be a doctor. But since I am a very emotional person, I decided to just teach."
"Why didn't you tell me your quirk is healing?"
Y/n giggled remembering her reason.
"The hell is so funny about it, hah?" Katsuki was confused as to why she found his question amusing.
"Sorry!" Y/n apologized immediately. "I just think that you might find my reason foolish."
"I won't if you tell me." Katsuki tsked. 
"Well. I watched you a lot on the television. All your interviews." Y/n started.
"Right," Katsuki smirked. "I forgot that you're a fan of Dynamight."
"S-shut it.." Y/n blushed. "Anyway," after clearing her throat, she continues, "Dynamight is a very protective person and doesn't want to cause any harm to anyone. Since my quirk causes self-harm, I know you'd be against it if I used it on you or Kazui when I started working for you."
She does have a point.
"So, the day you got home injured, I told Kirishima to not say a word when I both mended you two," Y/n explained while dabbing the liquid on a cotton ball.
"You think I'll let you use it on me, huh?" Katsuki said looking at her.
"Of course fucking not." He added and looked away. "You're precious to me. I don't want you getting hurt." He said while his face was turning red.
Y/n's face was worse though, hers was redder than tomato. "U-um.. Your a-arm, please.."
"Wha t do you even like about Dynamight, huh," Katsuki asked out of nowhere while he raised his arm and felt her gentle grasp on his skin. For some reason, it feels very comforting.
"What do I like about him?" Y/n smiled. "He was very passionate about saving people. I admire how bold he is in every situation. No matter what kind of villain he faces, he assures people that he'll defeat them. I just hate it when people misunderstand him just by judging him. They didn't know that without his hero suit, Dynamight was a very different person."
"Hey, Masaru." Mistuki called out while preparing the food with her husband.
"Yes, dear?" Masaru answered.
"Did you notice what Katsuki said earlier?" Mitsuki said pausing on washing the vegetables.
"Hm.." Masaru thinks for a second before answering, "Which part?"
"Katsuki said he has plans with Y/n." Mitsuki looked at Masaru as she said this. "I think Katsuki doesn't need our help."
Masaru just smiled at his wife. "Like I said, our son is smart."
Happy New year, everyone!! I am back!!! I hope you like this part!
Thank you for all your patience! 🥺🥺
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jelzorz · 6 days
Oh boy oh boy if you're taking ficlet requests, how about Opeli making sure Soren doesn't collapse of exhaustion while he's supervising rescue efforts and providing aid in the aftermath of Sol Regem's attack?
It's all kind of a blur afterwards. Soren chalks it up to being exhausted from, well, everything, but it's not like there's been time to rest between it all anyway. There are too many wounded, too many dead, too few supplies to share between the too many refugees, and he has enough to deal with without the grief creeping along the edges of his mind, waiting for him to feel it and to process it on top of everything else. The physical labour is hard, but he's used to that. The emotional labour...
Well. It can wait.
So he heads out to the castle ruins with different groups of soldiers and volunteers to salvage what little they can. He moves rubble and bodies and supplies, helps pitch tents and herd children, tends to the wounded with the limited training he has. He's worn thin and he knows this. He hasn't slept for more than a couple of hours since the attack and he knows this too. He knows because Opeli keeps telling him to rest and Corvus keeps telling him to sleep and they're just as tired as he is, but neither of them stop, so why should he?
It's been a week. A little more he thinks, but he doesn't really know because the days have started to bleed to into each other and the rise and fall of the sun doesn't really mean anything in light of everything that's going on. He knows that the others had all come back the morning after the attack, and he knows Ezran had given the order to move everyone to the Banther Lodge after a couple of nights at the temples, but beyond that, all Soren knows is the ache in his muscles and the precarious uneven rhythm of his next step, and the one after, and the one after that.
He's sitting by the fire tonight. There's a pile of damaged armour beside him that he doesn't really know how to repair but the blacksmith didn't make it and the Banther Lodge works, but they're still sitting ducks out here. Damaged armour won't do them any favours. There's no room to lose anybody else. He's fixing the leather in a bracer when they find him, Corvus and Opeli, both tired, both weary, both obviously concerned.
"'Sup," greets Soren absently.
Corvus and Opeli glance at each other.
"We've been ordered to rest," says Corvus.
Soren snorts. "How's that going for you?"
Opeli twitches her lips. "I can't refuse an order from the king," she says drily, "but more importantly, neither can you."
Soren pauses in his work and raises an eyebrow.
"You need to rest," says Corvus, taking the bracer from him and shoving the pile of armour over with his foot. He takes a seat next to him without waiting for an invitation and Opeli does the same on his other side, already frowning at the bandage she'd placed over the cut on his forehead.
"You've split your stitches again," she says, her disapproval obvious.
"I'm fine," mutters Soren. He tries to snatch the bracer back but Corvus holds it purposefully out of reach.
"You need to rest," says Corvus again, tossing it back into the pile and kicking the whole stack of it further away. "We all do," he adds pointedly to Opeli, who wrinkles her nose petulantly and draws her knees to her chest.
"I'm not arguing," she mutters. "But whether or not we do relies on Soren, doesn't it?"
Soren stares at them both. Corvus actually smirks.
"We made a deal with Ezran," he says somewhat smugly. "I don't need a break—"
"Yes you do," snorts Opeli.
"But I wouldn't take one unless Opeli took one—"
"And I won't take one unless you do." Opeli gives him a look then, her usual stern-faced glare laced with something stubborn and a little sour, but something hopeful too: an opportunity to rest mandated by someone else that she won't feel guilty for taking. "So whether or not we get to take a break is up to you, really," she says.
Soren pauses. Then he scowls at them both. "That's a dirty trick."
"It's pretty fair actually," says Corvus, stretching out beside him. "You need to rest, Soren. If not for yourself, then for the people who care about you."
"And you do have people who care about you," says Opeli. "You must know that."
There's another pause. Corvus leans into him on one side and, hesitantly, Opeli does the same on the other, their warmth a comfort against the evening cold, their weight a ward against the feelings he isn't quite ready to feel.
He doesn't remember closing his eyes, but when he opens them, it's dawn. The morning is quiet. The fire is out. Corvus has shifted so that his head rests on Soren's shoulder and Opeli has tucked herself under his arm in her sleep. The blanket draped over them is scratchy but warm.
Soren lets himself go back to sleep.
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nomizombie · 9 months
[But aren't vampires scary...?] // vampire!König x GN!Reader
cw: blood (obviously!), biting, some injury
[SFW] ; blood (obviously!!), mutual pining (?), human rights violation el oh el, könig has social anxiety, gender neutral, no usage of y/n [A/N] ; was thinking about vamp könig whos actually really awkward and not the cool vampires like in movies... in fact, other vampires would probably assume he was a werewolf with his size.
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You had never met a man like him, or more accurately, creature, like him.
He was terrifying, larger than life. His presence took up the whole room. Yet, it was invisible. Almost like he was transparent and you were the only one who could see him.
You met him at a bar. He didn't seem like he fit. Sitting in the corner, sipping on some cheap beer, observing everyone. Very out of place for somewhere like here.
You walked over to him of course. Seems like a guy like him just needs some company right?
It only took a few drinks before he dragged you outside. In some dinky alley, slamming your body against a wall and sinking his pearly white fangs into your neck. Sucking and slurping up your blood eagerly.
Quiet apologies in a subtle accent as he continued drinking and drinking. He gripped your body so tight, you couldn't move a muscle. As he bit deeper, the pain was so excruciating that you felt your consciousness teeter over the edge. One more second, minute, hour, he kept promising you.
By the time he was done, you were so lightheaded you felt like you were going to pass out, if not from the pain it would be from the blood loss. You struggled to even stand, swaying from side to side.
He apologised again.
"I-I am very sorry- It was, I'm starving you see? I'm so sorry-" You cut him off as you fell, leaning onto his body for support.
"Scheiße, did I feed too much?" His trembling hand gently lifted your face up.
You stared at him, half-lidded and woozy. Not good.
He immediately hoisted you up on his back.
"I'll take you to my apartment okay? Is that fine? I mean you don't really have a choice- Ah, you're too out of it to understand anyways."
Before long, you were laying on a couch in some living room you had never seen before. Still lightheaded, but feeling a bit more grounded, you sat up, observing your surroundings.
"König?" You called out his name. Difficult to say yet the more you said it, the more familiar it felt to your tongue.
He immediately appeared in the hallway, holding a warm towel, a mug, and some bandages.
"Ja? Are you alright? I'm so sorry-"
You fell back down again onto the couch. The room spun when you sat up.
"Oh gott..." He rushed over to you, almost dropping the mug and towel he held.
"Ah, it's the blood loss..." He sighed, "I was too excited, sorry."
He looked up at you through his brows as he dressed the bite. How could such a worrisome guy be the one who had you pinned against a wall for blood hours earlier?
"It's... alright." You winced in between words. It was still sore and throbbing even after- how many hours?
"What... time is it...?" You hissed as he cleaned the wound.
"Oh- Well, around two in the morning. Why?"
"It's that late already...?" You threw your head back in exhaustion.
Silence enveloped the two of you until you finally asked what had been on your mind since the alleyway.
"You're a vampire?"
"Ja." He said quietly, now wrapping clean bandages around the teeth marks.
"I thought... vampires were only in movies."
He shook his head, chuckling a little.
"I'm very much real, aren't I?"
You stared at him, squinting in the dark.
"Oh yeah..." you slurred. The alcohol and blood loss made for a deadly combination.
"Get some sleep, and well, I'm sorry, 'bout the uhm- biting." He stammered, pausing between words. He began to stand up.
"Wait-" Your hand shot out, grabbing onto his.
"S-Sorry?" His eyes widened under his balaclava. They were so emotive that it wasn't hard to tell what he was thinking.
The coldness of the room. The silence of the apartment. The darkness of it all. It was so stifling.
"Can you... stay?" You said meekly. Voice cracking from no liquids.
He couldn't speak, stuck looking at your pleading eyes and bandaged neck. After a few seconds which felt like much more, he finally remembered to respond.
"Oh- of course."
Plopping himself back onto the couch, he sat next to you as you leaned onto him.
Of course, he couldn't help but apologise again.
"It's okay. You said you were... hungry... right?" You looked up at him, he had his eyes fixed on the muted TV in front of the two of you.
"Still- I shouldnt have... I got too... excited. I haven't had fresh blood in m-months.."
"It's alright-"
You paused as you felt something dripping onto your right shoulder.
As you turned, you saw his face. Crazed. Salivating.
"I-I'm sorry it's just- thinking about it makes me..."
"My blood was that tasty?"
You swear you could've seen a small tinge of pink bloom on his face. It may have even reached the tips of his ears.
"No it's not.. I mean- Not yours particularly- I'm just starving..."
You grinned at him.
"I'm not tasty?"
He couldn't bring himself to respond and the sleepiness was returning to you. Vampires are supposed to be scary right? So why are you here, getting all nice and cozy with one? It was going to be a long night for the two of you.
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divider: @violetbudd
tysm for reading! :) might expand on this au as well as I alrdy have some ideas for a second chapter !!!
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softpascalito · 1 year
Kinktober Day Two - Titfucking - Dieter Bravo x Reader
Summary: Dieter is alone in quarantine and begs you to come join him. Even with a few obstacles, you treat him the way he deserves. Relationships: Dieter Bravo x FemReader
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WC: 1700
Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warning Apply, Smut, Explicit Content, Porn with (some) Plot, No use of y/n, Titfucking, Medical Inaccuracies, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Dom/Sub
notes: get ready for day two! there are some semi medical-inaccuracies in todays fic, remember that this is no medical advice. as always, feel free to comment if you enjoyed it :)
Dieter had only been in Quarantine for a week and a half when the call came.
“Babe, please, you don't understand, I need you here.”
He had begged and begged and begged until you had agreed to come and join him in his bubble. You had already had a suspicion of what it was he wanted but you also knew that he tended to get quite lonely and eventually reckless if left by himself for too long.
So, after long discussions with the studio, you managed to somehow talk them into making travel arrangements. A mere two hours later, you had thrown some clothes into a bag, hopped onto a practically empty plane and were bound for England.
The day had been exhausting, but when you arrived the staff were already waiting, giving you a check-in at the health tent and making sure you underwent the dreaded tests and  general health examination. It had been part of the agreement for you to be allowed to join Dieter so you didn't complain, just sitting through it and stifling your yawns best you could.
Just when you felt like you really might pass out, someone finally led you into the large manor, showing you the way to the room Dieter had already been occupying for a week.
The heavy door has barely shut behind you when you see him. He is in his wrinkled pajama bottoms and a fuzzy, worn-out robe the color of dirt. He's laying on the floor, huddled against the edge of the sofa, his hand absentmindedly pulling at the carpet beneath him. His gaze seems different, empty and you sigh a little. You had half expected him to jump you the second you walked through the door, but now it seems as if his begging had, at least not solely, come from sex withdrawal. You slowly walk over to him, approaching him like a wounded, scared animal and dropping your bags onto an ottoman as you pass it. He watches your steps, his head bowed so that you can't make out his face, unsure if he's delighted to see you or not. Dieter isn't sure if you’re even real.
Slowly, your hands find his hair and start massaging his head. A small breath of relief escapes your lips as you watch him visibly relax under your touch, his shoulders lowering and his breathing returning to a normal, steady rhythm. He pushes himself closer, closing his arms around your legs and you pull him in as well, your hands remaining in his hair as his head settles against your outer thigh. “I'm here, baby.” You whisper as you look down at the messy bundle of hair that belongs to your boyfriend. As you watch, it moves up and down a bit as he nods, “I missed you.” 
Your grip tightens a bit as you sigh, “I know, but I'm here now.”
You stay like that for a while, entangled in this weird position, neither of you wanting to break the embrace. Eventually, Dieter shifts a bit, his head moving around your thigh until his face is pressing into your crotch and you can feel his nose through the fabric of your pants.
“I missed you.” He whispers again but it sounds different now, slightly more teasing, like he's talking to your core instead of your head.
“Oh, I bet you missed her too, alright.” You tease gently but immediately regret it when Dieter looks up at you. He genuinely looks desperate.
“Come on, let's get you cleaned up. You smell.”
With a small grumble, Dieter lets you help him to his feet and lead him into the bathroom. You try to hurry up, feeling your own body and mind becoming more tired with each passing second. The jet lag is catching up to you and all you want to do is sleep. Still, you pepper Dieter's body with small kisses of encouragement as you help him brush his teeth, rinse down in the shower and put on some semi-fresh clothes. 
Dieter lets you take the lead - but when you try and throw his pajama bottoms into the hamper, he fights to keep at least those until you reluctantly give in, making a mental note to throw them into the laundry tomorrow.
Your own pajamas are somewhere in the huge suitcase you have dragged across several airports today and, not caring to search through all of it, you simply stay in the underwear set you were wearing under your travel outfit. It's rather simple, just ribbed cotton panties and a matching bralette.
Still, Dieter's gaze lingers on the way it hugs your curves as you lead him to the bed, plopping down with a sigh of relief. He joins you, immediately running his hands over your body and leaning down to press a small kiss to your head. Your eyes are already closed and you pull him in, just enjoying the feeling of his body next to yours.
Sleep is on your mind. But clearly not on Dieters.
His hands roam further and you can feel your own blood rushing towards your middle, whimpering softly in protest as your head begs you to just sleep, sleep, sleep. 
But you can't help it. Neither of you can. With your eyes still closed, you meet Dieter's lips eagerly, your body molding into him and surrendering to his touch. His hand wanders under your back, expertly opening your bra and in an instant, his mouth is gone from yours and instead working over your chest, kissing your erect nipples, sucking on them, lapping around them like a dog getting his favorite treat.
You giggle a bit and then you feel his hand wander further and you sigh, bringing your own hand down your body to join his. “ Baby-” You mumble and finally, you open your eyes again to look up at chocolate-brown eyes, “Have to tell you something.”
His movements stop abruptly at that and his head fully turns, giving you his undivided attention, ”What's wrong?”
“Not wrong. Just- I thought you'd be gone a while so I got my new IUD inserted. Yesterday.” 
The puppy eyes were back, staring at you as you could practically see the gears turning in his head, ''So you can't-?”
You shake your head softly. ”No.” He looks so sad and you sigh, bringing your hand back to his hair, ”Just for tonight.”
Dieter nods and you can tell he is pretending not to care too much. He's not a very good actor.
You think for a moment before you lay back, nudging him so that he sits on your stomach.He does as instructed, following your movements, always eager and obeying even if he's not quite sure where this is going.His eyes go wide when you pull his cock out of the dirty pajama pants, stroking him a few times.
“Since we can't do that..” He’s still looking at you with slight confusion but you can feel how painfully hard he is and you decide to not let him wait any longer, “I want you to fuck my tits instead.”
His dick twitches at the words and his face lights up at the same moment. His lips are back on yours for a split moment, kissing you sloppily before whispering, ” I love you .”
You chuckle a little and take your hands off his cock, instead placing them on the sides of your boobs and squeezing them together, creating a makeshift hole between them that Dieter lines up with and slowly pushes into. He lets out a high-pitched whine and a few curses as his cock disappears between your breasts and you smile up at him, watching the way his face scrunches up in pleasure. He looks beautiful like this, all worries seemingly washed away.
You're not sure if it's because of how tired you are, but you don't mind him getting all the satisfaction tonight, content to just help him after the time apart. Dieter's weight shifts back and forth on you ever so slightly as he pulls out- just to plunge right back in, repeating the motion as he whimpers above you at the feeling. 
You squeeze a little harder, making the passage around his cock tighter and the high-pitched moan that escapes him lets you know just how much he is enjoying this. Dieter leans forward, an arm on either side of your head to support himself as he pushes in faster and harder, all the while making absolutely unholy noises.
“That's it, baby.” You praise, “You like using my tits like that? Like them squeezing your dick?”
Dieters breath is going fast already and he nods eagerly, his voice high, ”Yeah, fuck! Yes-”
After a few more thrusts, his tip poking out at the top with each one, you feel his arms starting to shake and you know what's about to happen. With one last, hard thrust, pushing himself all the way between your breasts, his orgasm hits him and Dieter collapses on top of you. Cum spurts onto your neck and breasts and you hear him whimper in your ear as you squeeze your breasts around his sensitive cock, praising him all throughout his orgasm.
“So pretty when you come for me, Dieter.”
He rolls off of you after a few moments, still panting but clearly more happy and relaxed than  he has been at any point during his solo quarantine. A happy sigh escapes his lips as he uses his large hand to sooth your reddened breasts, ”Did I tell you that I love you?”
You chuckle a little, turning towards him and kissing his cheek, “You don't have to. I know that, baby.”
"Hmm, I know. Just thought I'd remind you.” He whispers as he cuddles up against you, aware that neither of you have the energy left to clean yourselves up. 
Sometimes, being with Dieter Bravo simply means falling asleep with sticky cum all over you. You can live with that, you think distantly, as your eyes fall shut and you feel Dieter beginning to snore next to you.
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azzieshd · 2 years
Azriel: Pillowtalk
Mates bond
Warnings: War, injuries, NSFW content, Bad words
Words counting: +/-2100
Requested by: @agdas3214
Sequel: No
*English it not my mother language, there could be grammatical errors and typos. Please warn me if you find them, I'll do my best trying to get better.
You’ve known each other for years, centuries actually. Azriel has always been one of your most cherished friend among the Inner Circle, you talked about everything when spending time together and he was the only person you could trust blindfolded.
Unfortunately, things didn't stay just as friendly as you first wanted, and you fell in love.
You always knew about his passion for Mor, and – before catching feelings for him – tried to help to put them two together as a couple. It was hard for you to keep hearing about his love declarations about another while you could barely stay by his side without sighting.
It took years and more years, and as he was still into Mor, you were still into him.
And then came the War. And you almost died.
The calderon almost got you with all the rest of the army, you also stopped with Cassian when Nesta’s scream was heard, but you didn't stop too fast and part of that awful power hit you strongly.
It took you weeks to recover, days just to wake up and find an Illyrian warrior seated by your side. While you stayed unconscious for 72 hours, Azriel seemed to be awake during this time. His eyes were red and if you didn't know him, you would say he had been crying. He looked tired, exhausted in truth. His hands were in his head while he stayed arched in a chair that didn't look so comfortable.
You don't know if you called by his name or if the shadows told him that you were awake, but it took just two seconds for him to put himself by your side in the bed, close, too close.
"How are you feeling? Any pain?" he asked rapidly, putting his hand in your forehead to feel your temperature.
"Good, just thirsty."
Azriel didn't take too long to hand you a glass of water. You didn't take too long to drink it.
"Did we win?" you asked, eyes pleading for an affirmative answer. He nodded.
"We’ve lost a lot of people and it was hard, but yes, we won. Hybern was defeated"
"That's good. Is a shame that I spent all the time here while everyone was fighting."
"You're alive. That's the only thing that matters" his eyes darkened, just as remembering you almost dying was enough for him. And it was, you just didn't know that.
Azriel told after that Cassian was the one who found your body, your life slipping through. He didn't think twice before grabbing you and going straight to the healers. Azriel just knew about you because Rhys – mind to mind – told him. So he rushed himself out of the combat scene and went to the tent where you stood. His heart broke at the sight of you, covered in blood, wounds open and fainted because of the pain.
It was in that moment, when you were between life and death that the bond snapped, the spymaster felt that gold line that connected you both and as a blink of an eye, he forgot about the war and everything became you, just you. He didn't leave his mate during the next few days.
And so here you are. Listening to everything while trying to bake a cake, Azriel’s favorite cake. You felt the bond yesterday, while looking up to the starfall by his side. He was already looking at you when you turned around to face him. Apparently, the bond wasn't new for him, so you wanted some explanations since there are months that the war ended, hence, months he knows you were made for each other.
Of course you weren't crazy to say “no” for the mate's bond, especially since your mate is the male you are completely in love with. But you have to admit that it is kinda funny to see him desperate as he talks about everything.
The cake is ready. You hand it to your mate. He eats it. Now is the part that he fucks you.
- - - - -
Azriel is famous among the females, he is tall, strong, pretty handsome and his serious face is that kind that makes you wonder if he keeps a concentrated frown while invading you with his cock.
After eating the cake, devouring it actually, he kissed you. A desperate kiss, just as if he couldn't control himself for one more minute. His hands went straight to your waist, then to your tights. He grabbed you in his arms just like you had no weight. It took seconds to get to your room since you were at your city apartment.
Your bed was made. Not a single wrinkle on the sheets. Azriel threw you in the mattress. You had no time to breathe, he already was above you.
First, he left kisses on your neck, then he lifted just inches of your shirt, just to have access to your abdomen. You wanted him to go a little more down. He didn't.
"You drive me crazy (Y/N)" his voice was lower, deeper. You almost heard his control cracking.
He kissed you once more before taking your shirt out completely. It would be a lie if you say that you haven't imagined where things would go between you two after asking for explanations about the mates bond, you made sure to be wearing your favorite bra.
Azriel gasped. His shadows making their way through your body, it was cold, just as if someone was blowing your skin. You loved that feeling. His hands made their way to unbutton the black laced bra, the Shadowsinger gasped once more to your now naked torso.
"So beautiful" said while leading the hands softly to your breasts "And all mine"
Your mate then substituted the hands for his mouth, kissing and leaking your too sensitive tidies, you moaned lowly and hazel eyes immediately went to your face, his mouth doing that one more time, you moaned again, Azriel closed his eyes just as appreciating the sound.
It was taking too long, you needed Azriel more than ever, you could barely remember a time where you needed somebody as much as you needed at that moment. You felt like you could explode if he didn't take all your clothes out with his and take you in that bed. Fuck, you needed that so much that you started pleading.
"Oh, darling, don't be so rushed. We have all the time in the world" his voice was so low, a grim face while he started to lower your pants slowly.
Your panties matched the bra, it gave your body all the credit for highlighting your curves. Azriel didn't take that piece off, not yet.
Tired of waiting that long, you led your hands to his leathers. You had already seen the spymaster shirtless while training with the warlord, but having him with his nude torso right in front of you with you allowed to touch every part of that shaped abs – and more –, was a completely different feeling.
You saw a little smile on your mate's face while you kept yourself busy touching the tattooed skin. He was responsible for taking his own pants out, letting you have a glimpse of his underwear, his cock making an appearance at the black cloth. Your mouth dried. It seems that the wingspan theory was real and you had no idea how that would fit you.
"Like what you see?" He asked while getting closer again.
"A lot…"
Your voice was mere sight, if you both weren't blessed with the hearing of High Fae and Illyrian, you were sure that the confirmation couldn't be heard.
After kissing one more, you felt Azriel's finger inside your panties, searching for your clit, which didn't take too long to be found. Azriel gasped as he found you already wet for him, needless to say that he loved it.
Your breath started to get louder as he started to round his finger in your too sensible spot. You wished to keep this sensation forever, but you needed more. You needed him. Fast.
"Azriel, please" your legs were already shaking "Please, I need you. Please, please, please…"
"Oh baby, calm down. I want to prove every part of you..."
His hazel eyes darkened a bit, he removed his hands of your lingerie, taking it to his own mouth, proving your taste. A sound of approval came out of his throat. After leaking the finger he used to estimulate you, he ripped your underwear out.
"Hey! It was my favorite one!" You complained, but your speech was cut off by feeling the Shadowsinger opening your legs more than it already was.
"I can buy you another."
And that was his last phrase before putting his head between your tights and proving you. His tongue doing an excellent job, leaking and sucking perfectly, leading you to ecstasy, now screaming your lungs out because of the extreme pleasure you felt burning inside of you.
Your tights getting marked because of the pressure he was doing with his big hands. You couldn't keep your own hands to yourself and grabbed his dark hair, pressuring his head a little more close to your intimacy. You didn't make it any longer after he inserted two of his fingers inside of you. It was all too much: his tongue and after his fingers, the phantasmagoric feeling of his hands holding your legs. And when you were too close to come, he stopped.
A moaning of denial came out of you. Your mate was smiling wildly, loving to see how submissive you were in his hands. He didn't say a word when approaching to tour naked and sweaty body, he took one of your hands and led it to his hardness. You felt how big it was, how much he needed you. His underpants were wet by precum. With no time, you started setting his cock free, throwing the undergarment someplace. All of his size came to you sight, but before you could approach yourself to him, he stopped you, his voice even more low and husky:
"Let me come inside of you first" He begged. He was sure that if he had your pretty mouth surrounding his dick, he wouldn't make it too long.
Nodding with your head because you weren't sure your voice would be stable, you silently watched your own body be covered by his toned and wonderful structure. His dick slightly touches your pussy making you feel at the paradise and hell at the same time. First he just played with you, rubbing against your surface, but then he came with all, not giving you time to breathe as he slided all his length into you. A scream came out of your mouth as a surprise. Oh Gods, he was big, huge actually.
A growl came out of him as he was all inside of you. It seemed so perfect that even with all of his size, it didn't take you too much to get costumed, and you were soon filled with the necessity of him moving, which he didn't wait for.
His pace was naturally hard, a loud sound reverberating as his groin hit yours. His movements were getting faster and faster, your hands on his back, scratching right in the middle of the wings, those he kept open and stretched in pleasure, tensed by the wonderful feeling of your tight walls, those ones that you were unconsciously punpering, extending the pleasure for both.
By this time Azriel was wild as an animal, fucking you with all his strength. His mouth opened as curse words were spoken. You couldn't keep yourself quiet, calling out his name, and when you felt too close, your hands slid to his enormous wings, touching that one spot that you knew could make any Illyrian get to their knees. And with a last groan, Azriel and you came together, his semen filling you gorgeously.
You felt empty when he got out of you, making a low last sound make its way out of your throat. Azriel laid by your side in the bed, getting you closer to his chest, where your head rested for a moment before your body started to claim for him again.
The desperation to have Azriel inside of you one more time was almost self-destruction. The frenzy was nonsense, it seemed like you weren't allowed to breathe. You needed your mate, now. Fortunately, he needed you as much as you needed him.
It was needed 3 times in a row for you to fall asleep. You were sure that this would be a long week…
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j0kers-light · 1 year
alright so this may be a bit different from what you write but... how do you feel about a sub j? listen! he totally gave off subby vibes while getting that bj in the other chapter, and i'm pretty sure he has mommy issues so that's why he loves getting taken care of which is just so precious
Heyyy anon… 🖤✨
At first I was ehhh then I sat on it and said ehhh. Let’s do it one time for the one time. This is me going out on a limb. Hopefully it’s not too terrible cuz I don’t know! Sub!Joker what does it even mean?
*me writing this on my lunch break and editing it after mi after work nap* Please enjoy 😭
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Joker will kill you if you ever speak about this to anyone.
He was tired and exhausted but needy and you were just the sweetest thing ever by offering him assistance.
You asked him to lie back and you took care of removing his shirt for him. He felt useless and sat up to help when you scolded him.
"Noooo Joker. You don't have to lift a finger. Lemme do this." He missed your kisses already but once you leaned back to take off your hoodie, he was speechless.
Joker’s eyes widened seeing that your (his) hoodie was the only thing you were wearing. He reached up to cup your breasts but you slapped his hand away. You tossed the clothing across the room and straddled him once more. Obviously he wasn’t good at listening to instructions.
“Aht aht, no touching. Just lay back, J. You always take care of me, let me return the favor..” You started to grind on his tented pants and giggled when he hissed in pain. “What’s wrong? Too sensitive already?” You rocked a bit harder so you could hear his strained yes. It sent liquid courage straight through your veins.
Joker didn’t trust his own voice after that. He just nodded instead when you continued to tease and ask him questions you already knew the answers to. It made you pity the poor clown every time he gritted his teeth and nodded. He was wound up so bad and ready for a release.
You wanted to hear more from J so sat up and toyed with his belt. Joker cracked an eye open and watched you free his dick from his slacks although he groaned when you gave his member a teasing pump with your fist.
“Bunny… n-none of that. I need ya too much.. just uh pleas- I uh.. D__n it! Just f__k me, doll!”
You smirked at Joker fighting with words. Would it kill him to say please? It was a rare day that he did and especially in bed. Maybe today could be different. You wiped the mischievous grin from your face as you hovered over his dick. You didn’t even bother taking his pants off all the way.
“What do you want, Joker?” You made a show of lowering yourself but maneuvered at the last minute to sit on his abdomen. Joker groaned and his hands shot to move you himself but you stopped him in his tracks.
He blinked in shock when you pinned his hands down on the bed. He arched an eyebrow and any other day you would've been intimidated– but not today. You were in control tonight and you wanted to take care of Joker properly before he got annoyed and took over.
You were working on borrowed time so you didn’t release his hands. "If you want me…. you’ll have to beg for it.” You nipped his ear and continued to coat his abs with your juices.
He could see and hear how wet you were and it drove him insane. One roll of your hips caused your pussy to bump into his dick and he felt just how hot you were.
He wanted to feel that all around him but he refused to beg and you refused to give in. It seemed like hours passed but it was only a few minutes with you coating Joker’s lower body with your juices and watching his resolve slowly break.
His gorgeous face was red and it highlighted the constellations of freckles that you loved so much. J was panting up a storm since you gave up grinding on his stomach and moved to hump his cock directly. Each roll of your hips kept his dick flush to his stomach and he so desperately wanted to be inside you.
He fought against your hold on his arms however you had a surprisingly strong grip. It became evident that you could go on forever yet Joker was losing the fight. He was actually rather close to cumming, as pathetic as it was to admit.
“Bunny.. I.. I’m close. Let m-me inside ya yeah?” He panted out. You just giggled and moved faster. The only sound in the room was your pussy gliding loudly over Joker’s dick and his stifled moans.
“That’s not how you ask.” You chided.
He felt it. For a brief second your fast movements couldn’t stop the inevitable and the tip of his dick was swallowed up by your dripping wet folds. Or maybe Joker just imagined it in his delirium. Either way, the split second of nirvana was all he needed to tumble over the edge.
Joker tried to stay quiet but he was lightheaded and needy and you'd been edging him for forever, he just couldn’t contain himself. “Oh fuu– yeessss baby! I want you pl-please!!”
He started to cum and you prolonged his orgasm by shushing him when you began to move. “Y/n… I c-can’t! I-I mmmaaahh!!”
Whatever he was saying dissolved into fitful moans when you finally decided to end his torture and enveloped his dick into your pussy, which was still throbbing from his orgasm. Joker shouted in ecstasy. You were worried at first because he wasn't making any sense. It was just mindless babbles and broken attempts at saying your name. You never seen Joker so… submissive before. You grinned and filed this memory for later. 
His night must’ve been exhausting for him to fall into this rare state of mind. Joker's hips were still thrusting and you could feel the last spurts of his cum coat the inside your pussy. If you moved an inch, he groaned and (subconsciously) begged you to stay still.
You let go of his hands to reach up and stroke his hair which seemed to ground him back to Earth. His eyes were squeezed shut and his entire face was redder than a tomato. The poor baby needed a minute or you'd risk killing him for sure.
After a while his uneven breaths settled but he still twitched in pleasure.
“That’s it baby, breathe for me and just feel. Just relax and let me make you feel good okay?” You kissed him gently on the lips and moved.
Joker’s moan got caught in the back of his throat and you got to see his glassy jade eyes open and immediately find your gaze. You never broke eye contact as you rode Joker gently. His hands were balled into fists by his side, he knew you’d hate if he helped. This was all about him and his pleasure.
You noticed and sent him a pleased smile, “Good boy. Is this what my good boy needed? A nice pussy to squeeze him tight after a long night at work? Hmm? Tell me.”
You picked up the pace and the loud suctiony wet slap of skin on skin echoed throughout the room. Joker nodded and the last of his worries left him as you rode him properly.
“Yes.. I needed you. Needed thissss, t-thank you mommy. Thank youuu.. f__k.”
You slammed down a little harder than planned after hearing him say that.
Joker hardly cared. He whimpered and begged you to go faster in between his flustered breathing. But you could see him avoiding your gaze and a darker blush dusting his cheeks. Did you imagine it? Did someone as dominant, possessive, and borderline sadistic, just call you mommy?
You didn’t miss a beat and continued to bounce on Joker’s dick but you sat up so you could stare down at him. His sweat soaked hair was covering his face and he looked rather ashamed for someone throbbing on beat inside your pussy. Joker was inwardly battling his slip of the tongue and growing concerned by your silence. 
But it honestly didn’t phase you. Joker constantly pampered you in bed and he never gave you the chance to return the favor. He was always in control, always the one giving. Joker never got to relax and be the one to receive. You didn’t know if this was just a one night thing or if it would be something discussed later but for now; you were going to be a supporting partner and give back.
“You’re welcome baby. I told you, I’d ah! I’d take care of you! You w-work so hard and take care of me.. mmmmm you deserve that too, J. Can you sit up and hold me? It's okay, I know you want to.”
Before you finished your sentence Joker had shot up and wrapped his arms around you. His nails dug into your waist and his head fell into the crook of your neck. His groans sank into your skin and he didn’t wait for your permission, he just shifted you better in his lap and began thrusting up into you. The sudden angle hit your g spot directly and startled you. 
You gasped and pulled his hair. His head fell back with the motion but he didn’t stop his frantic thrusts up into your pussy. It didn’t matter that he broke the rules, he was getting what he wanted. He hissed at you tugging harder at his hair and chuckled.
“I know… I know I’m a bad boy but I c-can’t stop. You feel too good mommy! Lemme… ahh, let me f__k you. Please?” He groaned your name and sped up his thrusts, already chasing his high. You were left speechless and nearing your own.
You buried your hands into Joker’s hair and nodded. It felt too good to stop him anyway and your legs were getting a bit tired with riding him. “Take what you need, J. It’s all yours!”
That was all the permission Joker needed. 
He growled and tackled you onto the bed in a blink of an eye. You landed on your back and he quickly set his knees into the bed before he proceeded to lose control. If it weren't for his whiny babbles and moans of your name in your ear, you would have thought the old J was back.
You were reaching your peak but you wanted Joker to cum again, since this was all about him. You pulled his hair again and he whimpered but glanced out the corner of his eye at you.
“I need you to cum for me. Can you be a good boy for me and…”
You watched as Joker’s eyelashes flutter close as he jerked uncontrollably on top of you. He came on command and it was so hot and empowering to witness, you screamed out as your orgasm hit you hard.
He whined excessively as he bathed your walls white and clawed at your waist. All you could hear was white noise, everything was too intense. 
You recovered first and blinked up at the ceiling in disbelief. You swallowed the lump in your throat and ran your fingers down Joker’s spine. He was breathing steady and wide awake.
“J?” You called softly now that things had calmed down a bit. He drew a shaky breath but didn’t come out of his hiding spot, i.e your neck.
He was still clinging to you like a koala bear with no intentions of moving. Not like you minded. You loved being wrapped up in Joker’s arms but you did need to discuss what just happened and perform some form of aftercare. He had yet to pull out and you hummed at the warmth pooling inside you and down your thigh. You'd have to do the laundry again.
“J, we should talk ab–”
“No.” He cut you off. 
He bit your neck and soothed the unexpected nip with a lap of his tongue. It was a sign he was back to his normal self and a part of you knew to never speak of this.
Maybe it was a one time thing but you kinda liked a submissive J. 
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polkadotsocks1993 · 2 years
What Good Neighbors Do, Pt. 3.
Finals week for you means a celebration with your friends. However, once trouble occurs, the line of friendship with Osferth becomes blurred.
Warnings: violence, attempted assault, light smut
Notes: this story is brought to you by too much homemade wine and a winter storm 💀
thank you so much for your response to the first two, if you haven't read them, they're on my page!
Also, I write about the experiences of graduate school because I have experienced graduate school. I am trying to write Osferth and the Gang as OC as I can within modern parameters. Thank you guys for being understanding and supportive, I haven't written fic since 2016 so you guys are amazing.
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It was the end of your first semester abroad.
Truthfully, it had been a rough school year for you. You had papers to grade as a teaching assistant, on top of final papers and your own work you needed to turn in. You'd elected to take a full load, thinking it would be no different than your undergraduate work. How wrong you had been.
The last two weeks had been nothing but grading, studying, more grading, and occasionally, sleep. Osferth had come over several times to find you slumped over a pile of term papers about Medieval England, none of which you'd graded yet. You were exhausted, to put it lightly, and you'd barely managed to look out for yourself.
"When does your term end?" Osferth asked, practically shoving a cup of coffee your way.
"In two days." You said, trying to remember what finals you had left. You only had three classes, but the history department had been understaffed and so you'd wound up teaching three classes. To say you were overwhelmed was an understatement.
"Then we're going out this weekend, after you get some sleep." Osferth said, "You need to have some fun."
"I won't say no." You replied, eyes already droopy from fatigue.
"Good. Finan already organized your first proper pub crawl." Osferth said, "I hope you're ready."
"No, I hope you're ready." You laughed, "I'm not a heavy drinker, so you'd better be prepared."
Osferth laughed tussling your hair like he always did before leaning down to whisper in your ear. "I'm looking forward to it, love."
As the term had progressed, you and Osferth's relationship had gotten even more tricky. You'd gone as his plus one to his half brother Edward's wedding; you'd met his sister and niece (who were actually nice and adored him), but also met his awful stepmother and after one too many shots of whiskey (thank goodness for open bars), you'd told her exactly what you'd thought. Then, you'd promptly gotten sick in the parking lot on the way to Osferth's car. You'd spent the rest of the night profusely apologizing in the chip shop Osferth had taken you to, only for Osferth to shrug and tell you, "I dunno, no one has ever stood up to Aelswith on my behalf, I might like to see it again."
The next two days were a blur for you; you had to be present for two finals (since you were the instructor) and you had to take two finals. You'd extended every last ounce of energy you had into trying to get decent grades, and barely made it on to the bus home. After tossing your keys on the table and taking a drink of water, you heard a knock on your door. Rubbing your eyes, you opened the door to see Osferth, holding a small bouquet of flowers and waving innocently.
"Your first semester done! How does it feel?" He asked. You blinked hard, trying to ignore the pounding in your head. You kicked off your shoes and took off your jacket.
"I'm tired. Get in here. I can't be held responsible for anything I do in the next few hours." You said, trying to get comfortable.
Osferth looked at you, raising an eyebrow, while you took off your socks and hoodie, tossing them on the sofa. Osferth made his way to your kitchen for a jar to put the flowers in.
"By the way," You said, theatrically rolling your wrist, "the flowers are appreciated. Thank you."
No matter how comfortable Osferth was with you, he was still painfully shy at times. He was confident, when he needed to be, but you could tell that his confidence faltered when dealing with you.
You took a step closer to him, observing his features. He was still in his paramedic uniform. For the last month, he had worked nights, and you could tell he hadn't slept yet, either.
"You haven't gone to bed yet, Osferth." You observed.
"I wanted to wait till you were home." He replied.
You squinted; you knew he was likely just as tired as you, and that he often put others' comfort before his own. You yanked him by the wrist, and drug him to your room.
"Where are we going?" Osferth asked.
"You're going to sleep with me." You answered.
"In your room?"
"Yes. In my room." You said, turning on the light and pulling back your covers.
"Um, I can just go back to my place, it's no bother." Osferth said.
"Absolutely not. You waited till I got home, you should have been asleep two hours ago." You scolded.
"I know, but I really wanted you to have something to look forward to today." Osferth explained. You hated his expression; he looked like a sad puppy and it was as endearing as it was frustrating.
"I am looking forward to something. I'm looking forward to a nice, long nap. And you're going to get one, too." You said. Osferth shifted around nervously, but didn't put up too much of an argument, his eyes giving away his exhaustion.
You took off your jeans and folded them on the end of your bed. Osferth's eyes widened, but he did the same. He had already changed his shirt before coming over, so he left everything on the floor next to your jeans. You snuggled in, under the covers, patting your hand on the mattress for him to join you. He climbed in and you scooted close to him, laying your head on his shoulder.
"Goodnight, Osferth." You whispered.
"Goodnight, Y/N." He replied.
Within minutes, both of you were asleep, and slept for hours. Neither one of you even moved much, until you finally awoke much later in the afternoon. Osferth didn't have to be at work that night, so the two of you enjoyed a little bit of freedom and swapped stories while you ate takeaway, the show Parks and Recreation coming from the TV.
"Wait, so Uhtred was the first person you had to do a field IV on?" You asked, trying hard not to spill your wine.
Osferth laughed, taking another bite of food. "Yes. He was so sick, I could barely find a vein, and here I am, some kid they'd thrown in there, and I had no idea what I was doing. Somehow managed to get the needle in, but that doesn't mean it was easy."
"I still can't believe Finan tries to ask you for IVs whenever he drinks too much." You said.
"Finan will ask for one this weekend. Sihtric will, too. Uhtred might, but honestly he handles alcohol better than all of us." Osferth replied.
"So, what's so special about this pub crawl Finan planned?" You asked.
"Finan plans pub crawls the way a bride plans a wedding." Osferth answered, "They're spectacular, honestly."
"I'm blaming you for the hangover I'll incur, then." You said, scooting closer ever so slightly.
Osferth's breath hitched, his smile faltering ever so slightly, before he leaned in close. Your spine straightened as you felt Osferth's lips near your ear.
"I quite like seeing you drunk."
You blinked, turning to him in surprise. "And why is that?" You asked.
"Because you're fiery, and I happen to like that in you." Osferth whispered. Your hair stood on your neck, and you leaned forward slightly, getting close enough to feel his body heat. You ran a hand up his thigh, feeling his gaze burn as your eyes met his.
"Well, then, I guess Friday is going to be fun."
Osferth grinned, pushing your hair behind your ear. "I look forward to it."
That night, after he left, you laid on your bed, venting to your dog, Brownie, out of frustration.
"He didn't even kiss me, Brownie!" You huffed.
"Does he like me? Really? I am so confused."
Brownie just blinked; you wished you could talk to someone, since Osferth was the most confusing man you knew. He flirted with you, he did nice things for you, but he didn't seem to care to do anything more than that.
You grumbled. Your feelings were only getting more confusing, and you knew that it was bound to get worse. He was your best friend, but you wanted more. The question was: did he?
As it turned out, Osferth's description of Finan's pub crawl plans was, in fact, pretty spot on. What the the boys were not prepared for, however, was how well you could keep up with them, despite never having done a pub crawl before.
"In honor of passing my finals, here is a round of shots, on me."
You handed the four men a shot of whiskey, and threw it back, the burn hitting your throat and you cheered.
"Look at you go!" Uhtred said, "You can keep up after all."
"Sometimes I can." You laughed. Finan had organized an "American Pub Crawl", in which the rules were that the only drinks that could be ordered were American. So far, you were on your third bar of the evening, and you'd taken the opportunity to buy a round of Jack Daniel's for everyone.
"Hey, Y/N, that man in the corner has been eyeing you all evening." Sihtric said, "He was at the last pub, too."
You'd noticed the man too, and you didn't necessarily like the idea. His eyes had been locked on you all evening, and it had made you stay close to Osferth.
"I hope he doesn't think he can follow me all night." You muttered, taking a sip of the beer you'd ordered.
"I've picked him up before, on shift. He likes to throw punches after one too many." Osferth said, taking a sip of his own beer. His arm had found a place around your shoulder and you gladly accepted it. You didn't like the way that man looked at you.
"Maybe he'll take the hint." You replied.
"If he doesn't, I'm sure we can persuade him." Uhtred said, "If he likes to fight, we can do that too."
"Wouldn't be a proper pub crawl without it!" Finan exclaimed.
Finishing your drinks, you went to the next pub, this time ordering whiskey and bringing out pickle juice to take pickle back shots.
Unfortunately, the man had followed and he was eyeing you still.
You tried to shake the uncomfortable feeling in your gut; you didn't want this man to ruin your night with your friends. Besides, you were resting your head on Osferth's shoulder, and he was flirting with you, and you didn't want to ruin that.
By the next bar, however, you'd shoved the nervous feeling down as you all drank Old Fashioneds, feeling a bit woozy as you stood up.
You placed a hand on Osferth's shoulder and leaned down. "I'm gonna go to the restroom. Watch my purse until I get back?"
"Sure, we'll be right here." Osferth said, giving you a smile. You walked back to the restroom and went in, trying to get out before anyone else noticed you were gone. You fixed you hair and adjusted your skirt, and walked out the door, only to bump into someone.
Your stomach dropped; it was the man who had been following you.
"I've been waiting to get you alone all night." He said. You could smell the liquor on him, he was incredibly drunk.
"Well, I'm going back to my friends." You said curtly, walking back toward the direction of your table. The man stopped you, and walked you backwards, your back hitting the wall.
"Where ya from, miss? I like that accent of yours." He said caging you in.
You looked around, suddenly feeling completely sober as the man entered your bubble.
"A place where we don't take kindly to unwanted attention." You replied.
The man growled, getting closer.
"Leave me alone, please." You pleaded.
"I don't think I'm going to do that. I've been watching you for hours now." The man replied. He stuck a hand on your torso, and began trying to move it up your shirt.
"Get OFF of me!" You yelled. You slapped the man in the face, and he in turn slapped you back so hard your head hit the wall, and you saw stars. You tasted blood on your lip, and it only made rage bubble in your chest.
"Get the HELL AWAY FROM ME!" You screamed. The man lurched forward, grabbing you by the hair, and slammed your head back into the wall, pressing his body to yours. You kicked and began screaming, until you heard someone yelling from behind the man.
"GET OFF!" Screamed Osferth, grabbing the man by the shoulders and throwing him into the floor. The man stood up, taking a swing, and connecting with Osferth's face. That's when Sihtric and Uhtred grabbed the man, while Finan got Osferth to his feet.
The look on Osferth's face was one you'd only seen a handful of times before, from other people. He was seething.
Osferth swung again, knocking the man to the floor, and he began swinging. Blood was pouring from his nose, but he seemed completely oblivious to the pain.
"YOU. DO. NOT. TOUCH. HER." Every word was punctuated with a punch, until Uhtred finally pulled him off.
"Osferth, your nose is broken." Uhtred said. Osferth was still in a trance, and you were shaking and crying. Finan had moved over to check on you, tears spilling from your eyes as he grabbed your face.
"Hey, hey, look at me, Y/N. Look at me." He whispered. "You're okay now. Osferth took care of him, he isn't getting back up for a while."
Osferth stopped wriggling in Uhtred's grasp and turned to you, assessing the damage like he would any accident at work.
"What did he do? Where did he touch you?" He asked.
You were sobbing. Coughing and choking while the other three men stood behind Osferth, blocking anyone else from coming near.
"He--I was coming out and he pushed me back." You cried, "he tried to stick his hand under my shirt and I told him to leave me alone. Then he hit me and he slammed my head into the wall."
This time, Sihtric walked over and kicked the man in the stomach. Osferth took a pen light from his pocket and looked at your eyes.
"You have a concussion." He said, "But not a bad one."
"Osferth, your nose." You said.
"I don't care. This isn't the worst I've had. Come here." He said, pulling you into his chest. You sobbed into him, your whole body shaking.
"Osferth, you get her out of here. We'll deal with him. You two need to go to A & E and get checked out. Especially you." Finan said.
"He'll learn his lesson. We promise you that." Uhtred said, "Take her home. We'll go check on you later."
Osferth took your hand and guided you out near the main entrance, taking your purse from behind the bar. Your hands shook ferociously, your lip was already swollen. Outside of the bar, you waited for a cab, but you couldn't keep your knees from knocking together.
"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N. That shouldn't have happened." Osferth said, rubbing your back. You had to sit down; your vision was starting to go black and you felt like the walls were closing in.
"I want to go home." You cried.
"We're going home, love." Osferth replied.
"No, Osferth," Your voice was breaking now, "I want my mom."
Osferth picked you up, pulling you close to him and holding you as tightly as he could. "I'll call your mum, Y/N. It's going to be okay. Take a deep breath, he can't hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you."
As the cab pulled up, Osferth put you gently inside. The cab driver obviously had questions, but all Osferth did was give him your address. You were thankful; you didn't want to go to A & E, you just wanted to go home.
You had a first aid kit in your bathroom, it was the one thing you'd always done since you grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. You sat Osferth down on the edge of the bathtub and began to clean him up, taking off his shirt and wiping the blood off of his chest, his neck, and his face.
"You said that wasn't the worst you had, huh?" You asked. He chuckled lightly, pointing to a spot just below his ribs.
"Almost died from this one." He said, "took a knife to the lung. If I hadn't already been in a medic tent, I would have died."
"When was that?" You asked, tracing your fingers along the scar.
"My last deployment. I was assessing a civilian they brought in, and he stabbed me." Osferth said, "I got out after that."
"And what about this one, here?" You asked, pointing to the scar on his shoulder.
"This was another bar fight, believe it or not." Osferth laughed. His eyes were already bruising and a little swollen, so you'd brought a pack of frozen vegetables to put on his face.
"He should have never touched you." Osferth said.
"I'm just glad you were there." You replied.
Osferth put his hands on your hips, placing his forehead in your stomach. You felt your heart thump so loudly that you were afraid it'd burst.
"I'll always be there." Osferth said. You felt his fingers tighten around your hip bones and you couldn't take it any more.
"Osferth." You said, he looked up at you.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I--I don't want to be your friend." You replied. His entire face fell, and you stumbled to correct yourself.
"I'm sorry, that came out wrong. What I meant was, I can't just be your friend." You said, "I thought I could, but I think I've loved you since the day you unlocked my door, and seeing you like this, I can't... I can't just be your friend--"
You were cut off by Osferth's lips hitting yours. His hands tangled in your hair, his touch soft but wanting. You put your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, a moan escaping as he moved to kiss your neck.
"I can't do this anymore either." Osferth said, "I thought I could. I thought I could just be your friend, but I can't. I love you. I've loved you for a long time."
You took his face in your hands, placing a gentle kiss, then moved to loop your fingers in his jeans and pull him out of the bedroom. His hands roamed your back, your neck, your hips, taking care not to do anything too suddenly or without permission. You pulled him to your room, kicking off your shoes and taking off your tights, pulling him on to the bed with you.
He climbed in, laying next to you, cradling your head in his hand, his other hand trailing your waist. You sighed, smiling, and ran your fingers through his hair.
"Stay the night." You said. It was a plea, a wish.
"I'll do whatever you ask." He whispered.
He took off his jeans, and your eyes grew wide.
"I'm not expecting anything, they've just got blood on them." He said. You nodded, and then a rush of thoughts came flooding to your mind.
"Osferth?" You asked.
"Yes, love?" He said.
"I've... I've never done this before." You admitted. He furrowed his brows.
"Done what?" He asked.
"What we're doing. Or what we're about to do. I don't know how to explain it." You huffed. He stopped, understanding what you were trying to say, and then nodded.
"You know that's not what I'm after, right?" Osferth asked.
You kissed him, moaning as he moved a hand up your side.
"I know, but I need you to know. I spilled my guts, I needed to tell you in case you wanted an out." You said.
"No." Osferth said, taking your hand in his. Yours was comically small compared to his, and he kissed your forehead.
"I don't want an out. I've been thinking about you since you knocked on my door. I knew I loved you for sure at Edward's wedding. I love how your face lights up when you talk about what you're passionate about. I love how kind you are. I hated history, but when you tell it, I could listen for hours. I don't want a quick lay. If I wanted that I could go into town and get it. I want you, Y/N. Only you."
Your breath hitched, and you looked at Osferth. You were nervous, and you didn't exactly know the right words to say.
"What does this make us?" You asked.
"Whatever you want us to be, but I know I'd like for us to be together." Osferth answered.
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I want that, too."
Osferth laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He laid his head back down on the pillow, sighing.
"I'm actually glad you said something, because my nose does hurt a bit now." He admitted. You couldn't help but laugh as you pressed kisses to his temple.
"Then maybe we should sleep? After you've taken something for the pain." You suggested.
"That actually sounds nice." Osferth said, "We have plenty of time. I intend on sticking around, if that's alright with you."
"I'd like that, very much." You said.
That night you fell asleep with your head on his chest, his arm around you. Though both of you wound up with bruises for days, neither of you would have changed the events of that evening. And though your relationship had now evolved into something more, you were elated and excited.
With Osferth, you looked forward to many things. And you couldn't wait to explore.
I will obviously be writing more parts, I'm obsessed with this story and I cannot put it down.
Also, the reason there wasn't full on smut is because I have NEVER written it before, so please bare with me as the next chapter will probably be lots of filth 🤣 thank you all for the feedback!
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nrdmssgs · 9 months
Golden days of winter
Summary: Christine 'Riot' Vega (belongs to @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot) has a little vacation and Nikolai and Olga 'Zhar' Samoilova show her St. Petersburg.
TW: Description of a panic attack.
AN: This may be out of character for Riot, but I really wanted to talk about the fear of loss and old wounds, that will never heal completely. Christine is not a crybaby - she is just facing one of her worst pains. And it's a songfic. Meeting @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot is one of the best things happened to me this year and I wanted to express my gratitude for her. I dont know, how much it hurts, but Im always here for you, when it does.
When Nikolai asked Riot, when would she like to see his hometown – she didn’t hesitate for a minute.
“January! The very start of it, please!”
Christine was ready for Nik to deny such a wish, since it was one of the coldest, harshest times to visit St. Petersburg. But he just smiled mysteriously and typed in something in his smartphone. A few months later, one evening, when Riot returned to her room on the base, she found a fresh bouquet and an envelope on her desk.
“Crazy man,” she murmured under breath, pulling a ticket from an envelope with a small sun scribbled on it.
So now here she is, dragging Nikolai towards yet another sculpture in the next hall of the Hermitage museum.
"Nik, look! It's Diane, the Goddess of the hunt! Oh, I was her biggest fan back when I was still a kid!" Her breath is uneven from constant chatting, laughing and pulling quite a big guy after her, but Christine doesn't care. She is thriving on every moment here.
"And look at you now - you could take that lady down in any challenge." Nikolai rests his chin on the top of her head, hoping to slow her down, but it's useless - Riot already has top ten her favorite facts about Diane ready.
He naively believed, he has to be Christine's guide here, but that was before she crossed a threshold of the first hall. A few hours in, this little ray of sunshine was still full of energy and didn't want to stop even for a brief pause.
"Gonna have to explain my sudden death to Olga and Price yourself, little one. Do you ever get tired? " Grumbled Nik on their way to the next sculpture.
"C'mon, old bones, one more hall and you're getting a beer. My treat!" She chuckles, watching as Nikolai forgets about his sudden weariness.
Start of the year is a bad time. The dark one, the too loud and incense one. The time to clutch her teeth and just endure through.
But not when Nikolai's around.
Because with him, Christine can let herself be small again. Jump around him and start snowball fights, laugh so load, as if they are alone on the street, or get tired in the middle of a huge square and be sure, he'd gladly lift her up and carry around. It was a tad strange feeling, but a good one - go back to her childhood in this strange place.
This is a strange-strange place. It snows almost always, but snowflakes do not descend to the ground separately from each other - instead, large but weightless lumps of snow fall on her shoulders and rest on her eyelashes. When locals demonstrate their hospitality – they try to shake her hand, not switching from familiar to them death stares even for a second. She knew that people here are not very accustomed to constant smiling, but the expressions she saw here so far reminded her of times when Simon had to calm Johnny down by force.
This place smells of cold fur, fancy fragrances, and old rusted exhaust pipes. It tastes like a bitter liquor, you snitched from your grannies drawer. It sounds like homeless dogs’ bark and intricate piano symphonies. It is so otherworldly.
There's a huge hole, sucking in all the joy, waiting for Christine in every January. It's a hungry animal with myriads of dirty fangs and claws, it sleeps somewhere deep behind her reflection, caught at a bathroom mirror in the middle of the night. It waits to remind her of something, she never forgot.
But Nikolai is always there to help her fight this creature. As soon as he sees a shadow of sorrow in her eyes - he puts his glass of beer back on the bar counter and opens his arms, already knowing, how good his embrace scares the creature off.
"Talk to me, little one. Let's remember some good stuff, that you're thankful for, yes? Something from the last year." Nik murmurs softly, as Riot presses her face further against his chest.
The first thought she gets sounds awkward, but she is so desperate to draw her own attention away from bitter memories, that her mouth vocalizes it almost automatically.
"That Slaughter to prevail T, you got me, was nice. I'm thankful for that."
"Solnyshko*, I’m flattered, that my gift is a more highlight, than all your operations with Price and meeting Si-" Nikolai is being cut off by a friendly but firm poke. He immediately shuts his mouth and listens to Riots further memories, patting her back softly.
"... and of course, i'm thankful for you being back with us after the capture and all. Now your turn!" Christine pull away and sit back on her chair.
Nikolai speaks about the things, he is thankful for so casually, as if he is retelling his shopping list. He draws a little invisible line with his finger on Riots hand every time, he 'checks out' another point. He remembers everything: from meeting Riot, to helping 141 with every single 'incident' they had this year. The list goes on and on, until it ends with an unsettling "and the last thing, I'm thankful for is that my love is still around."
Christine's mouth falls open under the mask. Somehow, the beast, they two were trying to banish is now so close, she almost feels its breath in her hair.
"You had a fight? You let Olga, my Olga, down?... W-why?" Normally Riot is much calmer about her friends having their ups and downs with their beloved ones. Life happens, and she knows, that a good couple is not the one, that never fights, but the one, where the two are always willing to talk things through even after a fight.
But when it comes to Nikolai and Olga - it hits harder. Christine can't even explain this, but she needs these two to be together. They are like a pier to her, a solid cutwater, that withstands everything. And them not being happy with each other would mean, that something is very wrong with this world.
"No-no-no, solnyshko, no fights between us, never. We are too old to waste our time on that." Nikolai smiles innocently, as if they were speaking about some funny incident. "Its hard to explain, you see-"
"Ty snegurochka?*" A thin childish voice and a small hand that tentatively touched Christine’s sleeve made her shudder. She looked back and met bright blue eyes, looking at her with the same admiration with which she ran through the halls of the museum just an hour ago. A boy, not older, than seven. Dark hair, sticking out in a different direction from under the hat, a little face full of ave.
Riot was absolutely lost and didn't even understand, what the boy asked her about, but Nikolai was there to help her.
"Da, nastoyashaya snegurochka. Ty uzhe podarok poluchil?*" He started talking to a boy, smiling widely. The child nodded and looked back on Christine with a pure exitement.
"Vot teper` nado khorosho sebya vesti ves` god, chtobu snegurochka peredala tebe podarok na sleduyshiy Noviy God. Poidem iskat` roditelei, otdadim im obratno khoroshego mal`chika." Nikolai stood up, took boys hand in his and walked with him further in to the reastaurant, looking for childs parents.
Riot knew Russian to some extent, but when it was spoken that fast - she could understand only the topic of conversation and not the fine details. So when Nik came back alone and congratulated Christine with becoming a Snow maiden in boys eyes - she still was confused.
"A what maiden?"
"The "Snegurochka". Here we tell children stories about a beautiful young girl made of snow or ice. Her origins vary across different versions of the story, but generally, she is believed to be the daughter of Winter and a spirit of winter and frost. She's often depicted as beautiful as you. A-a-a-and you've got wet eyes once again..." Nikolai helped Riot into her jacket and started wrapping a scarf around her. He insisted on doing it every time, they were heading out, because according to him, Nik knew better, how to keep a little thing like her all warm and cozy even in Russian winter.
"Why are you having such sweet kids here?" Christine was sniffing, but did her best to not start crying.
"You should have seen me, when I was that small. Oh no, wait, you shouldnt - I was a little demon." Nikolai opens the door and takes her back to the cold streets.
They are back in their apartments only in the evening. Nikolai proceeds to tear Zhar off her work laptop and Christine goes to her place next door to warm up in a hot shower and write Simon, how her day went.
They have two apartments on the last floor of an old building rented. Riot can see Nikolais apartment from a window in her kitchen. She doesn't even try to peek on what is going there, but sometimes, especially in the evening, she catches a glance at their happy and cozy life. One of them is usually still working, when the other is slowly drifting to sleep on a couch. These simple scenes warm Riots heart.
But when shes back from the shower to her kitchen to warm up some cocoa, something is different - Olga is sitting on the windowsill and enthusiastically looking at something on the screen of her laptop, while Nikolai is nowhere to be seen. She notices Christine and calls her with a gesture to their apartments.
Riot smiles, but something makes her feel uneasy. Maybe it's that unfinished conversation with Nik, maybe the goddamned creature awakens once more. In any case, she quickly dresses and within a few minutes knocks on the next door.
"Hey, you want to blow shit up?" Not the most common greeting, Christine ever heard, and one of the last things, she awaits to hear from Olga.
"Always!" Riot grins wide and hugs Zhar. "What and when?"
"Enemy warehouses." Olga touches the keyboard and the laptop monitor comes to life, showing a broadcast of aerial footage taken from a drone. "Now."
Riot comes closer and her eyes widen.
"Wait a min- Thats not a simple combat drone..." She never forgets, that Nik and Zhar have a whole private army, but still such a warbird makes quite an impression.
"My man spoils me, I know." Olga lands on a couch and pulls Christine down, so that she almost falls on her. "But what's the fun of playing with these toys alone?"
Riot listens to the details of the operation Olga is commanding. The two of them have to wait for the signal from the Chimera men and launch the warhead, waiting for its moment on the drone. 'Easy endorphins', as Zhar says.
When the right moment comes - Olga pushes the laptop towards Christine, letting her hit the final command button. Riot smiles so wide, as if she's five again and it's her birthday. She pushes the button and mutters 'ka freakin boom, baby'. The warehouse blows beautifully - as if Christine planted an enormous flower of fire and smoke and now it blooms widely.
"You're a menace, Christine 'Riot' Vega." Olga plants a small kiss on the top of Riots head and lifts from the couch.
"And you guys love me for that," throws Christine, still watching the aftermath of an explosion.
Zhar makes a few calls and throws her winter coat on.
"Ok, love, I'm going to the café across the street to grab a coffee, you'd fancy one too?"
Riot nods and turns back when Olga is already on threshold, leaving the flat. She notices, that her friend, unlike her, is barely clothed for such a cold weather. But when Christine calls Olga - it's too late, and she is left alone.
Riot closes the laptop and puts it away. Suddenly her friends' apartment feels too big, too cold and empty. She looks around, stands and walks to the door to their bedroom. She already knows, Nik is not there, but she knocks nevertheless. Nobody responds and a light shiver runs down Riots spine. Suddenly her head feels flooded with unsettling questions. Like 'where is Nikolai?', or 'why is Olga leading this operation alone?'. And then another question pops up.
What did happen between them? What is so complicated, even Nikolai, can't find the right words to describe it?.
Christine pats a sweater left on a chair - its Nikolais, she recognizes it. But the overwhelming feeling of loneliness and fear only grows stronger with every next second - no matter how hard Christine tries to switch her attention to anything else.
"Come on, it's nothing. Everything is fine, Olgas going to be back soon." Riot hisses to herself, while her hand automatically grabs onto Niks sweater.
The world around starts turning, then blinks and goes to black. A deafening noise mixed with the pounding of her own heart hits her ears. She loses count of minutes, gets lost in space and barely breathes, trembling like a leaf on a wind.
It all ends as abruptly as it started. The first thing, Christine sees are giant snowflakes descending on her. Then she notices Olgas face right before her. At last, she looks down and sees Nikolais sweater, that she clings to with all her strength.
"Christine, love, look at me! Look at me, my little one! It's ok, everything's ok, you're safe." Its strange to hear Zhar calling her little one. Riot looks around and finally understands, that they are standing in their court: it snows and it is dark, they are alone, two steaming paper cups stand next to them. Olga covered Riots shoulders with her winter coat and massages her cheeks to help the blood flow.
"I... You left so fast, and I was scared, you get cold, and Nikolai was nowhere. I-I.." Christine feels her cheeks turning warm with tears.
"I lost someone very dear once. The most dear! I lost them in January. I-I cant lose you too, please! Please, Olya!" She doesn't even care anymore, if that is oversharing. Her beast, her hungry nightmare, is hard on her heels and she will anything to fight it away - even if it means showing her vulnerability to her. So she goes on, forgetting the cold and the tears, rolling down her face.
"I need you both. You and Nikolai. Together. Please! Never leave him! Please! If he ever does something stupid - punch him or come to me and I will punch him. Just don't part ways! I need you both! I can't lose you!"
Zhars face is growing from worried to understanding. She listens intensely and nods slowly.
"Love, I am staying with this man for as long as he would have me. And I'm with you forever. I promise, you won't lose us. Ever. We will follow your steps." Riot keeps sniffing, but catches every word, leaving her friend's lips.
Zhar hugs her and starts rocking them both back and forth slowly, humming some melody, Christine never heard. And as she does that - the beast slowly leaves Riot alone, no shame or regret litter her heart. All the sad things are getting covered with a snow, which doesn't feel so cold anymore.
Solnyshko (here and further Russian) - Sunshine
Ty snegurochka? - Are you a snow maiden?
Da, nastoyashaya snegurochka. Ty uzhe podarok poluchil? - Yes, its the snow maiden. Have you got your New Years gift already?
Vot teper` nado khorosho sebya vesti ves` god, chtobu snegurochka peredala tebe podarok na sleduyshiy Noviy God. Poidem iskat` roditelei, otdadim im obratno khoroshego mal`chika. - Now you have to behave, so that snow maiden brings you a gift on the next New Years Eve. Lets go find your parents and give them back their good boy.
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domoz · 2 years
Founders have me writing like crazy it seems. Another fic, cw for child abuse in this one. It gets nasty.
It's a beautiful spring evening when Hashirama decides that he needs to kill his father.
When his legs give out for the fifth time, Hashirama isn't able to force himself up again.
To say chichiue had been unhappy with what had happened at the Naka River would be an understatement. Hashirama had kept his head bowed through a long, long lecture, insisted over and over that he hadn't known because ignorance might be the only thing that could save him.
Punishment has been brutal, regardless. He's been taking his smaller than usual meals alone in his room, and even those have been more sparse than usual, because every waking has been consumed with ceaseless training.
"When you see that boy on the battlefield, you'll kill him."
Hashirama shudders and turns his face into the dirt. He won't, and that will probably end up worse for him than this, but that still isn't enough to make him willing to do it.
(Madara was like him. Madara wanted peace. Peace could mean that no one would be forced to do something like this ever again).
For the moment, though, Hashirama can't get his legs to cooperate. Today he'd been training his mokuton ('until you have enough wood to rebuild the whole compound twice over'), and he'd tried, he always tries, but he's never, not in his life, been this low on chakra before. The lack of it makes him feel dizzy and nauseous and cold, seems to amplify all the aches and pains of the last few days. He'd pulled a splinter out of his hand earlier and the spot has been aching and stinging for hours when normally he would have forgotten about it minutes after it happened.
He's exhausted and miserable, and his eyes are burning with unshed tears because letting them fall will mean he probably doesn’t even get to eat tonight. He's already going to be in trouble enough for falling again--
"Boy, you better not be taking a break." Butsuma's voice calls, far away as first but getting louder, "You're not even halfway done."
Hashirama's voice catches in his parched throat -- he's got no idea whether it'll be safer for him to admit the truth or make an excuse. Before he can decide, his brother's voice chimes in, and oh he hadn't even known Tobirama was here.
"Chichiue, he's low on chakra." It's said so matter-of-fact that Hashirama can't tell if he's being judged for it or not. But he's really not the happiest with Tobirama right now and in a poor mood anyways so all he feels at the comment Is a spike of anger harsh enough to send the tears he's been hold back spilling down his cheeks.
Why did you have to tell him that? Why do you keep ruining things?
Butsuma clicks his tongue.
"Shameful. But low chakra is not a reason for him to be on his back. Or crying."
Hashirama can only see the purpling sky, but he can hear the sneer in his father's voice.
"I just don't know what to do with you, boy. Maybe a real punishment is in order. To start with, no meals until you're done with this."
Hashirama stifles a sob. Fuck, but he's hungry. There's a heavy sigh from his father, but it's Tobirama's voice he hears next.
"Chichiue, is that… Wise?"
There is a heavy pause; Hashirama musters the strength to lift his head and is treated to a sight he wishes wasn't familiar. Tobirama's thin back is between him and Butsuma. His arms are crossed this time, but Hashirama knows his intent. His little brother trying to protect him, again.
This is your fault in the first place! A wounded part of his heart screams, but already he feels guilty for the thought.
(How was Tobirama to know who he'd been meeting? How was he to do anything but worry when his brother kept disappearing so soon after their last one had died? How was he to say no to an order?)
"It's just --" Tobirama's voice is uncharacteristically hesitant, "Harsh training is well and good, but if he's not able to recover his strength then he won't be able to act should an emergency happen. Right now, he'd be useless in a battle."
There is a weighty silence, one that stretches on long enough that it makes Hashirama's heart flutter with hope -- maybe Tobirama's words have managed to convince him, again.
"I have no intention of letting him go to battle until I'm sure he's learned his lesson." Another pause, and then "…You're more troublesome than you let on, boy."
Those words aren't meant for Hashirama. Tobirama stiffens just enough to be perceptible, and if Hashirama can see it in the state that he's in, there's no way that Butsuma missed it.
"That's what I thought. Tobirama, on your knees. I think you both need to understand something."
Tobirama hesitates for the barest moment before sinking down. He knows better than to protest in this situation. Hashirama struggles to roll over enough to see what is happening. To see how Butsuma has knelt down across from Tobirama to grab his chin in a bruising grip, how Tobirama's hands are fisted tight in the fabric of his pants.
"When I teach you that shinobi aren't to show emotions, what I mean is that they can't let their feelings affect their decisions." He forces Tobirama's face to turn, to meet Hashirama's wide eyes with his own, "But if you had taken that lesson to heart you would have seen how much better off your brother would be if he understood. You may hide what you feel, but I can see now how much you let those feelings rule you. You'd rather spare your brother pain than have him grow stronger and survive."
Butsuma reaches for a pouch and, and with his other hand he draws out a kunai. Tobirama doesn't struggle as it's pushed to his cheek, but instead goes very, very still. Hashirama's stomach swoops -- he wouldn't, he wouldn't--
"And you, Hashirama… I don't know what to do about that bleeding heart of yours. But you need to understand, if you're going to open yourself up to whatever poor kid with a sob story you meet in the woods you need to be strong enough to make certain that it can't hurt you."
He squeezes Tobirama's face, applies pressure. The kunai bites deep into his brother's cheek. Tobirama jerks in his hold and lets out an awful, warbled whine before cutting himself off.
"Stop." Begs Hashirama, voice breaking, He tries to push himself up only for his arms to give out from under him, "Stop it. Stop it!"
"If you want it to stop --" Says Butsuma, forcing Tobirama's face to turn the other direction and digging the kunai in to the other side, perfectly matching the first cut. "-- Then stop me. Get strong enough to stop me."
But Hashirama can't stand up. There's no sudden burst of strength -- he used that up ages ago. All he can manage is to drag himself a few inches forward through the dirt, fingers just able to reach where a spot of blood (his brother's blood!) has been flung to the ground.
"Please." His voice is hoarse, "Please, I understand. Please stop."
The look Butsuma levels at him is cold, a frown that says he doesn't believe him.
He tilts up Tobirama's head, cuts a final slash into his chin, before letting go. Standing up, stepping back, uncaring of the way his son has dropped to the ground like a puppet with it's strings cut.
"Guard your heart or grow strong enough to keep it safe, Hashirama. Those are your options."
He turns, leaves them alone on the training field under a rapidly darkening sky. It's only when he's out of sight that Hashirama feels sensation return to his limbs, feels just how hard his heart is pounding. Hears the near silent drip of blood onto the ground from Tobirama --
His breath hitches but he can't lose his head yet, his brother, his last baby brother, still hasn't moved.
"Tobi." He calls roughly, but there's still no reaction, "Tobi. Tobirama!"
When he finally pulls himself close enough, he reaches for his brother's hand, ignores the way it's trembling and sticky with blood (so much blood but it's fine, Tobirama has to be fine, head wounds just bleed more than most--). Only when he touches Tobirama does his brother react. Jerks away from him -- finally looks at him, but it's with eyes that are completely empty.
"We can't." Tobirama's voice is quiet. It cracks, but his little brother does not cry, even now, "He's waiting to see what we'll do."
Waiting to see if they'll turn to each other, he means.
"Tobi…" He calls, as Tobirama mechanically pushes himself to his feet, pulls his hand away. He wants to do something, needs to do something, to make this even a little okay, but he knows Tobirama is right, that if they try to help each other now the lesson will only repeat itself.
Tobirama shakes his head, walks towards the main house with his head ducked low, leaving a trail of blood behind him.
And Hashirama still can't force himself onto his feet to follow.
He falls back onto the dirt, throat tight. A few more tears spill out, but not many. He doesn't have anything left in him to cry.
He feels -- empty. He thinks he should be feeling more but all that's left behind his breastbone is hollow. And if he feels like this, than Tobirama must be…
He broke something, Hashirama thinks hysterically, He broke something in me and I think he might have broken Tobirama, too.
There's a bile building in the back of his throat as the realizations hit him. He can't let that happen again, won't survive if it does.
If you want to stop me, then stop me. Get strong enough to stop me.
That had been the lesson. Maybe Hashirama can finally learn this one.
The determination to build peace and a village had made him feel warm. The determination to do this settles like lead in his guts.
If any of his dreams are going to happen, he needs to get strong enough to stop his father.
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dwritesit · 1 year
cant get enough
its almost midnight but fuck it - rain comforting dewdrop when his thoughts get to him.
read it on AO3 or below the cut!
Rain watches Dewdrop with sad eyes as he curls up into his chest after a long, devastating cry. Dewdrop wouldn't let anyone else, no one except Rain, know how often he cried like this. It would come in waves, ebbs and flows of ups and downs, where things piled up on his shoulders - Rain knew Dewdrop carried the weight very seriously, never wanting any piece to drop. But it always did, and Rain was always there every time, even if Dewdrop’s mind would tell him otherwise. 
“Do you still love me?”
He pets at his fire ghoul’s hair, breathing in his scent, smelling like the cooling coals of a beach fire after the night has wound down and everyone has started packing up. It's soothing, Dewdrop is always soothing to him, even if this was his scent when he's feeling low, and Rain wishes Dewdrop could believe it when he tells him this. That everything about him makes Rain’s life beautiful. That he loved Dewdrop so much that he often felt like he was happily drowning in it.
If only he knew. If only his mind would let him know. 
Rain understood that Dewdrop couldn’t help it. They’d talked about it many times, how he felt like something had broken him after the change, that he didn’t know how to trust anymore. And Rain hadn’t known what to say then - Dewdrop certainly didn’t need to be fixed, and there were no strings of words that could make the pain go away. All he could do was stick around, to hold him when his mind was swirling with self-hatred and fear. 
To just hold him like this.
Here, Dewdrop was playing with Rain’s hands with his arms wrapped around Dew’s small waist as he held him close on his lap. He was always quiet after the feeling erupted out of him, like he’d exhausted every part of himself just simply telling Rain what had been bothering him. It made Rain’s chest ache, feeling the slow, shaky, rise and fall of Dewdrop’s body as he breathed through the tiredness. 
“All I do is take.”
Dewdrop often called himself selfish. He usually said it with a laugh, commenting about how he gets what he wants, takes what he wants, and then worries behind closed doors that he's too much to handle. Rain didn’t see it. He saw a ghoul that was… giving. 
When Swiss was sick, shivering in his room alone and pushing everyone away because he didn't want to be seen in such a weak state, Dewdrop had shoved his way in. He claimed he needed Swiss cuddles, that he needed attention and that Swiss was the only one he wanted. Rain remembered biting his own tongue as a few other ghouls told him to leave Swiss alone for a while. Dewdrop had ignored them and slipped inside Swiss’ space. A few hours later, he and Swiss emerged from the room, the larger ghoul huddling around Dewdrop for warmth as he finally allowed the others to begin taking care of him, looking better already. Rain watched as Dewdrop slunk to the back, letting Mountain take Swiss into his own hands while wearing a small smile on his lips. He hadn’t been selfish then. 
Did he not see that? Dewdrop’s empathy, though he tried to hide it behind false aloofness, was one of the many, many things Rain adored about him. He saw how he watched the others, absorbed them, asking them questions about their days and hobbies, keeping everyone engaged with his bright energy. If there was anyone who could cheer a sad ghoul up, it was Dew. 
Rain could recall countless times he’d seen Cirrus sulking in the mornings, only for Dewdrop to slink behind her, teasing her into a smile with his sharp tongue and a few loving touches. Or the many occasions that Phantom would wake up from nightmares, and Dewdrop who knew about such dreams better than most of them, would coax the quintessence ghoul into his and Rain’s shared nest, grumbling the whole way about how he slept better with Phantom squished between them anyways. Rain observed how Phantom’s ears perked up, tail wagging as he dipped himself into their bed, anxiety melting away at the idea of Dewdrop being the one who needed him.
It happened like that often. A ghoul in need, afraid to reach out and Dewdrop would build himself into a bridge for them to walk across in the guise of needing them first. Rain thinks its because its what Dewdrop himself needs, just someone to outstretch their hand when he's locked himself away and told everyone whose come to the door to fuck off. He needs someone to say fuck that and kick the door down. 
“Everyone would be better off without me.”
Rain leaned down to kiss at Dewdrop’s temple, purring low, knowing his mate did not need words then, just love and safety. Dewdrop slumped further into his arms, the back of his head against Rain’s collarbone as he allowed Rain more access to his face and neck. He peppered chaste kisses on every bit of warm skin his lips could find, brushing his hair back for more. He relished in the way Dewdrop was leaning on him now, letting him love him like he hadn’t just an hour ago.
“I don’t want to-” Dewdrop gasped for breath, “Don’t want to be too much.”
“I love you, droplet,” Rain whispered against Dewdrop’s skin, “I can’t get enough of you.”
Dewdrop shifted in his arms, leaning back a bit so he could look at Rain. His eyes were searching for something, scanning his face with a blank expression, tired eyes red and puffy. His lip quivered, and Rain quickly swooped down to move him so he was straddling his lap instead, tucking his face into the crook of his neck as his small body shook again with quiet sobs. His claws scratched into Rain’s back as he clutched him tight. Rain held him tighter, arms wrapping around him to keep him as close as possible while his fire ghoul, his flame, let everything out through gasps and tears.
He rubbed his back as Dewdrop’s breathing slowed, his cries turning to shaking breaths and small hiccups.
“You promise?” Dewdrop asked, his voice thick and wet. He pushed lightly against Rain’s chest and Rain let his grip go slack until their foreheads were pressed together, his hands resting on Dewdrop’s hips. 
Rain breathed him in, Dewdrop breathed in Rain. 
“I promise,” Rain replied, giving Dewdrop’s hips a squeeze as if it were a punctuation, “I need you, Dewdrop.”
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rurousha · 1 year
Jonathan comes back to London after being locked up with Elizabeth for a year. Both decided they needed some time apart to find their footing after everything.
Jonathan comes by Geoffrey one night. Jonathan is casual and annoying, and Geoffrey is angry that Jonathan is back in town. Also that he got a letter saying Jonathan would be gone for a while and would he please keep an eye on Swansea and check in on his mother from time to time? Anyway, Jonathan is up on a balcony, Geoffrey is shouting up at him, the two Guards with him are feeling very uncomfortable. They try shooting him a couple times, but Jonathan just shadow dashes out of the way. Geoffrey tells them to stop wasting their bullets. If Reid wanted them dead, they never would have seen him coming. Jonathan requests that he tell his remaining Guards to please leave him alone as he is tired of killing priests and what look like children.
Geoffrey hunts down a remaining Vulkod. Jonathan is already in combat with it. Geoffrey shoots it, and it flings Jonathan bodily across the alley. Ignoring the shots, it charges Geoffrey, grabs him by the neck, and starts to feed on him. Jonathan leaps onto it and stabs it repeatedly in its neck. It grabs Jonathan’s arm, squeezes until the bone shatters, and throws him against a wall. Geoffrey draws his sword as the Vulkod advances on him again. Then Jonathan uses his Abyss ability and kills it. He slumps against a wall, too injured to move much.
Geoffrey approaches Jonathan.
“Don’t come near me! I am dangerously low on blood, and you’re bleeding.”
Geoffrey touches his bite mark and leaves without a word. He returns a few minutes later, holding a wriggling rat by its tail in his gloves hand. “Hope you ain’t too delicate.”
Jonathan takes the rat and drains it in a single swallow. He activates Autophagy and heals his broken ribs.
“Not your arm?”
“I can at least walk with a broken arm.”
“Can’t you feed on the big guy?”
“Not once he’s dead. At least, not normally.” Jonathan collects some of Vulkod’s blood to turn into a serum later. “Are you injured?”
“Just banged up a bit. A lot better off than the condition you left me in.”
Instead of feeling guilty, Jonathan just smiles at the memory.
The two walk off in the same direction, purely by coincidence, no I am not following you, Reid. Jonathan leads him to one of his hideouts. Geoffrey is surprised that it has not only a bed but some lab equipment, clean water, and ammo.
“Convenient that this was so close by.”
Jonathan agrees noncommittally.
“You have these boltholes all over town, don’t you?”
“Yes. Well, I used to during the skal epidemic. Several of them were discovered and repurposed by locals while I was gone.”
Jonathan makes a blood serum one handed, injects it, and heals his arm. Then he collapses into bed fully dressed.
“You just going to sleep with me here?”
“Geoffrey, it has been a long night, and it is nearly dawn. I suggest you either leave and please don’t burn the place down while I’m asleep, or lay down and get some rest yourself.”
“Lay down? With you?”
“Don’t be so delicate, Geoffrey. I was in the war - close quarters are nothing new to me.”
Geoffrey does not appreciate being called by his first name. But it’s practically a dare now, and Geoffrey is feeling rather exhausted.
“Budge over Reid.” Geoffrey shoves at Jonathan’s hip with his boot. Jonathan just rolls over and ignores him. Geoffrey pulls his coat tighter around himself and lays down.
Some hours later, he begins to wake to the feeling of someone nuzzling into his hair and mouthing gently at his neck. God, that feels good. It’s been ages since anyone treated him like this.
Then he feels a tongue slide roughly against his fresh bite mark.
Geoffrey shoves Jonathan back and leaps out of bed. “What the hell, Reid?!”
Jonathan, startled awake, sits up blearily. “I apologize. That was… unseemly.”
“Unseemly?! That was - shit, you opened it back up.” Blood wells in the wound.
Geoffrey storms out, but he doesn’t burn the place down with Jonathan inside.
He burns it down the next day.
“Real mature, McCullum!”
“Go fuck yourself, Reid!”
The two junior Guards are still confused.
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Hey guess which anon is back with more angst for you. This one is semi short and not very sweet. Parts of this might be out of character, but I'm not quite sure if there is a villian who would fit this role better.
Black Adam smiles as his plan comes to fruition. He stands over the unconscious body of the tiny Billy Batson, empty syring dropping from his hand as he starts to laugh. A simple sleeping drug he got from Dr Silvanas, injected when Billy was already asleep. It will keep him unconscious for 12 hours. 12 hours Black Adam has complete and total freedom to do whatever he wishes.
Black Adam very much wants to kill Billy but where would the fun be in that? Besides, keeping him alive does have many benefits. For now though? It's time for Black Adam is take over the world. Once he locks Billy away somewhere that is. He scruffs Billy by the shirt and when something buzzing falls out of his pocket, without a care Black Adam steps on the Leauge Communicator, destroying it.
Once Black Adam has hidden away the mortal form of the champion of magic he goes out and starts trying to take over the world. Obviously the other heroes start trying to stop him but no one really has a power set that can match Black Adam but Billy. His magic tosses Superman around like a rag doll and his physical strength can shatter through any barrier the magic users put up. At one point during the fight, Black Adam looks up at the sun and says, "oh my, that time already? I'll be back to finish you all off in just a bit. After all it would be a really shame-" He pills a needle out if no where with an evil smile, "if that baffon were to wake up. To bad I can't kill him it would make this so much easier. But, I can't take over the world if the balance gets disrupted that badly~" and he simply leaves the fight. What he said about Balance being thrown out of wack if Billy dies is absolutely untrue. However he does get great joy from watching these silly little mortals who are trying to fight him panic.
After they process Adam's words everyone is thrown into a panic. He has Captain Marvel hostage and neutralized. That's why he isn't answering his communicator.
In their frenzy of trying to come up with a plan with the loose knowledge they have while trying to patch up their wounds, they make their way back to base at the Watchtower.
It's safe to say that Marvel has broken a few communicators in his day, a few may be too generous. So instead of waiting each time for Marvel to fess up that he broke it, Batman modified them to give off a signal beacon to the watchtower once broken. He really wanted to put a tracker on it to find out more about Marvel but he knew that would be a bad idea.
After getting to the location of the broken device they investigate the area for clues. Maybe where Adam took him or how he had done it. Nothing. No clues could be found, there were obvious signs of struggle by what looked to be a small figure but that couldn't be related to this, they were both walls of muscle adding a small child into this didn't make sense.
Regardless the struggle of the child was something to look into as it is their job. It seems that at one point the body fell slack like they passed out. Maybe from exhaustion or injury, though there are no signs of blood so not the latter. There was also the possibility of a drug in the mix. It would make sense why Adam had a needle but why would he use it on a child?
Even if none of the facts lined up, these things happening here didn't feel like a coincidence to anyone.
They were finally here, they finally tracked down Adam and where he's holding Billy and now they have to face the truth. The truth that Captain Marvel is a small child who can barely defend himself against the greater forces of evil. They figured it out on the way here and while tracking him down but nobody had really processed it. The proof was right in front of them, there was no room to deny it further.
The scene they investigated was no coincidence. The struggling child who was drugged was Captain Marvel.
I woke up to check my phone and you greet me anon, absolutely love it. Kinda got lost in my mind there with the writing. Anon your brain is so big for this, imagine all the raw emotion put into the angst to make the reader cry when the end comfort comes, or not, make them cry because of character death instead. Whichever floats your boat.
I wanted to write more about Adam holding Billy hostage and more about them searching for clues but I didn't really know how I wanted to put it. Man this idea has so much opportunity. Maybe I should start writing instead of jotting this down in a Tumblr post.
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enigmatist17 · 7 months
Watched some Angel and woof S1 Ep 18 and 19 are rough :(
Wesley collapses when he gets home.
The last few days have been a blur, and the aching cuts hidden under bloodstained bandages hurt so much. He really ought to seek proper medical treatment or some other smart idea, but the thoughts of strangers touching him made the former Watcher shudder, so he just goes for his aid kit. Wesley has just enough strength to tend to his wounds before sitting on his couch with a weak groan, curling in on himself as far as fractured bones would allow.
He can't stop the whimper of pain that escapes him.
Naturally, being sadistically tortured wasn't enough, and a fever creeps over the Brit in the night.
He wakes up shivering some unknown amount of time later, hand blindly reaching up for the blanket he usually had draped over the back of the couch. He curls up before remembering his body is still shattered, and Wesley is faintly aware of his phone ringing somewhere in his flat, but he really couldn't be arsed to go for it, so he falls asleep again.
Wesley surfaces again from sleep hours later, coughing a little as he takes in the fact his shoes were off. If they were before Wesley just couldn't remember, his brain basically full of cotton that dampened any decent attempt at a thought. The fever distracts him soon enough, and the blankets that seem to have multiplied are pushed off, the cool air on his skin a blessed relief as Wesley falls back asleep.
A cool hand is the first thing the Watcher recognizes when he's awake again, bleary eyes opening and focusing on the window across from his bed. It's nighttime, which is nice because it's just too bright right now, and it hits him that the couch seems to have transformed into his bed.
Oh, Angel's here.
"Can you try and drink something for me?"
Wesley should be angry, should be annoyed at the vampire, but his dry throat has other plans for the cup held to his lips. The water is the best he's ever tasted, and too soon it's gone as Angel fetches him more, Wesley eventually drinking his fill and weakly dropping his head back onto the pillow. The vampire props Wesley up a little before awkwardly clearing his throat, watching the sick man trying his best to squint and stare at Angel.
"Why're you here?"
"Cordelia and I got worried when you didn't return our calls." Wesley coughed a little as the vampire rubbed the back of his neck. "You've been out of it for two days, combination of cold and one of your, ah, wounds becoming infected."
Ah, that explains a lot.
"Cordelia just finished up her shift, but she's here, just sleeping on the couch. Oh, and uh she obviously invited me in, so..." Angel gave an awkward smile, and Wesley can't help but snort at the sight, which dissolved into coughs.
"Whatever will I do." He shrugged, already feeling exhausted again. "It'll...it'll be alright..."
"Sure will buddy." Angel watched Wesley fall back to sleep again, and settled in to continue reading his book after checking in on the other sleeping human in the living room. Satisfied his people, his family, are resting as peacefully as their lives allowed, Angel allowed his book to draw him away from reality, even it was only going to be for a little while.
Wesley sleeps peacefully, for what it was worth.
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yojeongin · 2 years
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→neighbor!jaemin x neighbor f!reader
genre: social media au, neighbors au, fluff, angst, enemies to friends to lovers, humor
synopsis: smtown welcomes yn warmly but a horrid encounter between their cats leads to jaemin doing exactly the opposite. even with efforts to mend this, it’s a little too late for it and both parties will have to make due.
word count: 1742
m.list | previous | next
But anger blinded Jaemin. He was past furious that he saw your gentle patting towards his cat as a harsh scolding almost as if you were beating her. Blinking a few times before he snatched her from under your soft petting, careful enough to not grace her wounded area.
“I’m sorry about Mini—“
“I’m sorry about Mini—“
“Just keep your fucking cat away from her! What kind of owner are you letting a cat roam around new areas unattended?!”
His labored breaths clogged up his throat. Jaemin was worried sick about Dooie and her health. In any other occasion he would’ve taken the situation lightly and tried to reason but he couldn’t get the idea of losing her out of his head so anything regarding her made him act irrational.
“I didn’t— he ran out—“ flabbergasted with the way he spoke to you, your sentences came out choppy. You had processed the situation easily but he was making you contemplate that.
The cats had accidentally ran into each other that the impact set off a fight or flight instinct in both of them. You were sure if they had time nothing would’ve escalated past some hisses and arched backs where you could’ve had time to pick up Minino and taken him inside. But this happened so fast that all you did was comfort them both after the separation. You thought you had done a good job on calming both of them but he didn’t.
Letting out a disappointed scoff, “You don’t have to be such an ass, they’re okay. It was a spur of moment and don’t ever curse at him.” You couldn’t believe your first day moving in had already gone horrible. You had imagined that any neighbor rivalry would start months later or maybe never but here you were picking up Minino once again and giving his own cat an apologetic smile.
“Just leave us alone, now I have to take her to the vet again. Who knows where your cat has been.” He lets out in a murmur. His words while not too vile did spark some rage in you. He spoke about your baby as if he was a filthy beast that wasn’t taken care of. As if there was no care and even if he was an uncared for cat his words still sounded horrible.
Turning on your heel, you walked towards him with full determination and no holding back on your words. Whatever was going on with him he shouldn’t take it out on you or anyone else. What fault did Minino have for him to be so cruel?
“Stop treating him like filth, he’s not and even if he was a stray or uncared for cat you sound like such a dick.” Your words left him speechless but his pride made it look like he didn’t care which seemed to make things worse.
Jeno and Sunwoo had rushed down upon hearing some bickering. With heavy breathing both men made their way towards the both of you, hurrying you away from the confrontation point. Both of them were feeling very upset at how this guy had just spoken to you and your cat.
They knew you held Minino very dearly to you and any offense towards him was an offense towards you. It made things worse for Jeno since he had thought Jaemin was a nice tenant all these years he had been living in the building but when a friend of his has been crossed, the offender was dead to him.
“Don’t come near her or I won’t respond.” Sunwoo broke the silence, tongue poking against his cheeks. Jeno nodded in agreement hoping the message was sent but Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows with a dry mocking scoff, leaving both of them behind as he made his way towards the car with the mission of getting Dooie checked in case the scratches and bites had broken the skin barrier.
It wasn’t until hours later that Jaemin had arrived back home completely exhausted. All he wanted to was take his lovely Dooie in and sleep for the remainder of the night, not even caring about his remaining work.
Jaemin’s head turned to his side seeing his sleeping cat look ever so peaceful. He sighed to himself, thankful for another day she was healthy enough. Just like Minino was dear to you, Dooie was to him. His parents had given her to him as company years ago when he decided to move out for work.
They hoped she’d keep him company in his days and minutes of solitude for they knew living on your own and in the city was lonely. Things were worse when Jaemin had a history of horrible coping mechanisms and they feared their golden boy would resort to them again. In a way she’s saved him from many downfalls and for that he was thankful.
“You have to be careful next time. Please…” he begged in a murmur, cradling his darling in his arms as he struggled to unlock the door to his shared apartment. Upon managing to do so, the next door of the once vacant apartment had opened giving him access to those inside and those coming out.
His once calm demeanor had turned into what Dooie and Minino experienced earlier: fight or flight. Tense in his spot and clutching his cat when seeing your face, the both of you looked at each other startled.
“You have to be kidding.” You whine, pinching the bridge of your nose. Just when you thought things could be better, the universe had decided to curse you with the fact that your neighbor was that raging asshole from earlier.
It was left at that. Jaemin had entered the apartment before another argument could start. He was tired and he didn’t want to go to sleep angry and if avoiding you was all it will take then so be it.
“I’m not too thrilled myself.” Jaemin scoffs with the intake of your disgusted tone. He had thought about apologizing while on his way back now that he had cooled down but you still seemed angry that he couldn’t help but reciprocate the feeling.
That would’ve been better than to what had progressed was it not for Mark’s meddling. Minutes after he had arrived, his friend knocked on his bedroom door begging the younger to please bake him some brownies.
During such laborious process, Jaemin had updated Mark on the situation. While he expected his friend to comfort him, Mark remained quiet knowing he didn’t agree much with his friend. Though he knew where he was coming from, he still couldn’t agree with him. After all this didn’t sound like something cat loving Jaemin would say. He’s always been such a lovely foster owner and accepted any cat no matter how sickly.
“Yeah… yeah you did fuck up I won’t lie.” Now both men leaned against the counter, chewing with open mouths to let out the burning vapor of the freshly taken out brownies.
“I know you’re doing it out of love but giving her an apology is the least you could do. She was there in the wrong place at the wrong time and you took it out on her. She didn’t deserve it so how about you give her these left over brownies and you can make more once you’re done.” Palming his back followed by a wink, Mark sends off his friend with a Tupperware full of warm brownies that fogged up the container.
While in it’s time it sounded like a good plan, right now Jaemin’s pride was consuming him. He knew he was wrong and he knew he should do this but a part of him was telling him to fuck it. He couldn’t handle apologizing to someone that rightfully called him a dick, even if he deserved it.
Yet here he was pacing in front of your door, everyone of your friends was gone and you were left alone with your cat. Ignoring the threats from your friends, he finally knocks on your door. His heart beating with the rhythm of each knock but his getting increasingly harsher.
‘Easy. Just apologize, give them to her, and apologize again. That easy…’ he convinced himself. Jaemin was nervous enough that his hand began to sweat and it got worse when the door swung open. Revealing you in your PJs with headphones on.
While you were a smart girl, occasionally you’d have your moments off and lost your precaution. This was one of them that you didn’t look through the peep hole and opened the door in hopes it was one of your friends returning to spend your first night there.
But it wasn’t. It was that aggravating presence that you’ve found was your immediate neighbors with a tupper in hand and a slight nervous look to him.
“Hi, I jus—“
You didn’t let him finish. Slamming the door as harsh as you could in his face, scoffing at his audacity. “I thought you wanted us to stay away from you!” You made sure to let out before returning to your bedroom, leaving him behind that same door once again.
Jaemin knew he deserved this but his pride would always get in the way and this only hurt his ego. He couldn’t believe he had felt horrible for his earlier actions. That he had thought about welcoming you warmly like he and Mark had for past tenants, some of them being your own friends but he could forget about that.
If war is what you wanted, then war is what you would get.
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taglist: @bbymatz @dandelionxgal @multieonnie @johnniverse @lunaryoongie
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