#he also blanket burritos you so you can be comfy and warm
that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
Hello!!! Or rather, hello officially, I think I've finally gathered enough courage to start sending off anon now!! Because why not this is so much fun askjkbskbsnsosjksjsksnz <3
Since winter is coming if not practically here already tbh
Bonus points if this is in Snezhnaya!!! Because I'm not sure Liyue is capable of sending down that much snow.
Like,,, for a few days being unable to leave the house because snow has literally covered everything and opening the door means being met with a wall of solid ice. But of course in Snezhnaya that's to be expected so the house is fully stocked in supplies – so there's no need to panic! It's just that you just can't leave. (Cue mental image of Legacy attempting to burrow out before giving up because it's too much trouble.)
But sir mothman? Sir mothman is delighted he can keep you all to himself for a few days, without having to wait for you to return home from work.
Yes this does mean cuddle time under lots of fluffy blankets. :3
I'm so sorry lmao I'm literally freezing over here I need warmth and comfortttttttttttttt
you are so right about winter practically being here already because it has been FREEZING this past week!!! what on earth!!!
Snezhnaya was stuck in a particularly bad set of snowstorms at the moment, so it wasn't much of a surprise when you woke up one morning to the front door completely frozen. it's covered in a sheet of ice, and the windows are much the same- they won't budge no matter how hard you try- so you not-so-reluctantly put down your work bag and return to your bed, carefully sliding back under the covers. Foul Legacy, still asleep, stirs a little, letting out a drowsy, questioning trill, and you simply kiss his forehead and snuggle into his chest, happy to be under the warm covers again
Legacy is ecstatic when he fully wakes up a few hours later, nudging you gently and chirping happily- normally you'd be at work by now! but you're here with him! he glances out the window at the snow, falling without pause, and nuzzles his face against the crook of your neck with a purr. if snow means that you'll stay home with him, then he's more than happy to watch the snow fall for weeks on end. he only gets up when you get up, following you to the kitchen and plonking his chin on your shoulder as you make hot chocolate, rumbling in delight when you reach up to scratch behind his horns
oh and he DOES try to burrow out through the snow, less to actually get outside and more just to make you laugh- but he forgot how biting the cold can be, and hastily crawls back into the house covered in snow and ice crystals. Legacy whines, shivering as you attempt to brush the snow off his armor before wrapping him in a blanket and guiding him to the fireplace. he curls around you, his claws wrapped around your wrist as you bundle him in more quilts and covers until he's an Abyssal moth blanket burrito, toasty and sleepy and letting out soft snores
Legacy's a little sad when the snow finally melts and you can go to work, but he knows that it'll happen again- you're in Snezhnaya, and the next snowstorm is always just around the corner
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
for the prompts can you do 1 and 8 I feel like they fit so good together
Nonnie, it's a little got way from me (1211 words) because I have strong Tommy feels so. here you are(I know it's not just fluff and I'm so sorry)
Sometimes there are days Tommy just doesn’t want to get up from the bed. It can be simply because he is exhausted after a long and hard shift or because it’s rainy, and cool wind, which walks all around, makes his bones and old wounds ache.  Those days are pretty easy to get through. Just take it easy, take painkillers, make sure you’re warm and watch Love, Actually in bed with cocoa. Simple and comfy.
But they're also days when he can’t get out of bed, not because of a little pain, or at least it’s not because of physical pain. There are days in his life when his head attacks him with memories of the army, or bad calls, or all the years he was looking for someone to love him, and, most importantly, for a reason to love himself. Because there were more than enough days he was rough, rude and just simply awful to himself. And all this darkness around him forever found a place in his heart and head, mainly staying low, being overpowered by his self-growth and reasons he founds to love himself anyway, by hanging outs with Eddie, sometimes with Chim and even Hen, and of course, by dates and smiles of Evan. 
Evan, this adorable dork, found the way to give him the sun to light his life enough that darkness is scared to get out. But it still is waiting for the moment when he will be too distracted and unprotected to hit again. 
Like today.
Yesterday was … a lot. He accidentally met his mother on the market where he went to get some good groceries for the meal he was planning to cook for Evan to make him feel good after the shift. The literal bumping into each other near the vegetables quickly became a screaming match, mostly from his mother’s part, because Tommy way long before stopped to try to to prove that just because he likes men, doesn't mean he's a bad person, or son, or chose the wrong way.  Eventually, he just ran away from there.
Then the dish he tried to make burned because he was too distracted crying in his bathroom. He had to order take out.
And then Evan texted him that he couldn't come tonight because they had a long and hard call, and the only thing he wanted was to fall into his bed.They changed plans from a little dinner together yesterday to spending all day together today. 
Yesterday ended as awful as it was all day. The nightmare of one of his close calls made him sleep badly after, turning half the night in his bed, trying to get the best position for sleeping, but not succeeding for more than two hours. 
So, here he is, miserable and alone in his bed, looking at the clock which shows him that Evan will be here in less than five minutes, but he is still in his bed, in his the most comfy, but really old hoodie and boxers. 
Tommy kind of wishes Evan would text him now and rain check again, not wanting to drag the man into his mess, but of course as he thinks about this, Evan opens the door.
“Hey, sleepy beauty, I brought us coffee and your favorite burgers from this cafe you like so much,” Evan’s voice, as always sunny as his face and smile, spreads throughout the small house.
The sound of the sneakers being taken off, then steps to the, as Tommy suspects kitchen, as next he hears sounds of the plates taken out. Next he hears footsteps again and then his bedroom’s door is open, to reveal his boyfriend in his dark skin jeans and burgundy hoodie, Tommy pretty sure Evan was wearing during the tour. 
“Hey,” Evan smiles at him, putting plates and coffee on his nightstand, and sits down near his face, putting his hand to stroke his hair.
Tommy will never admit he melts into the touch. But he melts and ready to purr like a kitten being pet.
“Are you having a blanket burrito day?”
“Blanket burrito day?”
“Yeah. I call the bad days, when I can’t get out of the bed because of my leg or  because of bad mood, or both,  ‘blanket burrito day’,” Evan kisses his forehead. “Are you having this today or you just want me to jump into your bed?” his boyfriend smirks and winks at him and Tommy smiles a little too.
He knows he can joke about that. Say that yes, it was his way to get Evan into his bed and maybe make out or even something more, but he doesn’t want something like that.
He needs someone to hold him. Just hold him and show him he’s not alone and it will get better.
“Can you hug me?” Tommy doesn't like how small his voice sounds and he hates how quick he folded looking at his boyfriend who with one glance knew he was having a bad day. “If-if it’s ok.”
“Are you kidding me? Of course it’s ok. I love cuddles,” Evan smiles at him, taking his jeans off and lying down behind him, putting his hands around his waist.
He makes sure Tommy can feel himself touching every part of Evan’s big body behind him and Tommy wants to cry from the feeling of being safe. Protected. Loved.
They stay like that for half an hour, not talking and Tommy breaks the silence, needing to know.
“You don’t ask questions. Why am I having a bad day? What happened?,” Tommy plays with Evan’s fingers on his waist, “Or you are not even trying to tell me to stop. You aren’t telling me to male up,” he whispers it but in silence and with how close they are he knows Evan hears him.
Hands on his waist only squeeze tighter and then he feels a careful little kiss on his neck.
“We all have bad days. Especially on our job, with everything we saw. It’s normal to have them and you deserve to let yourself be sad if you feel it without trying to move on. You deserve someone to take care of you. And the reason for your bad mood isn’t so important for me to find out, if you don’t want to talk right now. You can do it on your time. Just,” Evan turns them so he can look him in the eyes. Blue to blue. “Don’t push me away. I want to be here, with you not just on good days. I want bad days too. Because you can’t live without them. But,” Evan smiles at him and kisses him so chaste Tommy wants to cry, “you can be not alone. Especially on bad days. You can share the pain with your person, making the burden easy to bear.”
Tommy just nods and lets himself get comfortable in Evan’s hands, feeling how slumber takes over him because the warmth from Evan and his breath lull him into sleep.
“I’ll tell you after the sleep,” Tommy mumbles before falling asleep.
“Take your time, baby,” Tommy feels the kiss on his shoulder, “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Tommy knows it’s not the promise only about today.
read on ao3
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joohanisms · 1 year
hiii i'm sick rn and i think i deserve some shameless selfish fanfiction
xdh + you're sick :-( 💭💫
cw: being sick in general, mention of vomiting, boys being really lovely
you're not lifting a finger.
he's got Everything covered, don't worry. don't even THINK about doing anything, he'll do it for you.
carries you around the house so you dont "tire yourself out" (?? you have a sore throat)
keeps you nice and warm <33 wraps you up in the blankets like a burrito. like a little shawarma sandwich. like a little cigar. like–
HOLDS YOU!! you know when you're so sick you feel like you're going to fall apart? he wraps his arms around you so gently and holds your pieces together so softly :-(
cooks nice healthy meals for you <3 makes sure to get all nutrients you need even if it's by going to the drugstore and buying supplements
showers with you because he's lowkey scared you'll faint with the heat – not that you mind having a strong body to prop yourself up against
oldest child. takes care of you .
he's on edge for as long as you're feeling shitty. probably cussed jooyeon out for being too loud and then felt so guilty about taking his frustration out on him that he cried a little
gets you gatorade, makes sure you drink plenty of water and eat light snacks through the day, will open every window so the room gets some air, takes your temperature, tells you to nap so your body has the energy to recover, gently wipes away that disgusting balmy feeling that only being sick brings
softly sings you to sleep :-(
if you're having stomach issues, he's holding your hair up and only cringing a little bit (also probably gets something soft for you to kneel on in front of the toilet – will camp out on the bathroom with you the whole night if needed)
good entertainment + nearly makes you forget you're sick
talks a lot. tells you all about his day his week his month goes into tangents, talks about science and music and things you can barely understand just because he wants to take your attention away from the discomfort
puts his forehead to yours and says if i could i'd take the pain away :-( he's so sappy and he's half joking but you can feel how much he loves you and hates seeing you like this :-(
takes care of you as best as he can. tries to remember what his mom used to do when he got sick
has amazing sense of what to do due to being a science nerd. he might be gambling his luck but he's correct most of the time
if you're puking he's holding your hair and petting your back but he's NOT looking unless he wants to join you on the toilet
gets everything you could possibly need and stays with you ;-(
if it's contagious then the windows are wide open he's got a mask on nothing could stop him
you need tylenol? he brought some from the bathroom when he entered the apartment!
you need a little cold patch? dw he bought one of those stick-on patches to save you from the mess of wet towels/cold compresses!
you're a little hungry? here he brought some light snacks in case your tummy wasn't feeling well!
uh oh the snacks didn't sit too well on your stomach? he has a gameplan already he's grabbing your little trashcan and brushing your hair away from your face!
you're feeling shitty after all of this? he brings you your toothbrush and water to wash out the aftertaste and he's settling beside you to pet your hair!
you still feel terrible? come on, a shower will help! he won't be able to shower with you seen as he's not keen on getting waterboarded by his mask but he will help you wash up even if his shirt gets soaked with the spray!
brushes your hair and dresses you up in comfy pajamas like you're his favorite doll afterwards :-(
my lovely :-(
the best at keeping you company, be it sitting beside you with your fingers intertwined while you watch soft slice of life animes, be it laying down with you for emotional support cuddles, be it making you food and insisting on feeding it to you, be it telling you every thought that pops into his head so he can entertain you
lowkey loves when you feel like a cooked noodle and have jelly limbs because he gets to get everything for you, do everything for you, hold everything for you :-( don't count on him to carry you around though his limbs are not very .. uncooked noodle-y
will do Anything you ask him to. he might not know 100% what to do but yourself + google are good guides
brings his earbuds not to make any sound in case you have a headache, takes naps with you all day, lets you watch whatever he's doing on his phone (usually games or tiktok) (with very low volume!!)
forehead/temple kisses!!!! does the little "mm you have a fever" thing where he presses his lips to your forehead to gauge your temperature
if you want him Away from you because you're contagious, he's on the other side of the room doing his own things while you rot away in bed thinking what have i done i should've accepted the cuddles when i had the chance
if you have tummyaches he's rubbing your tummy!! if you have headaches he's massaging your head!! you have a sore throat?? do not worry he's keeping it warm because he has his face buried into your neck!!
pets your hair to sleep
he runs hot and if you have a fever he'll just sit by your side looking like a kicked puppy and holding your hand :-(
loves to help you wash up – will wash and condition your hair, soap you up, dry you with a fluffy towel afterwards, put on mosturizer all over you, will even brush your teeth for you if you let him (he's really touchy and adores caring for you and helping you feel like a human again)
definitely has the "well you got this Plague AT THE VERY LEAST yesterday. and we slept on the same bed and kissed on the mouth. if you're contagious, i'm getting sick anyway. i'm NOT being shooed away from my beloved when they're ailing." mindset
nevermind his dramatic ass. he's even more stubborn than he is theatrical and he WILL be by your side whatever anyone tells him
but gets sick too most of the time and acts like he's on his deathbed
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Make it Better
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Summary: Y/N is at the end of her rope. Can Dean help her hold on?
Warnings: None really, brief non-explicit descriptions of sex, lots of fluff, hurt!reader (mental/emotional hurt) comforting, soft!dean.
Pairings: Dean x Y/N
Word Count: 1730
A/N: I got this request from my dear friend @deanwinchesterwifesstuff :
Heyyy! Thanks for saying i can ask you a fic! Its kinda simple..i just Seek comfort in dean giving me a princess treatment, so maybe a comfy bath together...cuddling..and all that kinda Stuff..just all about fluff
So, here is what I came up with lovely, and I hope it helps! ❤️
The beautiful divider below and at the bottom were created by @talesmaniac89
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You were just at the end of your rope. You’d been running on empty for days, and you felt more emotionally drained than you could possibly describe. It felt as though everyone around you was pulling out little bits of you, tearing into you with cruel words, and careless attitudes. 
You were just so tired.
You were balled up in your bed, ignoring the world, or trying to, desperate for one day of peace. Your phone kept buzzing but you pretended you didn’t hear it. You knew you should get up at some point and eat something, maybe have a warm bath, read a book? But all of that took energy, and you just didn’t have any more to give.
So you stayed in bed, cocooned in your blanket. 
Some time around ten o’clock there was a knock at your front door, which you also ignored, burrowing deeper into your fluffy duvet. But then you heard his voice.
“Dean?” You called out, disbelief clouding your voice as you sat up in bed. 
You were still wrapped up like a burrito as he strode in through your bedroom door. He stood in the doorway, blocking out most of what lay beyond with his wide shoulders and massive frame. His face held an expression of worry and slight annoyance.
“What the hell, Y/N? I’ve been texting and calling for hours, why didn’t you answer? You scared the shit out of me.”
Dean’s frustration with you went straight to your already stomped on heart and without warning noisy tears burst out. You tried to hold back the harsh sobs, embarrassed, but they wouldn’t be contained. Days and weeks of abuse from everyone around you had just taken its toll, and you couldn’t hold back anymore.
In seconds Dean was beside you on the bed. “Hey, sweetheart, shh, I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m sorry, it’s okay.” He pulled you into his side, squeezing you tight through the piles of cotton wrapped around you. You rested your head on his chest and let out all the sadness and hurt you’d been walking around with for too long. 
He just held you, swaying slowly side-to-side as you cried, holding you close and murmuring soft, loving words, most of which you couldn’t hear over your noisy tears, but you felt the comfort in them nonetheless. Finally your tears slowed, and then stopped, and your body shook slightly as you pulled in deep, shuddery breaths. He pulled back so he could look at you, and you knew you must look like an absolute mess.
But he just reached back to your bedside table and grabbed the box of tissues, pulling one out and holding it against your nose. “Blow.” He said, and you felt like a little kid, but you blew your nose and he tossed the tissue in the basket and then used another to dry your cheeks. 
Then he pushed back the “hood” of your blanket so your head emerged, and he combed your hair back off your face with his fingers. 
“What’s going on, sweetheart?” He asked softly.
You shook your head. “It’s too much to talk about.” You shrugged and another tear leaked out of the corner of your eye. 
Dean thumbed it away. “Okay, baby. Then we won’t. For now anyway.”
You sniffled and then frowned at him. “I thought you and Sam were in Oklahoma, hunting down that Wendigo; you said you wouldn’t be back for another week.”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, well, we got it quicker than we thought we would. This one had already been injured, so it slowed it down a bit. Then I left Sam there to clean everything up cause I couldn’t get ahold of you.” 
He frowned at you, and you felt bad for causing him to worry. “I’m sorry.” You said softly.
He pushed the blanket off your shoulders, and finally pulled you out from inside it. He set you sideways on his lap and tucked your head under his chin. His big hand moved up and down your arm slowly. “You don’t have to be sorry, sweetheart. I’m here now, you’re safe, and I’m gonna make things better, okay?”
You nodded, feeling some of the tension in your body begin to ease already; the bubble of hurt and anxiety that had been squeezing your chest like a vice began to deflate.
“First things first,” Dean said with conviction, “breakfast. Come on.” He squeezed you one last time and you slid out of his lap. 
You followed him into the kitchen and he told you to sit. When you offered to help make the pancakes and bacon he was cooking, he just shook his head. “Nope. My culinary genius needs room to flourish.” He said in a ridiculous french accent that made you giggle lightly. 
As he cooked he told you all about this latest hunt, making you laugh some more in spite of the danger in the situations he described. Dean had a way of finding the humor in almost every situation, and it was one of the traits that you loved most in him.
The food was delicious, as it always was when Dean cooked it; you’d told him many times that he should retire from hunting and open a diner. He cooked comfort food as a way to comfort the people he loved, and make sure they were cared for…another trait of his that you adored. 
After breakfast you showered, and when you came out, Dean had laid out comfy pajamas for you on the bed. You pulled them on and padded out to the living room where he'd lit a bunch of candles, and a fire. The fire warded off the chill in the air, and the candles contrasted sharply with the rainy gray skies outside the window, warming everything with a soft yellow glow. 
He held up three books. “Pick.” He said with a smile.
You chose the romance adventure book, knowing that it would make for the best escape. You snuggled in between Dean’s knees and leaned back against him as he started reading to you. His deep voice was soothing and lent a whole new level of authenticity and realism to the love scenes. You felt your heart begin to beat faster as he read the words. Then it started beating double time as he set the book down, and began to write his own love scene on your skin.
His touch was extremely gentle, unhurried and luxurious. His lips were like silk as he ran them like a whisper down your neck, reaching your pulse point and sucking lightly. You arched your neck so he could reach it easier; your head rested against his shoulder and you let out a soft sigh as he let go and whispered into your ear.
You nodded quickly and he chuckled, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you down the hall to lay you out on the bed. He spent the next couple hours making love to you, worshiping you, praising you. He told you over and over how beautiful you were, how perfect. He rained pleasure down on your body endlessly, finding every sensitive spot you had and leaving no inch of your skin unkissed. 
Afterwards he cleaned you up with warm cloths, and then climbed in behind you, pulling you into his arms, and holding you close while you slept for a few hours. For the first time in days and days, you slept deeply and dreamlessly and when you woke up you felt refreshed, and finally ready to tell him about all the things that had been going wrong in your life over the last while.
He listened attentively, stroking your back, and kissing your forehead when you got choked up in the telling. He didn’t try to offer solutions, he just told you again how perfect you were, and reminded you that you deserved respect and kindness from those around you. He told you that if you wanted, he’d be there with you if and when you wanted to confront the people causing all your pain. 
You smiled up at him, feeling supported and understood, and amazed at what a huge difference that made. You pulled his lips down to yours, which led to another couple hours of pleasure and sleep.
You woke up to the smell of something delicious and cheesy cooking and when you walked into the kitchen you saw Dean pulling a tray of nachos out of the oven, completely smothered in cheese, and you clapped your hands excitedly.
“My favorite!” You practically squealed. 
Dean laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I know, why do you think I made them?”
You enjoyed a candlelit dinner, sharing the plate of stacked nachos, and more fabulous conversation. Now that you were starting to feel better, you laughed and teased him more freely, and the dinner was absolutely perfect. Despite Dean’s protests, you helped him clean up, finding joy in the simple chore as you worked together.
After dinner, Dean drew you a warm bath, with lavender scented bubbles. He made the bath absolutely perfect as he climbed in behind you. He massaged the soft, soapy water into your skin, running his rough hands up and down your arms and back, kneading your muscles and making you moan raggedly. Those moans led to another round of lovemaking and by the time you were falling apart beneath him for the seventh (eighth?) time that day you felt absolutely sublime and tranquil, like you were floating on a cloud.
Dean shifted to lay beside you and you turned towards him, tangling your legs up with his. You relished the feel of his broad chest beneath your cheek, and his strong arms like iron bands of protection around you.
“Thank you.” You whispered over his heart.
He kissed the top of your head and held you a little tighter. “No thank yous needed, sweetheart. I will always be here to remind you how incredible you are, and to remind you that I love you. Always.”
You looked up at him, and he sealed his words with a gentle kiss. “I love you too.” You said and as you snuggled into him you hoped he knew you that you meant it with every breath in your body.
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @jensensgotyoudean @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous
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fandomobbsessedb · 1 year
Wally Darling x Sleepy Reader
These are just some pretty basic head cannons for how I think Wally acts with a sleepy reader bc today I am a very sleepy person.
AN: I’ve taken so many naps today I just figured why not. Also I’m obsessed with this silly little yellow sentient puppet
Warnings: Slightly possessive Wally but that’s about it.
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💤- Wally is a very cuddly person, he never wants to be without you, if your sleeping he’ll just lay there and hold you or if you had a hard day, he’ll most likely rub your back/shoulders. Like this boi can just tell from looking at you your holding in a lot of tension.
( that’s probably how you got sleepy in the first place, came home, took off your shoes, let out a slightly loud sigh, and he came rushing over and starts applying pressure to your upper back muscles and boom, your out like a light.)
💤- I imagine that while you sleep he likes to stare at you and all his thoughts are consumed by you and how peaceful you look sleeping. You shift even a little bit in your sleep and his hand immediately comes up to your face and starts to lightly pet where your hairline meets your forehead, just gentle loving little brushes of his hands to help you back to sleep.
💤- if you wake up randomly in the night and get super thirsty all of a sudden, before you can even roll over to see if you got a water before going to bed, Wally’s standing there holding a tall glass of ice water and his soft tired smile.
💤- if you run cold at night he’s got so many comforters for all kinds of seasons that he lets you use. He’ll even wrap you up and bundle you together in a blanket burrito before laying you down so you can sleep comfortably. He’ll hold you all tight and comfy so that you keep warm.
💤- if you run hot he’s got a little stool on your side of the bed that has a lighter form of pajama wear than what you already had on so that you can just slip them on and take your old ones off and go right back to being comfy. He’s also learned to be content with just laying to the side and watching you drift off to dreamland so that you don’t get to warm with him cuddling into you.
💤- if you run on both and your body goes either way, he’s prepared for everything, he mostly just lays next to you admiring you and occasionally saying some (possessive??) things out loud that he couldn’t admit to your face just yet. Mans is just there whenever you need something, too hot? He’ll throw the blankets off of you and grab some water with a LOT of ice. suddenly freezing cold? he has blankets folded up on the bottom edge of the bed so you can control what is on your body and what’s not. He’ll even hold your feet to warm them up faster. Anything to keep you asleep so that he can see you in that relaxed state.
💤- Get overstimulated when it comes to trying to fall asleep/be asleep in general? He has a white noise sort of machine with all kinds of sounds, or big fluffy earmuffs that drown out everything. He’s got your pajama drawer organized by texture so that if you suddenly become irritated you can change out of those quickly. Got to many thoughts running in your brain? He’ll let you ramble and go on and on till you get it all out/he’s got a pen and paper right by your bed for you to quick jot your thoughts down. And you better believe he’s got weighted blankets in all your favorite colors! The minute your out he remembers to take it off but will help compensate by half laying on you to help you stay asleep.
💤- if you have a really bad time falling asleep, he’s got a bin next to his record player labeled “y/n’s sleep remedy” and he’ll put on the gentle music and even hum or sing some of it so that you can rest your head on his chest, and focus on the vibrations coming off his chest to help you sleep.
💤- there’s not much that goes on around the neighborhood, no real rush to do things, and Wally knows your schedule and routine by heart (even if you can’t remember it 100% of the time HE does) so in order to make sure that your in top health he won’t even let you leave the bedroom until you’ve gotten the proper amount of sleep. (In your sleep he tells Home to not let you out of the room till you’ve gotten enough sleep) He helps you keep a consistent bedtime schedule so that you can fall asleep at the same time each night but if you wake up earlier than normal he’ll do everything he can to help you back to sleep. (He can’t have you going out at night, nobody goes out at night…)
💤-And on the opposite end of that, if your not wanting to wake up just yet, or your still really tried, he doesn’t mind the two of you staying in bed for a while longer. Just gives him more time to admire you. However if it starts going on 1 or 2pm he starts to get worried and urges you to start the (end?) of the day.
💤- overall he cares VERY much about your health in regards to sleep, and loves to help you stay calm and relaxed in such a quiet vulnerable time of day. He feels like it’s the only time you’ll let any walls you have down and just be open with him. (When your sleeping though it’s the only time he’s completely open with you, all the things he wishes he could tell you in the day time. All his secrets, his own hopes and dreams to be with you forever, and never EVER have to let anyone else in) after all, it’s just like his favorite song to sing while he holds you in your sleep.
“Just the two of us…”
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mikhailoisbaby · 2 years
Harveyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I am here today to talk about domestic husband's early mornings like. One morning Ian gets up for his run and he always kisses his husband goodbye, and most of the time Mickey wakes up and starts coffee/breakfast, but sometimes he rolls over and goes back to sleep!! today he wanys to go back to sleep he really does but he's chilly and he can't get comfy cozy without his big stupid space heater (bssh) and therefore he cannot sleep!!! He gets up but he's so Sleepy™️ that he just kinda stands woozily in the kitchen, he requires immediate application of his BSSH!!!! Eventually he makes his way over to the couch and maybe it's also kinda a shitty mental health day, he feels kinda anxious so he curls up and just kinda watches the door so he knows immediately when his BSSH returns and can snuggle him once again. And it's the time of year when they haven't turned the heat on yet but it's chilly so he wraps the blanket around himself like a burrito and pets the cat when she comes up to him and when Ian FINALLY returns after 3 FUCKING HOURS (read: 15 minutes because Ian didn't bring a coat) Ian takes one look at his blanket ball of a husband and is like. "Hm. Cold, Mick?" And Mickey just makes a cute lil whining noise because he's *tired* Ian stop *talking* Ian, and Ian walks towards the thermostat to turn on the heat but the thermostat is past the couch and Mickey's hand shoots out from the blanket and drags Ian down to the couch where Mickey IMMEDIAYELY flops dramatically against him and shoved his cold fucking toes under Ian's thigh and it's awkward and silly and Ian laughs and wraps his arms around him because God, he loves his fucking husband, he has a HUSBAND and snuggles him for a while as he dozes they totally go out for pancakes after
Alicia !!!! I love you so much ! Thank for sharing this with me king !!!!! I love your little mind you fucking genius ! ! !
This is so soft and warm and snuggley it hurts my heart !!! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Ian should be banned from waking up so early he’s got one job as a BSSH and he would fulfil it ! Mickey has my little heart !
Me 🤝 Mickey making whining noise like it’s perfect english !!!
You know how much I love domestic gallavich I crave more !!!
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loosesodamarble · 9 months
Ooo for the cozy ask game again; 5, 6, 20, and 22 for…Selen and Cynthia please Erika 🥰?
Aaaawwww! Asking about father and daughter! Thank you Lyra!
Selen Nymvire
5) It's cold and wet outside, your OC has just come in the front door. What do they do to get warm?
First off, Selen is shaking himself down like a drenched dog (regardless of if he’s in an animal form or not). The man probably always forgets to carry a jacket or umbrella and thus is cursed to always get soaked on a rainy day.
Once he’s shaken himself down, he’s grabbing himself a towel (or two), stripping down, and drying up the remaining water. Once that’s done, Selen takes his wrapped up self to the nearest cushion and just blacking out. He’ll do enough work to get out of wet clothes but he’s just lazy enough not to put on new clothes or start a fire.
6) What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
A night in for Selen is kinda also a night out? He goes outside, to the roof of whatever house he lives in, to sleep under the stars. The cool night air and the faint light from above is comforting to Selen.
20) Do they hog the blankets?
Not really. Selen’s body runs warm so he’s usually kicking blankets off of him. He’s a pillow hogger though. He likes wrapping himself around other stuff for whatever reason. (Btw, I can imagine that when Cynthia was little and slept beside Selen, he'd end up squeezing her in his sleep because she's small and the perfect size hugging size. Just a little father-daughter bonding...)
22) How would they solve the one bed and two people scenario? Could they share a bed?
Selen is a little cheater. He’d transform into an animal and just curl up on the floor (yes, Selen can maintain a transformation while asleep). He’s perfectly content like that since the animal body is built for that. He’s only really ever shared a bed with his family, Magna, and Vanessa and gets awkward about it with anyone else.
Cynthia Enoteca
5) It's cold and wet outside, your OC has just come in the front door. What do they do to get warm?
Hot shower is the first thing on her mind. She doesn't mind being wet, it's really the cold factor of being cold and wet that gets to her. So she'll rinse off with a hot shower. She'll then dress warm and finish drying off in front of a fire. It's a process for Cynthia.
6) What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
Cynthia would construct herself a blanket and pillow fort and get comfy in there. She'd have a mug of tea to drink and a notebook to write or doodle in. She could also bring along her arts and crafts kit if she really wants to get creative in her fort. For Cynthia, being cozy is being hidden away from the world, tucked in a warm space where she can let her thoughts wander and maybe create something.
20) Do they hog the blankets?
Unlike her dad, Cynthia runs cold. So she will in fact hog the blankets on the couch or bed when she's settling down, just to sit or to nap or sleep. Even when she's sound asleep, she'll find a way to drag blankets to her and securely wrap them around her body like she's a burrito.
Cynthia has joked that "it's not my fault that all the fabric gets drawn to me. That's my magic, y'know?" Very silly but that's what she's said in the past.
22) How would they solve the one bed and two people scenario? Could they share a bed?
Cynthia is fine with sharing a bed with another person. She's done it with her parents as a child and when she babysits Jesse, they cuddle up too. With someone she's friends with or at least knows well, she's perfectly fine sharing a bed. She'll just be careful not to sleep too close, depending on their person's boundaries. Cynthia would, understandably, be hesitant to do it with a complete stranger.
If needed, Cynthia would use a bit of her Fabric Magic to create a curtain barrier of some kind with some kind of ability that will keep her and the bed partner from getting too close. But that would only be possible once Cynthia is older and stronger and able to cast spells that remain in effect even while she's sleeping.
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coy-lee · 2 years
Ahhh, a three parter... A recipe, a picture, and a fic. Beating a dead horse... NOT POSSIBLE ON THIS HORSE, I SAY!
And thank you so much to my RP partner for making this come to life! 💕
Description: Sun is still packed with energy at the end of the day, and Moon thinks up a little solution for Sun's little problem.
(It's a tickle fic, have you met me???)
Now, without further adieu, I present to you :
"But Mooooon, I don't want to go into stasis yet, " Sun whined, lightly stomping his feet as he did so, little jingles emphasizing his words. The children may have all gone home, but that didn't mean that the energetic Sun had lost the spring in his step. He was often low on power by the end of the day, but just as some days were rather hectic, others went rather smoothly and required little energy to maintain a happy, healthy crowd of little hoodlums. Less running around, less power used, more energy stored at the end of the day. Today was that type of day.
Moon was happy that Sun wasn't overworked to the point of short-circuiting on those days, but the leftover energy was certainly a bother for Moon. Getting his cohort to settle down was difficult to begin with, thanks to his programing no doubt, but a Sun still eager to bounce off the walls at 10PM was especially challenging.
"I know you don't, but there's no telling what tomorrow will be like. You need to recharge and give your systems a break," Moon reasoned. He watched from his comfy spot sunken in a beanbag chair as Sun, now also sitting, bounced his right leg up and down, hands fidgeting with the ruffles that skirted his hips. The sight was uncomfortable to watch. Moon imagined it was much worse for Sun, though. The feeling of energy coursing through every wire and every circuit and not having an outlet to release the burden... It must be maddening...
Wait a moment, an outlet! A fast one that required little energy on Moon's part... An idea popped into view, as did something else, a warm, fuzzy blanket lying off to the side with the large plushies and pillows.
'That'll do just fine~' Moon though to himself. He abandoned his comfy spot to retrieve the blanket and walked to a cleared section of the floor. He let gravity unfold the blanket as he held one end, then he whipped the other end of the blanket away from himself and gently lowered his end as said blanket floated down, now lying flat.
In the meantime, Sun was still bouncing his leg,... well now it was both of them. He tried humming to himself as a distraction, but was struggling until his eyes caught Moon doing... something. What was he doing? His thoughts were cut off by the sound of his name.
"Sun, I think I've found a fun way we can cure you of your restlessness."
"REALLY!? That's great! What are we playing!? Tell me, TELL ME! " Sun rushed out rather loudly.
"Just hold your horses! First, I need you to lay down on the end of the blanket - " Sun immediately did so in record time.
"-OKAY OKAY! What next!? " Sun's enthusiasm was adorable. Moon had to keep from laughing at the sight of the excited puppy eyes staring back at him.
"Alright. Now stay still with your arms at your sides. You're going for little ride," Moon said with a smirk.
"Oooo fun! " Sun chimed, doing as he was told. Moon then kneeled on the floor next to his eager 'patient' and began to roll him over, making sure to tuck the end of the blanket under Sun as he rolled to make him nice and snug. Then, Moon freely rolled his friend all the way to the end of the blanket, Sun going "WhoaOAoaOAoaOAoa" as he rolled. After finishing his Sunny wrap, Moon had a thought that brought him to the little craft corner in their room. He found a shiny red ribbon lying on top of a pile of scraps and snatched it, saving it for later.
Now everything was in place. Sun was wrapped up in a blankie nice a tight. And of course, it just so happened that while Sun's head peeked out of one end of the blanket burrito, his feet were doing the same thing on the other end... Perfect.
"Are you comfy? " Moon asked, making his way to the lower half of the burrito.
"Oh yes! Very comfy! " Sun replied, tilting his head back to view the now upside-down room. Moon chuckled as he took a seat on Sun's blanket-wrapped shins. As he looked down at his ultimate target, he watched the adorable little dance they were doing. The star was swaying his feet side to side like he was conducting an orchestra, on occasion switching their movement to and fro. The excess energy was clearly plaguing his poor Sunny. Ah, but what he had for his dear friend was sure to fix that.
"Are you ready? "
"I was manufactured ready! "
"Alriiiight~" Moon's response caused a little pit to form in Sun's hardware.
'Why did he say it like that', he thought, though he wouldn't have to wonder much longer. He suddenly felt his slippers being slid off, their bells jingling from being discarded to the floor. Moon had his hands raised just above Sun's antsy toes, wiggling his fingers in a way that would be viewed as menacing to onlookers. A big devious grin stretched across his face as he lowered his hands just centimeters away from the centers of his captive's soles.
"Ehehehehe~" Moon snickered evilly.
"W-what's so funny? "
"Tiiiickle tickle tickle~" the devious celestial sang, fingertips finally landing on their target and gently drawing ticklish patterns up and down the bottoms of the now wildly wiggling feet.
"N-NAHAHAHOOO! WAHAHAHAIT! NAHAHAT THAHAHAHAAAT!" Sun shrieked as his bare feet were assaulted with delicate touches. Squeaks and squeals interrupted his laughter as fingers darted to focus on his heels and then suddenly the balls of his feet and then back again."MOOOOHOOHOON-AH!-EEHEEHEEHEEE!"
"Yeeees, Sunny? What's the matter~?" Moon inquired oh-so innocently.
"TIHIHICKLES! IT TICKLEHEHEHES!" the yellow animatronic responded, shaking his head and moving his feet as much as possible. He suddenly yelped as he felt claws gently trace up and down the outsides of his feet.
"Not here? Then what about here?" the nighttime bot teased, immediately swiping his claws from the sides of Sun's feet, across the centers and in towards his arches.
"Ah, you're right. This spot is muuuch better. " Moon's voice was dripping with a devilish timbre. "Perfect little tickle spot~" As Moon continued treating Sun's excess energy problem, he found that his "patient's" feet were trying to shield each other from the tickles. He stopped for a moment.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Sunny~ If you don't hold still, I'll have no choice but to tie your toes together... "
"W-what!? NO! PLEASE! I'll be good! I promise! " Sun knew he couldn't keep that promise. Not even a little, but he had to try, right? No matter how horribly,... helplessly... unbearably ticklish- nope he was doomed. And Moon knew it.
"Okay. Now hold still... " Moon instructed, once again hovering his fingertips over the soles before him. He loved drawing these moments out. The anticipation tickling away in Sun's 'belly' and his mind, making him more sensitive as his nerves expected the worst. Self fulfilling prophecy. Moon also felt an excitement in his 'belly' when he lingered like this. No matter how much he just wanted to WRECK his friend, he wanted to prolong their playtime and savor it even more.
Sun gently bit his lower lip and flexed his toes, nervousness plaguing his entire being. Suddenly, he felt those devious claws slowly run up and down the soles of his feet again. Although he tried to steel himself for the sensations to come, he was still caught off guard and ended up letting out one of those silly sprinkler laughs.
"TststststsTAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHHH! G-GEEHEEHEEHEENOHOHOHOHOHOOO! " Sun threw his head back and cackled. Normally it wouldn't tickle this bad, but circumstances really do change things. The overwhelming feeling of helplessness was the main culprit. Although he was indeed overwhelmed, Sun was still able to keep his feet rather still, twitching, but generally still.
"Hmmm, let's see... " Moon mused as he switched to slowly walk his claws up the tender soles. Sun's nerves were on the edge of their little nerve seats from the tone of voice that came from his mischievous friend. The feeling of pointed nails tapping softly on his upper set of paw pads caused his pseudo breath to hitch. "If I remember correctly, these little toes of yours are VERY sensitive ~" Moon's words were accompanied by those nails, lightly grazing the spaces between said toes.
"PpppppPPAHAHAHAHAHAAAHH! NOHOHO FAHAHAHAIR! MOONIEHEEHEEHEEHEE! " Sun immediately burst into a hardy laugh from such a slight touch. And that's all it took. In desperate search of defense, the toes scrunched down and the left foot quickly covered the right, shooing away phantom tickles while it stood guard.
"Sun, I thought you said you would stay still!? " Moon gasped in mock offense. "Such a shame. You know what I have to do now~"
"D-do you really HAVE to. I mean, no one's forcing you or anything... "
"Hehe, well, unlike SOME people, I KEEP my promises~"
"Hey! You know I didn't stand a- WAITWAITWAITWAIT! NOOOoooo... " Sun's plea wound down to a whimper as he felt something wrap around his two big toes and tighten, locking them together and keeping both feet perfectly side by side. Moon made quick work of the litte bow that kept the ribbon nice and snug, taking advantage of Sun's rambling.
"There. Nice and neat,"Moon dusted his hands for dramatic affect before poising them in the air, wiggling his fingers menacingly, being sure to have them raised enough for Sun to see them. "Are you ready? "
"PfftNO! Wait, I'm-"
"Good. "
Moon didn't need Sun's approval to continue, knowing this was just the medicine he needed tonight. Besides, his little ray of sunshine would never admit to how much he LOVED playing these games, but Moon was well aware.
Despite how quick and playful the tickling had been earlier, Moon wanted to slow it down for a moment...reeeally draw it out for Sun and take his time now that he had his toes bound so helplessly. Two blue fingertips began a soft stroke from Sun's heels up to the balls of his feet, one finger on each sole.
"Coochie coochie coo~ Let me hear those sweet giggles, Sunny..."
"ST-eeheeheehee! NnnkkAHAHAHAAAHAHAAA! MMmhmhmhmhm! "
Sun couldn't stand the teasing (couldn't stand at all really), but the sheer fact that Moon said he wanted to hear his giggles lit a spark of defiance in him. So, as much as he could, Sun held back, closing his mouth and slightly bitting his lip again.
Moon turned back for a moment and smirked.
"Oh~? Being like THAT are we? Well...let's see how long you can really last." Sun suddenly felt Moon add in two more fingers, carefully walking them up the centers of his soles.
"I don't imagine very long, with just how ticklish you are..." The nighttime attendant let out his own raspy little chuckles, tracing letters and shapes into the middle of Sun's yellow soles with his claw tips.
"Does thiiiis tickle? How about this one? Hmm? Come on Sun-Bun, let it aaaaaall out..."
MMMMPPPFTAHAHA-MmH OHOHO NOHOHOOOO!" Sun desperately tried to wield his feet like weapons and shields as he did before, but that dreaded ribbon barred him form doing little more than curling his toes down, and even that seemed more difficult now. The thought was slowly chipping away at his resolve. Fighting was futile, but the energy within him refused to let him give in.
"Y-yohohOU c-caha't make meHEEHEE-DOHO ANYHEEHEEHEE-!" Try. As. He. Might...
"You see? Not long at all..." Moon's voice dripped with a teasing tone, delighted by how Sun sounded already. There was a little shift then, the darker attendant leaning slightly further down before...
"Now. Here comes the REAL tickleeesss~" He said in a sing-song voice, allowing all ten of his fingers to finally spider slowly along the soft pads at the top of Sun's feet.
"Aahh tickle tickle tickle..! Oho I bet you can hardly stand it...You're just so sensitive down here." His claws dragged now, scratching softly just beneath Sun's twitching toes.
"BAHAHAHAHAHAAA! NAHAHAHAT THAHAHAAAAT!" Sun whined as an uncontrollable cackle boomed from his voice box. His escape attempts became more desperate than before, shifting his feet as much as he could only for them to barely rub together. His attempt to clamp down his toes proved useless as the area being tickled was just out of their reach. All he could do was throw his head back and laugh. And the worst part (or the best), was that this was just the beginning of the main course. He'd just hope that dessert was off the menu... but knowing Moon...
"Well that's the beauty of it, Sunny...no matter how much you can't take it, you have to~" Moon's fingers explored the cute stems of Sun's wiggling toes, stroking swiftly up and down the lengths of them before going just a little higher.
"Ohoo someone's toes are just so ticklish, aren't they? Hm? Are your toes sooo ticklish? How about the toe beans?" His claws teased with a few gentle swirls to Sun's big toes, which were unable to get away due to the ribbon keeping them bound.
"Giiitchie gitchie gooooo~"
"^YAAAHAHAHAHAAA! I CAHAHAHANT I CAHAHAHAHAHAANT! I-YEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!^" Sun's laughter shot up an octave at least, his toes were so over stimulated that he was having trouble wiggling them, the twitching being too strong and constant. He closed his eyes and shook his head, gripping at his pants within the blanket, trying to find a way to express the tension in his chest from the laughter that was backed up in there. Only so much can come out at once...
"Oh I'd love to just keep you here all night..." Moon's fingers slowed down some, giving Sun enough of a break to let his inner fans cool him off.
"Since you have so much energy, I just might have to do that ~"
Now Sun felt claws slowly circling his ankle joints, slipping between them and gently fluttering some cruel tickling.
"Tickle tickle tiiiickleee..come on Sun-Bun, admit to just how helplessly ticklish you are, and maaaaaybe you'll get a real break...."
"NnnnyAHAHAHAHAHA! Ohohoh nohoho! Dohohon't mAHAKE MEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! " The little whine in Sun's voice came back, truly hoping Moon wasn't serious. Buuuut it wouldn't be the first time Moon tickled a confession out of him.
"You don't want to~? Well that's alright. I'll just keep teasing these sensitive beans." His hands migrated back to Sun's open soles, and almost immediately his claws were teasing the soft yellow pads on his friend's toes. Gently he began swirling on his big toes again...and a familiar little sing song voice followed.
"Thiiiis little piggy went to market..."
Moon tittered in delight, his smile only growing wider.
"Yes that~ Thiiis little piggy stayed home..." His claws moved to Sun's second toes now, softly gliding up the length of them and gently scratching the beans.
"OOOHOHOHO-PLEEEEASE!" Sun begged. Why must Moon be so good at this? Wasn't he programed to be a nap time and security bot? Who programed him to be the most devious tickle monster to walk the face of the earth?
Moon was indeed quite the devious one... And he knew just all the right buttons on his Sunny to push to get the best reactions.
"This little piggy had roast beef..." Next toe. "This little piggy had none..." Next to last. Moon hesitated, gently touching Sun's pinky toes and asking him.
"And do you know what this piggy does~??"
Moon paused for a moment, still holding onto his pinky toes silently. He didn't move, or even say anything...he simply waited.
"U-uhm... I-uh... I... I... ohhh, I can't say it!" Sun stuttered, defeated. "I-"
Moon chuckled then, wiggling the toes. He continued- "Thiiiis little piggy went WEEEE~"
All of the sudden all ten of his fingers were spidering up and down the entirety of Sun's bare soles, not leaving any spot un-tickled.
"Weeeee weee~! Aaaaall the way home!"
"AAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! NAHAHA! PPPAHAHAHA! EEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEE! M-MOOOOHOOHOONYEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEE!" Sun absolutely lost it. He wriggled and squirmed as much as he could, struggling to form coherent words in the midst of his hysterics. Babbling was all he could do after shrieking out his assailant's name. Artificial tears peaked a the corners of his tightly shut eyes before rolling down the sides of his face.
It just tickled SO BAD!
"You're just faaar too ticklish ~ All you have to do is say it..." His claws continued to rake swiftly up Sun's trembling soles, smirking as he did so.
"Sooo so ticklish~ And you can't do a thing to get away. Does that make it worse, Sunny~? Does it make things tickle so much more, being so trapped?"
Moon giggled then.
"If you really wanted it to stop, you'd say what I want to hear...You probably love this teasing, don't you? Making you feel all the more tickliiiish~"
All of Moon's fingers began focusing on Sun's toes now.
"Oohoo, is this a bad spot ~?"
"KkkkkKAHAHAHAHAAAHH! TOO MUHUHUCH! T-TIHIHIHICKLEHEHES!" The poor yellow bot was going crazy. It wasn't just the unbearably ticklish sensations on his little toe beans, but the acknowledgement from Moon that Sun was stalling. In fact, he hadn't even said 'stop' yet, purposefully cutting himself off when he instinctively did try to say it.
If his face wasn't already painted with a heavy blush from all the laughing, it certainly would be now. He was just so embarrassed. Curse you Moon and your pointing out the obvious! *shakes fist*
"Myyyy my my...Listen to that laughter ~" Moon cooed, now trying to slip his tickling fingers between Sun's toes.
"You're just having sooo much fun. It's fun for me too, you know..."
The darker bot pondered for a moment, smirking as he reached under his hat when he remembered what he had been keeping on him lately.
"How could I forget!" He chimed, pulling out one of their many arts and crafts feathers. "Want me to use this, Giggle bot~?" Moon stopped tickling long enough to turn around and show Sun the tool.
"No! Not that! ANYTHING BUT THAT!" Sun pleaded, shaking his head rapidly.
"Youuu LIE~! You're so excited!" Moon giggled, turning back towards Sun's shaking feet.
"Oohoo, here it comes~" He hesitated, waiting for the perfect opportunity... There was a pause, silence. But then...
"Tickle tickle tickle~!" Moon ran the fluffy edge horizontally across all of Sun's toes, holding them up by the ribbon so he couldn't even try to curl them.
"EEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! NOT MY T-EEHEEHEEHEEHOOOOES! *snort* NYAAAHAHAHA!" Poor Sun was losing his mind. Moon had tickled him many times before and pinned him while doing so, but THIS. Sun had never felt so helpless in his life. And helplessly ticklish. If only he could wiggle his toes even a little. But alas, he was completely at Moon's mercy, or lack there of.
"Yeeees your toes! They're faaar too ticklish to leave alone..." Now Moon was sliding the feather between his toes, one at a time and sawing slowly back and forth. He giggled as Sun laughed only more...
"It must be so fun for you to be unable to stop me, hm~? No matter how much you beg me to stop, I won't..." Moon flashed his teeth as he grinned. "...But you haven't even asked me to stop at all. You're loving the tickle-ticklesss, aren't you Gigglebot~?"
'Oh no' Sun thought 'He noticed! Why did he have to say that!'.
"N-NOHOHO IM NAHAHAT! IAYHEEHEEHEEHEE! DONTSAYTHAAAHAHAHAAT!" Moon was obviously not going to buy that, but Sun was still too shy to let go. A little more pushing, and that was sure to change.
"Don't say what~? Don't point out how much you're loving the tickles?" Now Sun felt Moon's claws on his feet again, though only from one hand. The other focused carefully snaking the feather between his toes.
"Admit it~ Say how much you love it Sunny. You're sooo easy to read. You love being forced to take all these tickles, don't you??"
"MMMHMHMHMHA! IHEEHEE-I-IHEEEHEEHEE!" Sun struggled out, the fight in him ebbing away as his energy drained.
Moon waited, giggling and focusing all of his tickles now right in the arch of Sun's soles. Five fingers to a foot, spidering deftly.
"Coochie coochie cooooo~ Say you love it~! " Moon reminded him.
"IAYEEEHEEHEEHEE! I LOHOHOVE HAHAHAHA! ILOVETHE TEEHEEHEEHEE! TIHIHIHICKLEEES!" Sun screeched wildly. All of his struggling ceased, and he let his adorable laughter flow freely.
And now that he was broken, his inner tickle-loving giggle bug came out.
"That's riiight, good boy Sunny~!" Moon loved praising him, and he knew Sun loved it just as much. His claws made their way up to the top set of soft pads on his feet, scritching and scratching there playfully.
"You ARE too ticklish for your own good ~ It's almost like you were MADE to be tickled, isn't it?" He would give Sun a break soon, but just had to play with his toes a little more. "Tiiickle tickle tickle~! My ticklish Sun-Bun just has to bear through it~"
"OH NOHOHOHOOO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" With that, Sun just laid his head back and cackled, letting Moon finish his work, too tired to say much else.
Just what he was waiting for. As Sun became too tired to even speak, or do much struggling, Moon's tickling slowly began to wind down.
A few pokes here and there to get some giggles, a little toe wiggling...but then he rubbed his hands on Sun's twitching soles soothingly to rid them of the phantom tickles.
"Seems like you had fun~" Moon cooed, untying the ribbon from his toes before crawling to look at his face on the other end.
"Rest time~?"
A sleepy yawn escaped Suns lips.
"Eehehehe, yes please. Sleepy time... w-with cuddles?"
"Of course~" Moon smiled. He unrolled his adorable little Sunrrito, deciding to simply lay beside him on the blanket and snuggle up close.
"I'll carry you to the charging station later~ You rest up..."
"Thank you, Moony... Nighty night~" Whether Moon knew it or not, Sun wasn't just saying thank you for the promise to get him to the charging station. He was saying thank you to his friend for taking care of him that night in general.
Who am I kidding. Of course Moon knew, and he loved that. Watching Sun bouncing around, never missing a beat when playing with the kids and ensuring their safety, dealing with grumpy parents and toddlers alike all day everyday. Moon enjoyed giving Sun the TLC he deserved.
"Nighty night, Sunny... "
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ao3-deviance · 2 years
I've had a cold for a week and feel miserable, so here, have some sick Bakugou:
Bakugou closed his eyes, breathing through his mouth slowly. He set down the spoon. 
He was an adult. He was an adult who was sick, yes, but he would not throw a tantrum. Kirishima was trying his best and Bakugou was not going to make it worse. He wasn't. He wasn't, he wasn't, he–
Bakugou swiftly covered his mouth with his hand, waving desperately with the other until he felt the trash can being shoved in his hand and he threw up the soup quickly. 
"Shit," Kirishima cursed, holding a wet rag for Bakugou to wipe off his mouth. "Is this a new symptom? What can I do?"
"Not a symptom. I just. I can't eat anymore of this canned soup, Ei," Bakugou rasped, voice seventy percent gone as of the last forty-eight hours. 
"I thought soup was the best thing for when you're sick," Kirishima trailed off, worried, and he took the uneaten soup away. Bakugou dropped his forehead on the table weakly. 
"It is, but I've only had soup for every meal for the last week. I can't do it anymore," Bakugou groaned at his scratchy voice. He hated this. He wasn't prone to getting sick often, but this time it had hit him hard and he was miserable after a week of being unable to breathe. 
"What would you like?" Kirishima asked, and Bakugou could picture his concern without even lifting his head. "Some tea?" 
Bakugou barely managed to keep from pulling a face. Ugh, more tea. He didn't even like tea on a good day. 
"I want a fucking burrito."
Kirishima blinked. "A…burrito?"
"Yes, a spicy burrito. With fucking jalapeños, salsa, guac, all that shit."
"I don't…think you're supposed to eat that kind of stuff when you're sick?" Kirishima said, though it was more like he was asking it. 
Bakugou imagined sneezing or coughing up jalapeños and he sighed, defeated. "No, I shouldn't. But I really fucking want one."
"We'll get one as soon as you're better," Kirishima promised sincerely. 
Later, as Bakugou cuddled up with Kirishima on the couch, fighting between being too hot but also wanting a blanket, he relented to having one leg wrapped up and one leg free, dropping his head heavily on Kirishima's shoulder. 
"Sorry I'm being a brat," he mumbled weakly. 
"You're sick, you're allowed to be a little bratty," Kirishima soothed, kissing his forehead. 
"Don't kiss me, you'll get sick too."
Kirishima giggled. "That how you got sick in the first place? You been kissing people at work?"
"Fuck you," Bakugou grumbled. "I want to sleep for a week. My head feels like it's going to explode." 
"Here." Bakugou sighed as Kirishima draped his warm hand over his eyes, blocking out the light. "I could go get you a warm cloth, but–" Bakugou clutched onto him, refusing to let him move. "Exactly, I doubt you want me to move after it took you so long to get comfy." 
"Stop talking and let me be miserable," Bakugou wheezed. 
"Yes, dear," Kirishima murmured, bundling him up in his arms more securely. Bakugou melted against him as he started to brush his fingers through his blond hair, rubbing at his back with his other hand. 
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s4egusas · 3 years
Hellooo!! Can i request Keito and Ibara with a s/o thats on their period? ・ᴗ・
a/n: hi nonnie ヽ(o^ ^o)ノ yes of course. here you go ! enjoy ! (❁´◡`❁)
keito hasumi x reader, ibara saegusa x reader
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keito is good at taking care of other people. though he doesn’t understand why having a period is painful. whenever you need him, whatever he is doing, he’ll start sprinting to your room !
he’s an absolute ball of confusion but dismisses the feeling inside him. his priority is to take care of you, who’s in constant pain.
due to his sharp memory, he already memorized your menstruation cycle. on when it will occur and when it will end. so expect a bunch of snacks and a whole ass stack of sanitary pads as well as pantyliners on your bathroom shelf. he gets shy when buying these so keito . . . expect that you will hear a handful teasing
will cook for you ! what do you want? just say the word and he’ll cook it for you ! he doesn’t cook every day but he’s confident in his cooking skills ! (>ω^)
listen, even if you’re the calmest person in the world, you’ll get hit by mood swings if you’re on your period. unfortunately, you can’t dodge.
in that case, he purchased an octopus plushie ! you know, the reversible plush. so that he knows if you’re angry or not.
asks anzu about menstruation and what happens if you have them because he loves you and wants to understand your pain. that’s one way to express his love, you know? (❁´◡`❁)
he’s not going to be on your side all the time. he’s a very busy person, he’s like a walking schedule. you’re his number one priority though, so he’ll send either souma or kuro to take care of you. even if you say that you’re fine, that’s not gonna work on him. he just wants you to be okay and safe. okay? (●'◡'●)
don’t worry, his unit mates are gentle and kind, so if you want to be alone and you need some space, they’ll give it to you. no hesitations !
keito bought so many snacks. he doesn’t know what mood you’re in for food, so he bought all different snacks with different flavors ! if you don’t want a certain snack, he’ll just eat it with you.
wraps you in your favorite blanket like a burrito. he makes sure you’re warm and comfy. asks you if it’s okay to hug and cuddle you because he’s the king of consent (❁´◡`❁)
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before you know it, he brought you sanitary pads, snacks, and whatever you need in advance.
reminds you that your period is in 2 days. he has a tracker in his phone so that he can see when will your period come
he doesn’t get shy when buying pads. he’s like ‘hmm, sure. I don’t mind at all. fufu~’
when you two are out and you have a stain, he gives his suit to cover that stain or buys you new pants.
carries you bridal style when you’re experiencing period pain. it also eases his stress. you’re like a baby when he cradles you in his arms. leaves a soft smile while staring at your sleeping face.
when he needs to go to work, he’ll drape his favorite suit with his scent so that you can still feel his presence even if he’s away. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
mood swings? no problem ! he doesn’t really mind that but if you feel like you want to punch something or someone he’s going to volunteer. he’s physically strong due to his military days and understands the fact that you feel this way is because of your period.
he’s kind of a curious being, and he’s curious about what period pain feels like. you showed him a picture of a painting of a woman with thorns on her abdomen and that made him flinch. he fully understands your pain now.
wraps you in soft sheets, keeping you safe and cozy. if you can’t sleep, he’ll brush your hair using his slender fingers while humming your favorite song. brushing your hair is one of his stress relievers !
plants you a kiss on the temple along with a soft whisper of ‘get well soon.’
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jeongwife · 3 years
Thinking about after stressful day work cuddles with Joshua 🥺 man would be so warm and safe and I’d fall asleep lost in his woody smells 🥺 like he play with your hair after wrapping you up like a burrito in a fluffy blanket he’d play with your hair and watch as you get all sleepy and then he’d carry you to bed and tuck you in placing gentle kisses on your head. I want Shua’s love and I want it now.
- 🩰
:( me too anon </3
he’d immediately wrap you up in a hug and just cuddle you on the couch, and listen to you if you want to rant or just play with your hair as you recover from your stress. he’d also draw you a bath, filling it to the brim with bubbles and your favourite scent soap. he’d help you undress and get into the bath, and if you ask him to stay, he would, placing himself behind you, making you sit between his legs. and he’d just sit, rubbing comforting patterns onto your back, and maybe help you wash your hair. and when he notices you getting sleepy, he’d help you dress into your most comfy pyjamas, bringing you into your bedroom and wrapping you in the fluffiest blanket so that he can cuddle you. he’d stroke your hair comfortingly, spooning you from behind as he presses soft kisses to your shoulders and head.
— admin ryu (he’d just be the epitome of comforting and i want him so bad </3)
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buckybarnesdiaries · 4 years
sick headcanon
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© @buckypupbarnes
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
word count: 827 words.
warnings/tags: none. just bucky being overattentive and loving.
author notes: i'm having a cold these days and i'd love to have bucky rn just like that. life isn't fair. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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At the moment Bucky found you wrapped in a blanket like a burrito, his happy smile for being back at home suddenly disappeared and the concern got installed inside his chest.
He occupied the other side of the sofa, cupping your heated cheeks onto his palms to press his forehead against yours. That was how his mother used to check his temperature when he was sick. And you were on fire, figuratively.
Since then, he didn’t let you do anything more than rest. A n y t h i n g.
Bucky ensured you were comfy enough on the sofa, before placing a tender kiss on your lips. “I’ll be back in a bit. Call me if you feel worse".
He didn’t want to leave you alone, but he should go to buy some things to spoil you properly. One day, New York’s cold weather was going to kill you.
Your boyfriend not only bought some meds to treat your stuffy nose and sore throat, but he also bought the ingredients necessary to prepare a hot soup for dinner, with chicken, vegetables, and rice. A classic that Winnifred prepared for her children, mostly, at Christmas. A recipe he hadn’t forgotten. Not even after all those years.
Bucky came back as soon as the people in the supermarket let him, after some desperate minutes watching an old lady counting penny by penny to pay her groceries.
He left the bags in the kitchen, taking the nasal inhaler along with a painkiller and a glass of water.
You couldn’t help but pout at him. James was treating you with so much care that you thought you could break in one thousand pieces at any moment.
“Take the med and use it. ‘M going to run a bath, okay?” You nodded receiving a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Bucky carried you from the sofa to the bathroom in his arms, helping you later to undress yourself and get in the tub. The warm water felt like resurrecting when it covered your anatomy to your shoulders. He urged you to rest your head against the edge, placing slowly a wet cloth on your forehead.
It was funny because Bucky looked like he was trying to deactivate a bomb.
“Gimme five minutes”. He whispered into your ear with the sweetest tone of voice he had ever used with you.
Were you… going to die?
Letting you in a quiet calm inside the bathroom, he walked out to the kitchen. It took him only five minutes to chop the vegetables and to shred the chicken, adding it to the water boiling with the rice. Over medium heat, he forgot about the soup for the next twenty minutes it needed to be cooked.
He couldn’t help but stare at you a couple of seconds from the door of the bathroom, feeling a little guilty because of your flu. He was your personal stove on the cold nights but the last mission took him a minute more than expected.
Bucky didn’t hesitate to strip himself, caressing tenderly your shoulder to make you sit up and give him some space behind you.
Adjusting himself to you, he laid his thumbs on the back of your neck. You didn’t know where he learned to give massages, but he was an expert. And the contrast of his flesh hand and the vibranium’s one was indescribably pleasant.
A purr escaped your lips unconsciously, causing Bucky to chuckle while running his palms down by your back, adding some more pressure.
This man was a God’s gift.
When you felt somewhat better, he stepped out of the bath before you to find you some comfy clothes to wear. His clothes, impregnated in his scent. And after brushing and drying your hair, Bucky carried you back to the sofa and wrapped you in a cozy blanket.
Sometimes you couldn’t help but think about how someone could be afraid of him, despite what those monsters forced him to do. He was nothing but such a kind and loyal man, a little quiet and who used to push you out of your nerves with that staring thing of his.
But a good man at the end of the day.
Your boyfriend brought two big bowls of soup that smelled delicious, putting them on the coffee table to look for an old movie on TV to watch, while having that magnificent dinner.
“My mother used to say it can raise the dead”.
“What is it you’re hinting at, uh?” You replied playfully.
Your good mood made Bucky curve his mouth into a smile, staring at his blue eyes sparkling again. He knew all of that would work sooner or later.
“Thank you”. You murmured wrinkling your nose, as he leaned to kiss your forehead a little cooler. Which was a good sign that the fever was decreasing.
“Would do anything for you, babydoll, y’know it... right?”
“I do, Buck. I’d do it too”. You sighed in love, with heart-eyes, opening your arms and stretching the blanket to hug him under it.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it and/or reblog it.
@mystic-232 @homesicam @theresnoplatypus @i-love-scott-mccall @slutfornat @xx-marvelfanatic-xx @goldielocks2004 @whatrambles @the-mystery-spot @multiyfandomgirl40 @purrrrfect @spidergirla5 @wanniiieeee @fanofalltheficsx @spideysimpossiblegirl @nocturnalherb16 @jointhehunt67 @the-witty-pen-name @valenquei @golden-hoax @hunter-of-baker-street @missusstark @vhscherry @warm-sensations @edenxecho @addictedtofictionalcharacters @sarahsmcu @tinylumpiaa @amelia-song-pond @heartislubbingdubbing @stolenxkissess @clean-and-claire @winchestersgirl222 @virgoroses @marvel-ousnesss @lewd-alien @kait-is-always-late @sesamepancakes
@mayans-sauce @peoniarose @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @starrynite7114 @sheeshgivemeabreak @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @greeneyedblondie44 @phoenixhalliwell
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bigshotspambot · 3 years
Some things about Neo! + A few imagines 💛
The metal parts of him (like his plated waist and arms) are warm, but not too hot. This makes them very cozy to lay on/cuddle up with. He can also regulate the temperature, so if you prefer something cooler, he can do that too!
He releases steam from his mouth to prevent overheating. He'll also do it when he feels relaxed or flustered, or just to look intimidating if he wants to (Cuz of course he would.)
His black hair is more like a big fluffy mane. It’s super soft and warm too, the same texture as fur. It'll also probably puff up or relax depending on his mood.
He purrs when he feels happy/relaxed. He might growl a little too. His voice is naturally a bit distorted in this form, but sometimes it becomes very clear. (like when he says "I love you" or something with equal emotional significance <3)
He'll outstretch his wings all the way to try and impress/fluster you- they make him look a lot bigger. If he were in a normal-sized room, the wingspan would probably reach both ends of the walls.
His wings are also incredibly soft. Very bird/angel like. They're practically giant blankets. The structure of the feathers also makes it so they’re very good at insulating heat. Perfect for wrapping you up into a. warm comfy wing burrito.
His wings are strong enough to fly with, but he doesn’t do it very often because it takes a lot of energy. So they’re mostly for show. (Unless you ask for him to pick you up and fly around. He can’t say no there)
His claws are metal and cold to the touch. They’re also quite sharp, but he’s always very careful with them when handling you.
He doesn't really have glasses anymore, they sorta became part of his face after becoming NEO.
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tinyjeanmarco · 4 years
how aot boys cuddle pt.2!
note: i got some ideas for writing some of the other men in aot and how they cuddle, so this was born! please enjoy!(。^▽^) the reader is also gn. ♡
characters: armin, grisha, zeke.
warnings: none, just fluff.
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armin is the softest out of anyone when it comes to cuddling.
he loves to sit on your lap and snuggle into your arms; i just know he loves being swaddled.
give him all the attention he deserves, please, he will pout until you do.
he’s always so excited to cuddle and will ask if you guys can build a blanket fort to cuddle in. 
armin gives you his most convincing puppy dog eyes whenever he asks you, meaning you rarely ever say no.
you always make sure to bring some snacks into the fort. his favorites are sweets, so it’s usually cookies or cupcakes.
armin’s favorite cuddle position is anything that allows you to wrap your entire body around his. he likes feeling small and safe when he’s in your arms.
sitting in your lap, facing you, limbs wrapped all around you is one of his favorites, otherwise if you’re laying down, he really likes facing one another while laying on your sides.
it gives him good space to tuck his face into your clavicle and have you rub circles into his back.
please also press kisses to his forehead when you cuddle like that, because it makes him melt; he loves it so much.
if you wrap a blanket around him, turning him into an armin burrito? it will make him so freaking happy and giddy. 
cuddling with grisha is great. he’s always tending to you, making sure you have everything you want and need.
this dilf always asking if you want some water or snacks. you always have to tell him that you’re fine, you just need him to come be your comfy pillow to lay on.
he complies immediately, laying beside you and pulling you close.
he definitely is the type who favors the position where he’s laying on his back and you’re half on top of him, resting your cheek on his chest.
he’s so warm, like a furnace, so you rarely need blankets when you cuddle.
it’s also not super often that you get to cuddle with him, him being a doctor, he’s working a lot.
you two cuddle of course when going to bed, but cuddling just to cuddle and bask in your lover’s embrace is not something that you get a chance for very much.
so, whenever grisha has a day off, you better expect some serious pampering and also him being super clingy.
grisha just wants to spoil you and make you feel loved!
he also loves having you sit on his lap to cuddle when you watch movies on the couch.
he will constantly press kisses to the top of your head or to your cheeks. he’s such a soft man.
he’s definitely the big spoon and doesn’t wanna compromise on it.
prefers spooning over other positions. he likes to tuck his head and face into the back of your neck and just breathe in the scent of your shampoo.
he purposefully tickles your neck with his beard because he adores how you try to get away and can’t stop laughing.
this jaeger is also a big fan of you sitting on his lap. he will run his hands along your hips and sides when you sit on him.
zeke also really likes when you lay your head on his lap and feel comfortable enough to just use him as a giant pillow. boosts his ego.
he’s so good at giving massages too. he will give you the best neck/shoulder massage when you lay on his lap.
he doesn’t try to come off clingy, because he hates the idea of it, but he honestly is a bit clingy, even if he wont admit it.
he loves cuddling with you and will always pull you onto the couch or into the bed to snuggle up beside him.
when you’re spooning, he likes resting his hands on your tummy and giving you tummy rubs.
he’s so sweet, even if he doesn’t mean to be. he of course wants you to know how much he loves you, but sometimes he’s afraid of letting it show, so be sure to give him plenty of love in return.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
Nice to meet ya ✌ Do you know the blanket burrito? It's basically when a person is rolled in in many blankets and just the heat is pocking out 😁 Could you write some hc's for chūya, fukuzawa and dazai coming home zu find their s/o in a blanket burrito because they have been bored and can't get up now? 😅
Heyyyy anon nice to meet you! Thank you for the request cause this was fun to write. Also, would y’all prefer having the characters gif in the intro or just keep it how it is with just their names? Let me know! Reader is gender neutral, and hope you enjoy!
CW: spoiler for Chuuya’s backstory/ability
Burrito Blanket with: Chūya, Fukuzawa, and Dazai
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“Babe? What are you doing? And when did we have so many blankets?”
Was very confused, but you did look satisfied being in that cocoon of a blanket
Got over it soon when he remembered that it was you. This wouldn’t be the first unordinary/weird thing you’ve done. He just shook his head at you, and started to get cocky
“I did tell you I was gonna be home in a few hours, you missed me that much that you had to trap yourself on our blankets?”
Wasn’t mad or disappointed or anything like that. He was actually somewhat impressed with your burrito blanket
Definitely wants to try it, but is too embarrassed to ask. Plus, he’s all dirty and got blood on his favorite shirt again, and he rather not get it on you or the blankets
Chūya, being a mafia executive and all, worked long hours for Mori. When he got home, all he wanted to was de-stress and that was by taking a long hot shower, a glass of wine, and with you by his side. While he was impressed and jealous of your little burrito blanket, he much rather preferred and enjoyed being the big spoon in the bed
When you refused to move (something about being stuck and way too comfy that your body wasn’t even responding, but he knew you were just being a lazy ass), he wasn’t going to stand for it. He just heaved a deep sigh, and used his ability to float you into the bedroom
You started to protest, but then you realized that you were still wrapped and warm, so you proudly snuggled deeper into it
“(Y/N), you got 5 seconds to roll yourself out, or I’ll get you out myself.”
Once again, you just made up some excuse, which caused him to take action. He noticed that your little feet were the only thing sticking out, so he did the next best thing: tickling you senseless
After a mini tickle war (where you defeatedly abandoned your wonderful creation) and a hot shower, you were both cuddled in your master bed. Chūya got his wish being the bigger spoon, wrapping his arms tight around your waist. Even though he mumbled underneath his breath about that “damned burrito, trying to take you away”, you knew that he was content
He won’t ever tell a soul, but this is favorite part of de-stressing: you in his arms makes him know that you’re safe, that you’re alive, and that he was fulfilling his duty of protecting you. And it helps him feel normal, like Arahabiki never existed and that he was just living a normal life with his partner. Falling in love with you already gave back a part of his humanity that he felt was missing, and he would do anything in this world to keep you
Bonus: if he gets drunk enough, you can convince him to do the burrito blanket with you and he will with no hesitation
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Was thoroughly confused, but got out of his thoughts quickly
You look so adorable, especially with your cute feet sticking out!
And we all know how much of a sucker this guy is for cute things
Just admired you for a little bit before he made his presence known
“Dear, would you mind explaining this?”
His face remained neutral after you explained that you missed him all day, and with the combination of being bored out of your mind, this genius of a plan came to fruition 
Which he just simply chuckled at you
But now that Fukuzawa was home, he was ready for his daily cuddle time. While he was used to the stress that came with being the Director of the agency, he uses the evening to unwind by spending time with you. Just holding you in his arms while you either mindlessly rambled on about your day or even sitting in silence was something he greatly appreciated and came home looking forward to every day
Just you, him, and maybe some tea was his idea of relaxation. Especially if he talks about the cats he across throughout the day, it brings such a brightness to his eyes whenever he does
He heard you groaning that you were “too comfortable” and just couldn’t move “no matter how much you willed your body too”, but before you could even blink you were already in his lap, with some of the blankets slowly falling to the ground
You wanted to be shocked, you really did, but this is Fukuzawa we’re talking about. Ans plus you were too busy cuddling into his chest to even say anything, slowly falling asleep
He only reserved his softness just for you. He didn’t smile much, but when he didn’t smile, he made up for it in his eyes and his actions. He loves you, and he feels peace whenever you’re around, even if he’s just thinking about you
Having you in his arms, with such a tranquil expression on your face, gripping his yukata just made his heart melt. And as he carried you to the bedroom, he smiled down at you and knew that he wouldn’t give this feeling up for the world
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Did he finally die and gone to Heaven?! Because the sight of you felt like he did
Oh you were going to be the death of him, who told you that it was okay to be this captivating and precious?!
Was immediately ready to curl up and join you, you did look beyond comfortable, and his back was a little sore after a long day at work and another failed attempt
“Oh (Y/N), my lovely angel, the only thing that would make this even better if you were in my arms instead.”
And when he heard you grumbled about moving, he had no choice anymore. You forced his hand now.
Which was a complete lie because he was already planning on doing this anyway
He quickly snatched the covers, maneuvered his way to where you were laying on top of him and quickly wrapped them around you both
“You know, if you missed me this much, I would have gladly left work to come please you-“
“Hush, Dazai. Just enjoy the moment. I’m too relaxed and too lazy to entertain you right know.”
But he knew that your words held no real bite to them, as you snuggled into his chest. Plus, it felt amazing to embrace you like this (not that any other times weren’t amazing either). Dazai didn’t like to feel vulnerable, he didn’t like to let his guard down and open up. But with you, it was one of the rare times where he caught himself doing so
When he looked down to meet your gaze, he softly laughed when he saw how dazed you look. You were on the brink of sleep, and what kind of lover would he be to disturb you?
Dazai didn’t remember how long you two stayed like this (or cared), but eventually he’ll get up and carry you to bed, but for now he was happy. Being surrounded by you made him feel warm and happy, in this case nice and cozy because of the blankets (but mainly because of you)
Will definitely start to whine suggest to you about doing this more
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moonlit-han · 4 years
nxt 2 u: mornings with stray kids ↠ all members
genre: imagine/reaction, fluff, domestic bliss, established relationship au word count: 3k warnings: highly suggestive, 18+ themes, swearing request: yes but also no? a/n: femme-leaning reader~
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
bang chan
you roll over at the sound of chan mumbling in his sleep
he kinda wakes up
just a little blearily
and gives you this huge smile (♡‿♡)
bc you're actually there, the love of his life
and he still can't believe he's lucky enough to wake up beside you every day
so you snuggle closer and kiss his nose
then his eyelids
and finally his mouth so gently
channie just curls more tightly to you and pulls you to his chest
his hair is all tousled in the cutest way
like one part of it is sticking up like a lil cat ear (or wolf ear, since it's chan)
and you kinda just melt when you notice it
you can’t resist combing your fingers through his hair
when he finally wakes up
chan peppers your face with kisses, 
carefully sliding on top of you
to then slowly, so slowly kiss you
his hands travel all over you, slipping under the old t-shirt of his you’re wearing
and soon you’re wriggling under him, wanting more (*/ω\)
so chan works what seems like magic with his hands and/or mouth
until your toes are curl and you feel like you’re going to burst
but chan just grins and rolls off the bed
leaving you gasping and mildly grumpy ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
but you still get up to make blueberry pancakes
bc it’s saturday and that means blueberry pancakes  ( `^´ )ノ*:・゚✧
so you’re standing at the counter, combining the ingredients and waiting for the griddle to heat up
chan comes in after taking a shower
and is so overcome with tenderness at how sweet you look
just standing there in the kitchen,
still in his t-shirt and your underpants
so he wraps his arms around you from behind
and presses himself against you, teasing again a little
he nuzzles your neck, just begging for kisses
so soon, the stove is turned off and breakfast almost forgotten
as you stumble, giggling, back into the bedroom to cuddle and kiss more
and when you’re just about falling asleep
bc who needs to be awake on a saturday morning?! ┐(︶▽︶)┌
chan looks just as adorable and soft as he did earlier in the day
and you let him curl into your arms again
as you hold him and kiss the top of his head
adfghakldfhg he's just the sweetest floofkins (*´▽`*)
lee minho
i know i’ve compared minho to a cat before
but hear me out
minho in the mornings is mildly hilarious
bc even if he’s completely curled into a ball when he falls asleep
or spooning you sweetly
or whatever other fascinating position you fall asleep in together
he ends up stretched out
with at least one arm and one leg thrown over you
snoring softly
just. like. a. cat.
and you often find yourself unable to move
bc minho’s surprisingly heavy when he’s asleep
complete deadweight (╥ᆺ╥;)
but as soon as you brush the little stray hairs from his forehead
and kiss his shoulder
he stirs and groans a little, just settling deeper into the mattress
….which means more snugly onto you
heCk (¬_¬;)
so you wriggle around a little more
and finally manage to get your leg free from underneath of minho’s
as usual, you climb on top of minho and sit squarely on top of him
and start tickling him (≧◡≦)
THAT definitely wakes minho up
his lips poke out a little in a pout, all of their own accord
but he can’t really do anything about the fact that you’re tickling him
bc you’re sitting right on his hips, pinning him to the bed
the ~intimacy~ of the position, despite the fact that you’re tickling him, is not lost on either of you
and, being the little shit that he is, minho bucks his hips up once or twice
you just give him a mock glare and say “bad kitty”
before tickling him with renewed enthusiasm
(not to mention giving him little kisses on the neck and teasing ones on the ear)
once his ribs start to hurt from laughing,
minho just pulls you into a deep kiss
and you both relax
you love how sweet he is in the morning
nothing is hurried nor desperate
bc all minho wants to do is softly show you how much he loves you
you share little, soft touches that nonetheless feel like the most important things in the world
seo changbin
changbin’s arms around you is the best thing in the world
you’re barely awake and everything is blissful softness
if your feelings and the atmosphere could be described as a color,
it would be peach~
golden and warm, with just a hint of sweetness ;)
you snuggle into changbin’s chest, nestling your hips more closely with his
and you get a little kiss on the head
changbin is calm and cuddly in the mornings
and all he wants to do is hold you
sometimes you’ll end up with him closer than skin-to-skin
but it’s honestly more for comfort than anything else
how can he resist yet another way to be closer to you and cozy?
after awhile, you turn over slightly and kiss the underside of his chin
he giggle softly
……he’s a bit like totoro:
definitely a little magical
((yes, i’m still on my “changbin is a shapeshifting crow” agenda))
and just A Good BeanTM
(♡‿♡) (♡‿♡) (♡‿♡)
you scoot up onto the pillow a bit so you’re face-to-face
changbin just murmurs “hey baby” and gives you a lil kiss on the lips
his lips are so soft you feel like you’re going to melt
he makes sure to pull the blankets back over your shoulders so you aren’t cold
and he rubs your back in slow circles
tension you didn’t even know you were holding releases under his touch
and changbin’s hand drifts to your hip to hold you to him
you tangle your legs together
and he somehow pulls you closer
you’re really not sure how he manages it
but changbin can hold you and cuddle you so closely that you feel like you’re going to merge into one person
there’s nothing sexy about it or anything
it’s just that the warm, safe feeling you get is so amazing
neither of you are anywhere near fully awake
and drift in and out of sleep, sometimes shifting to a more comfortable position
when you finally wake, changbin is still sleeping soundly
you take the opportunity to stare at him
his hair is mussed (a bit wildly)
and he has the first little bits of stubble coming down from his sideburns
a little smile adorns his mouth, as if he’s dreaming about something lovely
((you. he’s dreaming about you :3 ))
you slip your arm up to stroke changbin’s face
your thumb passes over the rounded plane of his cheekbone
and, even in sleep, he leans into your touch
after a few more moments, you lightly kiss him awake
hwang hyunjin
you’d expect hyunjin to be a complete mess in the mornings
but he’s not
he’s actually organized
oh and since his hair can get aaaaaall over the place
he always makes sure to braid it out of the way at night
so in the mornings, little wisps of hair stick out from their appointed places
one of your morning habits is to delicately tuck those wisps of hair back into place
on the weekends, hyunjin is
so! excited!! to!!! cuddle!!!! you!!!!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
and loves kinda pouncing on you as soon as your eyes open
kisses you all over
and rolls the two of you around on the bed
and he’s just holding your hips the entire time, rubbing small circles into them
as he kisses you so damn sweetly
and if you playfully nip at his bottom lip?
he’ll just do it right back
your rolling around has turned into more too many times for you to count
and honestly, it’s kinda the best
so sweet and slow
like you’re the most precious jewel in the world
he  t a k e s  h i s  s w e e t  t i m e ( ̄~ ̄ )
and sometimes all you can do is hold on to the sheets for dear life
unless you’re supposed to meet your parents at 11 a.m.
in which case, you’d better be ready
gotta go fast, as they say~ (⊙‿⊙✿)  
but even then, mornings with hyunjin are still sweeter than caramel
his normally plump lips are even more so when he’s just woken up
and the way he squints his eyes against the sun?
that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
sometimes he’s just calm in the mornings
and you lay your head on his chest
and listen to his heartbeat
as hyunjin strokes your hair and gives you a little neck massage
it’s so peaceful and you wouldn’t trade snuggling with hyunjin for the world
han jisung
does not want to get out of bed
no fucking thank you \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
there really should be a sign on his door or bed like
WARNING: Do Not Try to Remove Squirrel from Natural Habitat!!!!!
secondary warning: squirrel may bite if forcibly removed from natural habitat
he will cling to you better than an octopus
jisung nuzzles into your neck like there’s no tomorrow
and the loose strands of hair falling around his face tickle your skin a little
instead of kissing your neck over and over,
jisung just kinda pouts and keeps his lips lightly against your skin
it’s really sweet hhhhhh (o´▽`o)
if he’s ~ in the mood ~ be prepared for WhiningTM
and for your pajamas to disappear faster than chan’s ears turn red when he’s embarrassed
is it gonna be fast? slow? who knows! (・_・ )
let the fates decide and just go with it
bc either way, you’re going to need to change the sheets and take a shower
you may also find yourself turned into a burrito one morning
bc jisung loves all the blankets
and thinks you’re cute as hell all rolled up in them
…..like a burrito 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
and he will immediately lay down on top of you, the burrito, and begin to munch
and by munch i mean kiss you so thoroughly you’ll barely remember your name
he only gets like that if he’s been awake for at least an hour
so when he first opens his eyes, rubbing his face a little and yawning
his first inclination is to make sure you’re still there
and then he just snuggles closer, kinda tucking his head under your chin or on your shoulder
as you also wake up, you make sure to kiss his forehead and tell him you love him
it’s a little ritual almost~
you’d both miss it if you didn’t do that
and you just shift a bit so you can hold jisung even tighter,
threading your fingers through his hair
and kissing the tips of his ears, as if they have little points
you lay there together, just enjoying the warmth of not one, not two, not three, but four comfy blankets and each other
until jisung’s a bit more awake
his hair is so messy when he finally sits up
and his lips are a little dry and swollen from sleep
when he finally speaks, his voice is super husky and deeper than usual
and, frankly, you think it’s the hottest thing ever
when you’re together, he usually doesn’t wear a shirt to sleep, either
so in the morning you’re just blessed with the sight of a shirtless jisung
whose voice is at least half an octave lower and slightly gravelly
it’s just;;;
invariably, you end up pulling him right back down next to you and booping his nose
then kissing him
a lot
and, sometimes, you don’t get out of bed until noon
because why would you when it’s safe inside the blankets? (⌒▽⌒)♡
lee felix
wraps arms and legs (anything else he can manage but idk what) around you
bc damn it you’re there with him and you’re gonna be close!!!!
the cuddliest in the morning
but then again….will gladly wriggle down to the foot of the bed
and make you a scream
felix: softly, y/n!! don’t wake the neighbors!
y/n: how am i… supposed to- Fuck! stay quiet when you- damn it, ’lix… keep doing that!!?
*giggles from felix* (≧◡≦)
but most importantly
he literally just wants to hold you
and enjoys making you laugh by rumbling his voice in his chest
after all, it’s considerably easier to do first thing in the morning
and is quite proud of the fact that his voice is deeper in the mornings
yawns kinda loudly????
but does that slow eye and nose scrunch he does
to clear the sleep from his eyes a little
it’s the cutest thing ever
also learned the “make my significant other into a burrito” trick from jisung (-_-;)
so now you’re a burrito practically every single morning
there’s actually something comforting about being swaddled
and also like jisung
(((dear god they must share notes akhfskdhj)))
he flops down on top of you to cuddle the living daylights out of you
felix will give you all the gentle kisses in the world
definitely sings that frank sinatra song “fly me to the moon” to wake you up
before kissing each of your fingers, your palm, your wrist, and all the way up your arm before finally
reaching your lips
and he just murmurs sweet nothings to you
as he kisses you every way and everywhere he knows how
felix likes to lay beside with you, hands laced together
and talk about what you’ll do together that day
bc there’s so much he wants to do with you (*¯ ³¯*)♡
and show you and cook for you
and he’s just so full of love
that he ends up bounding out of bed
and pulling you with him, even if you’re both still half-asleep
just so you can start your day together
although, you usually have to stop him from running out the door still in his pajamas
with the cutest bedhead ever
a small part of you wants to see what would happen if he went out like that
but then again…
you also want to be the only one who sees felix in such an utterly free state of being
kim seungmin
seungmin is extremely soft in the mornings
he really likes to just hold you to his chest with his cheek pressed against the top of your head
kisses your temple from time to time
and just holds you on top of him, hand pressed to the small of your back
he likes to tell you about the previous day when you’re just laying there together
and sometimes doesn’t mind if you fall back asleep while he’s talking
he actually finds it rather cute
seungmin likes to spoil you in the mornings
whatever that means to you
either food
(he’ll make you an amazing breakfast
like absolutely everything you could ever want
and probably more)
or ~ love ~
(…maybe, if you make a good case for it
does not take these things lightly ( ̄ヘ ̄) )
or giving you a massage
you do like massages tho
and seungmin’s particularly good at them
he makes sure to get lotion or body oil
and that his hands are warm
bc no one likes a massage from someone with cold hands
then just methodically massages your back
he secretly likes the little noises you make when the tension releases from your muscles (✿´ ꒳ ` )
sometimes massages turn into making love
but usually not~
mornings are for slow relaxation
no raising of heartbeats or anything else
seungmin also likes to plan out days while still cuddling in bed
and grudgingly allows you to tease him
about his bedhead
or his bleary-eyed looks at you before he’s fully awake ╥﹏╥
or how he just wouldn’t move no matter what you did during the night
it was really quite amazing
seungmin tends to mumble a lot in the mornings
it’s one of the few times he’ll snuggle into you
instead of holding you
he’ll just mumble incoherently
and you’ll be just falling asleep again
when he starts talking perfectly clearly about how much he loves you
you listen, trying to memorize exactly what he says
bc there’s absolutely nothing to distract him or filter the words
and he’s just…. talking
seungmin’s voice first thing in the morning is, of course, a bit lower from sleep
and you find it unbearably attractive
especially when he’s telling you he loves you (*/ω\)。o♡
yang jeongin
kinda just slips his arm around your shoulder
kisses the top of your head
and murmurs “good morning sweetie”
before getting up quickly to brush his teeth
bc dear gods he just wants to feel clean;;;;
once he’s back, it’s time for sooooo many cuddles ( ◡‿◡ ♡)
you hadn’t necessarily fully enjoyed the experience of breakfast in bed
until you met jeongin
then, breakfast in bed on the weekends became normal!
and sometimes you’d even watch a show together
and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle
when he started working out more, you were really excited
bc it meant more squish for you to cuddle on
he’s very playful in the mornings
and, like with minho, there ends up being lots of tickling
although, with jeongin, he’s doing the tickling
he’s in love with your giggle(*♡∀♡)(*♡∀♡)
and takes every opportunity to make you laugh just so he can hear it
jeongin is the poutiest in the mornings
like if you thought jisung can pout?
well, no. jisung still wins the pouting contest
but jeongin comes in a close second!!!
but not even pouting to get something or get his way
just cutely pouting for the sake of looking cute (◕‿◕✿)
and he just squishes you so tightly to his chest
you sometimes have to remind him that
in a perfect world
you’d like to breathe
one morning when you were being squeezed
so affectionately you didn’t even know what to do
you decided to kiss his collarbones
and it was all over from there
jeongin  m e l t s  if you kiss his collarbones
and if you kiss along them,
everything in his world is even better
but then if you decide to get inventive
and maybe take a lil soft nibble or lick?
it’s all over (⌒_⌒;)
he just gets so overwhelmed with love
and tenderness hhhhh
and sighs like a dramatic Victorian lady
the moment you start
you are so not leaving that bed for at least another two hours
jeongin likes to make sure you’re nice and comfy
at all times
when in bed bc, just like his friends have taught him:
he will treat you like an angel.。o♡
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