#he also offered to pay me🙄👀
crybabyfucktoy · 2 years
this guy wants to come hangout (and fuck me) tmrw... I can't decide if I wanna just tell him I like being forced or if I should get super drunk and deny him when he tries something to see if he'll just rape me idk🤔
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that-left-turn · 4 months
Shipping is fun and it gets the fandom involved but when the fandom tries to force others to think their way or fights with the studios or the actors that’s the real cringefest. Us carylers need to stop creating friction and enemies by being negative with others who don’t agree with what we see. Or use slightly racist rhetoric which I take offense too as my adopted son and daughter are Vietnamese. No one thought my wife and I were a romantic fit but we were until we weren’t so no one had to see it or agree but us. that’s what my last anon ask was about. we make ourselves look stupid when we pick apart stuff like the big 3 thing. That’s meaningless bs that makes us look bitter and crazy and like canon is all that matter when we all know we may not ever get canon anyway. I’m an old x files shipper who knows how ridiculously fun but bad this can get especially if we let the bitter people who fight about everything that doesn’t match their vision for our ship make everyone hate us We can’t have nice things if we make everyone hate us including the actors and studios
I'm not the best person to speak on fandom politics because I don't really participate. (I post fic very occasionally and I have this blog.) It feels like a waste of time I don’t have—I’d rather be writing said fic than argue with strangers about something as subjective as what TV characters to like. I have posted about racism before and my short-version take on bigotry is: it's not okay, regardless of who happens to share their casual -isms with the crowd.
I have a huge issue with the recent interviews Norman did in Japan. It's problematic to say that, because “we” (what ‘we’ is that, Norman?) wanted to write a ‘real’ French show, the WOC showrunner got fired in favor of a white American man. I’m confused: what uniquely qualifies Zabel over Kang? 👀
In one of the after-episode snippets, Clémence said the show has “all the French cliches.” (I wish I could post a link, but I don't have time to search. If someone knows where to find it online, please let me know?) S1 has all the American jingoistic tropes and the French characters act culturally American. With streaming services offering a variety of European TV shows, anyone can do a comparison to see if DD feels more French/European (like Norman claims) or like prettied-up American network TV.
I'm aware of the “big 3” debacle and disliked the incendiary nature of Valhalla’s post. I also disliked that some fans went out of their way to replace Michonne because of course there can only be one girl who's important 🙄 There appears to be a lot of internalized misogyny in the fandom. Both women are vital to the franchise, and Gabriel's character development was amazing and brilliantly acted too, so why doesn't he make the big three? Rankings are useless because they're arbitrary and encourage division between fans. A fractured audience is not a good thing.
Studios don't hate anyone. It’s a business and the programming execs spend zero seconds pondering what fans say. That's a different department, but I’m not sure AMC employs qualified marketing strategists. The official SM accounts look like they’re run by interns with “on the job” training. Part of the (legacy) issue is that under a previous showrunner for the flagship show, this dog-eats-dog behavior was encouraged simply because it mirrored the bleak setting of TWD. It's not an ethical approach, nor is it a good ROI to scare away the people who’d pay for merchandise and provide good word-of-mouth for the show(s).
The DD EPs want to make a show they think looks cool/epic—it's all about the visual esthetic and some of them are so burnt out they don't even care about the plot at all. A fanfic author writes to please themselves, but a screenwriter has to please their audience. The viewership are paying customers, so they have the right to an opinion on what they're willing to buy. I'm deeply uncomfortable with the idea that women should be quiet and behave like good little girls, so the men in charge might reward us with “nice things.” I’ve seen that show before and there’s no treat awaiting the docile at the end.
Based on the latest slew of interviews, the buzzword du jour seems to have moved on from ‘cool’ and ‘epic’ (probably because they gained ridicule instead of traction) to ‘romantic.’ It's a hard sales pitch to the very audience Norman normally complains about. The ‘crazy and bitter’ women of the fandom are the proverbial hand that feeds him and he needs their approval, not the other way around.
I'm aware, though, that some fandom behavior has spiraled into a never-ending ship war. That's the environment AMC/TWDU has created by not encouraging an atmosphere where they lift up all their characters and by not writing female friendships into the show. Everyone's worst side is on display and nobody “wins.”
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walpu · 5 months
Yeah Robin definitely knows that she's one of the 'strong' ones, at least in Sunday's categories, and I like how they reflect each other in that sense: Sunday wants to protect 'the weak' -> he makes the choice to be the sacrifice so that he can offer an endless dream to them, while Robin explores the entirety of the dreamscape nearly all on her own and ultimately chooses to give a voice (or lend her voice) to the people she talks to. "Two people driven by the same motivations end up walking very different paths" is really the oldest tale in the world, but it never fails to hit for me 😅
Btw, have you seen the short hidden quest on them in the Grand Theatre? I won't spoil anything if you haven't (you have to teleport at the entrance and walk from there to trigger it), it's just precisely on the topics we were talking about
Also you're so right about the nuances and all, though I think 3.0 is a bit generous if they start to really delve into these topics, it'd be more like 6.8 and that would be a drag 💀 it's def the wise thing to do to leave all those questions open, let the MC make one choice and move along (it still gives the players so many things to think about, which is great!)
Thanks for your answer btw, I assumed that'd be one of the reasons. I did say that my country was more secular than some others but it's also very common for our politicians to weaponise this secularism, twist it beyond recognition and use their new insidious ideology to try and exclude certain beliefs from public spaces (all in the name of secularism of course 🙄) I guess that even without a widespread religion, Sunday's dilemma is relatable for everyone. I remember thinking during the confessional scene "damn, this guy must have seen and heard a looot of shit", and I don't think I'm mistaken when I say that this is definitely and unfortunately very relatable for most of us
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!
I haven't finish the hidden quest yet but I'll pay close attention to it 👀
I'm waiting patiently for the story to return to Robin and Sunday, I accidentally saw the voice message in the grand theater and damn they give me so much pain. Hope they'll resolve it and be able to balance each other out and get therapy
I saw a theory that Sunday will join the express and I really like it, maybe that's what he needs: to move forward, see new places, help people directly. As for Robin, she's still devoted to the harmony and I wonder if it'll remain this way or her character arc will eventually lead her to another path (maybe the trailblaze as well)
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✨ a wedding disaster ✨
a chat short story by write-helluva-messy-boss
Asmodeus: what do you mean i'm not free that weekend? what could i possibly be doing on a Saturday and Sunday?
Exim: it says here in your schedule that you have a wedding to attend
Asmodeus: a wedding???
Fizz: a wedding???
Asmodeus: fuck that shit, i ain't going to no wedding
Exim: actually, yes you are. it's for the son of your counterpart, Baal.
Asmodeus: *groaning* Baal?
Fizz: fuckin Baaaaaaallsy of this guy to have a wedding, amirite? haha, gottim. ok, but who are we talking about?
Asmodeus: *grumpily* of all demons, why is the one wedding per millenium i have to show up for need to be fuckin' Baal's?
Fizz: can't we just Baaail? haha get it——
Exim: that was terrible, and that would be unwise, considering he's the demon king of popularity and social influence. among other things. like a direct royal appointment of Lucifer Himself.
Asmodeus: ugh, i can't stand Baal. his parties are stuffy and boring. he's way too serious to even think about havin' a good time. and, he would absolutely hate my precious Fizzy 🥺🥺😭😭
Fizz: oh, i think i'm gonna baaaawl my eyes out 🤪
Exim: showing up is better than not in this scenario
Asmodeus: as much as i fuckin hate the dude... you're correct.
Fizz: wait, wait. we're going?
Fizz: to a wedding?
Fizz: a pomp and circumstance, stuffy-ass, snooze-fest wedding?!?!?!
Asmodeus: no. I'm going to a pomp and circumstance, stuffy-ass snooze——
Exim: the style of this invitation, as well as this enclosed engagement photo of the betrothed, suggests the theme of the wedding will actually be romantic.
Asmodeus: this is terrible... 😓😓
Fizz: outrageous!!! 😤😤😤
Asmodeus: the dredgory of disgust... 🤢🤢
Fizz: the nauseation of it all!!! 🤮🤮🤮
Asmodeus: Fizzy... 😭😭😭
Fizz: boss, i fear... i fear you may not come back alive.. 🥺🥺
Exim: there's a plus-one option.
Fizz: ohhhh, no. you are not shoving me onto that smoochy, hellhole within a hellhole bandwagon.
Exim: actually, you can just fill in whatever number of people you want.
Asmodeus: so i can what, then? taint both my beloved jester and my most esteemed dildo artist with all that icky-sticky sentimentality? i think the fuck not!
Fizz: i also think the fuck not!
Exim: hm. it seems the reception is offering vegetarian and vegan options
Fizz: and they're not even serving meat? boot that guy off his schmucky throne!
Asmodeus: i'm telling you, Baal can't run a party if it saved his stupid life. imma die a horrible, boring, unfucked death at that wedding.
Fizz: i misspoke earlier; this Baal guy has no balls. nix. nada. been gone.
Exim: you're both being dramatic
Fizz: hey—— 😠
Asmodeus: Exxy 🥺🥺🥺
Exim: don't call me that. all you've demonstrated thus far is that you'd be the funniest, most cultured, best dressed person in the room at that wedding.
Asmodeus: well of course.. 😮‍💨
Fizz: boring! 🙄
Exim: if you're all those things, at a wedding——
Asmodeus: uh-huh 😞
Fizz: SNORE 😴
Exim: ——you outshine the whole guest-list.
Asmodeus: wait just a minute.
Fizz: wut—
Exim: and if you bring a plus one...
Asmodeus: yes... 👀
Exim: you get to one-up the couple.
Asmodeus: yes, more, more... I'm listening! and? and?? 👀👀👀👀
Fizz: what the fuck is going on—
Exim: if you bring a plus two (of your hoes)...
Asmodeus: oh my god, HIT ME, EXIM! 🤩🤩
Exim: you get to take a big, slutty, polyamorous shit on amatanormative monogamy.
Exim: and this is why you pay me double to keep track of your schedule
Asmodeus: and this is why I'm about to pay you 🎵double-and-a-half🎵 😉😉😉
Fizz: UHM. HELLO???? i told stellar jokes this entire time, where's my raise
Exim: yeah, you are about to pay me that. because I'm gonna go figure out our outfits.
Asmodeus: 🎵delicious🎵 dig out your sluttiest dress, Fizzy! i am taking you two to 🎩🌹✨Prom✨🌹🎩
Fizz: i am so dizzy rn, what just happened?
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Luna, help me feel better with hcs of Oscar characters (of your choosing) taking care of you when you’re sick. 🙏
I got you, babe! 😆 I hope you are better soon! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Made sure to do your faves (Nathan, Duke, Poe); a Santi (hoping to convince you on him); and added a bonus Llewyn for good measure because I thought of a cute thing.
I didn’t follow the corona quarantine thing exactly, so they’re more general reader being cared for, but I hope you like these!
Take care of yourself, Danny, or I’ll have to send an Oscar (or several) to do it for you!! 👀 (Take your pick from the list below, I guess!)
(Santi gets a little NSFW so don’t read this unless you’re OVER 18+ peeps!)
Nathan: you’d think he’d be rational, right? However, Nathan has spent many an hour contemplating the complexity and fragility of the human body; thus, he is somewhat inclined to over-react when you’re sick, tipping over from concern into worry and plummeting quickly into blind panic. You’d never know that, however. This manifests (as most of his emotions do, to be fair) as sternness and sass, and at times you think he’s preparing to evict you from out of the complex, or something, with how pissed-off he looks. However, you know him well enough to realise that can’t be the truth of things. Not when he’s so... meticulous in his care of you. Whilst he’s not great with the emotional offer, true, his medical care is basically hospital grade. Within two hours of your symptoms developing, he has every possible medicine and piece of equipment to hand, has thoroughly researched the scientific literature and drawn-up summaries, and has video-called every world-leading doctor and researcher he could get his hands on to thrash out the data contradictions. He has Kyoko take your blood pressure and temperature and oxygen levels hourly (or he would have, until you haggle him down!) and he even has a live feed of the stats in the corner of his monitor. He measures your fluid consumption and medicine doses out personally, to the millimetre (and has the machine check again so there’s no room for human or robot error). And, with all this attention he’s paying you - to make sure you don’t catch on that he’s secretly sweet, actually- he makes sure to supplement all this with a healthy dose of sarcasm, sass and scolding. Typical Nathan. 🙄 He knows you’re starting to feel better though, when you finally begin to sass him back again (god he missed that, so much). With the first utterly devastating retort you slap on him, he doesn’t even realise how much of a giveaway it is when all the muscles in his body visibly relax, and when his perma-scowl dissolves instantly from his face. He’s even too happy and relieved to sass you back, and - well, there’s a first time for everything. Fuck. He really must love you. After a while, too, Nathan’s finally convinced to fulfil some of your non-medical needs. He outright refuses to smooch you (it’s science), but he will mask-up and cuddle you in bed. It’s sorta funny to see the man who professes to be a god so squicky about germs, but also kinda sweet when you hear why he doesn’t want to get sick: “how can I take care of you if I’m sick too, idiot?”. Okay, so he said it in a mean way - typical Nathan fashion - but you can’t deny that the sentiment is entirely adorable (and nor can he, even if he does try).
Poe: this man is one of the most dedicated caregivers you could have - even if he is a little melodramatic with it. You’re sniffling? Everything has to be dropped right away - all bets are off. The mission briefing is cancelled, he abuses his commander privileges to have you jump the queue in the med bay (“Poe, I think that recruit with the blaster wound should probably go in ahead of me-“) and everybody on base hears (incessantly) about how you are his top priority (as if they didn’t hear enough about that already!). While you insist you can keep working -there’s a war after all- Poe wouldn’t dream of having you lift a finger. The Resistance may be everything to Poe, but you are everything and then some. Unfortunately, on the downside, he’s inevitably going to get sick himself, mind you - because that man cannot resist kissing you and holding you for any length of time. When he does fall ill, you find that whilst he’s an amazing caregiver, he’s a terrible patient. You’ve never seen someone be so dramatic about sniffles, and then have the cheek to so stubbornly resist when you try to assign him bed rest. Still, you wouldn’t have him any other way. He turns everything up to 11, including his love for you. You’d never turn him down.
Leto: the Duke is too important to be sick. So, whilst you are waited on hand and foot, it is not by him personally, his aides and advisors making sure to keep you at opposite ends of the palace so you can’t compromise his Lordship. You don’t like it, of course, but needs-must. Gladly, you know that you are never far from the Duke’s thoughts, even as he engages in his important business; you can tell, since he sends you a succession of messages all throughout the day via palace courier. Some of the messages are sweet, the Duke professing his love for you; some highlight your capabilities - he wishes he could benefit from your counsel; and some (your favourite ones) make his staff positively seethe with embarrassment as they have to recite -out loud, verbatim- all the sexual things he intends to do with you when you are better (the Duke has zero shame in this department). You miss your Leto, terribly, but you know this has to be done - for the sake of Arrakis. However, during the night, amidst your fitful rest, a shaft of moonlight falls over the bed as the Duke gingerly cracks your door. A soft smile spreads over his face as he notices you are half-awake, and still a little worse for wear, tangled in damp sheets. Quietly, he pads to your side and peels back the covers. “Turn over, my angel.” He intends to slip in with you? “But, my darling Duke. Leto - you’ll get sick.” He is not deterred. The mattress dips under the weight of him and you turn over as he commanded. “So be it, little one.” A kiss to the back of your clammy neck, beard soft and springy and ticklish there. “I may get sick, darling, but without you in my arms I feel rotten. I know which plague it is that I favour.” He curls you into him and, wrapped against his chest, you drift off into a sound sleep. The soundest you’ve had since you were parted.
Richard: an angel. Sweet and soft-spoken so he doesn’t over-tire you when you’re feeling drained. Gentle, smooth caresses over your face and hair and your back to comfort you. The man is at your beck and call, even for the littlest thing, even in the middle of the night, and he’s not grumpy about it once. He knows well enough that you deserve the world and more. If he has to go to work, you can be damn sure he’s left you food in the fridge, and a chilled, homemade smoothie “so you get all your vitamins, bonita.”. Besides this, when you dodder out of bed to seek out this sustenance, you find a collection of sweet little post-it notes all over the house, littering every surface he thinks you are likely to encounter. You find these little tokens everywhere, reminding you to drink plenty of fluids and take your meds, but also reminding you how pretty you are (you appreciated that one on the bathroom mirror especially, as you greeted your reflection looking a little worse for wear), and how much he adores you. When he comes home, he’ll satisfy every need of yours all over again, and then he’ll curl you into his chest in bed, gently stroking you, talking to you softly about his day, reading you a chapter of your book aloud, and gently soothing you and amusing you in his typical Richard-y way. In fact, this sweet man has you feeling better already. You don’t know how you can feel sick and on top of the world at the same time, but he makes it so.
Santi: Santi is a man of action, solutions; so, safe to say, he doesn’t deal well when you’re sick and he can’t do a damn thing to make you feel better. He feels particularly awful that he can’t skip out on work either, since his security company is taking off right now. Still, as you stretch out on the couch, wallowing in tissues and contemplating a day of utter boredom, you are surprised to hear a key twist in the lock, Frankie announcing himself. “What are you doing here, ‘Fish?” you ask, as he sidles into you living space. “I have my instructions,” he mumbles mysteriously. And so, it proceeds like this for the rest of the day, Santi having mobilised his assets -the boys- to take care of you even if he can’t do it directly. It happens with a military precision, perfectly befitting your love, and Will is next through the door at thirteen hundred hours, relieving Frankie from his shift, and brandishing noodle soup. Benny is next at fourteen hundred, appearing to play card games that he barely has the attention span for, and to replenish your meds. The final man through the door though is your man, clutching your fave take-out in his hand. When you say you’re not hungry just yet, he stashes it for later and lowers himself to the couch, seamlessly bringing your head into his lap. You curl your body around him as he places his palm to your forehead, cheeks, neck in turn to feel for your temperature. “I’m staying home tomorrow, mi Reina. Sorted it with one of the guys. Felt like a shit all day ‘cause I couldn’t do anything for you.” You think fondly of the procession of helpers he organised for you. “Santi, you did plenty.” He grunts. “Well, whatever. Tomorrow I’m keeping you company. Movies, spa day, sexual favours - whatever you want. I’m all yours.” You reach you to caress his cheek, softly smiling. He is yours - and you are endlessly grateful for that fact. (Bonus: you are later grateful to learn that he was not kidding about the sexual favours. As soon as you are feeling up to it, he spends hours with his head between your legs, making you feel good. As well, his firm and no nonsense approach to giving you care gives you some... ideas 👀 Once you’re feeling a little better again, of course, this dynamic may even transform into a light bit of kinky role play, with Santi, ahem, convincing you to take your medicine, in the best way possible 😳.)
Llewyn: this grumpy angel comes home to find you nearly passed out on the very couch he has arrived to crash on. You’re bundled in knitted blankets and surrounded by scrunched up tissues. “Sorry, Llewyn-d. The couch is out of action-d.” He takes one long look at you and sighs, before turning on his heel and leaving your apartment without a word, the door rattling closed behind him. Your eyes well-up as you contemplate that, maybe, you really don’t represent anything but a warm place to sleep for him. However, after a few moments of dismay, you register that his guitar and his bags have been plonked down on your floor. He’s... coming back? No way he’d abandon his Gibson. In a few moments, he returns, sheepishly plonking himself on the arm of your couch. You look at him in confusion through your bleary eyes, and he hands you a steaming carton of noodle soup. “It’s only half full - I was a few dimes short,” he says apologetically, helping you sit up and guide the steaming broth to your lips. You think the man must have spent his last dollar on you, and you are absolutely floored. “But - if you need something more later I can make it for you.” “Llewyn-d,” you gush gratefully, through sniffles. “Thank you. You didn’t have-d to do that.” “Yeah. Well. You always take care of me.” You think you feel better already from the warmth of the soup and the warmth of him, especially as he collects up his guitar and settles on the floor by your feet, beginning to sing you soft, lulling melodies until you almost forget you’re feeling sick at all. You fall asleep to the sound of his voice, and wake up to his arms wound around your feet as he gently snores, head resting on top of your leg. You guess he did sort of get to crash on your couch after all - though he really should have had the sense to take the bed. Maybe when you get better, you can extend the invitation.
P.s. Oh heck, I’m a silly Brit and I don’t understand the US dollar and how much noodle soup costs and what dimes are. Forgive me.
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rosyandraw · 3 years
Hii 🌼🌈 your annon begging for Berenger and Ancel's story is back... 💫 First I just want to say that I loooove the last chapter 💖💖💖 I think Damen knows way more than what Laurent assumes. I can't wait to see what it's coming next and the reason why they fight so much.
Okay now let me tell you that I have the most random hc for them... so please ignore me if you hate them all 🙈 Honestly, I trust your ideas better, but this popped up in my mind, and I wanted to share it at least to laugh a lil bit 🤣🤣
1) What do you think if Ancel likes the zodiac?👀👀 I think he could be a fantastic Leo sun🦁☀️, with a rising Taurus 🐂⬆️ and a Sagittarius moon 🏹🌙 And of course he goes super mad when he finds out how good the sex would be between them because Berenger has compatible signs with him but The professor keeps saying that he "doesn't want to fuck Ancel" 😉
2) Ancel uses Tiktok (maybe the more safe for work but still kinky version of his Onlyfans?) I think he definitely did Doja Cat's trend and went viral, so viral that somehow that the video even ended on Berenger's phone.. 😝 (Also, Berry loving Ancel's Onlyfans because it's more erotic than explicit and buying him stuff he would like to see Ancel use or wear for it) He does all the kinky sexy trends but also talks about make up, fashion, restaurants, and sex education about "pleasure and protection" for his younger queer follower.
3) Ancel learning that Auguste was/is Berenger's old friend. So he decides to ask Auguste for help, but Berry actually gets jealous 👀 thinking Ancel has moved on to the next rich man and that they are obviously fucking because even if Auguste is straight, who can resist Ancel's beauty? 🦄
4) After learning about Auguste and Berenger's frindship Ancel also finds out that Berenger is not a simple professor but also mega-rich, making him Ancel's own perfect fantasy of sugar daddy. Hella rich, sweet, nerdy, kind, hot, and..... kinky! 🥵🥵
5) Can I get kinky?🔥💦🔥💦🔥💦 Because I think Berenger is the personification of "the quieter the kinker," I think he would be suuuuper into Ancel taking charge and making him beg, or make him buy crazy shit to be allowed to have sex with Ancel. But also, once their "pregame" ends, Ancel likes to be manhandled and fuck hard. Maybe they are even a lil bit into marking Ancel's soft skin and letting the world know because they can tell anyone just yet. Someone needs to graduates first or marry and be the perfect trophy husband. (Ps. Rolplay!!! Ancel is an amazing actor Berry not so much but they both get hot)
6) Berenger thinks Ancel is the worst brat ever, but he also loves it to the point that he has started pampering him before anything happens between them. Like one day they meet in a Cafe near the university by accident and Berry just unconsciously pays for him, then he is offering Ancel a car ride to his home because it's too hot outside, and soo much more.
7) Ancel being oddly possessive 😤🙄😒 at the most random moments, like not when a pretty face flirt with Berry because he knows he is the prettiest bitch on campus but actually getting jealous and a bit possessive when Berry gets flirt by one of his colleagues or anyone boring but with lots of common interests with Berenger.
8) Ancel has piercings (tongue, nipples, belly, dick? 😳 and ofc ears), and Berenger has a tattoo from his lil rebellious younger times 🤤 Ancel loves it so much that at some point, when they start thinking, "I'm gonna marry this man," Berry actually gets a tattoo for/about him 😍
9) Ancel hates Berenger's clothes yet when no one is watching he like to steal some of the more comfortable ones and use it when he miss Berry 🥺
10) Ancel is the only one who calls Berenger "Berry" now a days it used to be how his Nana called him when he was a kid. Berry for the sweet moments, Daddy for their hoy kinky moments 😏 Berenger has Ancel number save as Angel even if he never calls him like that and even if Ancel is more like a demon. In some ways Ancel is Berenger's Angel 🥺🥺
I'm soo sorry this got so long 👉🏼👈🏼 please just laugh at me and use anything you like or none if you didn't hahaha I will be happy to read anything and everything you write for them because you are crazy talented 💞🌺💞🌺💞🌺💞 and as I said before, I cant to wait the next chapter for nmfy
Bye bye.. have a nice sunday! ❤️
Anon I think i just fell in love with you a little bit??? This is fucking amazing.
Firstly you hit so many points that i'm already writing in?? Like, dude wtf??? haha i love it all so much i'm going to answer each point
1) OMG I'm a bit obsessed with birth charts AND I HAVE ANCEL. I had him as Leo sun, Taurus Moon and Gemini Rising. SO I'M SO EXCITED that yours was so similar???
2) TIKTOK YAAAS i'm stealing this, literally writing it in as we speak lmao and I LOVE the idea of Berenger finding his pages and watching him. So big yes to that omg.
3) I never considered Auguste and Berenger before and ERM? WHY DIDN'T I? I really like that idea because in nmfy Auguste isn't straight and he did just hit on Jord so THAT opens up a new possibility too lmao
4) MEGA RICH is definitely happening, soz if that's a spoiler but i love the sugar daddy fantasy too so that's going to be living in my head rent free now
5) ALWAYS GET KINKY the kinkier the better with me, literally always! I have his kinks already listed i'm not going to lie to you haha it might not play out exactly like you said but you definitely mentioned some of them! Also it's so funny that you said roleplay because YES and i just wrote a scene that hints at that LMAO
6) I'm stealing the coffee idea. Straight up and unapologetically because it actually works so fucking well.
7) Possessive Ancel is a fact. That's all I'll say about that
8) Fuck yeah piercings! I'm probably going to include that because it's fun af
9) Ancel really hates Berenger's clothes, i've actually just written a scene in NMFY where that comes up too
10) Daddy Kink i love love love for them. LMAO Berenger can absolutely handle Ancel. Or he will. When he stops lying to himself
ANON I love you so much and this is sending me. THANK YOU SO MUCH for this honestly, I can't wait to write it haha ❤️❤️❤️
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