#he attack chonk boi
fyther · 8 months
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angryisokay · 1 year
Cats are still kind of acting antagonistic towards each other, not as bad but still not good.
I got them to mutually play with some tall grass and they were fine while they played close enough they could have touched each other, but as soon as I stopped wiggling the grass it was back to folded ears and low growling.
I’m pretty sure I made myself a Participant in the fighting by stepping between them and yelling at them to knock it off, which would explain why now I can’t talk without inducing anxiety and growling. I’ve been making sure to use a soft voice if I talk to them, and it seems like it’s helping.
Time will tell I guess.
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Pale Goblins (and friends) as dril tweets
Cherrypop:��just found out about Object Permanence… why didnt any one tell me about this shit
Biscuit: drunk driving may kill a lot of people, but it also helps a lot of people get to work on time, so, it;s impossible to say if its bad or not,
Flopsy: awfully bold of you to fly the Good Year blimp on a year that has been extremely bad thus far
Sporghog: sending my most powerful kisses to all pregnant women fire fighers
Bagnut: oh you say you’re going to fuck me? you’re going to try to fuck me, through the computer? Well i say this, and that is “Game on”
Peckersnot: the only A+ i ever got was from that time in art class when i drew venus & serena willaims clobbering the. shit out of me with their rackets
Doglick: how do i get cowboy paint off a dog
Tatty Bo Jangles: “jail isnt real,” i assure myself as i close my eyes and ram the hallmark gift shop with my shitty bronco
Ramjam: i lvoe and cherish all of the girls of this site, and other websites.  you all become my wife more and more with each passing day. Thank you
Gashwad: id love to get attacked by a bird. id love for a bird to try to fight me. id love to smash it to bits with my bare hands.
Toadswallow: i regret to inform you, that by resorting to Swear language, you have forfeit this debate. Farewell my bitch
Snatchragged: if a sniper shot me i owuld run over to where he is and kick the gun out of his hand and kill him because hes not specialized in melee fight
Bubbleyum: what would you do if i unlocked 100% of my true brain?  Nothing. you would be fucked
Lewdtube: do not be afraid to talk to that lonely boy on the train … with the rosy red cheeks, sun glasses & big cigar… he just mmight be… angel
Bluntmunch: another day volunteering at the betsy ross museum. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the flag. buddy, they wont even let me fuck it
Kittycough: two handfuls of kitty litter taken from the beautiful hollywood home of sports broadcaster Dick Vitale , for $100 or best offer
Breastbiter the Chonk: joke’s on you; i actually love being body slammed by one dozen perfect wrestlers. and my mouth isn’t filled with bloodm, it’s victory wine
Liberty: DOCTOR: you cant keep doing this to yourself. being The Last True Good Boy online will destroy you. you must stop posting with honor ME: No,
Slaygarrrrrr Who Slavishly Slays: my name is “ GAMER FUCKER ” and i was sent to FUCK all the gamers…
Flopsy (again): awfully bold of you to retweet my “bad year” tweet on a year that has been extremely good thus far
Avery: strongest blade in the world, howeve,r it is so fragile as to shatter when handled by any force other than the delicate touch of a lesbian .
Snowdrop: Im the only man here who injects himself with a CIA Grade Truth Serum before each and every post i make. Remember only that
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baileythebean · 4 months
Can we see the contrast between how Bailey acts around strangers vs people he knows vs people he is very comfortable with? Can we see this as a rp with everyone included by any chance?
Mod: I will see about the rp, as we currently don’t have anyone to be Pebble or Vinnie unless someone who runs an OC would like to take on those roles :3 also Sora’s mod’s electricity is down (oh nooo) GET READY FOR THIS CHONK OF AN ANSWER Bailey seems like an “oh yeah, he hates EVERYONE don’t even go near him…” Person around people he doesn’t know, which is surprisingly not MAINLY because he doesn’t trust them. (It’s a factor, but not the main reason.) He gets overstimulated by too much info at once or too many people in one place just because he was so isolated as a kid. Casual small talk with a stranger is incredibly unlikely to happen, but if it does, Bailey will answer any questions in an awkwardly straightforward manner (It’s not to make the other go away, he never knows he’s doing it). Either that or he’s half zoned-out and seems like a pretty cool person. With friends, like Vinnie, Skipp or Jasper, he’s a bit more open, with genuine conversations and touching him being allowed. (With permission.) He won’t share details, but they’ll know the general summary of his past and he warns them about his panic attacks. Close friends are more like family to him, so like Stone, Sora, Odessa, the kitties and Finn. He’s still very open, but more relaxed and not guarded at all. You’d think he was a whole other person around his fam :3 He regularly gifts them things, even just random stuff he finds or thinks could be potential good luck for Finn. Feels like he can do things like sleep/relax around them easier. PEBBLE?? ARE YOU KIDDING? THEY’RE ALL OVER EACH OTHER. Bailey’s complaining when Pebble’s not touching him. Clingy to the Clingiest level possible. He HATES touching non-friends and even with his close friends he’s got limits. Pebble? Nah. They’ll die inside if they get separated. Bailey is VERY attached to his blue boy. They’ll hold hands, cling to each other, hug (especially from behind), lay over/sit in each other’s laps/ SLEEP INTERTWINED (Bailey is the little spoon lmao) they just stick to each other :P HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY INFODUMP
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yuuniee · 7 months
Gimme Eris. Please. I need to squish him badly.
[Tsum Headcanons]
A/N: One silly little boy and his chonk, coming right up :3c
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Tsum Eris is more confident and cheeky than actual Eris, always hopping around and unintentionally causing a bit of trouble. He can be seen often hanging out with Sinha, Vivienne, Renée, or their tsums.
When him and the tsum first meet, both of them get shocked, but Tsum Eris is the first one to approach his human counterpart!
They start bonding when Eris leaves to take a break from writing poems and his tsum hops on the keyboard to write a dozen more. When he comes back, he immediately goes to the laptop to check the notification sounds. That’s when he notices that his poems, along with the tsum’s, getting so many likes all of a sudden. He pats the tsum and says, “I guess you’re not so bad...” and they grow closer.
He tends to stack on other tsums as a way to get a piggyback ride and is willing to give one in return.
He can actually jump higher than other tsums and wouldn’t even notice.
When he’s not with Eris, you can find him at cafeteria near the sweets! He is actually willing to yoink sweets from there to eat later.
Tsum Riddle and Tsum Eris may fight, although some of these are just playful fights, but later he brings his dorm leader a strawberry tart as an apology.
If you look closer, you can see that he has a pair of wings, just like Eris.
He makes himself multiply by sneezing and helps Trey out in the kitchen.
He sometimes hides in random places in Eris’s room to play hide-and-seek, causing his human counterpart to panic, before he peeks out a bit to show that he is still here. (Poor Eris has multiple near heart attacks before of this :()
Because he plays with other tsums, he may come to Eris, covered in mud or dirt. In that case, Eris immediately brings him to the bathroom and washes him with baby shampoo and warm water. (Yes, he treats him like a little baby and thinks tsums are fragile and can get easily hurt...)
When the night comes, Tsum Eris would already be in the bed, sleeping soundly with Eris while being content. He would even try to hug him with his tiny limbs!
If his card was in the game, it would be an SR card with the illustration being him holding his tsum close to his cheek and looking at the viewer with a smile.
Tsum Eris shows his halo and wings more often than his human counterpart and gets a lot of eyes on him, even when he tells him to hide these parts.
If you see him fly, don’t be surprised! The wings are pretty much real after all~
If you give him a pen and a paper, he may draw little hearts on there. But if you don’t, he’s gonna draw them either on the desk or on your notebook.
He tries to be menacing sometimes, but ends up looking like a hissing kitten.
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doodle17 · 1 year
What do you think each of the Aquato children were like as babies? I think Dion was so so fussy until Frazie was born, and the only kid who's been fussier as a baby was Queepie.
Alright! Baby time
SO I like to think that the ONLY time they went to a hospital was for Frazie. She was a C-section.
Almost all Dion did as a baby was cry until his mom held him. He was (and still kind of is) a Mama's boy
Dion was SO protective of baby Frazie. He would carry her around almost everywhere, with the help of his father, of course
Mirtala BARELY ever cried as a baby. Like, all she did was smile. Until she was an infant, then she did a lot of crying...
I think that both Raz and Queepie were premature. They were very small for a first few months, and they constantly gave their poor parents panic attacks
Despite my earlier hc that Raz was a premie, I like to think when he was about, 5-6 months old, he was an absolute CHONK baby. Even though he's a stick figure when he's older, he was just- chubby baby
Queepie would levitate as a baby. He would just stat hovering randomly, usually when he was asleep
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Here's the most recent story I've written about a couple of my ocs, it's for a class so technically it's finished in terms of the assignment but the story isn't wrapped up cause it's supposed to be the first 10 pages of a novel so sorry in advance for the poorly written cliffhanger I ended it on💀😅😂
Divider cause it's a big chonk lol
    “Man, it’s wild to think that we’ve only got a week or two left of school, right, Con?” 
    Conor looked up from the ant he had been watching crawl along the rock they were sitting on. “Only six days, yeah.” 
    Michael leaned back and looked up at the clouds gliding lazily at the summer sky. “Six days left of high school and Mrs. Henderson still hasn’t handed me back that one math homework.” 
    “You turned it in over a month late, remember?” Conor chuckled. “You got a zero on it, no question.” 
    “I did it though, shouldn’t that count for something at least?” 
    “Okay, maybe it’s worth a ten, but no more than that.” 
    Michael snorted. “Whatever, I hate math anyway.” 
    “I know you do,” Conor said as he rolled his eyes. “You still owe me five bucks for that assignment I did for you last quarter, by the way.” 
    Michael muttered something incomprehensible and pretended to look for his wallet, even though they both knew he barely ever brought it to school and half the time didn’t even know where it was at home. 
    Conor sighed after a moment. “I’ll remind you later.” Pushing himself off the rock and onto the hot sidewalk, he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “C’mon, our bus will be here any minute.” 
    As the two boys were trudging over to where the rest of the kids in their neighborhood were waiting, an odd rumbling resonated through the sky and, after a few seconds, sent vibrations strong enough for most of the students to look up in confusion. Both the vibrations and the noise stopped relatively quickly, but people were still squinting up at the clouds for several minutes afterwards. 
    “What was that?” Michael asked Conor, even though there was no way Conor could’ve known. 
    Conor searched the sky for any evidence of plane contrails or anything else that could give any sort of clue, but there was nothing. “I dunno, maybe a jet went by or something,” he suggested halfheartedly. 
    “It sounded like it was coming right for us, though,” Michael said, clearly much more shaken than Conor was. “What if we’re getting attacked? What if they’re gonna come back and, like, bomb us or something?!”
    Before Michael could start properly babbling about World War III, though, the school bus rolled into the lot and everyone started piling on. “Hey, it’s okay, it was probably nothing,” Conor assured his panicked friend. “Plus, if it really was an attack, we’d be hearing sirens all over the place, probably.” 
    This was enough for Michael to at least calm down a little, and by the time they were dropped off at their stop back home, he seemed to have completely forgotten about the whole thing. Conor had never fully been able to comprehend Michael’s short recovery time, and this instance was no exception. Despite not thinking much of the noise at first, Conor found himself wondering about what it could’ve been more and more, even though Michael had steered the conversation away from it a while back. As they split off from each other to head to their respective homes, Conor couldn’t help but wonder if whatever had made that noise was still in the area. 
    The next day, the strange rumbling had been mostly forgotten, and the day played out normally as if nothing had happened. The lack of attention put on it nagged at the back of Conor’s head, but for the sake of keeping Michael calm, he decided that bringing it up again was probably not the best idea just yet. 
    “Y’know,” Michael grunted as he desperately tried to pull his gym bag out of his locker, “Since I’m gonna be in Spain for a good chunk of the summer, I think it would be cool if we check out a few spots in town we haven’t gone to yet before it’s too late. Any places you wanna go to?” 
    Conor snapped back to reality. “Uh, let me think…” 
    “I’ve always wanted to go to the Newbury Comics,” Michael babbled, “and that one place with the red sign on the corner of West Street always looked kinda cool.” 
    Conor couldn’t help but laugh. “You know that’s a sex shop, right?” 
    Michael’s face went red. “Okay, scratch that one, then. How about we just go to the comic book store and splurge on useless junk?”
    “That’s better,” Conor chuckled, watching as Michael finally dislodged his bag and stumbled backwards a few paces. “I guess I’ve always been kind of curious about that old golf course on the edge of town. I’m pretty sure they abandoned it after it flooded, right?” 
    “Don’t ask me, I don’t golf,” Michael told him, pulling a pair of dingy old sneakers out of his gym bag and changing into them. “But that could be cool, we could swing by there after and take a look around.” 
    Conor nodded, but then furrowed his brow after a moment. “Do you remember if there are any ‘no trespassing’ signs around it, though? I wouldn’t want us to get in trouble.”
“Nah, I don’t think so,” Michael told him. “If anything we might walk in on a drug deal or something but as long as we don’t talk to anyone it should be fine.”
Conor gave him a look. “You’re not helping, you know.” 
“Bro, this was your idea; if you don’t wanna go then why’d you suggest it in the first place?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s just that I don’t want to walk in blind,” Conor insisted. “All I’ve ever known about it was what I could see from the car whenever my folks and I would drive by, after all.” 
“Fair, fair,” Michael said, shoving the gym bag back into his locker and slamming the door shut. “How about this: we swing by, and if there’s anything telling us we’re not allowed in there we turn back. How does that sound?” 
Conor nodded slowly. “Sure, we can do that. I do want to bring my camera so if we’re allowed inside I can take some pictures, if that’s alright. I feel like the place must be super overgrown by now.” 
Michael scoffed. “I don’t know how you can stand taking so many pictures of boring ol’ plants and stuff. It’s all the same: leaf, leaf, leaf, branch, leaf, leaf, flower, leaf, grass, grass, branch, leaf—” 
“At least I don’t take photos of my biceps in the mirror,” Conor retaliated. “If you don’t do any arm workouts they’re not going to get any bigger, you know.” 
Conor successfully dodged the kick Michael had aimed at his shins and stuck his tongue out at him playfully as Michael struggled to think up a rebuttal. Just then, though, a teacher walked by, so they were forced to stop scuffling lest they get in trouble. 
“I do too work my arms out,” Michael hissed, as Conor stifled a laugh. 
    That weekend, Conor sat outside his front porch with his camera, a flip phone, his wallet, a notepad and pencil, and a flashlight—just in case—all stuffed into an old messenger bag he had found among his dad’s old stuff a couple years back. He knew that Michael would be at least a little bit late, but he still found himself worrying as he always did when things didn’t go exactly as planned. To make himself feel better, Conor rubbed the soft leather of the bag between his fingers and checked his phone to see if Michael had texted him anything. To his relief, there were several new messages: 
    car wont strt
    srry 4 w8
    luv u
    jk ur ugly
    ok headn ovr
Conor took a deep breath. At least that explained the wait. Clicking his phone closed, he found himself gazing up at the now cloudy sky, wondering if anything unusual would show itself. Whatever we had heard that day didn’t sound like it ever left, he realized after mulling over what the mysterious rumbling had sounded like. It’s almost as if whatever it was landed somewhere. Suddenly having a revelation, Conor whipped out his notepad and started sketching out a vague map of the town, with the high school at the center. He was almost certain that the sound had come from the right-front side of the school, so he marked out an area where the sound could’ve been coming from based on that. After ruling out most of the closer areas and anything far enough away that the vibrations wouldn’t have possibly been able to reach far enough, he was left with a place that gave him goosebumps: the old golf course, seemingly abandoned for years, now might not be as abandoned as they had thought. 
    Conor jumped as Michael’s car scraped into view, and began to gather up all his things so he’d be ready to go by the time Michael got to the driveway. Michael’s car was in even worse shape than when he had last seen it: the mismatched door on the front passenger’s side was starting to rust just as much as the rest of the car, and there was a new dent in the bumper that Conor didn’t remember being there for. As Michael pulled up on the side of the road, Conor thought he heard something dislodge from inside one of the wheels, and for the rest of the way the car had an unpleasant rattling noise accompanying the rest of its already pathetic noises. 
    “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!” Michael called out in a mocking tone. “Or that’s what I would say if I was a basic bit—” 
    “Shut up, if my sister hears you, you're dead meat,” Conor cut him off, scrambling into the passenger’s seat and carefully putting on his seatbelt so he’d at least have some chance of survival in the not-so-unlikely chance they got into an accident. 
    “C’mon, there’s no way she can hear us out here,” Michael scoffed. “And even if she can, she needs to know the truth.” 
    “I saw Mean Girls in the theaters and I can tell you it isn’t nearly as bad as you’re always making it out to be; it’s ten times better than the stuff you watch, anyway.” Conor lurched forward involuntarily as Michael forced the car into drive and slammed on the gas. 
    “You‘re just saying that ‘cause you’re a sissy. Only real men can handle the masterpieces that I have in my library.” 
    “Your ‘masterpieces’ are just full of gore and rubber masks and don’t have any plot whatsoever. If I wanted to experience something like that I’d just go to a Spirit Halloween.” 
    Michael rolled his eyes and then slammed on the brakes as they approached a stop sign, a couple empty Monster Energy cans getting tossed around in the back seat in the process. “You don’t know what you’re missing out on, man,” he told Conor, who, after almost chipping a tooth on the dashboard, had decided to grab onto the handle above his door and grip it so hard his knuckles turned white. 
    As they wandered through the comic book store, Conor found himself unable to focus on anything other than the map he had drawn in his notepad. Should I tell him? He wondered. I don’t want to scare him, and I might be completely wrong about the whole thing anyway. On the other hand… Wandering away from where Michael was looking through posters—he insisted on finding a Metallica one to replace the one he had ripped last year—Conor floated towards a display sporting pins from various franchises and began to absentmindedly shift through them. Among the superheroes, band logos, movie quotes, and anime characters, he eventually came across one that caught his eye. It showed a classic flying saucer with a little green alien piloting it, and the words “FAR OUT!” were scrawled along the bottom in bubble letters reminiscent of the 70s. Something about the way the alien looked at him through the glass of its little spaceship made his stomach feel odd, but he couldn’t bring himself to put it back. 
    “Found anything cool?” Michael asked, suddenly appearing behind Conor and making him jump. “I couldn’t find the poster I wanted but I did pick up this cool Iron Maiden one,” he told Conor proudly, waving the tube in his face. “Ooh, you gonna get that pin?” he added, poking Conor’s hand with the poster. 
    “I was thinking about it,” Conor told him, instinctively closing his fist around the pin so Michael couldn’t see. The weird feeling in his stomach turned sour as he was reminded just how soon they were probably going to be heading to the golf course, but he knew that stalling wouldn’t accomplish anything. “You ready to go?” 
    “Yeah, I was thinking about picking up a t-shirt too but they didn’t have my size in the designs I liked. Downsides of being absolutely shredded.” Michael proceeded to mime lifting a barbell using the poster as a stand-in, attempting to show off his not-very-impressive muscles. Conor promptly took the poster away from him and brought it to the checkout, and offered to pay as Michael protested from behind him. 
    “Geez, what’s the big idea?” Michael whined. “You never have any respect for these guns—” 
    “Do you want to pay or what?” 
    “Ew, no, you do it.” 
    Conor sighed and gave the cashier his credit card. It wasn’t like Michael would’ve had his wallet with him, anyway. After grabbing the receipt and the now-bagged merchandise, Conor let Michael drag him back outside to the parking lot where the car was sitting solemnly in its own decay, and they both sat down in their respective seats. 
    “Hey, uh, before we head to the golf course, I think you should take a look at something,” Conor finally mustered up the courage to say. He couldn’t quite figure out why he felt so nervous. 
    Michael adjusted the mirror and glanced quickly at his friend. “What, did you find something saying it’s private property or something?” 
    “Not really.” Conor pulled his notepad out of his messenger bag and opened it to the map he had drawn. “I was just… thinking about the noise we heard, and I think that whatever was making that noise might have landed somewhere in the golf course.” He quickly explained what each thing in his drawing represented, and watched as Michael’s eyes widened. 
    “Yo, you think it’s even safe to go in there?” Michael whispered once Conor had finished. “Who knows what could’ve landed there? A bomb? An enemy plane??” 
    “I don’t know,” Conor told him, “but whatever we do, I at least think I should go in and take a look. I could even get some photos if I find anything.” 
    Michael sat in thought for a few moments, and then sat up a bit straighter so he could look Conor in the eyes. “I don’t want you going in alone, Con, you should have someone watching your back. And when I say ‘someone’ I mean me.” 
    Conor let himself deflate a bit. “Okay, as long as you don’t do anything stupid.” 
    “Me, stupid?! Bro, ‘stupid’ isn’t even in my vocabulary.” Michael crossed his arms defiantly, accidentally honking the horn in the process and sending a flock of birds into a frenzy outside. 
    “Don’t see any ‘no trespassing signs’ yet, I think we should be good,” Michael commented as the two boys rattled up to the golf course’s parking lot. Lurching to a stop, they scrambled out of the car and went over the plan. 
    “Okay, remember, you take the flashlight, and I’ll hold the camera. If anyone jumps out at us, use the light to slug them in the face, got that?” Conor told Michael, rummaging through his bag and taking out the items mentioned. 
Michael took the flashlight from him, tossing it lightly to himself to get used to the weight. “Tell me again why your on-the-go flashlight is big enough to have its own postal code?” 
“It’s the only one I have,” Conor insisted, hanging his camera on his wrist by the wrist strap so he could put his bag back on. “Besides, wouldn’t you rather have that than a dinky old thing that dies after ten minutes?” 
“I guess so,” Michael muttered. “It’s not even dark out yet, though, so the battery life wouldn’t really matter, right?” 
“I don’t know how big the course is, for all I know we could be out here all night.” 
Michael looked down at the flashlight and made a noise. “We better not get jumped by some wacko after dark, I can barely tell if someone’s coming after me even in broad daylight.” 
“Well then, let’s just hope that we don’t bump into anyone who wants to hurt us,” Conor said. 
At that, they began their trek out into the unknown. 
Spoiler alert cause I'll prolly never finish the story lol: they find an alien spaceship in the golf course😳 then they help save the alien from getting probed by humans or something idk (the alien's supposed to be Silvin who's one of my other main ocs)
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curioskitty · 4 years
THE・Chonk Tie
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We all know about Midoriya-kun's iconic tiny chonky tie. Horikoshi-sensei has already explained it away as Midoriya-kun just being bad at tying it. In Japanese he uses the word "ヘタ" (heta), meaning clumsy or unskilled.
But, just for the helluvit, I'm gonna speculate on this a bit. I think there's actually a ton of stuff packed into this tiny tie.
Midoriya-kun went to a middle school with a gakuran uniform so he likely never needed a tie. On top of that fandom likes to speculate that since his Dad isn't around, no one can actually show him how to do it. I can't disagree with Midoriya-kun just being a clumsy fashion disaster. It's a very straightforward explanation.
But in this age of tutorials and YouTube, part of me just can't let it go. And Midoriya-kun has friends now that would probably teach him if he asked. Heck, Mina-chan taught Midoriya-kun how to dance, and you're telling me she can't teach him how to tie his damn necktie???
But almost everytime we see this kid in a tie, it's always tied like that. In almost every illustration or sketch where Midoriya-kun is wearing a tie, even the gender bend one and random fun sketches posted to twitter, Horikoshi-sensei has him in some variation of this tie. He has been very meticulous about it and it's details like this that make me such a huge fan of Horikoshi-sensei.
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(It's such a small detail, but it's one of my favorite parts about his design. I always see fans going on and on about his adorable face, freckles, green eyes, green curly hair... But no one talks about this damn tie!!! It's one of the best things about his design IMO. )
In fact, the only time we don't see this is the culture festival performance. That's the only time I've seen this kid with his tie on properly. Look at this perfectly tied nonsense right here!!!
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(Granted, these costume ties do seem to be a bit shorter than the uniform ties. On Ochako-chan, Tsuyu-chan and Mina-chan, the ties seem even shorter.)
But assuming that he didn't get someone else to help him, or it wasn't already tied and ready to slip on (that's actually the likelier scenario, but, shhhhh!), then he actually tied that tie on properly. Considering all the practice, they had to have taught him how to tie the tie at some point.
But that said, if this kid KNOWS what he's doing, why is it that the chonk tie still lives?
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(Back after the culture festival and even more glorious than before?!)
Consider that a normal tie you could get away with just loosening it and just re-wearing it, but this chub version has to be re-tied every day. So why does Midoriya-kun do it, if he knows how to tie it properly?
He does it on purpose.
In 2009, there was a trend among British uniformed school kids to tie their ties improperly as a form of rebellion.
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Midoriya-kun's tie is actually called "the superfat style".
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Odd coincidence or did Horikoshi-sensei make our boy a hidden rebel?
We all know Midoriya Izuku has a baby face with a hidden rebel side. And it must be noted that in Class 1-A, everyone else, except a certain gremlin child (yes, Bakugou-kun, I'm talking about you, now shut up, I'll get to you later), has a properly tied tie.
Midoriya-kun doesn't express his rebellious nature outwardly and seems to be in line with the stereotypical cooperative Japanese rule abiding citizen. But, despite his cherubic baby face and outwardly tame veneer, Midoriya Izuku is a known feral, law-breaking, quirkless hero society outlier. AND HE ALWAYS HAS BEEN.
All Might said I can't be a hero? Prove him wrong, win his quirk. Iida-kun's in trouble? Laws? What laws? Todoroki-kun looks sad? I'll just break some bones so he'll feel better. Villains are attacking, so I should go back to camp? Hard pass, there's a kid I need to save. What, Kacchan's in danger??! My arms are broken, but that's what I saved my legs for. All of Class 1-A doesn't want us to go save Kacchan? Well, just watch me and my worst yakuza impression ever as I wear this fake goatee, break curfew and sneak into a villain hideout packed with several noumu and one very scary AFO.
Just what part of Midoriya Izuku isn't a rebel?!
Going back to the prototype oneshot of Boku no Hero Academia, "Boku no Hero" Horikoshi-sensei re-used the main character Jack's design. This character was actually similar to Midoriya Izuku in a lot of ways. A quirkless salary man who wanted to be a hero and used support items to fight.
Horikoshi-sensei loves paying homage to his earlier works by reusing old character designs. Tenko, Snipe, Gang Orca, and more were recognizable concepts that found their way into Boku no Hero Academia. Considering Horikoshi-sensei's heavy emphasis on the theme of 'remembering one' s origins,' it really comes as no surprise the author does this himself. He has done that quite a lot before and it's not surprising at all.
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(Considering he was a professional salary man in a suit, the chonk tie is even more of a visual symbol of the maverick nature of this character.)
What came as a surprise to me is that Midoriya-kun's prototype Akatani Mikumo actually didn't have this feature. Both he and Gougou Katsuki (Bakugou-kun's prototype) wore their ties properly?
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Well, I guess it's close enough on proto-Bakugou, considering our Bakugou-kun lost his tie completely... (I said, shut up Bakugou-kun, I will talk about you NEXT! Geez, this brat).
So why did Horikoshi-sensei decide to ressurect the chonk tie? Remembering his origins? As an homage to Jack? Hidden rebel? Maverick thinker? Clumsy kid? Fashion disaster? Extremely successful iconic shounen protagonist design feature?
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Or maybe, all of the above...?
Either way, Midoriya-kun just wouldn't be the same without his tiny tie. And I'm here for it.
Chonk on tiny tie. I see you. I appreciate you.
Horikoshi Kouhei: ORIGIN
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greeneyedwildthing · 5 years
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Top Left: Muffin - She’s my childhood kitten, a stray my parents adopted when I was only 7. Idk where the name came from but she’s built like a bowling pin and has arthritis. 12/10 Best cat I’ve ever had. She still lives with my mom because I didn’t want to confuse her with moving around constantly, but I always spoil her with little shots of milk every time I come to visit 
Top Right: Angel- She’s almost as old as Muffin, if not a little older, but we rescued her when her owner passed away earlier this year from a heart attack. She has a spinal injury from when she was just a kitten and someone threw her out of a moving car so now when she runs she kind of just hops around like a bunny. We also learned that she’s completely deaf, which is super cute until you’re trying to sleep at 3am and she's meowing at the top of her lungs because she thinks no one can hear her. 12/10 cuddly old lady. 
Second Row Left: Cujo- My old man. When his mother was pregnant with him her owner dropped her off at a local pet grooming shop. Cu is a sneaky boi, and gets his nose into just about every kind of trouble you can think of around the house. (I mean the idiot really dipped his tail in hot wax once). He loves the outdoors, but typically has the misfortune of trying to runaway while it’s raining outside so we usually find him back on the porch after a few minutes. He’s my writing buddy, and will typically just chill out on my lap or around my keyboard when I’m up at my crackhead hours. 12/10 head master of the #GrumpyOldManClub and I love it x)
Second Row Right: Sammie- She’s our lil Chonk kitty. Anything that’s edible? She’ll eat it. I don’t spend a lot of time with her because she prefers my boyfriends little sisters room due to a genetic hip problem. But she’s a constant purring machine and although she tends to drool from time to time, and has been known to try and steal food off of dinner plates, I still love her. 10/10 great gal 
Third Row Left: Beans- Technically not my cat, although she’s an amazing momma to the other cats in the house. She belongs to a former military roommate of ours. Don’t let the photo fool you, her fur is SOFT! Idk what kind of hair products she uses but I’m jealous. 10/10 L’Oreal Model Kitty
Third Row Right: Munchkin- aka the spawn of satan. Remember Teenage groot? ever have a terrible toddler? Yeah imagine a demon child with the sassy attitude of a teenage boy who just hit puberty and you’ve got our Maine Coon: Munchkin. Part of me thinks it’s because we decided to name him based on how small he was as the runt of his litter. In any case there’s nothing small about him now. 10/10 Angry Boi
Bottom Left: Gizmo- Chonk-in-training. Gizmo actually had a twin named Jet that we also rescued when they were infants. Unfortunately her twin passed away after a few weeks. She has chronic eye infections and (if I remember correctly) partial blindness. But there has never been a sweeter, or hungrier, kitty. The one issue we’ve been running into lately is that she likes the texture of plastic so she chews on anything that’s plastic. Aside from that she’s chill, and will let you hold her however you want. 11/10 chubby bunny  
Bottom Right: Asher- the baby of our little clowder of kitties (yes a group of cats is called a clowder). He loves playing fetch on the steps with hair ties, and steals every beauty blender he sees. He also really loves falling asleep underneath christmas trees? Anyway absolute sweetheart, he’s very shy but always greets me with a little chirp in the morning when I find him hiding in the shadows. He definitely follows his oldest brother Cujo in getting in trouble, just now as I was typing this he fell between my bed and the wall so I had to rescue him. But mostly he just likes to fall asleep on my computer, effectively keeping me from finishing any WIPs I ever start lol 12/10 he is BABY
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vex-bittys · 5 years
so chains and kings are obviously the biggest boys, but i must ask a very important question: who are the chonkiest boys? the most round boys?
*The lamias who are most likely to be chonks are the lamias who are least likely to burn off their magical energy. When lamias eat, the food is processed into magic. A certain amount of magic is needed for lamias to maintain their tails since the tail is made of concentrated magic. Movement also requires magic to fuel the muscles since lamias don’t have true blood to carry oxygen, only magical blood (to carry magic). Use of magical abilities (like bone attacks or teleporting) are done rarely because they burn a great deal of magic.
High level of activity (CHONKINESS: extremely rare): Pygmy, Mamba
Moderate level of activity (CHONKINESS: unlikely): Papython, Krait, King, Chain
Low level of activity (CHONKINESS: possible): Honey Bo, Coral
Lowest activity level (CHONKINESS: common): Corny
*Lamia bittybones wouldn’t suffer the same effects on their bodies as someone who is overweight because the chonk is caused by excess magic and doesn’t surround or press on organs or build up in veins and arteries like fat does. That said, remember that being extremely chonk is going to make movement more difficult. While a very round Corny may be adorable, it will further limit his activity which isn’t good for him. He needs to move sometimes! Please make sure, if you have a Corny, not to let him get too chonky.
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tazzykiki · 6 years
One of the stray cats I feed, Tiger, followed me to the store and back the other day. It was both annoying and adorable. Annoying cuz his fat, floofy ass could’ve got hit by a car or a  train had he not known to listen to me and I panicked. Adorable, because holy hell,he is following me and he is a cat. 
He seems wayyy more peaceful with age. When he was a kitten he was so feisty and growled and hissed at everything. When I denied him food because he tried to attack the other cats he kinda learned to calm down and now exists as a chill chonk boi. I even saw him interacting with a stray that is super timid and scared of everything, he kinda booped the cat’s face like a kiss and went about his way.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Young Justice Season 3 Episode 24 Review: Into the Breach
Young Justice begins to shed some storylines as Outsiders reaches the end. Our review of "Into the Breach."
This Young Justice: Outsiders review contains spoilers.
Young Justice Season 3 Episode 24
Young Justice starts the final run of the season by closing out most of its Apokalips storyline. Who could have guessed that a Gorilla-Beast Boy vs. Business Granny Goodness showdown would be so much fun? Now that I typed it out, I'm sure the correct answer to that is "everyone."
As The Team headed off to Granny's Orphanage in space last week, Beast Boy also gathered a crew to go investigate some of Granny's Earthly holdings. Cyborg is figuring out his powers now that he's in control of them, so he's been scanning for possible locations for Halo and found a studio storage facility on the Goode World lot, so Beast Boy, Cyborg, Wonder Girl, El Dorado and Blue Beetle investigate. Cyborg manages to bring Overlord's X-Pit generator into phase with their reality and that triggers all of them being dropped into said X-Pit as Granny descends to teach Gar a lesson. Meanwhile, Vic's consciousness bounces to the cyber-plane where he's attacked by CHONK BOI Overlord.
The Granny/Beast Boy fight is really entertaining, but I think DC wanted it to be a little more emotionally resonant and that just didn't land for me. I was mostly stuck with the dissonance of this kindly old lady in businesswear beating the piss out of a green gorilla with her face (which, solid B+ dick move by Garfield that I didn't think he was capable of).
The fight that stuck was the Overlord/Cyborg duel - this one was almost exclusively about Vic continuing to come to terms with his new identity and used Overlord almost as a setting rather than a character. Vic has to accept his cyborg-ness, and when he does, he takes control of the fight and Overlord and throws everyone out of the X-Pit. Then he and Jaime blow up the generator, which sends Overlord and Granny...somewhere. It's not a boom tube, but they do disappear, and Vic follows them to track down Halo.
He finds her at the Orphanage, and as the two Grannys merge (business Granny and Apokalips Granny), he zaps the control device off of Violet, freeing her. Halo had been "repolarized" as Anti-Life, so she inverts her polarities and becomes the Life Equation, freeing all the controlled heroes, healing the non-metas, and kicking Granny's ass. As she's booming away, Superboy makes sure to dime out Vandal Savage for giving the heroes her coordinates. And with that, we (mostly) wrap up the Apokalips storyline of this season of Young Justice.
Coming into this episode, I assumed that because it would be dropping at the same time as the final two, it would be one long flowing finale. It's very much not, I think in large part because of how complicated the season has been, and it works. The season got a little cluttered towards the end, so tying off the big story arcs with their own separate episodes was a good choice. Timing wise, just because this episode happened more or less simultaneously with the second half of the last one, it might have made more sense to include that with this batch. But that's just a structural nitpick. This was a solid episode with good action and a concise story that did what it needed to do in an entertaining way.
-Luthor spent the entire episode staring at Twitter. Supervillains! They're just like us!
-There's something weirdly satisfying about the fact that Granny's airgapped studio building was NOT numbered 52 like...pretty much everything DC has been for the last decade.
-I really like Zeno Robinson's Cyborg. His heroic ass-kicker yelling was almost as entertaining as his "I'm losing my shit and barely hanging on" yelling.
-Also, "Booyah!" I can't believe I get so excited for a catch phrase.
-So Overlord managed to keep Granny separate as two distinct beings for...how long? Long enough for her to become an entertainment magnate on Earth? Let's all agree not to think too hard.
-"Chipped beef" works two ways: Chipped Beef on Toast is also known as Shit on a Shingle, and I think it's a very mid-Atlantic diner food and Guy Gardner is from Baltimore.
-...is that Lobo's thumb growing into a baby Lobo?
Keep up with all our Young Justice: Outsiders news and reviews right here.
DC Universe
Young Justice
DC Entertainment
Review Jim Dandy
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Aug 27, 2019
from Books https://ift.tt/2ZyyAUx
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sparklball · 7 years
pokemon green part 25: MAGICIAN withdraws the
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ok for real this time
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oh good i really had to take a leak
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think again fucker
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s-stone... i hope you can.... forgive me... someday......
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fucko has really bad hand-eye coordination
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thanks this is really informative
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anyway give that FAWFI a name
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......you know, speaking of aerodactyl, i totally forgot to get the old amber from the museum. oops
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holy fuck im getting some good pokeys today
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"can understand what a man said" damn, that's impressive
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i.... dont know what move that is
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another ball, gone in the name of safari zoning
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that.... uh... wow
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any relation to the clitty clippor
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can you fucking believe this shit
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yeah yeah blah blah blah we got the surf hm
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does it even have feet...??
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name this good egg
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ok so we all know that surf is the only hm move that's actually good but you also cant delete hm moves, like, ever in this game w/o "exploiting the day-care" SO, AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION TIME: should i teach chonk surf
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i was thinking of selling them tbh
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easy there pal
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i... i can actually understand what this guy is trying to say. could it be the translators are... improving?? (canned laughter)
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yeah as if
anyway so now we can either hit up the gym, or... not do that, go fight the trainers on the next route, and come back to the gym later
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the gym leader is cheerios?????? holy shit this is gonna be the best gym battle ever
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it’s 10:16 PM dude
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wow... wat a team
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you sick fuck
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ok thanks other hole-in-head guy
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"your strength is admirable, fart the haunter... wanna have dinner sometime ;-)"
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uhh what was that part about training boys
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look at this fucking wigglytuff sprite
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kadabra's sprite is... pretty good
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ok so last time on engreen we went to the safari zone which was pretty cool, and now we're in koga's gym
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....correction: we're in the pokemon center near koga's gym
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so... youre procrastinating? it's ok dude, im sure you'll--
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oh no it's flex's evil twin
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he's going to "delegate" satan???? ....why do i feel like ive made this joke before
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holy fu-- you cant see it here but it's a bunch of water drops flickering across the screen
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lizar please learn a better fire move
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no thanks, im trying to lay off the curious sugar
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ok good i was right. that was an easy one
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youre also a what now
...i.... i think engreen is translating "ninjas" as "spies"
here i am with my spy clan, spy clan, here we stand
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dude stop standing in front of the save window, do you MIND
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oh no it's lizar's evil twin
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yeah you better run
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what are you DOING
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make up your fucking mind, dude
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uh... wing attack?
[about fucking time you greasy bird]
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why... is wing attack... weaker than GUST
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not only did this thing survive fart's 10million volt, it's apparently getting off on it
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this is getting too hardcore for me
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that's deep, man
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aaaaaaaa a ghost
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why is he actually using poison-types.... not that it's a problem with this matchup, lmao
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seriously, dude
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oh thank fuck
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did cheeyao just use an x-attack two turns in a row
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finally something that isnt poison
[would you say youre glad it’s over]
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thanks for the proo
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yeah if only. maybe try spamming x-defen(d)s instead next time
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is he telling me to slowly kill myself
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arabellaflynn · 4 years
I woke up this morning trying desperately to remember what day of the week it was and whether there was anything special about it. As of this writing, it's Friday, and no. 
It has become clear that I have moved into a situation of grinding poverty. I knew when I got here that nobody was going to have any money. Literally everybody involved in this venture is disabled in some way, which in modern America means you are left to starve by default. What I didn't realize until I got here is that the other two kids in this apartment grew up in this kind of deprivation, without any useful parental figures of any kind.
When I arrived, there was no bath mat. I assumed this was because everyone was skint and had better things to do with $8 than buy one. I probably had better things to do with that money, but I was tired of slipping on wet tile, so I went and ordered one anyway. They said thank you. I also ordered a wire shelf for the freezer, because I was tired of vegan "patties" trying to avalanche onto my feet every time I opened the door. They said WAIT SHIT WHAT FREEZER SHELVES ARE A THING? I said yes, you can get them for $10 on Amazon. My parents were emotionally abusive and neglectful, but they were also upper-middle class and WASPy as fuck. The one thing they did do at a near-Olympic level of expertise was buy fucking housewares.
I gave the shorter housemate a bag of toiletry samples I keep around for travel, because who the fuck knows when that will be happening again. They were astounded by the quality. The samples were all products I use or have used. None were expensive. When people ask me what kind of shampoo I use the answer is "the kind that is on sale 2/$7 when I go to CVS". I get annoyed when I have to buy more Cetaphil once every four years and it costs $14.99 a vat instead of $6.99. 
Tuesday night, everyone had oodles of fun talking to the EMTs. Short Housemate has a laundry list of medical problems, and "asthma" is on it about six times. We were busy getting all seven house rats treated for lice (oh, yes -- the rats are scratching themselves scabby again, and between the two of us, we had seven at the time), a process that involves cleaning all the cages thoroughly and having the individual rats out and quarantined for an hour while the Revolution dries, so the other rats don't groom it off them. Brief tangent, vet visits ain't free, there is a GoFundMe here. 
Short Housemate's love for rats and allergy to rats are almost equal. They had a coughing fit that turned into an asthma attack, lunged for their inhaler and found that didn't fix it, sent Tall Housemate (their gf) off to get their nebulizer, found that didn't fix it, foolishly tried to stand up, conked right out on the floor in front of me and had a hypoxic seizure. I asked Tall Housemate if they'd ever done this in front of her before. Answer: No. Okay then. Time for 911. Short Housemate has what I gather is some pretty nasty history with hospitals and Tall Housemate has mentioned being on the spectrum and has been told 'no hospitals' by Short Housemate, so I had to contend with the two flailing at me trying to get me off the phone while I waved at both of them to fuck off and told the dispatcher where we were. 
I get to do this about once a decade. The last time it happened, we lived in an apartment literally behind an ambulance station. The roommate in question had been so sick she was unable to keep anything down, including water, for two days, which she had not bothered to tell us. I stole her shoes while she was on the floor and hurled them back into the bowels of the apartment so she couldn't be a dumbass and try to go to work like that, phoned her boss to tell him that she'd passed out on the bathroom floor so he wouldn't let her go to work like that, and told her that if she didn't gather her shit and call her sister to take her to the ER I was going to hover over her until she lost consciousness again, at which point I would go next door and summon the paramedics in person.
I've now been apologized to by Short Housemate, Tall Housemate, and a related third party who was on the phone with them from a different state at the time, who all told me I did the right thing. Yes, I know, that's why I did it. I would like Short Housemate to be alive to be pissed at me later. The fact that this was the correct thing to do was confirmed by the way the EMTs refused to leave our living room until either Short Housemate could breathe well enough to talk to the attending on the phone, or they agreed to ride in the whoo-whoo wagon to the actual hospital, where they could be given the really good drugs under supervision.
This evening I got to make a three-hour round trip out to Lowell to pick up yet more rats. People keep contacting Short Housemate to take rats who need new homes, and they are terrible at saying no. This set belonged to a lady who was incredibly flaky about getting them to us, and also owned a snake so was probably not so big on #ratlivesmatter, if you catch my drift. She ghosted us twice before I said I would just goddamn go up to Lowell on the train and get them from her. 
Lowell, MA, was a lovely town about 100 years ago, and hasn't quite caught up since. It's at the end of the commuter rail line, so that was a nice 45 minute ride that I got to spend staring out the window, because the car wifi wasn't working and my tablet was running out of battery. She said the rats were skittish so I was prepared for biting, but no; she just didn't know anything about rats. They were wiggly and zoomy, but it took me all of two minutes to scoop them out of the shoebox she had them in and plop them into the cat carrier I brought. Then I got right back on the same train I'd just gotten off of to get back into Boston, where the conductor saved me from having to buy a return ticket by not giving two shits, which is frequently the case. 
[The commuter rail out here could be accurately described as "laissez-fare". The conductors tend to only check passes in the direction the regular commuters are going (in my case, from Boston to Lowell at 5 o'clock on a Friday) and otherwise just sort of walk through the car making sure you're not setting the seats on fire or trying to transport cattle to a flag stop or whatever. If you're traveling from one stop outside of the central zone in Boston to the next stop outside of Boston, they will be annoyed if you actually stop them and attempt to buy a ticket.]
The two rats are much younger than she thought they were. She said six months; they look more like 4-ish, and sort of small for that. My guess is that they were fed nothing but plain lab block, which is okay for them, but does not result in the sort of squashy chonks that my rats generally are. We promptly fed them scrambled eggs and peas, which they devoured. The boy is mine and is named Tseng, because I have a theme here; the girl belongs to Short Housemate and, as she has been living in a cage with the boy(!?!?!?) is predictably already pregnant.
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