#he came in a lil' soda can and it's all adorable
spxnglr · 1 year
Henlo all, I am back and, honestly, it's been the best birthday I've had for a long time. My fiancee has really been the driving force behind it all - two birthday cakes (because I didn't get one last year), multiple sets of loungewear (I work from home most of my life so I live in loungewear, and my old bits and pieces were so worn), a new lamp for my desk and an original PlayStation 2 with a few games I once mentioned playing and absolutely adoring as a child . He's taken me out for dinner tonight, we're hitting up a theme park tomorrow and he'll be whisking me off to my favourite bar on Thursday. My in-laws have bought me tickets for a Sherloc.k Holm.es and Ed.gar Alla.n Po.e experience in October, as well as a few other bits - particularly a brand new work buddy. A pic of him, as well of one of yours truly from tonight, under the cut. Thank you all SO MUCH for your messages.
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lunajay33 · 5 months
New World🍂Part.13
Summary: You grew up in a crappy town with one friend who kept you going, everything started to fall into place, that’s until the world ended and the dead ruled the world, now you and your best friend Daryl Dixon had to stay alive but will you finally confess?
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I was around 5 months pregnant now and everything has been going good, great actually, Daryl became even more protective and I didn’t hate it I loved when he dotted on me, what can I say I adore him and I’m gonna adore this baby just as much
“Everything feeling normal since our last check up?” Hershel asked as I laid on the bed for him to check on things, Daryl at my side
“Yeah, they’ve been kicking a bit more and I have to pee a lot more” I said making Hershel let out a little laugh
“Sounds like you’re on track, now I’ll just check the heart beat” he took his stethoscope and placed it around my belly as the room fell silent
“Well everything seems to be normal, but I should warn you, some people around the prison have caught a cough, you should steer clear just incase, you can’t afford to get sick while you’re pregnant” he said as he gave me my prenatal vitamins
“I’ll take care of her” Daryl said helping me off the bed and leading me out of his little office as another person was about to enter, we walked past and noticed them coughing up blood
“I think I’m gonna set ya up in a watch tower just in case” he said rubbing my back reassuringly
“Yeah I think it’s better to be cautious”
He pulled two of our mattresses from our block to the watchtower as I gathered some of my things, blankets, to go bag, food and water, after we worked on it the rest of the evening it looked pretty cute……well as nice as we could get it
We laid in bed, his arms wrapped around me as I laid my head on his shoulder, my hand protectively placed on my bump
“Do you want a girl or boy?” I asked tired
“Don’t matter, as long as they’re like ya” he said dragging his fingers back and forth through my hair, I still can’t believe we got to this point from being best friends to me pinning over him and now I’m pregnant
“Well if it’s a girl…….can we name her Juniper?” I kept remembering the dream I had and I feel like it was a sign of some sort
“ of course sunshine”
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Hershel was right, it’s only been a week and people were dropping like flies left and right, getting more and more sick, coughing up blood, it coming out of their eyes and everything, there was an incident where a cell block had walkers from those who died at night, that’s what Daryl told me he refused to let me leave the watchtower but now that I’m pregnant I didn’t really want to now anyways, as I was looking out over the field I heard Daryl come out
“Hey sunshine how ya feeling?” He asked rubbing my back
“I’m good but I’m really craving some things I can’t even have anymore” as I said that groaning he laughed as he stood behind me and held my bump
“What’s this lil baby craving?” He asked as we both looked down to where he was caressing my belly
“I really want soft serve ice cream, spaghetti, I really crave any kind of chocolate bar OH! and a orange soda”
“Is that all?” He let out a breathy laugh as it blew a bit of my hair tickling my face
“Daryyyylll, it’s not my fault the baby wants what it wants” I whined
“Well I know it ain’t chocolate of ice cream but I brought ya some spaghetti’os and some peaches I found out on a run, wanted to keep em just for ya”
“Awe thanks D, remember that time when you came over for a whole weekend when we were like 13 and all we ate was spaghetti’os and grilled cheese” I asked remembering the good times we had together
“Ya, think of it everytime I see a can, ya know I appreciate ya fer that stuff ya use to do fer me?” I turned in his arms brushing his hair back
“What do you mean?”
“When my old man would neglect me or beat on me ya were always there fer me, yer gonna be a great mother” he said placing kisses all over my face
“Oh Daryl, I’m always gonna be here for you, you’ve made it easy, you’re the sweetest most generous man I’ve ever met, and because of that you’re going to be the best dad in this whole messed up world, I love you D, always have and always will”
“I love ya too peach, forever”
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I woke up seeing Daryl had already left, judging by the sun it was probably around 12 pm, since getting pregnant I’ve needed to sleep more, always tired was a normal side effect Hershel had told me, I got up putting my hair into a ponytail, pulling in some black yoga pants and one of Daryl’s plaids that still had the sleeves on, just as I was about to drink some water an explosion happened to the watchtower across the court yard, completely destroyed and in flames, looking to where it came from and my heart dropped, the governor and a group of people, I knew this was gonna go terribly, the governor wasn’t the forgiving type
I gathered up all my food and water and threw it in my back pack that had spare clothes and baby clothes Daryl had found for me, put my holster belt around my hips carrying my gun and knife, I slung my bag over my back and ran down the stairs, some of the group were huddled around the fence watching to see if Rick could settle this
“Sunshine ya gotta get outta here” Daryl said as he squeezed my arm
“No I can’t go without you”
“Ya gotta fer the baby, if things go bad and we get separated I’ll find ya, I promise” he said giving me a hard passionate kiss signalling for me to go
“I love you Daryl Dixon” and with that I ran off into the prison informing everyone to get ready, I was about to leave when I saw her, little Judith unaware of the dangers around her, I found her baby carrier, diapers, food and clothes and put it in my back as well then strapping her in the carrier on my chest and ran when a part of the prison exploded, I ran out the back opening in the prison, going until my legs couldn’t anymore, I could here the gunshots in the distance stop, I wanted to go back but I know I can’t, I kept walking hoping to find someone from my family
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It’s been a few days now, I’ve just been walking and walking and walking, everything was the same everyday, wake up from some shitty shelter I could find, feed Judith and myself with the little rations I had left, and wander hoping someone would show up……..anyone, I couldn’t do this alone, pregnant and caring for a little girl there was only so much I could do and only so long I’d be able to do it without becoming exhausted
It felt like I’d never see Daryl again, I’d think of him all day especially when the wind would pick up and blow the scent of fallen leaves across my face, I’d picture his scruff and the feeling of it against my neck and shoulder where he’d be cuddled against me in the morning, and the way he’d glance at me with those blue eyes it made my world brighter, or how excited we were for this baby but now we may never be a family
As I was walking, reminiscing my lost love I came across a graveyard feeling fit with how empty and broken inside I felt, there was a house in the distance and decided to stay there for the night if it was all clear, I swept the house thankful for no walkers, Judith was getting fussy so I checked the cabinets and they were completely filled, I took a jar of jam and crackers and sat feeding Judith them myself until all the crackers were gone, it felt so good to have a full ish stomach, I hadn’t been starving on the road but it wasn’t enough, after we settled and the sun was setting I decided to sit on the porch steps to rock Judith to sleep hoping the fresh air would help, I leaned my head against the banister looking out over the graveyard, it was silent from walker groans only the sound of wind rustling through the leaves and crickets, it felt like old times when Daryl and I would stay out late and just watch the sky
All of a sudden there were a figure in the distance running closer to the house, I stood up securing Judith and taking out my gun but the closer they got the clearer they became
I dropped my gun as I walked down the porch, he finally noticed me and Daryl ran even faster, I could feel the knot in my throat and the tears cascading down my face, I tried to speak but all that came out we gasps, he was here, he found me like he said, he finally reached me throwing his arms around me and holding my head to his chest as I cried harder then ever before
“I found ya, are ya alright?” He asked pulling and looking over my body
“I’m……..I’m okay now” he held my face looking deep in my eyes and that scent of musky woods crossed my senses and I breathed in deeply
“You found us” he finally looked down noticing a completely knocked out Judith
“Ya got her, got lil asskicker……..and how’s the baby?” He asked rubbing my belly
“I think they’re fine, I need more food though but I got that covered now” I took his hand and led him inside showing him the gift that was the kitchen cabinets
We lit some candles and chowed down for the rest of the night until we went upstairs settling in the bed after Daryl had secured all the points of entry
We found some clothes and changed into the fresh ones and slid into bed, his chest secure to my back as he held me close, arms and legs entangled, lil asskicker in my arms
“I thought I’d never see you again………I was so scared” I felt his arms tighten around me
“I ain’t leavin now, I thought of ya everyday”
“I can’t do this anymore Daryl” I whimpered as my bottom lip quivered, I needed a home that was secure and safe and peaceful I couldn’t have a baby where it was at risk every second
“I know baby, I’ll find it fer us, all of us”
“Did you see anyone get out?”
“Nah, too much was happening but…..Hershel’s dead”
“The governor?” My heart ached for Hershel he was the sweetest giving man
I just felt him nod as he started rubbing my belly, knowing how much it calmed him down
“I love you more than life Daryl” I said turning my head so I could kiss him gently
“Love ya too, I wish I could give ya everything we coulda had, it may not be everything but I’ll try”
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Lmk your thoughts on this chapters, if you’d like to be added to the taglist comment!!:)
Taglist: @deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites2 @willowshadenox @thebadbatch2022 @writer-ann-artist @i-wear-wet-socks313 @thestonedwriter
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Ooh requests are open imma send u the lil idea I had in my head but not had the time to get to writing it. Schl sucks I agree it's not fun, hoping you survive it somehow tho
May I request a Gojo x reader where the reader likes sweets so they buy sweets, put them in the fridge and promptly forget all about it until they see the wrapper in the bin/want to eat and realise there's only one left so they demand to know why Gojo has been stealing all their sweets? Thanks!!
A fridge full of sweets
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Summary: You both love sweets. You bought a whole fridge full of sweet delicacies for you. But you didn't manage to eat it because you always had other plans. You remembered about these sweets when you saw empty packages in the trash. Satoru ate everything...
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The shelves that had so much colorful packaging on them looked like they were starting to shine for no reason.
Pink, yellow, red, blue, green packaging and all these. As if a real rainbow appeared in the store. A rainbow that fulfills wishes!
You've been craving sweets so much since the morning. That's why whenever you went to the store to do some basic shopping, your eyes didn't miss the shelf with sweets.
Cookies, jellies, candies, cake in plastic containers, muffins, donuts. Everything seemed to be looking at you and your soul was already strengthening at the mere sight of these delicious good things.
You had Satoru's money with you. And he will never be mad at you if you spend his money on sweets since for him this is the basis of his diet!
He even adds ice cream to Sake when he needs to drink it, but he doesn't like it so much that he adds vanilla ice cream to it to eliminate the bitter taste of the alcohol! At alcoholic parties he drinks melon soda, cola or orangeade!
You have a cupboard in your kitchen especially for sweets!
He bought you bubblegum and pudding flavored lip gloss because he wanted to feel sweet while kissing you!
You both like sweets. You love these sweet flavors that melt in your mouth!
After a few seconds of contemplation, your hands shot out to the colorful packages and you started choosing everything you wanted.
Everything you wanted to take could have been in the fridge. You want refreshing sweets today.
Citrus jellies, mochi, ice cream.
But you couldn't give up marshmallows, Pocky, chocolate bars and those adorable teddy bear cookies. Soft cake, cream and jams... These teddy bears are the ones Satoru likes. But you also like them because they have different flavors.
Later, you were completely ready, going to the bakery to buy muffins with various creams and cake.
You came home with bags containing mainly sweets.
And you looked at the fridge, stuffed to the brim and shiny with delicious-looking things.
Taking one cat-shaped cupcake with sprinkles in the shape of little cats, you closed the fridge to stop yourself from eating it all at once.
If you want to have a beautiful evening, you can eat sweets together.
The strangest thing was that your boyfriend didn't open the fridge right away when he came home.
He came into the house, greeted you, changed into his home clothes and started taking warm food out of his bag.
He came back from town bringing you your favorite food.
He really spoils you. He feeds you with the amount of food he eats. And he could eat all day long. Continuously. And he forces just as much food into you, even though his size outweighs yours. That's why you think he might have a bigger stomach too.
No... He has a black hole in his stomach. Everything he eats disappears as if it never happened and he can continue eating everything.
He clung to you on the couch.
And the next day he took you out to dinner in the city.
Then it happened again that you weren't at home.
The fridge overflowing with sweets hasn't been opened and you haven't eaten any of it yet. Fortunately, there was nothing that deteriorated very quickly.
But one day when he came home late, you were already asleep, waiting for him in bed.
But knowing this Gojo Satoru, he was hungry after working all day as a Jujutsu sorcerer.
That's why his hands reached for the fridge. And his eyes lit up when he saw the amount of sweets.
The smile on his face when he thought that you surprised him and bought all these sweets for him as a gift.
Maybe tomorrow morning he will play with you to thank you for these delicacies?
Your warm arms can wait. For now, he has to eat everything you bought!
All his bites are big. While eating one thing, he only thought about eating the next one. So he ate everything in order. All packages were open. The sour jelly sugar coated his fingers as he licked the cream from his lips after eating the last cupcake.
Long fingers landed on his tongue as he scooped up the sweet and sour delight of the jelly beans.
Will he be able to sleep after all the sugar he has consumed? After coffee bars?
This is Satoru! Someone who has been eating sweets for so long that they have become addicted to it! Someone for whom sugar is not difficult! He can gorge himself and half an hour later he will be hungry again!
You may have already gotten used to your personal hunger at home.
Luckily he can have millions of yen for food!
The empty wrappers of all the treats were thrown into the trash can when he finished eating. And he didn't even want to go brush his teeth to hide all the traces.
They were sweets for him from you, weren't they?
But no one else could eat it except him and you. You two live together.
You felt the bed sink next to you and he climbed into your arms, giving you a kiss on the lips.
Why did you feel the taste of chocolate and cream on his lips, but the inside of his mouth tasted like citrus jelly beans?
You were so sleepy that you ignored it and went back to sleep. After all, you always felt more comfortable sleeping in his arms. You slept better.
But you slept too well. That's why you needed to wake up first thing in the morning. Sweet coffee and coffee bars... It was your dream.
You remembered that you put this package on the last shelf in the fridge.
You took the cups and prepared the milk and sugar.
While the coffee machine was pouring delicious fresh coffee into your favorite mugs, you walked over to the fridge.
Rubbing your eye, you blindly reached for your bars. To not find it.
You opened your eyes to look for it.
And you saw an empty fridge that was already full yesterday!
There were empty fancy packages in the trash can.
There isn't a single candy bar...
Only a package of peanut candies left...
Clenching your jaw, you walked to the bedroom, knowing who the culprit was.
That's why his mouth tasted like citrus jelly beans and chocolate!
He ate it all!
All your sweets!
Even kitty cupcakes and teddy bear cookies!
You saw a white-haired giant stick insect who was too muscular to be a stick insect lying in bed with his belly bare because of his shirt that had rolled up.
You bluntly threw the cold wrapper of peanut candy onto his half-bare chest.
He jumped up from the sudden impact and cold and looked at you like he was having a sudden panic attack.
If you poured ice water on him, he would look even better! It was revenge!
"Mochi? What?" He exclaimed, looking at your furrowed brows.
"Why are you stealing our sweets?! You ate everything!!" you shouted, your hands clenched.
"Baby baby! I was hungry! But since the fridge was full, you bought it for me, right?"
"I bought this for us a few days ago! But you ate it all!"
He quickly stood up, placing his hands on your cheeks as you looked at him like a disappointed child.
He fed his adorable baby (you) with pancakes that he made.
Two towers of pancakes for you. And as a punishment, not one for him.
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moemammon · 4 years
The demon brothers reacting to MC dropping their phone on their face while laying down:
Why are you laying around on your phone anyway? Why, because Lucifer was buried in paperwork and couldn't give you the time of day!
He wanted to, of course, but you knew better than to pester this workaholic while he was doing stuff.
So instead, you decided to keep him company with your presence, rather than your words. And he appreciates it. Having you around clears his head and encourages him to work faster, somehow.
Maybe it's because he wants to get back to you as quickly as he can? He's rather spend time with you, anyway.
And it seemed like you'd need it since you just destroyed your nose with your phone.
All you wanted was to scroll through the group texts to pass the time.... why did gravity betray you like this...
Lucifer hears the soft smack of your phone against your face, and the grunt of pain that follows it.
He doesn't even need to look up. He knows what happened. Maybe he's trying to spare your feelings?
You don't see it, but a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. What a sadist...
"I did tell you to sit properly while you use your D.D.D., didn't I? I hope you've learned your lesson."
You narrow your eyes at the demon, not sure whether to be embarrassed or irritated.
Lucifer finally looks up at you with that judging gaze of his. But he's not going to mock you, of course! The eldest is too mature for that.
"Maybe it's time I took a break. It seems that you need something other than your D.D.D. to keep you busy."
So all you had to do was pull a Mammon and he’d start paying attention to you, huh?
You make a mental note of that.
You were in Mammon's room, lounging around in comfortable silence. You were laying across his sofa on your back, arms propped up to hold your phone over your face while you watched a video.
And that's when the inevitable happened. Your fingers slipped, and....
The moment your phone makes contact with your face, Mammon's practically in tears.
Seriously. He has to shove his face into his pillow so he can calm himself down. But did you HEAR the sound you just made-
He's dropped his phone on his face so many times that he's glad HE gets to laugh for once, instead of the other way around!
He feels your pain though, so once he recovers from laughing for ten years, he asks if your nose is okay
Which you reply that it is not.
May he offer you a bandaid in these trying times?
"Don't look at me like that! I already said I was sorry for laughing at ya, didn't I?? C'mon MC... Oi, don't ignore me!"
Levi's back is to you and his eyes are trained on his computer screen, watching the pixilated game characters move across the screen.
You don't mind, since you're absorbed in your own game, a new mobile mmorpg he introduced you to!
And you've taken the liberty of stealing his bathtub bed for yourself, and we're currently laying on your back, arms raised high as if that would channel power into your character's move combo.
But it seems like you got a little too excited, because your phone slipped out of your grasp, and right into your poor face.
When you yelped, Levi pauses his game and takes his headset off to see what??? you just did??
Then he sees it.
His dear Henry has lost the battle against their D.D.D... he knows you fought honorably...
No but seriously, you good?
He's probably the one who's done it the most out of all of his brothers, what with all of his hobbies involving browsing the internet.
"Uh... I don't have any ice, but you can use this soda can..? It's still cold."
Thanks Levi. That was very poggers of you.
You were laying about, scrolling the internet to figure out the meaning of a word you'd just read.
Impignorate??? What was THAT. Not even Satan had an answer, so you had to rely on google to give you a hand.
Speaking of hands, yours decided to betray you and send your phone into your face, which Satan just witnessed.
He was mostly paying attention to the book his nose was buried in, but he’d sneak glances at you from time to time.
And he just happened to get lucky enough to witness your murder
This man lets out a very audible "Pfft-"
He was trying not to laugh. He swears. It's just that the sound of the phone hitting your face was just
Chef kiss
And now he will offer you a kiss, too, to your lil red nose.
He gets up to make sure you're good, still obviously laughing about it.
"Maybe you should sit up next time you use your D.D.D., hm?"
Now where have you heard that one-
He's definitely logging that memory into his brain forever though lmao
He didn't know humans could make a sound like that
Does this scenario even need explaining??
There was nothing unusual about you and Asmo laying around his enormous bed, scrolling through devilgram, fashion blogs, and rolling over to show each other your latest internet find.
But all that rolling around and laughing came at a price...
That price being the structural integrity of your skull, after your phone just dive bombed into it.
Asmo IMMEDIATELY sits up
If there's anyone who knows how dangerous a blow to the face can be, it's Asmo!
He's not even laughing about it. Just cupping you're cheeks and checking you over like a worried wife mom
"Are you okay?? Nothing seems to be swelling, and I don't see any bruises... How's your nose? Does it hurt?? I'll get you some ice! We don't want any marks on that adorable face of yours!"
Nurse Asmo will heal your superficial wounds
Speeds up the recovery process with a million butterfly kisses all over your face
May or may not turn into a few kisses going lower and lower, until-
Anyway, just be careful next time, okay? You nearly gave him a heart attack!
What do you do when you run out of ideas for what to make for dinner?
You look to the internet for some recipes! Preferably easy ones that can be made quickly and in huge batches, per Beel's request.
He's looking, too! There are plenty of cookbooks to flip through, so while you handle the googling, he's busy... drooling over the photos in the books.
At this rate, he might just eat the books themselves...
So you get up from your cozy lounge spot on the counter- Or, that was the plan anyway. But one thing led to another, and the only thing moving was your cell phone.
Toward your face.
Beel hears the smack and then the curse you mumble under your breath, and looks over with worry.
His hunger is temporarily forgotten since he's got to make sure you're okay. Humans are fragile, after all!
Maybe not fragile enough to seriously be hurt by something like this, but he still doesn't like when you get hurt.
"Are you okay..? That sounded like it hurt."
Carefully inspecting your face. When he concludes that you seem perfectly fine, he gives your hair an affectionate ruffle.
"Why don't we look through the cookbooks together? I found a recipe that looks tasty. I want to make it with you."
The pain in your face seems to fly away in the presence of this sunshine man.... you have truly been blessed...
Hanging out under the stars with Belphie was always so relaxing. You couldn't get enough of it!
And this time, you had the great idea of snapping a few photos of the display above your heads.
After a couple of selfies and a few shots overhead, to position your phone to take one last photo of yourself and Belphegor, when your finger slips.
Belphie has abandoned you.
He rolls away at light speed to prevent the phone from possibly hitting HIM, and lets you take the hit.
You've never felt more betrayed....
And he has the nerve to chuckle???
He grabs your phone from your face, inching close enough to look you over.
"Sorry. I didn't want to get hit. That must've hurt, huh?"
Yeah, no kidding.
Probably imitates the sound you made at random times throughout the day just to get on your nerves tbh
He's annoyingly good at it, too
Evil man
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Confessions [Stefan Salvatore]
pairing - stefan salvatore x fem!reader
type - fluff, lil angst
note / request - “hi i just wanted to say absolutely loved your recent stef imagine🥰🥰can you write more of him? if you’re up for it!! also one where maybe like they’re always teasing and bickering because they like each other <33″ YES AH I LOVE STEFAN. yall are gonna hate me SO MUCH in the ending. enjoy :)
summary - after a little teasing goes to far, you’re forced to tell stefan your real feelings for him
warnings / includes  - mild language, suggestive language. italics are your thoughts 
*gif isn’t mine* 
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“Stefan!” You exclaimed. 
Stefan rolled his eyes. “I had him!”
“No, you didn’t!” You shouted. “God, why can’t you just let me do my job! Why do you have to be such a control freak.”
“Cause I’m the one who made the plan,” Stefan said. 
“Yeah, and it was literal dog-shit. I was about to stake him!” You said, putting your hands up in the air in exasperation.
Stefan rolled his eyes. “You should be thankful. You would’ve been toast if I didn’t come in.”
You clenched your jaw. “I’ll make you into toast.” You went to lunge at him, but arms pulled your back quickly. You kicked your feet in the air, trying to get out of the hold that Damon had you in. 
“Let me go! I need to kick his ass!” You exclaimed. 
Stefan smirked, “You’re human, you wouldn’t last one second.”
“We’ll see about that,” you said, managing to rustle out of Damon’s grip. 
“Stop it!” Caroline yelled. You looked at the blonde who had her fangs out, ready to get in between you and Stefan. 
“He started it!” You straightened up, pointing at Stefan.
“No, she did!” Stefan exclaimed. 
“You two are act like 5 year olds. Grow up. Y/n, you were about to die if Stefan hadn’t come in,” Caroline said. 
You scoffed, turning to your friend. “Really, Care?”
“See, told you,” Stefan snickered. 
“But,” Caroline started, looking to Stefan. “You should’ve trusted her. She's more than capable of handling herself.”
You smirked. “HA! In your face, Salvatore!”
Stefan rolled his eyes. “I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I can’t live without my best friend.”
You teasing smirk turned to a soft smile. “Aw, Stef, I always knew you cared about me.”
“Barely,” Stefan scoffed. 
“Oh, sure,” you giggled, walking up to him. “You adore me.”
“Only in some aspects,” Stefan said. “Oh, yeah? What are those aspects?” You smiled. 
“Like when you’re quiet,” Stefan smiled at you. 
You frowned, “Wow, so nice.”
“Well, you asked,” Stefan shrugged. 
“Hm, true. Alright well, I’m tired of getting my feelings hurts by a vampires so, I’m gonna go home,” you said, walking over to the door. 
“No, Y/n! Stay for dinner!” Elena begged.  “Nah, I’m okay. I have ice cream at my house,” you shrugged. 
“You sure?” Caroline asked. 
“Yeah. See you guys tomorrow,” you smiled and waved before exiting the Salvatore’s house. You sighed and went to your car, going in and heading home. Once you got home, you put on your pjs and opened a pint of cookies and cream ice cream. You turned on Criminal Minds and cuddled up on the couch. 
15 minutes into the episode, a knock on your door sounded. You paused the tv, getting up. You grabbed pepper spray and a knife you had hiding in a vase, going to the door hesitantly. 
It’s 10:50 PM. Who is at my door?
You peaked through your window, relaxing immediately as you saw Stefan. You put your weapons on a nearby table, opening the door. 
“Hey,” you smiled. 
“Hi,” Stefan smiled back. 
“What’re you, uh, doing here?” You asked. “I came bearing gifts. As an apology for being mean,” Stefan said, holding out a box of chocolates, a box of pizza, and some soda. 
“And I should forgive you, why?” You asked. 
“Because I’m your best friend and you love me?” He smiled. 
You pursed your lips, putting your finger on your chin. “Hm, well, I do love chocolate and pizza and soda. I also kind of consider you as a friend, too, so... sure. I forgive you.”
Stefan smiled. “Awesome. Can I come in and hang out for a bit?” 
“Sure,” you said, moving out of the way so he could step in. He stepped inside, slipping off his shoes and his leather jacket. 
“Whatcha watching?” He asked, walking into the living room. 
“Criminal Minds,” you said, walking in with him. 
“Ah, nice. The show doesn’t scare you?” Stefan asked. 
“Not when you’ve seen a vampire rip a person’s head off right in front of you,” you chuckled, taking your seat on the couch again. Stefan sat next to you, putting his arm on the top ledge of the couch. 
“Right,” he chuckled.
You sat back into him, putting your head on his chest. Stefan put his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. 
This was normal behaviour for you and him. You two had been best friends for the past 3 years since he came here. You two connected instantly. You were witty and teasing, which was something Stefan couldn’t help but be intrigued by and attracted to. After finding out he was a vampire, you two became closer. You learned all his secrets, everything about his childhood, and slowly fell in love with him. It was cliché, you knew, but it was true.
You had always been attracted to him, since day one. He was handsome, no doubt. He was also kind and dedicated to helping his friends and family, which was something you admired. You’re little crush on him stemmed from when he had saved you from Kol Mikaelson. Kol pushed you off the terrace after you tried to stake him, making you fall hundred of feet. You truly thought you were about to die, but Stefan Salvatore swooped in and saved you. From the moment he caught you in his arms, when you looked into his eyes, when your lips almost met, was the exact moment you knew you were starting to like him. The time you realized you were in love with him was when the teasing started. 
You two had been friends for about a good year or so. You two had always had a playful relationship. You two made it that way because you two liked each other and it was easier to be mean to each other than admit your feelings, but you two didn’t know that about each other. Anyways, the moment you fell in love with him was when he was helping you cook for you and your friends. You were trying to have a nice night without all the crazy. Stefan and you were cutting some vegetables up when you sliced your finger. You expected him to go all crazy, but really, he helped you out. When he was cleaning up the cut and wrapping the bandage around your finger, there was a moment when both your eyes met and a little voice in your head that said, ‘he’s the one you love and are gonna marry’.
It had shocked you, at first, and there was a period of time where you shut him out because you couldn’t deal with your feelings. But you soon realized that you couldn’t live without your best friend and that if you weren’t gonna confess your feelings, you would at least keep him as a best friend. So, you two started to tease each other more and would bicker like an old married couple. Everyone seemed to notice your feelings for each other but you two. It was truly amazing, but you two seemed happy this way, so no one every really bothered you guys. 
“Wow, that’s not gross at all,” Stefan said, commenting on what was happening in the show. 
“Yeah. it’s kinda weird, but I’ve been watching this show for 10 seasons so, you know, I’m very used to it,” you shrugged. 
Stefan smiled down at you, admiring how pretty you looked all natural, hair in a bun, and in your pjs. He liked how focused you were on the show, even though mutilated bodies were being shown on the screen, very very up close. 
“I never would’ve pegged you for a criminal show type-of-girl,” Stefan said. 
“I’m full of surprises,” you grinned. 
“Yeah, I know,” Stefan smirked. You looked up at him, your eyes skimming his lips before gazing into his eyes. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked. 
“Nothing,” he shrugged. 
You started to yawn, putting your attention back on the tv. 
“You should get some rest. You had a big day,” Stefan said. 
“No, I wanna stay up and be a rebellious teen!” You exclaimed.
“You’re 18. You’re not a teen anymore,” Stefan chuckled. 
You smiled, “True. But hey, you are! Aren’t you, like, 17?” You asked, looking back up at him. 
“Yeah, but I’m also 165 years old,” he said. 
“Haha, you’re still younger than me. I order you to go to your room and sleep. Oh, and you can’t talk back to me,” you giggled, teasing him. 
Stefan rolled his eyes, “Ha-ha, you’re so funny.”
“Stefan Antonio Salvatore! Do not talk back to me!” You exclaimed, getting up from the couch. “Go to you room!”
Stefan stood up with you, towering over you. “How about I take you with me?”
You looked into his deep, green eyes. Your breath hitched, your heart racing to the point where you thought you were going to have a heart attack. Stefan took your hand in his, lighting your skin on fire. Heat rose up to your face, making you hide your face from his view so he didn’t see you blushing. But he put his other hand on your chin, lifting your face up and looking you in the eyes. 
Your eyes went down slowly to his lips, subconsciously licking your own at the thought of kissing him. Your eyes went back up to his, noticing his eyes on your lips, too. Stefan’s arm snaked around your waist, pulling you in so your bodies touched. You felt the warmth radiating off of him, wanting to stay there forever. And as much as you wanted to kiss him, you knew you couldn’t. You knew he didn’t like you like that, and this was one of his ways of teasing you. So, you pulled away, turning away from his once more. 
“You should, um, go. We’re both tired and stuff,” you said. 
Stefan frowned, wishing you would follow along with him, but he didn’t try again. He didn’t want to force you into anything, especially since he wasn’t too sure about your feelings for him. 
“Alright. I’ll go. I’ll see you later,” he said. 
You nodded, not looking at him. “Bye.”
You heard the door open, hearing Stefan mutter a ‘goodbye’. Once the door closed, you started to cry. Tears that were forming in your eyes fell, coming down like a waterfall. You put your fist in your mouth, trying to drown out the sound of your cries, not wanting to wake your mom. You went to your room, curling up on your bed and hugging your pillow. 
I wish I would’ve kissed him. 
You walked in Elena’s house, your mouth watering at the smell of bacon and eggs. 
“Hm, who’s cooking?” You asked. 
“Me,” Stefan smiled once you came around the corner. 
“Oh, great,” you said.  “Aw, come on, I apologized to you last night. Be nice,” Stefan said. 
“Being nice to do is the last thing on my to-do list,” you snorted. “Give me some eggs and bacon?” “Nope. Say sorry,” Stefan said. 
You rolled your eyes, walking over to Stefan and the stove. “In your dreams. Now, give me food, Stuffy,” you smiled, using a nickname you had made up for him. 
“Not a chance, Y/n/n,” Stefan smirked. 
You sighed and tried to grab the plate of bacon that was in his hand, but he held it up in the air. You huffed, jumping up and trying to get the plate from him. 
“Stefan, I’m hungry! I didn’t have an actual dinner last night. Please,” you begged, jumping up, barely touching the plate. 
Stefan put the plate down to your reach. You smiled, “See, I knew you couldn’t resist me.”
Right as you were about to grab the bacon, Stefan swiftly put the plate down, taking both your wrists in his hands. You fought against him, a big smile on your face. 
Caroline, Elena, and Alaric scoffed in the living room. 
“Are they ever gonna get together?” Alaric asked. 
“Sometimes it seems like it,” Caroline says. “And sometimes it doesn’t,” Elena sighed. 
“Why? They’re like, perfect for each other,” Alaric said, smiling a little when seeing Stefan scoop you in, spinning you around. 
“They’re so oblivious to each other’s love, it’s annoying,” Elena said. 
“And weirdly movie-like,” Caroline said. She sighed, looking at the two of you longingly. “I want what they have.”
“More like lack there of,” Alaric snickered. 
Elena hit his shoulder, going over to the kitchen.  “Okay, love birds, let’s eat. I’m starving,” Elena said.
Stefan let you go, your feet landing on the ground. 
“So you’ll listen to Elena and not me?” You asked. 
“Hm... yep,” Stefan smiled sweetly. 
“Rude,” you remarked, making your way to the kitchen table. 
Stefan brought over the food and you dug in. You all talked about a new plan to take out Klaus, which led to you needing to go back to your house to get some vampire-hunting supplies. 
“Mind if I go with you? Might be some heavy lifting I’ll need to do,” Stefan said. 
You rolled your eyes, “I’m strong enough, but sure. I could use someone to make it less boring.” You got up, putting on your shoes and jacket. 
“See you later, guys,” you smiled and waved to the rest of your friends. 
They waved back at you and Stefan followed you out to your car. 
“So, what’s the reason you wanted to go with me?” You asked, getting in your car. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I’m bored.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “Okay, yeah, what’s the real reason.”
“I um... I wanted to talk about last night,” Stefan said. 
“Alright, but nothing happened. We did our little friendly-cuddle, you got all up in my personal space, and then you left and I went to bed,” you said. 
Stefan shook his head, “No, Y/n. That’s not what happened.”
You parked your car in your driveway, getting out and going into your house. 
“Then what happened, Stefan. Tell me,” you said, walking into your room and going into your closet. 
“Well, we did do our cuddle thing, but it definitely wasn’t friendly. We also almost kissed,” Stefan said, following you. 
“Sure, Stefan. You have a funny imagination, you know,” you said, getting out your box of weaponry. 
“We did, Y/n. Stop being in denial. I also know that you cried after I left,” he said. 
You looked up at him, scoffing and moving past him. 
He just wants to get under my skin.
“Y/n, this isn’t one of the times where you can just walk away and we forget about it. I’m serious,” Stefan said. 
“How do you know I cried?” You asked. 
“I... I heard you using my super-hearing through the door,” Stefan admitted. 
You shook your head, “Stalker.”
Stefan went up behind you, grabbing your forearm, causing the box you had to drop on the floor. He turned you to him, looking deep and hard into your eyes. 
“Let me go, Stefan,” you muttered through a clenched jaw. 
“No. Why won’t you talk to me about this?” He asked. 
“Be-Because I don’t want to. I have a right to not want to do anything, you know. Let me go!” You exclaimed, fighting against him. 
Stefan shook his head. “No. I want to know why you pulled away. We had a moment, Y/n, and we’ve always been having moments since we met. I... I don’t know if you are in love with me, like I am with you, but I felt something last night. I know you did, too. I saw in your eyes and I know that you were crying because you pulled away and you were upset. So, Y/n, why’d you pull away?”
You looked up at him helplessly. “I... I pulled away because I was scared.”
“Scared of what?” Stefan asked softly. 
“Scared of what would happen. I didn’t know if you loved me back. I was scared that if I kissed you, that I would lose our friendship. And as much as I wanted to kiss you, I can’t risk losing you,” you confessed. 
Stefan’s hands let go of your wrists, going over to your waist. He pulled you closer, your bodies touching once again. Your heart beat against your ribcage, making you more nervous than ever. You looked up at him, leaning in closer. 
“You’re in love with me?” You asked. 
“Yeah. Probably since we became friends,” Stefan said. 
“Me, too,” you smiled. 
“I figured after last night,” Stefan smiled. 
You chuckled, “Yeah.”
“So, are you gonna pull away now?” Stefan asked. He put his hand on your cheek, his hand staying on the small of your back. He looked into your eyes, waiting for your answer.
You shook your head with a smile. “No, not this time.”
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
Lilies of the Valley
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This one’s for you @mourntheantagonist​!  And @cherrydreamer​, thanks so much for the loan of your name!
Harringrove April Prompt day 30: Lilies of the Valley!  Neil had opinions about Billy's mom, and Billy's mom's makeup, and Billy.  What he thought doesn't matter anymore, but Billy's still a little worried about bringing it all up to Steve.  GNC Billy.
When Billy was five, he’d tried on his mom’s gold pumps and her rainbowy nail polish, and she’d laughed and spread her arms for him to stumble into.  “Hey, glitter-bug,” she said, kissing his head all over until he giggled, trying to protect his neck from her attack.  “How’s the prettiest boy in town?” she whispered, blowing raspberries down his chest and stomach, and then finally letting him up once he was giggling so hard he couldn’t breathe.  
She’d let him sit on her fancy vanity stool, spinning him now and then so they could see how he looked from different angles in the three mirrors.  “Oh no,” she whispered, her eyes very wide.  “I thought you were prettiest from this side, but every new side is prettier!  How is it, sir, being the prettiest,” she asked, offering him an imaginary microphone.
He beamed into her face, and cleared his throat.  “You’re the prettiest,” he told her, his eyes big with anticipation, and sure enough, she yelled and scooped him up, dumping him on the bed and cuddling him until they’d both laughed so hard their lungs hurt.  
“You are,” she whispered.  “I made the prettiest boy in the world.”
“You’re the prettiest girl,” he said loyally, and that time she kissed his nose.  “Anyway,” he whispered, “—you have…” he trailed off, reaching up to touch the sparkling powders over her eyes, and the bright greasy red on her lips.
She drew a shaky breath, pushing herself up, and glancing towards the door.  “...do you want to play with my makeup, baby?” she asked, and he sat up too, springing upright so fast they nearly clonked heads.
“Can we?” he asked, keeping his voice low, like hers, but nearly vibrating with excitement.
She bit her lips together, tucking some of his curls behind his ear.  “You know how there are some things we keep secret from Daddy, sweetie?”
Billy squirmed around to face her, nodding, and folding his hands like a grownup.  “Like when you kiss Mrs. Sally,” he whispered, then, belatedly, cupped his hands over his mouth.  
“Like that,” she told him, nodding.  “If I’d kept kissing Sally, he might have found out, and not let me see my lil’ glitterbug anymore.”
“I won’t tell,” Billy said, shaking his head, his heart pounding with the weight of adult responsibilities.  
“I know you won’t,” she told him, smiling, but she looked sad.  “But I can’t do anything that might make Daddy take you away, can I?”
Billy shook his head, wondering, as always, why his mom had married someone who didn’t like either of them very much.  He kind of wanted to ask, but she reached out and held his face, squishing his cheeks together like a fish, and he batted at her hands.  
“Makeup is like that,” she told him, and he frowned, trying to understand.  “If I put makeup on you, Daddy will be very angry,” she told him.  “So we have to wash it off before he gets home, and keep it a secret, just like me kissing Sally, right?”
It didn’t make a lot of sense, because Billy had seen his dad fussing with his hair, and his ties, and he knew his dad wanted to be pretty too—but maybe, he thought, his dad was mad because he was jealous, and that kind of fit.  He nodded seriously, licking his lips, as he wondered what the lipstick would feel like.
It felt weird and sticky, but it looked beautiful, and he gasped as he opened his eyes in the mirror, leaning closer to touch the mirror, and then touching his lips.  
“You’ll smear it,” his mom said, smiling, and Billy yanked his hand back into his lap.  He closed his eyes and felt the shiny powders brushing over them, his mom’s warm hand steadying his chin.  Very slowly, so as not to jar her efforts, he kicked his feet in happiness.
“There,” she said,” rubbing her thumb along his eyebrow, and squinting into his face.  “You’re adorable, honey.  Your mamma did so good.”  She spun him to look in the mirror again, and he stared as she kissed his cheek, and then redid his lipstick, because he couldn’t stop chewing at it, fascinated.  “Other mommies would be so jealous of my lil’ glitterbug,” she whispered.
An hour before his dad got home, she popped him in the bath, leaning in to scrub his face gently, and he sighed to see it go.  
“We’ll play again, sweetie,” she told him, kissing his forehead.
That night Billy’s dad clicked his tongue at her bright red lipstick, and went and got the Bible.  He made them stand, listening, while their dinner got cold.  
“‘Therefore I say unto you,’” he read, “‘Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. For the life is more than the food, and the body than the raiment.’  What do you suppose that means, Billy?”
Billy watched his mom shut her eyes, swallowing, and he tried to think, to get it right, but he never understood the Bible.  He told his mother once that he thought they should have somebody write it all down that talked normal, and she laughed for the whole afternoon, and then told him that was another thing to not tell his dad.
“I thought that school was teaching him to read, and now he can’t even understand language,” his dad said, and Billy’s mom flinched.  
“It means we should think about god more than looking pretty,” Billy’s mom said dully, and Billy watched her, and then his dad, wondering why he’d even wanted to marry her, because she was beautiful and funny and perfect, and Billy’s dad even got mad over things like the neighbor’s Christmas lights.
She didn’t wear the bright colors, after that.
 Years later, Steve was driving back from picking up burgers, and Billy shoved a handful of fries in his mouth, and slurped his soda.
“You ever miss fucking a chick,” he said, weirdly flat.
“Uh,” said Steve, who hadn’t.  “...um.  Uh, d’you?” he asked, warily, and Billy shrugged, unwrapping his burger.  He took a huge bite, grunting appreciatively, and Steve tried to think of what to say.  “What...are you missing,” he asked, slowly, and Billy smirked over.  
“Nothing big, don’t flip your shit,” he said, taking another bite of burger, and staring out at the passing scenery, as Steve tried not to shake him, or bite his lip, or look like he was flipping his shit.
“...what is this,” Steve asked, finally, clenching his hands on the steering wheel.  “You cheating on me?!”
“No,” Billy said quickly.
“You want to?  You wanna break up?!  Where the fuck is this going, Hargrove?!” Steve hissed at him, and Billy sighed, letting his head thunk into the window.  
“No, fuck you, I don’t want...any of that,” he sighed.  “Calm your tits, Harringt—”
“Fuck you,” Steve spat back.  “If you’re fucking bored—”
“No!  I didn’t mean that!” Billy shot back, throwing a french fry at him, and Steve grabbed it and ate it, chewing with his mouth open, and his teeth bared.  “Fuck you,” Billy sighed.  “I just asked you a question, don’t get all pissed.”  He sighed again, lowering the burger to his lap, and frowning past it.  “I just wondered.”
Steve had kinda relaxed, waking every morning and seeing Billy sprawled next to him, his hair in his open, snoring mouth, and he’d forgotten he was Steve Harrington, the guy people left.  “Fuck,” he whispered.
“I just meant the—they’re soft,” Billy said, glancing over, and then back down, his jaw working.  
“You’re saying I need to get fat?” Steve asked dryly, through his teeth, as he pulled into the garage.
“No!” Billy shoved him against the door of the car.  “Forget it.”
“Not likely,” Steve muttered.  Billy shouldered past him into the house, and then ignored him until Steve went to bed, and Steve laid up in their bed alone.  He didn’t cry much, but the couple tears that escaped went right in his ear, and he was tempted to just...go down and throw every porn cassette he’d ever owned at Billy’s head.
 The next morning he got up and made bacon and eggs—he was hungry, even if Billy was being an asshole—and Billy came in and helped himself.  
Billy’s eyes were swollen and red, and Steve didn’t know what to do with that—he’d never broken up with anybody he really liked, he thought, dully.  Maybe it was hard.  “Sorry for trying to have a conversation,” Billy hissed, and walked off, and Steve slid his plate of food aside, suddenly not hungry.  
After a few minutes, Billy stomped back in.  “What, you gonna stay out of rooms I’m in now—” he started, snarling, and then he stopped, and probably took stock of Steve’s head in his arms on the counter, and his breakfast getting cold.  Steve jerked his head up, rubbing his face.  “Fuck,” Billy muttered, grabbing Steve around the waist, and turning him enough to kiss.  “I don’t…” he said, softly, biting his lip.  “I don’t want somebody else.  Don’t be a fucking dumbass, jesus, of course I don’t want someone else—”
“How the hell should I know?!” Steve hissed back, but relaxing, a little, into the kisses.  “You just said you missed fucking women.  I’m not one, if you missed that—”
“I didn’t say that,” Billy told him, taking Steve’s hands.  “I asked if you missed it.  Stroking your hands up here,” he breathed against Steve’s lips, and slid Steve’s palms up where Billy’s sides were shirtless and smooth under his denim jacket.  “Feeling something...elastic, maybe,” he whispered between open-mouthed kisses, and lifted Steve’s hands up farther, to stroke over his nipples.  “Something silky.”
It felt like the conversation had taken a sharp tilt, and Steve felt like the marble in a little maze, trying to avoid dropping through the holes.  “...on you,” he whispered back, to be sure, trying to imagine it.  
Billy was perfect already, he wanted to say, from the little softness over the waistband of his jeans where he’d stopped working out so hard, once he was away from his dad, to stretched pink scars that reminded Steve there were more places to kiss.  But Billy was already withdrawing again, his shoulders hunching as he smirked, and Steve tried a “Keep talking.”
His hands were abruptly fuller of Billy as he leaned in, shoving Steve back against the counter.  “I gotta keep things fresh, right,” he whispered.  “Make sure you still want what I got.  Maybe…”  Steve waited as Billy searched his face, biting his lips, and then took a shaky breath.  “Maybe dress up...a little,” he mumbled, losing momentum, and Steve hurried, feeling the need to catch some fragile part of Billy before it smashed.
“You wanna dress up for me?” he asked, making sure to grin, because it honestly sounded weird, but Billy wanted to—and Steve didn’t really give a shit about flowers, either, but even if they gave him hayfever, he knew to be happy when somebody picked him out a present.  At least, he thought, whatever Billy was talking about was unlikely to make him sneeze.  
Billy’s smirk went a little smaller as he flushed, and he laughed, shaking a little.  “If—if you want,” he said fast, grinning tensely.  “If you...if that…” he muttered, looking a little shiny-eyed, and Steve slid his hands around the soft, scarred skin of Billy’s back, and down toward the swell of his ass.  “Imagine something bright down there,” Billy whispered, breathing against Steve’s jaw.  “You could snap the elastic, pull me over.”
That sounded like Billy Hargrove wanted to wear lace panties, and Steve fought back an instinctive snigger, squeezing him closer, and trying to think of something to say, something that wasn’t “You’d make duct tape hot, babe,” or “Y’know we could not do that, and just fuck,” or anything else that made it seem like Billy’d asked him about something weird as hell, and important to Billy, and Steve hadn’t even listened.  “Yeah,” Steve whispered, not sure what was required.  “Sounds hot,” he said lamely, but Billy relaxed against him.
“Yeah,” he whispered, nodding, and laughing, and stroking his fingers through Steve’s hair so clumsily he almost poked Steve in the eye.  “Yeah, yes, it’ll—it’ll be good, you’ll like it,” he whispered against Steve’s lips.
 The next day Billy disappeared after school, and came home squirming and pink-cheeked.  He wandered up like nothing was going on, resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder, and Steve turned and drew him in.  Billy had his jacket buttoned, for once, and a flushed smirk, and Steve unbuttoned it from the bottom, sliding his fingers up over what felt like soft, elasticy cotton.  It was a clingy little camisole thing, he realized, nearly a tanktop, nearly unisex, but the satin edging around the top, the thin straps, and the bright red put it squarely in the women’s section.  
Billy laughed nervously.  “It’s not even that pretty,” he said, glancing at Steve’s face, and then baring his teeth a little into the distance.  “Fuck, this was dumb, in this little hick town, I couldn’t even find anything—”
It was stretched out across Billy’s chest, not the shape it expected to fit, and his nipples showed around the straps, the soft fabric clinging to his skin.  “No,” Steve whispered, sliding his hands over ropy satin straps, and Billy’s skin.  He ran a finger along the strap and down, his nail catching on Billy’s chest, so he shivered.  “No, it’s—it’s really...pretty, Billy,” Steve breathed, and Billy reddened like Steve had never seen before, his smile widening into a beaming grin.
“They’re just cotton,” Billy whispered, “—but they were red, at least—” 
Steve smoothed his hands over the soft fabric.  He slid his fingers down the back of Billy’s jeans, and felt—yep, he thought, grinning as he felt Billy laugh, another thin elastic edge that definitely wasn’t Fruit-of-the-Looms.  “Just cotton,” Billy whispered again, sighing.  
Steve had bought lingerie before, but he’d never really thought about it for Billy—or even Nancy, who was too ticklish for lace, and liked the spontaneity of showing up and pushing Steve onto his back on the couch more than she wanted to set anything up with candles and rose petals.  He felt a little guilty, though, seeing Billy squirming around, panting a little, his dick hard as a rock in plain cotton briefs, red or otherwise.  “So you…” Steve started, and then stopped, uncertain what he was trying to say.  
“What,” Billy bit out, glaring up at him, which looked...less than intimidating, in what looked like underwear for a kid, or somebody’s mom.  Steve ran his fingers along the line Billy’s dick made in the panties, fascinated, and it twitched.  Billy jerked his knee up, grinning, his freckles fading into his blush.  “Quit it,” he said.  “You’ll make me mess ‘em up.”
“...you like being...pretty,” Steve said, and Billy twitched, pulling his knees up and together.  “No, don’t, uh, don’t pillbug up,” Steve told him, leaning in to hug his boyfriend’s knees.  “Um, how...how pretty?  What...what kinds of…”
“The hell d’you mean how pretty,” Billy growled, warily, and Steve bent his head, pressing a kiss to Billy’s tanned knee.
“You just...want pretty clothes?” he asked, as Billy took a shaky breath.  “I just—I mean, you were talking about...girls.  You want like…” Steve ran his thumb over Billy’s tense, curled toes.  “You want I should paint these?”
“God, will you?” Billy asked, pushing himself up as he yanked Steve into a kiss,  knocking them both off-balance so Steve landed on top of Billy in his soft, elastic cotton, and Billy groaned.
“Yeah, I’ll paint ‘em,” Steve whispered, kissing Billy’s hot face.  “Don’t...really think you can get much prettier,” he said, feeling Billy’s cheek grin under his lips, “—but I’ll help.  I might have something upstairs.”
“The hell would you have,” Billy snorted.
Steve felt indignant for a second, then kind of dumb as he shot back “I could wear nail polish, you don’t fucking know,” before he registered that it probably hadn’t actually been an insult, and he started to feel his ears go red.  He cleared his throat.  “...uh, no, though.  I don’t.  But my mom.  There’s some of her stuff up there.”
“Oh,” Billy said, sitting up.  “You...you’d let me use your mom’s stuff?”
“Why not,” Steve shrugged, pulling him up.  “Maybe she’s got some nylons or something.”
“Holy shit,” Billy whispered, but he grabbed Steve’s arm, pulling him back around.  “You don’t think she’d...she’d think it’s gross, right,” he asked, still smirking a little, like he was trying to keep it up.  “She wouldn’t want some dude wearing her nylons.”
“You’re not some dude,” Steve said, rolling his eyes, “—and if she’s so damn precious about ‘em she can buy some more, come on.”  He drug Billy upstairs—Billy was very manhandleable, in bare feet and a sheer cotton underwear set, and Steve tried not to think about the difference it made—and pushed Billy down to sit on his parents’ chintz duvet cover.  He dug through her drawers, and found some nylons, and brought them over.  Billy laughed, wide-eyed, and Steve reached down and grabbed his foot, thinking.  “...y’know what,” he said, “—Mom used to do all this stuff to her feet, and I bet it kept her damn nylons from running.”
“...you saying I should go get a pedicure?” Billy snorted, and Steve shook his head, squeezing his boyfriend’s toes.  
“Nah.  Lemme see what she’s got, we can figure this out,” he mumbled, pulling out drawers.  “Can’t be that hard.”
“...you gonna give me a pedicure,” Billy muttered, like he didn’t know whether it was a question or not, and Steve was about to roll his eyes when he finally found the right drawer. 
“Oho,” he said, grinning over his shoulder.  “The mother lode.  Come look at the colors.  I mean, they’re mostly kind of pink, but there’s some reds.”
The bed creaked as Billy got up and came over, and his breath hitched.  He reached towards the lipsticks, and then jerked his hand back, and Steve grabbed the reddest one, and leaned to kiss him, softly, opening the lid.  Billy closed his eyes, panting a little, and Steve kissed him again, because Billy’d probably wanna sprawl around looking pretty for a while without anybody smearing it, once he had lipstick on.  
“Open your mouth, babe,” Steve said, and Billy did.  Steve could feel the pulse pounding in the skin under his fingers, but he just brushed the tip over the corner of Billy’s mouth, narrowing his eyes intently.  
Billy licked the tip of the lipstick, and Steve hissed at him, hsht! like Billy was a little kid, or a cat.  “I can’t do this if you eat it,” he pointed out, and Billy laughed.
“It tastes the same,” he said, softly.  
“...you eat it a lot?” Steve asked, realizing he had mouth open in concentration, and his tongue licking his teeth in the direction he was rubbing the lipstick on.  He bit his lips together, smiling in embarrassment.  
“I used to,” Billy said, letting Steve turn his head left and then right, and smiling.  “Mom would dress me up.”
Steve paused for a second, at that, his hand on the lipstick stilling, and then he started again.  “Dunno if I’ll do as good a job,” he said, and Billy laughed again, swallowing hard.  “...maybe I’ll get better with practice,” Steve told him, and Billy grinned, yanking him in for a hard kiss.  “Who-mmmph,” Steve protested, then leaned into it, feeling Billy sigh contentedly, and hum.  
When Steve pulled back, his dick went half-hard just for the way Billy looked, leaning back against the side of the bed in his soft red underwear set, his eyes closed, his grin smeared and lazy.  The red stood out, shiny and rich, and Steve wished—silently, to himself—that lipstick ever tasted even a tenth as good as it looked.  “...jesus, that’s nice,” he said.
“I’m the prettiest, right,” Billy whispered, and a couple tears leaked from under his closed eyelashes.  He sniffled as Steve lifted and turned his chin to fix his lipstick.  “Shut up,” he said hoarsely, even thought Steve hadn’t said a word.
“...just thinking you look gorgeous,” Steve told him.  “You look so pretty, babe.”
“...’life is more than the food, and the body than the raiment’,” Billy said, snorting a laugh, and Steve said “...what?”
“It’s a bible thing,” Billy said, his eyes widening as Steve pulled out a tray of eyeshadows, and held them up to Billy’s face, squinting.  
Steve squinted, decided the green would make Billy look like he had a weird Christmasy disease with the lipstick, and pulled out the other one, pinks and golds.  
“...it means you should worry more about following god’s word than dressing up like a slut,” Billy said, quirking his mouth.  “‘Consider the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you, Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.’  Like, God makes you like he wants, you shouldn’t...change it.  Try and...look...different.”  Billy sighed.  “He used to make us say it whenever we asked for new clothes.  I told him I might as well go to school naked, then.”
“I don’t remember the part in the bible where Jesus called people sluts,” Steve said, leaning in to kiss Billy’s cheek, and then concentrating on brushing gold over his eyelids.  
“Just be as nature made you, y’know, don’t...try to be...what you’re not,” Billy said, smirking.  “He never found out I wanted to wear lace panties.”
“Good,” Steve told his boyfriend, then whispered “God,” as he sat back.  “...Billy, god made you a lily.”
“What?!” Billy laughed, scrambling up to go look in the bathroom mirror.  He was quiet for a long minute, and Steve got up and followed, grimacing.
“I’ll get better with the little brushes,” he said, leaning through the door, but Billy was just making kissy faces at himself, entranced.  
“I’m the prettiest boy in the world,” he breathed, and Steve bit back a laugh.  “Come here.”  Steve wandered over to slide his arms around Billy’s waist from behind, and kiss his neck.  “...you like it, right,” Billy asked, and Steve nodded, squeezing him.  
“Come on,” he said, “Lemme do your toenails.”
“Jesus,” Billy said, giggling, kinda, his eyes shiny, and Steve just held him there, letting him look.
 The next day, Billy changed the oil in his car, his nails and lips red, and his face smeared with engine grease when Steve pulled him out from under the car for a kiss.  While he was tinkering, Steve drove clear to the Indianapolis Victoria’s Secret.  “I’m dating an Olympic swimmer,” he told them, having practiced the lie.  “She’s got no tits and these big shoulders, and she’s hotter than anyone else in the world, can you help me out?”
My other Harringrove prompts are here!
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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mypimpademia · 4 years
hi! i love your work sm 🥺
can i get some fluff w/ bakugo being the first to say “i love you” please 🥺
Bakugo x reader
TW: Swearing
Note: hiii! Tyyy🥺💖
This is kinda cheesy and silly and not super romantic ngl 😭
Included a lil hc that bakugo likes spooky szn bc its the one time him being such a menace is slightly normal
Also I'm sososososo sooooo sorry you waited so long for it to be this short I've been occupied w school and im trying not to delay writing so much
Youre both in your 3rd year
God, you loved nights like this.
Nights where your boyfriend finally had time in together after having extensive amounts of school work that often kept you apart.
Usually, the two of you would go out for a walk or just out in general.
But it's cold outside, and neither of you felt like going out. Plus, there were Halloween specials coming on later tonight.
And to top it off, his parents were out of town doing a fashion show, and wouldn't be back till tomorrow, so you had his house to yourselves.
You had some time to kill before the Halloween special though, so you were baking fudge brownies from scratcy (or anything else you'd like if you dont like brownies).
"Thats not how you mix it, dumbass." Katsuki pointed out, watching as you poured a little bit of the dry ingredients into the wet ones. You quickly tipped the bowl back over, as to not mess up the recipe.
"Well I asked you how to mix it and you never told me, dumbass." You retorted.
Bakugo sucked his teeth, coming up behind you and guiding your hands.
"You whisk the dry ingredients together first, then the wet ingredients, don't just dump them in" He instructed you, his hand over yours as you both whisked the mixture of powder ingredients together.
As much as you tried to focus, it was hard to. Especially with the way you suddenly realized how warm Katsuki was, and how his caramel scent flooded your sentences.
You repeated the same process with the wet ingredients, then mixed everything together.
"Keep mixing that till its time put it in the oven, im going to order the pizza." Katsuki told you. You hummed in understanding.
"What toppings do you want?" He asked you. "Hm... (insert topping choice)." You told him. "What? Who the hell eats that?" He scoffed.
"I do!" You exclaimed, faking being offended by putting a hand to your chest. "Fuckin' weirdo." He teased, flicking your forehead.
Katsuki ordered the pizza and it had been set for delivery, and you put the brownies into the oven.
For the next short while, you both sat around talking about nothing in particular till the brownies finished cooking and the pizza arrived.
At about the same time, you had everything ready for the Halloween special.
The brownies were cooled enough to eat, the pizza was hot a fresh, and you convinced Katsuki to build a pillow fort with you.
"Katsuki, hurry up, its about to start!" You shouted. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fuckin' coming." He grunted.
Katsuki placed the tray of cut fudge brownies next to the box of pizza as well as the soda you ordered that was on the coffee table.
"What the hell, we're watching Houcus Pocus?" He snarled. "Yes, and what about it?" You asked him, knowing he'd watch it either way he secretly likes it, dont @ me.
A few pizza slices and fudge brownies later, you were about 20 minutes into the movie.
You were watching intently as Bakugo was scrolling through Instagram on his phone, and you occasionally looked down just to see what was on his feed.
And during one particular time you looked down, Denki went live.
"Ohh, go to Denkis live." You said, curious about what shenanigans he was up to this time.
Loading up the live, Sero, Denki, Mina, and Kirishima all seemed to be in a Walmart parking lot.
"Extreme cart racing!" They all cheered.
Kaminari climbed into a cart while Sero held it, making sure it didn't slip. Mina stood on the side cheering for them, and Kirishima filmed.
"Three! Two! One! Go!!!!" Mina shouted.
Sero took off running while pushing Kaminari in the cart, and Kaminari screamed, holding onto the sides of the cart.
It was going good, they were gonna reach the spot they were supposed to.
And then Sero tripped on a crack.
The cart swerved in the direction of a light pole, and Kaminari let out the largest scream you've ever heard, and right before he hit the pole, he accidentally set off his quirk.
You saw electric shocks run through the parking lot, and then the live cut out.
But unfortunately for you, you happened to be drinking soda, and found the scene all too funny.
Your drink shot through your nose, and you started coughing and sniffing on instinct as you fanned your nostrils.
"Fuck— holy shit this burns!" You yelled, grabbing nearby napkins and wiping yourself off.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was laughing and calling you a dumbass.
"Oh my gosh– shut UP!" You shouted, only making him laugh harder.
You let out a groan in a mixture of pain and slight frustration, before going to get up.
Before you could fully stand, you were tugged back down by a certain blond who was most definitely laughing at you a second ago.
"Fine I'll help you." He finally offered, still laughing slightly.
Katsuki gave you napkins to blow your nose with, while he whipped down the table and floors.
"It still fucking burns." You whined, pinching your nostrils.
"Ha, dumbass–" You heard Katsuki say. You turned to playfully shout at him again, but at the same time he turned as well, and said something that caught you off guard and left you speechless.
"- fuck... I love you." He mumbled, a look of nothing but pure adoration and love for you in his eyes.
Not even a second later, he realized what he said, and seemed just as shocked as you.
"Oh fuck– wait- I'm sorry." Katsuki sputtered.
Before he could get another word out, you planted a soft kiss on his lips.
"I love you too." You whispered.
In an attempt to hide his embarrassment and failing, he directed the attention back to you.
"You taste like snot and soda..." He chuckled.
"Yeah, but you love me, so deal with it." You said pulling him into another kiss, and throwing your arms around him, and he returned the favor by locking his around your waist.
Katsuki fell back onto the floor, and you came down with him. But neither of you minded, and continued exchanging kisses all over one anothers faces.
For the first time ever, you both felt, and knew, that you were content and whole with the person you were with.
You were right where you should be.
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dxkuuu · 4 years
Cookies - ((Chapter 12: what if i fall?))
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a/n: I’m soooo sorry this is late! I tried posting it yesterday, but I think Tumblr deleted it after I added a ‘read more’ so I’m remaking it and posting it now. But as always, I love you guys! Let me know what you think???
I’m sorry I couldn’t add a read more, I’ll try and figure out what went wrong!
Word Count: 1,170
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You stood in front of the closet in your dorm anxiously, as you began reconsidering your outfit. Your nerves were eating you alive and you had to make sure that everything went smoothly during the date, or you’d never be able to get over it. As you were deciding whether or not you should change into something different, you heard a knock come from your door and began to panic.
What if you were underdressed? What if you were overdressed? What if he just didn’t like what you were wearing? “Y/n?” you heard Shoto call out from the other side of your door. You sped over to your door but paused for a second before opening the door. He smiled when he saw you and asked, “Are you ready to go?”
“I..” you started, “I don’t know, maybe I should change into something else?”
“I think you look great y/n. You always look amazing, no matter what you’re wearing,” he said, causing a fluttering feeling in your stomach. You nodded your head and walked out of your dorm, closing the door behind you. Shoto turned to you hesitantly, then reached out his hand for you to take. “Would you..um,” he cleared his throat before softly continuing, “would you like to hold hands on the way there?”
Your expression brightened, and he visibly relaxed. “I’d love to,” you said as you interlocked his fingers with your own.
As the two of you walked around the different booths, you’d noticed it was starting to get dark out. You didn’t mind, as you still had a few hours before Mr. Aizawa required you to head back to the dorms, though you were feeling a bit nervous since the two of you agreed to go on the ferris wheel together once it was dark enough to see the stars.
As you tried to stop your worries from taking over your mind, you buried your uneasiness in the sweetness of the snow cone you were holding. Meanwhile Shoto, who’d already finished his, watched as you nibbled on your treat. Feeling his gaze on you, you turned to look at him and he blushed as he got caught. “I’m sorry,” he said shyly, “you just looked so cute.”
You felt flustered at his statement, “I-.. Sho,” you began, though you cut yourself off as you saw a familiar booth behind him. Your face lit up with happiness as you gently dragged Shoto over to the game you were looking at. It was a simple soda toss, but there was an adorable Charmander plushie that you wanted to try and win.
Noticing what you set your heart on, Shoto walked up next to you, and the two of you played together, just enjoying the moment. Well, more like, you were enjoying spending the moment with Shoto playing a carnival game, and Shoto was enjoying the excitement that you were radiating as you stood next to him and tossed your rings.
The two of you continued to play until Shoto finally managed to win you the stuffed Charmander that you’d wanted. “Thank you Shoto,” you said sweetly.
He took a small step closer to you, “Of course, it wasn’t really that difficult.”
You beamed at him, “No, not just for the Charmander doll, but for going out with me tonight.”
“Oh. If anyone should be saying thank you, it should be me. So, thank you y/n, for coming to the carnival with me,” he said, before looking to the Ferris Wheel behind you, then back at you. “We still have yet to go on the Ferris Wheel,” he mentioned. He had a point too, if you got on now then you’d still have time to head to that café you were talking about a few days earlier.
“You’re right,” you said, “Let’s go!”
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence as the Ferris Wheel moved. For a moment, just being there next to each other was enough for both of you. The longer you spent with him during your date, the less nervous you began to feel. Kaminari and Ashido were right, things weren’t as different as you thought they’d be. Before you knew it, the thought of taking your relationship to the next level no longer scared you.
However, the moment was soon ruined as the Ferris Wheel came to an abrupt stop while you and Shoto were at the top. At first, you didn’t think much of it, but after staying at the top for an unusual amount of time, you were becoming concerned. As you looked out the window of the cart, you saw a few people running around the Ferris Wheel controls and the reality of what had happened quickly dawned on you. “We’re stuck up here,” you mumbled.
“Yes, it would seem like it,” Shoto responded. “Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will be fine. If anything goes wrong, I can always make a slide out of my ice for everyone on the Ferris Wheel to use to get down,” he assured you.
“Right,” you said as you tried to calm down from your shock. Deciding to distract yourself with the pretty view, you stared out the side of the cart that you were sitting in and marveled at the breathtaking sight. “It’s so beautiful!” you exclaimed in a fairly hushed voice, so that you wouldn’t disturb any of the other passengers.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Shoto said softly as you turned to look at him.
“Shoto..” you trailed off as you looked him in the eyes. Your nerves were melting away, and the moment just felt right. He moved a little closer to you. “You know, the carnival’s great and all. But there’s still one thing that we haven’t done,” you mumbled to him as you moved closer as well. The two of you were sitting across from each other, your faces being inches apart.
“I agree. It’d be a shame if we never got the chance,” he said as he leaned in. He placed one hand on your leg, and the other on your cheek.
“Yeah, it really would,”, you said as you put one hand on his shoulder, and the other on his arm. You leaned in and closed the space between the two of you, and the sparks you felt were greater than Kaminari’s quirk. The moment was perfect, and you couldn’t have asked for anything better. As you pulled away, the Ferris Wheel began moving once again.
“Oh, it would seem that everything’s been fixed, that’s great,” he said as he looked past your shoulder and out the window. He then refixed his gaze on you, and as your cart reached the bottom he asked you the words that you’d been waiting for, for the past three days, “Y/n, would you consider being my girlfriend?”
And this time, you were happy to say yes. “I would love to Shoto! Now let’s get going so we can make it to that café!”
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➳ pairing: Shoto Todoroki x female reader
➳ summary: You and Shoto have known each other since you were kids, and one tradition you have, is that you always bring the other freshly baked cookies when they’re sad. So, what happens when he breaks up with his girlfriend and asks you for a batch of cookies?
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➳ taglist: @yn-tingz @patricia-ceballos @myherotrashbin @nami-what-whatwhat-wut @aotbnhasimp @theblueslytherin @ms-riah07 @keiyen @mindofess @lilliansstuff @simply-not-the-same @tvmblrdothailey @mirdy47707 @mygreat-perhapes @yoonbbyboy @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @thicmitten @anime-and-disney @strxberrigurl @tsundokuo @liliannyah @ih8beefnoodles @angstyclowns @stargirlara @inco-qweer-ent @ananxiousjay @curiouslilbeast @alicia-errantia @spicybellinger @eltherica @monviemoo @someweirdshitman @chiaki-kinnie @ari-hatake15 @itsmysticalmystery @i-guess-thisismetrying @lil-peetie @cece-lives-here @hadesnewpersephone @kazookid-monoma @drealugoholland @symbolofhopebnha @ozzy-bozzy @unstableye @wotsitgirl @sure566 @shotostan @d3ad-b3at-b1tch @tansyfleurwhisper @fan-g0rl @moon-spirit-yue
If you’d like to be added, send an ask or leave a comment! ❤️
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crispy-chan · 4 years
carriwitchet ch.5
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pairing | han jisung x reader, 3racha x reader genre/warnings | fluff, angst, high school au, slow burn, friends to lovers, love square word count | 3k  a/n | sorry for the long wait. I really have to be in the right headspace for thsi series but i'll try my best to update it more often from now on. also - this chapter is a lil bit sadder than usual. enjoy <3
my masterlist
“Hello there N/n,” Changbin beamed as he ran towards you. (I trolled you all kekeke)
“Oh hi Bin,” you waved at him, as he tackled you into a bear hug. This wasn't unusual in your relationship, the both of you being quite affectionate people. However, the hug was getting a little too long, even for a person like you.
“Ugh, let go. I can’t breathe,” you groaned, patting his back.
After he finally let go of you, you got to have a proper look at him. He definitely dressed up for the occasion. He sported a crisp white button-down (that outlined his toned biceps) tucked into black ripped jeans and topped off the look with his signature high-end cap. Overall, he looked pretty damn handsome. Suddenly, you felt a bit underdressed in your cardigan.
Changbin turned around to find you staring. “Whatcha looking at?” he smirked cheekily.
You immediately blushed and swatted him away, turning around to pretend you were looking at the movie options. It was a stupid move since you guys have already agreed on the movie, but Changbin was thoughtful enough not to call you out on your bullshit.  
He must have sensed your discomfort though, because he leaned in and whispered in your ear, “you look really pretty today.”
You felt shivers run down your spine as he said that and felt a soft blush stain your cheeks. You pushed that thought out of your mind, focusing on securing a spot in the line so you could purchase your tickets.
Changbin looked amused at your antics but gracefully decided to drop it. Both of you approached the counter and asked for the tickets. You agreed on two back-row middle seats but argued for a while on who should pay.
“Stop being ridiculous Y/n, I'm taking you to the movies for your birthday so you're not gonna pay.”
“Oh come on, I can just pay for my own ticket,” you tried to protest but Changbin was already swiping his card on the terminal. 
“No. I'm paying and that's final.”
You wanted to further object but decided to drop it at the unamused expression of the part-timer behind the counter. You didn't want to be kicked out after all and the annoyed whispers of the people behind you led you to simply drop it.
You reached the minibar and started to roam over the menu. 
“Do you want to buy popcorn?” Changbin inquired, smiling at your apparent excitement.
“Of course. What's going to the movies without having popcorn?” you laughed as you stuck your hand in your pocket, struggling to pull out your wallet.
Changbin frowned at that, not liking that you wouldn't just let him pay so he put his hand over yours, halting your movements.
“Come on,” he whined, “just let me pay, ok? I invited you as a birthday present so the least I can do is actually pay for it.”
You groaned at that but finally agreed, albeit begrudgingly. Whiny Changbin was actually pretty cute. 
Wait for what?
“Fine but I'm paying next time, ok?”
Changbin just shot you a wink and a sing-songy “maybe,” as he went up to the counter and ordered one extra-large popcorn and two medium sodas.
He pulled out his wallet and took out his credit card before swiping it over the terminal. Damn, why did guys always look ten times more attractive when paying by card? That must have been surely the mystery of the century. After grabbing the order, he pulled you in the direction of where your movie was being played.
“So, are you scared?” he teased.
“Oh shut up Bin! I'm sure it can't be that bad, right?”
“Well good thing you've got me to protect you,” he chortled.
“In your dreams.”
“Which seats do we have again?” you asked while climbing up the stairs.
“Twenty-seven and eight,” he read from the tickets.
You finally got to your seats, placing the popcorn on the floor for a moment before shuffling around to sit properly, lifting the popcorn from the floor, and placing the sodas in the cup holders on the armrests.
“Don't forget to turn off your phone,” you reminded Changbin while pulling out your own to not disturb anyone.
“Your right, thanks.”
The lights in the room slowly dimmed as all the ads started to run. After about ten minutes, you were feeling a little tired as you absentmindedly leaned your head on Changbin's shoulder. The boy was startled at first but cracked a smile at your zoned-out expression. When the movie started, he gave you a light nudge to get you to focus on the screen.
You whipped your head up in surprise, your cheeks heating up at you slip up as you quickly sat back, eyes directly on the movie. Changbin internally chuckled at your flustered state, redirecting his gaze at the screen too. 
The movie was actually quite interesting, save for the occasional jumpscares that scared the shorts out of you. During one of the scenes, you could tell that the main character was walking straight into a trap and you really didn't want to witness it.
“Oh god, why is he going there?” you whined, “isn't it obvious that she's there and that she'll kill him.”
You couldn't stand it anymore, almost launching yourself onto Changbin's lap (while doing some gymnastics to get around the armrest in between you) as you pressed your head into his chest to drown out the movie completely.
“Why did I even agree to this in the first place?” you moaned, “I should have said no.”
Changbin had a hard time suppressing his chuckles at your adorableness. He'd never tell you this but he was actually glad whenever you snuggled up to him. At this rate, he was afraid though that the movie might be too much for you so he slightly nudged your shoulder.
“What?” you whispered, looking up at him with those big eyes. “Just that, you know - if it's too much, we can leave and go get ice cream or something,” he muttered, his palm going to brush some stray locks of your hair behind your ear.
You felt your heart skip a few beats at the gesture, choosing to snuggle back into his arm to avoid his intense gaze.
“I'm fine Bin, sorry for… sorry for acting like this. I should be fine now,” you smiled, moving away from him and sitting back in your seat. Embarrassment started to creep on you with how you just behaved. You hoped that Changbin didn't think you were too weird after this.
The rest of the movie went rather smoothly, none of the jump scares being nearly as frightening as the previous one. Changbin still did reach out to hold your hand whenever he sensed something even mildly alarming.
When the final credits rolled, the both of you started to pick up your stuff, heading out of the dim room while chatting about the movie.
“Look, I'm sorry for all that,” you started nervously, “but please don't tell anyone. I'd never live it down if they catch wind of it.”
He smirked at the display of you begging him like that but after seeing how worried you were, he decided to drop it.
“Don't worry N/n, I won't tell anybody. Besides, why would I share something as cute with the rest? This is now a thing between you and me only,” he smirked.
“Okok, that's enough,” you said firmly, not wanting to talk about it anymore, “let's go get something to eat.”
You entered the cozy cafe and took a seat near the window in a quiet corner. You scanned the menu, getting a little too immersed in choosing what you want as you completely zoned out when the waiter came to take your order.
“N/n,” Changbin flicked your forehead lightly to bring you back to earth. “What do you want to order?” he asked, pointing to the waiting part-timer who was slowly losing his patience.
“Oh. sorry, I'll have the latte and a matcha pudding, please,” you murmured, hoping the boy heard you. Luckily, he did as he scribbled down your order and briskly walked away.
You sighed, hating yourself for spacing out like that and making a fool of yourself. You were zoning out all day and you didn't know why. Maybe it was because of the movie - you were quite scared after all, no point denying that but you had this underlining feeling.
After finishing your drinks, Changbin walked you to the bus stop (insisting it was late already, and you shouldn't walk alone) and thanked you for coming with him.
“Seriously. Bin, stop,” you chuckled, “why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you. It was lovely, I didn't realize I needed this but I actually really did. I had lots of fun, and I hope you too.”
“Of course I had fun N/n. As long as I'm with you, I’ll always have fun,” he patted your head with a wink, shooting you the finger guns as he walked away.
You were still laughing about it as you got on the bus, his corniness proving to be really funny as always. You realized you actually missed some of his stupid jokes, the momentary separation between you two suddenly seeming way pettier.
You softly hummed the melody of For You. Again. But you just couldn't help it, the song had such a calming effect on you. It was your go-to song when you were stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed with school. And hey, who knows? Maybe there really are blessings waiting for you.
Getting off the bus, you walked the short walk home and rummaged for your keys. After stepping in, you made your way to the bathroom. You jumped in the shower, feeling ready to wash off all the sweat and lather yourself in that coconut body lotion.
On Monday morning, you walked into the school building, exhausted from just going up the few steps. You didn't get much sleep last night, opting for preparing for that chemistry exam even though it was on Thursday.
You see, chemistry was never exactly your forte. That's why you had mad respect for everybody that understood it, which was unironically about half of your friend group. Felix and Jisung were absolute chem and bio whizzes, making you wonder if they ate workbooks for breakfast. On top of that, Iris was also quite good which left only you, Mei, and sometimes Changbin to stick together
It was quite painful watching everyone understand the lecture and later not study at all, only for them to get a better grade than you, who had studied for three hours every day a week before the exam. You learned to suppress those feelings, not wanting to come off as rude, it wasn't their fault after all that you just couldn't beat those damn formulas into your head.
Chemistry today was especially hard, the teacher dividing you into pairs and handing you worksheets to complete with your partner. 
You were paired up with Changbin, who usually fared better than you but today, he was none the wiser.
“God damn, I have no clue how to do this,” he cursed under his breath, scanning the handout with visible distaste.
You laughed at his antics, going through your backpack to find your notebook. “Neither do I but I think we should manage with the help of my notes.”
“Yeah, your notes are a literal lifesaver, thanks.”
You plopped the notebook on the desk, opening it and turning the pages to find the needed material. 
With the help of your trusty notes, the two of you managed to complete the paper, even finishing before the bell rung and giving you some time to chat.
You left the classroom with a smile, feeling like you probably won't fail the next exam.
If you just put enough time into preparation, you could maybe even scrape an A. Today was Monday - that meant that you still had three days left to prepare. You studied for three hours yesterday, familiarizing yourself with the theoretical part of the topic. Now all that was left was to not forget it and go through the formulas to make sure you could build the proper equations.
Let's say you could cram in about two and a half hours of studying every day until Thursday. With that much dedication, you could likely do pretty well. While you were counting in your head and mentally planning out study sessions, Jisung ran up to you from behind and scared the shorts out of you.
“Wassup, N/n. Wanna hang out?” he put his arm around your shoulder and playfully nudged your side.
“No Jisung,” you threw his arm off, speeding in the direction of your locker, “sorry but not this week.”
When you saw his pouty face, you patted his hair and added, “the chemistry exam. I need to study as much as I can.”
“How come you didn't ask for help? I can tutor you if you want, I know how you despise chemistry.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to decline, Sung. I want to manage on my own.”
“I see,” he murmured, “that sounds a lot like you, actually,” he crinkled his nose and laughed. “See you tomorrow then.”
“Bye,” you waved at his retreating figure. Maybe you should have taken up on his offer. He was really good at chemistry, after all. You blinked, thinking about what would happen if you agreed, wouldn't do you any good. Plus, Jisung was a busy guy, he had a lot of things on his mind and you didn't want to bother him so it was better you declined.
You trudged your way home, entering your room and slamming the door shut. It was going to be a long day. Opening your notebook with a sigh, you started to go over the stuff for the n-th time. Oh, how you wished you were good at science. The stuff just didn't come easily to you and you had no idea why. You tried everything! All the methods there were but you could just never figure it out until you studied for hours. Maybe that's what you needed to do?  Just suck it up and study some more.
You were about to just do that but the sudden clang made you put down your notes for a second. And then you heard it. The beginnings of a loud argument that brewed between your parents almost every day. They always fought over the pettiest things like who put the dishes in the wrong place in the dishwasher? Who left their cup on the table? Where was the remote?
Whenever you heard someone raise their voice, you could feel your thoughts spiral down the deep end. It was like this trigger that sent your thoughts to this dark place. Blocking out the noise, you picked up your notebook and tried to concentrate on studying as to distract yourself. That's something you really needed at the moment.
At ten pm, you decided you had enough. Standing up to stretch your sore limbs, you threw on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, not even bothering to brush your teeth as you made a dive for your bed.
It was a dreamless night.
The next morning, you practically moved on autopilot. Pulling on your clothes and shoving breakfast down your throat, you left the house without even bidding your parents goodbye. You ran to the bus stop and pulled out your headphones to listen to some music.
“Yeah I know, we know If it's you, you can do it, ayy Don't give up, oh no You persevered up until now What's the worry? Believe in yourself”
That helped a lot. It calmed your racing heart and gave you hope. You struggled with some pretty harsh thoughts and just bottled it up because you didn't feel like you had anyone to talk to. Listening to their songs provided at least a little comfort and let you somehow channel this stuff out of your system.
The day at school was pretty uneventful, you were only assigned an English essay and a few math equations. Nothing you couldn't handle.
It must have shown that you didn't sleep too well, many of your friends asking if you were okay at the sight of the black circles under your eyes. You bit back a sob and tried to patiently assure them with a fake smile that everything was indeed okay. That you just binged a Netflix show till four am and were tired.
They all bought it.
Except for Jisung. 
He watched you like a hawk for the entire day, being extra kind and doing little things for you here and there to better your mood. You appreciated his efforts, you really did but no amount of candies and encouraging little notes would make you forget the upcoming exam as well as the stress piling up on your shoulders.
After class, you skipped lunch and went straight to your locker so you could leave as soon as possible without anyone noticing you.
“Oh hey, Y/n. Wanna grab lunch together?” Changbin smiled at you before bending down to tie his shoelaces.
Shoot. You completely forgot that Changbin didn't have lunch in the canteen on Tuesdays. You racked your brain for possible excuses, before eventually settling on the lamest one. 
“Sorry, I have to study for chem. I'll probably just get something to go near my place.”
With an apologetic expression, you backed out of the hall, and almost ran to the exit with a quiet “bye” thrown in the confused boy's direction.
You ran down the cobblestone path, ignoring the grumbling of your stomach. When you told Changbin you'd get something near your place, you were lying. You figured there wasn't time to spare and you planned to invest every second possible into preparing for the exam. You knew it was wrong, to skip meals and lock yourself in your room for hours but you didn't know any better. Every time, you told yourself it was the last time you'd pull a stunt like that but as they say...old habits die hard.
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
YJ College au: Zatara
Zachary Zatara is both a myth and their housemate.
In which Bart has a cryptic-buddy, Tim is stressed because cute boy insists on being annoying, and everyone else just rolls with it.
Tagging @animemangasoul and @marudny-robot cause I know you guys like this au
As usual after pulling an all-week-er (he had left the ‘nighters well behind at this point), Tim was up late that saturday. The window had been left open last night, so a soft streak of sunlight wamed his bed, waking him up slowly and peacefully. Yeah, he would have liked a few more hours, but sunbathing in his sheets for a while wasn’t all that bad either. What would make this half-awake-half-dreaming experience would be some chill music.
Muddled mind made, he rolled in his bed, hand patting the mattress for his phone, squinting his eyes open when he hit something different instead.
He found himself to be almost nose to nose with a dark haired, grey eyed boy.
Tim started that fine morning screaming himself hoarse.
Sitting at the kitchen’s table, getting everything ready for a late sunday breakfast, Kon raised his head when he heard the strong sound of a scream, followed by… yeah, that was a body hitting the ground. It was unmistakable, in this house. 
“Oh, hey guys”, he called to the attention of the rest of his housemates, all in equals states of zombie-ness, with not as good hearing as his. “Zachary is here.”
“The fuck, Zach? My bed? Did you HAVE to crash on my bed? Why are you even here?”
Tim, four coffee cups after his pseudo heart attack half an hour ago, was ready to face the day and their intruder.
“Dude I live here as well, you know. Also your bed is literally the softest thing I ever slept on, you rich bastard. Learn to share.”
“I’ll buy you your own fucking mattress if you swear to never crawl on my bed uninvited again.”
The boy’s eyebrows rose, suggestively. “What was that about an invitation?”
Distressed and not feeling awake enough (he was still two cups away from that) to deal with bi thoughts this early in the morning, he turned his most helpless look to Conner.
Because he was the best friend ever, he threw a pillow to Zachary. And because he was a suck up to anyone who brought him food, Bart intercepted the hit and gratefully accepted the candy bag he got in thanks.
“But actually, Zat, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Berlin?” interjected Cassie, her own tea (the heathen) cup warming her hands as she cuddled with Cissie and Greta on the couch, legs in each other’s laps and generally being the cutest shit ever.
Anita, not very keen on that kind of sweet love, had been wrestling with Slobo for control over the remote for the last fifteen minutes. Miguel was keeping count on their hits for them, though it was mostly assured he would rig the whole thing up to whoever had bribed him better before the fight.
Tim just wanted to go back to sleep in his sun-warmed bed.
“C’mon guys, keep up”, moaned Bart, candy bag half empty already, “he was there two weeks ago. He had an exam yesterday so he came back last monday.”
“...come again?”
“I’ve been room-hopping ever since, though none of you seemed to mind. Until I disturbed sleeping beauty over here, at least.”
Miguel’s eyes left the fight to squint suspiciously at them. “We weren’t aware you were doing that. Where did you sleep? How didn’t we notice?”
“I'ma mystery. I also move around a lot when sleeping so I probably ended up under someone’s bed after crashing from studying. Oh, Anita, if you were wondering, your purple bra is under Cissie’s bed.”
Anita slowly let go of the grip she had on Slobo’s neck. Her eyes shone something dangerous. Cissie, the one who was apparently hosting the boy all along, also stood up and frowned.
“How do you even know that bra is mine!!”
“What the fuck were you doing under my bed, you bastard!”
Tim sipped his coffee, bitterly. “At least he was under it, and not sharing it.”
Kon patted his back.
“I swear, Jay, he thrives on making me lose my shit. He just… comes and goes whenever, leaving no proof he was ever there, or acting like he was always around. Drives me nuts. I’m not sure he even attends classes, and I only know he actually has a right to enter our house because his rent money always appears on the kitchen table a day before its due. He doesn’t even have a room, why does he even pay? To have an excuse to scare the shit out of the rest of us. Except Bart. The little shit lives for our suffering.”
Jason arches an eyebrow, sipping his beer as he carefully examines his brother. Tim looked less tired than the last time they saw each other, and the modifications done by his psychiatrist had done wonders to the shadows in his eyes. But he seemed somehow… frazzled.
“And he was just there when you woke up?”
“His nose was touching mine.”
“I bet your little bi heart couldn't take that, huh? Is he cute? Maybe you invited him to share your bed the night before and just don’t remember. You know how you get after a week of disregarding your general wellbeing.”
“Oh, shush you. I take care of myself. When was the last time you went to your check in with Patricia?”
Jason scratched the back of his neck, averting his eyes. “I missed one session, because I have exams too you know? But I’m up to date with Silvio, and we are working on slowly easing me off the medication.” He noticed the way Tim looked at his drink, expression screaming bullshit, and he scowled in response. “Fuck off, it’s alcohol-free. Kori and Artemis would have my head if they caught me mixing my dosage with anything stronger than tea, and I can’t deal with Biz and Roy’s disappointed eyes.” 
Tim thought of the last time he refused to see his therapist, and the look in everyone’s  (specially Kon’s) eyes, and had to agree. Having friends sucked when one wanted to wallow in self destructive conducts.
“Whatever, all I’m saying is, he’s not cute enough for me to forgive his weirdness. You know the people I roll with, so this is saying a lot. And I would remember inviting him to my bed, if anything for the mortification of it. I’m also…”
The ring of the doorbell distracted them both of whatever Tim was gonna say next. Waving his brother off, Jason got up to pay for their pizza.
When he returned to his living room, Tim was no longer alone.
“Who the fuck are you?” He exclaimed, eyes going back to the hallway at his back, then again at the black haired, grey eyed kid sitting next to Tim. “And how did you get in? We are on the sixth floor and I was just at the only door I have.”
Tim raised his eyes at him, and he seemed equal parts resigned and frazzled. ‘Told ya’, he seemed to say.
“Yo, the food’s finally here. I’m starving. The name’s Zachary Zatarra, by the way. Tim’s friend and housemate.”
“Allegedly” mumbled the other under his breath, earning himself a smile and pat on the back. “Don’t question it, Jay. He’ll be gone after a while when none of us are paying attention. Just let it be.”
“But while I’m here”, the other boy continued, grinning devilishly as he looked at Tim and then Jason, “instead of questioning how did I get in, what about I tell you all about your lil bro’s crush? It 's adorable.”
Tim raised an eyebrow “I don’t have a crush on anyone.”
“Like I said, adorable. He’s so oblivious, it’s precious.”
Decision made, Jason left the pizzas at the coffee table and went to fetch a soda for their guest. Gossip, especially about his siblings, was the best way to gain his immediate cooperation. And he could always force the answers about Zatara out of Bart; the brat was terrified of him.
“Hey, who has to cook tonight? Because I’m craving chicken nuggets.”
Cassie raised her eyes from her magazine, tapping a finger against her chin.
“Uhm… Zach, I think?”
Miguel nodded. “Okay, thanks, where can I find him to suggest my dinner idea?”
Cissie, legs on Cassie’s lap, dropped her head over the couch’s armrest. “Ask Tim? Wasn’t he crashing with him this week?”
That same moment, said boy entered the room, shaking his head. “No, he was sharing with Anita and Cassie.”
“No, he wasn’t… Slobo?”
“Not with us either”, denied Miguel, sharing a look with his roommate to confirm just in case.
“Didn’t Bart say yesterday he was driving him to the airport?”
“Wait, he left the country again?”
“More importantly, can Bart drive?”
When Tim came back home from class, Damian was in his living room. Using a laptop. Sitting side by side with Zatarra.
This couldn't be good.
“Hey, Timbo, welcome back.”
Not uttering a single word, Tim turned around and walked out of there. Sleeping on a park bench seemed like a preferable choice, compared to finding out exactly why the two banes of his life were sitting together. It was healthier, good for his peace of mind.
Something something self care? His therapist would be so proud.
“Hey dude.”
“Zatara. Your presence here disrupts my room’s feng shui. Please remove yourself from the premises.”
“This disaster zone is the farthest thing from armonious. If anything, I’m improving it.”
Tim raised his eyes from the computer screen. He could always kick the other man out, but that would require leaving the nest he made out of blankets and snacks on his bed. Perhaps a more civilized option would be better. Besides, as boundary-less as the dude was, he didn’t step into the room, just remaining on the doorstep, so whatever he was here for, he most likely needed Tim’s willful compliance.
“If I listen to what you have to say, will you leave?”
Zatara smiled angelically, like butter wouldn’t melt on his mouth, but the look behind his eyes was nothing short of devious. “That’s actually what I came to speak with you about. I have a show…”
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“A magic show. Dude, you do know I’m a magician, right?”
Tim didn’t, in fact, know that, besides baseless suppositions about his disappearing-and-appearing abilities. But he had an all knowing facade to maintain, so he grunted in acknowledgement.
“Right, so, I have a show scheduled for tomorrow, but I took Bart out to dinner yesterday so I’m all dried up, and I need to buy a plane ticket asap.”
“Are you asking me for a loan?” he inquired, incredulous. As a general rule, all their housemates refrained from that. Something about not wanting to take advantage of their billionaire friend…
“No, no. I’m offering you a…. service.”
“Look, Zach, no offense? But you ain’t cute enough for me to stoop that low and pay for the… pleasure of your company. I can just give you the money and you pay me back whenever, dude.”
“No! I didn’t mean it like that! You wish I was offering something  of the sort” he laughed, arms crossed and side leaning against the doorframe, chest and arm muscles perfectly visible. Tim kept his eyes carefully above neck-level. No need to give any weakness away.
“I know you love me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t make you miserable, right?”
“That is correct, yes.”
“Are you familiar with the ‘Buy my silence, $8.000 a month’ meme? Then get ready for a ‘pay for my absence’, my good bitch. I thought maybe you’d like...”
“Sold. I buy it. Take my credit card and go, be free, roam the world. Just get out of my room and fucking text once in a while so I know you’re alive.”
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Could we get another Miphlink/Yiga Husbands double date?? I can't get over how much I love the way you write them! 😅
Thank you! I do in fact, love writing them all, including Mipha, who is JUST precious! (also yes to that one anon, you’re getting that smut of them you wanted, I’m getting there. 20 asks don’t get responded to overnight).
“Mipha, lil’ red, how’ve you been?!”
Kohga and Sooga were invited to come over for another double date. It was Mipha’s turn to pick what to do, and she had a rather interesting idea; learning how to make drinks. That was it. Kohga might have thought something like clothes making, maybe even searching for seashells or watching Link do his training. Not that Kohga was complaining, he loved an excuse to drink. Mipha accepted his offer for a hug, just delighted to see him.
“Kohga, Sooga! My dear friends! How are you both?”
Mipha parted from the hug, and offered Sooga her hand. She learned a long time ago that he didn’t exactly enjoy touching women, so she always offered her hand, in case he didn’t want to be touched. He refused it this time around, lightly bowing his head in apology.
“I’m quite well, Lady Mipha. Didn’t think I’d be carrying so much alcohol on my back though.”
Kohga scoffed, arms folded across his chest.
“What? You expect ME to carry it?”
“No Master Kogha, I just-”
“Anyhow, he’s just whiny because it’s an indoor date. I’m SO ready to teach you how to make some drinks! Where’s your little boyfriend anyway?”
“He’s inside, helping me set out the snacks.”
Sooga cocked his head to the side.
“Should...you have left HIM near the food?”
She thought about it for a moment, and realized her mistake.
“Er...pardon me for a moment.”
She dashed back inside, and Kohga chuckled. Sooga looked down at Kohga, and he could NOT stop smiling. Kohga noticed it, and scowled.
“What’s so funny?”
“You call ME such a lovesick sap. Yet here you are, fawning over their love. You’re such a hypocrite.”
“You know what, get your ass inside, I’m not listening to you.”
Sooga chuckled as Kohga nagged him into talking inside. Mipha had her own room in Zora’s domain, but quite frankly, it was like a mini mansion. A giant bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room, all to herself. No doubt it was built for her purely because everyone LOVED her, not that she needed such space. Kohga liked it here though, it was DAMN pretty in here, even though red was his personal favorite color. Kohga closed the door behind them as he dipped his head into the kitchen. Mipha was scolding Link (if you would call her gentle ‘please save food for the guests’ scolding), when she seemed to just now notice them, smiling as she brought over bowls of snacks to the living room.
“Sorry, Link ate most of the fried salmon skins. He really does enjoy my cooking.”
Sooga gave a shake of his head.
“It’s alright, he may have them. Kohga always makes me shower after I eat fish.”
“Because that smell just does NOT go away! How am I supposed to cop a feel when you smell like a doc?”
Link didn’t have any complaints, grabbing the bowl and helping himself to the rest of the salmon skins, nodding at them both in a hello. Mipha chuckled, slightly shaking her head.
“So long as that isn’t an issue for anyone, I would’ve gladly made some more for you, Sooga.”
“Kind, but not needed Mipha, thank you. If I may though, can I put this bag down? I’d hate to accidentally break any bottles.”
“Oh yes, please, on the coffee table!”
Sooga nodded, going to the living room and putting the rather big back of alcohol down onto the table. Mipha brought a little cart full of snacks (including sauteed nuts, honey candies, meaty rice balls, bread and butter, tabantha bakes, and banana chips), pushing it right by the table before she sat down next to Link on one of the couches. Kohga whistled at the rather cute array of treats she had.
“You didn’t have to make so much, Mipha! That’s sweet of you, but I wouldn’t want you putting so much work into this.”
“You agreed to teach us all about making drinks, providing you food is the least I can do! I also have some cake in the fridge, in case we need something else sweet.”
“Ugh, you’re precious Mipha, you really are. Blondie, don’t lose this one, she’s a good one.”
Link nodded in determination, and in a way, Mipha found it adorable. Kohga started to take out the bottles from the pack, setting it all down. Now Kohga wasn’t an alcoholic by any means, but he did like having variety in his drinks, hence why he had QUITE the stock. Mipha leaned over to the tray of snacks, helping herself to a meaty rice ball. Even as she was stuffing her little face, she was being so neat about it, just as the princess she was. Sooga meanwhile, sat up straight and to attention, as usual, not letting himself relax.
“So, what drinks ARE we making today, Master Kohga?”
“Let’s start with Mipha’s. Ladies first and all of that. I know which one you like, I NEVER forget a drink order. Don’t think you’ve ever seen me make drinks actually, so this should be fun.”
Kohga was always fast when it came to making drinks of food. It took him pretty much only a minute to cut fruit, salt the rim (of course he brought his own glasses), pour the ice, juice, vodka and stir. Sure it was a simple drink, but the speed was nonetheless impressive. He handed her the glass, and she gladly accepted it, handing the rest of her rice ball to Link. She took a sip, and although she tried to hide it, he could tell she enjoyed it, based on the way her lips curled into a little bit of a smile.
“I always thought it was so much more complicated than that, quite frankly.”
“Honestly, ANY drink is easy, once you know what you’re doing. Sooga, your turn big guy.”
“I don’t think we packed wine.”
“We didn’t, because that’s boring. That, and I like the fact that you watch my hands when I make these.”
Kohga nudged him with his shoulder, trying and failing not to grin. Sooga knew he was right, he LOVED watching him make things. Be it food, drinks, or...well, anything really. Kohga dug into the bag, pulling out a bunch of stuff. Sooga cocked his head to the side, curious.
“Wait, what are you making-”
“Shh, you’ll like it, trust me.”
In a tall glass, Kohga poured a container of some kind of syrup, adding some wild berries right after. He mashed them up, added a bit of some red liquid, and topped it off with ice cream, and a dash of soda. Sooga picked up the glass, inspecting the rather colorful drink.
“What...is this?”
“It’s a float, just try it. I even made it low alcohol, because you’re a pansy.”
Sooga gave it a sip, and slowly nodded, finding himself rather liking it.
“That’s quite nice, actually. Sweet, but bitter. How did you get the ice cream to stay-”
“Don’t ask questions, and just enjoy. Meanwhile, let’s get to refilling your glass Mipha, you’re all ice over there.”
Mipha looked down at her glass, lightly shaking her head.
“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly. One is more than enough.”
“Come on, you ain’t swimmin’ anywhere. Just one more?”
Mipha hesitated, but chuckled in defeat, handing him her glass.
“Alright. But just one more, then that’s it.”
“Atta girl!”
He chuckled, gladly setting her up with another drink. He had to at this point, who wouldn’t make a drink for their hostess? Especially with the way the snacks seemed to slowly be disappearing. Kohga rested his chin on his hand as he looked at Link.
“Now...what would YOU like, I wonder. Don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink, Goldilocks.”
Link gave a shake of his head, stuffing his face full of buttered bread. Kohga thought about it, before snapping his fingers.
“Wait, I got just the thing for you!”
Link had only just recently become of drinking age, so he wasn’t exactly a booze hound. Not a problem, Kohga catered to anyone and everyone, experience be damned. Kohga started to two different kinds of rum, some vodka, lemonade, and some black currant cordial. He mixed it all together, and slid it over to Link.
“Like it? It’s a ‘pink fairy’. Seems like something you’d like. Bit on the strong for some, but hey go big or big home. Now drink, drink!"
Link took a sip, lightly shaking his head after his sip. Kohga chuckled, leaning over and patting him on his pretty blonde head.
"You'll get used to it, blondie. Just-"
"Link, drink swap."
Mipha traded their drinks (with hers definitely having a lot less), and Link more or less accepted the swap. Mipha chuckled after taking a sip, leaning over to pinch Link's cheek.
"It's adorable, your first drink! You're just. So cute, Link."
Link's face erupted in blush, and he rubbed the back of his head, shy boy he was. Sooga pulled out his Sheikah slate as Kohga made his own drink (banana hammock, obviously), and started to play a song, playing it at a reasonable volume. Mipha seemed pleased as the music played, and she squealed, grabbing onto Link’s arm and flailing her legs wildly.
“Link! Oh I LOVE this music! You HAVE to dance with me! Please please pleeeeease!”
Drunk Mipha was a TOTAL dance bunny, and paired without the usual shyness, it was adorable, honestly. Link finished whatever was left of the drink, and nodded. Link was never one to tell his girl no, and it showed. They both got off of the couch, choosing to get up and dance together. The music wasn’t quick, wasn’t slow, but it enough to give a relaxed party vibe to the room, and Kohga couldn’t help but chuckle, nursing his drink as he watched his drunk little fishy get her groove on.
“You did that on purpose didn’t you?”
“I have no idea what you mean. I just like a little postmodern music. Nice tune.”
They both had a chuckle at that, sitting back and watching these two idiots. Drunk Mipha had a little swagger to her, and Link knew fairly well how to dance. Enough so, he managed to dip her, just to kiss her on her forehead.
“That’s bullshit cute. Can’t say I blame her, boys got moves. He-”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Mipha started to tug at his arm, chuckling and swaying in place.
“Come on you two! Can’t just be me and Link up here! Dance with me Kohga!”
“Hey, if you wanna look bad, your funeral, fishy!”
Kohga tossed back the rest of the drink, before trading Link, and getting his chance to dance with Mipha. Link watched Mipha nearly giggle herself half to death, before he offered his hand to Sooga. He rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his drink.
“I suppose Kohga would just scold me if I refused. Alright.”
He accepted his hand, and joined him right next to Mipha and Kohga. It was half hearted, not very well done dancing, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they were having fun, chuckles and giggles moving around the room, just as much as their feet were. Even Sooga had to admit; he was having fun. He swapped partners with Kohga, now dancing with a very enthusiastic Mipha. Thankfully, he wasn’t scared enough to NOT twirl the little princess in place, catching her before her dizziness nearly made her fall to the floor. She cared not at all, laughing it off rather loudly.
“Ha! You’re just like Link! Ever the sweetheart, Sooga.”
“I’d say he’s a lot more like Kohga, quite frankly.”
He chuckled, glancing over at Kohga and Link, who were having just WAY too much fun together. Mipha giggled, getting herself to stand back up.
“You love Kohga SO much, oh my GOD its so sweet. I cry thinking about you guys sometimes, it’s SO sweet. You guys NEED to get married. I wanna see it, so bad.”
“Kohga WOULD look good in a dress, I agree.”
“Thought that’d be you. You have the tits for it.”
“Oh switch time!”
Their partners swapped, and suddenly Kohga was in his arms. Not that he had any complaints. Kohga laughed as he held onto Sooga, still keeping in tune to the song.
“Good call on the swap, any longer and I might’ve stolen her mans. I’m telling you, he’s into me.”
“Not anymore than me, Master Kohga.”
“Is that a fact?”
“Absolutely. I can prove it too.”
Sooga leaned down, parted their masks a bit, and pressed his lips against Kohga’s. It was a sweet, tender moment between them, and even though it wasn’t an outdoorsy date, Sooga wouldn’t trade it for anything.
They both turned to watch Link trip over himself, sending himself falling on top of Mipha, who fell backwards onto the couch. They both shared a laugh, and it was tender, watching Mipha hold onto Link’s face as she did.
“Oh...you’re a big, silly man, Link. I love you. You and your soft face, and your big elephant ears.”
They both snorted at that, forehead pressed together. Sooga looked down at Kohga, who was clearly amused at them both.
“Did you...think it would end up like this?”
“Well yeah, they’re nuts for each other-”
“No. I mean...everything. Us being together, the world being as perfect as it is now. Did you see that coming?”
“...no. But you know, I’m really glad things ended up how they did. All of it.”
Kohga put his hand into Sooga’s, chuckling. There was a sweet, blissful moment of tenderness between them, before Sooga spoke again.
“You want to grab everything in the fridge and leave them be?”
“Absolutely, been thinking about the cake this whole time.”
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flxwergxrden · 3 years
Date: 30th of June
𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎,
𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝓂𝓎 16th 𝒷𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝑜𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓇𝑜𝓌!!! 𝑀𝒶𝓂𝒶 𝓈𝒶𝒾𝒹 𝓅𝒶𝓅𝒶 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒜𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒸𝒶 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔!! 
𝐼’𝓂 𝓈𝑜 𝑒𝓍𝒸𝒾𝓉𝑒𝒹!!!ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
Date: 1st of July
Dear diary,
we had a wonderful day today! Mamma took me to the mall and let me buy my first record~ I think I will start a collection, since papa brought for me a record player !!  ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆ TOMORROW I’M GOING TO THE SEAA WITH THE GIRLS!! I am not sure which swimsuit to wear, I haven’t been to the sea for over a year and I’m just SUPER excited !!! ヽ (*≧ω≦*) ノ
P.S. I fueled all my energy to my wish when I blew the candles of my cake. But I dun wanna jinx it so for now it’s a s-e-c-r-e-t even from you~ ( 〃▽〃)
Date: 2nd of July
Dear diary,
Something weird happened today…  I took the train for the first time with the girls to go to the sea. It was really loud and crowdy but somehow i loved it!! And there was this really cool boy who gave me his seat in order for me and my friends to sit all together.  (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
****-chan met a boy and they exchanged numbers. I’m so happy for her!!
Date: 20th of July
Dear diary, 
I dun wanna dooo anything again today. It’s too hot that even the cicadas are complaining. But I really liked the mint flavored ice cream I ate today. Tomorrow we’re going to the sea with the girls again. Do you think I’ll be able to see *him*??  (/.\)
Date: 22nd of July
Dear diary,
I’m sorry for not updating you yesterday but so many things happened!!! So, this crazy thing happened!!! ****-chan invited her bf and he came with his friends and HE was there!! Can you believe it??? it’s F A  T E !!  (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
I learned that his name is Sakura Satsuki but everyone calls him Cherry!! Isn’t that adorable? And he is so cool! We all exchanged numbers and made a group on line. We already organized to go to karaoke today so I might not be able to write to you again till tomorrow.
Date: 23rd of July
Dear diary,
(ノ≧∀≦)ノ ‥…━━━★ i think my heart is skipping so hard that it will go out of my chest!!! the karaoke was so much fun! i was happy to sit next to Cherry  (〃°ω°〃)♡ he has really long eyelashes and such a cool styleeee!! And he smells d i v i n e. \( ̄ハ ̄) He also has a small word dictionary attached inside his phone case… I wonder what he uses it for. I didn’t have the courage to ask him though.. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
I hope we organize to do something all together again soon…
Date: 28th of July
Dear diary,
We’re going to go to the  Lake Suwa Fireworks Festival !!!  I learned that Cherry is making his own Haiku how cool is that?! that’s why he has that lil dictionary!! His friends were teasing him about that though and made him embarrassed. They don’t know anything!!! I wanted to say something to them but i’m super lame. I couldn’t even console him well when we got the opportunity to stay alone…  o(〒﹏〒)o
Date: 1st of August
Dear diary,
the festival was amazing!! and i finally gathered the courage to talk to Cherry! He gave me the account where he posts his Haiku at and i felt so much closer to him! i told him that i write lyrics and he was so supportive!!! I think that my birthday wish came true!  (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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Arisu and Cherry had a few more encounters, they managed to become closer throughout the Summer and encourage each other to write more. Maybe because they were drawing inspiration from their feelings..
Sadly by the end of the Summer Cherry had to move and considering his personality he hadn’t told Arisu. So, they were not able to say good bye and Arisu was so hurt that couldn’t bare to send him a message… The lyrics for her song ‘Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop’ were the only thing left to remind her of this Summer.
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elysicndrcvm · 4 years
━♡ guess the 23 YEAR OLD FEBRUARY baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because CHU EUNHA is just as BEDAZZLING as the month of FEBRUARY. wait, why do they remind me of JACOB BAE? beyond that, they seemed JOYOUS and SAVVY upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of DELICATE and QUIXOTIC though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX 1 / APARTMENT 0215 / FLOOR 3 ; HE seem(s) to have a lot going on with HIS job as a PATISSERIE OWNER/NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE STUDENT. ( ez, 21, she/they, gmt. )
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     well hey there !! im ez but you fellow dallyeogers can call me ezzy, i have been in dallyeog before so some may remember me as having someone v different to my new bb i bring u now, i joined before with miss tam carmen !! anygays i return with this lil angel who i am all ‘ i say that’s my baby and i’m proud ’ over already even tho i literally came up with him like two days ago. you can find his pinboard here ( which btw i fuckeN love like he’s so aesthetic to me u go king ) and i made him a lil playlist which u can vibe to here. you can learn more about him under the cut but he’s a super soft-hearted gentle dove of a muse and quite...simple for me ?? sdhdh that’s not the right wording but U GET IT djjflg he isn’t super full of angst or trauma he’s just kinda viBIN livin his best life so that’s fun !! but ye without further ado: 
so as u kno from his app he owns a patisserie, it’s his lil babey and he is very dedicated to his craft and makin sure all his ideas for the place and the baked goods he sells are like rlly quirky and avant-garde. like he is so passionate about it u dont even KNOW, he tries to make sure most of the stuff on his menu is something like fun and new u wouldn’t get at just any old patisserie or cafe and that it’s super varied and also kinda aesthetic af? the place is very like trendy. it’s called patisserie d’elysian cause ya know he’s an extra biTCHH and proud.
he has three pupperino’s. all as adorable as each other, snickerdoodle is his golden lab and often ppl shorten it down to snickers, butterscotch is his dapple daschund pup, shortens the name to scotchie often. toulouse is his fancy toy poodle boi, shortens the name down as toto. if u are on the shortened name basis with his pups then u can consider urself one of his close pals. 
he’s actually adopted by his aunt but she raised him like she was his mother so that is what he considers her, she’s on his mother’s side but they are half-siblings. in terms of first name reasoning as well she just liked eunha as a name and didn’t even think about how it is traditionally for a female, she liked that it meant gift from heaven so it stuck. his father is still around, he’s just quite elderly so it felt like a better living situation for him to be raised primarily by his auntie. unfortunately his mother has passed on but no tragic story, she just went peacefully in old age. 
he dyes his hair quite often, it’s currently like a really pastel blue with black streaks consistently throughout like lil ones so it looks super cool. but he’s also had it be a more electric blue, lilac, and a duck egg kinda faded silvery blue. it’s naturally dark brunette. has brown eyes kind of a hazel hue. 
his style is kinda androgynous ig?? he just lives for soft retro fashion, lots of color in his wardrobe but also lots of tapered short and t-shirt fits frequented, sweater vests, rolled up jeans, high skater boi socks, soft jumpers with shirts, shirts in bright colours or satiny texture worn over plain white t-shirts, cardigans, pastel denim jackets, jeans with printed patterns on like clouds, flowers etc, favors yellow and blues. sometimes does eye makeup, occasionally wears heels bc he’s a baddie or super heeled boots/chunky shoes. 
obsessed with music, can play violin and guitar. he’s a big mitski and rina sawayama fanatic, likes anything that sounds peaceful or calming or has like a good fun vibe to it. also likes the trademark gay icons like carly rae jepsen, lorde, etc. he’s not ashamed. obsessed with mamma mia movies. but also likes rap which is rlly funny cause its like the bad bitch female rappers only and like he’ll listen to it while arranging his sock drawer or making his bed or something ajdjdj it’s like hype anthems for being a baddie and a hoe and he’s just doing his night sleepy routine adkfkf. 
showers, blankets, music, baked goods especially bagels are his happy places. 
very much a sensitive lil romanticist, falls in ‘love’ like five times a day, he just likes to giggle and smile around pretty people and admire the artwork hnghdh, he’s like yeARNS though ya know?? like he’s all i will flirt by making prolonged eye contact, i made you a playlist, this song makes me think of you etc. it’s either memes as flirting with him or elaborate love letters u never know what ur gonna get akdkd. 
awful sense of humour, loves his friends more than anything on earth except his pups, would fully live in a huge house of just like his pups and all his closest buds for all eternity. likes fruits way too much, enjoys puns about fruits way too much. milkshakes, sushi, orange hues and bus rides are some of his absolute favorite simple pleasures of life. clouds, flowers, salt lamps, the sunrise over the sea, skateboarding, fresh soda, teddy bears, busy street markets, parasols, fish tanks with exotic fish, sorbet, bike riding, polaroids, record players, rain at night against floor to ceiling windows with a fresh steaming pot of tea on the desk beside it and warm fresh sheets from the laundry on his bed, ponds, skateboarding. all little joys in life that give him like the biggest pleasure dopamine hit in the world. 
his cousin actually owns a florists so he has flowers just littering his apartment like a lot and it just looks like he has ten million suitors from the late eighteenth century attempting to court him but no all these flowers are from him to him or worse from his aunt djfjg she sends him some for valentines every valentines, pls help him, pls send him flowers. 
studies nutritional science and he fucken hates it. do not ask him shit cause he doesn’t KNOW OKAY? he doesn’t understand it either. he took it because he needed something to go alongside the passion for baking that was a real ‘qualification’/job so that is the only reason he’s doing it. no point doing a baking degree after all when he’s already a baker with a business, he’s super young still he gotta keep his prospects open. so YAH. he’d rather be doing culinary arts but eh. nutritional science sounded better and more logic based. the real miracle is he still gets top grades all the time even tho he spends his life like wtf am i even doing is this even legit akdkdk. school is the worst thing in the world for him watch his mood instantly deflate the second its brought up. 
despite being a quixotic, he’s a lil afraid of intimacy. like oh god does he love it, those small touches and acts of affection u kno? the subtle things that normally go unnoticed, eye contact, brushing of hands, linking of little fingers, rubbing a thumb, kissing eyelids or foreheads or palms or shoulders in little gentle pecks, back massages and rubs or finger tracing patterns absent-minded, shoulder massages, laying your head on someone’s shoulder or on their lap, knocking knees together, exchanging a small glance only the two of you get before bursting into laughter, smiling into kisses, napping together, having blankets placed over you warm and fresh, or towels put ready like it, someone making you something they know you like a lot. that’s his sHIT. but like he’s terrified still, someone skimming their fingers on his skin makes his breath hitch like he’s a scandalized and alarmingly aroused victorian woman sjdjd. he’s literally still a virgin, he hasn’t even had his first kiss okay my baby is delicate be gentle with him akdkd but he still LIKES PASSION AIGHT kfkf. 
real soft spoken, honey tinted voice like i shit u not this boy talks like he’s an angel sent from heavens above to guide you to the paradisaical garden of eden or some shit akdkd. ur gonna fall in love with eunha’s voice before u even fall in love with any other part of him like his adorable beaming smile or stunning eyes akdkf. 
has dance parties around his room when getting ready in the morning, listens to bella’s lullaby unironically yes from twilight yes u heard right, bit of a himbo streak sometimes in his obliviousness djfjf. quite silently subtly funny actually much like jacob himself. 
he is gay, afraid of driving, cannot do math, blanks out often and he is valid for all of those things. has a collection of cartoon and disney animal movie dvds. has a dream notebook. always has blue painted nails in some kinda shade. 
does not enjoy turning in assignments bc he is scared he’ll fail, avoids looking at his grades for weeks after they’re released and hates knowing that they’re out. 
cannot dance, dances often. collects vintage stuff esp clothes and mostly sweaters. likes midnight trips to corner stores and fields where he can just lay and look at the stars. makes friends rlly easily but has super bad performance anxiety. cannot ever have a messy room like even the tiniest bit messy. even like clothes being stacked on a chair instead of away. 
bakes peanut butter, banana and choc chip muffins (they r called monkey bites normally) whenever he’s super stressed. if u want to cheer him up when he’s anxious or stressed then u should give him french lavender honey, chia seeds and caramelized pear on toast/bagel. it is his comfort food. he fancii when he needs a pick me up. treat urself and all that. 
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kaptain-k-pop · 3 years
Alright ladies!!! After a full 65 hours of the album being out I am Finally sharing my Thots 👀
I have three full 8 hour shifts of listening to Nothing Else under my belt, (plus an unspecified number of hours listening outside if work...) so I'm Basically an Expert 😌💗
Dear my universe: We love a space/space-adjacent themed Astro song in this house 😌😌😌 this is such a nice choice to start off the album (also I'm a fucking nerd and so the way that the First Song on The Album is called 'Dear my universe' like addressing a letter? Like as if the album itself is kind of like a love letter from Astro to Aroha?? 🥺 Okay I'll stop. But it's just a thot that came into my head and now I'm having Feelings 🤧💜) the echoey parts and the harmonies?? So yummy, so pretty, I love it 💗
Butterfly Effect: HELLO my Love 😍💓💌💝💜💞💖💘💕💗 I was Warned by @entry-777 to be prepared for Rocky Vocals, which is a Good Thing bc if I wasn't ready for it I probably would have started crying or somethin lame like that and looked Quite Foolish in front of my coworkers, however I was NOT warned about JINWOO VOCALS (Danny you slipped Queen!!! 😭) It was like. 6 seconds. But it was there and it's gonna live in my head rent free for the next full calendar year, also Moonbin and Eunwoo's falsettos??? GOD everyone sounds so great in this song. I love our Six Vocalists 😪💜
ONE: my ONE opinions have Grown and Matured over the course of listening to it quite literally like 75 times. Do not be mistaken, I never disliked it, but I did have Certain Opinions. For example, it is a Certified Fact that I have stated before: an Astro Title Track is not an Astro Title Track without MJ throwing up Angel High Notes above the last chorus. And when I listened to ONE for the first time I was not satisfied in that department. He did like, A Few, but I was waiting for more to come and like picturing in my head what it was going to sound like and then they didn't come and I was Mildly Disappointed. So that was just one thing that like, I wanted a little more than what I got, which does not mean that I didn't like what I did get!!! Anyway, after listening to it Many More Times and paying close attention to harmonies and such I am a bit more satified with the ad-libs he did get, it's just that this song is Different than other Astros Title Tracks, it is a different style so I guess what they gave him fits more with that style than what I was expecting (still wish he had gotten to shine a little more in this Title but what are you going to do?) It could very well be the 'you listened to this song so much you are tricking yourself into liking it more' thing, but my love for this song has definitely grown in the past few days (and again!! I never disliked it in the first place!) it is still not one of my top faves on the album but that's only bc Astro are B-side Kings! I still do really like this song
Someone Else: (okay at first I Did Not Realize this was just an MJJinjinMoonbin song?? I did not Know we were getting unit songs in this album, but that explains why I didn't hear anyone else's voices in it 🤷 agdjahdjakd) in any case, I like her! She is very Fun and Funky 😌 definitely one I will continue to listen to often (also fun fact: that electronic sound at like 2:32 the first time I heard it my body physically reacted like one of Pavlov's dogs bc that same sound is also in the song that I have set as my alarm ahdjskahdjsj 'oh? we are Waking Up now? :)' Queen calm down, you are awake lmao)
SNS: Ma'am..... Hello????? Omg I love this song so much, the beat, the vocals, the soda can (yes I noticed!!! Omg when I tell y'all I got a rush of serotonin when I heard that...) another thing I absolutely adore about this song is the 'ah-ahhh, ah-ahhh' part bc it makes my brain do the same thing as when it sees an optical illusion where the thing I'm seeing switches back and forth based on what I'm focusing on like 'oh, now I see a vase, oh now it's two faces' that except with sound (so an aural illusion I guess is what that would be??) Like 'oh, that's Human Voices making that sound' but then if I focus on it it sounds like an Electronic Phone Buzzing Text Notification Sound (and then I focus on it again and it's Voices) which is probably what was intended considering it's a song named after texting? I just think that's so cool, I love that they did that and it sounds really Neat
All Good: oh my GOD this song, oh 👏 my 👏 G 👏 O 👏 D 👏 All Good........... my BELOVED™ 💜💜💜 Mental Illness?? Idek her. Lee Dongmin said "Gonna be alright" so Everything is Fine now actually. I'm gonna Do Drugs (this song) and forget my problems 😌 this song qualifies as a Hardcore Party Drug. I am going to grind this song up into a fine powder and snort it like cocaine. Holy FUCK this song is good. I'm saying something controversial (it's not controversial, lmao, I know I am not the only one who thinks this) yet brave: Miss All Good is Title Track Material 👀 now idek anything about marketing so maybe ONE was a better choice for Title Track from a marketing standpoint idek, all I know is that All Good FUCKS I literally could talk about this song for hours omg, I need to stop this post is already so long but ALL GOOD I LOVE YOU QUEEN 👑 😭💓💘💗💕💜💌💝💞💖
All Stars: "yeah let's go haha" alright yes, whatever you say 😍 okay so in this song ofc I immediately noticed the "you're my one&only" we love that self reference 😌💜 but when I was looking at the lyrics I also noticed that we have "When you call me I'll run to you" and the Very First Line is "I've got a dream, when I run breathlessly" coincidence??? 👀 ....... yeah probably, I analyze things way too much agjdjdjdjd but ANYWAY I Love MJ's bridge(? is that the right word? the '이룰 테니까' part. U know what I mean) and the "everything is OK (lala la la)"??? Alright, Depression Cured, thanks Kings 😌👑💗
Our spring: if ONE left my thirst of Angelic MJ Runs not fully satisfied Miss Our Spring came through for me I LOVE ALL HIS PARTS IN THIS SONG SO MUCH AND THE R U N S yes 👏 king 👏 yes 👏 king 👏 thank you SO much 😌💖💜💗 Idk why but I just really latched on to this song, I love the chorus and Rocky's (설레는 날에) part, also I believe if I am Not Mistaken Rocky contributed to the lyrics on this? 👀 we love that for him! Especially bc the lyrics are so pretty and not just bc I am biased 💜
Stardust: another Space themed song it's my favorite concept again 😌😌😌 and y'all know that I am a Strings Appreciating Bitch 💗 so ofc I immediately had Feelings as soon as I heard them in the back. This song is so so so pretty?? the instrumental, the vocals, the lyrics? It's so calming and peaceful listening to this song, it feels so nice and cozy 😔💗 On all levels except physical I am laying on the roof stargazing and Astro is wrapping a blanket around my shoulders and giving me a lil kiss on the top of the head. This song would really be the Bloom of the album, if not for.....
gemini: the BLOOM of the album 😭💓💌💝💘💗💕💜💞💖 Miss gemini my beloved... 😔💜 "will you protect me? Even after the long night passes the place we embroidered together stays in our hearts" Don't TOUCH me 🤧🤧🤧 I can, have, must, am, and will cry about this song if I think about it for too long. Myungjun contributed to the lyrics, arrangement, and composition and it turned out so good?? (I mean of course it did) I'm very proud of him and I got more pretty Angel High notes in this song so I am Very Satisfied, I LOVE her so much 💗💗💗
And that's that!!!
If you are reading this, ps I love u for sticking around to read all my rambling pls accept a hypothetical forehead kiss or some fingerhearts sent @ u from a respectful distance 💗
Also my askbox is always open if you want to share your opinions, I love talking about these boys..... 👀
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serpentinesarang · 4 years
NCT 127 reacting to you dressing up for a lowkey date
A/N: Gender-neutral reader. (Also, I apologize if these gifs are potato quality >.<)
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Taeil has been patiently lounging in the living room waiting for you to emerge from the bathroom. He’d told you yesterday he wanted to take you to a pumpkin patch today and carve designs together once you got home. No other plans or pitstops; just a scenic drive to the countyside in the increasingly chilly fall weather.
They’re taking a long time getting ready, wow... Taeil thinks, twiddling his thumbs together.
Not two minutes later, you finally unlock the bathroom door and saunter to the living room to stand in front of Taeil. You’re a knockout in a khaki trench coat, black turtleneck, and tight leather pants tucked into a pair of Doc Martens. You even smell fantastic.
Taeil’s spine snaps upright as his eyes drink you in. “I can’t believe you’re mine. Come here and let me kiss you,” he says with a warm smile, raising his arms.
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Taeyong pulls his car up to your apartment building and weaves through the underground garage, parking in front of the main elevator he knows you always dance out of. He’s stupid-excited to take you to see the newest Marvel film and hold your hand the whole time, but he’s more so satisfied with himself for buying out every other open seat during your showing so it would feel like you two were at home.
Taeyong turns down his playlist and full on cranes his neck to watch you step out of the elevator, and damn are you a snack. Wearing a dark red bomber jacket, striped top, and black cargo pants with moto booties, Taeyong wants nothing more than to park in a garage space and take you back upstairs to cuddle.
He involuntarily lets out a content sigh before you yank open the passenger door and slide in. 
“Hi, cutie!” you greet him brightly.
Taeyong immediately leans forward and presses his lips to yours then whispers almost into your mouth, “I’m gonna kiss you the entire movie, baby.”
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You hear a thunderous knock on your apartment door, and you don’t have to glance at your phone or watch to know who it is. It’s Johnny baby <3
He’d texted you an hour ago saying you two were going on an impromptu walk along the beautiful Han River because the sun is actually out today with minimal clouds. Really, he just wanted to escape the SM building and see you.
Once you swing your door open, Johnny nearly blows his eyes out of his sockets looking at you. You’re wearing a cute denim jacket over a low, scoopneck-style top that hugged your waist, along with black, ripped skinny jeans, and Vans. It’s just the right vibe for Johnny, and your legs have him wishing they were wrapped around his head instead.
“Goddamn,” he says in a hoarse voice, eyeing you coyly. “We’ll have to come back here after our walk...”
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It’s Thursday evening, and Yuta called you 30 minutes ago asking if you were nearby to grab some hot tea. Your board meeting had run super late, and you’d barely finished wolfing down a cheap salad when Yuta rang. This was just the pick-me-up you needed after such a long day, and you could handle the 15-minute walk to his favorite tea parlor. 
You breeze through the shop door and scan the tables for your adorable man, finding him hunched in a corner by the window. He’s engrossed in something on his phone and doesn’t see you at all until your shadow looms over him.
He snaps his head up to see you wearing a slim, navy blazer, crisp white shirt underneath, and matching wide-leg slacks that made you look professional and bad-ass at the same time. Yuta wasn’t used to seeing you in your work clothes because he always came home rather late at night. 
His posture springs back with excitement, and his eyes glitter in sheer amazement at the sight of his dressed-up partner. “Look at you, baby! Sexy enough to slurp.”
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(This is a different kind of ‘dressed up’ lmaooo)
At long last, it’s Friday night, and just about time for Doyoung to come home with a big pizza. Friday is always Netflix night with your boyfriend, and after the stressful day you had at school, you desperately wanted to burrow into his arms and forget it all. With the TV all cued up and cans of soda sitting on the coffee table, you’re perched on the couch in nothing but Doyoung’s favorite white t-shirt, your underwear nowhere to be found.
You hear a key jiggling in the lock, and Doyoung carefully swings the door open while balancing the Domino’s box in his other hand. He tosses his keys on the small shelf across the coat closet and yeets his shoes off before finally looking at you. 
You’re feeling a lil’ spicy tonight, so you undo your cross-legged position and stretch one leg off to the side of the couch, providing a tantalizing view for your frozen boyfriend. You smirk and beckon him with your pointer finger.
“Bon appetit to me,” he murmurs.
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Sunday afternoon, and Jaehyun’s knocked out on your bed, curled up like a little kitten. You’d disappeared an hour ago to grab groceries for tonight’s homecooked meal you told him this morning that you’d prepare, but you didn’t tell him the part about you being the appetizer.
Once you get home and dump the grocery bags on the kitchen counter (thankfully nothing needing refrigeration), you tip-toe to the bedroom, and just as you expected, Jaehyun was still napping. You sighed to yourself, remembering how hard he’s been working to memorize his upcoming drama show’s lines. A lot was riding on this for him, and he took his TV appearances seriously.
You lean down to your man’s face and gently stroke his cheek to wake him. He comes to and wastes no time beaming a tired smile your way. 
“That was fast,” he whispers before chuckling. “Is dinner ready?”
The moment he watches you step back and untie your long trench coat to reveal absolutely nothing on your body, as you’d specifically planned, Jaehyun shoots off the bed and seizes you in his muscular arms.
“I’m definitely fine with this main course,” he says as he wraps a hand behind your neck and kisses you passionately.
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“Hey sweetheart, I hope work wasn’t too bad. Can we play FIFA tonight??” Jungwoo’s text reads. 
You smile and snort through your nose. Damn that cutie, always wanting to stay in together. You can’t say no to your boyfriend though because he’s always so good to you, and you’d had a good shift at work today. You heart-react to his text before unlocking the door to your shared apartment. It’s a good thing you’d decided this morning to go all-out for your work outfit.
You throw your bag to the floor and shimmy out of your shoes, making your way to the living room where you know Jungwoo is patiently playing that silly go-kart game on his phone.
You clear your throat to get his attention, and he stares at your burgundy dress shirt tucked into your best pair of tight cigarette pants, the Gucci belt at your hips completing the glamorous boss babe look.
Jungwoo tosses his phone against a pillow to the side and says, “Well don’t just stand there; come cuddle me!”
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Your sweet boyfriend, going crazy in one of SM’s studios all by himself, had asked you to swing by. He needed some inspiration for the newest 127 song’s rap verse, and he was too shy to admit you’ve always been his muse.
An SM employee had graciously guided you to the particular music studio Mark was hiding in, on the opposite end of the dance studios. Too much stomping and distraction.
You enter the studio nervously, not sure who else would be in here. Luckily, it’s just your cutie lying on the carpet with a legal pad of paper splayed across his chest. He cranes his neck upward to look at you, decked in a white, crochet turtleneck, black overalls, and Chucks.
“BAY-beee...” Mark coos as he sits up and throws the paper pad on top of the nearby table. “Whatchu lookin’ so damn precious for?”
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(*Feminine-presenting reader)
You had just gotten off work and were eagerly speed-walking the few blocks’ distance to the SM dorms. Haechan had invited you over to show you the new piano melody he came up with last night, but you were fairly certain he was using this excuse to be touchy-feely with you after not being able to text him back all day. 
SM security was always an ordeal to get through to ward off sasaengs, but one of the guards was beginning to recognize you, so thankfully it’s not as long a check-in process as usual.
By the time you get off the elevator and ring the boys’ doorbell, you’re feeling extra giddy and ready to throw your arms around your boyfriend. Haechan opens the door with a smile, but it fades when he notices the red sundress and nude kitten heels you’re wearing. 
In a hushed voice, he leans forward and says, “Good, you’re as excited to get bent over the piano as I am to do it to you.”
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