#he canonically doesn't even use it and substitutes it with stuff like 'you-know-what'
lord-save-me · 9 months
Crazy to me how fanfics will make it a point to "talk about issues" and have the muggleborn discrimination be some dramatic metaphor and then have purebloods use mudblood because "they're not using it in an offensive way", like babes your privilege is showing
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
thoughts on leo valdez? headcdanons? i
[stares at own url] ...I'll give you one for free, lol
Aro/ace Leo.... listen. He explicitly states that he plays up his false persona in aspects that he feels are lacking in his actual personality in an effort to make people like him more, and in his POVs we get a lot of him doing acknowledged-as-nonserious joke-flirting as part of his false persona. Guy who doesn't realize he's aspec trying to overcompensate for his lack of attraction by excessively hitting on people to hide that he doesn't feel attraction towards anyone? Him wondering if he's broken in a whole bunch of ways and trying to make up for it externally while having an identity crisis about that? Something something metaphor about him wondering if cause he's a Hephaestus kid he's a little too much like a machine/robot and can't feel love or The Right Emotions In General™ because of that cause he doesn't know about aspec stuff yet (or that he's autistic)? Can anyone hear me.
Related to that: Leo landing on Ogygia (island of unreciprocated love) and meeting Calypso, who (probably through love magic) actually seems to be attracted to him? And him trying to force himself to reciprocate because he figures that's just how it's supposed to go and maybe for once he's actually experiencing romantic love? And he's so desperate for someone to like him and to feel useful to someone (re: 7th wheel)? But it fizzles out almost immediately after they leave the island, because the heart-eyes wear off for Calypso, especially once she technically no longer needs him, and Leo can't keep up trying to make himself reciprocate (and can't keep up trying to put his mask back up for her, especially now that Calypso seems to actually care about it). I am literally always thinking about this.
Short king,,, I don't care what anybody says he is NOT 5'6" that is way too tall for him. My guy is 5'5" absolute maximum. I usually place him at 5'3". Tiny guy. Made of pipecleaners. Built like Bilbo Baggins...
I've mentioned it before in a couple of places (i know [here] at least) but I did not like his fake-out death in BoO. Also I'm just mad about his dropped character arc(s) in general. My ideal substitute is that instead of dying and being revived, Festus just crashes in the woods nearby and Leo has overexerted his powers too much a la Nico's shadow stuff and is nearly dead but once they get him to the infirmary he recovers and can start working on recovering from his whole depression arc too. Also maybe he loses a leg in the crash so he can match his dad just for funsies, and so that there's some amount of consequence to his sacrifice to make up for him not dying (not like in canon there were any consequences to him dying and being revived anyways...). Also something something accidental Hiccup HTTYD joke. Leo with a prosthetic is always fun. More Hephaestus kids with prosthetics.
I am very amused by the concept of Leo never having any romantic attraction to Hazel at all, possibly even negative romantic attraction once he finds out she dated his great-grandpa (especially since in canon like 90% of his thoughts about Hazel are just kind of appreciative and genuinely thinking she's really cool, if a little confusing at first), and Hazel pretty quickly gets over her side of things once she gets used to the fact that this is Definitely Not Sammy, he just Looks Like Sammy (and does not actually act like Sammy, that's just a fake persona that is eerily similar by coincidence. Real Leo is actually quite reserved and not so much of a vocal goofball most of the time). So they're just besties after their mutual weird Sammy vision and understanding the deeper sides to each other and are each other's person they're most comfortable letting their guard down around cause they've formed that level of trust. Except Frank's over in the corner seething cause he thinks this is a love triangle but he's the only one who thinks that. Leo just thinks Frank hates him for the general reasons he thinks everybody hates him (which is just an assumption he's kind of used to and expects from people, so he does not question it at all). Hazel knows Frank thinks Leo is trying to steal her from him but she's having trouble trying to keep the two of them from nearly killing each other. It's a very homestuck auspistice dynamic.
Leo and Frank eventually work out their stuff and become very good friends to meeee... let them bond over their mutual fear of fire and dead mom trauma! they have so many parallels and I want the two of them and Hazel to be a funky cute little trio!
Dragonkin Leo! That boy is a dragon!!!! I usually say his stuff is kind of spiritual origin (he doesn't really know how to explain it other than his soul is just a dragon) versus like Jason being a wolf therian with a more psychological origin (being raised by an immortal wolf pack rubbed off on him) (rip Piper being the only non-alterhuman in their trio LMAO). I imagine whatever type of dragon he is probably is very similar to Festus, which is part of why Leo clicks with Festus so quickly - he just sees himself in Festus and it's very comforting to him. He definitely makes himself some fun 'kin gear, like a nice weighted tail and wings and claws to try and help his phantom shifts feel a lil less wonky. Also him having dragon talon weapons just sounds cool. He also totally makes gear for any other alterhuman demigods.
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Okay so a thing that has bothered me ever since I first watched Chat Blanc was Bunnyx and the general time travel stuff because tghis makes no sense. In the Chat Blanc time line, after Chat Blanc destroyes the universe, everyone is dead. Including adult!Alix aka Bunnyx. So the Bunnyx fron the Chat Blanc timeline doesn'rt exist anymore, meaning that the Bunnyx fron the episode is from a parallel timeline where Chat Blanc didn't destroy the universe. That however raises the question why she would even care about that other timeline. Is her quest to assure victory over Monarch in every single timeline because that sounds exhausting as hell. I also don't understand the deal with her leg disappearing while she witnesses the fight between LB and CB, it has no reason to, because LB defeating CB doesn't have any effect on Bunnyx because, as stated earlier, the Bunnyx from that timeline is already dead! And honestly, the fact that Lb even had to fight CB makes no sense. They could've just went back in time 2 minutes so LB can erase her name from the letter (or just be quicker so Adrien doesn't see her) and CB doesn't happen in the first place!
Like, genuine question, what was the point of the whole thing? I mean other than the concept is cool and the writers wanted to give LB trauma (which never really plays a significant part in the overall story anyway??)
Sorry for rambling so much, I don't know if this makes any sense, the episode was really confusing to me and idk if it's just because the episode actually doesn't make sense or because I just don't understand it bc time travel is really confusing. Would really love to hear your opinion!
You're fine and you're not missing a thing. The episode simply doesn't make sense nor am I sure why it even exists. I know a lot of people love it, but I really don't get the hype. It runs off of nonsense logic and makes most of the characters look really bad.
Let's start with the lore.
The canon lore is that Bunnyx only travels through time, not universes, so it makes no freaking sense that an adult Bunnyx would be able to stop Chat Blanc since the existence of Chat Blanc should stop her from existing. It's a total paradox that goes against everything we'd been told about her powers. Of course, she's also supposed to be the hero of last resort, yet we hear about her hanging out with famous historical figures and the season five final sees her acting as a substitute for the horse miraculous even though the people she portals in don't do a thing to help with the final battle, so it's not like Chat Blanc is the only time her powers and role get ignored. Any time I use the rabbit, I have to completely rework its lore because canon is just so bad at time travel. I like Alix and her adult design is awesome, but any time Bunnyx shows up, I expect to be annoyed.
Also, I will never forgive her for just dumping Ladybug back in our time without so much as a word of encouragement or any reassurance that the Chat Blanc stuff was only a maybe. And Ladybug was the one to figure out how to fix time!!! Alix, you suck at your job! Or this is just another case of the writers refusing to let someone other than Marinette save the day even though the poor girl really needs a day off.
As for why this episode exists? I don't even know, dude. It makes no sense. Back when we thought it was going to be a driving force in the season four conflict - an assumption that was backed up by Marinette's nightmare in sentibubbler - the episode kinda made sense in spite of its flaws. But we're two seasons past Chat Blanc and the only person who is apparently traumatized by it is Adrien.
Yes, the writers actually said this. No, you didn't miss an episode where Adrien learned about Chat Blanc. They were talking about the nightmares from the final:
Mélanie says that he "could become Chat Blanc" and the others add that even though he does not remember and has never lived it, Chat Blanc still has an influence on his actions.
Yes, this is embarrassingly bad writing. The character who never saw or even heard of Chat Blanc is somehow the one who is traumatized and effected by it while Marinette's trauma has nothing do to with Chat Blanc or the events of the season four final. Instead, it's random BS that was never even hinted at until season five. I just... what?
In case it wasn't obvious - which I guess it isn't given that professional writers missed this - the logical way to write this to have the season four conflict be about Chat Blanc from Ladybug's side. After the conflict ends, she reveals everything to Chat Noir who becomes terrified of hurting people with his powers. This is only exacerbated by the events of Destruction. But then the show would have had to let Chat Noir have a character arc that didn't revolve around Ladynette and the series seems allergic to that as a concept, so instead Adrien gets magical trauma that keeps him from the final fight. And I thought the Derision retcon was bad!
Other issues with Chat Blanc in no particular order:
It cements Nathalie as just as bad a Gabriel since she's the one who tells him Adrien's secret identity and we then see her do nothing to try to protect Adrien.
It makes Gabriel irredeemable by showing him gleefully hurting his child. Dude punts his son across the city with a smile on his face!
It makes Adrien look slimy since he asks Marinette out without telling her that he knows her secret identity. This one is in a bit of a grey area for me because the secret identity stuff is complicated, but Adrien has never been the one who cared about secret identities AND he's the one who has been directly turned down in hero form. The episode takes none of that into consideration with its writing and it really needed to for Adrien to feel like he had a valid point of view here. As is, he's taking advantage of a situation and putting his Lady love at risk for his own wants.
The pillow sniff scene makes Marinette look unhinged.
It spits in the face of The Power of Love by having Adrien's love fail to be enough to stop him from killing Marinette.
Marinette's parents should have gotten involved after Gabriel threatened her. There is no way in hell that I'd let my kid go over to the Agreste mansion after that. If the writers were once again determined to not let Tom and Sabine parent, then the threat should have come when Marinette was alone.
Why did Ladybug even need to go to the future if Bunnyx could have just gone back in time and stopped Ladybug from leaving the present for Adrien? Why did Chat Blanc even need to be defeated? What did Ladybug's ladybug actually fix when she cast her charm?
This is minor, but it bothers me: Chat Noir should not have been smiling and happy when he was freed from his akuma. That boy should have been in the middle of a breakdown.
I know people forgive some of the above because Chat Blanc is sort of an AU and I'm not going to say that's wrong, I just can't look at it that way because there's nothing that sets Chat Blanc apart from the normal timeline. The Paris special gives us an AU. Chat Blanc (and Ephemeral) are what the writers told us would happen in the canon timeline if Gabriel ever discovered his son's secrets. Canon Gabriel was the one doing those things and would have done them again if given the chance. This is who the writers said he is. Same goes for all the other characters who come across less than stellar here.
There's a reason why I love a good Chat Blanc rewrite. It's an idea with a lot of potential, but canon capitalizes on almost none of it.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
ships i ship the hardest
one of the things i've always loved about tumblr, and a big part of why i'm so happy to be back, is that (and yes i know i'm dating myself here) it feels like a spiritual successor to livejournal. and frankly, i fucking miss livejournal something fierce.
so it seems like a bit of a waste to just reblog stuff & write the same reviews of media i've been writing wherever my online presence has existed for the last half decade or so. it's about time i get into that really cringe bullshit that i always used to post on livejournal. and this seems like exactly the kind of thing I woulda posted on there back in the day.
cringe is dead, long live cringe.
now, just to set some limitations on myself so this post doesn't become totally unreasonable (just reasonably unreasonable), i'm going to make a genuine effort to limit myself to one entry per show/game/whatever (i fully reserve the right to just flagrantly ignore this limitation when i so choose). i will also mostly focus on couples rather than just putting all my favorite characters in a giant polycule. cool? cool.
(cw: some of these characters will have canon age gaps and/or are minors in some canons, just assume there's an element of au-ification or time skipping here. cool? cool.)
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my profile on every social media site used to include "and yet, be it cruel or comforting, this machine unerringly writes sontails angst & fluff. that's what it does." so, yeah.
i also happen to believe that they're in a big ol' gay polycule with shads & knux, and recently i've especially had QUITE A FEW THOUGHTS about shadtails (do i share that fic here? hmm. i'll think about it.)
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but yeah. for me, sontails has always been the central relationship of this franchise, even before I shipped it. i got super annoyed when the franchise did dumb shit like when sonic x gave chris almost exclusively emotional beats that should've gone to tails, or when sonic unleashed gave sonic a substitute sidekick (ok tbf i was already a shipper by the time i played unleashed), or just the games increasingly deemphasizing their relationship in general.
but, yeah. probably needless to say, this one is super important to me.
godzilla is a bratty bottom, mothra smacks him around every now & then when he gets out of line. this is just canon.
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a lot of this is just the fact that frakes' charisma is totally off the charts, and riker is such an outspokenly openminded dude that you can kind of imagine that literally every single conversation he has with a sentient, physically compatible, appropriately-aged character has a non-zero chance of ending with them in bed. he's like a non-predatory kirk. just total throwback pulp-inspired sexually adventurous explorer dude.
and as worf is canonically his best friend, and we see several instances of them sharing a deep, emotional bond, it's kind of hard NOT to at least see possibilities for shipping here.
what really cemented this for me was when we got to season 2 in our most recent tng rewatch. this is a season that early on features riker being extremely excited to serve aboard a klingon ship as part of an officer exchange (to learn about his boyfriend's culture!), and closes with the scene i screencapped at the top of this entry of riker making worf his first officer during the wargames. also somewhere in there riker joins worf on the holodeck for his klingon calisthenics program. they just do everything together, it's so sweet.
also worf dating troi towards the end of tng & riker having clearly had a fling with dax in thomas riker's ds9 appearance really put the icing on this polycule. it's basically just canon. if picard season 3 doesn't give these two some good moments together it's gonna have some 'splainin' to do.
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yes, yes, i'm being boring and shipping a canon couple. here's the thing, though. i literally started watching this show because i knew the central protagonist & antagonist were canonically gay for each other and i'm sorry but i fucking love that shit.
every time catra captures or beats up adora i feel squirmy. and then catra shows up to princess prom in a messy tux and homoerotically/threateningly dances with adora culminating in dipping her??? and guys, my little gay heart can't take it. it's too yummy. HELP.
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but then season 5 happens and there's that agonizing apology AND THE RESCUE??? where a swordless adora nevertheless transforms into she-ra THROUGH SHEER FORCE OF GAY WILL & GAY ANGER to protect her kitten???? and i'm sorry, THIS IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED OUT OF MAINSTREAM MEDIA, PUT THIS GAY STUFF DIRECTLY INTO MY VEINS.
so yeah i kinda ship them or whatever.
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yeah, yeah, i’m being boring and shipping another canon couple. but i'm sorry??? they're the first trans/nonbinary characters in the history of star trek??? and they're dating each other??? and they're part of a big queer chosen family???
also the episode where we first meet gray is just one of the best episodes of the whole damn franchise? the scene where all of tal's past hosts embrace adira is just so fucking wonderful. and then once gray is literally brought back from the dead he picks just the most epic, wonderful nurturing life direction.
i love these two so much and i want them to be so happy & safe. protecc at all costs!!
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i mean yeah again they're canon but fuck you i only recently started actually getting canon queer couples in shit i watch!!
but yeah seeing these two bring out the best in each other and just being absolute badasses whenever they're fighting to protect each other and also they're powerful witches, just, YEAH this shit rules. and they're so dang sweet.
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i'm not nearly as into cj as i am into my beautiful enby punk/goth lizard boy, but i gotta admit they're hella cute together and i want flick to have all the happiness their little gay scalie heart can contain!!!
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this is basically down to the fact that in literally every iteration of the two characters, karai bullies the fuck outta leo, and as someone who used to intensely relate to leo because he’s got “the good kid” syndrome something fierce, obviously i always enjoyed seeing her be all femdommy towards him.
nowadays, i tend to relate to donatello more than leo, but i still really enjoy every iteration of karai playing with her food with leo.
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also, honorable mention to karai & april from the 2012 cgi series. the episode where karai beats the shit outta april definitely made me feel feelings the first time i saw it. and every time karai defeats or captures her she always calls her “princess” & is all condescending in general, and it’s just, fuuuuuuuuck, it’s SO gay.
also also obviously i ship basically every combination of the four turtles. i mean, duh.
russian winter
i was shocked when rewatching babylon 5 a few years ago how upfront the show was about the relationship between commander susan ivanova & talia winters. in her last appearance on the show, talia slept with ivanova, and in a later episode when everyone on the crew has to tell a deep, personal secret ivanova says that she loved talia. considering we’re talking about the 90s here, that was pretty fucking explicit.
and yeah, there’s an unfinished fic sitting on one of my harddrives about ivanova rescuing her. maybe i’ll try to get back to that at some point, idk! i haven’t been writing much fic lately.
jake sisko/t’lir
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jake sisko/enby vulcan, jake sisko/enby vulcan, JAKE SISKO/ENBY VULCAN.
it’s that thing where you take a very homosocial book and add expanded roles for some of its female characters to make it less homosocial but you change exactly nothing about how emotionally intimate the homosocial relationships are and also both gay people & people who are more conscious of the fact that gay people exist watch your movie, so like, yeah this is kinda inevitable?
i don’t even give a shit about bashir when he isn’t interacting with garak. he might as well be a non-character.
i fucking love garak he is such an amazing bratty dom. i love watching him play with his food (his food being bashir).
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i mean, burnham has more feelings about georgiou than she does about any of her actual on-screen romantic partners, whether it’s for her gentle mommy domme prime universe georgiou or her badass mean domme mirror universe georgiou. i like michael with book, don’t get me wrong, it’s just hard for me to get as excited for heterosexual relationships as i do for queer headcanons, especially when one of the two participants is a mommy domme.
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i’m not super invested in this one, especially since it requires dick to be a service top and i think he’s at his most natural as a bottom, but yeah their dynamic has always been pretty charged to the point that the first gay fic i ever wrote was about these two.
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anawkwardlady · 2 years
Hi! I hope I haven’t chosen an awkward time to ask you stuff (and that I hope you’re doing better/good. /gen <3) If so, then I don’t mind if you just… ignore this, but it’s been in my head all day, so I’ve returned to the Dame’s lair to ask further.
In Kuro II, when Ciel and Alois are sharing Ciel’s body (and Ciel is the one fronting, at the time), and Claude is butler-ing for Ciel (digging his characterisation into an even deeper, more unstable pit), he (Claude, digging the poorly written themes into an even deeper, more unstable pit) is brushing Ciel’s teeth.
That’s a whole scene. Yes, it’s weird. Yes, it was probably to make Claude even more of a weirdo (that shouldn’t have happened—silently rage-quitting at the fact that they did that, ultimately butchering his character… his actor in the The Making Of OVA was so right. He was our spokesperson, so to speak), but—despite seeing Sebastian do things like bathe Ciel, even in the manga—we’ve never seen Sebastian do that to Ciel (who is also fronting over Alois)?
It’s been a while since I’ve seen the episode, I’ll admit, but—seeing as Kuro II drifted significantly away from canon—not once do I recall picking up on the hint that Ciel, in the Kuro II universe, having Sebastian do that??
So… is it an Alois thing? I mean, I’ve wondered now and then, but your posts the other week about Alois wanting power and therefore asking/ordering Claude to feed him in front of company… this is why I wanted to ask your take on it, because it has a similar feel to it, you know?
Like, perhaps Alois wants to feel in control / want to feel cared for in a more intimate (intimate as in physically close, not sexual, although through the frost-tinted glasses of trauma, it could be perceived as the latter, in the characteristically sick, character study-type way, and not a morally sick, shipping-type way, because ew, gross) way? Perhaps he just wants to feel in control of Claude in a physically intimate, mock-emotionally-intimate/mock-loving way?
Maybe Alois is just clutching at straws. And Claude keeps snipping those straws. (Maybe if Alois knew what he wanted, to be loved, back when he contracted for Claude rather than when he contracted to Hannah, Claude would deliver an act of that love? Still deadpan, still distant, for that is what it is—an act as in a facade, not as in an action… perhaps that would make their situation even more tragic).
Sorry it’s so long (ask anybody who is anybody), I just like to ramble. Sorry! And… I hope you’re having a better/good day <3 /gen
Love your posts, love your takes (noms on your takes). And I hope you have a good one ♥️
Hey ! So i'm good and just woke up from a bad dream so it's distracting enough dont worry lol
So, you're right we never see it with Sebastian and at that time, I thought since Ciel was okay with letting Claude do it, it was a normal part of the routine we were simply not seeing (Although it would be weird, because Ciel's routine has been described in details multiple times but who knows). I do not know if butler did that type of thing but i'm not on the no side (because a quick research didnt came up with anything and Claude was literally on the first page lol).
I think as you said, it's maybe a bit like the food thing. Alois doesn't exactly knows how to use a butler but still assert some power and use Claude's abilities to the most. The thing I pointed out as weird in my food post is that Alois only asked Claude to feed him in public as far as we knows, it might really be that : not fully getting and using a butler abilities to the most as a way to assert his role as the master.
I also think that, like you said, Alois being quite love deprived and also touch deprived I would think, he would ask Claude to do a lot of little tasks like this as a substitution. I also think it's a way for Alois to force interactions with Claude and since Claude is doing them he can trick himself into thinking Claude is doing it out of love and care no matter how monotonous the whole thing is.
Maybe it's also a way for Alois to seek negative attention from Claude too. Claude is only maintaining the illusion of caring because he accepts to do all of this without any protest/better explaining, however it's going to be understood fast enough that no reaction is actually not caring. Alois maybe wants to push him as far as possible to see if Claude reacts. Conflict is a way to maintain a relationship too.
Anyway thats a lot of speculations but also you wanted my take of this sooo, voilà ! Hope you have a nice day/night !
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elsyrel · 2 years
Jack Spicer headcanons, please!
Thank you for your message <3!! I actually have a few headcanons about Jack, and this is the perfect request to throw a bunch of unrelated ideas out there xD!! Here we go:
It is canon that Jack doesn’t have any friends (it is mentioned a few times, if I’m not mistaken). And here comes my headcanon... that is one of the reasons he became SO good at robotics. Making robots, creations that could move on their own and respond to him and keep him company, was comforting to him when he was alone. Basically, he considers his robots his friends, and uses them as substitutes for the real relationships he doesn’t have. It is mentioned in canon that his robots have personality chips (even the jackbots, the “lowest rank” robots, the most expendable of Jack creations that are constantly being destroyed). Also, many of his robots were given a supportive personality. I can think of Dudebot, the Butler robot, the Cheerleaders, even Wuya’s copy... all of them have kind words for their creator. So... yeah. He builds robots cause he’s lonely.
On a related note, the monks are the closest to real friends he has ever had. Jack has mixed feelings, but he kinda considers them his friends... even if they don’t reciprocate at all. Omi is the only one who shows some sympathy towards him sometimes. Deep down he doesn’t give a fuck about Shen Gong Wu, but that’s the only way he knows to socialize with them (although Jack himself might not be aware of this feelings).
Before meeting Wuya, he had never done anything properly “evil”. He was just bitter and resentful against society, and he just made lots and lots of vengeful plans... that never went anywhere. He was just locked in his basement building robots. So when he met Wuya, he was a really really noob villain, lmao.
His father is always missing and Jack resents him. In the first episode, his father sends him a gift from Hong Kong, and Jack disregards it... and then we don’t hear about Jack’s father ever again. However, we see that Jack gets crushes for older men pretty often. Chase Young is the most obvious one, but he also has a fleeting crush on Hannibal Roy, on Klofange, and on Master Fung (when he’s Good Jack). Basically, he looks for a male parental figure... he craves attention and approval from older men daddy issues who.
Jack is bisexual (pretty much canon). As I said, he has an obvious crush on Chase and other older men... but he also flirts with women, like Kimiko and Clay’s sister. He is actually naturally flirty and he is not very shy at showing he is attracted to someone. Also, he is a fucking kinky freak. In the future where he manages to dominate the world, he keeps captive Chase, Wuya and Roy, and he humiliates them. But also... Wuya is wearing a cheerleader costume (cheerleader kink? it’s the second time the cheerleader topic comes around lmao), and Chase... well, you remember how he looked.
He is very open minded, actually. Does not judge by physical appearance... as long as you are evil like him, he likes you. However, he is REALLY worried about his own appearance. That makes me think that he has been mocked about his looks, which makes him overly worried about others judging him.
He is also very creative. He likes drawing, designing, composing music... (this is more or less canon).
He is touch starved and his preferred love language is physical affection, but at the same time he feels insecure about showing it. Many times, we can see that when others hug him, he pretends he doesn't like it... but strangely, he is extremely touchy. That makes me think that he is naturally touchy and does it without realizing it, but when he is on the receiving end, he rejects them... probably because that's what others do to him.
And oh my god, I’m just gonna shut up already, cause I could keep writing stuff all day, lmao. Hope you liked it :D!!
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cakebeam · 3 years
The only point of having Maria be conveniently unavailable whenever Michael was dealing with something important and implying Alex was some sort of second choice was Carina's pettiness. And it was weird because M*luca still wasn't written as a couple with emotional substance when they did talk about stuff. Michael could have opened up to Maria so many times in s2, but he never tried past the breakfast convo, where he didn't get much of a reaction. Acting like Michael would have investigated his mom with her if only she had picked up the phone in 2x04 was unnecessary and absurd but it's still something people can canonically claim. 2x09 didn't even give us a reason as to why Michael didn't call Maria but let shippers pretend that she must have been occupied elsewhere (even though it took place on the same night 2x08 did and Maria was very much at the Pony) and Alex was a substitute. It all reads like Michael never letting himself admit to needing Alex and expecting him to bail again if he pushes hard enough while also using every opportunity to still be around him (the diner scene in 2x10 was downright ridiculous). But it doesn't work with the general audience unless this is actually verbally stated by him at some point. Instead we got an I love you directed at Maria despite the two of them struggling to connect or give each other what the other needs all season. I don't know what kind of speeches they wrote for Michael in s3, but he has a lot of explaining to do.
Nonnie, YES TO ALL OF THIS. Here's another thing about the lack of emotional substance with Miluca that you brought up, they actually have so much in common and it was NEVER brought up LOL. They both got left behind by friends/loved ones right before the lost decade after high school, they both had to let go of dreams to put family first and got stuck in Roswell because of it, they both struggle with finances and they're both in love with the same guy (Alex). But neither of them EVER discuss any of it! Michael still has no idea that Maria was in love with Alex in high school! They only ever talk about Maria and her powers, that's it! It's the f*cking Maria show with Miluca, I swear to god.
Miluca is so empty, it was never fleshed out and like you said nonnie, the "I love you" came from nowhere and the delivery from both of them was so weird. Why was it even written in? It certainly can't be because they're meant to be a main ship in the long run, so why focus on them for over an ENTIRE season?! Miluca definitely doesn't make any sense for the storytelling (we're missing out on a Romeo and Juliet epic romance with Malex for THIS?!) and really comes off like Carina is just forcing these characters together like a kid in a playroom with dolls and just being like, "now KISS!". It not only made the characters look terrible (Michael coming off indifferent towards Alex, Maria a horrible friend at the barest minimum) but this "relationship" didn't even push forward the story in general at all. It was just a huge waste in terms of time and a giant setback in terms of Malex.
I 100000% agree about Michael having some explaining to do in season 3 with his out of character actions towards Alex. I mean the RNM writers not only have to dig this love story back up from ground where Carina buried it but they also have to clean up all of hurtful actions that happened in season 2. I mean they're just going to have to go hard on the romance for Malex in season 3 and we better get a handprint or another song or a dance or SOMETHING to at least make up for the hell we've gone through already with this show.
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@sissygirl231 :
"The very, very, very rough outline of "Fauna" part 2
So she follows the light downstairs, and Loki is in the living room looking at one of her drawings. He looks up, see's her and asks for her name. (For now the substitute name I'm using for the main character is Kalila.) He talks to her, gives the whole "you're different, you're special ect ect" speech, and then he gives Kalila her powers (or at least the ability to use a concentrated form of magic.)
I have a very, very rough draft of what that looks like. He kneels down to her level (because ya know, she's tiny) and he takes her hand and there's some blue sparkly magic that starts to form around his arm and move up to hers while he's talking and he like gives her a title, that she is "The daughter of Loki, princess of Asgard and the demi-goddess of...(he looks around at all the animal stuff) fauna." Then a bunch of small animals (think patronuses) wander around them for a few seconds before it all fades away. Then he says that he has to leave but that he'll come back for her. He says something along the lines "Someday you will be one of the most powerful beings this realm has ever known, and this place, and all the sadness you've felt here will be nothing but a memory. I promise." And then she really wakes up and everything is back to normal.
Then he leaves, but he doesn't come back, because the avengers beat him. So she assumes it was just a dream and never talks about it. (I haven't decided yet, but he may or may not show up in her dreams a few more times after that, letting her think he's like a guardian angel figure in her imagination but I don't know.)
Her powers never show up until she's thirteen. She goes to go swimming with her older sister and she notices that she has a birthmark in between her shoulder blades, it's raised and it's very faintly blue (Picture below, the frost giant part of her maybe? Who knows? They certainly don't.)
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She's curious about the birthmark that she sets up a couple mirrors in her room so she can see it for herself, and she accidentally brings on a cat. Same with the dream, a cat that looks like a patronus (still looking for a better description) shows up for a few seconds then burst into sparks, and her birth mark glows. She freaks out, calls for her sister, who tells her that it's impossible.
A couple weeks later, she calls on a horse while she's trying to do something, I haven't figured out what, that requires her to be fast. Again she tells her sister, they try to get it to happen again but can't so the sister decides that she has to give herself a reason. She puts together a costume for Kalila, gets a police scanner app for her computer, gives her a Bluetooth thing and Kalila goes out and waits for something to happen. Right now I'm going with the classic 'old lady gets mugged and hero saves her purse' scene. It's official she has superpowers, sweet. Then, burning building with a person trapped upstairs comes over the scanner, it's like two blocks away so our hero goes despite her sister telling her not to.
Once she's in the house she realizes she can't breathe and can't think because of the heat and accidentally calls on the next animal, the camel, and saves the person trapped inside. The cops ask her who she is when she comes out, and because of her dream she goes with 'Fauna' next thing she knows she's the superhero of her town until flash forward a couple years later when her family moves to New York. By then she's still only calling on not-that-cool animals but she's racked up close to a dozen by then and once they show up for the first time she can summon them whenever. (Nothing has given her flight though, because I want..... I'll leave that one to the real story ;) )
And the villian comes in after that, again skipping their motives for so I don't spoil. And...she may or may not become friends with another clumsy teen superhero throughout the story.
That's literally all I have right now without spoiling the ending, in case you actually read it.
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• • •
""The daughter of Loki, princess of Asgard and the demi-goddess of ... fauna." "
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"Someday you will be one of the most powerful beings this realm has ever known, and this place, and all the sadness you've felt here will be nothing but a memory. I promise."
soft Loki is soft and makes me uwu
Our girl is half frost giant, and probably has raven hair like her daddy 😭
Her birthmark looks like the ridges on Frost Loki's face!
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I like the idea of him coming to her again in her dreams, like it's his astral self looking over her even when he can't be there 😿
Could the patronuses be like the animal's astral bodies? Kalila is probably able astral project, like Loki can (in canon), so can she call on the animal's projection as well?
Where are you going to post the story btw?
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angeltrapz · 3 years
🌹 🍊 💜
hello anon!! tysm for this ask djkfd ESP the heart!!! I'm gnna answer these with brady and josh lambert, who I haven't rlly spoken of much in an f/o sense yet!
🌹 - does your f/o believe in “love at first sight?” do you?:
honestly? he won't admit as much, but he does sort of like to think so. maybe not quite at first sight, but he does like to think that fate might lead us to the ones we love in some way, whether that be romantic or not. he simply likes the thought that somehow, some way, we're always meant to find the ones we love somehow - and sometimes we're guided to do so.
as for me, I tend to fall into the same pattern of beliefs. I like to believe we all have soulmates - they might just not necessarily be romantic, and that platonic soulmates are just as valid!
🍊 - what’s your f/o’s biggest secret?:
I have no canon basis for this, I simply think it'd be cute: he chose rex stephens as his pen name bc when he was younger, his first pet was a dog named rex who he loved very, very much and who lived to be at least 13 years old. that's it! that's the secret!! he simply never told anyone abt it (except me), but it's a name held dear in his heart and that's why he chose it.
💜 - free space! tell us a random headcanon you have for your f/o.:
okay somewhat random but not: I think that, while he might write another novel or two, he typically sticks to substitute teaching (english) and maybe even goes back to school for a teaching degree! after everything that's happened thus far in his life, he's found that he enjoys teaching quite a bit and definitely continues to do so in some capacity.
🌹 - does your f/o believe in “love at first sight?” do you?:
mmm honestly? I don't think he does. kind of like what I mentioned with brady, he does sort of believe that there are people you're meant to meet, but love at first sight is just not something he believes in. (though he DOES joke about it regards to renai and I - "you're the only two people I'd ever say that for" type stuff lmao!!) I mentioned this in regards to brady too but I tend to believe the same.
🍊 - what’s your f/o’s biggest secret?:
I don't know if it counts as his biggest secret considering that he doesn't actually remember it ever occurring, but like... everything that happened with elise + parker crane's spirit. he has days where he just feels like something is wrong, but he can't quite put his finger on what - all he knows is that it makes his heart hurt a bit, and renai and I can't say anything obviously,, all we can do is be there for him.
💜 - free space! tell us a random headcanon you have for your f/o.:
this is like, purely self-indulgent, but sometimes josh will listen to new kids on the block/elton john/the smiths with me when I'm having a bad day and will sing just to make me smile ;v; sometimes renai will also join in to accompany him with the piano! (she's also fond of elton + has learned the piano accompaniment to some songs!)
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shocotate · 7 years
For the headcanon’s, Envy please!! :)
Thank you for the ask, Mysterious Anon.
Despite Envy not appearing in any of my fics thus far (he has a very small but important referenced part in my first fic back in the fandom though…), I do have some headcanons about him. I swear I will get this vacation fic started soon ^_^; Yock-Nessie where are you…
Headcanon A: realistic
We all know Envy’s loves his ‘cute’ preferred form, and Envy chose his hair to be longer than his brothers’ in order for it to be more like Father’s long hair, and that’s also why he chose his form to be slightly more masculine. Envy is also very pleased with his being a sexless creature, as in the concept of alchemy the crossed male and female dragons represent a perfect existence. Father actually failed in the attempt but even he doesn't know that, so Envy doesn't, either.
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Of course this doesn’t really help his actual self esteem issues, but he likes the idea.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Before trains/cars were invented, the homunculi sometimes used Envy as a means to travel around. They did have some horses that could tolerate their ‘pressure’ (most animals raised in Central had a stronger tolerance, and would accept pulling their carriages and stuff after some training), but if something happened to them or they weren’t around they used Envy instead. Envy likes feeling useful.
One time when Envy was young Greed tried to use him as a racehorse in a money-making scheme, since he could be faster than a regular horse. While Envy was on board the plan broke down in several stages, one: they couldn’t convince Pride to be the jockey by stretching his container to 15/16 years old, since Pride found Greed’s schemes childish and stupid, and two: the rural racehorses became too scared to run against Envy because of his pressure. Leave Envy out of your shifty dealings, Greed, focus on the actually important shiftiness! It’s no wonder there were no Crests of Blood after Greed was born until after Gluttony was made… (Second crest of blood: 1661, third….1799 x__x;)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Sometimes Envy’s neediness gets the better of him. Between 1815 and 1835 he grew resentful of Pride and Lust being friends since it took away time he got to spend with her. He clung to her too much and he and Lust had a falling out a few months before she went to Xerxes with Gluttony, and as a result of their spat she didn’t take Envy with her, and didn’t bring him back a souvenir (like the photograph she got for Pride), which made him even worse. Deep down Envy does know that their argument was his fault, and misinterprets why Lust was upset anyway (this was in a fic of mine, but I won’t get into it here), but luckily Lust does forgive him after a little while. Vaguely connected, but after Lust died Envy would sometimes turn into her and talk to himself, thinking about the past and sometimes explaining some of the dumb crap he used to do, or telling her about his VENGEANCE plans for Roy and Riza and Alphonse after the Promised Day.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Envy and Pride don’t really get along in the series, we only really see Pride tell him off and Envy complain about Pride not being there when Gluttony got kidnapped (not his fault Envy, Wrath wouldn’t let his tutor let him leave! ;_;).
Even so, I think they did manage to patch it up later on, and Envy was very happy when Pride threatened Riza, since she was present when Lust died, and is Roy’s pet. Later we do (kinda) know that Envy had taken to pretending to be Pride while Pride was downstairs, so I think they would have to have become on good-ish terms for Pride to let anyone impersonate him, since I’m sure that’s a touchy thing. Pride and Envy, please bond over your dreams of vengeance for little/big sister :(
Phew…what the hell, how did this end up being the longest response to these headcanon ask memes?!
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