#he definitely reconsiders if they should go onto the expedition after this
It may just be a side quest but getting the Bone Pit job is Kind Of A Big deal actually?? At least it is for Liam. Like. This is the first proper job he's had since coming to Kirkwall! No underground operation no low-paying dockhand job no minor errand but a Proper Legitimate (hopefully) long-term job! Sure it's dangerous but then again where do you expect to find a non-dangerous job in Kirkwall? Especially as a Fereldan refugee.
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thecat-inthehat · 5 years
The Wine Cellars of Lea Monde
Ashelia Riot does not explain as she readies the team for the Lea Monde mission why her hair is now several ilms longer. Nor does she explain why she and Malla seem to be ill at ease with one another. Malla does, however, fly the team via the shuttle to their destination.
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Seeing as he's shown up with an extra pair of large horns after an extended absence with no offered explanation, Tai is not prone to questioning such things.
Malla explains along the way that the city of Lea Monde lies well to the south of Dalmasca, through vast tracts of the Golmore Jungle. Fortunately, Malla knows from prior experience of a clearing through which an aircraft might land, and she pilots you to that area with little difficulty. Still, the city itself has been almost entirely transformed into a Garlean outpost. It is the capital of Dalmasca Inferior - the Garleans' "lesser" hold upon the region. Hinako’s book has this to say: “Lea Monde is an old town, with a history of over two thousand years. Its walls have seen many battles - they are stronger than the mightiest forts of Dalmasca, and as the sun wheels through the sky, the beauty of their shifting colors surpasses that of any palace.” Malla drops the party in the clearing, and soon you see the walls for yourself, even from a distance. Most of all, you see the Great Cathedral, towering above the skyline. Nearby, though you cannot see it from where you stand, is the sea.
Hinako Daigo would not show it but she is ill at ease, and before stepping off to Lea Monde she is heard and seen in intonation in her tongue. "...O kami of the four winds, I humbly request you do usher your guidance and bestow upon me and my own your divine guidance and graces. [Omamori]" Malla Velius departs - and she takes Priscilla's anxious look in stride. Nivelth Ajuyn looks calm, perhaps a tad more so than she should be, listening to the prayer silently. At her feet, an emerald carbuncle twines through her legs like an anxious cat. Akhutai Urit also looks calm. In fact, one could say he looks toward the Cathedral with veritable disinterest. Ashelia Riot: "Shall some of us survey ahead?" Though she herself proposed this mission, she does not entirely know what exactly they will be looking for in the city. Nivelth Ajuyn: "Do we know what we're looking for? Or is this going to be a bit like our survey to Rabanastre?" Ashelia Riot: "We're looking for... answers. I presume to do with the auracite. But yes - I imagine we'll gather as many clues as we can in a reasonable amount of time." Eindride Stokys looks concerned at mention of the survey being similar to Rabanastre and clutches his staff. Please no. Akhutai Urit moves just a bit ahead of the group without a word, eyes towards their destination. He looks around the area before give a slight shrug and moving forward a few more steps. Perhaps part of him manages to think that moving too far away from the group would be a bad idea, so he pauses. Hinako Daigo: "...Nothing for it but to move forward, then. I will go on ahead, as well" she responds, not just because she figures she will be able to pick up on necessary presence, but that Akhutai's demeanor has been leaving her somewhat guarded since the Prima Vista incident. || The upper reaches of the city appear to be swarming with Garleans. Hinako Daigo furrows her brow. Priscilla Scaevola has been uncharacteristically silent on the moments leading to this.  "I've got an idea." Ashelia Riot: "Yes?" Nivelth Ajuyn looks up at the city, frowning. "What's your idea, Pris?" Priscilla Scaevola: "They've must be aware the Prima Vista just swooped by.  I can probably stroll through there-" She gestures to the upper city. "- mostly unnoticed and see what information can I find." Nivelth Ajuyn wonders at the wisdom of that. Isn't Priscilla still wanted? Ashelia Riot: "While the rest of us remain hidden?" Ashelia Riot isn't entirely certain she likes the idea of Priscilla Scaevola going on her own. She suspects a certain romantic fool of a Garlean will murder her upon her return to the Sandsea. Nivelth Ajuyn: "Do you need one of us to pose as your servant or retainer? So you're not going alone?" Priscilla Scaevola shrugs. "It's an idea." She looks at Erindride. "He can probably blend with me. Looks like boyfriend material." Ashelia Riot: "..." Eindride Stokys eyes widen. "Can't say I agree with that." Priscilla Scaevola she looks at Eindride again. "We are from the Prima Vista, looking for material for a new play." Ashelia Riot shakes her head. Ashelia Riot: "After what happened over Kugane, the Majestic may not be the most popular people in the Empire at the moment." Priscilla Scaevola: "..." Reconsiders. "Yeah, no, I am not going up there." Ashelia Riot: "...Although." Akhutai Urit gives a hum of thought, "Surely a storied place such as that has...multiple entrances.." Eindride Stokys: "That could be a possibility." Ashelia Riot nods to Akhutai Urit. Ashelia Riot: "Precisely. And if we end up needing to go above ground for any reason, Priscilla can be a scout." Priscilla Scaevola mocks an appalled gesture at Erindride. "How quickly he to chose the sewers over his new girlfriend." She nods at Ashelia when given a position. "Can do that." Ashelia Riot: "Oh, leave him be." Eindride Stokys: "It'd be far more likely for me to have a boyfriend in the future rather than a girlfriend," it's not the best time, but he chuckles a bit. Hinako Daigo gives a soft grin. Nivelth Ajuyn waves her fingers, and her carbuncle gives a soft yip. "He can accompany you, if needed. I can set him up with diversion and poison cloud spells if you need to make a quick getaway. But I'd like to stick to the idea of not being noticed." Ashelia Riot: "As would I." Akhutai Urit sets his hands on the hilt of his sword with an almost disappointed expression but says nothing. Priscilla Scaevola: "I can be subtle. And got a few tricks up my sleeve if things go sour." Nivelth Ajuyn nods to Priscilla Scaevola. Ashelia Riot: "Now, then..." Ashelia Riot searches the vicinity, walking around for any potential underground openings. Ashelia Riot is, more than anything, getting impatient; she /knows/ something's there, but she cannot find it. Hinako Daigo: "Hmm..." Akhutai Urit also begins to search. though he seems..less inclined, for whatever reason. Hinako Daigo kneels respectfully. Hinako Daigo: "..." Hinako Daigo shrugs. Ashelia Riot: "It has to be here." By now she sounds frustrated, annoyed; she's close to drawing her stone from her pocket. Nivelth Ajuyn: "What are you looking for? What do you expect to find?" Akhutai Urit just...stares...in a direction. He sighs. "...Ashe." If he catches her attention, he just vaguely gestures. Ashelia Riot: "A path. Anything. I-" Ashelia Riot then catches sight of where Tai is looking. Ashelia Riot: "...That.” "That" is what appears to be a cellar door - almost identical to the one her father locked behind her during their last moments together before Ala Mhigo fell. The sight makes her heart lurch. Hinako Daigo watches Ashelia intently... Eindride Stokys: "I'd say that's our way in." Ashelia Riot steps forward and gives the door a heave. Its hinges creak as the old wood resists, but it opens with little effort. Ashelia Riot: "I'll take the rear." Akhutai Urit: "A cellar. How typical." Assuming no one else does it first, he just...goes in past the old doors. Hinako Daigo takes a breath and follows Akhutai in. Nivelth Ajuyn sniffs the air, her nose wrinkling slightly, but follows. Ashelia Riot ushers the others in before her. For perhaps the first time in this entire expedition, Ashe steps into the cool, darkened underground hall and feels something resembling peace. It reminds her of Ala Mhigo’s Undercity: though she’s never been in this place, though she does not know the way forward, the feeling of being so far under the earth is a comfortingly familiar sensation. Priscilla Scaevola closes her eyes briefly before entering. "Here we go..." || Until the ground trembles beneath the party’s feet. Akhutai Urit: "Exciting." Hinako Daigo looks down at the ground. "...?" Ashelia Riot: "Is everyone alright?" Priscilla Scaevola gaze travels from one of his companions to the next. Half expecting they caused it. "This bodes i'll. Which might mean we are heading the right way..." Nivelth Ajuyn distributes her weight easy enough, frowning slightly. She touches the stone in her pocket. Akhutai Urit: "I was beginning to worry this was going to be easy," he begins to smirk. Eindride Stokys looks a little shaken, but is otherwise fine. He nods to Ashelia. Hinako Daigo nods. "Yes, and I'm inclined to agree with Miss Priscilla." || The party have ended up in a cellar - a wine cellar, one of great renown throughout all of Hydaelyn. Priscilla Scaevola wants to steal. Hinako Daigo looks around. Akhutai Urit doesn't much care for wine and begins looking around. Eindride Stokys: "There's something odd about this place...", he says, staring at the walls. || It's all wine. Akhutai Urit is basically going to just wander off at this point until he finds something of note at all unless someone stops him. || Wine is boring. Peering more deeply and placing a hand flat onto the wall, Eindride’s odd feeling finally starts to make sense. "There's definitely been some Black magicks used in here." Priscilla Scaevola places her attention at the floor. If there is something below she expected to find a latch or looks under rugs if any. Nivelth Ajuyn looks around, while her carbu sniffs at the wines. She taps her finger against one of the barrels, and frowns. "... poison. I think some of these are poisoned." || There are no rugs; the floor seems ordinary. Ashelia Riot: "Poison?" Nivelth Ajuyn looks ... conflicted. "I ... don't know why, but it feels poisoned." Ashelia Riot thinks of how Nivelth Ajuyn poisoned a Garlean to death within seconds. Hinako Daigo saunters and studies every ilm she passes "Black magic, poison... all things considered, though, it is still a wine cellar. Assuredly quite an old and grand one, so... our path is not like to end here..." The dull thud of metal on wood can be heard down the way as Tai smacks his sword into a wine barrel. Nivelth Ajuyn investigates the barrel for a moment, and pulls it out slightly. In the brim of the wood, there's a hole in it, and what looks like a rat's corpse. The creature clearly died while trying to burrow into the wine, resulting in the poisoning of it. Ashelia Riot wrinkles her nose but offers no other sign of disgust. Nivelth Ajuyn: "Well. That's not useful." Priscilla Scaevola eyes widen at the revelation. "That's... not good..." Ashelia Riot: "Let's keep moving." Hinako Daigo stops for a moment to look back. She would rather not ask why poison the wine, for she can presume plenty. Hinako Daigo continues. Eindride Stokys stares at the rat's corpse. "We should exercise caution around these barrels in the very least..." Tai definitely notices that there are burn marks close to some of the walls. There are also scattered bottles, and discarded corks. People have been living here, though perhaps not recently. Akhutai Urit nudges an empty bottle with the tip of his sword. "We missed a party." Nivelth Ajuyn walks forward to catch up to Tai, tail flicking in agitation. Priscilla Scaevola: "It’s not a party until we get there. Are there any notes or belongings?" || There is a black mage's staff, made from a metal that you can't entirely seem to identify; whatever it is, it's beautifully wrought and contains a sphere of blown glass at its apex. Akhutai Urit: "I feel anyone with more expertise with magical focuses than I should take a look at that," Tai says, remarking on the staff. Priscilla Scaevola doesnt touch a thing. Eindride Stokys: "I can take a look...", he says a bit hesitantly. He's not sure if he even wants to touch it himself, in all honesty. Nivelth Ajuyn: "I can look it over," she offers. She doesn't sound concerned. Akhutai Urit: "Well, you two can have at it, I suppose." Eindride Stokys can feel the aether pulsing from the staff. "Whoever owned this, they were very experienced in magicks in the very least..." || The earth rumbles again, this time sending a shower of pebbles over the party's heads. Nivelth Ajuyn looks it over in Eindride's hands, but she gets nothing from it. "It... seems useless to me--what was that." Hinako Daigo observes the staff before looking up at the ceiling. "What on..." Akhutai Urit looks up at the ceiling as everything shakes again. He clicks his tongue. Ashelia Riot: "We need to hurry." Ashelia Riot has seen how cave-ins happen in the Undercity. Priscilla Scaevola nods. Nivelth Ajuyn scooches closer to Tai, her tail flicking rapidly. Eindride Stokys: "...Perhaps we'll get crushed before any of these odd findings can do any harm to us," despite the grim nature of the sentence he sounds rather cheery. Akhutai Urit smirks, "Death won't come so easily. I think time will be on our side, at least for a little while." He glances down at Nive before moving forward, but this time stopping before he gets too far ahead of the group and glances back. "Shall we keep moving?" His eyes flick to the staff, "Should we keep that or leave it behind?" Priscilla Scaevola: "Bring it, it might have an use down the road." That same strange expression comes over Ashelia Riot's face at Akhutai Urit's words, and she nods. Ashelia Riot: "Time enough with you at our side, my old friend." Akhutai Urit looks to Ashelia and his eyes Flash before he flashes a grin, "Of course." Hinako Daigo places a hand above her chest. "Right... Well, we are only building more questions than answers at the moment. Let alone a way through. And these tremors..." Eindride Stokys: "I can carry the staff along with, if need be," while he's a bit intimidated by the thing, he can't help but have his interest piqued by the staff at this point. Ashelia Riot nods to Eindride Stokys. Ashelia Riot: "By all means." Nivelth Ajuyn looks over at him, frowning at the staff, but sticks close to Tai as the group starts to move a bit. Ashelia Riot takes point for the next section, which is long and winding and unfinished. She takes them through what can only be the deepest infrastructure of the city, down to the fabled ramparts themselves - and the path leads them all further underground. Hinako Daigo remains silent, focused, trying to get a read on her environs as they get deeper and deeper. Akhutai Urit: "These people surely loved their underground infrastructures.." Nivelth Ajuyn: "You know, the last time Tai and I went underground, it didn't exactly end well," she mutters into the air, giving a shudder. "Can't wait to see how this one turns out." Akhutai Urit: "As long as our secrets and fears don't get turned against us this time." Priscilla Scaevola: "Last time I went undeground with Tai it didnt exactly end well either. " She grins. Akhutai Urit: "I believe we can conclude, then, that if something goes wrong, it is my fault." Nivelth Ajuyn: "Only if it's underground. I think you're in the clear otherwise." Nivelth Ajuyn beams with delight at Akhutai Urit. Akhutai Urit smirks. || At the end of the tunnel lies a pile of fabrics - Dalmascan civilian clothes. They aren't laid out in place of where someone died; they're thrown in a heap on the ground. Priscilla Scaevola pokes the pile of clothes with the barrel of her gun. || Some rats skitter out from inside the pile. Priscilla Scaevola: "Agh!" Hinako Daigo: "Abandoned garments? And they have been here for some time as well." Eindride Stokys: "Strange." Akhutai Urit: "Well then." Tai looks around, "...I can only think of grim circumstances." Hinako Daigo: "I have a bad feeling ... Signs of life underground, black magic, raiments cast aside..." Hinako Daigo: "Poisoned wine..." Priscilla Scaevola just shakes her head. She likes the fieldtrip less and less. Akhutai Urit: "If we continue much further, I'm nearly positive we'll find a body or two." Akhutai Urit: "Or what's left of one." Hinako Daigo: "Someone's endgame, whatever that may have been. Or may be." || As the party proceeds, the sense of wrongness further permeates their surroundings - especially for Eindride Stokys. However, if possible, the surroundings grow somewhat more refined - elegant. Akhutai Urit pulls his lips back into something reminiscent of a snarl and the grip on his sword tightens. He doesn't say anything, just tenses up in preparation for...something. Hinako Daigo is deep in thought.
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rebootrevolution · 8 years
X-Men Novelization (Book Three)
Chapter Twenty
History books were not rewritten as Magneto had hoped. Instead, the attack of the mutants on the military base at sea was hidden from the public, seldom spoken of, and passed exclusively from government to government in the form of highly classified documents. The American people could never know how close they came to nuclear annihilation, and the world at large was not ready to comprehend that the whole plot unfolded at the hands of a single individual. The other individuals, the ones known only by their codenames amongst the government circles, were a matter of whispered debate. Were they there to help Magneto in his attack, or stop him? If Magneto’s power alone could do such devastation, what could theirs combined accomplish?
What dirtied the reputation of the other three mutants further was their theft of an experimental stealth jet, the SR-71 Blackbird. The aircraft was designed to be heavily modifiable, capable of being fit with a variety of munitions and reconnaissance technology, so the possibilities were endless as to what the jet could do in determined hands. It was always possible that the mutants only stole the Blackbird out of opportunism-- with their own helicopter destroyed in the battle the Blackbird was the only vehicle capable of vertical takeoff that could serve as their escape.
And escape they did, back to a place where few knew of their presence and fewer still knew of their true nature, or that they were most devastated of all.
The three teenagers were silent on their flight home, with only Jean showing the fluttering eyelids of emotion and Scott taking the briefest break from his piloting to squeeze her knee. For Ororo, however, there was only a blank gaze out the window and the perpetual fog outside of it.
After that night, somehow, the students adapted. Seeing the Professor broken was hard, the least example of which were his legs. Hank told the students that it was unlikely the Professor would ever walk again, that the damage to his spine was too severe, but they were far more concerned about the damage to his spirit. The betrayal of his dearest friend left Charles’ every smile hollow and his every assurance that everything would be alright unconvincing. A mind like his could wander further than any other, and so the students took it upon themselves to keep him occupied.
They held classes in the medical bay, their books sprawled across metal trays and their eyes on a man always eager to teach. There were moments when they could even forget what happened that fateful night. That was not a luxury that others shared, and Hank interrupted the class around Xavier’s bed one day to introduce the students to such a man.
“Many pardons,” Hank said, the students looking up from their books at his words. “It appears that we have a visitor.” Hank excused his massive frame, stepping out of the doorway of the medical bay to reveal special agent Frederick Duncan, his prim black-and-white suit and crew-cut appearing overly formal next to Beast’s shaggy coat of blue hair and wrinkled lab coat.
Words choked in the students’ throats at the sight of the man whose appearance weeks ago was an omen of the coming night. He carried with him a briefcase, and Scott fixed his visor on it rather than the man himself.
Xavier was more friendly, although he could not hide the hint of apprehension. “Agent Duncan! What a pleasant surprise. I don’t believe you’ve met my three students here?”
Duncan looked around at the teenagers, taking in a deep breath before saying “Not formally, no. Their reputation kind of precedes them, though.” Duncan ignored the silence as he looked around at the medical equipment, pausing at the sight of the state-of-the-art MRI just off to the side. He kept looking at the MRI even as he spoke. “I’m glad to see you’re okay, Professor. My superiors got pretty tired of my requests to see you--said I shouldn’t worry half as much about you as I should my many colleagues hospitalized that night.”
He turned to the group. “Still, though. I was worried. You’re good people, Prof.”
Xavier softened at the compliment before catching himself. “I take it you aren’t here purely out of concern for me?”
“No,” Duncan said, getting to the gist, “My request from before your injury is still on the table, and I think you’ll want to reconsider it in light of recent events.”
“Ah, yes. This rogue mutant agent in the wilds of Canada,” Xavier explained to the others. “Well, as you can see, Duncan, I’m not in much of a condition to go on a hiking expedition.”
Duncan did not skip a beat, looking over the teenagers one by one. “I’m not here to ask for you, Prof. From what I heard these kids can really scrap when they want to. If we could just--
“Absolutely not,” Xavier cut in. All sentimentality drained from his face. “I wouldn’t dare put my student’s lives at stake again. They’ve done far too much of that as it is.”
“Well hold up,” Ororo piped up, “Shouldn’t we get a say about this? What do you even need us for?”
Duncan spoke directly to Ororo, knowing he would get nowhere with the Professor. “The Canadian government lost control of an agent of theirs, a mutant they poured millions into training and...improving. Of course, they can’t admit to such a gaffe, but the thing’s loose, it’s killed people, and it’s heading for the border.”
“You want us to stop it before it gets there,” Scott chimed in.
“And what exactly are we supposed to do when we find this ‘thing’?” Jean asked challengingly.
“Hell if we care,” Duncan replied. “Kill it, give it back to Canada, wrap lights around it and put it up for Christmas. My superiors don’t want another mutant fiasco and they definitely don’t want one going public.” Duncan paused, adding emphasis to his next words, “If I pitch it right, they may even discontinue their investigation as to the whereabouts of a certain experimental stealth jet--given things went their way on this.” He set the briefcase on the floor beside him. “Everything you need to know is in here.”
“This is completely out of the question,” Xavier said, looking at it students.
“Professor, we can’t have them up our ass about that jet,” Storm said.
“Lives could be at stake,” Scott said.
“And there’s a mutant out there probably scared out of his mind,” Jean added.
Beast opened the door for Duncan, gesturing the way for him and smiling politely. “I believe we’ll be taking your request under advisement, Agent Duncan.”
As Hank escorted Duncan from the premises the debate began, and it continued well into the evening, and then into the night. Although Xavier resisted, fearing for the safety of students he had already endangered, the united voices of three students who knew how to use Xavier’s own beliefs against him were overwhelming.
“You said we have a moral obligation to do what we can to help.”
“Think of what it will do to us if people are killed we know we could have saved.”
“We won’t be agents of violence, Professor, we’ll be agents against it!”
At the end of the day the Professor sat his head back onto the hospital bed, looking up at the fluorescent lights, and relented. “What have I wrought?” he asked.
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mosstheboar · 7 years
Field Journal #1 The Army of the Borrows [Apocrypha]
Field Journal 1 By Graduate of the Imperial Battle College Legionaire Una Senyan 3E 414 4th of Last Seed This is my first campaign journal. Clearly it will not be as educational as the field journals of Legate Blackwell in her expeditions to Elsweyr, but I hope that by writing down my experiences I can better retain the lessons life teaches. I have been transferred to a Breton force out of Wayrest as part of the Empire's Foreign Legion Exchange of Tactics. As fourth out of my class at the Imperial Battle College I have the honour of Imperial Advisor of Logistics attached to Lord Odvan Yoemford's Army of the Burrows. Honestly if the name is anything to go by I have a lot to learn about the Bretons. But my first assignment is a hefty one. The Army of the Burrows (honestly the name makes me giggle every time) is on a mission, according to Yoemford, to cull some of the 'pigs' (orcs) who have been straying 'too far from their pen'. The lectors at the Battle College impressed upon me the strength and savagery native to the orcs. But with the Army of the Burrows (Stendarr save that name) being 200 strong, 220 with auxiliary personell, I feel that we have little to worry about. We're going to push into the mountains, about a week over the border. I took the advice of one of the vets and bought a potion to keep me warm. Hopefully I won't need it. The alchemist that sold it to me said I reminded him of his niece and gave me the recipe to make more. The old coot was so charming I bought a mortar and pestle from him. As Imperial Advisor of Logistics (I wonder if I can get that sewn onto my uniform?) I figure it is my duty to research new materiel. And it might be fun, who knows? --------------- 10th of Last Seed We're two days out at this point. It's raining. It's cold. Not very fun. But I'm still excited, who knows what we could find? I've made a point of checking in on all the soldiers. Some of the other officers, Elona in particular, say that it's a waste of highborn's time to 'talk with the rabble' but what do these Bretons know? Chief Wizard Elona (why can't the provinces use the legions method of ranking? I think it's similar to a Battlemage?) would rather talk to an atronach than a soldier. I'm sure once we get into the mountains they'll see that spells are no replacement for troops, else why have the soldiers in the first place? Bretons place too much faith in spells and enchantments and all this daedra business gives me the jeebies. I understand that the atronachs are excellent frontline troops but surely mages could help in other ways. We have no restoration mage and fear of frostbite makes me glad I bought the recipe to make the potion again. I'll keep an eye out snowberries and purple flowers. If I can make some more I'm certain to win over the soldiers. --------------- 13th of Last Seed The scouts found a few hunting blinds on the upper slopes. They haven't seen any orcs so far but the company is on high alert. On Yoemfords order we knocked down the blinds. An afternoon wasted. Even with half the company hacking at the logs. Elona ended up summoning a flame atronach and incinerating the wood. The soldiers took to the inferno with a gusto, and even I admitted it was nice to be warm for a night but I'd rather be a little chilly and safe than warm and announced. I told Yoemford that this would only give away our position but the young lord deferred to his fellow Breton's opinion that the smoke would scare them. If the orcs in these mountains are anything like the Legion recruits from Orsinium then scared is probably not going to be their reaction. It seems the Breton's war academies teach little besides the benefits of nepotism. But far be it from me to criticise the all knowing battlemages. I just wish Lord Yoemford would listen to my advice. --------------- 16th of Last Seed We heard horns this morning. We left the smoking blinds two days behind us. When I turned on my horse and looked down towards the border I could still see the smoke rising. One of the vets in the company, Thadd, tells me that the orcs of Wrothgar are 'a different breed than civilised orcs'. I don't know if he means they are different like the varied types of Khajiiti or if they are simply stronger from a tougher life in the mountains. I found some of those purple mountain flowers but I had to requisition some snowberries from the company chef, guy did not like that I was going to try and make a potion with his precious ingredients. Zenithar save me from these insufferable Bretons. The horns worry me. The orcs want us to know that our presence is noticed. Which is either a bluff to get us to back off or a promise. Orcs aren't known for bluffing. --------------- 25th of Last Seed The soldiers are warming up to me. I've been walking their campfires and I joined the scouts once on patrol. We've been in the mountains for almost two weeks now but we still haven't had any contact with the orcs besides the horns. Lord Yoemford and the others say that our company has them running from us. Thadd and the other vets don't agree. And I'm more inclinded to listen to Thadd. It's getting colder the deeper into the mountains we get, but my practice with the herbs is working. The scouts told me that the potions definitely work but they only last an hour. Maybe I should invest in one of those alembics the old coot mentioned? --------------- 28th of Last Seed We made contact. Sort of. Scouts came back saying they spotted a small camp of orc hunters in a ravine to the west. Lord Yoemford roused the whole camp and ordered us off immediately. I tried to get details from the scouts but when Elona 'suggested' to Lord Yoemford that I should stay with the camp guard he agreed immediately. Thadd and a few other vets are staying with me at the camp which is small comfort. I came here to heft my mace, not just tote my ledgers. I told him I thought it was suspicious that the orcs would camp out in the open when we saw how well hidden they make their blinds. Thadd agreed with me but what can I do? I'm just some legionairre on loan. The vets and I ourselves useful and tightened up the palisade of the camp. I found some blue flowers that I think might aid healing but I don't know what to mix them with. I've heard blisterwort is a common medicinal recipe but there's none of that this high up. Fancy that. I came here to become a captain and it looks like I might end up being an alchemist. --------------- 29th of Last Seed It was a trap. Yoemford rode into camp just before nightfall. Two squads lost. The orcs the scouts spotted drew the company deeper in the ravine. When they engaged the hunters arrows rained down from above and an avalanche sealed them in. I don't know for certain that the orcs triggered the snowfall but Yoemford mentioned hearing drums before the snow fell. Elona melted a path back out of the ravine but it was slow going. Most of the horses were killed by arrows and the company had to lock shields to make it out safely. I was most diplomatic when I reminded the battlemages that I suspected a trap but have been assigned defense detail while they 'plan a counter-attack'. I'll just keep making this temporary camp more permanent using my extensive Imperial Battle College training while they sit in the command tent and poke their wands at maps. On a brighter note Tufil the chef has warmed up to me and even gave me some rock warbler eggs to go with my flowers. Some healing potions wouldn't go astray. But all things considered the company made it out of the ambush lightly. I feel like the orcs are testing us. --------------- 30th of Last Seed The horns have started again. They haven't stopped since the night after the company was ambushed. The orcs are warring against our minds. It's difficult to sleep. The soldiers have physically recovered (those that were able) but morale is low. I've told Yoemford my concerns about staying here this long but the young lord is indecisive. At least until Elona opens her mouth. That mage is getting on my nerves. We've been caught in an ambush. We can either retreat with our noses bloodied or we can push on further. The only stupid choice is to do nothing which is exactly what that Breton thinks we should do. And if SHE thinks we should do that then the bumbling Lord will as well. I was told Lord Yoemford was one of the best knights Bretony had to offer, I thought I saw that when we marched out of Wayrest, but now I just look at him and think he's one of the best knights Bretony has to offer. So by day we fell trees and strengthen our palisades. We've dug a shallow ditch at the circumference but the frozen soil is stubborn. None of the officers were out there swinging a pickaxe. They just stay in the command tent and only come out for meals, wine, and to give vague orders to strengthen the camp. Elona HAS been walking with the scouts though, burning runes in the ground outside the camp. I don't know how effective runes will be. I'm certain that the orcs are watching. Certainly they are close enough to wind those horns from dusk till dawn. Exploring the Wrothgarian mountains is not the simple seek and destroy campaign I was hoping for. So far the only thing I've explored is alchemy and the noble bred duncity of the Bretons. Army of the Burrows. Stendarr spare my mortality from their idiocy. --------------- 31st of Last Seed The watch reported fires last night. The horns have been joined by drums. The orcs have surrounded the camp at all compass points. I would not normally credit it to orcs but after the ambush, I have begun to reconsider the tactical movements of the orcs. Our company has made nothing but mistakes since we set out from Wayrest. We came with too few. Two companies might have been enough, but one company, already bloodied and with damaged morale is not the force to challenge orcs in their territory. We burned the hunting blinds which gave them two days warning. We did not expect and ambush and the company troops were lead into the ravine. But the first mistake the company made was underestimating the orcs. These are their mountains, no matter the lines drawn on some Breton map. Divines preserve me from their folly. --------------- 1st Heartfire The soldiers are tense. I've taken to walking the perimeter. I don't want to sound too full of myself but I think the soldiers are calmed by my presence. Though that could be because the young Lord has finally worked up his nerve. Our plan is to push on tomorrow morning. After giving the enemy two whole days to prepare. Lector Vivianus would have such words. Honestly, I think it was the logistics report I left at the tent the last time I was refused entry. We have barely two weeks of food left, and that's only because we lost some troops and horses. Lucky us. I don't mind eating horse oats. Food is food. I'm looking forward to seeing those stuffy Bretons lower themselves to eating what the rank and file have to put up with. Very well. If we must go on the offensive at least we'll have left the orcs a nicely prepared camp to wait for us in should we need to retreat. Genius. --------------- 2nd Heartfire Two of Elona's runes woke most of the camp last night. Well, early this morning. I'm writing this as the last tents are being struck. I'm getting the most out of my basic alchemy lab before we set off. Thadd rigged me up a snug sack to carry my potions and ingredients. WIth the satchel and potions stuck through my belt I practically look like an alchemist already. Then again the shield and mace make my profession clear. I'll be getting some good exercise as my horse has been 'reassigned' to one of the mages. I'll bet it's Elona. Anyway, I should stop scribbling and get my equipment in order. Potions look about done too. --------------- 3rd Hearfire The push this morning was successful, after a fashion. The company formed up within the palisade and marched against a line of orcish skirmishers. Their arrows and javelins did nothing against our shields but maintaining our formation cost us the mobility to pursue them. We barely left the camp and had our noses tweaked for our efforts. We spent the whole day fast marching, chasing the skirmishers. The troops are out for blood. I don't think the officers could rein them in if they wanted too. Yet I still can't shake the feeling that we're being tricked again. We're holed up at the top of a hill, the orcs already know where we are so we might as well choose somewhere defensible. Our supply state is even more concerning. If we intend to stay in the mountains we're going to have to capture enemy materiel or do some hunting. I'm going to take that brat Yoemford aside and give him the opinion he is not hearing in that command tent. Wish me luck. --------------- 3rd Heartfire Dammit! That crab-brained [TEXT ILLEGIBLE DUE TOSEVERAL HOLES THROUGH THE TEXT] Why am I here if nothing I say is listened to? I mean, the rankers trust what I say but all the brass and blue-bloods do their best to avoid me and when I corner them I get yelled at for 'challenging my superiors' and 'reducing morale'. I'll bet those sheep-bladder brains have no concept of how their mistakes are effecting morale. We haven't slain a single orc and the troops have lost comrades, haven't had proper rest and sleep, lackluster leadership, and now we're on the verge of marching straight into hostile lands with our mistakes glued to our eyes, so close we can't see them. I'll have to take care where I keep this journal. I get the feeling that the officers might take more than a little offense at what I record. Well fuck 'em. If their mistakes don't get me killed I'm going to introduce this blunder of a campaign to the Imperial Battle College. --------------- https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/6f7b6a/apocrypha_field_journal_1_the_army_of_the_burrows/
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