#he did so well today tho that was some maneuvering skill
nikxtty · 5 months
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love how you can tell nando runs his own social media mostly
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Geeking Out
You work onset of the witcher as the resident handy girl there to repair the props onset rather then them being sent off to be fixed, when working on Geralt’s sword Henry comes across you and with one slip of the tongue your inner geeks collide.
Warnings: Fluff, Swearing
A/N: Had this on my mind for a while just a cute little fluff piece hope you enjoy XX
Taglist: @havenoffandoms​ @iloveyouyen​ @angelofthor​ @thatgirly81​
Incredible text dividers are from @writeyourmindaway​ I suggest you go check out her others they are soo usefull xx.
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You hummed quietly managing to secure yourself a table in one of the busy tents just off set, you moved quickly furiously mixing the epoxy trying to combine the two parts with the lolly stick. Your task? you were trying to fix Geralt’s sword there had been a small mishap during a scene renfri's brooch had been hit in one of the takes and had come off. Your job was to put it back on and make sure its stays on , so this time you were forgoing the original glue and using a tiny amount of epoxy it was stronger and once it cured that little brooch wasn't coming off for love nor money. Your job was maintenance on the props ,you were kept onset with a small arsenal of tools to fix anything that gets damaged quick and skilled repair jobs anything from the horse tack to props jewellery the only things you didn't touch was wardrobe because...Fuck no. Textiles was not your thing.
You moved fast wanting to have it mixed thoroughly. This particular resin cured fast...very fast well for resin anyway, so it was always a rush to combine it. You moved a syringe and pulled the plunger up then dotted the resin on the hilt of the sword swiftly applying the brooch then looked around for the clamp. Shit. It was to far you couldn't reach it. You tried stretching down into your bag for it but it was no use suddenly someone was behind you.
"Need help?" You nodded to the slim clamp in the bag
"Yeah could you pass me the clamp forgot to get it out just got this bloody thing central and can't risk it slipping" you focused on your work holding the brooch steady as the person hummed leaning down then handed it to you.
"Cheers lovey" you thanked them and leaned down with one final check that everything was positioned correctly nodding you placed a rag across it protecting it and clamped it securely.
"Sorry about that... Misjudged the angle and hit it to hard I'm afraid" you froze looking up seeing Henry in full wardrobe bar his contacts smiling sheepishly. Even tho you'd been onset this whole time you'd never actually spoke to any of the cast there was no need. You quickly swallowed your shock and laughed.
"Don’t matter to me, keeps me in a job so go nuts!" you both laughed he looked over the things you had out across the table, you followed his gaze. Noting how he then moved to stare at you intently, you felt a flush creep across your chest but cleared your throat nodding to the prop.
"I've used epoxy on it ...It should be a lot stronger." He hummed not really paying attention.
"Anyway its not your fault they used a mid strength glue last time.. I don't think they had a clue how much of a beating it was gonna take" he hummed then peeked over the cup that had a small amount of resin in it still.
"So I can go to town on it?" You nodded wiping your hands down and smirked at him.
"Knock yourself out muscles! I doubt even you will be able to snap that off again....And that's not a challenge either" he rubbed the back of his head smirking at you as you moved dumping the cup with the left overs in a bag then in a small bucket with sand in it that was used as an ashtray for the crew on set. He looked at you questioning. You nodded to it.
"Get's hot when curing so I will leave it there to be safe then take it out when its set..." he hummed in agreement  then moved with you helping to pack up your things.
"So how long will it take to be finished then?" You froze wide eyed
"Why do they need it now?" You panicked they had said it wasn't needed today so you could work on it... did they change their mind? he quickly held his hands up
"No no we are done with it for today...I just wondered was all.." you stopped and flushed at him, you felt a little embarrassed as you had begun to cuss him out in your head thinking he was being rude trying to rush you.
"About an hour...Well I hope an hour it really depends, if there is any leakage  then I will have to sand it with my dremel...and to do a proper job of that I'd need to go through a few different grits and but if theres no leakage  or any nastiness then we should be done in about half an hour....This epoxy cures in ten to twelve  minutes but to be sure I'd want to leave it around twenty to twenty five ish but either way by the end of the day you sir will have your sword back." He looked between you and his prop wilth a huge smile.
"Sounds like a plan! .....Still feel bad tho I'm sure you have tonnes to do already...nevermind me adding to it." You waved him of with a wide grin
"Your kidding! Been waiting to get my hands on this baby since day one! Needed to see the details for my -" you stopped yourself before you said to much not wanting to 'geek out' in front of him he tilted his head sharply.
"Your what? You making a replica or something?" You flushed at him bobbing your head side to side a little.
"Well yes and no...not a full scale one I'm gonna make a mini..." his face lit up and you could see him become excited.
"You make mini's? Like wow and stuff?" He asked buzzing in the way all geeks do when they find a fellow nerd to speak geek with. You giggled an nodded.
"Yes I can't paint them to save my life but I draw and make them on the pc for people to download and use on their 3d printers....I'm more into scenery dioramas...I make tabletop boards" he grinned at you practically vibrating on the spot.
"Seriously? That’s soo cool...Do you have any pictures of them?" You smiled and nodded just as you got your phone out you both heard it Henry's name was called by Joey he sighed and gave a small chuckle.
"Looks like I'm needed...I will be back later to see them and collect my sword...If not hold on to it for me?" You gave him a funny look as he stayed for a moment giving you his best puppy eyes. You laughed and nodded to him, he grinned and quickly left. You stood dumbfounded as he stole a few glances over his shoulder at you before disappearing around the corner. Well that was weird, normally the props were picked up by...well anyone to be stored the cast never did hence why you'd never seen them. You shrugged it off and continued placing your stuff away zipping up your bag.
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That was the first time you met the man, later that day he did indeed return and spent nearly two hours geeking out looking at your collection of dioramas, he specifically liked the ones base on Lord of the rings and the few marvel and dc ones you'd done. All of which were centered around villains. It wasn't long before it became a habit that between takes he would seek you out, sometimes bringing Joey along. Soon you found yourselves together all the time, they seemed fascinated by your work and hobby always asking questions, to the point you'd snapped at them when they wouldn't shut up when you tried fixing a particularly fiddly jewellery piece . Even then they stayed sitting either side of you staring as you maneuvered the tiny gems and links back into place.
By the time the production came to a end you had all become close friends each of you exchanging numbers and always texting in a group chat. You couldn't help harboring a little crush on Henry, and you had tried but he was just so...him and maybe he liked you back? You wasn't sure but he seemed to be touchy...Not in a bad way god no! But he was a hugger and holder. When ever he was around you he always seemed to be touching you in some way holding your hand or arm as he dragged you about set,slinging an arm around your shoulders or waist at lunch or when you was working stuff like that. Maybe you were just reading into things to much but it felt like there might be something there. Or at least you hoped there might be, he was sweet funny and dorky but still mature and masculine he was basically your dream man, and then some!
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You sulked today was your final day on set you were looking forward to returning home and just relaxing but at the same time you'd miss the guys. You'd all clicked with one another and were so used to them popping up whenever. You tilted your head as you ran your pen across the sketch in you book. It was a close up of Jaskier’s lute details you'd been working on. You were trying to take your mind off things you were scared of them forgetting about you, it wasn't often you managed to click with people let alone men, you supposed you were anxious usually you were fine alone but you found yourself craving company since hanging around them. You glanced up when you heard them before you saw them as they approached you . Sitting up you quickly shook off your sadness as they both made their way across to you.
"Hey bitches" they chuckled at you taking seats at the table the three of you had claimed for the past months.
"God I can't believe its over...I cant wait to see it!" Joey said enthusiastically make you and Henry nod.
"Me neither its gonna be incredible! Its gonna be big you know that don't you? After the great flop of game of thrones their fanbase are gonna be lost and looking for something similar" Joey blinked he hadn't thought of that.
"Really? Didn't think of it like that." You smiled at him and wriggled your eyebrows "And you sir are never escaping that fucking song either so be prepared" he furrowed his brows
"How’d you know about that?" You smirked
"It was one of the few scenes I was allowed to watch them film...and it was stuck in my head for a fucking week the worst bit? I couldn't go and download it from youtube either it was hell!" He chuckled at your frown and leaned over you his eyes caught the page you were working on it was the first time he'd caught a glimpse at your artwork.
"Oh shit! That’s cool" you looked down alarmed then went to cover your image but he had already pulled it from under your nose.
"Henry look!" You flushed a not wanting them to see your sketches. He smiled and flicked a few pages. He looked up through his lashes at you.
"These are really good y/n super detailed... They for your mini's?" You nodded at him sheepishly as you noticed he had found your Geralt cheat sheet. He smirked seeing the page full of his Geralt pulling various faces then skipped a few pages to Joey's Jaskier.  He past it back to him.
"Here there's yours" Joey gasped at them
"Holy shit...Did you do all the cast? Are you gonna 3d print em?" You nodded to him
"I did the main cast once I get home I’m gonna start putting them into the computer but yes eventually they will be printed for people to use...After I sort them out  I’m gonna be making a witcher diorama to display them." Henry smiled at you
"Can you teach me to make one?" You blinked at him not sure you’d heard him right
"What?" He nodded to your book.
"Id like a set for my collection and small a diorama for them...I have always wanted to try it but it seems expensive to get the stuff if I’m crap at it...And it would be fun to make one with you...If you wanted to that is?" You flushed at him gaping.
"Err Ive never done a collaboration before but sure we could give it a go...Could do a witcher one for you to display these mini's...I wont be painting them tho not good at it, sketching is fine but I can't do detail paint....scenery is more forgiving... " he nodded enthusiastically at you like a kid on Christmas.
"Really! Fuck Absolutely! I always wanted to try scenery that would be brilliant." He flushed a little as Joey snorted at him and received a sharp look. It had become common knowledge that he had a thing for you. Everyone seemed to have caught on to it and had all told him to go for it but he was shy...He was nervous what if he had read you wrong? And you didn't like him back? He would be quite embarrassed  and torn up if he asked you out and you shot him down...so no he would settle for being friends.You smiled at him missing their exchange between them.
"Err sure just let me know when your free...I’m not that far from You in London right? Just give me a heads up when you wanna come round" Henry looked ecstatic, it was true he had found out a few weeks ago you was literally Fifteen minutes away from his place in London. He realized you had caught him staring blushing he moved directing his attention back to your drawings again. Joey noticed the awkward moment and swiftly poked your side.
"I want some too! A perfect mini me! Just what everyone needs" You scoffed
"A mini you sounds like a threat! god help us all!" You all laughed spending the remaining time reminiscing on the last few weeks until finally it was time for you to leave. You pouted hugging both of them.
"Gonna miss you two have fun on the promotion tour and stay in touch okay guys" they smiled hugging you back Henry squeezed you tight pulling you up off of the floor making you whine at him.
"I will definitely call and will probably be round September October time" you nodded and finally wriggled away from him leaving the hotel heading home.
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Once home you quickly got to work uploading and designing your mini's on the pc you had been speaking to the boys a bit but as time went on you heard less and less from Henry until finally six weeks later all conversation had stopped. Which really didn't surprise you, he was busy...Well that's what you told yourself, it was a shitty excuse you were saying to keep yourself from getting upset. you had found yourself enjoying his company to much. You liked him like liked him, it was fun talking to him,  he was interested in the same things as you and was funny and you had brilliant banter you wasn't constantly worried about how you acted around him because he just got you, you thought you’d both got on well and could remain friends. Somewhere in the back of your mind you stupidly had hoped something would come of it ....But that was a silly childish fantasy. Still you asked Joey a few times and he said that Henry was dealing with some stuff and would come around eventually but it did nothing to cheer you up. You resigned yourself to the fact that he was bored and needed someone to talk to on set that was it. You and Joey still spoke at least once a week even if it was just a quick 'hi how are you?'. You could kick yourself as even when you realized Henry wasn't going to meet up with you, you still began his diorama... Some silly little hope that he might still show but it was unlikely so the diorama was now yours ,you'd planned to make one using your new Netfilx witcher mini's the base was done and you were building up the Styrofoam. The design was going to be a small woodland area with a tiny waterfall running into a stream next to the witchers camp in which the four main characters would sit...Well five including roach. You sighed looking at the blocks of Styrofoam they had been glued down and are now ready to be carved. It had been ready for two weeks but... You suppose it was a little hope that if you didn't start it he would come around like he said. But when Christmas came and went you finally realized he wasn't coming.
Just as you moved to the wall socket and turned on your hot wire cutter you heard the doorbell go frowning you got up dragging your feet as you walked through the kitchen to the hall, as you got closer you could see a huge frame through the frosted glance. It looked a lot like..
"Henry? What are you?" He smiled sheepishly down at you. He chuckled nervously.
"Ah hi y/n...Long time no see?" You crossed you arms at him making him gulp.
"What can I do for you?" You tried keeping your voice even tho inside you were a a quivering mess of irritation anxiety and my god you felt weak in The knees and all the man was doing was standing there!how you even formed words you don't know. Henry the man you'd been pining over was here. He was on your doorstep. And you hadn't let him in what the fuck? why hadn't you invited him in yet?. Pride was the answer, you didn't want to seem desperate. he just straight up ignored you...for months!. You were intent on being angry with him, wanting to give him a piece of your mind. just as you rose your gaze to his you froze.Shit. you gulped eyes softening as you took in his appearance, he looked so anxious and guilty? even then he took your breath away, as gorgeous as you remembered him. he stood a little less confident to what you remembered shoulders slouched his eyes darting around almost as if he was fearful of your reaction, you took a deep breath gripping your front door in a white knuckle grip.He looked to you neighbors door step seeing the nosey old women Mrs Hamlin standing there staring outright, then turned to you going a little red twisting his coat pockets in his hands sighing, sucking it up and started talking.
"Hey I know we haven't been talking its just I ah...well I got a little caught up with the promo tour and that then had to negotiate season two and on the way to the final stop I lost my phone-well I destroyed it really dropped a fucking dumbbell on the thing in the gym..Then Christmas was hectic...Anyway that’s not the point...The point is by the time I got a new phone and found Joeys number and had him send me yours it...I felt like I had left it to long to reply... I wasn't sure if you'd be angry thinking I was ignoring you..." you blinked up at him stunned. That’s why he suddenly stopped he broke his phone and lost you number? You took a step back feeling incredibly stupid. You’d honestly began thinking the worst of him. You felt so bad.
"So...instead of phoning or texting you thought you'd just...come round?" He winced at you tone
"I wanted to talk in person...I wanted you to know I was genuinely sorry...I am sorry I let my anxiety get the better of me...I-I should go" you panicked as he began to turn around and quickly grabbed his arm
"Thank you Henry...You don't owe me anything but you coming here to speak to me means a lot ...I just assumed you were busy...I'll admit I did get a little upset when time went on and you still didn't reply...But now I understand why, we waited for each other to start a conversation again, like a couple  of school kids...Would you like to come in for a coffee?" He grinned wide and nodded glancing to the side eyeing your neighbor who had continued staring at him. You followed his gaze she was really giving him the evil eye.
"What er what is wrong with your neighbor? I mean I knocked on the wrong house but she is kind of freaking me out." You glanced at her and smiled waving
"Morning Mrs Hamlin" she hissed out a pleasant 'go fuck yourself' at you and entered slamming her door. You laughed at Henry's shocked face.
"She's just not a people person...Any way come in your letting all my heat out" you moved to the side letting him enter the small hall closing the door behind him.
"Hang your coat up and I will get some tea on" he did as you asked and followed you to the kitchen then spied your hobby room.
"Is that where you do all your bits?" You smiled nodding as you made the tea
"Yep! Here come in I was just about to start on the witcher one you can help carve, here I'll show you" he followed like a lost puppy paying attention as you began to guide him through the steps letting him carve out the shapes you wanted smiling ear to ear the whole time as you showed him your plan for the scene.
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It took a week but finally the diorama was finished, Henry bless him had found some of the steps tricky resulting in a few cuts and burns from the hot wire cutter but he had enjoyed every second of it.Today was the last day working on the project everything was done and you both looked at it.
"Wow its a lot of steps but...It look so realistic...I loved doing the water ripples using the airgun tho it was genius!" You smiled looking at it then jumped up.
"Not finished yet tho here, I printed them last night." You moved over to a small tub with your Netflix Witcher cast mini's and roach in it, they were in isopropyl  alcohol to clean them up after printing. You'd spent some time re-scaling them to fit the scene you'd just finished. His eye went wide as he saw them.
"Wow...these are from your drawings...How'd you get so much detail...May I?" You nodded to him as he carefully moved them from the tub and inspected them. He was fascinated.
"Thank you so much! Their great...perfect even...I've had so much fun this week" you patted his arm
"Me to big guy, its been nice having someone around to talk to, your really good with a bit more work you’ll be making your own in no time" he moved placing the mini's on the finished diorama then stood back.
"That’s a bit of a stretch don't you think...I'm dreading painting it tho.." you laughed holding your hands up.
"Hey don't look at me I print em you paint em that Mr Cavill was the deal" he rolled his eyes biting his lip. The last week had been above and beyond what he had hoped for. He couldn't help wanting more from you tho, he in a way felt a little selfish he wanted you to himself. He stood tall in front of you contemplating his next move.Should he?. Could he? He knew he wanted to try and pursue you but he still had doubts. You blinked and gulped seeing a heated glint in his eyes that was clouded with anxiety.
"Hen-henry?" He hummed in response his heart just about jumping out of his chest as he moved in slowly noticing you leaning towards him to...Did you want him to kiss you? You looked like you wanted to kiss him... Should he let you kiss him first? Or was he reading this all wrong. Fuck. He couldn't take it his nerves and thoughts buzzing he panicked momentarily and just went for it. Dipping his head quickly he connected his lips to yours tilting his head he moved closer shuffling his feet forward. It took you a few seconds to realize what he was doing but when the shock finally disappeared you moaned into him moving to cup the back of his neck. He grunted pulling back for air taking one large gulp then wrapped himself around you pinning you to between himself and the table, clutching you to his front cradling you against him as you accepted him into your mouth groaning as he was quick to explore, dragging your tongue to dance around his moaning and teasing you letting his hands fall to cup your bottom grabbing the full cheeks rolling them around lightly then pulled back from your mouth. He looked down through half lidded eyes and smiled seeing your dazed expression.
"Well...That was, a long time coming and definitely worth the wait...Hopefully i wont have to wait as long for the next one?" you glowed red at that and wriggled a little freezing noticing he still had a firm grip on your ass. You nodded shyly at him.
"Y-you waited to do that?" He nodded moving his hands up from your ass to your sides smoothing his thumbs across your ribs lightly not willing to let you go for a second.
"Yes..For a long time the others were pestering me but I was shy...Wasn't sure if you'd like me or not...Didn't want to ruin our friendship..." you stuttered looking up into his sparkling eyes seeing him flustered and shy made you feel a little better
"Of course I do!...Had a crush on you for...well a long time but just like you I didn't want to rock the boat" he looked at you shocked then laughed loudly.
"Well now that we both know where we stand would you like to order in we could get your favorite?"
"You know what my favorite food is?" he tilting his head down to yours with a knowing grin taking a deep breath he started listing off a few of you favorite's.
"Of course I do, Chinese is your top sweet and sour chicken chow mein and hors d'oeuvres namely seaweed and prawn toast and Japanese is a close second wagamama's if I remember correctly , your favorite chocolate is Lindor and favorite drink of all time is apple juice" you gaped at him, he had remembered all that.
"Wow I'm impressed you listened to my nervous rambling let alone took anything from it" "I love listening to you, you get so passionate about everything you love its cute..Hard not to pay attention...what do you mean nervous?" you felt all giddy when you realized he had been paying attention as you rambled on about what you thought was random uninteresting things.
"Well I'm always a little nervous around you...I do have a crush on you." he chuckled pulling you closer pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
"That makes two of us, any way Chinese? My treat?" you jumped up nodding at him definitely up for some take out.
"Absolutely! but I warn you I can eat...Like I EAT." he chuckled moving down to give you one more kiss then pulled away from you to grab his phone to order online.
"And we can watch Netflix" you faltered and smiled up at him impishly causing him to raise a brow.
"I-I err don't have Netflix..." he gaped at you blinking as if you had a second head
"What? how could you not- you worked for them..Have you even watched the witcher yet babe?" you flushed at the pet name...And the embarrassing truth of why you'd avoided watching the show.
"W-Well you see that err...No I haven't...Kind of avoided it to be honest.." he frowned at you, you were so excited about seeing it yet you had...Avoided it?
"Why?" you squirmed under his gaze, the blues peering down you could feel them seeing through you.
"W-Well I...It was hard I really really liked you and then you just stopped talking to me...I was upset and each time I saw you it made me worse...Like I’d been punched in the chest there was no way I was gonna get through episode one with out getting really upset so I didn't watch it..." he swore dropping his phone to the table and wrapped his arms around you tight
"Shit...I'm so so sorry love...I promise not to do that to you again! come here... I've got Netflix I will give you my log in and you can watch it ....Not when I'm around tho not too keen on watching myself much" you grinned at him as he rocked slowly with you
"Okay then deal..Is watching yourself on tv like re-watching old family videos then i take it?" he laughed pulling away nodding
"Yes almost...Maybe not as cringe tho...Now come on go get the tv on I will be in there in a second just need to order this then we can get settled and pick a film" you smiled leaving him with a quick peck then ran down the hall to the sitting room barely containing yourself as it sunk in that he liked you back and this might just be the relationship of a lifetime.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
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❀ promises | “a house by the sea for the two of us, that’s what i want” feat. iwaizumi hajime + pacific rim AU
⇢ day 10 of angstcember
⇢ synopsis: you knew the risks that came with the job when you agreed to co-pilot a jaeger with iwaizumi, even more so when you two grew close. every time you get sent out on a mission, you wonder if both of you would be coming back
⇢ content warnings: character death, suicide attack
⇢ a/n: so, back in the day (probs 2015) i was reading this notoriously long and famous hq!! pacific rim AU and it was amazing so i wanted to write my own (it’s nowhere near the quality of that fic tho but i tried ;-;)
⇢ pairing: iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
⇢ word count: 2.5k words
ANGSTCEMBER MASTERLIST (feat. haikyuu!! and bungou stray dogs)
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nothing else in the world could compare to the feeling of co-piloting a jaeger. you always remember the first time you saw one up close: all metal and weapons as far as the eye could see, being dropped into the ocean to fight off a kaiju. it looked invincible, it looked like humankind’s problems all solved. 
co-piloting one was absolutely nerve-wracking. just the idea of being able to control a large weapon of that size with your mind and have it imitate your body movements sent your head spinning. even now, as you made it move across the ocean towards where the kaiju was, you still felt that unease.
“hey, don’t act like this is the first time you’re doing this,” iwaizumi’s voice and thoughts interrupted you. he flashed you a cocky grin, shaking you out of your thoughts.
of course, you weren’t doing it alone. a jaeger could never be piloted alone, both in the physical and mental sense. “sorry, just had something on my mind,” you chuckled nervously.
“yeah, well the sooner you get that out of your mind, the sooner we’ll be able to beat this thing and still be able to get something to drink later,” iwaizumi, your co-pilot and lover winked at you.
“is alcohol always on your mind, iwaizumi?” you teased.
“you know for a fact it isn’t, l/n,” he grinned. you smiled, squaring your shoulders in-sync with iwaizumi as your jaeger stood before the prowling category 3 kaiju. 
“let’s do this thing.” 
“what did you say, cadet?” 
“i said, i can beat you in five moves,” you retorted, jutting your chin up as you stared straight into the eyes of iwaizumi hajime, one of the youngest jaeger pilots who also happened to be your trainer.
“i’d like to see you try,”  he narrowed his eyes at you before jerking his head in the direction of the training mat in the center used for sparring matches. you strode to your end of the mat and got into fighting stance. it wasn’t that you didn’t respect iwaizumi, quite the opposite actually, but you were eager to prove yourself, eager to get recruited to become a co-pilot. 
and besides, as someone who had to fight every single day when your town was destroyed, you were confident in your skills.
but so was iwaizumi, who had been a cadet when he was just a teenager and a pilot when he hit eighteen. he had fought people and kaijus alike and expected that he would make you eat your words seconds into your sparring match. 
what neither of you expected was that you would be trading blows, without ever landing a single hit, for quite some time. it came to a point that not only the cadets but other officers nearby came to watch the match unfold. suddenly, both of you were stopped by the captain and head of the base.
while you felt a sudden rush of adrenaline at his approving gaze, iwaizumi felt as if a weight was dropped in his stomach. there was a chance that you two were drift-compatible.
“let’s finish him off!” iwaizumi exclaimed. 
“you read my mind!” you grinned as the two of you raised your jaeger’s plasma cannon and aimed it at the badly wounded kaiju. there was a loud hum and the crackle of electricity as the plasma cannon charged before firing a shot. you watched with a smile on your face as the kaiju was blown to pieces across the ocean.
“well, that’s that then,” iwaizumi said. 
“good work you two,” your captain’s voice crackled over the radio. “as expected of miyagi base’s best duo.” 
“we have to come up with a flashier name,” you told iwaizumi as you two maneuvered your jaeger back to base. “i mean, that just sounds like a mouthful and not nearly as fear-striking.” 
“oh yeah?” iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at you. “how about the miyagi demons?” 
“why demons? aren’t we supposed to be helping people?” 
“yeah but from the kaiju’s perspective, we’re the demons.” 
“i don’t know if they’re capable of having that opinion,” you snorted. 
“hmm, miyagi menaces!” iwaizumi said proudly, causing you to laugh. 
“you are such a dork, you know that?” 
“shut up, i don’t see you coming up with cool names,” he pouted. 
“we have the rest of the night to come up with all the cool names,” you smiled, visibly relaxing now that the entire ordeal was over. even though it was an honorable job, being a jaeger pilot meant that whenever you and iwaizumi went out on a mission, there was a chance that you wouldn’t come back. you had lost too many friends and acquaintances along the way from kaiju attacks and each time you and iwaizumi made it home only felt like you had prolonged your death date. if it wasn’t today, it was going to be on another day.
‘but not today,’ you smiled to yourself as you and iwaizumi headed back to base. only, you were suddenly interrupted by your captain’s voice on the radio.
“l/n, iwaizumi! our signals have picked up something new!” he exclaimed. you felt iwaizumi’s panic first hand as you two quickly turned around to find the spot where you had just killed the category 3 kaiju turn red, meaning another was about to surface. 
“a double attack?!” you verified, hoping you were wrong.
“i-it wasn’t in the prediction,” your captain replied. “some kind of anomaly or the enemy just getting smarter.”
“either way, we still have to kill it, right?” iwaizumi growled, hefting the plasma cannon up. 
“i don’t feel good about this...” you murmured as you two got into stance.
“neither do i,” iwaizumi said through gritted teeth. “but i’ll make sure you get back home in one piece. i promise.” 
“alright,” you nodded, smiling a tight-lipped smile at him before turning your attention to the kaiju that rose to the surface. this one was much bigger than the one you had just faced before, probably twice the size of the jaeger you were in. and to make matters worse, you could tell that it’s entire body was covered with armor plating and it had a long tail with spikes on the end.
with your thoughts connected to iwaizumi’s, you could feel even his unease wash over you like a wave. who knew if either of you were going to make it?
it was the drifting that you were worried about. almost anybody could train themselves physically in preparation to become a jaeger pilot, but very few had what it takes to expose themselves mentally with someone else. it was easier for people who were siblings or lovers or best friends, but you and iwaizumi didn’t know each other prior to your first meeting. even after you two were forced to share a living space in the base so that you two would get closer.
but you and iwaizumi were guarded with your own demons that you were reluctant to expose to the other. the first time you tried drifting, neither of you were willing to open your minds and ended up with both of you getting kicked out of the drift. 
which was why you and iwaizumi finally decided to sit down inside your shared bedroom to have a little sharing session. you couldn’t help but laugh when he suggested it but both of you knew just how much you needed this. it was either that, or pass on the role of co-piloting to other cadets.
“okay, i guess i’ll be the one to start,” you exhaled, gripping the sheets under you for comfort as you told iwaizumi how you ended up in the co-piloting program. you lived in a town near the coast and when the kaiju started showing up, it was one of the first ever places that was hit. nobody was prepared, especially not you. 
“i’m sorry,” iwaizumi whispered as you recounted how you were running through the city, pushing past the crowds, only to turn around to see that your parents who were supposed to be right behind you were lying in a crumpled heap on the ground.
“all the more reason to fight them, you know? so less people end up like me,” you shrugged. “you... don’t have to open up again if you don’t want to.” after all, iwaizumi and his former co-pilot, oikawa tooru, had been quite famous back in the day for being young, amazing jaeger pilots. that is, until they faced a category five kaiju with a broken plasma cannon. 
you still couldn’t forget the sight of the kaiju punching a hole through the jaeger, through the pilot’s chamber. you could only imagine how it felt like for iwaizumi.
“it was... intense,” he exhaled, his brow furrowing. “one minute he was just there and the next, the drift connection had completely disappeared but i could just feel him leave. luckily i was able to activate the escape pod.”
“we’ll fight them,” you said, resting your hand over his. “together. we’ll fight as many of them as we can.” 
for the first time in a while, you and iwaizumi had come to a mutual understanding. iwaizumi had a legitimate reason for not wanting to be in the pilots’ chamber again, so you wanted to make it worth it.
you were living right in your worst nightmare. 
fighting category five kaijus was nearly impossible without some form of back-up. the miyagi base sent in their jets to fire bombs at the kaiju but with its armor plating, it had little to no effect. your only hope was aiming at the kaiju’s underbelly, but even that was difficult.
your own jaeger was beat up, thanks to the kaiju’s tail and from sustaining a flurry of hits. “brace yourself!” iwaizumi yelled as the kaiju closed its jaws around your jaeger’s right arm and using it to haul you up and toss you to the side. the force of the impact was absolutely jarring and it felt as if your entire head was scrambled.
“y/n! are you alright?” you heard iwaizumi call out to you. the side of his head was bleeding after you were both thrown against the back of the pilot’s chamber. luckily, you were both still strapped into your suits and still very much in the drift. you both got to your feet to find the kaiju still prowling towards you, taking its sweet time.
“how are we going to beat this thing?” your voice shook, knowing that iwaizumi could feel your hopelessness. your mind through the memories of earlier that day: you and iwaizumi eating cereal while watching TV, watering the little succulent you kept by the window, eating and joking around with some of your friends at the base, iwaizumi giving you a quick kiss before you both suited up. was this going to be your last memories?
“hey. we’ll be alright,” iwaizumi said aloud, looking at you with a soft smile on his face. you wondered how he could even smile like that in this situation. “i promised, didn’t i?” 
you nodded slowly. as a jaeger pilot, you were always prepared to die when you went out on new missions. and if that meant going down fighting, hopefully taking the kaiju down with you, with the man you loved, you were prepared to do just that.
it wasn’t that rare for couples to end up as jaeger co-pilots, or for co-pilots to end up as couples. but that only made it all the more tragic whenever one or both of them died during a mission. you knew fellow co-pilots who had postponed their weddings only for them to die, or for one co-pilot to be driven mad after losing their partner. it was enough to deter you from having feelings for iwaizumi, but not completely.
because of your drift connection, it didn’t take long for either of you to discover your feelings for each other. after a particularly hard mission where both of you almost died, iwaizumi ended up confessing to you in the changing room after you both departed your jaeger. 
and seeing that it was impossible for you to be apart from each other, both of you gave in.
“do you think we would have met if it weren’t for the kaijus and the jaeger program?” you asked one night while the two of you were in bed, your head laying on his chest. 
“i like to think that we do,” iwaizumi chuckled, running his hand through your hair. “maybe we’d meet each other in high school or university or something.” 
“what would you have wanted to be?” 
“a sports trainer,” iwaizumi said softly. “i was actually into playing sports back then. how about you?” 
“i wanted to own a flower shop,” you chuckled.
“you? a flower shop?” 
“don’t laugh!” you smacked his arm lightly. 
“you’d make a wonderful florist,” your boyfriend laughed and kiss you on the forehead. “maybe i’d run into you while buying flowers for my mom on mother’s day.” 
“and i’d definitely remember the large, muscular guy who entered my shop,” you giggled. “do you think it’s possible? for things to go back to normal? for us to actually survive this whole thing?”
“i don’t know,” iwaizumi replied honestly. “but i know what i want: a house by the sea for the two of us, that’s what i want.” 
“i’m sorry, y/n.” 
that was the last thing you could feel him think before iwaizumi kicked you out of the drift, sending you reeling. the kaiju was approaching and fast. 
“hajime! what are you doing?!” you panicked, turning to look at him but his brow was furrowed in concentration as he manipulated a few buttons on his controller. he was piloting the jaeger by himself. before you could say anything else or force yourself back into the drift, you felt yourself being pulled back by the security straps attached to your suit. you recognized the sensation back from when you were still in co-pilot training practicing the emergency protocols for evacuation.
with sudden horror, you realized what iwaizumi was planning, what he planned all along, to do.
“captain? i’ve initiated emergency evacuation for l/n,” you heard him speak into the radio. “please, please make sure to get to their escape pod.”
“understood, iwaizumi,” your captain’s voice crackled over the speakers. “we can’t thank you enough for your bravery and sacrifice.” 
“no! hajime don’t! let me stay! let me do this with you,” you screamed even as you were loaded into the escape pod. 
“sorry, y/n,” you finally heard him speak. it was as if time had slowed down as he turned to look at you once more. you didn’t want to believe that this was going to be the last time you would see iwaizumi’s face ever again. you would never wake up next to him in bed or eat cereal from the same bowl or dream about a future that you knew now you could never have.
“i... i don’t want to go back if you’re not coming with me,” you said.
“i know it’s going to be hard but, try to live well, alright?” iwaizumi said and pressed the button, fully ejecting your pod out of the jaeger before you could say anything else. your screams filled the escape pod as you hammered against it uselessly, even as the kaiju descended on the jaeger with its lone pilot before iwaizumi pressed the self-destruct button.
you’ve always hated funerals, having gone to far too many of them. especially when the deceased co-pilot’s partner was there to receive any medals of honor in their place. that was the first thing you thought of as the people in the base helped you out of your escape pod, offering messages of sympathy for your loss. because of his sacrifice, iwaizumi was surely going to be granted quite a lot of medals with you receiving them in his place. as if they could be enough to make up for the space in your bed and the house by the sea that would forever stay empty. 
━━━━━━━━✿ ━━━━━━━━
event taglist: @himikadafangirl @swoona-rintarou @l-dokisaki-l @laure-chan @aonenthusiast @ah-kaashi @just-a-gay-bean @linyu-sees-you @alto-march-of-death @newfriendjen @shrimpypenis @tenyafacesquish @mkkhaikyuu @animeismysleepparalysisdemon​
taglist applications still open! just answer this form
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everythinggeeky · 4 years
a fronte praecipitium, a tergo lupi | Anakin Skywalker PART I
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“A precipice in front, wolves behind”
Suitless! Darth Vader x dark side! reader
Warnings: angsty, some domestic fluff, slight canon divergence, anakin never gets crispy, references to sex (it’s sfw tho)
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Anakin has been increasingly distant in the last few weeks and reader has noticed. Suddenly, Anakin makes a proposal that reader can no longer resist. She never expected the horrors that followed.
Part II
A/N: this is part one! requests and tag lists are open! this gif makes me feel a certain way
“Has anyone told you that you look absolutely ravishing?” Anakin spoke up, stepping into your quarters after a long day engaged in battle. Sears from a lightsaber scattered his robes, a heavy tatter covering one of his shoulders. You looked him over with concern, your gaze landing on his face.
“Well, not today,” you grinned, leaning up to peck his lips.
“My darling, you look stunning, as usual,” he smiled against your lips.
“Thank you. How was your mission?” you asked as Anakin followed you to the lounging area of your quarters.
“without a hitch,” Anakin responded, brushing his hands over the robes that would have said otherwise. Typical Skywalker hubris.
“Good, I can’t have my Jedi getting hurt out on the battlefield now, can I?”
“I’ll always come back home to you, dear,” he gingerly kissed the top of your head.
“You better.”
You fixed a warm and comforting meal for the two of you as you relaxed together on the couch. Resting your bowl on the table in front of you, you got comfortable for the evening. Laying your head on Anakin’s chest, you carried on a normal conversation, asking about the current war effort against the separatists, how Anakin was active in the war, and so on. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for the next few hours, your breath synchronizing with each other.
Anakin shifted uncomfortably in his seat underneath you. You sat up briefly in your spot to give him space to adjust. He pulled you back into his chest instead.
“So I’ve been thinking…” Anakin leads quietly, filling the empty space.
“About what, dear…?”
“I’m leaving the Jedi...I’m leaving the Order,” he continued, gaining confidence as he uttered the words aloud for the first time.
“I’m leaving. Will you come with me?”
“Anakin...you’re speaking madness.”
“This could be our time. I have the ability to have true power as no other Jedi has ever known. And I want you to rule with me.”
You stood, searching his face for any sign of a decision that was already made before he had stepped into your room tonight.
You can see the distraught in his eyes. He is standing on the ledge of a precipice so far above the ground and he is ready to launch himself into the abyss.
A man stuck between two sides of the force. 
Without another word, Anakin walked away from you to stand on your balcony, looking out onto the vast expanse of the Coruscanti skyline, contemplating his future within the Jedi Order. Was this where he belonged? In the most recent weeks, he felt otherwise; the thought lingering in the back of his mind since he was a padawan.
Suddenly, Anakin reaches his hand out to you, asking you to be his empress. Your eyes flicked from his open palm to his face, his expression softening ever so slightly.
“Y/N...the power you could have by my side…”
“Ani...I can’t…”
“Why not? If you do, you’ll be by my side forever.”
“I thought you loved me,” you pleaded, “and if you did, you wouldn’t do this.”
He had gone cold and you should have seen it earlier. In the weeks past, Anakin had increasingly pulled himself away from you and from his work as a Jedi. Had you been paying attention, you might have noticed it. Judgment clouded by love, you had considered it. A poor choice of actions on your behalf, nevertheless.
You mulled his words over in your mind. You were devoted to Anakin and vowed to love him forever, even if the Order forbade it. If you were to follow him, you could be free. Free to love him and act upon your passion without consequence. Of course, there were things you didn’t agree with about the Order and you now recognized the internal turmoil it caused Anakin.
 You raised your hand from where it rested by your side, “forever?”
Hesitantly, you placed your hand in his, confirming your allegiance to him. Anakin grinned wickedly, pulling you into his chest, cupping your face tightly, kissing you hard. In a moment of pure passion, your hesitation drowned away. After a few moments, Anakin pulled away.
“I’ll speak to the Chancellor tomorrow. He has a great plan in store for you and I. True, unabashed power.”
“All I care about is you, Anakin.”
“You’ll never have to worry again, sweetheart.”
You and Anakin went to bed late that night following a dizzying, passionate lovemaking session where Anakin pledged his allegiance to you as his empress.
You weren’t prepared for what followed in the days ahead. Darth Sidious had executed Order 66, slaying all the existing Jedi. You were told to go into hiding until Anakin and Sidious had considered it safe for you to return. The following days were lonely; harrowingly lonely. You received no update on the success of the command, nor on Anakin’s condition. 
About a week later, you received notice that it would be safe to reunite with Anakin, now known to the galaxy as Darth Vader. When the guards had arrived at your secret location on the star destroyer, you could sense the cold in the room. The guards parted ways and Anakin walked through them as their Emporer’s apprentice. Heavy armor weighed down his frame, affecting his gait. Now a man shrouded by power, he came home to you to envelop you in the same way he had before he left.
Dropping the mask to the side, he rushed to you, pulling your body to his body with ease.
“Darling, I missed you so much. I was so worried about you,” Anakin muttered into your neck.
“Worried? I was worried about you…” you pulled him tighter to you, memorizing his new powerful form.
Anakin was the first to pull away. You took one more look at his armor.
“Is this your new look…?”
Anakin raised his arms, “for the Empire, sweetheart.”
“Yes, my new empire...our new empire…” he corrected.
Nodding to yourself, “ours,” you manifested looking to the floor.
“Are you having second thoughts…?”
“Anakin...what the guards told me...all this death...murder…I don’t think I can do this.”
He cupped your face into his hands, “don’t worry about that. Think about what you and I can achieve together.”
Anakin releases you, allowing you to rest in your original position. 
You thought over your decision, reminding yourself of the opportunity that lies with the Sith. This was your moment to be free in your feelings and act upon your passion. Anger was accepted and was utilized to gain an advantage over the enemy. As a Sith, you could love Anakin openly and use that passion to take down those that try to stand in your way. This new future could be where you and Anakin belonged; he clearly had felt that it was.
“Darling, I have a gift for you. Something that is very important to your new role as my empress,” Anakin said, pulling a sleeve from his belt, handing it over to you.
“What is it?”
“Open it and find out. It’s for you.”
You shed the velvet sleeve from the hilt of the lightsaber. You tested it out in your hand, tossing it back and forth from one hand to the other. It was sleek, black, and featured an decorative floral engraving in the main hilt of the saber.
“It’s beautiful, Anakin.”
“I designed it myself. Go ahead, try it out.”
You stepped back a reasonable distance before igniting the blade. An angry red extended from the hilt, to which you grinned as you examined your new weapon.
“I think it suits you,” Anakin smirked.
“I do too,” you twirled the saber once, before disengaging the blade.
“Of course you’ll need training, but I have time set aside to do so. It’s critical to your role that you be trained to fight in order to execute the missions we have planned for you.”
“Planned for me?”
“Of course, you are not just ornamental, sweetheart. The Empire has a great plan for you.”
“Thank you, Anakin.”
“You’re welcome. Now, this weapon is everything. Do not take it lightly.”
“I see Obi-Wan has left his mark on you…”
Anakin’s demeanor changes in an instant, “Do not…! Mention his name,” he spits.
You shuffle back, fearful of the man Anakin has become.
“I’m sorry.”
He ignores your apology and walks to the window that borders your new quarters on the Star Destroyer. Looking out onto the expanse of the galaxy, he takes a moment to collect himself.
“The man I was in the past no longer exists. I am Darth Vader.”
“Only you are allowed to call me that. When we’re alone.”
“Are you asking me to lie to the galaxy about my love for you?” you eased closer to him.
“Quite the opposite. Act upon it. You’ll have a mission next week. There is a rumor of a rebellion in a distant system. You will be deployed there on a secret mission to receive intel about what they know about the Empire. You will crush the rebellion before it has any strength,” Anakin speaks coldly.
“Of course.”
“We will begin training this week.”
Later that week, when Anakin had returned from another mission, he finally deemed it time to train you to use your new lightsaber. Of course, you were an exception to the regularly accepted lightsaber users. Many looked on with jealousy; the apprentice’s girl is what they had chosen to call you for the time being. Soon enough, they will bow down to you and call you queen, as you deserve.
Anakin first started with the basics, gradually increasing the difficulty of the skills and maneuvers he had taught you. Later, he left you to train with the remotes, as he once had as a Jedi padawan. You would have thought that the Sith would have had a more rigorous and brutal training program, one that required a similar sacrifice as receiving your title.
You pushed the stray strands of hair that threatened to interfere away from your face. Settling yourself into the soles of your boots, you slash through the program of the remote with ease. When Anakin enters the room again, he looks impressed. Shoulders pressed backward, posture high.
“Very good, my empress. Soon enough you’ll be ready to do the Empire’s highest bidding.”
You grinned, standing tall, confident in your new role by Anakin’s side.
“The galaxy soon will see what true power looks like. It’s you. With me by your side.”
With a nod, Anakin disengaged the program. 
“Go rest, the days upcoming will be taxing.”
“Yes, my lord,” you semi-bow, leaving the training facilities to head back to your quarters to refresh.
Anakin returned a few hours later, once again shedding the mask and cape that covered his shoulders. Carefully storing them away in the bedroom. He walked over to you, pulling you into a comforting embrace. 
“You did well today. I was proud,” Anakin said softly.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he pecked your cheek softly.
You cupped his face gently, and he leaned into your touch. Here, he felt safe and free to be the man he left behind in the ashes of Mustafar. Here, it was just you, and him, and your love for one another.
Anakin pulls back from you, inviting you to relax for the evening. Had you known any better, you wouldn’t have noticed any distinct difference from your life before the Sith. Now, Anakin is covered in just a few more scars with a little more darkness covering his heart. Still, there was a space for you. A space set aside for just you. 
And maybe that spot was a little bit softer than the rest of Darth Vader.
tagging: @kenobee @hxldmxdxwn @smokahuntis @obiwkenobi @jbarnesss @takenbymyfandoms @ilovesupersoldiers @outofdaylight
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mercury-0 · 6 years
Today was kickboxing/boxing/karate training. Sparred/drilled with some buddies, we all shared karate as a common style while I did boxing /KB in addition. I sparred my former Karate students and they are both coming up well., getting more confident in their skills, finding out what their specific style will be. One is slowly becoming a more in-out counter striker, while the other is becoming more of a pressure middle distance kicker/puncher. I was able to help them learn while  giving them a bit of more offensive pressure then they were used to, gave them a taste of me being more serious.  The other guy I sparred was my buddy Tray(kyokushin karateka), I mentioned him some days ago, and I feel like we reversed positions. Beforehand I was on top of my game, it was nice and hot outside(heat improves my performance), I was super well hydrated and well fed,while he was a bit overheated and ate iffy food. That day we were only doing hand techniques/boxing so I was able to control the maneuvering/distance/range, I was able to outspeed and out-time him easily and landed whatever I wanted at will. BAsically that day was MY day.  Today was the reverse, I was still in fairly good condition and health but he was feeling much better, we were on wrestling mats instead of grass, and we added in kicking. His maneuverability went up atleast 30-40%. He was able to outrange me with the kicks, he was using all kinds of fancy footwork and was able to dance around me while pelting me with kicks and set up punches. I decided to just try to counterpunch and time  him with hard shots when the opportunity arrived, cuz I realized today I was def not gonna be able to get him at will.
Adding in Kicking truly changed the game for both of us. I managed to get good shots tho, strong enough jabs and straights to stun him, and even bruised his ribs, but overall he was able to press the advantage which I’m fine with. It was a good learning experience for me. I once again discovered I’m pretty damn tough. There was a few times where I just put up my hands and walked forward, took whatever he had to throw at me and just threw some bombs at him. I was able to eat stomach,rib, back, and kidney shots with punches and kicks with no real damage(he was throwing them hard too), so thats good to know if I need to I can depend on that.  I’m gonna spar him tomorrow too and my usual partner Bullet. I already have different tactics set up for both of them, its gonna involve me starting with lots of evading and quick footwork to let them charge in on me and pressure me while I’m slowly but surely getting their timing/rhythm  and then using quick angle changes to get in hard counters, then the eventual game plan is once they are completely off balance/kilter from me fucking up their offensive charge/confidence I’ll lay on the offensive pressure of my own with lots of hard punches, low kicks and knees. We’ll see how that pans out. 
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searchingff-blog · 7 years
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“Aight yall we’re back with XXL’s top editor and business woman Azure. So now that we’ve got all the business out the way how are you doing?”
Saint was going to be the only person that got Azure to open up on the radio. She was like his mentor when he was coming up in the radio game, so she felt safe with him. That was like his sister, and he wasn’t going to ask her anything out the way, or pry too much into her personal life. He knew that going through a divorce was hard just by seeing his parents go through it, so he couldn’t even fathom having to deal with it first hand. His heart went out to Azure.
Azure sat across from him, and took a minute. She didn’t want to come across as bitter, or as though she was placing the blame solely on Quincy. At the end of the day it took two, and she needed to set the right tone.
“You know I wasn’t going to say anything publicly about it, but since it seems we were a high profile couple I’m going to let you slide.” She said as she smiled over at him.
“Currently today, I’m better.” She took a breath, and let the listeners soak in her answer. “The divorce is still fresh, and I’m still managing and trying to figure out how to be without him.” Everybody knew who she was talking about, so saying his name would be pointless. Plus, she wanted to give a little dose of petty by not referring to him by Quincy.
“How long were yall married?” Saint questioned, already knowing the answer but for the people listening.
“Going on eleven years, and it’s crazy because for some that’s not long.” 
Zeus chuckled at the interview his high school sweetheart was having. It made him chuckle, because she talked like her ex-husband was the love of her life. That couldn’t be possible, and he knew it wasn’t because had he not went to jail they’d be married with a herd of kids right now.
“Ain’t that your old girl, and my guy talking right now.”
Cassi laughed as the blunt was passed to her. Last night she did text Zeus as soon as he left. As much as she wanted to go home to fuck her man it was something about Zeus that kept her from going home. Besides, it wasn’t the first time she stepped out on Saint. She loved him deeply, but the events that occured in her past caused her to never trust another man again. Looking out for self was the motto, and it didn’t matter to her if Saint was doing right by her, and not stepping out. An evil man rewired her brain to think the way it did, and it was going to take a stronger man than Saint to fix it.
“She aint my girl, but that’s ya mans tho. You need to stop doing him the way you do. That karma gonna come back, and bite you right in the ass.” He chuckled.
“First off, I can do what I want with my body and if I recall you came over to me. Don’t front like this juice got you addicted.” A sly smirk formed on her face as the smoke left her lungs, and she passed it to him.
“Yeah, yeah nigga.”
“Well I aint gonna keep you for too long. It was nice having you stop by to talk about the new XXL cover sis. Ya already know what it is, it’s ya boy Saint bringing you everything that aint holy. Peace.”
The both of them smiled at the exit that they had came up with. Once they were good to go Azure took her headphones off.
“You aint slick.” She pointed over at him as she shook her head with a smile attached.
“I know, I know but I had to give the people what they wanted. I aint even get in that ass like I do other people, so you should be good. Gimme some love.” He walked over to her side of the room, and gave her a hug.
Back when he was coming up everybody thought the two of them were dealing with each other on a personal level. Saint respected her too much to have ever crossed that line with her. Then not to mention, her ex-husband helped get him his current job. Azure looked at him as a little brother, and never saw him in that light.
“You lucky I actually like your ass.” She laughed, and playfully pushed him off her. “How’s everything going with you and that lil girl.”
That was the nicest way possible for her to speak of Cassi. She didn’t care for her, and it wasn’t a secret why. The reputation that followed Saint’s partner wasn’t a good one, and she brought it to his attention multiple times that she wasn’t good for him. However, he didn’t listen to her like he didn’t everybody else.
“We chilling. Still going strong and shit. I actually gotta call her, and make sure she got to her mom’s last night safely after the club.”
“Yeeeeeeeah get nasty wit that shit.”
Zeus moaned out the words as Cassi worked her magic on his eleven inches of pleasure. Her mouth popped off the head, and she dragged her tongue down his shaft to tend to his balls. It was his weak spot, and with her massaging the head it wasn’t going to take long for him to explode now.
“Ahhhhh SSssssshhiiiit!”
His kids spurt out and only a drop was wasted, because she popped her head back on his tip. The warm nut filled her mouth while his toes curled in his sneakers. If Cassi didn’t do nothing right it was giving head. That was one of the reasons why he kept coming back for more, because despite how anybody felt about her he knew they could never say her skills were weak.
“Gah damn girl.” He took a deep breath, and relaxed into the seat.
“You aint gotta say anything else.” She giggled, before kissing him.
Saint called, and her phone kept ringing.
“Drunk ass probably still sleep. But let me get up outta ya face. I still got some shit to handle, but hit me up whenever. I don’t need you in the house sulking.” He looked down at her with genuine love for her well being portrayed on his face.
“I will.” She smiled before walking down the hall, and getting on the elevator.
Azure reached the first floor of the building, and waiting in the lobby was none other than her sister Hazel. Their mom was supposed to be picking her up, but knowing her sister she swindled herself into the position.
“What you doing here?” Azure shook her head, and walked over with her arms open.
“Damn that’s what I get for coming to get you?” Hazel rolled her eyes, and walked into her arms.
“Where’s ma?”
“She forgot about her appointed that she had today, so I came to get you. You ready to go?”
“Yes, I’m starving.”
The two sisters walked out the door, and got in the car.
30 minutes later
“Bitch….I aint had these cheese fries and dumb long. Ya the MVP for this.”
Hazel brought Azure to her favorite spot back in the old hood knowing it would cheer her up. She might have been the younger sister, but when it came to taking care of Azure she was on the job. When things started to take a turn for the worse in her marriage Hazel was right there to be a shoulder to lean on. She was even around ready to crack heads when Zeus had a baby on her. That was her job as her sister.
“You know I had to cheer you up. Saint got you out here on radio shows lying about you doing good. Pfft, guh I know the real.”
Her sister was right, but all Azure was focused on were the fries that were in front of her.
“I know right now you need it to be about you, but I need to tell you something.”
Azure looked up concerned, but happy. Happy, because the focus was going to be taken off of her for a few minutes. She was tired of the world coddling her like she was the first to ever get a divorce. Secondly, she was concerned because her sister never said she needed to talk about anything.
“What’s wrong?” She wiped her mouth, and maneuvered her body in the car that she would be facing her.
Hazel took a deep breath, and as soon as she exhaled she was ready to break down in tears. She had been holding onto this for awhile now, and she wanted to completely break down. Azure saw how she was struggling with speaking her truth. She reached over, and grabbed both of her hands.
“I’m here for you, and got you.”
“A couple weeks ago I had a miscarriage.”
This was the first time she had said it to somebody other than Roman. It was a hard pill to swallow especially, because they had been trying for so long. They were both ready to add another to their family, but it looked like it wasn’t the time for it. Nevertheless, it still hurt her deeply. A couple tears trickled down her face.
“Awwwwe, Haze.” She moved her fries out the way, and pulled her sister over into his seat so she could lay on her chest. “I know exactly how you feel.”
Azure was well aware of the emotional toll a miscarriage took on a woman. She had a couple while with Quincy, and she had to deal with it alone because she never told him. Dealing with that pain alone was suicidal, and she needed to make sure her sister knew that she could break down, and that she was going to help pick her up. She didn’t need her sister to do anything else, but get her pain and hurt out. As Azure consoled her Hazel started to cry harder. It happened a couple weeks ago, but she was still mourning the loss of her baby.
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