#he entered with nothing but his name and his bros and left with a fleet and two new alliances
chatte-noire · 1 year
Light bringer x scheming
an appreciation and condemnation of the schemes, moves and manouvers in light bringer. who served them the coldest, and who was bamboozled? This is only about stunts, not about morals or likability.
Lysander's scheming took a whole new level and I was really surprised at the little coup he staged with atalantia in the collosseum. In the first half of the book he really had the monopoly on well placed and daring maneuvering.
I think his best stunt was the compromise on the dockyard of venus, managing to keep apollonius, and win the carthii and julias block while simultaneously showing up atalantia, reinforcing the alliance with the rim and starting the attack on mars.
I wouldn't have expected him to be able to hold the alliance with applelonius for even a few weeks, now its been a whole book, I'm exited to see if Darrow can use the minotaur against lysander in red god.
yes in the attack on phobos he wasted ships and men and money and copied darrows helldiver strategy.. but he also surprised virginia with his strategies and finally took enough of phobos to have the upper hand in negotiations, something I wouldn't have expected him to be able to do. esp. after atlas called phobos impregnable.
in the first half darrow honestly took the scheming L. when I read the excerpt 2 weeks before buying the book I was CONVINCED that they didnt just land in apollonius obviouss trap, like pls let this be a trick. Darrow is such an experienced schemer, he must have expected a trap? but no he was like, tattoos look right, must be my bestie in this easily accessible prison. Its especially naive because he broke apollonius out of deep grave and so knows that apollonius knows how he would plan a prison break. and that backup plan was also flimsy, I expected better from him haha
on Europa Darrow had a nice scheming comeback, like recreating the Dead Horse strategy and beating Fa? Iconicc. bringing both obsidians (with a vote) and rim (with diomedes' oath) closer to democratic values? inspiring. Brokering collaboration between Rim, Daughters and Obsidians? A strong feat. that speech with the daughters was nice too.
but.. (and I'm not saying it didn't cost him a lot and will probably keep costing him dearly in red god) lysander still kept his scheming level established in the first half of the book. so much trickery, let's see how long he can keep it up before he drowns in it. He was backed into a corner by atlas but managed to trick both Atlas and Cassius, defeat the rim and gain a horrible weapon with one move.
It cost him the Rim Alliance and his humanity, but we already know his morals and ideology are a feeble construct held up by delusion and wanking off on silenius. and the rim armadas were destroyed by atlas so to lysander it probably only seems like a temporary loss until they come crawling back to society when hunger defeats them.
Sevro's stunts were refreshingly constant and awesome. Like.. escaping apollonius and fighting him in his own house?? rescuing his bumbling saviours? and the most bestest move: convincing the Daughters of Ares to work together with them by holding such an iconic speech like.. wish we would have gotten to see that in first person. just like Volgas ascension as obsidian queen. They both had such iconic and smart moments off screen. pierce doesnt want them to steel the stunt limelight me feels.
Aurae was able to follow her goals throughout the book, while managing the boys, the daughters of ares and diomedes. she had an emotional and moral bond to each one of them, but managed to stay true to her own values even as the parties were conflicting.
honorary mentions:
Lyria smuggling herself unto the archie, she knows how to take advantage of her size, even more impressive because darrow had the same experience with rhonna and still didn't realise (or didnt care?)
Apollonius snatching up Darrow and Cassius
Virginia having an informant in the Society (her clone bro?) and her making a pact with and freeing the obsidians. I would have loved to see more of her, she always delivers top tier schemes (except for when she is outschemed by society rats).
they were outschemed, honorary mentions:
Volga following Fa: even if he wasn't Atlas puppet,,, he's still such an obvious upholder of Gold values and tyranny, but volga didnt want to see any of it. this makes her following him so horrible, I hope it doesn't all get blamed on Atlas, I mean Volga was fine with everything except for atlas' involvment. I don't know if she was naive or blind or ignorant or greedy but that was some top tier delusion.
Lysander bedazzling himself: this is the most hilarious and complete trickery. That guy just believes every fucking excuse he can give himself, he just gobbles them up. He might have freed himself from his AA Puppetduo, but the real puppeteer in his life is his delusional ideology and hybris.
Atalantia: she had such a good and safe plan, she just didn't realize that lysander doesn't care for his friends enough. now she is some ships and influence poorer, lost her watchdog, her nephew/lover (ew) and the grip on Lune's heir
Diomedes: Lysander had him wrapped around his lying finger and he did nott see that dishonorrr coming. Cassius didn't see it either, but I think he would have tried to save lysander anyway. The himbo bamboozlement lost them the garter and Cassius was murdered, at least he could kill Fear on the way.
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
steadfast [miya osamu x reader]
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pairing: miya osamu x fem reader + miya atsumu x reader x suna rintarou
genre: smut (18+)
warning(s): explicit sexual content, group sex (threesome), cuckolding, dirty talk, swearing, praise, daddy kink, deep throating, squirting, brief mentions of jealousy, and just a lil bit of that competitive spirit ya know?
word count: 4.3k
overview: after years of witnessing suna and atsumu shamelessly flirting with his girlfriend, he decides to give them one chance to change her mind knowing damn well she won’t.
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By nature, Osamu is observant. Few things escape his attention, whether it’s trace amounts of ice cream disappearing from his tub in the freezer or the longing look you always give him moments before you press your lips against his in an affectionate kiss. Though he wants to pay full attention to the intense game of Super Smash Bros.a few of his former teammates are playing, he can’t help but let his eyes wander to your form as you shuffle into the kitchen to grab another beer. It’s not for you, but for his twin brother who places a lingering touch against the small of your back upon accepting it.
To the untrained eye, the action would appear as a gesture of appreciation and nothing more. But Osamu understood his brother well enough to know that he’d always had a habit--or intention, rather--of being handsy with you. His dark, stone-colored gaze quickly flicks back to the game on the television, however, when you saunter over to him to lean down and place a gentle kiss against his temple.
“Need anything, babe?” you ask, (e/c) eyes tracing over the handsome features of your boyfriend’s face.
He shakes his head and assures you, “Just ‘cause this is our place, don’t mean ya hafta play hostess, y’know.”
“I know,” is your cheerfully spoken response before you turn your attention to the chaos unfolding on-screen. “Damn, who knew Kita-san was good at video games?”
Aran, who overhears your comment, laments, “Not me. This guy acts like it’s his first time holdin’ a controller ‘nd then proceeds to give us an ass-beatin’!” That deceptively sweet smile you’d seen many times before soon spreads across Kita’s lips as he casts it in your direction. Moments later, you notice his chosen character catapult Aran’s off the side of the screen, making the man sigh and hand his controller over to a somewhat unsettled-looking Ren.
The exchange makes you laugh, and your amusement quickly spreads to Osamu, who smiles as he pecks your cheek. “Why don’tcha come sit down, honey?” he suggests, patting his knee and slowly pulling you closer by giving your hand a gentle tug.
“Later. I’m gonna go talk to Rin real quick.”
Giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze, you back away and dart past the television to where Suna’s standing on the balcony outside. Osamu doesn’t miss the lazy grin that tugs at the corners of his friend’s mouth when you greet him and seat yourself on the chair beside him. Though he’s noticed how much of your attention Suna must’ve been aiming to steal away the entire evening, he doesn’t comment or intervene. Instead, he sends a sideways glance at Atsumu, who plops down on the couch beside him, pops another sliver of pickled plum into his mouth that Kita brought with him, and returns his attention to the game onscreen.
It’s not until later that he decides to speak on the issue, when everyone’s left the informal team reunion but Atsumu and Suna. As you’re scanning the apartment for any trash that may have been forgotten—though there’s not much to find since Kita and Aran scolded anyone who so much as left their drink unattended—you find yourself tripping over the rug sprawled across the wooden floor. Atsumu, who’s seated on the couch nearby, avoiding any tasks associated with cleaning up while tapping through his own Instagram story, quickly extends his arms towards you to steady you as you stumble towards him.
Feeling his hands on your hips and hearing him say, “Careful, there, girly,” brings a rush of heat to your neck and face.
“Thanks, ‘Tsumu!” you chirp quickly, pushing yourself away from the couch with haste.
“Anytime, hon,” is his nonchalant response. Normally, you wouldn’t think much of it because he’d developed a habit of giving you affectionate names over the years you’d known him, but, in this situation, his reply has you glancing over your shoulder at Osamu. Though he remains silent and focused on the task at hand, that quiet but dominating presence of his is intense. You know his brother’s actions are hardly going unnoticed, so you hustle into the kitchen to start cleaning the dishes Kita had neatly piled in your sink—which you’d had to practically beg him not to clean for you by insisting that he was your guest.
Osamu’s dark gaze narrows at his brother in a silent warning once you’re occupied again. Atsumu, being competitive and provocative as ever, simply raises an eyebrow at him as a challenge. However, both their attention soon snaps to you when they hear you and Suna snickering about something that must’ve been just hilarious while he helps take care of the dishes. Jealousy isn’t an emotion Osamu’s entirely used to, seeing as he’s always been secure in his relationship with you, but knowing the types of things his friend and his brother have said about you in confidence before the two of you started dating makes a flicker of it burn within him.
Finally, he speaks, not even attempting to hide the curtness to his tone when he questions, “Why don’t the two of ya just fuck ‘er already?”
The silence that befalls the house following his outburst is deafening, and you freeze in your act of handing Suna another plate to stick in the dishwasher. The three of you collectively turn your gazes to him, though theirs clearly portray an intrigue to learn more about what he means.
“What’re ya sayin’ that for, ‘Samu?” Atsumu asks rather coyly, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees.
However, your boyfriend isn’t having any of his twin’s attitude tonight, since he retorts, “Don’t fuckin’ act like ya don’t know what I’m talkin’ about. I know you’ve been wantin’ her for years now. I see the way you both fawn over her whenever I bring ‘er around.”
“Baby…” you coo softly and dry your hands so you can approach him.
The daggers he sends sticking into you with a sharp glance in your direction stops you in your tracks, though, as do his words. “What? It’s not like yer doin’ anythin’ to stop it.”
You swallow thickly, your eyes sinking to the floor as shame wells up inside of you at the truth his statement holds. You had never intentionally flirted with either of them, but you hadn’t done anything to put an end to their advances. Even though Atsumu and Suna were close friends of yours—and had been since high school, when you’d first met them along with Osamu—you knew they’d both harbored feelings for you at some point over the years. Part of you didn’t stop them because you hadn’t wanted to think the worst, which was that they still had any remnants of desire for you when you were clearly in a committed relationship with Osamu.
However, as you look around and find yourself the subject of not one but three hungry sets of eyes, you realize that they’ve still been hunting you regardless of the fact. “’Samu, I—”
“Do ya wanna let ‘em fuck you?” he interrupts. The fire you can sense burning behind his ash-colored eyes robs you of a response, so he adds, in a softer tone, “’S okay if ya do.”
Atsumu chuckles, “Might not wanna give ‘er the chance since she might rethink her decision about who she chose.”
Without thinking, you shake your head diligently and argue, “I would never leave him.”
“So, is that a yes, then?”
As you take a moment to ponder his inquiry, you notice Osamu moving closer to you before he takes your face in his hands. Tenderly, he kisses your cheek and leans towards your ear so he can murmur, “Why don’tcha let ‘em live out their li’l pipe dream for one night, (f/n)? You’ve got nothin’ ta lose, since I’m the one who suggested it in the first place.” A slow, shuddering breath escapes your lips when he adds, “In fact, I want you to do it. Show ‘em a good time; hell, enjoy yourself too.” He lets his finger run over the gentle curves of your neck, sending tingles down your spine. “I hope they make you feel good—or at least try to, since I know there’s no way they’ll be able ta make you squirt like I can, pretty baby.”
His words quickly fill your core with heat, and you’re consenting with an enthusiastic nod without so much as another thought. A small smile ghosts across his lips for a moment before he gives you a gentle nudge in the direction of the hallway leading to your bedroom, silently telling you to lead the way. Even though your body’s abuzz with excitement at what you’ve willingly gotten yourself into, you can’t help but feel somewhat sheepish at being the subject of three intense gazes. Having them follow you down the narrow hallway makes it somewhat hard for you to breathe, but it’s not long before they’re finding more physical ways of taking your breath away.
Upon entering your bedroom, Atsumu’s the first to paw at your shirt, taking the soft fabric in his grip so he can pull it over your head. Your bra is unclasped moments later and tossed aside haphazardly before you’re pushed onto the bed. The suddenness of your body hitting the mattress makes you squeal, eliciting a low chuckle from Atsumu as he leans over you and captures your lips in a surprisingly tender kiss. While your eyes are closed, you can feel one set of fingers trailing lightly along your sternum while another pair of hands tugs at your pants before removing them, along with your embarrassingly wet panties.
“Mm,” Suna hums gently, pressing his lips to the inside of your thigh, “Soaked already?”
“Lemme feel.” The fingertips grazing the expanse of skin between your breasts soon travel down closer to your core, plunging inside and emerging coated in your essence. A soft whine escapes your mouth at the fleeting sensation of being somewhat filled, and you watch with half-lidded, (e/c) eyes as Atsumu slides his fingers into his mouth. “Just as sweet as I expected,” he comments before placing another passionate kiss against your lips so he can swipe his tongue along yours to give you a taste. “What did ‘Samu say that gotcha all worked up, honey?”
From where he’s sitting on a chair across from the bed, Osamu grunts, “None of yer damn business. And don’t call ‘er honey.”
Suna understands why Atsumu’s attempts at using this pet name for you are futile when he sees the way you clench around nothing at hearing it leave Osamu’s mouth. “’Samu,” you whimper softly and look in his direction. In spite of the way Suna and Atsumu’s hands feel against your skin, you’re still pining for the familiarity of your boyfriend’s touch. Eager to bring you back to the matter at hand, Atsumu turns your face back towards him and occupies your lips once more.
Meanwhile, Suna sets himself to running his fingers through your glistening folds and pleasuring your sensitive spot, making you moan into Atsumu’s mouth. When his digits venture inside of you, your hips instinctively buck against them, desperate for the thumb you know he’s intentionally keeping away from your clit. “Keep making those pretty sounds, baby,” Suna coaxes, using his free hand to palm his erection through his pants. Between him thrusting his long fingers into your core and Atsumu pinching your nipples with his, it’s not long before you feel the knot in your stomach threatening to come undone.
What pushes you closer to the edge is the smooth, wetness of Suna’s tongue dragging over your slit. “Rin!” you squeal, grinding your hips against his face to get as much contact with his mouth as you can. He squeezes your thighs gently, holding them in place over his shoulders where he kneels on the floor at the side of the bed. At hearing his name leave your mouth between kisses from Atsumu, he rewards your behavior by flattening his tongue against your clit and licking in broad stripes. Suddenly, a wave of ecstasy crashes over you, reducing you to a moaning mess as you cling onto Atsumu’s arms and squeeze Suna’s head between your thighs.
Your wanton cries have all three men in the room mesmerized. However, their awe quickly transforms into something more animalistic, and, in your ecstasy-induced haze, your body is nothing more than putty in their hands as they maneuver you into a different location and position on the bed. You’re vaguely aware of your own hands reaching for Atsumu’s shirt to remove it before unzipping his pants so his erection can spring free.
As you move closer to him to take his cock in your mouth, Atsumu grabs a fistful of your (h/l), (h/c) hair to keep you from doing so. “Oh, sweetheart, I love how eager you are to suck me off, but I’m dyin’ ta see whose cock you like better: mine or ‘Samu’s.” Osamu growls with irritation at this comment but feels his dick throb painfully at knowing what he’s about to witness. With that said, he relinquishes his grip on your strands of hair so that he can readjust your position, bringing you face to face with the tent in Suna’s pants.
This time, it’s him who’s threading his fingers amongst your locks, but with a much gentler and more affectionate grip than Atsumu’s, and his sandy-colored irises fasten on you as you work on unzipping his fly to give him some relief. If anything, knowing he’d just brought you to an orgasm with his mouth spurs you on to use yours so you can do the same for him. The way you eye his erection hungrily once you’ve freed it from the confines of his pants has him tugging your hair backwards to tilt your chin up towards him. He’s always wondered what it’s like to kiss those delicate lips of yours, and they look far too delectable—slightly swollen from Atsumu’s bruising kisses and glistening with the saliva he can see dripping off your tongue—for him to show any restraint now that he’s been given a free pass to do so.
“Are you gonna be good and take all of it?” he wonders, his mouth brushing against yours with each word. Your diligent nod earns you a deep kiss, and you moan into his mouth at the feeling of his tongue trailing along yours, carrying the taste of you. “Gonna drool all over my dick for me with that pretty, little mouth of yours?”
You’re barely able to let out a breathless, “Yes,” before his lips are over yours once more. But, just as quickly as his onslaught of kisses started, he’s pulling away and moving your head down south. Saliva collects in your mouth at the sheer size of him, and you cast him a demure glance up at him through your eyelashes as you lick a long trail from the base to the tip, causing a low groan to rumble in his throat.
At feeling the head of Atsumu’s cock teasing your sensitive clit, a whimper rolls off your tongue. “I’m gonna fuck this sweet, little pussy of yours so good, (f/n),” your boyfriend’s twin murmurs, his hands moving your hips so he can push the tip inside of you, “so you’d better take it like a good girl.”
“Don’t hurt ‘er, dumbass,” Osamu barks, the hand he has shoved down his sweatpants coming to a halt at the thought of your comfort being compromised by his brother’s greed and desire to show off. “She’s sensitive.”
“Oh?” Atsumu challenges as he inches more of his cock inside of you, making you remove your mouth from Suna’s dick to mewl loudly and drop your head towards the comforter. “It’s ‘cause yer not used to bein’ filled up are ya, sweetheart?” Another lascivious cry from you is stifled by the thick duvet when he snaps his hips against yours, sending himself deeper into your clenched core. “Don’t worry; I’ll take care of ya in all the ways ‘Samu can’t.”
Osamu’s face burns ever so slightly with humiliation and anger, but he finds he can’t tear his gaze away from the scene before him. He watches in silence as Atsumu’s fingers dig into the supple skin on your rear and snake around your hips, pulling you closer to him as he sheathes more of his cock in your greedy cunt. Then, his eyes are darting to where your pretty lips are wrapped around Suna’s dick, eyes gazing upwards at him in an affectionate manner that he thought was only reserved for himself.
He feels as if he should be enraged by the whole situation—by the way he’s being forced to sit and watch while his brother and his friend fuck your pussy and your mouth, respectively—but he isn’t. In spite of being excluded and having derogatory remarks thrown his way by Atsumu like daggers, he loves it. He loves every moan of their names that leaves your mouth because of how good they’re making you feel, as well as the hungry looks in their eyes at how good you’re making them feel. Because no matter what his twin says about how he’s “gonna make ya feel better than ‘Samu ever will,” he knows he’s wrong. In a scenario where Osamu should be the one feeling inferior, his ability not to lose sight of what he knows is the truth is what keeps the warmth burning in his stomach.
No matter how much you drool all over Suna’s cock while he thrusts deeply into your mouth, batting your eyelashes at him each time he sends a compliment your way, he knows whose pants you’re pulling down after he’s had a long day at work. Even as Atsumu’s hips snapping against yours reap a myriad of mewls or moans from your mouth that bring a self-satisfied smirk to his face, he’s confident that you’ll always be louder for him. Nobody knows how to treat you quite like Osamu does, and nobody knows how to fuck you like he does either.
So, as he slowly strokes himself off to the sight before him, he’s able to ignore the sting of every off-handed comment thrown his way and the sound of you begging Atsumu for more in the moments when Suna’s dick isn’t down your throat. He might as well let them have all the fun they want with you, seeing as it’ll be their last time doing so. He only intended to give them a taste of how good you are as a way of getting back at them for all of their shameless advances towards you in the first place. What’s better revenge than giving them something amazing that they can only remember, but never recreate? Nothing, he thinks.
“Lemme cum inside ya, pretty girl,” Atsumu coos, though his voice is raspy from his heavy breathing as he slams into you. Removing your mouth from Suna’s dick with a loud pop, you shake your head, making them both look at you with raised eyebrows. “Why not?” he asks.
Osamu nearly finishes on the spot when you whine, “Only ‘Samu can.”
Atsumu shoots his brother a withering look that he beats down with a smirk but obeys your wishes anyway. “Whatever ya want, princess,” he murmurs, placing a gentle kiss against your spine before continuing to thrust into you at a breakneck pace that has you crying out with ecstasy in no time.
Your breathy moans sending vibrations along Suna’s dick have him finishing inside of your mouth, and you swallow his seed as you sink into the bed once more. Atsumu’s hands keep your hips flush against his as he plunges into your spasming core until he can hardly take the sensations your body’s offering him anymore. Once it gets too much for him to handle, he obediently pulls out of you and cums on your back, spreading warmth along your skin and eliciting another whimper from you.
As you come down from your highs, you feel Suna’s long fingers stroke the side of your face affectionately, as if trying to communicate the praises he can’t find the words for. Meanwhile, Atsumu takes one last look at your back coated in his release before grabbing a tissue and cleaning you up. “So,” he mentions, interrupting himself to place a gentle kiss against the nape of your neck, “whaddya think? Did we change your mind?”
There’s not even a moment of hesitation before you shake your head and reiterate, “I’ll never leave him.” The soreness you feel settling into your body does nothing to quell the warmth in your belly, especially with the way Osamu’s gazing at you hungrily from his seat at the other end of the room. It’s almost as if your body moves by itself as you get up from the bed and shuffle over to him so you can seat yourself in his lap. “I want you, baby,” you breathe as your arms instinctively wrap around his neck.
A shit-eating grin appears on his lips as he places his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him. You moan softly at the bulge in his pants pressing against your sensitive entrance as he mentions, loudly enough for the other men in the room to hear, “How cute. Even after getting’ fucked by them two, ya still only wanna be stuffed full of my cum, huh?”
“Please.” Your plea escapes you in a soft whine when he bestows a fleeting kiss against your lips. He hums into the tender skin on your neck, eyeing Suna and Atsumu over your shoulder while he does so as if to clearly convey to them who’s won this challenge. However, his silent gloating is soon put to an end when you wriggle your hips against his, move your face closer to his ear and beg, “Please, daddy.”
In an instant, he’s barking at Suna and Atsumu to get off the bed so he can push you down onto it. “So good for me, honey.” Osamu’s loving words have you clenching around nothing as he shoves off his sweatpants and positions himself at your entrance. “Shoulda never doubted ya. I know how much you love me, don’tcha, baby girl?” he muses, flooding you with heat once more.
“Mm!” you chirp enthusiastically, “I love you so much, ‘Samu.”
His smooth voice becomes ever so slightly strained as he pulls your hips towards him, slides his cock into your warm, velvety core, and replies, “I love you too, (f/n).” Having him inside you once more brings you a pleasant sensation of comfort that you felt as if you’d been missing earlier, and you reach for one of his hands. Sensing your desire to be more connected with him, he wraps his fingers around yours and presses the back of your hand against the mattress beside your head.
You moan softly at being filled once more when he bottoms out inside of you. Glancing over at where Suna and Atsumu are sitting nearby, he comments, “Ya feel so good, honey,” and increases the volume of his voice before adding, “it’s like yer sweet, li’l pussy was made for me, wasn’t it?”
“Just for you, daddy,” you agree with a small smile, eliciting a low groan from him and spurring him to start thrusting into you with long, deep strokes. From where he’s standing at the edge of the bed, he’s able to lift your hips upwards to drive himself even deeper into you than he’s sure Atsumu could reach. Any overstimulation you felt initially has since been replaced by pleasure once more as he showers you with kisses accompanied by compliments that you confirm enthusiastically, earning you more of what you want.
“Why don’tcha tell ‘em whose cock ya love the most, baby girl?”
You cry out his name once.
“Who’s making ya feel so good right now?”
“Who’s gonna make ya cum harder ‘nd faster?”
He leans down towards you to press those slow, passionate kisses against your lips that you’d missed so much, spreading your legs further and pounding into you with more speed. It’s clear he knows the map of your body that he’s made through experience like the back of his hand, since he’s able to hit that sweet spot within you time after time with more accuracy and precision than anyone else could. “Right there!” you cry, fingers dragging along the muscles rippling beneath the skin on his arms as your toes curl.
A few more thrusts send you over the edge again, and the strength of your orgasm is felt by every man in the room. Atsumu and Suna realize your cries are much louder than they were before, and Osamu smiles when he feels you squirt as your walls clench tightly around him. He doesn’t mind that you’re getting his clothes and the comforter covered in your essence—he only cares that he’s delivered the promise he’d made for you earlier. It’s not long before he reaches his high and fills you up with stuttering snaps of his hips and labored breaths. You moan breathlessly at the sensation of warmth inside your core, and let your head come to rest against the bed while he finishes inside of you.
As much as you want nothing more than to crawl under the sheets with him and rest, you’re reminded of your guests when Osamu casts his dark gaze in their direction. “Ya got whatcha wanted. Go home,” he announces, eyes narrowing at his twin brother who, along with Suna, are clearly still in awe at what they’ve witnessed. 
Turning back to you and planting a tender kiss against your collarbone while they rise to their feet and head for the door, Osamu adds deviously, “So much for rethinkin’ her decision, huh? Now ya know why she won’t.”
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treat me to a coffee! ⭐︎ kinktober masterlist
taglists (see pinned post on my blog for form)
general: @dinablossom, @newfriendjen​, @devlovesramen, @ohbyunhunn, @aftcrlust, @mister-future, @kyleclxin​
osamu: @pretty-setters​, @misora-msby​, @why-aminot-dead​, @atsunakaashi​, @heyhinata​, @why-aminot-dead​
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 10
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the support and feedback! I'm so glad you're enjoying this fanfic <333 Feel free to like, reblog and comment. Would love to hear more of your thoughts! Love u guys <3
Just like last time he was here, Bucky grabbed some cereal box, poured the contents on a bowl followed by a tall glass of milk dumped over, making a mess on the kitchen island like a ten-year-old kid. You just finished changing into some new clothes when he finished pouring the milk in the bowl.
You followed into the kitchen, pouring yourself a hot cup of coffee from Peter's new coffee maker he got just two weeks ago and cleaned the mess that Bucky had left.
"How is it," you started just as he was about to walk out, "that you can flawlessly make a drink without making a huge mess but not with a cereal?"
He plopped down on the couch and placed his feet on the coffee table and turned on the television. He shrugged in response, eating a mouthful. "I was just trying to impress you. You're Peter's best friend. I want you to like me."
You just hummed and sat down on the love seat as soon as you finished, lifting your knee to your chest and letting the warm liquid slide at the back of your throat, letting the caffeine sit in me. You gave him no response as you didn't know what else to tell him. You just gazed at him, watching him like a hawk, as he continued to take a mouthful.
But you weren't staring at him like you did before. You were, somehow, trying to read his mind because the person sitting right now on your couch felt and looked so much different from the person who kept giving you lingering stares at the bar. One moment he was complimenting your photos, and the next your face. It felt like there were two of him and you didn't know which one attracted you more.
No one had ever looked at your photos the way he did. No one had ever talked about your photos the way he did. And no one had ever succeeded in getting a sudden yet fleeting internal reaction from you by calling you "doll."
"It's rude to stare, doll."
Except Bucky.
You apologized, and averted your gaze from him towards the television screen which showed the news channel. You took a huge sip of your coffee and ignored the searing pain of the hot liquid on the roof of your mouth. That's gonna leave a mark.
You hibernated inside your room for the next few hours, watching some sitcom on your laptop. You would hear Bucky yelling at the television screen from time to time or into his phone. Some names unfamiliar to you were mentioned. You hated the feeling of isolating yourself from the world but here you were, cocooning because you didn't know how else to be around Bucky after what happened that one night.
Plus, it felt like you were a child stuck with your babysitter.
He would knock on your door, check up on you, ask you if you needed some snacks, or if you wanted to do anything else besides locking yourself up in your room. The last time he called out for you, he was asking you to lunch, to the little Italian place across the building. Starving, you agreed to come with him only if he paid.
He just shook his head with a smile on his face. "I feel like you're taking advantage of me."
"I am." You said, locking the apartment door behind. "It's not like everyday I'm out with a rich guy."
"You gotta stop calling me that. I'm not rich rich."
"Compared to me, Buck," you said, "you are. Come on, let's go, I'm starving."
Just as you anticipated, Marco was beaming at you two once you entered his place, clearing a way for you, parting the customers like Moses did with the Red Sea. He pulled out two chairs for you and Bucky. Marco, as you assumed, was more than happy to see Bucky and more of his money. Bucky shook hands with Marco, thanking him.
Once you ordered, you turned towards Bucky who was busy looking at the photos of the gorgeous places in Italy on the walls. There was a bridge of silence between you as you continued to stare at him, still trying to read him. He may be an open book but it felt like his pages were complete blanks. Pages that were deep, far away from the cover, hidden and hoping to never see the light of day.
"Hey, Bucky?" you said, grabbing his attention. "What did you mean that night? When you told me I was something else? And please, don't give me one of those 'you're not like most girls' crap." You gave a snort of disgust.
He chuckled, biting the inner part of his lower lip before speaking. "I wasn't, anyway. You just intrigue me, that's all."
You subtly glance at him. "I intrigue you?"
"Yes, honestly you do. And you're fun to be with. It's not everyday someone agrees with me to scare off a one night stand the first day we meet." He laughed. "And I would like to get to know you better. And not just here."
You knitted your brows together in utter confusion. "Wait, what do you mean not just here?"
He shrugged, his eyes leaving yours and looked at somewhere else besides you. "Like outside."
"Like outside?" You repeated, the realization dawning on you. "Bucky, are you asking me out on a date?"
Bucky lifted his head and proceeded to look at the spotty ceiling, his lips curved downward. "If you want it to be."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "I don't think it's a good idea."
Then, he shot his head towards you, an agonizing frown marring his perfectly chiseled face. "Why not?"
You could think of many reasons why it would be a bad idea. First, you haven't been on a date for a very long time. Every person who had asked you out never had the luck of receiving a good answer from you. Second, Bucky was a complicated man.
And third, it would feel like betraying Peter.
"You're Peter's stepbrother." You sighed, defeated. "I can't do that to him."
"Right. Peter."
Marco came just about damn time to give you your newly-cooked food. Bucky ordered the same thing he got last time he was here: an Aglio Oglio pasta, paired with two large slices of pizza and garlic bread while you got a footlong Italian sub dripping with Marco's secret family sauce he never dared reveal. Marco said something in Italian before going back to the counter to tend to other customers.
Bucky smiled at you before you started digging in and began to speak. "How about this? Just two friends hanging out, not in the apartment, not here, not even at the bar, and getting to know one another. No funny business. Just like this. How does that sound?"
"As long as you promise not to give me those weird creepy stares you've been giving me since last night."
"Please, you also couldn't keep your eyes off me." He rolled his eyes. "Plus, I do have to admit you do look hot making drinks." He scrunched up his nose, taking a bite of his pizza without his eyes leaving yours.
A wave of confidence surged right through you, prompting you to ask this next question: "Did the whole cleavage thing push things?" You winked.
Bucky tilted his head to the side, just like he did this morning in the apartment, swallowing his food. "I'm not gonna lie, doll, that was also pretty hot."
"You should thank my friend Nat for that then."
He smirked. "I'll be sure to. So, uh, are you in?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"Well, I don't know how you kids these days ask things. Is it like that? I feel like it is."
You rolled your eyes, chucking a piece of garlic bread to his face. "I'm not a kid. By the way, how old are you?"
"I'm turning thirty-nine next month."
"Thirty-nine." You repeated. "Wow, if we were to go on a date, you'd be the oldest guy I've dated."
"Well, I'd be honored."
After your little lunch, Bucky went back to his office in his penthouse to deal with a few things with his associates while you, on the other hand, headed to the bar and started to fix all the stuff accordingly. A few hours later, Nick and Nat silently creeped up behind you, scaring the shit out of you and nearly making you drop the bottle of whiskey you were holding. You scolded both of them which they just, in turn, shrugged off.
You pulled Nat into one of the booths, making sure you were out of Nick's sight and wouldn't be able to hear you.
"Bucky kind of asked me out on a date." You whispered.
"Holy shit, I knew it. I knew he has the hots for you!" She said with a voice louder than you would've liked.
"Sshh, keep your voice down! I don't want Nick to hear this."
"Oh right, 'cause of the whole thing."
"Yes." You replied. "So anyway, I told Bucky it wouldn't be a good idea because it feels like I'm betraying Parker."
"He's just his stepbrother. Honey, you wouldn't be betraying anyone at all."
"But Parker's my best friend -- "
"Exactly." Nat's eyes bore into yours. "He's just your best friend, not your boyfriend so go date whoever you want to date. Just not Nick. He's kind of a loser."
"Isn't there some kind of code?"
"Like a bro code?"
"Yes, something like that."
"Did you and Peter have an agreement that you shouldn't date his stepbrother?"
You shook your head no.
"Then it's okay."
"Isn't dating your friend's siblings a part of some unspoken rule?"
She rolled her eyes at you, obviously fed up with all the excuses you have been trying to make. "As long as you're not hurting anyone then it's fine."
An exasperated sigh came out of your mouth. "Well, Bucky seemed to kind of agree to it, so what was supposed to be a date turned into just friends hanging out and getting to know each other. His words, not mine."
"Right, and once you get to know each other, you two can go on expensive dates and such."
"I don't know, it doesn't feel right."
"Now, now, don't be too sudden with that thought. Deep down you kind of want this to happen. If you didn't, you wouldn't be having second thoughts about this."
Oh, what you would give to prove Nat wrong but there was nothing else you could give because you knew she was right. You were fleetingly staring at Bucky as much as he did with you. And right from the get-go, there was spontaneity which opened up a whole new thrill in you. Something you never thought you'd ever feel.
The rest of the night felt excruciatingly slow.
There were some familiar faces in the crowd and some unfamiliar ones brought in by the regulars, having fun on Saturday night. While you were taking orders and making drinks left and right, your eyes kept roaming in the nameless faces inside the bar, hoping to see Bucky but your hopes were crushed when you found no sign of him. You were forced to take your mind off him for once as you were flooded with more orders, and complicated drinks that weren't on the menu. In the middle of your shift, there was even a small argument between a college student and a man in his thirties at the pool table. Eventually, the man, assaulting the poor boy, got kicked out of the house by Steve which was just a piece of cake with all the muscles he was packing.
Steve approached you with a stern look on his face. "If you see that guy again, don't let him in anymore alright? I don't want any fights in my bar."
"Got it." You said, taking note of the man's face from earlier. You warned the other bartenders beside you and the waitresses going around. You sighed, thinking to all the times you've told Steve to hire bouncers for the place but he just said:
"What do you need bouncers for when I'm here?"
And it was kind of hard to argue with that because it did make sense. The only problem was he was always cooped up in that small office of his. You never bothered to learn the secrets he was keeping in there. He couldn't always be doing work stuff. But after a few weeks of working with him, it was best to let those things slide as he was your boss.
Once your shift ended, you texted Bucky where he was but you never got a reply. You exchanged numbers right before he went back to the White Wolf.
You were greeted by an unlocked apartment once you got there but there was no sign of Bucky.
"Bucky?" You called out his name as you removed your jacket and placed it on the coat rack just beside the door. "Are you here?"
Silence answered you back. You went into your room and changed your shirt into something a bit more comfortable: an oversized sweater. A few seconds after you changed, you received a message from Bucky telling you to go to the rooftop.
You immediately went up, the chilly New York air touching your cheeks. You emerged from the ladder with a bewildered look crossing your face. The once grimy floor of the rooftop was perfectly cleaned up, leaving no dust and dirt behind. There were two large crates in the middle, big enough for two people to sit on. On top of the crate were a large box of pizza (you assumed it was from Marco's), and two bottles of ice cold beer.
"What on earth?" You gasped, finding Bucky emerging from behind a big box just casually standing against the brick walls.
"Hey, doll." He greeted you with a cheeky smile.
You stepped towards him, enveloping yourself in a hug in an attempt to warm yourself up against the cool air. "Did you clean our rooftop?"
"I may or may not have. Who knows? Anyway, I got us some pizza. I figured you were hungry from your late shift."
As a matter of fact, you really were. Drained from the endless orders and demands, you usually didn't have the time to sneak a bite of food or even a sip of water.
"I got the pizza from Marco's. He's a really nice man and was more than glad to see me when I stopped by."
"Of course he was." you laughed, sitting down on one of the crates. You opened the box, your mouth already drooling from the sight of Marco's mouth-watering pizza. "He likes the dough. Ha! Get it?"
He rolled his eyes at you but with a hint of a small smile in his lips as joined you on the crates. "So, are you gonna spend the night in the apartment?" You asked.
"What, got another girl back in the penthouse?" You teased, nudging his shoulder.
He gave you a throaty, sarcastic laugh. "This time, no."
"Too bad. I was ready to give a performance of a lifetime." You chuckled, glancing at him sideways and catching him with a big smile on his face.
You looked around you. The only source of light you had was the city lights towering above, and ahead of you. "You know," you started, "if you hung those little lights on the walls or just above us, this would seem like a date."
He pretended to wipe some sweat off his forehead. "Phew, dodged a bullet over there huh?"
You giggled, tipping the cap off the ice cold light beer and bringing the top of the bottle to your mouth. The liquid felt cold in your mouth but soon warmed up, nestling inside your stomach.
"This is nice." you commented then started to ramble on some more. "It'd be nicer to see New York during sunset though. Ever since I got the night shift in the bar, I rarely do. It's all the traffic and bright city lights."
You painted Bucky a picture of the last sunset you've watched. You had no recalling memory when it was but you remembered it as another cold day (but not as cold as tonight). The colorful sunset hues plastered in the high skies. Seeing it from the rooftop felt like they could easily be reached, as if they were wanting to be touched. And without a warning, the sun started to go down millisecond by millisecond.
"To others, what happens after a sunset is just another sign of the darkness to come. And then poof, city lights." you continued, then proceeded to gesture at the sky. "But for me, the feeling after a sunset is what I love the most. The sun wallowed in serenity in the pale break of light in between those dark clouds forming. Ugh, I just love that."
"I see what you mean." Bucky hummed, withdrawing his eyes to the sky to look at you. "It's like an afterglow."
"Yes, like an afterglow." You agreed, meeting his intense gaze. "If seeing something so beautiful makes you feel good then the after of it all must be... more pleasurable."
"A lot of people tend to miss that detail after sunset." He replied. "But not you. You're a photographer, y/n. The details in nature, in people are some things you can never miss."
You just hummed in response, taking a huge sip of your beer. " So, when did your love for photography start?" Bucky asked.
"It started when I was young." You replied. "I would play around with my parents' digital cameras, take photos of literally everything around me, especially when we were on vacation. It was just a hobby then. I never thought of it as a means of living until I was in college. God, I hated business school. Every second of it. I just did it to make my parents happy but I really wanted to be out there, embracing people, embracing everything in life. It's like -- "
"Capturing people's stories in a different light?" He continued for you, as if reading your mind.
"Exactly." You smiled, quite happy that he saw it the way you usually did.
"If it wasn't for the hotel business I also would've been an artist. Maybe an actor."
"So, why didn't you?"
"Because business is all I know." He sighed. "Tony Stark, the guy who adopted me, taught me everything there was to know. As he was building his empire, he pulled me towards it and now, I'm running one of his hotels. Y'know, I don't think of him as a father or anything. More like a friend, a wingman."
And just like that, Bucky peeled himself like an onion. Slowly. Layer by layer by layer. But then he stopped. He opened his mouth to say more but then he decided to stop. You waited but nothing else came out. As much as he wanted to know you, you too wanted to know him — and not just his wild adventures but the things that were deeper than that.
It felt nice to talk to Bucky this way. Actually, it wasn't just nice. It was very comfortable that it gave you a warm sensation on your chest.
Seeing that he wasn't as comfortable as he was before opening up, you steered to a different topic. "Have you ever felt that kind of feeling?" you asked.
"What feeling?"
"The afterglow feeling."
"No," he chuckled, "I don't think so. I'm stuck in a routine, y/n. Business, party, booze, girls. Nothing exciting, nothing out of the ordinary. Everything's the same, everything feels like nothing after."
You agreed with him. "I guess I'm also stuck in a rut." You harmonized with his laughter, seeing your life flash before your eyes. "Cheers to that."
With that, you drank the night away.
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
hi! can i request the guys realising they’re in love with you/mc? how would they react to it and when would the realisation happen? just something a lil cute for the quarantine ✨
SUGAR SWEET not really, this got really dark
Warning: Backstory spoilers (with some alterations!)
MLQC Headcanon - When I First Realized
He still remembers the day when you first walked into his office
He hadn’t thought much of this new producer (just that she seemed like a dummy)
A few more meetings with you, and he realized that his initial impression of you was wrong (something that doesn’t happen often)
You didn’t seem like a dummy, you were a dummy
He’s never seen someone so all over the place, barely able to collect herself sometimes
At one point, he found himself almost looking forward to your visitations
As a CEO, he’s learned to control his emotions quite early on in his life
He forbid himself from showing any weaknesses (but he knows everyone else’s?)
So when he realized he was acting like a human being abnormal, he became irritated
He assigned more tasks, and required more proposals from you
By giving you more work, he eventually gave himself a chance to divert away from you (drowning in paperwork meant distracting his mind)
But for some reason, he just couldn’t seem to forget you
Maybe it’s the way you act tough
Maybe it’s how you avoid his eyes, but glare at him when you think he’s not looking (Victor knows everything)
Or maybe it’s your smile, and how you never show that in front of him
So he started wondering, what could he do to make you not so afraid of him?
As he got lost in his thoughts, his eyes gravitated to the pile of papers on his desk (he hasn’t so much touched those yet)
“Huh, unbelievable” (he then quickly passed off any interferences with his work)
A considerable amount of time has gone, and he’s escaping an abandoned building with you
He can feel the tension in the air, as the currents electrify his surroundings
Victor looks over to you, weary and frail from constant running, and clenches his fists
Whoever is behind this, they’re aiming for you
Before he could think of a plan of action, he suddenly catches you as you leap out in front of him (you’re writhing with pain as the bolt lashes against your back)
In his arms, you’re there, limp without consciousness, unaware of the turmoil inside his heart
He thinks back to when he was just a boy, and that brave girl who jumped to save his life (he had made it his lifelong goal to find her, but to no avail)
Now he knows it was you all this time, and he won’t let anyone hurt you ever again
Even if he has to break through time.
He was a celebrity for as long as he can remember (one of the most popular child stars of his day!)
But it’s not like he desired to be in the spotlight for fame
He needed to find her (and that was his mission since the start)
“For you, I’ll reach even greater heights”
This was the only way he could possibly search the entire city to find her
By stranding himself in the public eye
He has never forgotten about her (she was on his mind everyday)
Whether he wants to or not, flashbacks of the experiment table run across his mind
He can picture the little girl next to him, seeming to be about his age, her eyes closed into a peaceful slumber
The red thread connecting the two of them continued to circulate, and he was forced to watch it all
If only he could rip out the needles binding him and escape this orphanage with her (he eyed the room for any possible routes)
She was so close to him, yet unreachable
He tried to grab hold of her hand, so as to stop this nightmare from consuming her
But one of the masked figures noticed his activity, and nonchalantly increased his dosage
The boy tried so hard to keep his eyes open, to fight back, but what power did he have?
He was only five
Many years passed, and Kiro returned to Loveland to boost his career as a superstar
He was now known as everyone’s sunshine, radiating with bright energy and beauty
Friendly with all, it’s not difficult to disclose your personal information with him (but no one really knows the darkest parts of the sun’s shadows)
Even now, he was still trying to find her
She must be around my age (but how would he know what she looked like now?)
With doubts in his mind, he takes a walk in his disguise to momentarily hide from the flashes of cameras
There was no destination in mind, just a desperation to be somewhere
He felt lost in this world where everyone knew who he was (but who would be able to rescue me?)
His eyes drift towards a supermarket, with a young lady stationed near the chips aisle
She should be around her age, maybe the height too?
As he walks past the store, he got a good look at her face (his heart nearly stopped beating)
Although the features were more mature compared to his memories, it was still the same shining smile as the little girl’s
How could he ever forget that smile? (the sole ray of light that shone on him in the darkness)
Without hesitation, he marches towards the market, nearly slamming into the automatic doors
He grabs the bag of chips she was reaching for, in hopes of getting her attention (in a relatively gentle way)
As she was about to yell his name, he quickly covered her mouth, allowing him to look clearly into her eyes
Ah....it was really her
“Shhh...I don’t wanna get noticed”
In his world, everything was ordinary
Bland, boring, and lifeless
It has been this way for as long as he can remember, and he’s grown accustomed to this lifestyle
There was nothing he could do about it, nor did he want to waste efforts trying
It was easier to ignore the impossible, and focus on more important matters at hand (and this continued for years)
He had heard that a producer from a company was looking for him, and that she should be arriving any minute now
He had no plans to involve himself with television, so he decided to politely decline the offer to join her
Lucien wandered around his office, organizing his desk to welcome the unwanted visitor
He looked at his bookshelf, colored with a dull grey all around
It wasn’t anything new, just a little depressing at times
He noticed a butterfly floating past his windows (colorless like everything else in his sight)
Then he saw her, the visitor
Suddenly his eyes began to burn (his muscles started pulsing at the temples)
There was no explanation that he could think of
He trusted his eyes enough to know that this was not a dream, yet can he see color?
What makes her so different?
His original plan was to refuse her offer at the door, but instead took out his china set and began to brew some tea
Meanwhile, you arrive at the floor Professor Lucien should be on (you ask around, but no one knows where he is)
You ask a younger-looking gentleman, who leads you to an office a few doors down
You enter cautiously, but the professor is nowhere to be seen
As you’re about to leave, the gentleman pushes a cup towards you (it’s steaming with freshly poured tea)
As she grabs the cup, her touch reveals its true colors, never-before-seen
It puts a smile on his face at the sight of the extravagant change
....how beautiful
“Um, do you know when Professor Lucien will be returning?”
“I can go ask the researcher next door, if you’d like”
“Oh, that would be great!”
He can’t help but let out a chuckle as he calls his colleague next door, to which she replies with absurdity
“What are you talking about, Lucien?” (he can’t help but feel amused at the producer’s shocked expression)
He peers curiously into her blushing face, his first time seeing such a flattering hue
He wasn’t always sure about when he first fell in love with you
He just knows that he did
At one point, you were the only thing on his mind
“Bro, you’re in love with her!”
Despite Minor’s annoyed words, he just couldn’t understand (love? what a joke)
He was sure that this wasn’t love, just a fleeting spark of a moment’s interest
He shielded you from the rain with his umbrella, but it’s not love
He stared at the picture of you in the school newspaper for hours (Minor had to take it away from his hands), but it’s not love 
He goes to your every recital (on the roof so you don’t notice him), but it’s not love
No matter which way he looked at it, he WAS NOT in love with you (Minor is slamming his head into the table)
But looking back, he does have an idea as to when this interest started
It was late spring, just on the border to becoming autumn
He was starting to lose conscious, surrounded by knife-bearers
Gavin was cornered on the school roof, blood flowing out at a dangerous rate
Then, he heard a soft melody encompassing the air around him (piano...?)
As he tried to locate where the sound was coming from, one of the gang members pushed him off the edge
His world spun around as he outreached his arms, desperately trying to grab onto anything available
All energy left his body, reverting him to a corpse (maybe my next life wouldn’t be so bad....)
Suddenly a heavy, rapid, surging melody sounded (taken from Campus Date!)
Gavin’s life flashed before his eyes, and the next thing he saw was the entire city beneath his floating feet
“....! What...is this..?”
While he was trying to collect himself, the roaring notes of the piano continued, as if they were in agreement with his adrenaline rush
He quickly regained control, letting the booming wind merge with this foreign power inside him
He gravitated towards the window, where the school’s music room was located
His ears soon landed on a beautiful voice, accompanied by the rhythmic taps of the keys (it was her!)
He still wasn’t sure how this Evol awakened inside of him, and is still wondering if this was love, but one thing’s certain:
He, for all eternity, would dedicate his life to protecting her (cue the Minor squeals!)
He never thought of himself as a stationary being
Too much of a hassle
With his skateboard, he cruises around the city at his own pace, looking for any amusements in the area
Unable to find anything worth pursuing, he returns to his alleyway to finish the graffiti piece he was working on earlier
He recalls the time when he briefly met his brother, at the airport a while back
He laughs just thinking about that moment (he’s never seen his brother so furious)
Come to think of it, he was protecting a girl that day
Determined to make his day fun, he decides to go find her himself
You waited in the bus, hoping that your precognition doesn’t come true
“If we just get past this block, it’ll be fine”
You’re almost sent out of your seat as the driver brakes at the bus stop, one before your destination
A tall guy, occupied with his headphones, steps in
Shaw immediately is able to spot her, and promptly places himself in the seat next to her
The bus was nearly empty, yet he chose to sit next to you instead (just why..?)
As for why he sat there, Shaw couldn’t think of a reason either
He simply thought whatever happens next might be fun
He glanced over at the girl, who fidgeted nervously next to him
He cracked a silent smirk as he adjusted his headphones (he could feel her gaze on him)
“Wanna listen?”
You couldn’t get your head around this guy, and exactly what he was planning
But you had your own problems to worry about, and it arrived much sooner than expected
Shaw noticed the girl was clutching onto her dress tightly, and glanced at her face
She looked like she was in pain for some reason, but there was nothing he could do to help (Do I wanna help in the first place?)
He jolted as she suddenly got up and yelled for the driver to stop the bus
The driver, of course, passed her pleas off (the bus wasn’t at the stop yet, anyways)
He inquisitively looked at his surroundings
There was nothing off, which means there was no reason for her to get so panicky
He became very interested in what she was going to do next, so he willingly gave her a hand
In the blink of an eye, the sky became dark and rain started to pour outside
Your eyes go wide at this unusual happening, but waste no time in rushing out the door (the driver gave up on running the bus in this weather)
He discreetly follows the girl as she runs towards the crosswalk
He’s a little taken back as she plops down on the cement, a sigh of relief across her expression
Without saying anything, he hands her a transparent umbrella (he tries hard to not laugh at her conflicted face)
“You’re welcome”
He decides not to ask her what that was all about
He could sense that they will be meeting again in the future soon
WOWZERS. This took me a lot longer to complete than expected.... (it’s so long!!!!) I did alter some details, just to fit what I want more.
I guess I took this a different route than what the request was, so I hope anon who submitted this is okay with it
I went for a more “when was an important turning point in their relationship” compared to “when did they fall in love” (because I think it captures the essence of the game better)
Hope you enjoyed. I’m now going to cry at all the hurt ;_;
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berfometalpha · 4 years
Legacy of Eternity Chapter 5: Unravel the Mystery Part 2 - One step at a time
It was an early day for the young knight like any other but today was different as it was the first day that he a knight would walk the path of a civilian. Though his army had participated in many military operations the knights were eager to go back to the front lines but due to the awakening of one of the legendary angels that guard the dragon-wolf they had been suspended as the angels may have killed the young knight if not careful.
As he got his gear together the young knight made his way down to the living room to see Chimera was finished eating breakfast with Emilia Redridge.
Emilia Redridge or Emilia Swordtaker was a former of the Sword taker clan and had been exiled long before that for saving a baby dragon-kin and a village from the fury of their Father. She had long bright red hair that reached down to her waist, Red eyes, pinkish fair skin, and had a tattoo on her back of a broken blade meaning she was exiled from her clan.
She normally wears a white dress with a black lining and had several blood rose designs on the side of her top. She also wore a red and black belt cape with a pair of brown leather belts, with black and silver lined boots with black stockings.
Emilia is the current wife of Chimera Redridge only by name until further notice during the war for Ren’veil’s freedom she had a major role of providing key information of the defensive lines of the fort Mianola far north of the capital.
She openly helped Chimera and the Crusaegrums in the Northern conflicts and bringing them into the fold of the Free kingdoms. In exchange for her help all she asked was to serve Chimera but instead Chimera offered her to be his wife only by name until certain rights are approved.
“Big Bro, you heading out this early? Wont you have breakfast with us.” Chimera growled.
“Hmm I got time... sure... Miss Emilia good morning to you as well.” Kent bowed.
“Good morning as well mister Anthony... By the way Chimera I am heading to the Bastion Hope base I saw a job posting their for a sword instructor. I’ll be heading their to apply for the position.” Emilia said.
“I will be cheering for you Emi.” Chimera smiled.
“You do realize that I am the general and lord of the Strike Fleet and Bastion Hope is technically my base? So with one snap of my fingers you can get the position right away.” Kent said.
“Thank you for your kindness but Chira has already given me so much and I want to earn the right to stay with him.... If It’s okay Mister Anthony I would like to earn it rather than be given another gift.” Emilia said.
“Okay then... I will honor your request and at least you are a lot better than your former.” Kent added.
“I am no longer a part of that family what happens to them is up to them. I want to live my life as I see fit.” Emilia said with pride.
“I understand Miss Emilia... Still I raise a glass to you miss Emilia for becoming independent..” Kent said as he raised his mug.
“Here here brother here here.”Chimera said as he placed his hand over Emilia’s shoulder with pride.
After eating breakfast Kent left the Manner with Emilia since the young knight had some immediate business at Bastion hope. While Chimera had to settle somethings with the Farmers union in New Hope after that he will meet Emilia again in the base.
They passed through the local market when one of the merchants who first met the young knight in person called his attention and tossed a pair of apples to the two. 
With a smile he thanked the merchant and will return later to his stall as they passed the central district Kent and Emilia parted ways for the mean time. He entered the Ayekawa estate though some of the guards are very suspicious of the young knight since during the battle for Ren’veil Kent was not that recognized by the Vai’len despite his stature as the knight lord of the Strike Fleet.
With a hefty knock on the door he waited patiently for someone to open the door just before he could knock again the door opened.“Hey quit knocking twice... already I heard you...” Aisha shouted with a surprised look on her face.
“I am sorry my Lady I will not knock twice next time.” Kent said with a smile.
Aisha’s face immediately turned red when she saw the young knight right at her door step. To her surprise the young knight was at her door step the young knight could openly see how she spends her early morning with her hair tied to the side and wearing nothing but a very alluring violet dress.
“Wait Kent why are you here?” Aisha asked.
“I Believe I owe you a date my lady... Was i not correct my Lady?” Kent said with curiosity.
Though flustered and a bit astonished thinking that the young knight heard her whisper despite being asleep. Kent was asked to wait at the living room while she got prepared Alisyha prepared tea and toasted bread for their esteemed guest and exchanged stories while they waited.
“Interesting so you and an entire fleet of about 2 million souls say that you only spent a day in this apocalypse? and many say that your fleet had been gone for almost 2 weeks?” Alisyha asked.
“Yes my Lady, Some marines and knights volunteered to stay behind to study the ship and see what we can learn from such a relic.” Kent explained.
“Truly magnificent child and you say that this ship is as big or even bigger than the New Dawn Moon?” Alisyha asked.
“Maybe even bigger we cannot say for certain but we shall leave it for a later time.” Kent replied and took a sip of tea.
“And you’re fleet was given a temporary suspension order to recuperate the fatigue that must have built up during such a journey... I must say that is a very interesting tale... You could become a story writer if you keep this up my dear?” Alisyha said with great joy.
“When my duty ends maybe I shall my Lady thank you for listening to my tale.”Kent bowed.
“It is a great pleasure of mine to hear stories tall or short, be it truth or not... It has always been a great passion of mine to hear the many tales of my people and others with a feathered pen you can wield a very powerful weapon my dear... ” Alisyha asked.
“Indeed I love how you described the Wind Runner who ended a thousand year conflict between two great kingdoms despite having nothing to start his life with...He had no obligation to stop the fight and yet he did the saddest truth about it all he simply sat at the cliffs edge and watched the last part of his life end in the embrace of the setting sun... It is a great inspiration to me and many of my men who had taken a liking to your books my Lady.” Kent replied.
“Thank you my dear...Their is an old saying...  We can have a different start in life sure you can have a silver spoon or nothing at all. I love how people who didn't have anything but strive to get to where they are now...They are the real heroes of tomorrow and I am happy to stand with them now and forevermore.”Aliysha said to the young knight with a smile.
The two talked for a few minutes when Aisha went down the stairwell to greet the young knight formally now that she is dressed. Just before they left Alisyha gave her blessings to the two and with a smile and a kiss on the cheek to her daughter.
“Now go and have fun you two... and Aisha please... Bring me a grand child on your way home.” Aliysha winked as she closed the door.
“MOM!!!!” Aisha shouted in her embarrassment.
“““slight laugh”“ I believe Lady Alisyha only desires for your well being my Lady?’ Kent asked.
“Mom... she is... just...”“Sigh”“ come on Kent lets go...” Aisha said.
Though frustrated with her mother despite her intentions Alisyha is well in good terms with the young knight and simply jokes around every now and again. Kent sighed and gave her an encouraging head pat saying he will treat her to her favorite strawberry desert in town. 
Her mood picked up as they reached the town square many of the Zerrohnian marines who are part of the suspension were out with their family and friends or discovering romance despite being a part of the greatest military in the Frontier space.
They made a quick stop at the local cafe called Due Rigovalto which is famous in the famous as it can make all sorts of sweets and pastries including but not limited to what you can usually find in a regular cafe. The cafe is also well known for its support for the beast folk despite the hate and discrimination before the war for the Free lands ended in the far north of the Core kingdoms. 
They sat down at the table near the open view area of the Flower garden as one of the beast folk waiters who was a close friend of Aisha. 
“Hey, hey Isha good morning to you... I can see you and a special boy-friend here early in the morning...” Kitia said with a smile.
“““blush”“Ugh... Kitia he is Kent Redridge... The Knight hero of two worlds.”Aisha said while flustered. 
“Well look at you... Finally hooking up again after that ass boyfriend of yours cheated on you back in the day... But I am tots happy for you and your seemingly handsome friend here... Though a bit skinny... I think I got the perfect menu for you two.” Kitia happily said to Aisha.
“It would seem your lady friend is very happy for you.” Kent said.
“Yeah Kitia is my good friend back when I was still studying in school and I trust her and all but sometimes she can...” Aisha said when she facepalmed and pointed to the bar.
Kent looked at the bar and saw Aisha’s friend pull in the work of 5 people at once and at the same time talk with no point of stopping.
 “I can see but friends are many but true friends are hard to come by my Lady.” Kent stated.
“Thanks Kent.” Aisha said as they held hands.
Katia brought to their table a strawberry mist sundae dew berries shaped as a heart with a pare of chocolate flavored straws. it was enough for the two of them though a bit early in the morning to have a sweet tooth but well worth it. 
They indulged on a sweet treat meanwhile at the other side of the street a group of escentric people who barely made an effort to disguised themselves.
“And why am I dragged into this again?” Rex asked.
“Boss Cap, this is our one opportunity to confirm if whether Boss Man prefers Mage Lady or Priestess Lady!” Genji said as he hid behind a newspaper article.
“I have to agree with my bro here... The Boss Man has always taken a liking to Mage Lady even though she tries to be tough but she is actually a softy right Marky?” Clayton asked.
“Hey man I am just here for the bet and the tea here... But have you seen the things they call the General here... outrageous!” Marky stated as he put down the newspaper.
They were served coffee and biscuits when Lily and Willow disguised themselves as waitresses at the coffee shop on the other side of the street.
“I want to support Kent here but why did you have to drag me and Willow out here?” Lily asked.
“We need a sexy spy lady to help us not get spotted!” Genji replied as he drank some coffee.
“I have to agree I want to help Kent with his love affair since he saved my life twice now... and I am loving these maid outfits... They are so smooth and easy on the skin I hope I can keep it are they machine washable?” Willow asked.
“I think they are but I don’t think you can wash them in the laundry but more of hand washing it... and don’t use hot water it could ruin it too.” Lily added.
“How am I even dragged into this is beyond me... This is Kent’s private time for crying out loud!” Rex sighed.
“50 credits say that Boss man will get Lady Aisha.” Clayton added.
“Your on!” Rex replied.
Lily shook her head and facepalmed thinking how did they live through so many dangerous and down right suicidal military operation with a group of escentric people. 
“Um guys where’s the boss?” Genji asked.
“Wait Marky I thought you guys were keeping an eye on them?!” Clayton asked.
“Their on the move south they already have a few blocks head start!” Marky replied.
“Which way?” Clayton asked.
“Um... that way... No wait... um damn this tracker... um we go... left!” Marky pointed.
“Okay, drop the mugs, trays and that apron Willow... Wait on second thought you two keep it on! we move now.” Rex ordered.
The team were about to leave when the priestess and a few of her sisters stopped them as she smiled at the captain. 
“Rex, good day to you and where are you all going?” Arra asked.
“Lady Fullvrink... Um good day to you um we were just.” Rex said when Arra stopped him.
“Tisk tisk captain... You lot should be ashamed of yourselves... following Aisha and Kent on their date! Though I want to follow them but I will honor my best friend’s wishes and no one shall interrupt them!” Arra said as she snapped her fingers.
“Everyone book it! I mean scatter!!!”Rex shouted.
The team ran in separate directions Arra was displeased as she asked her sister guards to lead them away from the areas where the two will go on their date. Meanwhile the two exited the village through the northern entrance just as they passed the security check point the two made their way to the northern part of the flower gardens where the wild roses grow. 
Walking through the park Aisha tried holding Kent’s hand despite how he looked his hand was warmer than it seemed.
They passed through several rose archways and made it to the grass fields where the children and their families come out to enjoy the fruits of the land.
Kent took off his jacket and offered it as a cushion for Aisha to sit on and simply relaxed the day away.
“Hey Kent.” Aisha said.
“Yes my Lady?” Kent asked.
“Thank you... I know that I said it before but... It’s for real this time.” Aisha said.
“No thanks is needed my Lady... I owe you and Lady Arra everything for welcoming my people and opening a future for all to bare.” Kent replied.
“Maybe but I can feel that that isn’t the case here is it?” Aisha asked.
“What do you mean my Lady?” Kent asked.
Aisha sighed and seemingly asked about the young knight if he had seen or came to Ren’veil long after the war of the Demon lord. The young knight simply smiled and said In a way my Lady for the past several years before the rebellion I had dreams of a world with two moons much like Ren’veil has two moons. I cannot make the visions clear but I feel like I was being called to this world as if a child crying for help.
“But you came none the less to our aide?” Aisha asked.
“I guess I cannot deny it anymore my lady... But Yes I was the one who came to your world alone so long ago... After I came to your world and aided your party in defeating that lesser demon... I had no recollection of what else had transpired.” Kent explained looking over the distance.
“Whatever the case maybe we all get a chance to see a brighter future... so again thank you.” Aisha sincerely said with a smile.
The young knight smiled as the wind gently blew upon his skin Aisha stood up for the first time in a long time was sincere with the young knight. She stood up and leaned up on the young knight inviting him to a game of tag getting a head start before him.
He laughed and chased after her meanwhile at the top of the northern wall of the village. The team managed to regroup after losing the Priest guard sisters somehow though exhausted they were very persistent.
“So how is it Clay?” Rex asked.
“I can barely see with this binoculars... Who has a better scope?” Clayton asked.
“Here take mine!” Marky said.
“Wait since when did you have the time to get your sniper rifle? and how did you get that from the Night Hawk Armory!” Clayton asked.
“I left it in my room and this is not my sniper rifle... It’s just the scope!” Marky stated.
“Um guys where’s Lily and Willow?” Rex asked.
“I think they said they will distract the sister priestess ladies for us... I think...” Genji said.
“Right... so we are on stakeout duty... Reminds me of my days as a policeman on shard...” Rex said while spying on the two.
“Wait I thought you were a mercenary?” Clayton asked.
“I was a Mercenary long ago then I join the Shard police force in Troah to help support my Family I was a Captain at the time with more record arrest than anyone in the precinct 69... Those were the good old days but its all in the past.” Rex explained.
“Oh wow... Damn if it means anything to you Boss Cap... It really is an honor to work alongside someone who is experienced in the enforcement of law and order.” Genji mentioned while handing him a bottle of water.
“It means a lot coming from a Promethian warrior...It’s all in the past now... So if you guys want to continue snooping I’ll go and keep a look out for the sisters.” Rex replied.
Rex got off the wall when Marky mentioned that their was a hint of sadness in the captain’s voice he and the sergeant realized that their captain hid something from them. 
Some time later the two were spotted heading to sea city’s coast line view since it was recently built not many people have taken the liberty of checking the tourist attraction. 
It has an underwater observation deck and even an enviro-dome observing the underwater life had been a dream for many Zerrohnians after the destruction of Requiem it had left a partial void in the hearts of the new generation.
Slowly but surely the children will learn of how to appreciate where one of the building blocks of life had come to pass.
“Wow this place is pretty!” Aisha said in astonishment. 
“Yes it truly is.” Kent replied looking at Aisha. 
“Kent I never knew that you can make a barrier of glass it truly is an engineering marvel... Eva would be so happy to see this!” Aisha stated as she looked onward the deep sea. 
Their were even sea-folk who come to pass near the observation dome some Knights had fully adapted their bodies to the sea through natural evolution as a hybrid warrior species. The Zerrohnians take great pride in sharing with others their culture and take pride of learning new ones. 
One of the younger sea folk code name mermaid-folk waved at the two the young knight waved back as a sign of respect. After their visit they went to the small house east of Sea city it was the silent shack since the young knight secretly built it during his spare time.
They sat down on the wooden bench and enjoyed the sunset to Aisha’s surprise the bench was well built with some wool cushions nailed in it was not luxurious but it was enough to set the mood. 
“Today was a good day.” Aisha whispered as she rest her head on Kent’s shoulder.
“Indeed my Lady... Indeed...”Kent replied.
“Hey Kent... If this means were dating... Then officially you are ours right?” Aisha asked.
“I believe so... Wait... what do you mean by us?” Kent asked.
“Um You belong to me and my sis.” Aisha said.
She quickly explained the main reason why the priestesses are so few in number and are well protected by the mages of Ren’veil and the citizens of Ren’veil. Aisha also stated why she calls her sister by name since the two grew up together as childhood friends and had a sister like bond to one another.
 She stated the main reason some families have 2 wives as one child represents the goddess Su-tharma the goddess of the Earth and fertility, the other represents the goddess of the Moon and stars Ishtarhka and the Priestesses of the Wolf Father Shadow the aspect of Justice and balance.
Kent was surprised to hear that he not only belongs to Aisha now but to Lady Arra as well. The young knight stood from his seat and knelt down before Aisha and held her hand. He looked deeply into her eyes with a gentle nod the young knight stood firmly and accepted this as a blessing.
“I am a knight of Ren’veil I had taken an oath to protect and honor your world’s rules, customs and traditions...  I would be honored if you two shall have me for I am yours now and forevermore.” Kent asked.
“It’s kind of embarrassing if you put it like that Kent... But Yeah... I am the happiest girl on Lashurta right now.” Aisha said happily.  
“Then so be it... I belong to both of you now and forever more...” Kent bowed.
The young knight as stated by Knight Wolf Champion Umbral Volka, a knight can take many roles in life as he or she serves the Maker and Faith herself. They have honored the bravery and sacrifice of the knights who had fought and bleed beside them during the 1st and 2nd war for creation. 
As part of their great passage a Knight may have the option of falling in love and having a family to establish. But they must make their oath of honor and fidelity to their lover or in this case loved ones. Their oath must be made upon the open sky where the land, sea and stars are in view in honor to their deity Faith the goddess of balance and justice. 
She stood up from her chair and asked the young knight to stand with her as she too made her oath to be true.  The made their oaths that day of September 14, 4118 and sealed it with a kiss. The wind suddenly picked up and surrounded the two they could feel a gentle breeze wrap around their wrist. This was a great sign as Faith and the three gods recognized the oath to be true and gave their blessings upon them.
The Wolf Father recognized the oath of the young knight to the Mage daughter of Su-tharma the mark placed upon his left hand began to shine in recognition to said oath to Aisha.
Meanwhile at the temple of the Wolf Father when she felt a gentle wind caress her cheek and wrapped around her wrist. The oath of the three gods was made that day as her birth mark shined alerting the sisters of the entire temple.
“A suitor for Sister Arriandale had been found... SISTERS A SUITOR HAS BEEN FOUND!” One of the elder priestesses shouted.
“I believe I know who it might be...” Arra thought.
At the same time the Temple Idol of Faith on New Dawn where the knights and citizens come to pray on the last day of each week to give thanks to their deity. As the Knight Father was giving his usual sermon and praise to Faith. It was a rare sight to see the palms of the goddess’s statute to move as the Eternal knight her champion had taken his oath of loyalty to serve and protect the people of creation. 
This caused a massive uproar in New Dawn as the Statue of Faith had began to shine greatly signalling great promise for the people of the Dragon-wolf. Not only in New Dawn was this great event seen each and every ship and household on New Dawn or the fleet that held an idol of Faith had shined meaning the new chapter of their people starts that day.
The two returned to New Hope village with a renewed vigor and a refreshed look on their faces ready to face tomorrow. They returned to the Redridge Manner quite late but it seemed like the Knights and police marines were in an uproar and their moral was at an all time high. 
This was quite a great news when Kent asked Aisha to come in when his Parents and Aisha’s parents even including Arraiandale’s parents were present. Some looked confused others excited and others were simply out of words to say.
After a much needed explanation and several scoldings from Charlotte and praise from Alisyha. 
“So Let me get this straight... What my son did was the oath of loyalty which is basically locks my son’s ability to date others than Miss Ayekawa and Miss Fullvrink correct!” Victor asked.
“Indeed, The oath of the three gods is to be made only when one is absolutely certain of the other party and yes it is basically a great oath to take when one wishes to be with another on Ren’veil.” Alisyha explained.
“I do not permit my Baby girl to be whisked off by another man!” Aliysha’s husband shouted.
Aliysha then pinched her husbands ear and asked themselves to be excused after a minute or two. They returned but her husband had several smack marks on his head.
“Now where were we? ah yes I approve of Kent as our daughter’s protector and lover! right dear?” Alisyha asked with a frightening voice.
“Yes... Dear...” Her husband cried.
“Well I don’t have any complaints... After what had happened to Arra with some hooligans who faked her mark... Regardless Mister Redridge, Miss Ayekawa... I beg for your pardon.” Arra’s Father pleaded.
“Father it’s okay... I am happy that it is Kent that I got paired with.” Arra said as she comforted her father.
“But this humble Farmer is...”“sniff”“ so proud of my humble daughter... Finding love!” Arra’s Father cried heavily.
“Mister Krosta It’s okay...” Alisyha said.
“Kent a word please in private?” Victor asked.
The two moved to the back yard of the manner he handed a drink as they finally had a serious talk.
“My son... Ever since you were born your mother and I had been very worried to all three of you... Ever since you were little you were the youngest to enter the training of the knights at the age of 3 and enact ability to stand up against a fully trained knight at the age of 5... Your brother had an unparalleled knowledge of politics and nature despite his power and being a dragon-human hybrid... While your baby sister is a psycher the strongest one in the history of the Dragon-wolf second only to Tallis... You three are our greatest treasures... Are you sure you are ready to handle such a burden?” Victor asked.
“Father... You told me a long time ago that Faith presents each living being with a mission and a challenge that we must overcome in order to be come stronger both physically and spiritually... I wish to care for them... I believe the emotion is called love... This yearning that my heart beats for battle in every aspect... I will not break this oath even if it kills me!” Kent vowed as he slammed his right hand over his heart.
“I know... Take this time to get to know them better since your fleet is suspended from military activity.” Victor said.
“Thank you Father... I know this isn’t Requiem I wish to see our original home world but I know it is gone now... But Ren’veil is our home now... and I plan to make a better tomorrow for everyone this I swear.” Kent said wit hpride.
“So it is my son... So it is....”Victor happily said.
“father if it is okay... may we go back inside it’s getting a bit cold.” Kent asked.
“Well said my son...” Victor replied.
They went back inside while the others had a chat about what to expect and what is to be expected between the three families.
In order to make the oath complete according to Aisha the young knight must repeat the oath in front of Arra. Kent mustered the courage to repeat the oath in front of the priestess the two were given some privacy as they performed the oath taking in front of the two moons at the second floor balcony. 
“This is a bit embarrassing is it not?” Arra asked.
“I cannot see it my Lady...”Kent said as he held Arra’s hand.
“Kent... If you do this... Balance must be maintained between you... Aisha and myself...It would feel like you are engaged to us... Are you prepared for such a responsibility?” Arra asked.
“I am My Lady no matter the risk... Though I am no Hero.” Kent answered.
“Kent... you risked your life to save us but I am worried that I may not be worthy of such powerful love that you possess... Even if you say that you are not a hero... I can feel it in my heart... that you are one... But are you certain that you are willing to go the distance for us?” Arra asked with a gentle sadness in her voice.
“I am... I made my oath to both of you that day... I will never leave you... I will protect you both... On or off the battlefield.. I make my oath to you as well my Lady...I Kent Redridge present myself to you as your protector and lover... I am prepared to take the risks... i wager my life for you two... No matter the cost so long as I can stand with you two I am happy... Should my words utter a single lie I offer my life as the price for my insolence... I pray to the Wolf Father to bless our oath should I be worthy of you...” Kent said.
“KENT NO!” Arra shouted.
They were immediately taken into the astral realm or the forest of the Wolves the final resting place of the priestesses who fell in battle and awaiting rebirth with no memory of their past life. 
The Sisters stood around them watching as the Wolf Father himself looked at Kent Arra stood in front of her Father to prevent the young knight from facing his fury. With a wave of his claws her astral form was forcefully sent back to the physical world. 
She saw Kent’s body was frozen solid holding her hand Arra tried to go back to the forest of Wolves but she was blocked out. For the first time in her life she was at a loss to save him from the wrath of a god she had to force her way back. 
Arra called out for help watching his body started to show wounds made claw, fang and blade. His veins started to scream out while the young knight battled in the Astral realm realizing that the trials of the Father is suicide she tried to stop the oath taking.
Many minutes later the mark on her body was sealed with a crown of roses she looked at the soul mark left by the blessing on Kent’s left palm as it also showed the same markings the trial was complete. 
The young knight turned pale sweating endlessly as he tried to open his eyes when a scar appeared over his left eye. Though his injuries were severe yet not life threatening he tried to get his feet under him. Arra helped him on his feet as he looked at her the priestess cried knowing that facing the Wolf Father is suicide regardless as he is the aspect of Justice and balance on creation as she mentioned.
“KENT YOU SHOULD NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!” Arra cried while embracing him.
“I did not mean to worry you my Lady...”Kent coughed heavily.
Arra held him tightly as she heard the Wolf Father’s voice in her head He never ceases to amaze me child of mine... The two goddesses had seen his mettle and had chosen him to be a worthy suitor... Let him prove his worth to you... I am sure he will not falter...
Despite nearly killing the young knight the wolf Father despite his intentions to protect his daughters and ensure they end up with someone worthy of them. 
The young knight excuse himself as he was tired and closed his eyes resting upon her shoulders. Though the day may had come to an end their was still much needed to be done. 
The next morning after a long night Kent woke up in his room with little memory of what had transpired last night. He then tried to get off the bed when he felt something very soft he looked to his side to see Aisha was to his left and to his right was Arra sleeping next to him and barely with any clothing.
Instead of panicking he simply smiled and got off the bed silently and covered the two with the comforter since it’s still a bit cold in the morning. He then made his way down where the entire family to his surprise was present even Coralline who was always in her study on New Dawn.
he grabbed some food for the two before he returned to his room Charlotte put her tea cup down and smiled at her son.
Kent grabbed a cup of freshly squeezed juice and a piece of toasted bread he grabbed some food for the two before he returned to his room Charlotte put her tea cup down and smiled at her son.
“So my son... did you have a fun threesome last night?” Charlotte winked.
“““spat out his drink and coughing heavily”“ WHAT?!” Kent shouted.
“Shush child you might wake those two up... But still how did it go?” Charlotte asked.
“Wait big brother what does Mother mean by having fun and a threesome?” Coralline asked.
“It would be best if you don’t know it my sister... and No mother we did not do that I barely have any memories of last night...” Kent stated.
“Well, After your battle with the wolf Father which exhausted you mentally according to Arra she and Aisha needed to perform a ritual to heal the damage to your mind and soul...That is why they are in your room right now.” Charlotte explained.
“Don’t worry brother this will not get out publicly Lily and I are already on the case... Lady Aliysha and Mister Vulcan aka miss Arra’s Father had agreed to let them stay here for a time... So you have two new room mates big brother... Good for you and I am impressed.” Chimera said sarcastically.
“By the way my son Mister Vulcan and Miss Alisyha had agreed to allow them to live under the same roof as you so it will be very easy for you lot ot get to know each other.”Victor said as he drank his coffee.
“Okay then... I am okay with them staying in my room but I will need to order a lot of things if that will be the case. Mom I am going to need your help!” Kent asked.
“Sure my son what do you need?” Charlotte asked.
After a few minutes of explaining and preparing breakfast Kent went back to his room with food for the two. 
When he got back to his room Aisha and Arra were slowly waking up though they had a fairly long day much was still ahead of them.
His left arm split off into two sub arms and prepared a healthy and fulfilling breakfast for the two. 
“My oh my Kent... You should not have prepared such a delightful breakfast?” Arra asked in astonishment.
“This is our first day together my Lady this much is little to what you and Lady Aisha had given me... This is but thanks for accepting me as your protectorate and Lover...” Kent bowed.
“It is a good gesture Kent for you to go through so much effort this day... As you say we three have a long road ahead of us... But what should we do this day since our schedule is practically free for a day or two?” Arra asked.
“Hmm I was going to Bastion hope to see about the trainer selection results and greet them... I believe one of them is your friend Emilia free lander.” Kent explained.
“I am surprised that Emi is here... Let’s go meet her after breakfast...” Arra asked.
“By your will Lady Arra.” Kent bowed.
She drank her morning chamomile tea and to her surprise it was natural blend of herbs that she preferred before and during her time in the Temple of the Wolf Father.
Arra was surprised that Kent learned of her favorite morning tea when he told her that Vulcan told his mother how to prepare it and showed her the way. Kent repeated the process as if the tea was made by her father in the flesh.
Aisha was surprised to hear of their conversation as she took a look in her coffee it was made from the refined cocoa bean found only in the Trigor mountain located at the far north east of the free kingdom and only a few of these beans had ever been exported out of the area.
Along with the refined honey from extracted from the giant honeysuckle bees located at the Forest of Bree where the elfen use it as a natural export product. The cream was mixed into the coffee in the shape of a heart despite how it looks its taste was beyond imagination for the taste buds. 
“Kent how did you?!” AIsha asked.
“Same thing I told Lady Arra my Lady... Lady Alisyha passed a note to mother about what your favorites are and I had to prepare them I hope they are to your liking?” Kent asked.
“Well... “”flustered”“Its okay... I guess...” Aisha muttered.
“At least Sis here likes it very much Kent... I will say thank you on her behalf.” Arra mentioned.
“SIS!!!” AIsha shouted.
Kent snikkered to see the two argue over such a trivial matter but one thing seemed to puzzle him why did Aisha and Arra call each other sisters. Arra giggled at the young knight’s curiosity and explained to him that they are not sisters but they grew up together being friends since they were but babies and up to this day they had stood side by side as sisters. 
Through thick or thin and even any battle they will have each other’s backs even during the battle for the freedom of the people against the demon lord. Arra was the one who took the spear hit for Aisha while Aisha stopped the Thunder judgement spell used by the demon lord against Arra and barely able to protect her friends at the time.
After their talk and a hot shower for the first time since having hot water in homes at the village is considered as a luxury. The two received a fresh pair of clothes left by their respective families before they left Charlotte gave them a very stylish belt filled with an assortment of gadgets like a micro plasma field, grappling hook, an emergency bio-med gel kit, a tachyon beacon and a atmospheric field projector when trapped in deep space.
The gadgets on the belt were built specially by Charlotte basing it off from her own experience during the 2nd Great War.
“Okay you kids be safe now!” Charlotte shouted.
“Thank you for the great gifts miss Charlotte.” Aisha said as she looked at the belt.
“Oh these are nothing at all oh and they can change color and styles when you place your palm over the belt buckle. Now off you go kiddies and have fun now!” Charlotte said as she shooed the three off.
Arra looked at Kent while he looked through his arm pad while they walked to Bastion hope. To his surprise many marines and Knights had been saluting him on first sight.
They entered the base when the knights immediately lined up and offered their praise to them.
“Hail Lord Anthony!” The knights shouted.
“WOW is this a regular thing you do Kent?” Aisha asked.
“Not really only when theirs a special occasion... But the only occasion today is the Trainer welcoming ceremony.” Kent stated as they entered the main hall.
Upon entering they saw over 3 dozen applicants who passed they all stood side by side with their robes as swordsman before entering the fort. Aisha noticed Emilia was part of the successful applicants the two ran towards her and congratulated her success.
Before they could congratulate her Emi asked the two to sit next to her as Chimera was at the stage Kent took to the stage with Rex and Fenris by his side.
Hello Everyone I am Kent Redridge of Strike Fleet New Hope... I congratulate you all for passing the application process for the sword trainers I know it has been a difficult challenge to face off against a Venerate ranked knight but you all had proven your stride and mettle against a knight who had fought a godly class demons of old. 
From this day on wards you 36 swordsman are now ranked trainers and shall be part of molding the hundreds of Zerrohnian Marines and Recruits in sword combat.
I can see much potential in all of your future career as part of the Knight Kingdom I hope that faith and the three gods may shine fortune upon all of you.
Now let us end this welcoming ceremony and enjoy for this day does not belong to you alone for it belongs to the future of our people. 
Kent raised his fist and howled much like a wolf many knights followed their lord as they are a part of the Iron Wolves Legion. With the ceremony at an end the mercenaries now turned trainers united with their families with smiles on their faces as a new chapter will start for many of them.
Chimera and Kent’s team approached the newly recruited trainer to congratulate her on succeeding the trials. 
“Emi congratulations!” Chimera said as he lifted her up.
“““blush”“CHIRA please not in front of my friends.” Emilia said with a flustered face. 
“Sorry but I am very happy for you!” Chimera said as he embraced her instead.
“Regardless of the situation miss Emi I am honored to have a free lander to be in the Base... I look forward to your achievements miss... I mean Sergeant Emilia Freelander.” Kent said proudly.
“Thank you Ken... I mean General Anthony!” Emilia saluted.
“Now then enough of the formalities we have a feast to attend to.. Oh yes I forgot to get something in my office you all go on ahead... I’ll catch up...” Kent told them as he walked away from them.
“Alright Big brother... If their are any hot wings Ill save some for you!” Chimera shouted.
Kent walked away to his office he made sure first that no one was following him as soon as the coast was clear he uttered.
“I got that weird feeling again...” Kent said as he entered his office.
“I am sorry father...” Kyvash said with a serious look in here eyes.
Kyvash turned the chair around but it did not stop spinning her care taker Sword masters stopped the chair for her. Though nauseous from the spinning she instantly recovered the young knight was about to laugh but he held it in surprisingly well. 
“Kyvash what can I do for you and why are you hiding?” Kent asked.
“Yes I am here because Astaroth and Tyrannox managed to follow the trail where Willow’s brother was taken in this flash drive holds the data you will need to mount a rescue mission and also rescue the Vailen...” Kyvash said as she placed the flash drive on the table.
“Thank you yet I feel a but is coming in...” Kent stated.
“Yes their is... I wish to have a brand new Hive built on Ren’veil a royal guard Hive that will serve as additional security for our people... They will follow only your orders of course.” Kyvash stated.
“I might agree to that but I need my Father’s Approval and I am curious how the High Glaives produce such powerful warriors like the Sword God masters that always protect you and the Blade god masters that aided us in our escape on Vega?” Kent asked.
“I will explain in due time but this data drive will hold all the information you need, the number of people being held and the locations of possible planets for resource conversion or colonization... Think of this as my investment to the people’s future...” Kyvash said.
“I will consider this as a gift my lady... And I will talk to father soon about this.” Kent saluted.
“Very well I will talk with Father as soon as I get home... Would you like to join the party?” Kent asked.
“I wish I could but for now I need to settle a few more things with your permission I would like to go to the Redridge manner this evening?” Kyvash asked.
“Then it would be an honor for you to visit our home... But I need to get something from my desk if that is fine?” Kent asked.
Before they went on their seperate ways Kyvash told the young knight of her new Apex Prowl Hunters and gave him over 50 of these monstrous hydras they are independent thinkers but they will listen to orders of the one assigned to them by their queen. 
The young knight was free to use these new Hunters should the need arise all he needed to do was think and they will hear him. 
The young knight thanked the queen for her generous gift he placed his palm over his desk when a massive blade rack appeared out of the wall next to the door. 
He looked at the assortment of blades each one of the weapons emitted a powerful aura that the Sword Masters were being pushed back as if they were facing a world ending typhoon. 
Kyvash quickly snapped her fingers projecting her own aura field to protect her children as the blades domination field was stronger that their protection auras. 
He grabbed the double edge sword measuring 3 meters in length with a eight crowned cross as it’s sword guard with the pommel shaped like budded flower. The young knight excused himself from the room as Kyvash watched her father act the same way she remembers him long ago. 
“My Lady now that Lord Anthony agrees to your request should we not tell him of the Hunter killer’s status.” The Sword Master asked.
“He will not do anything unless he is provoked my child... For now let us head home I am a bit tired today I still need to meet Grand Father and Grand Mother later on.” Kyvash said as she opened a portal to home.
Meanwhile at the party all members of the strike Fleet including the Admiralty, the Iron Wolve’s circle of elders and the Commando teams who participated in the recruitment and selection process. Emilia was somewhat isolated as she did not go through the standard trials instead was recommended by Chimera to be a trainer but she participated in the trials where many Venerates had approved her skill as a trainer.  
Though some of the fellow trainers did not even bother to befriend her as she was a part of the clan that nearly destroyed Ren’veil and wiped out the Priestesses and mages though it was kept secret but those who knew the truth would prefer not to acquaint themselves with Emilia.
Emi looked to her glass of wine it was a solemn reminder that she was not meant to befriend anyone else but Chimera showed her another path. He tapped her shoulder and  tapped her cheek snapping her sadness out of reality.
“Miss Emi don’t look sad it will spoil your appetite... I got you your favorite... Hammer shrimp with sauce butter on the side.” Chimera said with a smile.
“Thanks Chira... You always know how to bring a girl up.” Emilia said as she took the plate.
“Emi don’t worry no one knows who you really are here... You are Emilia Freelander and soon to be Redridge so lighten up this is your day!” Aisha stated.
“I agree Miss Emilia your family’s crime is not yours to bare... It was their choice to set their path to ruin... You only did what is right and no one can hold you accountable for such an atrocity.” Arra added.
“I know Arra but It was my fault why my brother turned out like that... I should have brought him with me when I was exiled maybe things would be different if I did that...” Emilia said as she shook off the memories of her past.
“Emi always know that I am here for you... Through thick or thin I will stand by you as your shield and sword... I am your partner for life...” Chimera said with a proud growl.
“I know Chimera and I would not have it any other way...” Emilia said as she kissed him on the cheek.
With the party well underway the young knight met up with his friends and brother at their table. They were curious as to what was the broad looking sword he was holding the young knight sat down and told them it was his gift to Emilia.
It was one of the first of the 6 blades he forged on New Dawn it was called the Star Strider a blade specially built from purified star Xerromite a sub rare class ore used as a catalyst for making the strongest blade or the toughest armor. 
It can absorb heat and heal the wielder’s injuries simply by absorbing sunlight it can generate heat strong enough to turn a mountain into a lava pit. The young knight was infamous in the Forge works for making blades that are extremely powerful and may not require a weapon heart. Although the weapons he crafts are alive in their own way and will only require a small sacrifice from it’s would be wielder in order to seal the bond.
Emi pulled the blade out of the scabbard and cut herself with the blade as it absorbed her blood the blade glowed a bright warm light and transformed into a claymore blade.
“Congratulations the sun strider is now yours miss Emi... use it well.” Kent congratulated her.
“Thank you... I really appreciate it Kent.” Emilia said as she attached the scabbard on her belt.
“Thank you also big bro for giving her a chance...” Chimera said.
“Hey Faenrir wanted a challenge so he was the one who volunteered to test the trainer’s mettle so its all well and good.” Kent answered as he grabbed a carbonated drink.
“Wait Faenrir as in Primal Knight Elite Captain Faenrir Claw breaker? THAT FENRIS!!!” Chimera shouted.
“Oh no...” Kent said as his brother showed his anger.
“Chira what’s wrong?” Emi asked. 
Captain Faenrir Clawbreaker is the biological older brother of Fenris Fellfrost Captain Faenrir is one of the few knights who participated in the siege of the World ender citadel at the final battle during the 2nd great war. 
The Primal Captain is one of the rare few to see the Legendary Archon Wodan “Thunderking” Redridge and Keith “Hunter Killer” Aliucard against the demon champion Guision the thousand hands. Faenrir also earned many achievements and an impressive kill count of 5000 mid level demons under his belt.
Many aspirants and Archon candidates like Kent and Chimeara wishes to fight Faenrir it is considered a great honor for one to fight against the few Elites of the 2nd war in a duel of prowess. But Faenrir does not entertain duels unless he specifies it to be so as Elites are always needed in the front lines and have no time for pleasantries.
And when they do they will only use their free time at their own accord not even the great nobles of the Dragon-wolf can request an audience from them.
“It was a sudden request from Faenrir brother I couldn’t do anything... Besides he was only pulled out from the Border patrol because of his fleet needing resupply.” Kent explained.
“Right I wanted to have a duel with him though!” Chimera cried.
“If it means anything Chira... He gave me a tough time when I fought him.” Emi said as she comforted him.
Chimera was saddened as the elites of the 2nd war were so few and are always away from New Dawn it cause him little pain knowing that he could not even fight him. At the same time he was very proud of Emilia for being able to fight a great warrior like him. 
Kent laughed at his little brother when Aisha came up to him with a couple of drinks as well with a plan of her own. 
“Hey Kent here!” Aisha said while handing him over a very cold can of carbonated drink.
“Thank you my lady... I needed one.” Kent replied as he opened the can.
“Big Bro... I am concerned about your obsession with those carbonated drinks dont they have enough sugar to make a small marble?” Chimera asked.
“Yeah the virus inside my body converts the sugar into usable biomatter while the rest of the contents are being converted to water... I only drink it for the taste...” Kent explained.
“I know that brother but you should calm down with those drinks... Its 9:30 in the morning big bro!” Chimera added.
“Sure after this I wont drink for the mean time.” Kent said as he savored his drink.
“SO Kent... After this do you want to go to the mages temple with me?” Aisha asked.
“Very Well my Lady I would love that.” Kent replied.
“After your visit Kent please fetch me from the temple I just remembered that I am needed at the local orphanage.”Arra asked.
The young knight nodded when one of the marines approached him requesting for his assistance. The marine reported about some incidents in the mage temple about humans turning into monsters in broad day light. Many knights and marines had already been injured and the surviving knights are requesting for immediate assistance from any Crusader class or above for assistance.
Kent agreed to go when Aisha over heard the situation at the temple and wanted to go as well.
“Okay, Brother I will leave the management of the party to you... REX Get the team ready!” Kent ordered.
“YES SIR!” Rex saluted.
The team along with some marine and knight venerates boarded their respective gunships and made their way to the Mage temple at shion. 
On their way Kent and the other captains listened on the reports from the on site guards who first saw the incident and from knight aspirants who responded to the alert.
“Okay so something is turning the mages into monsters... But according to the reports the mages still have some shred of their humanity but over time they lose it... Interesting...” Kent said.
“General If I may how many casualties so far?” Captain Yurfa asked.
“So far over 50 wounded 5 critically injured 3 aspirants incapacitated and several civilians wounded from the initial explosive magic used on the aspirant sergeant treko.” Captain Ignus reported.
“Okay... Set up a perimeter 3 miles around the tower have knight elites perform routine patrols around the area make sure no mage escapes using the underground tunnels and sewage system. Have the science and medical teams set up a isolation zone so we can study the thing that caused all this.” Kent ordered.
“Sir if I may how certain are we that this is not caused by a virus or an air born infection of some kind?” Captain Mugen asked.
“If it were the case then a lot of people including the marines turned into monsters already... But have the Templar apocrypha’s check the air for any contagions just to be sure. I almost forgot and have any non knight personnel we have right now wear level 5 bio hazard equipment and bio-masks before we land.” Kent ordered. 
“Lady Aisha please wear my helmet... I will be okay without it.” Kent said as he handed her his pressurized mask.
Aisha nodded while the young knight helped her wear his mask it scanned her retina and changed it’s form based on her specifications. the mask that normal covers most of Kent’s face only leaving the left eye to actually see and several sensors on the forehead, sides and the back of the head helped him have a full 360 view of any battle.
Instead the mask’s initial features of heavy protection was removed and replaced with a full indestructible visor with a bio-air filter and several smaller but efficient sensors that can help her see around her.
“Aisha can you breath easy in the helmet?” Kent asked.
“Yeah but it smells like you in this thing... I will borrow it later...” Aisha stated.
“Note to self must wash the inner part of my helmet after each use...” Kent thought.
“General look it’s getting bad down there its getting bad!” Marky shouted.
“Right No time for flirting... Marky and Rex non-lethal rounds only Clayton, Genji, and Miss Willow With me... Lady Aisha please remain on the gunship while we take care of this.” Kent ordered.
“Um boss... she already jumped out!” Clayton said.
Kent looked out the gunship to see Aisha falling from the sky and somehow landed safely on the ground with her magic. The young knight felt a bit stupid for giving an order to Aisha who is a civilian and was an illogical move on his part.
“So boss um should we?” Genji asked.
“Just jump already... I feel very stupid right now for ordering Aisha...” Kent said outloud.
“At least we know your human boss... “”Jumped out the gunship”“ Big bro you owe me 20 credits!” Genji shouted.
“HEY COME BACK HERE THAT DOESN’T COUNT!” Clayton shouted as he jumped out. 
“General if you shall excuse me I will scold those two when we get back.” Willow said as she waited for the gunship to land.
“Right... But Willow please take it easy since this will be your first time in battle with your New body.” Kent reminded his friend.
Willow nodded she was still getting used to the absurd strength her new body has and the new bow that the Forge masters made for her was heavier than her previous bow and more stronger than the first. The young knight tapped her on the shoulder reminding that she will always have a friend to count on. 
He free felled from the gunship and almost immediately he managed to stomp down one monster that was about to escape containment. Though he made sure that the impact was not lethal it was enough to knock out the mage. Kent turned to check on the other knights Clayton was grabbed by one of the monsters and thrown towards the young knight.
Kent grabbed him by the collar and arm saving him from impacting the wall the promethian sergeant got back up he was very furious.
“Thanks boss man... HEY YOU GET BACK HERE I AIN’T DONE WITH YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Clayton shouted.
“Captain these mages turned monsters are getting stronger by the second we could use some extra muscle... Dread knight class muscles!” A knight shouted.
“ Understood we have already called a few of them in but they are about 5 minutes out.” Rex shouted.
Aisha used her magic and restrained most of the monsters with Earth claw and ice shackles. With her help the knights and marines were able to place the restriction fields on the magemonsters. One of the monsters was able to break through Aisha’s restraining magic and fully lost their minds to their instinctive nature.
It rushed towards the young mage as several knights tried to stop it they were thrown out of the way instead. She needed time to cast a more powerful restraining magic when it was about to crush her. The young knight pushed her out of the way with a deep breath his hands began to flow as if they hand no bones in them. 
With only seconds before the monster could slam it’s massive fist over the young knight he closed his eyes and uttered. 
“Shadow Fire Art... Claws of the raging wind!” Kent whispered.
The shadow fire art enveloped his arms with a strange black and white aura turning his fingers into miniature spears. With a single thrust his arms became a machine gun and struck the monster in the vital pressure points that controlled movement. With each thrust he was able to toss the monster out of harms way from his men and the civilians trying to get to safety. 
With the monster incapacitated the knights applied medical care to it and added a restriction field to ensure no one else will be harmed.
He ran to Aisha’s side and helped her back up asking if she was unharmed aside from the fall and a scrap on her arm she was safe. 
The knights and marines who learned about their founder Blazer ShadowFire he had many books about teaching knights about the different styles of fighting including ancient martial arts. 
Only a few Champion class knights are able to perform and re-create the techniques in the books but only a direct descendant can unleash their true power. If any Zerrohnian or Xer-razh were to see the technique is a great privilege on its own. 
Later that Day with the Mage tower Hazard Knights were sent into the Tower to search for the source of the monster transformation and Apocrypha’s searched the area high and low for any external threats within a 5 mile radious. 
They deemed the area safe and free from any air born contagions Kent asked Aisha and the surviving mages to check if their was any magic involved in the outbreak.
Aisha told them no summoning or transfiguration circles were found in the area something bothered here when one of the monsters Kent defeated spewed out blood. 
The blood of a Vai’len is a bright red despite any health conditions the blood of a Vai’len will always be bright red but it was darker and the blood almost was similar to acid when came into contact with anything that had life.
“This is not much Kent but it has to be something right?” Aisha asked.
 “It is... Lily... Please extract a blood sample from one of the monsters and see if their are any mysteries inside their blood?” Kent asked.
“Im already done Kent and surprise surprise... Their are a lot of surprises inside their DNA... I am sending you the data I have so far but I’ll get back to you once we have more info.” Lily replied. 
The report from the science and medical team was sent to everyone inside the briefing room and the details were confusing. According to the medical report their blood had nano-machine cells fast replicating and primitive type of machine cells. 
It drew in the energy inside the mage’s body and with the right triggering effect the mage’s body will turn into a beast as a result. No knight hermit or scientist on New Dawn or the Entire legion could do such a monstrous thing to their own kin and brother. It would mean death for them if this was to be true but nothing was said and done until more information was found.
It was an absurd amount of machine cells inside their blood that caused the abnormal change. Kent immediately ordered all the personnel of the mage tower to be detained and questioned by the Crusaegrum mind seekers. 
 Aisha was safe because she was at the trainer’s welcoming party several hours before the incident came to be and she was at the Redrdige manner even before the incident transpired.
“Lady Aisha this might take a while but you may want to get some rest in the secure camp... I’ll be with you in a moment.” Kent requested.
“Okay... Just don’t take too long?” Aisha asked as she was escorted to the camp. 
Once she left Kent and the team including some Elite knights nodded as if they noticed something. 
Kent clenched his fist slowly as he smacked the air behind him when they heard a satisfying bone cracking sound. All of a sudden Rex pulled out his vibration knife and started slashing in front of him and the knight elite near the door grabbed something from this air and slammed his fist into the object as its head exploded in a violent gore of blood show. 
“Alert every knight and marine we have infiltrators in the area... Lock down the air space have every ship we have scan for Electro magnetic signatures for any stealth ships...” Kent ordered.
“Yes sir!” The Elites saluted.
“WE are going to need prowl hunters... wait a minute...” Kent stated.
He remembered the Apex prowl Hunters that Kyvash gave him earlier today and remembered that all he needed to call them was a thought and they will come.
With a single thought the ground began to shake as 3 of the Apex Prowl hunters who were taller and have darker scales than their cousin. Their muscles are stronger and their mantis like arms have twin blades that can vibrate intensely causing matter around them to split apart. 
They also have 4 mandible like arms on their backs that can extend for 5 to 6 meters and can puncture 50 inch adamantine reinforced steel walls. The Apex hunters roared as they busted out of the ground and attacked the cloaked assassins with no mercy. 
One of the hunters fired a volley of razor sharp spines from it’s shoulders melting and shredding the assassin into pieces. Another assassin tried to Kill Willow from behind but was easily dealt with by the Hunter’s 4 mandibles that impaled it on the fore head, neck and heart.
With the room cleared the pact leader of the Apex hunters looked at Kent with it’s blood thirsty eyes bowing before it’s master asking what is their orders.
“Kill all assassins within this area that turned the vai’len mages into monsters Do not let them escape no matter what... Protect the civilians near here... that is my order.” Kent said to the apex Hunter.
“By your will Master...” The hunter said as they burrowed into the ground.
“Sir is it right to trust those things?” Rex asked.
“It’s fine... They were given to me by Kyvash and this would be a perfect for them to prove themselves to the legion kingdom... Its about time we gave our allies some credit.” Kent explained.
“Wait boss if these assassins managed to pass our sensor defense grid then who knows how many are in this camp.” Clayton stated.
“Then that means... Oh no... Aisha!” Kent thought as he busted through the door.
Kent rushed to the secured camp site where Aisha stayed in she settled down she used the built in shower. She got into the shower the falling water made it difficult to hear from the outside the young knight rushed to Aisha’s camp. The assassin pulled out his knife in an attempt to stab the mage when Kent opened the door she was not in her chamber. 
Just before the assassin could deal the final blow a blade pierced the assassins chest. Kyvash appeared from the shadows as she leaned towards the assassins ear and open the assassins helmet she partially changed her face into a monstrous nightmare.
“Let’s talk shall we?” Kyvahs whispered.
With a sadistic smile Kyvash placed her hand over the assassin’s mouth and disappeared into the portal. Kent busted down the door looking for the assassin he heard the shower was on as he opened the door to his surprise Aisha was safe and sound.
“KENT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!” Aisha shouted covering herself at the same time.
“Aisha I... Um...” Kent mumbled.
He stuttered  for the first time in his life when he saw a naked girl specially if the girl he was looking at is the one he loves. Aisha’s face turned beat red as she screamed to the top of her lungs and followed with a thunderous slap to the face. 
Later that evening the two went back to the manner when Chimera and Coralline noticed the hand mark on his face.
“Brother... I?” Chimera asked.
“DON’T... Ask!” Kent said when the mark hurt. 
“I can picture what happened big brother...” Coralline snickered.
“SO how is everyone doing today?” Charlotte asked.
“I am doing great miss Charlotte I am going to start tomorrow as a n instructor.” Emilia said.
“And I will be their to support her since I am already done with my civil duties today so I’m free for an entire week.” Chimera added. 
“I found out that their is another race trying to get their hands on the Vai’len mages so I guess that’s a bonus...” Kent said.
“Kent family rules no business on the dinner table... But I can feel what happened to you today.” Charlotte winked. 
“”“sigh”“ Mom please...” Kent begged.
“I’m sorry Kent I just got surprised... and...” Aisha said as she covered her face.
“See what I mean...” Charlotte giggled. 
“I can take a guess to what happened to you today sis and it’s okay... This is one way for us all to get our relationship into some progress.” Arra stated.
“I am confused...” Kent said.
“You are telling me Father...” Kyvash said through telepathy.
 “What” Kent asked.
“Father don’t be alarmed I am only communicating with you... I am about a minute’s walk away from the ancestral home please be ready.” Kyvash asked.
“Oh right... Mother, Father... I have an important guest that wishes to meet you for the past several months... She will be here in a moment.” Kent said as they moved to the living room.
Everyone was surprised to whom was this person as they moved to the living room Aisha suspected it might be another girl that he wanted to introduce to the family. Arra believed it might be a beast folk that he wished to take care of though their guesses were wild and amazing. 
Meanwhile at the gate of the Redridge manner Kyvash and an entourage of her most elite amongst the elite escorted her to the ancestral house of her family.
“Mother are your sure you wish to go alone?” The Sword Master Troa asked.
“I will be fine Troa... Thank you for your concern but this is one of the safest place on Ren’veil but the Assassin we captured earlier please get as much information as you can if he does not cooperate... Extract the information as painfully as possible.” Kyvash ordered.
“By your will my queen.” Troa replied.
She took a deep breath and knocked three times on the door after a brief moment the young knight welcomed the Queen into his home.
What awaited them was just another step into a brighter tomorrow. 
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Bodyguard III: Avengers Assemble (Chapter 15) (B. Urie x Reader)
You stood with your back against the metal railing of the balcony, arms folded across your chest defensively as your foot tapped against the tiled floor. Right across from you was Brendon, leaning against the wall with one hand stuffed in the front pocket of his jeans and the other absentmindedly combing through his hair.
This had been the case for the last five minutes, during which neither of you uttered a single word to one another, despite that being the reason you were both standing in each other’s company in the first place.
“You know,” you sucked on your teeth, taking the initiative and breaking the silence, “usually when someone says ‘I need to talk to you’, they actually talk to you.”
The agent’s jaw muscles tensed up as he gave a small, barely noticable nod, seemingly agreeing with your words. Yet, it still took a minute before he spoke.
“What I did… pretending to die, disappearing for a year…it was stupid. It was stupid, it was irrational and I-” he started out in his usual tone, strong and confident and controlled and Brendon, but all of that faltered towards the end, and you got the tiniest of glimpses at his vulnerability, “I never should have done it.”
He didn’t look at you as he spoke, rather boring a hole in the floor with his intense stare, as he shook his head, almost as if he were disgusted with himself.
“I never should have done it,” he repeated, “I never should have left you. Not like that.”
“But you did,” you whispered, averting your gaze downwards as well. You were afraid to look at him; doing so would’ve thrown you off completely. “You did. And I just-“ you breathed out, “I just want to know why. What was so important that you had to do what you did in order to deal with it? ‘Cause ever since you came back, that’s the question that’s been burning at the back of my mind and for the life of me, I cannot figure out the answer.”
“I went looking for my brother.”
Your lips parted and your eyes narrowed, the admission shocking you. Brendon was not at all family-orientated. In fact, the only time he’d ever mentioned any sort of familial ties was when he had told you he had never met his father. He’d never even mentioned a mother, let alone a brother – so his sudden revelation that he had disappeared in search of his sibling caught you entirely off guard.
“Brother?” you furrowed your brows, your head moving forward slightly, “I didn’t know you had a brother.”
“Yeah, well,” he huffed, again running his fingers through his hair, “He’s not someone I’m exactly proud to be associated with.”
“So why risk everything to go looking for him?” you pressed, failing to understand his logic or reasoning.
Pushing himself off of the wall, he stepped closer. “I needed answers,” he explained, looking you dead in the eyes, “About my family, my father… myself… and he was the only one who could give them to me.”
Nodding to show your comprehension, you uncrossed your arms and let them drop to your sides. “Willing to share that information with me?” you tried your luck, but already knew what his answer would be.
His eyes softened slightly. “Some other time. I promise.”
Even though you had every reason not to, you believed him.
“So that’s it?” you sighed, “You did it because you wanted to find your brother? Why didn’t you just tell me that? Brendon, I would have understood.”
“I know,” he mumbled, shutting his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, “But I didn’t, and I can’t change that now. Just belive me when I say that I know that it was hell for you, and I hate myself for that.”
Swallowing to try and alleviate the dryness in your throat, you looked down in embarrassment. It’s true that the past twelve months were insanely hard for you, and you did some things you weren’t proud of. For some reason, the thought of Brendon knowing of them brought along a feeling of shame. Ironic, considering he was a major cause of it.
“What did Spencer tell you?” you breathed.
“Enough.” He took a step nearer to you. “Enough to make me regret doing it in the first place. Enough to make me more ashamed of myself than I’ve ever been.” He placed two fingers under your chin and tilted your head up so that you were looking at him again. “Enough to make me promise that I will never, ever leave you again.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, taking it all in.
“I was so ready to kill you,” you whispered, then let out a short chuckle.
His lips twitched. “I would’vekilled me.”
“I hate you,” you reminded.
“I know,” he said softly, “Come here.”
He pulled you in gently, bringing you to his chest and holding you. His lips pressed to your forehead in a gentle kiss, then he rested his chin on top of your head, squeezing you tighter.
And just like that, all of the resentment you had been harbouring toward him melted away in a second. It was astonishing, really, how easily he had gotten you to cave in and forgive him. Mildly concerning, even.
But that was just how things were when it came to Brendon. Everything, every action, every word, every emotion was fast-paced, intense, and undisputably compelling.
Which is why even if you wanted to, you couldn’t walk away.
The next day. Conference room, S.H.I.E.L.D HQ.
“I’m glad you guys talked it out,” Dallon said as worked on setting up the holographic displays in the middle of the room above the table, “The tension was unbearable for all of us.”
Even though his back was toward you and he couldn’t see your face, you still scrunched it up in distaste, straddling a swivvel chair as your arms dangled over the backrest.
“All of youshould get a life and stop concerning yourselves with mine,” you sassed, eliciting a half-offended laugh from the techie.
“Yours is so much more interesting, though,” he looked over his shoulder at you with an innocent smile.
Narrowing your eyes, you pursed your lips and pointed an accusatory finger his way. “Don’t think you’re off the hook, mister. I’m still unbelievable pissed at you for your part in all this, and I’ll get payback. Although, I must admit,” you tilted your head side to side, “a little bit impressed by how well you did. I can’t belive you of all people managed to keep it a secret.”
“Hey, I’m great at keeping secrets!” he defended, turning around sharply. “No need to be surprised about it!”
“That’s not what I heard,” you taunted in sing-song voice, lightly swivveling in your seat.
“What…” he started out sounding panicky but after taking a second to compose himself, folded his arms and cleared his throat before continuing, “what did you hear? Did Corvey say something about the Christmas party of 2009? Because that was not my fault.”
Stifling a laugh, you widened your eyes and made a zipping motion over your lips, letting the chair swing all the way around.
Now facing the entrance, your eyes were drawn to The Hounds as they swaggered into the room, clad in their usual tactical uniforms. You had heard about the three men before via break room conversations with some other agents, but up until now had not had the chance to see them in person for introductions.
One look at them told you everything you needed to know about the tactical team, and it was evident that their reputations did not lie.
You stood up so that you could greet them properly, the smallest of smiles gracing your features as they stopped in front of you. Reigns was the first one to step forward and extend his hand, gripping your hand in a firm but friendly handshake.
“Roman Reigns,” he introduced, deep voice reverberating off the glass walls, “pleasure to meet you. Been a long time coming.”
“Definitely has been,” you agreed.
All three men were already well aware of who you were – everyone was – so they left no oppurtunity for you to speak your name; Rollins stepped up almost immediately after.
“I’m Seth Rollins,” he spoke; his handshake was much like his voice – choppy and soft, “also known as ‘the only one on this team with brains’. Call me what you chose; I answer to both.”
His teammates showed their aversity through glares and side-eye, as you gave a short laugh at the two-toned agent’s joke.
Last but definitely not least, Ambrose moved forward, extending an arm to shove his two friends back, causing them to stumble a little. Already knowing where this was headed, Reigns and Rollins groaned; the former shutting his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose and the latter shaking his head in disapproval.
“Dean Ambrose,” he grinned, shooting you a wink as he gently took your hand in his, “and you… are somuch hotter in person, are you kidding me- hey!”
His head jerked around sharply so that he could scowl at Rollins, who had given him a solid slap on the back of his neck.
“Not this one, bro,” Rollins reminded in a hushed tone, “Unless you have a death wish.”
“What?” Ambrose pointed at himself. “I was just being nice.”
Speaking up, you diffused the situation. “Thank you for the compliment, Dean,” you smiled, then raised one brow and nudged him with your elbow, “You’re pretty hot, yourself.”
“Ha!” the blue-eyed agent’s face lit up as he laughed, chucking a triumphant look at his two friends before moving to throw one arm around your shoulders, “See… I have a feeling we’re gonna be great friends. Hey, there he is!”
Spotting Brendon entering the room, Ambrose extended both of his arms to the sides. The brooding agent tossed a fleeting look at you and the Hound as he strolled in, showing that he had spotted the half-embrace you had been in, but said nothing about it.
“Your majesty,” Ambrose greeted Brendon, dropping down into a series of bows.
Scoffing, Brendon shook his head. “Stand your stupid ass up.”
“Aw, I missed you, too,” the Hound stood up and poked Brendon’s cheek affectionately.
Smacking the intruding hand away, Brendon greeted Reigns and Rollins with what you assumed to be some sort of secret handshake, then made his way over to the table.
“Alright, Weekes,” he breathed, pulling up his sleeves and leaning open-palmed on the glass tabletop, “Do your thing.”
“With pleasure,” the techie smiled. After pressing a few buttons on his display, he sent an array of information flying into the space above the table.
The rest of you gathered around, taking in as much as you could as you looked on at the various pictures and pieces of information. Once he had eveything he needed to explain, Dallon began the brief.
“I’ll keep this as short as possible, which,” the techie skewed his mouth to the side, his fingers twirling a pen, “won’t be that hard, considering there’s not much we know about this particular mission. Basically…” he pointed at profile shots of a group of people at the edge of the hologram, “young couples are being abducted in major cities all over the world. There’s been over twenty reported cases so far. All within roughly the same age group, good physical condition, and with barely any family or friends. In fact, the only reason most of them were reported missing was because their employers became concerned when they stopped showing up to work.”
“Runaways?” Rollins queried, dwelling on the fact that the victims weren’t family orientated.
Dallon shrugged. “Potentially. Although their way of living shows no indication of it.”
“How did this fall onto S.H.I.E.L.D’s radar?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Reigns backed you up, frowning slightly, “Sounds more like a FBI or Interpol gig, to me.”
With a toothy grin, Dallon pointed his pen between the two of you. “Ah, but here’s the kicker.” The techie dished out tablets to each of you, and you all immediately looked down at what was on the screen. “The abductees? They’ve been spotted in various countries, and witnesses describe them as having ‘superhuman abilities’.”
“Yep, that sounds more like our kinda thing,” Ambrose pursed his lips.
Everyone in the room exchanged a look after finishing reading through the information on your tablets. The agreement was unspoken.
“Alright,” Brendon said as he placed his device onto the table, “Where are we headed?”
Dallon gave a devilish smirk. “Vegas.”
Thank you for reading x
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weneverlearn · 6 years
"Our kids were conceived to that one.”
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Chewing the fat with Marshall Crenshaw about his 1983 classic, just reissued on Intervention Records
It’s not often you get one of your all time favorite albums from your dentist.
So I’m in 9th grade, and making back and forths in the parents’ station wagon to the dental school at Case Western Reserve University because my four top front teeth were all agog. (My mom figured it was because I’d fallen down the basement stairs when I was one and landed on my face.) Numerous visits that included poking, prodding, and endless numbing shots into the inside of the top jaw was no way to enter the high school years. But having a hep craw doc helped. 
Dr. Sasthma (”It’s like asthma, but with an S” -- funny guy) was his name, and between spit suction and implorations to floss more, we fit in fun music discussions. On the last visit right before the big pulling and twisting procedure, Sasthma sits me down and says, “This one today ain’t gonna be easy, but I’ve got a little prize for you afterwards.” And for the next hour and a half, I sat there with my mouth open (some would say that would not be out of the ordinary), while the doc poked around and made chin-scratching/brow-furrowing decisions, all while my jaw muscles started to atrophy.
Finally, when it was done, he reaches behind the giant dentist chair claw machine thing and pulls out Marshall Crenshaw’s debut album (Warner Bros., 1982). After I had regaled him with how much I liked “Someday, Someway” at the previous visit, he said he tracked down the album for me, though the shrink wrap had been peeled. “Well, I had to give it a listen, and yeah, it’s great!”
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L-R: Robert Crenshaw, Marshall Crenshaw, Chris Donato - Photographer unknown
Not only did that little act make me much more tolerant of dentist visits going forward, it gave me one of my favorite albums. Crenshaw’s revived Buddy Holly-meets-nervous with opening pickup lines pop classicism was like a fresh, new toothbrush over all the dreary, dusty, classic rock of my Cleveland radio dial depression, until I took a sharp left into college radio that summer where I first heard Crenshaw, and a lot more. (Thanks WCSB, WRUW, and WUJC!) 
It’s hard to imagine today, hearing Crenshaw’s should-couldabeen power pop nuggets, but his clean looks and simple two-minute tunes made him a little too throwback odd for mainstream radio back then. Who knows or cares, as he still piled up an impressive major label canon before furthering into a long-running career of solid albums and consistent touring. The days of figuring out the whys and hows of mainstream radio play now seems about as useful as wondering how to get better reception on your TV.
Crenshaw’s sophomore album, Field Day (Warner Bros., 1983)? Maybe even better, filled with a slightly wider songwriting palette and production to match it. The term “sophomore album” never fit better for me, as it landed right around my sophomore year, and was a perfect companion on my journey into hook-heavy rock’n’roll obsession and mythical, sun-setting summer romance mythology/reality. 
So imagine my excitement when I got a press release about an impending reissue of Field Day. Despite it’s initial hefty, if brief, publicity push, Top 40-sniffing hit single (”Whenever You’re on My Mind”), and big time producer (Steve Lillywhite), the record didn’t (say it with me) “sell as much as hoped for.” And though Crenshaw did not fall into the usual “got dropped” holes (three more major label albums followed), Field Day did lag just a bit behind the CD explosion, having fallen out of print, and was never given a proper CD version for a few years. 
I only point this out because, goddamn it, it’s a perfect guitar pop record and is one of the best of that fleeting, early-80s moment where bright-eyed corners of the record industry hoped the world might once again embrace melancholy-flecked, otherwise blue-sky singalong songs. ‘Twas that “skinny tie” moment where loads of slacks-sporting Midwesterners parlayed punk’s energy into their pre-teen guitar lessons filled with Beatles covers. And in even that, Crenshaw did not exactly fit -- kind of the front tooth along my otherwise straight top row.
Upstart vinyl reissue label, Intervention Records -- who seem to have a knack for snaring ol’ major label titles from oblivion --  recently released a fine, vinyl-only edition of Field Day, including an extra 12″ EP of remix and live stuff, and different artwork.
I caught up with Crenshaw internet-wise to get his take on the new update of his old classic. 
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If memory serves, I saw you play "High School" by the MC5 at an outdoor BBQ fest thing in downtown Cleveland in, like, 1985/6. Any memories of that, and did you cover that tune often? 
I remember that event in Cleveland, like a fried-chicken festival, right? I remember that we used "The Greasy Chicken,” by Andre Williams as walk-on music that day (and on other days). The MC5 song would've been "Tonight.” I never played "High School,” except with DKT-MC5 in 2004. I played "Tonight" a lot over the years. I grew up in the Detroit area, was a big MC5 fan. "Tonight" was sort of a local hit single, got played on CKLW. A band that I was in played it at an audition for a dance at our high school, and I can still picture a girl sitting in front of me watching me play and sing that song, really enthralled by what we were doing. That girl was Ione. She and I are still together.
You grew up in Detroit, right? When did you move, and what were some early influences from living in Detroit, music and otherwise?
I lived in the Detroit area from birth (1953) until 1977, grew up with Rock and Roll music all around me, fell in love with the music during childhood. Detroit was a big test market for records. There were lots of regional hits, on national and local labels. Two that immediately come to mind are, "When You Walk In the Room" by Jackie DeShannon, and "Mind Over Matter" by Nolan Strong and The Diablos -- both massive Detroit hits, both part of my musical DNA. As far as influences besides music go, I don't know where to start. That could turn into a book.
Though the only book Crenshaw has done so far was this excellent compendium of rock’n’roll movies; also, his musical knowledge goes deep. If you can do so, track down this amazing hillbilly compilation he put together in 1989.
Field Day, in title and cover art, was a reference to high school, I assume. But I remember some reviews saying that that record was a kind of more mature version of you -- bigger production, some more serious themes, etc. So what was your inspiration for the high school nod?
I had nothing whatsoever to do with creating the packaging for that record. When we finished recording, I went on vacation with Ione and Robert to visit Robert's girlfriend at the time. She was working on location outside Prague on the movie Amadeus (which I've still never seen. I should see it, I saw it being made). And when I got back, the album cover had been put together by my then-manager. His father co-owned a big company that published magazines. My manager had worked for that company for a minute, and thought that the presentation of images was something that he knew something about. I hated the album’s front cover, got talked into approving it. OOPS! I don't think Warners was pleased that instead of using their art department, he'd hired an expensive design firm to create such a dodgy end-product. He came up with the title; I do like the title, didn't think of high school when he suggested it. "Having a field day" is just a figure of speech, doesn't refer to high school, necessarily. It just means "having a great time,” and indeed we really had a great time making the album.
It said the art for this reissue is how you originally intended. 
I wanted to change the front cover for the reissue, was extremely happy that Intervention Records was into the idea. The only thing that made sense was to use some pre-existing artwork from the time period, namely the front of the picture sleeve for the "Whenever You're On My Mind” 7″.
I just loved Field Day when it came out. I am sure you are more than aware of the "debates" over the production -- which to me made total sense for those songs and that point of your career. What is your take on what you asked of Steve Lillywhite, and how you felt it turned out, back then?
I'm really glad that you like it. I know that the album was "controversial" in the day. I think that all the criticism it got back then was completely lame. When I listened to the first playback of the finished mixes, I had my feet up on the edge of the console; I thought, “This is an album that can kick the world's ass.” We all loved working with Steve. He was the only producer that I talked to going in, my first choice. He said yes right away, and that was that.
I'll assume you were involved in this reissue. What were your thoughts on revisiting it?
I heard about the reissue project after it was already underway, and was just delighted about it. I'd even say that I felt a sense of gratitude that somebody wanted to honor the album, which is what Intervention has done. As a career experience, "Field Day" was an instance where the party-train just ran right into the ditch. I loved the album, didn't get why some people were perplexed by it. I got the test pressing from Intervention and was knocked out. It's just a unique and beautiful Rock and Roll record, if you ask me. And the people at Intervention love it as much as I do.
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Your’s truly probably bugging Crenshaw about the MC5 again, post-back alley gig, August, 2012, NYC
Any good stories during the recording of Field Day? In-studio disputes, after-session shenanigans, anything like that?
I don't remember any disputes until after the record was done -- then the shit-storm began. We had nothing but fun while doing it, and there was a festive atmosphere at the sessions. They were all at night, and afterwards we'd go out. I remember going one night to the Roxy Roller Rink disco on the West Side with Steve and a couple of the other guys. This was when hip-hop was first starting to come downtown. When we finally got out of there it was broad daylight. "Monday Morning Rock" was partly inspired by that night...
"Whenever You're on My Mind" was a demo for awhile before it appeared on Field Day, right? How come it didn't make it onto the debut?
I wrote that one before I wrote most of the songs on my first album. When I did the first album I wanted to do all the newer ones first. I'm always most excited about whatever the new thing is. But then, going into "Field Day," I was really glad to have "Whenever" in reserve. And I'm glad that it got recorded when it did, under those circumstances.
The instrumental of "Blues is King" from that era is one of my favorite instrumentals, and just has one of those, maybe accidental, gorgeous, simple demo production vibes. Was that originally an instrumental and you decided to add lyrics later, or what?
I did that instrumental version after I'd written the music; the lyrics didn't happen until a few months later. I do like it as just a piece of instrumental music. And those are Mosrite guitars, which I love the sound of.
Field Day standout, "Our Town" -- when you made Field Day, I believe you'd been living in NYC for awhile. Did you pine to get on a train back to Detroit sometimes? What were the bad and good things about trying to get your music career going in NYC in the very early 1980s?
I never pined to get back to Detroit (although I like visiting there now). That song was written about New York. I'd been on the road for most of a year when I wrote it. I did take a train to Detroit once, from NYC. It was during the last days when Michigan Central Station was still being used by Amtrak. I'd never seen the station during it's heyday, but when I got there it looked not that different than what it looks like now, like an absolute wreck. I still remember the look on my mother's face standing there waiting for me. She looked like she felt ashamed, and like, "You had to take the train and make me go through this, right?" Getting my music career going in NYC in the early '80s was a blast. The scene embraced us right away. It was like dying and going to heaven. 
Did you find yourself attracted to the CBGB scene at the time? 
Yes, we played CBGB many times. I think we even held an attendance record there for a minute, or maybe I dreamt that. But our last couple shows there were mob scenes. I really had my ears and mind open in all different directions during those years in New York, and I can't overstate how much I loved the NY scene then, with all it's diversity, innovation, etc. I'm still proud to have been part of it. And I'm including NY radio in this declaration. I had lots of great go-to stations like WBLS and WKTU ("urban"), WLIB (Caribbean music), WFMU (free-form), WKCR (Jazz), WNYU, with "The Afternoon Show,” and the "Wavebreaker" countdown on Fridays, WNEW ('cause they played us). On and on...
There were a ton of "skinny tie" power pop bands around in the very early '80s too, many from the Midwest. Did you play with the Shoes, Knack, Romantics, Plimsouls, etc.? Were there ones that stuck out for you? I feel like you weren't roped into that signing frenzy trend though.
I played with The Plimsouls in NY once. I loved them, became friends with Peter [Case] back then. But one of my fears in those days was that anybody might lump us in with that Anglophile “skinny tie” thing. I hated most of it, not all of it. I didn't like The Knack, didn't identify with what they were doing, didn't want anybody to identify us with what they were doing. I feel bad saying so, but I'm answering your question. Again, we came out of the NY club scene which was really diverse and eclectic. I wanted our stuff to reflect that as best I could. Another one of my fears, since we took off so fast in NY, was that somebody might tag us as the "Next Big Thing,” and unfortunately that did happen. I had a real sense of doom when I read all that stuff about my first album in Rolling Stone.
Oh, also, we were never part of any signing frenzy. We got our record deal by packing out every NY club we played at, getting our stuff on "mainstream" FM rock radio when they never played local bands on indie labels. We earned it the way you did back then.
"What Time Is It?" -- how did you decide on that cover? I assume you were a big doo wop fan. Once you got to NYC, did you get to play with or meet any old doo wop favorites?
I don't think that happened, but now I wish that it had. It would've been great to meet Randy and The Rainbows, for instance. "Denise" is one of those records that gets me every time. Or Eugene Pitt of The Jive Five. It's too bad I never met him, even after I covered their tune (actually a Feldman-Goldstein-Gottehrer tune, but anyway).
Can you tell me about the making of the "Whenever You're on My Mind" video? Were you one of those who was suspicious of videos back then?
Hahahahaha! By the time we did that one I was really enthusiastic about videos, wanted us to get on that bandwagon. It seemed like most of my favorite ones were British, so we went over there and found a British director. I'm laughing thinking about it now. We tried.
Finally, where would you rank Field Day in your catalog? 
I was really on my game just then. It was some kind of a pinnacle, as far as that moment in my life goes. And it seems to be my most beloved album. People tell me all kinds of things about it, like, "Our kids were conceived to that one.”
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oddree13 · 7 years
Bittersweet Nursey/Dex RP
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like nurseydex, and dex/nursey.
Stranger: What sort of coffee do you want. I'm at Annie's. -WP
You: If I tell you my order will you chirp me? DN
Stranger: Nah -WP
Stranger: I'm in a nice mood today -WP
You: Fine. Can you get me the salted caramel mocha please. Largest they have. I'll pay you back. DN
Stranger: Yes, yes, and no. -WP
You: Dude it's a pricey drink so let me just pay for it. DN
Stranger: I don't mind, honestly. You get stuff for me sometimes. -WP
You: Yeah but that's because reasons. DN
Stranger: Cuz what reasons? -WP
You: Just reasons dude. DN Like you never expect and that particular smile is a good look on you. ND
Stranger: ... -WP
Stranger: I Feel like I'm doing that smile rn -WP
You: Probably not. You've probably got on that bashful smile you get when someone compliments you not for your hard work. DN
Stranger: You're documenting all of my smiles now? -WP
Stranger: God gave me the gayest roommate -WP
You: Look I didn't try to, I just notice things...DN
Stranger: It's fine -WP
Stranger: I actually like that you pay attention to me. Makes me feel less stupid for doing the same to you -WP
You: Funny Poindexter. Like you'd waste time on me. DN
Stranger: How can you go from being chill to an ass in 3 seconds? -WP
You: I'm not an ass just realistic. DN You've got better things to do then pay attention to me off the ice. DN
Stranger: Then I'm a fucking moron for not doing whatever better things I've got to do. -WP
You: I didn't say that. You're putting words in my mouth. DN
Stranger: I literally did not accuse you of saying that, I'm saying it about my own goddamn self -WP
Stranger: Jesus Christ i'm trying to be civil and you act like we're still freshman and i've got it out for you -WP
You: You aren't a moron at all. DN
You: And you're right I got defensive sorry. ND
Stranger: All of you like... fucking harped on me to change and I've been doing my best, and I think I'm doing good but I feel like I'm being treated like I pull the same shit I used to. -WP
Stranger: Just... let me be nice. Stop thinking it's a joke or I'm being sarcastic or whatever shit goes through your head. -WP
You: I don't think like that because it's coming from you. I think that about everyone. DN And you've changed. A lot. It's noticable and I'm super proud of you dude. DN
Stranger: Well I'm doing one of those stupid smiles again so thx for that -WP
Stranger: I'm almost back to the Haus -WP I got Chowder 2 of those cake bars. Let him know? He's not answering his texts (is Cait over????) -WP
You: Yeah Cait is over. I've got music going on in our room for that reason. DN
Stranger: Baaaaarffff -WP I guess we can have the cake bars then I don't want them getting old and gross -WP
You: More for us then. DN
Stranger: I like them anyways. They're like cake pops but bigger -WP
You: Oh yeah those a great. DN
Stranger: Can you come get the door for me I panicked and left without one of those drink carriers -WP
You: Nursey chuckled and put down his phone. Walking downstairs, and trying to not hear the noise coming from Chowder's room, he opened the door for Dex and helped him with the drinks. "What do you mean you panicked?"
Stranger: Dex nodded a thank-you at Nursey and handed him his large drink. "Thank god for Siri or our stuff would've eaten shit." He entered the room, his face getting red after hearing a shout and a laugh coming from Chowder's room. After closing his door he tossed the bag of cake treats onto Nursey's bottom bunk. "Jeez. They sound like they're having way too much fun, the fuck."
Stranger: *He didn't really want to explain his weird bouts of panic, so he hoped that if he ignored it Nursey wouldn't ask again.
You: "I've been told sex can be fun," he snorted, and sat on his bunk, sipping the warm caffeinated drink and sighing contentedly. "Thank you again Dex and I'm sorry for being an ass." He offered and opened the cake bag to see two different flavors. "Half and half?"
Stranger: Dex rolled his eyes and sat next to Nursey on his bed. "Well yeah, but like... They're having SO much fun and honestly, I'm sort of jealous?" He shrugged and broke the other cake bar in half. He took and gave a half before eating one of them and hummed. "Is this Of Monsters and Men? Nice."
You: "Yeah I just put a radio station on to drown out their fun," he shrugged, and wanted to tell Dex that he could easily have that much fun. He'd seen the looks his defenseman got at parties from anyone with eyes. "Well there's a kegster coming up if that envy lingers."
Stranger: Dex huffed and leaned back, resting his temple against the post of the ladder. "Eh... I'm not, like, into sex with strangers. The idea of it kind of freaks me out." Dex took a long sip of his minty mocha iced drink. "And I don't even know if I want like, actual sex. Cuddling sounds just as nice."
You: "I mean that's legit too. You might be ace or somewhere on the spectrum if sex like that squicks you out," he offered.
Stranger: Dex nodded. "Yeah. I've considered that. I guess my awkwardness has that going for me, because I've never really had to deal with people coming onto me." Dex looked at his cake pop and turned it in his hands before eating a piece. "Pretty sure I like dudes too, though. Aesthetically, at least."
You: Nursey choked on his drink at that. There was Dex, conservative uptight Dex, confessing his attraction to dudes. "Yeah," he squeaked out, "they're pretty nice to look at."
Stranger: Dex smirked, watching Nursey get a little flustered. It was kind of funny. He was glad he waited for the right moment to come out-- the right moment being when Nursey was taking a drink. "And like, I get insanely jealous when I see guys with really nice beards. But it's like, do I want to be them, or be with them? I don't know! I can't tell who I'm attracted to because I've never really been attracted to anyone. Nothing more than like, "yeah, that's kinda hot"."
You: Nursey couldn't help the hand that went to his face, lamenting his lack of facial hair that would be an simple attraction for Dex. "I feel that. I mean that's how I figured it out, but it's cool if you never get based 'yea that's kinda hot' for anyone."
Stranger: Dex stared at his drink, stirring the whipped cream around with his spoon. "Yeah. So.. I kinda just.. Don't try? And if I meet someone that wants to date me despite me being weird about sex, then yeah I'll try it. I just don't want to go throwing myself out to the wolves."
You: "I'm sure you'll find a lot of people just willing to be with you, sex or no sex. You'd be a great boyfriend," he assured, trying not to come off as hestitant from jealousy.
Stranger: Dex smiled and he stretched his foot out and gently kicked Nursey's side. "Well, thanks dude. It just may take me forever. I don't really get out much y'know?" Dex took another bite of his cake pop. "Maybe I've got to ride on Chowder's shoulders and I'll end up toppling over onto my true love."
You: "I mean yeah but Chowder was riding my shoulder's when you knocked us into her," he pointed out.
Stranger: Dex tossed a cake bit at Nursey. "It doesn't matter who was being ridden, dude. C still scored." Out of context that sounded hilariously dirty, and Dex was grinning from it. "What about you? You listen to shitty pining songs all the time but I don't see you trying to find a beau."
You: "Oh well, I just like that music," he lied, trying his hardest not to say that he was pining for the redhead next to him, smiling the grin he gets when he's being devious.
Stranger: Dex rolled his eyes and he lifted his foot up to push it against Nursey's neck and jaw. "Shut the fuck up, it's deeper than that we both know it. Don't make me shove my foot down your throat."
You: Nursey flushed at the thought of those things of Dex's he'd like down his throat, but kept it to himself. "Fine, I like someone, but they're just a friend. I tried hooking up a lot to get them out of my system but it didn't work so instead I'm just being."
Stranger: Dex grinned a little and he set his drink down and then crawled over to sit down right next to Nursey and pester him. He poked at his friend's arm, over the tattoo just barely peeking out from under his shirt. "Come on bro, you gotta tell me who. A friend? Is it a friend I know or one of your poetry people?"
You: Had Dex been poking him like this a year ago he would have thought his D-man had lost it. But now, he was a more tactile person which did little for Nursey's resolve. "I'd really rather not talk about it. Doing my best to forget them after all."
Stranger: Dex pouted a little and he put his hands on Nursey's cheeks, squishing them. "Yooo, come on man." He brought his hands lower, squeezing the corner of Derek's mouth to make his lips pucker hilariously with each word. "Tell. Me. At least a name? A basic description?"
You: It took everything Nursey had in him to not turn his head and kiss Dex's palm. "I can tell you that if they wanted me that they'd be it for me. I wouldn't want anyone else."
Stranger: Dex blinked, looking at Nursey with a bit of surprise. His hand dropped. "Shit...Really? That's like.. Serious stuff, Nurse." He backed off, feeling a little.... What even was that? Dejection? No, Nursey being in love was a /happy/ thing. Maybe it was just sad that Nursey didn't think he could be with them. "Have you tried making a move?"
You: "Once, but they weren't into it. I backed off," he mumbled, sipping his drink. "And it's not that serious. Most people would think it was the fleeting delusions of a young twenty something."
Stranger: Dex frowned. Who the hell wouldn't want Nursey? "Dude, it sounds kinda serious. And who cares if you're young? My parents got together in /high school/ and everyone told them that it wouldn't work because they were young and stupid and in love. Look at them now. Still together and shit." He shrugged. "You're, like... a really nice dude. I'm sorry this person doesn't see that."
You: "No, don't get me wrong. He think's I'm great, but a great friend. And it's chill if that's all I get to be. He doesn't owe me anything," he added, trying to not bask in the praise Dex was laying on him.
Stranger: Dex nodded his head slow. "Oh... Okay. Well that's better than like, him /not/ seeing how cool you are. Still that kinda sucks." Dex reached over Nursey to grab his drink and he took an experimental sip of it. It was a little too salty for him, but still decent. "How long ago did you ask him out?"
You: "I didn't ask him out. I just told him that he looked good and whatnot and he didn't react well. So, I got the hint."
Stranger: Dex frowned. "Well... That's not much of anything, bro." He gave Derek's arm a gentle slap. "Everyone on the team throws around random-ass compliments all the time. So maybe he's been around people like that. Maybe he had no idea you meant in in like, a genuine, I-Want-You kind of way."
You: "I'm good Dex. Really. He deserves more than me, and I wouldn't even know what I'd tell him."
Stranger: Dex rolled his eyes. "Alright. Well, if you think so." He shifted back to his original spot near the opposite end of the bed and leaned against the post. "Kinda stupid that you won't like, give the guy a proper choice to go out with you though. He could very well think that you're too good for him."
You: "Right, like he'd think that," he snorted and wondered why Dex had moved so far, missing the proximity. In the middle of songs transitioning a noise from Chowder's room came through the walls, and Nursey winced.
Stranger: Dex made a face as well and he got a little red. There was a short silence between them and Dex rubbed at his face. "What the fuck. My brain keeps trying to imagine what's going on in there and I'm like, please stop." Dex sat up to bang his fist on the wall. "Hey!! Tone it down like, two notches?! Please?!"
You: After that they both heard a giggle Cait yell sorry. "Don't imagine it because you'll be half pissed and half jealous," he laughed.
Stranger: Dex snorted and he shifted, wedging his feet underneath Nursey's legs. He liked sitting and pressing close to his friend. He wasn't used to simple affection and proximity. "I don't know who I'm more jealous of, honestly. Like..." He shrugged. "I don't know. It'd be nice to have someone feel me up, I think. S'not like I get touched often."
You: Nursey begged every deity he could think of for strength. "I know what you mean," he agreed trying to keep the image of fingers ghosting over freckled skin from his mind.
Stranger: Dex pushed his foot more against Nursey's knee. He wished Nursey could be one of those dudes that would just... /offer/ affection. Dex didn't know how to ask for it. "Well.. You're better at getting that shit done. You don't have a problem with doing it with strangers. That's nice for you."
You: "I don't fuck strangers though...I mean not in the usual sense. But I haven't really since last year, so yeah," he muttered, reaching out to take Dex's foot and massage it a bit.
Stranger: "Oh." Dex shrugged. His toes flexed and he sighed a little when Nursey began to massage his foot. That felt really nice. "Well... There's nothing wrong with that if you still want to. It doesn't... I don't know. I think people make too big a deal of saving themselves for one person. If they want to have casual sex along the way, it's no big deal. Unless they're contracting dangerous diseases. Then it gets like... yikes."
You: "I know, I just found myself doing it to replace him...and it wasn't fair to myself or the people I was with," he explained, smiling at the sigh Dex gave.
Stranger: Dex nodded a little and he smiled. "Well that's cute. You're such a chill dude. It's nice." His head tipped back and his breathing slowed. Nursey's fingers were working deep into his foot and... "Nhh.."
You: No. This was not happening. Nursey could not get hard from giving his crush a foot massage and hearing him relax. "Feel good?"
Stranger: Dex puffed air through his nose. "Is that even a real question? Yeah, it feels good." He tried not to overthink this whole thing. Nursey was just rubbing his foot. That didn't mean the guy was into him or was going to try to make a move on him.. Even though a part of Dex wanted him to. "Don't stop on my account."
You: "Just wanted to make sure that you were into it," he smirked, and moved on to the next foot before moving up to his calf.
Stranger: "Oh ha, ha." Dex used his free foot to kick at Derek. "How about if I /don't/ like something, I'll tell you. Makes it a lot less complicated." Dex was really glad he was wearing his tri-stripe adidas shorts. Nursey's hands felt so nice over his skin.
You: Nursey just nodded and worked his way up his roommate's legs, until he finished the thighs, not wanting to do more, despite Dex now looking very realxed.
Stranger: Dex knew Nursey was moving closer, but when he felt his friend rub at his thighs he opened his eyes and stared at him. "You...uh. You're good at.. good with your hands." Nursey's face was so distractingly close and Dex's brain wouldn't function right.
You: "Thanks, um, did I go too far?" he asked, knowing that he was almost in Dex's lap with the way he was sitting. It would be so easy just to lean forward and kiss him.
Stranger: Dex took another slow breath and his head shook slowly. "Well I didn't tell you to stop," Dex reminded, his eyes flicking over Nursey's face. The music that was playing only made Dex feel more into the moment. It was a nice sountrack.
You: "Is there another place you want me to touch?" he asked, unaware of how it sounded.
Stranger: Dex snorted and he ducked his head a little, before he reached for Nursey's hand. He slowly pulled it to his hip, and his face got hotter. "Just...Anywhere... I want to know what it's like. If that's cool."
You: Dex was asking him what it was like to be touched and wanted, and if Nursey swore he was dying. Clearly he'd passed out during English class and this was heaven. But after a breath he pulled away. "I can't...fuck, I can't...it's not real like this."
Stranger: Dex mumbled a string of curses under his breath and he pulled his legs back, curling up and away from Derek. "Can we just forget I ever--? Fuck, this is so fucking embarrassing." Dex pulled the pillow out from under him and lay flat, instead pulling the pillow down over his face.
You: "No Dex, no," he began, moving to lay beside the redhead who was trying to suffocate himself. "It's not you. It's me. God, I would give anything to just trace my fingers over your skin but you're not into me like that. I get that I'm safe bet if you wanted to experiment but I can't do it if it's not real."
Stranger: Dex felt his face flush hot at Derek's words. He wanted to feel Derek touch him, too. He trusted Derek a lot. "I.. But I.. I want this, from you. I wouldn't go fuckin'... Asking one of the other guys to do this. You... I trust you and.. I mean, you're hot and.. If I had a solid type I'm pretty sure you'd fit it."
You: "I might be your type and you might not ask one of the other guys, but I'm telling you Dex I can't do it because of trust. I like you, so much, it hurts to be around you sometime. You think I know that you have 14 distinct smile because I'm bored? No I know because I can't stop watching your fucking gorgeous face for more than a few minutes. I'd be happy to touch you Dex, but I won't because I'm not deluding myself into thinking I get to have you."
Stranger: Dex let out a long sigh and he pushed the pillow off his face to flop under his head instead. He had to let this go, but... Fuck. Nursey liked him. Like...Actually liked him. Thought he could be The One. "I'm sorry." Dex pushed his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry I tried to.. talk you into this. It just felt so good, and--Fuck, it was selfish. I'm really sorry I can't be the kind of guy you're after. I wish I could know for sure whether what I feel is just loneliness or a desire to be with you."
You: "I get it," he sighed, his body aching from anxiety, and knowing that he was right in the first place to not open up. Dex had pried out of him information about his crush and now his heart was breaking into pieces. "I'm going to go for a walk okay?"
Stranger: Dex kept his body curled up as closer as he could, feeling a range of flaring emotions. "Y-yeah. No I don't blame you." He was near silent until the moment Nursey left and that's when his frustration bubbled over into rage. He shoved a few thing off his desk in a fit of anger at himself, not caring at the moment that he had broken a favorite mug of his.
You: Nursey ignored the way Chowder was calling his name as he went down the stairs and out the door, only realizing after he was a block away that he'd left without shoes on. Sighing, he made his way to the English building knowing which deserted parts he could hide and breakdown in without being bothered.
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badnovels · 7 years
The Wedding
Dear Jessa.  I have always been inspired by your amazing fics, so here is a little something I wrote, that was inspired by one of your drabbles…. I think you’ll know which one.   Happy Birthday. 
by @louezem
(based on this and this)
Four years later…
“It’s not too late.”
I recognise the soft growl of Rye’s voice behind me as I face the mirror and struggle with this damn bow tie.
“What?” I ask, distracted, pulling the tie apart and starting again.
“I said, it’s not too late.  You know, to call this whole damn charade off.”
“Why would I do that, Rye?” I snap, irritated at my brother.  I still haven’t forgiven him for refusing to be my best man at the ceremony.  Why does he always have to be so negative?  My nerves are stretched enough as it is and there are only thirty minutes left before I’m due to meet Madge at the end of the aisle and commit myself to her and Lola for the rest of our lives.  I don’t need this from him right now.
Lola.  I close my eyes and think of my precious little girl.  She has been a constant source of joy in my life for the last four years.  One of the only things really, that has made my life worth living.
“Because you don’t love her.”  Rye’s voice is firm and strong, and I snap my eyes open.  He stands with his arms crossed over his chest as he meets my eyes in the mirror.
“That’s not true, I do love Madge,“ I huff. “We’re good together. We’ve been friends since elementary school and we have a daughter together.  She helped me get through… she has helped me a lot.”
“Sure, sure, Madge is a nice girl, and you have a kid and all that. I’m not denying that. But you’re fooling yourself if you think that’s enough to build a marriage on because it’s not.  I know you, Peeta.  You’re not in love with her, not like you love Katniss.”
Katniss.  I feel a spear of pain lance through me and I whirl to face my brother, pissed off that he is bringing this up now.  I can’t take it.  Not today.  I can’t bear to hear her name today.
“Loved, Rye.  As in, back in high school, once up on a time, past tense.” I snarl, starting to feel my temper along with my tears rising and I fight to suppress them both.  I point an angry finger at my own chest.   “You seem to be forgetting one major detail. It was Katniss who broke up with me,  left me with a broken heart. Everyone seems to forget that our breakup wasn’t my doing.  I begged her not leave me.  And after—“
I have to stop and swallow hard to get past the tightness in my throat as the memory of Katniss’ face the last time I saw her comes back to me.  I still have nightmares about it - the way her body seemed to fold in on itself as she reeled in shock, how she physically trembled -  her face turning ashen and her beautiful grey eyes filling with pain and swimming with tears of betrayal as it sunk into her consciousness that her best friend Madge was pregnant.  For me.  I can still hear the agony in her voice as she screamed at us.
“How long Madge?” She’d screamed. “How long were you fucking my boyfriend behind my back? How long were you making me look like an asshole? I bet you were so excited to find out you’d be at the same school! Then you could fuck without even worrying about me finding out!! Oh shit! I bet you were so happy when you found out I broke up with him! Then he was free game, right? Well, good for both of you. I’m done! I don’t want to talk or see or hear about either one of you for the rest of my life!”
 “—after what happened with Madge I wanted to explain that it was a mistake, tried to see her so I could tell her I was sorry—“
 “What the fuck did you expect, man?  You fucked the girl who was supposed to be her best friend and got her pregnant just weeks after she broke up with you!”
“I know all this Rye!” I realize I’m shouting and lower my voice, trying to calm myself down.  “I’m getting married today.  What good is throwing this in my face today going to do?  I can’t change what happened and she never gave me a chance to explain.  I tried everything but she would never hear me out.”
“She only broke up with you because she thought she was doing what was best for you.” Rye grumbled.  “Any idiot could see that.  Except for you.”
 “So you say.  But how could I know that, for sure?”
“What?” Rye’s voice took on a sarcastic edge. “Are you seriously telling me you’ve never talked to Madge about this?  She was Katniss best friend and you know how girls talk.  Do you really think she didn’t know what was going on in Katniss head?”   
“Madge told me Katniss said she was confused.” I said, licking my lips to wet them.  “That she didn’t know what her feelings for me were.”
“Yeah.  Well, that fits.  So you went off to college, licking your wounds and banged the first chick who let you, who just happened to be Katniss’ best friend.”
A knock comes to the door.  My mother enters without waiting permission and throws my brother a dirty look. 
“What are you doing in here?” she shrills at him. “Out. Go take your seat out front with the rest of the family.  Peeta, its time.  Stand up, let me see.”
“It’s now or never, Peeta.”  Rye gives me one last look.  I shake my head and he nods, resigned that I’ve made up my mind, and he leaves closing the door behind him.
I stand up and my mother grasps my tie, tying it neatly at the first attempt.  “Perfect!” she announces.  “Now, come.  Your bride will be arriving soon!” she pushes me towards the door.  “It’s about time you made an honest woman of her!”
“Yes, mother.” I submit, and pass through the door.  There is no turning back now.
I take a deep breath in and tuck Madge’s hand into the crook of my elbow.  I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips.  “You ready?” I ask.  “Showtime,” she smiles back at me. “Let’s do this.” 
Smiling as wide as we can as we emerge from the church into the bright summer sunlight, a large crowd of family and well wishers surrounding us with wide smiles and applause, throwing rice and congratulating us, the happy newlyweds.  
We pause on the lawn for various photos, first Madge and I together, standing cheek to cheek, our arms wrapped around each other.  Then with Madge’s parents, my parents, and finally shots of both our families together with Madge, Lola and I.  I bend and scoop my little girl into my arms, landing a kiss on her soft cheek. 
“Are you happy baby?” I whisper into her ear, and she nods very fast, making her blonde curls bounce, tickling my face.  “Mommy looks just like a princess!” she giggles, “and Grandma says we’re a proper family now Daddy!” she beams up at me, her innocent blue eyes shining and I feel my own smile slip just a little.  I kiss her cheek again and let her down, watching as she lifts her arms up to hug her mother next. Madge looks over and smiles at me.  She does look like a princess in her extravagant pouffed out ballgown, but most of all, she looks happy.  I truly hope I will be able to make her happy. 
After a few minutes of watching my new wife and my daughter I notice Rye standing at the edge of the crowd, his attention focused away from us as if he was watching something intently, and my curiosity makes me crane my neck to see what it is.  I follow his line of sight until I notice it, and suddenly it feels like my whole world has been tipped on its axis. 
There, about 50 yards away idling by the roadside is an all too familiar battered green Honda.  It feels like my heart slams into my sternum when I catch the most fleeting glimpse of the dark haired driver as they turn the wheel and pull away at speed, leaving me dazed and staring at nothing but a dust cloud. 
 “Congratulations, baby bro,” I snap out of my stupor and notice Rye standing beside me,  looking at me sadly. “You did it.  You married the right girl and made Mom the proudest mother in all of Panem.  I need a drink.  I’ll see you at the reception.”  With that, he shoulders past me and walks away.
I stand frozen, still staring at the spot where mere seconds ago the green car was parked.  I try to tell myself I imagined it.  Maybe it wasn’t Katniss’ car at all, it could be just a coincidence.  I haven’t laid eyes on Katniss once since the night she ran out of Madge’s dorm room, screaming that she wanted nothing to do with either of us, four years ago.   She remained true to her word, avoiding both of us and never speaking to either Madge or I since.   She’d changed her cell number a month later and all emails bounced back as undeliverable.  I tried calling her house one more time, the day before Lola was due, but her sister had screamed at me not to call the house again.
A soft hand lands on my shoulder.
“What’s wrong with Rye?” Madge speaks softly, a concerned look in her blue eyes as they search my face.  “He looks pretty upset.”
“Oh, nothing!  He’s fine.  Just my mom, giving him a hard time, you know.”  I forced a smile to my lips.  “Now he’s the only Mellark boy left that’s not married.”
“Your mom will have him and Delly up the aisle in no time, if she gets her way, now she is no longer focussed on us,” Madge thinks out loud.  “I kind of feel sorry for them, but I have to admit, I’m grateful to be out of that spotlight.”
“Me too,” I squeeze her hand.
“No regrets, Peeta?” she looks at me, squeezing my hand in return.
“No regrets,” I agree.  I had committed to doing this with her, and I was going to try to be happy.  I had to let the past rest.  “Come on.  Let’s go meet our guests.”
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letemerinsleep · 8 years
Something I’ve been working on. For an old friend.
Raven pushed away from her desk and got up. The monitor on her laptop showed a simple site, grey in background with a simple banner. She strode out of her room only pausing to check her pockets and to pull on a jacket.
It’s been a while since anyone had come on.
Raven debated posting a new reply just hoping someone would check. She pushed that thought aside though as the cold air hit her cheeks. She sighed heavily and made her way to a nearby coffee shop.
She missed all of her online friends. It seemed that all of them were so busy or forgot. It’s true that she had gotten busy too and they were all growing up. Aside from Alex she was the oldest and she felt a little guilty. What if she started it?
She pushed open the door to the coffee shop glancing around as she made her way up to the counter. A tall lanky man with a bored face and blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail asked for her order.
“Can I have a small hot cocoa with a shot of caramel?” She asked in that sickly sweet voice of hers. She offered a small smile before passing her card. He asked for her name.
“Raven. Like the bird.” She smiled again and glanced at his name. It was strange. Emerin. Oh well.
“Thank you.” She took a seat at the bar as she looked around. It was near closing time and there was only one other person here. Another boy fully invested in his phone. He was fairly stylish but plain. Brown hair, brown sweater, dark brown and red plaid scarf around his neck and a pair of jeans. He had a messenger bag on his table.
 “Cyce?” The blonde barista called out holding a large coffee cup. The plain boy got up with a click of his tongue. He pocketed his phone and Raven averted her eyes to the surrounding environment of the coffee shop. Cyce got his coffee and left quickly allowing some cold air to blow into the coffee shop. Raven shivered,
“Raven?” Raven got up and grabbed her hot cocoa. With another smile and sickly sweet “Have a nice day!” she exited the coffee shop and the barista followed her to turn the sign to closed.
 She sighed yet again as she trudged home. She passed by a park and paused. Deciding to stop for a bit, she sat down and swirled the cocoa hoping to cool it off.
She knew few of her online friends’ real names and she understood they were busy. She was feeling a little sad though. She thoroughly enjoyed being with them and talking to them and playing with them.
She sighed yet again and leaned her head back to look at the stars.
 “Hey is something wrong?” Raven turned to the voice sitting up straighter. A very pretty girl with purple hair and a comfy cream sweater stood a bit to her right. Raven looked away and back tot eh stars before giving the girl her full attention.
“Uhm, nothing too important.” The girl gestured to the spot on the bench next to her and Raven nodded. She sat down seemingly gracefully and Raven watched her curiously.
“Important enough to stare at the stars in an empty park though,” the girl retorted raising an eyebrow. Raven’s lip twitched and she chuckled softly before nodding. She swirled her hot cocoa again before taking a sip of it. Perfect.
“Penny for your thoughts?” She asked yet again. Raven blinked slowly lowering the cup.
“I miss my friends and I’m worried the rift between us will only grow.” Raven rested the cup in her lap and stared at the ground. “But I have other things to worry about so it’s just a fleeting worry really.”
“No no I understand. I feel that way too sometimes.” Raven looked back at the girl who as smiling softly at Raven. Raven blinked and looked back her cup before returning her gaze to her companion.
“What do you mean?”
“My friends have been inactive and we aren’t talking so much. I feel like they’re just disappearing off the face of the earth. I know that’s impossible but,” she trailed off and Raven smiled.
“It’s like you were connected by this tiny thin thread and now it’s just fading away and disappearing, dwindling and getting farther and farther away from you and you’re wondering if pulling on the thread will bring them closer or cause it to unravel even more.” The girl stared at her with wide eyes before nodding.
“You put it more eloquently than me but yeah. Something like that.” They continued to stare at the stars together. Her hot cocoa got cold.
   “Emerin’s gaze drifted over to where is unwilling companion lay on the ground. ‘Do you choose to be alone or does it just happen?’ he asked setting down his book. Emerin had been alone by fate not because he wanted to but his companion had such a prickly personality that he wondered if it was because of him or if he did it because he didn’t want them. He hoped it was the prior and not the latter if just for the sake of not feeling lonely.” The boy leaned back in his chair and pulled his hair out of the ponytail.
“Sounds fine to me.” His roommate strode across their one room apartment and grabbed a soda before handing him one. She went back to studying and silence rolled across them before the boy sat forward.
“Chats been dead lately.”
“They’re probably busy.” Emerin made a noise in acquiescence before sighing through his nose.
“Do you think Cyce’s a common name?” A pause.
“No. Why?” Emerin turned around in his chair and stared at his roommate pursing his lips.
“Someone came in today with that name.” His roommate tipped their head back as they hummed thoughtfully.
“Well, your name isn’t common either now is it?” Emerin nodded. He didn’t even bother changing his name online because it was so strange. He did change his last name though. McCallister was a pretty plain name but Caldon was a more unique last name. His eyes flashed back to his roommate though.
“That’s not what I’m asking though.” His roommate bent their head down to circle something in red pen before replying.
“Why not ask him if he comes in again?” Emerin nodded smiling slightly as he turned back around.
“Thanks Nadi.” He pressed Submit.
    “Tarra.” A grunt was his reply.
“I met a guy today.”
“Ooh as he cute?” She asked as she got out some leftovers. Cyce rolled his eyes his cheeks dusting a light cute. He wasn’t ugly he could say but he wasn’t all too attractive either. Though he didn’t really care for that.
“His name was Emerin.” At this his half-sister stood up straight and looked at him. He didn’t bother tot urn around though. He continued to type.
“Like your internet friend?” Cyce replied with a hum as he hit Submit.
“Are you going to ask him?” Cyce shrugged in response. He took a sip of his coffee. It was lukewarm. His half-sister lounged behind him on a chair as the microwave hummed. That was the only sound for a while.
“It’s not like I go out for coffee a lot.” His half-sister let out a chuckle and he could hear that grin on her lips.
“It’s never too late to start~” she teased as she got up. The microwave beeped and Cyce rolled his eyes again before getting up.
“I’m going to sleep. Wake up on time tomorrow you have work.”
“Sleep well bro!” She called out as he shut the door. Tarra then got up and went to the computer. She was going to find out everything she could about her brothers internet friends without asking them directly.
Her eyes glossed over the coffee cup before it went back to it. She rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue before picking it up and swirling it. About half empty. How wasteful.
   Julian crumpled up another drawing and crushed it into the trash can. Midnight. Can’t think of anything. He groaned and tugged at his hair. His head hurt. He should probably sleep but he didn’t want to he had to get all of them out but they weren’t coming out how he could envision them it frustrated him to no end.
He pushed himself away from his desk and strode into the kitchen. He quietly filled a glass of water before grabbing the bottle of sleeping pills. He took one before going back to this room. He paused at the threshold and made up his mind.
He entered and slowly sketched out basic forms and wrote down notes on the back. He then put them away and started typing.
“’C’mon guys we have to get going.’ Jace whisper shouted. The guards were sure to be looking for them and here they were like sitting ducks. They even got seperated from their other group. Hopefully they had achieved the objective because the only thing they got were a swarm of guards and shouts about intruders as they were chased about the castle. ‘Are we done back there?’” Clicking Submit, Julian yawned before he got up and went to bed.
   “Ah I should get home it’s pretty late.” The girl got up and Raven blinked, checking the time.
“Oh wow I didn’t think it had gotten so late so quickly!” She stood up and looked around for a trashcan.
“Rhythm.” Raven turned back tot he girl a questioning look on her face before she took in the offered hand and her eyebrow rose.
“Oh uh Raven.” She shook her hand before pausing. “Want to swap numbers or something? We could talk some more?”
“Oh uh yeah sure.” The girl took out her phone as did Raven. They switched and silently tapped in their numbers. Raven went to customize her contact photo when she saw a familiar picture in the girl’s gallery. A girl with short black hair and purple eyes. Shia’s profile picture. Raven bit her lip and quickly downloaded her profile picture onto her phone and set that as her contact picture putting her character name in parentheses next to her actual name. She was taking a huge chance here and had already thought of an excuse just in case she asked and didn’t understand.
Raven looked up to find Rhythm looking at her questioningly holding Raven’s phone loosely. Raven looked down before holding the phone back out to her.
“Here. Sorry that took so long.” Rhythm shook her head and smiled.
“It’s ok well I’ll see you some other time then!” She said as she stepped back. Raven nodded and smiled back at her waving as she watched the other girl leave.
“Talk to you later! Stay safe!” She called out. Raven stared at the entrance of the park a little bit longer before she looked around to find a trashcan. She dropped the hot cocoa into it. As she walked home she quickly tapped out a message to Rhythm.
 ‘Hope you got home safe.’
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berfometalpha · 4 years
Legacy of Eternity Chapter 5 part 1: Unravel the Mystery
With Vega’s people left to die in the hands of the High Glaives and the Dragon-wolf kingdom’s Strike Fleet New Hope. Many marines and knights had deployed to the ground and assessed the situation and provide what medical aide and food for the people.
Kent reported to Commander Charlotte, the Circle of Knight Lords, the council of Elders, and the High Priestess of Ren’veil  Folsa Kyron of what had transpired in Vega though some were pleased to hear that the fleet was decimated and might not cause problems for the Frontier.
“So 82% of Vega’s Fleet had been decimated or had surrendered correct?” Victor asked.
“Yes Father, though they surrendered it still troubles me that some of them managed to escape during the fight... The Storm Raider is trying to find their jump trail as we speak it will take time.” Kent reported.
“Then my son what of the Vai’len and Priestesses of Ren’veil how many were rescued?” Charlotte asked.
“We managed to rescue 631,000 Vai’len citizens including over 500 priestesses though some of them had been mentally broken, We will do what we can to help them.” Kent answered.
“By the wolf Father.... How could people do this... Do they not fear the repercussions of enslaving and killing innocent people?” Folsa asked.
“Unfortunately Lady Folsa, some Human species think of themselves as the apex of their kind and all others are nothing more than an ant to a boot.” Victor answered with grief.
“I see... Still I want to thank you Kent and your men for saving my sisters and every enslaved Vai’len that you could.” Folsa said with a grieving smile.
“No thanks is needed my Lady... My men and I had agreed to pursue the escaped science facility and rescue everyone from such a tragedy... No one deserves to be turned into a slave...” Kent replied with fire in his eyes.
“Very well my son, your fleet is already on stand by here on Ren’veil return here... re-arm and regroup... then pursue your prey... Do not let them get away with their crimes.” Victor ordered.
“Understood Father... We will be home soon.” Kent saluted.
Just before the conference ended Folsa prayed for their safe return to Ren’veil and their journey shall bare them great fruit. A blessing from the High Priestess is a great gift to receive in troubled times with a smile he bowed before the priestess and vowed to help them as much as possible.
The young knight made his way to the Medical hospital located at level 42 in the west wing of the Storm raider. Since the 14 legions prioritize in just one aspect of ship building and not prioritizing in certain areas such as defense, power usage, and crew management.
Each ship of the Dragon-wolf though few in number are considered as miniature arc-ships able to house over 1.75 million to 20 million Zerrohnians each depending on the class. 
The Storm Raider is considered as a Arc-Requiem class battleship only 3 were ever made of said class the first one belonging to the young knight’s Father known by the name of Bull Raider well known for its heavy armor, massive trinity shields and rotary plasma cannons. It is also known for ramming through enemy lines and destroy any ships with its heavy armor.
While the other sister of the Arc-requiem class has fallen into grave disrepair after the final battle and was in New Dawn’s Arc-ship dry dock to rebuild it. While the newest ship the Storm Raider was more of helping people as it has over 4 class 7 hospitals with the best medical facilities available, weapons factory, agricultural facility, self-renewing resource blocks and facilities to train, produce and make knights and marines. 
Though severely undermanned the ship still operates at top efficiency having only 2.1 million personnel available with most if not all working as medical and other civilian personnel managing the food and resource blocks.
Kent passed through a medical screen to avoid any unneeded bacteria that might had latched onto his skin. The young knight was later greeted by several doctors who had been assigned to take care of Willow.
He bowed before the doctors and a firm hand shake the doctors were pleased to see the young knight. 
“Good Day Lord Anthony I am Doctor Markai Sovereign senior medical doctor for bio-mechanical research and development.” Markai saluted.
“Thank you for meeting me Doctor... I want to ask for a status report of my Lieutenant?”Kent asked.
“Ah yes... Lieutenant Willow she is a piece of work I would say Lord Anthony... Who ever did a number on her is psychotic sir... Msot of her internal organs were forcefully removed and preserved some were even coated in a mild acid damaging their core functionality and her lungs were forced to breath ash... And you know the effect of ash when it comes into contact with the human lungs Lord Anthony.” Markai reported.
“But can she be brought back to her former state?” Kent asked.
“We can technically speaking but it would take years of surgery and bathing constantly in bio-nano healing fluid and bio-cyber augmentations sir.... She will also need to be hooked up to life support sir... It will be a painful way to live sir...” Markai reported.
“Is their no other option left?” Kent asked.
“We are still looking into it sir but we will continue to help her.” Markai saluted as he went back to work.
Kent walked to the intensive care unit rooms where the marines and Knights who were rendered disable due to many military operations all across the Frontier who had their limbs destroyed, minds broken and much worse. 
Here knights and medical staff who had taken an oath to save the lives of their kin and others no matter the risk. 
The young knight entered the room where Willow was being kept alive though she was awake the team was their to check on her. They all looked at the young knight with smiles on their face despite what happened to her.
“Commander...”“deep breath”“ Sorry to cause you trouble...” Willow said as she exhaled.
“Boss it’s not her fault...” Clayton stated.
“I know Clay... I am upset with you Willow just a little for not letting us know what you were doing and returning to Vega on your own... It was suicide and now... Need I say more?” Kent said.
“I am... Sorry...” Willow cried.
“No need, what’s done is done... Your work actually saved billions of lives so congratulations are in order... But their are some news about your condition Willow.” Kent stated.
“What is it boss man?” Clayton asked.
“Her condition is reversible but she will be put on life support for many years.... It will be a long and painful process... Most of her internal organs are damaged but can be healed with a lot of nano cell baths... This wont be easy...” Kent explained.
“Then...”“deep breath”“ Commander.... I am already broken...  Take care of my brother... That is my only request...” Willow said as she cried.
“General... Their must be another way right?” Rex asked.
“Yeah Boss man We can’t just give up on her!” Clayton said.
“Big bro is right... He hasn’t even gotten to date her yet let alone plow?” Genji stated.
“Really Gen? This is not the time for that right now but I agree we can’t give up on them just like that?” Marky asked.
The young knight was moved by their determination to see the two siblings brought together he smiled and told them of another way.
“Their is one... It’s suicide... Their is less than .00000000000001% chance it will work.” Kent stated.
“What is it... Oh shit...”Marky thought out loud.
Kent walked to the emergency medical kit next to Willow’s bio tank and took out the syringe and extracted a small portion of his blood. The team were deeply surprised that his blood instead was bright red it was black. 
As he removed the veil and interlocked it into Willow’s bio tank with a heavy look knowing what monsters lie inside his blood.
“Boss why the fuck is your blood darker than space itself?” Clayton asked.
“Clay... My blood is not exactly blood... It’s the two greatest saviors or destroyers of Creation... A long time ago me and my brother Chimera Zero were kidnapped our blood was changed... My little brother had minor changes to his blood which caused him to turn into a dragon while mine...” Kent said as he looked into the veil. 
“Your shitting me right boss? Their is no way someone like you or anyone can survive with those monsters inside you?” Clayton asked.
“You mean your blood contains the Vestroyer virus?” Marky asked.
“Not just the Vestroyer... The Reweaver virus as well all 99 strains... are my blood...” Kent confessed.
“Wait 99 I know the viruses only have 98?” Marky asked.
“No 99 because they are being regulated by the Black Queen.... A Viral Nano-machine  made to regulate the absurd strength of the viral strains... If my Grand Mother did not make her I would be unable to control my abilities that I am right now...” Kent explained.
“So your going to inject Willow with your monstrous blood?  Wont that kill her and turn her into a Foresworn?” Clayton asked.
“Willow... This is your choice... My blood could save you or destroy you... If you take this risk I will bare full responsibility... Should you live you might not be the same person as you are now... IF your will is stronger than the viral strains then... I will inject it into your tank...” Kent said.
Clayton protested that the viruses can and will destroy her if she agrees it will kill her. Willow closed her eyes and thought of living again a peaceful life again with her brother finally free from the fear of battle. 
“If it’s to save my brother... I’ll take the risk...”“Heavy breathing”“ Commander please do it... I won’t blame you...”WIllow said.
“Clay... You should say something before I inject it...” Kent said as he prepared the room for a bio-hazard breach. 
“Everyone out... Lets give them a minute...” Rex ordered.
“Agreed... Right on boss cap... Boss man wait up!” Marky stated while Genji followed Kent out of the room.
The two were given a moment to themselves though awkward Clayton was not good with words. He got off from his seat and gently tapped the glass that separated him from Willow. 
“You... I am... Not that good with words... But... I... you... Yeah...” Clayton said as he was at a loss for words.
“It’s alright... I know... But If... Anything happens to me... Get my brother... Save him and give him a better life than I could...” Willow pleaded.
“Count on it... Boss we’re ready!” Clayton shouted.
The young knight entered alone as the room was pressurized as Knights prepared their heavy Plasma flame throwers or Ionizers in case the virus goes on a rampage. 
Kent personally injected the veil of the black blood into Willow’s tank Clayton was asked to leave the room before the situation gets ugly. The promethian stood his ground and asked to stay as he will stay to see her through to the end.
As the black blood began to swirl and devour the nano-machine cells into more viral strains. It moved and swirled like a snake encroaching on its prey as it tasted Willow’s blood the Virus began to do it’s work. It blacked the glass the last thing they saw was Willow twitching as her sensory nerves were beginning to overload. 
Her screams began to echo inside the medical facility as the virus was either destroying her or reviving her. 
“BOSS WE HAVE TO BREAK HER OUT!” Clayton shouted.
“We can’t if the glass breaks the virus will destroy this entire medical wing!” Kent replied. 
Willow’s screamed out in pain as the glass was slowly breaking when several tendrils broke through the glass and latched on to several metals and bio-matter available in the room and devoured other components broken down into usable bio-matter.
As the tendrils retracted back into the tank the screaming stopped the black blood like goo hardened like a cocoon around Willow. 
“Okay I think it’s clear...” Kent said as he approached the cocoon.
He used his magna claws to carefully cut open what was left of the medi-tank when he touched the surface of the cocoon it was hot. Clayton saw the cocoon cracking open as it began to heat up in the room though the knights outside did not open fire. The cocoon began to crack and shake as a hand broke out to see Willow or at least the new and improved version of her. 
They saw a pale skinned girl with white long hair and most of her arms and the rest of her legs were changed with black scales and claws. Her teeth were razor sharp eyes was white as the stars but was later changed back to blue as the sea at the side of her head was small horn like dreadlocks.
“RAGH!!!!” Willow screamed in pain.
“WIllow!” Clayton shouted.
He tried to approach her when the young knight stopped him as the Virus was  somewhat active on her skin and if anyone were to touch the active virus it would tear them apart. 
The Lock down was lifted as doctors and hazard knights contained Willow lucky for the rest of the ship that the virus did not escape the room or else it would have been a repeat of the Black Blood plague all over again. 
After several hours of checks and constant screening and several cleansing procedures in the medical wing the virus was safely contained and purged. At the same time the Hazard Knights and Doctors did several hours of tests and screenings on Willow although she was infected the virus seemed to have retreated into a purgatory state. 
It was as if the virus itself after completing its programmed task it disappeared into thin air not even in a sub-atomic scale did the virus remain. Though the doctors do not wish to clear Willow without further testing she was cleared from the virus until they reach new dawn for further testing.
Inside Willow’s room the team celebrated Willows rapid recovery as she as taking her time to get used to her new body.
“Wow... I never thought of having fingers again could feel so good... It feels like I’m a baby again!” Willow said as she flexed her fingers.
“According to the doctors it seems like your body was reverted back to the time you are a new born so technically speaking your body is that of a baby... But your mind and experience is that of a 21 year old girl.” Kent explained. 
“General... If I may... I keep hearing things around the ship and my vision is a bit... out of focus I would say.” Willow said.
“In all honesty I am not the best person for the job to explain it but... Lily I’ll leave it to you.” Kent asked.
“Sure Kent, So Willow to start things off a little bit of trivia... Your body is now an Enhanced so too speak first off does anyone know what an Enhanced is?” Lily asked.
“You mean a person with Cybernetic enhancement and bio implants surgically grafted into said person’s body?” Marky said.  
“That is the standard term for enhanced... But for Willow is what we would call Deus Ex Machina meaning man inside the machine... Your body was broken down and rebuilt from the ground up using the converted bio-material found in the nano-med tank converting it into your flesh and blood... But not only is your body build still the same you now have enhanced abilities for example... Kent if you would.”Lily pointed.
Kent took out a knife and threw it at Willow so fast not even Marky the resident sniper was able to see it. Willow was able to catch the handle of the knife before the blade made contact with her eye.
“Boss what the shit!” Clayton shouted.
“Easy Clay it’s okay... That was weird... Normally no one is able to keep up with the General’s knife throws let alone catch it?” Willow asked.
“Exactly my point... Your body is now enhanced all your senses had evolved to the point it exceeds human capabilities. Unlike Kent who is near god like because of the strains inside him... Yours is only a single form evolution which only focuses on the physical enhancements like hearing, enhanced strength, speed, reaction time the whole shebang.” Lily stated as she was writing it on a piece of white board.
“First off that is amazing... Second where did you get that white board?” Clayton asked.
“I have my ways....” Lily winked.
“Okay then now that we have a lot of things out of the way Willow we will need time to find the scientist and the Vega prime minister Olson and the rest of the escaped ships once we do we will mount up and rescue everyone.” Kent said as he sat down.
“Okay General, What about Vega and her people?” Willow asked.
“Their fate is to be decided by the high council of New Dawn but the High Glaives will take responsibility for them I cannot say for sure what will happen but I will ask some people to keep you up to date if you want?” Kent asked.
Willow nodded as she enjoyed the time with the team as the Storm Raider made it’s way back to Strike Base New Hope. The young knight made his way to his room when the ship started to shake as if the ship was experiencing an earth quake. 
“All hands prepare for Yellow alert Level 3... I repeat all Hands prepare for Yellow Alert Level 3 this is not a drill!” Admiral Karen shouted over the intercom.
“Karen what the heck is happening?” Kent asked over his communicator.
“Kent, we are getting sucked into a large gravity well our engines are already trying to push out but we are being pulled in! Kent Get everyone to!” Karen shouted.
The Storm Raider was slowly drifting off it’s hyper lane course as it was forcefully pulled out of hyperspace. The ship spiral out of control as everyone hanged on to their very lives as the ship was trying to stabilize itself.
 As the ship spiraled out of control everyone inside barely managed to stay in their seats as the gravity was being thrown out the window.
The Storm Raider fired it’s rotation and side thrust engines slowly bringing the ship into a slow halt. 
With the ship returning to stable conditions the crew and most of the marines checked the civilian blocks. When he made his way to the Hangar it was a mess cargo boxes and some of the mechs were thrown into the walls some heavily injured from the unsecured physical munitions but none life threatening.
“Boss you okay the ship was just thrown like a spinning top!” Clayton shouted.
“I know I am surprised no one vomited from all that spinning.” Kent stated.
“Dizzy yes but vomit not so much.” Marky stated as he tried to get his balance.
“HERK BLEGH! Boss... I’m okay... Wait... Nope... BLEGH!!!” Genji said as he kept vomiting on the nice clean floor.
“Well their goes the floor... Lily can you take Genji to the infirmary?” Kent ordered.
As the two walked away from the rest of the team the storm raider tried to identify where it got sucked out of the hyper jump lane. The ship was unable to make contact with New Dawn or Trinity Nexus station or even Strike Base New Hope.
With communications down the Storm Raider deployed its 4 reserve frigates and scouted out the area. It seemed as though their is just one giant mass above them due to the blinding light outside the ships they had to lower the blast shields to prevent the personnel inside the ship from being blinded.
“Karen any news yet?” Kent asked over the radio.
‘Communications are still down, we are working on getting the ship’s dimension range communicator up and running, most of the power is being diverted to the plasma reflection shields, some parts of the Storm Raider lost power and engineering is working round the clock to get everything back in order, we lost our navigation and on our end, and we are trying to locate the control system of the mass we detected earlier.”Karen reported.
“Keep me posted please and how about casualties?” Kent asked.
“We are still getting reports from medical, but most of our Marines are down but nothing in the D-bend.” Karen reported.
“Okay that’s good at least as soon as something comes up tell me right away!” Kent ordered.
“Roger that Kent... and by the way We managed to get the name of the thing over head.” Karen stated.
“What is it then?” Kent asked.
“We couldn’t make it out at first but we managed to decipher it as Ancient Neo-Xhe-razh language... It is called the Apocalypse... We don’t have any more data other than that but we are looking into it.” Karen reported as the transmission ended.
The young knight went to the engineering hall many tech-knights and engineers worked around the clock to get the propulsion of the ship in full speed and the power back into some levels.
Tech Knight Mako has been working to hack the heavy cyber defenses of the Apocalypse. 
“Captain Mako, any news for me?” Kent asked.
“Ah Lord Anthony, sorry sir we are still trying to get the power back on the ship’s auxiliary systems, most of the agriculture blocks lost power and most if not all the civilian blocks had lost communications sir... What ever pulled us out of the Hyperspace lane needed to be as strong as a singularity sir.” Mako reported.
“Then what are your theories on this?” Kent asked.
“Their are two... One is we got dragged into a pocket dimension with a singularity generator that pulls ships in and don’t let them leave... And another theory is we are in the Gravity space of a mass as big or bigger than Ren’veil and or New Dawn that It needs it’s own Pocket Dimension to stay un-noticed.” Mako explained.
“Hmm, I wonder... Can you pull up the Apocalypse in the ship’s historical archives for me and reference a word Apocalypse?” Kent ordered.
“By your will!” Mako saluted.
As they searched through many of the older archives of the ship including the collective history of the Zerrohnians before the start of the 1st Great War. 
Only one name was referenced to the Apocalypse as said in the old records the name Apocalypse is one of the 15 Noah’s Ark class ships ever made during the bygone era of the Ancient custodians who destroyed some section branches of creation to make the life boats. 
Each Ark-ship was built housing millions if not quintillion amount of Xer-razh or many other civilizations worth of people, culture, and resources and sent them through the original 77 roots of the sea of stars. 
Though 3 Ark-ships were found before the end of the 2nd Great war many of the remaining  ships are being searched for as we speak. Their are only 3 possibilities why an Ark-ship is found one is by complete accident, two something went wrong with it’s cloaking beacon and the last one is by faith’s will.
“Their is no way this thing is the Ark-ship of Legend Lord Anthony it’s just impossible!” Mako protested.
“We can’t rule it out... by the way good work now... send the data to my holo-pad I’ll look into this a little further... Something tells me this is going to be a long night ahead of us.” Kent said as he gave him a shoulder tap.
The young knight began reviewing the data in his private quarters in the Night Hawk’s data room. It was already night time on Ren’veil at least 1 hour before midnight Kent had burned through 4 bottles of carbonated drinks already with many paper print outs of the Ark-ships of old and other information about them.
He leaned back and read some of the historical files of his people and found no leads on how to unlock this puzzle.
“Argh why is this so hard... Faith’s beautiful lips I should have brushed up on my history... Why didn’t I join Chimera for that history roam when he offered it to me weeks ago Damn it!” Kent shouted in frustration.
“My son Language, and yes this is very difficult to decipher but knowing my people they may have put a security lock over ride with a specific pass code... Knowing who headed the construction and programming of the Apocalypse... He didn’t want anyone to find this big baby,” The black queen stated as she looked into the data herself.
“Wait how do you know about that when most if not all the data we have is just salvaged from Requiem’s destruction?” Kent asked.
“My my you silly boy... have you forgotten who I am originally? I am Sarah Archaena first line lineage to the ancient custodians and I happen to know how to unlock the secrets of the apocalypse.” The Black Queen bragged.
“Okay then... Mother please help us out so we can all go home.” Kent pleaded.
“Sure but I have one condition... When you get back home I want you clear your thoughts and I want you also to not take any military activity for 3 months and get off your butt and start dating your are a 21 year old boy!” The Black Queen asked.
“first off Mother I am already dating Aisha, second... I am 21? Didn’t my body stopped aging when I entered Hell’s gate?”Kent asked.
“I had been keeping track besides Hell’s gate stops your body from aging and it took me about a year to get you back together... But this time I am not letting you go anywhere else without having a good social life with your new home/family!” The Black Queen protested.
“Okay, fine... I’ll do it... Getting back... How do we get out of all this?” Kent asked.
“You might want to write this one down...” The Black Queen replied.
As she explained each ark-ship was specifically designed by an ancient custodian and each hyper-trinity computer nerve center of each ship is protected by millions of firewalls and data-crypt walls that it’s impossible to hack through from the inside and out. 
It would take years or even millenias to get through one fire wall and the data system will only update the security measures when the first fire wall is breached. The only way to communicate with the Ark-ship was through sound frequencies emanated at a sub-sonic level with a specific code that was made by the original founder of said Ark-ship to even be able to unlock it.
Blasting the ship with the Storm raider’s 12 plasma cannons and the proton plasma rail gun is suicide as the Ark-ships hull was made to go through singularities and dis out enough damage to even destroy one. 
Since the black queen’s ancestor was one of the ancients who made the Apocalypse she entered the frequency into the ship’s long range echo transponder. The code translated to I am Sarah Archaena the last descendant of Archibald Archaena Heed my word and aide us to our home show us the light that blazes the trail home.
The ship started shaking again the young knight rushed outside the gunship as the blast shields were lifting to their surprise the blinding light turned was gone as a massive hangar was pulling in all the ships into it’s massive 5000 kilometre sized Hangar bay. 
Each ship tried to fight off it’s tractor beam burning their engines in the process as the doors behind them closed hundreds if not thousands of drones came out of the walls. Each drone inspected and repaired each ship upgrading their components, weapons, and other factors with fresh supplies the team and many other marines and tech knights inspected the inside of the massive hangar bay as it had life support.
“Okay so now what?” Kent asked.
“Now I re-rigged your communicator with a binary frequency generator so you can freely command the ship... This is my gift to you my son... Welcome to the apocalypse...” The Black Queen smiled.
The young knight ordered most of the marines and some of his best knights to settle in the hangar bay while they went to the command bridge. 
With one thought the Apocalypse transformed the platform that he and his team was standing into an elevator and took them 500 levels up from the central platform into the command hub where the AI’s of the ship are converging to talk with the young knight.
The elevator was moving too fast as it reached the top Clayton and marky got thrown up the ceiling and slammed down the floor hard.
“Is everyone okay?” Kent asked.
“I think I am General...”Rex said as he vomited. 
“I’m good Kent.” Lily stated.
“I think I’m good... “”standing up”” AGH! I think something popped in my back.” Marky said as he was in deep pain.
“Clay you okay?” Willow asked as she helped him up.
“Thanks I think Im okay... I landed on the worthless part of my body anyway.” Clayton stated.
“Which is?” Willow asked.
“My Ass.” Clayton answered as he was smacked at the back of his head by Willow.
“OUCH WHAT DID I DO!” Clayton shouted.
“Guys enough and Lily check on Marky and get him to med-bay I will handle the talking.” Kent ordered.
Kent walked away from the platform as the command bridge lit up and a total of 12 AI’s appeared before him one of them stood at the center acting as the voice of said AI council who took care of the Ark-ship.
“Apologies for your friend... I am AI number 91202041-201Z Of Ark-ship number 007 designation Apocalypse... Inquiry, you deployed a coded sequence signal from ship designation Storm Raider with Subfrequency number 106912434 alpha numeric. Question How did you come by this code?” Th AI asked.
“My Grand Mother gave me the codes and the frequency access to the Apocalypse should we find it.” Kent answered.
“Curious, This code can only be attained and even broadcast with Custodian based technology, question which legion do you belong to?” The AI asked.
“My Entire fleet belongs to the Dragon-wolf Kingdom of the Frontier... I think you might know it better as the 15th Legion Chaos Knights.” Kent answered.
“Inquiry, Who is your current Legion Archon?” The AI asked.
“Legion Archon is my Father Victor Redridge.” Kent answered.
“Incorrect... Question WHO IS YOUR LEGION ARCHON!” The AI asked as several auto turrets aimed at Kent’s head.
“Wait... my Dad is the current master... Who could... maybe... Tallis Bloodkane Redridge?” Kent said.
“Inquiry confirmed... Playing message...” The AI said.
The Ai’s dissappeared as another AI appeared before them this one was about 8 foot and 3 inches tall with knee long brown hair tied in a braid. Pinkish fair skin with red eyes and a mole on the lower half on the right side of her neck.
Her arms and legs were replaced with cybernetics and her feet ware claws and have gravity wheels. She wore a brown sleeveless jacket with a white tank top, brown short shorts with a pair of chains attached to the sides of her belt. 
“Hello, I am Tallis BloodKane Redridge... I believe you must be Kent Redridge my distant newphew?” Tallis asked.
“Wait how did you?!” Kent asked.
“You mentioned it earlier... No Im just kidding... The Ai’s copied my brain and created an AI version of me in case something happens... And I believe I am dead now technically speaking correct?” Tallis asked.
“Yes, You were killed by the 1st Legion Archon Zeryuoh during first days of peace after the 1st war.” Kent reported.
“Then It happened huh... Damn it I warned them a long time ago... And now is Requiem gone?” Tallis asked.
“Yes the ancient home of the 15th Legion is gone now... I am sorry... But i am terribly confused right now... But more importantly what happened and how did you come by the Apocalypse?” Kent asked.
“I see... So they really did it... Okay... Kent... I am giving you and ONLY YOU full control of the Apocalypse... Since this ship only recognizes me as it’s true master and since I’m dead I am no longer considered as a Legion Archon... AI Siegfried authorization code 0012 transfer full master control to my Nephew Kent Redridge Recognize override code number 9120!” Tallis ordered.
“ORDER CONFIRMED Transferring controls of the Ark-ship to Kent Redridge... Request, please present dominant hand over the bio-metric scanner for confirmation!” The AI requested.
The young knight placed his hand over the biometric scanner as the ship recognized and over-ride Tallis’s control of the ship and surrendered it to her Nephew. After some time and a blood bag’s worth of blood taken out of the young knight the Apocalypse now recognizes Kent as it’s new master.
After some time Kent talked with Tallis regarding the current state of affairs of the 15th Legion and how they came to be in the frontier. The ship reconfigured it’s portal cannons to Ren’veil though much was still needed to be done Kent could not wait to get back home.
After many hours of preparations the guns were ready and opened a portal to Ren’veil. over 500,000 Zerrohnians marines and Knights stayed behind and study the Apocalypse while the rest went home. 
“Everything is all set Kent... We are ready to head home.” Karen stated.
“Good... Prepare for take off Karen we are heading home... But Grand Mother are you sure you want to come with us in your AI form?” Kent asked.
“Oh no... I have a body ready... Just give me a moment.” Tallis replied as she disappeared.
“Where is she going?” Rex asked.
“I have no Idea...” Kent replied.
“It feels like we have been having no clue to what’s happening lately huh...” Marky added.
 “Yeah... Not looking good...” Kent stated.
Kent’s communicator started buzzing after answering the communicator he saw Tallis already inside the Night Hawk’s operating computers and ready to leave.
“I guess we are ready to go!” Kent stated out loud. 
“Alright then Helmsmen take us out... Gently please.” Karen ordered.
“Aye aye ma’am.” The Helmsmen saluted.
As the Night Hawk pulled away from the hanger as it pulled away the other frigates followed the ship out and entered through the portal leaving the Apocalypse for a short while.
At the same time back on Strike Fort New Hope it was a slow night at the tower nothing of great significance to report when the sensory array near the southern hemisphere of the planet triggered an Alarm.
 The marine in charge of the radar was confused at the time and tried tapping the monitor which never works on some cases. As the computers calculated the arrival point the alarms were triggered in sea city as the ground began to shake heavily as a massive portal opened right before the sea city’s port main gate.
The knights and marines even the high glaives began mobilizing to meet the threat head on. The city’s defenders mounted up as they saw a familiar friend going through the portal. 
“Wait Commander Gaile isn’t that the missing ship?” The trooper asked.
“I can’t believe it the Storm Raider... It’s back! Just to be sure...” Gaile shouted.
Gaile asked the pilots to perform a holding perimeter around the returning ships as he asked.
“Storm Raider this is Commander Gaile of the Sea city defense force lower down your shields and prepare to be boarded.” Gaile said over the intercom.
At the same time in the bridge.
“Commander we have a problem we are being stopped by our own people...” Karen reported.
“Commander Gaile this is Kent Redridge of Strike fleet New Hope, Authorization code number 0777-7. Recognize!” Kent said over the intercom.
After a brief moment and running the code through the data matrix it was later confirmed that it was their lord had returned.
Later that day after the Storm Raider docked at sea city’s specialized harbor many knights and marines including civilians who were affected by the hyper jump pull. 
Early that morning Kent convened with his family at New Hope Village including the mage and the priestess who were deeply surprised to see him. Though his family was happy and eager to see him Aisha and Arra sat next to him as he was surprised to what had transpired. 
“Wait... I have to sit down... We were gone for how long?” Kent asked.
“You were gone about 2 weeks? We sent out ships to find you through the same route you took we feared the worst.” Charlotte said.
“We were only gone for about a day and a half? How did this happen... and what happened while we were gone?” Kent asked.
“I think I can explain this Kent please remove me from your intercom I want to speak with my Grandson...”Tallis said.
Kent nodded as he removed his intercom and plugged it into the meeting room’s central computer. 
“My son what are you doing?” Victor asked.
“Ugh... I think you might want to take a seat for this one Father.” Kent said as he sat down.
“Hello My Grandson.” A familiar voice said.
“Wait this voice... Grand Mother?” Victor asked.
After a brief moment a direct hologram of Tallis appeared before the two Victor could not utter any words as his heart was beating rapidly to see his own Grand Mother so too speak. The only thing he could ever do was kneel down before her the only time an Archon will ever bow before anyone is when they are humbled by the presence of another or they wish to remove a burden that lingers in ones heart.
“My Grandson, You need not bow before me anymore...” Tallis said.
“Forgive me Grand Mother but I don’t understand how do you tie to my son finding you?” Viktor asked.
“Faith has other plans for Kent Redridge like what she did for me... I stumbled upon the Apocalypse when I was still alive and before the height of the Shatter wars... When I found the Apocalypse Faith allowed me to take control of it allowing me to make the Shadow Avalon the oldest of the 3 Ark-requiem ships... Then came your Bull Raider and then the Storm Raider which takes up both traits of our capital Ark-ships combined.”Tallis explained.
“You mean the legendary Noah’s Ark class ship... The only ship that was built to be impossible to find unless ordained by Faith herself to be found?” Victor asked.
“That is the one... And Faith brought your son to the Apocalypse for their is much to be done... When she heeded my request I did not realize that so many things had happen after my death... But that is all in the past now... I have much to discuss with you Victor... Please send the kiddies out I believe he needs some rest...” Tallis stated. 
Victor nodded as he sent the three out the meeting room with a sigh his work day finally ended as exhaustion finally caught up to the young knight.
“““Yawn””Finally the work day is over...” Kent said as he rubbed his eyes.
“When was the last time you slept anyway Kent?” Aisha asked.
“About 6 days ago...” Kent replied.
““”Eyes wide open”“ WHAT! You haven’t slept for that long you need to sleep right now no buts!” Aisha shouted.
“She is right Kent... you need rest even if you have the stamina of a thousand well trained warriors you are still human after all. Dont push yourself too hard please do it for us?” Arra asked.
“I... Will...” Kent whispered as he fainted.
“KENT!” The two shouted.
As his body was about to collapse Aisha used her magic to catch the young knight Chimera showed the two to his room and asked to look after him for a while.
The young knight slept for almost 18 hours straight as his body shut itself down to repair the used up energy and the damaged brain cells during the war on Vega and his time in the apocalypse. 
To their surprise their was nothing too much in his room that made it unique only a weapon rack, engineering bench, a bookshelf filed with human culture and some romance novels. 
“Wow his room looks really bland... Wait a minute what is this?” Aisha stated.
She looked at Kent’s personal work table to see a note book Aisha opened the notebook she found out that it was his personal journal. 
“Oh looky here!” Aisha said as she grabbed a chair.
“Wait Aisha what are you doing that is Kent’s personal journal you should not be reading it is an invasion of privacy!” Arra warned when she was taking a peek at it.
Aisha was reading the first part of the journal she could not take her eyes off what was inside it as she read one section out loud.
April 2 of 4109 time date 7:01 AM
- A day after Graduation in New Dawn Academy my brother, Lily, Rex and Karen were going out to celebrate since we graduated with high remarks. As for me I would rather go to the park and paint up a sketch of the oak tree their and maybe spoil myself a little bit with buying a cold carbonated drink. I think  Mother would not mind at all to give myself a treat every now and again.
- While in the park I saw some kids playing with a ball and some knights who were on patrol at the time were asked to play with the kids in a sporty game of kick ball. How nice it must be to be just a reg. But I would never want things to change any other way. 
- I sat down on the same park bench and took out my holo-sketch book and started drawing the oak tree. It was a hot day to be honest I guess I should have brought a change of clothes next time I am going for a more casual clothing. 
- While drawing the oak tree I must have dozed off at the time but I could vaguely see some people over the distance. I saw a girl with long Violet hair and that was about it and the word Veil something. I don’t know what that means I also saw the planet had 2 moons one like silver starlight and the other one was a brim green like color. 
- I don’t know what that means but It means but I’ll look into it right away.
April 21 to august of 4110 time date 9:41 PM
- Though the maiden voyage of the Storm Raider had come to pass and my ship had finally left New Dawn. We had been assigned to find a world worthy of the Zerrohnian Kingdom this is a big task ahead of us.  Everyone aboard the Storm Raider was very happy and eager to be a part of a big change in the destiny of our people.
- I too am happy to be with so many of my friends, brothers and family that openly asked to serve under me as part of the new Fleet. Though it’s a lot of pressure on my part to make sure that everyone under my care will not feel sad leaving our home behind is a burden all on it’s own. I’m just glad the tech knights agreed to my request to create 4 agricultural blocks and 4 market blocks inside the Storm Raider so everyone wont get bored.
- As moral was at an all time high I used the Silver falcon to scout out the neighboring star systems to find the world in my visions. I found nothing close to my vision though their are many worlds with the potential to be our new home but it wasn’t good enough. 
- Every day after refueling and restocking on some food I flew out of the Storm Raider and tried to find this planet in my dreams. Every night I could see that dream repeat itself over and over again I could paint a picture of it now but the word Veil still bothers me to a great degree.
- Everyone says that our exploration mission is more than a success with over 15 worlds discovered and converted into colonies with peace treaties with the locals. It was more than enough for the Zerrohnians I told Karen to head back to the colonies and have them all progress so they can be a worthy home for the Zerrohnians. 
September 12 4113 Time date 8:12 Pm
 - So many months of searching and I stumbled on a world similar to my dreams As part of the expedition force I infiltrated the planet and studied the locals from a far. not engaging in talks as much as possible. I did manage to decipher most if not all of their language it’s hard but worth it.
- I finally found the world in my dreams now I just need to call for the fleet but before I could I managed to translate the words destruction and hope lost.
- I broke the rule of the expedition fleet not to interact with the locals until the representor knight can come to Ren’veil. But I couldn’t wait for them as they were days away from reaching Ren’veil I went to ask one of the locals disguised as an old man finding out that Ren’veil was facing a demonic invasion of their own.
- Unlike the stories I heard in the 2nd Great War these were a lesser form than those faced by the legions. But one thing is certain I need to stop the demon lord Azmodaius from taking this planet and enslaving the populace. 
- After much deliberation I decided to go for the one eyed Knight mask and robing myself to make sure I was not exposed. Following the trail of stories and reports from the local guards I red lined it to the demon lord’s castle where the Hero’s party was barely holding their own against the demon lord.
- I arrived at the demon lord castle to see a massive battle between humans and demi-humans against the demons It was a losing battle for the united front I believe was the name. I had to intervene I am going to get reprimanded for this for sure but screw it. 
- Managing to clean up the demons outside I needed to deal with the demon lord next. After crashing through several walls though painful was well worth it the heroes were fighting the demon lord.
- At first the demon lord looked at me with disgust when he realized I wasn’t of this earth he offered me a place along side him and wanted to enslave humans for sport and copulation. It is surprising he knows about me despite me not uttering a single word. 
- I saw the party of heroes were already beaten but what caught my eye is the girl with Violet hair. I remembered the dream I had it would seem that she was the one that called out to me I will assume that is right and take it as a reason to fight. 
- That was more than enough to give me a reason to kill the bastard it wasn’t that hard since I tore him apart with only my bare hands. After killing him I had to make sure it looked like one of the heroes killed him so I grabbed one of their weapons and stabbed him in the chest and just to be sure I also cleaved his jaw to make it look like a bloody battle.
- I rested them on their backs up against the pillars and wall to make it look legitimate hopefully they did not notice. 
- Though most if not all the party members were okay and not in life threatening danger. The two priestess looking girl and the violet haired girl were badly injured the girl with the long black hair had a spear stuck into her lower left waist missing her left kidney just by a hair’s inch. Forgive me Goddess Faith for what I am about to do But I have no choice. I had to remove the spear from her and immediately apply the bio-med gel to save them.
- I gave the two of those girls a memento two medal emblems shaped in the legion’s logo. A wolf surrounded by a crown of thorns as three dragons bite the circlet of thorns this way when we meet again I can formally introduce myself.Maybe I would be lucky to find a romance like my brother did at the academy.... 
Maybe when I am ready to lead and become a true hero
After reading a major section of the young knight’s journal they realized one truth the one eyed knight they saw that day was no lie. It was the young knight who saved them it was not a lie what the soldiers said about a silver dragon that flew over the battle field with thunder and lightning as its side it destroyed the battlefield with fire and flash.
Aisha took out the pendant from her coat and compared it to the logo on his computer and it was a match. 
“No way... Kent was already here on Ren’veil even before the rebellion... I can’t believe it...”Aisha stated.
“Not only that sis but the year 4114 to 4115 entry is missing an entire year missing in his journal... It takes place right after the one eyed warrior saved us.” Aisha stated.
“Curious I want to know more but this feels so wrong.” Arra said as she took a deep breath.
“Look here sis the one eyed Knight was of the same build and he didn’t speak but his mask will prove it all... But where do we...” Aisha said as she kept reading.
The priestess sat down trying to process all the information they had learned from his journal and saw a strange looking box under the young knight’s bed as she took it out and opened the box. It was full of the young knight’s mementos from his adventures across the Frontier and many photos that he had kept hidden from anyone some from different worlds that they saved.
And others were of old friends from his time in the academy of New Dawn and that of the hellish academy that molded him into a knight. The Priestess noticed one thing before his time in the academy his smile was full of life and vigor after that it seemed to be forced and nothing more than a shadow of its former.
Despite Arra’s curiosity she felt complaisant of what they are doing but a lingering guilt inside her knowing they are invading Kent’s personal space and even reading his journal. She sighed and asked Aisha to stop and leave it for another time the girl did not listen as she kept on reading something caught her attention. 
The log in his journal showed only the dates 4114 to 4115 their was an entire year missing from the journal it seemed like it was left out purposely and knowing Kent. He never left any detail missing in his journals which brought about a great curiosity. 
Aisha became curious she used her magic to replicate the journal and hid it in her Item bag.
“Sis, aren’t you curious why Kent is like this now and why did he save us the first time?” Aisha asked.
“I am but this is not right... Aisha please once Kent wakes up we can ask him then for now I implore you to bare with it until then...” Arra pleaded.
“““SIgh”“ Okay sis...” Aisha nodded. 
“Then let’s leave before we disturb him.” Arra said.
The priestess left the room first though she looked back and closed the door behind her to give Aisha some privacy.
He reached out his hand just a little as his mind was dreaming of a better time and returned to sleep. 
She made sure her sister was not outside as she went back to Kent side Aisha took the moment and sat next to him and secretly kissed him on the fore head thanking him for saving her not long ago.
“Lets meet again... my Hero...”Aisha whispered as she left the room. 
A smile could be seen in the young Knight’s face as his mind drifted into the sea of dreams resting his body after many days of battle. The next day early morning Kent received a summons order from his own Parents in the study.
“Father, Mother... may I come in?” Kent asked.
“Of course my child... You are always permitted to come into the study.” Victor said.
Kent came in to see his Father not in his Ark-zero battle armor for once since he is the current King of the Dragon-wolf It is always a must for the current Archon to wear their armor at all times as many would try to attempt and assassinate them to take the throne for their own.
The young knight Kneeled down before the Archon and the Queen as a sign of respect Charlotte immediately asked him to stand as it was not needed since they are at home. 
“My son I want to congratulate you on your fleet’s recent success in rescuing the slaves at Vega Prime... Though our allies of the High Glaives had taken responsibility of the planet and sent all the captured slaves back to Ren’veil to have a psychological debrief and receive medical treatments. i understand also that you used the Angelic armors of the Eternal knight... Knowing the risk you used the armors and saved more lives than any of us can count... Though you earned the respect of many knights and marines from the other factions... You have earned your fleet’s reward but not without punishment... I declare the Strike Fleet New Hope to be suspended for 3 months with pay... For the act of not informing us or the upper echelon of the use of the Angels... They could have killed you if not careful... They may judged your worth but if you use it again without the proper rights it would have killed you regardless of your regenerative abilities...” Victor ordered.
“I have to agree... The Angels are not to be messed with... Lady Tallis in her lifetime had never bothered to use the angels as they would have easily killed her... That is why it is forbidden to use those suits that is why they were hidden in the Night Hawk... Please my son be more wary about what you do... A life is a precious gift and must be cherished as you are only given one life do not waste it...”Charlotte said as she walked towards her son.
"I understand Mother, Father... I only risked it once to save my friends and others who needed help... I have no other excuse.” Kent stated with no other response.
“Very well Kent I had made it official your fleet are to stay away from any major military operation and only limited to civilian duties... You are not authorized to leave the vicinity of Ren’veil sector space for the next 3 months. I officially passed the order to your admiralty they are already aware... If their is nothing else my son... You are dismissed.” Victor said with a smile.
The young knight saluted both of them and left the study he sighed and returned to his room and ordered a conference call with his chain of leadership.
“SO everyone I understand you recieved my Father and Mother’s memo?” Kent asked.
“Yes sir... I never realized that the entire fleet would be affected but anyway we are officially suspended for 3 months with pay hopefully nothing comes up that need us to take action...”Karen stated.
“not that I needed money anyways but you lot get my point let’s not cause trouble for the next three months and enjoy a bit of R&R... Also my team please meet me at New Hope if you are on Ren’veil if not then it is fine I want to discuss something in private with everyone.” Kent asked.
“Yes Sir!” Everyone saluted as the transmission ended.
He then looked out the window with a sigh he and his team can finally get a decent rest and relaxation time that they deserve and it was the perfect time for him to get in touch with his human half. 
As the day started a new Kent finally wore his civilian clothing a plain white shirt, silver shorts, with black slippers and a blue sleeveless jacket. He then grabbed the trail Blazer and made his way to a tomorrow that never came but will finally start today.
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