#he gets a lecture on safety and protective eye wear
sad-emo-dip-dye · 6 months
I think atsushi would be able to look directly at an eclipse with no consequences cause of his ability but he and others would forget about it so he’s just staring straight at the deadly lazer and kunikida is about to go full blown mother on him with the glasses
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ariseur · 5 months
huff,,, motorcycle ride with cloud,,, full of tension on both ends,,
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“you’re sure this is okay?” cloud almost jumped at the proximity of your voice against his ear, the growl of the fenrir’s engine fell on deaf ears as your voice caught his attention way more.
he huffed, responding with a grumbled, “yeah.” cloud was always pretty curt, you knew that. but you could’ve sworn that his response sounded a little more choked than usual— not that the way your arms tightening around his waist had anything to do with it.
he felt the small puff of air you let out against his neck, hoping you didn’t realize his posture stiffening at every breath that left him, when in reality, you were trying your damndest to not lean your head on his back right then and there. a few days prior, you had made a passing joke when visiting cloud about the well kept condition he had his bike in, making a small comment as you thought aloud about what it’d be like to ride it.
and what you didn’t expect was to receive a call a few days later telling you to come outside as you heard the muffled groan of the engine in the background of the phone call— and you definitely didn’t expect to be wrapping your arms around cloud’s waist while you shrieked at the purposeful buck of the bike he did to scare you. you could’ve sworn you felt the rumble of a chuckle bloom in his chest at the noise, too.
“shouldn’t you be wearing.. you know— a helmet?”
“you decided to ride with me just to lecture me about motorcycle safety laws?”
“to be fair, i didn’t decide to. you were already outside.” you retorted, retracing one arm to point a finger at cloud as he barely turned his head to the side, only giving you a slight view of the slope of his nose. a quick rumble of the engine made you tense up real quick, closing your mouth as your hands immediately darted for cloud’s waist. he let out a choked hum of surprise, and you could’ve sworn you saw his gloved grip tighten on the handles.
helping with the courier service wasn’t exactly interesting, per se— but it was fun to tag along on a motorcycle with cloud, even if he didn’t say much. and although youd probably have a hard time getting the roars of the fenrir out from echoing in your head, it was pretty thrilling to ride on a bike, not to mention that having yours hands on cloud’s waist was a big plus, too.
“you know you’re also supposed to take like.. even more protective measures too, right?”
cloud scoffed, “so stuck-up.”
you gasped, “i am not—!”
“are too.” he responded, throwing a smug half-smile your way as he revved the engine. you rolled your eyes, smacking his shoulder a bit. “and you’re hitting me now, great.”
“oh, shut up, cloud!”
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mathanlin · 1 year
// mentions of bullying & abuse
Foster AU where Tommy’d been emergency fostered by his English teacher, Mr. Watson.
He’d only had one perfect week before he’d been dumped into a long-term placement, forced out  of the Watson’s home.
So it’s agonizing to see them at school every single day. 
Techno, waving to Tommy in the hallways. Wilbur, beaming at him in band class. 
And of course, Mr. Watson, teaching class like Tommy’s not withering in the back row. 
“How’ve you been?”
Tommy freezes in the classroom door. Mr. Watson smiles, like it’s just a normal interaction. Like it’s not Wilbur’s sweater Tommy’s wearing (hasn’t taken off), like he’s not still clinging to everything he can keep of them. 
He can tell the man doesn’t believe it. 
(He sees Tommy’s dropping grades firsthand, after all. Surely he doesn’t know it’s because of *him,* of how Tommy almost sobs each time he reads some stupid dad joke on an assignment.)
But there’s nothing he can do.
Except cling, of course.
He still sits with the twin at lunch. Still listens to Mr. Watson’s lectures when he can’t sleep. Still begs Techno to tutor him (even if it’s just in the library, not back home).
It’s fine.
Until Wilbur gets suspended for him.
“I’m calling your father.”
The secretary’s words are directed at Wilbur — fists still red from full-on punching a bully. But Tommy can almost pretend it’s for him, too. 
Until Mr. Watson actually arrives, and the only one he looks at is Wilbur.
“It was for *Tommy,* Dad,” Wilbur says, glaring defiantly. “Don’t start talking about your fucking job, I don’t care.”
Tommy’s gut somehow plummets further. *His job.* Could Mr. Watson *lose it,* because of him?
…and if he could, how angry would he be?
“I’m sorry,” Tommy whispers. Finally, Mr. Watson’s eyes fall on him. “I didn’t—”
“Have they called your parents?” he says — and for one, blissful second, Tommy’s confused. *What do you mean? You’re already here.*
But he can barely call Mr. Watson, “Phil.”
Let alone, “Dad.” 
They don’t even say goodbye before leaving. Tommy stays, still bleeding, staring at his bruises.
He’s not ready to go ‘home’ to *worse.* This time, Wilbur won’t be able to protect him.
And if he’s pissed Mr. Watson off enough, maybe he won’t be able to see them at all. 
“If this keeps up… you’re going to fail, Tommy.”
Mr. Watson’s trying to meet his eyes. Tommy avoids them, ducking his head and staring at his report card instead.
He shouldn’t have.
Because Mr. Watson’s eyes fall to the bruises on his wrists instead.
Tommy jerks back, startled by the teacher’s sudden concern. “They’re— they’re from those bullies,” he lies. “A while ago. I haven’t been fighting, I swear.”
The second part’s true, at least. Tommy’s never raised a hand to defend himself against any foster parent.
Mr. Watson’s eyes narrow, still impossibly soft.
But all Tommy can hear is Wilbur. *Don’t start talking about your job.* Like Mr. Watson could lose it, because of him. 
That, even if he hadn’t loved Tommy enough to keep him, he could still *hate* him.
And Tommy can’t take that.
So he’s glad when Mr. Watson doesn’t report the bruises. 
Even if it means he just has to hide more of them. Even when Mr. Watson stops packing him lunches, busy with end-of-semester work (and he didn’t have to do that in the first place. Tommy just starves quietly without them). 
His grades keep slipping. He goes hungry, day after day, patches up his bruises. Falls asleep in class (even if he’d never admit it’s from the safety of Mr. Watson’s voice). 
Mr. Watson doesn’t push.
But the twins do.
“You’re coming home.”
“What?” Tommy says, jerking awake. Techno looms over the library table where Tommy’d fled for lunch, no longer sitting with them.
“You wanted tutorin’, and I’m not doin’ it here. Come on. We’re goin’ home.”
Tommy scrambles up. “No. No, no, it’s the middle of the day, I have class, *you* have class—”
“We can skip them once,” Techno says, still walking. “You’re more important.”
“Mr. Watson—”
“—would do the same,” Techno finishes. 
He’s wrong. So wrong.
Wilbur’s waiting in the car.
Tommy bears each worried question on the car ride, answering quietly or not at all. *What happened to you? Why are you pale? Why aren’t you eating with us? What’s /wrong?/*
But then the house comes into view.
And Tommy starts sobbing.
“Please. Please, I can’t be here.”
It’s not just fear. It’s grief, torn up by seeing the home he wanted to spend forever in. He’s not sure how long he panics, twins trying to comfort him. 
But it must’ve been too long.
Because Mr. Watson’s car pulls in behind them.
“What do you think you’re *doing?*”
It’s fury, as Mr. Watson storms up the driveway, eyes locked on the twins as they rush out of the car. Tommy stumbles out the other side, hoping to slip quietly away.
But Mr. Watson sees him. His fury falters.
And then roars back full-force.
“You took him, too?!”
“Dad, quit it,” Wilbur yells. “For fuck’s sake. Be quiet for a second, okay?”
“He’s already failing class,” Mr. Watson yells right back. “You can’t do this, Wil, you’re getting him in trouble.”
*You’re getting /me/ in trouble,* Tommy hears. *My job’s in danger.*
“He’s sick, Dad,” Techno says, a little bit shaky. “Something’s wrong. Look at him.”
They do. All three of them, watching him cower, their home hovering in the corner of his vision. Taunting.
And then Wilbur’s eyes fall to the bruises on his wrist.
But unlike Phil, he does the opposite of ignoring them.
“What the fuck is that?”
Tommy jerks back. Not fast enough. (Never fast enough.)
Wilbur snatches his wrist, yanking the sleeve down. His grip is the only thing that keeps Tommy upright as the Watsons stare at every fresh, violet bruise hidden beneath Wil’s old sweater.
Mr. Watson’s the first to speak, breathless. “You said… you said it was those bullies.”
“He *told* you?” Wilbur practically screams. 
“And you believed him?” Techno cuts in, voice low. “Those are new. And we haven’t been letting any bullies near him.”
That’s too much to process.
Even before Mr. Watson whispers like he already knows, “Tommy, who’s been hitting you?
He can’t speak. Can’t reply.
Not even when Wilbur wraps an arm around his shoulders. When Mr. Watson quietly murmurs, “Let’s get inside.”
Or when they guide him through the door. Onto their familiar, soft couch. He’s back home.
Even if it’s only for a little while.
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gegewrites · 1 year
Alex(stardew)- homesteading(SMUT)
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This is in zero way edited, I finished it and just posted it
I crawled into the warm plush bed, making my way under the warm covers, my muscles simultaneously relaxing. I pushed myself a bit too hard today at the mine. Those flies are the only thing keeping me out of there most days but I made it through their swarm...so who's really got the power?
I laid on my back, my arms behind my head feeling my damp hair on my arm. The stove was burning in the room, so it was warm and cozy, accompanied by the scent of Alex's cologne on his side of the bed. My hunk of a husband was out at the saloon watching gridball with the boys, though it should be over soon if it hadn't already ended. My shoulders are craving his fingers working my muscles. I think I'm just craving him, cause even the thought of him working this knot out of my shoulder had my thighs pressing together lightly.
It was almost like my prayers were answered because I heard Dog scurrying to and barking at the door. I pulled the covers to my legs as I sat up and looked out the cracked bedroom door and saw Alex scratching behind Dogs ear as we closed the door.
"Hey boy! You miss me?" I saw him get down onto one knee, Dog pushing his face into Alex's hands for ultimate ear scratches,"of course you did."
"I missed you too, do I get ear scratches?" I giggled, finally making my presence known. He looked over at me with his famous lopsided toothy grin, and my heart just warmed up. My smile grew brighter as he stood up, giving dog one last ear scratch before making his way to the bedroom.
"Hey good lookin." He winked as he closed the door, his brows furrowed lightly as he looked at my face and walked closer. I raised my brow and leaned back as he leaned forward over me.
"What?" I questioned him as he stood up straight.
"Your lip." He pointed to the right side of his top lip,"what happened babe?" I touched my top lip and i nodded as he sat down on the edge of the bed and took his sneakers and socks off.
"Head butted by one of the cave flies, got caught in a swarm." I laid pushed back into the bed, leaning my back against the headboard. He stood up, with his sneakers in hand, and walked away shaking his head as he put them by the door. I slightly giggled waiting for his cute little lecture about my safety.
"You," he turned around putting his hands in his hips,"should invest- no, even better, wear my football helmet. Its meant to protect your head babe." I let my head fall down as I silently chuckled and winced at the sudden pinching and pulling feeling from the knot in my shoulder.
"I'll think about it." I gave him a smile as I reached with my left hand to rub the knot right between my right shoulder and my neck.
"What else happened?" He took his jacket off and hung it up on the hooks behind the door.
"Got a knot." My eyes fell closed as I worked it, all my muscles tightening up from how much it hurt.
"Scoot up, I got it." I felt his hand on my thigh and I jumped a bit, not expecting him to be there,"sorry." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head, my hand falling from my shoulder as he took my chin in his index and thumb gently. His lips met mine slowly and lovingly, just the type of kiss I needed to relax me again. I leaned forward for more as our lips stilled and he pulled away.
"Alex." I whispered, my tone was needy and I didn't plan for it to be, but he does that to me.
"Ah Ah," he placed his thumb pad over my lips,"let me work this knot out first." He patted the center of my side of the bed and I scooted forward, the blankets bundled up in front of my legs. I felt the bed dip behind me, he had one leg extended and the other off the bed. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, so I was right in his crotch, then he whispered in my ear,"wearing my favorite.." it took me a second to register what it was, and then k realized...my panties. Cause I'm only in his shirt and my light green Lace panties.
"That why I put them on." I whispered back as I leaned back and pressed a kiss to his jaw, seeing that light blush creep onto his cheeks,"you're adorable."
"Alright." He smiled, he was a bit flustered, like usual,"where's this knot?" His fingers starting grazing over my skin along my right shoulder.
I leaned off of him and reached and pointed out the area, leaning my head to my left shoulder. he immediately started working lightly, figuring out where it actually was...and then working it with his thumb harshly, which was exactly what it needed.
"That's Fuckin perfect." I moaned out the words and heard him chuckle and press a kiss below my ear as his free hand rested on my thigh.
"How long have you had this thing? Must hurt like a bitch." He winced as he starting working it harder. I like deep tissue massages, and he likes to give them(...it's because of the moaning.)
"I got back from the mine at...six so...like, three?" I breathed between my words, my eyes falling closed, and his free hand pressed flatly against my ribs keeping my back straight for him.
"You shouldn't of kept working, you probably made it worse then it would've been babe." I groaned and ket out a sharp exhale from my nose,"I'm serious, you gotta be careful."
"And I'll eat my vegetables dad." I chuckled and shook my head slightly.
"Especially breakfast." He said in a stern tone before chuckling,"besides that, find anything cool?"
"Iridium." I swooned before moaning again at him massaging the knot in it tightest area. I reached with my left hand and grabbed his denim covered thigh right above knee,"right there Alex, right-mmm- there."
He didn't respond just continued working it deeply as moans, I truly could not control, slipped from my lips. His hand ran down my shirt and sat on the inside of my thigh.
He worked that knot for awhile, not planning on stopping till I told him he could. We shared light small talk about what we did today, but mainly it was me moaning and sighing and him listening. His fingers were working the area lightly, his other hand working my other shoulder.
"Alex?" I spoke up after a few minutes of silence.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"How strong are you?" I asked, and even though I couldn't see him, I knew he starting grinning at the question. A question that pretty much meant I wanted him to fuck me. His hands trailed down from my shoulders to my hips and he placed a kiss to the sore area on my shoulder before he responded
"Strong." He whispered in my ear before swiftly flipping me over into my back so I was now in the middle of the mattress. One hand stayed planted on my hip and the other planted into the mattress close to my head. I was trapped under him, he had a knee planted into the mattress between my legs and the other on the outside of my thigh.
He came down and his Lips met mine quickly getting heated but still gentle. My arms can up and I laced him around his neck keeping him close as his hand trailed off my hip and in between my thighs and cupped my needy pussy in his big hand and my hips rolled into his palm. His lips left mine with a chuckle as he looked down at me with his eyes blown with lust, though mine definitely were as well.
"You're really wet." He noted, kissing down my jaw and onto my neck,"massages always get you worked up," he took the time to nip snd suck on at neck before continuing the rest of his comment,"Fix one knot.."his hand slid up my pussy as his middle finger rubbed the wet patch over my clit,"gotta fix another soon after."
"Please fuck me." I hurriedly sighed out as he placed more kisses to my neck before going back to hovering over me.
"Patience, sweet girl. I gotta know if you're hurt anywhere else first." He raised his brow at me, his finger stilling, and I shook my head no,"you're okay?"
"I'm fine 'lex." I carded my fingers through the shorter hair on the back of his head and pulled him down closer to me so our noses were close to touching," I'm fine, I promise." I leaned ik and placed a small kiss to his lips and in return he started rubbing harsh circles over my clothed clit.
"Let's get you outta these baby, I wanna taste." His hand left my pussy as he started making his way off the bed, taking time to press kisses down my chest and stomach till both his feet hit the ground. He hooked his index and middle fingers into the waist of my panties and slowly slid them down my legs, making sure to press a kiss on my lower stomach.
I was propped up on my elbows, watching him with a smile as he got down on one knee, kissing the inside of my calf and dropping the panties to the floor. Before I knew it, he gripped the back of my knees and pulled me closer to him, ripping a small yelp and a giggle from me. the back of my shirt riding up, no longer covering below my ribs and he put my legs over his shoulders.
"Take my shirt off." He said before he started kissing the inside of my thigh and I did just as he said. My heel digging into his back as I sat up a bit more and ripped it off, tossing it behind me. Exposing the rest of my body to him. his lips getting closer to where I desperately need him. My clit throbbing and my wet hole tightening around nothing,"so wet for me baby."
"Always am for you." I giggled, feeling my body getting hotter waiting for him. He placed one last kiss to the inside of my thigh, before licking a broad strip over my slicked lips snd dipping the tip of his tongue to my clit. His grip on my thighs tightened, making sure to keep my pussy as close to him as possible as he started licking my bundle of nerves quickly. My hand shot to his hair, tugging at the brown locks as his tongue worked quickly, licking from my clit to my needy hole and back to my clit, each time around getting harsher. My back arched off the bed as I moaned, my nails scratching his scalp and he groaned at the feeling. My eyes were closed and I was focused on the feeling of his wet tongue spreading my slick around, probably covering his chin as well. He was a messy eater and I'd have it no other way.
I felt a finger slip into my needy cunt and my walls tightened around it as he slowly started to pump it in and out, adding a second finger shortly after.
"O-ooh God!" I moaned, rolling my hips into him as he sucked harshly at my clit, pumping his fingers quickly and and out of me, curling them against my gspot. I felt him smirk as moans rolled out of my mouth. Words of praise which made him go even faster. The feelings of electricity ran up my spine, my hips still rolling into him trying to match his fingers.
He was properly eating me out, I could hear the wet obscene sounds my cunt made. My moans got higher in pitch as I felt the knot forming in my lower stomach, my hand gripping his hair as tight as I could and he laid his forearm over pelvis, keeping my hips as still as possible. I completely forgot about how sore my arms and shoulders felt. His fingers were burried in my cunt, focusing on my gspot. My thighs tightened around his head, I was gripping into the sheets with my other hand,
My mind completely lost in how he was making me feel.
"Just like-like that! Don't stop please, pleeaase don't stop." My breathing was heavy, my chest rising and falling erratically as my orgasm was getting to its breaking point,"so Fuckin good!"
My thighs were twitching around his head from the abuse on my clit, I felt my head getting dizzy with oncoming ecstasy, my body flushed with heat and thin layer of sweat.
"Good girl." I heard him mutter before going back to sucking my sore sensitive clit.
"I'm-im so close, so close." My brain was focused on my orgasm, the feeling of the knot about to burst. The effect my words had on him was huge, he was fucking me with his fingers as fast and hard as he could, licking and sucking My clit. Without warning it flooded through me. The knot finally bursting, a yell of a moan ripping from my throat as my muscles tightened in my core and in my legs, my walls fluttering and gripping around his fingers as my orgasm washed over me. My cum dripping down my ass and onto the sheets, covering his chin and most likely wetting the collar of his T-shirt. But He didn't stop working his fingers, trying to get every last bit out of me. his tongue lapping up at my first orgasm. He started to slow down- slowly slowing down. He was groaning, probably straining against his jeans, craving Being stuffed inside of me, I was craving it to though.
"Al-Alex! Oh god you got-ta stop." I huffed out, I didn't want him to, but I needed more then his fingers and tongue.
His fingers slid out of me, and ny legs fell from his shoulders as he stood up. My legs quivering and hanging off the mattress.
"Open your mouth." He huffed out and I did, he slid his fingers in ky mouth and I started lapping at my cum which soaked his fingers, cleaning them as I felt him pressed wet kisses to my chest and collarbones, his free hand massaging my boob. My eyes opened lazily, and I looked at him through my half lidded eyes as I cleaned his fingers. He slid them out and gripped my hips and kept pressing kissed on my skin, nipping at areas to mark me.
"Clothes." I sighed,"off."
"Huh?" He asked looking up at me,"can't even form a sentence?"
"Take them off." I said, looking abt his damp T-shirt collar, my eyes gazing down to the strained erection in his jeans,"come on."
"You want my cock?" He asked and I nodded vigorously and he chuckled and smirked,"how bad baby?"
"'Lex please," I pushed up on my forearms as he stood up, removing his shirt, revealing his toned and tan body and dropping it to the floor. I sat up fully, feeling the wetness of the sheets on my thighs,"I need your cock, I need to be filled by you." I started unbuckling his belt, placing kissed to his abs and his v line and he cupped my cheek in his palm bringing my eyes to his. his eyes egging me to go one with how bad I want him,"I need your cum Alex, I need you to fill me up."
"You want cum, huh?" He chuckled lightly, his green eyes dark with lust as I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans,"wan' my cum spilling out of you? Begging for load after load?" He leaned down closer to my face as his hand fell from my cheek to grab my hands,"wan' me to fuck a baby into you?"
"So badly." I responded quickly, my voice Whiney and bitchy,"so Fuckin bad Alex." He bit his button lip and pushed me down onto my back, ridding himself of his jeans and boxers. His stiff cock bouncing lightly, his tip red and angry, he pumped it lightly before grabbing onto my thighs, hooking my legs on his waist.
"You have no Idea what you do to me." He shook his head, rubbing his tip against my clit. I realized he didn't actually realize I was serious about him fucking a baby into me, because he reached over to my bedside table and I quickly grabbed his arm.
"I'm serious." I looked at him releasing his arm and his brows furrowed for a second before relaxing,"fill Me up."
"I'm Fuckin with you." He circled his tip around my wet hole,"just wanted to hear you say it again." I let out a giggle as my head laid back down on the mattress, my legs were tight around his waist,"want nothing more but to make you a mom."
"Make you a daddy." I said, feeling my walls tighten,"fuck me."he leaned down without saying anything back and placed his lips in mine, the kiss heated and messy, pure lust. My arms wrapped around his neck. Our lips moving together quickly as our tongues danced with each other. Right as I was getting comfortable in the kiss, he slid his tip right into me, his fat girth making my cunt tighten around him.
"Always so tight baby." He groaned in my ear, and k could tell he had to hold back the want to thrust the rest of his cock inside.
"You're jus' big." I shot back  as he slid another inch into me, getting my walls adjusted to his size like he always has too, my hands grabbing onto his back, my nails already digging into the muscles.
He couldn't hold back, sliding and forcing the rest of his length into me, his balls slapping against my ass when he finally bottomed out. A high pitch moan rang out into his ears and he grunted and deeply exhaled at the feeling of being enveloped in me. My walls fluttering around him, a slight pain from his size that quickly went away.
"Feel so good baby." He placed kisses along my neck, giving me time to adjust before he started moving,"always s'good for me."
"Start moving...daddy." I whispered the pet name into his ear and when it registered in his brain he pulled out so only his tip was in and slammed right back in, ripping a yell out of me,"fuck!"
"Say it Again."
"Daddy." I whispered before he stood up, my hands falling from his shoulders, his hands gripping my thighs harshly which was bound to leave some marks. I peeled my eyes open and looked up at him, I was already panting like a bitch in heat. He didn't look at me, his eyes fixated on where our bodies connected as he started to move slowly, his length rubbing against and stretching my walls as he rolled his hips into mine. I tried to keep my eyes open to watch him, see the way he bites down and sucks at his bottom lip fire  soothing the bite with the tongue. How his eyes drifted from my pussy to my chest, watching my boobs bounce in the same rhythm as his hips.
"God." He groaned, his hips speeding up sk he was no longer rolling into me but now thrusting, sliding out half way before slamming back into me. A slow yet harsh pace,"You're so Fuckin hot." 
"Have-have you seen yourself?" I breathily chuckled and saw him look over to the north left corner of the room where I had a full length mirror pointed towards the bed. His right hand  left my thigh and he flexed his arm, his muscles tightening and making him look like a god.
I let out a Giggle which turned into a moan as his hand came down to rub my clit with his thumb as he picked up his pace, causing my hips to roll into him as my back arched. I coukd hear how wet I was, the vulgar sounds of his cock thrusting into my wet pussy, his balls slapping against my ass; His groans and sighs, and my moans, accompanied them. It made me even wetter as i zoned into the sound of his vocals and the feeling of his thumb quickly circling my clit.
"Such a good- fuck- pussy baby." He was gonna end up Fucking himself ,and me, dumb tonight, I can already tell.
"Faster, please." I breathed out, my nails scratching against the fitted sheet below me.
"Thinkin' the same dammmn thing." He groaned as he sped up gradually. I could feel him better now, his speed and with his tip hitting my gspot more causing my walls to tighten against him, and in response, his thumb left my clit, joining with his left hand to grab my hips and lift them up more and my legs wrapped around his waist tighter, getting a deeper angle.
"That's-thats Fuckin peeerfect." My head pushed into the mattress below me. his hands slid down my thighs to my waist, sliding under to my back. i could feel his hot breath in my neck, hear his groans and murmered praises as my nails raked down his back. he wast thrusting fast but he was deep. his cock grinding against my gspot. i felt one of his hands slide up and cradled my neck. he stopped moving and picked me up quickly and turned around to sit on the bed, i let out a yelp and giggled. i was now on top.
"ride me baby, cmon." his hands gripped my ass, his fingertips digging into my skin. i wasted no time and started rocking my hips slowly onto his,"nah nah, cmon." he took control, guiding me up and down his cock. i love riding him, i get to see how his muscles tense under me, get to see his face more clearly...can hear him better,"good girl, soo fuckin good."
"im gon-na cum." i choked out, my eyes were closed, my back was arched a bit, pushing my chest into him, my nails digging harshly into his shoulders.
"wait f'me." he huffed,"wan' cum with you." he wasnt telling me, though it did sound like it. it was an order, and order i was gonna obey.
I started moving faster, raising my hips up so I could onky feel his tip inside of me and then slamming down onto him. I opened my eyes when I when I took him fully back into me. His head was back, his lips parted. I kept with this action, rising off and coming back down. Yanking groans from his throat as his hands gripped my ass, his finger tips digging into my skin, and his cock started twitching. He helped to speed up my actions, which didn’t help me, I wanted to cum so badly.
“Please stop focusing on how-how good this feels, and just cum with me already.”I said between pants,”wanna cum on your cock.”
“That’ll do it.” He choked out as I felt his abs tense against my stomach. I finally let myself relax and let go as he started shooting into me.
My head fell onto his shoulder as he kept up with the actions, helping us ride out our orgasms.
The sounds in this room made me glad I lived far from town. Wet slapping accompanied by groans and moans, which stopped when he slowed me down to a stop, making sure to push me down as far as he could so his cock was stuffed inside me.
He kept a grip on my ass but the other was rubbing my back, my head was buried in his neck, my arms draped over his shoulders. Both of our bodies were sticky with a layer of sweat, which to me means an excuse for another round in the shower. When he finally went soft he lifted my hips up and slipped out, snd he pressed kisses to my shoulder.
“So…” he started,”can I interest you in your second shower?”
“If that shower comes with another round, then yes.” I sat up as I spoke and he grinned and his brow cocked slightly.
“If that’s the case-“ he flipped us over, so I was now on my back,” then why not go another round?”
“I won’t say no.” I grinned as his came down to kiss me.
If this is what homesteadings about, then I’m all in.
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im-a-wonderling · 2 years
Love & Hate, Part VI ~ Paul Lahote
I finished with my organic chemistry final today, so to celebrate, here’s part 6 of Love & Hate!
Summary: Sick of his life being dictated by the wolf inside, Paul Lahote is determined to keep one choice for himself and never imprint on anyone. But the wolf has different ideas. 
Warnings: uhhh chronic pain?
Word count: 6.5k
Love & Hate Masterlist
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“That’s your grand idea?” Paul asked, disbelief coloring every word like a rainbow. “Run?”
Instead of laughing or saying ‘just kidding’, Jacob folded his arms, looking defensive. “Look, you know how powerful the wolf is. Nothing manmade is going to be able to contain it, so your best bet is distance, yeah?” Jacob waited until Paul nodded before continuing. “Now, we can run faster than a car, and if you tried to book a flight now, it would be expensive and potentially disastrous if the wolf gains control while you’re in the air.”
Paul shuddered, getting a sudden image of the wolf forcing him to jump out of the emergency hatch of a commercial airliner with a parachute, screaming Y/N’s name on the way down. “So…what, I just run as fast as I can for two days?”
Jacob bobbed his head. “Until the wolf gains control and makes you turn around. And by that time, you’ll have expended so much energy that the wolf would be starting on an already low tank.” 
Jacob’s idea had merit, Paul had to admit, but there was one big problem. 
“What about you-know-who? Who’s going to look after her during this trip?”
“The pack will,” Jacob said, like it was obvious. “C’mon, she’s just one person, and we’ve got a pack of ten.”
Paul snorted and pushed off from leaning against the counter. “She’s far more difficult than you’re giving her credit for.” 
His friend suddenly averted his gaze, staring at the coffee pot on the counter. Paul rolled his eyes. Werewolves tended to wear their hearts on their sleeves, and Jacob was not an exception. He was clearly hiding something. 
Paul crossed his arms. “Spit it out.”
“What?” Jacob asked, the defensive expression cutting into his attempt at innocence. 
“Say whatever it is that’s making you look like you swallowed a gumball,” Paul said, voice sharp with annoyance. 
Jacob winced. “Don’t worry about leaving her,” he said instead of answering Paul’s question. “We’ll figure it out.”
Paul wasn’t worried, but Jacob’s attempt to hide something made him nervous. “Why shouldn’t I worry?” 
“We’ll tighten up the patrols, and we’ll be fine until you get back.”
“What aren’t you saying?” Paul pressed. Jacob’s mouth stayed stubbornly closed. “Don’t make me put you in a headlock.”
Jacob grinned. “You think you could overpower me?”
“Don’t change the subject.” 
His friend rubbed his neck. “It’s just…you don’t spend that much time talking to her or protecting her anyways. If you’re gone, nothing will change much as far as Y/N’s concerned.”
A sharp tug in Paul’s gut almost made him gasp. 
She doesn’t need me.
The thought bounced around Paul’s mind with brutality, along with growls from the feral creature that shared Paul’s body. Paul barely managed to keep the sounds from escaping the confines of his own mind. If this conversation was happening a day closer to the full moon, he wouldn’t have succeeded, a fact which reminded him of the urgency of the situation. 
“The other members of the pack will be dealing with the full moon as well,” Paul finally said. “You won’t be able to take care of her completely.”
“None of us have been fighting against an imprint bond. It won’t affect us a quarter as much as it affects you. Besides, all we have to do is keep an eye on her.”
“Oh, that’s all is it?” Paul snapped. “You’ve been doing a marvelous job of that. Twice now she’s snuck past whomever is supposed to be watching her!”
Jacob narrowed his eyes, and Paul braced himself for the lecture about how he alone was responsible for his imprint’s safety. How Paul needed to get his act together because his imprint needed him. How the last thing he should be doing is getting angry at his imprint when his imprint was the one being hunted by a bloodsucker. 
“How did you know she snuck out today?”
Paul froze. That was not what he expected. “Because…you told me.”
Jacob shook his head. “No, I didn’t.”
“You must’ve,” Paul argued, but Jacob shook his head again. “Well then I must’ve heard it from the telepathy bond.”
“But you just walked home in the rain in your human form,” Jacob reasoned. “You couldn’t have known unless–” Jacob cut off as realization dawned on his face. “What did you do to her?”
“Nothing,” Paul sneered and tried to walk away. 
A hand grabbed his shoulder, forcing him back around. “What happened?”
“Nothing happened,” Paul said forcefully. 
“You’re lying,” Jacob growled back. “Because after whatever happened, you walked home in your human form in the rain because you were ashamed and scared that the pack would find out what you did.”
Paul hated his friend for knowing him too well. “I didn’t do anything to her!” he snapped, shoving at Jacob’s shoulders, but Jacob didn’t budge.
“So you said something to her then. The two of you argued, and you said something horrible.”
“Let go of me.”
“Paul-” Jacob started to say in a warning tone. 
“If you’re so worried about her, why don’t you leave me alone and go find her? Oh, that’s right, she has more important things to do than run lines.” 
Jacob fell back a step, as if Paul had physically shoved him. The hurt in his friend’s eyes shot Paul down to the core, and waves of guilt started crashing on the surf of Paul’s conscience. 
“I can’t believe you just said that.” Jacob’s wounded voice felt like a punch to the gut. 
But Paul wasn’t ready to apologize, not to anyone. 
“I have to go pack,” he said, walking towards the bedroom. “Apparently, I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”
The sky was pouring rain as I drove to the hospital. I could hear Paul’s words in every swipe of my windshield wipers. 
Rid of you. Make everything impossible. Someone like you. 
I clenched my jaw. 
Maybe I’d just live in the hospital instead of Sam and Emily’s. The staff locker rooms were decent, and I was willing to bet the mattresses in the on-call rooms were far better than that couch I’d been sleeping on. I’d done many difficult things in my life before I’d ever even met Paul. I didn’t need him to break this imprint bond, especially if I couldn’t stomach ever seeing him again. 
All I needed was for the pack to catch the vampire. Then I could go find Billy Black’s friend on my own and make it happen. 
I pulled into the hospital parking lot, and the handicapped parking space mocked me as I drove past it, reminding me of the permit stuffed into my glovebox. I ignored its jabs, parking in one of the spots reserved for doctors. 
Limping my way through the parking lot, the sound of Paul’s voice faded away, replaced by the tapping of my cane, an ear-scratching reminder of what I’d lost, what I now was. 
A flare of pain burst from my knee upwards, the exertion causing my injury to complain. I curled my free hand into a fist. 
Every time the pain threatened to make me crumble, I pictured what I was working for. 
Pale, everlasting skin. 
Glinting, bronze eyes. 
And an indestructible, flawless body. 
A new beginning. 
That’s why I put up with pain. That’s why I was putting up with all the werewolves and the vampires. 
I limped into the entryway, not even bothering to acknowledge the woman at the desk’s greeting. I shook off the rain, cursing myself for not grabbing a raincoat when I’d snuck out of Sam and Emily’s house earlier. 
Nearly slipping twice, I managed to make it to the elevator, angrily pressing the button for the second floor much harder than I needed to.
The doors pulled open with a cheery ding, and I walked down the hallway towards my office, my pace getting more and more labored. Standing on my feet beside my flat-tired car for so long had been a mistake. My flagging endurance only added to my irritation. 
But as I walked past the closed door of Carlisle’s office, I heard his voice inside and stopped immediately. 
“...not a bad idea. Of course I’ll look out for her, and I can enlist some of my kids to help as well. They’ll stay out of sight, but reinforcements never hurt.”
He paused for a moment, but I heard nothing. He must’ve been on the phone. 
“Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Sam.” 
I cocked my head. 
Sam? Why would Carlisle and Sam be talking? I thought werewolves and vampires were natural enemies. When Carlisle was checking me out in Sam and Emily’s living room, the dynamics had been strained to say the least. 
Before I could arrive at a conclusion, the door in front of me swung open, and Carlisle stepped out. “Y/N,” he said, not sounding at all surprised to find me lingering outside of his door. 
Then I felt silly. He had vampire hearing. He probably knew I was there the whole time. 
Carlisle gave me a strained smile. “I just got off the phone with Sam, and he explained everything.”
“Honestly, it’s a huge relief for me. We needed someone to work the next few nights anyways, so it’s all working out for the best.” He smiled at me, clearly expecting me to be excited. 
“Yes, that’s great, I’m glad Sam explained it all,” I said, trying to sound natural. 
Carlisle nodded. “I was just about to leave for the day, but I’ll see you tomorrow morning at the end of your shift. Again, you can call me if you have any questions at all.” 
I nodded. “I’m just gonna…go find some scrubs.” 
What was that? I wondered as I walked to the supply closet. Why would Sam of all people call Carlisle and tell him to let me work at the hospital? I thought the pack wanted me to stay within their territory while the rogue vampire was still out there. 
I bent down to set my fresh scrubs on my desk and then froze.
What if…Paul was behind it? Something in our argument must’ve motivated him to whisper into Sam’s ear to have me work at the hospital. I never understood the need for me to stay at Sam and Emily’s, but Paul clearly thought it was necessary. 
Did our argument make him want the vampire to find me and kill me? 
I didn’t want to think that of anyone, let alone my supposed soulmate, but Paul couldn’t have done it out of the goodness of his heart. None of that goodness was reserved for me. 
My thoughts whirled faster and faster, whipping towards tornado speed. 
I shook my head a little. Paul’s motives didn’t matter, not if they got me closer to the doctor. The more the doctor saw of me, the closer we’d get. The closer we got, the harder it would be for him to say no to changing me into a vampire once the bond was broken.
And becoming a vampire was the only thing that mattered. 
Paul’d fashioned a sort of backpack to carry the essentials for his trip, the weight of which slowed him down a bit, but was well worth it to have clothes and money with him. Within eight hours, he’d reached Twin Falls, Idaho. He’d stopped for a meal at McDonald’s and then kept going. By nightfall, he was on the outskirts of Salt Lake City. 
Paul forgot how much he loved to run. The wolf loved it too, even if it kept routinely bringing up thoughts of Y/N and guilt about their argument. Paul didn’t want to care, but even as he shoved the wolf down, it offered him no relief. Not when he was acutely aware that all this denial of the wolf’s urges would only contribute to the frenzy the wolf would cause as soon as the full moon rose. 
The thought kept urging him on, pushing him to run faster and faster. In the end, he had to stop after the second time he nearly ran into a telephone pole, due to the sagging of his eyelids. 
So he found an area dense with trees and flopped on the ground. He wouldn’t stay there long, certainly not long enough for anyone to notice he was there. Just a quick power nap before he continued his journey.
Paul’s eyes were growing heavier and heavier, his breathing evening out. All the energy he’d spent was catching up with him, and he knew that this sleep would be a deep one. 
But just before he could slip into unconsciousness, he was jerked awake.
What’s your problem, Jared? Paul snapped at the voice in his head. I’m trying to sleep!
No wonder Y/N’s not asking any questions about where you went. 
Paul’d forgotten that his fight with Y/N would be as good as broadcasted in his wolf form. The shame pattering in his stomach made him bristle. She thought that I didn’t want to imprint on her because of her limp, he replied defensively.
Well, good thing you set her straight. 
A growl vibrated in Paul’s throat, letting Jared know how little he appreciated his packmate’s sarcasm. 
Look, the pack all knows that Y/N’s limp has nothing to do with your desire to break the bond, but you’re keeping Y/N at an arm’s length. How was she supposed to know?
Why are you defending her? Paul nearly shouted. You’re supposed to be on my side!
I am on your side. Jared sighed. But you’re supposed to be on hers.
Paul didn’t answer. Jared knew how he felt about the imprint bond, so he wasn’t going to waste the energy. 
Y/N had just moved into the area when the vampire tried to kill her, Jared reminded him. She was all alone, and right now, she doesn’t have anybody but us. Have a little compassion.
Paul chewed on that. 
He couldn’t imagine feeling alone in La Push. Even before he’d joined the pack, with all of his dad’s siblings and cousins, Paul had more family than he knew what to do with. And now with the pack, he had more brothers than he knew what to do with. 
He didn’t want to admit that Jared might have a point, but thanks to the wolf telepathy, Jared already knew what Paul was thinking. 
Aching for privacy, Paul shifted back into his human form and pulled on his pants. 
He was going to sleep in his human form tonight. 
The tight ranks of the werewolf pack never ceased to amaze me. 
I didn’t find it strange that I hadn’t seen Paul since our argument by the side of the road. But what was strange was how no one brought up Paul in conversation with me. All the pack’s sly comments about Paul and I being soulmates somehow just faded away simultaneously. In fact, they avoided mentioning him at all, and it seemed as though they were hoping I wouldn’t ask about him. 
But that was crazy…wasn’t it?
Either way, I couldn’t complain about it, not when I was finally at work.
I’d worked as a phlebotomist all through undergrad and med school, gaining as much experience as I could. As demanding as the patients could be and how scared I was at first, there was still something thrilling and mysterious about hospitals. I’d wanted to explore every nook and cranny, ask questions about all the machines, and learn about what everyone’s roles were. Now I had a medical degree, and I knew what all the machines did, I knew what each position was responsible for. The mystery was gone, yet the thrill was still there. 
It’d been too long since I’d been at the hospital. I’d missed the clean, yet sharp smell of antiseptic, the weak lights overhead.
It made my heart feel nearly full again. 
The cane in my hand—my only consistent companion—was the only thing ruining my perfect picture. 
As if my thoughts had summoned him, Carlisle turned the corner at the end of the hallway, flipping through the pages on a clipboard. He looked up, saw me, and stopped in his tracks. Quickly, he patted down his pockets and then turned to go the way he’d just come.
I’d been hoping for some time with Carlisle, but he was avoiding me so much, I wondered if he’d forgotten that he’d told Sam he’d look out for me. 
His avoidance rankled, eating away at me, but I just shoved it down.
When Paul and I finally succeeded in breaking the imprint bond, Carlisle would finally be willing to hear me out. Once I told him my reasons for wanting to become a vampire, the tender-hearted doctor wouldn’t be able to stand not giving me what I wanted. 
Then, I wouldn’t just be back to normal, I’d be better than ever. 
I straightened my shoulders and went on with my shift.
Paul started, his eyes opening. He knew immediately he’d slept much longer than anticipated, judging by the sunlight streaming through the leaves above him. 
He cursed, scrambling to his feet and chucking off his pants. 
He needed to keep moving, or all this running would have been for nothing. He knew that as soon as the wolf gained control, it would be frantic. He barely managed to make sure his pack was secure before shifting and running like a life depended on it. 
The mattresses in the on-call room were not better than the couch. My knee ached after just one night on the mattress just as much as it had sleeping on the couch for nearly a month.
Nevertheless, I crawled onto the bed, trying to sneak in a nap before my third night shift in a row started.
But I couldn’t sleep, and I knew it wasn’t just the familiar aching pain radiating up my leg that kept me tossing and turning. 
It was that imbecilic werewolf.
If he’d just turned all the energy he put into his hostility towards catching the vampire, this bond would already be broken, I might already be a vampire, and we’d both have moved on with our lives. 
My phone rang. 
“Hello?” I answered blearily. 
“Y/N.” Even through the phone, I could hear the warmth in Emily’s voice. 
I sat up, rubbing my tired eyes. “Hey, Emily, how are you?”
“Oh, not too bad.” Emily gave a soft sigh. “I just wanted to let you know that you’re still safe, that the pack have been taking turns patrolling the hospital.”
I cocked my head. If that were what she really wanted to say, she could’ve texted me. No, what she wanted to talk about was not some security update. “Thanks, that’s good to know.” 
“Of course!”
I didn’t say anything, waiting for Emily’s motives to reveal themselves. 
It hadn’t even been five seconds when Emily sighed. “Sam told me about your argument with Paul.” 
I tensed “Paul told Sam?”
“No, it was the pack telepathy.”
I froze. “I’m sorry, what?”
“The pack telepathy? You know, they can hear each other's thoughts?”
“Uh…well…” Emily stammered. “Did…did Paul not explain that to you?”
“No, he most certainly did not,” I retorted, cursing Paul’s close-lipped nature for what felt like the millionth time. “So, what, they can all communicate telepathically?”
“Not all the time. Only when they’re in their wolf forms.”
I swung my legs over the side of the on-call mattress. So everyone in the pack knew everything about every interaction I’d ever had with Paul. 
That was…disturbing. To say the least. 
Did that mean that everyone in the pack knew everything that happened between Emily and Sam as a husband and wife?
I couldn’t help the shudder. 
The sound of Emily’s sigh came through the phone. “Look, Y/N, I understand that this is a lot to adjust to. Believe me, I struggled with it a lot, and I didn’t have a vampire hunting me. But it gets easier. It does, and suddenly one day you realize that you wouldn’t want any different.”
“I do want different,” I blurted without thinking and then felt my cheeks heat up. I hadn’t meant to be so truthful. 
“Paul was out of line to say what he did,” Emily said, “but the two of you have been stuck in this whirlwind of stress. He might not admit it, but he’s stressed about that vampire being after you.”
The only reason I didn’t laugh was due to my gratitude that she assumed Paul was the biggest thing I wanted to change about my life. 
“He is,” Emily insisted, correctly interpreting my silence. “I know he’s a tough egg to crack, but he’s the most loyal, determined person I’ve ever met. You just have to get through his shell and then he’ll never let you go.”
All the more reason not to stretch out this imprint business any longer than I had to. Paul had been doing an excellent job of not getting too involved so far, but I didn’t know how long this would last with this oh so powerful imprint bond. 
“You know, Emily, I gotta get some sleep while I can.”
“Right, sorry.” Emily paused, and I could practically see her weighing her next words. “Will you be coming back here tomorrow?”
I bit my lip. Emily had always been more than generous with me. Even if I didn’t necessarily appreciate all her opinions about the imprint bond, I had to appreciate her efforts. 
Emily inhaled on the other side of the line. “It’s silly but…I’ve missed having you around.”
Warmth flowed through my chest. “Yeah,” I said without thinking, “I’ll need some sleep after my shift tonight, and these mattresses at the hospital suck.”
“Great,” Emily said, her smile evident in her voice. “I’ll see you tomorrow then!”
“See ya,” I said, and she hung up. 
I laid back, staring at the ceiling as all my warm and fuzzies wore off. 
When I’d decided to move to Forks, I didn’t want to waste any time on anything other than becoming a vampire, especially not something as domestic as friendships. 
But I somehow ended up with a friendship anyway. 
I turned over, mashing my face into the pillow. 
This mission kept getting more and more complicated. 
It’s exhilarating to have covered so much distance so quickly, Paul thought to himself, as he ate in a diner in Kansas City. If Paul had known he could run to Missouri from La Push in two days, he would’ve done it long before now. 
He bit into his fourth burger, chewing happily. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been all on his own, but he knew he’d certainly never been this far from home. 
He’d only ever lived in La Push and Tacoma. His memories of Tacoma were just as scattered as those of his mother, and considering the last time he’d seen her had been there, it made sense.
Paul sat back in his chair, the burger suddenly tasting like cardboard. 
His parents divorced when he was eight. He remembered the loud sounds of their arguments floating through his closed bedroom door after he’d gone to bed. 
The first and second times he asked his dad why he was fighting with his mom, his dad changed the subject. The third time, his dad let out a heavy sigh and looked so sad that Paul was the one to change the subject.
When Paul’s dad sat him down and explained that he and Paul were moving to the reservation without his mom, Paul ran to his mother and begged her to make up with his dad so he could stay in Tacoma. 
All his mother said was: “It takes two to fight.” 
She hadn’t even fought for Paul to stay or asked for partial custody. She’d only tried to force blame onto her soon-to-be ex-husband. 
Paul shook his head, dismissing thoughts about his mother. If he thought about her for too long, the thin ropes leashing his emotions about the past wouldn’t be enough.
All of the sudden, Paul felt a sharp tug in his navel. 
It was so sudden and painful, Paul lurched forward in his chair, gripping the top of the table.
It was starting. 
The wolf was fighting for control. 
Paul tried to breathe through the pain, but his strength meant nothing in the face of this kind of pain. 
He glanced out the window to see the sun still setting. The moon hadn’t even come up yet, and he could already feel it. 
“Hey dude,” the apathetic waiter said, making Paul jump in surprise. “We’re closing.”
“Yeah,” Paul managed, “I’ll clear out.”
Paul’s movements were methodical and forced as he packed up his stuff, threw away his trash, and stepped outside the door into the humid night air. The employee locked the door behind him. Paul tried his hardest to step off the curb and keep heading east until he found a private space to shift and continue his journey. 
But he couldn’t do it. 
The only thing Paul could do was stand still on the same spot on the sidewalk, defending his autonomy with every fiber of his being as the wolf fought for control. 
The moment that moon actually rose, it would be over. There would be no communicating with the wolf and no reasoning with it. Their brains would be one and the same, and Paul would have one priority and one only. 
Paul tried to prepare himself, but as soon as the first sliver of the moon appeared on the horizon, it was like a bucket of ice water being tipped over his head.
Oh, what had he done? 
How could he have raised his voice at his imprint? How could he have run away instead of making it right? Being so far away from the one whom his whole world revolved around, it deeply wounded him. He needed to get to her, to his entire reason for breathing. He had to apologize, to hold her close, to beg for forgiveness. 
There was nothing else that mattered.
He took off running. 
I froze outside of the patient room I’d just been passing. I rapped my knuckles against the door. “Are you okay in there?”
There was no response.
I pushed the door open to see an elderly male on the floor, clearly having just fallen out of bed. 
“I need some help here!” I called towards the nurses’ station, rushing inside as best I could. I checked the man’s neck for a pulse and found none. 
I started chest compressions just as a nurse and a CNA barged into the room. The CNA left and returned with a respiratory pump, kneeling on the floor to gently blow air into the man’s lungs. “What’s the patient here for?” I asked in between compressions. 
“He was admitted for coronary heart disease.” The nurse kneeled as well. “Dr. Cullen wanted to wait to see if it cleared on its own before trying a procedure.”
“Well, it hasn’t cleared,” I panted, continuing compressions. “Switch.” 
The nurse got into position, taking over compressions while I hit the code blue button on the wall.
By the time the moon was directly overhead, Paul was already nearing Salt Lake City. Somehow, he’d managed to cover distance twice as fast as before. 
He was powered by love, he just knew it. 
The bungee cord feeling Paul’d gotten when he imprinted, it was as if the bond had hit its maximum distance and was now recoiling, pulling Paul back to the place where he belonged with great speed. 
Why had he ever gone so far in the first place? What place could he ever be if he was far from those lips that pouted when she was deep in thought? Or frowned when he made some insipid comment? What place could he ever be happy without those eyes that betrayed her thoughts when she schooled the rest of her face into passivity? Without her sharp wit and determination, what life could he lead that could be worth living? 
Oh, Y/N.
He heard her name in every footfall, every gust of wind, every bird call. 
“It’s been hours, and his stats aren’t going up,” I said to the house supervisor. “At this point, we have to put in a stent if he’s going to make it to tomorrow.”
“We’re not qualified for that,” she replied, wringing her hands. “We don’t have the space, nor the personnel to staff an OR.” 
“Then what’s the nearest hospital capable?”
“Olympic Medical Center, but it’s 60 miles away!”
“Then you’d better call for a helicopter!” I snapped. The house supervisor fled the room, and I turned back to the patient. I pursed my lips, willing him to live, to hang on just a little longer. 
The pressure on Paul’s heart steadily increased, but Paul didn’t care. Even if it burst in his frenzy to get to his imprint, he still wouldn’t care. Without her, there was not a single thing his heart could be used for anyways, and running towards the woman he loved was certainly the best thing to be doing when he died. 
He only sped up as he passed the state border of Idaho and Washington.
Considering my limp, I was not a good candidate to roll the stretcher up to the roof, but I did it anyway. I’d been keeping this man alive all night, I was not about to desert him now. 
The roof was freezing, and when the helicopter landed on the roof, the wind generated by the blades only made it colder. Still, I limped right up to the medical personnel in the helicopter, relaying all the important information as the patient was loaded inside. 
“Are you coming with us?!” the man shouted. 
My heart leapt. “Can I?!”
The man nodded. “Yeah, but you gotta decide quickly.”
I could just say yes. 
It was at the tip of my tongue. It would be so easy to just go, to supervise and make sure that the man was well taken care of and that he made it to surgery before his time ran out. Plus, I would be in the air. There was no vampire species I was aware of that could fly, so I’d be safe from the vampire. 
But then I thought of the wolves circling the hospital, the wolves that had been watching over me. How much would I worry them by jumping into a random helicopter and flying to Olympia? If Emily heard about it, how disappointed would she be? 
And if Paul heard about it, how much would he yell at me? 
I groaned, pushing away from the helicopter. “I’m staying!” The nurse helped me wheel the empty bed towards the elevator, allowing the helicopter to take flight.
And it did. 
I couldn’t help but feel disappointed as I watched it go. I should’ve been happy, because my patient was on his way to the medical care he desperately needed. I just couldn’t help wishing that I had the freedom to go too. 
“Are you coming in?” the nurse asked.
“I’m staying up here for a few minutes. Page me if you need me.”
The nurse nodded and left. 
The sky was lightening, but while sunrises normally instilled some sense of peace, I was frustrated.
I’d done something. I hadn’t just slept on a horribly uncomfortable couch and lounged around for a day. I’d used my knowledge to save a life, which was exactly what I wanted to do every day for the rest of my life. 
And then came that moment when these stupid werewolves got in the way yet again of something I needed as much as breathing. The frustration thrashed in my chest like a rabid animal. I’d been here for over a month, and I’d taken one step forward and what felt like twenty steps back. 
So I was going to stay on the roof. I was going to stay until the thrashing stopped. 
Paul shifted, pulling his shorts on and throwing the bag aside. He didn’t care about such things, not when he’d finally reached Forks General Hospital. 
But before he could step up to the edge of the parking lot, a force hit him from behind, causing him to crumple to the grass. “Get off!” he shouted, twisting and flailing. 
He shifted back into his wolf form and broke free, whipping around to face whoever stood in between him and Y/N.
A russet brown wolf stood there, a wolf he recognized as Jacob Black.
What are you doing? he spat at Jacob.
Keeping you from doing something you’ll regret. 
Paul dashed for the hospital. For a moment, he thought he’d successfully made it around Jacob…until Jacob tackled him from the side, and the two went rolling. The full moon makes you even dumber, Jacob noted with a strange sort of glee.
Paul wanted to rip his friend’s head off for not only keeping him from his heart’s desire but for laughing at him in his misery. He squirmed and fought as hard as he could, but every time Paul tried to get closer to the hospital, there was Jacob, dragging him back. Once, Paul nearly set a paw upon the asphalt of the parking lot, but Jacob collided with him from the side, forcing him back again. 
Let me by! Paul screamed. I need to see her!
Y/N’s okay, man, she’s safe and well. But you can’t see her right now.
Paul growled, and giving up on the notion of sneaking past Jacob, he launched himself at Jacob instead. Don’t tell me when I can or can’t see her! The two werewolves went rolling right into a tree, causing the thirty foot tall tree to groan and lean to the side. 
Multiple voices of his brothers calling his name and trying to reason with him swarmed into Paul’s head, but Paul was well beyond reason. 
I’m sorry for this, man, but it’s gotta be done. Before Paul could react, Jacob’s teeth clamped down on Paul’s shoulder, and Paul howled in pain.
I was about to head back into the elevator when I heard it.
A howl. 
The blood in my veins ran cold. Something was happening, something to do with the werewolves patrolling the hospital to keep me safe. 
My thoughts immediately went to Paul. With all the wolf’s imprint instincts in his mind, he was the one most likely to do something stupid in an effort to keep me safe. 
I ran into the elevator, jamming the button as I pulled out my phone. 
“Hello?” said Emily’s voice.
“It’s Y/N. I think something’s happening in the forest beside the hospital. I heard a howl.”
“Sam’s already on his way there, but you need to stay in the hospital where it’s safe.”
“Emily, I’m the one medically trained! I’m the one that can help!”
“Not if it’s the vampire,” Emily said. “If it’s the vampire, leaving the hospital would be the most dangerous thing you could do.”
I jammed the ‘door open’ button repeatedly. “If someone is injured because they’re trying to protect me, I’m not just going to stand by and let them suffer!” Before Emily’s response could filter through my phone’s speakers, I hung up, shoving the phone into my white coat’s pocket. 
When the elevator doors opened, I took off. 
Sunlight poured through the windows, giving the hospital lobby its ordinary sallow glow. 
I didn’t even make it out of the front doors of the hospital before Sam was there, standing in my way with no shirt and arms folded. 
“Let me through!” I snapped, not even bothering to try physicality. “If someone’s injured, I can help!”
Sam’s expression didn’t shift from its stony state. “Right now, you need to stay back.”
“If someone’s injured, I can help!”
“Paul will be fine,” Sam replied. 
My heart leapt into my mouth. I knew it, I knew Paul was the one to do something stupid and almost get himself killed. I desperately clung to my last shred of common sense. “If the vampire injured him because he was trying to protect me–” I croaked. 
“That’s one of the hazards in our occupation.” 
“One of the–” I bit down on my lip, trying to keep my temper from flaring. “Paul needs help!”
“Yes. Our help.” Sam made a shooing gesture. “Go finish your shift.” I didn’t budge, glowering at the alpha. 
The lobby doors behind Sam opened, and Jacob came through. “We got him back to La Push,” he said. Then, he stopped short, just noticing that Sam wasn’t alone. 
“What happened?” I asked Jacob, my voice dangerously soft. “Tell me.” 
For some reason, Jacob chuckled. “Paul’s okay.” Was he being…glib? One of his best friends was hurt, and he seemed to be smothering a smile. 
“Somehow I doubt the vampire would leave Paul ‘okay’.”
Jacob cut a strange look in Sam’s direction, and Sam gave a minute shake of his head. “Don’t worry about it,” Jacob said. “We’ve got it all under control.”
Sam folded his arms. “Go back to work, Y/N.” 
“You’re not my alpha,” I said with a sneer. “I don’t have to do anything you tell me to.”
Sam cocked his head, and I didn’t even need to ask to know what he was thinking. Why was I fighting so hard to help when I wasn’t wanted?
Suddenly I remembered what Emily’d said about the telepathy. Was Paul experiencing this with them, right in this moment? Did he think that I cared about him? 
The thought pulled me up short. 
“I’m a doctor,” I said, my voice softer than I’d intended. “It’s my job to help people that are sick and hurting. It’s what I’ve worked for my whole life.”
Sam and Jacob exchanged a look, but neither spoke. 
The lobby doors opened again, and in came Carlisle. He slowed to a stop when he noticed the three of us. “Sam,” he said with a nod. 
Sam matched his nod. “Carlisle.” 
Carlisle’s eyes traveled over the two werewolves before reaching me. “Y/N, how was your shift?” he asked. 
I hesitated, not sure if I wanted to let Carlisle’s entrance distract me from the situation.  But getting close to Carlisle was always my goal, and I wouldn’t let anything ruin that. “The patient in room 203 was airlifted to Olympic Medical Center for a stent replacement.” A smug smile formed on Sam’s face, and I wanted to scratch his eyes out. As I continued relaying the details, I heard the lobby doors open and assumed Sam and Jacob were rejoining the pack. 
It was only when Carlisle and I reached the elevator that I realized I didn’t know if the rogue vampire had been caught or not.
But right at that moment, I found it hard to care. 
Part VII
Overall tag list:
@thelastpyle @valiantlytransparentwhispers
Love & Hate tag list:
@lahoete @trantolette @nicodoesntexist @unicornicopia1 @adaydreamaway08 @inpraizeof @zealouspursecowboydeputy @vendylewin @britty443 @forkscult @sokkasimp101 @toomanythoughts33 @thatmultifandomlovingmf @imsuchafuckingmessbuthello @itsmytimetoodream @sapphireplums @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @sneezie98 @swidkid @volturiwolf @convolutings @lettermessenger @unstablekay @simpingfortoomanypeople @curadopordeus @mrmurdocksgirl @fuckthatfeeling @avis15 @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @slytherinfolk25 @patychieffi
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starfall-spirit · 9 months
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Summary: An irksome trip to the Summer Court on matters of business and assistance against a threat at sea takes an interesting turn when Rhys discovers the solution to Nostrus' problem no longer lies with his army, but a female sacrifice, bound at high tide in hope of appeasing the beast terrorizing Nostrus' shores. He certainly never predicted the rescue mission would result in an accepted mating bond.
AN: Merry Christmas! Here’s chapter 2 of my @acotargiftexchange fic for @eat0crow 🎄🎄🎄
Chapter II: New Beginnings
Feyre had always considered herself clever enough. Not the most brilliant around, but smart enough to piece together when she was facing royalty. She was going to blame the chaos of her capture for her slow processing. Rhys was Rhysand, heir-apparent to the Night Court throne. Someone she was meant to stay far far away from if the stories she'd heard over the years were anything to go by. Yet if she ignored them all for a moment, it was easy enough to dismiss them as nothing more than rumors to frighten children.
From the very second they returned to his modest home in Velaris, a shining and busy city she'd somehow never heard of, he had been nothing but gentle with her. Overbearing one might even say, fussing over the smallest injuries inflicted when she had been caught by Nostrus' second-in-command. But then, males were known to act very differently with their mates, weren't they? How long would it take for the power of the fresh bond to fade?
She startled when he lifted her chin. "I hate that look." She furrowed her brows. "I don't need to read your mind to know you're questioning your safety here. If I will harm you, despite our bond. There is a mask we wear, Feyre, to protect our people." Uncurling his fingers, he slid his hand across her jaw, reaching to cup the back of her neck. "If there is one thing you always keep faith in, let it be that this bond is sacred to me. I'd sooner slit my own throat than lay a hand on you in anger or malice. Understand?"
She nodded and he let go, his fingers trailing her jaw as he released her. The spell was broken by a soft rapping on the bedroom door. He rolled his eyes, begrudgingly calling for whoever was on the other side to come in. Seconds later a female of great resemblance to Rhys stormed through the door. The eyes and coloring they shared easily marked her as his mother, though Feyre was thrown by the wings the female possessed. She was another Illyrian, yet Rhys’ lack of wings and clearly pointed ears put them apart.
She was distracted from the puzzling relation when the new arrival began lecturing her mate. "Rhysand, what were you thinking? Your father sent you in his place because he thought you'd keep your head and—"
"Mother, may I request you wait to berate me until my mate isn't present to hear it?"
"Your... what?"
His lips curled into a soft smile at the pure glee in her voice, stepping away just far enough to reveal Feyre's position on the edge of the bed. "My mate, Feyre. Feyre, this is my mother, Victorie."
The female gasped, her violet eyes bright as she took in Feyre. "I, uh, haven't cleaned up yet," Feyre said with a blush. If this female was anything like her own mother, her current state, smelling and soaked to the skin, was unacceptable.
"Oh, who cares about that? You are gorgeous. We'll be talking over breakfast in the morning. I want to know everything about my future daughter-in-law."
Feyre was too stunned to respond. Never once had her own mother seemed so eager to discuss anything with her, let alone her hobbies and interests. "I'd like that," she finally managed, almost whispering.
"Nostrus requested the meeting because she escaped," Rhys cut in, either recognizing her discomfort or just wanting to get rid of his mother for the evening a little faster. "Rather than still voicing his concern about the water serpent when he heard she was caught... There's something to be said for his pride, I suppose. Luckily for him, the creature is dead." His attention snapped back to Feyre. "The wraiths that helped us, they were indebted to you. Why?"
"I met my fiance a few months ago. The visit overlapped with the Tithe. He had given me a necklace and earrings. When the wraith speaking for her sisters couldn't offer anything, I gave her my jewelry."
"The Tithe?" She watched as realization dawned. "You're Tamlin's betrothed?"
"Drama," a light female voice sang from the hall.
"Avyanna, isn't it past your bedtime," Rhys drawled, earning an offended screech from another winged female, this one in her teens, it seemed. "Tamlin is a friend of mine," he explained to Feyre. "He knows what mating bonds mean and he'll respect ours."
"Will he?" the girl in the doorway chirped. "Rumor has it, he's already head over heels for her. You and your friend may be facing a falling out here soon, and over a female of all things. But we'll just let them worry about that. Hi, I'm Avyanna, but you can call me Avy. We're going to be the best of friends, I know it already." Rhys cleared his throat softly. "Right, sorry. You probably like to get a bath and some rest. We'll see you in the morning." She beamed. "Goodnight!"
"Forgive them, Feyre. They're romantics above all else."
She smiled. "It's sweet. My parents and sisters... We've never had that." He stroked her hair back. "Sorry. You don't want to hear about that."
"Hey." Again, he gripped her chin to keep their eyes locked. "I want to know everything about you. The good, the bad, and everything in between. Nothing you could say will scare me away, Feyre. I promise."
Summoning a set of clothes, light and comfortable enough to sleep in, he guided her to her feet and towards the bathroom. "Go ahead and get cleaned up. Take your time. I can do the same elsewhere."
"This is your room," she said with a frown.
"My hope is that it will now be our room, but if you'd prefer a guest suite, that can be arranged as well." She shook her head. "Alright then. Get cleaned up. I'll be back in a bit."
The second he shut the door to his bedroom he slumped against the wall. He never thought the mating bond would be so overwhelming, yet here he was, struggling with any basic thought beyond what it would feel like to kiss her. "Fuck."
"Rhysand." He grimaced at his father's voice and the heavy steps that marked his angry pace. "I thought better of you than this. That you had matured enough to be diplomatic in a foreign court. Now tell me why there are two blood rubies on my desk."
"Diplomacy went out the window the moment Nostrus tried to kill my mate," he growled right back. "If anything, the bastard should thank me for handling his little problem for him." His father, eloquent as he may be, appeared to be struggling to find a reason to scold him. After all, he'd murdered every male involved in his own mate's attempted wing-clipping at the camps. There were morals among the fae, few as they may be; lines you simply didn't cross. "Is it normal, feeling this..."
"Need to protect, to claim the bond, earn her acceptance? Yes." His father straightened, his cold mask firmly back in place. "Go bathe and get that stench off of you. We'll resume this discussion tomorrow."
Rhys let him pretend the scent of blood and salt and sand was the issue between them, crossing the hall to use a guest suite bath, grateful his magic had already cleaned the worst of it off of him and Feyre both. He was too exhausted to deal with scrubbing at serpent guts and whatever else had been on him. All he wanted now was to sink into bed and wrap himself around his mate. It was terrifying, frankly, how deep he was in it already. They'd met less than two hours ago and she already felt like everything he imagined for his future. More. Certainly more precious than any other female he'd known intimately.
She'd be his reason for living. In truth, he didn't deserve her. Not when on the bad days the man in the mirror looked too much like his father. Not when he'd been groomed to turn into the thing he was watching destroy his mother's joy. Seeing Feyre may have been the first thing to truly make her smile in months. He strived to be better, and he would. Before his thoughts could stray to anything darker, he felt a little tug inside him. A pull on that new thread connecting him to Feyre, tentative and curious. He chuckled, tugging back before reaching for the soap beside him and finishing his bath. Taking his time to dress, he returned to his personal room, knocking softly.
"Come in."
He wished he could claim the first thing on his mind was something respectable, but taking her in, his only thought was how much the fashion of his court seemed to suit her. Granted, he'd yet to see her in any other court's clothing, beyond the ruined dress he'd found her in. "Night Court colors suit you. Feeling better now?"
"Yes. Though I feel like I could sleep for days."
His protective instincts rose again at her tone, the glaze in her eyes. "Nothing else was done to you before you were left at the rocks?"
"I'm fine, Rhys. It was just... frightening. If you and the wraiths hadn't been there, I'd be dead."
He gripped her hands, squeezing softly before pulling her over to sit on the bed beside him. "They won't cross our borders, Feyre. Cassian and I will be marked enemies in the Summer Court, but they have no reason to follow you here."
Perhaps not Summer. Rhys grimaced. "Please stop reading my mind," she whispered.
"I'm no longer doing so intentionally, Feyre. But your shields are abysmal and the bond will only act as an amplifier until you learn to keep that block in place."
She ignored his comment. "Even if Tamlin isn't a problem, his father is another issue entirely. Whatever deal he's struck with my parents... He isn't going to be so agreeable about honoring a barely developed bond."
He took a moment before responding, trying to navigate how to proceed with this conversation. "You are hesitant to accept our bond, yet you have no desire to go through with your engagement."
A heavy silence settled over them, as if she was being careful with her word choice. "All my life, I have been raised with the purpose of bringing wealth or other benefits to my family and court. My sisters too. Elain was the most beautiful and was wed to the Heir of Day almost twelve years ago. Autumn has their eye on Nesta. It took all of one meeting for me to be sold off to Spring, then a sacrifice of my own High Lord before the wedding could even be announced. And now I am here, and while I want to trust your words, I fear I'll be your father's puppet too. A pawn on his chess board."
The rest hung unspoken between them. If she and Rhys weren’t tied by fate’s threads she’d have said goodbye on Summer soil. Made an escape from it all before she considered marrying another royal. His birthright had never felt like such a curse. “You are no one’s puppet. Not mine, not my father’s, not Spring’s. You will never be a pawn again, Feyre. I swear it on my life.”
She sighed, seemingly comforted by his vow—or perhaps just too exhausted to do anything more than slide under the covers.
"Tell me about your family," he murmured, his fingers trailing down her spine as she curled against his chest. "Beyond the marriage business, I mean."
She shrugged. "My mother and father are too busy social climbing to be considered respectable parents. My sisters... We used to be close, but we weren't raised in a way that gave us the time or desire to bond naturally. I love them, but Nesta can be..."
She shook her head. "Elain was your typical middle sister, mediator at the best of times, hidden away at the worst. The favorite too," she said, trying to hide the bitter note in her voice. "Our father's and society's. You should have seen how quickly Vanserra began to favor her. Not that the fascination lasted long. He ran off to The Continent to fight just months after they had their child and hasn't been seen or heard from since.
“Ten years since he set sail and she hasn't heard a word. He's either dead or found another female to enjoy until Helion calls him home, I suppose. I can't say I'm all that surprised. Like I said, it was an arranged marriage. Elain never expected much better from him. Now she's stuck there dealing with those dreadful suitors."
He shook his head. "Two of my father's men were sent as suitors just a few weeks ago. We're natural allies, as solar courts, but with Lucian assumed dead the game is changing. My father is an opportunist, above all else. He wants a strong foothold in Helion's court. Even if Helion's power won't pass to whoever your sister chooses, she's already become beloved."
"Night would have the perfect spy. Clever. And horrible. I hate that her life has become a political game."
Rhys hummed. "She's holding strong, from what I've heard. Entertaining the suitors while dodging their advances." He paused, thinking for a moment. "You know, it wouldn't be terribly difficult to request a visit to Day. Helion and I have ties of our own and if I express you're missing your sister terribly, well, he adores her and would be interested to meet you."
She bolted up in bed, grinning wide. It was the first real smile she'd given him and it took his breath away. "You'd do that for me?"
Cupping her face, he smiled right back. "Feyre, darling, I'd do anything for you. Ask and it's yours."
Taglist: @lulling-night-sky // @edgyellie // @shallyne // @the-lonelybarricade // @darling-archeron // @goddess-aelin // @the-lost-changeling // @faeriequeensuriel // @pandavelaris // @s-uppertime // @elentiya-whitethorn // @acotar-fanns // @jealousveronya // @acourtofwips // @reverie-tales // @gwynkyrie // @corcracrow // @thelovelymadone // @rosanna-writer
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eyesxxyou · 10 months
had an idea for ur hybrid au come to mind while scrolling, so here's my pitch! cw if professorxstudent obsession creeps u out or makes u uncomfy so, imagine sheep!reader and dobie being college roommates. at first, dobie seems scary because there's something intimidating about him, something unapproachable. he always seems to be guarding something, looking out for danger. reader retracts a bit every time he snarls lowly at an unwelcome or unexpected presence approaching the door, curling in on themselves at the way his eyes sharpen when he hears even the smallest of noises. but over time, reader comes to warm up to him, growing more comfortable as they reveal little bits and pieces of themselves to each other with every day they spend together. dobie warms up to reader too, accepting their softness and eager acts of affection, whether physical or non-physical, with a fond sigh and an open mind. wolf!miguel is reader's professor, with greying hair and crinkling skin at the corner of his eyes. he's largely known for his strict demeanor and the permanent look of disapproval plastered on his face, unable to be wiped away by even the brightest of his students. being a wolf hybrid, most prey-animal hybrids seem to always be on edge in his class due to his prideful demeanor, seemingly keeping their heads down to avoid his critical gaze. he wears his canines proudly. reader enters miguel's class naively and he can't help but be interested in them, his gaze following them constantly. their nice and meek demeanor picked at his mind, they seemed so sweet, so gullible, so vulnerable. something about them grabbed at his senses, making him eye them with a near-predatory gaze, the deep rooted urge in him to possess them, corrupt them and tear into them (whether literally or figuratively) activated at the sight of their sheepish demeanor. he doesn't grow warm to them, no, but he starts to make his large presence more constant in their life, always singling them out in class and growing bolder day by day with his advances. his obsession grows before he can quell it, and by the time he realizes what he's doing, it's too late for him to stop. dobie's sharp senses alert him to miguel's advances, and he starts to grow more protective of reader. he'd never really liked miguel, always found him to be too much, but the way he was prowling and waiting to pounce on reader solidified his dislike of miguel. he'd skipped miguel's classes constantly before, but now he'd make sure his attendance was perfect just to keep reader safe and pry them away from the lecture room before miguel could get them alone. he glares at miguel in the hallways, holding back his snarls for propriety's sake but making his distaste for him known. sometimes, he convinces the reader to get to class late or entirely skip the class, trying to create as much distance between reader and miguel as possible. he walks in front of reader all the time, ensuring their safety and keeps his ears and nose up for even the most miniscule scent or sound of miguel approaching, standing guard while reader is ever so oblivious. idk man but whaddaya think? -⭐
I ACTUALLY LOVE THIS SO MUCH THIS IS AMAZING. I might actually write this frfr
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ghost-town-story · 8 months
FebruarOC Day 2: Basil
(Warning for gun mentions here, but it's just target practice this time)
Falcon paused a few steps into the gun range. At this time of night, the place was usually empty, giving Falcon free reign to mess with the lights and hijack the speakers. But instead of the quiet darkness he’d come to expect, one corner of the room was lit up. Falcon debated leaving the other person alone, but ultimately his curiosity won out and he headed in the direction of the lights.
At the end of the room, almost hiding behind the wall partition, was a kid. Falcon slowed to a stop to watch him. He didn’t make any attempt to avoid being noticed, considering the kid was wearing headphones to protect his hearing and he was entirely focused on the target at the other end of the range.
The kid couldn’t be much older than ten, but there was a familiarity about him that nagged at Falcon despite being certain that he probably hadn’t interacted with him before. He also handled the gun with more confidence than any kid his age should have handling firearms, though Falcon was glad that he wasn’t overconfident and doing stupid shit because of it.
As he watched, the kid let out a breath and pulled the trigger.
Steady hands, Falcon noted as the sound of the shot echoed through the room. A second later, he shook his head emphatically, as if he could dislodge the thoughts that settled there. The kid was just that, a kid. It wasn’t Falcon’s place to have any say in how he was raised, but he could do his part by not dragging him deeper.
The kid breathed once, twice, then fired again, completely unbothered as the gun recoiled in his hands.
Falcon let out a long breath. Kid or not, he was already damn decent at handling a gun without freaking out or shaking.
Oh fuck it.
Falcon flipped on the lights. The kid set the gun down in a hurry and whirled around, pulling off his headphones. Falcon raised an eyebrow, waiting to see what the kid would do first.
The kid looked around as if expecting Falcon to have backup just around the corner before he met Falcon’s gaze. “I’m allowed to be here,” he said. “Kestrel gave me the whole gun safety lecture.”
“Mmhm.” Falcon didn’t let up on the judgmental look. “Acting pretty guilty. Plus, how old are you, like, ten?”
The kid’s expression settled into something like indignation, though his cheeks colored with a blush. “I’m eleven. Almost twelve. And I…” He hesitated, glancing around again. “I wanted to practice shooting,” he admitted. “But Dad thinks it’s… He thinks all I need to know are the basics.”
“What, is he expecting you to go nova and burn yourself out within a year?”
“No!” The vehemence surprised Falcon, and apparently the kid himself, because he immediately took a step back like he could reel it back into something more appropriate.
“No,” he repeated, quieter now. “He just… wants to make sure I don’t have to rely on anything or anybody to help me. Even Nova powers, if I…”
Falcon rolled his eyes. “Sure, knowing hand-to-hand is good if you get in a tight spot,” he said. “But,” He crossed the distance between them and picked up the gun the kid had been using. One glance at the kid saw him putting his headphones back on. Falcon gave him an approving nod, then activated his own hearing protection, raised the gun, and fired three shots in quick succession.
The target jolted as the bullets hit dead center.
Falcon set the gun down and turned back to the kid. He waited for the kid to remove his headphones again before finishing his sentence. “If you want to avoid getting in a tight spot in the first place, guns are gonna be your friend there.” He held out his hand. “I’m Falcon.”
The kid blinked a few times, then he reached out to take Falcon’s hand. Despite his hesitance, his grip was sure. “Basil.”
“Ah.” Familiarity clicked into place for Falcon. “Bay’s kid.”
Basil nodded.
A shame, Falcon thought to himself. Bay was notorious for being a self-reliant hardass who chafed at the mere idea of Falcon helping to cover his ass. And, apparently, he was already teaching those qualities to his kid.
But Falcon was petty, and Basil had steady hands and a fondness for guns that Bay wouldn’t approve of, so he bared his teeth in a grin. “Wanna learn to be a sniper?”
Basil blinked. “Why?”
“I’m sure Boss would appreciate having another sniper on hand if needed,” Falcon said. “And you’ve got steady hands.”
Basil looked at his hands, then back at Falcon, eyes narrowing like he was trying to solve a puzzle.
“Your choice.” Falcon shrugged. “I’m not gonna make you get Bay’s permission.”
Basil scoffed, almost involuntarily as he immediately covered his mouth with his hand.
Falcon smirked. “Yeah, that’s exactly why I don’t give a shit about his permission. Up to you.”
Basil didn’t immediately give his answer. He slowly lowered his hand from his mouth, looking down the range at the target he and Falcon had been shooting. Falcon leaned against the partition, giving the kid time to think about it.
“Do I have to decide right now?” Basil asked.
“Nah.” Falcon shook his head. “Take your time to think. I’m usually here most nights, or else you can give Kess your answer and they’ll pass the message along to me. Sound good?”
Basil nodded.
“Sweet.” Falcon gave in to the urge and ruffled Basil’s hair. The look he got in return was wavering between bemusement and indignation.
Falcon figured it was time for him to dip and let Basil figure his stuff out. “See ya around kid.” He pushed off of the partition, flashed a lazy cross between a salute and a wave, then headed for the door of the gun range.
“I—” Basil started, sounding like he was still stuck in the limbo of whether or not to be offended. “Okay.”
Falcon left the range without another look back, deciding to forgo his own target practice in favor of hunting down Kestrel and making sure the kid actually had permission to be in there by himself.
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 6 months
The Thing You're Dealing
The Waves are Rising and Rising Extra Scene #1
Good news for anyone here interested in getting back into this universe: @little-smartass and I are making good progress on the extras and we're ready to start posting what we've finished 🥰 This one is a very important pre-fic conversation, enjoy!
The climate in Lanling is relatively mild this time of year, which is a single small mercy for Wen Qing’s situation - her situation being, ultimately, destitution and homelessness. 
Her uncle had called for her to treat him in the final weeks of the war, so she had left her brother and family behind in (what she’d believed to be) the relative safety of their small village and ventured into Nightless City, settled in the caldera of a dormant volcano; the heat and heart of Qishan. She’d managed to slip away from the Palace when the Sunshot forces had arrived, suspecting - correctly, as it turned out - that the tide was going to turn in the favour of people who would not be particularly sympathetic to what she had been forced to do to survive.
She’d returned to her village and found it razed to the ground, Wen Ning and the rest of her family gone. The one tiny glimmer of hope that had stopped her from dropping to her knees and sobbing was that she’d found signs of a struggle, but no bodies. They must have either escaped (unlikely, Wen Ning was the only combat-capable person among them) or been taken prisoner.
Thinking about the situation in terms of cold facts made it easier to push down the terror; with the Jiang forces decimated in the attack on Lotus Pier, the Nie warriors having been greatly reduced in the attack on their stronghold, and Cloud Recesses having been burnt down, it would make sense for prisoners to be kept by the far more stable Jin clan. 
And so Wen Qing had immediately turned all her focus on travelling to Lanling. On her way she’d sold her golden hairpiece to a merchant who’d been willing to turn a blind eye to her red Wen robes, trading it for food and a nondescript brown cloak and directions. She’d made it to Lanling and found it a sprawling city, loud and bustling and unfriendly to outsiders with no coin. She’d sold and traded what she could for room and board - spending each night listening intently to rumours and gossip and praying desperately to hear word of her family - and when that had run out, she’d been forced to huddle in alleyways like a stray dog, searching for shelter and whatever scraps she could find. 
It was hard not to let herself drown in despair. Travelling to Lanling had been a fool’s errand, but what else could she possibly do? She could not give up on her family, her honour and pride and soul would not allow her. 
But… what could she possibly do now?
It is during her third week of sleeping on the streets that the man in the cloak approaches her. She is suspicious at first (a drunken man had approached her on her second night, leering and leaning a little too close, admiring her large eyes and heart-shaped face, and after she had scared him off, she’d begun wearing her hood up at all times to avoid that kind of attention), but when he crouches and she’s able to see his features beneath his hood, she’s shocked to realise she recognises him.
Last time the two had met, they’d both been trapped inside the dome of Wei Wuxian’s protective ward, and the boy had wailed and clutched at Jiang Wanyin’s sleeve as the fierce corpses had closed in on them. Before that, she’d seen him around Cloud Recesses, at the lectures, cheerful and talkative with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He was Nie Huaisang, younger brother of the wrathful Chifeng-zun, and friend of the Jiangs.
“Wen-daifu,” he says quietly, offering her a smile that is probably meant to be reassuring. “May I speak with you?”
Despite everything, the use of daifu to address her warms her to him; the time she has spent destitute and alone has been a miserable blow to the remains of her pride. Still, she does not trust him. He is a Nie. All Nies hate Wens. What could the sect heir possibly have to say to her? Her throat is sore and aching and her voice would likely fail her, so she settles instead for shooting him her best glare. 
He flinches (she has had many years of experience in intimidating little brothers) but rallies. “I mean you no harm, I promise - I am interested in your professional medical opinion, that’s all. And I’ll pay you well for it!”
She is… intrigued. How can she not be? Even if she weren’t, the money would be a good incentive. 
“If you come with me to the inn on the next street, we can share a meal whilst I ask my questions. I’ll even pay you upfront if you want. How does that sound?”
Wen Qing licks her dry, cracked lips. It sounds good. Her stomach gurgles on cue, and Nie Huaisang’s awkward smile turns into a grin. Wen Qing lifts her chin with a scowl at his amusement, but does eventually climb to her feet and follow him around the corner to the inn. Nie Huaisang pays for a small private side room for them to dine in, and when they enter, carefully presses a privacy talisman to the back of the door.
Nie Huaisang attempts to make smalltalk, but Wen Qing sits in stony silence until the pot of tea arrives. She does her best not to glug it down with the true desperation she feels, though it is only after three cups that she can bring herself to pause and take a breath. 
She is warm. She has quenched her thirst. There is a comfortable cushion beneath her and the promise of food on its way - and more importantly, a purse of money sitting beside her on the table that will help her continue her desperate search for her family. 
For the first time in quite a long while, she lets herself relax a little. She places her cup down and levels her gaze evenly at Nie Huaisang across the table. “Ask your questions, Nie-gongzi.”
Nie Huaisang’s eyes flicker towards the privacy talisman on the door, before flicking back to her. “I am asking these questions in strict secrecy.”
Wen Qing snorts, raising an eyebrow, “I am not exactly active in jianghu society nowadays. I do not have anyone to tell your secrets.”
“I need you to help my brother,” Nie Huaisang admits. “Since the war, things have gotten… considerably worse.”
“Gongzi,” Wen Qing says, unable to hold back her incredulity, “your brother hates my family. He is famous for it. What makes you think he will be interested in my help? Does Qinghe not have its own doctors?”
Nie Huaisang leans in, eyes suddenly burning with a serious conviction she has never seen on his face before. “He will take your help because none of our doctors have been able to do anything for him. You are his last resort. He will take your help or he will die.”
Wen Qing sighs, biting the inside of her cheek and rubbing at her forehead wearily. “I assumed that he would consider death preferable than being treated by a Wen,” she mutters.
“Perhaps,” Nie Huaisang says fiercely, “but I do not. I will not let him succumb to qi deviation without at least looking for a solution.”
Gods above. Save us from the ridiculous stubborn loyalty of baby brothers, Wen Qing thinks, barely refraining from rolling her eyes. She sighs again instead. “Gongzi, I am flattered you have such faith in my medical abilities, but if every Nie doctor in the history of your sect has been unable to find a solution to your… family illness, what makes you think that I will be able to?”
Nie Huaisang avoids her eyes for a few moments in a way that immediately raises Wen Qing’s suspicion.
“You and I have a mutual friend,” he says guardedly, “who told me that you have a fair amount of practical experience with golden cores.”
A cold bolt of horror shoots through Wen Qing. She stares at him, desperately trying to keep her expression neutral. “What did Wei Wuxian tell you?” 
Surely that fool wouldn’t be stupid enough to tell his friend about the golden core transfer. No - surely he wouldn’t - surely he wouldn’t put Jiang Wanyin’s reputation at such risk, surely he wouldn’t put her in such danger- when they’d parted Wei Wuxian had given every indication that he wanted to take the whole event to his grave -
“I went to visit him a few weeks ago, and when I mentioned that my brother was… struggling, he brought up that your treatment of Wen Ruohan - and his unstable qi from cultivating with the Yin Iron - had given you a greater insight into golden cores than any other doctor. And that when the Core Melting Hand crushed Jiang-xiong's core, you helped stabilise him until Baoshan Sanren could fix it.”
Thank the gods, Wei Wuxian had the good sense to lie; though even the lie is an incredibly dangerous thing to be spreading around if anyone thinks to question it any further. Wen Qing is fairly certain it is not the kind of information he would give up ordinarily. 
“Did you get him drunk?” She demands.
“He is drunk more often than not nowadays,” Nie Huaisang says sadly, twisting his fan around in his hands. “Was, uh, was he not supposed to tell me about that?”
Wen Qing exhales slowly through her nose, pushing down the irritation, but also pushing down the deep ache of sadness at what Wei Wuxian has become post-war. He chose to give Jiang Wanyin his core, and he chose to pursue demonic cultivation, but… what a waste of a genuinely kind, brilliant man. She sincerely hopes he will find a way to recover. 
“The treatment was strictly confidential,” she says through her teeth. “But, gongzi, what I did for them was completely different to your brother’s condition. I cannot honestly give you any good advice on the kind of treatment he would need, I’m sorry.”
“Then come with me to Qinghe!” Nie Huaisang blurts, leaning back over the table again, “If you examine him and help us figure out a course of action, I will make sure you get paid, and find you somewhere to live! Lots of villages would love to have a competent doctor and wouldn’t be picky about her family name.”
An idea stirs in her mind. She rejects it instinctively - she cannot truly trust Nie Huaisang, and even if she could, there’s an even slimmer chance that she can trust Nie Mingjue. What if she goes all the way north to Qinghe, cannot help Nie Mingjue, and is just executed for her family name, there and then?
Are you really achieving anything more than that just living destitute on the Lanling streets? Is it not worth the risk? There is nothing more you can do here on your own.
“I don’t care about money,” she says, eventually. “I just want my family.”
“Then you can bring them with you.”
She clenches her fists under the table, “I cannot. They were taken prisoner by the Sunshot forces.”
Nie Huaisang hums thoughtfully, twirling his fan in his hand then tapping it against his chin, “Hmm, that does make things a little more complicated. Do you know where they are?”
Abruptly, every terrible thing from the last month bubbles up from inside her and spills out in pure anguish. She digs her nails into the side of the table and cries, though the lump in her throat, “No! No I do not! I found our village razed to the ground and all of them gone! All I know-“ she hiccups, trying to force back her tears, “all I know is that my brother is gone!”
Nie Huaisang stares at her, eyes wide. They sit in mortifying silence for several moments, and when Nie Huaisang speaks again, his tone is completely changed, “That can be our deal, then.”
“What are you talking about?” She hisses, out of patience.
“A brother for a brother,” he fixes her with a shrewd, sharp stare. “If you save my brother, I will find your brother.”
He has so abruptly shifted his approach that Wen Qing finds herself feeling a fool for ever believing the cheerful, eager, slightly ridiculous little fop act was real. 
…Although, Meng Yao was this boy’s keeper at the Nie sect, was he not? Meng Yao who had been every inch the conscientious, loyal, devoted second-in-command to Wen Ruohan - right up until the moment he killed him in cold blood. 
Wen Qing runs her tongue over her lips, “What if I cannot save your brother?”  
Unspoken are the words: what will happen to my brother?
Nie Huaisang tilts his head with an irreverent shrug. “I will be taking a risk bringing a wanted woman to Bujing Shi. You will be taking a risk as to whether your medical skills are up to the task.” 
Before Wen Qing has a chance to bristle at the implied insult, Nie Huaisang is continuing, “If you don’t think you can do it and you don't want to take the risk, that’s alright. Just say, and I’ll pay for our meal and leave you here.”
As if on cue, a knock sounds at the door, and the servants arrive to deliver the food. Her mouth waters at the smell, but she forces herself to concentrate on the offer.
Is it worth the risk? But, really, what kind of risk is it, in the end? She has no resources here in Lanling, realistically she’s not going to get anywhere without the help of someone in one of the Great Sects - she’s not going to do better alone, is she? So her choices are certain failure (barring some kind of miracle) and… marginally less likely failure. And it really is only marginally; if generations of Nie doctors have been unable to find a solution to the inevitable conclusion of saber cultivation, what hope does she have?
No one had ever done a successful non-fatal golden core transplant before you tried, though, had they? What’s the bet that those generations of Nie doctors were all just hidebound, tradition-fixated cowards, and the real answer has been lying right under their noses this whole time?
Wen Qing looks at the steaming bowls of food sat on the table, licking her lips unconsciously. Maybe it’s arrogance, but given she has literally nothing else left now to try and save her family with besides her medical genius, she thinks that perhaps a little arrogance might be warranted.
Across the table, Nie Huaisang fills his bowl with slices of pork, seemingly unconcerned with what her decision may be, though the way his free hand fidgets with his fan in his lap belies his calm.
“I’ll do it,” Wen Qing says. “You save my brother, Nie-gongzi, and I’ll save yours.”
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rayalltheway · 1 year
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this is kinda silly but this design is just so much fun to look, at, this ask isn't so much related to the character themselves, but more of what were your thoughts when designing this one?
oh I love this question so mUCH HAGVGYVDYDVYGQV TY
cw//spider mention
Okay so. Changzhu is a fusion oc between Zhizhu and Changbiyuan (back when they were alive) so of course I was thinking of how I could meld both their individual designs together to make a design that reflected both of them while making an new, unique individual character, cuz that’s the funnest part with fusions for me:D. Since Zhizhu and Changbiyuan are both caretakers in their own way, with Zhizhu as a meticulous, well studied doctor and Changbiyuan as a warrior protecting their clan, I thought it would be fun to make thier fusion a do-it-all stewardly butler/governess type, like an Alfred Pennyworth but as a big demon auhofgivxaisbi
So Changzhu is like an almighty grounds and house keeper, constantly concerned with keeping everyone where they need to be and everything how it should be, safe and sound, and is VERY effective at doing so. His design is meant to be orderly but practical enough so that you can tell they have several duties that get his hands dirty. He’s got six eyes and a pair of glasses, showing how he is able to keep a constant watch on things with expert precision. His hair is done up tightly, though he’s got Zhizhu’s bangs over his eyes mainly just to identify the snarky lil spider guy is in there daviaffsga. I like that his top half clothing looks kinda like the front of a butler’s suit underneath his fur collar, and the patterns on his sleeves are meant to be the butterfly symbol Changbiyuan wears. Mixing younger Changbiyuan’s bold blues with Zhizhu’s bright, intellectual purples created something that shows a deep, dark blend of the most knowledgeable and serious halves of both I think.
Even though he’s strict and straight laced, he’s also a big caretaker, and he’s got a lotta fur on them to show the warmth and safety they can provide when you’re in his clutches after he picks u up and lectures you about all the ways you could of gotten hurt. I took inspiration from wolf spiders for being robust, agile furry guys that also have notable parental instincts. also though I don’t show it here, he’s got four arms, all the more to manage multiple things at a time with, or climb walls or move so fast to catch falling cup or sneak upon any intruders that were dumb enough to cross his threshold. and he doesn’t get tired. they get results.
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gothicwidowsworld · 3 years
Next adventure C.M
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Platonic!Cillian x Platonic!Reader (father/daughter like relationship)
Y/N L/N’s wouldn’t call herself an emotional person, hell she could probably count on one hand the amount of times she’d cried in the past 3 years… other than work of course. 8 years, 96 months, 417 weeks or 2922 days however you wanted to look at it they were significant numbers. And the life that had become her norm was coming to an end. It could be seen as dramatic but it really was the end of an era. The sixth and final series, the y/h/c young woman’s journey as Viola Shelby was coming to a close. Goodnight Vienna so to speak. 
Scrolling through her phone the y/s/c 20 year old frowned, she loved watching the edits and fan theories regarding the show and soon that would cease to exist as well. Sighing heavily Y/N stabbed at her lunch miserably. “That was a mighty big sigh” Cillian teased, taking a seat from across the girl, concern filling his sharp features at the lack of response from the young actress. Over the years Cillian had become protective of Y/N, he was practically her work parent at this point. They’d met pretty early on in the show’s production, the casting directors wanting to make sure they could work well together considering how large a part their characters played into each other's storylines. The then twelve year old had been wide eyed and in awe of the cameras, makeup trailers and sets. “Are you ok?” Cillian asked gently, The Irishman often spent his lunchtime with the girl if neither of them were filming. Despite still wearing his character's familiar wardrobe his concern and soft spoken nature was like night and day. 
“It’s just… I can’t believe it's going to be over.” Y/N sighed again placing her phone down. “Are you going to miss me even just a little bit?” the young woman asked, nibbling her bottom lip anxiously at the thought of it all ending. “You guys are like my own little family now…” Y/N added quietly, her plate of pasta seemingly forgotten. “We’re still going to talk… You’ll probably still facetime me at insane hours. Nothing’s going to change.” Cillian replied reassuringly. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he watched Y/N absorb his words. “It’s not the end of the world sweetheart.” Cillian added quickly, the nickname slipping out before he could stop it. He’d begun calling Y/N sweetheart after a couple of days on set up until her 18th birthday when she claimed she was too grown up for a nickname any more… at least one that was ‘super cringe’. The actor had to routinely remind himself Y/N wasn’t a little girl anymore, she’d grown up before his eyes into a lovely young woman. 
“Have you got any project’s lined up for once this wraps?” the dark haired man asked, taking a bite of his own lunch. Shaking her head Y/N laughed “Not yet but Mum thinks I should focus on Uni just so I have a back up ‘if the acting thing doesn’t work out.’” the woman explained mimicking a small extract of her mother's lecture. “Your Mum’s a wise woman.” Cillian praised chuckling at the young adults' face of disagreement. The displeased look was paired with Y/N’s infamous scowl and a roll of her y/e/c orbs. “Since when has acting and education gone hand in hand for me. You know I only auditioned for Peaky to get a day off school…. Had a maths test.” The girl shivered slightly at the memory of the Year 8 mock test. Maths had never been her strong point, in fact while revising for her math GCSE’s Joe had offered to help her with the homework… let’s just say he never offered again. Y/N had all these memories, memories full of cast members, crew and soon she’d never see some of those people again. It was a bit scary leaving the safety of Peaky Blinders. Leaving the little family she’d built over the years. She just had to remember to look for the next adventure. 
“Well I'm sure whatever you turn your hand to you’ll be fantastic. No, I know you’ll be fantastic.” Cillian corrected himself. The man was sure Y/N had a brilliant career ahead of herself. He’d seen her grow from an awkward, excitable preteen to a confident, talented and devoted young woman. He didn’t want to seem too soppy but he held a torch of Father-like pride towards the girl and he couldn’t wait to see her next chapter.
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monocaelia · 3 years
tending to their wounds
they cannot evade death. but with you around, they're invincible.
feat. albedo, childe, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, xiao
genre : headcanons, fluff, angst [for xiao and kazuha], hurt/comfort
warnings : blood and injury. death mention. minor cursing.
❀ albedo
it's to no one's surprise that albedo isn't human, meaning he doesn't have the same bodily functions as the others in mondstadt do. his body cannot bleed nor can he feel much pain. that's not to say he can't at all, but a simple prick from a piece of shattered flask can't really do the young alchemist any harm.
flasks breaking or nicking himself while conducting his own research never really phased the alchemist. despite the warnings his assistant gave him about laboratory safety, he didn't need to heed them if the injuries didn't apply to him, did he?
it's safe to say that the chief alchemist is... perplexed to say the least at seeing you worry over him. he wasn't expecting you to come rushing through his laboratory door when you heard the sound of falling glass and nearly climbed over all of his equipment to come to his aid.
"really, you shouldn't have to worry," his gentle voice reassures you, but his attempts to calm you down are futile. instead, albedo is met with your furrowed brows in concentration and your fingers brushing against his as you inspect his invisible wounds.
"yeah well, maybe if you were more careful in your laboratory i wouldn't be here worrying over you, would i?" albedo sighs at your response and decides to let you do as you please to his 'injuries.'
the alchemist's teal eyes follow your movements as you reach for the bandages in the first aid kit and begin to wrap them around his finger tips. he doesn't miss the way your tongue pokes out from between your lips as you concentrate on the task in front of you.
despite not needing to worry much about him, albedo finds it endearing that you care so much about his wellbeing. how much you care about him, how often you check up on him and make sure he never overworks himself. you truly are a caring individual, a ray of warm sunshine in his life.
you meet albedo's gaze when your name leaves his lips, eyes filled with curiosity at what he could possibly want.
"thank you for tending to me." he thanks you with tender smile on his face, his spare hand gently ruffling your hair. the flustered expression on your face is hard to miss, especially when you quickly duck your head down and away from the alchemist.
you stutter out that 'this is nothing!' and continue on wrapping albedo's faux injuries. though, the alchemist finds the way your hands shake as they brush against his skin adorable.
❀ childe
childe is a war criminal, in case you missed it. it's not uncommon to find the young man fighting an entire hoard of enemies by himself. the thrill of battle never seems to be enough for him, as he constantly seeks anything that could satiate his need for exhilaration.
finding scars or fresh injuries on the harbinger is the usual for you, regardless of whether or not they're shallow wounds or deep gashes that gush blood and stain your poor floor. not that childe minds anyways, he sees his battle scars as medals of the many fights he has won and wears them with pride.
but, despite being one of the fatui harbingers and an absolute beast on the battlefield, that doesn't stop you from worrying about his wellbeing.
your brows furrow in concern at the sight of childe in front of you; body worn from using his foul legacy form one too many times in succession and injuries sustained from his earlier fight. he shouldn't have protected you, really you could have protected yourself. and yet...
"you're going to ruin yourself if you keep going into your other form all the time, you know." childe laughs weakly at your lecturing; that's all he can do right now anyways. you catch your lip in between your teeth as you rub a cooling ointment on the harbinger's body. "this isn't funny. you can't just die. then no one would be the eleventh harbinger and you-"
"i would leave you alone?" childe smiles when you send him a glare. his rough hand finds yours, squeezing it lightly in reassurance. there's not a chance in the world that he would succumb to death just yet. childe is still young, and there are many others that he hasn't had the pleasure of fighting against.
and he sure as abyss can’t pass away without saying how he truly feels about you.
you grumble to the snezhnayan that you could've handled it all alone, that you didn't need him to go all berserk on the ruin guards that had surrounded you earlier. instead, childe laughs and places a weak hand on your forearm. "i know, but that was the perfect time to show you just how well i can fight. maybe then, you'll finally accept my feelings."
a white lie, really. even though childe knows that you could've handled it yourself, he acted on instinct back then. the thought of you being harmed in any way sends a chill down the harbinger's spine. he wouldn't forgive himself if he reacted a second too late and you ended up hurt as a consequence.
what's the point of harboring the power of the abyss if he couldn't protect the ones he loved.
you roll your eyes at his answer, choosing to quietly resume cleaning up childe's wounds in hopes that he doesn't say anything more embarrassing. as your fingers brush against the snezhnayan's freckled skin, you don't miss the way he leans towards your touch and the happy hum rumbling from his chest.
❀ diluc
the darknight hero is not one to lose his battles, let alone allow any of his enemies lay a finger on him. trained by the knights and his own father, diluc's fighting style is difficult to intercept and finding a weak spot in his defense is futile. even if his sword is too slow, his fists will be glad to meet those that oppose him.
that isn't to say he doesn't get hurt every now and then. you've caught him with bandages wrapped around his hand, blood soaked gauze around his torso. as long as the job was done, diluc didn't mind the wounds he received in battle.
he isn't used to others tending to his wounds, as nobody really knows he's the darknight hero and protects mondstadt in the middle of the night. so when you catch him in the act of cleaning his wounds and offer to help, he kind of freezes up.
diluc wants to decline your offer, sure that he could finish this up by himself. and besides, he doesn't want to burden you with his consequences so late at night. but he knows you would keep bugging him and complain later that he didn't "love you" or whatever dramatic act you'd be committing in the near future.
it's hard to look at you when you're so close to the red haired vigilante. granted, diluc has always been pretty close with you, seeing as the two of you grew up together and shared most of your memories with one another (and kaeya).
but being physically close to you... is another story. your fingers lightly touching his skin, your face so close to his as you inspect other wounds on his body, your hands roaming the expanse of his chest to remove his shirt in case it hid any other injuries you could have missed.
diluc's hands twitch when you inch even closer to him. if he wanted to, it would take one swift movement to have his lips on yours. one swift movement to hold you in his arms and feel the way your skin melts into his.
but the vigilante has self-control and would rather die than make you uncomfortable.
diluc releases a shaky breath when you finally move away from his body, though it's only a brief moment of respite since you immediately move back into your previous position after grabbing more bandages. absolutely perfect for the poor vigilante.
he clears his throat when your hands slide down his arms to reassure the pressure is enough to keep his wounds from reopening and bleeding out. it is then that you realize what you've been doing to the poor red haired man and how close you've been to him and his body.
"oh? what could you possibly be thinking about, mr. ragnvindr?" you tease, raising an eyebrow and sending diluc a playful smile. you fail to suppress your laughter when he scrunches up his face and turns his face away from you, his ears burning a wonderful shade of bright pink.
"i think it's time for you to leave." shocked, you try and apologize and get him to let you stay a little bit more. the night is still young, and he still has more injuries to be looked at! but diluc pays you no mind.
not like he'd have the heart to actually kick you out of his room anyways.
❀ kaeya
the captain of the calvary isn't one to fight, always looking for people to do his dirty work so he doesn't have to. why bother exerting more energy than you already have when you can make others do it for you? it's more fun that way, anyways.
that doesn't mean kaeya is incapable of fighting. if needed to, the blue haired captain would gladly point his sword at the enemy to keep them at bay or spar a fellow knight. scratches and shallow scrapes are what you mostly see from him.
you aren't expecting to be called into the knights of favonius headquarters and be greeted by the calvary captain battered up and bruised in the infirmary.
"you're squeezing me too hard," kaeya comments nonchalantly, as if he isn't bleeding to death on the bed right now. "you'll cut off circulation in my arm if you keep doing that." you shoot him a glare, but the blue haired captain only laughs at you. you tighten the bandage on his arm.
you refuse to get tangled up in anymore of kaeya's antics. it's all his fault you've aged ten years because of him and his stupid actions and refusing to ask for help despite the mission being bigger than anyone could handle. alone at least. it's not like you don't trust him, but a little extra help isn't bad to have.
your frown deepens when your eyes flit up to stare at the blood soaked shirt covering kaeya's chest. you order him to take it off so you can inspect his injury, which was a mistake on your part.
"oh? shouldn't you ask me on a date first before being this forward?" kaeya's laughter rings around the infirmary seeing your deadpan expression at his joke. maybe you should just leave, just leave this stupid man to bleed to death on this infirmary bed. maybe then you would finally be at peace.
"well. maybe i would have asked you on a date if you weren't so stupid to take this dumb mission alone. you could have died, asshole." kaeya only hums in response, which pisses you off even more. it's like he didn't have a care in the world.
in the midst of your grumblings and cleaning of kaeya's wounds, you miss the tender look he gives you; warm and gentle. the captain finds it nice to have someone care for someone like him after so long.
it wasn’t his fault he wanted to do this alone. well, it was, but it’s hard for kaeya to rely on others and be vulnerable to those around him despite how long he’s known them. his walls are built high, refusing to let anybody in in case he accidentally hurts them in the future.
he wonders if you'd miss him if he disappeared one day, but the way your brows furrow in concern at seeing how bad the gash in his chest confirms his answer.
kaeya’s endearing, warm smile is replaced with the usual smug smirk when you look up to meet his gaze. one day, he hopes he’ll be able to let his walls down around you.
"you know, you're really cute when you worry over me. maybe i should get injured more often." the look of shock at kaeya's comment is evident on your flustered face and it takes everything in him to not laugh and open up his wounds again.
❀ kazuha
kazuha isn't one to easily get injured, well at least seriously injured. he was raised by a prestigious family, trained in the arts of the kaedehara clan. with the help of his prior knowledge of fighting and his keen senses, it's hard to one-up the young man to the point of injury.
that isn't to say he has never sustained any injuries. there have been one too many times that the inazuman traveller has shown up at your door with a couple of scrapes and an apologetic smile on his face.
so, it's a surprise when you find kazuha at your doorstep severely injured and clutching something in his burned hand.
it's quiet between the two of you as your eyes scan kazuha's body for any more injuries and your hands quickly move to tend to his right hand. the skin is burnt, bleeding, and his fingers shake from the injuries it sustained.
you whisper an apology to the inazuman when you gently clean the wounded skin with a warm cloth. he doesn't flinch, dazed eyes still staring off in front of you. it makes you wonder what kazuha went through to be injured this badly. though, seeing as the only serious injury was his right hand, you assumed it wasn't from a fight.
"kazuha... what happened to you?" your words are gentle, afraid your voice would scare the inazuman traveller in front of you. kazuha doesn't respond and instead tightens the grip he has on your hand that's bandaging him. his hand is shaking, and you don't realize he's crying until you feel the wet teardrops on your skin.
ruby eyes glazed with tears meet your own when your eyes flick up to confirm that he was indeed crying.
"tomo..." the crack in his voice shatters your heart and you find yourself pulling kazuha into your arms. his own circle around you and his hands grip onto the back of your shirt as he buries his face into your shoulder.
kazuha's body shakes as he sobs at the loss of his friend. he must have held it in until he got to the safety of your home. you were always his safe haven; coming over so you could tend his light wounds and provide a roof over his head if he was passing by your village.
and yet all you can do now is hold him until the storm inside his heart passes by.
❀ xiao
being in pain or having many injuries litter the expanse of his skin isn't unusual for xiao. he's an adeptus whose sole purpose is to serve rex lapis and protect the citizens of liyue, even if it meant throwing his life away.
even then, sustaining larger, more painful wounds didn't make the adeptus bat an eye. despite how horrible it sounds, xiao is used to it all and takes each hit and laceration that comes his way without blinking an eye.
when karmic debt constantly takes a toll against your health and death is the only solution to reaching true peace, it's hard to care about the state of your own wellbeing.
so imagine xiao's surprise when he shows up at the wangshu inn battered and bruised from dealing with a hoard of monsters and seeing you standing in the yaksha's usual spot, waiting for him with a frown etched into your face.
nimble fingers work deftly against xiao's body, quickly cleaning up the lacerations on the adeptus' chest and the scrapes that cover his arms. xiao releases a hiss from the sting of the medicine and you apologize under your breath.
"i knew you would end up like this." your words come out harsher than you intend to. the adeptus doesn't respond. as long as he was the only casualty to come out of this, as long as the innocent lives of liyuens were protected, as long as you were safe behind the walls of the wangshuu inn, it didn't matter how badly his body was injured.
"i just... i just wished you weren't so careless, xiao." the way your voice breaks doesn't go unheard by the yaksha. his eyes snap forward, but your head is tilted down as your shaky fingers worked their way around xiao's torso. "you're always fighting as if no one cared if you died or disappeared one day."
xiao doesn't get it. he doesn't understand why you care about him so much. a being fated to suffer until his dying days are over, one cursed with karmic debt and forced to carry the burdens of the innocent lives he took in his past.
no one should care about him. a monster with blood on his hands.
but here you are, shedding tears for an adeptus who didn't deserve it. the sole yaksha who is fated to succumb to the sweet embrace of death at any given moment.
and yet, despite knowing he doesn't deserve your gentle touch brushing over his wounds, the young adeptus lifts your face with a gloved finger and brushes away the tears that flow down your cheeks. he longs to continue holding you, to feel your skin against his. you're his temporary solace from the karmic debt that hangs over his heart.
an apology slips past xiao's lips, and you cry harder, calling him 'stupid' for almost dying out there. you bury yourself in his chest and he hugs you, afraid that if he let go, you would be nothing but a dream.
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champion-prism · 3 years
Fantasies- Toshinori Yagi/All Might
Requested by anon: hello prism!! Do you write young age all might? If you do, can you write one where toshi fantasizes about f!reader and feels bad about it, but cant help it? Maybe he has her clothes or something?
Anon im coming back from the dead to write this bc guilty jerking off is my FAVOURITE thing ever.
Pairings: Young!All Might x F!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, guilt
Word Count: 1734
Toshinori’s life is a whirlwind right now. He’s getting major attention for his hero work, making sure to be seen publicly at least once a day, staying on call with the fire department in case there’s an emergency and his rescue services are needed, he’s attending classes at university, working out in his spare time, working with Dave on testing new tech and variations to his suit for maximum utility…
...oh, and he’s avoiding you.
Not that you know he’s avoiding you, he’s always sweet when you run into him in the common area of your four person suite, always offers to pour you a drink of lemonade, always asks how your classes are going. He just tries to make sure that he’s not out in the common area while you’re there, preferring to skulk out whenever you go back to your room, because he knows.
He knows that if he runs into you, he’s going to stare at your legs, smooth and pretty looking in those tiny, tiny shorts you’re always wearing, and he knows that if you bend down he’s going to catch a glimpse of your panties. He feels terrible about it, because he has seen your panties- not on purpose! He’s All Might, he doesn’t look up skirts or things like that, he isn’t… he isn’t a pervert.
Truth be told, he’s been rather taken with you ever since he and Dave were assigned to this suite with you and another girl. At first, he supposed he didn’t really care much- roommates had never given him trouble, female or otherwise- but you...you made him feel weird.
You had this gentle tone of voice when he introduced himself, his name softly rolling off your tongue, making him feel this oddest urge to...know what you were thinking. He wanted to talk, he wanted to brag, he wanted to lift something heavy just to show you that he could lift heavy things, even though he was aware that it would be a ridiculous thing to do. It was a ridiculous thing to think, even, as he confided in Dave later.
Dave had just laughed at him.
The urge he got when he saw you, the urge to pull you into a hug and press you flush against his whole body, he didn’t know what to make of it.
Until now.
He’s been sitting in almost darkness in his room for a while now, holding in his hands his varsity “Plus Ultra” jacket that he had put around your shoulders last night, when he’d walked back with you from a late evening lecture. You’d just been to return it, a soft smile on your lips,and now he’s sitting here, jacket in hand, breathing in your scent that was on his jacket, feminine and sweet. He slumps back to lay on the bed, still holding it close, one hand unconsciously smoothening over his crotch. He only notices when he gives himself a light squeeze- the warmth is both pleasurable and uncomfortable at the same time, his cock growing hard underneath his sweatpants.
He breathes in.
He is not a pervert.
But is this perverted? Rubbing himself over his sweatpants while breathing in your scent?
How would you feel if you found out?
You’d probably never even look at him again.
His hips buck.
He knows he should get his hand away before this escalates, but grinding into his own palm is just about his only option. He’s not comfortable with casual relationships, and he’s too busy to ever pursue a serious one, and being as busy as he is gives him almost no time to take care of himself.
He sighs as he removes his hand for good, rolling over to his side and grabbing his phone from his bedside table. He needs to distract himself, so he opens up his social media- he’s not necessarily a huge fan of it, but he knows it’s important for a hero like him to have a presence.
He scrolls a bit, almost lazily, but the universe is not on his side. Pretty soon he’s on your page, looking through your pictures with his lower lip between his teeth.
There’s this one picture of you. You’re wearing a short red dress, one that complements your body perfectly, tight in all the right places, with thin straps that show off your beautiful shoulders, ones he wants to kiss all over, bite and suck and leave marks on. His bright blue eyes fix themselves on your thighs- would you like it if he dove between them? If he licked the insides of your thighs, sucking on their softness- would you buck your hips and whine at him to kiss you where you wanted it?
His hand is between his legs again, his sweatpants uncomfortably tight, face half buried in the jacket.
He wishes he could bury his face in your pussy, instead.
The thought is so graphic that he flinches, but his hand stays.
He’s just going to press down a little, to help with the discomfort. He keeps staring at the picture, glancing at your cleavage, but going back to the hem of your dress.
Such a short dress. Hitch it up a few inches and you’d be exposed- had you been wearing those lacy pink panties he got a peek at, once?
Were you even wearing panties at all in this picture?
His mind wanders to how you lounge in your shorts in the common area, those tiny shorts that barely cover your ass, only offering a thin strip of protection to your bare cunt.
Toshi knows it’s not very plus ultra of him to commit the image of you in those shorts to memory, and he’s ashamed of what it says about his self control but he gives in, shucking off his sweatpants and kicking them away, palming himself through his boxers.
He’s just so sexually frustrated.
His cock is hard, straining against them as if threatening to break out of his boxers. He circles the covered head with his fingers, the pleasure too much but not enough.
He doesn’t want his hands. He wants your tongue, wet and pink and swirling gently on his head, pushing at the slit and lapping up his pre.
He’s not the most experienced guy on the block, but Toshi knows that just like the rest of him, he’s a bit larger than life. He wonders how much of him you’d be able to take into his mouth, groaning as he imagines your mouth sucking on his head, your soft hands pumping his length.
Tears in your eyes as you try to take him further into your mouth, but don’t even get a quarter of the way through.
His hand slides inside his underwear, eyes glued to his phone as he scrolls further down your page.
Perv, he tells himself, flushing from both embarrassment and arousal. You’re just down the hall from him, sweet and unaware, and he briefly wonders what you’re doing before he begins to wonder what you look like touching yourself.
He can just imagine you, lying on your bed wearing nothing but his large, open jacket, playing with your nipples and rubbing your slit. Whose name would you whisper?
Or maybe he’d save you from a villain or something and you’d like to pay him back in kind-
Toshi shudders as he bucks his hips into his hand, chastising himself for that last thought. He is a hero, even fantasizing about something like that is unethical and abhorrent and-
-he wants to hear you moan his hero name, he wants to see you free his cock from his hero suit, run your hands over his body, look up at him with worshipping eyes-
His cock is slick with his own pre cum as he begins to pump himself in earnest, phone dropped to a side as he focuses on his own fantasies. What would you be like if he saved you from a villain attack? Would you cling to his form, subtly running your hands over his muscles, maybe nuzzling against his chest for comfort?
Would you tilt your head towards him, hoping for a kiss?
He imagines kissing you, his lips on yours, tongue exploring your mouth. Carrying you to safety as you begin to take your clothes off, grateful and adoring and looking at him as if he’s the whole world.
His balls are throbbing in his hand, and he gives them a squeeze, imagining you trying to suck on them, trying to cup them in your small hands, trailing kisses all over his sac and licking up his shaft.
Fuck, all he wants right now is for you to blow him. You, naked and on your knees in front of him while he sits back, completely clothed in his hero suit with only his cock out, sighing as you lick and suck and moan against his shaft, your hand occasionally moving to play with your tits or to rub your clit.
He wants to hear you call him All Might in a breathy little voice, hands clutching his thighs as you look pleadingly up at him and beg him to fuck you.
And he would fuck you, oh, he’d press you down onto the bed and tower over you, groping your body, grabbing your tits, settling between your open legs and rubbing his cockhead against your swollen lower lips-
He’s close, he can feel it, pumping and squeezing his length and taking deep breaths of the jacket you wore, imagining himself sinking slowly inside of your wet cunt until his hips meet yours.
He just knows you’d whine about how big he is.
He’d grip your thighs and fuck into your cunt, eliciting moans and screams, hitting every little spot inside your cunt, oh, he’d make you cum around his cock so many times that you’d be begging for him to stop, that he was too much and you couldn’t take it and-
Toshi comes with a muffled moan, hips jerking as he cums all over himself, his body tingling and desperate for your touch. He keeps pumping until he’s made a whole mess of himself, then lays back, gasping and panting as guilt creeps over him, making him blush even redder, even though there’s a part of his mind already formulating a plan to make his fantasies a reality.
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lancermylove · 3 years
Scar (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: All x fem!Reader, Ortho platonic
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: F!MC has a massive scar on their eye cause they try to protect their younger sibling Headcanon on all the students
A/N: Hope you like it, and I assumed MC ends up dating the guys (minus Ortho).
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Leona finds it a bit funny that he met someone with a scar similar to his.
He sometimes jokingly call you Scarface.
He thinks you’re brave to take on such an injury just to protect your sibling. All he can hope is your sibling remembers this and continues to love you for the rest of your life.
Leona wants you to wear the scar proudly, and if you try to hide it, he will ask you to stop - accept it for what it is.
All in all, the lion is proud of you, and he may not say it verbally, but when the two of you are alone, Leona likes to place kisses on the scar.
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He is not bothered by the scar, but the first time he sees the mark, he asks if you are related to Leona (as a joke). 
Ruggie respects you for protecting your sibling, but at the same time, he is a bit scared of you. Are you like those scary women back in Afterglow Savanna? He hopes not. 
If anyone tries to point out your scar or makes unnecessary comments, Ruggie will unleash his trickster side and make the person pay. Maybe if the person had a scar of their own....
The hyena jokes around and says the mark on your eye makes you look tough, and fewer people will mess with you. 
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As someone who loves his siblings and would do anything to protect them, Jack thinks highly of you for protecting your sibling. He also admires your tough side.
If you are insecure about the scar, expect a lecture from the wolf, followed by, "I like your scar. It tells a story about you, so don't hide it."
Jack asks you to train with him, or at least learn self-defense and agility. He doesn’t want you to get a severe injury again.
Whether you choose to train or not, just know that he will be very protective of you. That means no one is going to get away with saying anything about your scar - he will punch them if needed. 
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Malleus admires you immensely for thinking about family before your own safety. From what he has heard, humans tend to be selfish, but you are different. 
He sees your mark as a battle scar - an injury with a story that adds to your character.
If you wear it openly, Malleus is proud of you; if not, he asks you to accept the scar as it is a part of you. But if covering up the mark makes you happy, then he won't stop you. 
Behind closed doors, the dragon prince likes to sometimes run his finger over the scar as a way of affection. It's a reminder that you are a strong and caring lady. 
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Lilia has a lot of battle scars, and it’s his way of remembering his journey through life. 
If you are insecure about the scar, he will say, "The scar is a symbol of your strength. It represents how tough you are, and there is no shame in that." 
He sometimes jokingly asks if you want to duel with him since you seem fearless. If you agree to it, he will laugh and steal a kiss from you. 
Lilia will not tolerate others bullying you, no matter what. Let's just say he will pay them a surprise visit when they least expect it. :D
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When he first sees your scar, he accidentally ends up staring at it too long and gets an earful from Lilia. Honestly, he meant no harm, but Silver apologizes to you.
Even after the two of you start dating, he likes to stares at your scar. It's his way of quietly admiring your bravery.  
Silver usually only gets hostile when it comes to Malleus’s safety, but now, he gets hostile if anyone dares to make fun of your scar or bully you in any way.
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Sebek didn't pay attention to your scar until the two of you started dating. The moment you tell him the reason behind the injury, he gives you a lecture. How can you be so careless, Ningen? 
He is very proud of you for protecting your sibling but will never say it out loud. 
Sebek worries about you a lot. What if you become careless again and get hurt? What if he finds you injured? What if the injury isn't healable? What if...he loses you? Due to the scenarios brewing in his mind, your boyfriend if VERY protective of you. 
He knows he's worrying for no reason, but Sebek can't help it. You are his dearest Ningen, after all. 
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Riddle is curious about your scar but doesn’t want to be disrespectful and ask; instead, he waits for you to tell him. 
When he learns your past, Heartslabyul's prefect is stunned. To think you would go to that length to protect your sibling. Truly noble and brave. 
He considers your sibling blessed to have you as a family member. How lucky, if only he had that luck, but the past is in the past. 
When you start dating him, Riddle truly cherishes you. He thinks it's an honor to date such a loving woman like you. Maybe lady luck is finally smiling upon him. 
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As a brother who would do anything for his siblings, Trey has a lot of respect for you. 
Though he finds your scar honorable, he still wishes that you didn’t have to go through the experience, but since Trey can’t change the past, he wants to make sure you don’t get hurt in the future.
If he gets a little overprotective, know that Trey is only worried about you. He will do anything to keep you from getting injured, even if it means taking the hit in your place. 
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Cater initially thinks your scar is makeup, and he compliments you for applying it so well. He is shocked when you tell him it’s not makeup and is a result of you protecting your younger sibling.  
He is happy to learn that you’re a caring sister, and Cater kinda wishes his sisters treated him that nicely. Your sibling is lucky to have a considerate sister. 
Cater thinks you’re a strong person, and he loves to show you off to everyone as “his tough girl”.
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The first time you met Ace, he made a slightly hurtful remark about your scar, but it was only a joke. After you told him about your injury, Ace felt guilty. 
He immediately apologized and said, "Your sibling must be very proud to have you as their sister."
Once the two of you start dating, Ace teases you by calling playful names related to your scar, but only if you are okay with it. 
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Deuce not only thinks your scar is badass, but he thinks you’re a delinquent. He is surprised to learn the truth behind it.
Unbeknownst to him, Deuce starts to like you at that very moment, and the more time he spends with you, the more he falls for you.
After you two start dating, he confesses that he thought you were a hidden delinquent, but he was wrong - you are nothing less than a hero to him.
Deuce will NOT stand anyone picking on you or trying to insult you. Know that his delinquent side will escape.
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Idia finds your scar intimidating and thinks you are scary. But the more time he spends with you, the more he likes you.
Once he sees you for who you are, Idia thinks the scar makes you look like a hero out of a video game. From then on, Idia finds you very charming. 
He’s too shy to tell you that you're charming, but who knows, now that you’re dating, he may get the courage to tell you one day.
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Being pure, Ortho asks you right away how you got the scar. When you tell him the story, he immediately starts liking you.  
You remind him of Idia, and in no time, Ortho starts to think of you as his sister. He feels lucky to have an older sister and an older brother who love him. 
Ortho loves you to no end and is very protective of you. No one can say anything mean to you and get away with it. 
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 The first time Azul sees you, he thinks of offering you a deal to get rid of the scar. Once he learns your past, the octopus is rather surprised. 
For the first time, Azul doesn't feel like making a deal. He sees you as a good-hearted and pure person and wants to leave it that way. 
Much like his dorm members, Azul doesn't tolerate others looking down on your scar. You can be sure that Floyd is going to pay a secret visit to those people. 
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The first time he meets you, Jade is curious and wants to ask about your injury, but instead of asking directly, he devises a situation where you tell him of your own accord. 
After hearing your story, he starts to respect you. Your bravery and honesty are what draw him to you.
Jade is not okay with others making comments about your scar, and he will teach them a lesson - a slip of a poisonous mushroom, a little accident here and there, or maybe a scar of their own. So many possibilities. :)
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Unlike Jade, Floyd asks directly about the scar. When he learns the reason, you immediately become his favorite person. 
He loves his brother dearly, so meeting someone who also loves their sibling makes him happy. 
Floyd will not stand for anyone saying a word about your scar and will not be okay with them staring at it for too long. He will constrict them if necessary. 
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Kalim wanted to ask about your scar the first time he met you, but Jamil stopped him. Only after the two of you start dating does he ask. 
After finding out the reason, he falls for you even more. Kalim has a ton of siblings who he loves, so seeing that you love your sibling makes him happy. 
Whenever he is in a playful mood, Kalim likes to press kissing along your scar. He finds your mark to be just as beautiful as your heart. 
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Jamil thinks you were right to protect your sibling but doesn’t think you deserve such a “reward” for your kind act. He finds it unfair to you, but unfortunately, life is like that for some people. 
He will not tolerate anyone taking jabs at your mark and will teach them a lesson if needed. You have suffered enough and don't deserve any more pain. 
Jamil wonders what it feels like to have family members that care. Who knows, maybe one day if you marry him, he will know.
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If you wear the scar openly, Vil will be shocked. Your mark has a touching story behind it, but for someone who is obsessed with skincare, he can’t imagine having an "impurity" on his skin.
Vil suggests makeup tips to cover it up or getting the scar professionally fixed, but if you refuse, he respects your decision. It will take Vil a little while to get used to the scar, so be patient with him.
During Halloween time, he likes to use the mark to enhance your frightening yet beautiful makeup.
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When he first saw your scar, Rook thought you were a meek prey. Once he learned the history of your injury, he started seeing you as a hunter.
He finds your scar beautiful and says it adds to your charm.
Rook writes poetry about your scar, especially if you attempt to cover it up. Why cover up something that you should be proud of?
He will hunt anyone who passes comments about your scar. The worse the remark, the happier Rook is hunting down the "prey". 
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Epel thinks the scar looks badass and likes your confidence if you wear it openly. 
He will not tell you this, but your scar was the reason he noticed you and started liking you.
Being someone who loves his family, Epel falls harder for you when he learns how you got the scar. He thinks you will make a great wife and mother if you choose to get married and have kids…which he hopes you do. 
Epel knows his meemaw will like you and approve of you dating him. 
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A/N: I would like to preface this by letting everyone know that I am in no way knowledgeable about actual science things. That being said I am amazed that in a random draw I actually managed to get a prompt that had to do with flowers lol. This is my contribution to the BakuHarem Collab! Please take a second to check out the other contributions here!
Warning: bad science, no protection, swearing, overs!mulation, accidental exhibti0som, intoxicated smut? idk sex pollen is a drug i guess.....
W/C: 3.5k
“Bakugou, dude. We should not-”
“Shut up Kirishima!” Bakugou walks through the sterile hallways checking every corner for signs of other people. “That bitch took my top spot with some bullshit flowers?!” He finally gets to the lab that was granted to you for your research. After winning first place, stealing first place in the UA university science expo. He walks into the observing lobby, looking through the large window to make sure you weren’t working in the lab after hours.
“Just keep quiet and listen for any one coming this way.” He walks over to the security door and holds his key card up to it, the light on the scanner turns green and he hears the dead bolt slide open.
Kirishima is lingering behind him, hovering in the doorway. He turns to Bakugou to talk him out of this again but his friend has already entered the lab. “Ahh geez.” He didn’t even wear any safety gear.
As the door clicks shut behind him, Bakugou stops to examine the lab. Several different species of flowers in full bloom behind temperature controlled enclosures. Some of them are recognizable; lavender, chamomile, and jasmine. “I thought it would smell like the perfume department, this fuckin place smells like heaven.” Guess it wasn’t a new shampoo she was using then.
He walks through the aisles turning his head this way and that, trying to find something, anything that he can fuck up without it being overtly obvious. He gets to the back corner of the lab and sees a piece of familiar equipment. “Perfect.”
“He said WHAT?!”
Your roommate flinches at your reaction to her news. “He told Professor Aizawa that your ‘Viagra flowers’ are a joke to the science department and they should ‘wither and die’.”
You’re fuming. That fuck tard Bakugou, mister my shit don’t stink is ridiculing my research? “All that man knows is how to blow shit up! Just cause I beat him in the expo this year, he thinks my research is a joke?!” You stand up from the couch, pacing in front of it and you can’t decide whether to scream or cry. “Why did I ever like that twat?”
Cause he has wide shoulders, big hands and scarlet eyes that -
“Oh for the love of god shut up.” Screw your inner thoughts.
Ochako watches you pace, worrying in her eyes when yours line with silver and your neck flushes bright red. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you that.”
You stop moving and look at her, guilt flooding through you as she slumps forward. “Don’t apologize, I was talkin to myself babe.” She nods her head weakly and you stand up straight “I’m gonna go.” You walk to the door grabbing your coat and key card.
“W-where are you going?” Ochako follows you to the door and grabs your wrist gently. You turn to her and smile, she was always so sweet but you knew that if shit went down she would be right beside you, kicking ass.
“I need to blow off some steam, so I’m gonna go check on my ‘Viagra flowers’.” She huffs a laugh and let's go.
“Alright, don’t stay too late.”
You nod, put on your shoes and leave the dorm. It’s a bit of a walk to the building the lab is in and hopefully the cool breeze will calm your mind.
As you walk into the building you are grateful that your professor is more of a night owl than most students. Considering how many naps he takes during lectures it is no wonder he can’t sleep at night. You contemplate going to his office to say hi but think better of it.
Don’t wanna end up venting about Bakugou to my professor of all people.
You walk down the hallway and notice the door to your lab is cracked. Not unusual, a lot of students from your class have been coming and going to see the different species of flowers and plants you are growing. Assuming someone didn’t shut the door behind them you take your phone out of your pocket to check the time. Out of the corner of your vision a quick flash of red and you walk right into Kirishima, Bakugou’s friend and one of your classmates.
“Hey! How- how's it goin?”
You take a step back, rubbing your nose from face planting into his giant chest. Does this guy eat boulders for breakfast? “Hey Kiri! Just gonna do some late night tests! You checkin out my garden?”
“Yeah! Flowers are pretty.” He laughs, it’s high pitched and obviously forced.
You take in his nervous appearance, the fact that he is still standing in front of the door and your mood sours.
“Where is he?”
Kirishima looks like he is gonna try and stall but one look at the fury in your eyes and his head hangs down. “He’s in the lab,” you rush past him and punch in the code to open the door. “I tried to talk him out of it!”
The door clicks shut and the spiky blonde huffs in annoyance somewhere in the back of the lab.
“I told you shitty hair, if you’re gonna keep a look out you have to stand outside.”
You clear your throat and his head shoots up. You walk over to him, taking note of all of the plants and equipment, taking note of anything that looks different. As you get closer to him you notice that he smells particularly good tonight.
Keep it in your pants idiot
“Really Bakugou?” You stop a few steps away from him, noticing the various disassembled parts on the counter top behind him. “What were you gonna do, break my extraction equipment and make it look like a malfunction? Are you a B-Movie villain?”
He stands up and you are reminded of how small you feel next to him, wide shoulders, arms barely fitting the t-shirt he was wearing, strong chest that tapers to a toned waist. He laughs and you look at his face. What I wouldn’t give to just lick from your navel to your neck.
“A B-Movie villain huh? That’s rich coming from the fanfiction cliché scientist.” He crosses his arms, your eyes quickly dart to the sight of his biceps flexing with the movement then back at him.
“Fanfiction cliché? What the actual fuck are you talking about?” You take another step towards him, softly inhaling his scent. Why does he smell so good?
He laughs at you again, the sound caresses your skin and you realize your feeling very, very hot. You drag your fingers through your hair, your eyes zeroing in on a bead of sweat running down the side of his face. When you lick your lips and shift to take another step closer a small part of your brain connects the dots. “What. Did. You. Do?”
Bakugou looks at you, noticing your flushed cheeks and eyes that show you aren’t quite your normal smart and sexy self. Reaching behind himself you hear the unmistakable sound of clinking glass, he grabs a beaker, an open beaker. “Just grabbed this from your equipment, I know how long it takes to extract this stuff. Would suck if it were to suddenly go missing.”
“You idiot! Do you know how potent it is in that form?!” You reach for it but he pulls the beaker out of your reach. “Why do you think I keep it enclosed? You have to close it up now!”
“Why should I?”
Honestly how stupid can this guy get?!
“Put it back in the enclosure first and I’ll explain it to you!” Your breathing is getting heavy, the closer you get to Bakugou the hotter your body feels. You lunge for him again and trip, he hurries to put the beaker on the table behind him and catch you. Put off balance from the position you both crash to the floor with him underneath you. Sighing in frustration you lift yourself up only to bump your head on the table, knocking over the beaker and spilling the extract over you both.
“Shit!” You scramble off of him and run to the door, pressing the exposure button and effectively locking it. You turn to Bakugou and back up trying your best to keep your distance. “Stay on that side of the room, if we’re far enough apart the effects won’t be as bad.”
“What are the effects?” The question is spoken so calmly that you almost convince yourself he didn’t speak at all.
“What are the fucking side effects!?” His shirt is soaked, sticking to his tanned skin. The outline of his chiseled body makes your mouth go dry. You look back at his face, his mouth twisted in frustration at your silence but no less attractive. The sharp angle of his jawline, pink lips slightly chapped, aristocratic nose, scarlet eyes that-
“Take a picture, it'll last longer.” Shaking your head to clear some of the fog in your brain, you focus on him again.
“It’s an aphrodisiac so obviously it enhances sexual desire.”
“Yeah-yeah, sex pollen I get it. But what else?” he rings out the bottom of his shirt, lifting it slightly and you avert your eyes.
“It is not sex pollen, I don’t even use the pollen of the plant.” the last part coming out in a mumble. “The aphrodisiac only works on people who are consenting adults that are attracted to each other.” You clear your throat.
Bakugou freezes for a moment and looks up at you, examining you. The flushed skin, short breaths, and how you keep as much distance between the two of you as the small lab provides.
“So why are you so far away then?” The smirk on his face is sinful as all hell.
Cheeky bastard.
“Surely I don’t have to spell it out for you.” Resisting the urge to turn your face away from him like a pouty child..
“HA!” The smug look on his face momentarily lifts the cloud of lust and replaces it with anger. “Of course you’re attracted to me, who wouldn’t be?”
“Well, aren't you a cocky bastard?” Hoping you're not about to embarrass yourself you take a chance and muster up some courage. Slowly walking up to him you notice that his forehead is glistening with sweat, his breathing heavy, ears and back of his neck flushed with pink. “Tell me, Katsuki. How are you feeling?”
A few steps and you can see his hands balled up in white knuckled fists, a few more his jaw clench and unclench. Once you are only an arms length away you can see him swallow harshly, Adam's apple bobbing, nostrils flaring. You push your breasts against his toned chest, the light friction causing a moan to escape your mouth, the sound going straight to his cock.
“I’m - I’m fine.” Bakugou clears his throat, the sound of his first name from your lips sweeter than it should be.
“Lookin a little flushed, you feeling hot?”
He doesn’t answer, his attention captured by the closeness of your body, your lips, the tops of your breasts peeking out of the v neck top you’re wearing.. He stops breathing when your tongue flicks out to lick your bottom lip.
“Cat got your tongue?”
On impulse his hands move to rest on your hips, eyes never leaving your lips. “What was the question again?”
“How. Are. You. Feeling.” you walk your fingers up his chest with each word before pulling his head down so you can whisper in his ear, the anger fading fast. “Katsuki.” You hear him growl, the sound reverberating through your core, then you're being picked up.
“I’m gonna ruin you.” Bakugou crashes his lips to yours, pressing you up against one of the walls and bracing you with one hand so that the other can wrap around your throat. “Fuck, you drive me crazy.” He bites your lip, licking it to soothe the hurt. “Smart, funny, sexy, beautiful.”
You whine at the words and grind against the bulge in his pants, your pussy throbbing with need. “Need to feel you touch me Bakugou.” He stops moving and you shift to try and grind against him again but he holds you tight, slightly squeezing the sides of your neck.
“What happened to calling me by my first name, baby girl?” Loosening his hand and crouching down as if to put you down you sputter out “Kat-Katsuki Please touch me.”
The feral grin on his face has your pussy drooling and you all but sigh in relief when he stands up straight and slips a hand under your shirt, cupping one of your breasts. “Oh god yes.”
“You’re so soft baby,” he pulls one of the cups down and rolls your nipple in between his fingers. “Take off your shirt, wanna see those pretty tits.”
Katsuki keeps playing with your nipple when you rip your shirt off, making short work of your bra and tossing it. As soon as the other nipple is in view he dives down to suckle it, his mouth hot. You throw your head back, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and pushing your chest out to give him better access.
He is merciless in his teasing, alternating between breasts, making sure to suck each nipple till they are both hard peaks. Kissing the top of your soft globes, your collarbone and neck, everywhere his mouth goes is left with a mark in varying shades of red and purple.
You grow impatient with him, needing to make him feel as good wanting to feel him with your hands, mouth, teeth.
“Wanna feel you too Katsuki.” you whine as he pinches one nipple while nibbling the other one. When you pull on his hair a little he groans but lifts his head, pulling both nipples with him before letting them go.
“What do ya wanna feel, baby girl?”
With all your inhibitions throw out the window you lean down and whisper in his ear. “Wanna feel you fuck me.”
You pull away and he quickly sets you down, you’re about to object when he takes his shirt off in one smooth motion then starts unbuttoning his jeans. You rush to follow, unzipping your pants and pulling them down, before you can pull down your panties he grabs your hand stopping you. “Leave ‘m on.”
Katsuki picks you up again before you can get a good look at his cock, but when it's pressed against you there is no need to see it. “Fuck you’re huge.”
He smirks at you, smug pride in his eyes. “Glad you approve.” Reaching a hand down he pulls your panties to the side and runs his fingers through your wet folds. “This all for me?” bringing his fingers up to show you the slick dripping down them he puts them in his mouth and sucks. “Gonna have to enjoy that tasty treat later.”
Your body is burning up, breathing is heavy as you both watch him drag his cock along your wet slit before pushing in. Your moans echo in the lab and neither one of you cares as Katsuki's cock drags against your inner walls until bottoming out. Right now is not the time for slow strokes, not with the aphrodisiac flowing through both of your bodies, so he starts a pace that has your ass slapping against his thighs.
“C-cumming!” You scream out before your body bows in on itself and you're creaming around his cock.
“Already?” a sideways grin on his face Katsuki starts moving you up and down in time with his thrusts, his cock reaching that much deeper. “Gonna cum for me again? Come on baby, wanna feel you milk my cock.”
Your mind is going blank, the only thing running through it is Katsuki. “Please don’t stop,” you dig your nails into his shoulders. “M Gonna cum again.” His thrusts go shallow and the head of his cock drags against your walls, hitting all the right spots.
You’re repeating his name endlessly, the only word that is in your mind then you’re cumming again. Your legs tense around his waist and your pussy clenches down hard enough that he has to stop moving or risk hurting you. He watches your face contorted in pleasure and starts thrusting as soon as he feels your orgasm subside.
“One more.”
Your head fuzzy, body limp from two orgasms. “I can’t!”
“Wrong,” Katsuki pulls out for a second, setting you on the floor and pushing on your back. You obediently bend forward grabbing the edge of the counter top and he wastes no time in rutting back into you. “You want me to stop?”
“Then you got one more beautiful thing.” He sticks two fingers in his mouth, getting them wet then reaches around rubbing soft circles on your puffy clit. His other hand gripping your hip, before moving up and grabbing your shoulder using it as leverage to fuck into you harder.
“Come on, cum for me.”
You turn your head to the side trying your best to look in his eyes, yours tearing up at the overstimulation. “You cum too, fill me up Katsuki.”
“Oh fuck yeah.” Bending his knees he thrusts up into you and with the new angle, teasing circles being rubbed on your clit and the feral moans coming out of his mouth you cum one last time.
Katsuki cums after you, rope after rope of cum coating your fluttering walls.
You both stand there catching your breath. Katsuki pulls out and you whimper, “Oh don’t worry beautiful,” he picks you up again, walks over to a chair and sits down with you in his lap “not done with you yet.”
By the time you are spent both of you are exhausted and lost track of how many times either of you came. He helps you stand up, quickly pulling your panties back in place. “Don’t want you leakin.”
You giggle and pick up your clothes from the floor, he helps you get dressed and you both walk to the door. Making sure to check the air quality before leaving the lab you confirm that nothing is left in the air and unlock it. Before opening the door you turn to him opening your mouth to ask a question but he talks first.
“Let's go back to my room, yeah? I’ll help you clean up.” His voice rough from moaning and growling but you can see a small smile on his lips. Even though you know that the effects of the extract have worn off you can’t help but worry that he is still under their influence. Nodding your head you turn away from him again and open the door, walking into the lobby.
“I assume you're finished with the lab?”
You stop dead in your tracks, Katsuki bumping into you. “P-professor Aizawa?” Red hair peeks out behind him and Kirishima looks at you both with a nervous sharp toothed smile and red face. The fog of your memory clears and you vaguely remember hearing knocking on the window and door while you were… indisposed.
Katsuki steps in front of you, from the lack of red on his face or neck you know he isn’t nearly as mortified as you. “How long have you been standing there?”
The tired eyes of your teacher examine both of you. “Long enough.” He sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose. “You are both to meet me in my office tomorrow morning.”
And just before you can’t get anymore embarrassed he walks out and says over his shoulder. “The labs aren’t sound proof, and these walls echo.”
@doinmybesthere @patchworkpuzzle @eyebagsbutglam @sugarspiceanddynamight
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hehewh0r3 · 2 years
Devilish Best Friend
ok fair warning: i got this idea based on a prompt, a long time ago. and i wrote it in 2016 and yikes was it cringey. so, i rewrote it; so, enjoy or don't :) up to you
i also wrote this high, so here's a wild ride
“You are great,” The words come out a whisper, a soft tone to them as if there were no truth to the statement. Which, in his head, there wasn’t. “You are smart, and wonderful,” He racked his brain trying to come up with a new term that he doesn’t truly believe. 
“You are also incredibly dorky,” A louder voice speaks out, a teasing tone as she leans against the doorway of her brother’s room. “I can’t believe you still talk to yourself,” She laughs then ducks when a pillow flies past her.
“Very funny Madison,” Stiles rolls his eyes as he turns from the mirror and meets her eyes. “I can’t believe you still sleep with Mr. Stuffins,” It comes out mocking but there’s no heat behind it, he could never hate his sister. After all, she’s always been there when needed. 
“Leave his name out of your mouth Stilinski,” The blonde-head girl glares and crosses her arms. “Anyways, we need to head school before dad kicks our asses,” She smiles and heads to her room while the older boy groans at the thought. He hated school, and in fact, the school hated him. Everyone would avoid him in the halls, and those who didn’t; bullied him to the point where it became their favorite activity and his least anticipated moment. He had no friends, even if he had the ability to make friends easily, no one would want to. At least, not at Princeton high. 
Princeton high, the private school where the girls are hookers, the guys are dicks, and the teachers seem to favorite those with money. Stiles and his sister only attend the school, because their dad is the sheriff and that entitles them to a full scholarship. The walls are a sickly green, and the lockers a shade of blue that mimic a wannabe sky. Floors that contain spots from all different kinds of liquids; blood, food, drinks, and other things that shouldn’t be allowed. 
Stiles grabbed his backpack, full of books and notes because even though he’s a certified genius, the books protect him from when he gets shoved to the ground. He zips up his hoodie, littered with tears that came from wear, and the particular smell that never seems to go away. He checks to make sure his phone is in his pocket and he walks down the stairs as the kitchen comes into view. 
“I can’t believe you eat that nasty shit,” His nose crinkles as he sees Madison eating a kiwi as if it's candy. “It looks like it came from another planet.”
“I can’t believe you still wear that nasty hoodie,” She smirks and then rolls her eyes when she gets lectured. “Sorry dad, although he started it,” 
“Yeah, yeah get your ass in the car little miss princess,” The apple he grabs is crisp, and it’s enough to last till lunch. Or, at least he hopes it will. The pair heads to his Jeep, his faithful jeep that’s been through hell and back. It’s a light blue, with dents and scratches, the windows make their own decisions on if they want to stay up or roll down, and it’s seats that are surprisingly still intact. 
“Will you be okay today?” It comes out hesitant, and she already knows the answer but desperately hopes it’ll be different from usual. 
“Don’t worry about me, focus on yourself.” 
The parking lot is already crammed, cars of all shapes and colors taking up spots as if they only exist; which to the people who drive them, they do. Stiles parks the car, far away from others as a safety precaution and he gets out slinging his bag over his shoulder. He waves goodbye to his sister and starts to head to the wing that holds the seniors. The mighty, mighty seniors who rule the school and treat it as if it’s a kingdom. A place where only the rich and popular have a place, and the others are just there. He’s not the only one who gets bullied, others do as well, he just seems to get it the worst. The doors creek as he steps foot inside, the chattering and laughter dying down as they all turn to look. 
“Damn, do you guys not have anything else to do,” The words come out harsh, as if they were venom dripping from a snake's mouth. He might get his ass kicked, but he will always be a smartass back. “Take a picture, it lasts longer.” It’s not much, but at least it gets most of the people to go back to their conversations; and their attention off of him. “Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me,” He whispers under his breath as his gaze lands on the terrifying trio that’s walking towards him, as the sea of kids move apart to let them through. It makes his stomach turn, and he quickly looks away and starts to go down an alternative hallway; a longer way to class but it’s away from them. Or, at least he hoped it’d go that way. 
“Oh look, it’s my favorite faggot,” The leader, a red-head girl with even redder lipstick and a truly, evil grin purrs out, as her tail swishes behind her. The main reason he gets bullied, he’s one of the only humans in this school. It makes him an easy target.
“I’m your favorite? How sweet of you Lydia,” Stiles fakes astonishment as he stops his walking and turns around. “Scott, Jackson,” The lanky boy nods towards her two henchmen who follow her like she’s a goddess. “Can we skip the small tal-” The words get cut short as a fist marks contact his cheek and he stumbles back. Fear courses through his body as he instinctively reaches for his cheek. 
“Come on, fight back,” Scott mocks, his normal brown eyes turning a violet color as the purple aura around him glows brighter. “Oh that’s right, you can’t because all you are is pathetic,” He steps closer, a malicious smirk as his prey attempts to make himself smaller. “Stupid,” Each word is like a knife, and Stiles preys that it’ll be over soon. “And a weak, little human,” It’s less of a human voice now, the words sounding eerily similar to a snake as the fangs become bigger. Scott grabs the human’s head and smashes it against the wall, a small dent now prominent in the wall. His fist retracts and he starts swinging, not stopping until the other is bloody and on the ground. “
“Scott, that’s enough,” Lydia demands, her eyes narrowing at the Naga until he backs away and back into his spot. “We don’t kill.” Those words make Stiles breathe, as much as he can as blood drips from his nose and lip. The black-haired boy leans against the wall, his vision blurring as he watches them walk away. Red colors his cheeks as he notices almost everyone watching. When they notice he’s looking they quickly go back to how they were and break apart when the bell rings. 
It feels like hours, although it’s only been minutes as Stiles slumps against the wall, too sore to move. “No, Madison don’t look,” It comes out weak, barely even audible as his sister rushes to his side. “I’m okay, it’s just a little scratch,” It’s so far from the truth, he’s sure his nose is broken, his lip is split, and his dignity is bruised. 
“Stiles, you can’t just let them keep doing this,” Her heart breaks, her blue eyes searching all over his face taking in the injuries. “
“I can’t do anything about it Mads,” He looks away from his sister, can’t even bring himself to look her in the eyes. It’s too embarrassing. “I’m human, they’re powerful supernatural beings who hate humans,” Sadly, it’s the truth and it’ll always be the truth. 
“That’s not fair, you don’t deserve to get your ass beat just because you’re human,” She says it, and wholeheartedly believes it, however, she knows the reality of the situation. She’s always been smart for her age. She’s only fourteen.
“You can heal me but that’s it,” He sits up a little straighter, his ribs screaming at him in pain. “I still have some dignity left,” what was supposed to come out as a joke, comes out broken and scared. He watches Madison’s eyes turn pink as her hands touch his cheek. A warm, vibrant feeling washes through his body as his wounds slowly heal. “Thank you.” The statement isn’t much, only two words, but he means it with every fiber in his body. The young girl just smiles at him and helps him stand up. 
“Go home today okay? I will get your work,” Even though she’s three grades below him, she has an amazing ability to manipulate people to get what she needs. “I love you,”
“I love you too,” The 18-year-old smiles and gives her a hug, before pulling away and walking towards the double doors and out to his Jeep. “Time for plan B,” A smile crawls its way up to his mouth and he digs in his pocket for his keys. This might have consequences, but it doesn’t matter anymore. He won’t be alone anymore.
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