#he gets angry easily and I think he would get greedy with love
skepsiss · 2 years
Heart Beat City -- Steddie
The tang of alcohol on his tongue drenched the room Eddie was in with a blurred glow. The pull of music, dark corners, and vivid exchanges made his drug-riddled brain feel heavy and light all at once. Like a buoy on a bumpy sea, he watched as flutters of people migrated across the dance floor and into private booths. The music was nothing to him: a loud backdrop to shake his chest as he sat in one of those dark corners of the bar. Live music had melted into crackly recorded classics. 
Heart Beat City, Building the Perfect Beast, Reckoning–he could name every one of the songs that bled into one another but didn't care about a single one of them. Summer of love. Boys of the summer. Solo debuts... it was all noise to him at this point. 
He was operating like a machine, raising the bottle to his lips and drinking, watching men and women alike fade into the dark interior of the bar like so much else. He wasn't here alone and even though he had to put effort into remembering who he walked in here with he was aware that he wasn't alone. Gareth, Benson–some of the guys. This wasn't the first time they had crashed a bar outside of Hawkins, piling into a van on a Friday night for a spot of fun. But Eddie wasn't having fun, he was just watching everyone else have fun. Men, women, bodies pressed against one another in a too-crowded bar and he was acting like a moody 85-year-old drinking his sorrows away.
Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was the poor choice of mixing drugs and alcohol but after he had turned out his pockets and sold the last of the LSD he had come here with he had felt his mood drop. One of the reasons they had chosen this bar was because it was a hookup spot–a friendly hookup spot. It had its back allies and locked doors, one-stall bathrooms, and it was an easy place to hit up to sell. Drug money to buy beer, beer to waste the night away. They were probably going to sleep in the van tonight anyways. 
But Eddie was just watching as his friends filtered out of view, crashing into women like an all-powerful tide, both of their bodies moving together... he wished he could talk to girls like that. He wished that despite his patches, leather, and spikes that it was easier to approach women, but none of them ever picked him. It wasn't the worst, he liked men more anyways. That was why this bar was friendly. 
He put no effort into being approachable, his mood soured by jealousy as people paired off and a new quartet entered the dance floor. Greenhorns and experts alike doing this same dance every Friday night. He was tired of it. He was tired, but despite himself when his beer was finished he walked back up to the bar and ordered another, lingering. He wore bandanas in his pockets and leaned on bar counters, signalled to any wayward man who passed by. In these kinds of bars, it didn't take very long for someone to notice. Light blue for oral, black for rough sex, orange for casual–it all meant something, and people noticed when you hung out at bars like this.
So when men approached Eddie, when people leaned on the bars beside him before his beer made it back to him and asked to buy him a drink he wouldn't even need to smile. He wouldn't need to talk to them like he had to talk to girls to get them interested in him, these men knew right away what to say. They'd test and Eddie would put the neck of the bottle in his mouth, he'd tip it up, and try not to lose focus with his brain half mashed. They'd touch his hand and he'd touch back, pretending that this was some sort of romance, that they had talked for hours and he was charmed by them. These guys, they were all good-looking. It was easy to spot a hookup spot. 
He'd follow them to back allies, locked rooms, and one-stall bathrooms, places where the music was still loud enough that his mind wouldn't wander. Where he could hold his beer by the neck and have someone kissing him as soon as they were in their own dark corner. People, maybe he sold drugs to earlier that night, people who thought he was older than sixteen, seventeen... eighteen. On nights like this, he couldn't even remember if this was perverted or not, he didn't even know how old he was anymore. His brain ground every night since he was fifteen together. Back when he thought allies and private rooms meant romance and that these guys would talk to him again afterward. 
Give up the ghost, turn around, get on your hands and knees–they never talked to him again after that. 
He let the background music that he hated so much fold into his brain–stop his thoughts. His half-finished beer sitting on the dirty floor as some guy indulged in his flesh. Lifting up shirts and pulling down collars, but never fully undressing. 
They all just wanted the same thing anyways, but Eddie always indulged longer than he needed. Kissing them and biting lips until they turned him around or pressed him to his knees. And then his face would be cold against tiles and his body would be all fire, getting sweaty in his too-large jacket and flannel. Choking out sounds and half words, hoping his mind would stay clear enough that he wouldn't pass out from his high. Sometimes he even got to do the choking, and that was rare. Sometimes he'd get to do this more than once in a night. He always felt sloppy the second time around. 
Men would press up against him, wash him away, sail him to somewhere farther than this bar an hour outside Hawkins, somewhere that he knew even his band wouldn't give him a concerned eyebrow raise when he disappeared into the dark shadows. Men would fall over him, hold him tight around his chest, and breathe life into his neck like he mattered to them. Sometimes they'd call him beautiful, or hot and he'd swallow that too. They always complimented him when he swallowed. 
They'd rock the bar from their private room that reeked of beer that stained his knees. And sometimes it would hurt, but he always left feeling grateful and like a part of him was taken away with the man who walked out the door when they were done. Warm and sweaty and full of more than just beer. He loved it and hated it, and tonight he hated it. The way men squealed and the smell of the bathrooms, how he'd read the graffiti on this wall a million times to no satisfaction. It was good, don't doubt that it was good, but the bitter taste of his mouth made him wish that he'd at least be kissed afterward.
Hold me, enfold me, talk to me like I'm someone. 
Then he'd slouch and the music would take him away, his body punched from the gut downwards, indecent as he stood pressed against the wall. Hard breathing, no longer hard cock. Breathe and breathe and listen to the thanks, shake his head no if they asked if he needed something. He'd adjust and pick his beer back up, wash the taste away with more bitterness. They'd break even and he'd stand the rest of the night because it hurt too much to sit. 
He wouldn't check if whoever he came here with came back, he'd just crawl into the van when he'd had enough. They'd knock if they needed to come in and sleep, and only once had he accidentally interrupted something. And then he'd sleep and the next morning they'd all be smiles and groans from being hungover; ask without asking how each of their nights went. No one partied as hard as Eddie Munson, and sometimes Eddie wouldn't even be able to drive them home, someone else at the wheel. Papers with numbers scrawled on them. Arms with new ink, lovely girls who twisted their hair and who got on their knees. 
Eddie's souvenirs were the ones of purple and red marks. Scars on his brain that left him wondering if he'd make it home next time at all. 
Smile and crack and let everyone think he always loved these outings, always loved the way his friends disappeared into dark corners for their own ends and leave him watching the dance floor like a statue of sin. Watch but don't touch. Want but don't love. Sing but unsung.
So when Steve Harrington came around and looked at Eddie with big brown eyes he hated it. He hated that he looked like every guy he had ever seen in every bar he had ever been in. How he was so goddamn handsome. Even when his upper lip wasn't perfectly shaved and you could see the speckled brown of hair on his cheek–what 'disheveled' looked like to Steve Harrington–king of Hawkins High, 6 feet deep in babes, money, and perfect hair. He hated guys like Steve who seemed to effortlessly move through life, who smiled and didn't start a fight when he threatened them. 
He hated guys like Steve Harrington and he didn't know if he wanted to be him and be with him. 
The effect a man like Steve Harrington had on people was toxic at best, and a high at worst. Because Eddie had never found a better drug than getting a crush. It drove him insane, it made him want more, and the comedown was the worst he ever felt, and yet... he'd always go back for more. The floundering, the trying to talk to a guy for real. It was everything he avoided when he went to bars and these stupid goddamn crushes made him want to try. He sounded like an idiot when he tried to talk to people… when he was genuine. And here was Steve Harrington, genuine to a fault who just spoke his mind, crossed his arms, and loved the people around him so hard that he'd sacrifice everything for them. Every ounce of popularity, every single dime, every last hair on his pretty head.
Eddie just wanted to be good enough to be one of those people he'd sacrifice for. 
No, that wasn't true, he didn't want to be any way. He didn't want to be different or to feel like 'he could change for the better, be a better person' for Steve Harrington. He wasn't that far gone, he was still Eddie Munson. But he wanted Steve to be worse. He wanted him to lower his standards and wallow in the mud with The Freak. He was already good enough... he wanted Steve to compromise. 
He had everything Eddie wanted and hated all at once and he wanted Steve to want to give it up. Was that too much to ask? It was too much to ask. And that was why crushes killed Eddie Munson. He knew, deep down, he was unpolished and undesirable and really the only reason the guys at the bars picked him up was because he was easy. Hard to love, easy to fuck. 
Kiss after kiss after kiss after kiss. All he wanted was for one of those to be with Steve. To taste what perfection looked like, to understand how someone who had everything gave it up for the outcasts and the freaks. 
Me too. Eddie yelled into the wind. Me too. He screamed at the void. 
But something amazing happened, something that no drug had ever given to him. It answered him. He heard. Somehow, somewhere, someway... Steve Harrington heard him and answered. 
And he wallowed. 
Eddie tasted perfection. The acidity of sunshine and the spice of daddy's money. How making out in cars and the squeak of leather seats had never felt so good. How Steve, somehow, wanted to know what mud and regret tasted like. That Steve chose him. 
Every pretty girl in Hawkins, and he chose Eddie. 
I love you, I love you, I love you. I need you, I need you, I need you. 
The worst drug of your life. 
Eddie didn't even have to turn around to get it. He could look right at Steve the whole time, count the moles on his shoulders, and relish in how soft his skin was. He could enjoy the sensation of being on his back instead of his knees and if he wanted to know what Steve's sweat tasted like he could find out. He could see what a guy, fully naked, really looked like. No t-shirts, socks, or pants just unzipped enough to get it up. He could look, and man did he look. Even if this was a fling, even if this lasted until Steve found someone better, he could live with that. He could live with having him for just a few months just so he could experience this. 
Who was he kidding? He was addicted. 
Eddie Munson, island, wanted to strand Steve Harrington. He wanted to be the only thing and everything Steve could ever want or need. He needed to be everything because Steve had already taken every hard edge Eddie had stuffed into the box and pulled it loose. Rounded everything out. Soft. He was already going to fall apart if Steve walked away. He was already 80 percent less. 
But every morning he got to taste sunshine, and every afternoon he got to touch the sky. Steve was elevating him, and he didn't want to come down. It was devastating, and it was everything he had ever wanted. He was going to die to this. Steve owned him.
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
Momma imagine yandere obey me brothers x darling mc as a horror game like outlast
Instead of outlast, darling mc tries to find information on how to break the pacts with brothers or somehow keep them away from them while running away and hiding
Imagine how aggressive Satan and Beelzebub would be and what would happen after mc is caught
((I havent slept much so this is kinda iffy but!!! I hope you enjoy nonetheless! ))
“I’m trying my damndest not to be angry with you, I really am. I mean, after all, you didn’t ask to be here, you were brought here out of the blue no question” Satan says as he clenches his teeth, eyes like a viper as he stares you down and makes you petrified, keeping you cowering down as he stalks forward, tail flicking angrily as he comes into his demonic form. “I thought we had something. I bared you my soul, my withered bones, my broken heart, and you…You lied to me. Told me you’d always be here for me, only to go run to that scum and beg for freedom from our pact!” he spits venomously, the growls he was emitting rumbling the walls around you, the foundation barely holding together as the air around you became sour, too hard to breathe. 
Satan was a being of wrath, the very embodiment of it, and you, you foolish human, thought you could just sever his tie to you with no consequence? Humans have no self preservation it seems. “I don’t see how you’d want to separate us! What we have! I mean haven’t I given you everything? Haven’t my brothers given you hospitality, safety, love and support? Sure, things were rocky but I thought we moved past that!”. His voice was still so eerily quiet, you were waiting for it to erupt into a violent outburst with your own intestines slung over the rafter. Something about him being this quiet made you realize this would be even worse than if he just had a freak out. You swallowed, standing straighter as you thought very carefully about the words forming on your lips. There was no way to really baby him and pacify his emotions like this, he was beyond pissed, so much that you could feel it thrumming under your own skin as your lungs felt squeezed and your throat felt stuck. “There was no way for me to head home unless I cut all ties” Something breaks, shatters, the windows surrounding the library just fall to shards as the beast gnashes his teeth at you, eyes fiery and all consuming as he wraps his tail around you, squeezing you tighter than the tension had earlier. “Abandoning us? After we did so much for you? After we bonded closer than any stupid human could have in their lifetime?!” he snarls again, crushing you as he held you tighter in his grip, a punishing hold. “And here I thought Mammon was the greedy and selfish one. I’m beginning to think humans are the real selfish idiots of all three realms”. You aren’t getting away from him. Never. This mistake was your own, you made this bed, bloody and messy, and you’re going to lie in it. He didn’t change his being, bare himself open, have you look deep into his soul and form a pact with you for you to just suddenly decide you were bored and leave! You truly must have no heart! He’ll teach you how to behave. He’ll make sure you learn this lesson over and over again, that you’ll bare your own scars soon so you remember that your actions leave marks on everyone, and can’t be so easily erased.
You’ll learn that you’re his. That when he says he loves you, you aren’t ever escaping him or his brothers. -Mommabean
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fullmoonandstar · 8 months
I had a dream after Gale made me choose between him and Astarion in act 2 and it went something like this
So Tav chose Astarion but that doesn’t mean they don’t care for Gale, no, Tav was heartbroken but did their best not to bring everyone down after all they still had to find out what was going on in Moonrise tower.
Tav stops Gale when he is about to blow himself up and they kill Ketheric. Afterwards when they make camp Gale is plagued by thoughts about how he fail Mystra and Tav is super frustrated with him.
“I should have done it, it would be all over if I hadn’t failed.”
It sounds more like “you made me fail” to Tav.
“What did you expect me to do? Let you kill yourself? Is that what you wanted?!”
“Maybe that would have been better! What was I thinking?”
“If you think for one moment I would let you sacrifice yourself just like that…” Tav grimaced.
“What is it to you if live or die? It’s my life!”
Tav gasps, their face changes color with outrage.
“What is it to me? WHAT IS IT ME?!” Tav is fuming. “Gods for some smartass wizard your pretty dumb.”
Before Gale can say anything Tav continues: “I killed an immortal for you and so the gods help I’d do it again. “
Gale is stunned and furrowes his eyebrows. “Why?”
“Because I love you, you idiot.”
Tav is crying angry tears and Gale just stares at them with his mouth open. He doesn’t know what to say.
“I would fucking do anything so you don’t have to blow yourself up, Gale.”
They are really full out crying now that they blew off their anger. Gale closes the distance and pulls them into a hug and Tav sobs into his shoulder. It feels so right to hug them and Gale buries his nose in the crook of their neck. They stand like this until Tav stops crying and Gale reluctantly pulls back.
“Please, Gale, trust me on this. We’ll find a way to deal with the orb. I can’t loose you, stay with me.”
Gale looks at their face and doesn’t think. He cups their face and slowly leans in. It’s probably the most emotionally charged kiss he ever shared with anyone. Of course he doesn’t want to die but his days are numbered and his goddess had given him a clear way out and yet he still breathed. He hates that now he has something, someone to worry about.
They end the kiss and Tav rests their forehead against Gale’s.
“I’m not going to leave. You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”
Tav gives him weak smile, eyes still puffy.
“Listen,” they say, “I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with but I’m selfish and greedy and it’s literally the end of the world.”
Before Gale can say anything they continue: “Please be by my side.”
Gale stayed silent and Tav’s heart sank. They extract themselves from his arms, not looking at him. He catches their hand.
He exhales.
“I’ll try but no promises.”
Tav practically jumps in his arms and he can hear his ribs crack when they hug him.
Gale’s head snaps in the direction of the voice. Astarion leans against a tree casually but he pushes away from it and walks over to them.
“They’ve been inconsolable for weeks but it seems you have finally come to your senses. That’s what a brush with death does to you, I guess.”
Gale doesn’t know what he had expected but what Astarion did was the last Gale would have guessed. Astarion hugged him and Tav, laying his cool arms around Gale’s shoulders.
In that moment Gale thought that maybe things could be okay.
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quin-ns · 1 year
cowboy like me (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Word count: 3.3K
Summary: you and JJ realize you share a skill set and partner up
Tags: meet-cute, JJ steals and so do you, humor, fluff, flirting, dancing, mutual crush, love confessions, kissing, two kleptos falling in love <3
A/N: very much inspired by the song “cowboy like me” by taylor swift. it’s such a good song and I recommend listening to it if you haven’t. if you have listened, don’t worry this isn’t a sad fic. the focus pulls from the outlaws in love :)
cross-posted to ao3 • obx masterlist • main masterlist
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The meeting was an accident, but everything changed after you were walking passed JJ and bumped into him.
“I’m so sorry!” you told him, but JJ shrugged it off with a smile. He was in a good mood, a little buzzed, and now he had an excuse to talk to a pretty girl.
“No harm done,” he assured. “I don’t think we’ve met.” It was true, you looked unfamiliar. Maybe he’d seen you around school but at the moment he couldn’t recall. 
“I don’t usually show up to things like this,” you revealed. “I’m Y/N,” you said, holding out your hand.
“JJ,” he introduced himself, taking your hand in his and giving a quick shake. 
He was about to pull away, but he felt something cold against his fingertips.
You were nice and probably didn’t deserve to have your bracelet stolen, but JJ couldn’t stop himself from sliding the chain off of your wrist. He didn’t even know if it looked valuable or not, but years of impulsive behavior made it not matter. He palmed it in his hand and pulled back, looking nonchalant as ever.
“So you said you don’t really come to parties? Is there a reason you showed up tonight?” JJ was curious to get to know you despite the theft.
“A friend of mine actually asked me to come,” you replied. Looking off to the side, you pointed in a vague way. “She’s waving to me now, but maybe I’ll see you around.” JJ looked in that direction but got distracted when you playfully bumped into him, mimicking the accidental run-in that occurred before. You shot him a smile and a wink that had him letting out a small chuckle.
He watched you walk off into a group, a small spark rushing through him. You disappeared in the crowd and a sudden feeling of guilt overwhelmed him. The chain bracelet weighed heavy in his hand and JJ was already regretting what he’d done. Why did he have to be so greedy? He started to go after you, but stopped himself. If you had formed any sort of positive opinion of him, he was sure it would turn sour if the second time he talked to you was to confess to stealing off of you.
JJ frowned to himself, feeling stuck in a stalemate. Eventually he slid the bracelet into his pocket, thinking of a lie along the lines of “hey, I randomly found this and somehow know it’s  yours" or “your bracelet accidentally fell into my hand” but nothing sounded good.
The bracelet fell into his pocket and JJ immediately registered it was the only thing in there. His eyes went wide. 
Where was his wallet?
He whipped his head in the direction you had gone, realizing the side you’d bumped when you left had been the same side he carried his wallet in. 
“What the hell?” JJ muttered to himself, the pieces falling into place. 
He didn’t stop himself from going after you this time. He weaved his way through the crowd and spotted you easily. You were hard to miss, laughing at something some random guy had said.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ greeted loudly, gaining your attention. He wasn’t angry, though. Not at all. JJ had been stunned at first but now he was just curious and impressed. There was a weird level of excitement, too, when you looked at him.
“Hey, there.” You focused on him, the random boy forgotten. JJ wouldn’t admit out loud that he enjoyed getting your full attention. “Lose something?” you asked knowingly, raising your brows a little and biting back a smile. 
“Actually, yeah,” JJ replied, unknowingly matching your expression. The guy wandered off, leaving the two of you alone. “You seen a wallet? I’m guessing it might be in your pocket.”
“I’ll tell you what.” You crossed your arms, squaring up playfully. “I’ll trade the wallet for my bracelet.”
JJ’s cheeks felt warm all of the sudden. He didn’t think you’d noticed that—didn’t make the connection. 
“That, um, that’s fair, yeah.” JJ pulled the bracelet from his pocket and placed it in your waiting hand. You slid it back on and gave him his wallet in exchange. “That was pretty smooth, by the way. Seems like you have some tricks up your sleeve,” he tried to say casually
“Takes one to know one,” you replied easily. “You were pretty slick, too. If I hadn’t pulled that same move before I probably wouldn’t have felt it,” you commented in a way that sounded complimentary. 
JJ perked up. Maybe it shouldn’t, but it felt nice to get some praise for a skill people usually looked down upon. He wasn’t rich, he had to do what he had to just to get by sometimes—and that caused a habit. Sticky fingers were hard to get rid of, especially when it gave him a rush. But looking at you, the way your eyes held intrigue instead of distaste, he started to suspect you understood.
You did, and it wouldn’t take that long for you to show him that.
That meeting changed everything for both you and JJ. You started going to the summer parties more often. Every time you did, you and JJ somehow “ran into” each other, neither wanting to admit to seeking out the other.
The two of you had started playing a game—one for your own amusement (and at the expense of others). Well, less of a game and more of thievery, but you two made it into a game. Seeing how many people you could pickpocket, different methods, seeing if you could charm and swindle people into giving either of you what you wanted. That one you saved for the kook’s side of town.
And by the time the rich folks in the country clubs you snuck into caught on, you were gone like bandits. 
One time you joked to JJ you were like outlaws, and he came back with, “How about cowboys? It sounds better.”
“Cowboys it is,” you agreed, heart leaping out of your chest when JJ swung his arm over your shoulder. 
You had no idea JJ had already fallen for you, but you did know you were falling for him. 
One night, the two of you decided to get some food and walk around town. JJ didn’t want to go home yet and you wanted to spend as much of the night with him as you could. There were no parties either, and the two of you just hanging out as friends had been normalized for a while.
You and JJ laughed and talked as you strolled around the familiar area. When you came upon a bar, a wicked idea popped into your head. When JJ looked at you, he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“They don’t card,” he said, trying to sound ambiguous.
“Interesting,” you replied with a cheeky grin, holding his gaze. 
Based on a whim, the two walked up to the bar, deciding to finish the night by going after some low hanging fruit.
“Do you have a plan?” JJ wondered as the two of you entered, scanning the surroundings. 
You spotted a drunk looking man sitting alone. You immediately noticed his wallet sitting on the counter in front of him and smirked up at your partner. 
“They make it so easy,” you replied. 
JJ watched, unable to tear his eyes away, as you waltzed over and took a seat next to the man. You were young—same age as JJ—but you could carry yourself with such maturity that you could fool nearly anyone. JJ would’ve been jealous of the way you laughed and flirted with the man, but in the end he knew you’d come back and it would be JJ who you’d truly be spending time and laughing with. 
After you successfully snatched the man’s wallet and brought it to JJ like a trophy, your confidence was up. It was easy to mill about, convincing more than one drunken man that you could’ve been the one. Of course, what you were really after was their valuables. You got another wallet (after the man bought you drinks, which you snuck off to share with JJ), and then a money clip. You also snagged a watch that looked expensive by laying your hand over a man’s to undo the clasps and maneuver it off without him noticing. You were especially proud of that and gifted it to JJ.
“I bet this cost you a fortune,” JJ teased sarcastically, putting on the accessory. Maybe it was bold to put it right in after stealing it, but you had filled your pockets—and JJ needed his empty for what he had planned. 
See, JJ took your winnings as a challenge and decided to go after older women who sat alone or in pairs. He used his boyish charm to get invited to the table and get access to their unsupervised purses. You sat back and watched, an amused smile on your face as they gushed over him every time. 
He returned to you (naturally) flaunting his treasures before hiding them away, just as you had done with him. 
“We should probably get out of here,” you suggested. You had a feeling the longer you stuck around, the more likely it would be that your new “friends” scattered across the bar would start to notice some missing things.
Instead, JJ did something you didn’t expect.
“Wanna dance?” JJ asked with a grin, riding high on the adrenaline. 
“Dancing is a dangerous game,” you warned. It was the kind of thing that could make someone fall in love, but you kept that thought to yourself.
JJ extended the hand, beckoning you to take it. He tilted his head a little, and the grin remained. “But you love dangerous.”
You gave in easily, accepting his hand. JJ pulled you to the small dance floor and the two of you immediately fell in with the crowd. You and everyone around you danced to the upbeat music. Most of the crowd on the dance floor was couples probably in their late twenties. Amongst them, it made it even more obvious that you were teenagers.
It didn’t seem to matter much though, you were just two more faces in the group. 
You and JJ danced together, somehow turning a random array of moves—lots of swaying and spinning—into rhythm. The song passed and shifted into a much slower, very romantic sounding song. You couldn’t make out the full words all that clear, but the ones you did made it obvious. 
Neither you or JJ stopped dancing despite the change. The only thing that changed was your pace. You both slowed down and moved a little closer. 
JJ had been in close proximity to you so many times, but this felt different. This made him just as nervous as it made him excited. He felt somehow more cautious but also more carefree. His mind was so full of contradictions that he had no choice but to push them aside and focus on dancing with you.
Truth be told, putting his attention on you was something JJ never found to be difficult.
JJ held your hand tight in his suddenly and spun you around, trying to impress you. You giggled, colliding with him when he pulled you in. 
“Gotta say, we’re the best looking couple here,” JJ whispered in your ear with a small laugh. 
You gave him a look. Not because of his odd way of trying to compliment both you and himself, but something else. Couple? you wanted to ask. You were maybe a little surprised by the comment, but you weren’t bothered. Far from it.
There was no time for you to actually ask him, though, because suddenly your moment was interrupted.
“Hey!” a man yelled, pointing at you and JJ. “You two! You stole my watch!” The two of you looked to him and sure enough, it was the man who’s watch JJ was currently wearing. He was more aware than you realized and maybe hadn’t planned on drinking the night away on an open tab like you expected.
A guy across the room perked his head up, attention drawn by the first. Neither of you saw it, but he must’ve felt his back pocket and realized it was empty. “That girl took my wallet!”
“He stole my ring!” a lady yelled, looking accusingly at JJ.
“Oh shit,” you cursed. JJ pushed you behind him, ready to take the brunt of the anger as they (and a few others) started closing in, realizing what had happened. The protectiveness that overwhelmed him would be something he admittedly felt a lot, but tried to not act on. You always insisted you could take care of yourself, but he couldn’t fight the instinct in the moment. 
You looked around and spotted a back exit door. It was closer than the front and it was your only way to avoid your marks.
Suddenly, JJ felt your hand grasp his. 
“Run!” you yelled, tugging him in the direction. 
He focused on the door as you dropped his hand, squeezing through the crowd in your own paths. Then you met at the door and took off in a mad dash away from the bar. There was some yelling behind you and neither of you looked back. You only tore your gaze away from the road ahead to look at JJ, and he did the same for you. 
The grin JJ gave you was wild, full of excitement. You felt the same rush. Not even the truck coming up behind the two of you could kill it. One of the barflies decided to be a hero and try to chase the delinquents (that’s what he kept screaming at you out the window) down. 
JJ grabbed your hand this time, his grip much stronger than it had been in the bar. He ran perpendicular to you suddenly and yanked you off the backroad and soon the two of you were sprinting hand and hand off into a small field.
The truck’s owner blared its horn as it sped past, but you could hardly hear it over the sound of you and JJ’s laughter. 
After slowing down, it took a moment of wandering to realize you’d ended up in a park. 
The two of you ducked under a playground structure, keeping out of sight. You sat down and pulled JJ with you. He landed at your side and the two of you caught your breath. Soon, heavy breathing turned into more laughter as the absurdity of the situation set in.
“He was ready to run us over!” you exclaimed, equally shocked and amused. You laughed again to yourself and looked over to JJ. It felt like it was just you and him in the world, and you liked that.
JJ was smiling, but there was something else there. Something in his eyes as you watched him watch you. 
He wondered if you could hear how fast his heart was racing, because it wasn’t just from the running. 
JJ was suddenly aware of how close the two of you were sitting, how you’d grabbed his hand to run, how pushing you behind him to keep you safe felt so natural for him. Every moment he flirted with you and how you’d responded replayed in his mind and how he was desperate to be the one to make you smile and laugh. How when he was around you he felt nothing but pure happiness. How he’d been intrigued by you upon first meeting and every time the two of you were together that feeling only grew and morphed into something else. Something more. 
JJ had never been in love, but he knew this is what it felt like. 
“Earth to JJ,” you said teasingly, waving your hand in front of his face. “You’re not gonna have a heart attack, are you?”
He snapped from his daze to chuckle briefly at your joke. “Nah, I wouldn’t do that to ya,” he responded light-heartedly. In the back of his mind, all he wanted to do was kiss you as you laughed again.
“Good, because I don’t think I can carry you all the way back to town.”
JJ was half listening to you and half focused on trying to bring back the courage he felt in the bar when he’d asked you to dance. 
“Pretty impressive that we’ve spent the whole summer together and this is the first time we got caught,” you mused in JJ’s silence, taking in your surroundings.
“Couple of cowboys on the run,” JJ suggested, smiling to himself. Then at you.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime,” you said, starting to realize his hand was still in yours. You gave it a light squeeze, which brought it to your full attention. His too.
There was a beat of silence where you stared at one another, unable to acknowledge the contact yet finding it to be the only thing either of you could feel.
“Remember when I asked you to dance?” JJ asked, seemingly randomly. But it wasn’t.
You let out a small, amused sound. “It was about ten minutes ago, so yeah.”
JJ felt a little more at ease due to the teasing tone. He wanted to say something about how it was fun, how he enjoyed the feeling of being with you, but he couldn’t force the words out. Instead, he asked, “What did you mean when you said it was dangerous?”
Suddenly, it was as if there was a spotlight on you. Like you’d been shoved onto stage front and center without knowing your lines. Of course, you knew what you had thought at the time, but could you really say that? If you did, would you pay for it? 
“Dancing’s the kinda thing that can make someone fall in love,” you finally said, in that same warning tone that had been present in your own mind before.
Hearing you say that made JJ’s head spin. There were so many different ways he could take it, but there was a glimmer of hope as he wished for the best. Miraculously, his confidence returned. His heart was racing and his cheeks were flushed—and he couldn’t quite hold your gaze for an extended time—but JJ found the strength to say what he was thinking.
“It didn’t take us dancing for me to do that.”
His voice was low and a part of you wondered if you had even heard him right. But the nervous yet longing look in his eyes told you that you had heard JJ correctly.
“Can I just… say something first?”
You swallowed and nodded, bracing yourself for what words came next. Except, it wasn’t words at all.
JJ’s free hand—the one that wasn’t still holding yours—rose to cup your face. You were sitting side by side, but facing each other already. JJ was able to close the gap between you easily, and you went willingly.
It was like sparks flew the moment JJ’s lips pressed against yours. A switch flipped for the both of you as longing and desire poured out as your lips moved against one another’s. 
The kiss couldn’t have been more perfect. It was long awaited from both you and JJ. With so much build up in your minds, it was like magic when it finally happened.
Neither of you wanted to pull apart, but had to. Oxygen was pretty important, unfortunately. 
Your eyes met and JJ’s seemed to sparkle, like they were full of stars, even in the evening light. He cracked a smile, unable to contain his joy, and you couldn’t help but follow suit. 
“I, uh, know those weren't exactly words…” JJ started sheepishly, causing you to giggle. “I think it got the point across.”
“It definitely did,” you assured. “I never thought we’d be here,” you mused, not just about the park but about everything.
“Me neither,” JJ agreed. “But I couldn’t be happier.”
Like a true cowboy, JJ had stolen your heart. You never wanted love at first, but now you didn’t know what you’d do without it—without him.
You and JJ were destined to be partners in crime. And if he had it his way and you had it yours, it would stay that way forever.
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astridthevalkyrie · 11 months
The heroes have been through shit. They've been brutalized, to put it mildly. All of them have seen better days, and everyone who remains doesn't even get the chance to rest. With all the high security prisons being broken into and chaos littering the streets, healing and relaxing couldn't be farther from their minds.
But you'll be damned if you don't take advantage of every free second Keigo has for you.
And is it childish, to make out with him in an apartment that's messy from all the blankets tossed here and there, your laptop tossed aside on a chair with a half-written but scathing article on Stain's ideology, seated on your boyfriend's lap while he lounges back on the only free space available on your couch?
Yes, yes it is. You can't bring yourself to care.
"Ten more minutes," he mumbles into your mouth, but you bet you can make it eleven. The wet sounds his lips make every time they pull away from yours only to dive back in drive you absolutely insane in the best way.
Because you're trying to be sweet, because you're trying to be mindful, you finally pull away, gazing at him with a soft, appraising look.
Time is precious. You can't have him leave thinking that the only thing you miss about him is how good of a kisser he is.
So you press your lips to his forehead, and Keigo sighs, hands sliding down from your hips to your ass, squeezing to pull you in closer.
"Only ten minutes," you remind him in a whisper, licking your swollen lips before kissing a newly formed bruise on his cheek. You'd told him not to fight up close, to leave that to the pros who aren't trying to literally regrow their limbs. But Keigo's the hero. He's always been the hero, probably always will be. So you just try to keep the chiding to a minimum and focus on bandaging and soothing the injuries he comes home with.
Home. Home is here, you hope. This is where Keigo comes back to, and he's as greedy as you are, stealing moments that could definitely be spent doing other, more productive things. What's love if not an absolute waste of your time?
Your fingers ghost over the scar on his face, the one that starts above his mouth and travels well down to his neck. Keigo grunts as you press a kiss to that part of his skin too.
The two of you haven't discussed it. You didn't have anything to say, and if Keigo needed to confide in you, he would, just like he does with everything else.
And, it seems, this is the moment for it to come up. "Ugly, isn't it?" he jokes, bringing his hand up to slide his fingers against yours, pulling it away from the scar. "No more modeling for me."
A nasty feeling rears in you. It feels like hearing someone else insult him, and the defensive roar in your chest makes you want to fight fiercely, even if he himself is the offending party.
He notices it, your scowl. With a lopsided grin, he asks, "What?"
It's like he doesn't even know. How gorgeous everything about him is, his pupils that expand and slit depending on his mood, the burn marks still scattered on his face, and even his teeth, slightly crooked but white and sharp.
You hold his face in your hands and kiss him again, rough this time. Demanding. Angry.
One of his hands palms the side of your neck, reciprocating the kiss the best he can before pulling away, slightly breathless. "What's—"
"You're the most handsome guy in the world." Your cheeks burn a little saying something so openly, so bluntly. With a groan, you bury your face in his chest to conceal your embarrassed expression. You mean every word you say, but it doesn't mean you have to look him in the eyes for it.
Keigo laughs, actually laughs, mouth on your temple where you can feel his lips curve into a smile. "Glad you think so. I knew you were into the rugged type."
Sure. You appreciate ruggedness. Who doesn't? But you're not letting him escape the point so easily.
"If you wore glasses," you huff, "then I'd be into the nerdy type. And if you wore leather jackets, then I'd be into the biker type." Summoning up your courage, you heft yourself back up, stubbornly glaring into his eyes. "And if you liked straw hats, then I suppose I'd be super into cowboys."
Normally you'd see his feathers fluff up, but in their absence you pay more attention to his face, which freezes at your confession. His pupils dilate and his mouth falls open just slightly, staring at you like he can't fully believe that you're real.
Instead of backing down, you stare back, fists clenched into his shirt. The past few weeks have been so difficult for him, name, actions, secrets and faults exposed to the whole world. No wings. Keigo is changing, you know it. Experiencing a taste of freedom for the first time, as bitter as it may be. He might not be sure if you like this new version, but that's what you're trying to tell him—you like every single version of him, and you're going to prove it whenever you need to.
"Those are," he croaks, but his voice is choked up, "really outdated stereotypes."
"And I love you." His heart is beating so fast under your touch that it speeds up your own. "Like, really fucking love you."
He meets you, this time, lips crashing onto yours as you kneel down. With a trill, he leans forward, letting you topple onto the couch, luckily not on top of anything but scattered cushions, as his body covers your own and his lips press kiss after kiss to your lips, your jaw, your neck.
"How much time do we have left now?" you wonder, breath caught in your throat.
"Dunno." He doesn't even bother looking up to check. "Forever, for all I care."
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cruyuu · 4 months
hii! that mini-rant of yours abt sukuita was beautiful. i'm just curious about ur thoughts regarding them and what made you like them so much?? (and it's good that you moved off twitter, it's a nasty place)
Hello anon!
I'll start by agreeing with you– that app really is annoying. I was thinking of moving off it because some ppl's interpretations of characters in jjk just started pissing me off but when I got those same ppl screaming in my qrts over and over how I can like this insane, disgusting ship (while they enjoyed twisted shit as well and get a clap on the back for it, I get judged for it like come on) I knew it was time.
As for what made me like them so much– even if they are problematic and kinda ???– well, strap in.
(I'm kinda angry there aren't more analyses of them but... oh well. Only #real fans of jjk know that Sukuna secretly is a fan of Yuuji and that he doesn't want to kill him because he loves really cares about his progress as a sorcerer apparently???)
Anyways, more under the cut.
First off, if someone told me I'll lowkey be obsessed with them, I wouldn't believe them. Honestly, I thought their situation was worrying, kinda weird yet hilarious right up until the Shibuya Incident arc where I saw the true extent of Sukuna's power and thought that hey, Yuuji kept ignoring this monster, this absolute disaster of a man and he was fine? He suffered absolutely no mental or physical repercussions before that? What? This apocalypse that's deep inside him nearly fucking giggled "Don't look up at me like that brat :3" when Yuuji died and went to his domain yet he nearly decapitated Jugo and the two teens merely because they held their heads a bit high.
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Hell, Yuuji also threatens him yet he– tongue-in-cheek– brushes that off with "You look like you want to kill me". The anime really points out the weird amusement because you can hear him speak and Sukuna not only sounds amused, a bit done but he also sounds like he's teasing him (and is reveling in it)
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He bargains with Yuuji calmly, offers him a vow to resurrect him only if he accepts to let him take control for a minute. You would think he'd ask for more, be greedy, be like "fuck this" and torture Yuuji until he accepts but instead he indulges him.
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Yuuji clearly got the special treatment. Sukuna could've easily showed off his power, tortured him, made him intently aware that he's not supposed to fuck around... yet it was "I fixed ur arm, where my hug at". Maybe I was overthinking it back then, when I first picked up jjk, but this struck such a deep cord within me that I couldn't function properly for days because I kept thinking of Sukuna– the epitome of evil– giggling like a school girl, allowing Yuuji to be "menacing" and disrespectful, and just dismiss all of that while if it was anyone else in Yuuji's shoes, they'd be mangled, ripped apart, tortured until death and laughed over (on repeat).
I love the 'two souls stuck in one body' idea. Like Yuuji has the epitome of the word evil inside of him while he's literally a sunshine. I could totally see Sukuna trying to break Yuuji from the inside out– torture him, threaten him, kill him over and over again, all just to pass the time, test out how it feels to be alive again– and I was kinda surprised canon never went with that option. Instead Yuuji just ignored him while Sukuna did... well... quite little. I still find it hilarious how it's canon that Sukuna yaps while Yuuji just ignores him. Yuuji's got guts, really.
Now this would be just that. They have an interesting dynamic, problematic as fuck but so very interesting and fascinating to explore both in the fluffy or the grim way but considering where we are currently– It isn't just that. It got both worse and better (regarding both my decent into madness– this ship– and them in canon).
I'll separate what more I want to talk about into sections because it's easier that way.
The Beginning & The End
The story quite literally opens with them. Yuuji being kicked into an unknown world (aka the inciting incident) is the result of him finding Sukuna's finger before Megumi can even find it. If Yuuji never stumbled upon that finger, the fight with the curse at that school wouldn't happen. He'd never get to meet Megumi, nor have to swallow Sukuna's finger. So without them, jjk wouldn't exist.
Chapter 1 is titled "Ryoumen Sukuna" and Yuuji and his Occult Club speculate that a lingering spirit is haunting the premises of the school. Their theory is swiftly debunked (Ticks lol), but they didn't know that their theory proved to be kinda correct.
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And yes, the explanation being ticks is awfully fitting. Ticks are parasites– they latch on and slowly bury themselves inside of a human (or animal) and if you spot them too late, you aren't able to take them out and need to visit a hospital because these little annoyances are quite deadly. Sukuna's finger was around that school for an unknown time, since Yuuji found him, attracting curses which preyed on people without anyone even noticing. Plus parasites often need a host to survive– Yuuji being his vessel and having to swallow fingers to completely resurrect him.
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What follows right after that is a bit meta and again, foreshadowing the future events:
1. Yuuji and his Occult Club being dismissed for spreading rumors — Yuuji couldn't see curses before he saw death for the first time.
2. Yuuji being a part of Track-And-Field team and not the Occult club — How Yuuji wasn't born as a sorcerer. He's just your average high schooler– someone quite boring.
3. The club president of the Track-And-Field interrupts them to say he rewrote it because he wants to make use of Yuuji's extraordinary abilities for the track team. Yuuji refuses, so the coach challenges him to a game that Yuuji wins with ease. – He's being warned off traveling that road that main characters go through, telling Yuuji to stick to a normal life. He's no sorcerer, after all. But here's the thing— Yuuji, despite not being born a sorcerer, is still special. He has incredible strength and lightning speed so even if he's not as cool as sorcerers, not someone special, he still kind of is. After all, Yuuji will go on to survive hosting The King of Curses, successfully prevent him from taking control and proceed to keep him on a leash.
And also:
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He's not afraid as normal people in his shoes would be. Hell, he literally made the fabled King of Curses look like a joke. Do I need to remind you that Megumi couldn't do that despite being a sorcerer? Despite not being a sorcerer, despite not being cut out for this, he still likes it and wants to be a part of it.
Also, regarding it's growing on me– did you know that ticks' body grows as they feed on blood, but they only burrow their heads into the host and grow on them by laying eggs within?
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He survived hosting Sukuna, promptly told him to fuck off from his body and got enlisted into Jujutsu High despite not being a sorcerer. Plus he got a gift– being able to use cursed energy due to Sukuna. Again, he is specialz. (And yes! Specialz by King Gnu is literally a sukuita anthem! The song is a twisted version of a ballad– a love letter from a beast that enjoys seeing the agony on his lovers' face rather than a smile. Who enjoys making him lose his mind and nudges him to accept the catastrophe. To embrace the ugly and lose the good. Like: You are my special; we are special; get lost in me; i love you baby?? It literally played over Yuuji's mental breakdown– and Sukuna told him to admire the mess he made– like what more proof do you need??!?!)
If Yuuji never swallowed Sukuna's finger, he never would've had cursed energy. He never would've became a jujutsu sorcerer. He never would've unleashed hell upon earth, watched his friends die and that promise he made to his grandfather would be left for helping regular people out in any way and not exterminating curses. He would've been way happier and way less traumatized but then this story wouldn't exist. 😔
But, I digress.
Yuuji's our main character and Sukuna's the final boss of the story. Despite the narrative promptly ignoring and continuously ridiculing Yuuji, stating he's nothing (a cog in the machine), it's all just so he would prove himself. Fight his way up. Embrace change. All writers know it. And besides, even if he's powerless and weak, well that matters little— considering Sukuna would go on to kill the strongest jujutsu sorcerer yet somehow still not deal with a weakling like him. The same weakling who keeps growing and maturing, being molded and shaped and therefore rightfully needs to be put down before he becomes a threat. I mean Uraume did comment to Sukuna in 257 that Yuuji is like an empty husk actively retaining some elements of him, a fact which should make killing him be Sukuna's top priority because it implies Yuuji— even if weak— could grow to become Sukuna's equal and therefore could kill him.
Still, Sukuna doesn't care lol. He doesn't consider him a threat, calls him boring, yet has a nearly two-page inner monologue just because he learned a fucking reversed curse technique. Lol
It goes like:
you're boring. you're literally insignificant that even killing you is a waste of time.
wait he learned reversed cursed technique within a month?
guess it's time to have some fun with him and then kill him
what the fuck is this irritating feeling
Sukuna pouts. He pouts and spaces out while wondering about connections and what people are to him. Like... ok? That's kinda ga Even Yuuji is stunned why he didn't continue fighting him but instead just started making faces like he's sad. Also, worthy of note is that he had the perfect opportunity to slam his fist through him because he was distracted. Sukuna's usually highly aware of his surroundings, very much in the moment when fighting an opponent, yet Yuuji does a new thing and now Sukuna is stopping the fight to contemplate about unnecessary things instead of you know, being normal and continuing the fight? It's so funny to me. (Also the way he's awfully handsty didn't escape my notice.)
Anyways, to go back and bring your attention to what I stated at the beginning: Everything started with them. Rightfully so, everything will end with them. There's something so beautiful about Yuuji being incomparable to Sukuna in terms of power, being mocked and ridiculed by the story, not special at all and not improving much even if he is improving. It would make his final battle with Sukuna so satisfying that I cannot really put it into words and I will be there no matter what!
Can you imagine that? The poetry of it all– the King of Curses defeated by a nobody. It's brilliant, really. Part of their charm, part of what makes them addicting.
Perfect Opposites
Another thing that makes sukuita delicious is the rather blatant contrast between them. They're total opposites in every sense of the word. The story continiously highlights it.
The story tries to belittle Yuuji, make him as insignificant to the overall plot as it can, make us– the audience– convinced and fearful that Yuuji will not bring about any change. It convinced most of the audience to root for characters equipped with the qualities an mc should have (like Gojo, like Yuta, Megumi, name it), to look away from the pawn that is Yuuji.
Most people, after all, don't like weak, not cool characters. Usually, what shonen does is that it will continually boost the MC's power until the protagonist could practically wipe the floor with the antagonist. As is the case in jjk, most ppl expected that Gojo vs Sukuna would leave Sukuna weakened, on the verge of dying, yet that wasn't the case. Instead Gojo got cut in half which had driven the entire fandom to start hating Gege as an author. To start crying about Sukuna being OP, that the story's gone to shit, all because the side character they rooted for didn't end the main antagonist of the series. How come someone as strong as Gojo dies yet someone who's weak– like Yuuji– lives?
You see, I love when shonen inverts tropes. I love that Gege hyped Gojo up, gave him a perfect backstory which already highlights and forshadows why he would lose, why he's not the strongest, etc. I also love the fact that Yuta went on and, instead of facing Sukuna by himself, chose to wear Gojo like a coat. I love how the MC is just standing on the sidelines instead of actively dealing with the threat.
That same MC who wishes to save his friend, who fights for others, who's as selfless as ever. Who's not a strong sorcerer but a strong person. Who keeps on witnessing how the strong ones are plucked like flies and possibly is wondering how the hell anyone's– let alone him– is going to defeat the threat in front of him.
The entire jujutsu society didn't sit down and speculate about Sukuna's weaknesses and strengths. Didn't even sit down to formulate a plan, to fight together, because it's all about proving your worth as the strongest, right? It's all about cool techniques, showing off, etc.
Most people saw it like this– well if Sukuna is strong then just have strong characters fight him. There you go. You have the strongest jujutsu sorcerer against the strongest used-to-be jujutsu sorcerer. If there's anyone on the same level as Sukuna, it has to be someone exactly like him. A monster. A mirror.
Most people don't see the point of Yuuji being the executioner because the narrative convinced them throwing a puny Yuuji against someone like Sukuna will realistically get him killed. For someone who should be dead by all accounts, Yuuji keeps persisting and keeps pissing Sukuna off– the same man who still doesn't kill him because of well... reasons. He's too insignifact to even crush, by Sukuna's standards. Yet he takes pride in torturing him– killing off and taking away people that Yuuji loves– has inner monologues about him, thinks back on him too much for no reason while fighting different people, almost as if he's fascinated, as if he cares, as if he never met someone like him.
If you'd ask the majority of the fandom who'd get to kill Sukuna: Gojo seemed like a plausable option, at first. Yuta too. Hell, Megumi even. After all, they're continiously put in focus, placed as special and branded as 'has potential'. Then Gojo dies, Megumi's taken over and Yuta is possibly on his way to death (Note: jjk is an ongoing story so... yeah. This is written before Chapter 262 for anyone who's reading this in the future.)
These people tend to forget one simple thing– that opposites attract. That you don't fight fire with fire, but with water. You don't come at the King of Curses with techniques using cursed energy– instead you come at him with raw strength alone. You don't battle to prove your place as a sorcerer– you battle to save a friend, to save people from a massacre.
If you battle to prove your ideal– then you best come at your opponent with something they don't know about. They know about being strong. They know about being a monster. They know about everything selfish because they embody it. Show them a different view.
Be selfless.
There's no one more tailored for the role than Itadori Yuuji. No one special. Weak. Insignificant. A total opposite to Sukuna. It is to be expected by most people that if he faces Sukuna in a battle, that he'd be killed off in an instant yet he survived a couple of battles with him nonetheless. He's broken down, haunted by all the people that died in front of him, but is still suicidal enough to face Sukuna all because he wants to save Megumi. He does it out of care. Out of love. He'd willingly trade his life for anyone.
Love isn't a curse. It is, in fact, the opposite. Love (unconditional one) is the most powerful weapon against curses.
And that is Yuuji's biggest strength. That is the key. He's there to prove that isolation makes you weak, that it is the bonds you share with others that make you strong, make you push on, make you live. Not your capabilities as a jujutsu sorcerer, but you as a person. Jjk does a great job at portraying that who you are matters more than what rank you are on those power-scaling polls.
This is why I adore them so much. I admittedly did go off a bit (literally crafted a theory) but it was all to prove a point why I love them. What makes Yuuji so perfect as Sukuna's doom— a perfect opposite— is the fact that he's a living, breathing epitome of something Sukuna never knew about. Friendship. Love. Care. Lowkey it does sound cheesy but it works. It really works too well lol
Yuuji will end Sukuna with the power of love.
Also: Funnily enough, both Sukuna and Yuuji do look extremely alike. Sukuna's OG form is literally Yuuji grown up. You could say, in a way, that Sukuna is just Yuuji who chose the dark path lmfao
They're not beating the twins allegations but neither are they beating the 'each other's half' because their contrasting way of living, of looking at the world, just places them as perfect enemies, perfect soulmates, two sides of the same coin, etc.
They're enemies and I've always been weak for enemies to lovers to I'd still kill you.
Family Matters
I ranted a bit about this here. Although yes, this adds even more shit onto the plate and literally slaps an incest tag onto them, it still gives further depth to their relationship.
Like I said in my rant– Yuuji is an offspring of Sukuna's twin brother who he devoured. From the story perspective, that puts Yuuji on a big pedestal. He could be the perfect revenge for his father who got eaten before he could even live. Let's not forget that Yuuji got sentenced to death by the story when he swallowed Sukuna's finger and survived, which kinda mirrors that (He's just fifteen yet the threat of death was looming over his head daily).
But despite the odds, he still lived– just like Sukuna's twin brother had managed to get reincarnated (to experience life)– even if that brought on a massacre and led to the mess we are in now.
So, Yuuji ending him is the perfect revenge. Pure poetry. Thank you for coming to my ted talk!
Now, I know most people get the ick about this ship now. After all, it is ugly if you view their relationship through a romantic light. It's horrible, but at the end of the day, it is fictional. They're two lines on paper, not something that exists. No, that doesn't brand anyone liking them a literal real life incest enjoyer or dangerous individual nor is there any deeply rooted psychological problem with the people liking them. And I know— So why do you like this? Because I am an adult and can seperate what isn't real and what is. If you can't, then stay away from fiction because applying morals to something that doesn't exist is worrying.
Also in fiction, there are no rules because putting rules in fiction is destroying what makes fiction good in the first place! Hope this helps.
Sukuna and Yuuji being uncle and nephew makes for some good memes, some problematic– familial or romantic– fics and still works for the narrative. I'm not complaining and I genuienly can't hate them. It can't make me unship them. Their dynamic is too interesting for me, I'm afraid. I love them, whether in a romantic, purely familial, platonic, enemies, whatever way.
So yeah, anon. There you go.
Sukuita is very interesting for writers who want to push boundaries when it comes to writing dark, disturbing stuff but it is also a playground for those who want to nick them out of canon and have fun with them. I am one of those people because I really do find both of them interesting– in canon or an au, related or not, similar or opposites, whatever.
Have a great day/night!
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dnbcoded · 7 months
cdnb prompt: after his first encounter with ctechno, cdream uses high heels shoes bc doesn't want to look so short next to him and in the middle of doomsday ctechno finds out about this
OK. Let me see if I still got it.
He doesn't notice, at first. There's too much more things going on in his life to even begin to think about it.
Dream's sudden growing sprout is one of those things that he misses in the middle of everything, but still takes notes, waiting for the second he can finally go hibernate and think about it. In fact, he was waiting for that little retrive to capture everything about Dream and just shove it in a box and stop having to take note of everything that Dream does.
He is not repressed, chat. Shut up.
He doesn't notice, and he plans on not noticing, until Dream's little grubby, greedy, slender and surprisingly well cared for hands--until Dream gets him involved like the meddlesome man he is. Suddenly they were walking towards L'manberg's demise as Dream has wanted since basically forever, and Techno realizes --only the slightless bit regretfully-- that he played right into his hand. With horror, he finds himself anything but angry at being so easily led to a solution that benefits Dream and only Dream; rather, he thinks it's a little endearing, and that cannot be possible.
He tried to remind himself about how terrible Dream is as they walk, but the man is anything but subtle, there's a pep to his step--hes practically walking without his soles touching the ground from how excited he is, and he's talking Techno's ear off about how he plans to build the platform for the bombs, and he can hear his shit-eating grin as he discusses how little of L'manberg there will be left.
He's only a pig, after all. So he takes note of all of it, and tries his best to ignore it. He ignores, too, the way they're basically the same size, towering over Philza who's actually doing his job at scouting the terrain so they're undetected at dawn. He pretends he just trusts Philza's judgement, and not that he's terribly charmed by the other man.
This wasn't always the case. Once upon a time, Dream was at least a foot shorter, and more irritating than lovely, and he didn't talk about destruction. There was a hesitancy that Techno recognized as human. He had overcome doubt, and thus, humanity--while remaining mortal. Techno... was intrigued by that. (He'll only stop denying this fleeting crush once it's efficiently death and the recipient of his current adoration is long gone, he promises.)
Now, he's tall and regal, and as deathly as ever. He's a wildfire, a burning lamp. Techno is better than a moth.
His eyes still rake over the figure as he starts towering up, occupying only the faint morning lights as guide. Techno notes the possible enchanted nature of his mask, and hates himself for it.
It's as he's watching, that he notices.
"Bro, are those high heels?" And all at once Dream's height makes sense, even though it shouldn't matter to Techno. He's still gawking at the man who's--blushing. That's a blush on the edge of his ears, not covered by a hoodie for once.
"That's--shut up, don't be an idiot." He hisses, his mask suddenly pointing towards Philza as if scared he'll hear. Oh, this is fascinating.
"Nothin' wrong with being fashionista, I tell you." Techno says, smug, leaning the faintest bit down to look at Dream directly. "But a man that's, ah, homeless... you would think he had better priorities than heels."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, I HAVE A HOUSE!" Dream shrills, effectively making Techno lean away. Then his arms cross on front of his torso, the picture of a diva. The heels are a deep green, and they click as he steps back. Oh, how didn't Techno notice?
You were trying hard not to notice, chat whispers. Then, of course, it notices it has Techno's attention. eee, EEE, DREAMSIMP, dream dream dream, Dream in chat, hi techno :), eeeE, STOP SIMPING.
"Not denying the fashionista allegations, I see." Techno replicates. His companion huffs, and then turns back to finally get to tower up. And this time Techno allows himself to notice the shape of his legs--and no, he's not being weird, Dream's ass is on the way okay-- and the way it curls with the distinct form of a trained heel wearer. Techno has no thoughts about Dream's skintight pants nor the way the heels are beautifully integrated into his body, to the clear attention to detail Dream used to pride in, that he still has.
Something in Techno's chest aches. But it's barely morning, and they have a job to do.
"If you wanted to see how it felt to be tall," he calls back, placing a lazy hand around to make his voice sound louder. "You could've just asked for me to carry you."
SHUT THE FUCK UP, Dream whispered in chat.
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saanphoenix · 10 months
I think. Something that bothers me. About the... How do I put this?
In other official media for FFVII that ISN'T canonical--such as Dissidia or World of Final Fantasy--there is this tendency to bring up the idea that Sephiroth is under the influence of Jenova. He's not himself. There's no way he could be himself given how HUMAN he was before.
And it makes me angry not because it is probably partially true but because the scenarios are effectively taking Sephiroth's own will and feelings away from him.
Why would he not be angry? After everything done to him, done to Jenova--his mother, done to the planet, the blind eye that humans adopt instead of facing their impact on everything around them, do you honestly believe he Wouldn't be angry? Is it strange to you that, given his past as a tool for humanity in wars that served no purpose other than expanding a greedy, morally bankrupt corporation's influence and power, he Wouldn't latch onto the idea he's from a race that never did something so goddamn stupid and ignorant? That he wouldn't change allegiances?
And don't get me started on the whole Human vs. Non-human thing because the truth of the matter is that every action Sephiroth takes in Nibelheim and beyond is the result of human behavior. The characters in game like to go, "He became a monster!" but nah. Nah, humanity doesn't get off that easily. Humans were killing Wutaians. They were causing genocides because of propaganda. Racism. Whatever tool Shinra needed to use to get normal ass people to slaughter other normal ass people. He may be full of alien cells and he might be able to grow a wing, or several, but at the end of the day, his anger, his despair, his love for his mother, it's all because the bastard's human.
And that's why he fails in the end. Human arrogance. Overconfidence. The faults and failings we all have he also has and he succumbs just the same as any one of us can.
Let Sephiroth be complex. Stop denying him his choices and decisions, fucked up as they may be. Even in Opera Omnia, he tells Angeal that if he's doing something? It's because he chose to.
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merakiui · 1 year
From a scale from 1-10, how easy do you think it is to divorce the octavinelle trio ? I have a hard time imagining they would let us go so easily 💀
Azul - a solid 7 out of 10. He's civil for most of it, masking all of his feelings behind kind, understanding smiles. He says he understands where you're coming from, but he doesn't. Internally, he's blaming himself for everything, and every day he gets closer and closer to snapping. It's when things start moving into place that he realizes he's going to lose you and suddenly he's no longer so civil. Suddenly Azul doesn't want to compromise. He doesn't want to watch you move out. He doesn't want to let you go, so he won't. But he must be smart and patient and level-headed. He'd be a top suspect if anything happened to you, and he can't risk everything he has in his attempt to keep you forever. Azul is meticulous with his plans, and unfortunately for you he always gets what he wants in the end. He's greedy and you spoiled him with too much love in the early years of your marriage. Do you really think he'd want to let such a good thing slip through his fingers? :)
Jade - 0 out of 10. He agrees to it rather easily. If that's what you wish, he'll work something out so that the divorce is respectful and fair between both parties. Jade is a little too...kind and agreeable. Divorce is an expensive process. He can easily afford it, but you can't. He watches you move your things out of his house. He listens while you mumble about how troublesome this is; he's overheard you phone your friend to voice concern over how you'll have to be really frugal if you want to afford necessities and pay rent in the new place you're settling into. Once everything is all said and done and the two of you are officially separated, you never see Jade again. But he sees you, plenty of times throughout the week. He's good at being agreeable, at assuring you that he only wants what's best for you, at telling you he's only a call away should you ever need anything, at being civil, but then he's also good at stalking, at breaking into your home and leaving no trace, at keeping track of who you meet in a single day, at using all available resources to ensure you're never truly absent from his life. He'll wear you down: physically, emotionally, financially. And when you can't take any more, he'll swoop in like an angel of death to take you away.
Floyd - ??? out of 10. It really depends on his mood. If you tell him you think divorce would be the best option, he might just shrug and go through with it, only changing his mind later on when he realizes he doesn't want to let Shrimpy go or he divorces you and you never know peace again (i.e. he'll likely kidnap you). Or he'll get really angry really quickly and he intimidates you into dropping the subject of divorce.
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gimmemore14 · 3 months
I want to know about all your WIPs, cause I'm greedy that way, but if I have to limit it to one, then I'd love to hear more about the Pirate/navy Au omegaverse (Dark!brudick—> sladick).
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Thanks for the asks!! I lumped in @hii-theree ‘s too so I can get two birds one stone :)
SO I love pirates, favorite childhood/teenage series was one called bloody jack where an orphan girl disguises herself as a boy and joins the navy as a cabin boy, it’s based loosely on the multitude of true stories of women cross dressing to fight in the navy army ect! On the plane I couldn’t help but think of a similar idea but Dick is an omega that disguises himself since theyre not allowed (but of course Bruce finds out…)
Here, have a snippet!
Dick swipes at the sweat streaming down his face as he climbs up the main mast with a heavy chest strapped to his back. There's nothing to shield his eyes from the harsh glare of the sun- his captain’s hat lost long ago during the battle- or the glint of it reflecting off of a looking glass on the Deathstroke’s quarterdeck.
That bastard is watching him.
Wally, as unhappy as he was with his captain, lowered the Navy ship’s colors for him before helping wrangle their angry bosun onto the rowboat and boarding as well. Dick will miss his first mate dearly, but a captain’s duty is to protect his crew first.
Damned be what the admiral says.
He waves the white flag from his perch in the rigging as his crew starts rowing away in the lifeboats. They won’t have any hope of escaping the pirates unless Captain Wilson takes his deal, but Dick is confident in his persuasiveness. He makes sure the treasure is in clear view as the pirate ship throws their lines over to moor the ships together.
As the pirates swarm the ship below, Dick surveys the poor state of it. The Nightwing’s foremast lays like an anchor in the water, snapped but still attached. They would have had to find a port quickly to fix all of the damage to the deck, but he already knows his beloved ship, commissioned for him, is doomed for destruction.
An imposing man steps easily across the divide of the ships, any doubt that this is the same captain who’s been hounding him for years is cut away as the man meets his eyes.
“I see even as a captain the pretty bird is more at home in the rigging. What an unusual surrender… you hiding like a treed mountain lion and your men abandoning their captain.”
“It’s purposeful,” Dick says, his chin tilted up proudly despite feeling so young in front of the grizzled pirate. “I’d like to propose a deal, my surrender is already guaranteed and not part of it but the safety of this chest and the information it contains is.”
He unstraps the chest and dangles it over the open water with one hand. The captain’s eye widens in concern for a split second before schooling itself into indifference.
“It’s well known that I have more treasure than I know what to do with,” Captain Wilson counters, seemingly amused. “Do you really think a singular treasure chest will stop me from aiming our canons at your crew?”
“No, but I heard a rumor your enchantment from the seawitch is nearing its end and I’m well aware you’re looking for a solution.” Dick pauses, thrilled and terrified that the captain’s full focus is now on him. “A solution I hold in my hand right now.”
Captain Wilson is silent for a beat, clearly weighing his options. If they shoot Dick, his body and the treasure will potentially both plunge into the sea, he’s confident it won’t go that way but he’s made his peace if it does.
When the gruff man shakes his head in what seems like amusement, Dick feels a spark of hope. “I see you’ve been keeping track of me as thoroughly as I have you. You’ve caught me in a good mood after capturing your ship and admittedly, I admire your boldness Grayson. So, what are your demands?”
“I know you as a man of your word and I trust you know me as a man of mine, I will happily hand over this chest for the guaranteed safety of my men.” Dick promises, holding the treasure more steadily with two hands now. “A navel port is not far from here, let them row away and the chest is yours.”
The man removes his hat to better meet Dick’s eye before asking, “You’d trust the word of a pirate?”
“No, not any pirate. Just yours.”
Captain Wilson nearly smiles, although his expression’s much too sinister to be called as such; all the same, he stops his men from aiming their muskets at the lifeboats. “Come down here then, little bird, we have a deal.”
The tension leaves Dick’s body, despite him knowing his own nightmare is just beginning. His men are safe, he’s done what he’s promised. He tells himself that it doesn’t matter what happens to him as long as his men make it to that port. As he slides down the rigging and onto the deck, Captain Wilson’s eye never leaves him, there’s an uncomfortable weight to it that makes him shiver.
Dick stands straight after placing the chest at the man’s feet. In this proximity, the captain’s alpha scent is overwhelming, eagerly proclaiming him the most dangerous man on the sea. Not for the first time, Dick is glad for the Navy’s insistence on blockers… he wouldn’t have been made captain without them.
“Now, what to do with you, little Captain.” The alpha contemplates, beginning to circle Dick like a shark. “Your safety was not a part of the deal.”
Dick fights to not swallow the lump in his throat. “I am aware.”
“If you throw yourself at my feet and beg,” Captain Wilson muses, stopping in front of him. “Perhaps I’ll consider not turning you into fish bait… you and this ship have lost me a lot of money and men.”
“I know,” Dick says, clenching his fist against the nervous tremors threatening to take over his body. “I am sorry for the men, but not for the money… and I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I won’t beg either.”
An incredulous laugh escapes Captain Wilson before his menacing eye turns calculating. “Perhaps a good keelhauling will remedy that.”
Dick can’t control his trembling any longer, images flashing of when Admiral Wayne ordered Roy keelhauled for getting too friendly with Dick. He came up half drowned, his back torn to pieces by the barnacles, and promising to keep his relationship with Dick professional. He nearly died of infection that week. The scarring and distance between them remains the same today.
“I surrendered, of course you can do what you would like,” he says around the lump in his throat. “But I would warn against it.”
Captain Wilson, seeing his fear and enjoying it, tilts his head curiously. “And why is that?”
Dick forces himself to meet the man’s eye and his voice to not shake. “I’m the only person I’ve come across that can read that map, I’d be more useful to you coherent than half dead.”
The captain contemplates his words before opening the chest himself and pulling out the journals. Dick takes practiced breaths to slow his heart rate, focusing only on his crew rowing further in the distance as the alpha skims through the books.
“You really can read these?”
“How? Don’t lie to me.”
“It’s my mother and father’s tongue, taught to me in secret alongside English.” Dick replies, his heart aching at the memory of his parents’ whispered lessons.
The captain looks at him as if peering into his soul, Dick doesn’t try to hide even as he feels ripped open and laid bare. “Hmm, very well. Wintergreen, has everything of use been collected?”
The first mate answers affirmatively as the last of the water and food are packed across to the Deathstroke. Dick’s heart drops into his stomach as Captain Wilson binds his hands and leads him to the other ship.
The alpha keeps a steady hand on the back of his neck as the crew of the Deathstroke unmoor the ship and ready their starboard cannons. Dick bites his lip to keep it from trembling as they aim to sink his ship, his home, his legacy, his freedom.
“Shall I have someone take him to the brig, sir?” The captain’s first mate asks.
Dick never thought he’d be relieved at the prospect of a jail cell, anything to keep the Nightwing’s memory alive and whole in his head.
Captain Wilson looks at Dick, who tries to feign indifference. A smirk pulls up the side of his face, his blue eye just as soulless as his black eyepatch.
“Not yet, I believe this is something my little Captain needs to watch. On your command, Billy.”
Dick does not cry out like he wants to as the cannon balls rip through the Nightwing’s hull. His chest feels as if an elephant has settled onto it. The Nightwing was his home, the reason he was able to be free from Bruce’s domineering command most of the year. Without a ship, Dick knows when Admiral Wayne finds him he will be back on The Bat and kept under lock and key for allowing himself to be captured. In an effort not to sob his fingernails pierce his palms and blood drips sluggishly onto the deck below him.
Captain Wilson’s fingers dig possessively into his scruff as the smell of satisfaction oozes from the man. “Even while sinking she’s a beauty.” He comments lightly as the Nightwing’s bow finally succumbs to her watery grave.
“Shall I take him now, Captain?”
“Yes,” Wilson says while turning Dick to look at him.
He still hasn’t cried, his eyes glassy with furious tears and his jaw set indignantly. The alpha soaks in his expression almost hungrily, his thumb teasing the side of Dick’s scent blockers. It’s only then that a chord of actual terror strikes him.
“But not to the brig. Take him to my quarters, I’m not done with him yet.” Captain Wilson orders, lightly shoving him into the waiting hands of his first mate.
The man, Wintergreen, takes him into the captain’s cabin and ties him to the chair bolted down in front of the large desk. It’s only once the door closes and leaves him in the dimly lit cabin that he allows his tears to fall.
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Imagine Aemond...
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Imagine Aemond... Coming very frustrated, angry and pissed off in your room, and he starts pacing around and complaining and venting out about how fucking annoying everyone is, and how much he wants to kill everyone, for the injustices they are doing to him.
You were in bed, reading a book, and merely rose your head, looking at him with a calm, unphased expression, your eyes following his moving form from one end of the room, to the other.
“Are you done?” “NO, I AM NOT!”
You simply sigh and put your book on the nightstand, before you get up and get a firm grab on his shoulders, making him look you in the eyes. “Now, you are.”
Confused at what you meant, he doesn’t realise that you ultimately got ahold of both of his hands and put him in bed, while you took back your comfy seat, with your back against the rest.
He looked at you with even more confusion, until you patted you lap and looked at him with an obvious look - Put your head on my lap - Something that you have never done before. Why did you start now? How did this idea just suddenly occurred? He had no idea, but he wasn’t going to deny.
Though skeptical and reticent, he slowly lays down on the bed and lays allows his head to lay comfortably over your lap, facing away from you - And though he didn’t want to admit... It was better than any pillow he ever had. Your thighs were so soft, and the fact that you were wearing a nightgown didn’t help at all.
With one hand, you took your book back and continued to read, while the other found its way easily into his silvery, velvety locks.
As soon as you touched his hair, he found himself tensing up and shivering - What was this soft, loving touch? It was so delicate... So... Different from everything he’s ever experienced before... 
And he was so greedy for it.
He allowed himself to take a deep breath and close his eye as that caressing hand of yours managed to take away any worry and frustration that was plaguing his mind so, yet now, he was in a different realm of peace and content altogether.
At some point, you reached a rather interesting part in your book and you raised your hand from his hair to turn the page, yet it remained mid-air for a prolonged amount of time... And Aemond did not like it one bit.
So he turned on his back to get ahold of your hand, and he put it back on his head... All that, while having the expression of a pouty, spoiled kitten on his face.
Surprised, you merely raised a questioning eyebrow and looked down at him, tilting the book away from your face, so to see him - And upon seeing that childish look, you could only hum in amusement, the corners of your mouth turning up into a teasing smirk.
“It seems that My Lord is enjoying me spoiling him, akin to a baby kitten asking for rubs... Would you also want some scratched behind your ears, My Lord? I heard they can be enjoyable for men as well.” his brows furrowed, hearing that poisoned-honey words that seemed to purposely get a rise out of him, only for you to hide your face again with your book.
“Is that it, My Lady? You tease me with your words, then you hide behind that book?” he grumbled under his breath, remaining on his back further, only to hear a simple “Yep” from you, as nonchalant as ever before. How annoyingly desirable you could be.
With one more deep breath, he closed his eye again, and relaxed into your touch as you played with his hair, and even further down, you would caress that sharp jaw of his and that firm, warm skin of his, until, without realising, he leaned into your touch, and planted a soft kiss on the inside of your skin, making you stop your reading and peek at him, from the top of your book.
“What is it, My Lady? You think you are the only one with the power of flustering someone?” he would ask, thinking he has the upper hand - Yet, he did not, for you merely leaned down to kiss his forehead, before whispering into his ear another “Yep~”, and going back to your reading, for the third time now.
By this time, it was already clear to him, that should he ever allow such self-indulgence, he would get eagerly teased by the woman he holds so dear to his heart...
And he was not about to complain about it.
Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is afraid My Lady will find him ugly) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond is frustrated with the court and My Lady spoils him) Imagine Aemond... (Aemond discovers you pampering Vhagar, the Matchmaker) Imagine Aemond... (My Lady is afraid of the concept of childbirth and pregnancy) Imagine Aemond... (Engaging in a romantic, literal Dance of Dragons in the air ) Imagine Daemon... (Being smitten over an adventurous Lady who flies Balerion)
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msnihilist · 5 months
Do you think you'd ever talk about/explore your dynamics for Juan/Cupid? I love them a lot and the concept you shared is soo... omg perfect
I'm just such a sucker for unrequited love, it's probably my favorite trope ever.
I'm not sure if I'd say that Cupid is "cursed" or if maybe the universe just has a sense of humor, but the irony in him always falling for people who are in love with someone else is both hilarious and cruel.
It just doesn't make any sense, you know? Why would Cupid fall for someone like Juandissimo? They don't have anything in common, and even their personalities are total opposites. (They both have a flare for the dramatic, though, haha.)
It took them thousands of years to even approach being friends for that very reason. There's only so many fairies in Fairy World, you know? Given enough time, you meet everyone. And sometimes, you keep running into them.
Cupid and Juan were much the same to begin with. Accidentally running into each other, having smalltalk... Cupid thought Juan was annoying, and Juan thought Cupid was boring.
It comes to a head when Wanda breaks up with Juandissimo. Heartbroken, he goes to Cupid to find out why. He's not the first angry fairy to show up at his door, so Cupid explains that his arrows give people nudges along, but that sometimes people make these decisions all on their own. Wanda left because she doesn't love him, and Cupid can't (won't) change that.
And it surprises him when Juandissimo cries. Cupid has never seen this side of him — so soft and genuine, as opposed to his brash exterior. He awkwardly comforts Juan, who apologizes for taking his frustration out on Cupid. He gathers himself and determinedly declares that he will not give up on Wanda that easily, before leaving. Such devotion only further increases Cupid's opinion of him... But I wouldn't call it love. Not yet.
Cupid and Juandissimo end up spending more time together — on purpose, as friends now. In those early years, it was mostly Juandissimo asking for advice on relationships and winning people over. As time passed, it became just... Talking about themselves and their lives and enjoying each other's company. They both have a greedy/manipulative side that really clicks.
I think that the "falling in love" part happened slowly. Cupid getting mildly irritated whenever Juan brought up Wanda, and dismissing at as annoyance over hearing the same old story all over again. Cupid considering Juan his best friend and wanting to spend more and more time with him. Cupid feeling disheartened that Juan decided to be a godparent, because it means they get to see each other less.
I'm not sure if Cupid even realizes how he feels. I think, subconsciously, he must. He is the god of love, after all. But even if he does know, he'd never say anything — not while Juandissimo is still in love with Wanda, anyway.
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longitudinalwaveme · 7 months
Some thoughts:
While I certainly won't deny that Len has some anger issues, he doesn't really strike me as having the explosive rage you see in the Red Lantern Corps. That's more Lisa's thing. If anything, I think Captain Cold is a Green Lantern. He's stubborn to a fault, he's managed to keep a team of supervillains with widely disparate personalities together for at least a decade, and, when faced with an opponent who is far more powerful than he is (the Flash), he continually and insistently keeps fighting him, coming up with new strategies and plans to stay one step ahead of the Scarlet Speedster. He also faces down much more powerful villains regularly, and without much fear. All that takes serious willpower, and I think that that's ultimately a more prominent part of his character than his anger. Also, Len didn't originally create the Rogues. It was Sam who came up with that idea, and who was originally often the one calling the shots. Len sort of fell into the role later as a result of being the only remaining Rogue with his head screwed on straight.
I agree that Sam Scudder would be an orange lantern. He loves his money and his shiny, shiny mirrors, and he loves attention even more. Evan McCulloch, though...I honestly think he'd be a better fit for the Sinestro Corps. He's basically an Eldritch horror, and borderline unstoppable. Of all the Rogues, he's easily one of the creepiest. I do, however, agree that both he and Sam would be interesting in the Indigo Lantern Corps (particularly Evan, since he's had so much trauma and done so many messed up things). Also, I kind of hate the retconned backstory of Sam having killed someone in a botched burglary before he became the Mirror Master. In his original stories, he was arrested for robbery, and there wasn't any indication that he'd killed someone, and the retcon darkens all his fun Silver and Bronze Age appearances. I love Geoff Johns' Rogues, I really do, but he really needed to lay off on the grimdark retcons.
I agree that Grodd is either a red or a yellow lantern, though I would strongly lean towards the yellow end of the spectrum myself. Usually Grodd isn't especially angry. Brutal, yes. Angry, no.
Captain Boomerang being a red lantern does work, though honestly I would lean towards him being part of the avarice corps myself. Like Cold, while he does have a lot of unresolved anger issues, he doesn't really have that obvious burning rage that seems to characterize a lot of the Red Lantern Corps---and he is very greedy and gluttonous. I also agree that him being a part of the Indigo Tribe could be potentially interesting.
Weather Wizard as a Red Lantern makes sense, since he's frequently very prickly and was very revenge-motivated in his first couple of appearances, but he could be part of the Orange Lantern Corps as well. He's a thief, of course, but, more importantly, we know that he craves power and respect, and it seems very likely that on some level he envied his older brother, who was always his parents' favorite child. I also have to admit that an Ultraviolet Lantern would be a good way to learn more about him, since unfortunately he doesn't usually get as much characterization as the other Rogues do. I will also say that Mark's New 52-and-onward backstory (the only part of which I like is the fact that he and his family are from Guatemala) does make him lean more towards the Red Lantern Corps than he would have previously, since in that version his brother was killed by someone else whom he then took revenge upon.
Eobard being a Red Lantern does make total sense (especially since Barry is a Blue Lantern), but I could see him fitting into the Orange Lantern and Yellow Lantern Corps equally well. As the video mentions, he wants to have Barry's life, which would mean he could slot in quite well to the Orange Lantern Corps, and, of course, as a time-traveling murderous stalker, there's no doubt that he's scary.
Killer Frost is NOT a Flash villain! ARGH! I do agree with the Lanterns assigned to her, at least if we're assuming this is the Caitlin Snow version of her (the Crystal Frost version would have been a more malevolent/stalkerish Star Sapphire or Orange Lantern, and the Louise Lincoln version would have been a Red Lantern).
I mostly disagree on Heat Wave. While the New 52 Hothead McAngryman version of Mick would indeed be either a Red Lantern or a Yellow Lantern, I'm inclined to think that classic Mick part of the Star Sapphire Corps. Not only does that group need some men in it, but, more importantly, Mick is traditionally incredible devoted to and supportive of the people he sees as his friends. You know, I think I now know why the person making this video doesn't like Heat Wave. It's because he's only familiar with the most terrible version of him.
The three rings the person making the video gives to the Pied Piper work pretty perfectly for him. We know that he was lashing out against society and his cold, controlling parents when he was a villain, so a Red Lantern ring does make sense for him as a villain, he did, of course, reform, and he probably does inspire a lot of hope as a hero and social activist. That being said, I think he could simply stay as part of the Indigo Tribe from his reform onwards, as he is extremely compassionate. And hey, he knew about Piper's stint in Breedmore! And...didn't know that William Magnus was paid to give Hartley the hearing aids that allowed him to hear. Piper didn't build those himself.
I definitely disagree that Trickster belongs in the Orange Lantern Corps. James is many things, but one thing he is not is greedy. Back in the Silver Age, he explicitly said that he didn't care nearly as much about money as he did about messing with the Flash, and he's much more interested in showing off and in outsmarting people than he is in simple financial gain. I'd put him in either the Green Lantern Corps or the Blue Lantern Corps myself. He's a persistent little imp, and he certainly holds out a lot of hope for his own future, being as he is generally cheerful and optimistic. Axel would probably be a Green Lantern (due to his teenaged stubbornness and general recklessness), although the very early Axel who was a total sociopath might have fit into the Yellow Lantern Corps. Either way, neither one would be an Orange Lantern.
The Top is either a Green Lantern or a Yellow Lantern. While I don't deny that he hates the Flash and isn't very fond of society generally, his anger is fair outstripped by his willpower and just how scary he is. This is a man who taught himself everything he could about tops and engineering, who taught himself how to spin at super speed, who tried to take over the world, the country, and the city on separate occasions, and who repeatedly dug his way out of the grave several different times through his own sheer willpower. If that doesn't qualify him for a Green Lantern ring, I don't know what does. And, of course, the fact that he's a power-hungry, bomb-building ghost that possesses corpses makes him very scary, so he would also be a natural fit for the Yellow Lantern Corps. But hey, props for acknowledging the fact that Roscoe is mentally ill, and that that does affect his behavior. I can't say that the ultraviolet corps would be bad for him per se, just that I think Yellow or Green would fit him better. Especially since they're already the colors of his costume.
The Orange and Yellow Lanterns would both work well for Savitar.
Characters who weren't mentioned in the video, but who I will classify anyway:
-Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) would probably be either a Red Lantern (because of his anger at Wally for refusing to help him) or a Yellow Lantern (due to his sheer power and willingness to kill). Before he became Zoom, he would probably have qualified for a Green Lantern simply because of all the terrible things he managed to survive.
-Golden Glider is 100% a Red Lantern, being almost entirely motivated by the desire to seek revenge for Roscoe's death. Prior to his death, she would have been either a Green Lantern (because of her incredible determination, bravery, and ability to overcome her abusive father) or a Star Sapphire (because of her deep love for Roscoe).
-Albert Desmond is a Blue Lantern, always hoping that he'll be able to live a normal life with his wife, Rita (who also qualifies for a Blue Lantern ring). Mr. Element is an Orange Lantern; he was primarily driven by a desire for profit. Dr. Alchemy is a Yellow Lantern, as he was disturbingly detached from his humanity, and possessed of almost unlimited control over the elements.
-Alvin Desmond would either be an Orange Lantern (he's a lot like Digger in many ways, but much more power-hungry) or a Yellow Lantern (for the same reasons as Albert when he's Dr. Alchemy).
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So, I got bored and watched The Old Guard (which since it’s an action movie is pretty unusual for me). There are a lot of things to enjoy about this film, but one I haven’t seen talked about as much is Booker’s betrayal storyline. I wasn’t particularly surprised that the ‘twist’ was that there was a betrayal or even that it was Booker. However, I think one of this film’s greatest assets is in the details of how it handles a storyline, rather than trying come up with some groundbreaking twist ending. 
I really love his motivation, and I don’t think it gets enough attention. I feel like within most films with a betrayal, there’s two options. First, the character is just a villain. They believe in the bad guy’s cause, blah blah blah. Or they have some pure or good intention (see Copley) that they quickly realize the bad guy does not support/is too greedy to support, and they hence turn back to their team. This would have been soooo easy for Booker. He literally watched his son die of cancer and couldn’t do anything about it. The film easily could have planted the seed that Booker wants his immortality studied because he couldn’t save his own child and he wants that suffering to stop, just like Copley. 
But no. His motivations are purely driven by his own grief and suffering- he doesn’t have some nefarious purpose or a wish to bring about global peace. He is just a man, who has spent the last two hundred years being absolutely miserable and he wants it to stop. There’s just something so simple about that. Maybe it’s kind of selfish, like Joe said, but wanting your pain and suffering to stop is just so human. I do wish we had gotten to see more of the four of them interacting in the lab before their rescue. I know it was probs a time issue they couldn’t control, but I think it would have been really interesting to see that interaction stretched on. Obviously we saw how angry Joe was, but I would have like some sort of extended interaction where we got to see the more emotional impact of Booker explaining how Joe and Nicky always had each other, etc. But, I digress. I just like how the film handled Booker’s choice to betray them in a way that doesn’t seem disingenuous. It’s selfish, but it’s just driven out of pain and suffering that is a central theme to the film. 
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theyanderespecialist · 2 months
Base Yandere Sekido (Aka Anger Emotion Clone Of Upper-Rank Moon 4) Headcanons (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! I am here with another Demon Slayer Character! This one is the anger Emotion Clone of Upper-Rank Moon 4 Sekido! I hope that you enjoy this chapter here!] 
(Disclaimer: Sekido, The Anger Emotion Clone of The Upper-Rank Moon 4 Is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it, you know who you are, you dirty flaky biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Sekido, The Anger Emotion Clone of Upper-Rank Moon 4 From Demon Slayer- 
.Sekido is the embodiment of the main body's anger. A Full-on personification of his anger. 
.Sekido is in a constant state of vexation, irritation, and rage.  .There is only one person who can mellow him out and that is you.  .Somehow you were the one to calm his storm of rage, to at least a degree! 
.He is still very angry with rivals and becomes irritated by them easily. 
.The anger he has in him is not put on you but more so it is put on everyone that takes your attention away from him. 
.He is a bit of a greedy yandere in which he does not want to share you, the idea of sharing you pisses him off greatly. 
.Though he could MAYBE Share you with the other emotion clones. 
.But That is a BIG Maybe!
.He is the one that takes the lead a lot and is not wrathful with how he leads. 
.Even though he is an angry emotion he still can be collected and to make the choices that are best for him and you. 
.If he did share you with the emotions he would be the one to keep the others in line. 
.Being the only one to have you in this he actually can keep you in line as well.  
.He asserts the right type of control and power over you so that he does not even have to yell to keep you in line.  .He adores you and loves that you make him calm down and feel anything other than anger! 
.It puts his soul at ease, but it also makes him extremely possessive and obsessive for you. 
.He also gets really aggressive as a yandere but all that aggression is up to anyone who steals you from him. 
.If someone was to hurt you he would let ALL His rage out on them and slaughter them for daring to harm you. 
.He would take great pleasure in it as he is a bit sadistic as well. 
.What he takes even more pleasure in is torturing his rivals.  .Someone who had hurt you had the impulsive crime that he was angry and the murder was a vengeful crime. 
.With Rivals he takes the control he has and the tactical mind to slowly break the rival and to torture them for months on end. 
.He would enjoy it so much that he would know his rival suffered for trying to take you from him! 
.He melts into you though, falling for you head over heels and knowing that you were the one for him.  .He is protective and tries his best to be soft with you. 
.He though is very firm and does his best to keep you in line, so that you do not leave him. 
.He is a yandere that does not put his anger on you, so he rarely blames you for anything. 
.He does sometimes get jealous and says that you are trying to make men and women fall for you. 
.Lashing out and saying you think that you can leave him. 
.He would never hurt you on purpose the most he does is grab you and leave bruises. 
.May that be from kissing you too hard, grabbing you by your wrists, or pinning you into the bed and or wall. 
.He is also into sexual punishments from spanking and stimulation pleasure. Where he overwhelms your body with pleasure. 
.He shows satisfaction when you finally submit to him so he can have you as his good little darling. 
.He also loves seeing his rivals back up and try and backtrack, realizing that they have fucked up.  .He is also a type to think of a solution and to think before he acts. So he can get you to agree to be his, at least a little bit better than the others would. 
.Controlling and firm are good ways to describe him as a yandere!
.He would confess to you, by pinning you up against the wall and kissing you. 
.He does not play the will they won't they, he is going to show you how he feels and give you no choice in the matter. 
.You are his and his alone, do as he says and be his! 
.If you accept his love you can expect to be thrown over his shoulder. He is going to find the closest place to make love to you and show you that you belong to him. 
.You say no? he is going to knock you out and kidnap you, keeping you tied up, bound, gagged, blindfolded, and earplugs put in! 
.He will make you dependent on him and you can not use almost any of your senses and you are helpless to him. 
.He would NOT take advantage of you. 
.But he is going to make you dependent on him, and then once that stage is done he will give you your hearing back! .This way he can explain why he is doing this and that he loves you, further manipulating you. 
.He then would give you your sight back so you can see him and learn that he is doing this all for you. 
.Then your voice, and lastly your freedom to move. 
.At this point he has broken you, or you would not be at this point. 
.He had planned it all out and he knew that it was not the best thing to do. 
.But when he said he would do anything to be with you, and for you to be his, that he was not going to give you up in any way or form. 
.You are now his and he will reward you by making love with you, you will be his sweet darling. 
.He will turn you into a demon at some point. 
.That way you will never ever be able to leave him, and you will stay by his side. 
.Though he might have turned you into a demon before confessing to you. 
.It is a toss-up if he would have done that or not! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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synnamonroll666 · 3 months
Hii, can you please do Josh x reader whose a brat so Josh has to punish them (spanking, and a sir kink please)
Of course!!!
Now You See Me
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Pairing: Josh Washington x Fem!Reader Description: Josh was too busy at work to give you the praise you deserved, so you decided to be naughty, knowing damn well that he could not resist the opportunity to give you a good punishment... Warnings: Spanking, Use Of Pet Names And Titles Like "Princess" And "Sir", Master X Pet Dynamic, Dom!Josh, Sub!Reader, Punishment, Reader Is A Brat And Deserves It, Josh Is Angry, The Reader Knows What She's Doing. Word Count: 2k Main MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @mistmoose, @jasonexo, @fortune-fool02, and @raven-the-cryptid. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
I didn't know what had gotten into me that night. Josh had been pretty busy with projects he had been working on at work, and had little time to treat me—his loyal pet—to some much needed love and affection. The desire for him grew within me like a wildfire and caused a thin line of resentment to grow inside my heart. Not the kind that would make me hate him, but the kind to make me lose the want to be a good girl for him like he always wanted.
So when he came home from work late that night—eyes tired and tie loosened—that line within me finally snapped. I no longer could contain my wild will to be naughty just to get his attention. There would be no mercy. My eyes studied him as he walked from the front door, taking his suit jacket off as he did so, and entered our living room.
My form was covered by nothing but a slim black dress that only stopped just under my ass for easy access. It was tight enough to show off my figure—enough to drive him absolutely wild. So I was surprised when he bypassed me without a glance as soon as he walked through the door.
"Princess," He called as he sat down on our sofa, before leaning back and undoing the cuffs of his sleeves. "Come sit on Daddy's lap."
My feet reluctantly dragged themselves across the carpeted flooring, stopping once I was in the doorway, facing him. My narrowed eyes watched his exhausted form with a glow of annoyance. How dare he expect me to come running at his beck and call when he has not taken the time to treat my good behavior these last few weeks?
Josh noticed my reluctance and raised a questioning brow at me, as his lips pursed in an irritated line at my defiance. "Princess? Did you not hear me?"
"Yeah, I did." I acknowledged him nonchalantly as I leaned up against the doorway and folded my arms across my chest, clearly not up for being compliant. I didn't even bother to call him sir, which he had made a rule that I had to call him that when we were in private. And by the look on his face, I'd say he noticed.
"Princess," His voice lowered a few octaves and grew higher in volume, a strong warning that I would pay if I kept this up. Still, I did not care enough to give in.
"No." I huff as I roll my eyes, shaking my head as I did so. I wasn't going to give up so easily and I knew exactly what to say to get him going. "You can't tell me what to do."
This must have lit something within my master, because as soon as the word left my lips, his eyes filled with nothing but annoyance as he shouted across the room, "Enough with this!"
I jumped at that, surprised by his sudden outburst. But nonetheless, I was satisfied. It took a lot of strength to repress the smirk forming on my lips, happy with the fact that I was finally getting some much needed attention. He sat up from his spot, though remained in place, his light eyes boring into mine as he thought about what his next set of actions would be. But of course, it didn't take him long at all to think of something.
"You know the deal, princess." He retorted in an unimpressed tone before pointing to his lap. "Lay down."
I bit my lip to repress that greedy smirk that dared twist the corners of my lips up. Slowly lying I sauntered over to my master, making sure my movements were seductive and graceful. Then I lowered myself over his legs, my stomach pressed down firmly against them and ass up in the air in a presenting manner. He slowly pulled my dress up over my ass and let out a scoff when he noticed the bare behind, my underwear long gone before he came home. I knew he would love that.
"Okay... For this attitude, you get ten lashes. Understood?" He said and I nodded. Just then I heard an annoyed huff from his pursed lips. "With words, pet."
"Yes, sir." I whimpered with a faux innocence in my words, finally adding the title he and I as well loved to hear so much. I would be lying if I said it didn't ignite a heat in my core, and by the way he shuddered under me as I said it, it was clear that he was effected as well.
Bjt I turn my head to look up at him through my lashes as I said this, my eyes big and needy. There was a hint of softness added to his features once his light green orbs lingered on my submissive form, but he was quick to replace it with his dominant demeanor once more.
"Remember your safeword." He spoke in a hushed tone as his fingers gently brushed along the curve of my right cheek.
Then, with great force, his hand came down upon my flesh. A gasp parted my lips as a surge of pain simmered through my skin, melting into hot pleasure in a matter of seconds. His long digits returned to my cheek right after, caressing it carefully to soothe the ache that followed suite to his punishment.
Though that softness did not last long, as his large hand came crashing down upon my bottom once again. I yelped at the stinging sensation, though I couldn't help but roll my eyes back at the way it made the heat in my core grow. Josh noticed this and continued his assault, going back and forth to each cheek to make sure they got equal attention, as the room filling with the lewd smacking sounds of flesh on flesh and the soft gasps and moans emitting from my lips.
When he finally gave me the ninth strike, his hand paused, waiting for a moment to let the sting of the impact settle before responding in a cooing tone, a large contrast to his previous attitude towards me. "Had your fill, baby? Can you take anymore?"
I nod weakly, trying my best to stay strong, as I asked for this. Josh knew this—he knew what I wanted, craved, and needed. He would give me every bit of what I desired—he would put me in my place. And he did just that as his palm connected with my cheek once more, the impact causing a ripple through my skin.
My head fell forward as my form trembled in his lap, and he was quick to scoop me up in his arms and whisper all kinds of praises in my ear while he cradled me in his arms. He was proud of my willingness to accept my punishments, and I was satisfied that I had finally got some desired attention.
"Good girl, my pet." He murmured ever so softly before pressing a kiss to my now-disheveled hair, a content sigh leaving me as he did this. "You did so well for me."
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