#he goes too long without hugs and goes on a hugging rampage
acepalindrome · 2 years
Katsuki Yuuri did not utterly beef it at the Grand Prix because his dog died and then get black-out drunk at the afterparty and dry hump his childhood celebrity crush who immediately fell in love with him and chased him back to Japan because a YouTube video went viral for y’all to try to say he’s not blorbo material.
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
OKAY THE IDEA OF BILLY YELLING AT HIS MUSE (this is early on) AND INSTEAD OF HER YELLING BACK OR SOMETHING SHE JUST STARTS CRYING AND SAYS “stop it…please…” AND BEGGING HIM TO STOP YELLING THEN HITTING HIM WITH A “you’re being mean…” AS SHE CRIES??? Why is that so heart breaking to me ngl. The type of crying where you can’t even stop wiping you eye once your at your palm, your using your forearm to wipe away tears…
"god, you are so fucking needy, it's exhausting! all you ever do is beg for attention, I don't need that when I'm trying to work. I can get what you give from anyone else without all the goddamn whining." billy's on another yelling rampage, "I'm sorry your dad didn't give you enough attention, it's not my responsibility, I'm sure he'll buy you a new car or something when you go running back like a spoiled brat."
"billy, I'm sorry, just stop." you can feel the tears welling up, it's too much, everything is too much.
"what? I'm giving you attention,isn't that what you wanted? here's your attention, don't know why you need it, you're just here because you have nice tits to do lines on and good head, and I could walk out there right now and probably find someone who could do it all just as good. maybe even better, but I've been so preoccupied with you-"
"you're being so mean, just stop, please stop." the sobs have long taken over with the desperately trying to wipe tears from your face.
"what? you get to-"
"stop! don't yell at me, please"
and he wants to keep going but as he looks at you, you look like a crying child, you look so little, so vulnerable. it hits him that you are so young, you're sobbing, hiccuping, trying to wipe away the onslaught of tears. but he's so angry and doesn't feel like calming down. so he does a line, grabs his keys, and goes to leave the room.
and you're kind of scared this means he's doing exactly what he said he would, you want to beg him to stay, to just have you, but you don't want to fight more. so you just keep standing there, crying, and he stands at the door watching you for a while. the way you don't change even though he should be long gone. he watches until it hurts him when he comes up behind you, hugging you.
"you're tired, let's lay down." and you are tired, tired of him, tired of this, tired of the cycle, but you lay down anyways and let it continue
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beestriker015 · 2 years
Wonder Woman x male civilian s/o
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Diana has been dating s/o for a little over 2 years now.
She met him during a fight between the Justice League and Darkseid, s/o trying to save a child who was buried under some debris.
Diana was impressed with his selfless act and wanted to get to know him better after Darkseid was dealt with, her helping s/o successfully saving the child.
She learned that s/o worked at a coffee shop in Metropolis as a barista, and so she went there every day to get to know him.
S/o and Diana became infatuated with each other and soon started dating, her revealing to him that she’s Wonder Woman early on in the relationship as to not keep any secrets from him.
S/o is very supportive of his girlfriend’s heroics, but that doesn’t stop him from worrying about her.
He always kisses her goodbye before she goes on mission.
“I love you Diana, promise me you’ll be safe ok?”
“I love you too s/o, and I promise that I’ll be fine.”
When she’s not busy with Justice League stuff, Diana loves to spend as much time with s/o as she can.
Dinner dates and romantic nights together are quite common between the two.
S/o not being a hero means that Diana can be quite protective over him, almost motherly to an extent.
If he were to be injured in any way by a villain, Diana would go on a rampage.
“Hurting my s/o was a grave mistake. I won’t kill you, but I swear to Hera that you’ll pay for every scratch or bruise on his person.”
When the threat is ended, Diana would coddle s/o until his wounds heal.
“Don’t worry my love, I will take care of you as your injuries heal.”
Her mother Hippolyta is accepting of s/o and his relationship with her daughter, seeing how happy Diana is with him.
Diana doesn’t get jealous easily, but when someone flirts with or hits on her boyfriend, she can get a little peeved.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to tell you this, but s/o is already in a relationship.”
She says calmly yet firmly to the girl/guy making a move on s/o.
When he/she leaves, she hugs s/o tightly while muttering one word under her breath:
She’ll never admit it, but Diana secretly tries to make s/o jealous by spending more and more time with Batman.
It doesn’t go as planned as s/o starts to believe that Diana doesn’t want to be with him anymore, causing her to feel really bad and apologize to her boyfriend profusely.
“Please forgive me my love, I went too far. I only wanted to make you jealous, not cause you to doubt our relationship. Believe me when I say that I only have eyes for you s/o, my heart goes to you and you alone.”
The two make up quickly and put the whole thing behind them (Diana still feels bad though).
After being together for so long, Diana decides that s/o is the person she wishes to spend the rest of her life with, so she begins to plan how she’s gonna propose to him.
She takes him to the place of their first date and gets down on one knee while pulling out a small box with a ring in it from her purse.
“S/o, being with you has been the greatest thing to ever happen to me since I first came to Man’s world. I truly believe that you and I have been chosen by the gods to be together, so would you make me the happiest woman in Man’s world and be my husband?”
S/o smiles and nods, pulling Diana into a warm embrace.
“Of course I’ll marry you Diana, I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
Diana sheds a few happy tears, knowing she and her s/o have a lifetime of love and happiness ahead of them.
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greetingfromthedead · 7 months
C12: Language of Flowers
For more information on the series (tags, CW, etc) click the banner!
Series Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Chapter: 12/84
Words: 1.9k
No particular warnings for this chapter.
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What are these words that are coming out of his mouth? Vash is shocked, too stunned by his own brain. For the week he has been traveling with you after the incident in town, he has wanted to pull you closer, give you a tight hug, hold you, and take care of you the same way you seem to be taking care of him. All this time, his aches and pains, both emotional and physical, have found relief from you in one way or another. You have given him trust and comfort he hasn't felt in a long time. Vash thinks you might have been sent by a god, perhaps. He is so grateful for you, but seeing that you keep some distance between the two of you, not shying away but not coming closer either, makes him worried. He longs to be closer. It's like you draw him in; something about you is so alluring.
He had been able to keep himself in check while you traveled; he constantly felt on edge, not wanting to put you in a situation where you might get hurt. Seeing you go without food and water, no matter what you said, made him feel guilty. You constantly kept watch so he could rest; all of it grew heavy on his heart. He had felt so unsure of what to do. Going by your words might mean you are neglecting yourself, but pushing too hard might create a rift between the two of you. Now that you've reached a new town and seem to be safe, he feels massive relief. He can pay back your kindness, and you can relax a bit too. His head has been a mess of thoughts and ideas, but once he sees you exit the bathroom, everything is wiped clean. A million butterflies take over his stomach, filling his insides, his lungs, climbing up his throat. All he wants is to have you by his side, no matter what.
The words coming over his lips are barely his; he blames the fluttering in his stomach, his head so wiped he might have even forgotten his name at that very moment. Everything he says to seduce you comes from somewhere deep inside him. He feels so flustered; he is surprised he can speak at all. He is worried he might have done it now; he has gone too far, been too weird, but you don't shy away from him, not even a millimeter. Your face is so close to his that he feels you exhale. He has gotten used to the rampaging insects to the point where he knows he won't be able to say anything close to as smooth again, not without stuttering at the very least. So he turns his attention back to his gun, leaving you just as flustered as he feels inside. He doesn't want you to leave yet, so he stands in your way, ensuring you have to keep sitting there, right next to him, and he can steal a glance of you at any moment.
You look heavenly to him, sitting in that ray of sunlight, his glasses still on your nose, painting your face with an orange light where the suns shine through the lenses. The oversized shirt makes you look so warm and cozy. You watched him assemble his gun, your eyes never leaving his hands, the way Vash's movements seem to have a purpose, the way his metal hand moves just like a regular one. It is fascinating to you; the meticulous movements are like a performance. The way he flicks the gun to make sure everything moves smoothly captivates you. After a bit, your eyes stray out the window. You see the people moving in the streets, them going on their business; everything seems so peaceful, like there's no violence in this world at all. You feel so normal, like you could fit in with them. The thought of you mingling among them, living a calm and local life, brings a sad smile to your face that you don't even notice until Vash's human fingers trace over your cheek.
"Don't look so sad." His hand goes to rest on the back of the chair. "Can I cheer you up somehow?"
You look up into his pretty blue eyes; they look like endless wells to you. They remind you of water, but not the kind you are used to on this planet. They recall a memory from a different life, one that you no longer remember.
"I'm fine; there's nothing to worry about. It was just my mind wandering off." You assure him, still looking into his eyes. You see his hand move off the chair again from the corner of your eye. It's as if he can't stop himself; he places his palm on your cheek, his thumb stroking your skin. He feels how soft and smooth it is; it's a painful reminder of the scars covering his body.
"You are beautiful." His words take you by surprise. "You are brave and wise. I see hope in you, and I trust you greatly. Granted, it might not always seem like I do. So what do you think about the name Iris?"
A brilliant blue color flashes into your head. You don't think you've ever seen irises, certainly not on this planet, but you know them from somewhere.
"I like the color blue and... water. I like Iris." The words are stuck in your throat; you feel so clumsy and childish. "You can call me Iris. You can call me Sweet Pea too if you'd still like to."
You don't take your eyes off him; his complexion seems golden through his sunglasses. His hand moves under your chin, the thumb trailing over it, your lips parting a little.
"I think it suits you well," he says quietly, his eyes on your lips as he slowly leans closer. He yearns for you with his whole soul. His eyes finding yours again, you look unshakable, like a constant that would never change. But he knows that if he's not careful, he might lose you, and it would be his fault. He hasn't even told you the truth yet; he hasn't revealed his true nature. He can't be this selfish. So he stops and moves both hands up to take the glasses from you and put them back on his own nose. He tilts his head masterfully to the point where the light from the window would reflect back on the glasses and hide his eyes from you.
You look at him for a moment longer, frozen on that chair, before turning away. You had wanted to close the gap and pull him closer. Your whole body screamed at you to do it, your soul being dragged in by his. But it's all too much, too fast. He says he trusts you, but you barely know anything about him; he guards his secrets closely. Hearing him say such beautiful and kind things to you fills your stomach with butterflies. But you can't blame him for keeping his secrets; there's plenty you haven't told him either.
"Iris, I'm thinking of getting some late lunch, or maybe rather an early dinner. Want to come with me?" He asks, and his tone suddenly changes completely.
"Don't think I'm dressed too appropriately." You tug on the shirt a bit again.
"Oh, yeah, true. Want me to get you anything?"
"No, I'm good. Go eat; you must be starving." Your gaze doesn't meet his, and you look out of the window again, feelings running wild in your chest.
"Alright. I'll be back soon." His voice sounds flat and far away. You wonder what it means. He grabs something from his bag and walks out.
You are left feeling unsettled and unsatisfied. You aren't sure what to do or where to go from here, what to think, or how to act. Now you are alone in a room and you feel lost—not the kind of lost you felt for your whole life as far back as you can remember, the kind of lost with no destination; this time you knew what you truly wanted, but you aren't sure where you are in relation to it or how to get there. The buzzing picks up in your head again, and you know what's next.
"Shut up! Just shut up already! I don't want to hear you!" Your elbows rest on the table, and your head slams into your palms. You are so tired of it; you remember the screams chasing you even in your past life—the life before you were reborn once again as someone new, as Sweet Pea, as Iris. You breathe in sharply through your teeth and get up. You need to occupy yourself with something, and you walk back into the bathroom, your clothes soaking in the tub. Kneeling down, you're careful to wedge the edge of the shirt between your legs, holding it down with your heels so as not to accidentally expose yourself. You start washing the dirty clothes, careful to get as much of the dirt and blood out as possible. You look at them—the holes in the fabrics, the patches hinting at previous injuries. You see that Vash's shirts have been sown up a number of times; most of the patchwork is a bit clumsy and rushed. The clothes you had taken were still in good condition, all things considered, at least until you got the shirt full of holes. It had been carefully fixed beforehand, too. You keep kneading the clump of clothes, and the water is turning a dark brown, almost black color.
By the time Vash gets back, you have changed the water twice, and the last of the soap is now washing away. You're so consumed by your activity and the noise in your head that you don't notice him returning. He even called out to you when he didn't see you in the room, right before hearing the water. He appears at the door and watches as you knead the clean clothes.
"I said I'd do it. You don't have to wash my clothes," he says, awkwardly standing in the doorway, not sure what to do.
"It's fine; I was going to wash mine anyway, so I threw yours in too. It's just your red coat left now." You start separating the clothes from one another and squeeze the excess water out. You hand them to Vash, who finds spots to hang them up to dry. The last thing left is your shirt, and you have it over your arm when you exit the bathroom. You notice a box on the table.
"What's that?" You point toward the package.
"That... I know you said you don't want anything, and you say you don't need to eat, but you can still taste, right?" You nod to his question, "So I brought some doughnuts to share!"
A big smile appears on his face again, and you open the box to peek inside. You see a dozen doughnuts in there with different glazes and toppings. They look delicious.
"That's very nice and thoughtful of you." You smile too. "Also, I'm guessing you have a sewing kit? I saw your clothes have been patched up before."
"Yes! I can get it for you, just a second!" He exclaims and picks up his bag to go through it while you hang your shirt.
You move closer, and while he pulls out a small metal box, something falls out of his bag; it looks like a piece of paper wedged between glass. You gently pick it up from the floor, and not being able to help your nosiness, you flip it over to see a picture. A woman with two children, obviously twins. You freeze, an unimaginable horror flooding into you.
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spice-chan · 4 years
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description - king Katsuki Bakugo, who’s desperate in wanting to get closer to his mate hatches a morally dubious plan to do so. Let himself get injured ? check. Convince his clueless mate that his dragon needs to breed her otherwise he will rampage ? check. 
warnings - Bakugo is soo bad at feelings. loss of virginity (m&f), dom bakugo, vaginal penetration, dirty talk ?, clueless reader, breeding kink, slight lactation kink but reader isnt lactating, implied brain washing. Bakugo and his dragon are like two separate entities who existing in one body. feral baku. mentions of poison and injury. Manipulation. slight dub con if you squint.
The first time Bakugo met you was after a meeting at your kingdom. A meeting he was more than disgruntled at having to attend. 
You were the epitome of angelic, you had pretty, curly hair that framed your face, with bright (e/c) eyes that glistened in the sun as you helped a maid up. There was not an ounce of supercility or contempt in your humble smile. He didn’t even think you were a royal at first glance from how willing you were to touch and talk to someone so beneath you societally. 
Not that he thought a lot at that moment, because the only thought going through his head was - 
That, he made you. 
At least in the eyes of the nations of the dragons and your home land. 
Not in the eyes of his dragon, the fiery beast who resided within him, and neither in his, because he craves you in intimate ways that he has yet to experience, let alone experience with you, his wife. 
He promptly negotiated a marriage with your family who approved, and married you a week after. 
You didn’t get a say in it, in fact, you only spoke to him a few times before the knot was tied. It physically pained Katsuki to see the resent in your eyes. 
You slept next to him everyday, but he knew you wished to be far, far away from him. 
The closer his body got to you, the further you shrunk away from him. It was pitiful, how your small and fragile body that was made for him, scurried far away from the body made to protect it, the body it should be lusting over.
He was well endowed, a very tall man with muscles earned through hours of grueling training, yet the only thing you graced him with was a polite smile as you passed him in the hallway. 
He loved you, gosh, he loves you so bad. But you can’t see it, can you ? You just see a man who you were forced to marry within a week who ripped you away from your life. A strange, barbaric man who growls when things don’t go his way and sniffs your hair after he deems that you’ve fallen asleep. 
And Bakugo has a plan to finally make you want and need him. 
The sunlight hasn’t yet painted the sky a yellow hue, yet Katsuki somehow finds himself waking up. He stirs awake, his eyes opening languidly as his over sensitive nose seeks the smell of his mate. He turns his head to your side on instinct, and finds you snoozing without a care, your chest rhythmically moving up and done, and adorable features relaxed and vulnerable. 
Vulnerable, yet you sleep so far from him, the distance between the both of you almost reminds him of the sun and moon. 
When he married you, he bit your neck to mark you, making you officially his mate. Bound to him for life. He could deduce that you are his soulmate, a phenomenon among dragon species. They were a powerful nation, therefore to make sure their numbers don’t go out of control yet stay stable, they were gifted with soulmates. The only person they will feel sexual attraction to during their long, long lives. Their mate will age like them and the children, if one parent wasn’t of dragon kin, will still turn out full dragons. Their blood is powerful. No wonder your parents were so eager to tie themselves with him. He feels slightly furious when he remembers how eager they were to marry you off, did you live with this sort of apathy from your parents your whole life ? 
Well, it doesn’t matter how those bastards treated you because you are with him now. Besides, their uncaringness made the marriage easier and smoother. 
He turns to face you, and finds you sleeping with your back to him, your hair looks like a pretty mess across the pillow. Do you feel trapped ? Do you sometimes lament on the years you will have to stay bound to him ? 
But questions fly out of his head when his eyes stray to your form. He pants softly in need, his dragon clawing at him to claim you. Your silk nightdress did little to cover your voluptuous ass, and the spaghetti straps did little to cover your spilling cleavage, and least from what he could see from your back to him. He feels incredibly robbed about not being able to touch you right now. But he didn’t want you to hate him…
He turns his head away from you and steadies his breathing, but the tent in his pants stood proudly. Great, another day of rubbing one for you instead of ravishing you… 
The first step of his plan to get closer to you is to prey on your kindness. He’s going to let himself get injured enough to trigger his dragon’s self defence mechanism. That means not letting anyone get close to him, because he classifies everyone as a threat, except his mate, of course. 
Now, how to do it without losing his honour as the dragon king is the true question. 
Well, the answer to that is one of his counsel man. A mad cowardly enough to run away from a fight with the dragon king, and lacking honour enough to try and poison him at the same time for a few thousand quads. 
Bakugo holds his sword in a lackadaisical manner, staring at the man across from him who shivers from his intense glare. Bakugo rolls his blood red eyes, his mouth forming into a sneer. Look what finding his mate had reduced him to. 
A vulnerable mess. 
The training ground is filled with spectators who stopped their own training to watch their king fight, a necessary thing for his plan to work. He’ll have you in his arms in no time. 
His dragon rumbled in happiness at the thought of having his mate. 
The fight starts, with steel meeting steel, a minute goes by, and just as discussed, the man lets go of his sword, forfeits and bows down. 
Then grabs a sharp dagger from his pocket, coated with paralyzing poison, and slashes it across Bakugo’s chest before making a run. 
Katsuki feels his limbs become heavier, falling to the floor as the large opening in his chest bleeds and burns. Had he not been a dragon, this cut would have been fatale to his mortality. His pupils dilate as the sound of growls fill the air. His simple minded beast trying to warn the bystanders to keep clear of him or else. His dragon desperately tries to get it’s host to move, and when the beast tries to take over the host in order to survive, Bakugo gladly let’s it. 
The wiser of the bunch go to fetch the queen, their hearts hammering across their chests in anxiousness as a murderous aura surrounds their king, which is fatal to them. A dragon in this state will kill anything and everything around it to ensure its survival. His abilities, which are already deadly, will be doubled once the effects of the poison wear off. They can’t run, that would be shameful, but they can hope that the queen gets here in time. 
Deadly and furious growls fill the air, their eyes keep on switching from looking at the imminent threat that is their king and their possible saviour which is his queen. 
His toes and fingers move, and Bakugo’s reptilian eyes lock on them in clear warning. No sight of you. His claws elongate and his teeth lengthen and sharpen, their size enough to rip a chunk of meat clear of a man's chest. No sight of you. 
His limbs are slowly becoming mobile again, but too fast for the spectators' liking. No sight of you. 
They were slowly succumbing to their gruesome fates. 
His feet, which have regained mobility, along with his arms, support his previously supine body into a standing position. His enraged face faced them, his fiery throat lightening up and ready to erupt them into flames. And he was about to, until a -
“Katsuki !” 
He abruptly turns towards the sound, familiarity oozing from every syllable of the soft angelic voice that called him. 
His reptilian eyes lock on her neck, recognizing the soft pink marks that mar her neck as his own. 
“Mate.” His guttural voice spoke, the sound so deep and raw it was almost inhuman. 
You were slightly taken aback that he recognised you in this state. Dragons must really put their mates on a higher pedestal, especially considering how he was about to toast those men… 
“Mate” he repeats. He turned to the strangers, growling at them with newfound vigour. They are a threat to his mate. Kill threat. 
“No. No, no.” You said in horror, waving your hands back and forth to get his attention away. 
You slowly walk to him, your steps tentative as you gauge his reaction. He seems confused, and he remained unresponsive, at least verbally. 
You steps continue until you you could feel the warmth emanating from his body, and that's when his arms circle you and pull you possessively to his chest, protecting you as he shields your face away, still wary of the ‘threats’. 
“Katsuki, what happened, why are you trying to kill them ?” You speak patiently, trying to ignore how close you are to him. This is the closests you’d ever been to a male, and your face speaks volumes of that. 
“Kill me. Kill mate.” 
You quirk a brow in confusion. “What do you mean ? Why are you speaking like this Katsuki ?” 
“No Katsuki. Me !” He growls in frustration, looking into your eyes desperately, his eyes seem more… red- more animalistic somehow. Even when he looked into your eyes, he still kept an eye on the men nearby, who for some fucking reason are still here. 
“Why are you guys just standing here ?! He obviously wants to kill you, go !” You command, your soft voice raising into an octave none of them ever heard from their kind queen. 
The earth shook as a booming voice rocks the earth, you look left and right, trying to find the source of it when you realize that you are hugging the source. 
Katsuki’s skin fills with leathery patches of red, and his elongated nails pierce your skin as he holds you protectively, his eyes try to find the slightest movement in his surroundings. So he can eliminate it. 
“Mate. Angry.” 
You were starting to understand something. 
“Oh. Are you the dragon ?” You ask,  once again trying to direct his attention to you. 
He nods, his features relaxing slightly as he looks at you. 
“Well-uh- um, why are you trying to kill them ?” You ask him in an attempt to diffuse the situation, your uncertainty leaked into your words however. 
“Threat.” Came his simple answer. 
You sigh, trying to think your words over but you feel choked. There’s many lives on your hand. 
“No. They aren’t a threat.” That caught his attention. You gesture with your head to the exit of the training grounds, and decide to tug him after he stood still for a solid minute instead. 
That’s how you end up tugging a dragon to his bed, who in turn keeps a tight hold on you and growls at anything that moves. 
Eventually, we made it to the bedroom. You open the door, noticing that for the first time, the dragon seemed somewhat relaxed. 
“Do you have a name ?” You question him curiously, having tired of calling him dragon in your head and otherwise. 
He seems more like a puppy now, trying to cling to you while you lead him to the bed. He rubs his head against your cheek, trying to get his smell on you, but when he registered your question, he shook his head. 
“Do you mind if I call you something ?” 
He smiled excitedly, maybe like a child offered candy, but his sharp teeth were anything but childlike. You’ve no doubt they could rip flesh like marshmallows. 
You took that as a sign of acceptance. 
“Ok ! Oh, but maybe I shouldn’t give you a new name. Since you are Katsuki… Ok I’ll just call you Bakugou so I don’t mix the two of you up.” You exclaim with child-like vigor, the innocence in your eyes contradicting how consequential your current actions are. The dragon and his human host, who are so incredibly enamored with their mate, are carefully weaving a web in an attempt to trap her. Their mate, who was slowly inching to the web out of her own free will. 
He nods.
Your eyes stray down. You gasp at the sight of his bloodied chest. 
“Oh God ! I’m so sorry, this must hurt a lot.” You apologize profusely, mistaking his growl as a pained one. You move to call for a medic or something of the sort, but Ares grabs you and pulls you to lay on the bed, your supine body beneath his large frame. 
He looks down at the gash, his body will recover soon. He can’t smell anyone nearby or in the room except himself and his mate. So there’s no danger. 
His chest rumbles in happiness though, knowing his mate was worried about him. “I heal.” 
The worry evaporates from your face, instead replaced with amazement. Though the sight was unappealing, upon taking a closer look, you could see the edges of the cut sewing themselves together. 
“Amazing.” You breath out. His chest puffs up in pride, knowing he was the cause of the current expression painting his mate’s features. 
“Cute-“ his simple observation causes your face to heat up ”-good mate” and the rest of his statement didn’t help that. His face leans down and instead of pecking you, he nudges your face, and sinks down to your neck where he starts laying kisses, then slowly begins licking. The warm sensation was strange, but you didn’t find yourself hating it when he spread his warm saliva on your neck. You didn’t even find yourself hating it when his teeth start softly suckling on your neck like a chew toy. His sharp teeth aren’t quite breaking the skin. 
A content sigh leaves your lips as tingles travel down your spine. He continues leaving love bites on your neck, and upon finding it decently covered, he goes on to suck on the mating mark, and to your horror, a tiny moan escapes your lips. His movements pause, and his wet mouth detaches from your neck to flash you a smirk, and you found yourself longing for the sensation. 
This is strange, you should be protesting, you should be embarrassed, but it feels as though a fog is clouding your senses. A sweet, sweet fog. It’s as if you’re put under a spell and all that is occupying your mind is the dragon who claimed you as his mate. Little do you know, you aren’t that off mark. 
“Hot.” He says as he caresses your cheek with his calloused finger hand. 
“I’ve never done this with anyone before. It feels so nice…” you confess, your eyes seem glossier than usual, it’s as if being teased by this pleasurable feeling then having it taken away is frustrating enough to make you want to cry. 
He made a satisfied noise that is akin to a rumble and a growl. “Good. Mate is mine.” 
His hand starts caressing your tummy. Even with the dress you adorned, you can still feel the warmth. His head followed the direction of his hand, his nose doggedly sniffing your stomach. If you hadn’t known he was a dragon, you might’ve assumed he was a wolf shifter. 
“No hatchling.” 
You frown, not having expected this. 
“Do you want kids ?” You ask and receive a singular word in response. 
You grow increasingly uncomfortable as every daunting second passes by. You didn’t like the direction of this conversation at all. If you could even call it that. 
Would Katsuki be repulsed by his dragon’s behaviour? Would he be repulsed and weirded out by you ? He didn’t let the tiniest hint that he might like you slip out. 
You notice that the sky outside has darkened. It would be safe to assume there would be no dinner tonight. Not with this primal dragon keeping you away from the prying eyes of anyone. You wiggle out of this hold, and when he notices that you are trying to slip away, he makes a move to grab you but you stop him by putting a hand on his shoulder. “No.” He whines in response, trying to ignore the barrier of your hands but you repeat the ‘no’. 
“I have to change.” You explain, wincing at the thought of sleeping with this uncomfortable gown. Pretty, but uncomfortable. 
Bakugo was about to protest, your dress made you look like the queen you are, the pastel shades of pink and flowers decorating it make you look...Cute. But then the image of your nightgowns cross his mind. 
Your tiny, tight nightgowns that leave most of your delicious legs on display and do little to contain your womanly breasts that are going to fill with milk and feed his hatchlings soon enough. 
He lets you go, and to his delight, you come out of the bathroom in a maroon night dress. Your maids would usually come in two hours to prepare you for bed, but today is a mess as it is. Maybe going to bed earlier would be favourable for everyone. 
Katsuki’s chest is completely healed, nothing but a tender, pink line across his chest to tell the tale. You could bet that by morning there would be nothing. And this day will be a forgotten memory in your husband’s mind. You brought with you a wet towel to wipe his chest of any remaining blood. 
You sit on the edge of the bed, and push his body into a supine position. He watched you intensely and in silence as you wipe his chest, the warmth blooming across it either from the hot water that dampened the towel or from the love within the confines of his heart as you cared for him. Maybe it’s because for once, he feels true care from the other side of the bond the two of you share. 
He loves you so fucking much. If only he can just tell you. Well he can, but Katsuki can’t . You’ll reject him and it’ll ruin everything. 
“I love you, mate.” He speaks softly, that even his deep voice feels like a warm blanket on a winter day because of how tender his confession is. 
Your blood rushes to your face and ears, but you clear your throat awkwardly. You don’t know what to do. The dragon might think that he does because of course he fucking would, he marked your neck and bonded with you, but Katsuki doesn’t. 
“Thank you.” You reply stiffly, before disposing the towel and washing your hands. 
Your head is reeling from the confession, but you feel incredibly robbed, for some twisted reason. If only you got stuck in a loving marriage, if only. You yearn for love, but the one person in your love who mentioned love in relation to you is a beast who’s human host will never let out after this turn of events. 
The dragon, Bakugou, on the other hand wasn’t faring any better. He was happy when you expressed your gratitude in relation to his confession, but when he clocked that you never said it back his mood plummeted faster than a dragon whose wings got obliterated mid flight. 
His mood felt so low, that when Katsuki prodded him for control, he didn’t protest. 
 After freshening up yourself, you return to the bedroom and immediately sense the change in demeanor. 
Katsuki should do this now. He needs to bind you to him emotionally. 
“(Y/n). I need to speak to you.” He motions for you to sit down, his voice that’s usually boisterous and loud is now eerily calm. 
You walk, the padding of your steps filling the otherwise empty room. 
The few seconds it took you to sit on your side of the bed, facing him, were enough for him to finalise his plan. 
“I need to get you pregnant.” Your mouth gapes at his blunt statement. 
“Excuse me ?”
“This thing today, it happened because we delayed consummating our mating because I knew you weren’t ready. But I can’t delay this anymore. I’m sorry, but my dragon demands a hatchling, or what happened today could be repeated until I can’t control him anymore.” He explains. Don’t question. Don’t question. Please, accept his explanation- or more befittingly, his lies. 
You didn’t see his paralyzed form on the floor, he didn’t especially fill you in on what mating entails. 
And he’s reaping full advantage of that. 
Maybe his lies will come back to bite him, but he needs a child with you so he knows you won’t leave him—maybe after tonight, you’ll also develop some affection for him. He’ll be so good to you, you just have to give him a chance. 
His heart pounds so hard that he can hear it as loud as a drum being played right next to his ears. His poor, sensitive ears that will soon fill with the sound of your moans. 
You sigh. You didn’t want to do this. It was too abrupt. To have a child… but the thought of endangering all those lives didn’t sit well with you. It’s not Katsuki’s fault, it’s not, it was nice of him to wait for you anyway. But tears still formed at the corner of your eyes. Frustrated tears, helpless, angry tears. But tears won’t help you. 
He could have forced you to do it on your wedding night and demanded you perform your duties as a wife, even if you didn’t want to do it. And for his understanding, you were grateful. 
“I-“ your voice cracks”-I—I understand.” And his heart cracks upon seeing your red eyes that filled with tears, tears that veiled the natural curiosity and brightness that your eyes seemed to naturally permeate. Tears that didn’t make you any less beautiful to him. 
Before he starts feeling guilty, he reminds himself that he’s doing this for your future. He’ll make your sadness and doubt disappear soon enough. 
His hand, as if it has a mind of its own, goes to your soft cheeks and wipes the falling pearls. Your doe eyes look at him, innocently surprised, and the witness coating your lenses only made you look more angelic. As if acknowledging that you’re at his mercy-or rather, trusting him with your sadness. 
He wipes all your fallen tears, then brings your smaller body closer and hugs you. This would have been greatly romantic-and it was to you, but the underlying truth is that Bakugo is the cause of those tears. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you and our hatchling.” We’ll be the perfect family, just that way we're always supposed to be, mate. 
“It’s-“you hiccup”- it’s fine. I-I don’t blame you.” You reassure, returning his hug. You were surprised that Katsuki was capable of being nice like this, you didn’t know that he possessed a gentle and tender touch. Everyone always pitied you for being forced into wedlock with him, despite keeping their opinions to themselves. Maybe that’s what caused the barrier in your relationship. You suddenly feel shame at judging him so fast. 
But instead, you soak up the warmth of his body pressed against yours. 
Katsuki took the initiative, he cups your cheek and presses his warm, supple lips against yours. A truly loving kiss, because Katsuki loves you and he’s about to show you what him loving you entails. 
Surprisingly, his dragon makes an odd request.
Katsuki tries to continue kissing you but his dragon is growing increasingly demanding with his pursuit of control. 
Katsuki detaches from your lips, dissatisfied with it, but why ? The first time he kissed you at your wedding, it was magical, but now he hungers for more. 
Through his frustration, he lets his control slip and that’s when Ares comes out. 
And he truly looks like the God of War. 
He’s ready to conquer.
He smashes his lips against yours, rather roughly, and the smacking sounds of your lips filled the room. His warm tongue prods your lips, and through your inexperience, you clumsily followed his cue. He’s like a more primal version of Katsuki. 
His tongue begins exploring every crevice and every corner of your mouth, only becoming more hungry at the taste of you. 
He only separates himself after you start running out of breath and when your delicate hands push his chest away. 
His hungry eyes take in your red and swollen lips appreciatively. “Mate delicious.” 
His smirk however, flips to reveal the unfamous scowl of Katsuki. 
“Sorry. He’s eager. He wants to breed you roughly, he demands it.” Katsuki tells you shamelessly, panting with need and cheeks blushed lewdly. His predatory eyes take in your compromising position, thinking of different positions to breed you. 
“It’s ok, just please be gentle with… you know-- I’m a virgin...” you remind him with a chuckle as you try to play it off, but the embarrassment is evident on your face. Katsuki was well aware of the fact, but seeing you admit that he would be the one to deflower you just made the tent in his pants more obvious. Sprawled out beneath him, trying to avoid eye contact from shyness. What a beautiful sight. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you enjoy it.” 
He went back to kissing you, and his dragon kept giving him tips, surprisingly, and seeing how he ravished your lips before, he took the beasts advice wholeheartedly. He shed his clothes while you were preoccupied with his lips. 
“I am too, if it makes you feel any better.” That’s pleasant to hear, and it only gave your ever improving image of Katsuki more credibility. He’s not like those perverted male royals who frequently use prostitutes while fussing over the slightest male interaction their wives have. You guess that’s a plus of marrying a dragon.
After he thoroughly swapped saliva with you, his lips go to your ear and breathlessly whisper “I’m going down to prep you.” 
Your features scrunch adorably in confusion. “What do you mean ? Don’t you just put it in ?” 
He internally coos at your words, so naive. 
Outwardly though, he chuckles. “You’d be crying if I just shoved my dragon cock on you sweetheart.” 
You gasp and his words and cover his mouth with your hand. 
“Katsuki ! Don’t be crude. And did you just call your manhood cock ?” 
He continues chuckling, only now with new found vigor while removing your hands. “Yes, I called it cock.” 
His red eyes didn’t seem to hold the slightest bit of shame, you huff grumpily. 
“Ok (y/n), you have to be relaxed for me, ok ?” He asks seriously, and you nod, not knowing what to expect, but willing to let him lead. 
Katsuki goes between your legs, and lifts your tiny dress up to reveal your panties. He could already see some wetness. He slips your cotton panties down to reveal the delicious sight of your pussy. 
You adorably turn your face away, not willing to look any longer at him looking at your private parts. 
He’s lucky his primal urges are guiding him on what to do or he’d be lost, but his dragon is eagerly licking his lips at finally being able to taste his mate. He takes a tentative lick, and becomes pleased when you tense up. He takes another, slower one and when he pinpoints the exact location that had you tensing, he pays attention to it. 
After hearing a cute, restrained moan escape the confines of your mouth, he begins sucking on your clit. Your thighs close around him as you moan louder. 
“Ah. Katsuki, that feels so good.” So sexy, it’s like all his dirty daydreams in one sentence. 
He keeps sucking, and his fingers prod at your opening. You were lubricated enough that his thick finger slips right in. He experimentally thrusts it in and out while he keeps on sucking you and gets rewarded with pleasurable noises from you. 
He adds a second finger, the stretch still not quite enough. 
A third finger prods your entrance, and you gasp. “Please slow down Katsuki…” 
He gives your thigh a kiss, and murmurs a little apology before he resumes eating you out. 
Your thighs clamp around his head in pleasure as he continues sucking you. Your heart rate speeds up as you abandon all inhibitions and moan for the man pleasuring you. 
“Katsuki I feel- I feel like I’m going to pee…” you confess bashfully as he continues to suck you with his mouth while two of his fingers thrust in and out of you, mimicking the movement of his manhood. 
“No, you're about to cum. Don’t hold it back.” He commands you. So that’s what the knot you feel in your stomach is. 
He takes his fingers out and uses both of his hands to lift your hips up. His tongue teases your nub, not sucking anymore but merely rubbing your clit with the tip of his tongue. The loss of the stimulation of his fingers, added with this, makes you come down from your high. Frustrated tears stream down your face as dissatisfaction gnaws on your chest. 
“Why ?” Your question while looking down at his face between your legs, he gives your clit lazy strokes. 
“You didn’t say thank you. Is that how a good mate behaves ?” Katsuki’s voice was deeper now, not deep enough for it to be Bakugo-the dragon, but deep enough for you to know he’s primal right now.
He did say he wanted it rough… 
“I’m sorry Katsuki. I’ll be good from now on, promise !” You beg, desperately for more stimulation then the lazy strokes if his tongue. 
“I don’t know if I should believe you.” He rubs his dampened chin, looking contemplative. 
“Please, I’m gonna be a good mate ‘n say thank you Katsuki.” You plead again and he hums in response. 
Katsuki is crooning with pride seeing how desperate for him you are. Your lip wobbles as you beg, dependent, submissive to him and only him. 
“Fine, since you begged so nicely. But next time, I’m going to punish you.” You nod in acceptance. But before he can reprimand you for the same mistake, you use you words. “Ok, thank you.” His chest rumbles in pride at your obedience. 
In no time, Katsuki had you cuming in his tongue, and he laps it up, moaning at how tasty at is. 
“Thank you- ah. Thank you-“ you babble incoherently. 
Katsuki lays kisses on your thighs, giving a few nibs to mark you. 
He slips your night dress off while you bask in the afterglow of release and growls at the delicious sight of your bare breast. 
He captured a nipple in his mouth, twirling his tongue on the sensitive skin then suckling like a hatchling would. 
You bury your hand in his hair, pulling at it as pleasurable tingles travel through your body. 
“Gonna fill those with milk soon.” He declares, his fierce and deep voice confident while he squeezes your breasts in his hand. 
He took off any remaining layers on himself, deciding he delayed this enough. He was kind of nervous at your reaction. 
You look in horror at his monstrous manhood, huge, absolutely huge and the thickness towards the end could compare to a coke can, a fizzy common drink you saw servants indulge in. 
“ it’s not going to fit.” You say, folding your legs against your chest protectively. This huge thing, inside you ? Hah. 
“Yes it is.” He growls. But he softens his tone when he sees the intimidated look on your face. 
“Don’t worry.” Even though you still wanted to protest, you realize that it’s not like he can help his size, so you nod cautiously. 
He takes hold of your ankles and spreads them further apart, revealing your juicy core. 
A white pearl of precum gathers at the tip of his dick, glistening and proof of his excitement at finally being able to breed you and claim your body. His balls were full and ready to be milked inside your walls. 
“There, you can hold my hand. And tell me if it hurts.” You nod, and he interlocks his fingers with yours while his other hand adjusts his cock at your entrance. He pushed it inside, smoothly at first and he had to bite his lip to contain the whine that was going to slip out. A few inches in and you were gripping his hand until both of your knuckles turn white. 
“It hurts.” You rasp out. Well that’s troublesome, less then half his cock is inside. 
Despite how tempting it is to just ram it all in, and bask in the warmth of your walls, he gave you his word. So he pulls out, his length wet from your juices. 
He puts one of your legs over his shoulder and goes eye level with your cute, tight little hole that didn’t manage to take him. 
He gathers saliva in his mouth, then sticks his tongue inside. His warm muscle fucks you for a few minutes, thrusting in and out and relaxing your rigid walls. 
But when you start moaning for release, he takes his wet muscle out. 
Half of his length slips right in from your wetness. 
He grabs your hand and laces his fingers in yours yet again. Your hot walls clamp around him, and as he pushes his length in more and more, your tightness becomes comparable to a piece of cloth stretched too thin. It feels as if he’s going to rip you apart. 
Tears slide down your face, he’s too much. “Katsuki, it hurts…” he squeezes your hand, and begins kissing your tears away, distracting you from the painful penetration. 
“I’m all in honey. It’s ok.” He rasps out. You sigh in relief. It hurts so badly, but you’ll bear with it like a good mate. 
He stays still for a few moments, cockwarming you, while he tries to restrain his raging dragon. He growls in satisfaction, having popped your cherry and claimed your body. His scent is all over your body, even your insides. 
He begins moving his hips, hungry for the friction. You start to relax slightly, and after a few thrusts, you start to even enjoy it. 
He moans when your walls squeeze him, squelching sounds filling the room as he picks up speed. He lays his head on your chest, sucking your mounds while his hips snap against yours. 
“‘Gonna breed you so good. You’re gonna be gorgeous, swollen and full with our hatchlings. They better look like you, gorgeous.” He rambles, his cock twitching at the thought of you nursing the hatchlings with your milk and rocking them and cooing at them. It seems that you agree with him, because you hug his body tighter and squeeze him harder. So hard that his fucking falters. 
He groans when your fingers pull his hair, pretty lips mouthing pleas to come, the broken begs sounding better then any music he’d ever heard. 
He grabs your knees, pushing them against your chest, which made your walls even tighter, and let him breach and massage untouched places. 
“Ah.” You moan loudly in surprise when his tip nudges against your crevix, your tongue lolling out lewdly. 
His expression mirrors yours as he flushes an even deeper shade of red. He groans as you tighten around him in preparation for an orgasm. 
“Tell me baby, did that feel good ?” He asks, pushing your legs against your chest even more while the sound of the room fills with his balls slapping against you. 
“Yes. Thank you- thank you. Please let me cum. I’ve been good. Please. Please.” You plead and plead, but his hips slow down in response. 
“No !” You protest. He shushed you gently, grunting at the sudden lack of pleasure coursing through his body. 
“Shh. It’s ok. I’ll let you cum if you do this one thing.” You nod eagerly in response. Anything. 
“Tell me you love me.” You almost expected the voice you heard to be animalistic and deep like Bakugo, but it’s the more humanoid one lf your husband. 
“I love you Katsuki.” 
His heart flutters, the words he’s been so desperate to hear finally come out of your mouth. His lips lay a soft peck on your lips, his tender touch soft like a lover’s touch would be. 
“I love you too kitten.” He replies, and before your brain can return to its senses, his hips begin slamming again, and in no time, you are squeezing him like a vice while you cum around his cock. He hugs your small body close to him, your soft chest against his, while his cock paints your walls white. 
“So much cum and it’s all for you. It’s gonna keep coming out because dragons have that much fucking cum for their mates-“ he rambles breathlessly, shocks still traveling through his body, “- then when it finishes, I’m gonna flip you and fuck you from behind and fill you all over again.” 
The fog was starting to clear from your head, and once again, you become aware of your sweaty bodies hugging each other close and his massive cock that's still inside you and still filling you with cum.
“Uh, you want to do it again ?” You ask, unsure whether his post orgasmic rambling his nonsensical or not. 
His red eyes look at your flushed face, and he wipes any sweat or tears sticking to it with his hand- which is fairly sweaty in its own regard, but he wanted to feel like he’s taking care of you. 
“Can I ? I- the dragon is not totally satisfied yet.” He confesses while his hand presses your bloated stomach and hisses due to his cock still being inside. He’s proud of having bloated his mate because of his seed. He’ll be damned if he doesn’t do it again.
please like and reblog if you liked this, and thanks for reading.
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softrozene · 3 years
Too Long
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Anonymous requested: Hello, I'm a silent reader of you and I really like your works❤️💗! Can you please write about Doffy wherein he finally found his lost love and actually pregnant when she left him? I know that it looks like impossible considering how evil he is but I just really wanna know how it will goes. Thank you! and Take care. Don't over work yourself! ❤️💗 and sorry if my English is broken.
Your English is perfect <3 and I am so sorry for the long wait, here you go Lovely! I had fun with this since I love Doflamingo despite his evil ways XD
Doflamingo x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst- Doflamingo is probably out of character because I write him with emotions and not as evil lol (if you need another reference just basically imagine him as Klaus from the Originals lafdkafds)
Words: ~1400
First things first- There are three ways I imagine this going
1.       (the most likely way) Doflamingo goes a tad crazy, gives no cares, and simply takes the child after deeming his lost love long unworthy of going with them for not telling him she was pregnant unless he can find some use of her or she proves herself rather quickly
2.       He keeps tabs on Reader and the child constantly but that is it. Takes no action unless necessary
3.       Actually puts effort into coming back into their lives by forcing them to come back to Dressrosa where he can spoil them silly
This scenario is going to be a mix of 2 and 3 because I want fluff lol. Anyway, enjoy:
Doflamingo stares long and hard at the piece of paper before him. The pictures that accompany them make his blood boil with anger, but his heart yearns with interest as to what happened. What this is. Why it happened but more importantly… Why he did not know.
The woman in the picture is beautiful… Very beautiful and very pregnant. A shock to him. She will always hold a special place in his heart. She taught him how to trust on a certain level and yes, even in the end she did leave him, the end of their relationship was left on a good note. Even so, he can’t lie about not looking for her.
After the mutual breakup, he looked far and wide for her, wanting the presence of a person he could trust right by him. He would try to persuade her to come back but… He never found her. Until now that is.
So… Why is just now finding out she left him… When she was pregnant? Why is just now finding out he is a dad?
The piece of paper is just the island name of where she is residing. Not too far from Dressrosa but not too close either. It saddens him for a moment. Did she not trust him? After everything they have been through together- All the learning of loving each other, the trusting, did she really not deem him worthy?
Him the King of Dressrosa?
He would like to think that he would be a perfect dad- Nothing like his silly foolish father who stepped down from the royal life he could have had. No, he would give the child everything they could have ever asked for. The mother of his child wouldn’t need to lift a single finger. He would spoil them, protect them, do anything for them…
So why?
It is a question he wants an answer to, and he will get an answer to. No matter what. That is what he promises himself as he looks at the next photo- One of his former lover no longer pregnant but… With the child- A darling little girl that has his blonde locks and her mother’s eyes.
The anger simmers down as he decides he will bring them both home. He will try to because of that little hope he has in his heart for growing a genuine family- Nothing like the one he helped destroyed, it means everything to him the longer he stares at the two faces.
The brief reminder of Corazon… Pains him but it will not be like that. Corazon simply did not have faith in him. These two… He will show them that he has their best interest at heart.
Finding them, was rather harder than expected. They were at the island that was disclosed to him by someone who recognized her but… (Name) really was too good at blending in with this island. It was rather busy. Cute for it being a bigger place.
So many families too, Doflamingo notes. The thought slightly irks him. Five long years without her and five long years of missing out on the child they created. He has every right to being mad. He has every right to go on a rampage.
Just as he wonders if he should demand someone to show him where she is- He hears a gasp behind him. One too full of shock that it grabs his attention immediately. However, what he did not expect was to feel tiny arms wrap around his legs- The way Baby 5 and Buffalo used to.
He glances down to see the girl from the pictures staring up at him with a wide smile. Her eyes are so gentle and for a moment… Remind him of only innocence as she stares up with genuine curiosity and happiness.
She even speaks to him- And in that moment he already knows that she has him wrapped around her finger- He would fight and kill anyone who would look at her remotely wrong. Is this what it is like to be a dad?
“Hello! I think you’re my dad!”
A laugh comes from behind him again and this time his heart feels like it is stopping because he knows that laugh so well. It haunts his dreams because he loves it so much- It used to be the sound that he tried to coax out of her every day. It is (Name).
He turns and indeed when he sees her… Doflamingo realizes just how long it has been. Too long in his eyes but… She looks as perfect as the day he first saw her. Those (hair color) locks and stunning (eye color). She has not physically changed in the slightest yet… She is still the most stunning person to him. Her eyes look down to their daughter before going back up to meet his.
“I need to put her down for a nap. She had a busy day at the school. I suppose you want to talk then?”
How is she so calm about this? The rage wants to come out- He wants to lash out but… He also just wants to hear her out. He wants to hear her side to everything. That and the way the little girl is holding onto his leg sleepily.
It just makes him melt. He says nothing as he follows the woman to her house. The place is too small for his stature but… Perfect for (Name) and their lovely daughter. It takes just a few moments for (Name) to put the girl to sleep and come back out to join him.
When it is about to grow quiet, he immediately asks, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
(Name) knows what he means. She has a sad smile on her face now as she asks back, “Were you ready to be a father? It is not as simple as you would have thought… It… How do I say this gently? You are selfish. Okay… That came out harsh but… You are. You look out for yourself and pull your family in with you.”
The pretty face that he is in love with does very little to comfort him after those words. That is until she continues.
“I was going to reach out when I found I was pregnant. I thought you would have liked to know but then I remembered why I left. I wanted to find myself and I did. Then… Then she was born, and I realized what being a parent is. You- Make all these choices hoping it is what is best for them and that is simply what I did. I thought you would not want to be in our lives, so I said nothing. I did not want you to have to choose between your dream of being the King of Pirates or her because we both know what you would choose,” (Name) says her tone sad now.
Doflamingo’s anger is valid but… So is (Name)’s in this regard because she is right. He does not say so because he knows he could have both. He will prove he can have both but for now…
“How does she know I am her dad?”
(Name) smiles at this. She pulls out a picture of Doflamingo and herself from her pocket. It is a good photo too. One of them hugging each other. He remembers it because the family kept photo bombing all the rest.
“I told her. Everything about you. I could not lie to her about who her father was. How much he did love me and would have loved her, but I also could not lie to her about how big your goals are. Of course, she is a child, so she does not understand. All she knows is that you want to be a bigger King. She has dreamt of meeting you for a while now.”
These words. He can salvage this. He can unite them. He knows he can. So, he will. He will have both the family and his dreams as he desires.
“Let’s give her a proper meeting then when she wakes up… And (Name), it is good to see you. I hope I can manage to convince you that Dressrosa would be a brilliant place for her.”
The way (Name) stares at him. Yeah, he can convince her.
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[Zelda knows her physics and loves it, too.]
Part 35 of Link's Thought Brambles
Link. Link. Stop it, Link. Stooooop smiling! You can do it. The right side’s easier, try shoving that one down, come on, come on, you can do it-
!!!!!!!! She looked at you again, she looked! Look at her looking at you- OOooh! That was an all-the-way-down-and-up-Link’s-body-look and holy s&@# it made me clench and she’s smirking I’m doomed, I’m doomed, everyone’s going to see this and know what we did and I’ll end up assigned to the far reaches of Hebra with my father so he can make sure I don’t go on some kind of royalty-kissing-rampage though he’ll probably be glad I was kissing the Princess and not a prince though there isn’t one of those around to kiss, I guess it would have to be the king-
NO! Noooo, Link! Get that image out of your head get it out RIGHT NOW HAIRY BEARD! BEEEEEARD!!!
“Kmppptfe heheehehee-“
“Wh-what is it, Princess?”
“Link… Your face! You’ve gone from barely-contained euphoria to obvious panic in under a minute!”
I do that. Though- “It wasn’t panic, actually, more like disgust.”
Oh- no no no no her smile’s fading she thinks it’s HER- “Not about you! Not at all. I- I sometimes- I… my head goes unexpected places. Sometimes they’re gross.”
A shy smile. That’s new. She tilts her chin left. She’s brought a hand up to hug herself at the elbow. What did she think- what did she think could’ve disgusted me about her? When she’s brilliant and strong and beautiful and I moaned at the touch of her tongue in my mouth?
When… when is the next time we’re sure to be alone? This day is too full to make it happen, I know that already. Unless we wait til very late at night. Can’t really have a frank conversation with her about this in the hallway when anyone could be around the corner.
There’s a good chance if you WERE really alone, talking isn’t what you’d be doing. My lips are still tingling. They remember. They regret not sealing against her neck to pull ragged sounds of longing from her throat. We could’ve- could’ve stayed longer if twilight had been a little further away.
“I wish, Link-“
The darkness in her eyes again. Could she tell, Link? Did she know what you were thinking about?
“I wish we had a less scheduled morning.”
“Yeah. Me, too.” Which is saying something, because this whole festival thing has been fun. Nice to be doing something that isn’t all about fighting or security.
What’re we going to do about this? How do we find a way to touch each other without causing a dangerous mess?
Why did I have to pick last night to tell Jeralt about expanding her guard? They’ll report to me sometime today after Jeralt passes new orders. I sabotaged my own way to get around her security!
It was very responsible of me, really. It IS the right move. At least during the festival, but beyond, too, if I’m honest with myself.
It’s just inconvenient. For us.
“Oh, Link- I spoke with Mipha last night.”
“…Good. I’m glad you did. I ran errands right away.” Neglectful, Link. You forgot Mipha until way too late last night.
“She’d like to help today, she’s just not sure how. Aurexler’s office is handling the documentation from this point forward. He said they’d have a station set up at the front gate by sunrise. Only parties who present their forms and rupees will be allowed to enter today. And only if setting up a stall. Those only participating in competitions won’t be allowed until tomorrow.”
“I’d have to guess most people competing will also have stalls.”
“True, but there’s no rule.”
“What is it?”
“Did you tell Aurexler about the exceptions you made? For Toureni and Gorgie?”
“Oh. No. I’m afraid I didn’t!”
“We’d better visit the gate first, then. Otherwise, they’ll charge them wrong.”
“That’s an awfully long walk to make in such a short time. The sky is lightening, Link, and we’re meant to be in the bailey. We shall have to send a runner.”
“Oh. Right.”
“Do you still have those books in your pouch?”
“Yep.” Book, pencil, check!
Her fingers against mine. Lingering. How long can we hold on to the same book before it starts to look weird?
“Thank you, Link.”
She breathed out so much more breath than needed to say those words.
Where’s that low voice you had earlier, Link? Can you find it? “You’re welcome, Princess.”
She’s turning pink. Hopefully it’s because I successfully communicated my feelings, and not that my voice sounded incredibly stupid.
“I- I’ll write a note for the runner to take.”
“Yes, Link.”
Don’t be critical, don’t be critical, “I hope it’s okay to say I’m not comfortable with you doing that.”
“Oh? Why not?”
“It’s kind of a security risk.”
“In what way?”
“Well… what if someone else wrote a note like that and delivered it without your seal?”
“…Oh dear.”
She doesn’t usually do things like this, does she? She’s been so focused on the Calamity she doesn’t deal much with the usual business of running the kingdom. She writes notes to Purah and Robbie all the time, and that’s fine. Ria, too. But I guarantee the king puts his seal on everything or else delivers the message verbally, either himself or through a group of trustworthy people. It's not like she doesn't know that... this was an afterthought, but still...
I didn’t think anything of it when she talked to the guard at the gate the other day. Then again, there were a bunch of people around to hear her give that order. And she confirmed it herself, later… And really, who would evilly scheme to get the castle blacksmith to make a gigantic cauldron?
“Link, I feel I must point out that me NOT writing this note does not stop someone else from trying it. But I see your point. If I set this precedent, any deception stands out less.”
“You said that a lot smarter than I would say it. But yeah.” Now that I’m thinking about it… I wonder how easy it is even to copy a seal.
Didn’t I tell myself to stop being so suspicious?
Aaaand then didn’t what you were suspicious about turn out to be true? The maids definitely definitely WERE trying to settle a bet. A bet about your preferences.
We’re here. Hopefully Mipha’s awake. If Zelda talked to her last night, it must’ve been pretty late.
“Mipha? It’s us!”
“Oh- hello! It’s so good to see you this morning. Seggin! Sharoo! Let’s go!”
“Did you sleep well?”
“Oh yes, Princess. Your Hylian beds are surprisingly comfortable, though I wouldn’t want to sleep dry all the time.”
“Yes, Link?”
“Now that you’re with Mipha, what if I ran your message to Aurexler’s office? They could provide instructions with a seal.”
“That’s a good idea, Link-“
“Oh! Didn’t your companion say you and the Princess can’t leave each other for even a moment?”
“Companion? Oh, you mean Jeralt. Yeah, he did, though I think he meant during the festival itself.”
“Hmm. There shall be numerous people here today, too. Perhaps we ought to apply Sir Jeralt’s condition.”
“Uh. Well-“
“You were the one so concerned with security, Sir Knight.”
Oh, that’s how it is, is it? “If you, Mipha, Seggin and Sharoo stay together and head for the bailey, I can make this run really quick. I shouldn’t be away from you much more than half an hour. His office isn’t far. Then I’m all yours the rest of the day.” Woah, that was a double eyebrow-flash you just did, Link. Um. Zora don’t do that, right? It’ll go right over their heads.
Ooo hoo, your Princess saw it, though. It’s a subtle change but she’s all-in and wow she just glanced down and it was absolutely one-hundred-percent on-purpose.
“Very well but do be quick—and this is the ONE exception, Knight.”
Ooooh. There’s that whip-crack. Please, please, tell me Mipha couldn’t see that shiver.
Turn on your heel, Link. Run your ass off! Run your ass off and think about how you can get her to say ‘Sir Knight’ later in a very, very different tone of voice…
“I’m glad I can help, Princess!”
Or… you know… DON’T think about that or you’ll walk into the Chancellor’s office with a problem.
“Indeed. I don’t quite know what the rest of the day will be like, however-“
…Yeah, don’t think about that, Link. Put it out of your mind.
“I’m just grateful to have some time with Link. He truly is one of my dearest friends.”
Think think think think arm-wrestling. Brackets?
“Ah. Excellent, then.”
Princess at the end, like last time?
“Oh- oh, Princess, I’m sorry. I didn’t at all mean I don’t enjoy your company!”
Hm. Just a long line so she can slaughter them all?
“Of course not, Mipha. Please don’t give it a second thought.”
Nah. That’ll take too much time.
“Nevertheless… it was thoughtless of me.”
Hm. She joins the brackets. That’s a good balance.
“I- I do understand, Mipha. Link is- he is-“
That way a bunch of them get to feel how strong she is personally.
“He is sweet, loving and kind. Funny, too.”
But it doesn’t take absurdly long to get through everyone.
“Indeed he is. I- did not recognize it until recently.”
Yeah, that’s the move.
”Oh? It’s difficult to imagine how one could miss it.”
I’ll have to stand behind her the whole time. As per Jeralt’s orders.
“I was… unwilling to see it. He also was unwilling to show it.”
Well, not an order exactly. But he’s right and I’m going to do it.
“Oh my. How did you get past it?”
It’s not like I was willing to leave her for a second in town, either.
“I… I…”
I even checked the damn latrine before I let her use it.
…I hope we have enough outhouses.
“Oh! Was it his thoughts? On the slate?”
Two of us can stand outside one while the other uses it.
It’s not like anyone can hide in one of those.
“I could understand how that would help.”
They’re tiny.
“...Mipha, I…”
Without Mipha, I’d have a couple of the Princess’ guards follow us around the whole time.
“I would swim at the chance to see his thoughts, myself.”
But with Mipha, and I guess Seggin and Sharoo, we should be fine.
“You would?”
SHOULD I add two more guards?
“Yes. I’m afraid he’s harder for me to understand now.”
…No. You need rotations for her towers.
“You… wouldn’t feel it was an invasion of his privacy?”
You can’t keep any of them up for 24 hours. You’ll throw off the whole thing.
“Oh. Now you say that, Princess, I’m not sure. Would it be?”
I’ll be with the Princess. Mipha and her guards will be extra sets of eyes.
“It- it would be if you did so- without- without his permission.”
It should be okay.
“Oh, I see. I’m right back where I started, then.”
We were in town alone. All her traveling has been alone with me.
“…Is there something you wished to know, Mipha?”
Traveling. Link…
THAT is when you can be alone with her.
“I am curious how he feels about me.”
Difficult in the castle, but on Irch Plain?
“…I know he considers you one of his favorite people.”
I could pull her into the tall grass around that pond she likes and lay her down and spread her legs with mine-
“That is certainly nice to hear.”
-and pin her hands and kiss her-
“Is there… I’m sorry if this is wrong of me to ask, Princess-“
-and find everywhere from her neck up where my tongue can drive her to senseless whimpering.
“-I just- I just-“
And no one would know. Unless we got very very unlucky.
“…Yes, Mipha?”
Or I could stop being a total dumbass for the moment and wait until later, much, much, MUCH later, to think about these things so I don’t make a complete fool of myself.
“Hehhh- hm. I’m quite embarrassed to say it.”
Or I could try my teeth-
OR I could stop listening to what seems to have become my second brain-
“You see, when I’m healing, I find it easier if I think-“
-and run fast rather than slow down because I can’t pay attention to where I’m going.
“-if I think about- s-someone I… someone I love.”
“Hoo!” “Hmph.” “I-is that so?”
Deeeeeeep breaths.
“Mipha, are you trying to tell me you love Link?”
I zone out an awful lot, don’t I?
“There’s no need to answer that question, Lady Mipha.”
“I’D like to find out!!”
Of all the things that are wrong with me, that’s likely the biggest problem.
“Goddess’ waters, Sharoo. Grow your adult fins.”
It even happened a little during the melee.
“Seggin. Please don’t be unkind.”
In the middle of all that violence…
“She’s young, my lady, and impatient. You are not obligated to satisfy her curiosity. OR yours, Princess, with all due respect!”
I can’t do that when the Calamity comes.
“Seggin, please. I brought it up.”
“Forgive him, Princess. He’s quite protective.”
…It was worse when I was concussed.
“I see that. It’s- an admirable trait, Sergeant Seggin.”
And when I’d lost a tanker-full of blood.
“I… do love him, Princess.”
“I- is it wrong?”
I have to figure I’ll be losing some blood in the big fight.
“Ah h- wrong, Mipha? Why should it be?”
“Well. He is so young.”
“He is the same age I am.”
Elixers help. You’re allowed to have those in real combat situations.
“Oh- oh yes, Princess. But we Zora-“
“Ah. Compared to your age.”
“… Yes.”
But it’s not like they’re a cure-all.
“…I… have no answer for you, Mipha.”
They’re not magic like Mipha.
“I shouldn’t have expected you to. I’m sorry. …I do wish to help today. Any way I can.”
Uh. At least, I don’t think so. Still, I should buy some of those. Start carrying them in the pouch.
“Of course. …And- I do know Link has missed you.”
Should’ve thought of that at the apothecary. But I’d’ve had less money for the kids.
“Thank you, Princess. That much I knew already.”
I know they keep stores of the stuff here. The medics have them.
But I’m an idiot if I don’t have my own personal supply.
“He’ll be glad to have you with us today.”
So… I guess up ‘til now I’ve been stupid.
“Yes. Perhaps I ought to talk to him, later.”
Well. I already knew that.
“…Yes, Mipha. Perhaps.”
There they are. Back in no time, Link. See? You’re fast when you pay attention to your eyeballs and not wherever your unsolicited head-pictures come from.
“What’d I miss?”
… Wow.
What the hell DID I miss? Why is no one but Sharoo smiling, why is she wiggling her fingers even crazier than yesterday, and why is she waggling her head at me like that?! I barely know her, it’s so weird-
“Oh, nothing Link.”
That is neither the face nor sound of NOTHING. I may be bad at reading Zora, but that was SOMETHING voice and something face, too! She won’t even look at me!
Princess- Princess??? She won’t look at me either! She’s stone-facing like I’ve never seen before!
Oh my Goddess. Were they talking about me? What could they have been saying?
Does Mipha KNOW?!
No. No, the Princess wouldn’t tell her. Why would she? That doesn’t make any sense-
Did she SEE US?!
Holy S&*$ that is a pissed off glare I’m getting from Seggin! …I think. The corners of his mouth are always about an inch below the middle. Maybe it’s a fish thing.
Link. You should be ashamed of yourself. The Zora aren’t fish. They’re amphibians.
Wait. They are, right?
…Do frogs have gills? Do they-
NO Link, pay attention!!!! Why are you thinking about frogs?!?!!
Read the room read the room even though we’re outside read the room what happened while I was gone it hasn’t been that long but whatever it is no one’s even willing to tell me about it and it must be something that embarrasses both Mipha and the Princess and probably annoys Seggin and possibly makes Sharoo really, really happy and unfortunately that doesn’t help me figure it out because I’ve never heard her say more than a word or two.
What do I do?! What do I do?!
“Excellent. It appears as if many of the tables have already been delivered.”
TABLES, Princess?!
…No one’s going to tell me, are they? They’re going to let me freak out all day. It must be bad. Whatever it is. Did Mipha tell them the story about the Hinox? I really didn’t know any better and I didn’t mean to make her waste her gift on me.
I… can’t think of anything much else it could be.
Either Mipha knows, or she told that story. It’s a pretty bad one-
No, no, why would Sharoo be all crazy over that?
“Ah. Princess.”
“Good morning, Sir Greggan.”
“I have about fifty men waiting for your direction. We’ve had the signal from the curtain wall. Some’ve started on the path from the front gate already.”
“Thank you, sir. Well, then. Link? Would you- oh?”
“…Heh. Kid…”
…He’s gone entirely back to calling me ‘kid’ again, hasn’t he? Makes sense. I lack maturity.
“You’ll be glad to know the kitchen’s bringing breakfast to the tables once we’ve put them where you like.”
…Oh. Oh, that’s all.
Doesn’t explain the Princess, but okay.
“Well, then. It looks as though most of the stalls aren’t moved out yet. Shall we start with the craft tables?”
Oh. Oh, she’s asking ME. “Yes, Princess.”
There her eyes are. I get a little smile, too. I guess I was holding my breath, because I just let a big one out.
“Lead the way then, Sir Knight. The seating plan was entirely yours, after all!”
Well, that was a brighter smile. I guess it can’t have been too bad… whatever it was. “Great. Hey… HEY EVERYONE!! Uh. GOOD MORNING!”
Well, there’s a bunch of early morning grumpy grumbling. Too bad. I’m grumpy now, too. They’re moving these tables whether they feel like it or not. “A DOZEN LONG TRESTLE TABLES TO THE STABLE PATH, LONGWAYS, LEFT SIDE. PAIR UP ON TABLETOPS SO THEY DON’T DRAG. ONE PER TRESTLE. WE’LL MAKE TWO TRIPS. THEN WE’LL START FENCEPOSTS AND RAILS. You and I can take one too, Princess.”
That was a much cheerier smile-
She just lifted that tabletop all by herself. Heh. Show-off. “Yeah, I’m taking an end anyway, Princess.”
“As you should, Sir Link. The torque will be tiring.”
She likes that word. Likes math words in general. “Would you three like to help, too?”
“Mmm.” “Love to!”
“Hehee. I’ll consider that a yes, Link.”
“Great! Grab what’s nearest, I guess.”
Strangely fun to be carrying a tabletop with her. Maybe between the physical work and the soon-to-be-breakfast everyone’s mood will improve. Mipha seems okay now… I don’t know. Maybe I overreacted. I do that, don’t I?
“It is surprisingly gratifying that I’m able to carry this.”
Heh. The guys are eyeing the Princess. Trying not to be too obvious about it. “Always nice to find out you’re good at something.”
”Have you always been unusually strong?”
“For my size, yeah. At least, I think so.”
“And fast?”
“Yep. I guess my mom had a hard time with me as soon as I could walk. She says I was good, though. So I’d listen to her as long as I heard her.”
“But she couldn’t catch you?”
“Well, I think she could, but I was great at dodging out of the way.”
“It came in real handy later, with my sister. She didn’t listen as well as I did. But I could wrangle her for mom. Well… I could catch her. But she was slippery! Sometimes it took both of us to get her to stay still.”
“Heh. It sounds like you say that with a smile.”
“I do.”
“You said was? She’s not slippery anymore?”
“Oh. I mean, she is a bit. She’s older now, though. She turned twelve right before I left. She’s not playing the same games she used to, at least not as much.”
And we’re outstripping the others already because we’re both oddly strong. Maybe we should split up next round, as much as I’d rather not.
“I think I’d have liked to have a sister.”
Oh- I think I hear-
“My, you two are fast! Princess, I’d no idea you were so strong!”
Whoops! I… completely forgot to even tell her! Link… you’ve been really preoccupied…
“I had no idea until a few days ago, myself! I must admit it is a relief to find out.”
You can’t even find a few minutes to tell Mipha the most important news?!
“Is this what your power is, then? I’d assumed-“
She came here for the express purpose of healing you.
“We all assumed, I think, though there may be more I’ve not yet discovered.”
The least you can do is NOT TOTALLY IGNORE her. “Hey, Mipha?”
“Mm hmm?”
“There’s more cool stuff we discovered.”
“Oh? Like what?”
“In brief, I can shoot light out of my sword and the Princess can hit a bullseye at any distance.”
“That is an exaggeration, Sir Link. We haven’t had time to investigate fully.”
“You haven’t missed one yet.”
“True, but I am certainly limited by the laws of physics. No amount of skill can increase the maximum initial velocity imparted by the bow. The range is therefore limited to that which is accomplished by aiming at a precise angle of forty-five degrees with respect to the direction of gravitational pull, that is if one ignores the effects of air resistance and the wind direction. And, of course, assuming there are no physical obstructions.”
Ohhhh. She is so f&$#ing smart. I want her to say all of that again, but while on top of me and directly into my ear canal.
Daaaaah! Link, MIPHA! MIPHA is right next to you and she probably has no idea how to respond to all that! “So, yeah. I guess we should try you on a few targets that are absurdly far away, like way way way out of range and see if you can still hit them.”
“I shan’t be able to.”
“Perhaps, Princess, you will. Magic has rules, but those rules transcend what’s otherwise possible.”
“… I find it difficult to believe that even magic operates outside the laws of physics, Mipha.”
Ooh. Um.
“If magic obeyed the usual rules, it wouldn’t be magic, Princess.”
“I disagree. Magic may simply obey usual rules of which we are not presently aware.”
“Oh? What rules might those be, Princess?”
“Laws of physics which are simply as yet undiscovered.”
“It seems to me, Princess, that you’d be referring to the rules magic follows. But they cannot be what you suggest. If they were general rules, anyone could use magic. Yet only a handful of us exist.”
Oh s@*#. Oh S@&$.
“That does not mean magic is outside the realm of physical law. It means the people who may use it have access to energies most do not.”
“But Princess, what other than magic would determine who has that access?”
NNNGH! No. No, Link.
“Obviously there must be some physical attributes of the magic users which allow it.”
This is way above your pay grade.
“If that were so, Princess, Link would not be magical.”
Stay out of it. So far out of it you might as well be on the Moon! Wait, what?
“Indeed. And why not?”
Yeah, why not?
“Because the physical form of a person is determined by their parentage. Neither Link’s mother nor father are magical. Isn’t that true, Link?”
Oh f#$%.
“Um. Well. Yeah, I mean, as far as I know, they’re not, Chee’s very strong, though-“
“There. It cannot be a physical law if that’s the case, Princess.”
…Am I going to be in trouble?
“I’m afraid I still disagree.”
…oh no
“The flesh-and-blood body of a person is not the entirety of their physical existence.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because there are forms of energy a person quite plainly possesses and produces which are not physical matter.”
“It seems to me, Princess, you are defining a person’s soul as a physical object.”
…Uh…Wow…Turns out Mipha’s way smarter than me, too, because she’s actually following this.
“That is not the entirety of my point, but yes, I would say a person’s soul is real and therefore governed by physical laws.“
…I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m not all that smart.
“It seems to me that we don’t know enough about people’s souls to say either way. That would make your idea about physical attributes determining access to magic a belief, Princess, and that’s all.”
But I am clearly some kind of asshole. Why did I assume Mipha wasn’t this smart?
“My belief is merely that all things are testable and knowable. And that includes magic. ”
She’s holding her own against the smartest person I know.
“And that is still a belief, Princess. Not a fact.”
Oh s#$&, Link. You ASSUMED the Princess was smarter than Mipha. You’re a biased, prejudiced asshole.
And it got real quiet.
Oh… balls.
Mipha just insulted science, didn’t she?
…Don’t look, Link. You’re almost there. Tug that tabletop a little bit and interrupt whatever silent apocalypse is happening behind you!!!
This tabletop is trembling with scientific rage. I feel it. Do I dare look?
…I can’t help it.
Yep. It’s the guardian-laser eyeballs. Just like when I picked up the slate. Only directed at MIPHA. Who… looks totally and completely serene and maybe is in fact entirely unaware that she insulted the Princess, and possibly thinks she won the argument.
….And she just giggled at me. Why?!
Get the damn table on the trestles and go walk next to your Princess so she doesn’t also decide to turn those lasers on YOU.
Smile, Link, smile, maybe it’ll appease her. “…Science is awesome.”
Oh. That surprised her. Many blinks. Heh, there’s a little smile, though. She’s totally fighting it. Wants to stay pissed off, does she?
“Mm. Yes. Yes, it is.”
Next round of tables and such. Hope they bring that food out fast. I don’t want to find out what happens if these two get hangry.
Read Next: [Link deals with fluids.]
Read this fanfic from the beginning (it makes more sense that way).
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misc-headcanons · 3 years
Yay, requests are open! Also, congrats on finishing another year of school! May I request headcanons for X Drake, Jack the Drought, and King the Wildfire falling in love with a local Wano woman (how they would react to falling in love, confessions, that sort of thing). Have a great day and stay healthy ^.^
(Ooh, my first Jack and King request ever :D Hopefully I don't fuck up their characters, I'm just quickly browsing through their OPWiki pages just for a refresher on them lol)
TW: some slightly yandere content (for Jack and moreso King's sections)
THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE MISSION. He knows how dangerous it would be for her if he pursued her so he'd try to keep his feelings suppressed. He wouldn't be able to completely keep her out of his mind though, so he'd compromise with himself by watching over her from afar. Any danger or trouble that comes to her town always manages to avoid her home specifically. Is there a shortage of food? X-Drake's crew makes sure there's enough for her and her family. As much as he wants to help the whole town, he can't afford to draw suspicion by being too charitable as one of Kaido's crewmates.
She might notice him watching her from afar and he would be so flustered, lol. Like he'll whip around and walk away in a nanosecond and continue doing whatever he was doing, but now he's got a bit of pink in his cheeks. If she started approaching him more often or leaving him notes or something at a distance, he'd be hesitant to return those affections just because he doesn't want to drag them into danger.
In the end though, I think that he wouldn't be able to separate himself from her entirely. He has a sense of chivalry and he thinks that it isn't fair to do that without at least telling her why. He'd arrange to meet with her in private since he doesn't want to just leave a note for her, but the moment he's finally in a room with just her, seeing her look up at him...he can't do it. He can't leave her. He'll confess his feelings and then tell her that he understands if she doesn't return them or doesn't want to be with him due to how dangerous it could be. And if she insists on being with him regardless of that, he'd make sure he keeps her safe and vows to protect her for as long as he draws breath.
He's such a gentleman that it hurts lmao. Flowers, holding doors and chairs out for her, politely averting his gaze when she's even slightly undressed (seriously, she could be in a kimono with bare shoulders like Black Maria's and he'll bite his cheek and look away to give her "privacy") He also dislikes whenever she's around other pirates and tries to distance her from his business unless he can't avoid it. Also the first time they kiss is THE most romantic thing ever; he even does that thing where he brushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear, and dips her back a little bit while holding her when he goes in to kiss her. It's probably done in the moonlight, he's caressing the small of her back, it's straight out of a storybook.
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Jack is someone who's easily angered and who will rampage if pushed further. I think that he feels all of his emotions in an intense way, so when he falls in love he falls pretty damn hard. Once he sets his sights on ____ he's going to immediately try to court them.
He's been in Wano for a while and knows what's typically expected of someone trying to show their feelings/intentions, so he'll send her letters and small gifts for a while before inviting her to meet with him one evening so he can formally propose to her. I HC that Wano's views on romance and marriage are a mix between Heian and Edo-era customs of courtship, so things move to marriage pretty quickly by modern standards. He'll offer a VERY sizeable dowry to her family in exchange for their blessing, and since she'd be marrying one of the Tobi Roppo they know she'll be living very well.
If she or her family refused, though...Jack won't take no for an answer. He'll simply return the next day, take ____ over his shoulder, and if she protests he'll threaten to have her family imprisoned with a life sentence for treason. In his mind she should be happy he's even leaving them alive after rejecting his generous offer.
If she and her family DO accept, he's very happy and makes sure his wife and in-laws are cared for. His wife would move in with him at Onigashima, and her family would never have to worry about anything financially ever again (and in Wano, that is a very rare blessing). He'll spoil his wife with all sorts of finery and anything she'd like, and he's also more affectionate than you may think when in public; he'll always have her on his shoulder or even on one of his tusks if he isn't carrying her bridal style, lol. And in private, he's such a teddy bear: nuzzling her neck and cheek with his fingers (he might hurt her with how wife and obtrusive his tusks are otherwise), holding her close while she lays on his chest, picking her up and lifting his mask to kiss her properly, etc.
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King's described as a ruthless, cold-blooded, "torture-loving pervert", so catching his eye is NOT good. He doesn't express romantic interest the same way most people do, so his s/o may not even realize he has feelings for her. He tends to stare at her a lot but since he's completely covered by his suit, she probably doesn't even realize he's staring at her specifically. That's the closest he really gets to showing how he feels about her at this stage.
He'll skip the dowry and just arrive to her house to personally inform ____ that she's to pack her things and come with him so he can have her as his bride. If she resists or refuses, he just goes outside and kills the nearest person he sees before telling her that unless she wants to get another one of her neighbors killed, she'll do what he says and come with him.
If she agrees without any trouble and comes with him, he's a bit kinder (as much as he can be, lol) and orders his men to help move her things to his home. He also provides her family with a proper dowry as a wedding gift and makes sure his wife is well cared for in his home. Her wardrobe contains fine silks, jewelry made from jade and Sea Prism Stone, and he'd even give her gifts based off of what she likes or is interested in: books, plants, instruments, etc.
He gets more affectionate and open after the wedding as opposed to any time before it. The suit keeps him from kissing her directly most of the time (maybe he can take it off? We don't know much about his race so maybe he's stuck in there lol) so he prefers to put his covered mouth against hers or brush his fingers over her lips. He'll also embrace her with his wings whenever he hugs her, which he ONLY does in private--if someone sees the two of them being affectionate, they're lucky if they make it out alive.
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hanazou · 3 years
hello,, I’ve been feeling down lately and a loved one of mine recently has passed away...
if you are comfortable with it may I request a scenario of Atsushi and Chuuya comforting their s/o who were grieving over a death of a loved one? ;0 thank you I love your blog 💖💖
𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙪𝙮𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙛
Books : Chuuya | Atsushi
Genre : Comfort, romance
Category : Headcanons, short scenario
Shelves : Hardback | Paperback
Warning : Description of grief
Note : I am deeply sorry for your loss. I can’t do emergency requests but I tried to get this one out as fast as I could. I could only do short scenarios of this so I added headcanons, I hope this is alright. Once again, my condolences and please stay strong.
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Chuuya has to ask you a couple of worried questions before it strikes him what you’re dealing with.
He will be on the verge of panicking when he first hears the bad news, worse if you're the one that has to tell him what happened. He instantly undergoes flashbacks from experiencing something like this himself and he fears that your coping with the grief might harm you.
If you can’t afford to talk to him like you usually do, he understands.
He stands/sits next to you, arms crossed, occasionally glancing at you to see if there’s any change in your stance, expression, anything.
He avoids staring at you directly in concern that you'd become pressured by him.
He’s ready to catch you if your legs fail you
Holds the top of your head lightly yet firmly. If you don’t show signs of protesting, he’d slowly pull you closer to his neck.
Getting physically affectionate is his prime card to comfort you, but before anything, he takes off his gloves so he won’t dirty you.
His fingers move kind of unevenly and feel rough, but that’s how you can feel his desire to support you
If you can’t stop crying or on the verge to go on a complete mental breakdown, he immediately collides his body against yours as tight and strong as he could.
If your legs give up, he drops down with you in his arms instead of keeping you standing with his ability and he’ll clutch your face close when you both land on the floor.
If you won’t hug him first, he’ll pull you to him. He forces your face down his shoulder so you’d grieve as much as your heart can empty while his hand brushes your back up and down.
“Cry as long as you need,”
Words, as I’ve once said, isn’t his speciality, but he tries regardless. He wants to make sure that you know you aren’t alone, that you have him with you.
He doesn’t talk as much but his distressed expression stays as long as he’s with you.
“You can take it out on my shoulder, you know,” He hesitates a bit, unsure if he sounds too rough.
If you can’t stop crying, he pats your shoulder, only knowing how to say “There, there” since he thinks it’s better than saying nothing at all. Chuuya thinks you need to hear him being there.
Chuuya squeezes through his tight schedule to make time for you.
He negotiates as best as he could with Mori to give him as much time off as possible.
If it’s impossible to take a week off, he goes full rampage in his job with the thought of you in his head motivating him to finish everything as soon as possible, making a mess where he goes.
If someone gets in his way, Chuuya shouts, "I've got someone more important to see, you punk!" while blasting them away.
He always brings food and drink over and makes sure you eat. He spoon-feeds you if necessary. He isn’t the cleanest but him wiping your face clean makes up for that.
"Come on, babe, you gotta eat," Chuuya says. "They won't like seeing you grieving like this, so eat, yeah? For them?"
If the emotions exhaust you to sleep, he sits against the wall and pulls you to him so you’d sleep against his body, making sure his limbs are around you so you’d never feel the loss of pressure around your body.
If it's cold, he wraps you with a blanket and occasionally touches your fingers to know whether you're staying warm or not.
Since Chuuya’s goal is to make sure you don’t feel alone or abandoned as I’ve mentioned, he does everything to solidify his presence.
He calls often if he has to be away, he sends food delivery, leaves short sticky notes, and sends voice messages.
It’s noticeable he doesn’t know what to say and even more obvious that he wants to keep reaching out to you.
Chuuya tries to strike a light and brief conversation once in a while. He’s disturbed by your uncharacteristic silence, it scares him.
“Do you want some takoyaki?” He’d ask randomly. The anxiety on his face never wavers away.
He does any activity that comes to mind when he stays at your place, but regardless of what he does, he’s never more than three feet away from you.
Always, without fail, kisses you good morning and good night on the forehead regardless he stays at your place or not.
Or if you're not opposed to it, Chuuya wants to take you to his place. He may still have to go to work, but something doesn't feel right about leaving you alone for so long in a place he's not too familiar with. At least in his space, you're constantly reminded you're not alone and that you're there because you're never abandoned.
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Like a strayed ship in a storming ocean, your emotions are the waves storming your damaged vassal of conscience to the point that even looking forward to sunray from the bleak sky of endless cloud sounds mythical, making speaking a heavy chore. You’ve been exhausting yourself to sleep, soaking everything with your tears until it no longer comes out. It’s frustrating, it’s turbulent, so active in making you passive. Your tears run out but not the multiple stabs around your heart. Your voice leaves you but not the intensity or the transparency of hurt on your face.
It feels impossible, fictional, but if it were, then you aren't supposed to have your heart cauterized. It's the reminder of the bitter truth you're grappling against accepting.
If they had to go, why not bring the pain with them? Why do they have to leave you fractured, incomplete, empty, by transcending away while you stay behind, only able to watch them shrink somewhere unreachable?
Why do pieces of you have to be chipped off your already fragile soul, leaving holes in your essence? Why leave many pieces behind, why leave you alone?
“Hey,” A voice zaps your mind back to your head.
You remove your face from your wrinkled, moist, and sweaty palms, everything in front of you foggy from the swelling of your eyes. You still wear your dark clothes, unable to find the heart to change into something new, something brighter, after the sudden tragedy strikes. It was not, and still not is, in your capability to even stand up to eat.
Chuuya’s oddly timid and soft-sounding voice for this week is what makes you feel something other than rocking instability.
Slightly opening your eyes to see him, his figure before you hurts your eyes from how colourful he is. His face appears like a messy mix of vibrant paint, his orange hair, blue eyes and fair skin, and dark clothes sticking out from the stale background behind him.
A pair of silver keys, ones that unlock your door, stand out from his black-gloved hand from beneath his tightened fist. He puts it in his pocket and takes your hands, forcing you to stand and steadies your arms when your knees wobble.
"Have you eaten the lunch I had delivered here?" He pats off the dust from your shoulders and arms, his vibrant face still paining your swollen eyes.
Your eyes roll to the untouched paper bag on the table. You figure Chuuya’s eyes follow because of the stifled sigh he holds in.
"Babe, come on…"
"I can't," is what you try to say, although with your dry throat, it comes out like scorched empty words. "I'm sorry, I know you picked it with great care and thoughts so I'd eat, but I just can't, not when—" You catch a coarse breath. "Not when I'm like this, I can't yet."
"Still don't want to talk about it?" His voice squeezes. "You can't keep it in forever, you know, and you really shouldn't."
With your blurry vision, you figure that his arms extend open. A weak ‘what?’ is all you can hoarsely ask.
“Saying nothing, skipping meals and not drinking.” He says sourly. “Let out your grieve like how it should be done. That's what they'd want too."
Your tears make a reappearance at either a bad or perfect timing, depends on how you tilt your head to see it. They prickle your eyes, some rushing down your face.
“Come here,” Chuuya says, perhaps frowning from the way his voice changed.
Your eyes close slowly before opening again, your puffed eyelids troubling you from keeping your eyes opened. “I don’t think I can,” You sound like an overworked opera singer. ���If I hug you, I won’t be able to let go and I might suffocate you without meaning to.”
You think Chuuya makes a sound of annoyance until a force smashes your body forward, lunging your face against him. The brief faint glow of orange earlier helps you process that he used his ability on you to bring you to him. Now his arms trap you in him, your forehead strongly weighted on his shoulder.
“Then suffocate me,” His muffled voice says from behind your head, one of his hands taking your arm to hold his body. “I’m always here.”
Your hands stretch his shirt with your tight clasp as you feel yourself getting lost in the waves. The turbulence crashes out from within you as you incoherently cry on Chuuya’s stable body, him becoming your guaranteer in the midst of the rocking forces that threaten your balance. His rigid arms support your weight as you wail out, ensuring that the waves don’t sweep you away, somewhere unreachable from him. He secures you, letting you explore the storm’s rolling waves while still grounding you safe.
“I’m here,” The soft wind in the storm grazes your ear. “I promise.”
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Atsushi is one of the most sympathetic and empathetic people you could ask for when it comes to comfort you through your grief.
He’s nowhere oblivious to someone who’s hurting. He recognizes what kind of pain you’re going through and it doesn’t take him too long to identify what you’re feeling and the intensity of it although he can’t process it into words.
Atsushi is so worried sick for you that he has trouble thinking straight and his breaths get faster.
He’s really anxious about you feeling left behind or abandoned.
He makes sure that you don’t doubt that your beloved one who has to leave earlier definitely loves you.
It breaks him if you think of things such as disappointing them, unable to fulfil their wishes, etc.
Atsushi can feel your hurt as if it’s his own, and because of his heightened emotional senses, he’s quick to jump in to support you. It’s instinctive.
He’s at first hesitant to touch you, let alone comfort you with his embrace, so he starts with generic sentences like “I’m so sorry” and “You can lean on me” while offering his empty shoulder
It’s challenging for him, but Atsushi is persistent to comfort you with his words before he touches you.
He insists on speaking before holding you around him.
Atsushi validates your feelings by putting his guesses of how you’re currently feeling into words. He’s not the best with words so he’ll struggle to pick his vocabulary, but the things he says are mostly true.
“I’m sorry you have to feel like your heart is becoming stiff,”
“If you feel like everything around you is empty, I’m still here,”
When he does get to the point where he feels that physical touch can help you, Atsushi is very tender.
He starts with wiping your tears away until your cheeks are drier and offers you tissues. He’ll help you blow your nose
He removes the hair sticking to your face and wipes your face until you’re dry
He hugs you like he's the one broken; putting his face on your shoulder, arms hanging from your neck. It's because that he fears that you might get as hopeless as him. He dreads for that for that happen so he holds you with the strongest Affirmation he can give.
"I'm with you, I'll always be," He keeps repeating while he hugs you.
Touches your fingers most of the time and squeezes your hand
Atsushi fights tooth and nail to get several days off to stay with you in your place. He’ll have a whole speech prepared so he can convince Fukuzawa and Kunikida
He’ll spend the morning bargaining with Fukuzawa in his office after giving Kunikida a 15 minute TED talk about how badly he can empathize with your loss and how he’s rock certain you need his company
He asks Kyouka to help him make your food that’s easy to digest for the stomach, like soup and porridge. You can best bet that she’s going to add some tofu to it.
“Kyouka-chan helped me make this fish soup,” Atsushi presents you the bento boxes, unwrapping the cloth. “Let’s eat, okay? You have to keep your stomach filled. I’ll help you.”
If he’s unable to spend the night at your place, Atsushi makes sure to arrive at 6 am sharp every day to check on you, and the earliest he’ll leave is around 8 o’clock
He cleans your place every day diligently and does an excellent job at it. Doing the dishes, cleaning the floor, making sure the sink is clean and ensures the bathroom floor isn’t slippery. He doesn’t want an untaken care living space to worsen your emotional state.
Despite always bringing fresh food, Atsushi makes sure to cook fresh batches of rice to eat with anything he delivers so if you miraculously want to eat something, you’ll have something to consume.
If he has to leave for a while, he surrounds you with plush toys. If you don't have any, he borrows Kyouka's bunny plushies collection and arranges them around you, your pillow, the corner of your bed, and on your blanket.
Atsushi never wants you to forget that your loved one loves you. He does everything in his power to remind you everyday that although they're gone, the love they have for you will eternally stay with you and that nothing can ever change that.
He hugs you while verbally reminding you of that.
His hugs always lasts a long while if you're not uncomfortable with it. He can stay long minutes in that position.
Or he sits/lays down next to you in silence, doing absolutely nothing. He's anxious about the quietness himself so his fingers are always near yours.
Words of affirmation randomly comes out. Sometimes he talks about his personal experience to encourage you that everything will be alright, sometimes he tells you the reasons to his belief why your loved one's love for you preserves through all.
He keeps his talks motivational and faithful for the future. Sometimes he'd quote the things Dazai had said to him, filtering out the nonsense if necessary, or the things he always told himself in hope for a brighter tomorrow.
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A breathing doll has been haunting your room for a week. It blinks, it moves, it can be spoonfed, but nobody at a glance would argue that it lives. It’s a doll. Calling it an undead is more generous than calling it a doll because of the existing needs. A doll sits inanimately, breathes at the bare minimum, and is devoid of wants and needs.
It’s the perfect status to illustrate how corpse-like you’ve been living like for this week. Your stone-cold face, just as cold fingers, eyes that barely shift, dried mouth and chapped lips make it a challenge to have you described as something living. To even use the word ‘live’ to describe you is contradictory and to hear the word ‘live’ suffocates your throat and clamps your once functioning heart. The indescribable pain mutes you, paralyzes you, turning you doll-like.
A broken doll, you are, once full, once living and moving until the one you love had to bid life farewell first without warning.
One tireless and loyal white-haired boy frequents you every day, bearing food and water to make sure the living doll in your room doesn’t fade into the cold. Cobwebs would have formed between your arms and your bed if he didn’t clean you off the filth you don’t bathe away, your nerves have been too dormant for you to feel filthy.
A bright white figure shifts around in front of you like a poltergeist. You pay it no mind. This isn't the first or second time you're seeing things that aren't there, or rather, someone who isn't supposed to be here. Your cluelessness to cope with the grave reality seems to have driven your brain on autopilot, it seems that this time it decides to give you a hallucination so you'd have someone to cling to.
A sudden snap startles your eyes to open wider, albeit without focus. Something black was in front of you, it had five branches and moves so... humanly. Like it's real. You trace it back to the white hallucination in front of you and it takes you a while to realise that you aren't hallucinating. The white haired boy who has been frequenting your place is here again today.
"Atsushi..." His name falls emptily through your teeth.
Atsushi’s mouth opens and his lips move in accordance. His face wrinkles to the centre. The inconsistent pressure he applies around your cold hand before holding you as tight as now tells you of how fragile he knows you are.
His mouth opens again familiarly. You shift your eyes to him without any effort to listen through the incoherent sound.
When his lips move for the third time, you figure out he has been calling your name. You blink twice and his chest deflates with a long exhale.
“You’ll pull through,” His hold around your hand boldens as he grit his teeth. “They had to depart first but they did so while loving you. You're loved, they love you. You can use that to push on, their love for you lives on and so do your memories of them.”
He observes you with high intensity as if expecting you to speak. You notice the disappointment when all your eyes do is gaze hollowly through him. You think he breathes in a sob from the sudden squeak he makes.
Your eyes lazily roll to follow your hand Atsushi lifts to put against his face. “I’m with you, I'll always will be. You’re not alone, you’re not alone, you’re not alone.” He chants. “You’re never alone, you’re never alone.”
He brings your hand down against his chest. Something beats inside to hammer you the reminder that it will never stop thrumming. The warmth reminds your nerves of something. It feels contagious, bringing you recollecting something you used to feel often.
“I promise, I promise, I promise,” Atsushi hurriedly says, “I’ll always be here for you.”
Like a mantra, his words deliver the familiar sensation his chest makes you feel to your essence. After your slowed blink, you tilt down your head and tilt back up, repeating that movement until it’s fitted to be called a nod. Atsushi heaves a breath out and pulls your hand to get between his arm and side until your upper body drops against his.
“They watch over you, I promise,” His hand holds your head as you passively breathe on his shirt. "Anytime and anywhere, they're with you, and so am I.” He says airily. "You're never alone and never will be. They're with you and I'm staying forever, you'll never see your side empty, I promise they watch over you, I promise, I promise, I promise,"
Your head tilts to the side, giving more space to breathe. His solid body exudes more of the feeling you don’t realize you crave. It reaches your throat eventually, nourishing you with words you once lost.
"Thank you," You whisper.
A living doll you temporarily are but not forever, and most certainly, a loved human you are for as long as the memory of your beloved and Atsushi keep you close to them.
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© all rights reserved to hanazou. do not repost, modify, or claim any of my works as your own.
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sanzoumon · 3 years
Seriously, if you wanna write any of these just go for it and then let me know. Spoilers for S5E10. Some are more gen but could also be shippy, smut encouraged but optional. All of these are definitely bottom!Morty btw. Others are straight up smut.
Non-rickorty prompts (really just Morty x Summer) are are the bottom.
Trapped on what remains of the Citadel, Rick confesses that he recently realized he’s in love with Morty and that he wants to be by Morty’s side forever - in whatever way Morty wants (as in be it romantic, familial, platonic, whatever, it’s Morty’s choice). How does Morty feel and what will he decide?
After the whole Planetina thing Morty gets much needed comfort from Beth. Tho he feels better after that, Morty feels the overwhelming need to be with Rick. As it happens, after that whole ordeal with Daphne, Rick feels an overwhelming need to be with Morty. Bedsharing and comfort ensue.
Morty notices that ever since the Citadel was destroyed, Rick’s been way more physically affectionate. Little touches, petting his hair, hugging, casually rubbing soothing circles on him when they relax, wanting to cuddle, affectionate kisses, handholding, even nuzzling him. Morty likes it. A LOT.
In a rare moment of relaxation, Rick and Morty snuggling up together, they share a kiss. Both are shocked but then immediately begin an intense make-out session.
Rick wants to make up for his prior mistreatment of Morty. Morty asks for something be never expected: A kiss. And Morty means a full on kiss - tongue included. Who is Rick to deny him?
Rick and Morty have a rather intense incest kink. Lots of dirty talk.
Morty finds out that Rick has feelings for him. Rick freaks out, feels like a piece of shit, and tries to run away. Morty stops him, clings to him, begs Rick to calm down and to not leave him. Rick is practically hysterical, Morty gets him to shut up and calm down the only way he can - a kiss.
Morty preys on Rick’s guilt for having mistreated Morty in the past by guilting him into having sex. Morty knows Rick doesn’t want it, but he’ll do anything Morty wants. Morty feels like shit doing this but he can’t get about of how good Rick feels inside him.
Morty royally screws up on an adventure, almost getting himself killed, and Rick opts for a good ol fashioned punishment - a bare bottom spanking. Aftercare happens because Rick was terrified for Morty and needs him to understand this is why he spanked him.
Rick suffers from Domdrop after a really emotionally intense session with Morty. Morty provides Rick with the aftercare he needs.
The family finds out about Rick and Morty’s relationship. Shocking everyone, it’s Beth who attacks Rick square in a blind rage. The whole time Morty is begging her to stop hurting Rick, who doesn’t even try to defend himself, and it’s Jerry and Summer who have to hold her back so she’ll actually listen to Morty.
Rick and Morty get married at the alien equivalent of Las Vegas. Summer was a witness and recorded the whole thing.
In another dimension it’s considered a rite of passage for a boy to have sex with the household patriarch when he turns 14. Morty never felt the need to do that but then Rick comes along and says that’s because Jerry wasn’t man enough to do it, so Rick takes it upon himself to do so.
Morty is attracted to Rick specifically because Rick is a dirty old man.
On the Citadel, some Morty’s are bred purely to be sex slaves for Rick’s. Bred to be more compliant, submissive, and who love Rick’s unconditionally no matter how badly they mistreat them.
Rick and Morty have an emotionally incestuous relationship. Basically: “when a parent or caregiver relies on a child for the support that an adult partner would usually provide. They may also treat the child like a romantic partner.”
Morty deliberately gets himself into trouble on adventures because Rick will, out of worry and adrenaline pumping through him, fuck Morty afterward like an animal. Like a twisted version of “glad to be alive sex”.
Rick and Morty have to hide in a tight fitting enclosed space while facing each other. Awkward boners and grinding / dry humping ensue.
Omegavese. Morty goes into heat and Rick knocks him up. It wouldn’t be so bad if Rick wasn’t seriously turned on by Morty being pregnant with his baby.
Omegaverse. Unclaimed Omega’s have it rough and are constant targets for harassment. One day Morty gets assaulted by some Alpha’s at school and before they’re able to violate and claim him, Rick shows up and makes them wish they were never born. Morty knew right then that Rick was his Alpha and begs for Rick to claim him.
Rookie Cop Rick x Cop Morty. Rick likes how chubby Morty is.
Toxic Rick x Toxic Morty. They’re both made up of the irrational attachments they have for each other. Without their healthier selves to reign them in they can’t keep their hands off each other. Basically, in between all the science, Toxic Rick fucks Toxic Morty and Toxic Morty can’t get enough of just how much Rick loves him.
Evil Rick x Evil Morty. Sometimes Morty lets Rick have control of himself again just so Rick will rape him like he used to before Morty took control.
Morty’s fantasy is for Rick to fuck him against his will while Morty cries and begs Rick to stop. Rick can’t deny Morty his perverted fantasy.
Rick goes on a rampage to save Morty and, by the time all is said and done, Rick is mildly wounded and is practically drenched in the blood of his enemy. And it’s the hottest thing Morty has ever seen in his life. Morty wants Rick to fuck him right then and there, raw and primal, using the blood as lube.
Morty’s just so small and cute. Rick loves it a little too much.
Rick loves to degrade and humiliate Morty in bed. Morty loves it too.
Breeding kink. They like to pretend Morty can actually get pregnant when they have sex.
Summer asks Rick to shrink her giant space incest baby down to normal baby size. Everyone tries to talk her out of it because she’s young and not ready to raise a baby, but she knows she can’t live without him and that she wants this.
Morty x Summer. It may have been under very weird circumstances but fact is they have a baby together. Summer says she doesn’t expect anything from Morty and is cool with it, but Morty wants to be involved. Raising a kid together can make you feel things you never expected to feel.
Morty x Summer. Morty liked attractive redheads and Summer is no exception.
Morty x Summer. After everything they’ve seen and done, sex with each other to relieve stress isn’t that noteworthy.
Morty x Summer. Summer is humiliated that she actually enjoys being fucked by her little brother. Worse yet, Morty knows it and taunts her with it while fucking her. Worst of all, him doing that makes it even better for her.
Morty x Summer. Set during the time Rick was in prison. They’re always fighting lately, sometimes to the point of physical aggression. One thing leads to another.
Morty & Summer. After the whole Morty Jr. thing, Morty isn’t sure he wants to be a dad again. But Summer is worn ragged with school, taking care of their recently-shrunk-to-normal-size space baby, and their family giving her crap for raising him instead of leaving him in space. And, well, he is responsible for the kid existing in the first place. Basically they raise their baby together.
Summer sees Morty getting picked on at school and she ends up beating up his bully half to death.
Morty x Summer. Something happens and they end up bound together face to face with Morty’s head buried in Summer’s boobs. They’re so big and soft that he gets aroused in spite of himself. Summer feels it, insults him like expected, but tells him just to hurry up and get rid of it by grinding against her thigh so they can start pretending this whole thing never happened sooner.
And that’s all I got for now, folks! I know it’s a long list and it’s all over the place but I have so many ideas in my head and the S5 finale just sent my imagination into overdrive.
So please, if you’re a writer, I hope these prompts inspire you. Let me know if you write anything, please!
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
txt reactions. || 👾👾
as dads... 👨🏻‍🍼
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a/n; i’m sorryyy i’ve been in a fluffy mood lately I haven’t posted smut in a while but I promise I will! enjoy this though <3
soobin -
bro, he’s the clueless dad
doesn’t know anything about being a parent. is lazy about preparing to be a dad but he has a few tricks up his sleeve
everything would fluster the hell out of him. when the baby poops, when the baby pees, when they baby pukes, or when the baby cries he’d get surprised about it every single time as if it doesn’t happen
you know those type of dads where everything is literally a learning moment for them? yes, that’s soobin
is a dorky dad
his children will most likely own him, he won’t own his children
type of dad that gets beat up by his toddler kids for absolutely nothing
they walk in and kick him in the shin while he’s cooking
or pull his hair while he’s trying to read to them before bed
feel like his daughter would be the exact replica of him like seriously, would have his his whole entire face and matching dimples
with that being said, is an absolute sucker for his daughter
gives her anything she wants even if she’s a spoiled brat he’s scared to say no
needs his wife to teach him how to put his foot down
i feel like soobin’s son would be wild asf lmao
repeats every inappropriate thing that soobin says
“daddy? what does bullshit mean?”.
will scold his kids if they’re acting too wild but they never listen to him so it doesn’t really matter
again, he needs his wife to help discipline the kids
i know it can be quite common for parents of color (minorities) to hit their children but in my opinion I don’t really think soobin would hit his kids all that much
he  would pay a lot of attention to them though and know them like the back of his hand but he can’t really control the shit that goes on in his wild household
his wife will mainly come home every night to a messy kitchen and messy living room with soobin passed out on the couch and the kids curled on top of him snoring
all in all he loves them though, they’re his babies <3
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yeonjun --
honestly, yeonjun is a pretty attentive father
i think he would be veryyyyy playful and affectionate
would want to do EVERYTHING with the baby
want to cook, want to clean, want to watch tv, want to talk to him/her and hold them all the time
has separation anxiety when his children are away from him for too long
even if he’s at work he’ll face time his wife often just so he can see the baby
if he takes his kids to the park he’s literally watching their every move
will still hug and kiss them on their cheeks and forehead no matter how old they get
extremely overprotective
no really, don’t touch yeonjun’s babies unless you want to die
protects his daughter from anyone that tries to date her
i think yeonjun’s son would most likely pick up one of his talents and his daughter will pick up the other
his son can sing and his daughter could dance, vice versa
encourages them to follow their dreams
supports anything and EVERYTHING they
definitely documents everything lmao, even if it’s small he’ll record or take a picture
will make a photo album of all of his children’s achievements
is the type of dad that’s always talking about his kids
literally fr--he mentions them in every conversation
he’s just a proud dad alright? don’t judge him
i think yeonjun’s children would be extremely well behaved and well kept 
mostly because yeonjun doesn’t play around LMAO
nah fr, he’s a dad that knows how to scold and punish. his kids know better than to cross him
gives his kids anything they want
takes them on vacations allllll the time 
universal studios, disney world, legoland, you name it and he already booked the trip
honestly the type of dad that’s always somewhere having fun with his kids and posting photos on social media
is IN LOVE with being a dad
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beomgyu --
lmao beomie is the cool dad
literally will talk to his baby like he/she is grown 
“i’m tired of this show. you want to watch netflix? big mouth has a new episode”.
“can you stop crying? that’s weird. all you did was pee. you’re acting you’re a baby or something”.
“why don’t you just use words? tell me when you’re hungry. stop acting like you can’t talk”. (his baby is literally 2 months old)
loves sleeping with his babies the most. loves when they cuddle with him in bed and just fall asleep in his arms and on his chest
plays with them all the time, chasing them around the house playing laser tag or ‘the floor is lava’ lmao
loves playing video games with them, doesn’t let them win just because they’re young
will literally beat them in every game with no remorse, he just tells them they have to learn how to beat him
when they’re older he’ll literally let them do whatever they want 
“dad can I go to a party?”.  “sure whatever”.
“dad I’m going to a club with my friends”.  “alright. be safe”.
“dad I think I’m pregnant”.   “damn how that happen? I hope your baby’s father isn’t ugly tbh”.
is the type of dad that will lie to his wife about their children’s bad grades to save their asses
always sugar coats the parent teacher conferences to his wife, telling her that they’re the star students (even if they’re bad as hell)
laughs when one of his kids curse
teaches them the cheat codes to getting what they want in life
his kids ADORE him lmfao
is the most understanding and caring dad there is
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taehyun --
strict dad who is a good listener lmao
i think taehyun would be more prepared when he knows he’s about to be a parent. of course he knows he doesn’t know everything but this man would be so prepared lmao
literally would do research on different things just to try and get a better understanding of how children’s minds work
his kids would be baby geniuses please
his daughter would be playing mozart on the piano at the age of two
his son would be a mathematician at four
LMAO i feel like his kids would be smart and mean ASF
literally the bougie kids at school with the latest clothes and shoes and don’t want to associate with the dumber kids
spoiled ROTTEN by taehyun will literally call him for the smallest inconvenience
“dad can you put more money on my credit card? I’m feeling sad today”
“dad I need a spa day”.
and yes taehyun will do these things for them at the drop of a dime
i feel like he’s the type of dad that knows everything, literally can’t outsmart him
if one of his children lies he already knows that they’re lying and already has evidence to prove it
I don’t think any of his children would ever lie to him though lmao taehyun don’t play that shit
type of dad that will allow his spoiled ass kids to live in his house for as long as they want without requiring them to move out
absolutely weak for them
will set up bank accounts and college funds for them
literally does EVERYTHING for them i cannot stress this ENOUGH
will buy their first apartment if they want it
will buy them their first cars
taehyun’s kids : part time job? what’s that?
type of dad that his kids can talk about anything and everything with and they love him for it
can be a crackhead dad too, will do the craziest shit to make his kids laugh
his kids are his world <3
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kai --
lmfao i feel like kai is the fine line between being prepared and not knowing what the fuck to do every second
literally needs his wife because he’ll get anxiety trying to make big decisions for them
i think he would be at his prime parenting during the toddler stage since he has a lot of energy. he would bring his kids to trampoline parks and bounce house places allllll the time
his kids’ fondest childhood memories would be somewhere in a bounce house jumping and having fun with their dad
would also love turning on a soft playlist and have coloring sessions with them
is the type to make his kids dress like him, oversized sweaters, baggy jeans and cute sneakers
would buy his kids matching outfits and toys
also would be big on accessories i think. would love buying them cute backpacks, lunchboxes, and pens and pencils lmao
i think kai’s children would be chaotic as helllllllllllll
extremely hyperactive and don’t know the concept of bedtime
has frequent food fights in the kitchen
whenever they take a bath they get suds all over the floor
they eat and nap in the kitchen cabinets even though kai specifically told them not to do that
kids would be EXTREMELY cute so it would always be hard for kai to scold them
his version of scolding is literally, “hey don’t do that”. will never yell or hit
can never find a babysitter for when him and his wife have date nights because his children are always on a rampage
and when they do have do have date nights his children always find a way to facetime him fifteen hundred times about nothing
i think out of all kids, kai’s kids would be the baddest ones in school just because of the contrast lmfaoo
his son draws curse words on his desk
his daughter gets into fights all the time
parent teacher conferences are the funniest because kai is smiling no matter how bad the teacher says his kids are
literally cannot control them LMAO
but they’re so funny and sweet to him he can’t help but become weak for them
when they’re older though I feel like they’ll mellow out only a little but still kinda rebellious 
kai is a positive dad who tries his absolute best lmao but he loves them with all his heart <3
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qingxintea · 3 years
i wanna be able to touch you, but not like this
you get hit on
okkk so i feel like the pda is toned down to the max unless someone tryna hit on you
dude doesn’t wanna lose you like how he lost his sanity 🤡🤡
but in that case he’ll just like take your hand and guide you away
as you quickly think of an excuse for the both of you yes
but then alone ur like “omg holy shit thank you, oh my go t”
just blinks, unwilling to admit that he was lowkey bothered
high key bothered.
trusts you enough on your own, but that anxiety went 🖕🖕
then hug
then remembers that he’s touch starved and not used to physical contact
dude flinches
you just back off immediately and be like “sidjisdc sorry”
then awkward. look what you’ve done now, clown
just blinks and shakes his head. dude will never win a staring contest
doesn’t know exactly what he’s trying to communicate. that goes for the both of you
but it’s not bad
barely too awkward to as if you’re okay
but does it after a couple of minutes of just silence
you just nod your head even if you aren’t because you can’t explain your feelings
dude senses it, but won’t push it cause he’s respectful like that
nearly goes on a twitter rampage to cancel toxic masculinity but holds back
then without warning just takes your wrist and drags you somewhere
his jade spear is pretty
oh look it’s the place with the three bird statues you have to turn
the adeptus abode place thing
“don’t let go” bitch of course you won’t let go or else you die. not everyone has your no plunge damage powers sharty
oh em gee this place is beautiful 😍😍
y’all just sit. like on the bench things
next to each other and and and
it’s sunset which makes everything so much more chef kiss
then there’s. there’s shooting stars at the night!
a bright yellow one came every 80 stars or so and you were like “one rate up five star for you...”
dudes just confused and you laugh
it’s been way too long since you’ve felt at peace
eventually y’all,, yall,,,
hold hands 😍😍💕😍😍☘️☘️🧚☘️🧚💕🌙😍☘️😍
but but very wholesome cause he doesn’t even notice 🤡
omg you guys are the liyue power clown couple
did i lie?
aether time skipped from the paimon menu and it was like 2am in five seconds
he’s doing his nameless island quest ok ??
every time it reaches 5am sir decides to go back to 2am
you rage
then sleep, head on xiao’s shoulder i’m 🫀🫀
mans takes a little qingxin flower and puts it behind your ear. then removes it cause he does not want to be caught 🤡
where tf he get that flower though because it’s like gradient white to gold from inside to outside
then he remembers you sleep walk a lot. and this space is confined. five steps and ur like gone lmao
so carries you back to wangshuu inn with no interruptions even though you’re a light sleeper ?!
literal legend
verr godlet just jamming to the just wiped out tomato town meme because xiao usually shows like no affection
let’s you sleep on your bed
takes your couch
sleeps because bored
and then... bitch is gone next morning ! raging.
and you know the guy yesterday who kept hitting on you
well like
you can’t seem to find him anymore 🤡🤡
xiao explain.
swears he ain’t do nothin 💀
apparently the guy was very scared of the aura xiao gave off and just ran to mond 😀
adeptus moment
later at home,, on your bed there was a letter
if you come from my albedo chap, no it’s not that letter 😭😭
“here. for you.” aww dude is so sweet
then explains he went out earlier to buy you all this good shit
and it’s like a very aesthetically pleasing VERY GENDER NEUTRAL sweater (because some men think clothes are gendered when they really aren’t)
you know that shit in liyue costs a lot 😭 and you get cold ver easily
so happy he remembered 😍😍
dude is silently willing to do anything so you feel better even if you already do i’m
you have two insta accounts. one is a xiao fan page and the other is xiao slander
u spend more time on ur slander page 💀
but post on ur fan page today mmm
dude is a sucker for you om 😭😭
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writesology · 3 years
A super angsty idea for a story I have, but will probably never get around to writing (though if anyone wants to put it into proper words, by all means, go ahead!) For this to happen, though, we need to pretend that chapter 48 of Life in Dreamland (Nova's Blessing) does not exist. That being said, enjoy!
TW: Character death
Ok so some people HC Meta as Nightmare's rogue demon (which I do as well).
And Nightmare occasionally tries to take over Meta's body to wreak havoc in Dreamland.
Usually it fails, but what would've happened if one time, just once, it succeeded?
So cue Meta going on a rampage through Dreamland because Nightmare has taken control of his body (this gets really long, rest will be below the cut)
Nightmare's gotten rid of Galaxia and is using a regular sword instead. Without Galaxia, Meta has no chance of regaining control of his own body.
Dedede, Bandee, and Kirby are meeting to discuss what to do about Meta, cause they obviously can't just leave him to wreck Dreamland.
Bandee brings up the idea of killing Meta, to which Dedede adamantly refuses.
Dedede thinks that he can drive Nightmare off with Galaxia's help, so he picks up the sword and heads off to where Meta's been sighted.
So there he goes, Meta's there as the reports said, and Dedede tries to get Meta to hold on to Galaxia so Nightmare can be pushed out.
Unfortunately, Nightmare knows what's trying to happen and though Meta's fighting his influence, he can't actually hold on to Galaxia.
Meta's arm is just sorta stuck in limbo, trying to reach for Galaxia but at the same time getting pulled back.
Nightmare ends up winning, and Meta claws Dedede's face before flying off.
Dedede, despite all of that, still believes Meta's in there
So off he goes again to try and capture Meta and force him to hold Galaxia.
The king successfully captures Meta, but no matter how he's tied up, the rogue knight won't hold Galaxia, and he ends up escaping in the middle of the night.
After Kirby is attacked by the possessed knight, Dedede reluctantly admits that yes, they may need to kill him, but if they're going to, he wants to be the one to do it.
Bandee explains that Galaxia is the only thing that can purge Nightmare, so again off Dedede goes to Meta's latest sighting.
They battle for a while, and though Dedede has never used a sword before, he's somehow still able to put up a fight against his one and only knight (cough cough because of Galaxia).
After slicing Meta's mask in half, Nightmare is dazed enough to the point where Dedede can pin Meta down.
Meta says that he never wanted to hurt anyone, and that he's really scared and really sorry for hurting everyone.
Dedede's on the verge of tears at this point-
Despite that, he still comforts Meta, saying that it's going to be alright and brings him into a hug.
Then with shaking hands, he picks up Galaxia and stabs the puff through the back.
Nightmare is purged out of Meta's body, but now he is dying
They're much too far from the castle to get medical help, and ever since Meta started rampaging, people just evacuated and didn't look back, so no one's around to help either.
Dedede's sobbing and crying, profusely apologizing to Meta and wishing that it's just a dream (it's not).
The knight forgives the king for stabbing him, since he won't cause any more harm to any more people, and though Meta might've forgiven him, Dedede can't forgive himself.
Meta tells Dedede to let it go and know that he did the right thing, to which the penguin screams "i just stabbed you!! how is that the right thing!!"
Even though Meta is dying, he manages to convince Dedede that yes, it's okay, I forgive you, we'll meet again soon, and that he still loves the king very much.
Dedede's just able to kiss his cheek and whisper "I love you too" before Meta smiles slightly (a ghost of his usual one) and dies, and the king is stuck in a barren wasteland with his knight's limp body.
Which he does not like, so while he's still sobbing and grieving, he slowly takes Meta back to the castle so he can be buried.
Back at said castle, Bandee is preparing Meta to be buried, and brings up that they'll need to bring out the ceremonial armor to bury him in.
Dedede, who's been supervising the process, refuses, saying that Meta never put it on anyway and that he hated wearing it, so he'll just find a set of his usual armor and that's what they'll bury him in.
The king also adds that it'd feel more natural, seeing Meta the way he usually was and not in some fancy armor he hardly wore.
(Cue the funeral scene, which I gloss over both here and in my mind)
Dedede makes a speech at the funeral, obviously, and it's a pretty small thing with just the king, Bandee, Kirby, and the Halberd crew.
Cut to a couple years later, Galaxia has been stuck in the ground next to Meta's grave, and Dedede visits a lot, often with flowers or Meta's favorite kind of chocolate.
One day, he holds a conversation with Galaxia, puts the flowers and box of chocolate there, says a few things to Meta, then leaves.
His dream that night is one where Dedede is at the Fountain of Dreams, and Meta's spirit comes down to visit.
They waltz, bantering just like they used to, and though Dedede wakes up in tears, he has a smile on his face for the rest of the day.
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om-headcanon · 4 years
☆ mc catching the obey me brothers crying
i believe its fair to assume mc has seen at least one of the boys cry. here is what i believe happened. (if you want me to do undateables, let me know! tw for low self worth, panic attacks, and survivors guilt/death mentions)
without a doubt the most embarassed to be caught crying
he had just gotten into an argument with diavolo, and he questions his importance in diavolos life
he goes into the study to get some extra work done late at night to reassure himself he is useful
with all of the stress from the situation at hand and some stress from supporting the family on his back, he cant help but shed a few tears
all he wants to do is keep those around him happy and healthy... and it tears him apart when he cant
if i cant make the ones i love happy then... what can i do...
he doesnt notice your presence, as he has hands over his eyes and is breathing slowly in order to relax himself
you call out his name softly to get his attention
lucy jumps and tries wiping his eyes and playing it off as if he was never crying
you walk closer to him and he keeps inquiring if theres anything you need
you dont say anything, you just place your arms around him and hold him in a tight embrace
and he starts crying again on your shoulder... harder, this time. holding you tighter and closer in the embrace
because of his pride, its hard for him to admit what he needs the most: someone to show they care for him
mammon is the type to not cry often but when he does, its a lot
while his brothers dont really have bad intentions, the daily degradation they execute against mammon really gets to him
he can only put up his confident front for so long, and not long after a fight with asmo, it recedes
he lay on his bed sobbing heavily into a pillow to muffle the sound for nearly a full hour
his mind cant help but insist all the words his siblings tell him are true... and he wishes more than anything that you were there to tell him they werent
he looks up to the door every once in a while with blurry vision, mind convincing him theyre at the door, but you not being there makes him cry even harder
maybe they just think the same as the rest of my brothers
he hears the doorknob, but convinces himself its his mind again. ironically enough, this makes him cry even harder
except its actually you this time
you run over to his bed to sit down next to him and rub his back reassuringly, asking if hes alright
he jolts up, shocked youre actually here. he closes his mind and smiles sadly with a tear stained face
he pulls you into an embrace and whispers a soft thank you... your presence helps him more than you will ever know
you hold him for a few minutes and tell him how awesome the Great Mammon really is
its been a long stressful day at rad, and he cant help but overthink every single action he has made
every single glance hes made, every single word hes said ... just everything
most days he would resort to playing a game or watching an anime he loves in attempt to distract himself, but other days its not that easy
he starts spiraling, thinking of not only everything hes done that day, but actions hes done in the past too
eventually hes past the point of no return, and starts having a panic attack
levi cant seem to catch his breath and with the thoughts still rushing through his head at full speed, he cant attempt to calm himself down
he envies those who dont feel the way he does right now because god, what he would do to not feel like this
you were just wondering why your gaming buddy hasnt come looking for you so naturally, you go to him
you knock on his door waiting for him to ask you for the entry code... but theres no response
you enter and are quite shocked to see levi shaking on his bed
this is familiar to you... whether youve had to guide a friend through a panic attack or have been through one yourself, you know what to do
you reassure him this will all pass and knowing how hard school is for him, you tell him he did well today
you get him to regulate his breathing and gain some composure
hes embarassed you had to see him like that... but he lets you know hes so thankful that you came to help him
he just wants to be his own person but with how his life was set for him, its almost as if thats a tall order
its very rare he cries from happiness or anything like that, but sometimes he gets so sad that he gets angry... and then he cries a lot
no one dares to go near him like that
and that hurts him too... that nobody could or would ever dare to console him because they fear what hed do to them
he acknowledges this is a justified fear as he is after all the representation of wrath itself, but it still hurts nonetheless
belphie decided to poke fun and tease satan reminding him of how hes lucifers shadow
he didnt take it well... and retreated to his room to handle his emotions
he knew his family didnt want anything to do with him while he was angry... and that made him feel like a burden
but he grew used to everyone expecting he handle his emotions himself even if every once in a while he desired some reassurance
satan sat in a corner of his room crying to himself waiting for this to pass because he didnt believe anyone else would care to check on him
but you were curious as to why he wasnt in his usual 4 pm reading spot, so you decided to check his room
he was just sat completely still staring into the distance while tears fell down his face
he didnt even notice your presence until you sat down next to him
you didnt want to pry, so you just asked if he wanted to talk about it
he shook his head, laid on your shoulder, and just said “this is all i need”
ahh... while self love is so easy for him, self value isnt
its easy for him to believe people want to be around him solely with lustful intent rather than because they genuinely love him
he doesnt really believe anyone could ever love him
so he overcompensates through self love because he believes hes the only person who could ever love him
hes great at hiding it but sometimes, this gets to him... especially after some quick encounters with others at the fall
he thinks maybe there is no depth to him.. maybe i really am just a pretty face and nothing else
asmo cries pretty often, but he only lets people see him cry when its over something material (ie, he couldnt get a new bag hes been wanting for weeks)
he cries quietly too in effort to make sure nobody sees him
he seemed to have forgetten that you two were planning to go shopping today so you went to his room to see if he was ready
you werent expecting to see him rolled over in bed softly crying to himself
you startled him when you said his name
“oh, mc, i didnt see you there!” he chuckles lightly to himself in effort to change the mood of the atmosphere as he wipes his eyes
you ask if hes okay and his sad smile falls slightly
he asks you if you genuinely think he could ever be lovable
your heart breaks a little knowing that he even has a moment of self doubt, but you reassure him that hes a lovable person inside and out
you hug him tightly while another tear falls down his face
you two decide shopping is best for another day... for now, you just want to talk and do facials
beel loves his family a lot
more than he loves food (also a lot)
he hates conflict between them and would do absolutely anything to avoid it
what he hates the most about himself is how hungry he gets... hes aware its poorly timed but theres really nothing he can do about it
but the feeling hes being an inconvenience to those he loves hurts him
beel is great at smiling as often as possible, but if theres any tension between the family, he wont stop crying until its resolved
once he was so hungry it wasnt possible to control himself and he ended up going on a rampage
he earned scolds from lucifer, mammon, and satan for this
it tore him apart knowing that he had caused his family trouble for even a second and he started crying because of the guilt
he couldnt even find enough energy to make it back to his room, so he just sat in the kitchen with tears on his face
you had decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack when you saw him
he apologized for being in the kitchen and offered to move if you wanted his seat, but you declined
beel didnt even bother wiping the tears from his eyes... he wore them like they were a punishment for his own behavior
when you asked him what was wrong, all he said was that he was a bad brother
you tried to tell him otherwise, but then he went into detail about the situation and how all he does is cause the family distress
you told him that isnt true at all and he continues to bring light and happiness to all those around him
hearing that his brothers will come around and know he meant no harm is all he needed to hear
“thank you, mc... i feel less hungry when im with you”
he has lots of survivors guilt
its been millenia but he still wishes that it was him instead of lilith
because of this he cries quite often, but never in front of anyone other than beel
this feeling that lilith and him should have traded places haunts him often, and its not always so easy to sleep it off
as fore mentioned, he usually finds comfort in talking to his older twin but beel isnt always there
beel was at one of his clubs at rad and belphie didnt want to bother him, but he really did need someone right now
unlike his older brothers, belphie actually makes an effort to find you
he doesnt find you in your room nor the kitchen, so he continues to search around the house in hopes youre around here somewhere
he happens to find you by yourself in the study on your d.d.d.
belphie feels bad bothering you, and enters the room quite quietly
“mc, can we talk?”
he sits down next to you and lays his head on your shoulder
contrary to what he stated he wanted, not much talking is being done
he just lies there quietly crying with no explanation why
he realises he may not be as ready to talk about it as he thought... but thats okay
you tell him that youre going to listen whenever hes ready to talk about it
that makes him feel a lot better
he falls asleep right there with a thankful smile placed on his face
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Locker Room Talk- A Beelzebub Fanfic (BeelxGN MC)
(I’m not much of a whole-ass fic writer, so I don’t think this will be a regular occurrence, but I just had a scenario play out too perfectly not to give it an upgrade. I would hope this goes without saying, but harassment is not okay, I do not condone it, and if you are experiencing it you should look into what legal options you have available to report it. Please don’t try the Beel method. You’ll go to jail.)
Warnings: Sexual harassment, unwanted innuendo, implied possibility of sexual assault, vulgarity
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"Locker Room Talk” isn't really Beel's thing. In all honesty, he’s never understood the appeal since saying gross stuff where only your friends can hear doesn’t make what you’re saying any better. Because he’s been playing sports for nearly all the time he's been in the Devildom, he’s been around his fair share of these kinds of conversations. Most of the time he just keeps to himself and tries to tune out whatever the other guys have to say. It gives him a bit of a reputation as the “innocent” one sure, but he just prefers not to play along with their pervy antics. If they wanted that, they could talk to Asmo for all he cared.
That’s not to say he didn’t like his teammates or anything. Most of them were pretty good people on the court and got their acts together off of it. And Beel really loved playing sports. He needed the physical outlet as a distraction from his hunger… If he had to put up with a little vulgarity from time to time, it seemed like a fair enough trade… Or. At least it was at first.
When MC came to the Devildom, they turned his whole world upside-down. Things between his brother had always been tense before and even Belphie had grown more distant with him after what happened to Lilith, but it felt like in only a couple of short months they were able to soothe everything over. His family has never been happier and neither has he… Plus, it helped that they were a good, and eager, cook.
His teammates sniffed out his crush for the little human fairly quickly. To be fair, he wasn’t exactly hiding it very well. The first time they ever came by one of their practices, a pouch of homemade cookies in hand, he could have kissed them on the spot. No one, not even Belphie, makes the time to go check on him during practice like that... He must have made his happiness pretty obvious because the human started making it a regular habit. At least two, sometimes three, times a week they would drop in with some kind of food for him. Store-bought, homemade, a small snack, or packed meal, it honestly didn’t matter to him. Anything that came from their hands felt three times more filling than it should have. 
He’s a little embarrassed to admit that after a few weeks the anticipation would start to show in his performance… If they were on their way he could usually smell whatever they had packed heading his direction and he’d play extra aggressively just to get to a break faster. He'd mow everybody else over just to have an excuse to go meet them at the gate. He’s been more than a little reckless before and thinking back on it can make him wince, but he usually forgets all about those little mishaps as soon as he’s met by their smiling face. 
“Hey, Beel! How is practice going?” They’d ask him. And no matter how he answers, all he’d think would be, “Never as good as right now…”
It was around the time that his teammates put it together that the teasing started. It was innocent enough at first. They’d pick on him for having a little crush on the exchange student but it was always lighthearted. Nothing worse than maybe the occasional,
“Oi Beel? Did you get yourself a housewife/husband? Good for you.” or “They’ll cook for you?? What a steal!” Nothing that bad. At least, nowhere near as bad as it would get.
As the weeks passed it seemed like his teammates were expecting something out of him... Like, was he supposed to make a move on them? Though Beel really did want to be with the MC, there were a lot of complications… His brothers being a big one. Most have made no secret that they’re also pretty fond of them too, Mammon especially, and it felt wrong to make another rift in the family right after it took so long to patch the first one… Of course, his teammates didn’t know that. And they didn’t care. All they wanted to do was amp up the pressure…
“Hey, Beel, did you see what your honey was wearing today? I think they’re sending signals. You should probably jump on that, you know?” When it first started, he couldn’t actually believe what he was hearing. Sure, their little jokes sounded like innuendo but they kept things just veiled enough that he could have been reading into it. He’d get uncomfortable, but brush it off easy enough. However, it only ever got worse from there.
“Yo Beel, you boning that human yet? What? No?? What the hell are you waiting for? We see you like them so just do it!” It would grate on his nerves...
“Beel, how’s your sweetheart been doing? Still not fucking, right? Bet they’re getting lonely…” He’d tell them to stop. At first politely, then more forcefully.
“Look, man, if you don’t start taking charge then they’re going to get antsy. Plenty of other guys are here looking to get their dicks wet… Just look at your brothers, am I right?” After a while, he started shouting. But his aggravation only seemed to fuel the fire.
“I bet someone will have them bent over and forgetting all about you by the end of the week.” Eventually, he went to the coach but he didn’t care. “It’s just ‘Locker Room Talk.’ Grow up,” is all he got in response. It didn’t feel like it was just that anymore, but he started to doubt himself anyway... Was he overreacting? Every bone in his body wanted to go on a rampage whenever they started to pester him but wasn’t it all just words? He could endure words, couldn’t he? Besides, RAD has a strict no-violence on school grounds policy on its athletes. Even if he did get a good slug in, then he’d been thrown out of future games for the rest of the season.
Their words were just words. Gross, awful words, but words nonetheless. Sure. Whatever. He could endure that… but only that.
On the day he nearly lost it completely, it was right after their last practice before a big game the next night. The whole team was amped to go, but Beel was trying to keep to himself. Get in, get out, and go back to the House where MC was probably waiting. He’s long since stopped sticking around for socializing with the others. He had just finished changing when one of his teammates cornered him by his locker, the slimiest grin already plastered on his face.
“Look, Beel… We’re going to do you a favor, alright? Since you’re taking so long with this… The guys and I have decided to invite your little human to an “after-game party” tomorrow. To celebrate our victory and all that. Bet they’re dying for some action since you’re not giving any. You’re free to come if you want. Though… they might not be paying much attention to you.” Beel could feel his eye twitch as he watched the scumbag’s snickering face. That face. That fucking face. He'd never seen or heard anything so revolting in his life and-
For a few seconds, all he could see was red.
When he came back to his senses, he already had the sleazebag pinned against the lockers by the windpipe, fingers gripping his neck so tightly that his nails drew blood. At some point, he must have slipped into his demon form because the vibrations of his wings behind him made a sound not unlike a warning growl. His expression must have been ferocious because in the guy's eyes he saw nothing but pure terror. He’d never felt this much rage and hatred together before. Surely, at this moment, he ought to look more like Satan or Lucifer on a rampage than he does himself.
“If you say one more thing about that human, I will kill you. Touch them once and I will eat you. Are we clear?" His hand clenches further, making him receive a gargled cough in response. At this point, he could have probably flicked his wrist and snapped his neck in two. "Then pass it on." He tossed the man back into the metal lockers and watched him sink to the floor, clawing at his own throat and gasping for air. Oh yeah, his sporting days for this semester are over. But if it keeps him away from this trash? He’ll take it.
Of course, he made sure that he doesn’t stick around much longer. He left the scumbag to sort himself out, grabbing his gym bag quickly. He barely remembered to hide his demon form again before walking out of there, his nerves are practically shot already. Thankfully, though, he didn’t make it three steps out the door before a familiar face stopped him in his tracks. MC, who must have been waiting patiently for him this entire time, is leaned next to the bleachers with a backpack in one hand and a deli sandwich in the other. The perfect smile they got when they saw him signaling their blissful ignorance of all that just went down before.
“Hey Beel! How was pr-Oomf!” His body colliding with theirs cuts off their question. Beel’s gym bag lies already forgotten in the dirt, ditched so his arms could embrace them fully. It’s just a hug, a tight hug, but there’s a certain desperation to it. Though he knew it was ridiculous, a part of him was terrified that his teammates may just come up and try to snatch them if he let go…. After some time to process, he felt their head settle against his chest. He worried that they can hear his raging heartbeat... Would they pick up on how pissed he was just a moment ago?
“Ah… Not that great then, huh…?” His arms tense, pressing them closer against the fabric of his shirt. Should he tell them what he's been putting up with…? Does he even have the stomach for it? Letting out a sigh through his nose, he simply grunted out, “No…” 
“Well, what’s wrong then?” So many things… He just wanted to pick them up and fly them away from all this crap. He wanted to rip the tongues out from anyone who's said a bad word about them. He wanted to keep holding them in his arms, shielding them from anything and everything that could possibly take that perfect smile away… But they probably don’t know that, do they?
“Beel? Are you okay...?” He let a slow sigh draw out from his nose, resting his head atop theirs. All too soon, he'd have to let them go. But, for the moment, he could just hold them and wish this feeling would never end...
“Only if you are…”
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mazuwii · 3 years
Name: Sudden Meltdown You= Y/N Ackerman College AU
Fast forward two lessons and I was sitting in the stuffed cafeteria with a fat cake on my plate, trying my hardest to ignore every chaotic thing going on in the huge round hall by chewing on more than I could possibly handle.
"Uh oh, she's stuffing her mouth, why are you mad?" Pieck nudged me. I had no choice but to groan and roll my eyes. Porco and Zeke were sat in front of us, already knowing why I was irritated. "She won't shut the fuck up for one damn second," I mumbled, my gaze averted to Historia standing on the table, barking out bullshit.
Reiner and Annie let out a scoff in sync, both keeping their focus on their phones. Bertholdt laughed awkwardly and played with his fork. "It'll die down soon." He said.
"No, does she think she's some kind of main character or something? Her standing on the table and giving a speech about violence isn't going to stop Eren and Jean fighting like two petty drag queens." I rolled my eyes and continued. "If it did work then they would have stopped arguing by now."
"I'm surprised you haven't gotten used to it." Yelena sat across Pieck and I with her usually half-empty tray. "No, everyone secretly finds it cringe, I can't be the only one."
"Mmm, I don't know Y/N, it seems like you are," Zeke smirked and slightly leaned out of the way. Suddenly, students from our class clapping for her came into my already crimson view. "I just want to drop-kick her damn it." I stabbed the cake, earning a tissue rubbing against my mouth and cheeks.
"Not while looking like a baby who can't feed themselves," Pieck said, wiping the corners. All of our friends chortled as she treated me like a child. "What a supportive friend you are(!)" I sighed and took my earphones out of my backpack so I could block out the blonde's agitating voice.
Why was I getting so mad? I had no idea. Perhaps it was because her words were so repetitive and held no meaning to them. "Maybe you're jealous." Porco smugly said. I responded with a growl. "Of what?"
"I don't know, the fact that almost every guy has had a crush on her or that she's prom queen every year or you aren't as feminine as her or maybe"-
"Shut up. I get it." I grunted, stubbornly crossing my arms and glaring away from everyone. "Don't talk with your mouth open, Pocco."
"Don't tell me what to do! Peepee!"
Ignoring Pieck and Porco, my weakened glower settled on Reiner, who was boringly drinking water, leaning against the chair like a careless kid at a boring lecture. "Rei?" He suddenly stopped drinking, his eyes dragging to me creepily. He hummed with his cheeks full of liquid.
"You okay? I never see you eating nowadays." This was a better subject to start rather than that annoying short drama queen. The tall man grinned sheepishly and shook his head. "I ate too much in the morning so I don't have an appetite right now."
"I don't believe that, you aren't as beefy as you used to be," I snickered, squinting my eyes at him. "I bet Porco must be so happy now." Zeke abruptly said to himself. Our attention darted towards the bearded guy, making him look up and proceed. "He's jealous of Reiner's boobs and tries to grow his"-
"What?! Pfft no, I don't! Where d-did you get that from!?"
"Read it in your diary."
Porco began his usual rampage on privacy and why having Zeke as a roommate was like sharing with an obnoxious monkey, making us facepalm at the two. I turned towards Reiner who blushed slightly. I laughed and shook my head at how shy he could become.
By the time their argument turned into playful insults with Pieck and Yelena reacting to all their crappy comebacks, Bertholdt and Annie left the table with each other, in love as always. I got up from my seat and sat next to Reiner since the seat next to him was now empty.
"You know," He started, "You don't need to be jealous of Historia, you're just as good if not, better than her." The heat in my cheeks radiated my entire face. "At least to me," He added with a small smile, suddenly widening his eyes.
"Oh- sorry was that weird?" He laughed awkwardly. "Not at all, weirdo." I smiled at him, loving the view. How could Annie be staring at her phone when she had such perfection sitting next to her?
"Now come with me, let's both get some milk!" I snatched his hand and forced him up with me. He widened his eyes at how abrupt I was being, not having the heart to say no.
Reiner had some issues he never speaks about to people. He's amazing, the way he tries to heal his wounds by healing everyone else's. Out of all the questions I had, I'd have to ask him why. Why he covers his pain up by smiling, which technically is like adding wood to fire.
After taking a croissant and a cookie, I took him out to the benches on campus, no one really goes there now because it was raining in the morning.
Still, I threw my jacket on it and told him to sit down. Before he could decline, I pressed on his shoulders and forced him on it. The jacket was long enough for the both of us so I sat down right next to him.
"Reiner." I mumbled, biting into my cookie and shoving the croissant on his lap. "Y/N... I really"-
"Shut up and eat it, I'm sick of pretending to believe your lies."
His hand shook slightly and his lips quivered, turning his head away from me so that I wouldn't see. My heart shattered into a million pieces upon seeing him try to hide a cry.
"Rei..." I whispered, reaching for his slumped shoulder. "I'm just worried about you, we're besties aren't we?"
"Y/N... I don't deserve anything or anyone." He finally said. Despite the fact it was sad, at least he said something.
"No, please don't tell me this is how you've been thinking?" I bit my lip and remembered how he had PTSD and his room was all for himself, he had no roommate and stays in silence for the whole night, panicking with no one to help.
The silence he was giving me frustrated me more than it should, the fact that he wasn't saying anything about this. Judging by his weight loss it had been at least two weeks. "How long?" I asked carefully.
"Every night..." He finally looked at me. His usually golden, passion-filled eyes were dull with a spike of pain glistening in them. The corners bloodshot as he tried to contain the tears.
"You've been strong for too long, it's ok to cry..." I slithered my arm around his shoulders and gently laid his head against the crook of my neck. His shoulders shook and his breath was shaking as he finally let it out, sobbing into my neck.
From time to time, he'd let out a loud groan by accident, sniffling to lower his voice so that no one could hear but himself. "You matter so much to me, I swear to god, Rei." My fingers raked through his short blonde hair that had grown over time, my other hand rubbing his back.
"I want Reiner Braun. No one else." I told him, knowing why he was putting on the older brother impression all the time.
"He- He's nothing..."
"He's everything to me, why would you want to take away my everything?"
Suddenly, the sniffling stopped and the tears running down my neck halted at my sweater, soaking the collar. His face came into view when he sat up, gazing at me as if I had stated the craziest thing. His bronze pools switched from my left to my right pupil, drowning in my sincerity.
"You know how shit my days here would be without your dumb ass to flirt and make the most himbo jokes?" I giggled, my palm snaking up to his jaw and feeling his stubble gently prick my fingers as I caressed him.
Even though he hadn't said a word, I could only wish I made him feel better about himself because I had not only stated the truth, I exposed myself, my weakness. Although I don't show my appreciation as much as I should, I do need him, life would collapse without the idiot...
"Now, if you take my everything away from me, I'll despise you with every inch of my body," I said, melting when his hand laid on top of mine, leaning into my touch.
"That's not a lot of inches." He mumbled into my palm, making me lightly laugh. "Bastard." He weakly smirked at my playful insult.
"Come here." I sat on my knees so that I was higher than him and rested his head against my chest, my arms tight and secure around him.
"Mm..." I heard his muffled voice say, "Every time you hug me I feel so safe..." My heart skipped a beat, surely I wasn't supposed to hear that considering how low his voice was.
"You won't tell anyone... right?" He said, taking a deep breath in. I could sense him relaxing in my embrace, reassuring not only him but me.
"Of course not, let's just try and get you a break from school, a week should do it... right?" My hand rested on the back of his head even when he moved to face me.
"We have a lot of work for the school play though... the equipment needs building, who'll do the backstage lighting and help with props and what"-
"REI! Relax yourself, himbo. It's only a week."
"Reiiiii!" I whined, ignoring the thunder that had just struck. "Are you telling me you wouldn't want a week holiday with me?"
"I do, Y/N but we can't." He held onto my waist, careful not to squeeze my sides because he's well aware I'm ticklish there. "I can heal..."
My head unknowingly shook from side to side, "Rei you don't understand, I'm worried for you, healing by yourself... are you sure it'd work?" Silence...
Just as he was about to open his mouth, synced whistling broke our eye contact in the now heavy rain. Our gazes were met by the most annoying trio, Connie, Sasha and Jean wriggling their eyebrows at us. I heard Reiner uncomfortably sigh, cutting his breath off mid-way.
Abruptly, Jean began humming careless whisper out loud with his bothersome voice, Connie singing the lyrics with Sasha weirdly dancing in front of them as if they were in a ninja trio for matchmaking. "Tonight the music seems so LOUD! I WISH THAT WE COULD LOSE THIS CROWD! BABY! IT'S BETTER THIS WAY!"-
"You kids never shut up," We all flinched at the sudden appearance of Levi in the rain, standing proudly at his size. "First of all, it's 'maybe it's better this way', second of all your singing is so bad that the thunderstorm got worse, third of all, Braun and Ackerman, both of you get to class this is not a cheesy ass romance movie!"
Ok but Sasha Connie and Jean doing careless whisper is 100% canon, like it's too funny not to be true, I’m just chucking this into tumblr LMAO
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