#he grew up with a brother and was on a mens volleyball team so there weren’t many women in his life to be helpful when your time comes
nhl-stories · 1 year
hydrangeas where your face should be – Dougie Hamilton
Summary: Dougie had all but given up on ever finding his soulmate
Author’s Note: This is me breaking out of my comfort zone and writing a soulmates au for @huttons as a part of @wyattjohnston's summer fic exchange.
There's some accidental deadnaming, but the character was unaware of the transition and under the influence.
Title from Flowers Where Your Face Should Be by The Wonder Years
Word Count: 2.4k
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Dougie always knew he was different.
He knew it at age 5 when he was the only kid in his class with red hair;  everyone was eagerly waiting to point that out.
He knew it at age 13 people started to notice him on the ice; said things like he could make it to the OHL maybe even beyond if he worked hard.
He knew it in Boston and Calgary when he didn’t quite fit in; all shy and awkward and out of place in the hockey world of loud, gregarious men.
But all of those differences paled in comparison to his soul marks.
He was already a little different for having two. It wasn’t completely unheard of; his mother had two, an anchor and tulip, the tulip fading away as her bond with his dad grew over the years.
Because the universe didn’t always get it right with one guess. There are 8 billion people on the planet, how can some unseen, almighty power be expected to narrow it down to just one option.
For some a second mark might grow over time, like something could happen to change the course of your life and a new soulmate grew along that path. For others the two were always there, never to fade or change.
But Dougie’s two marks were different; because they were identical hydrangeas in different colors. Boldly staring up at him from each thigh.
His parents told him to be patient, finding a soulmate would come naturally like it had for them. But Dougie felt so different he couldn’t imagine anything happening naturally; no fairytale moment where his soulmate might brush the mark by chance and everything just clicked into place.
So, he took to voraciously reading about soul marks, hoping to find an explanation for the twin green and pinkmarks that mocked him. He pored through books on botany to try and make sense of some hidden, deeper meaning behind the flowers. He never could settle on one single thing that made sense of everything.
He thought he met his soulmate in the 10th grade. Paisley Van Wormer played on the volleyball team. She was smart and kind and clearly going places.
Anyone would be lucky for Paisley to be their soulmate, in fact every boy in the school thought she must be their soulmate. Dougie thought he had the edge because her parents owned the local nursery and she would spend her spare time around flowers.
The other boys would dare each other to touch her soul mark on the back of her shoulder. It was frowned upon to purposefully touch a soul mark without permission, like you were trying to circumvent the path destiny set out for you.
But all the boys who touched the green apple never had a lifechanging moment, just got detention if they were caught.
The summer before senior year, Paisley shaved her head and suddenly no boys wanted to touch her soul mark. No boys but Dougie, who was still completely infatuated, but wouldn’t dare touch Paisley without her permission.
He planned to ask her to prom despite the chirps he got for liking ‘the bald chick.’ But during his attempt to psych himself up he bumped into a ladder she was using to hang up a sign for prom, he caught her at the last second and realized one of his hands was on her shoulder, brushing over the apple.
The world didn’t shift in the way he always dreamed of, instead it shattered his heart.
He threw away his childhood obsession with his soul marks and threw everything into hockey. For the most part it worked; everyday he got to live out his childhood dream. He played with one of his idols in Chara, he got to play in the league with his brother.
Still, it could get lonely.
He saw teammates find their soulmates, settle in for a future while he bounced from team to team. He got labeled a locker room pariah by the media, even when he felt like he was finding a home. He felt unwanted by the first team he felt truly himself with.
Then he landed in Jersey. And things seemed to be looking up. Two years in and he felt things coming together, felt like he was part of a family who wanted him there.
He took rookies under his wing, even when he had a hard time believing he was the old veteran with a decade of experience under his belt. He joked with the media, tried to come a little more out of his shell.
It took nearly 30 years, but he felt like he had finally become the person he was supposed to be. And he didn’t even need a soulmate to feel complete anymore.
Of course, that’s the thing about destiny; it comes whether or not you’re looking for it.
Dougie decided to stay in Jersey for the summer. He knows he’ll miss the time with his family, but he feels the need to keep carving out space that’s just for himself.
He starts the off-season with a wrist surgery and looks forward to some relaxation before the grind of rehab begins.
One week into his post-surgery R&R, he starts to have an excruciating pain in his mouth. When the pain killers for his wrist don’t quite quell the pain, he texts Jack about the dentist he saw to fix his teeth. Feeling less like an adult since he hasn’t found a new dentist since the move.
Dr. Van Wormer, tell them I sent you and they can probably squeeze you in 😜
He texts back: Don’t get too big of a head someone will knock that tooth out again
He gets an appointment within a day; he won’t let Jack know about the namedrop. Though based on the fairly extensive collection of Devils memorabilia, he doesn’t think he needed to do that.
It turns out he has a wisdom tooth that they didn’t take out the first time when he was 18. The thing finally decided to make an appearance when he was already dealing with his arm. Perfect timing as always for Dougie.
He can tell the dentist is smiling even behind the mask while he pulls on a pair of gloves.
“Nice to finally get you in my chair, wish it was under better circumstances. You’re pretty much the only current Devil I haven’t seen yet.”
Dougie isn’t a huge fan of dentists trying to have conversations, but there’s something familiar and calming about this man.
“If you have time I can get this guy out today, I won’t put you all the way under but you’ll be a little loopy for a while, so if you drove, we can schedule another day.”
Dougie wiggles his arm in its sling, “I took a Lyft.”
“So, is that a yes to moving forward?”
“Uh- yes please.”
The grin clearly widens under the mask.
Dougie is given some laughing gas, it doesn’t fully put him under, but he manages to doze off during the lengthy dental procedure.
He wakes up groggy and feeling a little airy and high in another room, gauze stuffed in one side of his mouth.
There’s a gentle touch on his shoulder, “how are we doing?”
The dentist squats down in front of him and smiles unmasked, a spark of familiarity down Dougie’s spine.
Dougie gets a glance at the name on his badge
“I went to high school with someone with that last name, it’s not very common,” he babbles before his brain realizes what he’s doing.
“Yeah, you went to high school with me.”
Dougie doesn’t know if it’s the drugs wearing off or the news or the combination, but he stares opened-mouth. Drool pools in his mouth and threatens to drip out, the dentist laughs. It’s huskier and lower, but it’s Paisley’s melodic, intoxicating laugh.
Or is he allowed to even think about that name? He doesn’t even know what their new name is, he knows he should ask, say anything, but his brain is foggy.
“I know I look a lot different. It’s Parker now.”
“Nice to meet you, Parker,” Dougie awkwardly shoves out his free hand to shake.
“I’d love to have a whole catch up with you, but you’re obviously not in the right mindset for this kind of life altering news,” Parker’s eyes sparkle and Dougie doesn’t know how he didn’t immediately recognize them.
“But I’m done for the day so how about I get your post-care information and I’ll drive you home.”
Dougie gives a goofy smile that must look extra stupid with the gauze and nods.
“Okay let me grab my stuff and” Parker uses Dougie’s thighs to help him stand up again, “holy shit.”
Dougie furrows his brows, not getting it at first. Then the feeling hits him.
It’s different than how he imagined it, he can’t look up at Parker, just stares at his own thighs, where the lingering feeling of his touch prickles under the marks.
It feels like everything in his brain and heart just settles. Not the seismic shift in his reality he always expected, just that everything is as it should be. He’s wrapped in a warmth that feels like his mom hugging him when he was little. It feels like comfort and home and unconditional love.
It makes him want to cry with relief.
When he finally looks up, Parker mirrors his feelings. And his face breaks into a smile.
Parker drives Dougie home but they decide not to talk about the two elephants in the room, post-dental surgery doesn’t really feel like the right time for it.
Dougie understands but he doesn’t want Parker to leave, feeling like the tenuous bond won’t be able to survive the separation. Parker gives him some pain killers that make him too sleepy to think about the cross-town distance.
Parker surprises him the next morning with an overnight bag and a load of dentist-approved recovery food.
“I’m here for the long haul,” Parker shrugs and makes himself at home in Dougie’s living room.
Something flips in Dougie’s gut at sight: Parker looking so at home in his space. A tiny piece of what he’s been missing all these years.
He tries to act casual, like this is an everyday occurrence, and awkwardly sits a cushion away on the couch. Parker bridges the gap by pulling his legs up on the couch, his feet touching Dougie’s thigh. His toes curl into the green hydrangea on his left thigh.
It’s like a fire lights behind his sternum, not some white, hot passion but like a fireplace you want to curl up by.
“How’s your mouth feeling?” Parker avoids the obvious.
“Fine, the pain meds are working wonders,” he smiles the best he can, like that proves it.
“I would hope so, I prescribed them.”
The silence stretches too long to be comfortable, especially between two people who have so much more than small talk to get to.
“I touched your soulmark in high school once,” it’s the first thing that comes to his mind.
Parker furrows his brows, no recollection of the moment that broke Dougie’s heart.
“Senior year, it was an accident.”
“Oh, the apple? I don’t even have that one anymore.”
He leans up and turns one foot to the side, a small bear below the ankle bone. Dougie can’t help but run a finger over it, Parker shivers in response. That at-peace feeling washing over them again.
“I always wished it was you,” Parker says it with so much reverence, like any other way might break the spell.
“But I never could figure out how you were connected to an apple or a bear, and then we graduated and you were drafted by the Bruins. But by then I thought our chance had passed already.”
Dougie feels a lump in his throat, mourning the loss of all the years they could have had.
“It’s probably for the best, I obviously still needed to find myself, become myself.” Parker adds like he can read Dougie’s mind.
“I always thought it was you until I touched the apple. I wanted it to be you so bad and then that happened, it broke my heart,” he feels the need to bear a little more of vulnerabilities to Parker.
“Even after I shaved my head?” It’s supposed to be a joke but his tone is off.
“I didn’t just like you because you were pretty. You were smart and nice to everyone, even to the guys who were dicks and tried to touch your mark.”
“I heard you yelled at the guys on the hockey team who did that to me.”
“Freddie did too,” Dougie shrugs off the compliment.
Dougie continues to rub a thumb over the bear as another silence consume the room.
“Can I see your mark?”
“You want me to take off my pants?”
“What’s a little nudity between soulmates?”
Dougie feels overwhelmingly shy, like he’s a scrawny kid in an NHL locker room for the first time.
He stands up and lets his sweats drop to the ground and step out of them. He’s not sure whether to stand or sit when Parker grabs his hips and maneuvers Dougie in front of him.
Parker’s face is unreadable, he’s staring like he’s trying to decipher, figure out what Dougie always wondered his whole life.
“Do you know what hydrangeas symbolize?”
“Beauty and grace and some other stuff.”
“Yeah, they also symbolize unity because there’s so many little blossoms making one big flower.”
He looks towards the right mark, getting close with his fingers but not quite touching, “pink hydrangeas symbolize love, normal soul mark stuff.”
Parker then focuses to the left mark, actually touching the skin ever so gently. He doesn’t talk for a while but Dougie can’t bring himself to speak, he doesn’t want him to stop.
"My parents gave me green hydrangeas after I told them I was transitioning."
He finally looks up, eyes a little glossy.
“They represent rebirth,” his voice cracks a little and he gives each flower a kiss, each giving Dougie a burst of warmth.
“The universe knew you’d love me before and after,” Parker is crying, but his smile is undeniable.
Dougie doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t have all the words, doesn’t want to say the wrong thing. So, he pulls him off the couch and holds him tight against his chest, because he knows the universe was right about loving Parker then and now.
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moonchild-things · 2 years
Chapter One: Endings and Beginnings
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Summary: Shōyō Hinata loves volleyball! There is no doubt that all he really thinks about is volleyball. His sister, however, isn’t the same way. Sakura is ready to start her first year of high school at Karasuno with her twin brother and doesn’t really want to do anything, unlike Shōyō. Though she can’t help it when she gets dragged into the antics of the volleyball club.
Word Count: 4815
Blog Masterlist | Red Herring Masterlist | Next Chapter
A/N: Hey there, nice to see ya. I’ve been thinking about posting some more things on Tumblr but I realized that I could post my chapters here! Kind of a stupid thing of me not to consider, but when have I been known to make good decisions lol Have fun readin’!
ON AN UNEVENTFUL DAY IN THE MIYAGI prefecture, a chilly air blew over the slightly busy streets. As people went about their business, a pair of ginger-haired siblings were biking down one of the roads towards their local park. The two nearly identical tweens were heading out with some friends to play soccer as they do on any other day.
They started to bike by a shop that had a television out front with two people already watching it. At the sound of the television, the orange-haired twin who had been pedaling the bike stopped and stared at the screen. It was a volleyball game between two high school teams. One of the teams was wearing uniforms covered in a dark navy blue and a bright orange. Interested at the sight of the game, they paused to watch it. To their amazement, they watched as the shortest players on the team jumped to an impossible height to spike the ball and earn a point for his team. The boy's eyes grew wide as he breathed out in awe at the feat the player pulled off.
The other tween, sitting in the front basket of the bike holding a soccer ball, looked at the screen as well with a raised eyebrow and a borderline bored expression. She hummed and brushed some of her shoulder-length hair from her eyes. The girl watched the match with a minuscule amount of interest. While she liked to play sports like soccer and baseball and was at least a little athletic, volleyball was never really something that intrigued her. Though watching it now almost made her fan of it. She had to admit how impressed she was by the shortest high school player, though not as awed as her brother.
"Truly a giant! That makes five point in a row!" The commentator exclaimed as the twins continued to watch the screen. One more intently than the other. "This is the Spring High School National Volleyball Championship. He might be surrounded by players as tall as 6'2", but that does not stop Karasuno's Tiny Giant from making a huge impact!"
"Oh Karasuno, the next town over." One of the two other men also watching the game commented. "They're not half bad."
Another tween rode up alongside the twins and came to a stop. His light chestnut hair swaying as he looked over to the two with a worried expression. "Hurry up, Shō, Saku-chan, we're going to lose our soccer field!"
However, Shōyō was still mesmerized by the screen. The image of someone so small, so short, having such an amazing ability like the Tiny Giant seemed to blow his mind. He was also on the shorter end of kids his age, like the Tiny Giant, and didn't even think that someone like him would be able to do that. "Karasuno..." He said in a sort of trance. With wide eyes, it seemed as though he had found someone to idolize. Instantly inspired after just watching a short snippet of the game.
He was then bumped on the head by a small pale fist from his sister in front of him. Shōyō cringed and rubbed his head with a pout. "Stop gawking and let's go." The girl drawled out.
"That hurt, imouto!" 
Sakura rolled her large, deep brown eyes, "I just want to get to the park already, now hurry up." While being impressed by the skills that the teens on the television displayed, Sakura didn't care as much as her brother. All that was important to her at the moment was getting to the park so she could let out some energy and lay around taking pictures of her brother fail at playing soccer. Shōyō was quite enthusiastic and athletic, but that didn't mean he the best at the sport. Her most precious pictures were of her brother getting hurt while doing something or other. She was kind of sadistic in a way.
So the group of friends headed to their destination. The image of the Tiny Giant still playing over in Shōyō's mind. It was quite obvious that he was now inspired just by watching a few minutes of that game. 
Excitement buzzed in the air around the short orange-haired boy who had run ahead of his team to get to the gym. His obvious excitement about having their game today was giving him far more enthusiasm than usual. He jumped down the staircase taking two steps at a time, nearly falling down a few times.
"Sho, slow down!" Izumi shouted after his overzealous friend while he and Koji chased after him.
Sakura shook her head and lazily followed after her brother's volleyball team. Her digital camera swayed around her neck as she walked down the steps. In the past three years, the girl didn't look as different as she did back then. The Hinata twins appeared to be just as similar to each other since they were little. The only difference was that Sakura had longer hair, like usual. There was also the fact that Sakura was a few centimeters shorter than her brother and obviously had some more feminine features. If her hair had been shorter, people surely would have mistaken her for her brother.
"He's really excited about this, huh?" Yuuki Kawashima, a first-year, commented as they descended the final steps.
Sakura scoffed, "that's an understatement." The three first-years turned to the older girl. "I had a hard time forcing him to go to bed because he was to hyped up for this."
"Really?" A different first-year, Tatsuya Mori, sweatdropped.
She nodded her head with pursed lips, "he can be such a pain."
The rest of the team, plus Sakura, finally caught up to Shōyō as he marveled at the gym. There were at least a dozen teams warming up at the nets or around the gym. Many were doing stretches, practicing jumps, serving, passing to each other, or practicing their dives. Each of them looked to be well put together and quite talented. Well, they look more skilled than Yukigaoka's team.
Shōyō took in the sight in awe. He was finally here! Finally, he'd get the chance to play volleyball just like his idol, the Tiny Giant. A real match against a real team for the first time ever. He had been dreaming about this for such a long time. "It's huge!" He took in a deep breath, "It smells like Air Salonpas."
"Don't say stuff like that, Sho." Izumi said, "It's dorky."
Koji, his dark-haired friend, agreed with a nod, "Yeah, don't be that guy."
"You're so weird," Sakura deadpanned.
"But guys this my very first real volleyball game." He exclaimed, "I've waited three long years for this."
Koji nodded his head, "That's true I guess it is kind of amazing we made it this far."
"Izumi, Koji," Shōyō turned towards the two, "thanks for coming to help our team out."
A light pink hue appeared on their cheeks, obviously due to embarrassment. "Don't make it weird," Koji grumbled as he looked away from his friend.
Izumi scratched the back of his neck. "Our game was the first one to finish, no need to make it a big deal."
"You too, first-years." Shōyō bounced up to the three other teammates. He was lucky to have gotten at least a few other players to make up a team, it was a miracle that these three had said they'd join. "I'm so thankful you three decided to join the volleyball club with me this season."
"Uh, sure. We're pretty terrible at this whole thing, but okay." Saiya Suziki, the third first-year on the team, said nervously at their captain's enthusiasm.
Koji stared at his orange-haired friend in slight annoyance. "Spare us the tears, Shōyō."
"I'm not crying!"
Izumi chuckled lightly, "You've got tears in your eyes." 
He disregarded that and jumped on his sister next and hugged her tightly, "Thanks for coming too, imouto!"
Sakura looked away from her energetic twin but didn't push him off of her. She was far too used to his behavior and his tight embraces. She shrugged her shoulders, trying to make it seem like she was indifferent though there was a light blush on her cheeks, "I'm just here for moral support."
"Um, I'm sorry to interrupt," Tatsuya said which broke the twins from their hug, "but we should really warm up now." 
Isumi nodded his head, "Come on, captain, you're in charge here."
"He's right, Shōyō. You're the one that dragged us into this tournament thing and you still haven't explained what all the rules are." Koji said in exasperation. It was true, even after forming the team and practicing just a little bit together, Shōyō had yet to go over how exactly to play. It probably would have been a good idea to do that earlier.
Shōyō spun around to face him with a shout, "I know that! Even though we barely made the cut, we are here to win this. Okay, guys."
Everyone stared at him in disbelief, except Sakura. She had already heard all about Shōyō's seemingly impossible goal to win the tournament. She had already gone through her shock last night. "We can't win with a thrown together team of rookies." Izumi blanched at his friend's high expectations.
"Sure we can!"
"Kitagawa first might be tough though." Koji thought out loud about the team they were matched up against. He had heard about them, along with their infamously terrifying reputation. They were one of the best teams around! How were they going to compete with that?
"Maybe. But I'll beat them anyway." Shōyō said with determination in his voice. He was obviously going to try and win this whole thing! The orange-haired boy even thought that he could try and win against some of the top tier teams. Though that seemed to be quite an impossible feat considering they were extremely inexperienced.
Sakura let out a sigh through her nose. She admired her brother's enthusiasm and determination but knew that it was displaced. There was no way that they were going to win this tournament, no matter how much Shōyō tried to hype up his team. Don't get her wrong, it was always a good idea to be confident especially when playing a sport. However, Sakura likes to look at the facts in this scenario. A team made up completely of kids who had not played even one actual game of volleyball didn't stand much of a chance. Call her a pessimist if you want, but that's how she sees it.
Just then footsteps were heard from behind the orange-haired captain as a team of extremely tall players walked up from behind him. Dawned in blue and white uniforms, it was the infamously powerful team from Kitagawa. Shōyō turned to look up at the players and blanched at just how intimidating they appeared.
"Excuse us!" Izumi said as he and Koji pulled Shōyō out of the way, "move dude."
The much smaller team watched them go with dread coursing through them. This was who they had to play against?! They were giants! "They're tall." Koji swallowed as they passed by the shell-shocked team.
The final player on the team who walked passed held an air of superiority, even over his own teammates. He was just as tall as the rest of the team, but for some reason, Shōyō felt like he was the player to really watch out for. Sakura was also surprised by the team and watched them with wide eyes. Though when she caught sight of the last player, she couldn't help but feel a shiver run up her spine.
Once the team passed by them, there was a loud roar of cheering which startled the small team. They ran out to see a large group of Kitagawa First Junior High School students cheering loudly for their team. There had to have been over four dozen kids there to cheer on their peers.
The other teams on the courts watched as the renowned junior high school team walked out to start practicing. "Hey, Kitagawa First is here." Someone commented.
"They're huge," His teammate marveled in slight fear.
On another end of the gym, a boy said, "Those guys scare the hell out of me."
"They're the best team around here."
A boy in an orange uniform said to his teammate, "They've got the king."
His teammate questioned, "The king?"
"What? You don't know? That's what they call Tobio Kageyama, he's a setter." He explained, "And he's supposed to be awesome."
Koji, breaking out of his shocked trance, pointed at the team with nervousness lacing his voice. "We'll be going up against these frickin' guys!"
"It'll be fine!" Shōyō exclaimed, "I don't care how big they are, I'll bust right through 'em!"
"Maybe you're right, Sho. You are a really good jumper." Izumi commented with a little bit of reassurance.
Koji joined in on the encouragement, "You've got this!"
Shōyō's stomach then let out a low rumble as his face started to turn a little green. His teammates stared at him as he hunched over clutching his stomach. "Wonder where the bathrooms are." Their captain then shuffled away, obviously sick with his nerves now. He groaned and whimpered as he walked off, to the shock of his team.
Sakura closed her eyes in despair at the sight. She knew that the pressure was going to end up getting to him at one point. "Well," she stared, gaining all of the boys' attention. "While Shōyō deals with that, you guys start warming up."
The boys nodded their heads at her suggestion, "Right!"
She flashed them a small side smile that disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. If they had blinked, the boys definitely would have missed it, "good luck, you're going to need it."
They all blushed at her encouragement and small smile. Sakura didn't smile, like at all, so the small uptick at the corner of her lips was rare. Of course, it also made her look quite adorable. Though, don't tell her that. She'd probably curse you for saying something like that about her.
The team then set out to do just as she said as Sakura made her way to the stands. She wanted to find a good spot of the game so that she could take some pictures. She trekked through the crowds of players and spectators. Though just as she was about to turn a corner to head up some stairs, she found herself colliding with someone.
She saved herself from falling over and made sure that her camera was safe. Brown eyes scowled at the person she had run into. Sakura had to look up quite a bit to see the eyes of the person who she had run into.
It was a member of the Kitagawa First team. He had black hair that was spiked up quite high. If Sakura had to be honest, his hair reminded her of an onion. He seemed to shiver slightly as he looked down at the girl who glowered at him.
"S-Sorry," he apologized to her as he backed away from her.
Sakura rolled her eyes and ignored him, "whatever."
Yūtarō watched the orange-haired girl walked around him and up the stairs, not sparing him another glance. He watched after her and noticed that she looked extremely similar to that little guy from that unknown school he's going to play against. The middle blocker shook his head and started to walk back into the gym. He had a game to focus on and not that scary girl.
The game between Kitagawa and Yukigaoka had started. Of course, Shōyō had made it back onto the court just in time to practice a little bit with the others after his run-in with the King of the Court. Kageyama was quite an intimidating guy, he admitted. Though it wasn't going to scare him off. Shōyō was going to give this game his all. He wanted to win against Kitagawa! He was going to do everything in his power to win this match and then the next and the one after that until they were in the finals.
As the first few points were scored, it was quite obvious which team was more experienced. Kitagawa won point after point in a row from simple mistakes that Yukigaoka made. Sakura watched from the stands in a comfortable spot, the only one there to cheer on the small team. It was kind of sad to see that the team of six only had one supporter in the crowd. Though she knew that the boys' spirits were being kept high by her brother. He encouraged them and kept them from being discouraged after a point was lost. Shōyō did what he could to make them feel better, even if they were being destroyed.
She occasionally shouted out some form of encouragement like 'nice try' or 'you'll get it' from the stand. Other than that, she stayed kind of quiet among the crowd. It wasn't like she could really be heard over the noise that Kitagawa's cheer squad was making anyway. Though she was able to get a few good pictures of her brother and friends. Even one of Koji getting hit in the face, that one was definitely a keeper.
Kitagawa had won the first set, not a surprise, but Yukigaoka had done their best against them. Shōyō certainly showed how high he could jump and spike the ball. That was impressive in itself. 
The second set started and unlike the first, Yukigaoka was able to score at least a few points. Not enough to really make it seem like there was going to be a comeback, but it was still an improvement. Sakura was happy to see her brother having such fun for his first official game. It may not be going as he had hoped, but it was better than nothing, right?
She would love to see her brother actually win the game, but that was something that was impossible to even imagine. Despite wanting to believe in her brother and friends' abilities, she knew that they were going to lose. It was a no brainer, sadly. Kitagawa was just a team that was more well put together than Yukigaoka with more experience. There was no way that Yukigaoka could compete.
Though during the second set, Kageyama made it quite clear why exactly he was called the King of the Court. Sakura could see that he was a very arrogant and controlling player. He demanded so much from his teammates that caused quite a bit of tension between them all. In all honesty, Sakura could totally see the team calling for mutiny against him. Though she admitted that he was still very intimidating with the glare that always seemed to be on his face.
The winning point that caused Yukigaoka to lose ended with a mistake on Shōyō's part. Though he showed off his speed at spiking a ball, he had hit the ball out of bounds, ending the game with Kitagawa's win. Though before they lined up for the end of the game, Kagayama had decided to shout at Shōyō from the other side of the net.
"What've you been wasting all your time on for three years?"
From the stands, even Sakura could see how the setter's words had affected her brother. Shōyō went stock still as he processed what Kageyama had said. Her brother was shaking with his fist clenched and his knuckles turning a pasty white. Sakura certainly wasn't happy that the pompous king had said something so insensitive to him. She wasn't the only one.
"What did you say!?" Koji shouted in anger and had to be held back by Izumi.
"Koji! Calm down!"
"You don't know a damn thing about what Shōyō's been doing."
"You can't pick a fight in the middle of the court." Izumi implored him to stop.
"Watch me!"
Eventually, Izumi got Koji to calm down enough to get in line and he turned to Shōyō to get him to do the same. "Come on, Shōyō, let's go."
They then parted to the opposite ends of the courts to thank each other for the game. Sakura just scoffed as she put her camera around her neck safely to take some final pictures of her team. She wasn't as upset about the loss as she was about that stupid King of the Court. Bothering her brother like that was uncalled for. He was just playing the game to his best ability, no need to insinuate that Shōyō had wasted his time doing what he loved. She stomped off from her seat once she put her camera away and went to meet up with her brother and friends.
She passed by a group of four older boys who had been observing some of the game. They were obviously from a high school because they were wearing the uniforms for the Karasuno High School Volleyball Club. Though Sakura just brushes past them, more focused on her journey to find her brother.
"So that's the King of the Court, huh?" One of the boys with silver hair asked. 
The one next to him with brown hair nodded his head, "uhu, he'll be a force to be reckoned with when he gets to high school."
The third boy with a shaved head stood up straight from his previous position leaning on the railing. "The short kid seems promising too."
"Wonder what high schools they'll choose," a blonde-haired boy said with pursed lips. The quartet of high school volleyball players then turned around and left the stands.
The third-years all gathered outside of the arena after the game. The first-years had already left, of course, after they made sure that Shōyō knew they were grateful they got to play. Shōyō was obviously upset, extremely so. Not even Sakura could seem to get him out of his small bout of depression over the game.
They walked towards the stairs where Shōyō stopped and stared out at nothing. Koji, Izumi, and Sakura shared a look with each other before Koji walked closer to their upset captain.
"Hey, we never stood a chance anyway." Koji said and placed his hands behind his head, "I heard those guys are candidates for the nationals."
Before either of the three could say anything else to Shōyō, the Kitagawa team themself came out of the building. After a small moment of silence between them, Shōyō finally spoke.
"No matter how good or bad each team is, in the end, it all comes down to winning or losing. If you lose, then you have to step off the court." He took a deep breath through his nose after his wise words before taking off down the stairs.
"Hey, wait up!" Izumi shouted after him as Koji did the same.
"What's the rush?"
Sakura watched her brother sprint down the steps to meet up with the one player who she may or may not despise at this point. After what he had said on the court to Shōyō, she wasn't going to let it go so easily.
"Hold it!"
Kageyama turned around to face who had called out to him. "Hm." He was slightly surprised to find that the orange-haired kid he had played against wanted to talk to him. 
Shōyō tried to get his words out, but his throat was starting to clog up slightly as the beginning of tears blurred his vision. "You might be the king who rules the court for now," tears started to stream down his face as he tried to stay strong, "but I'm gonna win, one day I'm gonna stay on the court longer than you."
Kagayama blinked up at him before narrowing his eyes and turning to him fully. "Only those who win get to stay on the court. Only the strongest. So if you wanna keep playing, then you have to become stronger."
A wind past between the two as the echoing sounds of the games still going on inside invaded the air. The challenge between them was now set. Shōyō was going to do everything that he could to improve upon his skills so that way when he met the setter again on the court, he would win. Kageyama then spun on his heels and walked away from the emotional boy.
The other third-years came down the stairs as well. Shōyō turned around and bowed deeply to them. "Thanks for everything."
The two other boys became flustered once again at Shōyō's words just like they did before the game. There were even tears starting to build up in their eyes. "Dude, don't make it awkward," Koji mumbled, "you don't have to thank us alright?"
"Huh?" Shōyō tilted his head as he looked at his friends, "What are you crying for?"
"I'm not crying, okay?!"
Sakura just chuckled at her brother and walked up to him. She slung her arm over his shoulder and let herself smile just a little bit. "Come on, let's head home."
So months passed for the Hinata twins. Shōyō and the other first-years had to practice with the girl's volleyball club since they were still down two teammates. They adapted to what they had for the time being. Sakura, of course, continued to encourage her brother to do what he loved and to never give up, even if deep down she saw it as slightly pointless. Why practice when you didn't have a team to play on? Though she didn't question that out loud to her brother. He was happy, and that's all that mattered to her.
The twins eventually made it to the end of the year. Now they were no longer third-years at Yukigaoka. No, they were going to be first-years at their new High School. It didn't take that long to decide which school to apply to. Shōyō had made his mind up about which school he wanted to attend ever since he first saw the Tiny Giant during nationals. Karasuno High School.
Sakura didn't really care about which school she went to. Even though she had the opportunity to go to a different school based on her academic scores, there was no way she was going to leave Shōyō. They were together no matter what, high school was going to be no different. So here they were, their first day of school. It took them about a thirty-minute bike ride over the mountain, but the twins had arrived at their new school. 
Though unlike the previous years, Sakura decided to change how she looked, at least a little. After all, it was high school. Don't most people change their styles then?  Sakura had taken it upon herself to cut her hair to the same length as Shōyō's. Now, the twins looked even more similar to each other, not that they cared much. She just thought, a new year, a new her. So what if people mistook her for her brother some times, she didn't mind. 
They chained up their bikes together, made their way into the building, and suffered through the opening ceremony. After nearly falling asleep during the ceremony, Shōyō was bouncing with excitement and nerves. He had been up almost all night thinking about how his first day would go, much to his sister's dismay.
"Are you going to join a club this year, Saku?" Shōyō asked as they walked through the crowd of their new peers.
Sakura shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know."
Shōyō's eyes sparkled like a little kid on Christmas. "You should join the photography club this year!"
"I should?" She asked him. Sakura hadn't been in any clubs the year prior, she didn't really see a need for them when she could just spend her time taking pictures or studying. Besides her junior high school didn't even have a photography club. The only way to have taken pictures for school was to join the yearbook club, but she didn't want to deal with the plethora of popular kids who were in it. Karasuno did have a photography club that wasn't just meant for the yearbook. She tilted her head and considered the idea. "I guess I could..."
"If you do you can probably take pictures of the volleyball team!"
Sakura nodded her head slowly at the justification, "I'll think about it."
"Cool!" He gave her a thumbs-up as he seemingly vibrated in place. "I'm going to go to the volleyball club, so meet up with me at the gym later, kay?"
Sakura smirked, "alright, see you."
The twins then parted ways, Shōyō heading to the gym to meet up with the volleyball club and Sakura searching for the photography club. Though one of them was going to get one of the biggest shocks of their lives once they made it to their destination.
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nishipostitz · 2 years
haikyuu men as brothers best friend
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scenario: them finding out they had feelings for you
gn!reader x multicharacter
prev | part 3 | tba
tw! suggestive in first part, not too much, older reader in third part. fluff world
goes by the saying of “the one who breaks my dick is the right one 🙏” and well. it happened literally. youve grown close to him because your parents take him in like their own. but he spends more time with you than your brother. at first, you were like a little sister to him. but now, the feelings have actually started developing. so you guys were on the couch together. your feet on his lap as youre scrolling your phone. your eyes started getting droopy, so you took a nap. a few minutes in, you accidentally put your heel against his balls, and he started screaming and groaning. oh poor guy 🙏. so you woke up. and realized what you did. and for some weird reason, this made him like you more. bc whatever situation he was in, you still cared for him. but OBVI you had to care for him then, you literally were the reason he’s screaming? but hey, love makes you dumb ig.
kuroo. hands down. tsuki(in it for the pain), tanaka(yall cant tell me he isnt like that), noya(literally is going to end up in a position like this 😭 ), ukai…., LMAO NOT ME PUTTING LITERALLY THE WHOLE KARASUNO TEAM—, oikawa, terushima
he was sick. he caught a cold for not wearing a sweater right after sweating. so during your free time, you would come over and take care of him. and just like that, he was revived not too long after. and as he was still not thinking straight, he really asked “so how do you feel about marriage?”
oikawa, hinata, noya, futakuchi, tendou, bokuto, suga, goshiki
coming back with the older reader trope! so he was a clumsy little guy. and you’d be the one tending to his wounds bc your brother knew absolutely nothing! and as he grew up, he always appreciated your kindness. you would also treat your brother. so when he joined the volleyball club, he was surprised to see you. you had already signed up as the manager. but sadly for him, he only gets to see you as a manager for a few years 😔 but, he still finds time to spend with you during practice. like sitting out from getting tired and helping with labor work.
kenma, akaashi, aone, ushi(man its the VIBE), ukai, kunimi, yams, suna(faking it)
man idk what to say. he literally fell in love with you at first sight. youre a year older. and he never really paid attention to ppl in school. so he didnt recognize you 💀 he saw you on his morning jog, jogging the same direction as him. so he was intrigued. it was impressive to see many ppl jogging this early in the morning. yet, you were also a beauty to the eyes as well(thats so cringy). and to his luck, you struck a convo while jogging. “so what brings you jogging this early?” “i could say the same” “well, im doing this to prepare for school. i must outrun creepos on campus” you said while chuckling nervously. “and i suppose you arent one as well?” he blushed embarrassingly. “nope. and i mean it” you laughed. “well, i was a bit skeptical” you say teasingly. now, youre really second guessing his response. bc he’s literally going the same direction as you to get home??? so you hurriedly ran to your house before he asked “is that your boyfriend’s house?” you gave him a look. “that idiot isnt my boyfriend, he’s my brother” and he was embarrassed AGAIN. “well, that brother of yours is someone id call a great friend. just dont tell him that” you smiled and waved bye. “i need to start kissing up to him later on”. he thought
ushi…, iwai, kageyama, kindaichi, daichi, tsukki, yaku, asahi, issei, osamu, aran
nah. man fell for you the moment your brother introduced you. he was mesmerized by you and didnt pay attention to anything else until “and theyre off limits you germ” he was offended. so, he would live on trying to impress you. his best friend wasnt impressed, but you were. it was funny seeing his efforts to win you over.
tanaka, oikawa, lev, shirabu, atsumu
your brother would give you to him as an offering 💀
this was worse than the last. i can’t live like this anymore.
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wttcsms · 3 years
♡ | forever golden [I]
PAIRING tooru oikawa x f!reader WORD COUNT 1.7k
SYNOPSIS everything is going fine: you just graduated with your first degree, you get to work alongside your older brother for the 2021 olympics, and you think now might be the perfect time to finally jumpstart your dating life (atsumu miya certainly seems cute…).
there’s no time for you to think about torn acls, shattered dreams, and the fact that this was never your original goal in life. and there’s certainly no time for you to worry about tooru oikawa, the boy who practically grew up in your house now turned into the man who poses as your team’s fiercest competitor. you definitely don’t have the free time to remember how he’s the first boy who ever had (and subsequently broke) your heart. or that the two of you went from practically joined at the hip to total strangers for the past four years. you don’t even bother wondering why he suddenly wants to repair the broken bond between you two, and you totally don’t give in to him (except for the times that you do… which is almost all the time).
yeah. everything is going fine.
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“Are you sure you don’t want me to come down there? You’re sure you’re keeping any activities—”
“Mom, just like the last ten times I told you, I’m fine.” You’ve got your phone tucked in the space between your elevated shoulder and pressed against your ear, mentally preparing yourself for the act of squatting down to pick up a box.
“Mhm, yeah, I bet you are. Don’t tell me you’re about to force yourself to pick up something off the ground whenever I specifically told you to just let Hajime handle it.”
You pause. Damn, she’s good.
“Mom, can’t we talk at another time? I’m reeeeally busy.”
“Oh? Too busy not listening to your poor mother? What did Dr. Ennoshita say?”
“He said—”
“— ’listen to your mom’ .” You both say.
You should have known Ennoshita was nothing more than a dirty traitor. A good physical therapist, sure, but a traitor nonetheless. And a kiss up. It’s no wonder why your mom just loves to tag along any chance she gets. The urge to kick him in his shins gets overwhelming sometimes, but you’re nice enough to consider using your bad leg to do so.
Right — you’re not supposed to call it your “bad leg”. Something about how it’s mentally damaging to your recovery process. But if it’s not your bad leg, then what exactly is it? How do you describe the reason for all your dreams being flushed down into the sewer as anything but bad?
“Hajime is a big boy.” Your mother is still speaking, and you force yourself to focus on her words and not the heavy box that seems to taunt you as the seconds go by. “And you barely brought anything with you in the first place. Are you about to go shopping? Is that it? Remember, you need to spend your money wisely…”
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Forty-eight minutes, one over-the-phone lecture, and only two times you made a face as you purposely strained yourself (and consequently, The Leg That Shall Not Be Named) later, and you could finally take a break.
“I told you that you didn’t need to help.” Hajime frowns, nodding to your elevated leg.
“And I thought I told you to shut the hell up and that you’re not the boss of me.” You turn to face him, letting your body sink even deeper into the couch. You’re only joking, and judging by the irritated look he gives you, he knows it.
“Don’t be an idiot.” He grumbles, leaning forward to adjust the throw pillow you’ve got your foot on. “I only told you to take a rest because you’re gonna have your work cut out for you chasing after the rest of the other idiots.”
“The other idiots” being Japan’s Men’s Olympic Volleyball team.
As far as jobs after graduation go, being able to start off your career as one of the assistant athletic trainers for the fucking Olympics is a pretty decent gig to you. Amazing, even. Whenever Hajime first told you that he might be able to pull some strings and give you a recommendation, you nearly knocked him over with the force of your gratuitous hug. Whenever you made it past the interviews, background checks, and practice sessions, he was there to support you and keep you pushing. And whenever you got the official email, the first person you had screamed the good news out to had been him. (Your parents count as well, considering that they were only several feet away from you while you were yelling over the phone, but the intent had always been for Hajime to be the first to hear the good news. It’s the thought that counts.)
And you are happy. Thankful for your older brother, too. And of course, you’re excited for an opportunity your other classmates couldn’t even dream of having. The only tiny — very small, practically minuscule — problem is the fact that this was never your plan for your future. Never your goal. Certainly has never even made it at the top of your list of dreams.
It doesn’t matter what your original game plans for your future were anyway. Not anymore, at least. Not after you chasing your dreams happens to be the one reason why you had to give them up in the end.
“The first week is gonna be the easiest.” Hajime tells you, grabbing the remote off the living room table. “Just getting to know the players, reviewing their physical stats with a series of tests, stuff like that. Afterward, we can work together to come up with a solid plan for both the team and the individual players.”
“Sounds boring, Haji. I thought I was being paid to check out hot athletes getting all worked up and sweaty five days a week.”
He rolls his eyes at that. The first thing you ever asked him whenever you saw the official roster was “is being hot one of the requirements to be considered for an invitation to join?”.
You were joking, of course.
For the most part.
“Don’t tell me I have to keep an eye on you, too.”
“Of course not! As a matter of fact, don’t even worry about half of the team. As your assistant, I will take my duties very seriously, and if keeping a close eye on these very strong, very tall, wealthy, successful, hot men is in my list of responsibilities, I can personally guarantee you that—”
Hajime’s phone ringing interrupts you, which he considers a tiny victory. The last thing any older brother wants to hear is whatever bullshit you were about to spout out.
He brightens at whoever is calling him, getting up to answer it in a different room which has you raising an eyebrow. Potential girlfriend, maybe? Hajime doesn’t really date, but you highly doubt he would tell you until anything is official. Maybe it’s one of the physical trainers he’s networked with over the past years? Whoever it is is none of your business, though, so you settle for turning on the TV while you wait for him to come back.
You recognize the sports announcer who greets you on the screen. Leave it to Hajime to always have the sports channel on. The only thing that stops you from changing the channel is the fact that it seems like they’re about to start discussing the Olympics.
“The 2021 Olympics is fast approaching. Just last month, we were all given access to the official roster for many of the athletes who will be representing Japan, but other countries have also recently released their own official statements declaring who will be representing their respective countries. One that has caught the attention of many of our own citizens is Tooru Oikawa. Many around the world have heard this name before, but others also know him by the title of ‘The Great King’.”
Accompanying the announcer’s commentary is a headshot of Tooru Oikawa himself. He’s got the Argentina flag draped over his shoulders, a smirk that makes it seem like he knows something you don’t, and he’s even got the most ridiculous golden crown resting crookedly atop his head — probably dedicated to the equally ridiculous nickname people have been referring to him as.
There are probably millions of people who know the name Tooru Oikawa, maybe even more who know him by his stupid moniker of “The Great King”, but the fame and the titles that come with it don’t really matter to you; they don’t really change who he is — was — to you.
He’s always going to be Shittykawa, that damn brat, or the boy down the street to you. In your memories, it’s all you can ever really remember him being. Granted, two out of three of the possible ways to refer to him come from older brother dearest, and the only people privy to these titles are the ones who knew him well before anyone else did. If you like the feeling of being punched in the gut in an emotional sense, then you can even allow yourself to remember him as your best friend, Prince Charming, or Tooru. Just Tooru. Tooru with the sweet smiles and sweeter tooth and cologne that his mom picks out for him. Tooru, the boy you wrote about in your diary when you were thirteen, so sure that you were going to marry him.
But, it’s like you told yourself — you don’t think about that Tooru unless you’re feeling extra sadistic.
Shooting a look at your elevated leg, focusing right on the scar that came as a result of your second surgery, you remind yourself that you’ve got enough pain to last you a lifetime. There’s no reason to add another generous serving of suffering on top of what you’re already going through.
The announcer continues to prattle on and on about Oikawa’s history, even going as far back to his middle school days, and you can’t help but feel the need to change the channel or even turn the TV off. If the editors keep flashing photos of Oikawa on the screen, you even debate throwing something at it, but that would be admitting that Oikawa still gets under your skin to this day. Which he doesn’t.
For whatever reason, though, (probably the fact that you’ve never had a very strong sense of self-preservation) you don’t switch the channel. You don’t turn the TV off. You don’t even want to throw a heavy object at the screen, even though you have enough in your savings to pay Hajime back for the damages.
The first question you have is why the fuck does this announcer keep talking about him despite the fact that there are perfectly other good volleyball players to talk about other than him? The second question, the more pressing question, is who the fuck is the girl sitting on his lap?  The image that they flash on the screen looks like a screenshot from his teammate's Instagram story. Probably from a video, too, if the blur is any indicator.
Not that you're, like, analyzing it that seriously. Not like you even care.
The image stays up for a few more seconds.
You really should’ve just thrown something at the TV.
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> author’s notes more of a prologue of sorts? chapters really shouldn't be as short, but i just wanted to sort of establish the setting, give everyone a feel for y/n's personality, allude to y/n's backstory, stuff like that. moving on, things should be flowing a bit better; it'll def get more interesting as the pace picks up & of course, details like what happened to reader and the history between reader/oikawa will be done!!!! i was just really excited to get this out n posted, esp since my semester is almost over & i know this may be one of my last chances to write freely before i worry abt my next semester n two internships bahahahahaha. pls let me know what u think, i live off of attention <33333 ALSO: do y’all want the next part posted today or wait until tomorrow??? muhahahaha
> taglist @qualitygiantshoepsychic​ @mothfriendsandfamily​ @what-a-bratt​ @khwohsahnt​
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bakatenshii · 4 years
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Oikawa Tooru x Reader (Haikyuu!!)
word count: 2.8k
TW: 18+, smut, incest, dub/noncon, mild somnophilia
A/N: I started writing this in my notes bcos I wanted to get out a cheeky Oikawa drabble for his birthday, didn’t wanna commit to a proper fic bcos fuck knows I’ve been writing my first ever fic for over a month. Technically this is my first official fic I finished! So much love for my wife @blahkugo for listening to me sob and whine about this & beta-ing it, also to @lookslikeleese who created this brainchild of Tooru-nii with me. 
a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
(according to some millerian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ
Blood is thicker than water, in all forms and shapes and sizes. The guilt of blood lays thicker, sweaty and clammy, threatening to matte his perfectly coiffed hair. The guilt lies limp on his childhood bed, delicate legs dangling just a hair away from toeing the carpet.
You couldn’t reach when you were younger, he’d always help you down with all the gentleness of a protective mother and its cub. Long slender fingers tucking under your armpits to lift you from his stiff mattress to stand you on the soft carpeting.
Guilt, in the form of his baby sister laying vulnerability-up, presenting to him in taunt, as if it’s a gift from Satan himself. You won’t know, will never know, It promises. You’re out cold, too many cups of trashy house-party drinks in, your night was bound to end up like this one way or another— exposed and defenseless in a man’s bed. You should be lucky it’s your own big brother’s.
He curses himself for still having been awake when you called him at half four in the morning, curses himself for staying up studying tapes of his opposing team. Bad habits die hard. You were loopy, slurring your words, and all he could hear were the warm familiar sound of ‘niichan, niichan’ tinkling through the static. He had the keys clanking in his hands before he even registered the other voices across the line; deep, low, predatory— of men.
The drive there felt like a blur, tunnel visioning only on the number plate you’d sloppily sent him three times, each varying in one digit. It wasn’t even the right address, it didn’t match your location on his phone.
He saw crowds, loud bass reverberating through to his sleek car that stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the sea of beat-up sedans and trucks. He saw limbs, too many limbs, entangling together in a frenzy of sweat and lust; limbs on curves and humps of silhouettes, limbs on your small frame leaning into the corner of the dimly lit room. Then he saw red.
He couldn’t hear the shouts and hollers of his name, crazed fangirls pawing at him for an autograph, a picture, any type of affection from The Oikawa Tooru himself, international volleyball superstar with too many sponsorships under his belt. He reached out an arm towards you, and you clung to him like a magnetic pull, whole body suctioning onto his and tittering out a string of ‘niichan came to pick me up’ and a fit of giggles.
His first conscious breath was taken once he got you in his car. He didn’t want to look at you, didn’t want to assess the damages lest he drove his car straight into the dastardly party if he saw any hint of protrusion. He didn’t; you were fine. You seemed fine, too. You were all-too happy to see him, bragged to him ‘I bet them that you would come pick me up if I called you.’
You told him you missed him, ‘missed niichan so much, he never even bothered to call when he came back to Japan’. Tooru sighed, half part relief, half part guilt. He told you he couldn’t bring you back to his hotel, had to bring you home, because imagine the scandal if he got papped.
It was a lie, he couldn’t give a damn if he got papped, he could easily have explained that it was his own sister; he couldn’t give himself up to the safety of his own enclosed room. His room with no security net of Mum and Dad threatening to barge in, his room where he was free to do whatever he wanted.
He drove you home.
You begged him to pick you up and carry you upstairs, because your feet hurt, they’re so sore from dancing all night. He complied, using all his decade-molded muscles to pull you into his chest and his heart sank to his gut at the realization that you weighed like nothing to him; just like you had when you were younger.
You were bigger now, grown, an adult, but he had grown all the same. It was like a cruel joke— no matter how much you grew, he’d parallel your growth so he would always be just that much stronger than you, that much bigger. The perfect size to protect you. The perfect size to hurt you.
He was directed to his own room rather than yours, with the excuse that yours was too close to the master bedroom, too risky to wake your parents up. His feet moved before his mind could stop him, muscle memory bringing him to the space he’s barely stepped foot in since he was eighteen.
It was too familiar, whole body transcending back to his childhood, back to the innocence of your relationship before he’s tainted it with his twisted perversions. His arms laid you down on his bed, hands finding the straps of your heels to pick off before you thumped back onto his bed, sprawled out and fast asleep.
He’s been staring at your vulnerable placid silhouette splayed on his bed for what feels like minutes, hours. He can’t bring himself to tuck you in, can’t trust his limbs to function how he instructs them to. His skin crawls at the gust of wind kissing the sweat embalming his body, but he doesn’t let himself strip off the suffocating layers. He wants to bask in the physical manifestation of his disgust, nausea, let it remind him of his twisted perversions he can never, ever indulge in.
You shiver, and he jumps. Your tiny body is quivering in chills, begging him to warm it up. He moves with the grace and caution of a robber on the prowl for an expensive jewel, gently snaking his arms under the crook of your knee and top of your spine, lifting you up and away from him like he’s terrified— disgusted, by you.
He lifts the covers and daintily drapes it over the small rise and fall of your chest, pinching the top with only two fingers. A deep breath, a moan, a soft ‘niichan’, and he thinks his heart has stopped completely.
He’s frozen, the hammering in his chest arguing that no, he’s still very much alive, and spares a glance down at you. Your eyelids are fluttering, lips softly pouting, and unmistakably still asleep. He’s mid sigh of relief when he feels a small hand wrap around his arm, and for the second time that night he thinks he’s died.
All the gravity weighing him down disappears as he lets himself be tugged down onto the bed, the weight of his body crushing your tiny one, but he can’t bring himself to move. He’s too scared, he’s horrified.
He can feel two dainty arms loop around his neck and cage his head into the side of your face. He can feel the palpitations in his chest, heart hammering straight into yours, tangling with your soft cadenced beats, reaching in and provoking it to waltz to the same fatal rhythm. He can feel his trousers strain and his blood run cold.
Deep breaths to the count of the tick and tocking of the clock on the wall. He feels blurry, vision blotchy, skin prickling with every flood of blood traveling south. He wills it to stop, begs for it to spare him, he’ll behave, he’ll never let his mind wonder to you ever again, he promises.
God is all merciful, but God has long given up on him. Satan wants to watch his world burn, collapse, and dance in the ashes of his crumbling dignity. It teases him with the hilt of your soft body moving to press into his, crawling into his arms caging you in, willfully entering the den holding a ravenous lion fighting its own fangs.
Your eyes flutter open, gaze finding his with striking precision, and smile. It’s the same smile you’ve given him his whole life, the trust and love carved into every quirk of the lip. It shatters his dignity, stomps on it with childish fervor, and Tooru chokes on the breath coming out.
He feels you nuzzling closer, can feel your hair tickling his chin, and prays for forgiveness to any God willing to listen. None do— he’s too far gone. His hand’s reaching to cradle the back of your head as he plants the softest kiss on your cheek with all the practiced grace of a man begging for salvation.
Your eyes stare straight into his with undeterred conviction, glazed over with equal parts alcoholic daze and pure, unadulterated adoration. There’s not enough oxygen traveling to his brain to justify his actions, no amount of repentance would excuse his sins. His lips press into yours, so gently it feels like a mere ghost of breath, quivering in prayers for forgiveness.
A shift; small warm body squirming under his arms, shuffling closer. It catches the tent between his legs, and his whole body twitches like it’s been stung. He barely chokes down the whimper that threatens to come out.
He can feel your hands locking behind his hair, pulling your body infinitely closer to his, smushing your soft tits into his hard chest as he feels the breath sucked out of him by the Devil himself. There’s no more feigned chastity, all abstinence launched aside as he feels a little tongue prod at his lips. They open to let yours in, sucking on it as if it’ll bring his very breath back.
He doesn’t let himself wonder if it’s okay, he knows it’s not; it’s wrong, so wrong, on so many levels. He’s given up trying to please a Holy deity, Satan can take him whole if it means he can ravish in his sick twisted fantasies. He slots a leg between yours, letting the two pairs tangle and waltz to the symphony of your matching heartbeats, finally synching in a virulent tempo.
Breaths turn to pants, turn to unmistakable moans, and Tooru has to pull back to clamp a hand over your mouth in warning. The imagery of his long slender fingers covering more than half your face sends jolts down his body at the same time he realizes it’s him whining out so desperately.
He looks back at your face, beady, glassy, needy eyes peering back at him in sheer devotion, and he shuts his eyes in pure agony as his heart clenches in pangs of guilt, while his adulterous cock twitches in revelation. The warm soft breaths fan his palm, lips puckering underneath to peck softly at his fingers in hopes of escape; he thinks he might cum untouched.
His hand yanks back in shock, in horror, in disgust. But your hands clasped firmly behind hair pulls him back in, and he whispers out a prayer before a soft, “We can’t.” His eyes bore into yours, begging for mercy, begging you to let him go so he can suffer for his sins.
You don’t respond, not immediately. He feels his face pulled into yours and a distinct moisture building up on his thigh wedged between your much smaller legs. Wet— the suction on his tongue, the grinding on his leg, everything’s wet, and damp, and he thinks his mind might be drowning.
He can hear whines, pitched in desperation, and he’s certain they’re from you this time. His arm moves to grip at your hips, cupping your supple mound to shift it up the sheets and press your cunny against his straining erection. His hips buck on instinct, grazing the drooling slit covered only by a thin piece of cotton.
His mind goes blank, vision patching, and it’s too fast, too much, “please, Tooru-nii”— he’s crying. There’s tears stinging the corners of his eyes while he chokes out a string of ‘no, no, no’. He can’t slow the erratic humps against his lil sister’s cunt, the fingers digging into your hips marking you with patches of blooming purple and green, ‘I love you, niichan’.
It’s a knee-jerk reaction; he yanks his body back, takes sharp inhales of breath, until he can open his eyes to look at you again. Panic and nausea coat his tongue where it once tasted like you, but he’s met with the same look of pure adoration you gave him before he tainted your body with sin.
He realizes your hands are still straining to reach the back of his neck where they were before he wrenched his body away. They’re laying gently on his shoulders, twirling lazily at the strands of his hair curling around the base. Tears are flowing down his cheeks, or maybe it’s one single continuous tear, and his body is wracked with guilty desperation.
There’s no malice in your expression, no accusatory anger, and most of all, no disgust. Your face is painted with bliss, and joy, and love— Tooru snaps.
He’s pushing your shoulders back until they meet his singular pillow, and crawls down to nest in the space between your thighs. Large palms hook under your knees and push back until they touch your shoulders, and he moans when he sees your arms reach out to hook them in place obediently.
He wants to cherish this moment, burn the image into his brain for years to come, however many he’s spared, but his loins burn with years of yearning. He grants himself one glance at your tiny frame spread open for him, revels in the sheer devotion in your eyes, and plunges his face into the drenched cotton covering your core.
You moan out his name in a wanton reaction as he inhales your sweet toxins like he’s trying to drown— he is, he has no reason to live past this moment he sins, no right to live as he indulges in his sick perversions.
He can feel each shake and tremor of your thighs above his head as he sucks and licks at the soaked cotton, rendered nothing but an useless scrap now. Each suck is paired with a deep whine, echoing through his now-barren room. With one swift move he pulls off your panties and let it dangle between your ankles hanging above your bodies. Slick lines drip from the wet rag, stretching to connect back to your drooling pussy.
Five seconds— that’s how long he allows himself to marvel at your leaking slit, lips pink and puckered around the clenching hole. His cockhead drenches through his pants, so painfully hard a soft breath could send him tumbling over.
But he doesn’t allow himself to touch it, it’s not about him; it’s about you. Your devotion, mercy— your sheer, unadulterated, unwavering love for him. It��s about you; you deserve the best, you deserve it all, you deserve someone that’s not him.
He licks up, tongue flat, and slowly follows the dip between your folds until he suctions onto your swollen bud. His lips give it a soft peck, before wrapping around it and enclosing it in the hot heat of his mouth.
He has half a mind to snake his hand up to clamp over your mouth, stop the loud moans and sobs from coming out, but each wail shoots jolts of arousal straight to his leaking dick; he can’t bring himself to shut it down, despite how good you look with his long fingers wrapped around your face.
With every long lap, he pulls more cries out of you, and by the time he prods his tongue into your needy hole, you’re clenching down on him, sucking back on the muscle. You’re close, he can feel it. His tongue fucks into you without any of the mercy you’ve graced him, hips rutting into the bedsheet in tangent to your growing squeals.
The palpitations hammering in his heart synchronizes with the pulse of your cunt, weaving into a fatal rondo before everything stops; his hips, your cries, the air closes in on your writhing bodies as he paints his pants in shame and sin.
He allows his peripherals to roam your body; thighs indented with tiny crescents by your dainty fingers, mouth agape with your cute pink tongue lolling out— he swallows down his guilt, letting it scorch his insides before coating his cock threatening to twitch back to life.
He watches your hands drop down from their determined grip, thumping lightly as they hit his bed. He gingerly folds your legs back onto the flat surface before dipping down to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. He can feel your arms shake in attempt to reach out and cuddle him in, but give out to fatigue.
Your eyes flutter closed, lips molding back to that soft smile ever-present in his presence, and he thinks he hears a faint whisper of, ‘I love you, Tooru-nii.’
Placid, limp, he watches as your body loses energy and drains into the mattress below. It slaps him in the face, presents him with a trophy, a golden star stamped with a big fat ‘Sin’ calligraphed on. His world collapses around him, buries him in the debris of his crumbled dignity, and the Devil dances.
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aitarose · 4 years
YELLOW DAISIES (A. MIYA) pairing: miya atsumu x fem!reader
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synopsis: atsumu miya, japan’s most entitled player, the person that strangers resented for unprecedented boasting and confidence—a facade as there was only one person who knew the real him.
word count: 1.6k
genre: established relationship, fluff, time skip
warnings: slight angst, asshole!atsumu?, hospital, mentions of death
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notes: i’m only on episode two of season four so i’ve literally never heard this man speak a word, but i wrote this for some reason asjdfkl
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He was revolutionary—that was what flashed in bright lights in the media, magazines, and news when the name Miya Atsumu came into the picture. It was an honorable title, one that he’d earned from his years of experience, years of effort to become the best player he could possibly be. 
Fans of the game couldn’t help but admire his ambition, his confidence when it came to setting—when it came to being on the court. There was nowhere else he seemed to fit, no where else that deemed worthy of a man like him.
He was simply made to play volleyball, he was put on the planet to coordinate the team and help lead them to their respective victories. The drive he had was envious, admirable even to professionals that were years ahead of him in experience. 
But there was a catch, just as there always seemed to be a catch when things appear too perfect or other-worldly, as Miya Atsumu was considered the most egocentric man in all of Japan. 
Yes, his talent was astonishing and his looks trumped some of the most handsome men in the world, but he was a complete and utter narcissist to the public eye. A complete asshole in all senses of empathy. 
He was perhaps an enigma. A man that no one person could quite figure out. A total mystery to everyone but those close to him—to everyone but his twin-brother and the few teammates that he considered friends.
And it wasn’t that the public wanted to hate him, they wanted nothing more than to find a redeeming quality, something that would save his reputation—the ignorant reputation that he’d somehow managed to build himself over the course of his professional career.
Tabloids constantly had new headlines to publish, weekly reports on whatever star-born attitude Atsumu had acted on in public, during games, or even in the safety of the team’s after parties—parties that he’d rarely be found at.
The most common hate train would be the look he’d give the camera every time he so much as scored a point mid-match. The cocky, full of himself gaze to the viewers watching at home, as if to say that he was the real King of the Court. 
Holding up his hands in the shape of a heart, Atsumu would smile with a smug grin, teeth flashing white and sticking his tongue out dramatically. He’d hold the position for a few seconds, making sure that the camera got a good take of his face, before returning to the adrenaline rush of the game.
It was as if he became an even better player after his boastful routine, focusing on the game as if it was life or death, as if he would be ruined if they were to lose a single point—frightening the other team with one glance, one look forcing them to crumble underneath their own dead weight.
With his rare intimidating attitude, the Black Jackals had little to nothing to worry about when it came to their setter. He was reliable, always there to pick up the slack when all odds seemed to be against them—when the books refused to read in their favor.
And his teammates absolutely loved him, they knew him better than nearly anyone other than Osamu. When microphones and interviewers shoved misguided questions in their faces, they’d always defend him, as they were more than just players on the same side of the court—they were practically brothers.
So, when it’d be time to stay after the game to greet the fans, give them kisses on the cheek while the camera cemented their meeting in history, his friends paid no mind to how quickly Atsumu would rush out of the building. They’d pay no attention to how he’d refuse to entertain his fans, only stopping for one girl—one girl who’d offered him a bouquet of bright yellow daisies. 
“Thank you.” He’d mutter, nodding his head at the young girl before stalking off, ignoring how she fawned over the beauty of his facial features, obsessing over the way he’d just so much as acknowledged her existence. 
Pulling out of the stadium’s parking lot was always a big hassle, with the media and paparazzi awaiting his exit, video cameras taping his every move and step he took. There was zero privacy for him, every one of his secrets always seeming to be on film.
But Atsumu didn’t care, he didn’t mind running over a few parking cones, forcing the photographers to jump out of his car’s way, back onto the sidewalk where they belonged. He had absolutely no disregard for their safety according to the new’s titles.
As well as no respect to traffic laws. Speeding limits was a thing of the past in his mind, always going about twenty miles over, whether that was on a highway or neighborhood street. His life ran on double time, needing to be in a rush, a rush away from his duties.
His sports car headed north on the daily, never straying from its path, in pursuit of the same destination every day—every time he had the chance to escape the responsibilities of being a world-known athlete.
And though the world liked to act as if they knew everything about him, as if he was an open book whose chapters were updated every week, no one knew why Atsumu would spend so much time at the international hospital. Why he’d enter the building in the evenings and leave at dawn.
Even today, after the loss of a championship match, he wore the brightest smile on his face while holding a massive bouquet of yellow daisies—the flower that’d always accompany him through the blank grey walls of the healing center.
The grin would stay plastered, the expression reading ingenuity as he’d walk through the automatic doors, taking a final glance back to make sure that no one had followed him, before letting the facade crumble—before he let it dissolve into a somber frown. 
“Looking beautiful as always.” Atsumu laughed, waltzing up to the front desk, greeting his favorite worker as she rolled her eyes, passing him the check in sheet with a pointed look. “How’s my girl doing?”
The woman behind the counter took a deep breath, inspecting his signature to ensure that he hadn’t signed in the wrong place, before looking up to respond to his question—the same question that he asked her every day.
“Waiting for you.” She said, gesturing that everything was alright and he could proceed to the dual elevators that carried him to the top floor, the floor in which permanent residents stayed. “She’s up there waiting, just like she always is.”
Blowing the clerk a joking kiss, Atsumu carried on, holding the bouquet with a death grip, picking at the flowers to make sure that they looked their absolute best—that they deserved to be held in his favorite girl’s hands. 
Standing in the elevator, his heart dropped at each ding. It was a sound that he had never gotten used to, one that haunted him as he slept, taunting him as if to say that the minutes were counting down—the minutes losing their value, the minutes he had left with her decreasing. 
Despite how much he loathed the noise, how he wished he could shut it all off, make time stop just so he could have an infinite amount of moments by her side—he knew that life would come to the point in which he’d hear that sound one last time. A point in which he’d leave the building and never have a reason to return. 
As he approached the room he knew all too well, Atsumu brought his hand up to a light knock on the door, giving her a little heads up that he was there, that he didn’t forget about her even though he’d maintained his constant routine for months now. 
“Is that the famous Miya Atsumu I hear?” Y/N’s melodious voice called out, knowing all too well that her beloved boyfriend had arrived to harass her. Her already enlarged heart grew bigger at the sight of his brown eyes and golden hair that she’d always try to spot on the court.
While the world admired him for his physical beauty, she knew him for the beauty inside. The beauty that she was so blessed to see, the real personality that was reserved for her and her alone—not even Osamu had seen him so gentle, so caring. 
“Yer favorites,” he held out the bouquet to her in a regal manner, presenting it as if she were a queen and it was her crown. His dramatics sent her into a fit of giggles, accepting the flowers with a scoff as he rose up to press a soft kiss on her awaiting lips. 
“I saw you.” She whispered, pulling him down to meet her smile once more, relishing in the feeling of their love connecting. It was a feeling that she was addicted to, one that she longed for whenever he was away. “I saw you and the stupid little heart that you flash me on television.”
Atsumu helped her move over on the hospital bed, making enough room for him to lay down beside her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, his head resting on top of hers. “Stupid? You sound like the rest of ‘em.”
“No one would be calling it stupid if they knew what it meant.” He pinched her cheeks, puckering her lips to a pout and kissing her over and over again. “If they knew I only do it because I want my girl to be proud of me.”
He sighed, holding her as if she would disappear if he let go, his fear of losing her of greater importance than any public opinion or false story. His fears being valid and reasonable as neither of them knew how much time they had left—how much time they had left to be totally and completely in love. 
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© aitarose.tumblr 2021. do not copy or claim my writing, works, themes, copy and paste my words, or headers as your own
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eitelle · 4 years
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Pretty setter squad hcs pt 2
Includes: akaashi, atsumu Miya, and suga
Warnings: none just fluff
Note: idrk atsumu that much but I think I’ve read enough fanfics to get a good enough idea. Pls reblog and comment and like it rly helps me out :)
Pairings (sorta): TIMESKIP akaashi keji x Gn!reader, atsumu Miya x gn!reader, and sugawara koushi x gn!reader
A/n: sorry for the accidental hiatus I just like completely forgot I had to do this 💀💀 anyways can someone explain how to use tags 😀😀😀 ALSO WTF IS WRONG W ME IM WILLINGLY BY CHOICE LEARNING INTRO TO BIO ON KHAN ACADEMY AND IM LOWKEY LIKING IT????? 😀🧍🏻‍♀️ I- anyways on w the headcanons. Oh also idk why but I cant/don’t know how to make like a separation photo thingy but I’ll figure it out ig
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Akaashi Keji:
He’s insecure asf. Like idk why but he just is, so if u date him be prepared to have to reassure him that u love him all the time
He secretly loves being bokutos babysitter
I lowkey get like pan vibes from him?? Like not bi but pan or if he is bi then he isnt just attracted to women and men
He wants you to do his eyeliner
He makes playlists for the two of you 🥺
He doesn’t take no bs and is rly good at reading people
He loves cuddles and needs to be given physical affection but gives verbal affection best
He will give you anything you need if u ask for it
His ideal partner just needs to be energetic enough to keep him on his toes but has smth that grounds them and can stay focused when needed
In hs when going to the training camps, he would sneak into the kitchens at night bc he couldn’t sleep and that’s how he met you
Loves seeing you in his glasses
Touch. Deprived.
He is a pro fort builder
Lowkey he’s a bookworm and loves to read but he got bullied for it (in a loving way) by the volleyball team
In college he still plays a bit of volleyball w the rest of fukurodani at reunions
Def gets high but not often so when he does- 🥵
Donates money to charities that he gets from bonuses at work
When he sees you in his old jersey- ur ability to walk: gone.
I feel like he’s the type of person to chew on the back of pencils and pens when rly deep in thought
Straight a’s bby
Would 100% respect ur pronouns and/or sexuality
He gives me tea lover vibes
He didn’t rly like manga until he was assigned that at his work place but then he fell in love
Protective supportive bby 🥺🥺
Literally mans is so pretty istg- but he finally realized that when y’all started dating 😚😚
His fingers: GORGEOUS. I feel like his fingers are always cold but that might just be me
That’s it for pretty boy 😚😚
Atsumu Miya:
so his OG hair color isn’t his actually yellow since he dyes it and he has like a schedule for it
At the end of the day the most supportive person to osamu is atsumu
He loves to travel
He has an album in his phone just full of photos of people he loves
Is a fuck boy but treats his momma well
I feel like this man watches k dramas in secret 💀💀
He’s a messy roommate and cannot clean for shit
He’s an emotional drunk so when he gets drunk he’s like crying and clingy to you and asking you if u love him all the time
Wants to receive words of affection but actually shows his feelings with physical affection
Has temptations to shave his head fs
I feel like he crosses his legs no matter where he’s sitting he just HAS to cross them
Sits like a frog (SAME BYE-) and def kind L from death note (maybe I’m an atsumu kinnie...)
Has tried to dye his hair other colors. Did not work.
Ok so I feel like he grew up close w other people so he’s very touchy feely yk? So like he will have physical contact no matter what
Speaking on that, he expressed love by physical contact and touch but prefers to get words of affection to receive love bc he feels inferior to osamu sometimes lowkey
I just wanna say that atsumu has a piss kink. I don’t make the rules
ok anyways he’s def a frat boy or at least used to be one
Gets drunk a lot but like not wasted wasted just tipsy enough to be not safe to drive (it’s never safe to drink and drive tho)
When drunk he is lowkey just a koala and always by you, hanging off ur arm and everything
Loves to do that thing where y’all hold hands in a pocket if u know what I mean?
Will spray his hoodies w his cologne to mark dominance go alpha go ig
Mans is so possesive istfg
Fav color is orange. Idk why I just get those vibes yk?
Ok a lil bit of nsfw ish ones not full out tho
Hardcore dom
I feel like he’s down for anything EXCEPT for u pegging him. (#pegatsumu2021)
Ok that’s all idrk that much ab him tho 😭🤚
Sugawara Koushi:
chews his nails
He/they tbh
I get pan vibes from him but I feel like he rly won’t talk in love w anyone unless he has an emotional attachment to them so like a biromantic but will be sexually attracted to anyone
Writes poetry and love letters to you ‼️‼️
Has his wedding vows ready already
Gets white girl wasted 💀💀 but he doesn’t rly like getting drunk so it’s fine
Mostly the designated driver
The only one on the pretty setter squad that isn’t touch deprived
Will defend you no matter what. Unless ur in the wrong ofc
Has bailed people out of jail before 😐🧍🏻‍♀️
I feel like he’s a collector. So like he collects idk cards or smth? But he def collects smth
he doesn’t wear socks or shoes sometimes to feel more connected to earth
Spirit animal is a koala (just bc they radiate the same vibes in such a good way)
Def believes in the supernatural
K drama watcher and proud of it 😌😌
Also a huge k pop Stan
Ok some nsfw ones now
Has suggested a threesome w u him and daichi
Uses handcuffs sometimes ngl
but he’s soft either way
So when he’s dom he’s like akaashi and doesn’t do anything that will hurt you
Boob guy but also likes ur ass? Idk he basically just loves you in general
Will worship ur body
Ok now we done w that
He fts the karasuno team or keeps them all in touch and together over quarantine and in college
Him and akaashi are the second closest in the pretty setter squad (no 1 being Hinata and kenma duh)
Very much so a family man
Gets so protective over the smallest things
Someone laughs at u bc u fell? They’re gonna eat the floor and taste sugas fists
Calls his s/o sugar or honey, you call him glucose as a joke (pls if u don’t get that I AM concerned for ur health.)
Daichi and him still keep in contact
Suga has a gc w all of the simps of the team(s) and adds people whenever they simp for someone so they can all gush ab the person they simp for
Is friends w everyone on every team
Shy when u meet him so loud once ur close to him
Self conscious of his birthmark 😪👊
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selatte95 · 4 years
You Fixed Me (Miya Atsumu SMAU)
Summary: Leaving Nekoma and Tokyo, your home to start anew and mend your broken heart and mind after a guy had left you completely devastated. With a new fear of strangers, especially men, you wonder how you’ll survive in this new school. But one Miya Atsumu decides that he’ll fix you, and he’ll teach you how to love again.
TW: Rape, sexual assault, depression, suggestive content (NSFW), suggestive eating disorder, and swearing
Chapter 9: Squad Up
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You hurriedly went to your front door to see your friends from Tokyo all on top of each other. Kuro was in the front, Kenma was squished with his nose in his switch, Bokuto was behind Kenma, pushing the smaller boy toward. Akaashi was beside Kenma was an annoyed look on his face. Lev and Yaku were behind the four in the back. “Please get off of me...” Kenma grumbled.
“Sup Y/N!” Kuro said.
“HEY HEY HEY!” Bokuto yelled. “IT’S MY BABY Y/N!” Bokuto pushed past everyone to give you a fat hug which you gladly accepted.
“Nice to see you too Bo,” You smiled.
“You’re going to crush her Bokuto-San. Nice to see you’re doing well Y/N,” Akaashi smiled.
“Thanks Kashi! You look like you grew taller!” You joked.
“HEY Y/N! YOU HAVEN’T GROWN AT ALL!” Lev pointed out which got him a kick from Yaku.
“That’s rude Lev!” You laughed, missing the dynamic of your friends bantering.
“Please come on in! Sorry for coming to the door late I was finishing the last part of your guys hornet feat! You must be starving from traveling, please eat and you can set your stuff in the living room!” You pointed to the living room. The boys set their stuff in there as they entered the kitchen at awe at the amount of food there was that included everyone’s favorite. Kenma automatically gravitated towards the apple pie making you giggle.
“I missed your good Y/N!” Lev said with his mouth full getting another smack to the head by Yaku for being gross and disrespectful.
“I planned out the things we can do today! There’s this really cute ice cream parlor and there are so many pretty parks. Let’s go there first!” You suggested.
“You really planned this out,” Kenma noted.
“Well you guys are only here until tomorrow so I want to make sure we have a lot of fun!” You said.
“Let’s finish eating and then we can head out,” Akaashi reasoned.
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After finishing lunch, everyone got ready to go out for ice cream. “Does everyone have everything?” Akaashi asked. Everyone nodded and with Y/N in charge of leading them the way, they left the apartment after saying their greetings and farewells to Y/N’s grandpa.
“Please don’t cause us to be lost,” Kuro said. You slapped him on the arm as you scoffed.
“When have I EVER GOTTEN LOST!?” You were offended.
“Like during the school year where you kept forgetting where your English class was,” Kuro replied. You pouted as he laughed at your expression.
“That was just a few times,” You mumbled under your breath. “AH THERE IT IS! SEE TOLD YA WE WOULDN’T GET LOST!” You puffed your chest out to show your confidence.
“Hey L/N? That you?!” You heard a familiar voice that caused you to turn around to meet face to face with Atsumu who had a trail of people following him which you assumed was the volleyball team since Suna and Osamu was there as well along with the guy who helped at when you got lost at the gym.
“Oh! Hey Atsumu-San,” You bowed.
“Oh hey, aren’t ya the ace from Fukurodani? Are y’all her friends?” Atsumu asked.
“Yah, we are, you got a problem,” Kuro raised a brow.
“No fighting please,” You sighed. “These are the friends from Tokyo I was talking about. This is Kuro, Yaku, Lev, and you already know Bo and Kaashi,” You introduced.
“Atsumu let’s get going. We don’t have all day,” Their captain called out.
“Well it was nice seeing ya Y/N, see ya in school!” Atsumu waved.
“I don’t like him,” Kuro whispered.
“He has bad intentions,” Bokuto glared.
“You guys, Y/N is 16, she is old enough to handle herself,” Akaashi facepalmed at the overprotectiveness of your older brother friends.
“Still, we worry about her. Y/N, please be careful,” Yaku said.
“Don’t worry. Atsumu-San is a handful but his friends are super chill,” You reassured them as you all went to go grab your ice creams.
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Fun Facts
Atsumu gets regularly smacked by Kita during practiced
The Inarizaki Volleyball Team has a team bonding activity every two weeks for all of the starting members
Y/N wants her make up done by Rina
Tag list: Comment if you wish to be tagged ^-^  @peachyaeger @unstaaableaf @sakusakei-omi @pumpkinpatchkid @daninaninani @nerdyphantomlady @stars-in-line @the-bloodbird @tsukkinginamo @hoe4hq @theartofbadluck
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Reference material
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Synopsis: While in Hyougo, looking for inspiration for your company’s upcoming fashion chain, you end up meeting some of the former Karasuno and Inarizaki volleyball team members with whom you sit together and recollect.
So how did this seemingly innocent get-together end up with you having former captain Kita and former Libero Nishinoya try out some thigh-flattering clothes?
tags/warnings: suggested Kita x reader x Nishinoya ✅ thigh appreciation/marking/biting ✅ some Kita in a skirt towards the end ✅
A/N: my first and slightly delayed contribution to The Church of Meian’s Thigh July collab! I originally planned to do this scenario for one of the boys but got swayed by the church’s babes to do both, so here it is! (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ Hope you enjoy and please make sure to check everyone else’s delicious works out as well! ♥️
.wc 4.6k
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Your heart was thumping hard against your chest as you nervously fiddled with your fingers and looked around your living room. You were so skittish that even the smallest sound made you jump and fixate your vision towards the door of your guest room. After taking a deep breath you tried to let your thoughts wander away from the two men that were just beyond the door you were facing.
How did we even end up in this situation…?
Just this morning you’d arrived in Hyougo per your boss’ request to look for inspiration for your new fashion collection. You wandered for hours, observing farmers, workers, students, and whatnot until you decided to take a much-deserved lunch break, and since you were in the home country of the renowned Miya twins, what place was best suited for a short break than Onigiri Miya?
The moment you’d entered the small and humbly decorated shop, you were greeted by the owner himself and his former volleyball team’s captain Kita. While you exchanged the typical greetings with both men, the blond twin came down from the upper floor and, much to Osamu’s chagrin, joined in on your conversation. Just as you and Kita were about to leave and go back to your respective plans the front door was practically kicked open by a short young man and his two companions.
“Well, I’ll be damned…if it ain’t Karasuno’s libero, ace, and moral cheerleader, what’s got ya so far away from Tokyo?” asked Atsumu in a slightly condescending tone. But before anyone could even comment on that, Nishinoya, who most likely didn’t even hear what the man before him said, spread his arms out and happily suggested that you all stay together and recollect over some delicious onigiri. 
Thanks to everyone’s enthusiasm, you got roped into it as well and ended up being surrounded by several young men who happily jugged one beer after the other and argued about who gets to eat the last piece of meat. 
Fortunately for you, you weren’t the only one that had decided to keep their hands off of alcohol. Nishinoya and Kita had both preferred to stay sober in case something were to happen. 
The time flew by and before you’d noticed the group had started to disperse. Asahi, who was surprisingly sober enough to support Sugawara, had gotten up first, excusing himself and his friend, saying that they had to get up early tomorrow in order to catch their flight back to Tokyo. Minutes later Osamu decided to single-handedly put a stop to Atsumu’s flirtatious behavior to which you’d fallen prey to, so he simply threw his brother over his shoulder, apologized to you three, and asked you to simply turn the “OPEN” sign around when you left as he carried the wiggling man back upstairs. 
“Alright then…I think it’s time for me to leave as well” announced Kita with a small smile as he started preparing himself. With a firm nod, the young man next to him followed suit and you were about to do the same when an idea popped into your head.
“You two live quite far away, right?” you asked as you pointed your finger to Noya who nodded, telling you that the motel he stayed at was almost an hour away, then you directed your finger to the captain who confirmed that his house was situated at a very remote part of Hyougo.
“Then how about you guys stay over at my hotel room? It’s just a walk away from here and thanks to my boss it’s big enough to accommodate an entire volleyball team and its substitutes.”
Both boys couldn’t help but giggle at the metaphor you’d used and despite the small fear of inconveniencing you, they yielded eventually.
Everything was going smoothly at first, you brought them over, showed them around, discussed where they wanted to sleep, and even had some time to sit down and continue your chat from before, but then Kita, as conscious as he was, just couldn’t let your generosity go unpaid.
“(Y/N), I appreciate ya going to such lengths to help us out, but I can’t let this sit on me like that. Please tell me what ya’d like us to do as compensation.”
From the exaggerated way he talked, one would think that you had done some kind of heroic act and his words were unfortunately inspiring enough for Nishinoya to start demanding the same. 
And just like that the two of them had backed you into a corner. You were so overwhelmed that you didn’t know what to tell them so that they were satisfied, but then your eyes caught a glimpse of a red suitcase you had tucked away under the sofa. 
“I…I think I know how you can repay me” you silently announced as your hand reached for the object. Both men remained silent as they waited for your terms.
“You see…the reason I’m here is that I was asked to look for inspiration for our company’s upcoming fashion collection and uh…how should I put this…?” Your internal struggle was obvious and the fact that your cheeks were flushed told the men that whatever you were about to ask wasn’t easy for you, so to take some of your nervousness away, Noya placed one of his hands on top of your and with his other one he gave you a thumbs up.
“W-Would you two be willing to try on some of these clothing pieces and model for me?”
The silence that followed made you anxious and you immediately regretted uttering that question, preparing yourself for a rejection, but before you could take it back Kita giggled, followed by a heart-warming laugh from the former Libero.
“So that’s all? Why are you even hesitating on asking us to model for you?” The nonchalance with which both of them reacted to your request was truly unexpected. While you still tried to process this turn of events, the suitcase was taken from your grasp and the men retreated to the guest room to change into the clothes you’d prepared for them…
And here you were, waiting for them for almost 15 minutes. Your nervousness was partially to blame because you couldn’t quite tell them what kind of clothes you’d tucked away in that red rectangular container and the fact that they were in that room for an unnatural amount of time made you wonder whether they’d given it up.
N-No, calm down! They most likely h-have some difficulties with fitting into the garments, si–
…no wait…didn’t boss give me the medium ones…?
While you panicked internally, you failed to notice the two men that slowly exited the room in front of you and with slow steps closed in on you.
“W-We finished changin’.”
Their soft voices finally caught your attention, making you instinctively look up and the first thing that you noticed was their legs. 
Kita had chosen the pair of black latex jeans while Noya had settled for the leather ones. With wide eyes, you take in the view before you. The two defense specialists, whose thighs were so well-toned, were wearing such tight and figure-enhancing pants that you just couldn’t help but stare at their lower bodies. 
Being stared at was nothing new for these two, but the way your beautiful and big eyes were fixated on them just because of some unnatural wear, made their cheeks heat up and redden ever so slightly. 
“Sooo should we turn or strike some kind of pose?” asked the brown-haired young man with his usual big grin. Before answering him you had to swallow first and then proceeded by affirming his question. 
”I need to design something that brings out the wearer’s thighs, s-so if you could…bend forward, kneel or something of that sort, i-it might help.“ 
A word and a blow, not even a second passed and you watched as the men before you started to arrange themselves in rather compromising positions. The libero went back a few steps, now facing the couch, raised his left knee, and placed it on the armrest. Kita, on the other hand, moved closer to the soft rug next to you, got on his knees, and though a little challenged by the tightness of his jeans, he stretched his left leg back, while he bent his right one at a 90-degree angle before him.
When they were ready, their eyes darted to you, eagerly awaiting your comment or reaction. You cleared your throat and nodded a few times before praising them for the fitting poses. 
Having two men dressed in these rather kinky garments excited you more than initially expected. The urge to go up to them and get more touchy-feely than necessary grew with each passing second you stared at them, until you decided to blame whatever you were about to do on that one glass of alcohol you had drunk some hours ago.
You walked towards the captain and intentionally circled him a few times at a slow pace. You knew fully well that this pose was difficult to maintain for a long time, but the moment you saw the slight tremble of his legs, you just couldn’t help yourself.
“Kita-san, please try to stand still.”
“Forgive me (Y/N), it’s just–”
“Give me your hands” you suddenly ordered, interrupting whatever he was about to say. He did as told and placed both of his hands in yours, slightly squeezing them for additional support. With a small smile, you explained what you were about to do and asked him whether he could manage to hold his balance for at least a couple more minutes. It took the young man a few seconds to answer, but he was set on repaying you so a little strain was a small price for your kindness. 
You took a deep breath and slowly lifted your hands, causing Kita to raise his own and with them the fabric of his white shirt, revealing the high waist of the latex jeans. 
Oh god…I knew it
“Please hold this position for a little and try to move as little as possible, I’ll have to touch you a couple of times to…to get a better grasp of the material and its effects on your body, ok?”
“G-Got it” answered the captain in a silent voice and closed his eyes. You unobtrusively bit your lower lip as you squat down and gently placed your hands on the man’s waist, an unexpected gesture that managed to educe a surprised gasp from the young man. This trousers’ waist, which was covering the entire abdominal area until it stopped a little over the navel, was designed the same way as a corset, meaning it had ribbons on both sides where your hands now were and an entire row of beautifully designed buttons running down to where his underwear probably began. 
You slowly moved his shirt up and savored the sight of his slightly trembling abdominal muscles, then continued down to his thighs, his delicious thighs. If you thought the tremble of his tummy was satisfying to look at then ready yourself for something even better. The way he tensed his muscles up every time your fingers trailed his body, combined with his reddened cheeks and slightly heavy breathing made you want to tease him even more and you did. 
“Ok Kita-san I want you to let yourself fall back as slowly as you can and when you’re lying on your back, please stretch out both of your legs so that your soles point to the ceiling” you commanded while you hooked your arm behind his back for the additional support he needed to perform the thing you asked of him. If it weren’t for your hand that didn’t let up even once from his left thigh, his movements might have been a tad more elegant. 
After almost a minute you had the young man on his back with his legs outstretched, just as you wanted…but was this enough?
“Please don’t be surprised, but I have to…step on you”
Kita’s wide brown eyes looked up at you in embarrassment as he felt your foot gently push against the back of his thigh. His hand immediately darted to both his mouth and your leg, but before his trembling fingers could reach you, you began moving your foot ever so slightly from one side to the other, enjoying how pleasant the plush skin beneath your sole felt. You’d lost yourself for a second and failed to notice just how close your foot was to the man’s most sensitive area and if it weren’t for the silent mewl that reached your ear, you most likely would’ve stepped on it as well.
In a slight panic, you set down the former captain’s legs and helped him sit upright.
“I-Is that enough (Y/N)..?” he then asked in a silent voice as he tried to look away from both you and Nishinoya, attempting to hide his flushed cheeks and the small tears in the corner of his eyes. You would’ve loved to go even further but seeing him that disheveled forced you to give him a break, at least while you were busy with the other boy behind you.
The two of you watched as the young man retreated into the guest room on wobbly legs. You sighed to yourself, your conscience nagging you with questions such as why you had to go so far and what you were even thinking, and just as you were about to sit back down on the floor Noya’s cheerful voice chirped in: “And, what am I supposed to do?”
When your eyes focused on the shorter man you saw him strike his earlier pose once again with a satisfied grin on his face. Looking at him genuinely enjoying himself made you smile and you wondered whether he’d be able to hold out more than the man before him.
“Could you…step on me?”
He was quite taken aback by your question and his slightly flushed cheeks let on that he was more embarrassed by your request than he might’ve expected. It didn’t take him long to agree though, which in turn caught you off guard.
As he slowly closed the distance between you two, you used this opportunity to take a better look at the pair of jeans he’d picked out. In contrast to Kita’s, Nishinoya’s were made out of leather. They seemed looser and if it weren’t for the laces that were tied around his thighs, up until they reached the area a little above his knees, you were sure that they wouldn’t have fit him. Additionally to this little perk, the designer had chosen to cut from the leg opening up to the middle of the wearer’s shins and then cord it, similarly as most sneakers, making this particular set of trousers more skin-revealing than the former one you “inspected”.
The moment the man was finally in front of you, he didn’t lose any more time than necessary and immediately asked where he should put his foot. With a satisfied smile, you explained that your shoulder was the main goal, but if the laces were too tightly bound then he could set his foot down lower, on your chest for example.
You watched as the young man slowly raised his left leg and as carefully as he could positioned it right between your neck and shoulder. Thanks to the slight tremble of his foot it was easy for you to tell that he didn’t put his entire weight on you, most likely out of fear of injuring you. A small grin adorned your lips as you moved your shoulder a bit and watched Noya freak out and almost lose his balance and fall down. Luckily for him, your reactions were quicker than his and you had taken a tight hold of his leg and hips, supporting him as well as making sure that he didn’t ruin his position. But now, thanks to your little escapade, he was forced to lean on you, so except having one hand on your shoulder and the other on your head, his crotch was dangerously close to your face.
“Um…(Y/N)? C-Can I just redo the pos–“
“Don’t move…this is perfect!”
Confused by your sudden enthusiasm, the young man took a glance down at you and saw how intensely you started at both his thighs and groin. Not wanting to embarrass himself any further, Noya copied the man before him and closed his eyes, giving you the freedom of doing whatever you wanted yet again.
You didn’t want to admit it, but there wasn’t a better way this could’ve worked out. Not only were you able to see how the tightly bound laces made some of his flesh bulge out in between them, but also how these pants had neither a button nor a zipper, and the wearer had to make use of the strings, that circled their thighs, to steady them. You slowly opened your mouth and bit the end of the laces, tugging on them slightly.
“W-Wait, if you do that then-!”
With a smile plastered on your face, you loosened the bow just enough that only the knot remained and murmured: “Sorry, had to make sure that such flashy trousers were sturdy enough to withstand a feline’s possible attack.”
A weak excuse which’s logic he first had to comprehend while you made use of his confused state in order to place your hands on his buttocks and squeeze them as much as the fabric allowed you to. While your hands kneaded his firm buttcheeks, you rubbed your cheek on his thigh, explaining that you and to test whether this design was comfortable for pets. You remained that way for a couple of minutes and softly kissed the young man’s trained leg before slapping his ass a few times, and finally allowing him to stand by himself.
To escape any uncomfortable questions from him, you quickly reached for the notepad you’d placed on top of the decorative table close to you and started scribbling down some nonsense, giving off the impression that whatever you were doing right now was truly work-related and not simply for your own pleasure. Only when you heard the door to the guest room shut behind him did you look up, burying your face in your hands not short after.
Just what am I doing, using them like that…?
Your excuse of using them as reference material was somewhere true, but stepping on Kita and kneading Nishinoya’s ass were not necessary advances you’d done only for the sake of satisfying your curiosity.
Left alone with your guilt, you waited for another ten minutes wondering once more what took them so long. As far as you remember, your boss had only put in these two sets of trousers and two other special items he refused to elaborate on further, telling you to find out for yourself. Now that you thought back, you remembered the pervy grin your boss had shot you after mentioning the suitcase and its mysterious contents, and you couldn’t help but be curious as to what the two men were about to put on and present you.
Speak of the devil, not even a second after you’d formulated your thought and the door opposite of you cracked open as the two young men slowly walked out.
I’m done for…
Before you stood the former Inarizaki captain with what looked like to be a schoolgirl’s skirt and fishnet tights, next to him Karasuno’s legendary guardian of the backcourt with overknee black stockings that he’d attached to his black boxer shorts with the help of a leather garter belt. 
Saying that you were at a loss for words was an understatement, this was absolutely jaw-dropping. Now that their legs were almost entirely exposed you just had to come up with some type of irrefutable excuse that would make it possible for you to not only touch their bare skin but also taste it.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest and covered your mouth with your hand, giving them the impression that you were lost deep in your thoughts when in reality you tried to hide your blushing cheeks.
“Ok before I do anything, I need to ask you guys if…if you can deal with pain” you began and observed how they looked at each other and then slowly nodded. 
In order to make up for your earlier teasing, you decided to directly tell them what you were planning this time, instead of keeping them in the dark.
“I need to test something out…you see, with such revealing pieces of clothing the buyers often focus on how good pantyhose such as these can hide markings or injuries, s-so I need to mark your thighs as reference” you paused and gave them a couple of seconds to process the explanation you’d offered them before continuing, “the way I want to mark you guys, will have to be with…my teeth. Usually, we’d use a marker or makeup, but neither of those would produce good results with these particular choices of material, especially Nishinoya’s might pose a bigger problem than the ones on Kita-san.”
While you dished out something that sounded professional enough to convince them, you were surprised at yourself and your creativity concerning these white lies. The moment you’d wrapped up your monologue you intended to give them some space so that they could think it over, but much to your surprise, they were quicker on board than expected.
“Are you two s-sure? I mean…I’m asking to bite your thighs here, you know?”
Nishinoya put both his hands on his hips and puffed his cheeks out as he answered: “Yeah so what of it? It won’t be the first time my thighs end up bruised.”
“I agree n’ more than that, we promised to do anythin’ to repay ya, remember?” added Kita with a small smile.
Yes of course…anything to repay me, huh?
The captain’s last few words left a bitter feeling behind, but you shoved it aside and figured that both of them most likely used that excuse to fulfill their own fantasies, just like you did, so in a sense you guys were even, right?
You focused on their legs once more and decided to start with Nishinoya first, so you commanded him to slowly remove the garter belt on his right leg, but the moment his nimble fingers had taken a hold of the leather you immediately stopped him.
“It might be better if someone who has no experience with it takes it off…Kita-san, please undo it for him.”
A small nod that represented said man’s answer was all you got before he got on one knee and started undoing the accessory. You had to admit that the older man’s overly gentle and careful way of loosening the small buckle warmed your heart, but regarding the entire picture, namely Kita in a skirt, kneeling, which caused the fishnet pattern around his legs to dig into his skin, making the plush of his thighs stick out, while Nishinoya stood above him in nothing but a shirt, boxers, and of course, the black stockings that perfectly hugged his toned legs, made your heart thump harder against your chest with each passing second.
Kita whispered a silent done and got back on his feet as he gently unclipped the garter belt from the libero’s briefs, letting it fall along the perfect curves of the young man’s leg. With a small nod, Noya readied himself for you and tried to somehow position his arms so that they don't get in your way. 
You copied the white-haired young man before you, kneeling and softly rolling down the black fabric, exposing some of his slightly tanned skin. With your right hand, you steadied his hips, minimizing his movements, and with your left, which you hooked under his thigh, you were now able to turn or raise it the way you needed. To avoid a similar fall from before, you asked if the captain could support Nishinoya, which he affirmed and got behind him, taking a hold of his hands and whispering something that sounded like I’m here, don’t be afraid, I got you.
God, these two…
You turned the young man’s leg in such a way that the inner side of his thigh was facing you and slowly let your teeth sink in his flesh, gradually hardening your bite until it almost pierced his skin. Millimeters before you could draw blood, you stopped and let your tongue glide along the marks you left behind. Without moving yourself too much, you simply turned his leg a little to the side and once again planted your mouth on his still flawless skin, but this time you gently clamped a portion of his flesh between your teeth, started sucking on it until it reddened and finally took on a bluish-purple tone, only then did you let up completely, licked your lips and looked up. The young man above you was leaning on Kita’s shoulder, panting slightly, and looking down at you through half-lidded eyes. You swallowed audibly, rolled the black fabric back up, and gently patted his thigh as a form of release. While he recomposed himself, you took a step back and looked at what you’d accomplished. The bite mark you’d left behind on his inner thigh was barely visible, the hickey on the other hand was quite eye-catching. 
You once again grabbed the notebook and scribbled something in it while Kita praised the young man with a rather awkward smile and tried to prepare himself mentally next for what was about to come.
At first, you confirmed the former captain’s readiness, then proceeded to ask Nishinoya for support this time, and finally offered your upper leg for him as some kind of footstep for him to step on, just so you could see his flesh stick out from the rhombus-shaped patterns of his stockings and poke at them for a short while. You asked him questions such as whether he felt uncomfortable or if it hurt when the string-like material pressed down on his skin, only when he answered these questions negatively did you place your hand on his leg, moved closer, and bit down on his stockings, tearing them easily with your bare teeth. That unexpected action of yours successfully managed to make the young man take a deep breath and cause him to hold on tighter to Noya’s hands.
At this point, you couldn’t even bother to come up with an excuse and simply started biting down on the exposed skin. You were so lost in observing how the teeth marks and hickeys you left behind gradually darkened, that only when Kita placed his hand on top of your head did you look up to see his cheeks redder than before and a small smile adorning his lips.
You gave the injuries you’d inflicted a gentle kiss and once again returned to scribbling in the notebook.
“How long do ya plan on keepin’ that fake writin’ up?” 
The sudden question caught you off guard, causing you to stop writing mid-stroke.
With wide eyes, you looked at both men who started at you with their mesmerizing sharp eyes. 
Nishinoya extended his hand towards you with a smile and said: “I’m sure you still need more references for your designs, right? So just come over here and do whatever you’d like…”
…we still have to properly pay you back after all
And with that, you finally dropped the notebook, and your act along with it. Now that you were aware of their true intentions and feelings there was no need for you to hold back anymore. 
A few more experiments weren’t going to harm anyone, right? 
Since all of this was for the upcoming fashion chain…right?
It’s not like you’d planned all of this out beforehand…
30 notes · View notes
kurooisdbest · 3 years
nickname: carri
men: iwaizumi, tsukishima, konoha
number: 11
heyyy Carri! PLS DONT HATE ME IM SORRY IF ITS SUUUPER LATE BUT Thank you for participating hihi🥺
here are your results !
Tsukishima (Friends)
Iwaizumi (Acquaintances)
Konoha (Engaged)
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Your friendship with Tsukishima started when you became a manager for the Karasuno VBC together and withYachi
You were already close with the other 1st years but Tsukishima was a tougher nut to crack
he was always cocky and standoffish, and that ticked you off but you being you, you got used to it and began learning how to bark back at him.
Thus, your battle of insults would turn into a tackling sessions (he was surprised how fast and strong you were, being able to attack him like a predator pouncing on its prey. Little did he know you grew up in a house with three older brothers making you a professional in wrestling matches *for the sake of the story let’s just say u have brothers hehe*), and of course would result to the both of you being lectured by Daichi and Suga
With Daichi getting impatient with the two of you, he always punished the both of you with penalty laps. A day never went by without the both of you running around the gym. Daichi was pleased with the result but he would never admit that. He saw how you and Tsukishima became closer, what began in endless bickering evolved into small chit chats, and he was a proud dad
Your friendship with Tsukishima became one of the most valued relationships you have until present;
It was the end of the MSBY vs Adlers match, and you, together with your batchmates decided to drink after to catch up with one another.
��Tsukiiiiiiiiiii come on pls I’m strong now!” you pouted at your best friend, begging him to allow you to drink.
He knew you were a lightweight, you all discovered that during one of Kuroo and Bokuto’s afterparty, when he had to carry you home after finding you passed out in the corner. Thus, he made you swear to drink only when he or the other boys were around.
His nose scrunched at your incessant begging and groaned, knowing he could never win over you. “Fine since your so ‘strong’” he made sure to make air quotes before continuing. “bring your ass back home on your own.” he deadpanned. You smiled at him brightly before linking your arms with him, dragging him to the bar.
It’s been so long since you guys got together like this. So much untold stories from Hinata’s trip to Brazil, Making fun of Kageyama’s awkward commercials, and of course the story of how Yamaguchi and Yachi got together.
As much as Tsukishima protested, he couldn’t deny that he missed hanging out like this. So much has changed in a small amount of time… except for one.
You were drinking to your heart’s content, naive of the consequences you were about to face the next day. He laughed at the drooling mess beside him and sighed. He brushed the stray hair on your face and smiled.
“I forgot to ask!” Hinata shouted from the other side of the table. “Have you ever confessed t-“ he was cut by Kageyama’s hand covering his mouth. Tsukishima glared at the ginger headed male before standing up. “We’ll be going first.” He dragged your body to stand, before carrying you on his back.
Your head rested on his shoulder as he carried you to his car. The smell of his cologne made your lips curl into a smile before nuzzling your head on his neck. “Thank you, Tsukki. i wuv yyyuuuuuu!!! youuur the bestttt” your words slurred before fully passing out. He clicked his tongue and chuckled lightly. “You’re a pain in the ass you know that?” he looked back at you, seeing how peaceful you were, letting out soft snores, before letting a smile adorn on his face.
You recently moved from Tokyo after your father was reassigned to work in Miyagi
Being an alumnus of Aoba Johsai, he enrolled you there for your third year
Everything was going smooth. Your movers arrived on time, you easily unpacked your furniture, and you had everything you needed to face the new environment you were about to enter
However, what your father forgot to mention was that Aoba Johsai was HUGE
Hence, what would a new transferee like yourself have to go through? of course, Get lost i the vicinity
You applauded yourself mentally for thinking ahead and left for school early or else you would be late on your first day
After dozens of twists and turns you finally reached your classroom
Your homeroom teacher entered and instructed you to introduce yourself in front of the class “Hi, My name is l/n y/n. I transferred here from Nekoma. I hope we could get along.” you ended your introduction with a bow before returning to your seat.
“Thank you. L/n and Iwaizumi, I would like to speak to you both after class.” He stated before continuing with his announcements.
You didn’t know anyone in your school and you couldn’t help but wonder what your teacher wanted to talk to you about with Iwaizumi.
After class, you turn your head to where Iwaizumi was seated to see him asleep on his desk.
“Iwaizumi-san?” you poked his shoulder, trying to wake him up. Take note of the word: “Trying” because it seemed like you wouldn’t succeed with just a mere poke.
He must’ve been tired for him to fall asleep like this. Having no choice, you grabbed both of his shoulders and started shaking him. His body jolted and raised his head from the desk and gave you a confused look. You simply smiled at his reaction and told him how both of you were instructed to meet with your professor after class.
His cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment for forgetting and for making you wake him up.
In the office, your teacher told Iwaizumi to show you around campus so that you wouldn’t have to get lost next time.
You tried to decline, feeling guilty for making Iwaizumi show you around but despite your attempts to politely decline, Iwaizumi faced you and gave you a gentle smile. “It’s alright. I don’t have practice today anyway. Come on.” He turned his back and walked toward the exit.
However, you were glued there and couldn’t utter a word. You suddenly feel a hand grab yours and pulled you along.
When the both of you exited the office, Iwaizumi let go of your hand and walked ahead, glancing back at you every once in a while to make sure you were following him.
He walked by your side and toured you around the school, telling you facts and what he called “survival” tips. (Tip#1: Never fall for Oikawa. Who was that? you didn’t know. What does it have to do with you? again, you didn’t know fjsjbfjd)
sometimes your hands brush against each other and sometimes he would put an arm around your shoulder bringing you closer when you pass through places with huge crowds.
He explained to you that he didn’t want you to get lost and you let him continue because somehow… even if it’s just your first day, you might just have made your first (crush) friend
You had been together with Konoha for almost 6 years now. A relationship which bloomed and nurtured from middle school until high school
Despite being a year younger than him, his childish antics proved that maybe, just maybe, you were older than him in terms of maturity
He begged you to become a manager right after you became a 1st year in Fukurodani and not missing a chance to spend time with your boyfriend, you agreed.
Both of you were busy with Finals and the volleyball competitions ahead but that didn’t stop you from spending time with your boyfriend. You’re relationship was past the point of fussing over the small issues. You both were in sync with one another and the both of you learned how to handle problems that would occasionally arise.
Everything became a routine. You would spend your breaks with Konoha and the volleyball team, study after classes before training starts, and walk home together after trainings.
Although lately, you’ve been spending time with each other less. Sure, you and Konoha would study in the library together but that was it. You wondered why he would suddenly bail on you without a word, you wondered why he insisted on letting you go home first, and why he would reply late to your texts.
You understood that maybe he was just busy but the stress you were feeling about school was starting to take its toll on you
Your emotions began to heighten. You were feeling lonely and sad, realizing that maybe the spark between you and your boyfriend was slowly fading. That maybe he found someone better. You began feeling insecure, letting your mind wander over every possible scenario about what would happen next. Is this really how your love will end?
You began to shut out everyone. You barely replied to Konoha, you spoke only in a few sentences, and at times, you couldn’t even spare him a glance.
You didn’t want anyone to think you were petty so you opted to keep everything to yourself. It didn’t bother you anymore that you were spending less and less time with Konoha. Instead of feeling hurt, you felt numb.
Little did you know everything was about to change
“l/n-san.” Fukorodani’s setter and your best friend, Akaashi tapped your shoulder. “Hm?” you answered while continuing your homework on the bench without looking at him. “l/n-san.” he repeated. You dropped your pencil to look at him. “Yes?”
“Konoha-san…” he trailed off. “Huh? What happened to Akinori?” you deadpanned. “He fainted. He’s in the infirma-” you rushed to the infirmary, cutting Akaashi off mid-sentence. A surge of concern suddenly filled you and your heart began beating rapidly.
Upon reaching the infirmary door, you slid it open only to notice the lights turned off. You flicked it on and saw no one at the desk. You entered slowly and walked further into the room, scanning the beds, looking for Konoha. At the end of the room, there you saw him. Sitting down, staring at the wall in front of him.
He didn’t seem to notice you enter as you sat yourself down beside him. “Hey Akaashi told me you fainted. Are you okay?” you hesitantly placed your hand on his. “Are you mad at me?” he whispered, eyes still on the wall. “I wouldn’t say I was mad… maybe a little hurt and I felt that you were shutting me out…I didn’t even know what you were up to… What’s up with you lately?” you answered.
“I’m sorry. I just…” he faced you and placed his free hand on your cheek, caressing it. “I didn’t know you felt that way. I was just busy, that’s all.” you leaned into his touch, unaware that you really did miss him. “It’s okay, I understand. What were you busy with? Maybe I could help…” you stared back at him. “I’m not sure if you could” he answered awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. “I understand, excuse me” you stood up and feeling your eyes starting to tear up.
Suddenly, you felt upset. What could he be doing that even you couldn’t help with? You were about to turn the doorknob when you felt a familiar warmth grasp your wrist. “Babe…” you muttered, tears slowly streaming down your face. You faced him with your tear-stained face and smiled.
He felt guilty for having to tell you this way. He didn’t want to do it this way but he didn’t have any other choice. “Listen to me, okay?” He grabbed both of your cheeks in his hands, making you look at him. You stared at him and nodded.
“I’m so sorry for hurting you the for the past weeks… I wanted to surprise you that was all.” he cooed before releasing your cheeks. He rummaged something in his blazer and took out a small box. “This isn’t anything fancy but I’m graduating soon, and I have to wait a year before being in the same campus as you again. Y/n, I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. I loved you in the past, I love you in the present, and I will always love you in the future. Will you marry me?”
You couldn’t help but nod as the room filled with the sound of your sobs and your sniffles. Konoha hugged you tenderly and kissed you. “I love you” you replied.
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a/n: hope u guys aren’t mad at me nfkshfk ily all thank you for always being patient AAAAAA posting updates for Ace of Cups soon :”>
*I have like other requests piled up in my ask box but i’ll try to get to you soon im sorry 😭
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psychomaeve · 2 years
fem!shouyou & wakatoshi siblingssss
-they became siblings because Hinata’s mother married Ushijima’s dad when Hinata was 5 years old and Ushijima’s 8. Natsu is born sometime later.
-Hinata’s biological father has died when she was around 2 years old so she barely remembers him. Ushijima’s parents are divorced when he was 4 and because his dad is always traveling because of his job he was always with his mother but that doesn’t mean that they are not close in fact the love for volleyball came from his dad. his parents are still in a good relationship because they want Ushijima to have a happy life. And when Hinata’s mother and Ushijima’s father got married they invite ushijimas mother to the wedding. their respective mothers got along so well also that co-parenting included shouyou. the fact that Ushijima’s mother always wants a daughter.
-their parents met in brazil and boom shakalaka they started dating of course with permission from Hinata,wakatoshi, and somewhat from Ushijima’s mother.
-Hinata likes wakatoshi at first sight and vice versa, they treat each other as siblings from the start.
-Hinata likes watching beach volleyball near their house and fell in love with volleyball in general when she met her stepdad and brother.
-the first thing that wakatoshi did when she met Hinata is to teach her volleyball. his dad joined them because he feared that he might accidentally hurt Hinata.
-she started training beach volleyball at 7 and go pro at 11. And like her brother she goes hella crazy and spike balls that can tear your arms off.
-She becomes well known in Brazil with the nickname of ninja shouyou.
-Another similarity between these siblings is their bluntness and arrogance but Shouyou’s arrogance is toned down than Ushijima’s. they know that their win is absolute. they want to find out who will win if they clash with each. they never care if one is a girl and shorter and younger than the other. But outside of volleyball, they coddle each other privately (for Ushijima. but even in public, you will not see them 10 meters apart if they are in the same country. cause did you see his sister .that girl can replace the sun and can turn heads wherever she goes. But then Hinata’s be like ‘no you are the attractive siblings’.)
-Shouyou grew up as an attractive teen. Lean muscle acquired from training, slightly tan skin because of the sun, and the most gorgeous and cutest face. like hello, stop being perfect. but shes still small and tiny.
-But while Ushijima is a perfect example of a stoic gentleman aside from his arrogance, Hinata Shouyou is a crazy piece of shit. she does just for her own amusement that Ushijima just can’t stop her that he signs himself as the lookout and the apologizer. and it gets worse when shouyou met another crazy person named tendou satori. together they cause havoc.
-but there are times that Hinata stops Ushijima to make someone cry from his blunt speech called ” why some people suck, and why that group includes you.”
-But Hinata also likes to do that speech but with sunshine and flowers surrounding her background that it feels like an honest critique and not petty insults from her. it got worse if they tag team, grown men will cry.
-Mother Hinata suddenly wants to move to Japan when shouyou is 15 and Natsu is 8 because she wants Natsu to embrace his family’s culture.
-And as a Hinata shouyou move, she begs her mom to tell her older that they will leave Hinata behind because of her career and that Hinata herself wants it that way(tell me whhyyyy~~~aint nothing but a heartbreak) and she will stay with her coach's family.
-This works because Wakatoshi’s school is a boarding school. they only leave to go home if there are holidays.
-because she believes that men and women should be equal she searches for a co-ed volleyball club and lo and beholds Karasuno Volley Club is a co-ed team.
-she transfers midway through the school year. so anytime between inter-high and the Tokyo training arc. (also the fact I love Bokuto and Hinata’s relationship. these two birds should be unleashed and at the same time be protected)
-and she enters the gain a lot of friends cause you know she’s Hinata. and by the permission of the vice-principal and Takeda Sensei she enters the volleyball club.cue op playing.
-they like her instantly and easily treat her as a younger sibling even if she is the oldest first year. Kageyama still treats her like in canon but more like a bestie and with more respect. She and tsukkishima have more playful bullying with each other. Nishinoya and Tanaka treat her between like their younger brother and like how they treat their manager. Yachi and her are easily seen almost together and Kiyoko is fond of her.
-while Kageyama is easily adjusting in karasuno because of the third year they still can’t always easily hit his usual set but of course, he adjusted them for his team. But while playing with Hinata in his team he accidentally set them faster but hinata is already there hitting his set. thus Karasuno freak duo was born.
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poison--ivory · 4 years
Haikyuu! Virus AU (Random/Reader) Part 1
“I don’t fear the dark itself, but what may lurk within it.”
Warning: Blood, Gore, Character deaths and trauma
Part 2: link
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Yamaguchi loathed the inky room of which he sat in. The only source of light that gave him some comfort was the natural light of the moon. Since the power in the city was out you could hear the wind blowing or the soft barking of dogs. He could barely make out the outline of team Nekoma’s manager, Y/n Shibayama. She was already knocked out as soon as her head hit the makeshift pillow. While he was wide awake, and sort of jealous that she could just sleep like everything was fine. He can’t stay mad at her for too long since her school lost their middle blocker, So Inuoka. Their team captain hasn’t been the same since. Not even a couple hours ago they too had lost another member of their group. 
Ennoshita screams still wrecked his mind and the smell of rotting flesh was forever inscribed in his nose. It really should have been him who went in that trench by himself. He was the one to point out the food truck and even made a small plan to gather the canned goods. Ennoshita and him had a little dispute on who would go and by the time he turned his head to give his side to Daichi, Ennoshita was already marching down the steep hill. A couple of seconds of arguing, before he heard the sharp screech, loud enough to pierce his ear drums. The next thing he knew, Suga and Yaku were rushing down the hill to try and save him. They stopped half way before running back, a herd surrounded Ennoshita in under a minute leaving little to no gaps for escape or retrieval. 
He knew deep down that it was his fault even if the others told him that there was nothing that could have been done. Yamaguchi knew that if he kept his mouth shut Ennoshita would still be alive, yelling at his second year teammates and patting us first years on the head. He tried everything to get his mind off the details, the screams and the stench. Yamaguchi’s mind even makes up certain info to scar his psyche.
Ennoshita wasn’t the only causality. At the very beginning of the outbreak, which to him felt like years, but in reality it was really a few weeks. Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Ubugawa and Shinzen planned a last get together for the graduating third years. They all met at the training camp to play volleyball, visit Tokyo and to gain a few memories before they graduate. Really sunny that, but it wasn’t as hot, mostly a comfortable warmth that hugged his whole stature. 
When it started the Yamaguchi and some of the other first years were gallery gazing at the various window shops. Yuki Shibayama was buying a couple sticks of dango for his sister, Tsukishima made a small remark of him being a real sister boy. Haiba at the time seemed to be annoying a very displeased Teshiro. A small and weak yell was heard, however it was quickly brushed off due to the large crowd. Yamaguchi stopped at a food stall that sold fries, even though they weren’t soft as he wanted them, they still tasted pretty good. Hinata and Kageyama were arguing about something. Yachi stood in the middle to make them stop their yelling since they started to draw a small crowd. Another scream echoed this time a bit more heavier. The noise left his heart beating a bit faster; it sounded kind of. . . primal. Before he could react another yell followed by a wave of screeching rang throughout the air. The howling caused even the duo to shut up for once. 
He froze in place as a girl who looked no older than thirteen, a middle schooler was pinned down a lady. Her shrieks sent shivers down his spine, her dog bit the neck of the lady who fell off to the side trampled by oncoming people. The dog licking the girl’s cheek in a loving manner didn’t sense the sudden change in his owner. Her small frame was on him in a second tearing fur and flesh off his yelps and whine would fall on death ears. He managed to escape, but the large chunk left a noticeable hole in his side. Yamaguchi felt useless in that moment, his feet glued to the very dry cement he stood on. He turned to stare at Tsuki who was too engaged in his phone to notice what was transpiring around him. Yamaguchi's hand reached out for his friend, however in a split second Tsukishima was yanked from behind by a man, who looked extremely ill. Everything played in slow motion as the man bit Tsukishima on the neck and in complete shock elbowed the man square in the face. Clenching at the wound to dull the jarring pain.
Blood flowed down his neck and coated his white shirt, his headphones ripped off his ears hitting the pavement with a harsh smack. Yamaguchi remembered running to aid his best friend, dropping the fries in the process, his mind running faster than his legs and before he could even inch forward the same man and a woman gripped Tsukishima and tore his skin from his flesh. His gut wrenching screams through terror into his heart. Witnessing his childhood friend being eaten alive was a pill he tried swallowing, but soon regurgitated it back up. Throw up ran down his chin as Kageyama shoved him forward making him trip on ground beneath him. Yamaguchi noticed Hinata yelling at a very dumbfound Yachi, she stood there frozen, shaking and stunned by the madness happening around her. Everyone knew she was a very anxious and scared teenage girl, even suppressing a scream when she met the captain from Ubugawa again. 
Hinata’s pleading fell on deaf ears as Yachi stared off into the chaos, her mouth slightly shifting like she was mumbling under her breath. He shouted at her as well, but Kageyama pulled him again, cutting him off half way. Yachi was lifted from her stupor the moment someone else bumped into her. She ran off so fast in the crowd shrieking before even Hinata couldn’t grab her and before he could run off to catch up with her Kageyama snatched him up from the back of his shirt. They sprinted through the thick crowd and with luck on their side made it back to the camp and collapsed on the grass from exhaustion. He took notice of the other first years slowly arriving, a dazed Inuoka clutched at his side. Haiba guided him down to the ground and ran inside. Tears fell on the back of his hands and they streamed down his face like a water spout. He lost two of his friends in less than thirty minutes that day and it wrecked him.
It sounds so much like the beginning of a movie more than anything. Even the part of when we thought everything was okay Inuoka transformed into one of those sick creatures. He tore out the throat of Nekoma’s team coach. Coach Ukai with the help of Daichi and Kuroo shoved the reanimated Inuoka out. No one talked as we listened to the moans and screeches constantly banging at the locked doors. 
Yamaguchi snapped himself out of his depressing thoughts as a soft rustle startled him from the dark corner of the room. 
“Go to sleep. I can feel your depressing aura from here.” Konoha grumbled.
“S-sorry.” His face grew warm from embarrassment.
Konoha groaned as he sat gazing over at one of his teammates. Washio was still sound asleep as Konoha shifted out of his own makeshift bed. “Can’t sleep?”
“Yeah, my mind’s running faster than a rabbit right now.” Konoha nodded strutting across the room to my futon, sitting down on his rump and leaning on his head on his knee. “Sorry, that I woke you up.”
“Ya know it’s nearly morning, so don’t worry about it.” Yamaguchi just nodded. “Let’s just keep it down. I really don’t wanna hear Washio complain about us keeping him up.”
“Y-you don’t have to stay up with me. You don’t know when you can sleep peacefully again, ya know.”
“Nah, it’s fine already awake now and I don’t think I can force myself too either.” He gingerly smiled back at his senior. The two young men stayed up for the rest of the night mostly talking about anything that would keep their minds off their dead friends. They yammered on about family members and past friends that still lingered from childhood. Konoha mentioned his older brother and younger sister, but soon switched the topic. Yamaguchi talked about his mother, father and his grandmother who makes his fries extra floppy for him. The memories of sitting in his living room under the kotatsu with Tsuki. The air surrounding them would usually be scented with whatever his grandmother was cooking at the time. It really made him think about some of the embarrassing situations he was in with some family members. Now he kind of wants to wake up to that familiar smell of home cooked meals and laughter.
The conversations waived from school life, hobbies to old crushes. Yamaguchi had opened his mouth, but quickly closed it, he knew it was only a crush. But, knowing that the girl he liked was presumably dead made him suffer a wave of guilt. Konoha on the other hand was shyly gazing behind himself. 
“You know, I kind of have or may have developed a small crush on their manager. During my first year, we met Nekoma for the first time. Her cheeks were so plump that they bounce when you pinch them.” His facial expression stayed the same, however his cheeks were heavily flushed. “She probably doesn’t like me in that way, and that’s fine. I just don’t want it to be weird.”
“I heard that confessing can make you feel better. Maybe, I don’t really have that much experience in this or any experience for the matter.” Yamaguchi shrugged.
Konoha tore his gaze from the small frame hidden under the thin covers. “Maybe, but when shit settles down I’ll do it. Right now, seems like a very bad time.”
“Yeah, maybe that’s the better option.”
Konoha glanced around the room, seeing that the room was being illuminated by the morning sun. “Guess we’ve been talking for a while now.” Stretching, the sound of joints cracking invaded their ears, “So, wanna come with me on morning prep?”
“Yeah, sure.” 
 So, the day starts over. The endless cycle that now fills Yamaguchi’s life starts anew.
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tragedy-for-sale · 4 years
Beach Days:
Volleyball Vods
Continuing to ignore the fact everything happened; I'm continuing the little beach series inspired by the lovely art of @suja-janee
Also I don't know anything about volleyball so please don't @ me
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Ahsoka had been burying Obi-Wan in sand as they had waited for Rex to come to. Now the poor vod was carrying Anakin back to the condo. "I honestly feel bad for Rex" Ahsoka stated, "Skywalkers."
Obi-Wan let out a stiffened chuckle, "Skywalkers" he mumbled in turn, taking a sip from an empty glass for effect. He watched as he saw several more figures were walking down to the beach. Turning to Ahsoka, "Commander Bly and Aayla are here."
Ahsoka patted the sand that was now up to his knees, "I guess I'll have to make you into a mermaid later," she smiled and gave Obi-Wan permission to step out of his sand prison.
"Greetings Master Kenobi!" Aayla greeted as Obi-Wan and Ahsoka walked to meet them. "I presume Skywalker is hiding?" She asked, giving a wave to Ahsoka.
"Greetings Master Secura, Commander Bly" Obi-Wan greeted, "Yes, Anakin got Captain Rex to take him back to the beach condo, I believe he'll be staying there for the rest of the trip" he teased. While Obi-Wan and Aayla caught up on grown-up Jedi business, Ahsoka gave a small wave to Bly, who'd looked to the sand in reaction, glancing up to give her a small wave.
"We have yet to see Master Fisto, but I'm certain he'll turn up" Obi-Wan spoke as he saw another Jedi, Shaak Ti.
"Commander Bly and I were going to play volleyball, care to join us?" Aayla smiled, turning to Bly, giving him a nudge to bring him back to reality.
Bly looked up in shock, then to the other two, "Yeah," he commented, "We could make a team with your men" he said as he took the ball from Aayla's hands.
"Heck yeah! The boys love volleyball!" Ahsoka exclaimed as she ran down the beach to gather the boys again. Obi-Wan chuckled, giving Aayla a nod before heading off to greet Shaak Ti.
"You can relax Bly, we're on vacation" Aayla assured him with a smile. Bly was spinning the ball in his hands, but he turned to Aayla and gave her a smile. "Come on, we have to put a team together that's sure to beat Ahsoka's" she smiled, grabbing the Commander's arm and running to the court where everyone was gathered.
"Ahsoka, since Bly is on my team, you get first pick" Aayla smiled as she took the ball from Bly, who was scanning the men, and judging their skill by what they were wearing.
Ahsoka smiled, "Alrighty, let's see" Ahsoka looked to the boys, now this was serious business. "Jesse, I choose you!" Ahsoka pointed with a laugh. Jesse laughed and ran towards Ahsoka, turning to the boys and sticking his tongue out as he waved.
"Vaughn, join us?" Bly asked. Dave walked over, giving a high five to the General and Commander. Ahsoka chose Echo, Aayla; Fives. Kix went to Ahsoka's team. Bly wanted Tup. Ahsoka's next two members were Crys and Boil and Aayla's team was completed with Waxer. "Alright, we have five minutes to discuss stragedy, then we battle" Bly spoke before walking over to his team.
"Alright guys, let's have fun today, Jesse, Kix, lead the front, Echo, you're in the rear with Crys to the right. Boil, straight up front and I'll be center" she said before leaning in to tell them their real plan.
"Keep a secure form, loose but secure." Aayla explained, "Center cannot become crowded, avoid crowding the net too, don't let the rear become vulnerable, we must have two players there at all times"
While they were preparing, Obi-Wan was walking with Cody, "-Then Anakin talked to me for like an hour before Rex rescued me" Cody explained as he took a sip of his tea. Obi-Wan chuckled as they approached the game, both popping out their folding chairs.
"Who do you reckon will win?" Obi-Wan asked, whether he thought Ahsoka's team was going to win or not, he had to be on her side. "What about team names!?" Obi-Wan called.
Cody let out a noise as he took account each member of the teams, "I thin-" Cody jumped as Obi-Wan screamed, causing them to turn to him.
Ahsoka looked to her men, "Well boys?" She asked and they all whispered and agreed on the name, "We're 'The Reason Rex has Grey Hair!'" Ahsoka called with a laugh. Cody choked on his drink as he erupted into laugh.
Aayla turned to her men, "'The boys want to be called 'Rex's Royal Pain'" she announced, her team giggling in the background.
Obi-Wan leaned back, "Teenagers" he shook his head as he took a sip of his second martini. "Am I right?" He asked, turning to Cody.
He looked Obi-Wan straight in the eye, "Sir, I'm thirteen" he then took a sip as he watched Obi-Wan's face make that realization, only to hear a whistle.
"Alright! Game!" Shaak Ti announced. When did she even get there? How long had she been there? Then the game begun. Bly spiked the ball over the net, Boil smacked it back over the net. "Not proper form, Boil!" Shaak Ti called, "You boys know how to play volleyball! Show them what you got!" She exclaimed.
Both teams grew a little bit more competitive, moving with the same grace and precision on the battlefield. Cody was sitting on the edge of his sit, Obi-Wan... Wasn't. "Commander, why aren't you playing?" Obi-Wan asked as the ball went high into the air, "Show them what you got?"
"Oh, I couldn't show off like that, sir," Cody shook his head as he caught the ball, tossing it back to Crys, "I'll let them have their fun" he added, finally leaning back to enjoy the game. Obi-Wan took another sip, sitting up a bit as the ball fazed into the sun again.
The game was neck-to-neck, each hit with an exact amount of force and the projectory precise. The men didn't hesitate to drop to the sand to keep the ball in the air. Shaak Ti blew the whistle and prepared them for the final round.
Kix had the ball, he'd already had the projectory of his serve ready. He was eagerly waiting for the whistle. He'd been looking to the ocean and saw something come out of the water as Shaak Ti blew the whistle. He hit the ball into to air in startlement. "What was that?!" He screamed.
Everyone looked to see what could've gotten Kix so shooken up, they all were taken aback as they saw a certain Jedi come out of the water. "That, appears to be Master Fisto-
"Bly!" Ahsoka screamed, the Commander turned to her and froze as he saw the ball coming straight towards his face, sending him to the ground. They all turned to help the Commander up.
"Leeme..." Bly tried to keep them from pulling him up, "I need a moment" he mumbled, he gingerly touched his aching nose, "Did I break it?" He asked, feeling the blood. Aayla had kneeled down to his side, "Mm, maybe if we just ice it? I don't think it's broken, Kix, can you tell?" She asked, Kix ran over.
"Ah, man, sir I'm so sorry, Master Fisto really startled me" Kix apologized as he grabbed his backpack from the sidelines and than came to Bly's side.
"Ah, another man down" Obi-Wan said, holding out his hand, Cody very begrudgingly handing over the bet on credits. "At least Rex will have company other than Anakin"
"Oh dear, what happened here?" Kit Fisto asked as he reached the court, the eyes of the brothers silently judging him. Aayla turned, she'd completely forgotten about Kit.
She stood up, "Kix was startled by your lurking in the water, it appears Bly got the worst of it" she stated, crossing her arms. Kit looked down to Bly and Kix, who was putting an instant cold pack on his nose.
"My apologies, I've been in the water all morning." Kit spoke, "I suppose your game is paused at the moment?" He asked the group. They all nodded, saddened. "Don't fret, Shaak Ti made lunch, how about it?" He asked, the brothers erupted in excitement, going to crowd Master Ti. "Well Aayla, take a lunch break?"
Aayla turned to Bly, who looked miserable, then back to Kit, who looked just fine. "I'll stay with Commander Bly, get him back to the condo to rest" she replied. "Don't save any for me, I'm sure the boys have worked up an appetite.
"Very well, Master Secura" Kit smiled giving her a bow, "Let me know how your Commander is later, I'll be eager to hear if he'll be able to join everyone soon again" he said as he gestured the rest of the boys to follow him.
Aayla nodded and gave him a boy before kneeling back down to Bly's side. "Kix said I broke it." Bly smiled with a weak laugh. Aayla gave him a small smile as she held out her hand, "But it's all patched up, and Kix said to just keep it iced. Soooo lunch?" He asked as Aayla pulled him to his feet. She nodded,
"Lunch sounds excellent"
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Broken Promise
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: That’s a wrap folks
Thanks for reading:)
25 years old
That epiphany in the apartment was all Akaashi needed to crank out what would be considered his best work. Titled Pinky Promise, it went on to make the top seller list in Japan, Europe, and the United States. He had finally succeeded in making a name for himself under his pen name Akaji. He went on book tours and did interviews. For three years Akaashi basked in the fame and the glory he so deserved. 
Now that he was a famous author, his team decided he needed social media platforms. Akaashi had never been too interested in twt or social media platforms in general. He believed he was more old fashioned than that. If he had been a little more up to speed, maybe he would have figured everything out sooner. His team handled all his postings and interactions. They controlled who he followed and who followed him; unaware of the fact that the current MSBY Jackals Ace was a former high school friend of his; they never followed him back.
Maybe if they had he would have seen what the rest of the world was privy to. 
On a Tuesday morning Akaashi sat, doing an interview for the local radio station. His hands folded over his lap waiting for the broadcast to begin. With a wave of the producers hand the host began the show. “Good morning Tokyo, we have a very special guest in the studio today” the DJ announced. “Best selling Author of Pinky Promise Akaji, is here with us, and he will be answering a few fan questions.” Akaashi nodded to the DJ picking up his own headphones placing them on his head. The producer cued the first caller as the DJ clicked them in. 
“Alright, caller what is your question?” they asked. “Is your book based off of your own experience Akaji-san?” Akaashi contemplated for a split second before answering. “Yes, Pinky Promise is based off of what I went through and when I grew up.” he stated anticipating the next question. Forty-five minutes later the segment was coming to a close with one caller left. “Last caller, what is your question?” the DJ asked, waiting to start clearing up his work space. “ If in the book, you both went separate ways...is there any possibility you would seek her out to try again? I mean...you loved each other right...and you ended things on good terms, so...why not try again?” they ask with a hint of nervousness in the back of their throat. Akaashi smiled softly answering, “ I have been thinking of what my next move would be for a long time now. I think...now that I am where I planned to be; I’m going to find her again and make her mine.” If only. If only.
~2 weeks later~Onigiri Miya~
You opened the door to your husband's restaurant with the biggest smile on your face. You had wonderful news to share. The past three years have been nothing but marital bliss for the both of you. 3 months after he proposed you married in a small ceremony that ended up being crashed by his idiot twin, both of his loud teammates and Omi-omi who only showed up to ensure that the other three wouldn't go running amok in another country. It was the happiest day of your life until today.
Walking into the restaurant you can’t help but roll your eyes at the scene you walked in on. Atsumu is kneeling over the counter clutching his midsection. You can only assume he said something to rile up his brother and Osamu hit him again. Bokuto and Hinata are no better yelling and screeching about how good the new menu items are and discussing the upcoming match against Bakageyama. The only normal person in all this is Omi-Omi who sits at the end of the counter glaring hatefully at the rest of his obnoxious team.
You take note of the fact that no one has noticed your presence and bring your fingers to your lips letting out an ear piercing whistle. “Jesus woman, could you be any louder!” Atsumu grumbles rubbing his ear. “Be nice to me or i’ll tell Omi-Omi that you were the one who stole his body wash and put it back into his bag.” you laughed as the color proceeded to drain from his face. Your husband smiled at you softly before pulling you into his arms. “How was your appointment, princess?” he asks, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You snuggle into his chest with a wide grin on your face. “The appointment was fine honey, I’m perfectly healthy and the babies are healthy too.” you mumble waiting for him to catch on.”Well that’s good I know you’ve been feeling a little run down l,” he freezes his mind finally registering. “Babies...as in?” you nod vigorously. “Twins, Samu-chan...we’re having twins!” you exclaim laughing as your husband and his brother both start tearing up simultaneously. “Hey, Hey, Hey! I’m going to be the best uncle these babies have ever seen!” Bokuto screeches jumping onto the chair. “Over my dead body! I’m their favorite uncle...we are family after all” Atsumu huffs crossing his arms over his chest. With a scoff Kiyoomi makes his way over to the two of you. “I suppose congratulations are in order...just don't let that idiot watch them and i’ll consider letting them around me.” you laugh softly waving your hand at him. Bokuto and Hinata have now changed topics to babies and all the things they’re going to teach the twins. As you look at this group of men that have become your family the door jingles alerting you to a potential customer. Your husband greets them as you walk to the back and pull on your Apron.
“Welcome to Onigiri Miya” Osamu states bowing at the new face. After you wash your hands you make your way to the front when Bokuto screams, “Aggaashiii!” you freeze for a moment as your breath hitches at the name you haven’t heard or thought about since that day years ago. You walk out to see Bokuto pulling Akaashi into a hug already rambling about anything and everything. Osamu’s eyes are watching your every move, waiting for you to make the first move. You shake your head slightly and wave your hand in Bokuto’s direction. “I’m fine Samu-chan, it was a long time ago and I’m a different person now.” you hum softly, prepping ingredients to make something for you and the two little beans you're growing.
Akaashi only planned to stop in because his publicist had great things to say about the restaurant. The name itself sounded familiar but he couldn’t pinpoint where he had heard it from. Pulling the door open he walked inside only to be greeted by a familiar dual-haired face. He chuckled as he realized Bokuto-san had remained the same. “These are my teammates, Hinata, Omi-omi, and Atsumu!” Bokuto stated with a wave of his hand. Akaashi bowed respectfully, further acknowledging that he remembered Hinata from his high school volleyball days. “You don’t remember Tsumu, Akaashi?” Bokuto asks, tilting his head at you. He shook his head, “I’m sorry but I can’t put a face to the name.” Atsumu shrugged nonchalantly. Just because the pretty boy forgot who he was didn’t mean Atsumu forgot about it. Atsumu was there that day his brother found you in the park; and he remembered the way your heart shattered watching Akaashi do what he did. With a satisfying grin on his face Atsumu watched everything unfold.
“And this Osamu and his wife! He owns this place and a few chains in the prefecture!” Bokuto explained turning Akaashi around to meet the owner. Once Akaashi regained his setting his eyes widened upon seeing your familiar face. “[name]” he murmurs, hands shaking slightly. You smile tightly and bow to him. “ It’s been a long time Akaashi-san; what can the owners of Onigiri Miya get for you today?”
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Watching You (Shinsuke Kita x Reader)
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Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Genre: Fluff, Post-timeskip
Word count: 1164
A/N: This kinda feels unfinished, but I just wanted to get it out of my head while I had the inspiration. Also, cross-posted on AO3.
Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu!! nor its characters, but I own the idea of this fic.
From your bedroom window, you watched him park his small truck in front of his home right across the street. With only the thin fabric of your draperies to hide you from the outside world, you proceeded to gaze out as you always did to catch a view of him. Him - your neighbor, an old schoolmate in high school named Kita. You hadn't intended to, but the lockdown was taking longer than you had imagined, and you had to look for ways to stay sane while waiting for a chance to resume your life in Tokyo. 
Your gaze shifted to the clock at your bedside, and you smiled. It was the same routine every morning - he'd come home in his truck at exactly seven in the morning and then leave again an hour later. You always wondered what time his day started and where he'd come from, but never bothered to ask. After all, it wasn't like you were friends - you only went to school together and he was two classes ahead. 
But you knew him. Oh, how you did! You knew he'd leave his house for volleyball practice at five in the morning, and wouldn't be back until six or seven at night. You knew he adored his grandma and doted on his younger brother. You also knew that he wouldn't exactly give any girl the time of day because he was busy studying. Sighing, you set aside your high school memories so you could shift your focus back to him. 
Today seemed like a happy day, you thought silently as you watched more members of his household step out to meet him with big smiles on their faces. One by one, they unloaded boxes and trays from the small white truck. As you moved to get a better view of the boxes, you suddenly felt strange, as if someone's eyes were on you. As you scanned the neighbors you were spying on, you realized the person you were looking at had moved away from his family. And that he had somehow moved to the right side of the truck, where he had an unobstructed view of you. He squinted, as he tried to make out your outline, and you gasped. Panicked, you quickly dropped to the floor, and inched your way far from the window. 
"That was embarrassing," you said as you tried to calm your pounding heart. "Okay. That's enough spying on Kita-san starting today."
With that thought in mind, you tried to go through your day by writing a featured article for the lifestyle publication you now worked for. Though tempting, you stopped yourself from going to the window to peek at your neighbor even when you heard his truck arrive, or when you heard him joke around with his brother. A flush crept up your cheeks at the thought that he saw you watching them earlier for the first time. 
'If that even was the first time he caught me watching! Ugh, I can't believe this pandemic turned me into a peeping tom," you thought, as you pound your fists on the sides of your head. Before you went into full anxiety mode, you suddenly had another thought. 
'What if he didn't see me?' You thought as you looked out the window from your workspace in your room. It was possible after all - the sun was facing my room's direction, so the light would've reflected on my window, keeping me from view. 
'Yeah.' The thought relieved the anxiety you were starting to feel. He was just probably looking at the reflection of the sun. There was no way he would see you. 'Let's go with that.'
Your relief was short-lived when your mom knocked on your door and announced that you were going to accompany her and your dad to a birthday party. Right across the street. Where the Kitas lived. 
This was a nightmare. You sat with your parents and some other neighbors at the Kita's residence, with a fake smile plastered on your face. It was his grandmother's birthday, and they thought of inviting your family to celebrate. The atmosphere was jovial, but all you could think of was that you were nosing around in their business from your bedroom window a couple of hours back. 
"(Y/n)-chan looks so out-of-place in this table." You heard the birthday celebrant say. You tensed up, surprised. You didn't know the old woman even knew who you were, and suddenly there she was standing right beside you. 
You shot up from your seat awkwardly. "Happy Birthday, Obaasan," you said, bowing low to greet her. 
"You are every inch as pretty as he says," the old woman continued, as she peered into your face and smiled. 
'He says,' you thought silently. 
"But you shouldn't be here with the older guests. Why don't you join the younger ones instead?" She said, picking up your hand, and tugging you along with her.
"Uhm, the younger people, Obaasan?" You asked, marveling at how strong the elderly Kita was despite her age. 
"The younger people," she said and came into a full stop in front of the one person you dreaded to see. Dressed in a collared maroon shirt that complemented his brown eyes, and trousers, he looked more like a model than the rice farmer he grew up to be. As you finally fixed your eyes on your former schoolmate, you saw that he was already doing the same for you. 
"Isn't it nice to finally see each other face-to-face, instead of staring at each other through the window?" The old woman teased and squeezed your hand before letting it go and leaving you both on your own. 
"So, uh…," you started. 
"Shinsuke," he offered, as he pulled out a chair for you to sit. "My name is Shinsuke."
"I'm (y/n)," you responded while playing with your hands-on your lap. "Uh… we went to school together before…"
"Yes, I know. You were two years below me in high school," he started matter-of-factly as he gazed at you calmly. 
"Right. After that, I went to Tokyo. I've been living there since," you said, hoping to make the conversation less awkward. Meeting people like this wasn't your strong suit, but you knew you had to try. Looking wistfully at the flowers in the centerpiece of the table you both occupied, you cleared your throat again. "I only came here to visit but with the pandemic and all, my parents aren't so keen on sending me away." 
"Hmm. It must be hard adjusting back to life in Hyogo after being away for so long," the former Inarizaki men's volleyball team captain said. "So, what have you been doing since April?"
You cocked an eyebrow and looked at him quizzically. "How'd you know I've been here since April?"
A blush started sweeping across his face as he smiled. "Truth is, (y/n)-chan, while you were watching me, I was kinda watching you, too."
The end. 
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sapereaude-habemut · 4 years
It is confusing.
You were born only two years and four months after I was. I do not remember life without you. Our brother was born only fifteen months after that. I barely remember life without him either.
I had very little time to have “girl” toys. By the time I was four I was sharing a room in a tiny house with my two little brothers. The “girliest” toys I had were horse figurines--but before you two started getting superhero action figures and little green army men, you had animal toys too, so what’s the difference? Even when I got Barbies and dolls, they would play in the same world as your amy men, they would also fight and explore, because I always played with you two. Most of our time was spent outside though. Our house was so tiny, our backyard so big. We rode bikes, we dug in the mud, we built little houses out of sticks and rocks. We played our imaginary game, where we were knights on a quest, explorers of a new world, we fought with sticks, we got dirty, scraped our knees. My upbringing was far more stereotypically “boyish” than “girlish.” Except for, well, everything aside from that.
I watched you and our other brother pee on trees in the backyard, our parents would laugh as you freely, laughingly had contests to see whose pee stream could reach higher. It was “cute” it was “funny.” It was something men did. Meanwhile, for me, using the bathroom was secretive, it was hidden. It was something never talked about. Vagina was a word uttered only in whispers.
I grew up watching you and our brother run around without shirts on, in our backyard, in our house on snowdays when we came inside to hot chocolate so you would not stain your shirts. At the beach, the pool, family and neighborhood barbecues--freely, without a second thought. Everyone accepted it. Meanwhile, I had been taught that it was inappropriate for a girl to not wear her shirt around other people at such a young age that I do not have a memory of thinking it was okay. At such a young age I could not yet understand WHY it was not okay. For my entire living memory, I have just known my torso was something that had to be hidden, to be ashamed of. 
Long before I had anything on my body that could make not wearing a shirt, or certain clothes “inappropriate,” I was chastised if I tried to leave the house in a shirt or pants too tight, a skirt or shorts too short, the neckline too low--anything really. My body, for my whole life, has always been something I just knew had to be hidden. While you and our brother ran around freely, peeing on trees, without shirts on, like it was the most natural thing in the world. 
I changed diapers. So many diapers. When our brother was born and I was only four, I was taught to change his diapers. I changed so many of our sisters’ diapers. You changed none. I was always the mother's helper, I was expected to be. I changed the diapers, I babysat for the first time at eleven years old, over you, our other brother, and both our sisters, one of whom was a new born. I was the eldest sister, I was a woman, I was mother’s helper. It was expected. I continued to babysit until I left for college, despite the fact that you and our brother were far older than I was when I first began watching all of you. I would cancel plans and miss out when I was seventeen in highschool to “babysit”--while you, fifteen years old, got to sit around, play video games, watch television, read. When our mother was sad, tired, overwhelmed, busy--I cooked dinner, I set the table, I cleaned up dinner and loaded the dishwasher. I bathed our sisters, and sang them to sleep. You and our brother were never asked to do anything. You were never expected to do anything. It was all woman’s work. 
On the holidays, I was always sent to the kitchen to “help the other women”--to help our mother, grandmother, and aunts, cook, bring out dishes, set the tables, and clean up. As the men in the family at around the table, or on couches, laughing and talking, and you and our brother played, or when you got older, joined in on the laughing and talking. I served you. I cleaned up after you. Because I am a woman. 
I grew up watching you and our brother be “gross”, get dirty, play rough. Sit however you wanted. But when I joined in, when I got dirty, when I shoved one of you too hard, when I sat, somehow, incorrectly, I was scolded and told it was not “lady-like.”
My whole high school career our relatives unceasingly asked me when I would bring a boyfriend home. Despite the fact that I was a three season varsity athlete, the captain of the track team my junior and senior years, despite the fact that I was top of my class, despite the fact that I took every AP exam I could, passed nearly all of them with perfect 5′s, was going to college on a scholarship with nearly a full semester of college credits. You and our other brother got commended for being smart, but if you acted up, it was brushed off with my grandpa, our uncles saying “ah well, you take after me--boys will be boys.” You were never asked about bringing a girl home. But if you brought it up, you got a pat on the shoulder and an “atta boy.”
My whole upbringing was being forced to grow up too quickly to help cook for everyone, help clean up after everyone, do everyone’s laundry, take care of all of you. While you got to play. My whole upbringing was being taught to hide my body, that it was somehow inappropriate, shameful. While you got to run about freely, your bodies unencumbered by shame.
When I was fifteen, a grown man told me I had “child-bearing hips.” Horrified, I told my mother, and she just said sadly, but shruggingly, “You get that from my side.” When I was sixteen, playing volleyball, a senior from another school said he would like to “pipe” me. I have been grabbed, jeered at, sexually assaulted. At a family barbecue the summer after my freshman year of college, an older male relative who had not seen me since I was a child said “damn she’s an Amazon” as I tried to toss around the football with you and our other brother. I was uncomfortable. I have always had to deal with being uncomfortable. You never felt as though you did not have ownership over your body, as though your own body endangered you. As though your flesh somehow made you more vulnerable, but also more shameful, weaker, but giving me these great burdens of “womanhood.”
And it was not even like, as our mother tries to argue, that maybe this is why you were so adverse to sports, why it was so burdensome to have expectations of athleticism on you. I was more athletic than both you and our brother, I played more sports than both of you, I was better at more sports than both of you, I enjoyed sports more than both of you. One of our sisters is also far more athletic than both of you. 
It also was not, as our mother also tries to say, our father’s hyper-traditional ideals of masculinity and feminity that drove you to this, or made you hide it. Because I was not always feminine. I worked mucking stalls, doing manual labor all summer. I more often than not wore athletic clothes, rarely wore makeup. Both me and our sister went through long “tomboy” stages, where we wore clothes from the boy’s department. Where we cut our hair short. We were permitted to do that. Our brother, our athletic, funny, “ladies’ man” of a brother, loves fashion. He loves to style outfits, to wear brightly colored or pastel floral button down shirts, pair them with patterned ties, he loves well fitted pants, fancy shoes, likes to make sure his socks go with his outfit, but also “pop” so when he sits and his pants reveal them, they are stylish too. He likes to wear his hair longer so he can style it. He was permitted to do that. He wears pink ties, he wears cologne, he cares about his skin. Our father and grandfather may joke, but in a good-natured way saying “well he’s never had trouble with the ladies, so maybe *we’re* doing something wrong.” It was not that.
So what was it? When you tell me you could not imagine not transitioning, not being a woman? What do you mean? What is this woman you speak of? 
The first time I saw you after you announced you were transitioning, you were wearing a black choker, and off the shoulder top revealing a pink strappy sports bra, your nails were painted black. Is that what you think it means to “feel” more like a woman? Painted nails, trashy jewelry, and cutesy flashes of undergarments? Is it breasts? What is it? 
This is not the womanness I was burdened with.
You received every single privilege of being a male in a very traditional, Catholic, Italian family. You never tried to take on any of the burdens I was forced to bear because it was my “role as a woman.” You took advantage of all of it. Your entire life. 
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