#he had life insurance in the first place as a final gift to us should anything happen to him.
orcelito · 7 months
Got my phone on my own account, so I am Officially independent of my father (in terms of stuff I pay every month)
Also now know what I'm gonna get from life insurance and. Well. It really is a life changing amount of money. Enough that I could potentially just... not work as I make my way through the rest of school.
I want to be careful with it, not grow too flippant about it, but with proper allocation, this could genuinely help me finally get my life on track.
I'm still kinda reeling over it. It's genuinely mind-boggling.
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
I'm awake, mostly coherent, and still in love with Stoner Yan desperately in need of getting railed by his ghost/monster roommate he can only see when inebriated. Loser Stoner Boy who buys some cheap house on the market using his payout from his recently deceased mother's life insurance- Anything is better than his shitty apartment with no working stove and it's not like he'll be there long anyway. His only goal left in life is to use the rest of his cash to get so high he can barely feel his body wasting away. He quit school, never had too many friends to begin with, and his only real hobbies were smoking in various parks til he was kicked out. Life's going nowhere for him, so whatever happens to him happens.... Even waking up in bed when he expressly recalls passing out on the couch. When did he order a bed anyway? When was the last time he ordered food for himself that wasn't to satisfy whatever craving he had?
Waking up from another bender, he finds groceries at his doorstep - a message on his phone confirming a successful delivery. Any mess or spill he leaves around the house is magically cleaned by morning. The one time he wanted to try a stronger drug, he found the needles smashed and floating in the toilet. Strange occurrences became more obvious of another presence in his home, but it never hurt him so why should he care? He was often too high for the question to even cross his mind. That still left the thought of who or whatever it was buzzing around in the back of his mind...
The answer came on a night he decided to finally use the bed in his room without being carried there first-
A still shape bathed in the moonlight from the window. What he could see of it appeared to be a product of the light itself. Its body was slightly too large for the mattress- legs bent into its chest as it slumbered. Annoyed more than anything, he found a comfortable spot on the floor to lay-
The figure was gone by the time he woke up next morning, tucked in between with an apple placed in his hand for the hunger sure to grip him once he arose.
Forgot this was supposed to be a horny post for a minute so Tldr; Stoner Boy falls in love with his "roommate" and decides his pussy is the best gift to give them because he can't do shit less- Frequently smoking without wearing his sweats or even his boxers on if he's feeling extra freaky-
Monster Reader just wants him to go back to college and make better friends first
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar Lessons 13-15
Series Masterlist
Y’all know what’s coming up next, time for some *~buildup~*. So I’ve decided to forgo my usual bullet point system for the next two parts in the series so it’ll just be a full fic chapter style thing. Anyway, enjoy the prelude to the angst!
MC was comfortable.
They were sprawled out on the floor of Lucifer’s study, folding and crinkling old bits of paperwork that their father had damned to the shredder. Bean attempted to swat at the loose paper, only to flop onto his back. MC giggled and scratched behind his ears, the kitten batted at their hand in response.
Lucifer was doing paperwork, though he was getting quite distracted by the antics of his child and the cat.
Finishing up their paper snowflakes, MC unfolded them and hummed to themselves. The snowflakes turned out much better than that line of paper people that they had accidentally decapitated earlier.
“Tadaaaa!” MC chirped, holding up the paper snowflakes.
Lucifer looked at them, then chuckled and shook his head. “MC, I know it’s winter up in the human world, but it’s not down here. Why are you making snow themed decorations?”
“There’s no sun in the Devildom, it’s always a little cold out.” MC replied. “So it’s gotten me in a snowflake-y mood.”
Lucifer smiled slightly as he adjusted the paper orchids on his desk. MC had attributed their skill in paper crafts to their plethora of Mother and Father’s Day gifts they had given to their other parent over the years.
“What are you working on now?” He asked as he continued to absentmindedly work through the mountain of paperwork.
“I need to make something for Beel.” MC sighed. “I made him a pizza slice craft… but he ate it.”
“Perhaps this time you should make him a Fangol ball.”
“Yeah… that might be best.”
MC had offered to help out their father with anything involving the exchange program, any questions or improvements to be made, any issues that needed to be solved, and things that could be done to make future students more comfortable. Things were going well, but not every bit of work Lucifer was doing involved the exchange program, which left MC to play with the cat and the loose paper.
“Do you need help with anything, father?” MC asked, rolling onto their back and holding Bean above them.
“Not yet, MC.” Lucifer replied. “Most of your work here is done anyway.”
“Hmph, that sucks.” MC pouted. “I like helping you.”
They caught the ghost of a smile on Lucifer’s face after they said that.
“It’s nice that someone in this house does.”
They continued to play with the cat, Bean ended up getting his claws stuck in the carpet, MC had to help him out, Bean returned the favour by attacking MC’s poor defenseless hand.
“Yes?” MC looked up from their battle with Bean.
“What was your life like in the human world? I assume it wasn’t common knowledge that you’re half demon.”
MC giggled a bit. “Kind of boring, it’s much more exciting down here. Back in the human world I couldn’t exactly practice my magic without needing to explain to the insurance guy that the reason the windows are broken is because I wanted to move the remote closer to me without getting up.”
“Hm.” Lucifer smirked. “Laziness gets you nowhere.”
“I know. But at least now I can move things without breaking anything I don’t want broken.” MC smiled as they used their magic to move their father’s coffee mug a few inches to the left. Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
MC felt their hair get ruffled and their glasses moved slightly off their nose. “What about you, father? What was life like without me?”
“Well, it wasn’t boring.” Lucifer replied. “Just ever so slightly less chaotic.”
Bean lost interest in the game and rushed out of the room to yowl angrily at one of the vases in the library or hallway. According to Lucifer, those artifacts came with the house and were insanely cursed. Bean appeared to be offended that he wasn’t allowed to knock the objects off of the table.
MC took a quick breath and steeled themselves to ask a question they had asked a dozen times before. “What about the time before that? Like when you were in the Celestial Realm?”
Lucifer stiffened in his seat. “Why do you want to know about that?”
“No one really talks about it, and I want to know.” MC frowned, but did their best to shrug as casually as they could. “I also want to know about Lilith, no one ever talks about her.”
“Just wanting to know isn’t a terribly good reason for digging up the past.”
MC bristled at his dismissive tone, every time they had asked about that time he had avoided answering. They ground their teeth as they responded. “Well, this is my family too, I deserve to be a part of it.”
“What does knowing about the Celestial Realm have anything to do with being a part of the family?”
“Because I’m the only one who doesn’t have any memories of it!” MC finally snapped. “Even Satan has some of your memories and I have nothing! I’m being left out and it’s not fair!”
Lucifer looked up from his paperwork and glared at MC. “Watch your tone.”
They looked away and muttered something under their breath.
“Speak clearly, MC, I don’t have time for mumbling.” Lucifer said, his patience rapidly draining.
“I said you sure keep a lot of secrets!” MC growled, getting to their feet and crossing their arms. “You won’t tell me why the Grimoire is downstairs, you won’t tell me anything about the Celestial Realm or the Celestial War, you won’t tell me why I’m not allowed to go in the attic, you’re keeping so much from me!”
“Has it ever crossed your mind that you don’t need to know about any of those things?”
“I don’t need to but I have a right to!” MC felt every single one of their insecurities rise and bubble in their chest. “You don’t trust me, do you? That’s why you won’t tell me anything!”
“MC, calm down.” Lucifer growled.
“No!” They snarled. “You’ve been keeping me in the dark!”
Lucifer slammed his hands on his desk, cutting them off. MC almost flinched at the sudden noise, the silence that followed was deafening as they stiffened their posture and felt their hands curl into fists.
“Take a walk, MC. You’re being ridiculous.”
MC opened their mouth to speak, to yell, to scream about the unfairness of it all, then closed it. What good would it have done? They turned on their heel and stomped out of the study.
Time heals all wounds, doesn’t it? Not this time considering Lucifer and MC were still upset at how their last chat ended.
Mammon, Asmo, Beel, Satan, Levi, and MC were lounging around in the living room. It was time for the monthly repainting of everyone’s nails, and MC was getting their turn.
“You have to take better care of your nails, MC.” Asmo tutted. “Clean them more often, file them, take those vitamins I recommended,”
When Asmo was lecturing someone, it was always very much a: ‘nod and make random affirming noises every once and a while’ situation. Mammon snickered at MC’s predicament.
“Don’t think you’re exempt!” Asmo held up the nail clippers at Mammon. “Your nails are filthy too!”
The two began to bicker, MC rolled their eyes and moved over, their nails were still half finished. Satan let out an explosive sigh and closed his book.
“Another day in paradise.”
“Paradise Lost, you mean?” MC teased, Satan scoffed and rolled his eyes.
The formerly average bickering of the second and fifth borns had slowly begun to escalate to their usual game of ‘who can make the other cry first’, a game which Asmo was defending champion of.
“Would both of you dummies CRAM IT?!” MC turned and snapped, the two ignored them and their shouting only grew in volume. “I don’t even know why I try.”
The two’s fight had shifted from words to throwing things, nail polish bottles, the nail filers, the clippers, pillows, mugs, the coasters, nothing was off limits. A wayward nail polish bottle hit Satan in the head and ended up spilling all over his pants.
“You two…” Satan growled. MC shifted away from Satan and got closer to Beel, Satan had been progressively getting more and more irritated as the day went on, and this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!”
Satan leapt off the couch which resulted in Beel dropping his massive stack of pancakes onto the floor. MC suddenly felt significantly less safe.
“Beel, it’s okay, we can make more really quickly.” MC offered, gently patting him on the shoulder. Beel looked from MC, to his poor pancakes, then let out a mournful sigh.
“I’m hungry…” he mumbled, MC leaned their head against his arm.
“We could order in from Ristorante Six if you want!”
The entire time that conversation was taking place, Satan, Asmo, and Mammon were in the middle of killing each other. Levi rolled his eyes and shifted his position in the armchair, the sounds coming from his 3DS got louder as he tried to drown out the fighting.
“Tsk… stupid normies.”
Finally fed up, MC shot up from their seat. “WOULD YOU IDIOTS SHUT UP?!”
The creaking of the door to the living room opening caused everyone to freeze, Lucifer..? No… not him.
Belphegor pushed open the door.
As casual as could be, he grinned and gave everyone a wave. “My dearest brothers, oh how I’ve missed you…”
Everyone stood in complete and utter silence as Belphie casually strolled into the room, he surveyed the mess and let out a giggle.
“Geez, don’t fall over yourselves to welcome me home.”
“…Belphie?” Beel took a few tentative steps forward, then rushed forward and scooped his twin into a back breakingly tight hug.
“Hello to you too, Beel,” Belphie’s smile could have lit up the entire Devildom as he gave Beel a few light pats on the back with his one free arm. “You guys could learn a thing or two from him.”
“Y-you’re supposed to be up in the human world, what are you doing here?” Asmodeus finally piped up.
“Well, I wasn’t actually in the human world. I was locked in the attic.”
Everyone with the exception of MC expressed their shock with a variety of cursing and confused exclamations. MC looked down at their feet and clasped their hands behind their back.
“I’m out now,” Belphie gestured to himself. “Obviously. And we have MC to thank for that.”
MC was now the centre of attention, they felt their face burn with embarrassment. “I-I u-uhm…”
“Speak up, MC,” Everyone whipped their heads around to see Lucifer standing in the now open doorway, his posture was stiff but his expression was completely murderous. “What exactly is Belphegor talking about?”
Their heart hammered in their chest and their ears began to ring. Shit… shit… this wasn’t supposed to happen this way… MC’s ribs seemed to constrict and tighten with guilt as their heart continued to race.
“Oh fuck off,” Belphie scoffed. “You know full well what I’m talking about. You’re the one who locked me up there!”
“Lucifer…” Beel growled. “Is that true..?”
“Yes!” MC finally found their voice and met their father’s stare. “It is true! I found Belphie stuck in the attic over a month ago.”
Lucifer’s eyes flashed dangerously as he shifted his gaze to Belphie. “And the attic is where he’ll stay.”
“Like hell!” Belphie spat. “I’m not going back up there.”
“Do you really think you’re in any place to defy me right now?”
“He’s not going back into the attic, Lucifer.” Beel practically snarled.
The air cackled with tension before MC spoke up again. “Father, can’t we just talk-”
“Stay out of this, MC.”
MC felt the tips of their ears redden as they clenched their fists and stepped up next to Beel and Belphie. “No.”
“No!” MC growled. “Why should I listen to you?! You haven’t told me why you took such bullshit measures to keep your own brother locked up in the attic and lied to everyone about it! What gives you the right to tell me what to do?!”
With one final glare shot over their shoulder, MC, Beel, and Belphie stormed out of the house, leaving the other five brothers behind.
Taking into account Beel’s much larger height and amount of strength, it was a miracle MC was even touching the floor while the trio sped down the street. Belphie was completely elated, taking extra time to walk ahead and point things out.
“Ahh,” Belphie sighed, resting his hands behind his head. “It feels so good to be free…”
“I’ll bet,” Beel smiled softly at his twin and ruffled his hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“Beel, shush. None of this is your fault.” Belphie tutted.
MC kept their eyes trained on the ground, a ball of guilt beginning to form in their gut. Was this the right thing to do? Run away? What were they going to do..?
“MC?” Beel asked as he suddenly lifted them onto his shoulders, MC squeaked in surprise and scrambled to adjust their balance so they didn’t topple over. “You okay?”
“Ye… yes Beel.” MC took a breath before beginning to giggle. “I’m okay.”
“So uh…” Belphie looked around. “Where are we going to go? I don’t have any money on me.”
“Neither do I,” Beel mumbled. “And I left my DDD back at the house…”
MC thought for a moment, then brightened and pulled out their DDD. “Purgatory Hall! Luke owes me a favour, and there’s no way he’d turn us away.”
“Whose Luke?” Belphie asked.
“MC’s best friend.” Beel replied.
“He’s not my best friend!” MC sputtered, nearly dropping their DDD while in the middle of crafting the text to the angel. “He just owes me a favour after I saved him from those stupid lesser demons…”
“Oh, okay then.” MC felt Beel subtly shake his head to Belphie, who snickered.
Soon, the three were crammed into Luke’s room at Purgatory Hall. MC had been there and stayed over dozens of times before, but the near constant smell of baked goods that permeated throughout the entire dorm hall never failed to make them drool. It seemed that Beel was having an even worse time with the amazing smells, he was staring off into space with a long string of drool dangling out of his mouth.
Luke folded his arms and tapped his foot as he tried to unsuccessfully scowl at the three. The angel had just recently come to terms with MC’s parentage but clearly wasn’t ready to host two full demons in his temporary home.
Simeon on the other hand was quickly looking from Belphie, to Beel, then to MC as if trying to glean the details of the entire situation from their facial expressions and posture alone.
It wasn’t difficult to see that MC wasn’t doing terribly good. The realization had finally fully sunken in and they were anxiously fidgeting in their seat.
Belphie seemed the most calm out of the group, he was leaning back against the couch like he didn’t have a care in the world, if the ottoman were just a little bit closer it looked like he might have kicked his feet up.
“So,” Solomon said, absentmindedly twirling a string of bright purple magic between his fingers. “What’s the story here?”
“Family drama…” MC murmured, their eyes unconsciously flicking to look at Belphegor.
“Family drama that was both caused and solved, by you, MC.” Belphie chirped. “I haven’t thanked you for getting me out of the attic yet, have I?”
MC knitted their eyebrows in confusion. “I never got you out of the attic… I haven’t gone up there in over five days…”
“Then…” Belphie said slowly. “What opened the door?”
Now that was a question that couldn’t be answered by anyone in the room, which left the group in quite the awkward spot. In the end it didn’t end up mattering too much, Belphie was just happy to be out of the attic, and even though the trio were technically in hiding, he was just glad that this was all on his own terms.
Beel and Belphie took some time to catch up while Luke and MC played crazy eights. MC was beating him, but Luke didn’t plan on surrendering any time soon. The half demon continued to fidget and twitch throughout the game, their heart and mind racing despite the complete lack of nearby threats. Luke took notice and also began to fidget.
“I…um…” Luke mumbled and looked away. “Are you… are you and Lucifer okay?”
MC pursed their lips and gave him a half-shrug. Luke hadn’t exactly taken the news that Lucifer was MC’s father very well… for a while he refused to even look at MC properly, and when Lucifer found out about how upset that was making MC… Luke was lucky MC was just sad and not angry.
Even Luke with all his ‘demons are awful and evil’ talk, no one could deny that Lucifer cared about MC a whole lot.
“We’re um… I don’t know.” MC finally replied. “He’s mad at me… I’m mad at him… y’know…”
Luke chewed on the inside of his cheek and nodded, awkwardly giving MC a quick pat on the head. “It’s okay, MC. I’m sure it’ll be okay.”
Giggling slightly, MC returned the head pat, their spirits rising slightly. “Gasp! A chihuahua petting someone? This is amazing, call the news stations!”
After silencing Luke’s yapping and agreeing that he was in fact an angel and not a chihuahua, MC found themselves leaning on the doorway to one of Purgatory Hall’s balconies. Belphie stood with his back to MC, leaning on the railing and letting the wind gently ruffle his hair. He had a serene smile spread across his face as he took a deep breath in.
“Belphie?” MC asked, padding over to look over the railing next to the Avatar of Sloth. “What are you doing out here?”
“Just enjoying the fresh air. The attic got really musty after a bit.” Belphie replied, another gust of wind blew past, making MC shiver. “It’s nice…”
“Well, enjoy it all you want, because you’ll never be stuck up there again!” MC chirped, but their cheery demeanour faltered as thoughts of the rest of their family entered their mind.
Belphie opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. His eyes narrowed as he stared blankly ahead for a few moments. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as his now analytical gaze moved to MC. “You miss them.”
The comment wasn’t framed as a question, more a statement with the slightest tinge of disbelief. MC looked up at him and nodded. “Of course I miss the others. The reason I got you out of the attic was so we could all be together. I didn’t want the reunion to be like… like this…”
A smirk made its way onto Belphie’s face as he held out his arms. “Does someone need a hug? It sounds like you need a hug.”
The teasing tone almost immediately made MC roll their eyes, but they stopped themselves. They really did need a hug… they rushed forward and wrapped their arms around their uncle, the soft cardigan cushioning their face. Belphie slowly patted MC’s back, his hands slowly rising until one rested right between their shoulder blades, he then stiffened. MC felt him suddenly suck in a breath of air, but his arms remained wrapped around MC.
“Belphie..?” The half demon asked again, shifting their head to look up at him. He was staring straight ahead, almost like he didn’t want to even look at them.
“You…” Belphie whispered. “You care about them… don’t you..?”
MC felt the hand resting between their shoulder blades tense ever so slightly as it rose to the back of their neck.
“Of course I do, you guys are my family.”
Belphie stood completely frozen, MC slowly began to unwrap their arms from the hug, but Belphie remained rooted in place, and the hand on the back of their neck prevented them from fully leaving.
“And they…” Belphie gulped. “They really care about you…”
The two stood completely frozen in silence for God knows how long before Belphie let out a shuddering breath and practically collapsed into MC, the hand that was formerly against their neck was now cradling their head as he gave MC a hug so tight and suffocating that MC was worried their back might break.
“I’m sorry MC… damn it I’m so sorry…” Belphie whispered, pain and regret lacing every single word while MC could only knit their eyebrows in confusion and gently pat him on the back.
“I-it’s not your fault, Belphie, everything will be fine, okay?”
MC felt Belphie shake his head as he released them from the hug, his expression was a crude mixture of glassy and downright horrified.
“I don’t know about that, kiddo.” He rasped, he slowly reached a hand out and ruffled MC’s hair, before giving them a half-smile. “But thanks anyway.”
That odd interaction lingered in the back of MC’s mind as the day progressed. The complete radio-silence from the HOL had been the front runner in MC’s growing list of worries. Why hadn’t anyone tried to call them? Or go after them?
Luke being the sweet friend he was, invited MC to bake with him. The delicious smell of freshly made chocolate chip cookies didn’t exactly soothe MC’s anxieties, in fact, they only worsened when the sound of shouting made its way into the kitchen.
“What’s going on up there?” MC said as they stared up at the ceiling.
“Maybe it’s-”
The hairs on the back of MC’s neck stood straight up as a massive magical shockwave slammed into the two. This wasn’t any ordinary magic, it was ancient, and much more powerful than anything MC had ever felt before. For the first time in their life the little voice in the back of their head wasn’t screaming at them to fight and prove their superiority, it was begging them to surrender. To run and hide and pray to whatever would listen that whoever set off that magic wouldn’t find them.
Thousands of years worth of demonic instincts went ignored as MC rushed out of the kitchen to go see where and what the source of the magic was. Their blood ran cold when they reached the top of the staircase and saw exactly who was standing there.
He had clearly just shifted out of his demon form a second prior, the golden glow in his eyes had just begun to dull when his gaze landed on MC.
“L-lord Diavolo…” MC stood completely straight and still, they did their best to suppress the shudders that wracked their spine while they were in the presence of the Crown Prince of the Devildom. The very idea of addressing the demon that stood before them with any kind of disrespect or even camaraderie was completely absent from their head.
Diavolo’s gaze softened ever so slightly, but that provided no comfort to MC as every limb in their body seized up.
“MC,” He nodded in greeting. “I’m glad you’re well.”
Feeling slowly began to trickle back into MC’s arms, but they didn’t dare move from their spot. “What are… um… what happened?”
“Well,” Diavolo began. “Belphegor being out of the attic is the main reason I’m here.”
“Y-you knew about that?” MC sputtered.
“Yes, and after someone let Belphegor out of the attic I needed to make sure he didn’t do any damage.”
“Damage..?” MC mumbled. “What do you mean damage?”
Diavolo sighed and took a few steps closer to MC. “I take it you know Belphegor opposed the exchange program, right?”
MC nodded.
“Do you know why?”
MC hesitated, then shook their head. “No. No one told me.”
Diavolo looked away from MC, his forehead creased in thought before he eventually shook his head. “You’ve done a lot for your family, MC, you took on a burden no one asked you to take, and that’s very commendable. But it’s time you let the adults handle things, alright?”
“Alright?!” Any lingering traces of fear completely vanished as MC clenched their fists and stared down Diavolo. “This isn’t fair! Belphie hasn’t done anything wrong!”
“While free, Belphegor poses a threat to more than just the exchange program.” The shift in tone from calm to stern made any retort MC could possibly muster die in their throat. Diavolo smoothly moved past them as he began his descent down the staircase.
He turned to look at them once again, and his voice softened. “One day I hope you’ll understand my reasoning and be able to forgive me, MC.”
After Diavolo left, MC sprinted into Luke’s room where Belphie and Beel were supposed to be, only to find Beel floating midair. He was posed in a way like he was lunging for something, his eyes flashed when he saw MC and he suddenly dropped straight to the ground.
“Diavolo took Belphie.” He rumbled.
“Yeah, I figured.” MC muttered as they helped up Beel. “Listen, we need to do something and I have an idea.”
MC bolted through the hallways of the Demon Lord’s Castle, the memories from the retreat serving them well as they made it to the corridor where the door to Barbatos’ room was.
Beel was doing his part, he gathered his brothers and he was in the main hall distracting Barbatos and Diavolo by pleading their brother’s case. Not that any of them knew it was a distraction. MC’s plan wasn’t their best work, but it was all they had.
They twisted the doorknob and the door opened, revealing the creepy room MC remembered. Hundreds of doors lined the seemingly never ending walls of the room. Staircases twisted and winded around, leading to yet even more hallways. How was MC supposed to find the door they were looking for in there..?
MC shut the door behind them as they walked closer into the room and began to inspect the first sets of doors. Many of them were similar in features, but some had more… distressing things added on.
One of the doors was being held shut by dozens of heavy glowing chains, there was no padlock in sight, but the chains themselves seemed to be at least somewhat alive as they wrapped themselves protectively around the door. From the sudden feeling of intense dread and terror that gripped MC, they decided it would be best to steer clear from doors like that.
The hallways warped and shifted around MC as they continued to search the room for their door. They needed a door to at least a few hours before Belphegor somehow escaped from the attic.
“Down here?”
“This one.”
“Oh no… what have I gotten myself into..?”
Unfamiliar and unseen voices echoed down the never ending hallway, closely followed by the sounds of multiple doors opening and shutting. There were others somewhere in the room…
MC’s listening was brought to an abrupt halt when they passed by a seemingly normal looking door, but something about it yanked at their mind. This was the one. They just knew it. This was it. They were going to fix this. Fix all of it.
They opened the door and stepped in.
Lesson 16’s coming up next folks, beware and be afraid!
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mosswillow · 4 years
Focus - Dark!Bucky Barnes x ADHD!Reader
Warnings! Dark! 18+ content, vaginal fingering, noncon/dubcon, smut, kidnapping, oral (female receiving)
Summary: You never should have taken the job cleaning for Stark industries. The Avengers might be heroes on the outside but something sinister lies just beneath the surface.
A/N: this is part of the Synonyms series. You can read any of them as stand alones but I encourage reading them in order if you want to read all of them. This one specifically ties them all together (but you can still read it alone and it should make sense)
This is one of those where it doesn’t feel done but I’m done writing it. I think I just hyped it up in my head too much so after actually writing it I’m like, eh it’s not as good as I thought it would be.
Word count: 3.4k
If you could just focus, everything in your life would be better.
Your inattention follows you around like a shadow. It stands behind you, silently ruining your life while you try in vain to just focus. Just don’t forget. Just stop losing things. Just pay attention. Teachers in school would tell you to stop daydreaming, that if you just listened you could do so much better. Growing up, Your parents treated you like you would never amount to anything. They would push your siblings to do well in school but when it came to you they were silent, unwilling to spend energy on a kid who couldn’t even make it through a family dinner without getting distracted. Everyone around you would laugh at your “quirky” personality. You know that for other people you’re funny, always getting yourself into trouble and making silly mistakes. You don’t think it’s funny though and you never did.  As a kid you would frequently cry yourself to sleep. You found ways to hide your stupidity so that just maybe others might overlook your shadow. You’ve tried so hard to act normal, to make check lists and routines but it never works and you always find yourself once again brought to tears after your inevitable failure.
This is why you took the job at Stark Tower all those years ago. You knew you wouldn’t excel at school  and so you took the first job you could find, cleaning for Stark Industries. It’s something you’re actually good at and the only routine in your life you’ve been able to consistently follow. It makes you move around constantly and there’s always some different puzzle to solve. You love the feeling of finally getting out a tough stain from the carpet or finding the perfect tool to finally get to a hard to reach spot.
Now, after years of hard work and an extensive background check you’ve been promoted to cleaning the Avengers floor. You have a generous salary now, health insurance, your own place with no roommates. Some people may judge what you do but you don’t care anymore. It’s honest work and you love it.
You walk into stark tower, showing security your badge before heading to the elevator and riding it up to the Avengers floor. You’ve had this job for a few weeks now but you still feel nervous every day. If you’re honest you’re scared of them, the Avengers, They feel unhinged. It’s nothing they do or say. It’s the general vibe you get when you’re around them, like they’re filled to the brim with unbridled anger that hides underneath a cracking exterior. Any moment they might break completely and whatever trauma they’ve all been through will spill out and consume anyone who dares stand close to them.
You start your day in one of the many bathrooms, scrubbing every surface before taking your cleaning supplies and working your way through the floor. Every day is much of the same, you spend all day cleaning the massive Avengers living area, trying your best to stay out of their lives.
You turn a corner and see Captain America with someone, a new recruit you’ve seen around but haven't met. He has her against the wall, pushing his finger into her pussy. You stand stunned for a second.
“If I don’t take action now I might lose you and I can’t lose you.” Captain America says.
You turn and jump back behind the corner, sliding your back down the wall. You can make out some of their conversation and it sounds dramatic. She’s crying and begging him to walk away. You close your eyes and tell yourself to stay out of it. It’s not your place and if you tried to step in you could lose your job.  
You hear footsteps walking towards you. Captain America stops and flashes a smile while you stand up.
“We appreciate privacy here, you understand the consequences if you tell anyone about anything about our personal lives?”
You do know, they had you sign an agreement that said they’d take everything away from you if you talked about their personal lives in any way to anyone. If you value your livelihood you won’t speak a word about it to anyone.
“I’m sorry sir, I saw you there and didn’t want to interrupt. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but, Is… is she ok?”
He crosses his arms and looks you up and down.
“Everything is consensual if that’s what you’re asking, we enjoy a little roleplay sometimes.”
you‘re not totally convinced, something inside you tells you that he’s lying to you. He looks at you so intently and you know, despite his hero status, that he wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of you permanently if he had to. you nod your head and give a smile.
“I’m sorry if I insinuated anything sir.”
He checks his watch before quickly walking away. You exhale and pick up your cleaning supplies. As you walk past her room you stop for a second, deciding if you should knock. You back away, not wanting to interfere more than you already have.
“You’re new here.” a voice says as you reach the living room.
“Yes, I just started a few weeks ago.” you reply.
“I’m Bucky.” he walks over to you, looking you up and down.
“I have a lot of work to finish.” you back up a few steps and hold your cleaning tote in front of you. Bucky stuffs his hands in his pockets and smiles.
“I won’t keep you.”
Six months later
You walk into Tony’s suite and lean down to plug in your vacuum. A pop of red catches your eye and you pull a thong out from under the nightstand. You turn it over in your hands, deciding what to do with it. A hand comes behind you and takes it from you. You look up to see Tony Stark in front of you, stuffing the thong in his pocket.
“Mr. stark.” you gasp.
“From a one night stand.”
“Of course sir, do you want me to wash and return it to your... friend?”
“No.” Tony says quickly. “That will be all in here today.”
“I haven't vacuumed yet, do you want me to come back later?”
“No, just leave.”
You unplug the vacuum and roll it out the door, turning just briefly to close it behind you. As the door closes you see Tony pull the underwear out of his pocket and bring it to his nose.
You try your best over the next week to keep your mind focused on work. Everything starts to get back to normal.
One evening you hear a thud and someone yell out in pain. You run over to see Tony in the hallway standing threateningly over a woman.
“Is everything ok? You ask.
“We’re fine, you can leave for the night.” Tony says, waving you away. You make eye contact with the woman, looking back and forth between her and Tony. She nods and gives you a small, unconvincing smile. You turn around and walk away, wanting nothing more than to get home and take a long shower. Maybe you can forget about what you just saw.
On your way out you run straight into a wall of muscle.
“Hey, what’s the rush sweetheart.” Bucky catches you, holding onto your shoulders.
“I, uh, I’m sorry sir. Nothing, I’m just anxious to get home I guess.”
“Call me Bucky.”
“Bucky.” you say, moving away from him and towards the door.
“Hey, are you ok?” He takes a step towards you, cocking his head and furrowing his brow.
“Yes sir… Bucky.”
“Hey, you can tell me.”
“No, I can’t.” you look into his eyes, silently communicating the reason for your silence.
Bucky runs his hand through his hair and looks down.
“Your socks match.” he looks up and smiles.
“I’m sorry?” you look at your feet.
“You usually wear mismatched ones, it’s cute.”
You know he meant it to be a fun observation, maybe even a weird complement, but it feels pointed. You always lose your socks, it’s just one of the many small things that you should be able to do better but just can’t. You can’t even keep your life together enough to consistently find matching socks. You give a fake smile, used to laughing at yourself when these things are pointed out.
“Oh, yeah.” you laugh.
Bucky takes an almost imperceptible step towards you and you in turn take a very obvious one backwards.
“I’ll see you tomorrow sir.” you say.
“Bucky.” you give a tight smile before walking away.
Two weeks later
Natasha hands you a book.
“Can you wrap this please?”
“Yes ma'am, whose name should I put?”
“Say to my little bookworm, Love Nat.”
You wrap the present lovingly, putting extra care into it. You’ve seen them together, Nat and her girlfriend. Tony and Steve’s wives mostly keep to themselves but Natashas girlfriend is always nice to you, acknowledging you and thanking you when she sees you working. She owns a bookstore that you’ve visited a few times and always remembers you when you walk in.
“I think you forgot a piece of tape.” Bucky whispers in your ear making you jump. He’s started doing this, becoming more comfortable around you, touching you in small ways and getting just a little closer than what’s appropriate. You grab another piece of tape and secure a bit of paper.
“Thank you.” you say as you tie a bow around the gift and write the note. You pause with your pencil trying to remember what Natasha told you to write. You should have written it down when she told you it. You curse under your breath, wishing you had paid better attention when you were given instructions. You remember it was something easy but not exactly what she wanted.
“I have to get this back to Ms. Romanoff.” you push past Bucky.
“Did I do something to make you upset?”
You stop and look at him.
“No sir”
“I just prefer to remain professional while at work,” you look down.
“What about outside of work?”
“I would rather keep that life separate. I’m sorry, I just really like this job and don’t want to do anything that might jeopardize it.”
Bucky clenches his jaw and you half expect him to grab you and push you against the wall like you’ve seen the captain and Tony do to their girlfriends and then wives. You flinch when he takes a step towards you. He reaches out, brushing the back of his hand over your cheek.
“I’m not like the others,” he whispers.
You’re not sure what to say, you just nod and watch as he steps back and walks away.
One month later
You’re doing dishes, scrubbing hard against burnt on food that was never soaked or even rinsed. One of them had a date the night before, making a complicated meal.
“How long until you get your girl?” Thor says to Sam as they walk into the kitchen.
“Tony’s working on it, probably a few weeks before I can take her home.”
They each grab oranges and head into the next room. their voices get quieter for a few minutes then louder again as they walk back to throw away their orange peels.
“I’m envious, I often fantasize about finding mine, If only I knew where she was.” Thor says.
“You have no idea where she could be?”
“I must confess, friend, I don’t even know what planet she’s on. She’s a slippery little lady.”
You stop washing dishes for a second, mind trying to dissect what you’re overhearing.
“You ok?” Bucky sets a plate next to the sink.
“Yes sir.” you reply, taking the plate and washing it.
You turn off the sink and turn around, seeing multiple dishes you forgot about. You pick them up and bring them to the sink, restarting the cleaning process.
“I think you should take a vacation.”
You look at him and raise your eyebrows.
“You’re a hard worker, and fast too.”
You nod in agreement.
“You’re… unusual to watch though.”
You set the last clean dish in the drying rack and turn your back to Bucky, taking a step away. You put your hand in your pocket to pull out your phone which holds your to do list but it’s not there. You look to your right and left and then turn back toward Bucky. He holds your phone out to you and you grab it and open your list.
“This is the third time today you’ve misplaced your phone.”
“I appreciate your concern, you’re very observant.” you bite your tongue before you say something aggressively inappropriate to your boss.
“Hey, I don’t want to hurt your feelings. You’re very smart and capable, I just noticed it’s been worse lately and think you should take a break.”
You take a deep breath.
“I’m taking next week off.” you say, grabbing a broom and walking out of the kitchen.
“Good.” Bucky yells after you.
Three months later.
Your phone rings, waking you up from a deep sleep.
“Hello,” you say sleepily.
“Hey, can you come in ASAP?” Tony says from the other end.
You jump out of bed.
“Of course, I’ll be there soon.”
You quickly get dressed and run out of the apartment. You gasp and drop your bag as soon as the elevator door opens. There’s a huge mess covering the entire living room and kitchen. There’s broken glass and furniture everywhere as well as a hole in the wall. It looks as though there was a fight and you wonder what happened. You get to work right away.
Thankfully a few of the Avengers wives come and help you clean up. Natashas wife evidently is back from a long honeymoon and you’re happy to see her. You smile at her and she frowns back at you.
“Are you ok?”
She looks away. “Just tired.”
You watch her give a tiny flinch as Natasha calls her name from the next room. Something is very wrong.
“You got this cleaned up fast.” Bucky says, taking a dustpan away from you and dumping the contents into the trash.
“I had help.” you say, looking over to where Natasha and her wife stand across the room.
You look back at Bucky and give a sweet smile.
“I was wondering if I could leave a little early on friday. There’s a birthday party for my grandmother.”
“I think you’ve earned leaving a little early after today, you’re welcome to get ready for your party here too. You can use the guest room.”
“Thank you sir.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Thank you Bucky.”
You put on your dress and a full face of makeup, admiring yourself in the mirror before heading out. Bucky stands outside of the guest room door, obviously waiting for you.
“You clean up nice.”
“Thank you.”
Bucky clicks his tongue as he stares at you.
“Did I ever tell you that you remind me of someone I used to know?”
You back away.
“No, you didn’t.”
“I miss her.”
You try your best to take even breaths. The way he looks at you makes you deeply uncomfortable. You feel naked despite your dress being on the conservative side. You make the mistake of looking straight at his crotch, seeing a very visible bulge. You gulp and shift uncomfortably on your feet.
“Have a good time at your party.” Bucky says.
“I will.” you say politely before basically running to the elevator. You get in and realize you forgot your phone. You walk back to the guest room where Bucky waits, holding your phone out for you. You grab it and turn around but bucky catches your arm.
“Focus, do you have everything you need.”
You shift your eyes away and realize you forgot your wallet and keys too.
Bucky grabs your things out of his pocket and hands them to you.  
“Thank you.” you breathe.
Bucky hums and lets you go.
“Be safe,” he yells as you walk back to the elevator, this time taking it down and leaving the tower.
Three months later
You’re going to quit today. As good as the money is it’s not worth the fear and stress of working there. Not only have you become more and more concerned about the wives of the Avengers but you just can’t take Bucky anymore. You’re scared of him. The way he looks at you makes you feel as though he could decide at any minute to lock you in a room and tear your clothes off. You feel constant stress at work and have developed a tremor. No amount of money is worth this work environment. The lease at your apartment is about to end and you’ll move back with your parents until you find a new job.
You enter the avengers floor and hear yelling.
“I thought we were kidnapping women?”
“You weren’t supposed to just snatch one. Now there’s a whole mess to clean up.”
“Thor just took his.”
“He has a point.”
“Thor had that whole betrothal thing.”
You make eye contact with a scared woman who is sitting on the couch with her hands tied in front of her. She mouths run and you do, running out of the tower and home. You start frantically packing a bag, throwing your phone away since you’re sure they can track it.
“There’s nowhere to hide baby.”
You scream as Bucky pulls you away from your suitcase and throws you on your bed.
“Here’s what’s going to happen.” he touches your face, smoothing his finger over your lip.
“We’re married now, Tony already set it up. I’m going to take you on a honeymoon on an island until I can trust you.”
It clicks in your head, the honeymoons. They always come back so quiet and introverted.
“What did they do to those poor girls?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Tears start forming in your eyes.
“I won’t tell anyone, just let me go.”
“This is the only way.”
Bucky’s hand travels down your body, grabbing your waistband and pulling your pants off. He puts his hand in between your legs and you squirm away, clenching your legs tight.
“Please baby, I don't want to hurt you but I will if i have to. Now open up”
You shake your head, tears now spilling down your cheeks. He slaps you hard and you clutch your throbbing face, crying out and pushing your body against the headboard. You slowly and shakilly open your legs for him, closing your eyes as he dips a metal finger in your pussy.
“I’m not like the others.”
He thrusts his finger in and out.
“They took those women out of greed. They feel like they deserve love after everything they’ve given up... we’ve given up.”
He reaches his other hand up, still fucking you gently with a metal finger, and grabs your chin, shaking your head gently until you look at him.
“I just want you to be safe and happy.”
Bucky pulls his finger out. He grabs his cock, stroking it as he looks at your naked lower half. You try to close your legs but he grabs them, pulling them open. He kisses your mound gently and you arch your back involuntarily, pushing your pussy into his face. He grabs your legs and holds you against his mouth, suddenly sucking and licking until you’re coming undone. The pleasure washes over you and you relax for a second before your mind is brought back to reality. Your legs shake as He pulls back and smiles at you, climbing over you and pushing his impressive dick in. He kisses you as he thrusts into you, grabbing your shoulders and squeezing them as he comes.
“I’m going to be good for you, this will be good.” he whispers, holding you as you cry in his arms.
You’re forgetful. You don’t focus, don’t pay attention. It was right in front of your face and you still missed it. You always miss it. You’ve always been someone who gets themselves into trouble, always making silly mistakes and having to pay for them.
Your shadow did it again, silently destroyed everything around you while you ignorantly looked the wrong way. If you could just pay attention.
If you could just focus.
But you can’t.
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starshine583 · 4 years
New Girl on the Block (1)
(Hey guys! I finally got around to posting the first chapter of this! I hope you guys enjoy it, and please tell me if you’d liked to be tagged or want to read more! there’s also a mini-series of Journal Entries connected to this fic.)
Chapter 1: Happy Accidents
Rosemary Highschool, a private school for the truly gifted and the rich. Anyone who attended this facility was either poised and reserved, or uptight, or all of the above. Therefore, when a stuttering, stumbling raven-haired girl came tripping through their doors, it was only natural that the students became curious.
Felix couldn’t care less, if he was being honest. The girl was just another student, and he had better things to do than waste his time meddling in the personal life of a complete stranger. 
His friends, however, did not share his sentiment. 
“Did you hear?” Allegra asked as they walked to their lockers, her sky blue eyes wide with delight. She leaned forward slightly to catch a better view of their expressions, causing her golden braid to fall gracefully over her left shoulder. 
“About the new student? Who didn’t?” Claude replied, wearing his usual grin. 
“How do you think she got in?” Allan wondered aloud, fixing the green cap on his head in thought.
Felix rolled his eyes. His friends had always loved picking up on the latest gossip. He never understood why. Take this new student, for example. She hasn’t even finished enrolling in the school yet, but everyone’s already chattering relentlessly about her. Why? Because she was rumored to be clumsy? That was hardly an achievement, let alone something to be talked about by the entire school. So what was all the fuss about?
Allegra gasped, a smile lighting up her soft features. “Oh! We should show her around! This school is huge, so she’ll definitely need a guide. Plus, we can get the first scoop on her.”
“Absolutely not.” Felix finally cut in, giving her a sharp look. He refused to galivant around the school with a complete stranger while his classmates tried to pry into the poor girl’s personal life. 
“We didn’t say you had to go.” Claude pointed out.
“But you should at least say hi.” Allegra hastily added, a motherly tone coming to her voice.
Felix scoffed. Right. He would say ‘hi’, then they would ‘convince’ him to stay- i.e. drag him by the collar -and he would end up going around the school with them anyway. He’d gotten used to their tricks by now.
Allan frowned in disapproval. “Come on, Fe. It’s the polite thing to do. We are her new classmates, after all.”
“Yeah, Fe, don’t be a jerk.”
“When am I ever not a jerk.” Felix retorted.
Claude smirked. “He’s got a point.”
“Felix.” Allegra pressed, fixing him with a stern glare and putting her hands on her hips.
Felix groaned, irritation prickling up to the forefront of his mind. What did it matter if he saw the new student? He wouldn’t be talking with her often, and they would probably meet later on during classes anyway. Why did they have to be so pushy?
He reached up to rub his temples and closed his eyes. If he couldn’t see them, it helped him imagine that they weren’t annoying him to the point of insanity. 
“Alright, fine, but if any of you-”
Felix barely registered the hit. He heard his friends gasp, and the sound of his books and pencils scattering across the floor, and he felt the dull pain of someone smacking into him before he unexpectedly hit the ground.
Then his ears tuned into a light, yet panicked voice.
“I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I just did that- are you hurt? Do I need to call the nurse?”
Someone was talking to him. Well, they were more of rambling, really. 
“Pardon?” He said, interrupting the person’s ramble as he rubbed his back. He glanced up to see a young girl kneeling on the ground in front of him. She was scrambling around on the floor- gathering up his books, he realized -and appeared to be even more disoriented than he was.
His question spooked her, apparently, because she jumped, and her eyes darted upwards. They were an overwhelming blue, bright and sparkling despite being filled with anxiety at the moment. 
“I-I’m sorry!” She repeated, briefly setting the books down so she could nervously pull on the tips of her raven-colored pigtails.
Felix’s eyes widened. 
Claude stifled a laugh behind him. 
“It’s not a problem.” Felix sighed, swiftly taking his books back from her and moving to retrieve the others. This was exactly what he had wanted to avoid. 
The ravenette furrowed her eyebrows, now bringing her hands down to play with the zipper of her black, half-sleeved jacket. “A-are you sure?”
He gave a short nod, scooping the rest of his books into his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. 
“I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I ran into you. If anything, I should be the one saying sorry.” His tone was composed, calm, if only for the sake of dignity. Claude and Allegra were never going to let him live this down.
He picked up her small handbag, holding it out to her. “So, I apologize. I’ll be more careful next time, and I am willing to replace anything of yours that is broken.” 
A wash of color came to her cheeks.
“Oh, That- that won’t be necessary, thank you.” She insured, taking the purse and clutching it to her chest.
Felix didn’t reply, instead using the brief pause to look her over. With her light pink capris and child-like pigtails, she didn’t exactly give off the impression of being rich or poised. Perhaps a relative bought her tuition? That’s happened before. 
“Aw, look! Felix made a friend!” Claude’s snide remark broke Felix from his thoughts, and he shot the brunette a glare. That clown can never keep his mouth shut.
Allegra pushed past the two and extended a hand to the girl just as they got to their feet. “Hi! I’m Allegra. What’s your name?”
The girl smiled- which Felix found surprisingly pleasant -and took her hand. “Marinette. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Like the doll?” Allan asked curiously, stepping forward as well.
“Sort of, yes.” 
“That’s pretty cool. I’m Allan, by the way.” He introduced himself, also shaking her hand. He then pointed behind him, towards Claude and Felix. “The one in the blue striped shirt is Claude, and the stiff board you just ran into is Felix.”
Felix hunched his shoulders slightly, a scowl tugging at the corner of his lips, but Marinette only laughed. It oddly reminded him of the sound of tinkling bells. 
“You’re new here, right?” Allegra asked before Felix could snark off to Allan. “Mind if we show you around?”
A sigh of relief tumbled from Marinette’s lips. “Please do. This place is like a maze!”
Claude chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it’ll make your head spin. We-”
“-Can start with the cafeteria.” Felix interrupted. The sooner they could start the tour, the sooner he could go home. “Then we’ll work our way around the classrooms.”
He spun on his heel, ignoring his friends’ smug smiles, and marched off. It wouldn’t take long for them to follow.
Allan was the first to catch up, throwing Felix a sly smirk as he whispered, “I thought you said you weren’t going to show her around.”
Felix shrugged. If he was going to suffer through the embarrassment of running into somebody, he might as well get something out of it. He would take her on a quick tour, and perhaps his friends wouldn’t feel the need to meddle in his social life for at least another month.
“We’re her new classmates, right?” He said. “We should exercise basic politeness and guide her through the school.”
Allan hummed. “Sounds like good advice. I wonder who could’ve told you that.”
“The name escapes me.” Felix replied, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. He stole a glance over his shoulder to the rest of the group. Marinette was talking cheerfully with Allegra now, her previous show of anxiety all but gone. She even looked a bit confident with the tripping matter settled. Isn’t that strange?
“...What else do you know about her?”
When Maman suggested that Marinette start attending Rosemary Highschool, reluctance couldn’t begin to express how she’d felt. She’d heard the rumors, how the kids were spoiled, snobby brats, how the classes were just a room full of fancy trinkets to keep the kids satisfied for a while. Marinette honestly didn’t want any part of it, but at that point, any school was better than her old school. She simply couldn’t stand Lila’s schemes anymore, nor Adrien’s relentless pursuit of having them get along. As bad as Chloe’s bullying was, Marinette almost wished that she could go back to that time. At least then she’d still have friends. (Well, calling her old classmates “friends” would be over exaggerating now. At least then she wouldn’t have to deal with getting bullied from everyone at school.)
Either way, Marinette chose Rosemary over Dupont in a heartbeat, despite her uneasiness, and found that it actually wasn’t all bad. The endless halls were a bit confusing, but the classes were more advanced than others had let on, and though a select few of the students could be considered snobbish, everyone else seemed quite nice. A small group even offered to show her around. (After she ran into their friend, that is. Only Marinette could make such an embarrassing introduction.)
“I think that covers everything.” The girl of the group, Allegra, said. “But in case you’re still confused, I have a map for you.”
“A map?” Marinette echoed. She didn’t think they presented those at the school, though they probably should.
Allegra nodded and pulled a folded piece of paper from her school bag. “Claude gets lost all the time. So I started making maps for him. I have multiple maps because- typical Claude -he loses the maps too.”
“How was I supposed to know that it got mixed in with my history homework?” Claude, obviously the jokester amongst them, defended with a flail of his arms.
“If you ever need help,” Allegra continued, ignoring Claude’s comment as she scribbled something on the map, “feel free to text me.” 
“Thank you so much.” Marinette smiled, peeking at the phone number that was now on the corner of the page.
“It’s the least we can do.” Allan, probably the most relaxed of the group, replied. 
“It’s not as complicated as it looks. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it within a week.” Ah, yes. Then there was Felix, the poor boy she’d run into earlier. He’d been extremely mature about the matter, even insisting that it was his fault and that he’d pay for any of her damaged belongings. Naturally, she refused the offer, but it was a thoughtful gesture nonetheless. 
“If not, you know where to find us.” Claude added, before scooping her hand into his and pressing a quick kiss to her knuckles. “But I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to you finding me for non-school related purposes as well.” 
Allegra rolled her eyes with a sigh, and Allan pinched the bridge of his nose. Felix just scoffed, especially when Claude winked at the end. 
Jokester and flirt of the group. Marinette thought with a smirk. In one quick motion, she slipped her hand out of Claude’s grasp and pushed him away by the tip of his nose. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” She said, flashing him a wry smile.
Claude stumbled back a step, clearly shocked by her reaction. Allan straight up laughed next to him, and Marinette, to her delight, caught a glimpse of Felix smirking.
“Oh, I like you.” Allegra snickered, slinging her arm over Marinette’s shoulders.
“So do I.” Claude grinned. 
Allan, once his laughs died down, stepped forward. “Do you mind if I give you my number too? I can’t imagine not hanging out with you now.”
Marinette blushed from the compliment, but nodded and handed him the paper. Claude eagerly jumped at the opportunity and wrote down his number too. Then the boys turned to Felix.
“What about you, Fe? Are you giving her your number now or are you gonna beg for it later?” Claude asked, his grin turning devilish.
Felix shot him a glare- which he apparently did quite often. “I don’t beg.”
Allegra- ever the patient friend -let out a huff and shoved the paper into his hands. “For Pete’s sake, Felix, just write your number on the dang paper.”
“O-Only if you want to.” Marinette interjected. She didn’t want to cause a fight amongst them on her first day.
Felix’s glare faded slightly at her input, and he sighed. 
“It’s fine. You would probably need it eventually, anyway.” He relented, plucking a pen out of his left vest pocket and jotting down his number on the paper too. Marinette smiled despite herself as she took the paper back. It was only her first day, but she’s already made four, lovely friends. She liked to think of that as a good sign.
“Have you gotten your class schedule, yet?” Allegra queried now that the phone number matter was settled.
Marinette shook her head. “I was actually trying to find it when I bumped into you guys.”
Claude snorted. “‘Bumped into’. Good one.”
Marinette giggled along with Allegra and Allan. She hadn’t meant it that way, but the irony was a bit humorous. 
“Let us walk you to the office.” Allan requested. “The school tends to overcomplicate things, class schedules included.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hold you guys up.”
Allegra waved her hand dismissively. “Classes are over for the day, and our drivers are paid to wait for us.”
Marinette furrowed her brows slightly. “Your drivers?"
“You know, the people who drive us to and from school and anywhere else we want to go.” Claude helpfully supplied.
So, like Gorilla. Marinette thought. It made sense. This was a school of kids who had fortunes of the same extent, if not greater than, the Agreste’s fortunes. If Adrien had a driver, then the students here would certainly have one too.
“You don’t have a driver, do you?” Allegra guessed.
Marinette glanced up at the blonde, a strange mix of surprised and embarrassed. Was it that obvious? Would it be weird in this school if she didn’t have a driver?
“Please don’t take that the wrong way.” Allegra rushed to add, noticing Marinette’s sheepish expression. “I’m just curious. We don’t get many students here who aren’t drowning in their own money.”
“That makes sense.” Marinette replied. The tuition for this school had been unbelievably high. “But no, I don’t have a driver. My family was granted an early scholarship for me to come here.”
Surprise flashed across the group’s faces, including Felix’s. 
“Well, isn’t that interesting.” Claude muttered. 
Marinette shrank back slightly. “I-I’m sorry-”
“No, don’t apologize.” Allan cut her off. “We’re just impressed.”
“Getting a scholarship here isn’t easy.” Allegra explained. 
“I-It’s only in the fashion section.” Marinette admitted, fiddling with the ends of her bookbag.
Claude gasped, a sparkle coming to his chestnut eyes. "You're a fashion designer?!"
“Uh oh.” Allan smirked.
Allegra shot her an apologetic look. “I’d say that there’s an escape to this, but I don’t want to lie straight to your face on our first day of knowing each other.”
Marinette held back a smile. Did that mean she would lie to her face when they knew each other better?
“How many outfits have you designed? Can you sow outfits too? I’ve had a few ideas, but none of the other art students listen to me-” Comments and questions started spilling out of Claude left and right. Things about smeared pencil drawings, pricked fingers, and his strange obsession with ruffled, prince-like sleeves seemed to explode out of his mouth all at once. Marinette knew her rambles could fall on the fast side, but this was a whole other level. 
“I’d have to look through my notebook, but I think the ruffles are doable.” Marinette managed to say when Claude paused to take a breath.
“Really?!” He exclaimed, going so far as to clasp his hands together with a grin.
She nodded, smiling herself. “I’m not sure how princely sleeves would fair on modern sleeves, though. They’d look much nicer on a full prince costume.”
Claude’s eyes bulged out of his head. “You would design a full suit for me?”
“I can’t promise that the fabric will be of good quality when I sow it, but yeah.” 
Claude threw his fists in the air in celebration, and Allegra took the opportunity to lightly pull Marinette aside.
“You know you don’t have to do this, right?” She whispered. “Claude’s not going to be too disappointed if you decide to change your mind.”
Marinette’s smile softened. “Thanks, but I really don’t mind. I needed a new project to work on, anyway.” 
Allegra studied her for a moment, then smiled as well. “Well, if you’re sure. He’s going to send you cars full of fabric though.”
She laughed. “Guess I’ll tell Maman to start clearing out the guest room.”
Felix stared at his book, rubbing the corner of the page between his thumb and index finger. His phone buzzed relentlessly beside him on the arm of his recliner, no doubt the group chat that he'd been roped into. It was chaotic enough when it was just Allegra, Allan, and Claude, but now that they've added Marinette to the group, Felix wondered if his phone would ever be silent again.
He supposed he should have known better than to assume they would show Marinette around the school and be done with her. Allegra, Allan, and Claude were always overly friendly. However, he also couldn’t say that he minded having her around either. At least, not for the time being. She was considerate enough not to push his buttons and lively enough to keep the others occupied. No more on-the-spot activities from Allegra and Claude to cure their boredom.
"They're chatty today." Bridgette, his mother, commented from the loveseat couch to his right.
Felix hummed in agreement. "A new student arrived at the school today."
"Is that what they're talking about?"
He shook his head. "It's who they're talking to. The leeches have already adopted her."
Bridgette chuckled. “You mean Allegra, Allan, and Claude?” 
“Who else insists on sticking to me like glue?” 
She tilted her head in a “True” gesture. “Who’s the new student?”
“Her name’s Marinette.” Felix answered, flipping the page of his book.
“Oh, that’s a unique name.” Bridgette replied thoughtfully.
Felix hummed in agreement. “She said it was supposed to be similar to the doll ‘Marionette’.” 
“You talked to her?” Bridgette asked, surprise lacing her tone.
Felix resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He knew she didn’t mean to sound patronizing, but sometimes her questions irked him. For example, why wouldn’t he talk to the new student if Allegra and the others were? Even if he didn’t particularly enjoy human interaction, there was still such a thing as common courtesy.
..Which he supposed he didn’t usually have either.
Okay, maybe her question was more reasonable than he originally thought.
“Yes, I actually ran into her while we were walking down the hall.” He finally said.
Bridgette tried- and failed -to hide her laugh. “You ran into someone? That’s not like you, Felix.”
Felix sighed, slipping a bookmark into his book so he could close it. “I’m aware. I was trying to ignore Allegra’s prodding when it happened.”
“I see. What did Marinette say?”
“She actually started apologizing.” Felix admitted. “Even though it was my fault, she picked up my books before tending to her own things and asked if I was alright.”
Bridgette smiled. “She sounds delightful.”
He nodded without thinking. “Allegra even invited her to our routine luncheon tomorrow.”
Felix missed the twinkle in his mother’s eyes as she said, “Wow, to your personal lunch? They must really enjoy her company. You’ll have to invite her over here sometime.”
“I’m sure Allegra will arrange it eventually.” Felix replied dismissively.
“Then I shall have to thank her when she does.” Bridgette remarked, standing up from the couch. Her fingers ruffled through his hair as she passed him. “I’m glad you had a good day at school, sweetheart.”
Felix almost objected, since he hadn’t necessarily claimed to have had a good day at school, but decided against it. There was no point in arguing, especially when his day had, in fact, been satisfactory. He’d met someone new, someone that intrigued him. (A rarity, indeed, but it was true.) In the short time they talked, Marinette had shown herself to be both kind and anxious, but also witty and confident. It was an interesting mixture that stuck out to him. What type of life must one live to create such a paradox of a personality?
Unfortunately, Allan and the others knew about as little as he did when it came to her. She was a new student that had a passion for fashion and a bright smile. That was all. This was why he’d elected to remain silent instead of sharply opposing Allegra’s inviting Marinette to their lunch. (The sly smiles that were thrown his way by Claude and Allan afterwards were above irritating, though.)
Nevertheless, Felix felt she was worth the teasing for now, because Marinette, in short, was a puzzle.
And Felix loved his puzzles.
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qui-02 · 4 years
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Note:Ok! Hello hope you are doing well! Thanks for requesting again I hope you like it @violetarks !Ok this ended longer than expected so I am going to do a part 2 with momo and Todoroki hope you don’t mind the wait.P.S this seems so familiar but I just can’t remember where or when it happened or if this is still continuing. 🤡 lmaoooo 😂
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When you started going to school in the mornings he would notice your eye bags from all the nights you couldn’t sleep. He also noticeed that you were relying on green tea or in any other sources that contained caffeine like Monster energy drinks to get through the tough day. Since he has a soft spot for you he would ask “what are those grey things under your eyes dumass!?”
The first day you told him “ooo don’t worry I just stayed all night long looking for Yarichin bitclub and I finally found it so I decided to watch it for the amazing opening , guess I got lost on the time.”Then the other days that this happened you would brush it off every day telling him “I am ok I just couldn’t sleep last night” and continued your new daily rutine. You just didn’t want to bring him into your own problems and overall you didn’t want to bother him,Since he was already busy with school and stuff.
When this continued for several weeks and close to months and he noticed that you were closed to zombie like in the tough insurance training and you weren’t as energetic and overall you he SANPED.
“Ok idiot you are sleeping in my dorm tonight!” You where shocked that he was so straight forward with what he just said. “ But Tsuki I am alright I don’t have to go to sleep to your dorm, I will be alright don’t worry about me.” The blond boy wasn’t going to fall for your cheap old lie that you have been saying for a couple of weeks now.
The day came to an end and you where chilling with the girls in the common room when they all said that it was late and they were going to bed. You all said goodnight when suddenly Bakugo appeared and dragged you to his room and locked the door. “ Tsuki what are you doing?” He just stared at you and then he said “ I am helping you sleep dumbass, what else would be doing?”
You turned the lights off and said good night to your lovely boyfriend. He looks so cute when he is sleeping. You were admiring his features and then soon you found yourself sleeping.
You woke up you thought that you had slept around 8 ours and it was time to get up and get ready for school. You tilted your head too see the time and it was 12:03 AM you were disappointed you went to bed at 9 pm you had only slept 3 hours! You stared at the ceiling for a couple of minutes but for you it felt like years.
“ Can’t sleep idiot?” a sleepy voice said. “ Hmm... wait Tsuki how did you now? Did I wake you up I am so sorry baby.” Bakugo sensed that you were awake “ I just new that you were awake,ok” he asked questions about what you usually do when you wake up at night. “ I usually try to fall back asleep but it seem impossible to do that, so I just talk to my friends on discord until I fall back to sleep from the tiredness.”
Bakugo wanting you to fall back to sleep he activated his explosive quirk and heated his hands just a tiny bit and placed them on your tummy. It felt so nice and warm to have his hands warming you up. Then he did something that he would be extremely ashamed if anyone found out. He started cuddling you your back was pressed against his build chest. That is a side of him that only you can get to see. He also started humming a sweet lullaby to help you.
You felt so warm and special, soon your eyes were closing. When you opened your eyes again you saw light coming from the window. You did it! You sleept through the night like a normal high school student! He heard little snores from your sleeping boyfriend. Gosh he looked so damm cute that you managed to get out of his grip and grasp your phone to take a cute picture of him. You were definitely making that your phone wallpaper. You also noticed that you had 50+ notifications from your friends. You where definitely reading that later to catch up with the discord chat.
When Bakugo woke up you booth got ready for school. The weekend came and Your sweet ass boyfriend had bought you one of those cute animal plushies that you put them on the microwave so they are nice and warm when you go to bed. He just tossed that seal plushy into your dorm room. When you opened the doorm you saw the plushie. You new exactly from who that came from. You went and look the giver of the gift, when you found him you gave a big bear hug and a lil kiss on his cheek. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING IDIOT!!?” You just laughed and answer “thanks for the present I love it!” He blushed which was a beautiful sight “Whatever.”
BONUS: “sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no?böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🙈BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû👅Dà🎉yooooo!” You loved that intro so much that you couldn’t stop singing it even though the lyrics were dirtier that the own WAP themselves. “Y/N AS A CLASS REPRESENTATIVE I ASK YOU TO PLEASE STOP SINGING THIS VULGAR SONG” then your boyfriend came and joined the conversation “YES DUMBASS I HAVE TO AGREE WITH 4 EYES ON THIS PLEASE STOP I CANNOT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD” Your boyfriend said in a very angry voice. You were laughing your ass of at this.
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This amazing boyfriend that you have dear reader noticed at the moment you first started drinking Monater energy drinks . Like he new that you lectured Denki on why he should stop drinking them if he wanted to have a long and healthy life free of diabetes type 2 and stuff. He looked at you and at the drink in shock , “ O this don’t worry babe I just feel tiered so I asked Denki for one don’t worry it’s just 1 drink.” He believed you he thought she just sleep bad for 1 night that’s all.
Then you weren’t paying attention to class nor hero training he got very worried for you. Or you were basically falling asleep in all the free time you had just like Aizawa sensei. You were using the day to nap for a while. Basically he noticed that your whole routine had turned upside down. You drank green tea like it was no tomorrow you sometimes did in secret because we all now that caffeine kept you going.
He went to goggle to see if he could figure out something for his tiered S/O. Since we all now that he isn’t the smartest he left that aside for a while. You told him that you were heading to bed and Kirishima did the same.
The clock hit 2:38 AM you were wide awake, you tossed and turned trying to fall back asleep. You soon gave up so you started watching complications of Nikocado Avacado and Orrin fighting because the night was long and honestly that hopeless couple mad you laugh so hard. You could spend hours just watching them fighting because it was so funny 🤣.
Your boyfriend couldn’t sleep either thinking about you. So he decided to go and chek on you and see if you were sleeping but he new that you were wide awake because his boyfriend instinct told him that. When he opened your dorm he saw the bright and white light of your computer, you where also holding back a big ass laugh so you wouldn’t wake anyone else for some reason.
You noticed you boyfriend that was standing in you dorm room half asleep. You feel really bad for him because you had worried him so much to the point he had to come and check on you like he was your parent. “Kiri baby what are you doing here?” He opens his mouth and stared talking “ Pebble you should be sleeping, let’s go down stairs and make some tea to help you sleep ok?” He ended that sentence with a big yawn.
You guys went downstairs and got yourself a nice cup of warm chamomile tea. He hoped that would help you fall asleep. “Is the tea good pebble?” He said with a sleepy voice you didn’t answer for a while you were admiring his red hair that was down, you didn’t get to see that sight very often. “Ooo sorry,yes yes it’s really nice thank you bub” you finish your tea and headed to kirishima manly room.
You both settled down on the comfortable bed. Kirishima proceeded and cuddled you. Your chest was pressed on his chest and he had his chin on top of your head. Before you tried to fall back asleep he gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead.
“Rise and shine” your lovely boyfriend said in a happy and cheerful tone! You opened your eyes and saw the red haired boy smiling at you. “Morning bub I slep well thanks to you, so thank you for the help!” “No problem pebble I am glad I could help!”
You both got ready for school and stuff. Kirishima is the type of boyfriend that buys you cute gifts because he thinks it is manly and most importantly because he thinks that you would like them. So this time your gift was a 14 pound weight blanket that was a lovely grey color.
When it was the weekend he came into your room with the blanket. You let him into your room and asked “bub why do you have that blanket?” He placed it down on your bed “since you have trouble sleeping I thought that this might help pebble.” You rushed to him and gave him a hug and a sweet kiss on the lips “thank you so much Kirishima you are the best! Also I love the gift.” Then you spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other.
BONUS: Kaminari soon found out about your heavy present. He thought why not yeet that heavy ass planet to Bakugo and make a run for your lives. Being the idiot you are you said “sure why not” Let’s just say you got a very mad Bakugo with neck pain and Iida scolding you and Kaminari and of course the rest of the Bakusquad laughing their ass off.
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Untitled Shulker Box Fic!
I said that I’d tag you in this so @redwinterrises
Words: 1728
Description: Seven scenes of Grian contemplating his partnership with Scar
Warnings: Descriptions of blood, injuries, and violence
Though Grian hoped his partnership with Scar would end well, deep down he knew that things could only turn out badly. Case in point, the tree issue. “If we made an iron farm, do you think we could get enough iron shovels to dig up the desert,” Scar deliberated, deep in whatever constituted thought for him as they moved towards the desert.
“I keep telling you, trying to dig up the desert is a waste of time. If we get the dark oak forest then we’ll have a monopoly. How are we even going to make an iron farm? There’s like three villagers and Impulse has them all.”
“We're smart guys! We can think of some-OH! There’s a bee over there.” Scar bounded off on a detour and Grian gritted his teeth. Scar was great, but when he was taking such a lackadaisical approach to things. having to follow his orders was unbearable. He couldn’t wait to die the first time so he could get away. Scar ran back up, “Had to kill the bee; so you think we could just steal everyone’s iron and diamonds and stuff to make shovels?”
Feeling something in him tense, Grian turned to Scar and did his best to feign calmness and control, “Scar, where on the server can you find sand?”
“The desert, obviously, the bottom of lakes and the river, and the beaches too I guess.”
“And where can you find dark oak?”
“Just the one forest but-” he trailed off when he saw the piercing stare Grian was giving him, “Okay. Forest it is.”
Grian stood on the edge of the sand dune, sun beating down on him as he watched Scar and Etho haggle over shoes. “Those are awfully nice shoes, Etho. Surely they’re worth some good reputation.”
Grian sighed, sick of watching Scar scam people for worthless garbage, “Don’t take him up, Etho. He’s cheating you.”
“No I’m not. You’ll get fifty whole reputation points, Etho.”
“What even are reputation points?”
“I’ll take it,” Etho kicked his shoes off and took the scrap of paper from Scar, making Grian groan in frustration.
After happily waving Etho off, Scar turned to Grian. The way the sun glinted off his scar from the creeper explosion still made it look like it was fresh and bleeding red. “Don’t interrupt my dealings,” he muttered, the shadows turning his skin a twisted grey. Grian nodded, having no intentions of doing what he was told.
“How do you make a tnt trap?” Back home the question would have been completely innocuous, but here, with his torn pants exposing the deep gashes on his legs from the fall, highlighted on his dead-looking skin, Scar’s words gave Grian cause for concern.
“Where are you going to use it?”
His eyes glowing with malice, Scar clenched his fist, “Dogwarts is going to pay. I’ll use the enchanter as bait and wipe them out in one quick blast.”
Immediately, images of Scar blowing himself to pieces rolled through Grian’s head. As nice as that would have been earlier, now….it was too dangerous. He had no idea which one of the others he could trust, and which could trust him. Love him or hate him, at least Scar was loyal to him. As much as he didn’t want to, Grian placed down a chest, “Give me the tnt you got.”
“Um, sure.” Scar tentatively dumped the tnt in the chest, as well as a spattering of minecart, observers, and pistons. “Are you building the trap or are you just taking this away from me?”
“I’ll….I’ll build it,” Grian shook his head, “It’s preferable to having you build it.”
“Good,” Scar placed a hand on Grian’s shoulder. It was rough, less a friendly gesture and more holding his lackey in place. “I’m glad you’re finally listening to me for once.”
Smoke billowed from the gates of Dogwarts, and Grian laughed. Jimmy had been stupid enough to nudge the tnt while the were disarming Grian’s trap, and and he, Skizz, and Ren himself had been turned into an ashy crater. Just the thought of it made Grian turn from giggled to unrestrained, ridiculous laughter. Scar and Ren grappled on the edge of the hill, and with a sickly crack Scar slugged Ren in the face, sending him toppling over the edge and letting him hit the ground with a thud.
Blood trickling from his forehead and a nasty scrape across his arm, Ren bellowed furiously, “You’ll pay for this, desert fiend!” before limping back to Dogwarts. Scar scampered away as well, likely to recoup in the desert. Feeling giddy, Grian turned to follow him, but Martyn grabbed him by the wrist.
“Grian, wait. I need to ask you something.”
“What is it?” Grian glanced back at Martyn, who was a mix of worried and hopeful.
“Big B and I were talking and…as the Blue Sword Boys we think we should try to rescue you from Scar. We’re going to ask Skizz to kill you so that you can get out of your deal without suspicion.”
Something in Grian churned, and a frown curled over his face, “What makes you think I want out of my deal?”
Martyn tightened his grip, “What are you talking about?”
“Right now Scar trusts me completely, and I’d rather have the most powerful wild card on the server in my palm than at my throat. So,” he broke free of Martyn’s grasp and drew his sword, “That’s,” he slashed his sword across his opponent’s knuckles, leaving a thin trail of blood, “A no.” A boot to the stomach sent Martyn tumbling backwards, and Grian ran.
Grian and Scar sat on a hill at a safe distance from the Crastle, deep in thought as they watched Bdubs and Cleo move about inside of their stronghold. “There has to be a way to get to them,” Scar pondered aloud, “A full attack isn’t an option, and I’d doubt they’d fall for the tnt trap again.”
“What if we trap their bubble elevator,” Grian proposed, trying to avoid eye contact with his partner.
“They don’t have a bubble elevator.”
“Then we build them a bubble elevator, act like it’s a big gift from us, and trap it to kill them when they actually use it.”
“That’s…actually pretty smart,” surprised, Scar glanced at Grian, who was looking at the tower with a calm intensity. “Let me grab the materials for it and-“
“Excuse me?”
“No, I’m building this. You keep them busy while I get the job done.”
“You actually want to help me kill them?”
“Of course,” Grian flashed him a teethy, soulless smile.
Screams of pain and anger wafted in through the window of the bunker and blood stained the desert sands red. Grian sat huddled against the wall of their bunker, hand hovering over the lever to the kill switch. Almost the entire server was out there, playing capture the flag on the largest death trap the server had ever seen. A body thudded against the bunker’s iron door, and blood trickled through the crack beneath it. Blood………
Blind to Scott’s tearful screams of “Jimmy!” Grian pulled the lever.
The sound burst one of his eardrums almost immediately, and the blast caved in the wall he was leaning against, sending him flying across the room and slamming into the opposite wall, fracturing his skull and shattering the bones in his left arm. Ignoring the mind-breaking pain, Grian rolled over onto his back, listening to the sounds of panic as the final small explosions fired.
“Grian.” Ren shouted as he stumbled in through the collapsed wall. His right arm seemed to have been torn open, and his mane of hair was matted with blood and sand. An ugly crack ran through his crown. “You did this. You have to pay.”
“And he will.” Before Ren could comprehend, Martyn leapt into the bunker, driving his sword between Grian’s ribs and twisting it to double the pain. Grian’s vision blurred, taking on a yellow tint as it faded.
“Where are you, Scar?” Grian called softly as he stalked through the charred ruins of Dogwarts. He carried the sword of the Red King and was coated in the blood of the King’s Hand. He stopped in front of where the Renchanting building once stood and eyed it whimsically, “We did it, Scar. We made it to the end. Final two, bud.”
“I’d count that as a win-win.” Scar’s voice was weary, and Grian caught sight of him entering through the main entrance, one of the few remaining pieces of wall. An explosion had clearly taken a chunk out of his leg, and deep gashes painted his skin. Barely able to walk, he slid to the ground, leaning against an undetonated pile of tnt. “Is this the end?” He said something else that Grian couldn’t hear as he crossed the way and sat down next to his partner.
“I guess it is. We….we killed them all.”
Something in Scar chilled at the way he said it. With a trembling turn to look at Grian, he quietly asked, “So who wins?”
Grian stood up slowly, blood rushing through his head so loudly he couldn’t hear anything Scar said or what was happening around him. He held Ren’s sword carefully in his hands, admiring the etchings on them. In a slow, contemplative movement, he took the hilt and gripped it tightly. Whirling around in a single heartless move, he ran the Red King’s sword through Scar’s neck, killing him. “Me.”
Blinded by fierce, undeniable red, Grian scanned Scar’s battered corpse as it crumbled to dust. He noticed that Scar had been holding something behind his back as he died, something that he hadn’t wanted Grian to see.
As the rushing in his head faded, Grian’s hearing returned and he froze at the quiet, but all too familiar hissing he heard. Scar had had a flint and steel in his hand. He had figured out what was going to happen and set one last fire, a fatal insurance policy.
Grian laughed as the tnt detonated, obliterating him and finishing off the last life on the server. At one point, Grian had hoped that his partnership with Scar would end well, but he had known deep down that it could only end badly for them.
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magisteramentia · 3 years
The Resort - Arianna of Corporate
Arianna lifted her beige pleated skirt to show the underwear the Company had chosen for her, a matching set of blue bikini panties and bra, that combined with her blue top.
“Are you pleased, Master?” Arianna said and bent over the wooden desk.
Ariana had taken well to her training. In her daily life, she was barely aware she had become her boss’s, Julian’s slave.
With a little wiggle, she looked back to see if her boss was pleased.
She fixed her secretary’s glasses and smiled.
This was the way she had learned to show appreciation.
After Julian told her she won the sales competition to go on a corporate retirement, Ari was elated, so she had to show how thankful she was.
All their hard work finally paid off. All those hours he spent with her on the re-training program.
She barely remembered any of it, but it worked.
Every day for the past month Ari arrived early to the office, logged onto her computer, and played the tutorial Julian prepared for her. All she could recall were the first few minutes where Julian talked about customer service, company loyalty, and... obedience? That couldn’t be right.
“Just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean it isn’t working,” Julian reassured her, “Most learning is subconscious, like, how you learned to talk at first. You will notice the changes soon.”
He gave her a dismissive smile before getting back to work on his own computer.
Arianna sat down back at her computer and kept with the tutorial; even with all her doubts and how boring the program was, she had to admit her sales were higher than her co-workers since she began following Julian’s regime.
Though she wasn’t sure how she was doing it.
All she noticed was that a week into the program, she was growing uncomfortable with her regular underwear.
What she didn’t notice was the following Monday she arrived early to give Julian a personal fashion show where he chose her new wardrobe and lingerie.
She was getting more clients, mostly men, and meeting them in their homes or hotels to talk about their insurance packages. They were very receptive to her new wardrobe, complimenting her professional look.
But while she walked out of the meetings hours later with signatures worth thousands of dollars, she was a bit confused as to how it got so late in the night.
From the time she spent at the office, she listened to the program recommending Ari made healthier choices. Eating fewer carbs, exercising more.
Once again she talked with Julian about it.
“A good presentation assures the clients of your professionalism,” Julian said, “I bet you realized that the new wardrobe is getting you better contracts, here.”
Julian showed her charts that demonstrated the spike in sales since she began dressing according to Julian’s recommendations.
Ari sat beside him and absentmindedly nodded as her mind drifted off.
Julian offered to provide her with protein supplements and to make time to help her find an adequate cardio routine.
Ari nodded and forgot what happened after.
From that day on, Julian called her to his office for their daily cardio routine, and every time she couldn’t remember what she did inside his office. By the time she walked out, her neck and jaw felt a bit sore. And sometimes, when she looked at the mirror to fix her makeup, she found stains on her clothes or a dollop of cream in her hair.
As the program progressed, arousal was one of the difficulties she kept encountering in her daily life. Arianna never felt so sexually frustrated. Before working under Julian she used to only need to relieve herself once or twice a week, read an erotic story in the bath or before going to sleep, using her hands or trusty her vibrator.
Nowadays, when she had free time, it was all she could think about. Sometimes she imagined some of her clients, sometimes it was Julian.
Her vibrator’s batteries kept dying out on her, always keeping her on edge but never able to cum unless... unless she pictured Julian.
Julian choosing her clothes.
Julian taking off her clothes.
Julian’s lips on her own.
Julian’s cock between her lips.
Julian pulling on her hair.
Julian fucking her brains out.
Julian cumming down her throat, on her lips, on her back.
“Fuck!” Arianna screamed as another charge died before she could cum.
The following morning Arianna felt groggy, exhausted, and constantly horny. Sitting at her desk, Arianna’s fingers absentmindedly reached for her pussy. Images of herself on her knees, with a collar around her neck, Julian spanking her and calling her name. She was almost there.
She was gasping and staring at the computer when Julian touched her shoulder.
“Arianna!” He called.
Arianna jumped in her seat. She was not wearing a bra that day, (Julian didn’t tell her to do so) and her nipples were erect under her blouse. She felt self-conscious and blushing. Her hands bolted to the side, cleaning her pussy juices on the fabric of her skirt. “Yes, Sir?, I mean Julian?”
Julian smiled, “Sir is fine, did you finish today’s tutorial?”
Arianna looked away and checked her computer. “Yes, Sir,” Arianna said.
“Good girl, Arianna,” He tapped her shoulder.
Arianna shuddered with pleasure.
“Keep the wonderful work.” He smiled and walked away.
“Sir?” Arianna called out to him.
“Yes?” Julian turned and watched Arianna fidget in her seat.
“I would... I was feeling a bit distracted. Maybe you could assist me with some of those cardio exercises you have been helping me with?” She thrust her chest forward and curled one lock of her hair.
“Sorry Ari,” He said and began walking away, “We have to close accounts soon and see who goes to the corporate retreat with me this month, you are taking the lead so far, just hold on like that for a little bit. I think you have an appointment this afternoon?”
“Right, yes Sir, thank you for reminding me,” Arianna nodded and deflated.
“Good girl, see you later,” Julian said and left.
Arianna had to bite her lip to keep herself from screaming as the orgasm shook her entire body.
After that meeting Arianna worked every afternoon, reviewing insurance policies with their clients over their dinner tables. She met new clients with the outfits that Julian suggested. And after every meeting that week she left shuddering, restless and sore, particularly around her breasts.
Every night she arrived at her home wet and increasingly horny, growing desperate and needy. Unable to cum, she fell asleep with her hands and vibe between her legs.
She blamed the excess of work on her sexual frustration; she was too tired to cum after all the sales she was closing.
On the last day of the competition, Arianna arrived to find a gift box on her desk.
There was a tiny note.
“Congratulations on completing the program.- Julian.”
Arianna opened the box and found a black collar with a metal ring on it.
She immediately put it around her neck and walked to Julian’s office.
“Did you like your gift?” Julian asked without lifting his eyes from the paperwork he was revising.
“I love it,” Arianna said, touching the leather collar.
Julian put down the pen and watched her blush.
“I think I have to give you a second commendation,” he said, “Since you are the leader in sales, you get to go with me to the beach for the corporate retreat,” Julian said with a wide smile and a growing erection.
“Thank you, sir.” She said bending over the desk and sliding her panties to the side.
“You deserve a reward for all your hard work.” He added and walked behind her.
He caressed her ass. His thumb pressing the small of her back like a button.
Arianna shuddered and arched, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
“What are you?” Julian asked.
“Your loyal slave.” She droned.
“What is your purpose?” He asked.
“To serve you and please you, sir,” Julian slid his cock inside her.
“What are you going to do?” He began thrusting in and out of her.
“Anything you want, Master.” Arianna moaned.
That day she walked out of Julian’s office wearing a tag on her new collar.
She prepared for the trip with Julian by going to the salon and getting a Brazilian, despite Julian telling her how cute she looked with her brown bush between her legs, she didn’t want to embarrass him when wearing the new bikini he bought for her.
With something so tight and small, her pubes wouldn’t seem elegant.
Arianna knelt on the carpeted floor of the hotel. Her eyes were foggy as she looked up and bobbed her head on the cock of a man from another branch of the company.
She was wearing a blue dress with ample cleavage that showcased the chain dangling from the collar around her neck.
The man fucked Arianna’s head until he came inside her mouth. She gulped it all down, careful to not let a single drop fall and stain her dress, “Thank you, Sir,” Arianna said with a devoted smile and cleaned her mouth.
Before someone else took their turn with her, Julian approached from behind her and helped her up.
“You are doing great, Ari” Julian whispered and placed his arm around her back.
He led her through the crowded hall. Ari saw men and women on their knees, fellow pets and slaves sucking and licking their masters.
She gave Julian a vapid smile. “Thank you, Master.”
“Are you ready for the next part of your training?” Julian asked and pulled her close, caressing her naked back.
“I am your loyal slave, Master,” She cuddled close to him, “Your faithful pet to be trained as you please.”
Julian gave her a confident smile and pushed open the big wooden doors that led out of the main hall.
The resort provided a few select services, among them a tattoo parlor.
Julian told Ari to sit on the chair facing backwards and exposing her back.
Julian showed the tattoo artist the design.
The tattoo artist, a cute, petite girl with raven hair and many piercings and tattoos, sat behind Ari.
“Maybe you should distract her while I work.” She told Julian.
He nodded and stood in front of Ari, taking out his cock.
Ari’s lips parted. She took her tongue out, letting a silver thread of drool fall from her mouth to the floor before she began sucking him.
Ari spaced out and enjoyed the vibrations on her lower back and the taste in her mouth.
She was serving her master proudly, just as he taught her during her training. She took as much as she could, trying to maintain eye contact, which was difficult with every thrust from her boss and how the tattoo artist stopped from time to time to play with Ari’s pussy, making her eyes roll to the back of her head.
“I am proud of you, pet.” Her Master said, caressing her face. She was so elated she almost came from the praise.
She pulled out the cock from her mouth to speak
“Thank you, Master.” She said with a smile and swallowed him whole.
A woman walked into the tattoo parlor and stood behind Julian. She was wearing a black suit with a pencil skirt. She had short black hair and diamond earrings.
She blew on Julian’s ear.
“Fuck!” He turned his head back and shivered.
She watched him fuck Ari’s head and gave him a Mona Lisa smile.
“Did her service training include female satisfaction?” She asked Julian with a demanding tone.
Julian pulled his cock out of Ari’s mouth, leaving her panting and drooling.
“I...” Julian gulped, “I... never asked. The program was supposed to cover it.” He said and stood aside.
“We will have to find out.” The woman said. She stood in front of Ari and lifted her skirt, exposing her naked bush; she parted her lips with her manicured hands and Ari began licking her earnestly, hungrily. Overtaken by instinct.
Ari lapped and sucked the woman in front of her. She was the first woman she ever serviced, but she did it expertly.
The tattoo artist finished her work and stood back while her clients finished. She could wait a little while to collect her tip.
The woman gave Julian an approving nod, and Julian took his place behind his slave. He lifted Ari’s ass, caressing the brand on her back. A mark of ownership to the company, to him. To his Mistress.
He pushed his cock inside Ari, making her release a sweet, soft moan.
Ari’s tongue dutifully pleased the woman in front of her. The tangy musk she breathed made her mind foggier than usual. Despite that, Ari didn’t neglect her duties to her Master. She moved her ass in a rhythm that she knew pleased her boss.
The woman’s legs gave in as she felt how Ariana relentlessly, yet kindly, pressed her clit with her tongue and her hands caressed her legs, her labia, and eventually drove her fingers inside her pussy with her lips and tongue still sucking her hard.
The sight of his slave, making another woman orgasm, brought Julian to the brim and made him release his pent-up cum inside her.
Ari felt a jolt of pleasure surge through her, making her eyes roll to the back of her head.
Her hanging tongue dripped with saliva and cum.
The woman cupped Ari’s chin and licked Ari’s tongue.
The tattoo artist walked behind her and handed her a handkerchief that the woman used to clean her wet pussy before fixing her clothes.
“May I?” The tattoo artist asked, pointing to Ari’s head.
“Go ahead.” The woman said.
The tattoo artist grabbed Ari’s head and positioned her against her eager pussy.
Ari pleasured the new woman automatically and with the same eagerness as she did before.
Julian’s cock popped out of Ari. A thread of cum still linked the two of them.
“It was a pleasant experience.” The woman said, grabbing Julian’s limp cock and caressing it back to life. “Maybe you would care for an exchange program?”
The tattoo artist gave pleasant screams while Ari greedily devoured her.
“We will see,” Julian gasped, “We still have the week ahead of us, Mistress,” Julian said and knelt in front of his boss.
“And she still has to serve many others.” His Mistress added, watching Ari bring the tattoo artist to an orgasm.
As Ariana recovered from the fogginess and noticed the scene surrounding her, with a pussy on her tongue, she knew she was going to enjoy the corporate retreat a lot. If her Master or Mistress allowed her.
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Hey, I trust your judgement and I need advice. What would you do with a distant father, who does not live with you and does not really check up on you (only sends weird pictures and messages) but whenever problems arise for him he immediately seeks you out? You see I noticed that most of my panic attacks are caused in situations with him and I can't talk civilly with him, he seems to expect me to function and I'm honestly struggling. Sorry to drop this on you, no worries if you can't help me.
Hey Nonny! *HUGS*
Oof, listen, I had the EXACT same problem with my Mother, actually.
PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL and I am only speaking anecdotally, in hopes that my experience may help you with yours.
After my dad died, rather than letting us three heal together, she (I later found out) was seeking out men online less than a month later, and buggered off by the 2nd month to another city close to her prospects. Note that at the time, my sister and I were both living at home with our parents because my sister was working a low-wage job and I was saving up to pay off my debts, so this was a bit of a shocker that a week after Dad's funeral, she told us to find a place to live, because she was leaving. Like, out of the blue. Looking back, it was really heartless, especially since we were grieving so much.
Throughout the next SEVEN YEARS, after I moved closer to my dad's family (who, for the record, my mother tried to get me to distance myself from ALL those 7 years out of pure jealousy), my mother proceeded to gaslight and emotionally abuse both my sister and I – I won't get into the details because it IS a lot and it still hurts me now that I realize what she did – and then disowned me (and my sister by-proxy, whom my mother rarely tried to contact) after I stood my ground. All those 7 years, she ONLY ever contacted me when she wanted money from me (I was living below the poverty line when I moved; all the money she got from my dad's life insurance, she blew in the first year and then blamed my sister and me AND MY DEAD FATHER), and tried to convince me how evil my father was (he wasn't. He was kind, worked hard, and loved his family very much and gave us a good life – we were upper middle-class up until his death and my sister and I got a 1000$ Wal Mart Gift card from the whole thing) to make herself feel better about what she did. And then even after disowning us, she still tries to contact me at least once a year, always opening with the typical narcissist guilt tripping, acting like she did no wrong, and then I always find out through the grapevine that it's always money-related as to why why she tries to contact me. She even tries to get to me via the relatives she told me to disassociate from – the ONLY extended family I ever knew – and they are amazing that they are protecting me from her because they FINALLY saw what was happening to us because she started her gaslighting  and manipulating my aunts as well.
Now that I’m distanced from it all of it, EVERYTHING (trust me you guys, it’s fucking nuts... like I had an ENTIRE FAMILY she told me were all dead and she recently reconciled with) she did was to make me and my sister miserable, because that’s what abusers like to do. It TICKLED my mother when I was depressed and stressed, but because of “my kind heart” she took advantage of me and the knowledge that I would keep taking her back... until I didn’t and she got fucking NASTY.
So the whole point of this, Nonny, is to say as an outsider looking in, who has experienced similar manipulative tactics that fucked with my own mental health, I fear your dad, whether he knows it or not, is only staying in contact with you to feel better about himself as a parent, and IF he does realize he’s doing it, he LIKES seeing you have the panic attacks. BUT he might have undiagnosed issues of his own, so it could be as simple as he doesn’t know he’s making you uncomfortable.
The problem here is that with my situation, the disowning made the decision for me, and I was already trying to think of a way to tell my Mother that I needed  to take a break from her, so it was a “simple” decision – I think my mother genuinely believes she did nothing wrong and thinks we are the worst children for not wanting to talk to her anymore. 
In your situation, though, I think the best thing for you is to communicate with him; how you do so is something that you have to have a heavy think on. Let him know how he hurts you, and tell him that you need to know that your interactions won’t have underlying intentions. And if he becomes unreasonable, then say “and this is why we can’t talk”. I dunno Nonny. When I was planning to cut off my mother for awhile, I wrote everything down that I wanted to say to her one on one next time I saw her. I had a little speech written out that I was going to read to her. After the disowning, I tossed it out, and said “fuck it” and decided I would not “take her back” like I’ve done countless times in the past 7 years. Perhaps that will help you out too, Nonny, writing it all down.
Either way, this problem won’t solve itself unless some communication happens, and you need to stand up and be firm. I know it’s scary and tough, but honestly, I don’t regret a second of cutting my mother out of my life; I tried over and over to repair a broken rock; it’s not going to happen, and I TRIED communicating. I’m able to work on myself without stepping on eggshells all the time. I’m not suggesting you should cut out your dad, at all, but if this is an ongoing thing, it may be an option to consider as a last resort for your own health. But do try to talk first, and writing things down will help organize your thoughts and keep you calm.
Good luck Nonny. We’re here for you <3
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imaginesupply · 4 years
Homecoming - Chapter Five
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(Gif’s not my own.)
Summary: The day has arrived, Captain Syverson is going home. For good, this time. He is going home to a civilian life he can hardly remember and a wife he barely knows, with memories of the war still fresh on his mind. Love might not be able to heal everything on its own, but it’s a good start.
Genres: Romance, drama.
Story warnings: Smut (always fully consensual), mentions of PTSD and nightmares and mental health, angst, hurt and comfort, fluff, mentions of war (minor), mentions of cheating (minor), mentions of pregnancy (very minor), police appearance (very minor), violence (very minor).
It’s my first time writing for one of Henry’s characters and I’m unsure I did Sy’s character any justice.
This is a Capt. Syverson x OFC (Ada) story, written in 3rd person POV but OFC’s physical description is very limited so it could also be read as Capt. Syverson x Reader, I think.
English is not my first language, so there might be some mistakes. Proofread, but not beta’ed. We die like men and all that.
Timeline is a little wacky: The movie takes place in 2003 and the U.S. forces were withdrawn from Iraq in 2011, but I never set a precise date because I don’t think it’s essential for this story. However, some elements might not be realistic because if we set this story in 2003: Phone cameras quality was not as good as it’s now, but for the purpose of the chapters, I will need you to imagine you could film great videos with your flip phone haha. Plus, it says Sy is coming back after being deployed for more than three years which makes no sense unless we set this in 2006 or later. I am asking you disregard any time inconsistencies.
Also: I am not American. I only lived in the US for six months and it was in the Midwest, not Texas so please bear with me if I write something stupid.
Finally: This will be a Christmas fic and I intend to post the last chapter (there will be seven in total) on or before Christmas. However, religion is never mentioned in this story and the Christmas-sy elements of this story are limited to family gathering, gift giving and tree decorating.
Chapter Five starts after the cut. (Chapter Four can be found here.) Let me know if you wish to be tagged in future chapters or if you wish to be removed from the tag list.
A/N: I am aware of the neutral, perhaps positive, portrait of the police I painted in this chapter. I am fully conscious of the recent (and not so recent) instances of police brutality happening all around the world, many – if not most – of them motivated by racism and other despicable ideologies. With this chapter, I did NOT mean to express support for the police forces. I simply had this ‘plot’ idea come to my mind and decided to write it. There is no ulterior motive.
While all my personal experiences with the police have been positive, I am aware that my ethnicity gives me privilege and that many people are not as lucky as I am. This both angers and saddens me. It has to change.
Black lives matter. Minority lives matter.
Chapter 5
Chapter warnings: Cockwarming, irresponsible driving (kind of), car accident (not serious), police (but no police violence), very mild violence, language (perhaps a little bit worse than in previous chapters but nothing you don’t hear in real life, I guess), mentions of mysogyny.
Ada yawned with Sy quickly following suit. “You can drive my car if you want, Sy. It’s not that new anymore, you know.” She offered, gracing him with the most angelic smile she could muster. It was the first time she was granting him the opportunity to drive her car.
Sy laughed next to her, his left hand moving over the center console to rub her thigh. He had that stupid grin again, that looking endearing with his current droopy eyes. “It’s your car, darlin’. Besides, you’d kill me if I ever so much as got a scratch on it.” He chuckled, suppressing another yawn. “And I know you’re only offering because you want to sleep.”
His wife gasped, a look of mocking offense on her features. “They’re your nephews!”
“But you were the one who said yes,” Sy countered, his eyes closing again as he made himself more comfortable on the car seat. The drive home was only about one hour and a half, but it was the perfect length for a nap.
“What the fuck was I supposed to say, huh?” Ada laughed, gesticulating wildly as was her habit. “Yes, Joshua, I understand you’re taking my pregnant sister-in-law to the hospital. No, I will not look after your kids for the night. It’s our date night.”
Next to her, Sy grimaced. She did have a point, even if he had been looking forward to going bowling with her: Ada was a sore loser which always ended with lots of fun for him. At least, his sister and the baby were okay. Just a normal case of Braxton Hicks, apparently, whatever that was supposed to mean. Perhaps it was good thing Ada didn’t want children because he’d freak out if she started having contractions four months in. “You fell asleep on Luke’s bed at one in the morning when you tried to get him to sleep for the third time and I had to spend the whole night entertaining them with tea parties because they wouldn’t tire!”
“Hey! That’s not cool!” She protested accusatorily, her eyes on the road as she switched lanes to take the next exit. “I didn’t know you couldn’t give kids sugar after a certain hour!”
Sy huffed, shaking his head. They’d had the great idea to bring donuts because according to his dear wife, sugar always made you feel better when you was anxious or down, and the kids had been aware something was off with their mom. “We suck at this parenting thing.”
“You don’t say!” Ada laughed, before loudly cursing at driver who’d just cut her off, something which never failed to make Sy smile. “The nap’s going to feel heavenly once we’re home.”
Sy hummed in agreement, his head falling back against the headrest as he drifted off, hiding his eyes from the sun with his cap. Ada glanced sideways at him, shaking her head. Part of her wanted to shake him awake. If she had to suffer, so did he. But he was right, she had slept more than him and he looked too peaceful to disturb, especially with some leftover glitter still on his cheeks.
Suddenly, there was a mild thump and the car stuttered before stopping, startling Ada who jumped on her seat.
"Shit!" She cursed. "Did I just...?" She began to panic, her eyes moving to the red car in front of them, too close. She had bumped it while she had been distracted by her husband’s stupid, sleepy face!
"Yes, yes you did," Sy laughed next to her. Ada was a good driver and she loved driving, but she was easily distracted and Sy never failed to tease her about it. This time, however, he could tell she was scared from the way her chest was heaving with her shallow breaths. "Want me to deal with it, darlin'?" He offered, tilting his head at the other driver who had just come out of the red, broken-down car.
"No!" Ada protested all too quickly, taking off her seatbelt and grabbing the necessary documents from the glovebox, accidentally hitting his knees in the process. "I am an independent woman who don't need no help," she muttered, trying to convince herself of her own statement. In the eight years since she’d had her gotten her licence, she had never given any of her cars a single scratch, let alone gotten into an accident.
Sy grinned at her antics but tried to hide his amusement, not wanting to make it worse. "All right. I'm here in case you need me, okay?" With a determined nod in his direction, Ada stepped out of the car and attempted to summon the Annalise Keating or the Olivia Pope inside her, whichever she could find in herself.
The man from the red car, who seemed to be in his early forties and balding, was already inspecting his vehicle for damage – looking mighty pissed as he did so. Ada approached the impact point from the other side, noticing the bump on the man’s old car. It didn't look too bad, she sighed with relief. Her own car barely had anything. Ha! She would have to use this as an argument next time Sy and her started discussing cars. Her black Citroën DS5 was sturdy and not just fancy looking, unlike what he said.
"Hello, sir," she said calmly, the man instantly looking up at her. Damn! He really looked furious, seething even. "I am so sorry for this. I was a little distracted- Anyway, it doesn't matter. My insurance will cover whatever repairs your car may require."
"You stupid little bitch!" The man shouted, out of the blue.
Ada gasped, backtracking. The muscles in her jaw twitched. What the fuck was wrong with him? "I understand your anger, but there's no-"
"What were you even doing behind that wheel?" He snarled, gesturing at her car, her baby. "Who the hell lets women like you drive cars like that?!” The man cursed, aggressively waving his hand in the air.
She just stood there, still in shock. Did... did he just bring misogyny into a fender bender situation?! "Women like me?!" She repeated, quite stunned.
"Aye! Bitches like you have no business driving-”
Ada flinched at the man’s words. He was starting to breech the distance between them, moving too close to her. Ada jumped again when she felt a warm hand on her shoulder before realizing it belonged to Sy and letting herself exhale slowly. Thank God he didn’t listen to her and stayed in the car!
"I get that you’re pissed, but that's no way to talk to a lady. You should to apologize," Sy told the man, making it sound very much like an order and very little like a suggestion. The driver huffed before coming closer, his face about as red as the car as when he started laughing. Ada instinctively hid under Sy's arm, though she aware of the ridicule of the whole situation.
"That's your whore? You let your whore drive your car?!"
Okay, this was going too far. It left her lips before she could help it, "that's my own goddamn car, you wanker!". Maybe it was time to stop borrowing insults from Tom.
Ada could almost hear how his jaw clenched when she felt Sy's whole body tense up against hers. "Call her a whore one more time and you're gonna wish she had run you over instead."
This was escalating. Ada bit her lower lip. She was going to have to be the bigger person here. "Look, I'll just go grab my phone from the car and call the police. They'll deal with this." Ada announced, dislodging herself from Sy’s grip before turning around to get to her car.
Her hand had just wrapped around the car door handle when there was a clouting noise, quickly followed by a loud thump, this time. Ada immediately turned around at the sound. The angry driver was out cold on the ground, blood rushing out of his nose and forehead, with Sy looking down at him, the same blood tainting his fist.
"Oh shit!"
A lanky guy, smelling heavily of pot, was thrown inside the almost full holding cell by the same officer who had arrested him. Sy was amused at the sight until the guy, after a full survey of the room, started walking him up to him before sitting down on the bench far too close for his liking.
Exhaling through his nose, Sy tried ignoring the smell and closed his eyes again. He didn’t expect the nap he had been looking forward to, to be in a stinky cell with stinky men but it would have to make do. At least, after the man sitting closest to the entrance had commented on the leftover pink glitter that still shone in Sy’s beard, nobody had bothered him anymore – not after he quite literally made the man piss himself with just one stare. That man wouldn’t have survived a single day in Baqubah.
"It's cramped in here," the new guy commented nonchalantly though his eyes were fixed on Sy. Out of politeness - damn Ada and her insistence on good manners! - Sy acknowledged his useless statement with a noncommittal hum.
"Name's Ben, by the way," he said, stretching out of his hand but Sy didn’t move a muscle. What was it in his current posture - crossed arms and spread legs - that made him appear friendly enough for a chat, he wondered, rolling his eyes behind his closed eyelids.
"And you are...?"
Sy groaned out loud time. "Not interested."
Ben didn’t get the hint and proceeded to ramble off about how he got caught selling pot near the university. Sy was actively working on drowning out his voice when the sound of fast and angry clicking heels on the concrete floor caught his attention. He smiled. Ada. Apparently, she hadn’t changed and was still dressed for date night, wearing a dress and stilettos, even though they had only meant to go bowling and eat at a steakhouse.
Somehow, everyone in the holding cell must have been intrigued by the same sound because all conversation suddenly stopped, the men all hoping to eavesdrop.
"I am here for Syverson. I wish to talk to him."
"Ma'am, I apologize but we are not allowed to let him out of his cell."
"Not a problem. Just give me the keys and I'll let him out myself!"
Every person in the holding cell laugh with Sy grinning quietly, amused at how she sounded distinctively more foreign when she was mad. He was used to her accent in more intimate settings, but he was enjoying the sound of it during her current outburst which was followed by an uninterrupted string of curse words and insults alike, all coming from her delicate mouth. First, in English, then French. Spanish. Portuguese. Italian. Sy frowned at the last one, he didn’t recognize it. Was it German? He'd have to ask her.
"What a woman, huh," the guy next to him deadpanned, still not giving up on a conversation.
Silence fell again as everyone attempted to listen to the rest. “I swear to God I’ll hang your heads up in my living room if –“
Sy only huffed, leaning back against the cold wall. "You can't even begin to imagine."
"You know her?" The pothead quipped up.
"Yeah," Sy replied. "She’s my wife." He said it loud enough to make sure everyone was able to hear it.
“Oh,” came the nasal voice next to him just as they heard heavy, resigned footsteps become louder.
A different policeman stopped just behind the door, a colleague just behind him as he fished out the right key from his pocket. “Syverson,” he called out loudly. “There’s a woman here for you.”
Sy got up at once, unable to hide his smug smirk. Ada always got her way.
“What the fuck were you thinking, Sy?!” His wife blurted out as soon as she was let inside the interview room, the young officer locking the door from the outside. Then, turning around, she caught sight of her husband handcuffed to the table and her shoulders instantly slacked, her anger vanishing almost instantly. “What you did was disproportionate,” she sighed, her voice calmer as she took a seat in front of him, the cold iron table separating them.
"He called you a whore, I just punched him!" Sy protested, leaning back on the chair. "My response was disproportionate - disproportionately small."
"You knocked him out cold!" Ada reminded him, her voice pitching higher than usual but the only response she got from Sy was a smug grin. "He might press charges, you know. It's battery."
Sy rolled his eyes, sitting up straight. "He’s an asshole."
Now, it was her turn to roll her eyes although she knew he hated it when she did that. She took a deep breath, hoping to calm down. Sy was looking entirely unbothered, but she was freaking out at the situation. "I'll try to convince him not to press charges and offer to cover the medical bill on top of the car repairs in return."
"Medical bill?" Sy asked, cocking his eyebrow.
"Yes. After the police took you into custody, he was brought to the hospital. From what I heard, he has a broken nose, needed stitches on his forehead and got a concussion." Sy only huffed with a smirk. "This is not funny, Syverson!"
"It wasn't funny when he called you a whore either," Sy countered. He was right. It was also very pleasant to see that dickhead in pain, but she wouldn’t tell him that.
"Look, my friend, Gale, who's a lawyer, is on her way. I'll get you out of here tonight. He’ll either agree to drop the charges or I’ll bail you out."
The corners of his lips twitched. He moved his hands as much as the chain allowed, to grab hers and squeeze them in his large ones. "Are you worried about me, darlin'?"
What a teasing little shit he could be! Of course, she was worried about him! He was in a cell! Feigning innocence, Ada smiled, running her thumbs over the back of his hands. "I am not. However, seeing what you did to that prick just got me really horny and I would like to have you back in my bed tonight," she whispered, watching as her husband’s smug grin slowly disappeared as she got up and grabbed her purse, heading to the door.
"You better get me out of here quickly!" Sy called after her.
He was returned to the holding cell, the officer uncuffing his wrists again once the bars closed behind him. There were two new faces, but he also recognized that at least three men had left already. Unfortunately, pothead was still there.
“I saved you your spot,” Ben smiled wildly, gesturing at the vacant portion of the bench next to him. “The guy in the red shirt was going to sit here but I told him it was occupied.”
Sy merely hummed, taking the seat that had so generously been saved for him. Hopefully Ada would get him out quickly because he didn’t know how much longer he could deal with his chatty neighbour.
“Was she mad?” Ben asked, whispering loudly and defeating the entire purpose of a whisper in the first place. “Did she yell at you?”
Despite his closed eyes, Sy could feel Ben’s stare on him as he awaited an answer. “No.”
Ben nodded thoughtfully, shaking the uneven bench as he did so. “If we go to prison, I want to share a cell with you.”
If Ada didn’t get him out of there quickly, he was soon going to get charged for battery again.
Sy stood by the counter, his attention on the ugly Christmas decorations he hadn’t noticed when they brought him in hours earlier. Somehow, he had managed to forget all about it. And fuck, he still needed to get Ada a present!  
“Here are your things,” the young officer told him as he slid over a transparent plastic bag.
With a curt nod, Sy ripped it open and fetched his wedding band first, before looking for his wallet and belt. He was already heading to the door when he turned around at the last minute. “Did Mrs. Syverson post my bail?”
“No, the charges were dropped.”
Huffing with amusement and a hint of pride, Sy zipped up his coat and headed to the front door. He swiftly descended the stairs in front of the precinct, his face illuminating at the sight of her. She was still wearing the black dress and the fancy shoes, her makeup now lightly smudged around her eyes.
As soon as he was close enough, his hands moved to Ada's waist and he leaned down to kiss her, only for her to pull away at his touch. "Not so fast, big guy," she teased, a glint in her eyes as she grabbed something out of her coat pocket he couldn't yet identify. "You're still in trouble."
Sy threw back his head, his laugh booming through the night sky as he finally saw what she was holding up in front of him. Handcuffs, and not the fluffy ones either.
"Now gimme your hands," Ada demanded, making him cock his brow at her authoritative tone.
With a chuckle he obeyed, presenting her his hands. "Yes, ma'am."
Sy watched keenly as she fumbled with the cuffs to get them around his wrists, and then seized the right opportunity to take the upper hand, easily taking the cuffs away from her small hands.
With a shriek, Ada found herself bent over the black hood of her own car, her cheek pressed up against the slick surface and her husband's body pressed up against hers. She could hear the smirk in his voice when he spoke. "Mrs. Syverson, you're under arrest for unlawful teasing back in the questioning room." Ada scoffed, the sound weakened by his heavy weight on top of her. "You have the right to remain silent. Everything you do say can and will be held against you in-"
"Your dick!" Ada suddenly blurted out, a little too loud given where they were, and Sy immediately stopped, clearly surprised, but she quickly felt him laugh against her back.
Before she could join him, Sy smacked her ass, effectively silencing her. "Guess I'll have to fuck that attitude out of you," he grunted before pulling away and fastening the cuffs around her wrists.
Ada kept complaining as he carefully dragged her inside the car. Despite her struggling, Sy easily opened the right backdoor and threw her on the backseat, mindful to fasten her seatbelt before closing the door. Her eyes widened and her mouth went agape when Sy sat down behind the steering wheel and proceeded to push back the driver’s seat and readjust all the mirrors.
“Are you shitting me?” She exclaimed, leaning forward on her seat as much as the belt would allow. He was messing up with all her settings and the grin on her face made it very clear that he was doing it all on purpose just to get her riled up.
“Language, darlin’,” he chided, turning on the engine. “Didn’t you ask me to drive earlier, anyway?”
Ada groaned in response, shutting her eyes tightly before opening them again. “You know very well that was-“
Sy didn’t let her finish, the tires squealing on the tar as he sped out of the parking lot all too fast. Ada involuntarily cringed at the noise. “I’ll make you pay for this!”
“We’ll see, kitten. We’ll see.” He was entertaining by her determination even though her eyes were already closing.
As expected, Ada fell asleep within five minutes despite the handcuffs keeping her arms in an uncomfortable position. Her head lolled before it finally came to rest against the window. He watched her though the central mirror, an adoring look in his blue eyes as she sighed contently the very moment she had fallen asleep. While he had managed to rest while in the cell, though not as much as he had hoped, he knew Ada had been up all afternoon trying to sort everything out and get him out. Sy had noticed her exhaustion as soon as she started fumbling with the handcuffs, her movements uncharacteristically clumsy.
He stopped at a junk food drive thru on their way home – night had already fallen and he hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. He doubted she had either. Her eyes didn’t even flutter under the bright neon lights and once he parked the car on their driveway and went to carry her inside along with their food, after undoing the cuffs, her body was completely limp in his arms. It was only when he accidentally let her shoulder hit the doorframe as he tried to lead them inside their bedroom, that she woke up again. “Ouch!”
“Sorry,” Sy murmured and kissed her forehead before laying her down on the bed and setting down the bag on the mattress next to her. Her nose wrinkled as she sniffed the air even as he helped her out of her coat and dress, and then the shoes. “Did you get us food?”
“Tenders and fries.”
Within an instant, she had ripped the bag open and was clutching the bucket of chicken to her chest, moaning as soon as she took a bite. He smiled knowingly at her– she had been hungry after all.
Hurriedly, Sy took off his clothes and slid in bed behind his wife, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him. They hadn’t slept together the previous night as they babysat the kids and he had missed the feel of her soft body against his. A content hum escaped him as his already partially hard cock nestled against the roundness of her ass.
Ada chuckled at his reaction, the vibrations of her body sending sparks of pleasure to his growing erection. “I have an idea,” she whispered, her voice becoming seductive again as she started rubbing herself against him.
Sy groaned deeply and tightened his grip on her waist, forcing her to still even though he was no longer sure for what he now hungered more; food or his wife. “We’re both hungry and exhausted,” he reasoned with her, his fingers moving some hair away from her neck so that he could kiss her there.
“Let me,” she insisted, a grin audible in her voice. Her hands disappeared under the bedsheets and she slid off her panties before retaking her initial position as the little spoon. Behind her, Sy groaned as her delicate fingers took hold of his cock, giving it a few pumps before guiding him inside her warmth. He muffled a soft moan against neck at the snug feeling of tight her walls, his arm tightening around her again. She let out a quiet gasp at the stretch, it hurt a little despite her still being sufficiently wet from when he had pushed her against the hood of the car. But once he was fully inside, Ada sighed at the pleasure of being again. “Now we can eat.”
There are two more chapters to go! Next chapter will include Christmas tree decorating. I am running behind on schedule so I cannot guarantee the last chapter will be posted by Christmas but I’ll do my best.
@colourmeinblue​ @hail-horror-queen​ @youthought-iwasa-nicegirl​ @kmuir1​ @madbaddic7ed​ @coffeebreathy​ @purplelove75​ @summersong69​ @helenaellie​
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janicho88 · 4 years
Falling For You -Part 2
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Pairing- Eventual Dean x Female!Reader,  Dean x Lisa(past),  Female!Reader x OMC Justin(past)
Word Count-4008
Warning- Mentions of cheating, little angst, some swearing, fluff. This is going to be a bit of a slow burn. Haunted woods.  Talk of trying to fake a pregnancy, manipulation, trying to steal from significant other/ falsify documents,  Lisa is awful, Justin isn’t much better, talk of being pressured into doing things you don’t want to.  I think that is it
A/N- I had an idea for a one shot, and giving a backstory to Dean and the Reader meeting took on a life of its own. This story is AU, and un beta’d.
Summary- After being burned before you had sworn off finding love for now. Coming home from work one night there is a strange man pounding on your door.  Neither of you knew what this meeting would lead to.
Series Masterlist
The next week kept you busy at work and not giving you much free time in the evening.  Coming or going you always kept an eye out for your new friend though, not seeing him again till the weekend.  Heading back to your apartment after your Saturday morning workout you ran into Dean coming out of his brother’s apartment. 
“Hi stranger, how is everything coming together for you?”
“Hey Y/N, it’s coming.  I found a job, starting a week from Monday.  Still looking for a place though, guess I’ll be crashing with Sam a little longer and putting my stuff in storage up here till I find something.  Work slow down for you yet?”
“Congrats on the new job!  No, not yet.  A family emergency came up, and our new person can’t start till next week.  At least there is a light at the end though.  I hate to run on you, but I’m supposed to be meeting Meg, and I really need a shower.  Talk to you later?”
“Sure, see ya around.”
With the wedding dress found it was time to find Bridesmaid dresses.  Hopefully this went a little better.  Her wedding colors were red, black and silver, you would be happier with a black dress, but Meg was thinking red.  The color of fire, this wedding was going to be hot she said. 
Thankfully you and the 2 bridesmaids Ruby and Sarah were on the same page about finding one and getting done.  None of you wanted to try on tons of dresses. Meg actually approving of the third one you found.  They were free to leave after that, you got to go help her set up a gift registry.  Your fingers were crossed these next six months until the April wedding went fairly quick. Done for the day, she suggested meeting up with Cas and his best man so you could finally meet him.
The guys were meeting you at a local pizza shop so you could grab dinner and talk.  Walking in with Meg you quickly saw Cas, and getting closer to the table, recognized the spiky sandy brown haired man across from him.  Sliding in next to Dean you mentioned how he never said anything about being the best man, when you said you were the maid of honor. 
“Sorry, I think my head was still on other topics then.” He answered you with a small smile
“Wait, you two already know each other?”  Cas questioned looking between you both.
“Yeah, I live across the hall from his brother, remember Cas?”
“I do now.”
“No one ever told me that you and Sam knew each other from Kansas though.”
“I guess we didn’t think about it.”
It was an enjoyable evening out with your friends.  You found out more about Dean’s new job, he found a small auto shop hiring a head mechanic.  The owner, Bobby, had done most of the work himself but was looking to cut back and possibly retire in a few years.  If Dean was still around then and interested he might sell the shop to him.  There was a part time mechanic working there also, Benny.  Dean seemed to think they would get along well.
Dean gave you a ride back so Meg could take Cas with her since they lived in the opposite direction as you two.  “I don’t think I told you last week, but I really like your car.”
“Thanks, Baby is my one true girl.”
Patting the top of the dash Dean glanced over and smiled at you, “That’s her name.”
You just smiled back, “It’s very nice Dean, I hope the two of you will be very happy together. 
Closer to home Dean told you he was renting a car and leaving for Kansas tomorrow.  He would turn the car in there and drive a Uhaul back with Sam the following weekend.  Apparently his brother wasn’t the best driver and he didn’t trust him to drive that far with his car or the uhaul filled with his belongings.  Sam was flying home later in the week to meet up with him.  Giving him a quick hug outside your apartment door you wished him safe travels and good luck, telling him you would see him when he got back. 
Quickly entering your apartment and shutting the door, you were trying to figure out why you hugged him, and why you suddenly were overthinking it.  You were friends, friends hugged right?  No reason to give it a second thought.
Friday night there was a knock on your door, but you weren’t expecting anyone.  Opening it you were surprised to find Jess on the other side with a pizza box and a bottle of wine.
“Hey, I thought I’d see if you were up for some company.  Sam and Dean started the drive back this afternoon, so it’s just me over there.”
“Sure!  Come on in.”  The two of you spent the evening watching bad romance moves and talking about the brothers.  Jess had known Sam since they were in undergrad at Stanford, and had a few stories to tell you about both of them.  It was nice to learn a little more about Dean.  
When Jess had more wine in her she opened up about Dean’s breakup.  “I met the cheating bitch a few times and never cared for her.  She thought she was better than everyone, always pushing Dean to buy her things, jewelry and fancy clothes.  Apparently she started asking Dean some questions that he thought were weird but told himself she must have been taking an interest in things he liked for once.”
She paused to take a drink of wine. “When Dean was packing up after he kicked her out he discovered some stuff in his safe had been moved around, insurance papers, information on stocks he owns, and even his will was in a new place.  I guess he didn’t think much of it; he was too caught up in the cheating mess, till a lawyer's office called the house like a week later and left a message saying they needed to come in and sign the last paper.  Lisa had either made a copy of his signature or forged it and was trying to put things in her name and change his will for her to inherit even if they weren’t married.  He called Sam because he needed legal help to straighten the mess up and make sure she got nothing.  
Sam went down one weekend and helped him clean it up.  They were looking up something on Dean’s laptop and one of them typed in a wrong word or start of one and some crazy past searches came up.  They looked for more and found searches relating to Dean and what he owns, what his business was worth.  There was even a search on how to fake a pregnancy test.  Sam thinks she was going to try and trick Dean into marrying her if she couldn’t change the papers on her own.  She was stupid enough to use Dean’s computer.  His parents don’t know, he doesn’t want them too.”      
“The first night I met Dean I called him by his last name and he asked something about how I knew and if I looked him up.  I get why now.”
“Dean’s a lot more guarded now.”  She gave you a lot of information to take in, no wonder he wasn’t looking to date again.
The next afternoon a commotion in the hall drew your attention.  Opening the door you found Sam and Dean struggling with some boxes they were both carrying across the hall.  You asked if they needed help, but neither heard you over Sam complaining about Dean not knowing how to pack a box.  Dean was in turn instructing Sam to be careful with the valuables. Seeing you just before he turned inside Dean gave you a wink and said he would talk to you later.
A few hours later a knock at the door had you hoping for a green eyed man on the other side.  Opening it you had gotten your wish.  “Hey, I was heading out to grab some dinner.  Give Sam and Jess some time together, thought I’d see if you wanted to join me?”  
“I actually have lasagna in the oven, it should be done in 20.  Would you like to join me here?” 
Dean’s eyes lit up at the thought of a homemade meal and he readily accepted.  Entering your apartment he removed his coat and asked if he could help with anything.  Handing him the drink he asked for, you told him everything was all set.  Salad was made and the pasta and bread were in the oven.  You washed some dishes while waiting and Dean grabbed a towel to help dry.  The two of you working together easily and talking about Dean’s trip back to Kansas.  When dinner was ready you dished it up setting Dean’s infront of him.  You noticed he wasn’t a big fan of the salad though.
“This is great, my mom isn’t much of a cook so it’s simple meals or take out at their house.  Sam and Jess cook, but it’s not real food.  He gets these plant or veggie burgers, kale and some green shakes.  I need real meat and carbs.”
“Well, you are welcome to stop over here when it gets to be too much. I’m sure I could find something that would save you.”
“Thanks sweetheart, I may take you up on that.”
When you were both finished and everything was cleaned you invited Dean to stay and watch a movie.  It was to give Sam and Jess more time alone you told yourself.  Dean was just a friend, you were hanging out with. 
A short time later your oven timer went off again and you disappeared to pull out the desert you had made.  Grabbing some ice cream from the freezer and cutting into the hot treat you once again plated it up and took some to Dean warning him it was still hot.  You didn’t think Dean’s eyes could go any bigger than they did when you handed him the fresh baked apple pie.  Taking a giant bite his eyes almost rolled back in his head.
“This is incredible, one of the best I’ve ever had.  Trust me I’ve had a lot of pie.”
“I’m sure it’s not really that special, but thanks anyways.”  
“No, I’m serious. Love me some apple.”
“Fall is a good time for apples here.  I would love to go to the orchard some time and pick my own, or even just hang out there one day.  I’ve gone a few times as a kid, but I haven’t been in years.”
“You just want to go hang out with apple trees?”
“Not exactly, there is a lot to do this time of year. Apple picking, pumpkin patches, corn maze, hayrides and a store where they sell baked goods,  fresh produce and other things.  I just think it would be fun sometime.  Maybe next year, I’ll find someone to go with me.”
“Tell you what, you pick a weekend next year and I’ll go with you.  Speaking of weekends, do you have anything going on next Saturday?”
“Um, a baby shower for a friend in the early afternoon. Then catching up on some work around here, why?”
“One of Jess’ friends is having a big Halloween party, she invited me in hopes of getting Sam to lighten up about it.  He’s not a fan of Halloween.  Anyway she said I could bring a friend if you want to go.  It’s a costume party in some old barn.”
You thought about it for a minute.  Was he asking you out, neither of you were supposed to be looking to date right now. He did say bring a friend though.  “I think I can manage that, I’ll have to see if I have a costume.”
“Great! I think she said it starts at 8, there’s supposed to be some haunted woods too.  Not a corn maze, but it can still be fun.  I’ll let you know what time she wants to leave, you don’t care if we ride together right?”
“Nope, not at all.”  At least if you were with his brother and Jess it wasn’t a date.  Why were you so worried anyway?  Dean left a short time later and you cleaned up and got ready for bed. 
The new girl you were training, Anna was finally starting to catch on in her second week.  This meant you were able to get more of your work done, and not have to stay too late.  You needed to find a costume and a baby gift sometime before Saturday. Running into Jess in the hall one night, you asked if you needed to bring anything Saturday. There wasn’t anything, and she was  just happy that you were joining them. 
Since you had just over a week until Halloween many of the costumes were already picked over, you weren’t looking to meet up with anyone so you were also trying to avoid anything too revealing.  Plus it was outside in the evening, and temps were falling so you didn’t want to freeze either.  Finally finding something you deemed would work at the third store you tried.
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Saturday came faster than you had hoped.  The shower went well, Kelly was so excited to meet her little boy in a few short months.  You couldn’t wait to spoil him!  Doing a quick grocery store run, you headed home to try and clean a little before you had to get ready.  When 7:30 rolled around you were ready for the knock on your door. 
Opening the door you bit back a laugh at the sight before you, “Howdy Sheriff.”
Dean shook his head sending you a fake smile, “This was one of the few adult costumes left.”
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“That’s what you get for waiting till yesterday to get your outfit Dean,”  Sam rolled his eyes, also trying not to laugh at his brother’s attire. He and Jess were dressed as Sandy and Danny from Greece.  
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I had this awesome Batman costume, but it’s in one of the boxes in storage and couldn't find it.  Oh well, cowboys are awesome too.”
“Yeah, but Dean you're a toy cowboy,”  Sam wasn’t able to hide the smile that time.
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He sent Sam a glare before turning back to you, “I’m still a cowboy and a sheriff, I can still protect the princess here.  All ready?”
“Yep, I’m good to go.”
You rode in the back with Jess, Dean pouting up front because Sam decided to take his own car instead of riding in Dean’s.  Jess was telling you Sam didn’t want to dress up at all, but she was able to talk him into Danny since it was his own clothes except for the leather jacket and just some hair dye and gel. 
Arriving at Jess’ friends you and Dean followed behind as they led the way to the barn.  They had definitely put a lot of work into the decorations.  There were pumpkins and jack-o’-lanterns everywhere.  Some real, some plastic and other scary Halloween creatures along with orange lights strung all around. 
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 There was a dance floor with the DJ already playing and round tables and chairs set up around the floor and a buffet in the back.  
You had never been to a Halloween party this big before.  Jess introduced you and Dean to some of her friends who Sam already knew.  Dean grabbed the two of you drinks and you sat down at a table taking everything in.  This was a little more than you were expecting.  
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Sam found you a short time later, Jess was ready to go through the haunted woods they had set up and wanted to know if you two wanted to join.
“I’m game.  How about you, Y/N? Sheriff Dean will protect you.”
“Who can turn that down?”  Scary things weren’t your favorite, but you had a feeling if you said no Dean wouldn’t have gone either and you didn’t want him to miss out.  Justin had hated how some things would scare you, and you wouldn’t want to do something.  According to him you would ruin his fun, you weren’t going to do that to Dean. If you were with the three of them it shouldn’t be too bad.  
Wrong, wrong, oh so wrong!  You were going to have nightmares for a month after that. Most of the actors scaring you had come from the front or side, so you had ended up in the back hiding behind Dean to avoid everyone.  Jess had turned around to say something to you when you noticed her eyes getting bigger.  Quickly turning around you were certain they could have heard your scream in Ohio.  There was a creepy looking person behind you wearing a mask with a white face, green teeth and red eyes holding a giant knife above your head.  You never heard him come up or had any idea he was following you. 
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Hearing you scream Dean turned and pulled you close to his chest and then turned the two of you back around so you were no longer facing that character.  He kept you close until you were out of the woods.  When you went back to the barn he took you over to your seat before grabbing you some water.  Kneeling down in front of you, his green eyes carefully looking you over.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m great.”
“You want to try that again?  Especially since you are still shaking?
“I’m really sorry.  I’m not the biggest fan of scary things.  That really caught me off guard.”  
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to ruin it for anyone else.  I’ll be fine, really.”  
“Sweetheart, we need to work on your communication skills.  First that bar, now this.  If something is going to affect you like this, you gotta say something.”
“I’m okay, really.  Sorry to ruin it.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.  Sit here a minute I’ll be back.”  Dean walked off coming back a few minutes later with some food for both of you.  
Sitting next to Dean you stared at the plate he put in front of you before talking. 
 “Justin took me to Cedar Point one day with some friends of his, all other couples.  I’m terrified of heights and dropping too, he knew this beforehand.  I’m more of a spin me girl, as long as it’s not too far off the ground.  They were all excited about going on the biggest coaster there, I told them I would watch everyone’s stuff while they went.  This one takes your picture on the way down, one of the girls said if I wasn’t there some stranger would be in the picture with all of them.  Justin took me aside and said when I don’t participate in these things it makes him look bad and ruins his good time.  I should be a better girlfriend and do what he wants.”
“I would really like to introduce your ex to my fist.  If something is bothering you, I really want you to speak up, no matter what, okay.”
“Okay, thanks Dean.”
  When Sam and Jess caught back up to you, she pulled you out to the dance floor with her since her fiancé wasn’t interested.  The guys watched as the two of you enjoyed yourselves.
Arriving back at your apartment that night, Dean followed you in to make sure you were going to be alright.  You assured him you would be fine.  What you didn’t tell him was you were going to be sleeping with the lights on tonight.  He did a quick check of your apartment before going back across the hall.  
Halloween was the following Friday, Meg invited you over to her and Cas’ place to hang out while they handed out candy to the trick or treaters.  Cas had also invited Dean, Sam and Jess.  He must have told Dean you were coming because Dean offered to drive you over with them.
The phone in your pocket started going off snapping you out of your daydreams, “Hello.”
“Hey Y/N, are you still home?”
“Yeah, why what’s up Dean?”
“I’ve been knocking on your door for a few minutes now, everything okay?”
“Yeah,”  looking down you saw the time on your watch.  “I’m sorry I lost track of time. I was sitting on the patio and didn’t hear you.”  Rushing inside you locked the door behind you before quickly letting Dean in.  
“Sorry, let me grab these and I’m good to go.” Grabbing your Halloween sweatshirt and the two containers sitting on your counter you were headed back to the door.
“What’s in there?”
“Oh I got bored last night and made some Halloween sugar cookies and pumpkin cake bars with apple cider glaze for today.”
Dean just looked at you as you rode the elevator down to meet Sam and Jess, “What is that look for?”
“Well, are you going to give me one?”  You were a little lost and just stared back.  “Oh sorry, forgot the magic words, trick or treat.  May I have my treat now?” He asked, pointing to the containers.
“Oh sorry, sure, the bars are a little crumbly, but you can have a cookie now. 
He took a big bite of the orange pumpkin shaped cookie.  “It’s not your apple pie, but it’s very good, sweetheart.” 
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The guys disappeared into the basement when you arrived, apparently there was some horror movie marathon on, you were just fine avoiding that.  You three ladies hung out in the living room so you would hear kids coming to the door, and watched the Halloweentown movies on TV.  Meg and Jess compared wedding notes and talked about their different frustrations.  Jess and Sam were getting married in July.
You were happy for your friends, but if you were being honest, also a little jealous.  They had found great guys, been with them for years, now they were getting ready to walk down the aisle to them.  You had thought by the time you were 27 you would be settling down too.  Instead you were swearing off dating right now.  Your Mr Right seems to have taken some wrong turns somewhere and wouldn’t ask for directions.  Apparently you zoned out from the conversation because both girls were looking at you.  “Sorry, what’s up?”
“I was saying I’m not sure I would be cut out for the matron of honor duties when you get married.  We all know I don’t have the patience.  You could have Jess, and we know Sam would be the best man, it would work out great.”
Yep, you definitely missed something. “Wait, when and who am I marrying, and why is Sam already the best man?”
“Really Y/N?”  Meg giving you her best bitch face, “when you and Dean get married.”
“You guys make such a great couple!  I’m so glad he found you!  Lisa was just awful to him from the start, and to cheat on him like that.”  
Lisa must be the reason he left Kansas, no one mentioned her name before.  “Guys we’re just friends, we aren’t a couple or even dating.  Neither one of us want to get back out there right now.”
“Y/N, you can’t let Justin ruin your chance at happiness, it’s been over four months now.  At some point you need to get back out there.  Deano is one of the good ones, you are going to regret it if you let him go.”
“Meg, Dean doesn’t want to date anyone either.  We really are just friends, just hanging out.”
When you walked away to hand out candy, Meg turned to Jess, “any idea how long those two are going to stay in denial about how they feel?”  Jess just shook her head as they both stared after you.
Part 3
Thank you for reading!
Tags- @talesmaniac89 @katehuntington @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons @smol-and-grumpy @emoryhemsworth @anathewierdo @malfoysqueen14 @superfanficnatural @jensengirl83 @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002
Falling For You tags- @halesandy @abuavnee @hearteyes-j2 @vicmc624​ @440mxs-wife​ @wonder-cole​
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lykegenia · 3 years
The Dragon Knight’s New Clothes
The speed with which Davion left Hauptstadt left him no time to pick up clothes, so now he's back to square one and very much missing enough layers to cover up his... secrets. When he and his companions stumble on a farmstead his prayers seem answered, but there's also the other matter, the reason why he had to flee Hauptstadt in the first place, and the fear that it will happen again. Set between Episodes 2 & 3. 
Hints of Davion x Mirana
Read on AO3
Normally, Davion is perfectly fine with silence in his travelling companions. The life of a dragon knight requires long hours on the road, not all of which can be filled with talk, even on the days where there’s no hunt to keep the quiet. But normality seems to have taken its butterfly wings elsewhere for him lately, and the current silence is getting awkward. It’s just him and Mirana. Marci took Sagan scouting shortly after sunrise and left them alone together, and while she seems content with their current situation, she’s also the only one between them wearing clothes. She doesn’t have to worry about the strength of errant breezes finding their way to places, and she has the weight of a weapon at her side as insurance against any trouble they might run into. Her feet aren’t slipping around sockless and blistered in too-large boots taken off a dead man.
A man he tore to pieces.
He swallows, glances to his companion to take his mind off the remembered taste of blood in his mouth. Her shoulders are loose, her gaze soft and hair flowing where the wind lifts it back from her face, the unassuming brown sparking copper in the dappled sunlight. He swallows again.
“Is there a problem?” she asks, slowing a little. A quizzical knot appears between her brows and he raises his hands in surrender.
“No problem!” he says. “It’s just… you’re quiet.”
“I was enjoying the peace.” If there’s a note of annoyance for his interruption it flashes too quickly for him to catch it.
“You must not get much chance to just stop and smell the flowers,” he supposes, after a moment. “Being a princess and everything.”
“There are always little things, if you let yourself look for them – but you’re right that my duties rarely allowed for anything more.”
Allowed. Past tense.
“You never snuck away to try something more fun?” He grins, and when she only quirks a brow at him he clears his throat. “No, never mind, I think I know the answer to that… I’m sure Marci will be back soon.”
She throws him a smirk. “Are you worried about her?”
“Actually,” he says, letting his thoughts tease out, “I’ve been wondering about you two.”
“What about us?” The smirk draws in, a warning that seems to dim the sunlight itself.
He shrugs. “She takes your orders, but you don’t exactly treat her like a servant or a squire, and you have that –” he waggles his fingers experimentally – “hand language. You must have known her a long time.”
She turns away from him, her eyes going to a bird cleaning its beak on the branches above them as her arms fold in a loose cross over her chest.
“We came to the Nightsilver Woods together, if that’s what you’re asking,” she says. “We were already companions before then.”
“Just the two of you?”
Something in the memory pains her. “There was no one else left.”
“What about Sagan?” he asks.
“A gift from my goddess, so that I might do Her work.” The smile comes back, and he’s glad for it. “He was adorable as a cub – so fluffy. He used to chase the reflections from my arrowheads.”
“I never had a pet,” he confesses, without quite meaning to. A memory of a mongrel begging at the back door for scraps threatens to pull him in, but it was a long time ago and his mind can’t conjure the dog’s appearance. It probably ended up like the rest of his village, anyway.
Mirana’s eyes find his face, too perceptive, too understanding. Before he can think of a new subject to distract her, he notices the birds have all gone silent. The undergrowth rustles nearby, concealing something huge. He darts forward, fists ready in place of a weapon, but an instant later he catches a flash of white and relaxes in recognition at the wide, blunt head that pushes out from among the trees.
“Sagan!” Mirana ducks forward, arms outstretched, and the tiger butts her in the shoulder, purring like an avalanche as Marci slides down his back.
A brief conversation follows in the silent language the two women use between themselves, the signs made by their hands too fast for Davion to follow. He waits patiently, even dares to give Sagan a scratch under the chin, his fingers inches from the mouth full of sabre teeth the length of his hand.
Finally, Mirana turns to him. “There’s a farmstead about five miles west of here. If we’re welcomed it would be a good place to get some rest.” She throws a casual look over him and he resists the urge to tug the too-small cloak further around his body. “Perhaps we might also find you some better clothes.”
“I’d like that.” What he likes less is her singular ability to make him aware of his body – and not in the fun way.
She starts to lead off down the path but stops, sighs, her fingers going to pinch between her brows in an attitude of long-suffering patience.
“Ride Sagan,” she says. Orders, really. “It’ll save your feet.”
He can’t help but lean closer, grinning. “That’s surprisingly nice of you, princess.”
“And it’ll stop you slowing us down.”
He chuckles at that. Even in the few days they’ve spent travelling together he’s learned the difference between her wry mock threats and the times she truly intends to bite. As he winces over to tiger and vaults into the saddle, he almost misses the look exchanged between his two companions.
“How do I, uh, steer?” he asks. The neck in front of him is too short, the shoulders much broader than those of a horse, and there aren’t any reins.
Mirana smirks at him. “You don’t.”
They reach the farmstead as the sun is on its last descent towards the distant hills. Barley stalks sway gently under the wind as they climb the path to the house, and when a young teen tending vegetables by the back door spots them, Davion can hardly blame them for dropping their rake and running inside. The three of them don’t exactly make for an ordinary bunch of travellers, especially not with Sagan padding along behind them. There’s a stag slung over the saddle, intended as a sort of offering by Mirana, who took it down with one of her arrows before he even knew it was there. While most would follow the custom of hospitality without such a gift, they have only a few coins from the bandits he killed, and they need more than just shelter for the night.  
“Better let me do the talking,” he mutters as they pass into the yard. It’s not the first time he’s had to explain to some poor local that he’s not a marauding thug, and that was without the daunting presence of the war tiger at his back.
For a moment, Mirana considers, but nods and hangs back, passing a hand over her holstered bow as if to reassure herself it’s still there. With another self-conscious tug on his attire to make sure his decency is covered, he advances towards the farmhouse’s front door and as he passes a soft fragrance of thyme and lavender rises from pots placed beneath the windows, though it’s too early in the year for the buzzing of bees. A memory tickles at the back of his mind but he pushes it away before the herby scent can be tainted with ash, and in the instant it takes to centre himself the door swings open to a tall, broad woman with steel-grey hair and an iron brow who steps out just far enough to not appear suspicious.
“You’re an uncommon bunch, right enough,” she comments, her face half shadowed by the overhanging thatch. “What business have you?”
Davion offers her his most winning smile. “We’re travelling from Hauptstadt. If you have enough spare for a hot meal and room in your barn for the night, we’d appreciate it.” He gestures to his companions. “My friend here managed to take down a deer, and we’ll happily share it with you.”
“Half of it,” Mirana corrects, with a hand on her tiger’s shoulder. “And the hide. Sagan needs to eat too.”
The farmer passes a calculating look over them, lingering longest on Davion and the scars so clearly visible across his shoulders, but in the end he guesses their fearsome appearance works in their favour. Their would-be host shrugs. If such travellers wanted to pillage and burn, they’d have no need for subterfuge first.
“We’re always happy to have well-mannered guests, especially ones with news of the road,” she says. “At this time of year the stock is out so your cat will be fine in the barn. Just keep him away from the back field, I’ve ewes ready to drop and they don’t a need a fright to help them along.”
Mirana nods. “Thank you. Is there somewhere we can put the deer?”
If the farmer is surprised by Marci’s strength as she hauls the carcass off Sagan’s back, she doesn’t show it, only points to the gate set into the far wall to show the way to the outbuildings. “And you always dress like that, do you?” she asks a moment later, still eyeing Davion.
He glances down at himself as if it’s going to suddenly change the nature of his attire, but the princess answers before he can open his mouth.
“There was trouble with bandits.”
“Only for your friend here?” The farmer’s eyes narrow.
“We met on the road,” she says smoothly. “If you have some spare clothes, my companion would appreciate the return of her cloak.”
The farmer accepts the half-truth with a solemn shake of her head. “Some of my late husband’s things should fit you, though he never kept quite so trim as you seem to be.”
She beckons them into the house. Davion follows, ducking under the lintel to avoid knocking his head, but pauses when he realises Mirana isn’t behind him.
“I’m going to bed Sagan down,” she tells him. “I’ll join you shortly.”
He smiles, nodding, and resists the urge to reach for her as she turns away. Inside, the whitewashed walls split the house into two, a kitchen with a large, scrubbed table in the back, and a parlour of sorts with a gathering of chairs around a large fireplace that overlooks the garden. An old woman snores in the armchair closest to the window, but she doesn’t stir at the prospect of visitors, even though the stairs leading off this main room creak under Davion’s weight, the wood worn to a polish by generations of use.
“Tayran,” his host calls out as a young woman appears from one of the upper rooms, “go help your brother with the veggies, will you? We’ve three more mouth to feed tonight.”
Tayran, a few years younger than Davion and sporting the same square jaw and brown eyes as her mother, nods and ducks along the hallway, but not before she’s let her gaze rake along the expanse of his muscles not covered by Marci’s cloak. The smile he offers in return is friendly enough, but not encouraging. He needs the clothes more than he needs someone to take them off again.
Seemingly oblivious to the exchange, his host has gone on ahead to the main bedroom and has taken a key to a heavily locked chest in the corner by the washstand. She digs through it, muttering, though he notices she never quite fully turns her back to him, and after a moment she stands again, with a shirt, breeches, and quilted jerkin draped over her arm. After a pause where she casts a critical eye at his boots, she stumps over to a dresser and pulls a rolled pair of wool socks from one of the drawers as well.
“These are the best I can do,” she says, handing the ensemble to him. “Afraid we’ve no salve for those badly fitting boots of yours, though.”
“It’s no problem,” he replies. “I really can’t thank you enough.”
She huffs. “You can pay it forward. That’s what decent folk do. I’d best go see if yon slip of a girl has managed to get any meat off that stag yet – there’s plenty of room to change in the barn,” she adds, as she chivvies him from the room.
Dinner a few hours later is a crowded affair, the family’s meagre supply of chairs not enough to accommodate their guests, which means Davion’s legs are folded awkwardly around the tree stump serving him as a stool, his knees already bruised from all their accidental knocks to the underside of the table. The dim light for their meal comes from the fire and from a storm lantern hanging in the rafters in the centre of the room, and in the darkness beyond this the house groans and creaks as it settles for the night. After the disdain Mirana showed for the inn in Hauptstadt he wondered how she would react to such simple surroundings, but she nods graciously as their host ladles her a portion of stew and doesn’t complain that it’s being served with a wooden spoon. Marci is already tucking into hers as if she hasn’t eaten for days.
He smiles down at his bowl. The stew itself tastes good, the venison paired well with bacon and fresh vegetables, and it’s so thick the slice of bread he’s been given can be planted into it like a battle standard. Their host seems satisfied with their enthusiasm for her food, too. She has yet to sit down, her own portion left off as she pours a clear liquid into a motley collection of cups.
“Don’t knock this back,” she warns as she passes the drinks around. “It’ll beat you round the head like a club and go through your pockets for loose change.”
Davion can’t resist. He makes a great show of tasting the liquor. “A fine vintage, ma’am. Comparable to an Icewrack white, I’d say.”
Opposite him, Mirana narrows her eyes, like she wants to kick him under the table.
“My, you’ve expensive tastes,” their host rumbles. “You won’t find anything half so fancy in these parts.”
“Oh? Shame.”
“Where have you been that serves Icewrack white?” the elder asks from the head of the table. It’s the first Davion’s heard her speak, and her voice is cracked with age and suspicion.
“Oh, a few places,” he answers, careful. “I’ve spent most of my life travelling.”
“You must have many stories,” says Tayran, leaning forward on her elbows while her younger brother rolls his eyes next to her.
“Some, I suppose.” Davion shrugs. “My – uh, I had a friend who was much better than telling them.” He can’t mention having a squire; it would invite too many questions.
The elder seems content with him, but then her eye swivels towards Mirana. “What about you?”
“Mama,” their host chides. “We don’t interrogate our guests.”
Mirana sets down her wooden spoon. “It’s alright. We came from further west, on business.”
“Wrong time o’ year to be travelling the high passes.”
“My business could not wait,” she replies. Not for the first time, he wonders what calamity must have drawn her from her woods, put the grit in her voice as she speaks of it.
“And what about you?” Tayran asks him. Her eyelashes flutter. “If you’re looking for work you’d be far more likely to find it back in Hauptstadt, or on one of the farms in the valley.”
He disarms her with a grin. “And leave my companions without a defender? My honour wouldn’t allow it.” He shrugs elaborately. “I’ve got some friends near Levinthal who should be able to help me after I go that way.”
“More people who owe you favours?” Mirana asks, casually enough, though it’s clear she hasn’t forgiven him for the cockroaches that came included with the last one.
“It’s likely just as well you travel together,” their host interrupts. “There’s rumours of some sort of monster roving about these hills. Someone found bodies ripped apart not a week’s journey from here, and whatever it was killed a dragon knight an’ all. Dangerous times, these.”
The chill that grips Davion’s spine doesn’t go away, nor the knot in his stomach that feels like another gang leader’s ring just waiting to be hocked up onto the table. Mirana and Marci both have stilled to watch him, but he doesn’t meet their gazes. Instead, he draws in a breath and stretches his best tavern-pleasing smile across his revulsion.
“Thanks for the warning,” he says. “We’ll be extra careful.”
The conversation moves on after that, well into the night. On isolated farms like this one, travellers may bring the only news of the outside world for weeks, and new stories of far off places are always welcome. Finally, drowsing under the effect of the wine and the full meal and with the supply of fire logs running low, Mirana rises to make their excuses for the night. They have an early start in the morning, and don’t want to trespass any further, she says. Davion follows.
In the doorway, however, an unexpected hand reaches out in a caress across his chest that stops him before he can make it out into the cold. His breath fogs as he turns, finding Tayran in the shadowed alcove where the family keeps their coats, the smile on her face one he’s seen on more than one young woman on his travels.
“It’ll be cold tonight, you know,” she purrs.
From the corner of his eye he sees Mirana pause at the sound of the voice, but when he turns fully she’s already resumed her pace, perfectly measured, her shoulders straight, and he wonders if he imagined it. Tayran’s hand moves up to cup his cheek, to bring his attention back to her.
“If you want a better offer than a draughty old barn, I’d be happy to oblige. If you’re not already spoken for, that is?”
“You mean with –?” He coughs. “No, I’m not. We’re not, ah – like that.”
She steps closer. “Good. Would you like to hear more about my offer?”
When he lets himself into the barn a little time later, bright moonlight spills around him, though his eyes take less time to adjust to the unlit interior than he expects. An oil lamp glows in the far corner.
“Your ‘better offer’ fell through then?” a voice chimes through the darkness, low with disdain.
He finds Mirana with Sagan’s head in her lap, running a soft brush over the tiger’s fur, her scowl and the sour curl of her mouth revealing the nature of whatever else she wants to say. She doesn’t look at him. His own anger rises in response.
“I didn’t take the offer,” he snaps, quiet enough not to disturb Marci. “Not that you have any reason to care.”
“I didn’t want to waste time looking for you in the morning.”
But the gaze fixed on him now flickers with calculation, the same astuteness she turned on him after he let the elf go, as if he’s a puzzle box with no clear solution.
“She was a pretty enough thing,” she comments as he unfolds a horse rug over the straw as a makeshift bedsheet. “Many men would have gone after her.”
“Yeah, well – I’ve said it before.” He throws his head down on his folded arm. “I’m not most men.”
Now more than ever, he thinks ruefully as silence descends again. If he were the sort of person who believed the gods cared at all he’d wonder if they turned him into… whatever he is… as a punishment for hubris. For a little harmless flirting. He yanks the blanket up to his chin and rolls over – he’s slept in less comfortable places, but that doesn’t make the cold, prickly ground any less frustrating. A bed would have been much better. A bed with a bit of fun thrown in, for the both of them, and yet he chose to leave, and he’s going to go mad trying to work out why.
“You’re afraid,” Mirana says into the quiet. “Worried that what happened at Hauptstadt – what you became – that it’ll happen again.”
After a long moment, he unclenches his hand and sighs. “Yeah. Maybe.”
“For what good it will do, I can watch over you, if you like.”
He shifts. The offer feels unfamiliar. A dragon knight is sworn to protect others, and though the rational part of him knows if he does turn she’ll be dead before she realises it, there’s a warm glow of comfort from the assurance in her voice. She asks nothing of him, only honesty.
“If the transformation happens…”
“I’ll shoot you.” He hears the smirk.
“Thank you.” He squeezes his eyes shut, willing away the images his mind conjures, her blood on his hands, and prays to whichever gods are listening that if the worst comes her draw will be fast enough.
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (35)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
5 days. The Roseville festival takes place in 5 days. Time flies too quickly. Far too fast. And the pressure on your shoulders is only growing. What if it doesn't work? What if the cake was ever missed at the last moment? Or that it falls on the way? Or that people don't like it? That would be a deep shame, and a deep disillusionment. But we must not be discouraged. We must remain positive and if it fails, so be it. It takes a first time to everything. And then we always learn from our failures, right? Failing is not a fatality, we must not give up at the first failure we suffer. Otherwise, we never move forward. On the contrary, every failure we suffer, every mistake we make, must push us to be better if the opportunity arises again.
For now, you have something else to do. Since the nebula’s attack, you had to have the damage repaired. Fortunately, by chance, your insurance covered the costs. But it will not be able to do so ad vita eternam. We will therefore have to increase security. Inspector Wilhelm offered you to post a policeman to monitor the establishment from the opening to the closing of the café. He will not be inside but on the sidewalk opposite, under observation. That way if there is ever a problem, he can intervene quickly.  
As for the apartment, it has progressed well. Mr Lawson has dealt with the problems of leaks; he now has to deal with the floor. On your side with Jed, you have repainted all the pieces according to your tastes. Even if there have been debates about certain rooms such as the chamber. But in the end, you always found an agreement. And mixing your two colours gives... impressive and original results in itself. Once the floor will be done. You can finally live together. You look forward to it.  
Today you were closed. But you're still working on the festival cake. Corey having returned to work after his few days off, Amy too, you had decided to close exceptionally to work on the cake as the festival approached. Even so, your young employee was still feeling some pain.
“Are you sure it'll be okay, Corey? You know if you're in too much pain, you can go home it doesn't matter, Amy and I can manage together.” you said worried to see Corey's slightly grimacing face.
“Don't worry about me! It's okay! the doctor told me that the pain would persist for a few days. I just have to take my painkillers when I'm really in too much pain. But for now, it's okay.” responds Corey with a smile.  
“Don't make the hero either. If it ever gets worse you may have more than pain. So don't force too much.” replied Amy.
“Oh, come on Amy! I'm not a kid now! I'm not in sugar either! If it really doesn't go well, I'll go home, it's promised.”
“Yeah yeah...if you say so. I’ll keep an eye on you anyway.”  
You smile as you look at them. They are so adorable, even when they argue. it shows how much they care about each other. Kind of like you and Jed in a sense. Surprisingly... you haven't heard from Ghostface. since... since you made your deal. He must be busy preparing everything. But he still finds a way to talk to you. By piece of paper that he deposits either at your apartment or at your café when it is closed. Sometimes the "letters" are accompanied by small gifts. Either a flower, once with a necklace, earrings ... You were wondering how he was able to buy them. If he bought them of course.
You're not really looking forward to honoring your part of the market. Because who knows how it might turn out? But you were able to turn this out to your advantage as well. He will tell you everything. He will show you his true face, tell you his name. And finally, you can put a face on the man who since your arrival, knows you much more than you know him. Finally, you can claim to be on an equal footing. Even if it's not really the case.
But deep down... do you really want it? Do you really want to destroy all the mystery around him? After all... it brought him a certain charm... even if he is a murderer, the mystery that surrounds him about his identity makes him more attractive, more... Take that out of your mind, pickle brains! You have a boyfriend! And given the night you spent the other night... Ghostface is just the appetizer. Under his shy mood, Jed is much wilder than you dared to imagine.
“Ok! let's see what this cake gives! if it is good then we can do it bigger for the festival!” you said with a smile.  
“Yeah but... It's a cake for 12 people. and we are only 3. We will not be able to eat everything... and it would have been a shame to waste it.” responds Amy with a worried face.  
“What are we going to do with the remaining shares?” ask Corey.
“Hum... I think I have a little idea. I know who would be delighted to have them.” You replied before you take out your phone to call Jed.
“Hello? Honey? Is there a problem?” asks Jed on the other line.
“Oh Jed... If you knew how much! It is a tragedy! I have here a test cake for the festival but unfortunately it is 12 parts! and there are only 3 of us! Unfortunately, I'm going to have to throw it away...” you answer in a dramatic theatrical way.  
“... Are you trying to make me fat? I know I can eat at will without gaining weight but still... if you did it... I can't say no. I came with Mattew and Melina. And we'll take a share of it for the boss. Keep it for us tonight.”  
“Thank you, my love! See you soon! I love you!” you replied with a smile, while Amy and Corey were laughing.  
“See you soon Honey. I love you too.” he responds before hanging up.  
You put away your phone with a satisfied smile. Definitely, talking about cake is a good way to get Jed to come. Despite his body certainly skinny but finely trimmed, Jed seems to be a big gourmand. And to say that he can eat as much as he wants, he will not take a gram... while you, you have to be careful. You are not fat on the contrary! You are as well-proportioned as your size! Amy and Corey were laughing, looking at you at the same time.  
“What?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.  
“You're both too cute! it's adorable a couple like yours!” responds Amy.  
“I could say the same about both of you. You are both equally adorable, I did well to take you both.”
Your two employees looked at each other, before looking away by blushing, which made you laugh. Jed arrived around noon with Melina and Mattew to taste the cake. These two do not lose an opportunity to eat. You prepare a share for the boss of the newspaper. And serve a share for everyone, and then one for yourself. You each taste your turn a slice of the cake, and all the faces lit up with a beautiful smile.
“It's too good! I love this mix! Mango, Pineapple and Passion Fruit, it's too good!” said Mattew.  
“I'm not a particular fan of the passion fruit... but I admit that the mixture is well find! I like it very much!” continue Melina.  
“Me too! (Y/N) we must absolutely make this cake for the festival! I'm sure the whole city will enjoy it!” said Amy cheerfully.  
“Yes, why not... what do you think? Do you think it could work? You ask, looking at Jed.  
“It is very good... But at the level of presentation and decoration ... you should make it more colorful. to do it only in white, it's too much marriage cake. I'd be you I'll add a mango coulis, or a chocolate coulis, something that makes the cake more colorful. And given that it is in honor of the city... you could make mini monuments out of sugar dough? With the town hall at the very top. After that is only my opinion.” responds Jed, putting his glasses back on his nose.
“You’re right. Thanks Honey!  You’re the best!”
“By the way, what about the guy who broke the windows of the café? Any news?” asks Corey.
“Wilhelm cooked him for hours, the guy refused to say who he worked for. But hey anyway he's going to be judged and he's going to pay for the damage he's caused, as well as for assault and battery on you. He will take a few months in prison as a bonus.” said Melina.  
You all chat for a few more minutes before everyone leaves, Jed taking the slice of cake for his boss. In addition, he informed you to keep the remaining shares for both of you for later, but also that he will return very late tonight. The work... always work. During the day, Mr. Lawson phoned you to warn you that the new floor was installed and that the apartment was officially habitable. Tomorrow you can start living there and moving your belongings. Jed too. Fortunately, you had started to make boxes. On the other hand, you will have to ask your neighbours to help you for furniture a little too heavy.
As Jed advised you, you had made a chocolate coulis and a mango coulis for the cake, as well as the sugar dough decorations. And indeed, the result is magnificent, it makes it much more colorful and much better taste level. It's time to go home. for once, for a long time, you will be alone tonight... normally. Tonight, it will be a small rice salad, with tuna, corn and thin slices of tomatoes. Simple but effective, fresh and light too.
You watch tv a little while eating, just to have news from all over the world. And the news is not famous. It's sad. Once the meal is finished, and the dishes are done, you change to get ready to go to bed. Suddenly you feel a fresh wind stroking your arm, taking a shiver from you. When you head to the source of this slight cool wind, which came from your room, you find that the window was open.
“Miss me Sugar ?” said a man voice.  
“Long time no see... I thought you had finally found a new victim to harass. Whatever you still find the time to send me messages.” you respond, facing Ghostface which was leaning against the wall of the room, chuckling.  
“Don't forget my little gifts. You see I spent some... complicated nights. stalking, conspiring, killing... avenge. it's not easy the life of a murderer you know. My life during the day is no better either. So, I take a little break. And what better way to relax than to see my beautiful and sweet star.”
He approached you, gently taking you by the waist, suddenly bringing you closer against him. You hear him humming your neck, like an animal smelling its prey. You hear a noise near his face, a sign that he lifted his mask slightly. Suddenly you feel his tongue licking your neck which made you react. You try to get away from him, but his strength was far greater than yours.  
“You don't respect our market. It had been said one evening once that Hoggins would have died. Not before.” you said frowning.  
“And I intend to respect it! but... I need to relax... and I must give you a... a taste of what awaits you. It will be nothing compared to what I would do during our little... private evening.” He responds chuckling.  
“Don’t you dare...”
You don't have time to finish your sentence as he took your assault lips. If at first you did not let yourself be done, astonishingly you must be more docile after a few minutes, letting his tongue enter your mouth to play with yours. He pushed you gently on the bed, putting himself above you, without letting go of you. You feel his hand gently go down along your body, stroking your thigh. You can't help but take out a little moan between two kisses. He backed up his face, sneering, with a sneaky smile on his lips.
“Finally, you like it huh... you hide your game well. I like that. I love when a woman reveals herself to my eyes. You are like packed treats, which you have to unpack, again and again until you can finally enjoy it. And I intend to savor every piece of your fragile little body down to the smallest detail.” he said before resuming his assaults.
He unbuttoned his pants to throw them to the side before doing the same with your clothes. He left your lips to attack your chest. His hand went to caress your intimacy making you moan and lightly arch your back. You didn't want, you only want to, kick him in the head, push him back violently and call the police. Or Jed. But in your heart, you enjoyed all this. You don't want it to stop. You want it to last all night. You still feel guilty for Jed. If he learns that... who knows how he will react? If he gets angry... you are afraid of the consequences.
“Don't worry for your little boyfriend... He will never know about this . That will be our little secret, just you and me.”
He smiled at you before slowly bringing his face closer to your ear.
“Enjoy my sweet little star. I promise you that I will fill you until dawn.
Strangely you believe him. And strangely... you love it.
(Phew this week has been busy! between my driving hours and the few appointments, I didn't really have time to rest! As for the next fanfiction I would write, maybe I'll do it on Re8 Village with our dear Heisenberg ~ I might also do an intro instead of starting directly with Chapter 1! I'll see when I start writing! I hope you’ll like this chapter like the others ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya!)
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lokidrabbles · 4 years
Perfect Fit (Loki x Reader)
Peter Parker tells reader about what Loki thinks of them.
A/N: Another oneshot, this time featuring Spiderman as the medium for Reader and Loki. Also, my headcanon remains that Loki refers to Peter as Spider Boy. As always, Gender Neutral Reader!
Warnings: None! Fluff n’ such!
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Your eyes peered up from your paperwork to catch sight of the fidgeting teen sitting in front of your desk. You empathized with him. It was always some sort of hell fire when Tony or any of the Avengers reprimanded one of the outlier members for failing to complete a mission in time, or failing to follow a inward duty to protect others. Although the consequences of the damage the young Spiderman had left behind were very minimal (extensive property damage, but no one seriously hurt), Tony still upheld his duty as Peter’s pseudo guardian, and laid it hard on him.
As part of the process, you were in charge of filling all the damage reports and costs left behind by the throws of battle, and Tony ordered Peter to witness the extent of his mistake through financial eyes. Or maybe through boring clerical work. Whatever the matter, Peter looked absolutely nervous, probably dreading to hear just how much his antics caused the city (or Tony).
“You know I’m not actually going to tell you how much cash Tony is going to have to fork out, right?” You asked him, causing him to jump slightly.
“What, really? I mean, are you sure? ‘Cus I’m sure Mr. Stark wanted me to, uh, witness the depth of my carelessness.” He stuttered in response.
“I mean yes, you definitely want to be more cautious. But this, in comparison to Tony’s own damage cost analysis, is almost nothing. I’m sure this is just his weird way of wanting to make sure you’re keeping the citizens and yourself safe out there. Also I feel if I tell you, you’re going to be harder on yourself than you need to be.”
Peter let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, I guess you’re right about that. I really am sorry about what happened, I did try to be as careful as I could.”
“I’m sure you did kid. The important thing is that building was insured, and that no one was seriously hurt. You good?”
“Yes, yes!” He responded hastily, and you almost felt the weight being lifted from his shoulders. “I’m just glad you’re just as nice as Mr. Loki mentioned you to be.”
You shot a quizzical look at Peter. “Uh, Mr. Loki?”
“Well, yeah? Mr. Thor’s brother? I’ve seen you both together a lot here at the facility.”
Of course you knew who he was talking about, but the fact that Loki made his chipper self into this conversation was odd at best. From your documentation, you found out Loki had been assigned to this small escapade in the outskirts of the city. It actually made you content to see Tony’s mistrust in him begin to dwindle, allowing him to participate in the Avenger’s daily heroism. You could almost see his sour face once he found out this precise squad would be lead by Tony himself. But it made sense.
“What’s Mr. Loki doing gossiping about me to you?” You asked teasingly.
“Nothing bad! I can swear by that!” Peter said, putting his hands up in defense. “I think he just wanted me to feel better.”
“That’s a good one kid.” You chuckled. “It’s a miracle on it’s own to have Loki talk one word to anyone. You have no idea how long it took me to have him say a simple hello to me.”
“Really?” Peter asked, slowly pulling his hands down. “I know Mr. Loki is always very reserved, and he was a little scary at first. But he’s actually kind of, really nice too.”
“You must have a very skewed definition of nice.” You said sarcastically. You jested however. You had experienced Loki’s ‘niceness’ firsthand, in his own bizarre way. Loki’s form of nice didn’t really fall under your typical definition of it. Nice was, for example, telling someone thank you, bringing thoughtful gifts, buying someone lunch. Loki’s nice more so included telling you that you were being stupid and foolish for failing to believe in yourself, and that you should be ashamed of yourself, blah blah blah. He got the right intention, but his delivery was horrible. You cringed at the thought of poor little Peter having to go through that.
“I mean, maybe? He was very helpful during the mission, and his strategy at the whole thing. I was like, wow! He moved so fast in between everything, I had such a hard time keeping up. Though, maybe that’s why I got so distracted in the first place.” He sighed, still blatantly defeated for his error.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself though. For what it is, I think you’re a pretty talented kid too.” You said with a toothy smile. “Loki’s just a big show off though.”
He laughed in a much more relaxed manner. “Thanks, that means a lot. But I must have really taken it hard when Mr. Stark raised his voice at me. Mr. Loki approached me and told me I’d be sent over to your department and how you’d be very welcoming, nice and easygoing.”
You were slightly irritated at how Loki found it so easy to tell Peter all these likeable things about you, yet still failed to do so with you in person. Yet, you knew his reason’s to do so with Peter. Again, Loki wasn’t the most approachable man in the universe, but that didn’t mean he was completely heartless. His words with Peter, while few, were carefully chose to make the young teen feel less anxious. You mentally reminded yourself to give a him a big smooch the next time you saw him.
“I’m actually really happy to hear that.” You said, leaning against the back of your chair. “It looks like he found someone who he’s comfortable with, so that gives me some peace at mind.”
Peter became obviously confused at your comment. “I’m not sure I get that.”
“You said it best at first. He’s a scary fella. But it seems you got to him somehow. So trust me, from now on you got another set of eyes keeping watch of you, making sure you’re safe out there.”
“Actually, I think that make’s me a little more nervous.” He said sheepishly.
“Oh well yeah, be very wary of the God of Mischief.” You said ominously, followed by a snort and giggle.
“Oh, wait. Are you and Mr. Loki dating?”
Your giggles soon stopped, as your mouth remained agape in shock. Again, this was not where you expected a conversation about Loki to go to. You now felt like the nervous teenager in the room instead. Through its entirety, both you and Loki did well at keeping the relationship under wraps, understanding the impending chaos that would ensue if anyone (Tony and Thor) would find out. Well, maybe Loki could care less, but you still had a job and income to maintain. While inner work relationships were not uncommon here, there might be some adherence to having a relationship with someone who used to be on the blacklist.
“No.” You said lowly. Even you wouldn’t have believed that no.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insinuate anything like that. It’s just, Mr. Loki seemed to have talked fondly of you, and I do see you both together quite a bit. Also you both look really good together, but like not to mean you are dating or anything!”
“Okay Peter! I think we’re done here. I’ll take care of the rest, tell Tony you learned your lesson and all BS, and you can be on your merry little way, yes?” You said, rummaging through you documents, and handing Peter a crumpled up slip with your signature on it.
Peter took the slip slowly, unsure of what he hand uncovered with his innocent introspection. “Are you okay?”
“I’m super.” You feigned through a false smile. “Thanks for dropping by, but I got some more work to do.”
The young teen, still bewildered by your sudden agitation, took it for nothing and soon tip toed out of your small office. You let out a heavy breath and slumped in your chair. It seemed you were in the clear for now, and you figured Peter would be a smart kid and avoid spreading unnecessary rumors. Also for the sole fact that his life would be at risk if Loki were to ever find out he’d tattle at Tony. Still, your mind raced back to the encounter Peter had told you about, and how Loki made a worthwhile impression on the young teen. It warmed your heart knowing someone else seemed to have approved of your gloomy partner.
Towards the end of your shift, you were visited by said partner in efforts to soon spend a relaxing evening at your home. Loki casually seated himself on the seat in front of your desk, arms crossed over his chest.
“I hear the Spider boy paid you a little visit?” He asked playfully.
“He did in fact. He’s a sweet kid.” You responded, eye still glued on your computer screen. “A little naive, but sweet.”
“Stark was relentless on him today. Dare I say, I felt sorry for the lad. He looked like a scared puppy.”
You hummed in a chipper manner. “Yeah, he told me all about it. He also told me how Mr.Loki made him feel a whole lot better today.”
You heard Loki grunt, a way for him to avoid talking about it. You figured it was still awkward for him to hear about his ‘good deeds’ with the type of shit he’s gone through.
“He was very impressed by your skills set. You may have a little fan boy in the making.” You grinned, finally closing your laptop. “I think we should adopt him as our child.”
“You’re hysterical.” He responded flatly.
“I’m mad at you though.” You said as you began to gather your belongings.
Loki raised an eyebrow at you. “Pray tell why?”
“How come you tell Peter all of these nice things about me, yet you always avoid doing so to my face?”
Loki remained quiet, draw back by the nature of your question. You meant to approach the subject in a playful manner, still understanding how Loki had his own special way of showing affection. Yet, you saw how Loki rested his chin at the top of his knuckles, analyzing and concocting an appropriate answer. He looked adorable.
“I suppose I really haven’t done so.” He said admittedly. “What would you like to hear?”
You felt your face heat up. “It doesn’t really work if I tell you what I want to hear. Also, that’s embarrassing.”
“Ah. Of course.”
“Peter told me all the good things though.” You began. “It does make me happy that you think that way about me, instead of an absolute bother.”
He rolled his eyes. “I do hate your incessant ability to self-deprecate. However, everything else the Spider boy mentioned is absolutely true.”
“How lovely to hear.”
Loki stood up and began assisting you with your bags and belongings. You smiled with a strong sense of satisfaction, promptly turning off the lights in your office.
“I also forgot to mention to him that you’re amazing, and incredible.” He whispered behind you. “That I love your smile, and I love how your hand fits so well into mine. That I always look forward to seeing your bright eyes every single day, that I-”
You felt your lips begin to twist in both joy and uneasiness. You jabbed Loki slightly at his side, urging to promptly stop before you explore. “Cut it out. I can’t tolerate this level of cheesiness.”
He smirked mischievously at you. “Then I will have to draw out my admiration for you with the Spider boy if you aren’t able to tolerate it. I’m sure he would be more than happy to hear about it.”
“You better fucking not.”
Later in the evening, a young Peter Parker, overseeing the block from the top of a building, took note of Mr. Loki firmly leaving the facility with you, hands hidden, side by side. Upon further inspection, Peter deducted it would be best to keep quiet about this encounter, sensing how distressed you had been about it earlier today. He felt correct about his assumption however; both you and Loki looked good together.
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silver-starlight-99 · 3 years
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Monsters at Work: The Jokester Generation  Part Three: Life on the Other Side
There are many parents who’d call their child a miracle.  For Liam and Noelle Rae however, they’d come to use that term in a somewhat literal sense.  On the night when Mary Susanna Rae came into the world, her introduction wasn’t without… complications.  The newborn’s breathing was irregular, her lips and fingers were a chilling blue hue, and she came out gasping instead of crying.  The girl was showing signs of respiratory distress, and for the first-time parents, they were in a state of panic fearing their little girl wouldn’t make it through the night.  Thankfully, doctors were able to get the newborn to an incubator at lightning speed.  And, within a few days, little Mary Rae was stable enough to be returned to her exhausted, but overjoyed parents.  She’d need to return a few more times to the hospital, to ensure things were running smoothly.  But otherwise, the Raes were cleared to bring their daughter home.
Besides that little scare, little Mary Rae had a rather average infancy, with parents more than eager to smother their daughter in love and as many gifts they could buy.  While Liam’s job as an insurance agent didn’t mean the family was rolling in money, he was more than willing to splurge where he could on his little miracle.  And, to be fair, the mountain of baby toys, clothes and food they’d received as gifts from friends and extended family members meant the new parents didn’t have to worry as much about supplies for the first couple of months.  In spite of all this love and support, there was always a twinge of fear in their hearts, one that had never fully gone away since their daughter’s rocky introduction to the world.  While the hospital check-ins were completed, and the two were assured that there should be no further problems with Mary, it’s hard not to shake the fear of something going wrong with their little girl, something spontaneous, something they couldn’t prepare for.  For Noelle Rae, this would occasionally lead her to spend nights in her daughter's room, wanting to be sure she could jump in the second something seemed off with her baby’s breathing.  But as long as they kept her close and cared for, their fears would slowly start to wane. 
By the time Mary was two, the Raes’ worries were nearly dissipated.  Which was good, because this high-energy little lady was more than enough to keep them busy without anxiety about her breathing.  The toddler would insist on chasing every cat or dog that she came across in hopes of petting it.  She’d sing and dance herself to exhaustion with zero prompting.  She’d given her parents more than their share of heart attacks during games of hide-and-seek where she accidentally led them to believe she’d escaped the house.  Childproof locks in the Rae household were a must.  Thankfully, it appeared Mary also inherited her mother’s artistic drive.  If someone needed to keep her in place, just put some paper and a box of crayons in front of her and she’d stay still for a solid hour, perfecting each of her masterpieces.  Sure, there were nights where Mary would insist on sleeping in their room.  But hey, what kid didn’t go through a phase where they were terrified of a monster hiding under the bed or in the closet?  As long as Noelle and Liam were able to be there for their girl, there was nothing they couldn’t handle… right?     
It was an early Autumn morning when Liam Rae heard his wife’s cries.  He rushed out of his room to find her frantically scrounging in a closet.  According to Noelle, when she’d left to wake their daughter, she was nowhere to be seen.  This wasn’t the first time little Mary had gotten up early to try and coax one of her parents into a game of hide-and-seek, so she wasn’t immediately worried.  Of course, most games didn’t take over an hour with no sign of the toddler.  Starting to worry, Noelle began calling out to Mary, then outright ordering her to come out of her hiding spot.  With no daughter to be seen or heard, she began to check the closets and locked rooms, almost hopeful she’d accidentally forgot to lock a room and her baby was just snoring away somewhere.  Soon, Liam joined in the search, with both parents entering a state of panic.  By the time they’d turned their home inside out, no Mary in sight, and they triple-checked the front and back doors to ensure she couldn’t have gotten out of the house, they finally called the cops.
The rest of the day went by in a blur, a horrible, exhausting blur.  Hours were spent in questioning with the police, along with calls out to every neighbor they knew, asking if any of them had seen their daughter that morning, or any suspicious people near the house.  The police weren’t able to find any signs of forced entry.  And upon re-examination with the parents, with the exception of a few missing blankets and toys, there was nothing that could be considered unusual about Mary’s room.  It was as though the toddler had vanished into thin air.  Leaving the Raes on the verge of a breakdown.  After the initial interviews and investigations were completed, the parents were told it would take a few hours to finalize the missing-child report, leaving them to mull over the day’s events before the police could begin broadening their search.  Despite the assurances and messages of support from their neighbors, it wasn’t enough to keep away the air of despair that followed the parents the rest of the day.  After almost losing their little girl when she was born, they were facing a potential future where they may never see her again.  And once again, there was nothing they could do.  It gave Noelle flashbacks to Mary’s birth, the doctors rushing the newborn to get proper treatment.  While the exhausted mother was in a state of delirium from the medications taken to help alleviate the pain, and confused terror as to why she couldn’t hold her daughter.   
That following night was especially difficult for the couple, just trying to be there for each other as they cried themselves to sleep.  
So imagine the shock they felt when Mary popped out of her room the following morning, right the f*ck outta nowhere, asking for a snack.  What started as shock shifted to jubilation as Noelle and Liam held their daughter tight, checking her over for injuries through tear-filled eyes.  Mary herself seemed fine, with no noticeable scratches or scars, not even a tear in her pajamas.  But it’s clear something has happened to her.  Her hair is disheveled and in need of brushing.  There’s a distinct smell on the toddler, but one her parents can’t discern.  She’s missing a sock. And still, the parents can’t find the missing blanket and toys.  None of this makes any sense.  But in the moment, their miracle is alive and safe, and they’re more than happy to revel in this moment of peace.
“And yes sweetie, Daddy will get you some Cheerios, just let us have this.”
Things however got a bit more complicated when it came to explaining things to the police.  The Raes thought the missing toys should’ve been enough to prove that something was in their home and took their daughter.  But as the police repeatedly explained, there wasn’t enough evidence to send an APB on someone who, for all intents and purposes, appeared and disappeared out of thin air. 
Of course, evidence or not, this event had some crazy ramifications for the people of this quiet neighborhood.  There were many families with young children that were suddenly fearful that someone could come for their own, and they’d be powerless to stop them.  A lot of households were investing in extra locks and security systems.  A Neighborhood Watch was established, but all it really seemed to do was stir up further anxiety and paranoia within the adults.  There were those who believed the Raes fabricated the whole kidnapping in a sick ploy for attention.  There were petty people who were using the situation as a means to place suspicion on neighbors they didn’t like.  A curfew was attempted, but that just made the teens in the area grow restless, many sneaking out in defiance and putting further stress on the parents.  What seemed like a quiet, easy-going suburbia was slowly devolving into one of suspicion and anxiety, with everyone trying to find someone they can put the blame on.  Things only got worse when one Gabriella Harlin, through a long line of accusations, was discovered to have been laundering money from her job to pay for her family's many extravagances.  
Some families were driven to move out because of the harassment they were facing on a daily basis.  Time and time again the police were called in to deal with reports of vandalism.  Eventually, even the local news caught wind of the chaos and began to ask people for interviews, the Raes especially since they were the ones considered to be the start of the whole situation.  It would be months before the chaos would eventually die down, but enough damage was done that after the dust settled, things on Langdale Avenue were never the same.  No matter how bad things seemed outside their home, Noelle and Liam Rae were facing something far more distressing inside.
Despite what the police had chosen to believe, something happened to little Mary Rae, and her parents were left to try and comfort their child in the aftermath of whatever she'd been through.  No longer was the toddler crawling into their bed whenever she was having a bad night, now her mom and dad were finding her curled up in her closet, eyes with a tinge of red as though she’d been crying.  Before, Mary would do the occasional doodle of a strangely-colored creature, but now she exclusively drew monsters and weird mish-mashes of animals.  And some of them were… rather disturbing; Mary being chased by a giant spider-crab (Waternoose.)  A green beach ball thing with horns screaming in pain (basically 80% of her interactions with Mike.)  A purple salamander being beaten with a bat (Randall.)  And most distressingly, a blue and purple bear-like monster called Kitty is being choked to death by long purple arms (Randall as he was trying to kill Sully before Mike stepped in with that snowball.)  How do they know the monster’s name is Kitty?  Because that’s the name she’s been repeating for the last few weeks, always asking where they were?  The Raes were quick to make the connection between this strange creature and the girl’s disappearance, but there’s still so much of the full picture they didn’t know. 
So yeah, between trying to take care of their daughter and having their neighbors and the local news going nuts outside their home, Liam and Noelle had their hands full for a few months.  There was a very serious consideration to move to a new city, even if it meant money would be tight.  But one of the things that held them back on this decision, once again, was their daughter.  Despite her new habits and her occasional bouts of moodiness, Mary always seemed the most comfortable in her room.  Something about the familiarity always seemed to soothe the girl.  And Liam and Noelle could tell that in this period of madness, this little room of calm was something their kid needed more than ever.  So they agreed to wait things out, but also thought it best to let Mary have some playdates with some of her cousins outside of town, so they could all enjoy a few hours of calm away from the chaos.            
Thankfully, things eventually died down.  Sure, things were still strained between neighbors, but by then, everyone’s name had been dragged through the mud at some point.  So everyone that was left was willing to let bygones be bygones, just to try and return to some level of normalcy.  Little Mary had become a bit more introverted since her return, but with time and care from her family, she would soon regain her old chipper attitude, even if she’d become wary around new people.  But hey, after everything she’d seen her neighbors put themselves through, the Raes weren’t surprised that their daughter wasn’t as trusting around unfamiliar adults.
In the end, everyone wanted to put this whole affair behind them, and the Raes were more than happy to do so.  When asked, Liam and Noelle would usually be as vague as possible in regards to Mary’s disappearance and the explosive aftermath of their neighborhood.  To be fair, with as little unbelievable evidence as there was, it wasn’t too hard for either of them to skim over the details.  And as their daughter’s attitude began to improve, the Raes also did their best to put her distressing past behind them.  Afterall, no matter how much they may have yearned for an answer, little Mary simply wasn’t able to explain, and in a few years, it was likely the whole terrible affair would become a faded memory in the child’s mind.  But Liam, always the one to try and think ahead, decided to hold on to some of Mary’s stranger doodles, while he and Noelle usually disposed of the others.  Who knows?  Maybe once their daughter was old enough to form sentences, something in her old drawings would be enough to spark a memory of what truly happened.  But that was no longer important.  What was important was that their daughter, their miracle, was alive and safe.  And this time, with God as their witness, she was going to have as normal and loving a life as Liam and Noelle Rae could possibly provide, weirdness be damned!  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
Uh… hi
Ok, just a reminder, I was two when everything happened.  So if you’re expecting a detailed account of my first time in Monstropolis, I’m probably not the person you want to hear from.  Mike and Sully could probably do a better job at explaining how everything went down. But yeah, outside of a few nightmares, everything else just kinda turned into a blur for me.  But what I do remember, after coming back home, was being sad.  I love Kitty.  I spent plenty of nights by my closet just wishing he’d come back, only to wake up without seeing him.  It hurt.    
And outside of that… I guess I was still causing trouble back then.  Because my little disappearing act apparently caused the whole neighborhood to turn on itself.  I know my parents and a lot of the older people there don’t want to talk about it, but come on; the local news was so desperate for a spicy story when they heard about people starting to throw dog sh*t at each other's doors, reporters were on us like a toddler to a stray piece of candy.  I don’t remember much of it myself, but… you know that old Twilight Zone episode where the whole neighborhood goes batsh*t because they think one of them is an alien that’s messing with the power?
<The Monsters are Due on Maple Street?>  
(Yeah, that's it!)
I like to think the whole affair was like that.  I guess it makes me feel better about my part in everything.  It’s easier to think things on Langdale Avenue went to sh*t because adults are a bunch of paranoid idiots, instead of blaming myself for getting lost in the first place.  Maybe this is why mom and dad don’t like talking about it.
Ok, I told you I don’t remember much of what happened back then, right?  Well, I definitely remember the day Sully came back.
I was about four and a half.  It was a bit before I had to go to bed, so I was just playing with my toys.  And suddenly, I heard my closet door creaking open.  And who should pop out?  James P. Sullivan himself.  I remember giving him the biggest, tightest hug I could. And it felt so good to feel him hug me back.  He pulled me through his side of the doorway, and I was a little surprised I wasn’t seeing the same scream floor I’d emerged from the first time.  I didn’t really care about that at the moment, I was just happy to see Kitty again.    
And… I guess that kind of became the new routine for us.  Every other night when it was late, we’d just spend time with each other.  It took some time for us to coordinate things to find a good time to meet.  While time seems to pass at the same rate on both ends, I think my world’s a couple of hours behind that of the Monster world.  But once we nailed down 11 O’clock as the best meeting time, me and Sully would hang out at least once a week.  Sometimes I’d just show him some of my drawings, or just talk about whatever dumb thought came into my brain that day.  Other times I’d bring in some toys from my room and we’d just play.  Sully usually just went along with whatever I wanted to do, but he says he was fine with that.  
Mike on the other hand, he was a bit harder to connect with at the start.  We didn’t hang out as much as me and Sully, but when we did, it usually amounted to him showing off the stuff in his room.  The door station was in his room after all.  But that wound up being pretty fun too.  I think it might’ve been here where my interest in baseball started.  And let’s face it, Mike likes to put on a tough-guy attitude, but he’s a sweetheart deep down.  There was this one night where I was having trouble sleeping, I don’t remember why, and he just sang me this lullaby he came up with on the spot. 
And then, a little while later, Celia started popping by for our visits.  The three of them decided to form a … I think the word for it is a throuple?  Whatever the term, they were spending a lot more time together, so it makes sense that Sully would want us to officially meet.  Things were kinda awkward at first; she might’ve known kids weren’t actually toxic, but it must’ve been weird either way to be so close to a human.  But with Sully helping along with introductions, we wound up getting along pretty well.  Mike even taught me how to braid her hair without, you know, accidentally choking her hair.
Since then, my nightly visits were becoming a regular part of my life, and one I looked forward to.  They never lasted longer than about 10 minutes at a time, but I cherished them.  Apparently since they had to steal the Scream cans to power the door station, they always had to conserve energy.  Despite that, I couldn’t help but see these monsters as just another part of my family.  Something that was getting progressively harder to explain as I was getting older.  When a kid’s four or five, it isn’t too weird to hear them talk about strange beings as though they were real people; what kid didn’t have an imaginary friend phase?  When you ask a kid to draw a picture of their family, you don’t really question the weirdly-colored creatures holding the little girl’s hand; she’s just being creative.
It’s when I got older that things started getting complicated.
By the time I was in… I think second grade?  Yeah, by then I was catching on that I needed to start keeping things to myself.  My parents were telling me, in the kindest way they could, that I was starting to get too old for imaginary friends.  To be fair, I think a part of that was because I had gotten into 3 fights by then with other kids because they were telling me my monster family couldn’t be real.  I’m not sure what got me to react so violently, and I don’t think that instinct ever went away.  I just got better at hiding it around other people.
(...where was I going with this?)
<You were gonna tell them about the dentist incident>
(No I wasn’t!)
<I think it would help keep things interest- >
(No it wouldn’t!  So f*ck off and let me tell my own d*mn story!)
<Alright, geez>
Ok, so, I was starting to act out, and I was finally catching on that others weren’t believing my monster story.  Between all that stuff and what went down when I was 2, it was getting hard for a lot of the other parents to feel comfortable with me around their kids.  The term “problem child” started getting thrown around, and that just made me more frustrated.  Which made me more reliant on my time with Sully, which made me more frustrated that it just wasn’t safe for me to tell anyone the truth.  
As I got older, it felt like I was seeing the Monster world less and less.  Sully had big plans for his world, and they were taking up more and more of his time.  By the time I was in fifth grade, we were meeting maybe once a month.  It meant we had more time to talk, but it also felt like so much had to get crammed into the time we had.  Me getting onto the baseball team.  Mike and Celia tying the knot.  Getting my first real friend.  Sully meeting up with some kinda monster group for his plans to make Laugh power a thing.  Saying goodbye before I spent my first summer away from home.  Mike and Sully tying the knot, kinda.  It was an unofficial ceremony where they just kinda shared vows and had a lot of cake from some fancy bakery.  I actually got to attend that, since they were doing it in Mike’s room.     
And… I’m not sure what else to say.  Things pretty much kept on like that through high school, and even beyond that.  Keeping this secret, it hasn’t been easy,  But I can’t imagine a life without my family, all of it.
<… Uh, you’re kinda leaving out a lot of backstory stuff> 
(I guess.  But they’re not reading this to hear my entire life story) 
<I feel like your life is crazy enough that they’d be pretty okay with hearing your life story.  Learning about an entire world of monsters, leading a double life, finding love, not to mention all that stuff with Sid- >
(OKAY!  That’s a little more than they need to know… I think.  Who’s even reading this?)
<I don’t know, I think Silver’s just using this as a way to play around with her writing style for the story>
(God, I gotta deal with enough people looking down on me back home.  I don’t need a bunch of people online trying to dissect every little detail of my life. Are we done here?)
<I guess.  You know, you don’t need to be so hard on yourself.  You’ve had a lot of stuff happen to you that wasn’t in your control.  You could stand to try and be a bit more honest with others...>
-Boo grinding her teeth in aggravation-   
<But hey, through it all, you’ve been a pretty amazing person.  Somebody who’d do anything for the people she loves.  You’re loyal, strong, open-minded, sweet, and you’ve got the biggest heart of any kid I know.  We all think that.  And hey, you’ve always got me to talk to, no matter what>
Thanks Zowie.  So… are we done here?)
<Yeah, I think we’ve done enough to leave ‘em hooked for the next chapter>
(And how much longer ‘till I actually get to be in this AU thing?)
<Uh, I don’t know.  Silver says it might be another chapter of background stuff before we get things rolling with the real story.  And then she still needs time to properly introduce Tylor> 
(Oh God.  Stay tuned folks, looks like it’s gonna be a while
Wait… I thought I was the protagonist of The Jokester Generation, who the f*ck is Tylor?)
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polpoka · 3 years
Rating- K+
Part 1
Basen wasn’t the type to celebrate his birthdays. It wasn’t that he regretted being born or anything, he just didn’t think it was any different from any day. 
‘It wasn’t that special,’ he personally thought.
However, his lover didn’t think so. 
“What! You- you don’t celebrate your birthdays!?” 
Basen looked at him, confused. 
“Yes? What about it?”
Pen looked shocked and got up from his partner’s lap.
“So many things!? What do you mean, ‘what about it’. A birthday is meant to be celebrated. How are you alright with just not doing anything special? What about gifts?”
“Gifts? I don’t need gifts. My family already does a lot for me.”
“Eh? B-but it’s your birthday!”
“When is your birthday, anyway?”
“In a week. Why?”
Pen’s jaw dropped.
“ A week. And you tell me now.”
Basen just stared at him.
“You never asked.”
Basen was getting under Pen’s skin.
“...But you know mine.”
Basen however, had no clue as to what was happening.
“You told me yours.”
Pen huffed.
“You were supposed to tell me too, you know?”
“Was I?”
“You really-”
Pen sighed, sometimes Basen really got on his nerves, even though that was what Pen loved about him.
“I’ll be getting you a gift for your birthday. So, do you have anything you want currently?”
“Nothing in particular.”
Pen frowned at the lukewarm response.
“Fine. I’ll get you something I can guarantee you’ll like.”
“ Don’t get me a pen. Hyung already bought me one from Capital when he was visiting.”
Pen grumbled.
That was the one thing Pen had guaranteed that Basen would love. He got up from the couch and looked the other man in the eye.
“I’ll see you in a week then.”
Basen looked a little confused.
“Why? You could still visit me. I rarely get to see you anyway.”
“I’ll be busy selecting a good gift and planning a party in a week.”
“A party is unnecessary.”
Pen ignored the last statement and walked out of the room, grabbing his coat in the process.
“That idiot,” he grumbled, before remembering his first meeting with his brother.
“Just like his brother.”
He walked through to the roads to take a closer look at the shops. Thankfully, he had the liberty to do so, since his secret bodyguards would be insuring his protection.
‘Being under disguise isn’t that bad.’
He then spotted something that caught his eye. A monocle.
 He could imagine the younger man wearing the monocle and having a permanent scowl on his face.
Pen chuckled. ‘He would look hilarious in that, but it suits him. Weird.’
He hummed as he walked down the street, eying various titbits, varying from magical equipment to clothes to flowers.
Nothing seemed to suit Basen, and though there were numerous times he was tempted to buy something and get it over with, he remembered his words and sighed, bringing him back to his goal.
“What would he like?” Pen mumbled.
“Excuse me, sir, would you like some help?”
He turned to see a very professional-looking attendant.
“Yes, I would like to see something for a seventeen-year old boy. His measurements are xxx.”
“Is it for the young lord?”
‘This woman really does have a keen eye.’
The woman however, despite her stoic face, was trying not to show how nervous she was.
‘This man...He’s the prince of the Breck Kingdom, isn’t he? That face is something I’d recognize  anywhere, especially since we specialize in nobility. What is he doing here?’
“Please sit here and look at these.” She led him to a room which had the prototypes of the outfits, for the demographic, and handed him a list of the outfits.
Pen looked through the list of outfits and finally, after half a day, found something that would suit Basen.
It was a gorgeous coat which he was sure would look good on Basen. The shade of brown used, had a richer color,and a lovely germanium was used as the fabric underneath, the exact color as Pen’s hair. It had no embroidery and would definitely appeal to the younger man.
He smiled at the wonderful choice.
He walked out of the store, happy at the fact he had managed to finish one of the many tedious jobs to come.
He headed back to the residence that the Henituse estate had prepared for him to proceed with the plan, but Pen was a little too tired and, honestly just wanted to rest. He collapsed on his bed after his arrival at the designated room, and just as his eyes were about to close, he heard a knock.
He grumbled, and reluctantly parted from his comfortable bed to open the door and see who it was.
Pen frowned.
"Well, well, well, look who it is."
Basen looked down at his lover's feet, a little flustered and still confused at the response he got.
Pen noticed this. He really wanted to smirk at his victory at proving his point, but still kept a stoic face.
"Didn't I ask you to not visit me for the time I'm here?"
"B-but I didn't know that you'd be so stubborn on that point! It's just a birthday,"
Basen protested.
"Just a birthday? It was the day you were born. It should be celebrated."
Pen sighed. His rational side tried to reason with his emotional side. He knew that Basen was a different person, but he couldn't just let it go.
'Why does he not celebrate? It's his birthday. It's a day to be celebrated. Why doesn't he get it!?'
Basen was getting frustrated. He didn't understand what the problem was, yet he was being bombarded with these comments on his life, which he believed to be completely fine. Basen knew he wasn't an emotional person. He knew that he wasn't able to understand what his partner was feeling, and so did his partner know that he couldn’t.
 He just couldn't help raising his voice;
"Just tell me what's wrong already! I don't get it! I don't get these things if you don't tell me, you know that!"
Pen's eyebrows loosened and he became stiff. Though, it wasn't often Basen raised his voice, Pen never liked it when he did. He paused for a minute, took a deep breath and got his thoughts on order.
"Come in."
Basen frowned, but went through with it, taking a seat where he thought it would be appropriate to sit as a guest.
Pen walked to the tea brewer in the room,
"I'll get the tea."
"No need. I won’t be staying here for long anyway."
Pen halted and went over to take a seat right in front of Basen. They both let their eyes search the other  for a while to study what they were feeling, Pen felt sorry for driving his other half, as he called him so lovingly, to such a limit. His guilt started to overtake his anger.
"I'm sorry. It was my fault."
Unfortunately, Basen was irritated, which made his vision clouded. This wasn't something that he felt that often, but the situation was just so irksome.
He looked at him in disbelief and disgust.
Pen flinched at the gaze.
"It IS your fault. Prince, we established that. Moving on," he sighed,"I think I needed some time to myself, since you're going to act like that." He snapped, as he gestured towards the door.
Pen knew instinctively that Basen was losing his temper. The feeling was icky and seeped through his organs and through his bones, slowly creeping into his heart.
'No.' He started to wave his hands in panic and also partly because of the fear of the other man's rejection.
"See you later, Pen. Do not follow me.Well, you won’t. Since, you don’t want to meet me anyway."
He was cut off with those icy words, his name said with such disdain, he felt as if Basen was using his name as an insult in itself.
Basen got up from the couch and walked out of the room. He was hurt. Even though this was such a small thing, his mind couldn't register the way Pen had treated him. He had completely trampled over his emotions and way of doing things. He needed to be away from his lover for some time, to at least cool off.
It wasn't that these kinds of arguments weren't normal and a daily occurrence, they did bicker occasionally, but this time it had gone too far. Never had he expected Pen to follow his way of life, nor did he think Pen would want him to do so. Pen was a person who was not that accepting, Basen knew that, but still he believed that some things were different about them and those had to be accepted.
 He walked down the staircase to find a maid or a butler.Instead, he saw a familiar face, yet found it unusual to see at home.
He walked quickly to close in on the distance between them.
The older man looked down at him with a cold expression. 
"Basen," his cool voice responded.
"Will you be staying for long?" 
"No. I'll be leaving after dinner.”
“Alright. I'll just let you know that Mother would like to see you.” Basen wasn’t surprised, since he was used to this.
He walked past Cale, who noticed that his younger brother who he wasn’t that close with, was odd. since he did promise Og! Cale to take care of his younger brother, he asked him about what happened, but not that much not to encroach on his privacy.
“You look depressed. Did something happen?”
Basen stiffened, but nodded and walked out of the residence.
Cale felt a bit concerned, even though he didn’t show it on his face.
Basen went into his room, all his energy had been sapped and he brewed himself some tea and took a seat on his bed. He gradually sipped on it, emptying the cup, taking his time. He huffed the steam coming out of the cup. He needed to calm his nerves. The tea he was drinking, Earl Grey, was also introduced to him by Pen. He unconsciously found himself smiling and remembering the times Pen had got him the tea, not to forget, the first time he had got it for him.
‘He was so excited,’ he thought, he looked at his reflection in the tea and frowned remembering the events that had just taken place. He felt the tea in his mouth go bitter.
“I need rest.” 
He mumbled.
He quickly gulped down the entire cup and kept the cup on his side table, before falling over in his bed. He could feel a headache coming over him. He exhaled sharply.
“I’m tired. That’s all it is.” He mumbled, trying to ignore the thoughts running rampant in his mind.
His eyelids drooped, shutting his thoughts along with his eyes.
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