#he has full on chaos magic XD
bakawitch · 5 months
Oooh I just remembered another old casteship au I have!
Atem gets abandoned in the desert as a child by Akhnadin, who wants a bigger chance at attaining the throne. He gets found by a bunch of bandits who save him but end up selling him as a slave to an evil magician who lives in the middle of nowhere. Atem up grows up under his authority, completely forgetting his old identity. He isn't treated well, and there is no escape, so he tries to come up with a plan. Atem starts to secretly learn magic from the spellcaster and finds that he's quite good at it if not a little unreigned. The spellcaster ends up violently confronting him about it when he finds out, during which Atem's magic erupts in his state of panic, accidentally killing his master.
After a few moments of silence, Atem realises that he's being watched, and he turns to see a young Bakura curiously observing him in the middle of robbing the house. The two of them end up leaving together, and they become fast friends. Bakura has the experience surviving that Atem needs, and Atem has raw untamed magic, which Bakura really likes. They grow up together, Bakura becoming the King of Thieves, a bandit unrivalled by all, and Atem becoming the King of Games, a magical conman who wins every game he's presented with. The two of them share a deep bond, and they deeply care for each other. Unfortunately, they have no idea how to do romance while they're so busy planning their vengeance on the throne. And they're both hella awkward about emotions to begin with XD
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 10 months
If Chase Yuong and the First Ninja start a fight, who will win in your opinion? Either way, it's going to be epic.
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anon ANON thank you. I've been dying to think more about those two in the same context, ever since i realized the similarities of these two idiots i like (greenish hair? martial artist? magical? kinda lived long???) But i've shoved those crossover-ish ideas away since i am busy with other stuff lol. but this gives me an excuse >;)
Ok, if we do NOT take canons in consideration (because lets be truthful, cartoons rarely can give a full scope of a character to our satisfactions lol) so I have 2-3 vague scenarios in which they clash (IMO either of them can win??? (because i like them both, even if i am more of First fan, so I cant decide who of them winning would be more entertaining lol)):
If First Ninja in his prime (sometime after imprisoning Sorcerer but before the Ultimate Lesson) clashed with 700 yo Chase Young (since this fucker is canonically 1500 yo) who would probably try to defeat First in order to make him part of his Jungle Cats harem:
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Chase is ridiculously, stupidly overpowered but one could argue that at 700 he hasn't yet reached the height of all his powers, so First would certainly have a fighting chance. First is supposedly uniquely trained since (probably) his birth by his Ninja Clan and continuous battles with the Sorcerer (and most likely other creatures, like Sorceress and Tengu and etc.) throughout his teenage-young adult life to take on enemies like Chase - overpowered magical beings/soulless monsters - with the help of Ninja Mask and all its powers.
Admittingly, in this case the win will most likely go to Chase, if only because of his experience and overwhelming array of powers at his disposal. Though considering we do not know the full scope of Ninja Mask's powers, First has like maybe 15-25% chance to win (and at least 30-45% in my mind if i consider my own hc about the mask lol), but not 0%.
If First Ninja's 800 yo. spirit somehow was released from/embodied by Ninjanomicon to clash with 1500 yo Chase Young in the Modern Present:
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Here a lot of my hc come in play. I fully believe that if First - with all the developed abilities, experiences, memories, power (and possibly spirits) acquired during his stay/merge within the Ninjanomicon and from over like 200 people who ever used the mask over 800 years - fought 1500 yo Chase - who spent at least a century or 2 or 3?? hidden away in his Fortress, growing just a bit complacent, since he clearly became too strong and thus bored of the world when it couldn't offer him decent opponents anymore, at least not until current Monks - the fight could go either way.
Chase is still stupidly OP, but its clear that he was deprived of good opponents for a loooooong time, since he resorted to fight against/taunt teenagers and Omi, who is basically a kid still. And they frequently managed to outmanoeuvre him in their confrontations, if not in an actual hand-to-hand fight then at least in common sense lol.
Meanwhile First trained and learned with his each of his successors years in and out, and while we dont know exactly what sort of things happened, we can say for sure that the fighting was continuous. Ninja barely had any rest, for the Sorcerer probably attracted chaos inclined allies and minions and thus a never ending stream of enemies for Ninja to battle.
If basic bitches clash aka OG Good Chase and First Ninja before he was First Ninja:
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This is just for fun and because I fully believe that pre-Ninja Mask First will trounce Good Chase. xD
We do not know Chase's past, and there are various headcanons on how he came to be a Xiaolin Monk, but let's just say that judging by his apperance and XS voice, he is probably a very young adult-ish before he drunk his Soup, so he most likely was a Monk since at least his pre-teen/teen years. He appears to be insecure in his Monk-ness and in his abilities to become the greatest warrior despite his competence, since he was swayed/manipulated/convinced? to sell his soul to a demon for more power and freedom from Monk values.
If we judge First's appearance and voice, he would be perhaps a slight bit older than Chase when he became The Ninja, and not to mention since he was born into the Ninja Clan, he was likely trained since he was very young. His personality appears to be very studious and there is certainly a great deal of strength in his character since he not only managed to continue on with his duty even after loosing his brothers but also not succumbing to the overwhelming Power of the Mask that can corrupt those of weak belief and hold the title of the Ninja longer than anyone else.
(Not to mention I am of very biased opinion that Ninjas are cooler than Monks. lol. Also we can assume they all have magic of some sort. Like think Naruto like Ninjas and Xiaolin Elemental Dragons/Monks.)
ALSO in case 1, obviously if they fought with the agreement that if Chase wins he would ABSOLUTELY add First into his Jungle Cat harem. First will most likely add/request a stipulation that Ninja Mask was not taken with First and I can see Chase honoring that agreement, so the Ninja legacy will continue on and Chase still gets an incredible warrior to his ranks, and perhaps more warriors if the future ex-Ninjas would decide to try and fight him later on. ;)
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(first's animal form would be either a leopard or iriomote cat (both native to Japan) or a crow because tengu connection/associations ;D )
And if First wins, he certainly would figure out how to contain Chase, (perhaps even in the Ninjanomicon itself hohoho) since he somehow managed to contain a sorcerer that controls chaos with some binding, magic from a mythical beast and in a deep hole that perhaps connected to some dark realm, like??
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sevi007 · 1 month
I'm in the middle of thr "Fate" route of Fate Stay night (Day 8) and I'm utterly fascinated
It's a lot of text so I have to take lots of breaks because I can't handle all the information - but still, fascinated!
So as I said I have a teeny tiny bit of knowledge about FSN from back when the movie came out approximately ten years ago, but I never saw the FULL movie, and the other routes and Fate / Zero I only know from an assortment of YT videos without any kind of rhyme or order to them. Oh, and Fate Carnivql, which is just. Parody XD
But there is a whole lot of stuff I don't know. Such as the magic system in this world (it's very interesting but sounds complex and rather painful) or just how much bad luck, frankly, Shirou has. The boy is traumatized from the get go, gets killed canonically like - three times in a day - gets dragged into a war, and the entire time he is more worried about others getting hurt than himself. Boy needs therapy, ASAP
I DO remember his relationship with Archer (who was my favorite back then) so I guess a big plottwist is now no longer surprising to me. Eh
Right now I'm mostly torn between amused and worried by how much everyone is messing up and making bad decisions. When I heard "Sabers are the strongest servants" I thought we got the Plot Armor any prota gets, but our team is kind of shooting itself in the foot at every turn by being a whole ass mess of traumatized teenagers with no therapist on standby
(And theadults are um. Kind of questionable. Fuji-nee is kind but a whole typhoon of chaos, Kotomine is dubious at best, Kiritsugi had his own problems, and other than them, I can't find any PRESENT adults to help the kids so far)
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paper-starz · 1 year
/ay itsa me, a idiot that uses Dotty's acc.
/so I was wondering..
/cross over between Seven Sins and Self-aware Swap? Like. What could go wrong? A hand full of self aware puppets, and a handful of literal demons, in which a few have REALLY weird powers.
/Barnaby's ability is so useless that I love it.
YEESSSSSSSSSS!!! I can already see the interactions.....
The Julies
SAS!Julie (smiling through clenched teeth) Thanks.... I did it myself...
(They are both very neutral towards each other. 7S! Julie tries to be friends, but SAS!Julie is a bit defensive...)
The Barnabys
SAS!Barnaby: Oh hey who are- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEGS?????!!!!
7S!Barnaby: Relax man, I'm fi--
(They are both friendly with each other. Both bonding because of their love of jokes... especially the dark ones that SAS!Barnaby tends to make at times.)
The Franks
SAS!Frank: What are you supposed to be...?
7S!Frank: A demon of course! Specifically pride (starts explaining demon hierarchy/ history)
SAS!Frank: (Starts writing EVERYTHING down) Yes! This could be useful for my theories!
7S!Frank: ...Theories?
(They are both friendly with each other. They both share a love of butterflies and they both love infodumping all the research that they have collected. I see 7S!Frank listening to all of SAS!Frank's wacky theories.)
The Eddies
SAS!Eddie: I like your tie
7S!Eddie: Thank you! I like your scar! Makes you look super cool!
SAS!Eddie: Thank you! I got it from Home!
7S!Eddie: W...What?
(They are both VERY friendly with each other. I see both of them loving to chill and hang out with each other. Though, sometimes SAS!Eddie does say something something INCREDIBLY concerning once in a while)
The Poppys
7S!Poppy: Oh my! That smells delicious!
SAS!Poppy: Thank you!
7S!Poppy: We must share recipies!
(They are both friendly towards each other. They like to swap recipes once in a while, maybe even drink tea together. XD. I see them as two old lady friends who gossip.)
The Sallys
SAS!Sally: (Literally just existing)
7S!Sally: Ugh... STOP SHOWING OFF!
(They don't get along well at all. Mostly because 7S!Sally seems to be jealous of her counterparts... well, everything! 7S!Sally does not realize that SAS!Sally needs to be perfect though...)
The Howdys
7S!Howdy: Where the HELL is my counterpart?!
SAS!Howdy: (hiding because he is WAY too scared to even meet the guy).
(They DO NOT get along well. 7S!Howdy thinks his counterpart is pathetic and cowardly, while SAS!Howdy thinks his counterpart is greedy and mean. Also! HE'S. A. DEMON! YOU SHOULD NEVER TRUST THEM!!!!)
The Wallys
7S!Wally: Wanna see a magic trick?
SAS!Wally: Of course!
7S!Wally: WATCH THIS-- (sets a tree on fire)
SAS!Wally: Wow! So pretty! I wanna touch it!
(Both are friendly towards each other! SAS!Wally has lots of things to learn about when he's with his counterpart! 7S!Wally just likes to cause chaos while SAS!Wally tags along.)
The H O M E S
SAS!Home: I LOVE your Wally! He's so cute!
7S!Home: Yes, he is quit-- WHAT IN GOD'S ACTUAL NAME???
SAS!Home: Is... Something wrong?
SAS!Home: Torture... Oh! Hehehe! I guess you could say I run my own special kind of hell over here!
7S!Home (absolutely mortified): And here I thought it was impossible to meet someone as scary as me....
(Both are neutral to each other. SAS!Home is pacified as long as 7S!Home doesn't tell Wally the truth. 7S!Home is both impressed and horrified at Home. Sure, 7S!Home is the literal Lucifer in this AU... but he tortures BAD GUYS! THE ABSOLUTES SCUMS ON THE PLANET. Not... these poor puppets.)
I also see some other interactions like:
7S!Howdy: (talking to SAS!Wally) Pfft! How is my counterpart afraid of you? You're practically harmless!
SAS!Home: (looms over in the back)
7S!Howdy: Anddddd there's the harm.
SAS!Frank: (talking to 7S!Wally) Wow! And what are your special powers?
7S!Wally: Oh! Fire!
SAS!Frank: Oh, do show me!
7S!Wally: I would... but I have nowhere to practice on.
SAS!Frank (points at SAS!Home): There's something you practice on!
(7 Sins Au belongs to @dottyorange!)
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shallow145 · 2 months
I keep seeing your beautiful art of your ocs and I must know about them! I'm giving you full permission to yap all you want about them. I'd love it!!
Also, I hope you are having an amazing day/night!
Oh gosh thank you mate XD I might do two parts to this merely just to explain coppers lore alone. As for other ocs like Colín and Shallow I really need to figure out their lore more and write it down 😭 Anywaysss here’s part 1 for Copper:
Copper had lived a past life about 300,000 years before the present as a god. She was taken care of by a lot of the major big gods at the time and she always listened to them. One day she found out the gods had planned to do some things that could mess up the world below and harm the mortals, so decided to retaliate. She ended up fighting the two biggest gods, nearly killing them but was eventually stopped and gave up. (Needless to say she didn’t like these gods anymore)
300,000 years later, the current queen of the land is having twins. She ends up having a boy and a girl which she is disgusted by, as there is a myth in history that princesses bring misfortune and bad luck to the land. She orders the king (he has the true Royal blood btw) to kill their daughter instantly. However he secretly ends up giving her away to a local village family he knows where he knows his daughter will be safe(Cody’s family).
Cody and Copper end up growing up together but copper knows that they are not her real family. Her father(the king) tried to visit her the best he could, to try and be a part of her life. They all swore to keep this a secret
Copper and Cody eventually start working as royal knights at age 13. A couple of months later Copper is promoted to prince Tobys right hand knight.
And then only another couple of months later the war breaks out. A great evil has broken out of his seal. The seal which was the queens job to protect and keep an eye on(obviously she didn’t do her job). At this time the king had died of “mysterious circumstances” that no one knew about, around a month ago and then when the war broke out the queen was believed to be killed by the monsters(whether that was true or not no one knew)
Copper stepped up to protect her kingdom. She went to fight the great evil(I’m sorry I don’t have a name for it yet 😭), but upon reaching it her other best friend, a fellow knight, she had been travelling with(not Cody I need to give him a name aswell😭) ends up betraying her. Stalling her with a battle, which she ends up winning. However she doesn’t kill him, she can’t bring herself to do it. She lets him live but threatens that if he would to return to the town she will kill him without mercy.
Once she leaves and eventually find the great evil again, she is already greatly injured and looses the fight quickly as a sword is plunged right through her. Toby then arrives not long later and finds her, cold and dead. With the help of the gods he ends up reviving her and lending her some of his magic.
She once again immediately goes to finish the fight, along with Cody this time and Toby hangs back to keep monsters at bay. The pair find the great evil once again only an hour or two later and are doing well in the fight this time, until Cody is killed. Copper was so frozen in shock that she didn’t see the sword making its way towards her. Her back ends up being sliced open and she slowly bleeds out once again. This time it’s some of the gods themselves that ends up reviving her, needing her to finish this battle or else the world will be lost to evil and chaos.
Copper slowly stand once again. The Great evil she was fighting was already pretty injured. She grabs her sword and goes for the final blow, and as she does that’s the moment she’s cursed. You see when she was revived the gods lent Copper their power, and the biggest god of all (the one she hates) didn’t like this. So she ended up cursing Copper as she killed the great evil. Seeing her “no longer worthy of the title of a hero”.Cursing her to be haunted by the innocent souls that are killed on her journeys.
(Copper does however end up finding its more of a blessing in disguise as she is able to bring back Cody with it, and the curse has some secret benefits she can exploit)
Anddddd with that, that’s her first journey and her past pretty much summed up XD, I’ll probably make a part 2 to describe her second and third adventure in a bit. I didn’t realise how long this would end up being💀
Thank you for giving me the chance to yap about all this ✨
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ex-textura · 1 year
god!Gale on my mind today and it got me thinking!
If he managed to succeed and really did become a deity, would Auric, Ciaran or Jinx (did I miss any of your lovely Galemancers? I hope I didn't? 👀) approve of it? What would their thoughts be on the matter and would the relationship survive in any kind of way, you think?
oh man! This is a difficult question xD
So, I'm of the mind that the gods can't really love mortals in any real meaningful way. While I don't think they're incapable of love necessarily, I think that much power and responsibility would change anybody and even the most well-meaning gods (Gale, for example) will lose their humanity (as it were) in time. So at the end of the day...though they might try I don't think it would really last long term for any of them.
Auric would absolutely not approve. A paladin though he may be, he's not religious. At all. No god ever came to help him or his when they needed them the most. He did that. That was his responsibility. His devotion to his people is where his power comes from (and if there is a god back there behind the scenes pulling the strings on his power he hasn't heard anything from them and that's just as bad). The gods only ever caused trouble, and he knows better than some how ambition can corrupt. He rallied hard to keep Gale away from that sort of power, and if he were to take it anyway Auric would make the hard decision to leave then and there. He's too old, too tired, too responsible for too much to be with someone who's goals don't align with his own no matter how much he loves them.
Ciaran would try. Ciaran, though older than Gale, is too new to this world and to himself and Gale is really all his has (he has his friends but by the end of the game there's a lot of splitting up). He wouldn't be able to get by on his own, or at least he doesn't think so, and so he would cling to Gale and try to make it work. But what Ciaran needs is someone to experience life with. To teach him to cook and to listen to his music and to lay in the sun with. He needs someone who can give him gentle, mortal love and Gale will definitely try because he's so full of love, but the separation there would be too much and eventually it would ruin Ciaran. He already turned down the power of a god once. He doesn't want power, after all. he wants peace.
Naught would stay with him. He wouldn't care. They're the antithesis to ambition though, and would have their own life with Dahlia and Astarion. He would take them back to his life, hunting criminals and sleeping in the dirt (they'd probably find real beds but the boy likes dirt), and would eventually join their relationship regardless of Gale's feelings on the matter. They'd grow distant and one day Naught would probably just stop thinking of the hot nerdy teacher who became a god. Who needs gods anyway? Nosy bastards.
Jinx would try too, if nothing else to say he did. I mean how many people can say they dated a god? What a story that would be! But eventually he'd grow bored of it. He loves the chaos of magic and the spontaneity of life. God!Gale would likely be busy and if not that at the very least too focused on his task. He'd move on bit by bit, before finally telling Gale he just wasn't feeling it anymore. And if a god smote him for breaking up with him? Just another story (if he survives it. If not..he'll at least hope they wrote a play about him or something)
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beril66 · 8 months
Heyo folks! So here's a list of this for another fic I am going to workon. I am writing here the rules so I don't forget and I would love to see people give me their opinions on what I can add! This time it IS a crossover series with Cuthulhu Mythos! (Mostly lovecraft lore and some other writer's take on it sprinkled in. No Other gods vs Great Old Ones nonsense though that was a stupid adition to Mythos I will DIE on this hill)
Our skele bois and everyone really are going to learn the HARD way there are being infinitely scarier and powerful than measely star parasites or amalgamation of emotions :D
This came after a delightful conversarion with a friend in space battle. So some heads ups;
Other gods or Outer Gods as people know them are the undisputed strongest things for what I hope obvious reasons. Put an unshattered C'tan or a chaos god in front of Nyarlathotep and they'll beg for their life
Azathoth DID NOT create 40k or any universe. Its a fan theory. It was Yog-Sothoth ;)
The races such as Elder Things and Great Race of Yith are among the oldest and most advanced (they are basically the Xeelee's since thats what they are meant to be in OG mythos Lovecraft was just shit at math and science) creatures in the verse. Remember how Mep'het'Ran bitched to the Necrontyr about how they also fought with the cruel old ones and lost and turned into celestial fart gases...well he didn't TECHNICALLY lie.
It just wasn't the 'Old Ones' Necrontyr were thinking XD (for real though in the ONLY alliance these two races ever forged they kicked the shit out of C'tan and destroyed their OG bodies) for these races, species in 40k galaxy might as well be monkeyd hitting each other with sticks. The difference between them are that great.
That war happened not 200 million year into the big bang btw. Yeah...when the first stars were babies. Elder Things and Yith are that old...they might be that old in OG mythos too now that I think about it 🤔
Remember Nihilakh Yyth seer? Yeah that thing is another unfortunate race Yith used as bodies and left long before necrons ever came...unfortunately the inhabitation caused the race to develop clairvoyance. And we all know what happened to the poor bastards.
The Elder things came to earth was basically an amish community got tired of ultra advanced tech XD they are the reason earth has life. They came waayyy before the billion year mark Lovecraft gives. First one celled organisms on earth appeard around 3.7 billion years ago. Yeah.
Randolph Carter is/was a friend of Big E's and still kicking in 40k with his silver key. Fully living in dreamlands with his friends and boy-ahem eternal headache Nyarlathotep though. He and Trazyn will become GOOD friends...maybe Orikan too. Tech wizardry isn't just belong to necrons after all.
Magic other than warp exists and it is both intransically bound with tech and seperate enough. Mostly safe too if you manage to keep your head while learning.
Assume all weird creatures in mythos exist.
Deep Ones have their own planet and allied with Big E around 2020s. They have full on STCs under their planet and still can build and understand DAOT tech, they are just smart enough to hide it really well. And since all of them are immortal most of the ones on the planet (pure and hybrids both) are over 30.000 years old. And remember EVERYTHING. Rest of the Imperium thinks they are filfhy mutants to be avoided. Deep Ones and hybrids mostly bleakly amused seeing most were alive in 1920s America how humanity seems to abandon one type of racism then immediatly embracing another.
Lost 2 Primarchs taken a worship of the Other Gods...this is magnetitudes more dire than chaos worship.
Orikan, Trazyn and Phillias will meet an interesting human who knows more than she ever should...if they are nice to her she might even draw them when they were necrontyr. She A LOT to say about their relationship during flesh times...revelations might or might not cause eternal sense to loss , pain and horror to what was lost...and maybe hope. 🤷‍♀️ (yes during Trazyn's bubble confinement)
Except Nyarlathotep to pop on Song of Oblivion and taunt Szerakh. Randoph migh or might not put the fear of actual gods in Szeras too
Anrakyr and Zulthanekh (don't ask me how they will ever meet I am just taken by the idea of their friendship because of ghostinthegalleries) will get a history lesson of the galaxy from Nyarlathotep.
Shoggoths are allies of humanity. As they lived only the really intelligent and sentient ones survived and after their ACTUAL discovery humanity (DAOT) have been not only nice to them but give them human rights Elder Thing colony never thought of. Surviving ones are fiercely loyal to humanity but few know their existance.... for obvious reasons. They are a hard counter for tyranids and help preserve Big E.
Big E was aware of other gods and there was no stopping them. Thankfully the only one who was invested into the galaxy was Nyarlathotep and Big E just pointed out sitting back and watching the inevitable clusterfucks all races cause would be infinitely more entertaining. (Randoph also threathened Nyarlathotep with sleeping on couch in Ilek-Vad XD)
...AND thats it. Thats all I got for now. I would love to see your suggestions Lovecraft and 40k lovers!
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hooter-n-company · 1 year
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Here’s Kron’s trusty partner in chaos, also one of the few prey-only OCs in my roster. She was originally an adopt I purchased from @jellyjaws
Izimba is a descendant of a high-class dragonoid family, and comes from a lineage of elite magic users. She was sent to the prestigious Academy of the Mystic Arts to specialize in evocation, but although she was passionate and eager to learn, she was a terrible student (at least according to her professors).
Izimba was usually too fidgety to focus on lessons, and she always wanted to experiment and fool around instead of doing what she was supposed to do. On top of that, her personality irritated her colleges and mentors to the point of driving them away, so she never made any genuine friends while attending school.
Feeling like a huge disappointment to her family and peers, she made the bold decision to set off into the world and learn about mysticism HER way. And so, she travels from place to place, expanding her knowledge on a personal quest to master all the magical disciplines.
Full bio under the cut:
Name: Izimba
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 25
Species: Dragonoid
Role: Prey
Height: 5’7”
Abilities: Arcane magic user (evocation and energy manipulation), some knowledge of transmutation and alchemy, above average strength and agility, excellent baker
Personality: Optimistic, bubbly, cheerful, and full of spunk, Izimba has plenty of energy and spark to go around, and THEN some. She always maintains a positive attitude and a childish sense of humor even in the most hopeless of situations, to the point that she enjoys taking risks and seeking out danger for fun. She is very sociable and open to making new friends, although her constant chattering usually comes off as irritating to most people. In academic or work situations, Izimba's high energy levels make her antsy, impulsive, and impatient, but despite this she is a lot smarter than most give her credit for.
Likes: Seeking knowledge, exploring, treasure hunting, collecting trinkets, kicking ass, cute animals, nature, eating sweets, terrible puns, making new friends, writing, sketching, helping others with her abilities, her best buddy Kron
Dislikes: Boring lectures, taking tests, feeling like a failure, disappointing her friends and family, bullying, rude jerks, magic being used for evil being forced to wait, standing in one place for too long, june bugs, bitter foods and beverages
Other: -Her staff harnesses light and heat from her surroundings (including celestial bodies like the sun and moon), and can use it to create energy blasts, shields, freeze and burn objects, and light the way in darkness. However, using magic too often can lead to her overexerting herself and succumbing to exhaustion. On her travels, she has also grown more proficient in transmutation and alchemy, which gives her the power to manipulate earthly elements.
-She carries a book of spells and incantations wherever she goes, and uses it to take notes and collect more information for future reference.
-Her satchel is a bag of holding with unknown capacity.
-Another one of her hobbies is baking, and she is particularly fond of baking cakes.
-She ends up becoming partners with the armored bugbear Kron. While venturing into one of the more dangerous cities, she is caught off guard and overpowered by a group of bandits. Before they can kill her, Kron shows up beats the tar out of them, before carrying them off to claim his bounty.
Izimba immediately takes a liking to her rescuer and tags along, much to his annoyance. Kron tries over and over again to ditch her, to no avail, until they finally come to a compromise: Kron acts as Izimba’s bodyguard while she hunts for treasure, and Izimba acts as Kron’s healer while he pursues his bounties.
-Izimba tries to be a vegetarian once due to her love of animals, but she occasionally relapses because “animals are friggin’ delicious.” XD
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
aah hi heather!
ok- i know i made a similar post about viridian- but now im going to make one for my beloved Rowan Hawkmore- who was probably my main oc blorbo before Viridian- i guess this will be a little rammble about the evoulution of her!
I have had Rowan since I was 19- i was in my first year of uni and started to play dnd at a local board game cafe!!
Rowan started off as a wild magic sorcerer- just a chaos gal who pushed people into lakes and flirted with everyone. big shoutout to my dm and party for loving rowan regardless XD
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first sketches of rowan - drawn on the back of a character sheet and a wagamama menu
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meme sketch of our party at the time - Rowan is in cardboard jail for causing too much chaos (and other reasons)
After a few weeks- I changed her class to a warlock- the backstory chnage being that she struck a deal with the fiend Opium- Over a pot of tea and a chat that seemed a bit too casual- the tiefling made a pact with the god. He’d give her a fresh start. A new home in the hallowed mountains - protection from the eldritch knights of the Hawkmore court - all Rowan had to do was cause a little chaos- that’d be easy…right?
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very early warlock rowan design - drawn my by dear friend robin. check out their art here
After finishing our first campeign (which took us to from level 1 to level 3) we took a break for the summer- over the summer I gave Rowan a redesign. see below for amazing art by my friends!
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credit to the talented @vrovij - you can find her caard here. her tumblr is here
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credit to my dear friends kath (their piece is on the left) and nat (AKA @ciph3rrr) (her piece is on the right for these drawings of Rowan. kath's work can be found here and nat's here
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credit to my wonderful friend Marvin for this piece of Rowan - his art came be found here
Story wise- at the time of the second / new game- - Rowan gets branded with curse marks. Her patron very displeased in her non chaotic actions- so the fiend brands her. At the snap of his fingers he could double Rowan over in the worst pain she's felt. She had learnt the hard way that Opium was a beautifuly sadistic man. So she takes a step back and I then play as her husband Grayson (Rowan still travels with our party though!!) - this game took us from level 3 through to level 7 (i think?!)
In our third game- I go back to playing as Rowan. She's lost the connection to her patron and she can't reach out to him. She wonders if Opium has just grown bored of her- but she still has all her curse marks on her- so... there must be something going on...right? Around this time, Rowan’s travelling companion - Nugget, the paladin to the god of balance , Raava - felt the connection to his god weaken. During this game- our party go off on this grand adventure to find both Opium and Raava (more Raava- then Opium....)
Along the way, Rowan alomst dies a few times (because she dosn't know when to shut up- and get's gets far too cocky when the party fight a dragonborn crimelord)- The party also learn Rowan's backstory and how she came into the service of Opium (you can read a little about that here- but one day i'll do a full back story lore write up)
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In time, the party would learn that Opium and Raava were two sides of the same coin- twin gods. Gods of Balance and Chaos. One could not survive without the other- Opium had vanished from Rowan’s life- to reclaim his godhood - to drown out the light that Raava brought into the world. Destroy his twin and rebuild the world in his own image. A world of chaos and darkness-
Rowan was left with a choice- Join Opium in creating the new world- or fight against the darkness. Slay her sadistic master.   The warlock chose to slay her master with the help of her companions - restoring light and balance to the world.  
In the split between warlock and parton- Rowan's cursemarks cause her a great deal of pain. She feels the killing blow as Opium did and she herself almost dies- but she pulls through. (even if she suffers a great deal of eye trauma)
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again credit to my wonderful friend Marvin for this piece of Rowan - his art came be found here
Returning to hertribe in the hallowed mountains and reuniting with her husband… Rowan was named as the eldritch god slayer.  Finally free to walk her own path- free from the pain and chaos that she thought had been with her for all of her life.  At the end of this game- our party was level 14 !!
Nowdays Rowan exists within other game universes (as well as DND). I have made her (and grayson) in the sims 4 (where she and him exist in a modern / magical realism AU) - and have also had a go at making her in BG3 - I don't really draw her much anymore... but one day i might try again !!
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uhg uhm idk how to finish this- so Thank you for coming to my TED talk <3 if you're reading thts - you're a star and ily <3
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anakinskywalkerog · 1 year
hi olii!!! i feel like i havent popped in to say hello in ages, how are you? what do you think of my new icon? :D
i have been lurking on My Very Soul and i now remember the song i felt really represented anakin and (y/n) - Call You Mine by Bebe Rexha and the Chainsmokers (i think? i just remember the name of the song)
btw, i felt like i should share, but i made an anakin playlist! i keep adding more when i feel like it. i think some midnights belongs on here, so, soon!
i hope you dont mind me ranting to you about everything lmaoo, i cant wait for you to reply back *sheepish grin*
on the sw side: stoked for the ahsoka series soon! i made a new sw friend, she's awesome! we vibe to the prequels, and anakin, and the mandalorian! her leavers shirt was the anakin vs obi wan battle!
on the me side: things have been good! everything has picked up and got better since the whole diary fiasco, despite what i thought! i even made up with the girl who i said some awful thngs about. she's a swiftie, so it's easy XD (also she is machete's gf's bestie). she told me she got eras tour tickets, im so happy for her! her lit exam was literally on speak now tv. legend. i'm glad we're not fighting anymore. i made new friends, kept some of the old ones. if i could go back... i dont think i would change a single thing :") our finals are over, we're officially out for the summer (prom was amazing) ive been really really happy, and i hope you are, too ❤
on the sad beautiful tragic love life of sythe side: well, maybe not so sad or tragic, because... *drum roll* i have a boyfriend now! he is neither machete boy, or cranberry hehe. he's perfect and i adore him :D let's call him eli, but he sends me good morning messages, and has adorable nicknames for me, and makes me feel amazing ✨
it seems like machete and i have just magically cleared stuff up between us? he certainly doesnt seem to harbour any resentment towards me, or anything. we talk rarely when cranberry's with us, sort of like a mediator ? (cranberry is the unfortunate and accidental middleman lol, literally) although we do most of the talking without cranberry, sort of ignoring cranberry being there. we even have a snapstreak going. i've made peace with [the idea of] his girlfriend (she turns up in his snaps but it doesnt bother me anymore!) ; i found her tiktok and spotify a while back (not that i was looking for it). she has a playlist for machete with a bunch of swiftie songs too haha. it's different from mine. i think mine got really crazy because its sort of a mix between him and some other people, too, plus some songs are just there because i like them lmao
cranberry also has a girlfriend too now, i'm friends with her, but we're not close. it was sort of rocky between us for a while, and some weird stuff and some not cool stuff happened, but we stayed friends :) if i'm being honest, she's not the first person i would ship with him, but if he's happy, i'm happy!
another friend i might have dated is still around haha. let's call him han solo, because thats who he reminds me of. he's also cranberry's best friend! (he and cranberry insisted i write a fanfic for them hehe it was hilarious and caused chaos but everything's good!) he probably knows about eli by now. my friend, let's call her luna, is the captain of the sythe x han ship, but eli exists, and she knows it. but, she'll always ship me and han, i guess. he's nice, too. we only became friends in the period after everything with mchete and cranberry, so i don't think you've ever heard of him? but we had a blast towards the end of the year. we might even go to school together next year? i don't particularly want to make major life decisions over a guy who isn't even my boyfriend, but if we do, i would be really happy :)
all in all, i suppose it is a lovely end to a chaotic but perfect year ❤ i hope everyone gets all the love they deserve and live up to their full potential! it's made me realize that life is full of ups and downs, highs and lows, heartbreaks and falling in love, but in the end, everything always works out! i don't believe in luck, just hard work 💪
lots of love,
sythe x
hi sythe omg sorry I missed this!!! good to hear from you ❤️ new icon is very cute
omg I’m so happy your life is going so well!! happy for u that you found a nice bf who and that you are getting along with those girls. hopefully some of your good luck will rub off on me 🤦‍♀️ glad to know there’s still a bit of intrigue with this han guy. but you should definitely not make life decisions for a guy…there will be plenty more guys 😂 trust me. but eli sounds super sweet
thank you for sharing your playlist and also, I am SO excited for the Ahsoka series!! also glad you made a star wars friend!
my life has been a bit of a mess this summer haha but such is LIFE sometimes we are chaotic girls and I am just weathering until the storm passes currently
check in again soon! ❤️
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theladyjssem · 1 year
I need to draw my top bg3 characters. I have four, but I have two I have played for a while, and one I just started and have fallen in love with.
So my 4th character is an elven bard together with my husbeast and one of our friends. Yes, that's 3 bards. We have embraced chaos with these characters. I have a video of all three of them playing their different instruments to the same song because why the heck not xD. I don't know her personality too much but I'm goj g to try to make her rather mercurial.
My solo character is Kherza. She is a Seladrine drow warlock with a pact to the old ones. I've played her the longest, and she is funny, positive, and upbeat. She is a sunny soul, and everyone in my group has positive feelings towards her despite her rather altruistic personality. She doesn't shy from a fight, will lie, cheat, and kill if she needs to and knows she can't control everything, but she's going to try her hardest. She also tends to be too trusting with earnest folks (I'm looking at you, Volo). She has fallen hard for Gale and Halsin. She loves how romantic they both are and how they both know how to have fun, even when things are grey. She can talk to both of them about the nature of the world and magic and learn new things from both with Gale bringing her head up to the clouds and Halsin keeping her solidly on the ground. Oh, and she always casts speak with animals first thing in the morning as soon as she wakes up. Karlach and Kherza get along like a house on fire.
My second character is my tiefling moon druid, Hepatica, who is best friends with my husbeast's character Skaagi, a tiefling rogue. Hepa is brave, willing to do whatever she can for what she believes is right, patient, take charge but easy going. She has to clean up all of Skaagi's messes (Shadowheart's dislike of both of them a glaringly obvious example). She will listen and learn, but once her mind is made up, it's hard to change it. She is a lesbian, and as soon as she met Karlach, it was love at first sight for both of them. The femme to Karlalch's more butch. They protect each other and fight side by side in a team that is hard to beat. They haven't solved Karlach's heating issues yet, but they are both eager to do so!
My last character, Shard, is the newest, but I already adore them. A nonbinary dragonborn draconic bloodline sorcerer, they are noble, thoughtful, cheeky, and a major flirt. I haven't played them long, but they are so pretty and so expressive, always smiling or smirking with a raised eye ridge. Their copper and gold scales shimmer, and their red and gold robes shine, making them stand out. Despite their noble nature, they are already getting flirty with both Astarion and Shadowheart. They will full on flirt with everyone, all the while thinking its a fun game of chicken to see who will blink first. Or see who will kiss who first. And they plan on winning. I don't know who I will pair them with, right yet, but the fact that both Shadowhesrt and Astarion are flirting with them makes me laugh. My friend's character, Fragment, is a while dragonborn ranger. He's handsome but definitely hasn't gotten the notice Shard has. Think my friend plans on romancing "the red hotness" cause we both adore her.
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hirazuki · 2 years
Would you do 2, 4, 7, and 11 for the Tolkien ask game please?
2. If you were the Middle Earth race that your personality most matches, which would it be?
Mmm, so, the race is technically not of "Middle Earth" per se, but honestly? Maiar. I'm too intense for most people, extremely solitary, have difficulty passing as "normal" in conventional society (I can fake it, Annatar-level! But it's exhausting), and have a very complicated relationship with my corporeality that ranges from mildly irritating at best to utter disgust and wanting to yeet out of my body at worst. If I could exist as a thought-form, I probably would! My moods are variable and oftentimes incomprehensible to others, and I am disinterested in the world and disinclined to participate in it outside of my own immediate interests/ends.
4. What passage in Tolkien's books or in any of the films/shows/media speaks to you the most?
There are so many, because his writing is exquisite, but I have to go with:
"What do you fear, lady?" "A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire."
It just strikes a very personal chord, due to what my life up until my late 20s was like. It stuck with me instantly back when I first read LotR as a kid, as it was the first time I had seen this thing I felt that I didn't know how to express put into words, and it's stayed with me ever since.
7. If you could download a Tolkien language into your brain and speak it fluently, which one would you pick and why?
Black Speech! For a couple of reasons:
1. We know pretty much nothing about it -- unless I'm mistaken (too lazy to look things up rn XD), the only full sentence we have is the ring inscription. That is not okay. Way to leave us hanging, Professor. I need to know more.
2. There's been some research theorizing that Tolkien based it off of one or more of the languages of ancient Anatolia -- that's the part of the world my family's originally from, and I spent a great part of my college studies -- including going on two archaeological digs -- on it.
3. ....... I know he meant for it to sound harsh and foul and stuff, okay, I know, but. it just sounds so pleasing to my ears?? Idk what's wrong with me but, nazg? thrak-? ash? SO SATISFYING to say and hear.
11. You can have four Tolkien characters over for dinner. Who do you choose and why?
So, I'm assuming this is a group dinner affair, right? XD
Well, if I and my place are magically immune to harm (or if we're eating somewhere else and I'm not going to be responsible for the damages to the establishment): Melkor, Mairon, Maedhros, and Maeglin, purely on basis of blorbo-ness. They're my top favorite characters of the legendarium. But also, I feel like some really dinner-inappropriate interesting therapy sessions conversations could come out of it. Though it would also involve a great deal of discomfort and chaos but hey, it's not every day you can have characters over for dinner -- might as well make the most of it!
BUT if we're operating by real-world rules and body count/damage is possible, I'd probably go with Maedhros, Maglor, Mairon, and Namo. Maedhros and Maglor have a sibling dynamic that's very familiar and dear to me and I'd love to hang out with them, Mairon and Maedhros have such interesting parallels and I'd love nothing more than for them to just talk, and Namo is my second favorite Vala (I don't talk about him nearly enough -- I should change that!) and I feel like he'd keep the situation under control, plus he may contribute fascinating perspectives on any topics like fate, death, choice/free will, etc. that might come up in conversation.
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🪹anon here again i didn' realize i had made so mistakes in the previous ask lol sorry it was part of my 2am feral sprees :pp anyways uh I wanted to ramble a bit more about ur fic b4 i go eep. So if I'm reading this right, the Watchers finally got rekt (hopefully) by intruders (<- ooooooh hoo👀) and that's when g escaped. I think dats a pretty cool idea, Watchers are always portrayed as these allknowing and powerful entities with barely any weaknesses in sight, so to see that they were beat up in ur fic by people is so refreshing. i hope They were nuked down to the size of an amoeba.
Also the thought of Grian being so lost and hurt and alone finally letting himself break down in the frail baby world is giving me emotional damage. him not understanding the hermits kindness and believing he himself incapable of being kind OUGH. I'm eueueueueue.
I just want to hug the eyeball waffle boi give him soup and tuck him 2 bed. he's such a sad sad hurt little creachur🥺 pls
At least now he has The Entity and Scar and maybe later on the rest of the hermits 🥺
Also the fact that everyone already knew he was there and saw him but didn't do anything about it is a funny thought. G really thought he was being sneaky the entire time meanwhile everyone else is like "yo i saw magic creachur fren in my backyard last night" or something lol.
ur a really good writer dude i find it really interesting and cool, it's rotating on the back of my mind at all times :)) i hope u have a good day and get all the good vibes and riches (snacks , quality eepy time, etcetc) u deserve I'ma come back and ramble lateerr I'ma go sleeep now-🪹
Hi again!!! 
You are always welcome to ramble about my fic /gen
You are right! The Watchers did get rekt, and they’re permanently gone because I realized I can write whatever I want XD They were indeed destroyed by intruders, who.. May end up revealed in the fic? So I don’t want to spoil that, but yes that’s when Grian escaped, because taking advantage of the chaos is one of my favorite things to see in any media :) I’m glad you like the idea! I’ve always liked the idea of so called gods being able to be killed, and it’s something I incorporate in as many places as I can because I’m just like that XD. 
I apologize for emotional damage, I will make it up to you in the next chapter, I promise. (yay it hit right tho :3)
I can assure you that he will get plenty of love from the hermits. He will be a bruised but not hurt creachur by the end of the fic. 
Yes! He has good friends, and is gaining more every chapter :D I don’t think I’ll be able to hit every hermit unfortunately, because that’s simply too many people, but yes. (slight spoiler, next chapter is full of friendship development)
Grian ain’t as sneaky as he’d like to believe, that’s for sure XD It’s one of the biggest details that inspired me from Watcher’s Care. I just love it so much. Just, the idea of becoming attached to and then aware of this being that you’ve never seen (except in my fic because I thought it was funny) I just love it so much. 
Hope you got/get some good sleep! I really appreciate your rambles and the well wishes, and hope you get good vibes and riches as well <3
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comatose--overdose · 2 years
Ok but what if, after Jason turns back human, something else happens and all the OTHER bats get turned into cats? I feel like Tim would try for some vengeance, and Bruce would just be trying to pick up all his kittens to varying degrees of success (probably a lot of success actually, I feel like he’d be a big kitty)
haHA 😂 if y'all only knew what @natasharomanovofficial and I have been tossing back and forth for 2 months. I already picked out what everyone would look like and now there's like three aus, one where there's magic shenanigans and the batfam and Arrowfam kids ( in this au that’s Roy, Connor, Mia, Emiko (I know she’s Ollie’s sister but she’s young enough to be his kid, so she’s kinda treated as both), and Artemis Crock) all get turned into cats and chaos ensues, one where everyone is just Cat shifters, it's normal, everyone does it (kryptonians are dogs, half kryptonians are foxes, and Starfire is a badass terrifying alien tiger looking thing. The speedsters are cheetahs), and then the cat!Jason au you already know where first Jason and then Roy get turned into cats. I am very open to adding "everyone but Roy and Jason get turned into cats and now they have to deal with it" with an added bonus that they all know firsthand that Jason was full of shit the whole time.
Unfortunately for Timmy tambourine boy, he's a hairless cat, a peterbald, so he's so busy trying to stay clean and warm that he doesn't get to really take an active role in his revenge.... But having to take proper care of a hairless cat is punishment enough in Jason's book, Jesus Christ the GUNK on this fucking goblin. Jay is also forced to be seen in public carrying around a goblin in his hoodie because Tim refused to wear the little sweater Jason got for him online so now here they both are, in the pet store, trying to pick out clothes for THE ugliest little miserable creature Jason has ever seen in his life where everyone can see him and think that it's his cat. That he chose the little bastard. He feels like his reputation is never going to recover from this
As for Bruce, his instincts go absolutely haywire trying to look after all of his kids. He definitely does pick every one of them up by the scruff, though Dick tears him a new one for it. It doesn’t stop him though because he’s stubborn. he just really wants to make sure his kids are clean and nearby, is that really so bad? He also lays on Jason all day and REFUSES to move. Jay wouldn’t allow cuddles as a cat and Now Bruce isn’t giving him the choice XD
[More Cat!Jason here]
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magic-hcs · 2 years
Have some crack xD
The couple is at the store grocery shopping, having separated to be me efficient in their quest.
After a while the boy hears some ruckus some aisles over.
Rapid footsteps are approaching and s/o slides around the corner (barely catching themselves) and dashes towards skele.
"Drop everything and run!" They shout, running past him towards the exit. "Go go go GO!"
Turns out s/o pantsed a male Karen and now his shrieking Karen wife was after s/o swinging her handbag over her head while the husband is wobbling behind with his pants still around his ankles. 😂
With Charon, Coal, Bear and Razzle.
- owl anon
Omg this is golden owl anon! This was so much fun to write, I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!
Warnings: food will be thrown
Coal: SF Papyrus
Razzle: SF Sans
Bear: HT Sans
Charon: UF Papyrus
If you like what you read, please consider dropping a comment.
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Coal: The unsuspecting boy is just minding his business, looking through the cereal isle when he hears it.
First his thoughts went to Razzle possibly causing a storm with another customer about how they should add what kind of wine in what meal. But he couldn’t hear is brother’s loud pitched voice booming across the store, so he dismissed the thought.
Mastiff had wandered back from his hunt for double fudge brownies and melo cakes, dumping them into the shopping cart before looking into the direction of the noise. He looks back at Coal with a questioning face. Coal shrugs in response and Mastiff decides to check it out. It isn’t long until Coal hears rushing footsteps and a cackling voice he recognizes well. He snaps his head towards the source, sockets widening when he spots both you - the love of his life - and his brother, sliding around the corner, sprinting towards him.
That’s all he needs to know that the two of you had done something. Of course the two of you did. When didn’t you do something? He watches as a furious woman sprints after you two, swinging her hand bag over her head. Shrieking about someone being pantsed. It is in that moment that everything clicks for Coal and he has to decide his next course of actions in the next 2 seconds. It’s a decision easily made.
Coal let’s you run past him as you shriek a “GO GO GOOOOOO!” But before Mastiff could sprint by him, Coal grasps him by the hood of his jacket. It was obvious from the start. Coal watches as the pantsed guy hobbles around the corner, the shrieking woman ever getting closer. Mastiff looks at his brother with terror, knowing what he was going to do.
“bro…” he tried to bargain, but Coal spoke up first.
“long live the king.”
And threw Mastiff into the fray, practically saying ‘deal with your own mess’ before taking the cart and phased through the shelves, cart and all to avoid getting caught by a flying handbag. He had shopping to do if he didn’t want an angry Razzle scolding him for hours on end. Coal would excuse you this time. Because he had to admit, what you did was hilarious. He was going to need to hear the full story from you later.
Razzle: Razzle trusted you with the task of getting the correct wine while he would cover the ingredients for the dinner tonight. He was just about done with everything on the list. Deciding between two of the same type of unions, when he started to wonder what the hell you were doing to take so long - picking between different kinds of wines wouldn't take an hour.
After another ten minutes of waiting, Razzle had enough. Making his way to the liquor aisle, a ruckus was heard as he got closer to his destination, the source came from where Razzle was headed to. He was at the last corner when you barreled past him. A smile - which he knew all too well foretold chaos - on your face as you managed to stop yourself from faceplanting into the wall just in time.
"CARE TO TELL ME, DEAR, WHAT TOMFOOLERY YOU BROUGHT ON THIS TIME FOR TORIEL'S SAKE?" Razzle asked, not even surprised at what just happened in front of him. Your head snapped towards him, and as you were about to open your mouth to answer him; a chunk cheese got slapped right against the wall next to your face. You jumped away from the wall, glancing back in a panic before diving straight out of the way as a wine bottle hurled past you, shattering against the wall.
"No time to talk! Gotta run!" You shouted at Razzle, grabbing his hand and sprinting towards the nearest empty cart. Giving it a good shove before jumping in it, dragging Razzle with you. Leaving your own chock full cart behind. It wasn't long before an angry woman rounded the corner, with many wine flasks and bag in hand.
"YOU BRAT!!" She shrieked. If looks could kill, then Razzle would've been dust the moment her eyes met his.
One thought went through Razzle's mind.
"Just cover me!" You exclaimed as another wine bottle whizzed past you, shoving your body to the edge of the cart to swivel past it.
"Fine! Fine! No more going on shopping trips I got it! Stop talking and cover me dammit!"
Razzle looked back at the manic woman running behind the two you. She was quite slow, he noted. Even for a woman in high heels - he could outrun her with ease in heels even higher then hers. A man struggling to keep his pants up, hobbled around the corner. And Razzle couldn't stop himself from cackling at the absurdity. His serious attitude came loose as he held up his right hand, the left eyelight flaring in a dark lavender light.
An unrestrained chuckle left him as he used his magic to catch a new bottle of whine that was thrown at him. The grin on his face was downright feral.
With a swipe of his left hand he encased bystanders in a purple hue, pushing them to the side as he let a shelf fall to block the way with just a flick with his right wrist. The two of you were so banned from this store, but Razzle couldn't seem to care.
Bear: This boy was just so happy to get some ingredients for tonight’s family dinner with you. Had Ben happy chuffing all the way to the store. He would spend quality time with you AND look at the abundance of food at the same time! Having separated to cover more grounds, Bear was looking through some vegetables when he heard the familiar taps of your shoes hitting the tiles.
At first he was happy to hear you coming back, thinking you’ve found your part of the list. The happiness gets thrown out the window the moment his mind registered that you weren’t walking over towards him, you were running. Bear’s head snapped towards you, causing a dizzy spell but he wasn’t focused on that. He was focused on your figure sprinting towards him and the blob behind you who seemed chase you. Adrenaline coursed through his body at the thought of you in danger. He was ready to take down the threat that was chasing you, whatever the blob was. But the way your voice exclaimed with glee made Bear calm down a little.
“We gotta run! Go goooo!!”
It was then that you came close enough for Bear to make out your face. You looked like a cat who stole the sardines, coming to skirting halt in-front of Bear you grabbed his hands. “Come on! Drop everything and run!”
With a glance behind you, you went off running again.
Once your words got processed, Bear reacted on instinct. He ain’t gonna leave all this food! Are you mad?! Bear scooped as much food as he possible cold in his huge arms and ran after you. He didn’t understand what was going on exactly, but the way the blob started to scream about public indecency Bear had a vague idea what was going on.
Didn’t stop him from going along with you though.
There was never a boring day with you around.
Charon: All Charon wanted was a calm day going to the grocery store with his brother and mate. One normal shopping day…was that too much to ask?
If it concerned you then yes.
It was what he had ultimately signed up for when he started dating you. Not that he considered this side of you a flaw. Not at all, on the contrary, it was part of your charm that made Charon fall for you in the first place. But the man couldn’t help but long for some normalcy amidst all the chaos. Call him outdated, he didn’t care.
It has started as slightly normal. Charon sending Red alongside with you to get something from the other side of the store. Hoping Red would keep an eye on you. Not that he didn’t think you could handle some chaos by yourself, you could. Charon has experienced it firsthand. No, it was to make sure you wouldn’t cause the chaos.
It wasn’t long until a racket was heard, originating from the exact place Charon had send you and Red to. He could already feel a headache coming on, almost certain he knew who caused it.
Red appeared with a ping soon after. Sweat coating his skull and a tight grin on his face. “ah-hey, boss.”
He still called Charon boss in public, even though he didn’t have to keep that ruse up. Old habits die hard.
“Hello Brother,” Charon replied, glancing behind Red he expected to see you. But you weren’t with him. “Where Is My Dove, Brother?”
Red started to sweat more.
“aheheh, promise not to get mad, boss?”
“I’ll Be The Judge Of That Brother.” Charon huffed, he was getting impatient, tapping his boot.
He wasn’t angry at his brother, frustrated yes, but he was mostly worried about you.
When Red didn’t answer him, Charon spoke up again, “I Am Waiting.”
“aheheh, well-“
“ya spousey may have…pantsed a guy…and-“
“pantsed a guy, boss.”
Of course you did. Scratch headache, Charon was about to experience an entire migraine. He facepalmed, groaning in frustration. One day…of peace, that was all he asked.
He didn’t have to ask twice, Red hurried to show him the way, leading Charon straight to you. Where the two brothers were greeted by the sight of you using the dodging skills Charon has taught you to your advantage. Dodging all kinds of food products being hurled at you by an angry woman shrieking like a banshee. A crowd had formed around the two of you, and behind the crowd was a guy with his pants down at his ankles.
You were taunting the lady as you expertly side stepped everything. And Charon couldn’t help but have a newfound respect for you. He would’ve been shamelessly proud if it wasn’t for the fact that you were doing this in a grocery store. Charon was about to step in and drag you with him when the security entered the chaos. You let out an “OH SHIT!” And booked it, finding the two brothers easily in the crowd you sprinted towards them. Grabbing Red by the hood and Charon by the scarf.
“Drop everything and run! I don’t wanna go back to jail!”
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction!
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hiding-in-the-vault · 2 years
I've read that you like the concept of Immortal Dream and Time Traveller Karl, and I have an Au similar to this concept.
Karl and Dream, alongside Mamacita, XD and Drista, are siblings that were created by the Goddesses of Life and Time. While XD, Drista and Mamacita are Gods of something else (Fate, Chaos and Love respectively), Karl and Dream are the Future Gods of Time (Karl Time Travel) and Life (the Revival Book is just Dream using his magic), for when their moms will retire/die.
Karl and Dream are really close, but it all changes when, during the Manburg vs Pogtopia war, they both sense a glitch in the SMP, so they go and found it, but they don't ask for help and straight up fight it, loosing. So, at the end, Karl looses his memories and Dream gets possessed by the Glitch
What do you think, and for you how would the other members react when the truth is revealed?
yo yo yo yo that sounds really cool!!! I especially like the idea of them being like- heirs; successors to godship. Dream and Karl are just vibing like 'yeah, i'm gonna be the god later, no big deal :)' I love that for them.
With that upbringing, makes sense that they'd be confident enough to tackle some mysterious threat underprepared and straight up losing. That's fun :D Karl forgets he's not Just a Dude™, and I assume Dream goes on his chaos arc or something?
As for how others would react, if I were writing it? Hmm. I imagine their siblings would be pretty alarmed and would want to get that fixed as soon as they learned about it. Like this Glitch being able to defeat these two would come across almost like an insult to their station. "How dare you harm our kind?" Except how are they gonna find out it even happened, right? If Karl doesn't know them anymore, and Dream has gone off to do whatever. Might take a bit~
As for mortal characters, I guess it depends on who you care to involve. I could see a lot of people being freaked out, that these two important figures were taken down, even if they don't have full god powers. Maybe some would see this Glitch as a Stronger Force to worship. Maybe possessed!Dream would get wrapped up in starting a cult. But I would also want to avoid too many egg arc similarities, if only just to separate this from that. It'd be funny if people just started following him around, trying to protect themselves by gaining favor, and he gets annoyed lol
hmm. yeah. hard to say too much without knowing how different this au is, in regards to mortals relationship to gods. If the gods are more involved and noticeable than in canon, then I think there's a lot of fun things you can do there depending on the individual. Fictional religions are my jam, but my thoughts on them are rarely organized or coherent :')
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