#he has multiple nicknames for her and each time its like he's becoming more endeared to her
ladysophiebeckett · 9 months
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this was so cute, even with hallmark's own diversity check off list. (carolers singing in english, spanish and a sign lanslguage interpreter). and the whole time i was like 'who is that woman?? i know her...' only to google her and realize its rebecca fm htgawm. she's a charming hallmark protagonist.
one of her goals was running and she runs a 5k and i was invested enough to look up what a 5k was (3.1 miles).
very charming despite my not being attracted the male lead. it's going on a rewatch list, that's how charmed i was.
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madeofitzits · 5 years
In honor of the impending return of Brooklyn 99, here are 99 reasons that...
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1. He was precocious enough to know, at 5 years old, that he wanted to change his name (x)
 2. He has a bunch of nicknames: Sandy Amberg, Young Sandwich, etc. but the most endearing one is 'Droidy', his family's name for him (x) 
3. He is still super close friends with people he's known since: Elementary School (Chelsea Peretti) (x)...
4. Junior High/High School (Kiv and Jorm) (x) 
5. … Summer Camp (Irene Neuwirth) (x)
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7.  ...and Film School (Chester Tam) (x)
8. Before he met Joanna, he dated other famous ladies but - out of respect - he never discussed it/them (x) 
9. He loves turtles and tortoises. When he was a kid, he had a pet turtle that he named 'Squirt' because the first time he held it, it peed on him. His Mom, Margie, accidentally killed Squirt when Andy was at Summer camp... (x)
10. … Maybe this is why, when shooting 'Popstar', Andy fell hard for Maximus (Conner 4 Real's turtle). He says they "had a good thing going" and that he wanted to adopt him. In the end, he decided against it because there are a bunch of coyotes in his neighborhood and he was worried the little guy wouldn't be safe. (Popstar: DVD Commentary)
11. Speaking of his Mom, despite being a super private person, he appeared on 'Finding your Roots' so that he could help her track down her birth family (x)
12. When he succeeded he cried (although we never got to see it on camera) (x)
13. That's because, like all good boys, he loves his Mama which is why - as part of the same episode - he said "My mom is basically the kindest person I know… and many people would corroborate that" (x)
14. Andy's Sisters, Hannie (Johanna) and Darrow, used to make him wear diapers and put his hair in pigtails until he was 5 years old. He says he didn't mind because he just liked that they were paying attention to him (x)
15. That's why he sees his identity in comedy as being 'America's kid brother'. When he was young, he would annoy his sisters until they laughed and he claims to have been replicating that approach to entertainment ever since
16. Although a bunch of his characters have 'Daddy Issues', Andy definitely doesn't. He's super close with his Papa (Joe) and has said "he's a good man" and "the best Dad in the world" (x) 
17. Joe was Andy's youth soccer coach and in one scene in 'Hot Rod', Joe's favorite photograph can be seen in the background. It shows a very young Andy posing with a soccer ball, after "scoring the winning goal against Mersey" (x)
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18. He's been a loyal Golden State Warriors fan since he was a little kid, living in Oakland (then Berkeley) and, in 2010, he correctly predicted that they would "win a Championship in my lifetime" (x) 
19. The proceeds from his Umami Burger ('The Samburger') went to a deafness early detection program in Berkeley. This cause is close to his heart because Margie uses hearing aids and used to work in the special needs program, teaching deaf kids (x)
20. He, Kiv, and Jorm have made multiple donations to their old school district, including $250 000 to its theater program (x)
21. On the subject of The Lonely Island; Andy always goes out of his way to make sure that everyone knows how much he owes to his buddies. For instance, he told Marc Maron, during his WTF appearance, that "I get a lot of credit for what Kiv and Jorm have done" (x)
22. He makes this face when he knows he’s said something naughty…
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(Gif credit: @andrewsambags)
23. During his 'Wild Horses' appearance, he said that he can't watch scary movies because they freak him out too much. He told 'Complex' that he's still scared of 'The Shining' (x)...
24. … Similarly, when he was at UC Santa Cruz he worked at the Del Mar movie theater and he had a hard time coping with screenings of 'Species 2' (x)
25. He fell in love with Joanna, the moment he met her, when she greeted him by addressing him as 'Steve the C**t' (x)
 26. He listened to 'Ys', everyday for a year, before he and Joanna started dating (x)
27. He bought the original portrait that was used as the basis of the cover art for 'Ys' and gave it to Joanna as a Christmas present, so that she could hang it in her music room (x)
 28. He loves birds and goes hiking and birding with Joanna (x)
 29. Every new comment he makes about Joanna becomes an instant contender for 'most beautiful thing a person has ever said about their spouse' (x)
30. For example, he readily admits that Jake's iconic heart eyes are the result of him thinking about his amazing wife (x)
31. There are many stories about how incredibly romantic Andy and Joanna's wedding was and Jorm has said that it featured "the most magical vows I've ever heard" (x)
32. The Newsombergs now live in Charlie Chaplin's old house (x)
33. On the Emmys Red Carpet (2015), the year he hosted, they took a momentary break from posing for the world's press to whisper 'I love you' to each other (x)
34. At last year's Vanity Fair party, Andy carried Joanna's purse for her so she could grab a snack (x)
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35. He was a semi-permanent fixture in the audience for her recent run of shows for the 'Strings/Keys Incident' tour, even officially confirming his status as the 'President of her Fan Club' (x)
36. He used his Golden Globes monologue to call out the government for framing and murdering the Black Panthers (x)
37. On the Carpet for the Guy's Choice Awards, he called the event "a ridiculous farce", adding that "men already have it so easy - it's insane that there's a show that celebrates them". That makes sense when you consider that he, Kiv and Jorm have made an entire career out of parodying toxic masculinity (x)
38. He once said that only "idiot-ass men" think that women aren't funny (x)
39. He’s been wearing glasses since 7th Grade and he has the most heartbreakingly cute habit of nudging them up his nose, (especially when he wears his Sol Moscot frames) (x)...
40. ... and of rubbing his eyes under them (x)
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41. He barely ever wears glasses for roles but he also avoids contacts (because he doesn't like touching his eyeballs) which means he's almost always 'acting blind' (x)
42. He has worn his glasses in character a few times - as 'himself' ('Lady Dynamite'), as 'Paul' ('I Think You Should Leave') and during a very small number of SNL sketches (e.g. during his one appearance in a 'Gilly' with Kristen Wiig) (x) 
43. He can't tolerate glare and when that makes him squint it's a sight that's too cute for words (x)
44. He owns about six outfits and has been rotating them for well over a decade (x) 
45. He barely ever breaks during shooting/while performing, so when he does it's aggressively adorable. (x), (x)
46. He's a grown ass man who persuades people to come with him to the bathroom because if he goes by himself he'll get lonely (x)
47. He didn't announce he was leaving SNL, until after his last appearance, selflessly choosing not to detract from Kirsten Wiig's huge and emotional send-off (x) 
48. He undertook a quest to smell like Lorne Michaels (x) 
49. He's ageing like a fine wine (x)
50. To protect their daughter's privacy, Andy and Joanna never announced that they were expecting. They've never released their little girl's name or date of birth and most news outlets still report that they became parents in August 2017 (even though that's inaccurate) (x)
51. Although he's careful not to talk about his daughter often, sometimes he can't keep from gushing about her. For example, when asked about his first year of fatherhood he said: "It’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Just like a beautiful, incredible dream. It has surpassed every expectation I ever had. It’s definitely been very blissful" (x)
52. After their daughter was born, Andy and Joanna spent the first 40 days at home with her (in a practice known as 'confinement'). He's described it as being "a really special time". (x) 
53. Andy is famously mild-mannered but, when asked about what triggers his 'Dad claws', he admitted that if anyone attempted to touch his daughter, without permission, he'd "probably sock them hard in the face"…
54. ...Characteristically, he went on to add that he hopes that never happens, since he hasn't been in a fight since 6th Grade (x)
55. Cyndi Lauper was his first celebrity crush and he plays her record ('She's so unusual') for his daughter all the time. (x)
56. His is the very definition of a precious laugh (x)...
57. It's made even more wonderful by the way it makes his voice go high-pitched (x)
58.  … and the way it causes his eyebrow to rise involuntarily  
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59. It's impossible not to smile at his impression of his Mom (x)
60. And laugh at his impression of John Mulaney (x)
61. He was so convinced he wouldn't win the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical, that he didn't prepare a speech. Instead, as he explained to David Letterman, he "just went… and started drinking". The resulting list of improvised 'thank yous' was perfect in every way (x)
62. As producers, Andy, Kiv and Jorm have given life to some amazing projects ('Alone Together', 'Brigsby Bear', 'I Think You Should Leave')...
63. … and gone out of their way to support women in comedy ('Party Over Here', 'PEN15') (x)
64. As well as being a comedy legend, he's a super-talented dramatic actor, who gave the performance of a lifetime in 'Celeste and Jesse Forever' but, after the movie wrapped, and it was time to do press for it, he was straight back to goofing around (x) 
65. His lip bite should be illegal (x)
66. Even though he wears the same vanishingly small number of outfits, over and over, he has a vast collection of the most excellent socks (x)
67. He always gives 'editing notes' during his own interviews (x)
68. He has a super sweet and sincere way of thanking interviewers when they compliment him (x)
69. He adjusts his hoodie constantly (x)
70. The two most perfect Jake laughs in b99 are actually real Andy laughs 'https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W38A_xuXaeg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sVm9nYrTWRQ
71. Virtually everyone who has ever worked with Andy has talked about what a wonderful person he is. This explains why so many of them have been involved with more than one of his projects (x)
72. It's not only his colleagues who talk about what a delight he is (x), (x)
73. This lovestruck fool wore his own wife's merch when he went out to dinner (x)
74. No one else uses the word 'dinky' quite like Andy (x). The same goes for 'snacky' (see point 70)
75. He does this with his tongue (x)
76. He still likes to play soccer but his eyesight is so bad that he has to keep his glasses on for it
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77. When he lets his gorgeous floofy hair grow a little it sits perfectly over the arms of his glasses (x)
78. He gifted the world with Jakey's little curl (x)
79. At the James Franco Roast, he couldn't bring himself to be mean to anyone except himself (and Jeff Ross, a little!) (x)
80. In fact, he's always been willing to laugh at himself (x) and he still is (x)
81. He changes b99 scripts to make them more feminist (x)
82. Despite their humble insistence that they just benefited from 'good timing', the reality is that Andy, Kiv and Jorm (along with Chris Parnell) revolutionized digital media, when 'Lazy Sunday' popularized YouTube, increasing its traffic by 85% overnight (x)
83. He once attended the Vanity Fair party because his Mom told him to (x)
84. He has an amazing way of subtly but firmly shutting down inappropriate questions, like when this interviewer suggested that Holt being gay was something that could have been played for laughs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=idQsYQfkR5o
85. He auditioned for SNL at the same time as Bill Hader. Hader thought he'd blown it because Andy had a bunch of props and Bill had none. In the meantime, Andy thought he'd blown it when he saw Hader and realized 'this guy doesn't need any props' (x) 
86. His bromance with Seth Meyers is one for the ages (x)
87. Every single second of this video is proof of why Andy, Kiv and Jorm deserve the world (x)
88. He once dragged Mulaney up on stage for SNL Goodnights, even though writers weren't allowed to join in (x)
89. He has a hilarious phobia of pooping anywhere except his own bathroom (x) 
90. His beautiful, beautiful, face: His smile (radiant), his eyes (caramel - hella disarming), his ears (adorably asymmetrical), his nose (perfect), His chin (the dimple… *swoon*), his jaw (could cut glass), The 'Sambeard' (another amazing layer of pretty) (x)
91. His body: His butt (x), his thighs, (x) his soft lil tummy (The ‘Sambelly’) (x), his hands. (x), his arms (x), his hips…
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(Gif credit: @amystiago /@badpostandy on Twitter)
92. All signs point to the fact that, like Jake, Andy uses his glasses case as a wallet (x) 
93. Jake's "cool-cool-cool-cool-cool-cool" is an irl Andy-ism that the writers worked into b99 scripts. What's even better is that Joanna does it, too (x)
94. He has a really good arm and is low key competitive, which is super hot https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e32K_nBDy3Q
95. He's one half of the cutest Red Carpet pose of all time (x)
96. He barely ever seems to get mad but if angry Jake is anything to go by, maybe he should... (x)
97. He's a huge nerd, who geeks out over GOT, LOTR, 'Star Wars', 'Alien(s)' and anything relating to time travel (x), (x)
98. He has a gorgeous speaking voice, especially when he’s tired or a little sick. (Bonus points for any time he uses the word ‘correct’. See point 30) (x) 
99. He’s still so committed to his b99 fans and fam, even after all this time and is as excited as the rest of us that...
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devilinsheepswool · 5 years
Obey Me! MC Character Sheet
Thanks to @kyungi-i for the spred sheet! I've seen others do it and thought why not me?
Name: Alisa Moreno
Nickname: Ally, Lisa, Li-Li, Al, Isa, Moreno
Age: 18
Height: 5'3
Weight: 170
Race: Human
Gender: ♀️
Birthday: April 13
Star Sign: Aries
Hair Color: Brown (pink streaks)
Eye Color: Brown
Skin: Brown/freckled
Demon brother, she is most to least like:
1. Levi
2. Belphie
3. Satan
4. Lucifer
5. Beel
6. Mammon
7. Asmo
Personality: she's pretty cynical and pessimistic, she also seems very aloof but somehow has a way of knowing a little bit of everything that's going on. When she wants to be she can be very observative and dedicated to her work, otherwise, she can come off as lazy, or disinterested just as much as aloof. Her snide personality comes off subtle mostly due to her wallflower and nerdish appearance. And she does have trouble getting to know other people due to her self-consciousness, low self-esteem and social anxiety; all of which she masks under witty remarks, jokes, and sarcasm. She puts up walls and its difficult to get to know her past surface level, despite it all Lisa does have a soft side and softens up around people that have a natural kindness and positivity about them or are straightforward. She has a good sixth sense, which helps her be an extremely good judge of character more often than not she is correct about her intuition regarding others' intentions towards her. Lastly, she has a bad habit of acting out and deliberately going against authority, she doesn't like feeling controlled and being told what to do. She'll usually follow the rules because she can't be bothered with the effort to break them but if she feels like someone's trying to control her or that she's being patronized then she will deliberately go out of her way to break the rules.
Background: Before coming down to Devildom, Lisa, despite only being 18 had already finished all her schooling, including higher education. Back on earth, she was recognized as a child prodigy in her research on historical documents and records, despite her early achievements at such an early age, the pressure of being placed on such a high pedestal career-wise eventually got to her and she fizzled out. Growing up an orphan without a past or family, the academy she worked for and her work was all she had, after she cracked due to the pressure she ran away hoping to live out the youth she felt she had never experienced in childhood. At age 16 she was a runaway and going under a different name. She lived on the streets and squatted in abandoned buildings for a few months before she met some people that offered to help her. During this time she developed an interest in music seeing as the people who helped her were a musical band full of teens just like her.
In order to stay with them, she lied to them about the truth of who she was and why she ran away. She stayed with one of the band members she had become close to during her initial days of having met them. While she stayed with them she learned how to play several instruments and eventually sing as well. She went on to perform with them but after two years of playing with them musical difference surged and a fight broke out, after which Alisa decided to run away again. It was during her second night of squatting in an abandoned house that she woke up in Devildom.
Hobbies: Music; Singing, Electric Guitar, Violin.
Likes: Sweets, Reading, Music, Animals, Writing, Video Games and drawing.
Dislikes: Liars, being lied to, math, meddling (Ironically), cruelty, injustice/unfairness and short tempers. Words that sound one way but are spelled another, or that sound like they mean one thing and then mean something else.
She's fairly average height. She's on the plump side, with a rounded face that makes her look baby-faced. She has freckles but due to her brown skin they're difficult to notice. Her eyes are rounded and large despite the dark circles brought on by years of bad sleeping. Her hair is short in a bob cut and wavy/curly, usually, she has a singular braid running down her left side. She wears glasses to see and prefers to wear loose-fitting clothing except for at performances. She tends to dress on the nerdy side.
Casual Clothing -
• Top: Sky Blue sweater rather loose fitting sweater over a white button up blouse.
• Bottom: plaid moss green skirt. Over the knee length, style is somewhat pencil skirt. Black tights under skirt.
• Shoes: Brown Boots.
• Accessories: star-shaped hair clip, silver necklace with a star pendant, a bunch of woven, or leather, or beaded bracelets. 
• Glasses: Yes. Black plain.
Not many, she wears the uniform properly a skirt version with the same black tights underneath the skirt. And a light blue tie on her uniforms blouse.
• Mother: N/A
• Father: N/A
• Siblings: N/A
• Pets: A black cat she adopted during the first time she ran away, she found her in one of the abandoned buildings fed her and the cat kept following her after that. Her name is Pandora.
• Friends: Prior to joining the band Alisa had none, after joining the band she made 2, Lydia and Florence. The lead singer and drummer of the band, respectively. She stayed with Florence and her grandmother during her time in the band.
• Past Relationships:
She had a mentor/advisor who eventually became a colleague when she finally started working with the academy. She was very close to her and was her only actual relationship. Her relationship with Dr. Aver was the closest she's ever had to a familial relationship. In the early stages of their relationship Aver became endeared with a rather small and young Alisa and tried to offer her the closest thing to a family she could through her and her husband. While they had a solid well-going relationship, they hit an obstacle when Aver was offered a position teaching at a highly prestigious institution abroad. Aver tried to keep connected long distance but it all came to an end when Alisa ran away.
Alisa dated three times during her time in the band the first relationship was bad from the start and ended badly, the second and third one ended with Alisa self-sabotaging herself due to the first bad experience. All occurred relatively back to back during the first year and half of her being in the band.
The first one though was the longest one, which lasted for 9 months. The last two were relatively short-lasting about a month to two each.
Sexuality: Unsure, possibly Pan.
Have they been in love before?
Because of her first toxic relationship and overall young age, at the time Alisa is hesitant to say that she ever was truly in love in any of her past relationships. But she was the most heartbroken with the ending of her 3rd relationship. Prior to her third relationship, the other two were mainly out of curiosity for exploring with dating than actual love.
How easily do they gain crushes?
Not easy, she wasn't aware of her feelings towards her third (future) partner until she was in her second relationship, her feelings for her 3rd future partner had started amidst her 1st relationship when it started going downhill.
Do they believe in love?
She doesn't really have an opinion on it, she's rather cynical and with her negative past experiences you would think she doesn't believe in it anymore if she ever had, but honestly, it's not something she's thought about that much. She's just experiencing life as she goes, maybe someday...
What's their type:
Alisa is the type of person to look for what she's missing in her life in someone else; she's typically drawn to kind, warm-hearted people, more likely than not optimists with positive personalities. You get the sense that she's into the "angelic" type (thus her third ex/first love) with a strong moral compass always set on doing right. Of course, this being her type doesn’t mean it’s what suits her the best. Mixed with her low self-esteem, a relationship with her ideal type may turn out to be hazardous as she might end up over-idealizing the person or self-sabotaging once again due to low self-worth as well.  
Which of the 7 brothers is her favorite?
That's a tough one she likes both Mammon and Levi but couldn't pick a favorite between both. Although Beel is also a strong contender for her favorite.
Mammon, despite not being honest about what he truly thinks about her is easy to read and has always been there for her when she's truly needed him, he's stepped in to save her multiple times and she knows he clearly worries about her. She's grateful to him despite his antics, and is able to look past the big cool guy/bad boy facade he puts on and appreciate him for being there when she really needs him.
Levi, she actually sees a lot of herself in him. Especially, a lot of her from prior to her first run away. She relates to his hermit-like personality because prior to running away she was like that as well. She can also sympathize and empathize with his obvious insecurities and wants to more than anything be there to reassure him and help become more secure of himself. Despite not being a total weeb like Levi, during her time in the band she did develop some interest in anime and manga, just not as passionate as Levi's.
What do they look for in a partner?
Ideally, she likes kind-hearted, empathetic people but speaking practically she'd prefer an honest straightforward person easy to read that doesn't try to play mind games or control her. Someone patient and that can reassure her when she doubts herself, and most importantly someone that will call her out when she needs to be. She doesn't want someone that will coddle, pamper, or try to spoil her like a little doll and let her get away with things that are prick-ish. She's good at keeping herself in check but she'd like the reassurance that someone will call her out if she slips up without noticing.
General -
Fav. Food: Tamales, but she also loves Cheeseburgers and Milkshakes.
Least Favorite: Meatloaf, Eggnog, Rasin Muffins, Salmon.
Favorite color: blue & green
Least Favorite: White or Neons
Sociable or Recluse? Both, she can be something of an ambivert but prefers to be more reserved due to her majority introvertness.
Favorite Movie Genre: Droll Comedy, or Action Political Thrillers/govt. conspiracy, K-drama's
Reader or not? Very much a reader, liked it and eventually it was what her job required of her in order to conduct her research.
Favorite Animals: She likes cats and dogs, but she also has an ample love for animals of all kinds but especially the ones that can be found in the woods; Owls, Raccoons, Wolves, Crows. Her favorite however has to be the Fox.
Favorite Music Genre: Rock, though she's big on ceremonials and sea shanties as well, and loves testing her vocal range with gregorian chants and Hymns.
Least Favorite: Country
Do they like sweets?
Do they like spicy food?
Do they like school?
Not so much like but she was good at it, and a majority of her life was dedicated and depended on it, overall she doesn't have bad memories about school perse, so I guess you could say that she does.
Pet Peeves:
Loud food chewing, bad breath, meddling in her business, being patronized, people pointing out her baby face, people trying to manipulate, use or lie to her.
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paulisweeabootrash · 4 years
First Impression Review: OreSuki
OreSuki (2019)
Episodes watched: the whole 12-episode season, but I’m leaving it at 6 for the scope of this review
Platform: Crunchyroll
Another month, another show on the growing list of “instead of trying to make people say the really long English title, we’ll use an abbreviation of its really long Japanese title”: Ore wo Suki Nano wa Omae Dake ka yo, or Are You Really the Only One Who Loves Me.
Joro likes to think of himself as a rom-com protagonist, but he’s actually more of a moderately-perverted weasel.  When a love triangle (type 3) forms among his friends -- genki girl childhood friend Himawari and class president Cosmos both crushing on baseball star Sun-chan -- he tries to manipulate circumstances to pair off one of the girls with Sun and start dating the other himself.  This does not go as planned.  In fact, it blows up dramatically.
See, it turns out that (1) the relationship situation is more complicated than Joro thinks and (2) everyone involved is trying to manipulate each other but is terrible at it.  Except Pansy.  Pansy is good at it.
Pansy (most of the characters are regularly referred to by flower-themed nicknames, so I’m skipping over explaining them and using the nicknames) is a stalker-played-for-laughs who is incredibly observant about everyone else involved here and is absolutely smitten with Joro because of his two-faced capacity for being sweet and supportive on the one hand and contemptuous and selfish on the other.  Joro does not feel the same way back.  Not because he is particularly concerned about Pansy’s obsession with him (he is, but it’s not the main thing), even though what she’s doing would be abuse in real life or even just a non-comedy setting.  No, it’s because he’s so shallow he’s... well... only attracted to her when she’s dressed a certain way, let’s put it that way.  You’ll see what I mean.
Contrary to my -- and Joro’s -- expectations, the original triangle isn’t much of a running plot.  In fact, it has backlash for Joro by the third episode, and he makes up with Himawari, Cosmos, and Sun pretty soon after.  The four of them plus Pansy start to become a close friend group.  The dramedy continues, propelled on the drama side by school newspaper reporter Asunaro publishing a scandalous article about Joro and on the comedy side by increasingly absurd running jokes (it all started at the baseball tournament!), and Joro’s stubborn insistence on continuing to see himself as a rom-com protagonist -- now destined, he believes, to get a harem, especially as the cast of side characters grows.  And he might get his wish?  You’ll have to watch it to find out.  And you may even find yourself in the uncomfortable situation, like I did, of rooting for Pansy and Joro to end up together because they’re both awful and they make such a good team.
W/A/S: 6/4/4/!
Weeb: Although love triangles and conflating stalking with romance are cross-cultural tropes, you’ll certainly appreciate this show more having seen some actual harem comedies, and there are occasional gags that I’m sure are references to things I haven’t seen. 
Ass: There are occasional gratuitously sexualizing shots, and an obligatory swimsuit episode, though nothing nearly explicit.  The closest it gets to explicit nudity is Pansy, uh, proving to Joro that she is the girl he saw at that linchpin baseball game.  Interestingly, the level and style of “ass” is contextual: sexualizing shots only show up when the show is in comedy mode, and the characters are treated much more tamely when something serious is going on.
Shit (Writing): The jokes play well, I think, but some bits of the actual story (e.g., the student newspaper and Sun’s sudden, uh, pivot of attitude) come off as adding conflict for its own sake to drag stuff.  Maybe I’m just not invested enough, or maybe they were supposed to be funny but didn’t land for me.
Shit (Everything Else): Looks nice, but nothing remarkable to report in animation, direction, music, etc.
Content: Abuse played as romance.  Pansy’s behavior -- which includes not just some creepily smooth manipulation of situations but outright stalking and blackmail -- would be abusive if she were real, and since I know people who have been stalked IRL, I can definitely understand that they, uh, may not find her endearing.
Stray Thoughts:
- The swimsuit episode is outside of the range of episodes I based this review on, but I will say, it’s a very funny spin on the trope of going on dates with multiple possible partners as a sort of contest.
- I think I may finally have to concede that I understand fans of awful “romantic” characters like Edward from Twilight a little better now...  Because I’m not going to use the word “waifu”, but I have a really hard time being upset at Pansy, and that’s not a good thing.
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bloodyxroyal · 5 years
Ship Collected Meme//Open
Emerald Blade= Baraka/Jade
Who’s more dominant: Majority of the time its Baraka, Jade has her moments and when she does, Baraka loves every second of it
Who’s the cuddler: Jade, sometimes Baraka with all the damn purring he does lol
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Baraka is the big spoon and Jade little spoon, sometimes if Baraka is in a bad mood and doesn't want to do anything, Jade becomes the big spoon
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Travelling
Who uses all the hot water: Jade
Most trivial thing they fight over: So far its just small miscommunication and Baraka wanting to kill everyone who upsets him
Who does most of the cleaning: Jade 
What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the Netflix queue: Jade would be the one with a season pass, Baraka has survival and cooking shows in the queue
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Jade, she doesn’t allow Baraka to do any because it would just end up with somebody getting seriously hurt or worse
Who leaves their stuff around: Baraka, Jade complains but she cleans up after him anyway
Who remembers to buy the milk: Jade
Who remembers anniversaries:  Both of them
Who cooks normally: Mostly Baraka because its one of the few times he could be calm, Jade watches over him to make sure hes not cooking any unsavory things like human meat for instance
How often do they fight: Not to much, mostly just verbal disagreements. They spar it out as well
What do they do when they’re away from each other: Baraka has a hard time sleeping And Jade tries to keep herself busy by helping her sister with anything 
Nicknames for each other: Jade would call Baraka love and other terms of endearment, the closest term Baraka use for Jade is Minx when they being naughty =P 
Who is more likely to pay for dinner: Sometimes they split the bill but its mostly Baraka
Who steals the covers at night: Baraka, especially when it gets cold at night
What would they get each other for gifts: Baraka would give Jade Tarkatan jewelry like necklaces and etc, Jade gives him some finer clothing made of silk etc
Who kissed who first: Jade kissed a tark and she liked it lmfao
Who made the first move: Jade of course(need I remind peeps of the living forest)
Who remembers things: They both remember things, sometimes Baraka has tto remind Jade of a few things
Who started the relationship: Jade
Who cusses more: Baraka has a filthy maw lmao
What would they do if the other one was hurt: Baraka would kills someone and Jade honestly would do the same 
Who is the dirty talker: Jade most of the time, Baraka can dish out some dirty talk now and then
A headcanon: Jade exhibitionism has led the couple into getting dirty in multiple places
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betweensceneswriter · 7 years
Jimjeran-Chapter 2 Miss Peach-ay
Jimjeran (Shim-sher͂on) : Marshallese – a lifelong companion Claire is a nurse in the Peace Corps, spending 18 months in the Marshall Islands. Down the road, three Peace Corps volunteers–Jamie, Angus, and Rupert–are running the local elementary school. 
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Click here for Audio Version--I am no Davina Porter. Still working on my Jamie, Angus & Rupert. But as for the Marshallese words, you can imagine them, or you can hear me butcher them like Claire would.
     “What the hell was I thinking?”
    “Did you say something, Claire?” Laura yelled over the roar of the airplane engines.
    “No,” I responded, shaking my head and staring down at the little green and white loop of shoe-string flung in the middle of the indigo Pacific Ocean, my home for at least the next 18 months.
   I thought our pilot was trying to land us in the water as the plane began to slow and descend.  I couldn’t see anything beneath us, in front of us, or to either side.
    “What’s he doing?” I finally yelled to Laura, terrified.  “There aren’t pontoons on this plane!”
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“Don’t worry.  He’s landing on the airstrip,” she yelled back.  Airstrip?  It wasn’t until we were merely hundreds of feet off the ground and the tall green coconut palm trees came into sight that I realized she wasn’t kidding.  We were landing on an airstrip, indeed—an airstrip that took up the entire width of the island.  As the plane taxied bumpily on the grass runway, I looked in amazement at my surroundings.  Water to my left, water to my right.
    “You knew it was an atoll, didn’t you?” Laura asked, grinning at the shell-shocked look of terror in my eyes.
    “I knew what atoll meant, but I didn’t realize it referred to an island that is only like, five feet wide,” I said, extricating myself out of the cramped seat once the plane had stopped and the engines had sputtered until the propellers were still.
    “Don’t exaggerate,” Laura laughed.  “At its narrowest point, it’s still at least 30 feet wide.”
   I’d stared at the little island of Arno on Google Earth, zooming in as close as I could when I’d first accepted the assignment, curious about this place I’d never been.   I could see the wide treed portion where the clinic was in the village of Ine, and I’d followed the narrow strip with a single road down the center around to see where the main island ended but the shallower water continued along the edge of the lagoon, soon to become another little island in the circular chain.
   I had always dreamed of being in the Peace Corps, volunteering in some remote community for a year or two after college. But Frank Randall and I had met when I was just a freshman, and twitter-pated by the handsome, mature, intelligent history major’s interest in me I had simply forgotten who I had wanted to be one day. Frank graduated that year, continued toward his masters’ degree, and then taught in the history department my final year in the nursing program.  When I graduated, he proposed.
   Five years after graduating, Frank and I were still engaged and living together, just had never set a date.  So on my 27th birthday I had announced to him that I was joining the Peace Corps.
    “You’re kidding, right, Claire?” he said, taken aback by my cavalier announcement.
    “No,” I said, shaking my head.  “We’re not married yet, we don’t have kids yet, and you’re doing research for your doctoral thesis.  You can use the focused time to write, and I won’t have regrets once I’m too old or too entangled to volunteer anymore.”
    “Eighteen months, though, Claire?” Frank looked at me in concern.  “You know fertility decreases with age, don’t you?”
    “And you know we haven’t been using birth control for the last five years, don’t you?” I responded.  “If it was going to happen naturally, it would have happened by now.”  I’d stopped taking the pill when I finished my last day of nursing school, figuring if we got pregnant at least that might light a fire under laconic Frank’s ass.  I’d dropped enough hints about marriage, and I was getting tired of my mom scolding me, saying, “They say a man won’t buy a cow when the milk is free.”
   Thinking about Frank’s disappointed confusion had me feeling emotional, but I blinked the tears away and whipped my hair up into a sloppy bun.  It was humid, and not only did my naturally curly hair get ten times curlier, my neck and face were almost instantly glistening with sweat, and I could feel a single droplet traveling down between my breasts.
   A pickup truck had rattled up to the plane, and Laura and I took turns handing heavy boxes down from the cargo hold of the plane and then putting them in the back of the truck, practically filling the truck bed with boxes.  When everything was loaded, Laura went to the pilot.  Holding up two fingers, she said, “Ruo awa.” Two hours.  I almost had a panic attack at the thought.
   Laura came smilingly back to the pickup, where it seemed as if the driver was asking Laura if we wanted to ride or walk.  After the cramped half hour on the plane, I thought walking might be nice, but I was only wearing sandals and it sounded like the clinic was two miles away.  I needed as much useful time with Laura as possible.  With the idea of seeing the clinic and apartment as another motivator, I hopped up into the bed, found a sturdy box and sat down, tucking the skirt of my sundress around my legs so it wouldn’t fly up in the breeze.  
   Laura smiled at my wide-eyed fascination as we rode along, attempting to point out different landmarks.  I didn’t need a travelogue, though; my brain felt full enough as it was.  It seemed like I’d been transported back in time.  The airstrip had been in a completely clear grassy area with no trees, but we quickly reached the coconut palm tree “forest,” if that’s what you could call it, coconut trees scattered across the sandy landscape, interspersed with bushes, some places overrun with green jungle plants.  The road was white gravel.  At times it was level and looked like any other dirt or gravel road I’d seen, but at other times it was two narrow channels of tire tracks with a grassy stripe down the middle.
   After a few minutes, we began to see signs of life.  Two little kids walked along the road barefoot, the little girl in a skirt and tee shirt, the toddler in just a tee with a pair of bare brown buns below.  They moved to the side of the road and waved and smiled at us, white teeth beautifully splitting their tan faces.
    “They’ll steal your hearts,” Laura said.  “Gosh, I’m going to miss them.”
    “Well, thanks for sticking around to give me an initiation,” I said.  “There’s no way I would have known how to shop for six months at a time, and I can’t imagine finding my way out here with my limited language knowledge.”
   I had tried, honestly I had.  But between having the stomach flu for three days during the immersive training in Hawaii and my chronic thick-headedness when it came to learning foreign languages, I had escaped from my language orientation knowing only “Where are you going?” “Kwej etal n͂an ia?*” and  “Ejjab melele**,” which meant, helpfully, “I don’t understand.”
   Thankfully, I was going to have a translator for a few hours each morning during my basic clinic time, so I could learn about people’s symptoms and better treat and teach them.
   Laura had been the nurse on Arno for the previous 18 months.  With her service time coming to an end, the Corps had sought a replacement for her, and I was the one chosen.  An island with an area of a mere 5 square miles with only 2000 inhabitants spread throughout the 133 little islands surrounding the large central and two smaller lagoons didn’t warrant a huge hospital, but having a nurse practitioner at the clinic brought about an instant improvement to the quality of life for the locals.  I would be responsible for basic health and sanitation education, family planning advice and medications, and general emergency care.  For more serious injuries or trauma, the hospital on Majuro, 20 miles away, was able to send a helicopter to the airfield to pick up patients.
    “That’s the Iroij’s*** house,” Laura shouted over the rattle of the truck, gesturing at a utilitarian cement block structure a ways back from the road on a slight rise.  It was surrounded by a few other small houses, outbuildings, and shacks, and had a neatly kept yard covered with white gravel.  “Mr. Timisen is the local governor.  He speaks pretty decent English, and he has one of the two satellite phones on the island, if you need to get word to headquarters in Majuro before your short wave radio appointment.”
   Where we were currently driving I couldn’t see the ocean, but every once in a while I would catch a glimpse of the turquoise water of the lagoon.  It was surreal, beautiful, and humid.  I scratched my leg; I think so far I’d counted sixteen mosquito bites.  I was grateful for the multiple cans of bug spray I had packed in one of the boxes.
   As we went farther, there were more and more houses—gray brick buildings with low windows, shacks cobbled together of corrugated aluminum, plywood, and plastic sheeting, some with grass or palm branch roofs, and yards of the same white rocks.
   Adults and children stared at us curiously.  Laura seemed to get the lion’s share of the greetings and smiles.  “Miss Leenchah!”  they called out excitedly.  “Miss Leenchah, iiọkwe eok!”
    “Leenchah?” I asked, confused.  “Isn’t your last name Lynch?”
    “Yeah,” she said.  “Putting “uh” or “ay” at the end of your name is a Marshall term of endearment.  You’ll have to write and tell me what nickname they give you!”
   Write. Now that was a new one. Write with pen and paper, envelopes, and stamps. Arno didn’t have electricity, much less cell service or WiFi.  I was already panicking without my cell phone to look at for the time, the weather, the news, texts from friends.  I’d bought an actual wristwatch, but not really wanting a watch tan, I’d found a cute watch necklace, which hung upside down. I could easily grab the watch and check the time, without the claustrophobic sweaty feel of a wristwatch.
   And with that, the pickup pulled off to the side of the road, the tires making a crunching sound in the thick gravel.
   There it was, my clinic!  A nondescript building, boxy and white, it had an angled roof with solar panels on it, and louvered windows with screens.  Laura hopped out and offered me a hand down from the truck.  Looking around, I saw that a small crowd had gathered.  Laura spoke to the group in what sure sounded like fluent Marshallese, but of course I wouldn’t know. Finally she gestured to me and said “Your new nurse, Miss Beauchamp.”  I could see them mentally processing the name.  Finally a small voice piped up, “Welcome, Miss Peach-ay!”
   Laura smiled.  “Guess I don’t have to wait to find out, Miss ‘Peach-ay’!”
   The crowd of men, women, and children gathered around the truck.  With much greater speed than we’d loaded, the boxes were whisked out of the truck and into the apartment or the clinic as Laura directed them.
    “House first, or clinic?” Laura asked.  She had just been surrounded by a crowd of kids, and I realized she had been handing out chewing gum to her eager fans.  “Bribery never hurts,” she grinned.  “I bought you some gum to share.”
    “Clinic, I think,” I responded.  “Seems more important.”
   Laura ushered me through the door into the clinic.  Only about 20 by 20 feet, it held one small hospital bed at the back of the room and an examination table, both with curtains that could be pulled around them.  There was a sink that had a pump handled faucet next to what looked like a kerosene stove.  A long counter with cupboards above and below was along one wall, and there was an old-school scale as well as an infant scale on a table next to it.  One locked cupboard stood on the far wall.  I assumed that contained most of the medicine, though we had brought a supply of new medications and bandages in three of the boxes we’d brought from Majuro.
    “So, no running water, and no hot water?” I double-checked, still a little amazed that there were places without running water in this day and age.  “Just the pump?”
    “And a big tea kettle and kerosene stove,” she said.  “I always try to keep some water hot or warm for washing boils or cuts, but it’s pretty quick to heat if you forget. They sell kerosene at Mr. Ogawa’s store.  Don’t forget to keep yourself stocked.  You’ve got solar powered lights, but they don’t last forever, so you’ve got kerosene lanterns for another source of light.”
   Looking around the room for anything else she’d forgotten, Laura showed me the calendar and schedule on the wall.  “First Monday of the month is Depo day.  Depo Provera shots for any women who are doing family planning.  Infant mortality is really high if they don’t wait long enough between pregnancies.  Second Monday is well child check-ups.  Third Monday is health day.  You’ll teach some sort of lesson on cleanliness, sanitation, or nutrition.  And the fourth Monday afternoon is teen time.  You can answer questions about safer sex, good dental health, things like that.”
    “How busy will I be?” I asked, feeling overwhelmed at the barrage of information.  It wasn’t like nursing was new to me, and I’d oriented on tons of different floors in hospitals.  With finishing the Nurse Practitioner program, I was more independent and comfortable assessing and treating a whole variety of illnesses.  It was just the combination of the heat, the humidity, the new environment, and the underlying sense that time was passing quickly, and that Laura would inevitably be leaving me. Alone.
    “Totally depends,” she said.  “Mondays are the busiest, of course.  And you’re “on” all the time, so be sure to leave a note on the door to let them know where to find you, but definitely make sure you relax.  Go snorkeling, learn to spearfish, visit families.  That’s probably where you’ll do the best community health.  Observe people in their environments and figure out which habits are causing poor health. And then, as they get to know and trust you, help them learn how best to improve their lives.”
   She passed the clinic keys off to me on a stretchy hot-pink curlicue cord to put around my wrist—a key for the medicine cabinet, and two keys for the door.  We locked the clinic door, and headed around the corner to the attached apartment.
   As I stepped in the door of my new residence, I was stunned.  This wasn’t a house or an apartment; this was a cabin.  A stark kitchen with open lower cabinets was to the right of the entrance.  A set of shelves to my left held a can of spinach and a tin of something.  Beyond the pantry, a little closet area consisted of a stark bar with some hangers on it and a mirror over a chest of drawers.  One twin bed and a bunkbed flanked the big window at the far end of the room floored with dark unvarnished wood.  Stunned as I was by how plain it was, I found myself drawn across the house to the window.  I turned the dusty louvers to get a better view, and as I stood there, I took a deep breath.  It was poster-worthy perfect.  White sand melted into aqua water that deepened into teal at the center of the lagoon.  Ghostly green bumps along the horizon showed where the other islands in the chain were across the lagoon.  And the sky was a heartbreaking blue beyond blue, filled with white clouds.
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   “You will never find another place this beautiful,” Laura said quietly as she came to stand by me.  My nose was prickling and my eyes were watering.  “You’re going to be okay,” she said.  I turned to her and crumpled into a hug as she patted my back.
   Laura helped me unpack the cans and plastic bins of food into the pantry, helped me hang up my sundresses and make my bed with clean sheets.  She showed me the well and demonstrated the best method for getting the tin bucket to fill with water; took me to see the little shower stall attached behind the apartment, open to the sky.  She took me to the outhouse, helping me use the bucket of water to flush the “real” toilet.  She showed me the short wave radio and wrote down the instructions for how to use it.  As we finished each task, I could feel the passage of time, and a sense of terror rising in my chest.  Finally, it could be avoided no longer.  A honk announced that Laura’s ride back to the airport had arrived.
    “Tomorrow will be awesome,” she said.  “You’ll see all the little kids for well-child checkups, and the mamas will be sweet to you, even if they don’t speak a word of English.  Sharbella is supposed to show up at about 9…but realistically, she’ll be here at 10.  Island time, you know.”
   I walked Laura out to the truck and gave her a final hug.
    “If you’re dying for conversation in English, there are a few young guys teaching at the local school down the road that way,” Laura said, gesturing indistinctly down the road.  “They’re also in the Peace Corps, but they are…” she wrinkled her forehead, shook her head, and smiled.  “Well, I’ll let you decide how you feel about them.”
   She climbed into the passenger side, and the truck pulled away from the cabin, tires crunching in the gravel.  I waved goodbye to Laura, standing on the doorstep of the clinic.  And I spoke the words to myself again.
   What the hell was I thinking?
*Kway´ zhuh tell´ n͂an yah´<br /> **etch´-up (like ketchup, with no k) muh lah´ lay<br /> ***ee roych´<br /> ****yock´ way yook´--I love you!
On to Chapter 3 : Pain in the Arse Claire's lonely, so she takes some dinner to the boys, meets some island kids on the way, and loses a battle of wills with Jamie.
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crimsonlotusrp-blog · 8 years
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❝  PARK BOYOUNG is a TWENTY FOUR year old LAWYER affiliated with the COEUS CHRONICLE who has NO OTHER ALIAS ❞
⇀ birth name: Park Boyoung
⇀ fc choice: Park Boyoung ( actress )
⇀ canon: n/a
⇀ alias: n/a. Nicknamed Meongmeongi, or puppy.
⇀ age: 24 int’l. 25 kr. Feb 12, 1993
⇀ group: Coeus Chronicle
⇀ occupation: Lawyer
⇀ sexual orientation: Heterosexual
⇀ languages: Korean, English, Mandarin
⇀ height / weight: 157 cm / 5’2” // 41 kg / 90 lbs
⇀ defining features: puppy like features, especially her eyes; stretchy, chubby cheeks; warm body temperature; small burn scar on her hip
⇀ personality:
Puppylike: that’s what her brother said, and everyone else as well.
Let’s take an example: say you were new. Shy, fidgety, but looking around like you wanted to join in the conversation. Her smile would falter a bit seeing you looks so lost and lonely, but would immediately pick up again as she did a weird mixture of bouncing and floating over to you. She’d take your arm, offer you one of her favorite cookies, and try to guide you to the group. She’d wait for an opening, or if she couldn’t find one within a few minutes, she’d interrupt, saying softly, “this is - wait what’s your name? I forgot to ask.” Cue small endearing giggle. “Whoops. I’m Boyoung. And you’re…” She’d make this small motion to prompt you to say your own name.
If you seemed particularly dejected, she might bypass any introduction and just hug you.
As such, she’s babied by practically everyone she comes across, even if she’s older. Affectionately pat her head or pull her cheeks; she doesn’t mind. And, if you let her, she’ll do the same.
She’s precise. Hardworking. Intelligent.
Once she gets to work, she works. If she sees a number or statistic that seems off, she’ll redo the calculations herself, even if it’s the kind of math it takes a star math major an hour to do. It’ll take her 45 minutes, max, anyways, so there’s no point in running it by the department in charge. It’s not uncommon for her to pull multiple all-nighters to finish her work and help those who ask. It’s also not uncommon for her to finish her work by noon. (She gets a lot of bonuses as a result.)
She’s naive, childish, clumsy, excitable, frivolous, and yet, she’s generous.
 It’s no secret that she likes to shop. She can spend hours and hours at the mall or even one boutique, and emerge, look at the receipt, and say, “oops. I just blew 200,000 won.” Don’t take it as greediness: she has no qualms parting with her money or possessions. She regularly donates to the orphanage she grew up in. She just has a lot of money. She wants to enjoy her life as it comes - her brother would tell her the same, after all. But clothes are some of many things that make her squeal. She loves fashion, and she also loves to dress up. Equipped with nearly all of the Disney princesses’ costumes and a plethora of formal, semiformal, and otherwise formal or informal clothes, accessories, makeup, and beauty tools, she loves to be taken to another world. Even if she trips over the too-long skirt sometimes.
But she’s paranoid and resentful.
Honestly, they’re one of the few things that can make her blood boil. She hates them. She loathes them. If it weren’t for them, her brother would most likely still be alive. Maybe married. With kids.
God, because of them, she has been wracked completely through with grief. Because of them, she has been out drinking enough to progress from a complete lightweight to an utter heavyweight. And she’s ninety pounds. It is not normal for someone of her stature to be able to drink that much.  
But she can. And she does.
⇀ personality tl;dr:
+ Puppylike; loyal; compassionate; earnest; friendly; open; reliable; hardworking; precise; incorruptible; forgiving; generous; intelligent; innocent
~ soft spoken
- Spacey at times; naive; childish; clumsy; excitable; frivolous; paranoid; resentful
⇀ history:
She’s just a baby. She’s swaddled in blankets and a jacket, and Kiyoung somehow managed to get the baby backpack thing on himself in the chaos around him, and her safely in it. He doesn’t take much else. There isn’t time take much else, and he’s eight. He’s too small to take much else. The house is burning all around him, his parents nowhere to be seen. There’s an acrid smell, but he tries not to think about that. Instead, he pushes through the smoke, coughing and spluttering, and holding his hand and a cloth over his sister’s mouth and nose so she doesn’t breath it in. Then he runs. He runs and runs and runs and runs with only a faint idea of where he’s going. He’s been there just twice before, both traveling in the safety of a bus. And yet he manages. He doesn’t know why he ran into there, instead of to a police department. Maybe it’s the hazy knowledge that at the overly brightly lit police station, he’ll be questioned, Boyoung will probably be taken from him, and they’ll be separated. Instead, he arrives at the orphanage with bloody feet and burning lungs. He raps desperately at the knocker, lurching inside when the door opens, and hacking out, “my sister,” before falling onto his stomach, twisting at the last moment as not to fall onto her. For her, the only thing she knows of that time is the burn scar on her hip and the orange-red licks of flame behind her eyelids.
Her childhood is filled with smiles, laughter, and joy. The orphanage treats her well, or at least Kiyoung does. He teaches her how to read and write when she’s three, so she can read that “pretty light purple book about the puppies!” and she goes around talking to the other kids in the orphanage and at school, helping them when it’s their turn to learn. He watches with a soft, amused countenance as her bubbliness induces shrieks of excitement, or when she quietly and leaning on her friends. She’s ten when he goes off to university, but he stays in Seoul, taking up a liberal arts degree at Yonsei University, nearby enough to her that they see each other at least every weekend. She wants to see him more, but she’s still under the orphanage’s legal care. Kiyoung doesn’t have enough time to take care of her by himself, or enough money to yet, but he’s working on it. He’s working on it.
When he graduates, he moves to Pyeonghwa to work as a journalist in its Coeus Chronicle. Boyoung chews her lip anxiously when he does, because she has heard whispers of the gang activity there. But he reassures her that he’ll be fine. That he’ll be able to make enough money to bring her with him soon. And then tells her that he wants to investigate there, because there might be something about their parents there - their mother’s work had something to do with Pyeonghwa. Kiyoung doesn’t remember what, exactly, but then again he was eight when they died. So she puts on her brightest grin, eyes curving like upside-down Nike logos, and tells him to hurry up and bring her over. The orphanage allows her to stay with him during her school breaks. Pyeonghwa isn’t too far away - two hours, maybe, by bus - and Kiyoung pays for her fares. He’s doing well for himself, and when she’s sixteen, he files a case to take legal custody of her.
That same year, however, is the one he stumbles home after midnight, blind and bloody. She assumed he was working, and he was. But he was caught. He found out a bit too much about a certain Two Moons’s politicians, and was caught.
They abacinated him. They went for his eyes with red hot pokers and branded and blinded him.
Somehow, he got away. Like when she was a baby, he manages to get to his destination with nothing but a hazy mental picture to guide him. As he dies in her arms, because “I wanted to be able to hug you one last time,” he tells her over her sobbing “Boyoung-ah. Take care of yourself, okay? For me. I’ll always be watching over you. Keep being your bright, happy self, because you bring so much joy to everyone you come in contact with. Okay? Can you do that for me?” But he doesn’t wait for her answer. He gives her a small smile before the light goes out in his eyes.
She is resolute. She sets in her path to becoming a lawyer through her school’s mentor/mentee program, and with Lawyer Park’s help, she acquires the basis for her understanding of law and how to garner her evidence for cases. She wants to be able to help journalists like her brother tackle legal issues - if he’d gone to a lawyer, or had a good one if he did, there’s a high chance he would still be alive. And she just. It would help preserve his memory. Journalists risk their lives for their articles, and she wants to help them be a bit safer. Especially in Pyeonghwa.
It is also thanks to the program that she is admitted to Pyeonghwa National University on a full scholarship. She’s eighteen now, nearly a legal adult, and she finds she has too much free time on her hands. With boredom creeps the aches of loss, and she enrolls in extra classes during the year and in the summer semesters. In her second year, she also begins working at a restaurant. It’s small, and she and her same-aged boss are the only workers there, but business picks up along soon enough.
PNU tells her that she has enough credits to graduate two years early, and Boyoung, surprised, seizes the chance. When she became an adult, her brother’s money and possessions were given to her, as per his will, and she uses it to pay for law school. There’s still some leftover because, remember, he was saving money for the suit and to show that he could support them, and because his work payed for his funeral. She donates nearly all of the rest of the money to the orphanage, only keeping enough to last her about three months of sparing use if she’s really in need. She has her money from working as well, so her living expenses are covered.
She places in the top 1% in the bar, and, because of it and the summers she spent interning at the Chronicle, she secures a high paying position almost immediately. Her salary is about that of her boss’s, really, even though she’s only twenty-three. No one really questions it, though, because she has shown her dedication before, and scored way higher in the bar. She’s twenty-four now, the same age her brother was when he died. A part of her worries that Two Moons is going to go after her, but there’s no way that they know her connection to her brother. Hopefully. For now, she continues to work and enjoy life, because she knows that’s what Kiyoung would want her to do.
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clxboyoung-blog · 8 years
♡ basics ━
BIRTH NAME ; park boyoung NICKNAMES ; meongmeongi (puppy) ALIAS ; n/a
DATE OF BIRTH ; february 12, 1993 PLACE OF BIRTH ; seoul, south korea AGE ; 24 international, 25 korean
GROUP ; coeus chronicle OCCUPATION ; lawyer
LANGUAGES ; korean, english, mandarin
♡ appearance ━
HEIGHT ; 157 cm // 5′2″ WEIGHT ; 41 kg // 90 lbs BUILD ; ectomorph
HAIR ; dark brown, long, wispy bangs EYE COLOR ; chocolate brown
DEFINING FEATURES ; puppy like features, especially her eyes; stretchy, chubby cheeks; warm body temperature; small burn scar on her hip
♡ personality ━
✔ puppylike ✔ loyal ✔ compassionate ✔ earnest ✔ friendly ✔ open ✔ reliable ✔ hardworking ✔ precise ✔ intelligent ✔ incorruptible ✔ forgiving ✔ generious ✔ innocent
~ soft spoken
✘ spacey at times ✘ naive ✘ childish ✘ clumsy ✘ excitable ✘ frivolous ✘ paranoid ✘ resentful
HOGWARTS HOUSE ; gryffindor ILVERMORNY HOUSE ; thunderbird PATRONUS ; ocicat WAND ;  silver lime wood with a unicorn hair core, 10" and slightly yielding flexibility
MBTI ; ENFJ, “the protagonist”
PHOBIA(S) ; fire pokers, fire, scarrification, paranoid Two Moons is going to try to kill her off this year DRINKING / SMOKING / DRUGS ; yES (but most people don’t expect it) / no / no
Puppylike: that’s what her brother said, and everyone else as well.
It isn’t just her looks. It’s also her sweetness. Her loyalty. Her compassion, her earnestness, her friendliness, openness, reliability, and, yes, her tendency to (at least seem to) space out at times.
Let’s take an example: say you were new. Shy, fidgety, but looking around like you wanted to join in the conversation. Her smile would falter a bit seeing you looks so lost and lonely, but would immediately pick up again as she did a weird mixture of bouncing and floating over to you. She’d take your arm, offer you one of her favorite cookies, and try to guide you to the group. She’d wait for an opening, or if she couldn’t find one within a few minutes, she’d interrupt, saying softly, “this is - wait what’s your name? I forgot to ask.” Cue small endearing giggle. “Whoops. I’m Boyoung. And you’re…” She’d make this small motion to prompt you to say your own name.
If you seemed particularly dejected, she might bypass any introduction and just hug you.
As such, she’s babied by practically everyone she comes across, even if she’s older. Affectionately pat her head or pull her cheeks; she doesn’t mind. And, if you let her, she’ll do the same.
She’s precise. Hardworking. Intelligent.
Once she gets to work, she works. If she sees a number or statistic that seems off, she’ll redo the calculations herself, even if it’s the kind of math it takes a star math major an hour to do. It’ll take her 45 minutes, max, anyways, so there’s no point in running it by the department in charge. It’s not uncommon for her to pull multiple all-nighters to finish her work and help those who ask. It’s also not uncommon for her to finish her work by noon. (She gets a lot of bonuses as a result.)
She’s naive, childish, clumsy, excitable, frivolous, and yet, she’s generous.
 It’s no secret that she likes to shop. She can spend hours and hours at the mall or even one boutique, and emerge, look at the receipt, and say, “oops. I just blew 200,000 won.” Don’t take it as greediness: she has no qualms parting with her money or possessions. She regularly donates to the orphanage she grew up in. She just has a lot of money. She wants to enjoy her life as it comes - her brother would tell her the same, after all. But clothes are some of many things that make her squeal. She loves fashion, and she also loves to dress up. Equipped with nearly all of the Disney princesses’ costumes and a plethora of formal, semiformal, and otherwise formal or informal clothes, accessories, makeup, and beauty tools, she loves to be taken to another world. Even if she trips over the too-long skirt sometimes.
But she’s paranoid and resentful.
Her brother died when he was her age. She’s working for the same company he worked at. She can’t help but wonder if those who killed him will make her their target too.
Honestly, they’re one of the few things that can make her blood boil. She hates them. She loathes them. If it weren’t for them, her brother would most likely still be alive. Maybe married. With kids.
God, because of them, she has been wracked completely through with grief. Because of them, she has been out drinking enough to progress from a complete lightweight to an utter heavyweight. And she’s ninety pounds. It is not normal for someone of her stature to be able to drink that much.  
But she can. And she does.
♡ facts ━
➝ placed higher in the bar than her boss ➝ can type nearly as fast as the world record holder ➝ never taken an IQ test ➝ learned to read at three ➝ can drink enough to kill an elephant tbh ➝ will sometimes spike her sikhye ➝ favourite colour is lilac ➝ loves to shop ➝ gets bonuses frequently ➝  hates two moons ; it’s one of the few things that can get her riled up
   ♡ background ━
She’s just a baby. She’s swaddled in blankets and a jacket, and Kiyoung somehow managed to get the baby backpack thing on himself in the chaos around him, and her safely in it. He doesn’t take much else. There isn’t time take much else, and he’s eight. He’s too small to take much else. The house is burning all around him, his parents nowhere to be seen. There’s an acrid smell, but he tries not to think about that. Instead, he pushes through the smoke, coughing and spluttering, and holding his hand and a cloth over his sister’s mouth and nose so she doesn’t breath it in. Then he runs. He runs and runs and runs and runs with only a faint idea of where he’s going. He’s been there just twice before, both traveling in the safety of a bus. And yet he manages. He doesn’t know why he ran into there, instead of to a police department. Maybe it’s the hazy knowledge that at the overly brightly lit police station, he’ll be questioned, Boyoung will probably be taken from him, and they’ll be separated. Instead, he arrives at the orphanage with bloody feet and burning lungs. He raps desperately at the knocker, lurching inside when the door opens, and hacking out, “my sister,” before falling onto his stomach, twisting at the last moment as not to fall onto her. For her, the only thing she knows of that time is the burn scar on her hip and the orange-red licks of flame behind her eyelids.
Her childhood is filled with smiles, laughter, and joy. The orphanage treats her well, or at least Kiyoung does. He teaches her how to read and write when she’s three, so she can read that “pretty light purple book about the puppies!” and she goes around talking to the other kids in the orphanage and at school, helping them when it’s their turn to learn. He watches with a soft, amused countenance as her bubbliness induces shrieks of excitement, or when she quietly and leaning on her friends. She’s ten when he goes off to university, but he stays in Seoul, taking up a liberal arts degree at Yonsei University, nearby enough to her that they see each other at least every weekend. She wants to see him more, but she’s still under the orphanage’s legal care. Kiyoung doesn’t have enough time to take care of her by himself, or enough money to yet, but he’s working on it. He’s working on it.
When he graduates, he moves to Pyeonghwa to work as a journalist in its Coeus Chronicle. Boyoung chews her lip anxiously when he does, because she has heard whispers of the gang activity there. But he reassures her that he’ll be fine. That he’ll be able to make enough money to bring her with him soon. And then tells her that he wants to investigate there, because there might be something about their parents there - their mother’s work had something to do with Pyeonghwa. Kiyoung doesn’t remember what, exactly, but then again he was eight when they died. So she puts on her brightest grin, eyes curving like upside-down Nike logos, and tells him to hurry up and bring her over. The orphanage allows her to stay with him during her school breaks. Pyeonghwa isn’t too far away - two hours, maybe, by bus - and Kiyoung pays for her fares. He’s doing well for himself, and when she’s sixteen, he files a case to take legal custody of her.
That same year, however, is the one he stumbles home after midnight, blind and bloody. She assumed he was working, and he was. But he was caught. He found out a bit too much about a certain Two Moons’s politicians, and was caught.
They abacinated him. They went for his eyes with red hot pokers and branded and blinded him.
Somehow, he got away. Like when she was a baby, he manages to get to his destination with nothing but a hazy mental picture to guide him. As he dies in her arms, because “I wanted to be able to hug you one last time,” he tells her over her sobbing “Boyoung-ah. Take care of yourself, okay? For me. I’ll always be watching over you. Keep being your bright, happy self, because you bring so much joy to everyone you come in contact with. Okay? Can you do that for me?” But he doesn’t wait for her answer. He gives her a small smile before the light goes out in his eyes.
She is resolute. She sets in her path to becoming a lawyer through her school’s mentor/mentee program, and with Lawyer Park’s help, she acquires the basis for her understanding of law and how to garner her evidence for cases. She wants to be able to help journalists like her brother tackle legal issues - if he’d gone to a lawyer, or had a good one if he did, there’s a high chance he would still be alive. And she just. It would help preserve his memory. Journalists risk their lives for their articles, and she wants to help them be a bit safer. Especially in Pyeonghwa.
It is also thanks to the program that she is admitted to Pyeonghwa National University on a full scholarship. She’s eighteen now, nearly a legal adult, and she finds she has too much free time on her hands. With boredom creeps the aches of loss, and she enrolls in extra classes during the year and in the summer semesters. In her second year, she also begins working at a restaurant. It’s small, and she and her same-aged boss are the only workers there, but business picks up along soon enough.
PNU tells her that she has enough credits to graduate two years early, and Boyoung, surprised, seizes the chance. When she became an adult, her brother’s money and possessions were given to her, as per his will, and she uses it to pay for law school. There’s still some leftover because, remember, he was saving money for the suit and to show that he could support them, and because his work payed for his funeral. She donates nearly all of the rest of the money to the orphanage, only keeping enough to last her about three months of sparing use if she’s really in need. She has her money from working as well, so her living expenses are covered.
She places in the top 1% in the bar, and, because of it and the summers she spent interning at the Chronicle, she secures a high paying position almost immediately. Her salary is about that of her boss’s, really, even though she’s only twenty-three. No one really questions it, though, because she has shown her dedication before, and scored way higher in the bar. She’s twenty-four now, the same age her brother was when he died. A part of her worries that Two Moons is going to go after her, but there’s no way that they know her connection to her brother. Hopefully. For now, she continues to work and enjoy life, because she knows that’s what Kiyoung would want her to do.
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