#he has the meat beef with Spidey and honestly I like to hc that it’s like movie sandman where his kid was sick
movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
*somewhere in an underground bunker*
Doc Ock: Why are you holding an unconscious Spider-Man in our secret base?
Sandman: I found him asleep on a rooftop after a fight with Kraven. Spidey beat him but I think he hit the kid with a dart or something.
Doc Ock: That doesn’t explain why you brought him here, Sandman.
Sandman, distraught: Was I supposed to leave him there out in the cold?
Doc Ock: Yes? He’s our enemy!
Sandman: He’s a kid! What if he got sick?
Doc Ock: Good for us!
Sandman, pissed: Shame on you! I’m gonna go make sure the kid has doesn’t have hypothermia. He really should make a thicker costume.
Doc Ock, absolutely done with the situation: At least let’s find out his identity…
Sandman, slapping Docs hand away: Absolutely not! Teens his age need their privacy. *Spider-Man shifts in Sandy’s arms* Awww :).
Doc Ock, face palming: Why are you even on this team still.
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