#he is a pretty incredible dude!!! now pls put the knife down
tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
The knife is unsettling but I mean he's not wrong????
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ziracona · 4 years
please bless me with all of your dbd headcanons even just a crumb would satisfy me,,,,, lmao. Fr tho ur hcs are godly pls give me all of them especially for og 4 and wraif
Thank you!! I’m glad you like my hot takes!
Let’s see, og4.
Jake grows facial hair pretty easy (that part is just canon). Usually he either lets it grow and ignores it till it gets long, or stays cleanshaven, but the in-between stage is physically painful for everyone else at the campfire bc you wake up and see rugged 2day scruffy woodsman stretch and he sees you staring and goes, “What?” Looking thoroughly unimpressed and Meg sheds a tear and Claudette pretends to not be looking and stares at her journal and Dwight gets heart palpitations it’s just bad for the whole group. When he shaves he’s an edgy dumbass and does it with a sharpened hunk of metal he made into a knife for himself and Dwight saw him shaving once and had to go sit down.
Jake has a soft spot for many of the survivors he’s known longer (honestly at this point, he’s pretty attached to the lot of them though), but especially the ones who work really hard at protecting other survivors. Double points if you’re younger than him. He would kill for Claudette, and take a bullet meant for Quentin, but would not convey this to them at all. Jake puts almost zero effort into making sure people knows he likes them. The people he has a soft spot for especially are also not always the ones he prefers to spend time with. While they’re survivors he spends less time with personally, Jake respects Feng Min for being the snarky little gremlin she is, and Tapp’s dedication to his job even here. Weirdly, while the people he likes often aren’t aware of affection, the ones he respects but isn’t as close to usually are aware of the respect. Jake also thinks he doesn’t like having friends and spending time not alone, but he does.
If asked point blank his thoughts on a survivor he likes, he’d probably just shrug or say, “They contribute to the team,” or “She works hard,” or “He’s fine,” because Jake just be like that. He had a hard time getting close to anyone initially because of how he grew up. Jake’s very guarded. He’s used to people manipulating and using each other, which makes keeping anything vulnerable close to his chest just necessary as he sees it. Boy doesn’t trust easy. Or open up. Ya need a can opener. Boy also does not like getting pushed around. Least favorite killers (aside from Nightmare) are probably Doctor and Ghostface, because he cannot stand being forced to do things or used. He’d rather take a chainsaw to the back than have someone lord power over him. He’s also got a looong memory, so if you fuck him over, he is not the kind to forget and forgive. He is the kind to resent and remember. Not that he never forgives people, but boy would have to really believe whatever happened was regretted and the person wasn’t like that anymore to let something that made him very angry go. He’s quiet angry though. Bide your time and get vengeance kinda angry. Would never let someone push him around. If a killer tried to fuck with him, he’d do everything in his power to kill them.
While Jake is tough and likes to hike just to be out and moving, and enjoys toughing it out, Meg enjoys being outside more as a fun thing than a wildnerness lifestyle thing. She has a lot of energy, and even in the realm, all that adhd can be a bitch. It would be easy to focus on the shitty stuff happening and drown in that, so she likes to keep moving, like she has since she was a kid and started running. Meg loves hard, and if she cares about you, she’ll make sure you know it. Not good at shutting up or realizing if she’s been going on for too long, girl has passion for everything.
Meg talks a big game, but does not have as much confidence as she pretends to have. She has abandonment issues, but they’re less, ‘my dad abandoned me’ and more ‘everyone but my mom, from him to grade school friends, hasn’t stuck around,’ so she does worry about that and coming on too strong, which she is aware she often does, but she can’t get herself to turn down the power settings on herself even when she tries. She’s never been good at making friends, so all of this in the realm is kinda new to her, since no one can leave. Meg would tell almost no one those things about herself. She cares hard though, and will try to distract other people from realm despair any way she can, because it’s what she needs and she assumes what they must need too. And to be fair, she ain’t wrong. Good at cultivating activities and drinks loving her friends juice.
Big goofball. BIG goofball. Also big gay. Well, bi af, but w a pretty strong preference for the ladies. She is simple of heart. Sees a girl, loses ability to think. Bonded with Nea over this problem. High int, low wisdom, big dumbass. Her weaknesses include girls’ eyes, voices, accents, freckles, scars, stomachs, legs, ass, titties, hair, hair dye, laughs, hands, eye contact, and cute accessories. Not great at expressing her feelings when she catches them, but tries hard. Actually pretty good at romancing once she gets into the groove. It’s just getting there she sucks at. Loyal as hell. Will go to bat for her friends and would rather die than betray them.
Meg has a real temper, especially when she feels like something being done to her or someone else is unjust/unfair, and will always try to fix those things even when it’s hopeless. Can and will weaponize her anger extremely effectively. Ridiculous memory for pop culture, shit memory for homework and things she was supposed to be doing. Memelord, but with some class.
Idk if this is because I identified with Claudette really strongly when I first started playing dbd or not, but I have always seen her as Asexual & Panromantic. Attracted to kindness. 
She gets overwhelmed fairly easily, but has been improving that by necessity since arriving in the realm, and can tap into the mom-friend override to fix problems for people who aren’t her. Has a hard time telling when people are teasing her/joking, but everyone knows this so they take it easier on her than each other.
Like Meg, had no friends before this, so it’s exciting and new, and a little scary, but mostly really good. She worries about other people a lot, and doesn’t always know how to help, but she tries. Very relieved Dwight volunteered to be team leader.
Enjoys recording things and studying. Would be fascinated by the Entity’s world if she wasn’t always being killed. Seems small and weak and easy to take down, but she has the strength of will to kill God herself if backed into a corner, especially when fighting for someone she loves. Sweet does not mean she will not fight back, and since being in the realm, and getting over her initial freezing up at the sight of horrifying murderers, she has worked extremely hard to be brave and take an active roll protecting people whenever she can. She is still terrified a lot, but has learned to push through that to help her friends and herself.
Loves animals, including ones a lot of people don’t like (bugs, snakes, rats, etc) and would and has definitely tried to snag a scorpion and a cockroach from trials to study before, and tried to befriend the realm rats now that they exist. Tries to get Jake to show her how to get birds to like you but does know how to ask him right.
Nervous about interpersonal relationships and unsure of herself. Really likes everyone but horrible at telling how other people feel. Feels like she always comes off wrong and can’t put words to things well even when she understands them super well. Does her best 24/7. Incredibly smart and talented. Knowledgeable about her passions. Is always thinking 4th dimensionally and has saved the team many a time by pulling off wild bullshit that makes sense kind of just barely but no one else would have thought of.
Dwight was a loser and kind of a douche growing up, kind of selfish and entitled and weak, but is no longer that person after a few years in the realm. He works hard to make good on his promises to look out for everyone, and cares about them very genuinely. Great at thinking on his feet and sounding like he knows more than he does, wonderful at regulating tasks to people efficiently, and not a bad strategist. 
Being the kind of person now who would not have liked the person he was a few years ago causes a little cognitive dissonance and self-doubt, but he’s trying. Genuinely enjoys hearing about people’s days and interests even when he’s completely lost. 
Not a fan of heights. If the fear of heights was not vastly overpowered by fear of sharp object, he would actively avoid the old ironworks in trials, but alas.
Used to play video games a lot. Thought he was good at them. Was not. Was definitely not.
Self-improvement king. Works hard and is a really decent dude. A very good sport. Used to be an asshole, so now that he’s nice he’s pretty damn forgiving if other people put in the work to improve too (my boy’s no hypocrite). Has mellowed out a lot and is pretty chill and nice but the damn fool will break his own heart by taking things people say the wrong way, or things they mean as a joke literally, if it’s something he thinks is true about himself, and will totally miss context and vocal inflection and just be like, “I know but I’m trying TuT.”
Big gay but in denial and confused
Just at this point really does want people to get to go home and be ok. Loves hearing stories and listening to his friends talk at the campfire because it makes him feel like things might be okay. Get the same result just by being near his friends, especially the other og3 who have been with him forever. If they’re all still there, things have to turn out okay someday. :’ ) Has never really told them that, because he’s supposed to be the leader, and thinks they’d feel less secure if they knew he depends on being able to sleep close to them at night to feel like he’ll be okay himself. Not in a they’d judge me way, but in a I really don’t want to let them down way. He wants them to think he’s got a handle on things even when he really doesn’t.
I was gonna do Philip too but I got this this morning and this post is already ridiculously long TuT, so here you go. Plus one mini Philip one.
Philip feels responsible for the young man he saw his boss kill the day the Entity got him. He knows that he killed scores of people unknowingly for Azarov, and those weigh, but he thinks sometimes late at night that if he could have just saved that one, it might have been enough to make him feel absolved someday for all the other deaths on his head. He remembers his face very well, and how terrified he was, and the moment of confusion and relief, and almost gratefulness when Philip let him go. He thinks over and over that if he’d just talked to him–assumed something was up, and gotten him to be quiet. Seen Azarov in time and stopped him. So many little things, and the young man would have lived. Even if the others were things he was completely blind to, he feels like that one is especially his fault, and that he could have stopped it. That one really haunts him.
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surprisegavin-blog · 7 years
ALRIGHT FAM i apologize completely for this extreme loser but there is info about him under the cut and also info about his *throws confetti* magical jacket!! 
- he’s a nobody. at least, in the hero world...and like, regular world. just a dude struggling to get buy. he works as a waiter at a relatively nice restaurant, so he makes decent money with tips but he’s still 100% on the rough side.
-he lives in an apartment with three other dudes.
-his parents are still alive and well, and he has no incredibly tragic backstory. he is, at his core, a normal guy. 
-he’s pretty lazy in the sense that he will always take the path of least resistance, and would rather sit on the couch thirsty rather than get up and get himself a glass of water. he gets away with a lot as a waiter tbh because he can be fairly charming when he wants to be but he will 100% “forget” that you asked for an extra glass of coke.
-but there are a few things he isn’t lazy about. he likes to work out, and he’s fairly passionate about the homeless community.
-because he works out he has the appearance that he can kick some ass but like...he has no idea how to throw a good punch. he can do some damage from the power behind his hits but like...against someone who knows what they’re doing? mmmmnah.
-but he’s very resourceful, and is good at sort of macgyvering his way out of a situation. so even if he is outmatched he’s pretty good at finding loopholes. even dirty loopholes. he’ll fight dirty. in fact that’s his normal mode of fighting. gotta win somehow.
-he came across the source of his superpowers from...he has no idea. this jacket literally just showed up in his apartment one day, and he assumed it was one of his roommates but he needed a jacket cause it was a little chilly so he put it on and then....well. shit went down.
- it’s an ancient magical thing, ya’ll. real old, but no one knows exactly it’s origins. gavin is pretty sure it’s satan’s jacket. it sort of behaves like it’s possessed. he tried to throw it out, and walked back into his apartment only to find it still on his bed. it never moves or acts otherwise living when people are watching it but HE KNOWS THERES A DEMON IN IT HE’S SURE.
-when the #chosenone puts the jacket on, they are immediately teleported to wherever they are needed most. if there is no immediate situation then the wearer won’t be transported anywhere. to this day, every time gavin is dropped into some random situation, he isn’t totally sure if the jacket wants him to help the good guys or the bad guys, but he helps the good guys because he high key wants to be a superhero.
-the jacket can change forms but...only into different kinds of jackets. for instance, it can become a parka, and gavin will walk into his room and there will be a parka on his bed and he’ll be like sooo....guess we’re going some place cold? cool. the standard form is the most casual looking, normal as hell blue jacket. zips up, has a hood, looks innocent as shit.
-when wearing the jacket, gavin can heal from nearly any wound. but, if the jacket is off, then like...he’s shit outta luck. he gonna die.
-the jacket’s PRIMARY ABILITY: the wearer can, at any point, reach into the pocket and pull out virtually any item in existence, known or otherwise. gavin can reach into the pockets and pull out a sniper rifle, a tactical nuke, a wireless scrambler, a pocket knife...
THE PROBLEM: gavin has no idea how to use the jacket, so the items he pulls out are more or less...random. he could really need a gun, but instead the jacket is like nah i think a cheeseburger would be better and then he’s standing there with a cheeseburger. and it’s not a good situation.
this makes him all at once an pretty decent threat...annnnd a totally useless hero. it really just depends. sometimes he gets something badass, and sometimes he gets the driver’s license of some old man from milwaukee.
this will get better the more he learns how to use the jacket.
he really tried to get rid of the jacket. but he can’t.
it will only also work for him, but like, it can be removed by anyone so if he gets grabbed they can just...take off his jacket. and then he’s just normal old gavin.
the jacket wont work for anyone but gavin. he has 0 idea what makes him so special. its weird as hell. but like he’ll roll with it.
LIMITATIONS: he can only have one thing from the jacket at a time. so he can’t exactly hoard all the cool stuff he pulls out. they disappear in very subtle ways, unless he’s using them or they have already been used. so he really can’t just keep pulling and pulling things unless he “discards” things. in gavin’s words “bullshit”. 
he calls himself SURPRISE because when he first showed up to a mugging, he yelled out SURPRISE BITCH and then just stuck with it. so now, when he shows up, he says surprise. because he’s a loser. and wants to be a cool hero. it’s really lame. 
desperately wants to meet all the heroes and impress them. unfortunately he’s not very impressive.
he literally is always caught off guard because he’ll put the jacket on and then suddenly he’s next to, like, batman and he’s about to fight some crazy whacked out villain and it’s ALWAYS AN ORDEAL.
but, he has proven himself sort of useful. he’s pulled some pretty wicked stuff out of that jacket, and surprise has shown to be a bit of a game changer. sometimes. it really depends because he is really bad at this right now.
he’s been a hero for about three weeks, two days, and thirteen hours
he’d really like to be a part of a group. like, that sounds so cool to him he’s like eyyyy nightwing you see my jacket it’s cool right? could be helpful! what up green lantern you think you can put in a good word for me at the ol’ league? nudge nudge? SUPERBOY SIGN MY JACKET. 
alright so that’s enough for now if anyone has any questions about this weird shit pls hit me up and i’ll help ya out! 
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