#he is c3 so technically his skill is level 4 i guess but like. this is whack. he’s so fucking strong holy shit
lvllns · 2 years
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he’s at level 40 with cobbled together artifacts what the fuck
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ca-3 · 6 years
Hello! Can you share more hc or thoughts on KuroMahuSaki? Because I'm slowly getting on board, the dynamic is awesome!
Hello! Also sorry I’m 2 days(??) late to this, I’ve been real busy and tired.
But omg, it always makes me happy when people start to get on board with this ship!!! Both KuroMahi and SakuMahi are good and deserve love and respect~ 💙❤💚 I love idea of the dynamics a lot too. 
Sure! I can share some more random thoughts and hcs for KuroMahiSaku! Man, where do I even start… OvO;;
I guess I’ll start with the cuter hcs? and see what else comes to mind from there. I don’t know, I don’t usually write these out so I’ll do my best. 
In a happier world/totally not delusional ending I always imagined that the three of them end up all living together in the apartment,(because think of all the endless shenanigans that could happen from that.) 
Sakuya always quickly offering to help Mahiru with the chores and Kuro watching them not really caring at first (cause hey means he doesn’t have to do it even more now and he can relax.) and Kuro always calls Sakuya a “suck up” for it when he instantly jumps up to help lol, but Kuro sees how much fun they have and how much closer the two of them become and seeing that helps him participate more in that kind of thing and Kuro really ends up enjoying it and spending time with them. 
In the early days of this though(like before Sakuya and Kuro completely warm up to each other) I can definitely see the two of them competing with the chores sometimes. Like seeing who can do things faster and more efficiently than the other and see who can impress Mahiru with their housekeeper skills. But whenever they end up competing it usually leads to the job looking very rushed and sloppy from both of them and Mahiru scolds them about it and tells them they should work together and NOT compete like idiots. (Oh what is Mahi going to do with these boys?? His poor laundry can’t take much more of this hahaha)
Imagine members of Team Melancholy and the Servamp Family coming over every so often. Both Sakuya and Kuro having their “annoying relatives™” coming over from time to time. It’s usually absolute chaos when they all come together but ends up being a good time a lot. (Again in an ideal happy ending I’m hoping the war between them all ends peacefully and everyone can have gatherings and be friends like this. JUST LET ME HAVE THIS THOUGHT PLEASE. I KNOW WE MIGHT LOSE SOME CHARACTERS ALONG THE WAY. BUT I NEED THEM ALL HAPPY. PLEASE.)
Tsubaki. Just imagine Tsubaki constantly teasing Kuro and Sakuya about stuff and their “relationship” with Mahiru. You know he would, how could Tsubaki not tease his older brother and his young subclass about it? “It’s so fun!” (I’m sure some of the others do this sometimes too for sure, but Tsubaki is close to them both so he gets the best of worlds and he loves it. lol) 
I like to imagine that a cute way that Sakuya and Kuro can bond is over their daily interests. For example, Kuro likes video games and Sakuya likes music. Sakuya’s canon interests include browsing music stores and playing rhythm games. So I can just imagined one day Kuro being like “What???? You don’t really play anything besides rhythm games??? What’s wrong with you?” Or something like that lol and makes Sakuya try something else for once. Or maybe Sakuya or Kuro challenging the other in a game of their choice and it results in several rounds of different kinds of gaming. (Sakuya purposely keeps picking rhythm games, so he can get a guaranteed win.) But Mahiru is so happy to see them having fun.
Mahiru definitely joins in their gaming sessions sometimes. (I don’t know why but I imagine Sakuya lets Mahiru win a lot lololol and Kuro is just over there like “God, what a suck up…” for the 800th time, but still constantly destroys them both in video games because you guys know Kuro has to be the best player out of the 3 of them.) 
Eventually sharing these interests will result in Sakuya sharing music with Kuro. (Sure, we don’t know if Kuro is a huge music fan or even what kind of music he likes,but I’m sure Sakuya and Kuro’s music tastes would be different enough that they would be able to share unique stuff with each other.) 
Imagine them all cooking dinner together. Mahiru trying to teach these two kitchen disasters how to cook. (Kuro sometimes eating some of the ingredients or completed parts of the meal before they even finish everything or just needing help in general sometimes haha, Mahiru thinks its rather cute sometimes too and doesn’t mind showing Kuro how.) I actually have a lot of thoughts about them cooking and just doing chores together. HELP ME. 
I doodled something like this once before a long time ago, but since Mahiru is still a human I like to imagine him slowly getting taller than both Sakuya and Kuro(even though not by that much, Mahiru is still the shortest out of three, soooooooo I just really like this idea.) Mahiru continually thinking it’s funny when they notice the changes and when either of them get confused or flustered by the fact “Oh what? Hey… you’re eye level to me now.” (Oh, those two poor immortal babies.) 
A bit of a sudden sadder thought here though, but I’m sure Kuro and Sakuya share the over-whelming sense of dread knowing Mahiru won’t last forever. Mahiru is still a human after all. But hey…. they will still have each other. Besides, it would be so sad that they stopped being friends or whatever they ended up becoming just because they lost Mahiru. Kuro and Sakuya would know Mahiru would probably want them to stay close and not fall apart because he’s no longer there. Mahiru would want them to be friends on their own and not just for him. 
Okay, but imagine school starting up again for Mahiru. Imagine Mahiru thinking Sakuya should go back to school with him(and kitty Kuro of course). Just like how it used to be. But Sakuya instantly being apprehensive and saying a lot of things like “Oh… n-no Mahiru… I can’t do that. You know I can’t. Not after the way I left and what I did… I don’t belong there….and they don’t remember me anymore…you know that.”  Mahiru would be saddened by Sakuya’s words and negativity because of the emotional baggage that comes with even the good memories of their time in school together. But Mahiru would maybe reassure Sakuya saying things like “Well…things are different now and I wouldn’t want to leave you here alone almost everyday. I just thought it might be the best solution for us all and I thought… I thought that’s what you originally wanted because now you have that choice again…” (FOR  REAL THOUGH GUYS SAKUYA’S ORIGINAL WISH WAS TO FINISH HIGH SCHOOL WITH MAHIRU, RYUSEI AND KOYUKI AND THEN LEAVE THEIR LIVES WITHOUT ANY COMMOTION  BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE’S A VAMPIRE AND CAN’T STAY WITH THEM AND I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) 
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Even though this is Sakuya’s internal dialogue here, it’s a still a very real thing he wanted AND I THINK ABOUT IT TOO MUCH. THE BOY JUST WANTS TO GO TO HIGH SCHOOL AND BE A “NORMAL” TEEN BECAUSE HE NEVER GOT THAT BEFORE AND IT HURTS MEEEE.  ITS LITERALLY NO JOKE. 
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okay need to end this hc here cause I actually have too many thoughts about this and could go on about this. 
Anyways, don’t think I forgot about Uncle Tooru haha but I can see things going a couple of ways with explaining things to him. (I mean, he’s got to find out about Mahiru’s involvement with vampires in the canon story eventually. Right?? Although…. I still wonder about Tooru’s potential involvement with C3…? but that’s another conversation for another time. But it makes me curious about this hc.) He technically knows about Kuro already. Only in cat form though in canon….and Tooru knows Sakuya exists as Mahiru’s friend still too and Tooru is the one who helped Mahiru realize he should go after Sakuya in the canon story. So I wonder if things would start out with Mahiru being like “Um… is it okay if my friend here stays for awhile?” or maybe they would just be at the point where they straight up tell the truth when they get chance. (Again, just a lot of ways this can play out. So aaaaaahhhh)
I’m sure there are times Mahiru misses his mother, especially when it gets around to the day the accident happened and I already had a small thought/headcanon that Kuro helps comfort Mahiru around that time the best he can, Mahiru has comforted Kuro during tough times and helped him face his regrets, so of course Kuro would do something like this for Mahiru. But now hear me out with this too. I also think the same thing happens for Sakuya but with his older sister, cause it’s no doubt she was very important to Sakuya. These losses are equally traumatic for Mahiru and Sakuya because they both lost important family members at a very young age. But they definitely mourn differently about it. I feel like Sakuya doesn’t like showing this kind of “weakness” and his sister/past overall is likely already a very touchy subject to bring up around him. (I mean we had to have Tsubaki tell Sakuya’s past in the canon story and not Sakuya himself, so I feel it’s something he definitely hates talking about and probably wouldn’t have ever mentioned it to Mahiru if it wasn’t for Tsubaki.) I feel like Sakuya would cry somewhere secretly in silence, because he doesn’t want anyone to ask him about it. I mean he’s technically done that before over Mahiru *cough* *cough* never forget episode 4 *cough* As much as Mahiru is likely to be the one to help Sakuya open up more and being the one Sakuya feels most comfortable talking to….I really really do like the idea of Sakuya and Kuro becoming close too and I truthfully don’t talk about it enough. I like the thought of Kuro actually beginning to really care about him first. So I like the thought of Kuro awkwardly trying to figure it out there’s anything he can do and if he should do any kind of physical contact or anything??? Kuro trying his best to be more social and showing more care in his own little Kuro way, gives me life alright? I need more of this kind of character development and Kuro trying to interact with others. I get the funniest thought of Kuro panicking and just patting Sakuya on the head and being like….”uh… there, there.” Help him he is trying. Kuro knows how to handle Mahiru but not green boy yet.  
I realized these hcs and thoughts slowly are getting more and more into angst territory, but hey I already said things wouldn’t always be smooth sailing for this ship. It would take a lot of building up.  
But it was nice talking about the fun ideas rather than mostly discussing angsty canon stuff. 
Since this is already getting super long and will turn into more rambles I will stop for now. Cause the more I talk the longer and more elaborate I try to get.  I wasn’t joking when I said I have way too many thoughts. 😂😂😂
Anyways, thanks for asking!!!! ❤❤❤❤💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
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