#he is now breaking more rules without things to restrain him
Sirius Black x Slytherin!Reader
In My Room Chance Pena
Summary: Sirius falls for his most recent hook up, and she refuses to cave to what she wants}
Wc- 6697
Cw: Not proof read- Use of {Y/N}, sexual themes and scenes(literally opens with smut), cussing, Sirius is kinda a butt and broken hearted, Marlene my beloved, Jily my beloved}
Taglist- @otterlockholmes
If someone asked your peers what was one thing about you that they would say described you best, it was that you liked control.
The fear of the unknown, or better, uncertainty wasn't something you necessarily found charming. Things needed to be handled in an exact science, nothing spontaneous, no surprises.
Not that you weren't into a little fun, but even that came down to a basic formula to you. From parties, to schoolwork, to free time, and of course, to relationships. You would certainly be a RavenClaw if you weren't so ambitious.
That's why, when it first came out that you and Sirius were ‘talking,’ everyone was baffled. In hindsight, it made sense. He was a play boy who never really settled down, and you were a player yourself. Commitment meant opening your schedule to influences outside of your control. A whole other human’s thoughts and feelings, that just didn't fit into your mindset.
That meant a whole new set of rules you weren't ready to create. A whole new ecosystem to tend to. Of course, that also meant foolish things like jealousy, possession, passion. You'd rather stay as far away from that as possible.
 So hooking up with Sirius was easy. It was a quick fix to clear your mind and just have a break. You had been seeing each other for months. It started over the summer when James invited you and Lily to the Potters’. You both were left unsupervised for an hour, and what were two wound up teens to do? 
This symbiotic relationship followed you into year seven. You and Sirius hardly truly talked before then, but now, talk was truly on the back burner. You'd both find your release in each other and you'd leave. Simple as that. He would have someone to release any tension without having to work for it and you had your own relief without commitment. It was perfect.
Until it wasn't.
See, last week you broke your own rule. You usually never stayed over at Sirius’s dorm. You both agreed it was too intimate, but you were both exhausted, and you figured staying with him once wasn't a horrible idea. He did not complain. 
Since that night, he had been acting strange. Stranger than usual, that was. He would avoid you outside of your rendezvous, suddenly too busy with Quidditch practice, without James, and personal study. You ignored it, you were never close to Sirius before so you didn't think too much about him not spending time with you. 
Then came tonight. You ran your hands on his bare chest, nails raking down his flawless skin towards his abdomen. His head was thrown back in a loud groan, the music from downstairs keeping it from being anyone's but yours. Your hips rutted cruelly against his pelvis, slow and daunting. You had been at it for an hour now, your bodies were hot, sweat slipped from your forehead as you threw your head back when you managed to roll right into a sweet tender spot. 
The sound you let out was ungodly, and Sirius was losing it. Fighting against his tie you used to restrain his wrists. Even in his predicament, he refused to give in. When you faltered, growing closer to coming undone, he cursed and began to thrust up. The slapping of skin was loud and horrific, and paired with his groans and soft moans, your unholy exhales and blubbering nonsense you managed to slip out your lips, it sounded more like a porno scene than a dorm room.
Your legs began to shake, you pulled your nails from his freshly pink skin and ran your fingers up his cheeks and into his hair. You closed your eyes and bit your lip, meeting his thrusts in an animalistic way. His eyes were transfixed on you. How your body was glowing in the moonlight from the window, with a thick sheen of sweat and indented skin where he bit you too hard. You looked like a masterpiece to him, something he never wanted to give up.
“I love you.”
The words slipped through his lips before he could stop it. You both reached your hazy highs. You gave a croak of a moan and fell limp against his form. He was panting and huffing as his cum coated your insides. It felt so perfect. It was perfect for him.
Then, you were untying his wrists, carefully climbing off of him too soon, and the euphoria cleared, and he knew what he had done. He watched as you got up, grabbing his towel and patting yourself dry. Tossing it onto his lap without another word.
He sat up on his elbows and watched as you got ready, putting on the thin black dress that started all of this. 
“You're not staying?”
You wanted to ignore him. You wanted to snap and shout at him. If there was anyone you knew who could have kept this just a hookup, it was Sirius Black. And he betrayed your trust. And that made it so much harder.
Sirius gave a dry laugh and fell back against his bed sheets. Running his fingers through his hair as he looked up at the ceiling. Merlin, this felt too damn familiar. 
“Is it too late to pretend that didn't happen?”
You gave your own sarcastic laugh, grabbing your wand and shoes. You looked back at him, his eyes were wide and glossy, already rimming red. You were unsure if it was from the salt of his skin invading his eyes, or if he was about to cry, but you were weak to his looks. All of them.
You sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with your heel straps.
“When did this become more to you?”
You could practically hear him flinch. To you. There was nothing to you. This meant nothing more than sex to you, you made that clear, but hearing it made Sirius ache.
“It always was.”
“I’ve loved you. Since year five.”
You covered your face and groaned. You wanted to be sympathetic, but you were mad. He had been using you, this whole time, for some fantasy in his head, in a world where you were his. It made your stomach turn with guilt. How dare he make you feel guilty for this. He sat up and rubbed the back of his neck, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“We're done.”
“Goodnight, Sirius.”
He tried to reach for you but you had already slipped on your shoes. You walked out the door as Sirius stumbled after you. Putting on his boxers and trying to follow after, not even thinking of making himself not look like hot sex.
“Hey! See ya, {Y/N}!” James called from the doorway and Sirius met his eyes trying to leave. James looked down at Sirius bewildered, he was usually long since asleep after your time together, or at least smoking in bed. His friend looked so defeated. He felt it too. “Woah, you okay mate?”
“Fuck.” Sirius hissed and leaned his back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. James sounds of concern falling on deaf ears. Why the fuck did he say that?
“You're staring again.” Remus muttered as he stabbed his eggs with his fork. Looking up to see James’s desperate look, begging Remus to take pity on the sad fool. Remus was officially a prefect, he didn't have to stay up at night listening to Sirius’s woes about you.
 “Not creepy at all, by the way. Just…” He sighed and shook his head. “Sorry, I can't lie to him. She won't even come and eat with us anymore, which also means he's banished Lily to the other side of the table too. We're lucky she even comes to our common room to hang with us.”
James rubbed his temple and Sirius scoffed, looking at Remus’s firm expression. “I've banished her? I have? Bloody hell, I caught feelings for one girl and it's my fault she ran with her tail between her legs?” It was two weeks! Two weeks and she refused to talk to him outside of pleasantries.
“Watch it, Pads. You were the one who went too far. Who confesses while they're balls deep in someone?” Remus snapped back and Peter gave a squeak of distress, coughing out a few eggs. 
“Wait, what happened?” Peter whined out.
“Sirius confessed to {Y/N}. Not to mention he’s been skipping practice. Slytherin almost beat us!” James muttered and Peter looked like they said he hexed Dumbledore himself.
Remus scoffed at James' concerns.
Another thing about your reputation, everyone knew. Everyone knew you refused to entertain commitment, but Peter was also startled by Sirius’s confession.
“You confessed?” Peter questioned with an open slack mouth.
“Yes, wormtail.” Sirius snapped back.
“Woah.” He mumbled and Remus sighed. 
“Let's get your mind off it, Pads, let's go smash bludgers at each other until we get told off by Pomfrey, ya?” James prodded and before Sirius could respond, he was interrupted.
“You will do no such thing. Your mother would look to me if you came back with a battered head, it's a big enough target as it is.” Lily spoke from behind him, wrapping her arms around James shoulders as he leaned back and their lips met. She broke the kiss and giggled at the love sick look on his face. “Yes ma'am.”
She rolled her eyes and pulled back slightly, looking at Sirius with a soft pitiful look and he sighed through his nose. “She told you?”
“Well.. we are best friends, she was bound to.” Lily offered cautiously as James leaned his head into her sleeve and began to nibble on her robe like a damned goat, trying to let out all his bundled up affection. Lily quickly pinched his ear to reprimand him. Making him huff with a whine.
Sirius rolled his eyes at the affectionate display and Lily attempted to move but James just wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, pulling her flush against his back. She rolled her eyes harder this time.
“On a scale from one to ten, how bad is it?” Sirius mumbled and Lily shook her head.
“Well, she feels betrayed, Sirius. She feels like you've been indulging in what isn't yours.” Sirius looked down at his food and poked around at it before he tossed his fork down. “I wasn't indulging. What we had was consensual-”
“But dishonest. And we warned you.” Lily quipped sharply and Sirius flinched a bit. Lily was always a mother-like figure, but she was especially defensive of you. 
“Sorry, I just..” Sirius his voice cracked as he rubbed the bridge of his nose and Lily sighed. 
“I know..” She whispered. “You did this to yourself, Sirius.”
“I know.” He whispered. He felt defeated. 
Lily leaned her head on James, curtaining his face with her long red hair, the brunette is in absolute heaven with his nose pressed to her neck.
“Sirius, just be careful, okay? She's made it clear she's not going to stop her.. life over this.”
Sirius' jaw clenched. He didn't even think about that. Someone else having you the same way he did. 
That was a new hell.
When you were seeing Sirius, you both agreed to keep things exclusive, you both agreed that it would keep you both safe to not involve anyone else. Sirius was quickly learning that was a mistake. 
He couldn't find himself entertaining a girl without thinking of you, even casuals that he had seen before you just reminded him of the way you looked in his eyes as you commanded his soul to bend to you. Their touch reminded him of your sharp nails wracking down his back as he held himself above the one woman who could truly ever break him.
Weeks without you was torture. He missed the intimacy, of course, but also you. He meant it when he said he fell for you years ago. Sirius was much in the same boat as Remus, he didn't think he deserved the more sweet love in life. 
You weren't gentle, you were genuine and to the point. Blunt, no filter  and rather brash. It was no wonder the girls seemed to love you. Lily was stern and more parental, Marlene was a party animal but a helpless romantic, Dorcas was hard to read but she had the same blunt air about her, and Mary was more of an observer. You tied them together like a bow. Lily's more rash side, Marlene's more rational side, Dorcas’s honest side and Mary's voice. 
It also meant you were all these things to the boys when you met them. Remus and you were naturally drawn to each other, both enjoying the more quiet things. It helped you had prefect rounds together. James and you fit a lot like you'd expect, a much more stern voice of reason to his utter stupidity. Peter even bonded with you, in small comments in passing and clever one liners between you two.
Sirius, however, had to admit he thought you were nothing more than pretty. When Lily introduced you to the group, you fit in far too easily, not to mention you were a Slytherin. Though, your more no bullshit and cut throat attitude quickly turned his indifference to infatuation. It helped that you didn't even spare him the time of day in most cases.
His ideal type. 
The attraction was purely sexual. It was supposed to be casual. The shared flirts, the snarky comments, the deathly teasing, only to be followed by your endless heart. When you sat with him after a bad Quidditch accident, when you sat him down and forced him to study for potions because he was failing and just didn't care. You were always there to help him out of the stupid shit he got himself into.
Yet, over the two years you'd known him, that was the most that happened between the two of you. You could hardly call each other friends, because you did that for everyone. He felt like he was nothing to you, just someone to nag and dote on. Your words always meant the world to him, and you picked them carefully, but they were never just his.
Until you were in bed together. He couldn't just let that go.
Now he had to manage to keep himself calm when you were around, because your friends were his and his were yours. He would never make them choose, and honestly, he was selfish. He wanted to be around you in any way he could. 
He regrets that now.
Lily and Marlene had brought down an empty glass from their dorm room from Merlin knows what, insisting everyone gather around for a game of truth or dare. 
Eventually, everyone was situated around the bottle. James was on the couch, Lily practically on his lap. Remus was on the other side, leaning back and already drinking whatever Peter had brought from their dorm room. Marlene was dancing around the room to a random AC / DC record, with her school skirt hiked up to show off her thighs, and a rich red crop top, just her tie hanging loose around her neck. She was singing a bit off key, but in a charming way. 
Sirius would usually find that to be the most captivating part of the night, but every time he even glanced at her he could only think of how you would only ever dance when he coaxed you off the couch. How you'd act so terribly annoyed, before melting into his arms and laughing along with his terrible dance moves. You both would make absolute fools of yourself. It was his favorite part of the night.
Peter got up from his spot across from Sirius as someone knocked. He hurried over to the portrait and opened it, and in came Mary, Dorcus, and you.
Sirius felt his breath hitch and he looked away. James seemed to notice this, but before he could say anything to save the poor boy, Marlene gave a delighted squeal and ran up to you and Dorcas, arms around both of your shoulders. You glanced at her and both you and Meadowes shared a small hidden smile. 
“Let's get this started!” Marlene shouted, you winced away at the volume right against your ear. Dorcas just looked taken. You playfully pinched her cheek and she giggled, hurrying over to sit right next to Sirius. You thinned your lips at the sight, you didn't expect them to try and rekindle whatever they had before, but if they did you.. you could be happy for them, you think. That bubbling in your throat was just left over betrayal.
Sirius, however, had his eyes narrowed on you. You ignored it, turning to start and idle conversation with Dorcas who seemed just as unsettled about the position. You put your hand on her back and rubbed it a bit as you looked at Mary who sat on your other side. She shared a sympathetic look with both of you and you bit your cheek. What was that for?
“Who's first?” Remus spoke up to break the tension, and Lily raised her hand. “Oh! Oh! Me!” She quickly spun the bottle and it twirled around to land on Peter. 
The game was going steady like that, shots taken for people who refused to do their dares, pretty outlandish and good natured. Eventually, this had devolved into a modest level of chaos, until Marlene spun the bottle. She was clearly a bit tipsy, and her filter had long been dissolved.
You were still trying to keep up the sportsmanship of the game, but when Marlene asked you truth or dare there was no way in hell you'd say dare, terrified she'd ask you to streak or scream bloody murder in the middle of the courtyard. Two dares she's done before.
“Truth.” You mused with a smile and tilted your head. 
“Is it true you have a new boytoy already~?” Marlene purred and leaned forward with her chin in her palm. Your face filled with dread instantly. Really? Already? She made it sound like it was some horrible offense. You were sure Sirius had found someone else too, you were never anything more than what happened between the sheets.
Your eyes flicked to Sirius, and he looked stunned. He wasn't even breathing, and you felt a sharp pain in your chest. Feeling the need to justify yourself. 
“W-well, it's nothing. But yes, I guess?” You muttered out and Sirius leaned his head back and you winced. What else should you have said? Should you have lied for his sake? Did it matter? Again, you and Sirius were hardly friends.
Lily watched the interaction with wide eyes, watching as you stammered in uncertainty. Waving your hand around in aspiration. Her eyes widened and she hit James best before he could interrupt, gesturing to you. His eyes widened as even James -can't take a hint- Potter caught on to what was happening. No…
Marlene gave a gasp and leaned forward. “Woah, no wasted time, huh, {Y/N}.”
“Is it that big of a deal?” Mary offered in a quiet voice, trying to cut in. Marlene finally seemed to take the hint, and quickly stammered out and back tracked. 
“N-no, of course not, just curious.” She muttered on about and tried to quickly encourage you to spin the bottle, but your eyes were locked into place by Sirius’s. 
“So uhm,” Sirius cleared his throat and looked away. “Who is it?”
“Does it matter?” You whispered back. It was like you two were in your own private world. Mary put her hand on your shoulder and Dorcas slipped her hand around your lower back. Both trying to comfort you threw the confrontation. It was like everyone could see what you felt before you even knew it. 
“It does to me.” He muttered in a low voice and you looked away, slowly hugging your knees and biting your cheek.
“... Barty Crouch.” You mumbled and he gave a bitter laugh, making you close your eyes.
“Really?” He practically shouted and you quickly pushed the girls off and began to stand up. “My brother’s best friend?” He gave a bitter laugh as he watched you gather your things.
“Thank you guys for tonight.” You smiled at the group, quickly trying to defuse the situation, Remus waved his hand and stood up, ready to walk you back.
“Yeah, go ahead. Walk away, again.” Sirius raised his voice and you flat out ignored him, shaking your head and walking to the door. “There she goes folks!” He shouted across the room and you simply sent him an interesting gesture over your shoulder. He scoffed.
The second the portrait closed he kicked the bottle across the room and stomped off to the stairs. “Good fucking riddance.”
He prayed it was missed, but the watery tone in the base of his throat was so painfully obvious.
You two didn't talk for another few weeks, you stayed away from the Gryffindor common room for dear life. Particularly after James pulled you aside and asked you to avoid Sirius, as his performance in Quidditch was suffering. Lily gave him a firm talking to after that. At first you scoffed it off, but ultimately you listened.
Things were dulling down, you went back to what you could control and the girls didn't entirely mind meeting in the prefect rooms. You were sitting in the mirror, combing your hair in the same black dress, ready to meet Barty up in the Ravenclaw common rooms to celebrate their win against Gryffindor. 
“Are you sure you won’t be coming?” You hummed and looked over at Lily who gave a nod.
“Sorry, I’m sure Barty will look after you. I have to comfort a moping giant, I’ll be busy all night.” Lily exaggerated, making you smirk and Dorcas clear her throat.
“All night, huh?” She mused and Lily bit her bottom lip.
“Sometimes losing a game or two has its perks.” She cheeked and Mary gave a dramatic gasp. “Lily Josephine Evans!”
You gave her a scandalized look up and down. “Really now?”
“I have told you before, I can take punishment.” She pushed and Mary threw a pillow at her, making you laugh in absolute delight. You shook your head fondly, unable to stop the bright goofy smile on your face. 
“You are awful.” You mumbled and put on a pair of earrings, wincing as you immediately were reminded of how much Sirius liked them. Quickly taking them out and standing up.
“Are either of you coming?” You asked Mary and Dorcas and Mary shook her head. “Sorry, me and Remus are going to study in the library.” She mused and before Dorcas could make another innuendo you sent her a look. 
The stoic girl giggled like a mischievous first year. “No, I’m sorry. I have actual innocent things to do.” 
You rolled your eyes before you waved them off. “I will see you three another time.”
“Talk to him!” Lily called before the other two muttered out their goodbyes between packing their things.
“Not a chance, Evans!” You shouted over your shoulder. You didn't owe Sirius a damn thing. Certainly not the time of day after the stunt he pulled.
Sirius was a mess. He had been unable to focus on anything but you for the past two miserable months. He wanted to apologize. He wanted to talk to you, he wanted to see you. You avoided him like the plague, and he didn't know if he was grateful or pissed about it.
He knew only one way to get rid of this aching irritation.
That's how he found himself in a small broom closet with Marleen, his lips were all over hers, his hands on her hips gripping hard at her exposed skin. Marlene was so different from you, but it wasn't hard. To close his eyes and imagine it was your fingers running threw his hair, your lips against his own.
When he moved to her neck, he felt your skin. He heard your voice saying his name so sweetly. “Fuck.. that's my girl.” He whispered against her skin and relished in the slight shiver she let rock her body. “I've got you, {Y/N}. I'm right here.” He breathed heavily.
There was a moment where both of them froze. There was a sharp stinging pain that ran across his jaw as Marlene, appropriately, slapped him. He groaned and stepped back, Marlene slamming the door open to storm out.
Bloody hell.
You made your way down the empty corridors, looking outside at the moonlit school grounds. It was quiet, just before curfew, not that you were too worried. You had wrapped yourself up in your school cloak and prayed Flinch cared as little as he seemed to about the proper patrols.
There was a loud crackling slap that rang through the silent hall, soon after, a door slammed open a few yards down from you. Your eyes snapped up to watch Marlene rush out of the room. Your eyes widened when you looked at eachother and she looked like a deer in headlights. 
You opened your mouth to say something before Sirius stumbled out behind her, muttering a mouthful of apologies.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what had happened. Frazzled hair, kids bruised lips, Marlene's neck and Sirius’s… red cheek? You quickly looked away from the two and Marlene looked back at Sirius. He was staring at you with wide eyes.
She huffed and began to stomp away, leaving the two of you in an awkward silence. 
“... hey.” He whispered and that snapped you out of it.
You began to walk down the hall, and he quickly ran in front of you, his hands up in front of you to try and settle you. You scoffed and looked behind you before sharply up at him. “Hey- hey, {Y/N}, it's not what you think.” He tried to defend himself. From what exactly? You had no clue.
“What? It's kind of hard to hide it.” You scoffed and gestured to his  unbuckled pants. He sighed and began to fix them, your eyes looking away from him. Arms crossed as you waited for him to speak his peace. Sirius shoving his shirt into his pants to straighten himself up.
There was a long silence before Sirius spoke up again. Your eyes drifting back to him. He was a mess, he looked so apologetic. Your heart almost broke, it ached for you to just drag him back to the dorm and forget everything that happened the past few months. You blinked away the thought. No. This is exactly why you avoid relationships. You hated this hurt.
“Uhm..” He cleared his throat. “Where are you heading?”
“What?” You whispered, a bit caught off guard. 
“It's not your night for rounds.” He mumbled. “I just figured, you know-”
“How do you…” Right. He would know your night schedule wouldn't he? “Ah..”
Your eyes drifted past him before you gestured to the stairs. “Well. RavenClaw is celebrating their win. Barty asked me to come.” You remarked calmly and he gave a low scoff. You took a deep breath as you prepared yourself for his next out lash. 
“You just. Never went with me to the parties at Gryffindor tower is all.” 
You rolled your eyes. “That's because I knew you'd be there, Sirius. You always had me those nights, didn't you?”
He stared at you and slowly nodded. “Yeah. I did.” He muttered and bit his cheek. You wanted to kiss his pout away and- Merlin what was getting into you?
“Well, if you don't mind..” You mumbled and walked past him, He quickly called out again.
“Will you uhm.. Will you be at the next game?” He called across the hall and you looked him in his eyes. He was pleading, you had never seen him so.. sad. Bruised cheek and all.
“... do you want me to, Sirius?”
“More than anything.”
You sighed through your nose. “Yes, I'll be there.”
He shook his head, slowly a shy and hesitant smile grew on his lips. “Nice.. nice.. yeah, I'll see you there.”
He stood there and stared at you for a moment. You felt like you lost the ability to breathe.
“Sirius?” You whispered and he looked you in the eyes with this sad bit of hope you knew you’d crush.
“Is that all?”
“O-oh, yeah. Yeah, I'll see you there, {Y/N}.” He mumbled and you slowly nodded. He turned and walked back to the tower.
“Yeah. See you.” You whispered to an empty corridor. You stood there for a solid minute. Debating if you should run after him or not. You wanted to. You wanted to but you knew you shouldn't.
The image of Sirius and Marlene leaving the storage room together was burned into your head. You had been avoiding him, he had a right to do anything he wanted with anyone he wanted, you had called it off.
Even so, with Barty at your neck kissing it sore and your fingers in his hair, you couldn't stop thinking about it. You went through the motions, just dismissing your own thoughts and letting Barty’s hands reach for your bra strap. He paused and you didn't even notice, still staring off out of one of the several windows. The Ravenclaw tower was just encased in them from wall to wall, and with the darkness they just looked like mirrors.
“Are you alright?” Barty whispered in your ear and you nodded.
“Yeah, sorry, just distracted.” You mumbled and he shook his head, pulling away.
“What? What's wrong?” You whispered out and he bit his cheek.
“Come on, don't play dumb.” He chuckled and fell back on a random seat in the vacant room he dragged you in. 
“What?” You mumbled and he shrugged, slowly smirking.
“I may be younger, but I know that look. You have been a million miles away. I'm not gonna sleep with you while you're like that, pretty girl.”
You gave a weak and playful laugh, fixing your dress on your shoulder. “Isn't that what this is for, Crouch?”
“Ouch, Crouch?” he chuckled, standing up to pick up your discarded robe and walked behind you to wrap it around your shoulders. “I would normally agree with anything your pretty mouth uttered, but I am not Sirius. I'm not a good substitute, I can guarantee it.”
“What? Don't be crass.” You scoffed, startled with how easily he could see through you.
‘Twelve owls, I'm not an idiot.” He gave you a firm pat on your ass and pushed you on. “Go get that sad sack. I am going to go see if Evan’s is busy.”
You were stunned by the whole interaction. You bit your cheek before you turned and gave him a tight hug. He was startled by this, but slowly pulled you in. Turning you around and shoving you off.
“Okay, you're killing my buzz. Out.”
You weren't thinking. That was your excuse. When you stumbled out of the tower and walked right past the dungeons. You stopped at the fat lady, knocking on the painting and startling the her awake. She looked at you suspiciously and you gave her a nervous smile. “Just.. checking on some things.” You whispered and she seemed to buy it for the most part.
You snapped your head up as the door opened. Peter looked at you with wide eyes and you looked around him before slipping in. You walked into the common room before you turned to him. “Is James here?”
“No, just Sirius. I can-”
“No need.” You remarked quickly and turned, hurrying up the steps and leaving a baffled and confused Peter behind.
When you got to the door, you knocked quickly. You prayed no one else was there. 
The door opened with a hesitance, Sirius peaked out and his eyes grew the size of saucers. “{Y/N}-”
“Are you alone?” You breathed and he quickly nodded. You stepped in and closed the door behind you. Pressing your back to it. Sirius stared at you and you bit your bottom lip. There was a long silence. You didn't even think about what you planned to say when you got there. 
He reached out to grab his tie and yanked him close. His lips were on yours without much coaxing needed. He gave a sigh and forced his body against yours. The door behind you jerks at the force. You ran your fingers through his hair and he groaned against your lips.  “Sirius.” You whined as his hands grabbed your hips.
“I know, {Y/N}.” He whispered and you looked away, his lips falling to your neck. “I've got you.”
The next morning you woke up just an hour or so before Sirius to sneak back to your dorms. Once you got there, you passed Lily on her own walk of shame. You both looked at eachother but said nothing of the events from the night before. 
You both got ready for the day, and ended up meeting up early in the Quidditch stands. Still, no one said anything about it. “How long are these games?” You asked Lily with a shiver, covering yourself up with a jumper you had taken with you this morning. Not really thinking about having to explain why you had his clothes. Why you left the tower that morning. Really, anything,
You'd don't have to, however. Lily knew. She knew the moment you looked heartbroken at Sirius that night. She knew the separation wouldn't last.
“Could be hours. James has set records with being the quickest seeker, so could even be minutes.” Lily mused and you gave a scoff of a laugh. 
“That tells me nothing, you know that right?”
Lily simply smirked at you. “Like you? This morning? Why are you wearing Sirius’s jacket?” She cheeked and you gave a guilty weak smile.
“... yeah, makes sense Lily, I hope Slytherin wins.” You teased and she gave a playful scoff.
“It will take ages!”
Eventually the girls joined and you settled to watch the game.
You were finally able to witness it, what James meant when he said you had his ‘best beater’ distracted. Sirius seemed in another place the whole game. He was being pelted with the bludger, and not as quick with sending it back to their attackers. You were actually quite into the game and startled by every attack.
Sirius however, was just hovering. Trying to piece together what last night was. He didn't see you in the Slytherin stands, and he was wondering if it would be another three months before he heard your voice again. He snapped out of it just in time to send a bludger back that was aimed right to his face. He took a few steady breaths and bit his cheek.
That almost made you panic. You shot up straight as people began to boo him. You covered your face with a groan, the Slytherin stands chanting and cheering for him to continue to fumble. You didn't really think before you launched to your feet and grabbed the edge of the railing. 
“Sirius!!” You screamed over the railing and he snapped around to your voice. You both locked eyes and your breath hitched. You held his eyes for a minute before you bit your lip and leaned so far forward over the railing you might've fallen. “Just win this game already! It's bloody cold out here!”
That was all he needed. You, in his house stands. In his jumper. Cheering his name. He nearly passed out. And you turned to look behind him with wide eyes. He moved on instinct. Turning sharply to smack an incoming bludger at a distracted chaser. You cheered for him, this time Lily and Mary joined you in your rowdy cheers, as Lily pulled you back from the edge. 
You and the girls watched as James spotted the Snitch, in all honesty, it was the first time you paid attention to anyone else in the game. 
James and the other seeker were neck and neck, but Sirius took care of that easily, hitting the bludger at the back of Regulus’s broom and spinning him out of control and giving James the chance to secure the win.
Griffindor screamed out in victory, and Sirius landed. He ran right past James, Marlene, even Alice as they went to congratulate each other, running straight for the stands, passing Lily and only lending him a moment as she laughed. “She went to the school! Think she's sneaking off to her dorm.”
“Bloody hell she is! Not after that!” He shouted, already running off the pit and not even thinking of using his long discarded broom.
You had just managed to avoid the crowds and ran straight up the stairs. You didn't even think until you find yourself in the astronomy tower. You began to pace. You wanted him. You wanted him so bad. You wanted this so bad. The flash of Sirius coming to mind as the final horse crossed the finish line. You were in love with Sirius black. Oh Merlin, have mercy on your soul.
“{Y/N}! {Y/N}!” 
Speak of the damned devil. 
You turned from your perch on the railing, staring down at Sirius as he stood in the courtyard just below you. Like you were once again, watching him from the stands. 
“Sirius!” You shouted down without thinking. He looked up at you and it looked like a scene from a fairy tale. He was looking at you with this stupid smile on his face, a smile you just wanted to kiss so bad. 
“How did you get up there so quick!?” He shouted up at you, drawing a small crowd and you laughed. “Did you win!?”
Sirius couldn't even bring himself to be offended that you didn't stay for the end of the match. “We did!” He shouted up and you bit your lip, absolutely love struck with a bright smile. “I'm coming up!” He shouted and you closed your eyes tight, leaning forward over the edge again.
“Sirius Orion Black!” You shouted down and now a crowd was forming. But you could only see each other. He stared up at you with a quirked eyebrow. “Yeah?!”
“I-” You choked out a whisper before you shook your head. 
“Sirius Black I'm in love with you! I love your stupid face! Your pretty smile! Your dumb eyes!” You shouted and he took a few steps back with a shocked look. Quickly shoving his way past the crowd to make his way up the stairs to you. You had your eyes closed, you didn't even notice as he left. “I love your stupid dance moves! I love when you hold me! I love when you make those stupid jokes no one else gets but us! I love you, Merlin I fucking love you!” You screamed across the entire courtyard, breath heavy as you slowly opened your eyes and your heart dropped. Where did he-
Suddenly, there were a pair of arms around your abdomen that yanked you from the railing. You squealed and Sirius spun you around. Setting you down and laughing as you looked up at him. Your eyes met and he bit his lip. “{Y/N}?”
“Yeah?” You whispered in faux innocence. 
“I fucking love you too.”
He grabbed your cheeks and yanked you into a kiss. It was heavy and intense; your hands found his cheeks in return. You were both so wrapped up with each other, you didn't even notice a much closer audience before you heard Lily clear her throat. Sirius looked up and was greeted by Lily, Mary, Marlene, everyone. Even Peter who all seemed a bit winded. “Leave it to Sirius Black to get {Y/N} {L/N} to do something spontaneous.” Remus muttered and you didn't even seem to notice them. Yanking Sirius into another love filled kiss. Sirius had no qualms with this.
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ghoulie-67-baby · 11 months
Rule breaker- Wizarding world.
Summary: You tried to be a good girl, but a certain Sirius Black makes you break rules.
Warnings: Domxsub dynamics, pet names, SMUT (were not pissing around), Edging (without permission I guess), manipulation, subspace, crying, cum play, using sub as ‘cum dump’, lying, punishment, cum eating, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, slight blackout,
Pairing: Wolfstar x fem!reader.
Word count: 6,290.
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The walk to class was never an easy one. Hogwarts was filled with magic and mischievous ghosts and moving staircases but today this wasn't my issue with getting to classes on time. I had 7 minutes to get to my lesson and I knew if I didn't want to get into trouble with Remus and Sirius then I needed to haul ass, despite my tired legs.
Sighing heavily, I began to climb another staircase, noticing it had not long moved and so wouldn't for a while, and trudging down the corridor with a yawn as my body fought to rouse from its sleep. Despite me having a lie-in, I was still drowsy but I put that down to not getting up until 20 minutes before my class, barely leaving myself enough time to get ready. If Sirius and Remus didn't have an early class then I would have gotten woken but I liked to push my luck when they weren't there. It meant nobody was there to see me break the rules but that was my little secret.
I was almost to the end of the corridor where my first lesson was when a smirking Sirius walked out of an empty room, as if he was waiting for me, with a smug look on his face, blocking my path.
"Well, well, well what have we here?" The grin never left his face as he leaned against the wall on his shoulder and crossed his arms. I smiled sweetly up at him, hoping he didn't point out my sleepy eyes and ruffled looks.
"Morning Pads, how was your first lesson?" Hopefully diverting the attention to him would take his attention from my lie-in.
"It wasn't so bad, I think the most important question is how was your late start Poppet?" I froze and bit my lip, I knew there wasn't any point in denying it unless I wanted to get into any further trouble.
"I didn't mean to get up late, Moony usually has time to wake me but he couldn't this morning." I watched as he nodded his head in faux agreement almost as if he was mocking me before smiling sweetly and moving to kiss my head.
"Well, I have something that could wake you up," His lips ghosted over my temple as he rubbed his hands up and down my arms. I knew by now I was late to my class and the thought of Remus' disappointment made my stomach turn slightly. At the same time, I didn't want to disappoint Sirius, after all, they were both my Doms and so I had to abide by both sets of rules. It was almost as if he could read my mind because he smiled down at me and grabbed my hand, pulling me gently behind him and into the empty room.
"Don't worry Y/N, it's not rule-breaking because you're following my rules." I relaxed a bit more and let my arms wrap around him as he kissed my neck before meeting his lips in a rough kiss. It didn't take long for him to have me perched on the edge of the table, he stood between my parted legs and my hands tangled in his hair as I panted harshly. His hands expertly lifted me from my perch before slipping my underwear off, letting them drop to the floor before grinning down at me. Well at least he got one thing right: I really was wide awake now.
My head hung back, eyes closed and mouth open in a silent moan as he pushed into me with a groan as he bottomed out, stretching me out nicely. For a moment he was still and I looked up at him, admiring his mess of hair as his eyes sparkled with a mischievous smirk. Before long, his stillness turned to short thrusts as he tried to restrain himself before becoming rough and harsh which he knew I loved. The classroom was filled with groans as he chased after his high, using me like I was there for his pleasure only which made whimpers escape me alongside muffled moans as he covered my mouth with his hand to quieten me. My hips bucked in time with his as I gripped his shoulders for support, pulling at his shirt as I got closer to the edge. With a moan, Sirius pushed into me as far as he could before I felt hot thick ropes of his cum coat my insides, almost pushing me over the edge.
Just before I could get my release, he removed himself from me, leaving me a panting and shaking mess that could barely stand up as he moved away to straighten out his uniform. Tears collected in my eyes as I watched him in shock and annoyance. The sparkle never left his eyes as he grinned back at me, straightening his tie.
"Next time don't break the rules and you can cum, you bad girl. Remus is going to be so disappointed in his good little girl when I tell him what you've done. See ya later Poppet." With a wave and a mocking smile, he disappeared out the door and to his next lesson. I tried to shout after him but he ignored me as he ran to his next class.
Now two rules had been broken. I had been late for my class and let Sirius use me without Remus being there or giving permission. Usually, that had to be discussed between the three of us or agreed upon by Remus but this time I knew I would definitely be in trouble, especially if Sirius was to tell Remus it was my idea.
The decision to skip classes was a quick one and so I pulled my underwear back up, ignoring Sirius' cum that slowly seeped out of me, and sped back to our dorm without a word to anyone. Once I reached the common room, I ran upstairs to Remus and Sirius' room and threw myself on the Lycanthrope's bed with a huff. Usually, girls weren't allowed in the boy's dorm, and vice versa, but of course the marauders had found a way around it.
The rest of my morning was spent with me sulking in Remus' bed, trying to read my books but distracted by the need to cum and also by the thought of punishment from my Dom. I had swaddled myself in one of Remus' jumpers, leaving my skirt on and curling under the covers. The day dragged by and if anyone had noticed I hadn't turned up to any class then they mustn't have said anything because no visitors came up, which I was grateful for. As dinner passed, my stomach growled at me but I ignored it as a sick twisted feeling grew. I felt so incredibly guilty and though it was Sirius who had the idea, I shouldn't have agreed because Remus wasn't there too. I knew better than this and now I wasn't a good girl anymore. At least I didn't break a third rule by touching myself without permission even though I was desperate to.
The afternoon was filled with me slipping in and out of subspace, crying to myself and napping because I was exhausted from crying. I was so caught up in my emotions that I forgot Remus finished before Sirius who had an extra class after him. My eyes were still blurred by the tears that tracked down my cheeks when the bedroom door opened and I held in a breath, glad that my face was hidden away from whoever it was by Remus' pillow and my body covered in his blankets. I stiffened as a hand rested against my covered ankle but I soon relaxed when the familiar scent of pine wood and chocolate clouded my senses. Though the intruder had been identified as my Dom, I still kept my face hidden, not wanting to face him right now as guilt wracked me.
"Hey bunny, how come you weren't in lessons?" His voice was so soft and sweet just as it always was when he knew I was having a bad day but today I didn't deserve for him to be nice. "Is everything okay?" I couldn't answer him so I nodded silently. "Bun, Look at me." His voice was slightly harder, knowing he needed to be firm so I'd listen. Reluctantly, I turned onto my other side so he could see my face and raised my eyes to meet his, knowing they were red and puffy. His face flashed with concern and he raised a hand to caress my cheek but I stopped him, shaking my head.
"What happened Bunny?" Remus was far from stupid and wouldn't stop until he got to the bottom of this mess. "Did someone hurt you?"
"No," My voice came out as a whisper. "I'm just a bad girl Remmy, I'm sorry." I got a look of confusion as I curled my legs towards my chest.
"No, you could never be a bad girl f'me Y/N, you're my good girl. What makes you think you're a bad girl?" I bit back a whimper and sighed knowing I had to tell him. Obviously, Sirius hadn't told him so now was my chance to tell him what truly happened.
"I broke two rules. Nearly broke three Remmy." His back straightened slightly as I spoke but he didn't speak, instead he allowed me the chance to explain my wrongdoings. "I got out of bed really late 'n' nearly missed my lesson but when I was making my way to my class Sirius stopped me in the corridor, I would've been on time if he hadn't. I told him I was going to be late because I knew it would be better to tell the truth but I wasn't fully awake yet so he said he could wake me up and pulled me into one of the empty rooms." I sniffled as he nodded for me to continue. "Siri said it would be okay because I was following his rules and being good to him so I wouldn't get in trouble with you but when he was finished he didn't let me cum and left me in the room on my own after telling me I was a bad girl and you were gunna be disappointed with me. I ran straight back up here and haven't been to any lessons. I didn't want him to lie to you about it." By the time I was finished, he looked angry and I sat on the bed with fresh tears on my cheeks, sniffling like a baby.
"Oh Bunny, you poor thing." He crooned, running his hand over my hair and wiping away one of my tears. "So Sirius lied to you about it being okay and then didn't let you finish. Is that why you're so upset? Because you want to cum?"
"Kind of, yes but because I was bad as well, I didn't mean to be bad, he said I was being good f'him." I shifted uncomfortably against the blanket which didn't go unnoticed.
"You're not bad, Sirius is the one that's bad Bunny and I'll be dealing with him later." His eyes travelled down to my curled-up legs. "Did he clean you up after at least?" I shook my head no as he gently pulled down the covers. I let my legs part as he moved my underwear to one side and sighed in frustration at our boyfriend. "Why haven't you cleaned his cum away Bun?"
"I didn't wanna break another rule so I left it," I admitted, blushing as he watched Sirius' cum leak from me. Remus shook his head and moved back to his sitting position before smiling at me softly.
"You're not a bad girl, you know you should get up earlier but if Sirius hadn't stopped you and done this then you would have been on time for the lesson which I would've let slide. As for what happened, That's his fault and he will be punished accordingly so don't worry, you didn't break the rules. I'm very proud that you didn't want to break another rule but you can still clean yourself up Love, we wouldn't class that as rule-breaking."
"Thank you for not being angry Remmy." I smiled, feeling a little better about the day now that he knew what had happened. With a sigh I sat up and shuffled into Remus' lap to cuddle him, knowing now he wasn't angry at me at all. His warm arms wrapped around me gently and I nuzzled into his chest, getting as close as physically possible, feeling a little better now I knew he wasn't angry with me.
"Let's get you cleaned up Love and then I can help you out." I nodded and climbed out of his lap and walked into the bathroom, whining when I felt something warm drip through my underwear and down my thigh. The lycanthrope chuckled as I watched it slip down my leg and began to strip off my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the bathroom floor as he got me some fresh underwear and one of his cardigans. He knew I hated wearing my clothes because his and Siri's were always more comfortable.
I waited in the bathroom for him to come back, shifting from one foot to the other as my hands stayed clasped in front of me, not wanting to be tempted into rule-breaking. As he walked back in, he smiled at me and kissed my head before stripping my underwear off and leaning me over the bathroom counter gently. I gasped as the cold surface met my chest and closed my eyes, holding in a whimper as he brushed his fingers over my hip gently, seeing the new bruises that had formed from Sirius' hands. I didn't mind the bruises, I actually loved having them, made me feel like I belonged. Seconds later, I jolted out of my thoughts as he started to clean me up, tutting to himself, being as gentle as always with me. A small moan slipped through my lips as he finished cleaning me, forgetting how sensitive and needy I was at the moment.
"Sorry Bun, "He pressed a kiss to my shoulder before sliding my feet into the underwear and pulling them up as I stood up from the counter. The wool of the cardigan glided across my skin as I melted into the fabric, encased in the Wolf's scent, and snuggled into his chest as I was buried in his arms. "That better now love?" I nodded against his chest and hummed happily before kissing his cheek gently.
"Thank you, Remmy." He gave me another squeeze before walking back into the room with me and patting his lap as he sat on the bed, against the headboard. I grinned and climbed onto the bed, settling myself so I was straddling him with my legs on either side of his hips. His hands looked huge against my thighs and I traced the scars on them with a small smile.
"Feeling better now little one?" His eyes were warm and kind as always. I nodded as his thumb rubbed against my skin, feeling a little more settled but still itching for some sort of contact. "Still feeling needy huh? Have you eaten yet Bunny?" I dropped my eyes from his and glanced at his hands shyly whilst shaking my head slowly. "Well, you need to eat a little something before anything happens because I don't want you getting ill." I nodded softly and clambered off his lap as he nipped down to the common room to make a sandwich. After he had brought it up and settled on the bed with me, I nibbled at it in little bits, glad to have the encouragement of my dom, not wanting to eat after the day I'd had but doing it because I knew he was right. Once I had finished half, I looked at Moony and he nodded in understanding, taking the plate and placing it on the bedside table, he knew I couldn't eat it all at the moment.
Minutes passed, and I let my food settle and had a drink of water before I started to feel fidgety and needy again. I pressed my face into the Lycanthrope's neck as I whined at him, hoping it would catch his attention. He chuckled but pulled my face to him, letting our lips connect into a gentle kiss. Instantly, I melted with a small sigh as my chest fell so it was pressing against his comfortably, soothed by the feeling of his thumb rubbing my skin gently. I whimpered quietly as I felt his bulge start to grow beneath me and tried as hard as I could to keep my hips still. Large hands slid from my thighs to my waist and started to move my hips slowly, silently allowing me to grind against him as my head started to cloud.
Warmth spread through my body as the anxiety and frustration I had from earlier melted away in lust for my Dom. The feeling of his rough hands against my hips mixed with the bulge beneath me had my back arching as I sped up the pace a little.
"Ah ah Bunny, you've had a very overwhelming and emotional day," He cut himself off with a low groan, grip tightening on my hips. "You need to take this slow or you'll drop and we know how bad you get when that happens don't we?" I knew the question was rhetorical so I slowed myself down back to the original speed before wrapping my arms around his neck loosely. His warmth soothed me until a chuckle began to rumble in his chest which caught my attention. "Bun, I can feel how wet you are right now and I've barely touched you. I can smell you too, you smell delicious." His voice lowered considerably when he said it and I hid my face in his throat as the blood flushed my already warm cheeks. "Awww my shy girl, don't have to be shy f'me Bun, let me see your pretty little face." I lifted my head to find him smiling at me lovingly and pulling open the buttons of the cardigan, exposing my bare chest to him. Warm lips met my collarbone as he kept my hips moving slowly but kissed any skin he could get to. I let my head fall back and my mouth open in a sigh of relief as his mouth made its way down to my nipples, which had hardened when the cool air of the dorm met them. I wrapped my fingers into his hair and pulled his head from my chest gently.
"Remmy, I really really need you," I pressed my forehead against his, pressing my core against him harder. "Please, want you to do whatever you want with me. Make me do anything to you, use my mouth or my body, anything." I truly was desperate for anything he was willing to give me, I was on the verge of tears.
"Bun, I'm not gonna use you, Sirius did that and you ended up in this state so I'm gonna help you and give you what you need and want. This is about you baby." His hands manoeuvred me as he spoke, placing me against the pillows carefully as my breath caught in my throat. "Now, what's my name little one?"
"Daddy, you're my Daddy." I didn't have the energy or patience to be bratty about it so I gave him the right answer the first time.
"Good girl, now let Daddy take these off," He tugged at the waistband of my underwear and I lifted my hips so he could slip them off. "Let me see my pretty girl." I let my legs spread and watched as he grinned and licked his lips as if he was hungry. "Atta girl." A gentle thumb rubbed patterns on my skin as he knelt on the bed, level with my throbbing heat. "Bunny's all wet f'me huh? D'you think I should help out?" I nodded furiously and bit my lip to hold in a whine at the teasing.
He chuckled darkly and slid his hands under my parted legs to hold them apart with strong hands before peppering kisses over the skin of my thighs, working closer and closer as he went. When the kisses reached where I wanted him most, he continued but avoided touching my clit. I whimpered as his grip tightened and he finally pressed his mouth to me, letting his tongue rub around my bundle of nerves. If it wasn't for his hands holding me down then I knew my hips would be pushing against his mouth as hard as I could. It didn't take long for him to get the idea of what I needed as his tongue finally met my clit, tracing circles into it. My legs tensed as a gasp escaped me, my eyes squeezing shut as a flash of long-awaited pleasure ran through me. I lifted my head and looked down at him, eyes meeting my Dom's as they sparkled.
"Daddy, please, need more." I felt breathless as he gave me just what I asked for, moving one of his hands to rub circles into my clit as his tongue thrust inside me with a groan. It didn't take long for the feeling to begin bubbling in my abdomen as he sped up, knowing by the way my body reacted that I wouldn't be able to last much longer. My breath got heavier as I moaned and gasped through the feeling, reaching my peak as he nipped at my clit. The world seemed to drown out as a much-needed feeling washed over me and I came, moaning and thrashing as he held me down and carried me through it.
"Shh shh, it's okay Bunny," He crooned, slowing his motions down before coming to a stop and pressing kisses to my trembling thighs. "That's daddy's good girl." The pet name made me feel warm and fuzzy as I drifted down from my peak, opening my eyes to find his amber eyes staring back at me. He licked his lips before running his hand over his mouth with a grin. "You really are delicious Bun."
I smiled and pulled him down towards me for a kiss, hands bunching into his jumper as his lips met mine. I pulled at it, letting him sit up to pull off the jumper and shirt so I could touch his bare chest, grinning at how warm he was. My fingers traced over his scars nonchalantly as they always did and he smiled down at me. I loved the feeling of the scars, they were a big turn-on for me, and him letting me touch them meant he trusted me, especially in such an intimate moment.
"Let's get you stretched out and I'll give you everything you want little one," I nodded softly and bit my lip as two of his fingers worked inside me, giving me enough to sigh in pleasure and relief but not satisfy me completely. "Good girl Bunny." The praise made the flush on my chest travel to my cheeks and a hazy smile made its way to my face.
"I wouldn't be doing that if I were you Moony," My moans were cut off by Sirius as he spoke up from the doorway. My eyes widened as I heard his voice and Remmy's thumb rubbed my hip to comfort me as he turned to meet Sirius' gaze. I could hear the smirk in his voice as he caught us.
"And why's that Pads?" His tone stayed neutral so he didn't tip the other male off that he knew what had happened. "She's my good girl and good girls deserve to feel good." The darker-haired male scoffed at the words, chuckling darkly as Remus rubbed his free hand on my thigh gently.
"Well, your good girl happens to be a rule breaker and apparently a liar Remus or didn't she tell you what she did?" Remus smiled down at me, hidden from Siri's gaze.
"Oh you mean about how she got up late and didn't go to a single lesson." Sirius nodded but gestured for him to continue to say there was more than just that. "And perhaps you mean about how she was taken into a side room with someone who just used her as a cumdump," My core clenched around his fingers at the words, "leaving her hurting and needy so she spent the day up here suffering and upset and so far in subspace that she thought cleaning herself up would be rule-breaking." Sirius' smug grin dropped as soon as he realised Remus knew and I couldn't help the slight smile on my face. "Or maybe you mean the part where you tricked her into thinking it wasn't rule-breaking because she was doing as you said, could possibly even be the part where you said you'd lie to me and say it was her idea." I knew Remus was unhappy and disappointed with his other sub by this point but his fingers didn't stop moving inside me, letting me feel him inside me as I let out soft whimpers and moans that broke through the tension. I almost cried out as the lycanthrope pulled his fingers out of me so he could stand, stalking toward Padfoot, but I swallowed it down because I was his good girl and didn't want to interrupt.
"Moony, I didn't mean for her to get hurt or upset." He began, "I saw her on the way to class and I couldn't help myself she was just so beautiful." My body flushed more at the unexpected compliment. "I just wanted to get a release is all." Remus shook his head in annoyance as he cornered the smaller boy with a dark grin.
"I don't care, you still did it even when you knew it wasn't allowed. And didn't you think that maybe Y/N wanted a release too rather than being used and left pent up with your cum still inside her for the day?" My body shivered at his words, my pussy clenched around the air. "Because that's how I found her. Crying on my pillow with your cum dribbling out of her. She missed out Pads, big time and now because of what you did you're gunna miss out too." As he spoke, Remmy pulled Sirius by the wrist over to one of the chairs and used wordless magic to bind him to it but not before removing his clothes with a spell.
"Moons, I didn't mean to, please don't make me sit here and -"
"I'm sorry, I didn't recall saying you had a choice or that you could speak did I?" His eyes glared into Siri's as he straightened himself out and began to strip off himself entirely. My mouth watered as he got entirely naked and I sat up slightly so I could watch the way his muscles shifted under his freckled skin. "I'm going to make her feel so good and you're going to watch and think about what you did and how you can make it up to her. And if she's not entirely satisfied then you'll have to do whatever she wants. Is that understood?" His voice was harsh and clipped as he walked back over to the bed, nodding in satisfaction when the tied-up boy agreed.
"Can I please have you now Daddy?" I begged, pulling his shoulders down as he came to kneel on the bed between my legs.
"Of course, you can Bunny." I smiled as he pulled me into a kiss, his tongue mingling with my own so the taste of my cum transferred into my mouth, leaving me moaning. My breath hitched in anticipation as Remus positioned himself at my entrance, using my cum as lubrication to push into my tight, throbbing heat. My grip on his shoulders tightened as he pushed into me as far as he could. A loud groan filled the room as the tip of his cock came to a stop against my cervix, unable to go any further; I never could fully fit him. Sirius' desperate moans faded into the background as my body jolted with short, sharp thrusts. I let my eyes meet his tear-filled grey ones as my own watered with pleasure and relief giving him an idea of what he could've had if only he'd played fair.
"Please Rem, it hurts," Siri whined as he tried to wiggle in his bands, hissing as the red, leaking tip of his cock rubbed against his stomach at the movement, eyes fluttering away from my face.
"That's a real shame Pads," The wolf growled sarcastically, gritting his teeth as I clenched around him, pulling him close to me. "Now you know how my Bunny felt." My walls fluttered as his thrusts sped up and I climbed towards my peak much quicker than I'd have liked. It didn't take long for him to find a specific spot along my velvet walls which made me see stars as a loud and almost pornographic moan ripped from my throat, making me gush around my Dom as I toppled over my peak and through my high. The way I tightened around him, had him moaning loudly and stuttering hips came to a stop as he buried as far into me as he could, thick ribbons of his cum coating my insides generously as he buried his face in my neck, biting down to leave his mark. He stifled his moans as they vibrated against my neck.
I raked my fingers through his hair as my vision came back into focus and listened to the sounds of his panting and last few moans. His head lifted slowly, letting his eyes fall on mine, before dipping to kiss me sweetly.
"Any better Bunny?"
"Much better, thank you, Daddy." I giggled as he pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose before pulling out slowly, hushing me as I whined at the feeling and overstimulation.
"D'you think we should let him help?" I hummed in thought for a moment before nodding up at him. "Okay Pads, you follow my every word or you go back on the chair." His curly hair bounced as he nodded vigorously. "You're going to kneel in between her legs and eat every last bit of my cum out of her, swallow it all, and then maybe I'll let you get some stimulation on you're selfish, needy cock." With a snap of his fingers, the binds fell away from the marauder's body and disappeared, allowing the boy to scramble over to the bed and straight to where Remmy said.
I worked through the sensitivity as his tongue began to lap at my pussy, ignoring how it quivered at the feeling. Large hands snaked around my thighs as he held my legs open for him so he could feast to his heart's content. I whined, feeling cum begin to slide out of me and down towards the bed sheets. Before it could get any further, Sirius' tongue licked a stripe from my ass upwards to catch it and swallow it down just as he'd been told to. Keening at the feeling, he buried his face into my pussy, suckling and slurping at me as my fingers curled into his hair and the bedsheets, loving how his fingers dug into my thighs. Small tears began to drip down my cheeks as the strength of my pleasure shook my thighs around his head. The sounds of his moans as he ate me out made my stomach clench in pleasure and anticipation and I found myself fighting to hold back the third orgasm of the day.
"Daddy," I gasped. "M'close again." A smile donned my Dom's face as he reached down to brush the hair from my face. My voice was barely a whisper as sobs of pleasure began to rack my body.
"Go ahead baby, cum on Padfoot's tongue."And with that, I let my body release what I'd been holding back, gasping my way through it. Though it was an amazing feeling, this was different from the others, more soothing because of the sensitivity and stimulation, leaving me feeling warm and fuzzy, like I was drifting. "That's it, good girl." His voice kept me grounded as I shuddered through the feeling, not being able to stop my trembling legs as he lapped at me, slower now. The subspace I had been suffering in earlier melted into a gentle and calm one that I had needed.
"Can't do anymore Daddy," I whimpered, fingers tightening in Sirius' curls as I tried to pull him away from my throbbing heat. "No more mouth, Daddy, tell 'im please." Remus chuckled and nodded at my request.
"Alright Pads, enough now." On cue, the mouth against me retracted and he came into view above me, a small grin but apologetic eyes as he hovered over me. He leaned down to kiss me softly and I reciprocated, enjoying his soft lips on my own. "Okay Bunny, One last time and then you can rest okay? I know we have you worked up but this will be last because he's been good and listened to me." I didn't have the strength to argue with him as my other Dom positioned my legs around his waist before pressing into me slowly. My back arched at the feeling, eyes rolling back and mouth open in a silent moan whilst the tears were wiped from my cheeks. His head fell into the crook of my neck as he thrust against me, having lost all of his composure from his punishment and eating what was left over from it. My eyes squeezed shut, my fingers scrambled against his back as he sped up, not being able to hold back as long as he'd like, my nails making crescent dents in his soft skin.
"Come on Poppet," He growled into my ear, with me whining in response. "One more, just one." His thrusts began to lose their rhythm as I clenched around him, eyes flowing with tears. "Cum for me Poppet." The way he moaned in my ear sent me over my final peak and I couldn't tell if the moan was loud or silent with how strong the feeling surged through me. I heaved for air as it was knocked out of my lungs, gripping onto whatever I could to try and stop the feeling of falling. It took what felt like a good while for me to come back to my senses.
"That's it Bunny, You're okay." The first feeling I could isolate was the way my legs trembled, aching from their spread position though there was nobody in between them anymore. My own broken breaths sounded in my ears as my heart thumped against my ribs. Gentle hands held my hair back from my face as my eyes fluttered behind their lids.
"Come on Poppet, come back to us." Sirius seemed to beg as he whispered to me, a large hand wiping the tears from my face as I came back down. I whined at the feeling of more cum slipping out of me and groaned as my eyes batted open and painfully lifted my aching legs to curl them to my side to stop the pain of being spread too long. "There she is." His grin looked relieved as he glanced down at me. The bed shifted beside me as Remus got up and returned from the bathroom with a warm, damp washcloth. My legs snapped shut around his hand as he started to clean up the mess that was left behind, hissing at the over-sensitive feeling that shocked my body.
"Now Bunny," The lycanthrope warned. "You have to let me clean you up. Can't leave you in this mess." Too exhausted to fight, I let him part my legs one more time and swipe, dab and clean away Sirius' cum and my own. All the while, I cried out in discomfort and slight pain but tried to focus on Sirius' gentle hand rubbing my stomach. It didn't take long for Remmy to finish his task but by the time he was stopping I weakly kicked his hands away, whimpering and welling up with more tears.
"No more, ouch Remmy, stop," I begged through tears, their faces blurring as Remus came to sit at the top of the bed with us. "Can't do it, hurts Rem, all done," I mumbled tiredly, making no sense but soothed by the covers that were pulled up over my body and the two boys that cuddled me and caressed my body sweetly whilst I floated.
"All done Bunny don't worry." A shivering exhale deflated my body, letting me relax bonelessly against the bed.
"Poppet," Sirius whispered, a hand running through my hair as my eyes met his own. "I'm sorry for what I did sweet girl, I won't ever hurt you like that again I swear. I'm sorry." I smiled softly at him and nodded, pulling him down for a gentle kiss to let him know he was forgiven.
"I think it's time you got some rest now though Bunny, Your body is exhausted and your head is too fuzzy so you need to sleep it off." Before Moony had finished talking, I was already drifting off. I finally fell asleep to the two protecting me and holding me to them like I was a prized possession.
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rnelodyy · 1 year
The Owl House And Restorative Justice
At the end of Season 1 of The Owl House, it is revealed that Lilith, the main overarching antagonist of that season, was the one to curse her sister Eda, one of the protagonists, to win a tournament when they were teenagers. This information causes Eda to fly into a screaming rage and attack Lilith, and understandably so.
Eda’s curse is essentially a chronic illness, one that, in Eda’s own words, has ruined her life, being the reason she’s considered a social outcast and why, before meeting King and Luz, she hadn’t gotten close to anyone in years. In season 2, it’s revealed that the curse is why she pushed away her partner Raine to the point that they broke it off with her, and that during a particularly bad flareup, she accidentally maimed her own father, leaving him half blind and with permanent nerve damage to his hands, making him unable to continue working as a Palisman carver. The curse has ruled Eda’s life for decades now, so to Eda, this is the ultimate betrayal.
In the first episode of Season 2, Lilith has defected from the Emperor’s Coven, split the curse between Eda and herself to mitigate the symptoms for her sister, and has moved in with Eda at the Owl House. While Lilith herself still feels guilty and feels she has to make it up to Eda, everyone else, Eda included, has seemingly either forgiven her or chosen to look past it. Eda even makes fun of her for feeling bad about cursing her, and Lilith’s guilt is seemingly absent for the rest of the series. 
The response to this was… Less than stellar, shall we say. A lot of people were angry, saying Lilith got away with her crimes without even a slap on the wrist, and that Eda’s forgiveness of her was far too sudden.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this kind of critique. Amity spent years bullying Willow after her parents forced her to break off their friendship, and when she began trying to mend that relationship, the response from fans was that Willow should have been a lot more angry at Amity, and that they went back to being besties far too soon. I’ve even seen this criticism leveled at Hunter for the things he did while working for Belos, at Vee for impersonating Luz for months to trick her mother, and at Luz for hiding the fact that she helped Philip find the Collector from her friends. And it does seem strange for the show to keep tripping on this same point again and again.
Except, it’s not really. Because I think that, when viewing this show from a different angle, those supposed flaws are actually symptoms of something very important to understand – The Owl House operates on a system of crime and punishment that is very different from our world’s.
More specifically, our world mostly utilizes retributive justice. The world of The Owl House utilizes restorative justice.
So first, what do those terms mean? Broadly, they’re two different forms of handling interpersonal disputes, or dealing with crime. 
Retributive justice is the one our current justice system uses, where the focus is primarily on punishing the perpetrator. Retributive justice can mean detention, suspension, expulsion, jail time, monetary fines, some kinds of community service, exile, or in more severe cases, corporal punishment or the death penalty. It’s the lens most people view the world through, where if someone hurts you, hurting them back is the correct response.
Restorative justice is a very different approach, where you instead focus on helping the victim recover from what happened, and rehabilitating the perpetrator to prevent this from happening again. Restorative justice can look like verbal or written apologies, monetary compensation for costs and trauma, therapy for both victim and perpetrator, education for the perpetrator, mediation between victim and perpetrator, a restraining order, etc. 
When viewed through a retributive lens, The Owl House lets its characters get away with a lot of shit. Lilith cursing Eda, Hunter rounding up Palismen knowing they’ll be killed, Amity tormenting Willow for years, it’s all stuff that, in a retributive environment, they should be punished for, and they’re just not. Eda is only genuinely angry at Lilith for two scenes, Amity and Willow fix their relationship very quickly once Amity starts making amends, and Hunter isn’t punished at all. 
However, I believe the story of The Owl House is best viewed not through a retributive lens, but through a restorative lens.
Let’s look at the Lilith-example again. Lilith’s offense was cursing Eda, which she did because she wanted to win a spot in the Emperor’s Coven. Knowing Eda was better than her, she cast a curse on her, thinking it would only last for a day. But when the time came, Eda forfeited the match, soon after which she transformed into the Owl Beast and was pelted with rocks until she ran. The curse turned out to be very permanent, and Lilith spent the next 20 years trying to fix her mistake by working for Belos to try to capture Eda, since he promised to heal her curse. 
However, when she finally succeeded, Belos went back on his promise. Instead of healing Eda, he ordered her to be publicly executed. When Lilith protested, Belos essentially told her to shut up, that it was the Titan’s will, and left her there. 
So, having realized her method of fixing her mistake has gone real bad, Lilith sneaks down to the Conformatorium to free Eda herself, but arrives too late and finds Luz instead. After a brief fight they end up teaming up, and Lilith leads Luz to the elevator, but they are captured by Belos and Lilith is thrown into the cage with Eda. There, she restores Eda’s partially petrified body, and after fleeing with her, Luz and King, uses a spell to split Eda’s curse evenly between their two bodies.
From a restorative justice point of view, Lilith has done pretty much everything she reasonably could do to fix things. She’s denounced the Emperor’s Coven, returned Owlbert to Luz, helped Luz find the elevator to the execution platform, saved Eda from petrification, apologized to Eda, and while there’s no way for her to cure Eda’s curse entirely, she took on half of the curse at great expense to her own health, in order to ease Eda’s symptoms. 
Eda isn’t angry anymore because in her eyes, Lilith has already fixed things with her. Punishing her more at this point is pointless. What more could Lilith do, really? What other lessons could she learn? The only thing that punishment would bring at this point would be more suffering. 
Let’s look at another example: Amity and Willow.
Amity’s offense was breaking off her friendship with Willow because she was a late-bloomer, bullying her for years, and allowing her friends to do so too. Willow is left with horrible self-esteem issues because of this, and combined with her failing grades, turned her into a horribly shy and withdrawn wallflower (no pun intended). After she’s moved to the plant track she starts actually getting better, but Amity and Boscha especially continue to torment her. While Amity’s bullying of Willow does peter out over time, Willow is clearly still extremely resentful of her. In an attempt to make Willow forget their friendship, Amity accidentally sets most of Willow’s memories on fire, leaving her confused, amnesiac, and unable to grasp basic concepts like that chairs are for sitting in.
Luz pushed Amity into fixing Willow’s brain by going into her mind together and piecing her memories back together. There, the Inner Willow revealed what happened to Luz and the audience.
At this point, Amity shows her that her parents were actually the ones who forced her to end the friendship because they didn’t think Willow was a suitably powerful or influential friend, threatening to make sure Willow would never get accepted into Hexside if Amity didn’t force her to leave. Amity then apologizes to Willow for going along with it, and for the bullying, and vows to make sure her friends never mess with Willow again. 
Willow accepts her apology, but also makes it clear that, while it’s a start, she’s not yet ready to accept Amity in her life again. Restorative justice has not been fully attained, because to Willow, Amity hasn’t fixed everything – Boscha and her squad are still bullying her, and still consider Amity one of them. This changes two episodes later, when Amity tells Boscha to grow the fuck up when she starts bullying Willow again, and joins her and Luz’s Grudgby team despite her personal issues to get Boscha to back off. Willow doesn’t make a grand gesture of forgiveness in this episode, but it is after this point where the two become comfortable around eachother again. 
Did Willow forgive Amity too quickly for years of trauma? Maybe. If she had chosen to continue keeping Amity at a distance I certainly wouldn’t have blamed her. But in the end, Amity fixed the mess she caused as best she could, and has proven herself to want to be a better person, to want to be Willow’s friend again. She worked hard to prove herself to be a person worth trusting, and Willow decided to give that trust a chance again.
And while they did become friends again, that friendship was clearly still affected by what happened, which led to bumps that the two of them had to work through. Like in Labyrinth Runners, where Amity’s overprotectiveness over Willow makes Willow feel like Amity thinks she’s incompetent, and still only sees her as the helpless person she used to be. 
Willow continuing to be mad at Amity and punishing her for what she did wouldn’t be an unreasonable reaction, but it wouldn’t have fixed anything. It would certainly have an impact on Amity, seeing her former best friend rejecting her attempts to make up for what she did, but the hurt on both sides would have continued festering, because deep down, Willow missed Amity too. 
In Hunter’s case, there’s the question of whether he can even be held responsible for his actions. The Palisman-kidnapping in specific was explicitly done under duress – if he failed he would face verbal and physical abuse, and be threatened with his nightmare scenario: getting thrown out of the Emperor’s Coven. 
And that’s not an empty threat either. Hunter has no magic, and Belos has drilled it into him that witches without magic have no future. Without the Emperor’s Coven, his only future prospects would be starving to death on the streets or wasting away in prison. Either way, Hunter would be alone, without family or friends, without a job or job prospects, without anyone to turn to for help. Any child would be terrified of that. Hunter wasn’t always acting on direct orders – in fact he defied direct orders to stay in his room in Eclipse Lake to go look for Titan’s Blood, and then again in Hollow Mind to arrest the rebels. But he made those choices based on the idea that Belos wouldn’t want him if he was a failure, and that he needed a chance to prove that he could still be useful.
And contrary to popular belief, Hunter does know right from wrong. He has a very strong moral compass, he’s just been forced to ignore it in favor of doing whatever the Emperor wants. To shut up that little voice telling him he’s doing the wrong thing, he uses what’s called a thought-terminating cliche, a statement that feels so fundamentally true that the argument need not continue. In Hunter’s case, that statement is “It’s for the greater good.” Sure, kidnapping his new friends and abducting Palismen to feed to the Emperor and threatening someone who’s been nothing but kind to him to take the portal key from her girlfriend and justifying terrorism makes his stomach feel like he swallowed a cactus and saying it out loud makes him sound like a horrible person – but it’s for the greater good. He’s doing it to serve Belos, and Belos knows what’s best. 
So by the time Hunter is out of active danger and able to rest and recover from what happened to him… what would further punishment accomplish? He already knows that he did fucked up shit while working for the EC, and he’s proven time and time again that while he’s not fighting for Belos’s approval, he’s actually a genuinely kind-hearted kid. Punishing him now would likely cause him to react very poorly, because he’s been at the wrong end of that stick so often that he’s developed severe PTSD because of it.
And if you think restorative justice is still in order – Hunter is currently hyperfixated on making sure Belos can never hurt anyone again, and for the long term, he has expressed that he wants to become a Palisman carver when he grows up. While it won’t bring back the Palismen that were killed, it will help the current Palisman population recover and reintroduce Palismen to witches who may have had to give up theirs. 
When viewed through this lens, the writing of The Owl House starts to make more sense. As a show, it is extremely forgiving towards its characters – they’re still held accountable for their actions, but as long as they’re willing to grow and learn and fix the damage they caused, they are very quickly forgiven. 
However, I do understand why these writing choices can be… controversial, so to say. Because it doesn’t feel very satisfying, does it? When someone hurts you on purpose, your first impulse would be to try to hurt them back, that’s just how people work. 
That’s the hardest thing to come to terms with when you become an advocate for prison abolition for example – you’re not just arguing for freeing a guy who got 5 years because a cop found weed in his pockets, you’re arguing for the release, and most importantly, the humanity of some of the most vile, disgusting people this planet has ever produced. Even now, when someone commits a truly awful crime and gets sent to prison for life, my first thought is “Good, I hope they rot in there.” But that’s not justice. That’s just revenge. And revenge is not something we as a society should want to build our justice system on.
It’s not satisfying to see Lilith go from using Luz as a human shield in her fight against Eda to sleeping on the couch in Eda’s house within 2 episodes. It’s not satisfying to see Willow let Amity back into her life when Amity has hurt her so badly before, or to see Hunter become romantically involved with Willow after he literally abducted her the first time they met. But that satisfaction isn’t really the point. Revenge is satisfying in the moment, but an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and if someone shows a genuine willingness to change, it’s often better to give them a chance to.
However, my final point is about what happens when this approach fails. Because not everyone is willing to change. Some people, when faced with the consequences of their actions, decide to dig their heels in and refuse to admit fault, or blame the victim(s), or use those same thought-terminating cliches that Hunter used to justify their actions, “I was just following orders” being a big one.
And thus, we come to Belos.
If Belos showed a willingness to change, a genuine one, not an attempt at manipulation, should he be given the chance to? That vengeful part of me is VERY empathetically saying no. But logically, reasonably, he should be given that chance, if only because he’s a human being and no human being deserves to be mistreated. That doesn’t mean his victims are obligated to forgive him or be around him again, in fact I think that, for the sake of Hunter’s mental health, Belos should stay as far away from him as humanly possible. But he should be given the chance to start over, to truly better himself and do something good with the rest of his life.
But Belos isn’t willing to change. 
Belos is a product of a bad environment and grew up with a cult-like mentality and hatred for witches that he had to adopt for his own safety. It’s hard to break out of that mentality, but not impossible. Case in point: Caleb. The tragedy of Belos’s character to me is that he had so many chances to change, so many people to help him make that leap, but all of the people who offered him that help ended up dead by his hands because he couldn’t handle the idea that he may have been wrong.
At this point, Belos is stuck. Changing would mean not only giving up on his life’s work, but acknowledging to himself that everything he’s done, mutilating his body, killing his brother, slaughtering thousands and installing himself as God-Emperor of a population he despises more than anything in order to facilitate a genocide, was completely pointless.
He can’t admit that to himself. Especially the thing about Caleb’s death. He’s sunk-cost-fallacied himself so far into a corner that all he can really do when faced with opposing viewpoints is dig his heels in even deeper and lash out in a rage at anyone who challenges him. Even now, when his body is literally falling apart at the seams, he’s still trying to commit witch-genocide, because it’s all he has. 
Restorative justice doesn’t work in this case, because the perpetrator needs to be receptive to it. Logically you would assume the show would default to retributive justice, and characters like Willow and Camila do take a very vengeful glee in imagining themselves beating the snot out of Belos. But right now, the primary motivation of the Hexsquad and Hunter in particular when it comes to Belos is to end the threat he poses. As long as Belos is alive and free, he will continue to hurt and kill people, and if he can’t be talked down, he needs to be either contained or killed to prevent him from causing more harm.
The Owl House provides, in my opinion, a very nuanced take on restorative justice. It shows how it works in action, how different situations impact what it looks like, and what happens when it’s simply not an option. It’s not the most satisfying story to tell your audience, because when someone hurts our babies we want them to suffer, no matter how sorry they say they are. But in this case, I think that sacrificing that bit of audience comfort is worth it to tell the story like this.
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write-or-run · 3 months
Danny Phantom in YJ but its ALL of team phantom
so this idea assumes DP is set in the DC verse and Danny's identity is revealed to the town during Reign Storm. His parents accept him like in the series finale, and the town, grateful for being saved from Pariah Dark, has an unspoken rule not to sell out Danny's secret identity to outsiders (mainly the GIW).
All the Amity Park vigilantes are working together at this point, but the public dosent really know it. Now that they're no longer hunting their son's alter ego the Fenton parents continue doing their thing, but now they make gear specifically for their ghost son to use without it backfiring on him (mostly). Jazz gets some of the ghosts to do interviews and eventually branches out into ghost psychology, something that her parents had neglected to study before now.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker continue ghost wrangling, but the supervision of the Fentons proves to be surprisingly helpful and the trio finds that they have more time to pursue other things (space, eco-witchcraft, and tech respectively). Tucker and Sam's parents are on the fence about their friendship with Danny. Angela and Maurice Foley are talked down from their worries after Tucker points out that the dangerous ghost stuff will happen regardless, so he might as well have the local vigilante on speed dial. Jeremy and Pamela Manson are harder to convince. They're used to having to pick their battles when it comes to Sam's goth, ultra recyclo vegetarian lifestyle, but on this they're not budging. They try to restrict Sam's contact with her friends and even go so far as to get a restraining order. Sam is increasingly fed up with their controlling behavior and, inspired by the Infi-Map, Sam breaks into the ghost zone in search of an artifact that would give her power so that she would never be trapped. Obviously Danny goes in after her, but then Sam's parents storm the Fenton house to take back their daughter and accidentally fall into the ghost portal, so Tucker takes the Specter Speeder and goes in after them. By the time the Fenton Parents return home everyone is back and the Manson's have given in to Sam's determination.
Valerie Gray initially continues to operate on her own. She maintains a frenemy status with Team Phantom due to her mixed feelings on Danny's civilian and ghostly personas, between that and the revelation of Vlad's villainous career Valerie's worldview is really shaken. She throws herself into vigilantism and hers dad gets really concerned when Valerie starts running herself ragged. In a last ditch effort to make her stop Damon Grey goes to the towns ghost hunting experts and begs them for an intervention. The Fenton parents agree and the three of them sit down with her for a talk about safe ghost hunting practices. This fails to stop her, but the Fentons refuse to give up on the 'Junior Ghost Hunter' and start inviting themselves on her patrols .Things come to a head when Dark Danny travels back in time to ensure his creation. Seeing how desperate Danny is to avoid becoming evil, and fighting alongside the Fentons convinces Valerie that its okay to count on others and slow down and take care of herself. (and also the Fentons are low-key inescapable)
Pariah Dark's incursion through Amity Park was the last straw needed for the Infinity Realms to start really breaking into reality. There was already some leakage (see lazarus pits) but this was the last straw for a problem that has been brewing for thousands of years now. Life in Amity Park continues normally, because to them ghost stuff is normal, but for the rest of the world its a different matter.
The Justice League is going around dealing with the sudden influx of supernatural nonsense. The ghost attacks range from minor nuisance to city-wide threat. The magic leaugers are trying to find the source, but it's Batman who identifies Amity Park as 'Ground Zero' for ghostly nonsense.
also something something Amanda Waller and the GIW either team up or become rivals.
I'm literally writing this while waiting to board my flight so I'll try and flesh out this AU later
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
Cruel Intentions | Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
a/n: …so this is a thing that’s literally so old. BETA’D BY MY LOVELY @as-is-above-so-below
song: Cruel Intentions by Delacey & G-Eazy
warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. mentions of ex-boyfriend john price, you and ghost are toxic, mentions of breeding kink/mentions of pregnancy. SMUT. car sex, fingering (f receiving). NSFW UNDER THE CUT. MDNI.
summary: After another shitty break up with your on and off boyfriend Captain John Price, you always seem to find yourself in the comfort of his Lieutenant’s car - and letting him do whatever he pleases.
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I like sex, I like flowers, I like attention.
“You look good tonight.”
Don't ever put me second.
Hands settled on the door, and you peered into his familiar black Trans Am, nails tapped against the inside. “You say that every time.”
“Fine; would you like me to just say what I would if I wasn’t restraining myself?”
You chuckled, questioning going back into your apartment but you said, “Tell me.”
“Get in the car, baby, and I’ll tell you.”
I bet you won't find nothing feels this good this side of Heaven. So stop talking, pull my stockings down,
It wasn’t long before his hand danced up your thigh, under your skirt, and it wasn’t long before you were biting your lip, the feeling of digits inside of you made you already more attentive to your boy toy turned benefit. A hand on the steering wheel and the other massaged you, the small purrs from your pretty lips made him smile.
“Don’t waste your pretty little voice ‘til we get there.” He spoke with an almost bored tone in his beautiful accent, but you knew he was living in how he touched you; how he got you so high without holding a flame to anything.
“Fuck, Ghost, stop talking,”
You're my cruel intention.
I bet you won't find nothing feels this good, this side of, this side of, this side of Heaven.
He giggled and slowed his pace, the rings that sat at the base of his fingers now collided with your skin, warm to the touch and soaked in you. Did that matter? No, not to Ghost. “So good for me, always good for me.”
“Couldn’t you wait until we get there?” Your left hand grabbed his thigh, the right held onto his forearm as he kept going deeper. You bit your tongue and he laughed.
“What can I say? I am a man of taste,” he purred as the car slowed down at an empty stop light. You never worried about someone looking in; the windows were tinted and Ghost drove fast on nights like these. “It’s not like I could’ve; in that outfit, fuck, I jus’ wanna shred it.”
Uh, think you got me, but the problem is
I'm already hip but I see the play I just been watching this,
His fingers curled and your breath hitched in your throat, clutching his thigh as your head hit the headrest. You bit your tongue, trying not to give him the satisfaction of what he wanted to hear if he didn’t follow your clear directions - don’t drive and fuck me.
Well, it’s not like you haven’t done the same thing; missed him after a week and sucked his dick as he drove you back to his place. He fucked you good that night, and was the reason why you didn’t look at anyone else. You wouldn’t look at anyone else. He showed his love physically by fucking you better than he did last time.
Happy to see the way you call me everyday, it's obvious, plus it's 2AM you know what time it is, you just wanna have me come and chase you, boost your confidence
His hand became a little faster and you had to grip his thigh even harder to stop yourself from moaning; you couldn’t give him that satisfaction of breaking the one rule you had. You could see his smirk in the corner of your eye and your right hand slid from his forearm down to his wrist, forcing him to go knuckle deep into you. He grunted in annoyance and his thumb flicked your clit, a shaky breath escaped your lips and his smirk turned into a smile. Your eyes glared at him, seeing how his other hand curled around the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were white - the way his eyes were half-lidded as he watched the road.
“Come on babe, moan my name and I might fuck you good tonight.”
Shower you with flowers, give you all these daily compliments, yeah, careful if you fall in love, then it's gon' be a consequence.
“Fuck you.” You whispered and his hand stopped completely, your head rolled to the side, looking at your boy toy with an annoyed glare. His fingers curled inside of you and you almost purred, you were almost there. A few more moments of his fast and curling fingers made your head hit the headrest and groan, the first orgasm in the car of the night.
His canines shined in the dark and he retracted his hand, the addicting feeling was now gone and you were left high and not so dry. “If you’re gonna play hard to get, it’s only gonna be worse for you.” You groaned as you watched his fingers disappear into his mouth, sucking and licking all of your juices off of him. His tongue flicked around his rings and that’s when your hand let go of his wrist to make its way down to replace what he had taken away; but his almost clean hand grabbed yours. He took only a moment to look at you, saying, “Don’t.” His hand brought yours to his lips, kissing the back of it as you saw how the lights from the city were long gone.
We keep going - it's no turning back, it ain't no stopping us, Had you at “Hi. What's your name?" Burning in a flame, a little fling you turn into a game, and since we started fucking, it's never been the same,
Your eyes trailed to his face, a smile on your face as he kissed your hand again. His eyes glanced away as the car turned and slowed to a stop at a hidden cliff, showing the lights of LA. He kept the keys in the ignition as his eyes looked at you, glassy and knowing what he was going to see. A pretty little thing, one he gets to watch beg for him to make her choke on his cock.
The idea of stopping? I can't even entertain, you driving me insane, craziest I met. Drinking champagne, we started fucking on a jet, took you to the mile high, then we start to sweat,
I got you in a bag but you still play hard to get.
His hand let go of you and unbuckled both of you as your own hands grabbed his hair, crashing his lips to yours. Your body pressed into his chest and his hands grabbed your head, deepening the kiss so that way his tongue could taste you again; his drug. Your nails scratched his scalp and his tongue stuttered for a moment, you didn’t even notice. He pulled away for a moment, and your eyes opened and met his as he spoke, “Get in the fucking back.”
Yeah, when you over this is light work, love that when you put them heel ons with that tight skirt,
You both got out and pulled back the seats, allowing Lieutenant Simon Riley to sit down in the back, his legs spread out and his hands unbuckling his belt as he watched you in that skirt and the heels he loved to see you in. He licked his lips as his hands abandoned his pants and grabbed your hips, pulling your skirt down, and revealing his favorite pair of panties that made your ass look damn good. He smiled wide as you awkwardly stepped out of the skirt before he pulled you onto his lap. Your hands grabbed for the black tie around his neck, his hands gripped your ass. You glanced up at him as you began to untie it from his neck.
“Baby,” he whispered as his fingers found your warm hand, his eyes flicked up to your eyes, you were focused on that tie but his hand interlocked with yours. You looked down at him and he smiled, eyes twinkling as he spoke, “You really are beautiful, Y/N.”
You sat back on his legs and rolled your eyes. “Shut up.”
“At least I tell you more than Price ever did.”
You leaned forward a little as his other hand rested on your cheek. “You fuck me more than he ever did.”
He chuckled and your hands then sat on his jaw. “Better than he ever will.” And he was right - even with the on-and-off relationship with his best friend, you were always coming back to Simon like a dog. Of course, when you let Captain John Price kiss your feet and say sorry, you wouldn’t dare text his Lieutenant - you’d never cheat on him when you were together officially. The arguments only get harder to deal with, harder to see him leave for so long after saying horrible things and breaking it off, again. It only ever drove you back into the tattooed clutch of Price’s lap dog, fucking out the anger and hurt of your broken relationship.
Simon’s eyes sparkled and his hands rested on your thighs, gentle yet it still sent electricity through your body. “Do you want me to show you how much better I can get?”
Sleeping over almost every night, wake up in my shirt, if we make it official, I think maybe this can might work
Your ex-boyfriend’s best friend gripped your thighs and you went to work on his tie, quickly throwing it off of him as his fingers gripped your panties, he loved that set but he didn’t care; a rip sounded and you yelped, looking back to him as he tossed the ripped piece of fabric to his side. “Si!” He giggled as his lips connected to your neck, teeth pushing into your skin as his hands pulled your legs even farther apart. “That hurt, you know how much I spent on that?”
“‘M sorry, baby.” He mumbled as your hands made quick work of tossing his belt to the side and unbuttoning his nice dress pants. A touch to his crotch and he gripped your legs tighter, chewing on your neck harder made you whine. Your hands stopped fucking with his pants and carded into his blond hair, pressing a kiss to it.
Fuck the heavy shit, tho' we living in this moment, it's not even mine but I treat it like I own it
“You sure John still doesn’t know?” You whispered. He looked up at you with a sweet smile.
“He doesn’t even know I own a car in the States.” You giggled at that and his hands clawed at the bottom of your shirt. “Fuckin’ his off and on again girlfriend anytime while he can barely even keep up with his sleep schedule.”
He slid the shirt off your body and quickly raised his hips, tugging down his pants while you sat up on her knees - your head knocked against the roof of the car. His eyes trailed down your body then flicked back up to meet yours again.
Six missed calls, but ain't tripping, where your phone went? Ain't thinking bout that now, nothing matters now, got you so wet
Your hands settled on his shoulders as you slowly slid down his cock, he groaned as your nails scratched up his shoulders to his scalp, happy that he decided to ditch the mask again. “You’re so-“ he groaned as you finally bottomed out and he loudly panted, “tight tonight.”
“Shut up and let me fuck you.” You spoke and a hand slid down his head to his neck, pressing in your fingers to slow his oxygen intake. The man’s body buzzed with adrenaline; it’s been a few months since you had ridden him and it was the best orgasm of his life. To date, at least.
You rose up and Ghost moaned, missing the gentle touch of your thighs connecting with his but craved how slow you started to go. His hands crawled to your hips and you grunted in distaste. “Don’t make me tie you up, sweetheart.”
That turned him all the way on. His hands pulled you up and down, making you gasp loudly but after a few slow motions of your pussy up and down his cock, your hand on his throat jumped to his cheek. “Hands off.”
Ghost loved you like this, his hands moved away from your shirt and to the headrests in the back, pressing his arms against them hard enough to resist the intense emotion to fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk.
Light a couple candles in the room, pop some Moet, every single night I'm tryna go but we ain't go yet
Your hand moved back to his throat and your other hand dipped into his button down, as you began to rise again. Rise all the way up and off of him, touching his tip with your clit before going back down at an agonizingly slow pace to him but amazing to you. Being filled so well and the pain felt miles away while you kept going, slowly and Ghost was going to lose it if you didn’t pick up the pace. The faster you went, the faster he could reach that climax he only reached with you. The mind-numbing stimulation made stars in his vision for hours after.
“Pick it up, love,” he grunted as you slid back down his dick, starting to reach your second orgasm.
“I’m not- Fuck, I’m done with him,” you answered as the hand that was ghosting over his skin moved to your nipple, rubbing it between your fingers.
“Oh god,” he panted as his hands gripped the headrests. “Don’t tell me that, might ask Price to help me fuck you, love.”
You finally began to pace faster and you both groaned, low and high both blended to create a melody of love, whether you knew it or not. “God, I don’t think I can handle that, your dick is big enough- Fuck!” His hips thrust upwards and he hit the one place only he was able to, causing you to falter in your rhythm.
His right hand left the headrest and went right for your hair, your pace grew faster. “Fucking bitch- I- if I-“You slammed your hips down and grew double times faster, his hips began to roll as you kept going, faster and faster making him whine. “Fuck- fuck- God,”
“You just really like this, don’t you?” You purred as your high was so close, and as soon as he thrust his hips again, your eyes rolled back into your head, keeping your pace as you whimpered, “Like sitting here and getting fucked?” Your hands disappeared from your own body to lean forwards, placing your elbows on the top of the seats to hear the delicious moans coming from him.
“Yes-“ he began but your teeth skidded down his neck and that’s when his hands abandoned their place, grabbing onto your hips and pushing his cock even deeper into you.
Finishes, she clenches like she ain't ready to go yet. Yeah, I mean you crazy and you know that, yeah crazier than me, keep on playing mind games, I ain't got time for that shit, it gives me migraines
You let out a tangled cry, your sweet spot getting hit faster since your skin met together harder, Ghost groaned when he heard you. “C’mon, baby, fuck me,” he spoke and you tried to go faster, sloppy but it didn’t matter cause his hips met yours every time. “I got you.”
A myriad of moans and whines came from your mouth as the blinding white feeling of another orgasm hit you like a punch, your hands grabbed his hair and pulled his head back with that strength. “God, Ghost-“
“Say my name,” he whined as the growing pressure in his stomach began to make him want to fucking lay you down and fuck you so right, but God, his cock felt so good in her right now. He wouldn’t dare move from your body pressed to his, riding him like it was your last day alive.
“Simon,” You breathed and he smirked, faster thrusts from his hips and there were only broken gasps that came from your lips. The sound of his skin meeting yours over and over was like a melody, one you loved to hear.
Only the realness, it's what's running through my veins, and every time I'm in that, she always screaming my name.
Your stamina was gone, which made him slide your back to lay on the seats, he kept his pace the whole time. Your hands clawed at his shirt, and he groaned again. He went harder the next thrust, hitting your spongy spot and earning another cry of overstimulation from your lips, to which he met them with his own. The dance was one you have done before, deep and full of passion; you shouldn’t be loving each other like this but neither of you couldn’t stop. Addiction is hard to kick.
“I just want to make you mine,” he grunted as he kept going harder and harder; that high was so close but he wanted you to feel so much that you forgot about his best friend. Ghost truly loved you, and he couldn’t say if he wanted you because you were his best friend’s ex-girlfriend or because he was in love with you.
“If-“ You moaned as you could barely even ride your high down as you felt another one begin to bundle in the bottom of your belly. “If you promise to not be everything that hurts me.”
He wished he could’ve closed his eyes and not met your saddened eyes, but he met them with a trustful stare. He removed a hand that had held him up, only to lay it on your cheek as his thrusts began to slow to a stop.
“Y/N, I’ll love you until the end of time.”
“And I can’t hear that again,” You whispered, your hands cradling his face. “Don’t say you love me, this’ll get complicated and I lose everything.”
Ghost’s heart cracked, hearing the rejection with his dick still inside you made everything so much more confusing, but he knew he wasn’t your number one choice. He knew you had to love him, the talks and the time you’ve spent together and the hours you’ve spent getting fucked by each other had to mean something.
Simon knew this was all in his head and he knew he had made an agreement, to pleasure each other mutually without any distractions.
I like sex, I like flowers, I like attention.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered and his hands left your cheek as you winced a little.
There was only a moment of awkward silence before you spoke, “I hope you know that I am not leaving this car until I can’t walk.”
A silent agreement to not talk about it.
“But,” You closed your eyes as your hands roamed his face. “You can’t fucking cum in me, I don’t want to have to explain why I’m pregnant suddenly.”
He chuckled before he started to slow down again. “Just go fuck Price after this, or invite me to a threesome or something.”
You whimpered out a laugh as your stomach began to tighten again. “Then he’d know that you fuck me better and he’d get jealous.”
“He’d know that I would never put you second.”
Don't ever put me second.
His thrusts then became violent, skin slapping against skin like a song and your throat screamed melodies of moans and screams of pleasure. He bit his lip the whole time, trying to hold back his orgasm as he watched you writhe underneath him like a goddess. God, it felt like an eternity for him, watching how your skin moved and how your tongue curled when you orgasmed again.
You hit another orgasm in a record time and it was getting impossible for Ghost to not immediately cum when seeing your half-lidded eyes, he gripped the wall of the car while the other near your head now moved to your neck, squeezing tightly which made a smile appear on your lips as he went hard.
“Fuck, Si, I ca-an’t again,” You whimpered with what little breath you had, “I-I-“
“Come on,” he growled as his hips snapped so quickly you yelped. “Cum on me.”
They snapped again and you cried out, your hands went up to his shoulders, pulling him a little forwards as he finally let go. The feeling of release made him scream out your name, thrusting through his orgasm while you began to ride out your overstimulation. “Fuck, fuck, fuck-“
He stopped abruptly with his whole length in you, balls against your ass and you both panted.
I bet you won't find nothing feels this good this side of Heaven, so stop talking, pull my stockings down,
“Gimme my phone.” He panted and your hand moved to his pants on the car floor, digging around before you finally handed him the black phone. Your eyes closed as he took some deep breaths before making a call.
“Hey, Price.”
You're my cruel intention.
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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livelaughlovesubs · 6 months
Do you write about michael from whb? If its fine with you, can you write a hc what his going to be as a yandere? Reader could be anything but i prefer if they our normal mc ^^
Oh, alright, so yandere Michael with ra-on as reader? Sure then, I’ll gladly oblige! Sorry that you had to wait so long, but now that the new event came out, I have a pretty good idea how I want to portray him.
Yandere Michael
Warning: dark content, disturbing topics, blood, gore, obsessive behaviour
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I headcanon him, like many other angels, to be a total psycho when in love. That’s pretty much canon. The question is just, how crazy would he be?
- he’d never blame you for all your deeds, it’s always the fault of another
- in other words he is doing everything he can to delude himself into thinking this is alright, it’s not against the rules he set for himself
- god wanted him to love you, it was destined to happen
- “you were just so bright, and there was no way to explain it, it must be gods will”
- that’s what he’d say to himself among other things
- if it wasn’t clear enough, he’d kill for you, even his own brothers, except lucifer
- he’d go down to hell and declare war on your favourite king/ noble, his excuse? They were taking you away from him
- you could stop that though, by finally putting him on a leash
- no matter what you did to him, he’d still love you unconditionally, his love would never falter like his faith
- you could do the most unspeakable things to him, treat him as if he was a mere toy, as if he was nothing more than a pretty face
- and he’d thank you for your attention, greeting you with a smile brighter than his halo
- ruin him, mind and body, bruise him or break his leg, he doesn’t care, as long as you keep touching him and give him your full attention
- honestly, you could make him into a devil and he wouldn’t care, rip his wings off and make the blessing of god leave him
- it would make him have an internal crisis, since he isn’t supposed to be like this, but he’d put the blame on someone else
- this man is so prideful a no narcissistic, he only cares about his own feelings, god, lucifer, and now you too
- which is why he doesn’t care about anything else, as long as he gets to feel good and ‘loved’ (even though you are brutalising him) he’s content
- the worst type of of yandere, would totally kidnap you, even if the punishment is amputation
- he is one hell of a nuisance, there is literally no other way to deal with him than locking him up
- otherwise he’ll just keep attacking hell, or kidnap you, or kill other species, no matter how you reprimand him. He got away with it for eons, what makes you think you can change him?
- it’s not like he loves you anyway, he only loves you because you are a replacement for god and his dear brother, only because you are as kind and as forgiving as they used to be
- oh you naive child
- if you don’t lock him up and keep him away, he’ll eventually annihilate the devils, unless luci steps in that is
- but he’ll definitely kidnap you, hats so obvious! He’ll want to keep you all to himself, he’d even make alternations to your body to keep you from leaving
- he has trust issues, remember? All because of god and his lovely older brother
- words alone aren’t enough, he needs to know you can’t leave him, like you mentally and physically can’t
- if you don’t want that, there are two other ways, and that is using what he’d do to you against him
- like if you do restrain him.. keeping him chained like what he did to you, making him be alone for months without knowing when you’ll come back (that’s still the nice way to threat him, trust me)
- then he will finally stop causing harm! Though the second you get him out of the restains, he’ll clench onto you, hold you, tell you how much he loves and missed you, looking up at you with those obsessive eyes of him and a furious blush covering his cheeks, and kill anyone that dares to get close to you two
- which is why I recommend the more inhuman way to treating him if he does become your yandere, unless you love him enough to spend all your time with him, tending to his every need and sacrificing yourself in the process
- rip his other eyes out, watch him scream in agony, call ronove to amputate his arms and legs
- he can shoot lasers out of his hand, I repeat, he can shoot those out of his fingertips
- make him disabled, enough that he become a weak and helpless animal that can’t do anything to threaten anyone
- oh, I forgot to mention but rip his wings too, he shouldn’t be able to fly
- once you did all of this, maybe cut off his tongue while you are at it, he tends to have a foul mouth
- who knows, maybe he can shoot lasers from there too?
- honestly, it will be hard to keep him alive at this point, but if you still desire to do so, Welp, congratulations, he is totally harmless now!
- and as soon as he hears you enter his room, his cheeks will turn red and sounds of joy would escape his throat
- what a joke he is, he still ‘loves’ you so dearly after all you did huh?
- God, do you see this? This is the result of your action, unyielding love and affection from those beings that called themselves pure, how amazing
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
It's so strange that Fëanor's suspicion of how Fingolfin is trying to usurp him is usually dismissed as his paranoia and Melkor's baseless brainwashing when literally the first thing that happens after Finwë's death is that most of the Noldor decide to follow Fingolfin & name him as king, & Finarfin becomes the king of the Noldor in Valinor, & Fëanor is left with the smallest host among the brothers, to the point that Fëanor & Maedhros will later get outnumbered by Melkor and suffer defeats and Maedhros will have to abdicate in favor of Fingolfin to keep the Noldor united. (And at that point a lot of Fingolfin's followers had died on the ice. But they're still more than the Fëanorians.)
and even before Finwë's death, Fingolfin was ruling in his place in Tirion while Finwë & Fëanor were in exile. You might say that it's because of Fëanor's own actions, and yes, it was. But even though Fëanor's response was extreme, Fingofin was indeed there before Fëanor, talking behind his back to Finwë, & specifically telling Finwë that 'If thou dost not now repent of it, two sons at least thou hast to honour thy words.'
So it doesn't really seem like Fingolfin was just sharing his concern with Finwë & what happened after Fëanor's exile to Formenos & Finwë's death was just a self-fulfilling prophecy that Fëanor caused by his own action while Fingolfin had no interest in usurping him. And I don't think Fingolfon added Finwe before his name in pursuance of his claim to be King of the Noldor after his father's death was just in response to being abandoned on the ice by Fëanor, though I think it did play a great part in his decision to so openly claim Fëanor's place.
I think making Fingolfin less ambitious & without any political game of his own is actually a disservice to his character. He's a more complex character than he's usually given credit for. As I explained here, I think becoming a king was his way of inwardly seeking validation and filling the void that was left in him since childhood.
And we know that at least Maedhros was politically smart & more of a peacemaker. So maybe all of Fëanor's sons weren't always just following him like ducklings everywhere, without thinking of their own, or being completely brainwashed. Maybe something was going on against their father that they noticed, too. We know that "Long before, in the bliss of Valinor, before Melkor was unchained, or lies came between them, Fingon had been close in friendship with Maedhros". So Maedhros & Fingon broke up of their own accord. And they were very close. How can someone lie to you about your best friend, who you spend a lot of time with & leave little thing unsaid to each other, without any basis, and you believe it and even break up with them if you hadn't seen anything that even slightly ruffled your feathers & gave validation to the rumors?
We know that Nerdanel restrained Fëanor "when the fire of his heart burned too hot" but maybe it was less "your brother is not plotting against you" and more "pointing a sword at him in front of everyone in the parliament is not the way to go about it. Start your own political campaign".
And Indis naming Finarfin "Ingoldo" which means "THE Noldo" might have been in response to most of the Noldor not liking that their queen was a Vanya, and the fact that Finarfin was born blond, a very Vanya look, and Indis choosing to pronounce "th" as "s" despite already pronouncing it as "th" as a Vanya, while Fëanor insists that that was the correct pronunciation because Míriel insisted it is, might have again been Indis just trying to fit in among the Noldor, but Indis named Fingolfin "Arakano" which means "High Chieftain". And that trying to blend in with the Noldor obviously had a political side to it.
Could it be that all of these were just Indis trying to innocently make herself at home? And was she really a perfect mom to Fëanor who kept rejecting her affection?
I mean I don't think that she was downright an evil stepmother. I think she was nice to Fëanor, she really pitied him for being the only motherless child ever, and at such a young age, & did always try to win his favor, but that didn't stop her from seeking her own agenda for her sons.
Maybe we tend to make Indis more passive than she canonically was. Fëanor did notice his father showing Vanyarin behavior the more she was with Indis. & While I believe Finwë was a codependent and impressionable person, Indis might have also been actively influencing him. Or at least welcomed the changes in Finwë's behavior.
It might all be indeed innocent, but seeking to marry someone else's husband for the first time in history- because death doesn't do elves apart and Finwë & Míriel were still married when Finwë & Indis decided to marry- & by that condemning Míriel to stay dead forever because Indis has taken her place in her marriage while getting reincarnated is every elf's right doesn't sound to me like someone who is not willing to make moral compromises.
And It's very likely that after Finwë took Fëanor's side & went to exile with him when Fëanor raised his sword to Indis' son & Indis chose to stay in Tirion, things were broken between Indis & Finwë beyond repair. So Finwë choosing to stay in Mandos in Míriel's place forever didn't really surprise Indis. And even though it hurt very much, it didn't hurt as it once might have. After being proven that she would always be second to Míriel again & again, and for good the last time, it was clear to her that it would be Finwë's choice.
& Deep inside she thought that maybe she deserved it. And so did Finwë.
It hurt to be replaced.
And likewise, Fëanor vs Fingolfin incident might have also been the point of no return for Indis & Fëanor.
I headcanon that at Manwë's party to reconcile Fingolfin & Fëanor, it was the first time that Indis didn't smile at Fëanor, but looked coldly at him.
Finarfin has always seemed to me like someone who generally disliked this whole drama, and was not interested in ruling or politics and anything & was just there for Fingolfin's spiritual support. He probably spent most of his time with the Teleri, and like his brothers, he married young (it's not just a headcanon. He did marry young, according to NoME. I'll explain it in another post.) And mostly lived away from the drama. (when there's drama at home, all you gotta do is walk away-ay-ay)
But Fingolfin definitely had his ambition, and Indis might have had, too.
Another thing that Fëanor gets accused of Paranoia for, is that the Valar want his Silmarils.
...afer the Valar explicitly ask him for his Silmarils. And Tulkas claims that Fëanor doesn't even own them, & they're Yavanna's.
And later when one Silmaril is freed from Melkor, the only sailor that they allow inside Aman is Earendil who has the Silmaril. And then it's given to him to be used as almost the same way they wanted to use it when they asked Fëanor for them. This happens while Nerdanel, who would be Fëanor's heir & thus the rightful owner of that Silmaril is currently in Aman. And even if she doesn't want it, Findis, Finarfin & Finrod are there, too. Just because the Valar want everyone to enjoy the Silmarils' lights doesn't mean that they can forcefully take them away from their owners.
And later, the sons of Fëanor are again denied of their birthrights. Even if they couldn't touch them-which wasn't Eonwe's problem- Celebrimbor was still there.
So yeah, the Valar did want the Silmarils.
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rupturedhaven · 3 months
“It was the one rule I swore I would never break.” Inej said, tears stinging her eyes. “The one thing that held me accountable. If I don’t have that, if there’s nothing to restrain me...I’m terrified of what I could become.”
“Then let him hold you accountable. He can be what restrains you. You’re not too far gone. Maybe there are miracles and Kaz isn’t either. If I can nearly kill someone and they can still look me in the eye without fear, you do not need to be afraid of being a monster.”
“What if that’s more a testament to Nina being one hell of a woman than someone being able to purge their darkness?” Inej asked.
Matthias smiled. “I think more than one thing at a time can be true. You can put off the inevitable or you can embrace it. Sooner or later, you have to go out into the world and just try. You didn’t even have to break out of prison to do it.”
Inej laughed much sooner than she thought she’d ever laugh again. “...I know it’s inevitable. But I still need time to...to forgive myself.”
“That time may never come, believe me, but you still have to face the world. You have seen a change in me, yes?”
“Just as a monster can be good, a good person can do monstrous things.” Matthias said. “Nina and I spoke a while ago about all the different people we used to be. How life shapes and changes who we are and we rarely notice it. You have been given a gift. You can notice it. So let it change you in the way you want it to. Ensure you can still be good.”
“You have your faith just as I have mine. It will show us how. I thought I had nothing in Hellgate, but I had my faith. If we both have that, how can we ever be lost or alone? I didn’t need a prison cell to be trapped; don’t build one for yourself now.”
-When We Collide, Chapter 10 "The Other Heartrender" (COMING SOON!)
Read the story so far: When We Collide - Chapter 1 - RupturedHaven - Shadow and Bone (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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Giyuu Tomioka x Reader (Walk away)
Okay so, be warned, this is LONG people. I've never posted something this long before but I've been sat in front of this far hours and the words just kept coming. I'm pretty proud of it, I think.
It's an angsty slow born, be warned of cannon-typical gore and violence, as well as cannon-divergence because I said so.
I'd rather fall to hell with you, then live on without you.
That is what you'd promised him years ago now, when he'd pushed you away from the life of pain and death that came with bearing a blade against demons.
You had your own burden to carry, either one of you could have died on any given day. The way Giyuu saw it, he'd lost Sabito in a matter of minutes, he could just as easily lose you.
You, with your breath-taking smile and quick tongue, carrying a charisma that no one seemed able to resist.
You were both young slayers, freshly out of final selection and carrying swords newly bearing your colours.
You confused Tomioka beyond belief, how bright and loud you still were despite what you'd just survived. No one comes out of final selection emotionally unscathed, but you acted like life had more in store for you than decades of killing and bloodshed.
Tomioka was addicted to that shine at first, part of him wanted to protect it, the rest, dreaded the day it faded, as he was sure it would.
The world is not kind to those who do not follow it's rules, and you followed no rule in the book. Even your fighting style was out of the box and wild, at times unpredictable or downright unruly.
But, for every mission he took on with you, every time you crossed each other's paths on your way through life, he got addicted to your presence.
Over the years you grew, your brightness grew quieter. No longer an unruly teen, you became a loveable rogue of a Hashira, your smile now a reassurance to those who relied on you for protection, but no amount of change would make him forget that day.
He'd been sent to a deserted village, where a demon had terrorised the townsfolk for weeks, a demon, who claimed to be in the running for the 12 kizuki.
He knew this demon was powerful the moment he stepped into the village's confines, the hair at the nape of his neck stood on end, raising gooseflesh down his arms as the stillness in the air screamed just how wrong this place was.
So much death here, so many ghostly screams waiting to be heard.
He stopped at the gates, and turned to you. For once, you were silent, your eyes ahead and smile absent. You had sensed it to, with your irritatingly good perception for death, and the demons that caused it.
'You should go back for reinforcements.' A young man caught himself saying, unable to restrain the urge to protect the nearest thing he had to a friend. 'This is probably more than we can handle.'
It should have been, the two of you were barely ranked kanoe, and this feels like a demon for a pillar to deal with.
Your deep concentration broke to fix him with an incredulous look, brows pinching as though you'd tasted something bitter. 'Shove off, we both know I'm not going anywhere but forward. Now come on, let's kill this thing.'
Panic made his breath hitch dangerously in his throat, and he realised that fighting beside you was going to be impossible soon. He cared too much, and if just watching you walk toward danger is enough to break total concentration breathing, then if something were to actually happen to you, he doesn't know what he'd do.
Without thinking, he snatched your wrist before you could get ahead of him, eyes hooded by his wild raven hair.
'(Y/N), please...I'm going to walk in there, please, don't follow me.'
'Why?' It's not because he thinks you're weak, you know he doesn't. You've been training together since final selection, fighting demons together, patching each other up, drifting apart only to be put back together soon after. Neither of you has ever been afraid for the other, not when you're apart.
Giyuu knows your skills at least match his, on you best day, you probably outclass him, but...he can't let go of your wrist. He can't walk into danger with you again without his heart feeling like a block of ice in his chest, chilling the very air in his lungs until it hurts to breathe.
His panic doesn't make sense to you, surely he feels what you do? Surely he sees the way you two work together, like a clock's mechanism, endless and thorough.
Surely he sees that you're unstoppable together, sees that facing down hell with him at your side doesn't scare you one bit?
When next he looks into your eyes, it's with the bottomless depths of cobalt you've grown to love, hopelessly, and you realise that, no, he does not see that.
He's petrified, frozen in fear of walking on with you. He doesn't feel supported by you, he feels crippled.
The realisation strikes you in the chest with the force of a horse's kick, stealing the air you desperately need and tearing your heart from your chest.
Before you know it, tears have risen to your eyes as hurt and betrayal clouds your mind. This is not what you need, and you could have sworn you heard the demon lurking in the murky village behind you laugh in mockery at the two young slayers, having a teenage crisis at its doorstep.
Young love, some people spoke of it so wistfully. To Giyuu, it felt crippling, now more than ever. The thought of losing you imobilised him, it didn't matter how strong you were, he was weak to the thought of your absence.
Maybe if he'd known then what he'd know five years later, he might have had the balls to walk beside you, to see the faith you had in him, the loyalty you bore in your heart for him and him alone.
If he'd known, he would have chosen a death at your side a thousand times, rather than what came next.
'I'd have walked into hell at your side sooner than live on alone, did you know that?' He'd never looked more selfish to you, a boy you'd never thought any sort of ill of, a slayer you admired beyond what words could describe.
A man you loved so much your heart could not contain it, now looked to you a selfish prick who chose the easy route over you.
Even if all he'd ever given you was silent companionship, it was enough. Enough that he let you near the quiet moments, let you listen to the few words he said, shared his pain, his convictions with you.
It was enough, it would always have been enough. Had you really been asking too much?
You freed yourself from him and marched ahead. You left him the choice. Contradict his words and follow, go back to being your partner into everything this cruel world had to offer, or shrink away, and cut loose the fear of losing you before his eyes.
Giyuu hadn't followed, and in doing so, lost you in a way far more painful than death.
There is nothing in life he regrets more than turning and running from that gate, unwilling to watch you die, unable to stomach fighting beside you and being responsible for keeping you alive. He'd have been no help to you at that moment he couldn't find his breathing no matter how hard he tried.
Before he'd found help, your crow flew overhead, announcing loud and clear.
"The White Ghost Demon is dead! The Demon is Dead! No casualties! Slayer (L/N) (Y/N) and Tomioka Giyuu have slain the Village Hunter!"
Giyuu almost fell on his face, gaping at the crow, which was already far ahead of him, flying for headquarters no doubt. You'd made your crow lie for him, so he'd never be reprimanded for leaving a fellow slayer to fight alone.
That was you last act of friendship to him.
For the following year, he could not have found you if he'd tried. He told himself it was for the best; never before had he been so crippled by fear and panic, and he swore never to let it happen again.
He trained to the bone and made a name for himself, burying his head in the proverbial sound for years, until he completed hashira training, and finally lifted his eyes to the world.
That was when he saw you. Five years older, knelt before the master, your power and grace rolling off you in waves to rival Tengen's flamboyancy.
You were a sight to behold, young among the pillars and absolutely adored by the corps. It was as though he were looking at a different person, wearing your face, but older.
Gone was your baby-faced bubbly smile, in its place was a roguish grin that softened to a comforting simper among the junior members you took pride in sponsoring and protecting.
You were toned now, carried yourself on soundless steps while the sway of your hips drew the eye.
You'd been promoted to Hashira the year before him, how had he not heard of that?
With your return to his life, he was ready to feel the irreparable panic grip his chest all over again, but it didn't. In its place was pain, a pain like no other as you didn't acknowledge him once.
You were polite enough not to arouse suspicion, but never once met his gaze, never once graced him with the kind of beaming smile you flashed anyone else who spoke to you.
To all the world, it looked like you'd just met a total stranger, and Giyuu knows it's what he deserves.
He knows now what he did, knows what you were trying to show him.
He'd been a coward, and a blind one at that, for missing the trust you had in him. You weren't some ignorant ball of sunshine as he'd sometimes taken you for a fool, you knew what your fate would likely be.
You'd gone about life with a smile, because you wouldn't live on your knees in fear of a death you couldn't avoid, and you'd chosen to do it at his side, because you saw him as someone worth fighting and dying beside.
Why had it taken him this long to see the honour you'd been sharing with him? Why did he have to throw away someone who may well have been his soulmate before realising that you'd put your heart in his hands for him to crush?
He's sure it's too late now, too late for regrets...but dear god every time you smile at the others the way you used to smile at him he swears he could drop to his knees.
The other Hashira are not blind, and it's Tengen who approaches you, observant as he is.
'You and the quiet guy, you know each other from before, right?'
You sat straighter behind your desk, you'd been writing a letter to a friend when the Sound Pillar joined you in your home. His visits aren't unusual anymore, he and his wives like to make themselves at home in your estate.
'What gives you that idea?' You wondered, tone carefully even, knowing he could hear even the slightest change in tone, any hint of change would tip him off.
All things considered, you needn't have bothered trying. Tengen knows you too well.
'The fact that he looks at you like you stole the stars outta the sky. I mean, I get the looking, you're pretty flashy if I do say so myself, but for him to notice? Something's up.'
You sighed, and closed your ink well. This conversation is clearly not going away, and it's one that you should have had with someone long ago. You've never told a soul what happened at that gate, not even other slayers who'd once seen you and Giyuu as inseparable.
None of those slayers are alive today, and the memory of your time with the current water pillar seemed to have been buried with them.
Until now, when he came barrelling back into your life like a silent hurricane. He'd been handsome enough as a teen, did he really need to get prettier? His beauty was akin to that of a sculpture crafted by an angel's own hands, if only the wounds he'd left in your heart didn't cut so deep.
Tengen placed himself across your desk, arms folded, waiting. He knows you too well, gets on with you too well. Neither of you is afraid of being heard, nor do you care what others think of your lifestyle, there's always been a quiet sort of respect between you, as you've now learned, is the way Tengen honours those he idolizes most.
You and Rengoku sat at the top of that list, but you know he's got no great love for Tomioka. Not flashy enough, they could not have been more different.
'I knew him, when we were young. Fresh out of final selection.' You began to explain, willing your eyes onto the view of your garden through the open screens. 'He was such a stick in the mud, I remember thinking he looked so sad, it drove me nuts that he never cracked a smile.'
Tengen watched as something he's never seen before overtook your face: nostalgia.
Open, kind, charismatic as you are, you've never opened up about your past, not even remotely. To the point that no one really knew anything about you other than your mother had died a slayer.
'You were friends?' He prompted when it looked as though you were debating whether or not to continue. 'With that guy?'
All at once, years of memories came flooding back to you. The time you'd complained so much about the heat that Giyuu had pushed you into a lake, it was the first time you saw him laugh.
The time you stumbled across him after being alone for a fortnight and shared your rations with him because he had none.
The countless times you'd tended each other's wounds, knowing what was needed without a word. He could tell you a thousand words with a glance, oh how many times you'd pulled off coordinated attacks in battle without so much as a whisper.
It was a connection unlike anything you'd ever had, growing up alone with you father, and in the years since you'd lost it, the pain of that lost had barely dulled.
Time would not heal this, you knew, and thus your eyes stung with tears long overdue.
Tengen almost lost his breath. He's never seen you cry, never so much as sniffle! Watching you vehemently hold back emotion was something he never thought he'd see unless he caught you on your death bed!
With words so quiet, a voice so delicate he thought you'd shatter like a thin sheet of ice, you whispered keenly to his sensitive ears.
'He was all I had.'
As much as Tengen wanted to ask how you got yourself stuck with that character-less slip of a man without an ounce of flamboyancy in him, he knew he couldn't, because somehow, somewhere, you'd given your heart to that man, and he trusted your judgement in all things, including this.
You pressed your lips together to keep them from wobbling, you hated crying, and deepened your total concentration to keep the tears back, forcing your body into an adrenaline rush to push back those tears.
You would not cry over this again.
'That's not healthy you know?' Tengen's tone was smooth, gentle without patronising you, he knows you'd punch him for such a transgression.
'I'll live.' You told him, as you always did when you came back battered. That hadn't happened in a while, these days.
Tengen chuckled warmly, pinning you with the smile that made most men envy him, and most women swoon. 'I know you will. So, what happened?'
With a deep sigh, you let your body relax, and accept the painful memory, let it stab into you without argument. That pain lanced through your chest, radiating to the very tips of your fingers, but your eyes stayed dry this time.
'He made a choice.' You muttered, at first unsure how to explain such a thing without implicating the new Hashira as a coward. 'In the end, he wasn't willing to fight beside me.'
'Too afraid he'd lose you?' Tengen concluded, earning a solemn nod. 'And you, you would have died beside him, rather than lived on alone?'
It's not the sort of question he would normally ask. He's told his own wives to prioritize their own lives above any mission, but he knows you don't abide by those priorities.
You were not without a self-preservation instinct, but in your mind, being a demon slayer would be the death of you. Being that you'd guaranteed yourself a gruesome death with this choice, you chose to live a good life, a proud life. It's what Tengen admires most in you.
What you'd done, was give Tomioka the highest of honours: you'd given him your loyalty. You'd have walked into battle with Muzan Kibutsuji himself if Giyuu were at your side.
'What kind of an idiot walks away from that?'
Your eyes shot up to Uzui's. His tone is still even and natural, but even you can hear a difference, and see that rage in his eyes, simmering beneath the carmine surface.
'Don't.' You pleaded, though you didn't know what for. 'I didn't tell you this so you could hate him any more than you already do.'
Tengen levelled his gaze with yours, taking in the set of your jaw, the underlying panic. You'd likely just shared the most vulnerable moment of your life with him, he's got no right to ruin it with his own anger.
'I don't hate him,' he attempts to placate you, but your brows furrow at him, 'never said I liked him, but I don't hate him. And as for you, I think you handle yourself pretty damn well around someone who did what he did.'
You sighed, dropping your head into your hands, rubbing your temples. 'All of the others have noticed, haven't they?'
'We're the pillars, (Y/N). Not the easiest bunch to fool.'
'Joy.' You drawled, stubbornly averting your eyes back to the garden. 'You heard none of this.'
Tengen chuckled again, breathing out his own uproar over your case. He knows you're hurting, and he doesn't want you too, not when you've got such a good outlook on life. It's a waste of your time to be frowning.
'I sure didn't. I'll see ya tomorrow, troublemaker.'
He patted your head on his way out, leaving you to your freshly unlocked memories that you frankly could have gone without reliving ever again.
The peace and quiet of your garden made a mockery of the turmoil in your head, locking you behind your eyes for the remainder of the day, oblivious to how keenly Giyuu noticed your absence more and more keenly with each day.
Every time he saw you and knew he could not have you, something in him cracked and broke, feeling the lack of something he didn't know mattered as much as it did.
The tension is killing him inside, but he tucks it firmly away without knowing what the hell else to do with it. You'd made jokes about his "emotional constipation" as younger slayers, if only he'd known to listen to you.
Shinobu caught on to his dilemma and syphoned the information out of Tengen. Not even a shinobi was immune to the insect pillar's interrogation techniques, especially not when she knows he's the only one you would have told anything at all about what's going on.
Infuriatingly, and you and Giyuu have one thing in common, your love of privacy. Flamboyant and proud as you are, you are simultaneously tight lipped.
Shinobu doesn't get much from Tengen, he would die before incurring your full wrath, death would be kinder. Only that you and the water pillar had a significant friendship before something went horribly wrong.
The insect pillar used this information carefully when she and Tomioka were dispatched on a mission together.
'You know, I'm pretty sure (Y/N)'s seen the looks you send them all the time.' She sang sweetly, hopping on river rocks delicately while the water pillar searches for a place to make camp on the bank. The demon they'd been sent to deal with had been dead hours ago, now came the long walk home. 'I've never seen you two talk, but (Y/N)'s so outgoing, I'm surprised they haven't gotten to you.'
She watched his back as he visibly flinched, and she knows she's got him.
'They look at you too, you know?'
That forced his attention off the fire he's trying to start, hands growing still over the kindling.
'What do you want, Shinobu?'
'Oh, nothing.'
He waited for her to say more, but she remained mercifully silent, watching the water flow downstream with a wistful hum fluttering from her throat, and Giyuu rolled his eyes.
In a way, travelling with her reminds him of you, apart from the glaring difference that unlike you, Shinobu does not heed his need for silence.
He used to love listening to you talk, often you'd have observations to share about the world around you, how clear skies brought cold nights. Sometimes you'd spot animals and stop to point them out to him. You saw so much beauty in a world he couldn't fathom loving as much as you seemed to.
No, travelling with Shinobu is nowhere near as comfortable as traveling with you was.
Beyond his notice, the insect pillar was now watching him attentively, paying close attention to how he'd relaxed into nostalgia. Hell, was he smiling?
That did it. Something was to be found here, and she was determined to deal with this little secret if it was the last thing she did.
She concocted a plan to enlist Mitsuri if necessary and find out whatever was causing the tension between you, but before she could even think of putting that plan into action, the two of them returned to find you and Rengoku gone.
The Mugen train had gone awfully wrong, you'd been in the area and sent in at the last moment as reinforcements.
Word got back the next day, that both you and the flame Hashira were critically wounded, the crow didn't seem to know if either of you would make it to the butterfly estate alive.
All at once, all the colour, all the life in the world, drained from Tomioka's face.
Dead. All he heard that crow say, was that you were dead, or about to be.
Upper Moon Three, Akaza, had beaten Kyojuro to death while the Flame Hashira protected a train full of injured passengers, and then taken you out when you'd charged in to save him.
Two pillars knocked out in one fell swoop, it was a devastating blow to the corps...but Giyuu didn't give a rat's ass about the corps.
Your name, your smile, your eyes, the smell of your hair on the breeze, all of it flashed behind his eyes on repeat as his mind pummelled him with the fact that he may never, ever, see you again.
You'd reached the butterfly estate, barely breathing, but Rengoku was more critical than you, Shinobu would have to work on him first.
No one slept that night, least of all Giyuu. All hands were on deck at the butterfly estate, including his. Even though all he could do was solemnly carry linens and bandages back and forth to be watched.
All three of Tengen's wives had joined the denizens of Shinobu's home, helping heal those wounded in the massacre, leaving Shinobu focused on trying to keep the two pillars alive.
He caught a glimpse of you there, bloodied almost beyond recognition. Tanjiro said you'd jumped in so fast that you'd almost taken Akaza's head off in the first blow, the young slayers were in awe of you.
Here, laid in your own blood, hair a spidery mess, staining the white pillow with your own blood, the sight of you made something in Tomioka bleed. It doesn't take much thought to know it's his heart.
"Everyone dies eventually, right?" You'd once said, fifteen, cherub cheeked and eager. "My mother died for a reason, she was protecting people. I've decided that if I have to live without her, then I'll live a life worth living, and if I have to die, it'll be for a reason as good as hers!"
If you died there, on that bed, away from your home, your family, was he supposed to be happy for you? It's the kind of death you wanted, protecting people, your soul may well be sat in that chair beside your body, watching everyone struggle to keep you alive while begging them all to let you go.
You'd done enough, you'd suffered and bled and grieved but...no. He wasn't ready to give you away to death.
If the last time he ever looked you in the eye was the day before he left you, he'd throw himself into hell itself to look you in the eye again and swear to you that he regretted nothing more than his blindness to your love and loyalty.
The estate worked tirelessly well into the next night, and only then did Kocho dare take a step back from your final stitches, having listened to your heart thrum unsteadily for the past ten minutes.
'They'll live, I think. Both of them.'
'You think?' Giyuu couldn't help but press, his eyes fixed on your battered face. Even cleaned up hastily, you looked so very tired. What was the power of an upper moon, to have brutalised you so?
Shinobu laid a hand on his shoulder, an exhausted attempt at comfort. 'I've done everything I can. It's on them now.'
With that, one by one, people began to file out of the room. It felt empty now, two beds on opposite walls, foot to foot, barely a meter between them.
Rengoku still looked as pale as the bandages now covering his left eye, his breath carrying a faint whistle from the severe damage to his chest.
At least it could be heard, proof the hashira hadn't stopped breathing yet.
You, on the other hand, were completely soundless.
Giyuu could not bring himself to leave, slowly shifting to sit on the edge of your bed, your limp hand laying mere inches from his thigh.
So close, yet so far away. You used to drag him around by the hand all the time, shopping in cities, especially when you got hungry.
Your hands were rougher now, skin thickened with callouses from years of wielding a blade. Still, when he cradled your hand between both of his, it felt like home all over again, as familiar and comforting as Urokodaki's cooking.
Limp and pale, your hand hang from his with none of your usual vitality to it, only the faint hint of a pulse at your wrist reminded him that you hadn't died yet.
Shinobu had said it was up to you now, he has to wonder, given the choice, would he come back from this, or would he allow himself to slip into death's embrace?
'Come back,' the plea slipped from his lips before he could think on who might hear. He doesn't care, not when he's gone years in silence. 'Please, please don't leave yet. Come back...you don't need this death yet.'
You remained unmoving, still as the grave, your knuckles dampened as he brought your fingers to his cheek, desperate to ground himself when panic threatened to take him. He let the tears roll onto your skin, waiting for you to wake up and scold him for crying without you.
No one dared ask the water pillar to move from that spot for the day and a half he held that post.
It was a feat of willpower, to be sure. Giyuu sat at your bedside, meditating, your hand held fast in his, as if he was the only thing holding you to this earthly plain.
At some point, all of the pillars visited the room, but granted Tomioka his space as they prayed and hoped for both you and Rengoku to awaken, sound of mind, at the very least.
'I doubt Rengoku will ever walk again.' Shinobu uttered to Aoi, gazing sadly upon the shining light of fire. 'It's a miracle (Y/N) arrived when they did. He'd be dead for sure without them.'
'And (L/N)?'
'I don't know, they took a blow to the head, that worries me more than the damage to their leg.'
Giyuu heard none of it, even if he had, it wouldn't have changed a thing, so long as you still drew breath, he wouldn't leave your side.
By noon of the second day, something changed.
Out of conditioning, habit, or your own subconscious effort, your body slipped into total concentration breathing. Giyuu knows that pattern, memorised it from the nights you spent camping together, it's your own characteristic rhythm, he'd know it anywhere.
Your fingers twitched in his grasp, eyelashes fluttering, as though fighting to open, and he waited with baited breath, periodically squeezing your fingers to help bring you around.
A surge of relief nearly rendered him limp the moment your eyes saw daylight, and squinted, ill-adjusted to the midday sun.
But you were awake, and breathing, consciously, slowly taking in the room until your eyes landed on his.
Those cobalt eyes come as a shock to your system, his is not a face you expected to see as your mind struggles to make sense of your last actions, fighting the upper moon. You'd been reckless in defence of a fellow slayer, you knew that much.
Warmth encompasses your hand, and you know he's holding you when your squeeze his fingers weakly, wordlessly acknowledging his presence.
Avoiding him did not even cross your bleary mind, you'd looked death in the face and said "no, thank you", at that moment your old pains mattered nought, he was there, looking at you with the eyes you could never make yourself hate.
'You're awake, finally.' His voice came raspy with lack of use, and water. 'Do you need something? Should I get Shinobu?'
Slowly, groggily, you shook your head, clinging weakly to three of his fingers with your partly numb had, struggling to get circulation back to where it was needed.
'S-ay.' You managed to huff, clearing your throat. 'Stay.'
Giyuu nodded, scooting closer willingly. He doubted he could have made himself go anywhere if you asked him to. 'I'm here.'
He had no place being the one reassuring you, any one of the others could have done the job better, but he's here, and he doesn't want to leave you.
You opened your mouth, boldly mouthing the question that's been plaguing you for years, forcing it past your battered throat.
'Why, did you leave me, that day?'
All at once, his blood ran cold. He knew you'd ask, you had every right to, and he's thought about the answer a thousand times.
Nothing he could say felt like enough, but just this once, words were unavoidable.
'Because...because I was scared that if I kept going, you'd die beside me. I was scared, of watching it happen.'
You processed his words, clutching his fingers as though he'd disappear if you let go.
Your grip spread warmth over his skin, physical proof that you wanted him there, nowhere else. No one else. Him. You're clinging to him.
'Does it scare you less...' you rasped, pausing for breath as your body screamed at you to shut up and lie still, 'if I die like this?'
'No!' He hadn't meant to raise his voice, it came loose before he knew what he was doing, surging to his feet to hover over you, free hand reaching to cradle your face for fear your eyes would dodge his as they'd done so many times before. 'You were right, again. You were right then, and you're right now. I was scared, and a coward, and I didn't realise what it was you were trying to tell me until I'd walked away.'
You stared up at him for a long moment, cheek sinking into the warmth of his palm, counting your breaths as they see-sawed passed your lips.
'What was I trying to tell you?'
You needed him to say it, needed to hear that he'd actually-
'You loved me.'
Part of that pain slowly healed, your chest felt lighter as you corrected him gently.
'I love you.'
'Even after...(Y/N) you can't forgive me for that.'
You smiled, past pain and oncoming tears that his thumb gently wiped away.
'You let me decide what I can and can't forgive you for, okay hun?'
There it was, that smile you pulled on like it wasn't about to shatter his entire world and send it crashing down onto him. His heart felt three times too big for his chest and threatened to burst through his ribs, crippling him under a surge of adoration.
When had your hands slipped from his and cupped his cheeks, when had you pulled him down to you?
How long had the keys to heaven been found on your lips?
The kiss was a haven, stealing the breath from his lungs as he cautiously sank into your loving embrace.
All at once, he was enveloped in all he things he'd missed. The smell of your hair, the soft hum of your voice as you purred into his clumsy attempts at kissing. Your guidance was patient, loving, fingers eagerly tangling in his thick hair, just as eager to lose yourself in.
Prior to that moment, Giyuu doesn't recall being a religious man, but for you, for your love, he prayed to any god above who'd listen, never to let him walk away from his angel, ever again.
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
BOO! Hahaha got youuu!! Anyway I'm here to request a fic of ler!furina and lee!lyney, I think she would 100% tickle the info out of him during the trial hehehe-
Ahhhhh! Whew, it's you... hehe, wow, I never tried this before... OK, I'll write one. Just need some time to study Furina's character. Hehe~ alright your heads up is enough...
Oh, spoilers for Lyney's story quest and the archon quest
The law has no secrets
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Fontaine is all about laws where you break a rule you get judgement. This time for Lyney, the magician, things seemed too out of nature for Lady Furina to call out the Gards to restrain him from the prison cells.
He sighed, already assuring a worried Lynette and a shocked Freminet to eat dinner without him.
At least they had the decency to give him something to eat. Still, the exaggeration is when he was afterwards chained completely. With the manacles attached to his wrists, the line of metal was rooted from the ceiling to hold him up, but he was on his knees.
Is the trial room a cell? He must be either lucky or unlucky...?
Well, Lyney wouldn't say he's not anxious to the current setting, but he'd rather have talked things through since the disappearance case is solved by the traveller.
The echoing sound of the metal door squeaked open. Lyney looked up now, hearing the jangling of his own chains. They were Furina's light tapping footsteps. Next to her is Neuvillette.
Wait?! He's on this farce too??
"Lyney, I must apologise for this rough display, but... might I have a word with you?" Furina's dainty tone purred mischievously, making Lyney shudder as he tried to avoid sounding outrageous."Why, if you wanted to talk, we could've done that by settling an appointment? This is too hurtful"
Neuvillette sounded exhausted. "Lady Furina, this is the same question I was asking you, Mr. Lyney is not guilty..."
Furina folded her arms with a smile "Oh this has nothing to do with the disappearances case. This is regarding the trivial incident of the phantom weasel..."
Dear archons, he should've know -oh, wait, she is the archon.
Lyney noticed that even Neuvillette was seeing her ways of thinking for once. Unfortunately for Lyney, though, he did strike the nail.
"You make a point, Jemma's admittance to being the troublemaker is strange since it's relevant to Mr. Lyney's magic show... even the steambird couldn't get an interview out of him"
They eyed Lyney now, suspicious looming over his instantly, well he did try his best to hide it..."
"What are you hiding Lyney?" Furina teased now, as she has finally got a lead in something since the traveler's entrance "I know the case is solved but... we need to know your part in this play"
"I must concede I was responsible for her sudden confession, but..." he bit his lip, trying to sound convincing "The trick Ceaser tried must have opened her heart, so she must have...".
"We know all that... the question is..." she leaned forward, close to his face "Why use the particular trick Ceaser use on the lady? Your not the heartless type to use that trick on her to hurt her more... but you knew it would hurt her, cuz you knew she's the weasel!"
Neuvillette leaned on his hand as he pondered "It's almost strange how you were involved with Lorenzo, the gards told us your good deed"
"W-wait... I swear, it's all just coincidence... I made a mistake remember, I thought Lorenzo was the culprit-!"
Furina laughed now, interrupting him "Aha, so cute when your trying hard to defend when you have used up all your cards, Lyney,"
She pointed our "I know you have a close relationship with Ceaser... so what's your connection to it"
He could tell, but he didn't want to show most of his past to her if all people. The traveler is one thing but the chief of justice is present too.
"Lady Furina," he sighed, suddenly a reasonable part of him was seen "I understand your suspicions but the case is solved, thanks to Mr. Lyney"
He sighed in relief, but Furina hummed. "Is it? I was about to ask who th3 copycat was before..."
He widened his eyes. Right... the notes. He should've known those could be triggering most of suspicions.
"Wait, I'm not the copycat"
She suddenly glanced triumphantly. "I didn't say you were, dear Lyney, now I see a crack in those defences... hahaha better tell us why you'd help to solve a case of ten years ago"
Neuvillette pursed his lips "Lady Furina, could it also be you want revenge on Mr. Lyney?"
She swallowed, flustered "O-of course that's... um not m-my only reason"
Lyney implored, "I swear... It's all a big councidence" he didn't even want to think of her ulterior motives but his mind knew it before he ever did thar she was still vengeful of the traveler's incident when he saved Aether.
Neuvillette rubbed his temple in irritation. "Rememeber interrogation is not to be used as a frivolous method, I'd rather not see you hurt Mr Lyney for your frivolous actions."
"Why," she sounded confident as she slipped behind him. "I'm not here to use that torture method! Please, there are more ways that can break even the most strongest opponenets"
Before anyone could question her she grabbed his sides, startling him by the new sensation "Let the trial commence"
"AhaAHhA! Wait whahat?" He suddenly jolted at the electrifying touch, and even Furina giggled."Well, I guess my intuition is right as water, Mr. Lyney would enjoy this torture"
"Lady, that's the abuse of power" the chief of Justice pointed out sharply but he had no way of stopping her.
"Alright, let's hear it. How were you involved in the phantom weasels case?" Furina snickered as she got a good reaction from his ribs, making him pull at the chains that exposed him most terrifyingly.
"Whyhyhy? Whyhyhy thihihis Lahahady Fuhuhurina???"
"Why? Well because I don't want to hurt you and the other is... I wanna see a great magician such as yourself be a bit more vulnerable"
That's why??? He was torn with exasperation and concern if he was safe in Fontaine.
"This is for pulling that trick on me with the traveler" she teased by tickling his bare armpits. He lost it there and lowered his head with sudden cackles "HOHOLD OHOHON... IHIHI WAHAHAS TRYING TOHO PROHOTEHECT THE TRAHAVELER! HEHE'S UHUHUNAWARE OF OUR RUHUHULES!!
"Protect is a very strong word, Lyney" she smirked, stopping for a moment "ok new questions what's your relationship with the traveler?"
Not that question! He'd rather expose himself than answer thar!
His silence made her circle his sides teasingly, he giggles "Cuhut ihihit out hehe's ahaha nihihice guy!
"Nice guy?" She hummed, then making his squeal by grabbing his hips "Dare you lie to you archon! That's punishment for you!"
Neuvillette wondered if he should do something. Sure he would be lying if he'd say he didn't enjoy this side of Lyney and the mischief in Furina. This is not even work related so he'd rather leave them be.
"Nohohoho don't leheheheave meheheeee!"
"Ah, you're boring," she huffed now but then ignored him completely by trying to attack the new sensitive spot on his hips. "Lyney~... I got a lot of questions, so... try to answer at least one of them..." she continued."What's your relationship with the traveller? Then how did you know it was Jemma the real phantom weasel? Then why did you hide most of the details of the phantom weasels case...?"
Unanswerable! He can't tell any of that. No matter how bad of a pickle he's in.
"Man, your no fun..." she grabbed his thighs now making him gasp "hmmm~ what's that?"
He blushed with the sudden suffocation of holding his laughter but it left him when she knew his thighs are bad, "G-guh! Wait!".
"Jackpot... so tell me?"
"AHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHAIT IHIHIHIHI IHIHIHIHI" He gotta say one thing! He should! He can't expose the secrets of his family but rather...
She backed off, feeling more victorious to hear him defeated "Ah~ that's your secret? I thought it was something else but that's the truth I can tell... took you a lot of guts to say all that"
He blushed now, panting "Ahare wehe done?"
She grinned brightly and snapped her fingers "Yes!" The the chains dropped in him. He sighed, feeling tired for his own good. At least he can ge those before bedtime.
Of course the guards escorted him out and even Neuvillette apologised for the sudden trial run, he did show no offence to him. Knowing he's powerless over the archon but he did doubt if he's actually guilty.
"Lyney! Are you OK?" Aether's voice, he blinked when he noticed Freminet, Lynette and Paimon with him as well. He watched the concerned look on those lovely golden eyes, he looked away with a blush "Y-yeah, I was just under suspicion"
"Did they do anything to you?" He grabbed his face now trying to scrutinze any injuries, he blushed heavily "I-I am fine... p-please let's have some tea together"
"You're blushing? Are you sick?"
Lynettw sighed. "Brother, you can't fool me, so what did they do?"
He pleaded now forcing himself into the house as they followed "Please don't make me talk about it... its embarrassing"
"For some reason, Paimon wants to know," she chuckled, and even Aether gave a smile. Sure, he did tell he was tickled at trial but editted end where he admitted his feelings. Instead, he said she got bored and left.
Nobody knew that except Lynette who knew he must've told the relationship of him and Aether...
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Hope this is alright... and not too long ...I'm really sluggish today but I had the perfect idea to write and I remembered your idea beign trial so I kinda mixed things... hopes it ok
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cynical-tuba · 11 days
VTM Dark Ages mini session, Leo asked Edmund his Sire how he himself would be able to pay for a woman's education while keeping her out of Cainite business. Leo this is the year 1349 but Kine aren't that advanced for women's rights. Damn ok dad I'll give it some thought.
I tried to keep this short but I want to explain the set up of a morally questionable old man and a stoat tailed Caitiff
Then Bishop Lasombra Michel was like come on Emir let's go to Cowley. Emir invites Leo without mentioning he's bringing the Lasombra without a creepy bone in his body. Surprise Leo. But he said he'd meet us there.
The pair arrive at the cathedral to see Saffiyah, Emirs adopted Gangrel daughter, and a Leo's sister figure, covered in blood, half transformed from killing *dozens* of inquisition members. She's broken, this didn't feel right. Emir comforts her in light of her killings. Michel steps out of the Cathedral very serenely and leads Emir and Leo inside.
There are more bodies in here of all men whose robes were once white stained in blood. The three come across tapestries. A Nosferatu is being defeated by a man. A Lupine has had it's head torn off, St George stabbing a dragon, and lastly a woman bound being burned at the stake. Emir sees these people as reminders of his guilt. The figures in the fabric crawl out at him, staring, trying to break out of the threads.
The three continue onwards behind a door where they encounter a holy man. Leo who has Aura perception active, sees the halo around him, he's awestruck by this and isn't sure how to react as the man lunges at Emir slicing his throat. Michel's shadowy tendrils envelope him, burning as they restrain him. The tentacles trigger Leo's Derangement phobia of the dark and he fear frenzies out of the church.
Emir grabs the man, fueled by Anger and Brutal ecstasy he uses cobble to road to drain the man's courage as he's crushed to death and shredded by the abyssal tendrils.
Leo meanwhile stops his frenzy as he hits the cold air. He has realized he has grown a stoat tail. He keeps this hidden under his robes and long winter cloak. (Home brew rule as Leo as a result of a double embrace with Edmund the Ventrue and Tertius the Gangrel he has a lesser degree of both clans flaws. For Leo the animal feature he gets in frenzy is random)
There stands a concerned Saffiyah and her friend Wei Tian the Watcher Salubri who came just in time to the scene. Emir and Michel come out. The five of them descend back in walking over piles of bodies, and enter a basement where they had kept tortured Super natural people. The Cainites are staked.
Among them is Hilda, a Nosferatu librarian of Oxford. Leo tries to pick her up, and due to a botch in the dice pool of 1... He sways and his tail is shown to the room... He's supposed to be posing as a Ventrue. Now the elder Lasombra has seen his tail that's it.
Most people in the room are concerned with getting Hilda back to town. This would be a horrible place for her to wake up in. Saffiyah, the strongest, carries her. Michel tries to get Saffiyah to stay with him. but he's more useful to carry Hilda. Also she doesn't want to, there's some complicated backstory dynamics I'm breezing over but he's controlling of her. Michel wants them to bring the stakes Nosferatu to his haven.
But Leo volunteers to stay with Michel in her place, assuring Emir he will see him later.
Michel and Leo begin to walk around the cathedral and it's depths for any hiding survivors or artefacts. Michel asks Leo what power he could have. Leo, teetering on the line of survival mode/appropriate/ Sincere says Flute. He was never good with wood wind instruments after all. Michel finds that to be a bit silly, digs deeper. Leo says flying could be fun,
Michel suggests Vissistude, like Kresimir the Tzimisce.
Michel: if you could learn any skill you wouldn't learn what Kresimir could do with his hands?
Leo: the flesh crafting? Oh and the other thing he does.
Michel: oh no what is that
Leo:... The puzzle boxes?
Michel: *sigh*
And Michel begins to asks Leo about the tail. What is it? Why does he have it? Interesting like a Gangrel feature Leo doesn't know what he's talking about. It's an accessory. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) He says as the tail nervously twitches. He tries to play stupid. This leads to this line of player dialogue
Me: he's going to yeet me into the abyss... I'm so dead.
@spell-fox : ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
Me: wait. Wait no he's... OH HO HO YAAAAS
Michel is direct and wraps a shadow tentacle around his stoat tail. It feels soothing. Leo pulls it away, annoyed. (What a game) Michel gets closer, explaining the legend of Caitiff. The clanless. Have you heard of them Leo? No. They are said to be able to learn any skill with ease and foretell Gehenna. Anyone who believes in that legend would surely kill one. One should be careful. The two don't find any artefacts but we're sure found out about this old man. Before they parted here's another banger quote:
Michel: what an excellent horse
Leo: do you need assistance returning?
Michel: I have my ways. I could give you a ride Leo. (Ominus abyss implications)
Leo: no, I'm alright. I have rosemary. She's spiky. She bites if you stroke her the wrong way.
Michel: That's good, you don't want a pet that's too compliant you want a pet that fights back (◡⁠‿◡)
Why are Lasombra like this.
Meanwhile Emir takes Hilda to the library, a third faction in Oxford, Hilda's faction. They remove the stake and feed her. She has no idea what she's missed in the last year. Change in government, Horsa the previous baron is dead. Wei tian will fill her in. Emir takes his rat, his soul mate who originally was bonded to Hilda and returns her to her Nosferatu mom now they could be reunited. It made the entire room of players emotional.
Emir and Leo met up, discussed what happened and Emir admitted to draining their adversary of courage before he met his god. This disturbed Leo.
Leo went home showed his stoat tail to his (still) ghoul husband Godwin who pet it until he fell back asleep.
Emir and Tertius had a chat about the events. Leo has a cute tail and you missed it Tertius moods follow the moon. He has a new derangement because of killing Emirs sire of course.
Oh my god there's probably a million spelling and grammar errors I'll fix it later my stomach hurts
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shathyar · 5 months
on vulpes, and cruelty.
some background, but vulpes is a boy who grew up in the confines of an unimportant tribe that was eventually annexed into the legion. vulpes' loyalty and service was given to the legion as a sort of gift for saving them from annihilation at the hands of another tribe. vulpes, though at the time was their smallest and weakest, very quickly grew into his role. he took beatings well, learned quickly, cut without asking too many questions (at first, then eventually he stopped asking all together).
the most important thing to be garnered from this: vulpes' obsession with caesar, and the undying need to do right by his name. caesar, to vulpes, is the pinnacle of humanity. the best that humanity has to offer, this man was his saviour, essentially. though training was harsh, especially under the circumstances of vulpes' albinism making life in the mojave more difficult than it had to be, caesar saw a potential in him that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. it is by caesar's will that vulpes is a frumentarii, and is still alive to begin with. he owes everything to caesar.
that said, growing up within the legion was also a good way to develop some habits that do not die too easily. as frumentarii, i have touched on this briefly, but they are charged with getting information in any which way. subterfuge, involving yourself in things you normally wouldn't, twisting some rules to get the final product; anything and everything. m*rder, mayhem, and even s*x. in the latter type of encounters, vulpes started playing with his food, so to speak, at a relatively early age, he entered the frumentarii by his 20th birthday and that's when this behaviour started to really run rampant.
women would come up dead, scarred beyond almost recognition. he would pull out teeth, break their legs or arms (sometimes both), pull their hair so hard until it scalped them, all sorts of cruel things. once he got the information he needed, he did whatever he had to do to get out of a situation. and his brain always defaulted to "maim" in those situations. killing was always the easiest, for him. conversation, letting them down easy, leaving the next morning all felt like a terrible loose end that he needed to tie up. so he did, by killing them. but he didn't stop at killing them, he would desecrate them, as i said. stabbing too often, pushing them on others, maybe he lured a few into the legion whether into service or slavery depending on if it was a man or woman. (women were far more frequent than men, but there were men.)
vulpes once, probably, got a good nod and word in from caesar for the amount of slaves he had acquired for them. on top of the lottery in nipton, he played all sorts of jigsaw-like games when it came to small settlements to conquer. there was always the choice: play along, or be put to the sword. there was always fairness to him though, as much of a double-edged blade as this might be. every man got a lottery ticket, but every man was drawn the same. from saint to sinner, everyone was on the chopping block before vulpes. caesar had elevated vulpes so high in both his personal regard and within the legion, that caesar's lack of restraining him was something vulpes took as an opportunity. caesar did not care, truthfully, how he achieved these results, only that he had.
the only time caesar had to tell him to lay off was the killing of his informants. to caesar, these people could be exploited and blackmailed into further exploitation so that they may continue playing the fool. to vulpes, he had gotten all he could out of them and wanted them out of the picture completely and wholly. this was starting to earn vulpes in particular a nasty reputation on the strip. years went by, though, and that reputation slowly died down. there are stories and rumours of him killing people he lays with, but those are (for the most part now anyway) simply specculation.
everyone else, especially slaves and those outside of the legion, were playthings. vulpes is both respected and feared -- respected for his fairness in his dealings, but feared because of his dealings. his personal squadron has very mixed feelings on him, but the general consensus is fairly good. the people that work with him directly like him, to some degree. maybe they don't wholly agree, but they turn their gaze when he does something abhorrent.
much like lanius, vulpes really only takes orders from caesar anymore. anyone else who even tries ends up beaten for it. not even in the arena, just flat out berated and beaten. some of them fight back and there is a scuffle, but vulpes is very good about handling this type of conflict. most people know to stay out of it when vulpes starts to get twitchy. he has a bloodlust that the legion is very good about sating for him. in open conflict, such as large battles, vulpes has been known to be quick and ruthless. there is a fairness to him, but there is no honour.
i am going to project a little of my own personal experiences, but i would go on a gander and say vulpes has antisocial personality disorder (obviously undiagnosed and untreated and running extremely rampant.) the only people that are really people to him are other legionaires (thin ice), other frumentarii (begrudgingly), and caesar (god-figure). and i am not kidding, this man sees caesar as an actual god-king, he has some repressed homosexual feelings about him but absolutely worships the ground that caesar walks on. if caesar said "jump" vulpes would launch himself into the air at a moments notice.
to vulpes, most people aren't really people, they are either instruments or obstructions. his job, to him as frumentarii, is to get rid of obstructions. he has a stark and clear disconnect with those people who are especially not in the legion. there is no sympathy or empathy with them, you will either join the legion or you will be crushed under it.
his favoured weapon is a machete or hunting knife, he hates guns, and really really loves choking people or digging his fingers into their eye sockets.
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comfortabletogether · 5 months
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hello again wanted to do a follow up to the last request specifically for kanade what if s/o was targeted as the motive and the goal was to kill him because how how much of a threat he was 😜
Thank you for requesting!! I love your prompts ughh. Anyways this was fun to write, and I had recently gotten very ill. So if I haven’t been posting it’s because of that. And it sucks, because I still have to go to school (high school is the worst.)
i just started my rewatch of DRA, so now my characters at least for DRA will get better.
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
🎵 You, Sora, Kokoro and Kanade were an unstoppable force. The four of you would bounce off each other in the trials, and although it was mostly you, Kanade and Kokoro giving Sora advice and pushing her reasoning along. It still worked great.
🎵 Kanade was with you when it had happened, the ringing body discovery announcement that had become all to familiar despite only being played once before. The two of you rushed to Kokoro’s dorm in fear of what had just happened.
🎵 There was already a murder in there surrounding the freezer over lifeless body of Kokoro Mitsume. And you swore that you could hear Kanade whisper underneath her breath.
The room was crisp, frost was starting to coat the furniture, and everyone seemed to be standing frozen over Kokoro Mitsume’s now dead corpse. 
The faint smell of metallic blood hovered in the air. Maybe it was because of the time to cope but now, seeing a corpse after almost ten days was terrifying.
“Ugh, and then there was three.” Kanade mumbled, and you swore that you heard something from her but she gave you her innocent look when she noticed your frightened gaze.
Breaking the silence of the ice cold room you spoke, a slight tremble in your voice; “What did you say, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.” 
Kanade wrapped her arms around herself, many eyes turning to stare at the two of you.
“Oh, I just asked for your jacket.” Kanade responded innocently.
🎵 Throughout the investigation, Kanade would stay with you. And she would investigate the body for you as Yoruko would flip out at any man who came near Kokoro’s body. Understandably so, but Kanade was plotting just a little bit of revenge on Yoruko for daring to yell at you.
🎵 Maybe.. Yoruko could be the person she frames for the double murder…
🎵 That’s besides the point at the moment though, as she had to physically restrain you from attacking Syobai.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW WHO THE CULPRIT IS.” You screamed at Syobai, typically it took a lot to drive you far past your breaking point but in this high pressure situation and Syobai potentially putting all of your lives at risk withholding information.
“It means I know who the culprit is.” He shrugged, him acting all nonchalantly about all of your lives was starting to really  get on your nerves.
So obviously you did the most reasonable thing I person full of petty anger could, position yourself in a way that would definitely lead to a fight.
Kanade was talking with Hibiki, and Syobai looked slightly impressed? “Mr. S/O don’t you remember it’s against school rules for a student to lay a hand on another without murderous intent?”
Mikado’s annoying voice rang out into the room guarding Kanade’s attention who had just pulled you back and away from Syobai.
🎵 Despite that little hiccup the trial went fairly well. Kanade, you and Sora had solved the mystery with the help of Syobai. So maybe there was some hope left for you after all.
🎵 The sailing to the next island took a little while and in that time you liked to teach Kanade some more defense. As paranoia that you’d loose her was at an all time high. But when resting you liked to read to one another, with Hibiki sometimes tagging along.
🎵 But the night after arriving and exploring Satsuki Land, Mikado calls all of you down to a jade tiled room on the Monocruise.
“Monocrow, you may do the honors.” Mikado announced to the group with a tone of pride.
“Yes, Mr. Sannoji. So, we are pleased to announce a brand new motive for our killing school trip.” Monocrow announced in his typical handsome voice— or as handsome as a bird could get.
With his announcement you swore you could hear Yuki mumbled something about how why would we need a motive when the voids would kill anyways. But Sora quickly shut him down with a hand to his shoulder.
Kanade looked a little bit anxious herself as she hugged Hibiki who was the one who was really nervous in this situation. You wished that you could do something to help everyone.
“You can no longer kill just anyone, it now has to do our resident (martial artist) himself, Mr.S/O!” Monocrow announced, Mikado beside him looked full of energy. That bastard.
Looks from the others rang in a variety of different emotions. Mikado looked joyful, excited to get rid of you. Iroha looked at you in surprise, checking between both you and Mikado. Nikei looked at you with some sort of pity, same was true for Yuki, Sora and Yoruko. And Setsuka put her hand on your back telling it that it was going to be okay, Shinji saying similar things without the physical touch. Hibiki looked scared, you brought her sister so much peace, she was scared to see what would happen to loose you.
And Kanade? She was pissed.
🎵 Being fully aware of not being allowed to lay a hand on Mikado or Monocrow. She opted for lashing out. Kanade started screaming and demanding an answer of why from Mikado.
🎵 Soon she came to terms with the fact that she wouldn’t ever get what she wanted and turned to you and pulled you close. Shoving both Setsuka and Shinji, who were both trying to comfort you away. They couldn’t be trusted after all.
🎵 Kanade would immediately be with you every day, always staying by your side. Well at least for a day. She disappeared one morning before breakfast, before heading down to eat with you.
🎵 She was all over you that morning. Telling you how much she loved you. Like she finally came to terms with the fact that you were going to die, whether she tried to stop it or not. You had already accepted it too.
🎵 This time, she made sure to see Iroha drink the Americano. Then, Kanade would tell you about how Hibiki loved to swim, and she likes the feel of the water when she isn’t feeling well mentally. Kanade suggested that maybe it would help you too.
🎵 Then all she had to do was tell Hibiki to come down to the pool as well.
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mooshkat · 5 months
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Rules: Post your favorite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
thank you @chaotictarlos for tagging me ♡♡ we're gonna ignore that it's saturday now i haven't been on tumblr much today
for if i'm going down, i'm taking you with me | John Wick with a splash of Romeo and Juliet AU | written together with the beloved @thebumblecee ♡
Do it, TK wants to tell him. He wants Carlos to make the first move again, to prove that everything from that night wasn’t a mistake he regrets. Please, just do it.
There’s a stutter in Carlos’ breath as he glances down at TK’s lips before looking into his eyes again. Even before, when they were more up close and personal than they’d ever been, he’s never seen Carlos this vulnerable.
The candlelight flickers and glows around the spiked halo TK put on Carlos’ head, making him look truly as Holy as a Saint. TK feels like he’s temptation personified, ready to make this angel in front of him fall from grace and into sin.
This moment is one he doesn’t want to break. It’s something to hold and cherish, a fragile thing that can shatter with one wrong move.
oh, take me back to the night we met | A tragedy puts a halt on TK's wedding, and things aren't exactly as they seem with Carlos.
"TK? What's wrong?"
His husband grabs his face gently with both hands and pulls him close to press their foreheads together, his bottom lip trembling. He looks devastated, like something terrible has happened.
Carlos grabs onto one of TK's wrists, the ache in his chest growing, getting sharper by the minute. "Tyler, you're scaring me."
A broken sob shatters from TK's chest, and the tears in his eyes finally slip down his face. "I wish you would wake up, baby. I miss you so much. I can't—I can't do this without you. I don't want to live in a world without you."
Carlos freezes. It feels like someone has dumped a bucket full of ice water over him, chilling him to the bone.
each brave step forward, i take three behind | A temporary firefighter at the 118 brings chaos down on Buck and Ravi.
The alpha’s rage slams into Buck like a brick wall. He stands firm, barely holding onto the control it takes to not flinch, fists clenched at his sides. “Look, man. Whatever issue you have with them, take it up with their insurance company.” The man tries to go around him, but Buck steps into his path again. “Buddy. Don’t do anything stupid that would get the cops involved.”
As he looks toward where Athena is already watching and ready to make her way over, Buck is grabbed. He rips his arm out of the man’s grasp and tries to take a step back, but a heavy, calloused hand lands on the back of his neck and squeezes.
A yelp tears itself from his throat as his knees threaten to buckle underneath him. The rage practically soaks into his skin, surrounding him and leaving him feeling like fire ants are crawling all over his body. His heart pounds in his chest as he fights back against the instinct to cower.
“Get the fuck out of my way, you omega cunt.” The man shoves him away and tries to continue on his warpath to the ambulance, but he is quickly restrained. He thrashes against Bobby, Athena, and another cop, who suddenly have a hold on him, still shouting obscenities.
desire's burning (your hands are sweating) | Buck steals Tommy's hoodie and finds out just how much Tommy likes seeing him wear it.
Buck goes to take the easy way out, his hand reaching for his cock to jerk himself off, but Tommy's hand is lightning fast at snatching his wrist.
“Uh-uh,” he tuts, raising a brow. “You get off on my thigh or nothing else, baby.”
He pouts but doesn't try to pull out of his grip. Buck can't help but stare at the way Tommy's hand wraps around his wrist, his fingertips almost touching. “Is this punishment for the picture?”
Both of Tommy's brows raise this time, a common look when Buck says something that surprises him. He licks his lips before answering. “Do you want it to be?”
“I…” Buck can't stop taking in every part of his boyfriend. His heart is racing in his chest, and he swears his cock is throbbing with need in time with it. “I think that's something we should talk about when I'm not horny out of my mind.”
The corners of Tommy's eyes crinkle when he smiles. “Deal.” He squeezes Buck's wrist lightly before letting it go and masking his face in indifference again. “Try again. You can brace yourself on my shoulders if you need to.”
tagging: @thebumblecee @cowlos-reyes @birdclowns @brasscacti @prettyboybuckley @paperstorm @safeaswrites @blessedbucky @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut and you 🫵
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What a ( Not so) Strange World X
So… I know I said I wouldn't be long, but hey…life happens I guess? I've had the chapter set at 1777 words for longer than I'm willing to admit, so let's briefly explain why I'm late: I'm a fucking dragon.
Okay, let's move on to the slightly longer version eh? I'm moving, so I've been messing around the house and realising I own more stuff than I thought I did or didn't even remember existed. Kind of like a hoardin dragon.
So, having some slightly more important priorities than publishing the chapters of various works, I kind of forgot that I actually had to publish those chapters.
I don't want to bore you with my misadventures, although I may need to complain to someone about it because, really, I could write a comedy series about it.
I apologise, again, for the delay, but I would also like to thank all the people who have started following the story in the last period. I was buried by notifications, and it was also thanks to this that I was able to complete the chapter.
So many thanks for your patience, ( if you have some left over can you lend it to me? I swear I will give it back to you. No? Anyone? Sigh)
Ohh right ! Before I forget, since you asked so nicely I couldn't help but accommodate you (sorry I didn't answer right away) so well, anyone who would like to be tagged please don't mind letting me know
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"No kiddin! He collared me for eating one slice of tart! All his 'rule obsession' is outta control!"
It was true that 'Riddle' seemed a bit too rule-obsessed, but Ace wasn't really the best person to complain: if Riddle was rule-obsessed then Ace had no conception of what rules were - and probably broke them unknowingly for that very reason.
"Ace I don't thi-"
You were about to let Ace in on this too, but you interrupted yourself when you noticed both Cater and Trey stiffen slightly, realising that who was probably 'Riddle' had approached the table.
"My 'rule obsession' is 'outta control', is it?"
Yep. Definitely Riddle.
And Ace was talking bad about Riddle, to Riddle.
While he was talking you couldn't help but think how much he looked like a child; he was cute, he looked like a doll. When Ace had asked him to take off his collar, you had to restrain yourself from snorting: it was a definitely absurd request.
( seriously Ace, after breaking rules and bad-mouthing the Housewarden, did he really think Riddle would give him his magic back? Naive)
You knew that Riddle was absolutely serious while scolding Ace, but all you could see was a child playing at being an adult - little did it matter that Riddle was older than you - and he was absolutely adorable
( He had adorable little cheeks! You wanted to pinch them. But you were keen not to have any dog collars around your neck, thank you).
You agreed that 'tolerating rulebreakers' might have taken the campus down a path you didn't feel like going down, but you didn't think this was the worst habit the HeadMaster could have.
There was something wrong with that thing and you couldn't help but worry
( worrying about you, about Yuu's safety, about Yuu's survival, about Yuu in general… and even about the evil weasel, in part… and maybe the Problem Child ™ … maybe, you weren't sure Ace deserved to escape the destruction he was causing)
Regardless of what Ace thought of Riddle - to which you could now even attach a face, yay - you didn't think the HouseWarden's thinking was so wrong.
If there were rules, it was only right that they should be obeyed... after all, they existed for a valid reason - right? - and if those rules were broken, then it was only fair that those responsible were punished.
Moreover, at least in Ace's case, Riddle had also been respectful of his education, since his punishment did not affect his school results.
( And you actually rather agreed with Riddle: The problems that an Ace without magic could create were certainly less dangerous than those that an Ace with magic would have caused.
He would still have created problems...might as well limit the damage).
"Now as per rule 339"
" 'The post - meal beverage is to be lemon tea with two sugar cubes' I know, I just don't have a clue where to find the sugar... or tea to be honest, I haven't seen a kettle around, and my sense of direction would allow me to get lost even in an empty room."
You hadn't realised either that you had interrupted Riddle, or that you had said all this out loud, or that the table's attention was on you... you didn't think you had spoken so loudly, but at that moment you cared about your survival.
You apologised to Riddle, smiling rather embarrassedly at him, because really, you hadn't made a fool of yourself yet today.
To your surprise, the boy took it rather well: his eyes were slightly wide, but he hadn't shouted at you…
( Now Ace could have said that Riddle was playing favorites? The situation seemed that serious to you)
After announcing that he was going to get sugar, and saying goodbye to the others, he asked you if you wanted to follow him.
And of course you gave him an affirmative answer.
You were a little afraid to leave Yuu, but Cay and Trey wouldn't let anything bad happen. Although you hoped nothing would happen in general.
So slightly reassured by the thought that in case something happened Yuu would be safe, you got up to follow Riddle.
(You were fully unaware that as you walked away, the negative comments about Riddle were only just beginning.
You were, on the other hand, fully aware that someone was abusing sugar, if Riddle's gritted-tooth comment was anything to go by)
You and Riddle had walked in silence along the path leading from the table where you had lunch to the entrance of the Cafeteria, where on a well-decorated table, away from the buffet area, was everything you needed to prepare tea and other beverages.
( Maybe you could have made yourself some hot chocolate? It's been a long time since you've had some).
Riddle had been kind enough to boil water and brew tea, adding sugar to your cup for you.
"Do you follow all the rules to the letter?" you asked after thanking him for the tea, and were not surprised by his sign of assent.
"But all of them? Like for Rule 529 'If you eat steak on a night with a full moon, a cat must play the violin' does the cat get charmed into doing it? Or is it trained?"
He thought about it for a moment before answering
"It hasn't occurred to me to put this rule into practice yet, but I am convinced that there are both trained and enchanted cats"
"It's interesting how seriously you take these rules" the boy was about to reply but you continued "No offence, it's just that sometimes it's hard to follow them all perfectly, isn't it?"
( You didn't have to tell him that it had taken you quite a while for your sugar cubes to reach two. You weren't particularly fond of sweets as a child.
And that had earned you a few feeding lessons from Queenie who had taken your low sugar levels to heart.
Although your eardrums were still suffering from it, those were the first loving cries you had been given).
"With a little bit of effort you can succeed at anything if you want to" he was looking at the table where your group was.
"Ace isn't bad" he looked at you in profile as you continued " At least, I don't think so, it's just… that he doesn't think enough before he speaks, I don't think he wanted to wrong you"
It was true. You didn't think Ace was bad…just tremendously insensitive and stubborn.
(And maybe a little stupid.)
"To me, however, he doesn't seem to understand what the problem is," and you nodded knowingly.
"I don't think he understands the point of those rules . Or the rules in general, for that matter." and here you saw Riddle smile slightly.
"I'm not going to take his collar off just because someone intercedes for him."
"And that wasn't my intent anyway. But if he returned a tart and apologised, he should be allowed back in the dormitory, right?"
You honestly knew Ace would cause more trouble, but as long as he caused it out of your sight - and possibly away from Yuu - it was fine.
What was not fine at all was the thought of Ace staying in Ramshackle Dorm.
One night had been enough, and you didn't want to leave Yuu at the mercy of two and a half Problem Children™.
"Those tarts had been prepared by Trey for the upcoming Unbirthday Party being held at Heartslabyul, but I guess it can still go well."
Riddle had noticed how your eyes had lit up at the mention of the Unbirthday Party: you looked like a child who was ashamed to ask his parents for a toy.
And indeed it wasn't too far from reality.
You knew all the rules of the Queen of Hearts, but you'd never had the chance to attend a real Unbirthday Party, but you could sense that they were an important celebration, at least for anyone who was part of Heartslabyul, and you would have liked to attend, but to invite yourself was rude, no matter what world you were in.
"Um..so if, um, we showed up to this Unbirthday Party, obviously dressed formally, and with this tart…could we strangers attend as well?"
Riddle peered at you for a few moments.
You seemed to know and apply the rules as much as he did, you had been polite in your manners and your eyes were shining for him to actually say no to you.
( And besides, there was no rule forbidding people from attending Unbirthday Parties, otherwise Che'nya would have been 'off with his head' more times than was humanly possible )
"As long as the rules are adhered to, there should be no problem."
You had greeted him all smiling after thanking him, bouncing away.
You were a ball of brightness. You weren't bad to be around.
You, on the other hand, thought your group of friends - could they even be called that? - were trying to get rid of you, as the table where you had lunch was totally empty.
Rude. Very rude.
Rook hadn't helped either. At your look of "you've got something to say abou it?" he had merely shrugged.
You didn't believe him for half a minute.
( You were right not to believe him. Rook knew perfectly well what was going on, but it would have been fun to see how you would have behaved)
It was only thanks to two Beastmen who were complaining - one of them - about an interrupted nap and someone who smelled "not - magic - at- all" that you realised which direction to go in
(even though it didn't reassure you at all).
Why were they in the Botanical Garden, of grace?
(On thinking about it, it made sense that they were going to retrieve the tools to collect chestnuts from there, but you didn't know that the bunch of idiots - Yuu excluded - had decided to make a Chestnut tart)
Which by the way, how did they think you were going to reach them - because it was obvious you were going to reach them - without knowing where they were going? With magic?
(Well, maybe so, but you didn't know how to cast such precise location spells yet).
You found them heading for the kitchens with several baskets of chestnuts - they'd made you wander the campus for nothing then - and filled you in on their intentions.
Honestly speaking, making chestnut tarts for an Unbirthday party didn't really seem like the best idea, but it had been Trey's idea and you doubted Trey had really wanted to get his freshmen into even more trouble than they already were.
Besides, if Riddle himself had requested such a tart, there shouldn't have been a problem, right?
(Although this did raise a few questions - which you kept sweeping under the carpet - such as, 'if Riddle is so bound by the Queen of Hearts' rules, how come he agreed to this crazy idea? )
After the chestnuts had finally been shelled and the two freshmen from Heartslabyul had been made fun of, you realised - Trey realised - that it was time to go to the school store to get some more cream, and while you were at it Trey asked Deuce to pick up a few more things.
You quickly pulled back: you had already walked enough around campus, this time you were going to pass.
After Yuu, Deuce and Grim came out you could "admire" Ace falling asleep on the table - with even a little bit of drool, how horrible.
"And he complained about our Dormitory, he can really sleep anywhere," you said looking towards Trey, who had a slight smile on his face as he approached you, leaning against the counter you had vacated.
"Thanks again for looking after him"
"It wasn't like we had a choice anyway. He did it all by himself. When he comes back to your dorm it will be terrible for you," you said, shaking your head.
There was a moment of awkward silence, or at least, that was what you perceived and you felt like you had to do something.
"When you make the muffins could you let me know? I'd like to help out."
And of course that something had to be awkward, damn you
Trey merely nodded.
You were about to open your mouth again when he anticipated you 'I didn't think I'd see you again. Certainly not under these circumstances," he chuckled.
"Well, um, I don't think anyone expected to see me again under these circumstances."
So you told him a very short version of your little trip from the RSA to the NRA, ignoring how he tried not to laugh openly, as Che'nya had.
You just couldn't help it. Trey had become even more handsome over the years, it was almost unfair.
Surely he had a girlfriend or something. That was even more unfair.
Your teenage self couldn't realise she had a crush on him when you had a chance!
You must not have been very subtle as you looked at him because, without missing a beat, he asked in the quietest tone in the world.
"You seem to be looking at something you like?"
Your shout - it wasn't a shout, it was an embarrassed and indignant babbling nonsense - had managed to wake Ace - who for once wasn't at fault - just minutes before Yuu, Deuce and Grim returned.
Deuce didn't look too good, but at that moment you didn't really care.
Your only thought at that moment was where you could dig yourself a hole to bury yourself from embarrassment.
(You were so engrossed in your thoughts that you didn't even notice how red the tip of Trey's ears were when he asked you that question, nor how from that moment on he would not only continue to glance at you, but also to make eye contact with you.
Which failed miserably because you didn't look up from the ground for another second.
In spite of everything, however, he was happy to still have the same effect on you. They were satisfactions).
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While you were following Riddle around the Cafeteria, you didn't notice what was going on around you.
But Riddle did.
And he hoped you didn't ask him why he had suddenly changed direction.
But just as you wanted to survive Ace, Riddle wanted to survive Floyd Leech.
Riddle knew it was him. He had a sixth sense for when the merman was around.
And in Riddle's opinion it was never good to be near the Octavinelle trio
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denverneumann · 2 months
A Better Mousetrap
Summary: After breaking into the Tower, Denver is turned into the Vox. They suspect she's a spy for the Capitol, and torture her for three days. TW: Torture, violence Word count: 949
Before the Dark Days, torture was a common practice. It wasn’t supposed to be, but the same people who made it illegal invented some of the worst ways imaginable to cause pain to someone. Denver had read about it, even written a paper on it, comparing and contrasting the war crimes of the past with the Hunger Games of the present. Which regime was truly inhumane, after all? 
The Hunger Games was designed to push tributes to their limit, but it wasn’t torture. The Capitol didn’t torture. The Capitol ruled through fear and, despite the horrors that persisted - the bombing, the poverty, the near-ritualistic murder of children - Denver concluded every time that the Hunger Games was the humane solution. The Hunger Games were put in place so that the government would never have to resort to torture ever again.
Except, the government wasn’t in charge now, and the Vox promised there would be no more Hunger Games.
It was quick, when the Vox soldiers took her. Hands rough on her arms, bruising her skin. She landed a blow to the soldier who restrained her as he tied her hands behind her back. Maybe, Denver thought, Monty would be proud, if she made it out of here alive and back to him to tell the tale. Then they dragged her down the hall as she kicked and screamed, begging someone, anyone to save her.
"I'm not a loyalist. I'm not. Not anymore. Please, you have to believe me!"
But Vox soldiers hadn’t been there during the long nights with Cain, wondering what side was the right one. The Vox didn't believe her, and no one came to save her. 
They thought she was a spy for the Capitol. That much was clear from the beginning. She’d broken into their headquarters - why? Why had she done that? Who did she report to? How many others were there? What were they planning next? Denver didn’t have answers. The Vox didn’t like that.
We don’t have enough evidence to try her.
Then fucking go in there and get some evidence!
The thing about torture, Denver knew, that they’d figured out long before the Dark Days were over, was that the best torture was the kind that didn’t leave marks behind. If you wanted information from someone, the best tactic was to break down the person you were torturing psychologically. Strip them of their identity, their personality, their hope. Make sure all that was left was you, and the information.
The Vox were new to absolute power. They had free reign over everything. And Denver was a presmed spy in their midst. But, as it turned out, the Vox weren’t historians.
The blows to her face she learned early on she could handle. Those didn’t make her scream. It wasn’t until later that Denver learned how loud she could scream before her voice stopped working. Volume up for each fingernail. They got four. The shock sticks came as a surprise finale, when she had no voice left and fist after fist had taken air from her lungs. Silent tears streamed down her face until finally, finally, they took her to a cell.
She sat with other presumed loyalists, unable to move without pain. One had been beaten even worse than she had. Another had been there for weeks. Everyone from a victor to a barista had been rounded up, it seemed. No loyalist left unearthed.
Except Monty. Please, please let Monty stay safe, Denver willed the universe.
She was swollen and bruised and she was fairly certain something was wrong with her ribs. And they did it all over again the next day. 
“I don’t know anything. I’m not a loyalist.”
“You’re a Capitolite, you piece of garbage. You’re responsible for all of this.”
The room where they interrogated her was dark. It reminded her of when she'd been accused of being a rebel. If only they thought she was a rebel now.
Denver screamed less this time.
She wondered, in between the pain and the accusations, if this was the same Vox that had taken over Eleven. That Vox felt different, somehow. Enna hadn’t looked at her as scum. They’d been fighting for something real and true. Something that Cain risked everything to join. Had he found this Vox instead? Did he think, after everything, that it was worth it? Denver didn’t know what was worth what at this point. And then, the time in between ceased, and she only knew pain.
On the third day they opened her cell and pulled her out. She waited for blows that didn’t come.
“You’re free to go,” the soldier told her. He didn’t look happy about it.
“I’m what?” she asked, dizzy and unsure if she’d heard correctly. The soldier shoved her, hard, toward the lobby.
“You’re free to leave the Tower,” he repeated. “But if you come back, we will kill you.” The soldier glared at her, and she kept walking.
“Understood,” she said, and she did. Her voice was hoarse, but she tried her best to keep it firm. She wouldn’t come back here. This was Vox territory. She wasn’t Vox. She wasn’t a loyalist, either. She stood for nothing. She might as well not stand at all, except for the rifle in her back, telling her to keep moving. The soldier walked her all the way to the door, and then spat on her.
“Capitolite trash,” he called her. Denver just nodded, accepting it, not even wiping her face, and left down the street in a daze of relief and terror. She didn’t cry. She didn’t feel much of anything. Perhaps, she wouldn’t think until much later, the Vox were historians after all.
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