#he is protected from danger and worried about to no end and it’s very obvious he is loved
typicalopposite · 5 months
Ok so in all honesty I’m hoping the look Buck’s mom gave after seeing him and Tommy was nothing more than her old brain trying to understand and process what she was seeing…
I really hope if his parents mention Tommy anytime soon on the show the depth of angst is so shallow it doesn’t even faze Buck… maybe even surprises him a little that it goes so well. Because we don’t have much time left with Buck this season and even less with Tommy and I want it to be so happy and easy for them
however… HOWEVER
in fic format.
I am devouring the deep angst post coming out fics. I need more of them. I crave more of them😀
Because… there’s a because I’m not just sadistic ok. I need Bucks tribe to stand up to his parents for him. I need MADDIE to stand up to their parents for him. I need Chimney and Bobby and Hen and Eddie… I NEED CHRISSSS TO STAND UP TO THE BUCKLEY PARENTS FOR HIM…. I NEED THE NURSES AND- AND SOME RANDOM PATIENT DOWN THE HALL TO STAND UP FOR HIM
I know there’s already quite a few out there… but I need more! I need all the fics of Buck’s people showing up for him!
Because his parents just were (are if you are petty like me and cannot forgive and forget) so terrible and they got let off so easy… so soooo easy! And it’s not fair!
And so I (ok maybe it is a little sadistically) want even more angst from them so it can be fixed with love from everyone else
Ya know?
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andivmg · 7 months
My experience with Luke (Punz)
CW: toxic relationship, racism, dubious consent
I know in the past i said that i would no longer speak about him publicly, and when talking about my experiences with abuse and emotional mistreatment i begged to keep it anonymous but after reflecting on this for a week and seeing so many incredibly smart and strong women tell their stories. they have given me the strength to say his name.
this is really scary to talk about because of the copious levels of harassment i have received from his fans in the past so if this spreads or gets out of hand i will simply log off.
If you read my last post, i nicknamed him 1.
So aside from everything i said there, there were a lot of things i didn’t include because they would’ve made it obvious that it was him and it could potentially backfire on me so, i’m very afraid to post this. but i’m going to do it scared anyway, because it’s not fair that he gets to just go and live his life worry-free as if he didn’t practically ruin mine.
Because I already made a very lengthy post about him, i won’t include everything i said last time to avoid being redundant but if i repeat myself, please bear with me.
In our year long relationship i had to endure emotional neglect, gaslighting, verbal abuse, one instance where there was dubious consent, and much more.
Starting off at the beginning of our relationship, that’s when i was getting copious amounts of hate and harassment from his fan base (warranted or not), he decided that our relationship must be kept private. he said it was to “protect” me from his fanbase when in reality it was to protect himself. it was so he wouldn’t get all the backlash i was getting. this is funny because one of the things i got called out for was saying the B slur (derogatory term used against mexicans/latinos). I won’t get into the nuances of if i could say it or not as a puertorican because that’s discourse that does not pertain to this specific situation. But you know who definitely can’t say it? A white boy from Massachusetts. When i was getting cancelled for this and getting thousands of tweets calling me names, he decided that was the perfect time to say “I mean you are a b***** aren’t you? my little b*****.” Now, he said this completely unprompted. I was in the process of writing my apology and he just said that. I tell you this because i immediately shut him down and told him that there was no universe in which it was okay for him to say that word and especially not one where he could just call me that. While i was reprimanding him, he was smiling and laughing. he apparently found it amusing to call me a slur. regardless, he gave me a half-assed apology and said he wouldn’t do it again. and he didn’t. but this wasn’t the only time he was weirdly racist to me. this was my first time being in an interracial relationship so i was led to believe that this was normal by all the white people around me at the time. But, sometimes my spanish accent would come out and he would make fun of me and the way i pronounced some words. He also refused to visit me in Puerto Rico when i lived there or come meet my family when i really wanted him to because he “didn’t like the heat” or “it’s dangerous there isn’t it?”. Once, while we were watching season 2 of Bridgerton, he implied that the Sharma sisters were “too dark” for him to be attracted to them. This hurt me because they are brown skinned girls. I am a brown skinned girl. Then this, combined with the fact that he told me once he wasn’t attracted to me made me feel like my skin color was unattractive. These are only a few examples i can think of at the moment, but i’m sure there were more. Our relationship ended in 2022 so some of my memory is a bit hazy. But, I do remember feeling inferior to him throughout the relationship because he was white and I was not. I chalk that up to all the micro aggressions i had to deal with because i had never felt that way around white people before.
Another thing i had to endure was him constantly making me feel like he was embarrassed to be with me. Because i was cancelled, he didn’t want to associate with me too much. He did defend me on multiple occasions, I’ll give him that. But, he only did it because his name was getting dragged in the mud along with mine. Excusing my actions made him look better for being around me. In reality he didn’t really care. Because he was such a big content creator and someone i looked up to professionally, I took his advice as law. He told me to tone down my personality, to keep a low profile, to change things about myself to be more palatable to his audience. The same audience that spoke about me like “The pussy can’t be that good punz please stop defending her”. So i changed a lot of things about myself and my content to better suit what his audience liked. He made me feel like if his audience liked me, he would be public about our relationship and stop hiding it. He told me the reason why he wanted to keep our relationship a secret was because he didn’t want to get hate for it. But this wasn’t true. On my 20th birthday he went to Las Vegas for a twitch rivals event. That night i asked to facetime him to say goodnight and he refused because he was at a hotel room with his friends and he didn’t want them to know that we were together. It was as if my mere presence or the utterance of my name was a source of embarrassment for him. And he didn’t let me forget it. It wasn’t just a public thing at that point. He didn’t want people to know we were together, period. This was devastating to me because I would talk to all my friends about him. I was so proud to be with him and I was just one more problem to him. He made me feel so small and insignificant just because his fans didn’t like me.
He would berate me a lot. Not just due to getting heat online, although he did do that a lot. But in general whenever we would get into an argument or a disagreement he would always call me names like annoying or weird or stupid. He would raise his voice at me if i did something he didn’t like and call me an idiot. And that really hurt, i felt like i couldn’t bring up anything or do anything without getting insulted. If I hadn’t seen him in a few days because he was too busy streaming and i asked to hang out he would call me needy, clingy, and annoying. Granted, he might not have been wrong, but that is not something you say to someone you claim to love. He also insulted me when i was in depressive episodes. I have BPD and at the time i was not being treated properly for it. So, I was all over the place emotionally and he was what i clung to for validation, reassurance, and love. I talked to him when we first started dating about my disorder and told him that if it seemed like something he couldn’t handle that he could opt out of the relationship. I guess he didn’t think it was that bad or something idk because whenever i had really bad depressive episodes, he would tell me I was too sad to hang out with. He said that my sadness was a burden to him. Which would be fair. But, once my mother had a conversation with him about me. She told him that i am someone who needs a lot of love and caring. She said that if he wasn’t willing to put in that kind of effort into a relationship to just leave me alone. He reassured her that he would be there for me no matter what. He told my mother that he would protect me and my heart. He did not. He took all the warnings I gave him and ignored them and then made me feel like I was the problem. And even worse, he would say that i was pretending to be sad to get his attention when he would neglect for days at a time.
There were also some smaller things like the fact that he made me feel really guilty whenever he would spend money on me. Also, he would be really mean about my eating habits. For context, i used to suffer from an eating disorder. I was anorexic and had a really unhealthy relationship with food during high school and my first year of uni. This relationship began when i was recovering from my ED. For me, eating was really hard. So i had certain comfort foods that, while sometimes unhealthy, at least it was something to eat when i didn’t feel like eating anything. He knew this. Yet, whenever i would crave some of these foods he would call me fat. Constantly told me I’d gain weight from eating all that junk food. Saying that to someone with an eating disorder is crazy. Other smaller things were that whenever I would post tiktoks where i was lip syncing or just looking good he would yell at me and say i was looking for attention. Same with Instagram or Twitter whenever i would post photos where I looked hot. He never planned out a single date for us. I would beg him to get me flowers and he did maybe once but i’ll get into that in a bit. He would make fun of me in front of his friends to make himself look better. He let his friends say really degrading things about me in his presence. For example, once when i was showering, i overheard him on a discord call with George and Sapnap and i heard George say “if you don’t go in the shower and have sex with Andi, i will”. Once, when i was really struggling with my legs (for those of you who don’t know, i have arthritis and it’s very painful. at the time i wasn’t diagnosed but i was in a lot of pain) I literally could not walk. I had to beg him to take me to the ER because i didn’t know what was wrong with me. He didn’t want to take me but eventually i convinced him, and while we were there all he did was complain about how long it was taking and that he would have rather been at home streaming. Whenever I would talk about my interests that i was excited about like shows or books he would be incredibly uninterested and say that those things were stupid and he didn’t want to hear about them. I know all of these seem very silly or superficial but cumulatively it was awful.
Now for arguably the most serious thing i’m going to talk about. I want to preface this by saying i am just telling my side of what happened. You can come to your own conclusions about this.
On April 25, 2022 it was our one year anniversary, and i had made a dinner reservation for us. I expected him to plan something throughout the day for us to do. He told me he was going to spend the whole day playing Valorant so I got upset and cancelled the reservation. After a very heated argument, we calmed down and i asked him to come over. He came over about an hour later with flowers and drinks (I was 20 at the time so I couldn’t buy the drinks myself). He brought Smirnoffs and Trulys. For context, I am a lightweight. I always have been. I literally get tipsy on half a cocktail. And that day, I hadn’t eaten anything because i was in distress over our argument. So we get to talking and drinking. I blacked out after my second Smirnoff. Apparently I drank 3 but I genuinely cannot remember anything after finishing the second one. The next morning i woke up naked in my bed. I woke him up and asked him “Luke, why am I naked?” and he said “Because you didn’t want to put your clothes back on.” When I clarified to him that that was not what I meant, he got defensive and said that he didn’t realize how drunk I was. He proceeded to tell me that I initiated sex with him and that i was very enthusiastic about it. He said he didn’t know i could black out on three smirnoffs. He made fun of me for being a lightweight and continued to make light of the situation. Then he mentioned that i fell off the bed at some point in the night and that it was funny how drunk I was. I then questioned him. Because if he thought that me tripping and falling off the bed because i was so drunk was funny, how did he not know that i was too drunk? He responded by saying that i fell off the bed only after we were done. That day I broke up with him. I’m still really confused about what happened that night. I don’t remember anything and all I have to go on is what he said to me. We were in a relationship at the time and he says he didn’t know how drunk I was so I’m not sure what to call what happened. A while after that day, his friend that hmu while we were broken up and I started talking again and i confided in him about that night. He told me to be careful saying things like that because they could get me into trouble. I spoke to some of our other friends about it and they told me it was no big deal and that it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know how drunk I really was. Because I don’t remember, I have been led to believe that this is not a serious matter. You can think what you want, come to whatever conclusions you want. That is just my side of the story.
I want to add that I’m not proud of how I acted after the relationship ended. I felt really angry at all the shit he put me through and I guess a part of me wanted him to hurt even a quarter of how I did. So I started talking to his friend and got involved with him. This backfired on me because his friend ended up really hurting me too so ig i got my karma. But the thing that hurt the most is that because of what I did, some of our friends took his side in the break up. I was told that I did something terrible by getting involved with his friend that he was already insecure about and that he didn’t deserve that. These are the same friends who were witness to the dumpster fire of a relationship we had and all the things he did to me. They turned their backs on me because of this one thing I did. But stood by and watched as he treated me like garbage for over a year.
I will conclude this by saying that while this relationship has been “over and done with” for almost two years now, I carry a lot of trauma from it still. I still talk about him in therapy and have had to put in a lot of work to heal from what he did and i still cannot say that i am okay. I am very blessed to now have a patient and understanding partner who has helped me heal from that trauma and i just want to quickly thank him for that. Nobody deserves to go through what I did. While yes, it was a toxic relationship, and I had a part in that, it does not excuse all the awful things he said and did to me. This is my truth, thank you for taking the time to read it.
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marauroon · 5 months
hello !!! can i request a right person, wrong time with siri? maybe they broke up because of the war... and the reason is because siri doesn't want to put the reader into danger and then they meet again, all grown up and they still have feelings for each other and Siri has to grovel to win reader back again? And it ends with a happy ending (please) (Siri was the one who broke the relationship and reader was really hurt) it's very long yet vauge 😅
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sirius black was the love of your life, and you were his. but sometimes higher priorities—and deep-seeded anxiety—can get in the way. but the invisible string of fate always brings people back together.
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cw — fem!reader, details of the first wizard of war, reader and sirius have a messy and complicated relationship, harsh arguments, character death mentions, happy ending
sirius black x reader || hurt/comfort || 6.2k || requests open!!
a/n — let’s just pretend sirius doesn’t get avada’d like three weeks after this fic ends
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The war put a strain on everybody. Some people had to leave their families to join the fight, some had to hide away to protect themselves from the Death Eaters.
Some didn’t have a family, anyone to worry about them coming home at the end of the day.
They threw themselves into it the hardest.
Then there was you and Sirius, a pair of outcasts who found solitude in each other. A pair who paid no greater devotion than protecting the people that you cared about from the ravages of Voldemort’s uprising.
You were barely eighteen when you both joined the Order, fresh out of Hogwarts and straight into the line of fire after the group had been offered a spot in Voldemort’s army and refused, leaving every one of you with a target on your back.
By the time you were twenty it almost seemed fruitless, with James and Lily being sent into hiding to protect them and their son under Dumbledore’s direct orders under fear for their continued safety and a Fidelius Charm placed over them to keep them safe. Sirius denied being their secret keeper with the explanation of it being too obvious a choice. What a mistake that was.
Then order members started dying.
And it all began to fall apart.
The brass framed picture in the entrance of the Black family home offered Sirius no empathy as he escaped the bitterness that October was serving him, the laughing faces of his friends and self-proclaimed family only serving to make his already dwindling morale dampen further.
Twenty-two people in the picture. And how many remained? Fourteen. In the span of five months.
It was Dorcus and Marlene that really did him over, and he could barely so much as glance in the direction of their hopeful smiles without feeling like he was going to throw up.
The trudging of his feet up the wooden stairs was proof enough of his arrival for any present members of the Order to hear, too fatigued and all together bleak at the continued state he was living in to announce his presence verbally.
“Sirius, sweetheart, you’re home thank goodness,” Not even the warmth of your arms around him or the relief in your voice as you pulled his head into your shoulder could satiate him anymore.
You shouldn’t have to be relieved that he walked through the door.
You shouldn’t have to hug him like it’s your final goodbye every time he leaves.
Every time you leave.
You didn’t deserve that. And neither did he.
“Godric you’re freezing, come and sit down,” You pull Sirius into his childhood bedroom with all of the care of a feather floating on a pool of water, squeezing his hands in yours like you’re trying to transfer your own heat to him.
He follows you with no real resistance, though he doesn’t make any move by himself, and you have to push his shoulders down to get him to sit in front of the lit fireplace that would hopefully quell the chill echoing across his skin.
You help him remove his coat with a sigh, dark frown lines marking your features as you take a seat beside him and rest the side of your head against his shoulder, your hand gently tracing over his to capture his palm in your own. He doesn’t return the small squeeze of your fingers.
You can’t blame him for being so dismal, the situation was something that nobody could make it through without a gargantuan crack in their emotional shield, but seeing Sirius display his almost funereal sentiment so fervently without so much as a hint of a mask was devastating.
Displaying even the tiniest glimmer of hopefulness was what allowed the Order to survive for so long, and Sirius couldn’t even muster that.
“Harry said his first word today,” You try to keep the conversation positive, ignore the downfall of everything around you and keep focusing on the small wins. “Dada of course, apparently Lily was pretty miffed,” You punctuate your sentence with a small laugh, although it’s more pathetic than genuine and even you can tell you’re doing a horrible job of trying to uplift Sirius’ spirit.
“They sent over a picture, Remus has it if you’d like to see—”
“Just stop.” Sirius shakes his head sharply, pulling his hand from yours and standing with his back to you.
“I don’t know why you keep trying to pretend that everything’s okay, it’s not. Our friends are dying and you’re acting like its completely fine.” There’s more malice in his voice than he’s intending, and logically you know that he doesn’t really mean to get so angry at you. It wasn’t you that was the problem, it was the world in which you were living.
But logic can often times get overridden by other facets.
“I am trying to stop anyone else from dying.” Your words are more desperate than harsh, and they’re not laced in anger like Sirius’ are, but they carry just the same amount of conviction. “If we lose hope then we may as well just hand ourselves over…”
There’s a stuttered exhale as you trail off, and Sirius swears he hears your voice crack as you try to take his hand in yours again. “I can’t bear to see you like this…”
“You should leave the Order.”
You’re almost not sure you heard him.
“You don’t belong here, you’re not fit for this,” He sounds almost resigned, and his shoulders drop just enough that you’re not sure he really believes what he’s saying. “You should leave before you get hurt.”
There’s a moment where all you can really do is let out a breath of astonishment, and then there’s an overwhelming need to defend yourself against Sirius’ accusation. “I am perfectly fit for this, Dumbledore agreed that—”
“Well I don’t agree with it!” He cuts you off harshly, turning around so that you can see the anguish that’s drenching his features. “People are dying, our friends are dying, and you are on the goddamn list of whose next.”
He takes your upper arms in his hand and shakes you like it’s going to make you see his point, practically shouting at you as he desperately tries to get you to see his point of view. “You are a brilliant witch, and you are in so much danger that it makes me want to rip my heart out so I don’t have to worry about you any more—”
His rant doesn’t stop once his hands halt, and they stay gripped uncomfortably tight around your biceps to the point where you’re sure it’ll bruise. “Dorcus died because she was brilliant, Marlene died because her father was a muggle, you are like the two of them wrapped up in a package practically serving yourself up to the Death Eaters every time you step out of this goddamn house and I cannot take it anymore.”
Sirius practically pants as his yelling comes to a halt, and he almost immediately regrets getting riled up as he sees the reflection of the fireplace in your glassed over eyes.
“I love you. I love you so much and I can’t live like this anymore.” His hands move from your arms to cup the sides of your face, and you flinch at the contact like you’re afraid he’s going to hurt you.
It breaks Sirius’ heart.
“The Order is falling apart love… I don’t want you to be here when it collapses,”
You pull his hands from your face with yours at his wrists, shaking your head as you blink through clouds of tears. “I’m not leaving the Order, Sirius. You really think I would abandon my friends like that? My family? You?”
“Then I’ll make one of the hard choices for you,” Sirius lets his hands fall to his sides on your prompting, taking a step back from you to hide them in the pockets of his jeans. “I’m breaking up with you.”
“What—” There’s nothing but absolute betrayal written across your face, and Sirius almost breaks down immediately. “Sirius—”
“If you want to stay here and watch shit hit the fan then be my guest, but I will not put myself through watching your downfall.” He doesn’t give you the courtesy of replying before opening and slamming the door behind him as he leaves, but you’re not sure you’d be able to articulate anything even if he did, your only response being the start of a sob that echoes off of the empty walls and back into your ears to amplify your own anguish.
You move your belongings out of his room that same evening, taking refuge under Remus’ open arms as you cried yourself into an uneasy slumber, so emotionally exhausted that you could barely formulate any sense of coherency.
Lily and James died two days later.
The news hit you like a truck when Dumbledore relayed it to you, and whilst most of the Order were left in a blanket of shock, Sirius took off in a rage before he could even finish his sentence.
It was enough for you to push the grief aside to not cost you any more.
“Sirius wait—” You weave your way through the others and past Dumbledore to rush after him, the first words either of you had spoken in the other’s direction since the argument. “Where on earth do you think you’re going the Death Eaters might still be there—”
“I hope they are.” Sirius’ tone drips with venom as he pulls his motorcycle helmet from the coat rack at the front door, and you just barely catch his wrist before he has the chance to leave.
“You’re going on a suicide mission—”
“They murdered my brother, I have nothing to lose.” He again leaves the conversation with a slammed door, and you don’t know whether the possibility of his death or the fact that he’d seemingly accepted it hurt you more.
He had nothing to lose.
It was the biggest insult he could’ve possibly left you with.
And it’s all he did leave you with.
For twelve years.
You grieved the loss of Sirius like you did James and Lily, like he too had entered into an early grave of which he would never return. Azkaban may as well have been.
You were angry at first, disgustingly loathing the thought of what those twelve poor muggles had to endure as their final moments. You were less empathetic towards Peter’s fate, although your grief for him was replaced with a deep-seeded betrayal that sunk into your muscles all the same.
Then it settled into an uneven weight in the bottom of your chest, something that you carried with you from that point onward.
You moved out of England soon after, with nothing but a silent vow to Remus that if Voldemort were to ever return, that you’d be there, a final standing against the allegiance that stole your life from you.
You couldn’t stay there anymore, every street of London reminded you of him, of them, of all the people that you lost and how the prime years of your young adulthood were unceremoniously ripped from you under the false belief that you could actually make a difference.
As weeks turned into months, and then into years, there were days that passed where you didn’t think of what happened, of how your previous life had fallen apart and left you as a shell of yourself, and eventually, you managed to pick up the pieces and live your life like it hadn’t happened.
Apart from a single shard of your heart that had lodged itself at 12 Grimmauld Place, underneath the black silk sheets you and Sirius once shared.
You were thirty three when a letter from R.J.Lupin was sent through the letterbox of your house, and it was like those twelve years of growth and acceptance disappeared in an instant.
‘I hope this letter finds you well, I know I promised to contact you only for something of the upmost urgence regarding the resurgence of you know who, but I believe this is appropriately important.
Wormtail is alive. He was the one who caused those muggles to die without reason. Which leaves no question of Padfoot’s innocence.
I don’t know if you have kept up with the wizarding news, but he escaped from Azkaban, and is in a safe and secure location known only by the Order.
I understand if this news is too much for you to digest, but he has asked me personally for your consideration in returning to the place where everything began.
Yours sincerely,
The aftermath of your reading was a mess of shallow breaths and an elevated heart rate.
You hadn’t felt so horrible since the day that James and Lily had died, the day one of your closest friends betrayed you and the love of your life was taken away presumably to never be seen again.
And now he was just out there? You were just adjusting to living without him, and now he was being thrust back into your life by his own doing.
He threw you away right before your house of cards toppled, and now he was trying to worm his way back into your life?
It took you almost three weeks of staring at the sheet of parchment before you made a decision, and it ended with the letter going up in flames and you watching on with a sunken expression, no tears left to cry over the man who’d ruined you.
All of those months where you’d pondered, where you’d asked yourself over and over again what might’ve happened if you’d have just not spoken to Sirius that day, if you’d just let him rest like he’d obviously wanted rather than try pathetically to lift his mood.
If it might’ve meant he would regard you as something to live for and stop him from blindly running off to avenge James and Lily without a second thought.
All of it went straight down the drain. Because you could have him back if you wanted. But you didn’t. You didn’t want to go back and see him again because the minute his name invaded your mind all you could think about was that god awful argument and it’s aftermath.
And it ripped you apart every single time.
“She’s not coming Pads…” Remus’ hand on Sirius’ shoulder was almost apprehensive as he gave it a soft squeeze.
It was almost three months of having to watch Sirius treat the front door like it was his lifeline, his head turning at the smallest creak of the wood in the fruitless hope that when it opened you would be on the other side.
“I know…” Sirius lets out a small, pathetic laugh as he rakes his fingers through his hair, his facade of indifference threatening to break with every breath he took. “Can’t blame me for trying though right?” His voice betrays his devastation, tone wavering and quiet, cracking when he tries to push it to sound more convicting.
“I’m fine,” Sirius shakes his head with a dismissive hand, clearing his throat and blinking away the starts of tears from the corners of his eyes. “I’m gonna go get some sleep, gonna need all I can get if we’re gonna fight these sons of bitches hey?” Sirius nudges Remus with his elbow as he plays a characature of his former self, although it’s poorly executed at best.
“Yeah…” Remus consciously suppresses a sympathetic sigh that tries to escape his mouth, pressing his lips together. “Goodnight Pads,”
“G’night Moony,”
There’s eighteen months of radio silence before another letter is slotted through your door, and you have half the mind to burn it on sight when the familiar red seal is left face up on your patio tiling, but the handwriting on the back wasn’t Remus’, and it was definitely not Sirius’ either.
The scrawl of your address was almost unmistakably Dumbledore’s, and you were left in an emotional state of uneven limbo as you debated why he of all people would be personally sending you a letter.
Logically, you already knew the reason, but your brain chose to ignore that logic as you ripped the envelope open, only for that denial to be thrown right back at your face once the seal of the Order inked itself into the folded parchment.
You didn’t even need to read the letter to know what was inside it.
Three words.
Invitatio ad arma.
A call to arms.
You barely remember packing your bags, leaving the sense of normalcy you’d built over the past fourteen years to throw yourself back into the line of fire and more devastatingly, right back to Sirius Black.
The train ride to England almost felt like a fever dream, your body left in a state of dissociation where you couldn’t discern whether your actions were real or just a part of some vivid nightmare that you couldn’t wake from no matter how much you tossed and turned.
And by the time you reached the front door of number 12 Grimmauld Place it felt like you were right back where you started, just barely twenty one thrust into a war that could leave you in your grave at any unfortunate minute.
It felt almost foreign to you as you entered, the hallways that once proved to be your substitute home reduced to unfamiliar sights covered in dust and peeling wallpaper. There was no brass lamps to warm the sight, no picture of your closest friends on the wall, not even the mirror that had been hung beside the door had survived, reduced to a half shattered mess that hadn’t been replaced under higher priorities.
“Oh—” The slightly surprised sentiment draws you away from your almost depressing nostalgia, drawn instead towards an almost perfect capture of teenage James Potter, down to the slanted circular glasses sat over his nose bridge.
It’s enough for you to genuinely consider for a second that you’d actually stepped back in time, right into your graduation year when you were all so young and full of hope.
But it couldn’t be James. As much as your heart desperately wished it was.
“You’re another member of the original Order of the Phoenix right?” The boy takes a few steps towards you, wonder still lingering in his eyes despite the film of knowledge that cloud them. Knowledge of just how unfortunately dark the world actually is. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m—”
”Harry…” Your interruption is barely more than a breath of air as you take in the sight of one of your closest friend’s child, a child that he never got to see grow into an almost perfect replica of himself. “You look just like your father…”
There’s a mix of shock and a small amount of sadness in his expression at your statement, and it’s enough for the glimpses of Lily to shine through in his demeanour. “Thank you,”
It’s enough for your eyes to well with tears, and you blink them away with a small clearing of your throat to regain your composure in front of the boy. He didn’t need to see you cry over the fact that he looked like one of your dead friends with the personality of another. That wasn’t fair.
“It’s nice to finally meet you Harry, properly,” You extend your hand almost hesitantly as you introduce yourself, and he takes it graciously in his own with a small sympathetic smile. Being proxy comforted by a teenager, how pathetic.
“It’s nice to meet you too, my parents have good friends,” You give the boy a small nod with a small, sad smile, and he mirrors it himself in turn.
“I’m so sorry, you didn’t deserve any of this,” You let your hand rest on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly in a terrible attempt at consoling the sadness riddling his expression. “You’re just a boy Harry,”
“I know,” He gives a small sigh and a more confident smile, sympathy lingering in the creases of his cheeks in a perfectly Lily fashion. “I’m sorry for your loss too, I know they probably meant a great deal to you,”
“They still do, that’s why I’m here,”
“Thank you,” He sounds more confident in his thanks this time, more determined, and the remnants of his parents continue to show on full display as his focus returns to the reason you’d arrived here in the first place. “We’re about to sit down for dinner, join us?”
“I’ll be there shortly,” You give Harry a small nod and another small squeeze of his shoulder before excusing yourself up the stairs to leave your belongings.
“Good evening everyone,” Your voice is taught and awkwardly flat as you push open the door to the dining room, and you stand there with your hands wrung together behind your back as your eyes flicker over the room.
There are so many people that the table is almost entirely too crowded, and a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces in your presence, although those who do recognise you leave their seats almost immediately to greet you properly.
“It’s good to see you,” Remus reaches you first, wrapping you in a secure hug that you happily return with your own.
“It’s good to see you too, Remus, it’s been too long,”
“Welcome back, we need all of the human shields we can get,” Mad Eye’s reuinionative statement is much less heart felt, but you give him a small laugh and a “Thank you,” nonetheless.
Then there was Sirius. Stood at his chair, not daring to walk into your little bubble under fear of whatever consequences that might come from it.
He looked almost as you remembered him, but he was leaner, more gaunt, his hair more unruly and his skin even more paper-white than the almost impossibly pale complexion of his teenage years.
He was still Sirius, but he was different, and it took less than half a second of eye contact for him to realise that you were different too.
“Welcome back,” His voice is hesitant, almost catching in his throat as his brain catches up to the fact that you’re stood in front of him, less than ten feet away after all of those years he’d spent desperately dreaming of what it would feel like to have you in his arms again.
Now you were here. And you were a stranger.
“Thank you,”
Dinner progresses pretty much how you expected, a mix of awkwardly introducing yourself to the Order’s new members and horrifically failing at avoiding eye contact with Sirius from across the table.
Then the topic of interest moves to the Order’s plans, and things seem to spin into a downwards spiral all too quickly.
“We don’t have enough members to reliably be able to pull this off,” The argument was entirely valid from a logical standpoint, a weakness that quite a few of the Order seemed to have choice opinions about.
“Yeah well we’re not getting any new members are we?” Sirius leans back in his chair exasperatedly. “With the way Fudge is portraying Dumbledore and the lack of official credibility, we’re on our own here, there’s no use in waiting around,”
“I’m inclined to agree, we all know you know who isn’t going to waste any time,
“It’s reckless,” You shake your head with furrowed eyebrows. “We not ready to face something like that head on.”
“We’re never going to be ready,” Sirius shakes his head with a sigh. “We have to take action before he has the chance to build himself back to where he was all those years ago.”
“Sirius is right, we need to do something,” Sirius gestures towards Harry’s response like it’s the final nail in the coffin against your reasoning.
“Harry, sweetheart, I appreciate your enthusiasm but you don’t know the extent of what we’re dealing with,” Your voice is as gentle as it is assertive, not wanting to put him down too much but also wanting to make sure he understood the true extent of what was going on.
“He killed my friend in front of me—”
“And he’s killed dozens of ours,” You shake your head softly but firmly. “Jumping in without a plan is only going to make things worse, trust me.”
He seems more than a little shot down, but he gives you a small nod of understanding nonetheless as he backs down from his standing.
Sirius doesn’t pay you the same mind.
“So you’re suggesting we just wait in hiding for what, forever? We need to act,”
“The last time you ‘acted’, Sirius, you spent twelve years in Azkaban for it.” Your rebuttal holds none of the softness that was present when you were talking to Harry, and you can see it eroding the calcified shield behind Sirius’s eyes.
“That wasn’t my fault,” Sirius presses his teeth together to keep himself from raising his voice, his back straightening alongside his defensiveness. “At least I’m trying to do something, if you don’t want to contribute maybe you shouldn’t be a part of the Order at all,”
“I will not have this argument with you again Sirius!” His chastation seems to finally get under your skin as you rise yourself from your chair with your hands on the dining table, ignorantly ignoring the uncomfortable gazes of everyone else present as you’re forced back into that evening fourteen years go all over again.
“Okay, I think it’s time we called it a night,” Remus, seemingly the only normally functioning person at the table, rises from his chair slowly, taking your shoulders in his hands to guide you away from the group and calm you down.
“Yes right you are Remus,” Molly stands up with a nod that’s almost too enthusiastic clasping her hands together. “Off to bed, all of you,”
You can practically hear the lingering exasperation in Remus’ breathing as he leads you up the stairs and into the room he was staying in, and the second he shut the door behind you you knew what you were in for.
“You need to speak to him.”
“I know,”
“I know,”
You’re sure the sigh you let out echoes across the house’s first floor, and it’s enough for Remus’ eyes to shift into displaying a concerning amount of sympathy in your direction.
“He misses you, you know,” Remus takes a seat on the edge of his bed with a soft sigh. “He said the thought of seeing you again was the only thing that got him through Azkaban,”
“Yeah well he wouldn’t’ve gone there in the first place if he hadn’t’ve been such a hot-headed twat,” You wouldn’t lie that Remus’ statement didn’t hit you a little where it hurt, but the lingering anger towards Sirius’ situation was clearly still more forefront in your mind.
“It’s a carried trait in all of us ’m‘fraid,” Remus tilts his head knowingly, and you have half the mind to roll your eyes at the clear implication of what he’s saying.
But he isn’t wrong, not really.
“You know where to find him,”
There’s a small moment of silence, then a sigh. “Do I have to?”
“The longer you wait the worse it’ll be,”
Sometimes you hate how logical Remus can be.
With another sigh and a loll of your head, you reluctantly stuff your hands in your pockets and turn towards the bedroom door, muttering a soft—and only half genuine—“thanks,” in his direction as you leave.
The wooden door that barricaded you from the former love of your life felt more like steel than anything else. Tall, dark, and intimidating to the point where you couldn’t even consciously lift your hand to knock against it under the blood rushing behind your ears from how fast your heart was pounding in your ribcage.
It really shouldn’t be so scary, you’d spent weeks, months in that room when you’d originally joined the Order, yet now it felt entirely foreign to you.
Maybe it was the fact that the wood was slowly rotting away with how unkept it was. Maybe it was the knowledge of what—who—was on the other side of it. Or maybe, your mind was just so completely and utterly fucked that the idea of confronting the consequences of your own actions was more nerve-wracking than the idea of standing face to face in a death match with Voldemort himself.
You stand there staring dumbly at the door for almost two minutes, and when it opens your eyes widen like it’s a new form of magic that you’d never encountered.
Sirius halts halfway out the door, arm stretched straight with the doorknob still in hand as his face seems to go through an insurmountable number of emotions in the half-second it takes for him to realise you’re there.
You don’t say anything as you make eye-contact, head immediately ducking downward and stepping aside so that he can leave without you blocking his path, but he just stays there, staring at you like you had been the door, and it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable by the second.
You clear your throat with a feigned cough, pursing your lips together with a muttered “excuse me,” as you turn around to leave, but Sirius catches your wrist in his hand before you even manage to take the first step.
“Wait—” He loosens his grasp almost immediately after he feels a resistance, but his eyes convey just how determined he was to keep you where you were. “Let’s talk, please?”
There’s a hint of desperation in his tone, and you almost crumble on that alone, but you manage to maintain your composure with a small shake of your head and a gentle pull of your wrist from his hand. “I don’t think it’s worth it Sirius, not anymore,”
“Don’t say that, we can fix this,” Sirius mirrors your head shake with his own. “You just need to talk to me,”
“I tried talking to you Sirius, and look where it got us,” You gesture between the two of you with exasperation in your tone.
There’s a small pause where the two of you share and almost identical mask of composure over your agony.
“It just wasn’t meant to be, that’s it,”
“That’s not true,” Sirius shakes his head again, more confidently this time, and his inky black curls bounce against his shoulders like they’re trying to torment you with the memories of your fingers raking through them. “We can fix this, us, we just have to try,”
“I don’t want to argue with you anymore,” You lower your gaze away from his so you don’t have to see the heartbreak in his irises. “Especially not over this…”
“Then don’t, let’s work this out properly, like adults,” He reaches out his hand cautiously towards yours, and you flinch away as your fingers make contact. “Please,”
“I’m sorry.” Sirius lets out a heavy, pathetic breath as he retreats his hand to run it through his hair. “I am so sorry. I made the biggest mistake of my life and it cost me the person that I love more than life and I have suffered the consequences of it every day for the last fourteen years.”
Sirius lets his hands fall to his side with a start, voice beginning to tremble under the strain of his emotions as he desperately tries to voice everything that he’d bottled up over the last decade and a half before you leave him to rot in his own depression again. “I spent every hour in Azkaban imagining what it would be like to see you again, to hear your voice, to hold you and tell you that you’re the one thing in this goddamn hell that we live in that actually makes anything worth fighting for,”
The breaths between his words are shallow and weak, and your expression starts to blur as his eyes glass over with the beginnings of tears. “I love you so much, and I’m so— sorry that you had to live through everything I forced on you and I just—“ He takes a sharp, stuttering breath in. “—I need you to know that I will spend the rest of my life devoted to you, to correcting what I’ve done even if you don’t so much as spare me a glance,”
He’s not sure when the tears started running over his eyelids, but he can feel them fall in drops to dapple the ivory skin of his fingers. “And if I die tomorrow, I’ll take whatever punishment hell has to give me so that you can rest easy,”
The end of his rant is echoed by laboured breathing and a horrific attempt at muffling a sob that leaves his throat, bouncing off the walls of the hallway to settle into your muscles as you stand stationary in an astonished silence.
You’re not sure what to say. You’re not sure there’s anything you can say. How on earth are you supposed to respond to something like that? Something so desperate and raw and real?
Sirius Black, after fourteen years of radio silence, still loved you like you’d never parted.
And you’d be absolutely damned if you weren’t the same.
“I forgive you…”
It’s like a tsunami of relief ravages Sirius’ body at your words, barely a whisper escaping your mouth but invading his ear canals like a nuclear explosion, and it’s enough for that sliver of composure remaining to erode under the waves of his tears until he’s sobbing into his hands, hunched over with trembling shoulders as he lets everything go all at once.
“I’m so sorry—“
His final apology is doused in so much heartbreak it might as well rip your heart right out of your chest, and your at his side almost immediately, gently pulling his hand from his face to pull his head into your shoulder with a soft shush of consolation.
He clings to you like it’s the last time he’ll ever get the chance to, tears damping the shoulder of your shirt and his arms wrapped so tightly around your torso you’re not sure he intends to ever let go. You’re not sure you’d complain if he didn’t.
That familiar musky scent of cigarettes and faux leather hits your nose once he’s close enough, and that’s where you break too, silent tears streaming down your face as you bury your nose in his hair.
You’re eternally grateful that everyone on this floor of the house is already asleep, either that or just polite enough not to interrupt the two of you out in the hallway, because the state the both of you were in was definitely not meant to be seen by other people.
A desolate, broken side to the two of you only trusted in the company of the other.
“Stay with me tonight, please…” His plea is barely more than a mutter against your shoulder, and you’re sure he wouldn’t even have to ask to know what your answer would be.
And so you find yourself back where you started, tangled up underneath the silky black sheets of Sirius’ bed in the warmth of his embrace, that tiny shard of your heart finally recovered and back in it’s rightful place.
Right where you belong.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Gaang having a crush (bcuz I miss atla) also warning ? Me trying my hardest not to curse in these and making it kid friendly LOL
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Aang is kinda obvious, given how young you guys are it makes sense though. It’s definitely his first time having a crush, but he comes to the realization he likes you more than friends rather quickly. After all, he has so many friends, he’d know the difference even if he never liked somebody like that before. While aang is generally speaking a nice guy, I see him doing extra nice gestures for you that he wouldn’t really think of doing for other people. He’s made you a “friendship” bracelet and a necklace as well. Boy or not, there’s nothing wrong with a boy wearing a necklace or bracelet anyway! He blushes around you a lot, this is typically when you are in close proximity to him. And while aang has no problem being physically affectionate around friends, he shy’s away from doing it with you. However, if you’re physically affectionate with him he will very awkwardly reciprocate. His shyness might do him more harm than good if he accidentally hurts your feelings by not being very physically affectionate with you in comparison to the rest of the gaang. Aang is very clumsy around you, and that’s not just falling on his face, he tends to mess up his words around you due to nervousness. However despite his lack of physical affection, he’s a very clingy dude with you and always loves to spend his time with you, and literally laughs at all your jokes no matter how bad they are. In turn, he also always makes jokes and tries to make you laugh literally all the time. Aang is also extremely patient with you, he’d have to be in a very bad mood to ever get angry with you, lol. (The only time I could think of is while aang lost appa, like literally the only time I think he’d be driven to the point of yelling and being angry with you). Even if he was mad at you for other reasons, I can’t see him yelling at you or even being mad for long. He also tends to be very protective, especially if you can’t bend or can’t bend very well. However, because of how caring and overbearing he can be, he may make you feel like you’re weak sometimes. So you two tend to have a lot of conversations about him not being so overly protective when it comes to danger. He can’t help it sometimes, especially when he gets nightmares about you getting hurt. He loves being goofy and dumb around you, and totally tries to impress you with his bending LOL. If there’s something you don’t know or understand, he tries to impress you with his 100 years of knowledge, lol.
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Katara can be a bit of a mom when it comes to you at times, only because she worries for you. She’ll be darned if she lets anyone hurt the person she loves the most, she is protecting you through and through. Strong or not, she sees you as somebody worth protecting. She’s not as bad as aang is, but she definitely blushes quite a bit around you. She often tries to get your approval on things, whether that’s taking her side whenever she has an argument with toph or getting your approval on her new clothes. Or perhaps even her hair but .. shrug. She also loves teasing you, kinda like how she teases zuko honestly but she won’t get on your case as much and it’s all in good fun. She’s not funny, but still tries to make you laugh. She may end up embarrassing herself most of the time, but it’s worth it if she gets a little giggle out of you. If you’re a water bender, she’s more than happy to teach you. Probably doesn’t want you learning about blood bending though, so she doesn’t really mention it to you lol. It’s not like she doesn’t trust you, she just can’t imagine somebody she adores doing knowing how to bend in such a frightening way. She keeps you far away from it, as a means to protect you and your innocence. Because boy, she sees you as somebody that could do no wrong. Seriously, it’s kinda annoying to the rest of the gaang if you were ever in the wrong about something because she will defend you to heck and back. Although her crush is obvious, most of the gaang find her crush on you to be sweet (most of the time). She does not tolerate anyone yelling at you, or even being angry at you. She never gets angry at you as well, because again, in her eyes you could do no wrong. Maybeee have a talk with her about the fact you’re not a completely innocent goody two shoes, or not… up to you. Katara is surprisingly forward with you, often going out her way to hug you, to hold your hand, and when you accomplish something amazing, she gives you a kiss on the cheek. You’d have to be really dense to not notice her affections towards you.
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Sokka is very obvious, he’s never been the type to hide his feelings so he really doesn’t even bother. However, how he approaches your relationship really depends on how long he’s known you. If you’ve only just met and are starting to become friends he tries to be extremely forward with you about his feelings, and flirts with you. Albeit, very poorly. He’s not as suave as he likes to act like he is. In reality he’s a big dork with a stupid crush. However, if you two have known eachother for years and have been friends for a long period of time, he wouldn’t even know how to approach the situation. Normally, he may try to act cool, like he doesn’t care about you. But in a situation like this, he can’t just do that. It hurts him to even think about pretending not to care about you. He struggles for awhile on how to approach these feelings once they’re realized, but honestly if you’ve been friends for YEARS he’s probably figured it out by now and treats you like always but there’s some slight changes. He’s always been protective but you’ll find that with you it’s to the max, he’s not even this protective of his own sister. Hes even more paranoid around newcomers when you’re apart of the equation. Always says something along the lines of “y/n! Step back! They could be dangerous!” and the others just make fun of him for it lol. He’s always trying to find ways to impress you, with his fighting skills and all. Happy to teach you to ;) but if you’re a bender he finds himself trying extra hard to show you just how cool he can be. He doesn’t blush nearly as much as katara and aang would, but it happens on occasion. This is typically if you said something along the lines of “sokka! Thank you for saving me :))) you’re so strong and amazing and blah blah” or if you were being extremely flirtatious LOL. Low key very clingy and follows you around a lot, but tries to act like he’s just bored and your the best option he has to cure the boredom lol he ain’t as slick as he thinks he is. Is the kinda guy who chooses to always sit next to you, fight alongside you, etc. gets angry whenever there’s a avatar plan and he isn’t with you/separated from you lol. Also suki loves you and thinks you’re great for sokka, if only man’s could just confess already.
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Toph is not used to having crushes, she’s never had one. However, that doesn’t mean she’s stupid. She realizes her emotions very well but she does not know what to do with them. She’s not used to having a soft spot for anyone, either. She shows her affection by constantly punching you in the arm. However, if you happen to be very affectionate, she doesn’t pull away. So feel free to grab her hand, hug her, etc. you’ll find she has no qualms with you wanting to be there and helping her, either. Even if it can be a sore subject at times to accept help, wanting to be tough all the time, she appreciates that you don’t see her as a weak blind girl and as a strong person that can take care of herself if needed. She appreciates any reminders you want to help not because you think she’s weak but rather because you care for her. Toph shows she cares, though it’s rare and often is not shown through words. She shows it by protecting you. However she is not overly protective, knowing how bad she feels when people are overly protective of her. She loves to tease you, often being her form of affection. She even likes to train and spar with you. If your often physically affectionate, she expects you to stay that way and may think somethings wrong if you aren’t. In which case, she threatens to beat up whoever wronged you. If it’s not a someone, well, she’s always willing to listen. She’s good at doing that anyway. Because she would be used to your affections she would also start to initiate them. She blushes a bit around you, and you’ll even find she’s brave enough to kiss you on the cheek if you were to save her life or protect her. When toph is sleepy, she likes to lean on you and use you as her head rest. She always likes when you go on about random stuff, and she can just fall asleep to the sound of your voice. She is also kinda obvious sometimes about her crush. Normally, you wouldn’t have any idea, but she has small moments where she makes it obvious. A slip of the tongue gives herself away more often than not. “Nobody cares about my weird toy collection!” “I care… I mean! Psh! Yeah why would anyone care about t something so stupid anyway.” she has her moments.
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Zuko is just .. painful. All of the gaang get second hand embarrassment from how awfully obvious he is about his crush. From the constant red cheeks to the nervous stuttering over his words to accidentally fire bending just because he’s so nervous around you.. it’s hard to believe he’s even trying to hide it. He doesn’t even know how obvious he’s being until sokka says something to him about being cooler about you. “Wait.. if you think I’m obvious do you think they know?” “Nah.. they’re totally oblivious.” “Oh… that’s… good…” “what do you mean good?!” but in all seriousness, he acts completely different around you in comparison to everyone else. Even if we’re talking book 1 and 2 zuko, he’s a lot more patient with you (not saying much though cuz boy still has a big temper). He tries really hard to be nice, forced awkward smile and all. He is told that it makes him more … approachable. Though if you’re childhood friends (or have been friends for a long time) he kinda drops that rather quickly. If not though, he tries to actually keep it up. However you’ll find he’s quick to apologize if he blows up on you. Unless it’s in an especially bad mood (by that I mean sadder, rather than madder) but he will come around when he’s feeling better. Gets embarrassed easily around you, like if you tease him his entire face goes red. He just cannot deal lol. Pretty protective, but isn’t overly protective… unless azula is involved because bro will be worse than sokka if she’s involved at all LOL. Is willing to do anything with you, which says a lot. Not a fan typically of “fun” events such as festivals or parties but is willing to go with you without much fuss, he can deal if you’re having a fun time. He gets very jealous though, even when you two aren’t dating. He just doesn’t know how to handle the idea of somebody else liking you, or even worse, you ending up with them. He doesn’t handle jealousy very well, very willing to fight the individual as a means to “protect” you, or whatever excuse he can come up with. Out of all of the gaang, he’s the least ready the confess his feelings. He fears rejection, he fears ruining what you two have together.
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Suki doesn’t like to mess around, no bulls, so she’s very bold and very open about the fact she likes you. It’s up to you to take your relationship to the next level if that’s what you desire. She does not hesitate to kiss you on the cheek before a tough battle, a battle she isn’t sure she’d come back from, or one she isn’t sure you’d come back from. If you asked, she’d tell you “it’s cause I like you, silly.” It’s up to you to take it further with her if it’s what you desire. However; she has no qualms with you wanting to be friends for awhile first before anything else. She understands that sometimes people need more time and more trust before building a proper relationship. As a result, suki is very understanding of you as well as your boundaries and never holds these things against you and furthermore doesn’t take this as something she should feel bad about either. For the most part, even she can’t help insecurities. So long as you have good communication, she will not feel as though she’s gross or not good enough for you or something along the lines. She may help you train, if your not a good fighter and just need to learn some basics. She doesn’t mind being the one to protect you, but she’d like you to know how to at least defend yourself even if it’s the bare minimum. She knows fighting helps with her self confidence so she wants you to be able to have that for yourself too. Though I will say, she already treats you like her s/o, even if you aren’t a couple. What can I say? She’s just straight forward and doesn’t like to play around. Suki is very trusting of you, so I can’t say that even when you two do start dating she’s the jealous type, but she can be protective. She likes being the one to keep you safe. She loves to tease and poke fun at you a lot, in a purely affectionate way. You’ll also find she thinks the world of you and finds you, no matter what, to be endearing and special to her. For a strong Kyoshi warrior she has quite the soft spot for you and treats you like an angel from the heavens. She likes grabbing your hand a lot in random moments, almost like a sign to other people that maybeeeee are interested in you, that you’re taken. She may flirt with you from time to time, and it’s rare but you can make her blush:0 all you have to do is beat her in a training match, or be very forward with her and flirt. However it will only work if you’re not normally forward, lol.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy birthday, Shana! 🎉🎉🌻🌻
Untamed or Naruto?
When Naruto is born, the nine tailed fox is pulled from Kushina along with her and it's only because of Minato's quick application of a seal that keeps disaster from becoming even worse.
Dozens of buildings and hundreds of lives are lost in the devestation. Still, it could have been a far worse attack, if Naruto had not been a suitable host for the demon.
It's a risk, one that Kushina screams at him for taking. The seal might not hold. Babies are not meant to be containers. It could kill their daughter, and sure, the nine tail might die along with her, but at what cost?
The seal holds. Naruto's strength holds.
The ordeal nearly kills Kushina and weakens her enough that she'll never again be an active duty ninja.
Minato sleeps at his office after that. Kushina doesn't even let him hold her until she's six months old and it's not until Naruto is almost two that she lets him move back into their home.
Still. Things aren't quite the same between them after that, when Kushina saw how he quick he was to sacrifice his daughter for the village.
Practically, she understands.
But no one has ever accused Kushina of being practical.
A container forced to spend their whole life fighting the fox will be weak. There's nothing for it - all their energy and chakra and time is spent subduing the fox, consciously or subconsciously.
Her daughter has been sabotaged from her first breath, made a target and given no way to defend herself.
"You want me to marry your daughter?" Kakashi squeaks, wondering if this is some new cruel prank she's playing on him. "She's a baby!"
But Kushina is serious. She's serious a lot these days, but at his question she almost smiles. "Not now. In about twenty years."
"Why," he starts, and then doesn't know how to continue.
"You're selfish," she says and his shoulders hunch. "Naruto won't be able to protect herself when people discover what she is and start coming after her. Minato has seen to that. My identity as the container was a well kept secret. Thanks to the attack, half of Konoha knows what Naruto is, and the other nations will hear of it, and they will come for her."
"I can protect her without marrying her," he insists, looking down at the baby in Kushina's arms. The idea that anyone, never mind him, will marry her someday is ridiculous.
"You're selfish," she repeats. "You'll choose her if she belongs to you."
Kakashi doesn't know what to say to that. He knows why Minato hasn't come home.
He goes to him, and his teacher just shrugs and says, "Don't you want to be my son-in-law, Kakashi?" Then, "Don't worry about it for the next twenty years. A lot can happen between now and then."
Gai hears he's been betrothed - uhg - to the hokage's daughter and congratulates him on an excellent political match and then takes pity on him and takes him to a bar.
It's his first time drinking and he probably shouldn't have let Gai goad him into a drinking contest.
Naruto is wary of people.
Some people love her, coo over her being the hokage's daughter and a brave little girl, patting her head and shoving sweets into her hands.
Some people glare at her, hiss about her being a demon who's killed the hokage's real daughter, and slam doors in her face and throw rocks at her back.
"Is it weird having a husband?" Ino asks while they make flower crowns from the days discarded flowers. It's the end to their first week at the academy and her parents are fighting - again - so Naruto had gone home with Ino instead. The Yamanakas are always nice to her.
Her mother doesn't want her to attend the academy, says its a waste of time and dangerous anyway. Her father says that the child of the hokage can't not attend the academy.
Neither of them had asked her what she wanted.
She pauses, thinking. Kakashi greets her and bows to her but he's ANBU, something she's not supposed to know but seems very obvious, so she doesn't really see him outside of when he comes by to talk to her parents sometimes. "No? He's not my husband yet anyway."
She's overheard him a couple times asking her father to find her a different husband, saying that he'll be bodyguard forever if only he doesn't have to marry her.
It hurts that Kakashi thinks she's a demon too. She'd always thought he was really cool and had thought it was nice that she'd have a nice, cool husband when she was older.
But she doesn't think she wants to marry someone who hates her.
The Uchihas aren't always nice to her, but Mikoto always is, coming over to her house to talk to her mother and dragging her sons with her, or keeping her door open to Naruto whenever she comes knocking.
Itachi stops coming early on, promoted quickly and no time to tag along to his mother's house visits. Sasuke is there and he scows and pouts but can be efficiently bullied into helping her get into whatever trouble she's decided is most worth her attention that day, so he's pretty all right, for a boy.
Naruto has to pay a lot of really close attention to people, because she never knows if they're going to be nice and mean, and the Uchihas aren't like the Yamanakas. Their reactions differ, so she has to pay attention.
Something is wrong.
Her mother doesn't believe her.
Her father doesn't listen.
She goes to Kakashi out of desperation. She tries to avoid him as much as she can, but he's the one person who might be able to convince her father that something is wrong.
"Ah, Naruto-hime, what can I do for you?" he asks, tone respectful. When she was younger, she liked that nickname. Now she knows that he's mocking her.
"Something is wrong with the Uchiha and you need to get my father to do something about it," she says.
His face is hidden by his stupid mask but she can tell he's frowning. "Why would you-"
She cuts him off, wanting this conversation to be as short as possible. He doesn't believe her either - shocker - but he agrees to look into because it's the quickest way to end the conversation.
Danzo is quietly, secretly, executed for treason. Madara Uchiha is listed as an active S class missing Konoha nin.
There are lots of talks about what, exactly, to do about the Uchihas, on how to handle their almost betrayal. Considering the outside manipulation, her father is inclined to ignore it, but something has to be done. Symbolically, if nothing else.
"If they feel excluded, then do something to make them feel included," Naruto says, nine years old and exhausted from the years of tension between the Uchihas and - well, everyone. Sasuke is so worried about his reputation that it takes ages to get him to do anything fun. It's almost quicker to get Shikamaru involved, which is saying something. "Do something no one else can question."
"Itachi or Sasuke?" her father asks, head bent over his paperwork.
She doesn't know what he's talking about. "For what?"
"Which do you prefer?" he asks.
"Sasuke?" she says, because Itachi is always very nice to her, especially after she helped prevent him from becoming a mass murderer, but he's never once helped her prank Iruka-sensei.
He nods and says nothing more and she rolls her eyes and goes to find something to do. Kiba has started training with Akamaru and she bets she can totally derail that without getting yelled at by Tsume.
A week later Sasuke climbs into her window and hisses furiously, "We're getting married?"
Well, it looks like Kakashi got what he wanted.
She decided a long time ago she didn't want to marry him, and Sasuke is her friend, so this is fine. It's better.
Sasuke pats her shoulder and doesn't even yell at her when she ruins his shirt with tears.
He's already a better husband than Kakashi could ever be.
Minato is dreading today. Enrolling Naruto into the Academy had seemed like the right thing to do seven years ago, because what would people say about a hokage who didn't, but now that it's Graduation Day and he's going to have to deal with the gossip around the Hokage's daughter failing to even become a genin.
Iruka comes to drop off the team assignments and he does a double take when looking through them. "She passed?"
The chunin blinks and then asks, "Who, Hokage-sama? Haruno Sakura? It's rare for a civilian child, but her academic scores are quite high, even if her physical is lacking. She has a lot of potential."
He waves a dismissive hand. "No. My daughter."
The silence turns frigid and when he looks up it's too Iruka outright glaring at him. He's so taken aback that he can't even reprimand him for it. Iruka swallows, visibly forcing his face into less mutinous expression, and says, "Naruto is Top Kunoichi. That's why she's on the same team as Sasuke, who's Rookie of the Year, even though I was hesitant on putting them together when they already work so well together. They could use variety. Sakura is Dead Last, but only because of her physical skills. With the right teacher, she'll shape up quickly."
"Top Kunoichi," he repeats dubiously. "I've seen her test scores."
"Not since I took over her class, apparently," he says, and that tone should get him in trouble, but Minato doesn't care about that now. "Her previous instructor was ... biased. Under fair instruction, she excels."
She can't excel. She's handicapped, and it's his fault, not hers, but that doesn't change what she's capable of. "That's not possible."
Iruka's eyes narrow. "She's passed my tests. Now it's up to her jounin sensei."
Assigning someone with no biases is impossible, but he can at least assign someone who's never matched the shinobi art of lying about things they don't care about.
Naruto hopes this is a nightmare. Sasuke is pinching the bridge of his nose and not looking at any of them.
"Um," Sakura says hesitantly, "nice to meet you, Tsume-sensei."
She scowls at all of them. "I hope you fail. I have a clan to run! I don't have time to deal with untrained, undisciplined puppies!"
They probably shouldn't have broken into the Inuzuka compound so many times. Tsume has plenty of reasons to make their lives miserable. Or, well, hers and Sasuke's. Sakura's never done anything to her.
At least it's not Kakashi.
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sage-nebula · 4 months
"Friede's using himself as a decoy to keep us safe."
I rambled about this in the tags of a reblog, but hell, I'm going to go ahead and make a separate meta post about it as well, because it's something that I think could have a delicious narrative impact on a future Horizons arc if the writers choose to utilize it. (And even if they don't, it could make for some delicious fic.)
So, one thing I noticed on my catch up binge of Horizons is that Liko and Roy (and to a lesser extent Dot) see Friede not only as the leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers, but also as a hero -- as their hero. This especially jumped out at me in episode 25, when Friede had them take shelter in the tower of the ancient castle while he battled Amethio. Not only did they readily listen to him when he told them to stay put inside the tower while he alone went to the exposed top, but then we were treated to this:
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This whole sequence is notable for several reasons:
Friede jumps off the tower to draw Amethio away from the higher floor of the tower where Liko and Roy are sheltering, so that Amethio has a lower chance of going after them.
As he passes by their window, Friede gives them a wink and a smile, to comfort and encourage them.
The animators made sure to show us not only how Friede looked from Liko and Roy's perspective (heroic), but also how awed they were by giving us a full shot of their own facial expressions.
Just in case it wasn't obvious enough, Roy and Liko spell it out themselves that Friede is using himself as bait for Amethio in order to protect them, not only telling the audience what he's doing in case the audience didn't pick up on it (which, young children do watch this show), but also showing how this knowledge affects them, because Roy's voice is shaking a little when he says his line, and Liko's is hushed.
This was a very scary night for these two kids. They were outnumbered, their enemies were much stronger than they were, they were being pursued and in hiding. But Friede put himself between them and the greatest, nearest threat, and did his best to comfort them as he did so. To give them a wink and a smile as if to say, "Don't worry, it'll be okay."
And this isn't the only time.
We would be here all day if I grabbed screenshots of every time Friede rushed in to either save the kids from danger (either directly himself or by sending Cap in his place), or check on their well being after the fact to make sure that they were unharmed. Often, he does both in the course of the same episode, sometimes multiple times. Hell, his establishing character moment in the very beginning of the series is a heroic rescue whereupon he enters the scene to protect Liko from Amethio on the rooftop of her school. Friede makes it a point to prioritize the kids' safety and well-being, and as a result, they've reached the natural conclusion: they view him as a hero. As their hero.
So then, the question must be asked: what happens if their hero is taken out of the picture?
The question needs to be asked for a few reasons, and not just because I have a love for angst. The first reason is because we've already been given a teaser of what would happen at the end of the Terapagos Shine arc. In episode 44, Friede was trapped in a tower of Spinel's design. Though neither Liko nor Roy knew that the tower was a trap by Spinel, they did know that Friede was trapped inside -- and both immediately panicked upon seeing that Friede was trapped in a tower beyond their reach in enemy territory.
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Roy immediately tried opening the door and, when repeated attempts to yank it open wouldn't work, banged it on it with his fists while yelling Friede's name. Liko, meanwhile, stared in abject terror. And even after Friede reassures them, Roy still frantically demands more answers while Liko just as frantically wants to know if Friede is okay, and a little bit after that has to take a deep breath to try to get herself to calm down. Keep in mind that just an episode prior to this, when faced with a sudden attack by the Explorers, Liko's first instinct was to call Friede for help, while Roy said that he would battle because there was no time to call Friede (not because calling for backup wasn't necessary). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the kids aren't brave. Of course they are! They both insisted on going on this mission in the first place! And they're there because, as concerned as Friede is for their safety, he is also Professor Pushover when it comes to them and caved immediately to their puppy eyes. But they also feel much safer on that mission because Friede is there with him. Feeling that he is in danger, cut off from them like that -- the stakes suddenly became that much more real.
And on the other side of the door, Friede knew it as well. And how did he react?
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He's not happy. He knows this is a bad situation. But --
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He does what he always does: he doesn't let on at all that this is a bad situation, so as not to worry and scare the kids. He also tells them to leave the area, because Spinel is there and Spinel is dangerous, and he wants to get them away from that danger. To date, Spinel is the most dangerous Explorer that they've encountered. Remember, Spinel is the one who successfully stole Terapagos' pendant, and the one who wiped Liko's memory and had her missing in Levincia for awhile. It's understandable why Friede would prioritize getting the kids as far away from him as possible.
So, to recap:
In a situation where, as far as the kids knew, Friede was just temporarily locked in a room away from them (in enemy territory but not with an enemy) and could still talk to them, it freaked them out enough to make them panic, and it took Landau telling them that they had to believe Friede could get himself out of the room and that they had to move forward for Liko to deep breath her way out of her mounting panic attack so she and Roy could move on. In a situation where Friede was actually captured, then, we could probably expect their reactions -- at least, their initial reactions -- to be much worse.
And I consider this possibility for two specific reasons: one genre, and one narrative.
First, genre. Pokémon has always been a coming-of-age story of sorts, but I feel that the Horizons anime feels especially so, focusing very strongly on Liko, Roy, and Dot as they grow up and discover both who they are, and who they want to be when they're older. (This has been especially emphasized with Liko and Dot, I feel; with Roy, he hasn't really thought about the future beyond battling Rayquaza.) The thing about coming-of-age stories set in fantasy settings, though -- rather, the thing about coming-of-age stories set in fantasy settings wherein the young protagonist has a stronger mentor that they can lean on to bail them out of jams is that, if they can consistently rely on the mentor to bail them out of jams and danger, then it doesn't give them the opportunity to overcome that danger themselves. Therefore, very often those stories will kill off the mentor character to force the younger protagonist character to go off on their own to face the primary villains in the end. Hence the deaths of characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, and so on.
Now, given that this is a Pokémon anime, obviously they're not going to have Spinel murder Friede. I mean, true, they let Zygarde kill Lysandre on Bonnie's order at the end of the XYZ anime, but Lysandre was the big bad and we didn't see his corpse, it was just heavily implied that he didn't survive what Zygarde did to him. Same with Hunter J and her crew in the DP anime. Did she live? Probably not, but we never saw the bodies, so hey, plausible deniability, and they were villains anyway, so. But Friede is a main character, and a hero, so we can be 99.9% sure that they're not going to have Spinel or anyone else murder him in order to force the kids to get by without him for awhile.
However, Friede doesn't have to die for him to be taken out of the action. He just needs to be put into a position where it is physically impossible for him to get to them to save them when they're in danger (and for them to know that he can't get to them when they're in danger). But I'm getting ahead of myself. The point I'm making here is that, for genre reasons, the writers have a reason to want to remove Friede from the field of play in order to force Liko, Roy, and Dot to stand on their own against the Explorers. Because while they would still have the rest of the adult crew of the Rising Volt Tacklers, the rest of the adult crew aren't really battlers. The only one among them who has a fully evolved pokémon is Orio with Metagross, and we've only seen her attempt to battle once. It doesn't mean she can't, of course, but it does imply that perhaps she's not an active battler. Certainly, she's not the one rushing in to save the kids all the time like Friede is. The rest of the RVT crew is important as well, but Friede is the one who would cause the real narrative impact here, as well as the psychological impact on the kids.
(And to briefly address Dot, since I've barely talked about her: Dot hasn't received as much focus in this discussion since she rarely leaves the ship, and thus hasn't been in as much danger as Liko and Roy. However, Friede has had as much of an impact on her life and I believe she sees him as a personal hero just as much. He is, after all, the one who gave her the new life that has impacted her so greatly. He's the one whose thesis first caught her attention. He showed an interest in her interests. He called her abilities special. He invited her to join the Brave Asagi. He brought her aboard no questions asked, made her feel welcomed, has never shamed her for being a shut-in, so on and so forth. Friede treats Dot with as much respect as he does the rest of the crew and his offer to let her become a crew member changed her life for the better. So while he hasn't had to rescue her as much as the other two, I think she does see him as a hero just as Liko and Roy do, and would be just as affected if something happened to him as they would be.)
The other reason why I think the question needs to be asked is a narrative one. I think, from a narrative perspective, it would simply make sense for the Explorers to want to do something about Friede at some point, particularly if they wish to take Terapagos from Liko (or get the kids out of the way of their plans for Rayquaza / Terapagos / Rakua). Again, whenever the kids are in danger, Friede swoops in and saves them. This is something that Spinel, at least, has noticed; he built the trap on the island specifically to imprison Friede. Why would he do that, if Friede was not at the very least a nuisance, at the very most a threat? And at the end of it all, we got this:
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Which then brings me back to what I mentioned earlier: since the anime clearly can't (and won't) murder Friede, because that would be going way too far for a Pokémon anime, if the writers do choose to temporarily remove him from the field of play in order to give the kids room to stand on their own two feet without Professor Safety Net, then I could see this playing out one of two ways.
The first (and most delicious) way is obvious: have him be captured by the Explorers. I feel that this is already set up by Spinel's little smirk and comment above. Spinel has already designed one trap meant to imprison Friede; there is nothing stopping him from designing more. Of course, it would require nerfing Friede (and Cap) a bit, in order to leave them captured for a good while; but it would also give the kids a mission, that mission being rescuing Friede and Cap in a reversal of all the rescues Friede and Cap have provided for them thus far, while simultaneously taking the fight to the Explorers, versus the Explorers always coming after them. Of course, this does carry the risk of still seeming too dark for the writers to want to consider, since Friede would be a prisoner during all this, but if nothing else, I can always write fic.
The second possibility that is less obvious and more bonkers, but less dark and so somehow more plausible in my mind, is that Friede could somehow end up trapped in Rakua with Lucius. And before you're like "what," consider this:
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Friede has a plan that involves the three Heroes they've obtained so far. If I had to guess, Friede is going to continue pursuing the remaining Six Heroes while the kids are on their Terastal course. And that's fine / good; he's continuing the mission so they don't lose time, although how he's going to do that without Terapagos is a mystery. (Although I'm sure Liko would let him borrow Terry if he just asked.) But the point is, he's got this mysterious plan involving the three Heroes they currently have. Rakua is some mysterious place that isn't on any maps and so could very well be another dimension or something similar, because those are 100% canonically real in the Pokémon world (e.g. the Distortion World). It would behoove the writers to have Friede off the field of play for awhile, to the extent that it is physically impossible for him to help the kids. And the kids also intend to reach Rakua because that's what Terapagos wants. So if Friede somehow got trapped in Rakua, then they would be killing two birds with one stone: Friede can no longer help the kids when they're in danger from the Explorers, and the kids can rescue Friede when they take Terapagos to Rakua to see Lucius' spirit (or just Lucius himself if Lucius has been alive in Rakua all this time because it's like a fountain of youth or limbo or something). Bonus points if the kids don't even know that's where Friede is, if they just know that something happened to him but don't know what, but they keep working toward Rakua anyway because the other adults on the crew convince them that Friede would want them to. (But Friede can maybe still somehow get messages to them through Terapagos visions or something, I don't know.)
I could honestly see this being the way they go with it, simply because it's less dramatic than "the enemy has taken your mentor hostage and taunt you about how powerless you are to do anything about it and also they're going to hunt you down to steal your little turtle, too." Plus they're setting Friede up to do something with the three Heroes, and it can't be for nothing. But then again, neither can Spinel's interest . . .
Either way, the fact that the kids so clearly see Friede as their hero, and the way it would impact them to have something happen to him as a result, has lived in my head ever since episode 25. Particularly since it would have a narrative impact as well, given how often he is their safety net, and what it would mean if he couldn't be any longer. Not because he chose not to, because he would never choose that; but because he couldn't, because external forces took that choice away.
Well. Even if the anime itself doesn't deliver, that won't stop me. :)
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rainydayathogwarts · 2 months
Hi! I love your writing! Can i have a Seamus Finnigan request where the reader is Harry Potter’s little sister & Harry asks Seamus to take care of her while he is away trying to solve the horcruxes? They both have strong feeling for each other and Harry knows Seamus will protect his baby sister?
Safe in his arms - Seamus Finnegan
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It all started with the lingering glances between you. Despite the prison Hogwarts had turned into, teachers acting as propaganda testimonials, you'd always managed to find each other through the darkness. Harry stared across the common room from where he stood at the entrance with Ron, eyes locked on you cuddling into Seamus's side, an arm locked around his own, wide smiles on both your faces. It was obvious the two of you shared feelings for each other, staying in the common room together until ridiculous hours, aware that you wouldn't be seeing each other throughout the day due to being in different year groups.
Harry approached the two of you, your conversation quieting down when he stopped in front of you, leaning down to cup your face in his hands, pressing a kiss on your forehead. He felt your eyebrows furrow beneath his lips, and when he pulled away he met your worried gaze. "You okay?" Harry nodded, glancing at Seamus who had looked away respectfully, giving you a moment of privacy. You held each other's gaze for a long moment, the knowledge of Harry's absence the next year loud in the room, even though nothing had been said.
Your older brother liked keeping you in the dark, and no matter how furious it made you, you understood why. You'd want to protect him as much as possible if you were in his place, and by knowing as little as possible about the horcruxes and Voldemort, he was making sure of it. There was one thing he couldn't protect you from though; the dangers of staying at Hogwarts next year as a Potter in a school full of death eaters. Looking away from you, Harry patted a hand on Seamus' shoulder, grabbing the older boy's attention. "Can I speak to you mate?"
Untangling his arm from yours, Seamus followed your brother into a secluded area of the common room. Their conversation started and ended very quickly, Harry bringing Seamus into a hug, patting him on the back at the end of it. When Seamus returned to sit with you, he didn't say a word about his conversation with your brother, instead asking "Are you all packed up to go home tomorrow?"
By the end of the summer, Harry had hurriedly fled with Ron and Hermione, only leaving you with a quick hug and 'Stay safe', leaving you no option but to go back to Hogwarts for your sixth year. You, Ginny and Luna had been abnormally quiet on the train ride to Hogwarts, the absence of both you and Ginny's brothers and her boyfriend casting a shadow upon you. It was only when the doors to your compartment slammed open, and two familiar people poked their heads in that your spirits were lifted once more.
"Seamus!" You hadn't seen the boy since that last day at Hogwarts, both of you being stuck indoors due to the fear surrounding the upcoming war. He wrapped his arms around your waist and dug his face into the crook of your neck as you held him close to you by his shoulders. When you pulled away from the hug, your cheeks heating up when you realised how long you had embraced for, you greeted Neville, who now sat next to Luna. Seamus took the spot next to you, arm wrapping around your shoulders to tug you closer to him, promising himself that when the war was finally over, you'd be his. But for now, all he could think about when he looked at you were your brother's words ringing in his ears and the promise he had made.
Just keep her safe for me.
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starrydixon · 1 year
*Based off of this request :)*
Era: Prison Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Pronouns: She/Her Word Count: 4k Warnings: language, minor injuries, slight angst, comfort-fluff
Summary: Daryl knew something wasn’t right when it takes you longer than normal to return from foraging in the woods. When he finds you injured, it's a race against a herd of walkers to return home in one piece.
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It felt like a snake was constricting around Daryl’s lungs, painfully and slowly restricting oxygen from getting through his airways. A heaviness weighed down the center of his chest, causing an ache he couldn’t quite shake away. The fair hair that covered his arms and the back of his neck stood on end as the near crippling feeling of impending danger plagued his bones. His eyebrows were drawn together, causing deep worry lines to form on his forehead as he paced in front of the protective wired fence that surrounded the prison yard. 
Something was wrong. 
Earlier that morning, you informed him and a few others that you were headed out beyond the fence to do some foraging in the woods for a few hours. Now, the sun was only an hour away from beginning to set, and you still weren’t back.
Initially, Daryl didn’t think twice about you going out on your own. You had proved countless times that you were more than capable of defending yourself against walkers and other people if it came down to it. You had gone out numerous times before, on your own, and always made it back without even a strand of hair out of place. Daryl knew you should have been back by now, as you were a very punctual person and always stayed committed to the time frame of your plans.
“Still not back yet?” Rick spoke from a few feet away as he approached the distressed archer, who was still pacing burn marks into the gravel.
Daryl only hummed in response as he had the side of his thumb nestled into his mouth, chewing his skin raw and near bleeding. It was a nervous habit he hadn’t been able to break since his elementary school days. 
“That’s not like her.” Rick stated the obvious in his southern drawl once he had reached Daryl. The archer could only hum again in response as his downcast eyes flitted between each boot distractedly.
Rick remained quiet for a few moments, silently watching Daryl pace in a tight line in front of him. The former sheriff knew there was no use in talking to Daryl at the moment, as he wouldn’t get much of a response if he tried. After a few more minutes of silence fell over the men, Daryl suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and lifted his head up, as if he had a sudden epiphany. He turned his gaze to look at Rick, who had an expectant look on his face. 
“I gotta go find her.” 
“I figured.”
In a haste, Daryl strapped his crossbow over his chest and made sure he had his knives attached to his belt before leaving the confines of the prison yard. The archer had his eyes trained onto the ground beneath him, blue eyes flitting over every speck of dirt that crossed his path, looking for any sign of you. It didn’t take the expert tracker long to spot your footprints embedded in the soft ground. 
Like a mad man, Daryl followed the trail through the woods. Knots tightened uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach while his heart thumped so loudly in his ears, it was practically deafening. Daryl’s eyes occasionally searched the surrounding area, looking out for anything else that seemed unusual or that would prove you were in trouble. Subconsciously, the archer was praying that his gut was wrong, and that he would run into you on your way back with not even a scratch on your body.
Daryl was now climbing up a ridge. The blue sky was beginning to turn into shades of pastel pinks and oranges. He didn’t have much daylight left to search for you. The archer was suddenly brought to a halt when your trail became abruptly cold. Waves of anxiety rattled his bones, and he could feel his blood pressure rise. Frantically, his eyes darted around the immediate area, searching for something, anything, no matter how small it was, to look abnormal so he could reignite your trail. 
When his gaze drifted over a patch of mud, that’s when he saw it. A smudged boot-print. Taking a step closer and kneeling down to get a better look, Daryl concluded that it was a slip. 
Standing upright, Daryl nervously peered over the edge of the ridge, staring down the slope that was covered in dead leaves, broken twigs and branches, trees and stumps, and rocks ranging from pebbles to boulders. Through a few thick tree branches, the archer noticed a slumped figure laying on the ground at the bottom. Like an anchor, his stomach dropped when his strained eyes recognized the familiar olive green jacket you had been wearing that morning covering the slouched figure.
It was you.
Every curse in the book flew out of Daryl’s mouth as he hurriedly slid down the ridge in order to get to you. He tried to stay mindful of every branch and stone that got in his way so he wouldn’t end up getting himself hurt as well. The wind was practically knocked out of his lungs by the time he reached the bottom; not because of the exertion, but because of the anxiety that had its sharp claws wrapped tightly around his diaphragm.
“Y/N!?” Daryl stayed mindful of the potential threats that could be looming in the woods, choosing to whisper-shout your name in hopes of getting your attention. 
To his surprise, your head lifted up and a weak, but sheepish smile formed on your lips. “Took you long enough.”
Daryl practically fell to his knees beside you, eyes darting all over your body and face in search for any injuries. His lips trembled slightly, trying to find the ability to speak, but unable to do so due to the distress that was short-circuiting his frontal lobe. 
“I’m fine…for the most part.” You winced as you tried to sit up an inch. Instinctively, Daryl’s shaky hands reached out to help you, residing on your sides as gently as he could. “I messed my ankle up, and I think my shoulder is dislocated.” With an index finger, you pointed to your right shoulder.
“How?” Daryl’s worry stricken eyes fixated on yours, his hands tightening around your body as a way to assure himself that you were actually in front of him. 
“Uh…” You trailed off as heat overcame your face. With your good arm, you brought your hand to your head and brushed loose stray hairs from off your face. “Mushrooms?”
The angst that was once contorting Daryl’s face instantly dropped, resulting in a rather blank expression to replace it. “Come again?”
You sighed and bashfully covered your face with your hand. As much as you were hoping for a rescue team to come find you, you weren’t thrilled about the embarrassing explanation you’d have to profess. “I wasn’t sure if the mushrooms I spotted were the good kind, or the kind that kill you, so I went to get a closer look…I didn’t see the mud and lost my footing and—well—I’m sure you can guess the rest.”
“For shrooms…that ya didn’t even know were the killin’ kind or not?” Daryl repeated in a drawl, his brain having a hard time processing your words.
“I’m desperate for that soup that Carol makes, okay!? She said the secret ingredient is mushrooms, and she hasn’t been able to make it in over a month! All the mushrooms around us are the ones that make your heart explode or whatever!” You exclaimed defensively while throwing your good arm up in the air for added emphasis. 
Daryl had to pull back a few inches due to your explosive response, as he didn’t want to get accidentally smacked in the face by your wild hand gestures. The archer only blinked blankly at you as you calmed down from the anger that was rooted from your embarrassment. 
“I’m not proud of how this happened.” You spoke calmly this time, as the ache in your shoulder flared up. 
“‘Least ya can admit it.” Daryl hummed as he shrugged his shoulders loosely. 
Before you could retort back at him, Daryl’s body suddenly became rigid and still. You felt your breath get stuck in your throat as you stared at Daryl’s still frame and wide eyes. Despite the pulse in your ear drowning out any other sound around you, you could hear the faint snarls and groans of the undead from afar. You assumed that your previous exclamation had drawn their attention, and you mentally cursed yourself out for being so careless. 
You had wished that the sudden adrenaline rush that was coursing through your veins would numb your injuries a bit, but it only seemed to make you even more keenly aware of their painful burden. Your ankle burned and pangs erupted through your shoulder. The one time your body should have instinctively protected itself from pain, it didn’t.
“We gotta go.” Before you knew it, Daryl was pulling you up from off the ground in a haste.
“Dar!” You yelped in pain while almost falling into his side, unable to stabilize yourself or put weight on your ankle. “I’m pretty messed up if you’ve forgotten!”
The archer was already throwing your good arm around his shoulders while his arm wrapped around your waist; forcibly keeping you upright and supported.
“Don’ care…we gotta fuckin’ go. Now.” Daryl’s southern accent seemed even more prominent due to the stress that seeped through his voice. You winced as your injured joints flared up and burned you from the inside. A quiet curse flew out of your mouth as you tightened your hold around Daryl.
“Alright…let’s get the hell out of here.”
Beads of sweat formed on your hairline as you and Daryl trudged through the woods. Your jaw was clenched as your teeth gritted against one another. All you wanted to do was stop and scream out in pain, hoping that by vocalizing your pain, it would somehow make it go away. The sounds of the undead were getting closer, louder, and your body was getting tired. 
“C’mon girl, just a little bit longer.” Daryl grunted as he pulled you along. 
You couldn’t help but scoff a little in disbelief as a response. Your injuries were becoming immobilizing and your body was growing weak, causing your head to spin in dizzying circles and your vision to become blurry and unfocused. You knew you didn’t have much left in you, and that you were slowing Daryl down. If only one of you could survive, you wanted it to be Daryl.
“Stop…” You trailed off weakly as you slowed down your limped strides. Either Daryl didn’t hear you, or he was choosing to ignore you. He continued to lug you across the forest terrain.
“Stop.” Your voice rose slightly, more strict and pointed as you tore yourself away from Daryl’s near death-grip.
Stumbling backwards, you caught yourself before completely falling over. Like a flamingo, you stood on one leg while your arm cradled your busted shoulder. Daryl’s wide eyes stared at you as if you were crazy, broad chest huffing with deep breaths as damp strands of long dark hair clung to his face and neck.
“The hell ya doin’ girl!?” Daryl snapped before letting his eyes dart towards the herd of walkers, which were still at a safe distance away from you but were increasingly getting closer at a steady pace. 
“I’m slowing you down! You—You have to get out of here!” Your bottom lip began to tremble as tears pooled in your eyes. Sudden emotion came over you as the realization of the current mess you were in began to set in. “If it has to be either me or you that makes it out of here alive…I choose you.”
“Jesus Christ Y/N! You’re actin’ like you’re bleedin’ out and fuckin’ dyin’!” Despite the harsh tone, emotion caused Daryl’s voice to shake. 
“I can’t keep going like this, Dar. I’m hurting real bad…more than I thought I would.”
One of his hands grabbed your good shoulder while the other cupped the side of your face, his thumb resting on your cheek and holding tightly to ensure that you were looking him in the eyes.
“It’s you and me, ya understand? Ain’t nothin’ gonna change that.” 
A stray tear slipped free from the corner of your eye, causing a streak of wetness to trail down your cheek. Daryl’s thumb quickly caught it before it could venture down your face further. Your head ducked and shook from side to side in disbelief. 
“We’re gonna be just fine, ‘long as ya stay with me and fight.” Gulping down the vulnerability, Daryl squeezed your shoulder for his own reassurance. “I need ya, Y/N.”
For a moment, the air around you stilled and it was only you and Daryl in the woods. Your heart pounded against your ribcage at a rate you were sure was considered dangerous. Your eyes searched Daryl’s, darting between each sphere of unique shade of blue. The archer’s gaze was steady, grounding, as you struggled to convince yourself that you both could make it out alive. Swallowing down the lump in your throat, your head began to nod.
“My shoulder…it needs to be secured before we do anything else.” With a wince, you removed your hand from off your shoulder and braced yourself from the impending pain you were sure to feel. “Do it.”
“Right now?” Daryl’s eyes instinctively shot towards the herd, uneasy about how close they were getting.
“Right. Now. We don’t have another second to lose.” You gritted out through clenched teeth as your eyes squeezed shut. 
Obeying your wishes, Daryl didn’t waste another second and quickly popped your dislocated shoulder back into its socket. You practically fell into Daryl’s chest as blinding pain washed over you. The taste of iron coated your taste buds due to biting down on your lip a little too hard in order to not scream at the top of your lungs. When the pain subsided just enough, you gestured towards your belt. 
“If you don’t mind…” 
“Ya sure?” Daryl inquired hesitantly as he was already beginning to undo the metal buckle.
“Yeah…I mean it won’t be pretty but it’ll get the job done. Besides, having my pant’s fall down isn’t as embarrassing as tumbling down a slope for some stupid mushrooms.” You admitted with a nervous laugh as you felt the leather belt begin to slide out of the loops of your jeans.
“For some stupid mushrooms that could be the killin’ kind and not the good kind.” Daryl reminded you with as much teasing humor he could muster lacing his tone. You rolled your eyes in response.
You winced as Daryl gently draped the belt around the back of your neck before beginning to tie it around your wrist. “When we make it outta here, I’ll tell ya about the time I dislocated my shoulder as a kid.”
“Can’t wait.” You wheezed out in pain. It was rare Dayl ever willingly told stories about his life, especially his childhood, so you always appreciated whenever he did feel comfortable sharing them with you. 
Once you were secured in the makeshift arm sling, you wrapped your free arm around Daryl’s shoulders again, and put as much weight as you could manage on your bad ankle. The sounds of the undead were close; too close. You almost turned to look at the herd, but Daryl stopped you. After one last intake of oxygen, you and Daryl resumed your fast trek from the walkers that followed behind you.
You didn’t know how long it had taken you to reach the tree line of the forest, as you had practically blacked out from pain and exhaustion and had been only moving in auto-pilot for at least half the way back. It was near nighttime, with only a little bit of sunlight left peeking under the horizon. Your lungs were on fire, and the pain in your ankle hurt so bad, it was practically numb. Although there were a few lingering walkers trailing behind you, most had slowed down due to the soft ground and mud that made up the terrain in the woods. When you emerged from the shrubbery and branches, you almost cried when your eyes laid on the sight of the darkened prison. 
“C’mon. We’re in the homestretch now.” Daryl panted from beside you as he tightened his hold around you. Nodding your head in agreement, you both maneuvered across the remaining yardage and practically collapsed when the protective gates of the prison shut behind you. 
“What happened out there? We were gettin’ worried!” Rick was instantly by your side, assisting Daryl with your nearly unconscious body any way he could.
“Shrooms, man. She’s got a problem.” Daryl explained as the corner of his mouth quirked upwards for a few quick seconds. 
“You’re…an asshole.” You wheezed while flipping Daryl off with as much energy you could muster. The archer only smirked in response.
“Right…” Rick trailed off as a puzzled look took over his face. 
Soon you and Daryl were guided into the prison, and Hershel looked you over and treated your injuries. Your arm was put in a proper sling, and your ankle, which only had a bad sprain, was wrapped and elevated on a pillow. Bedrest was non-negotiable with the former veterinarian, and you weren’t complaining. Reluctantly, you had informed Rick about what had transpired out in the woods. You wanted to leave out the mushroom bit, but Daryl made sure the former sheriff knew, as it was “the most important detail”. 
When everyone had left the room to allow you to rest, only Daryl remained. He had stayed by your side the entire time Hershel treated you. Not because he didn’t trust the older man, but because the thought of being away from you, after almost losing you, caused a whole new wave of fear to course through him. He didn’t want to be away from you for another minute. 
“So…we didn’t die.” You stated a bit bashfully as you repositioned yourself more comfortably in bed.
Daryl only hummed in response. His furrowed brows and the far away look in his eyes told you his mind was elsewhere at the moment, and it caused knots to form in your stomach. You suspected that Daryl was about to scold you, as you had been anticipating it since the moment he found you. 
“I’m sorry.” Your sudden admission caused Daryl to snap out of his thoughts. Bringing his gaze up to meet yours, he found his mouth going dry at the sight of you; banged up and exhausted. 
“I know.”
Pushing himself off the concrete wall of your cell, Daryl took a few steps forwards before sitting down on the edge of your bed. Silence surrounded you both, and you weren’t sure if it was a comfortable one, or an awkward one. A few of Daryl’s fingers tapped anxiously on the top of his knee. 
“You scared the shit outta me today.” Daryl was the first one to break the silence, and his voice was soft, gentle. You were surprised to hear that tone come out of him, as he usually spoke with a gravel in his voice. “Don’t think I’ve ever felt that scared before.”
Pangs shot through your chest as your heart broke. You felt so guilty for causing Daryl so much worry due to your carelessness. Although you couldn’t move much, you flipped your free hand around so your palm was facing upwards. You placed your open hand as close as you could for Daryl, and was pleasantly surprised when he reached over to take your hand. His warm and calloused thumb traced your skin while the rest of his hand enclosed yours. You felt your muscles instantly relax by just the mere touch of Daryl.
“Made me realize I can’t lose ya. Almost near killed me when I was waitin’ for your ass to get back and ya never did.” A humorless laugh escaped from Daryl’s mouth as he shook his head slightly. A new wave of embarrassment heated up your face again.
“Sorry.” You apologized sheepishly while giving Daryl’s hand a squeeze. 
The archer wanted to say more, tell you how much you truly meant to him, but he knew you needed rest. Another round of silence fell over you both. Your heart was beating abnormally fast as you zeroed in on the feeling of Daryl’s thumb caressing your skin. Electricity shot up your arm with every gentle glide, and intense waves of heart warmed every inch of your body whenever you two made brief eye contact. Unable to take the stillness much longer, you cleared your throat.
“I think you owe me a story.” 
You grinned widely as Daryl’s head dropped down a few inches in dejection. With as much energy you could muster, you scooted over to the edge of the mattress to make room for Daryl to sit beside you more closely. After a few seconds of hesitantly, the archer caved and climbed over the mattress to lay next to you. Instinctively, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you scooted towards him until your head rested against his shoulder. A shiver ran down your spine as the tips of Daryl’s fingers traced random shapes on your bare upper arm.
As you listened to him talk, the rumble in his chest and the warmth of his body brought you so much comfort you could barely keep your eyes open. Daryl’s presence was better than an adrenaline rush or pills of aspirin when it came to numbing the pain that ached your body. The pangs in your joints and muscles felt dull, almost non-existent, as you laid in bed practically curled up to Daryl’s side. 
His light chuckles whenever he found parts of his childhood story funny warmed your chest and caused your heart to swell. It was rare to hear him laugh so genuinely, so you couldn’t help but laugh along. 
“-I had to wear that damn pillowcase around my arm for the next month. All the kids poked fun at me at school, but some other kid broke his leg a few days later and me and my pillowcase were old news.”
“A pillowcase is better than a belt.” You reminded the archer as your eyes fluttered shut. At some point during Daryl’s story, his head had rested on top of yours while your body had slumped closer to his. 
“I think Merle wanted to use a belt at first, but he was sure I’d get child services called on me if I walked into school like that.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, as exhaustion was weighing your eyelids down. Daryl felt like he should give you some privacy, as he felt like his presence was preventing you from resting completely, but he selfishly couldn’t part from you. The feeling of your body against his, and the comforting sounds of your even breaths gave him an unprecedented feeling of solace that he couldn’t get enough of. His own exhaustion was weighing heavily on him now, and even if he wanted to leave, he didn’t think his body could physically move much more. 
When Daryl felt your body completely sink against his, he couldn’t help but peek down at you. Your eyes were shut and you had a rather peaceful expression on your face as you slept. With his free hand, he swept a few stray hairs from out of your face and tucked them behind your ear. A genuine smile graced his lips, and Daryl allowed himself to shut his eyes and sink into your warmth.
Just before falling asleep, Daryl swore to himself that he would confess his feelings for you the moment you were rested and on the mend for recovery. He always knew time was precious, especially in the world that he lived in now; Carol and Rick were constantly reminding him of that fact. But after today, he had truly felt how much time he had wasted and was determined to not waste another second.
A/N: So, I finished this faster than I thought I would! I really enjoyed writing this, so thank you to the anon who requested! I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! <3 
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sparrowhero · 2 years
All Might Courtship/Dating Headcanons -- Post Retirement
He's so shy. He will be pining over you for MONTHS upon MONTHS and not be able to say a word about it. He's going to be red-faced and stuttering whenever you get a little too close or smile just a bit too brightly. It's obvious--so, so obvious. You're gonna need to say something if you want anything to happen. Everyone who knows him can tell he's lovesick-- if you work at UA, people are going to be DYING to tell you how he feels so you both can get over it and just date already.
It's no surprise to anyone that he has self-image issues now that he's no longer All Might, but a lot of people forget that those self-image problems have stemmed from his identity being inextricably tied with his hero career. He couldn't POSSIBLY date when he has so much work to do, what do you mean...hahahaha... He worried so much about possibly disappointing people with his human side or possibly putting them in danger that he put off dating for as long as he did. I think he won't feel comfortable dating until he's fully retired and doesn't have to hide his true identity. He may have tried a little bit in the past, but they all ended rather poorly. Unlike Mic, he couldn't remain friends with any of his (few) exes.
Prior to getting encouraged by Midoriya and his mother, he was more than happy to simply fade away. Now that he's got so much more (or perhaps so little?) time, he's a little overwhelmed with where to start. He's inexperienced, and needs a lot of encouragement. He loves it when you hold his trembling hands first, caress his bony fingers. It makes his already weak heart flutter even more. Slow and steady is what works best for him, so he'll take AGES to ask to kiss you as well, but it just makes each moment more meaningful.
Very traditional romantic. Wants to sweep you off your feet, but he sometimes overthinks and overplans. No matter your gender, he's going to want to be a gentleman and hold the door open for you and things like that. Likes to take you out to eat and for walks in the park, those kinds of things. He's never had a lot of time to appreciate the smaller aspects that he's always protected, so it's nice for him to slow down and take them in with you. He's kind of a plant guy, good at identifying different trees and other kinds of flora. It also helps him from getting TOO distracted that you're right there next to him.
Uses petnames a LOT. His favorite ones are "my dear" or "my darling". He especially uses them when he's in trouble for overworking and ignoring his own needs. "Please, calm down, my dear! Getting excessively angry isn't good for you!" It's very sweet when he greets you after a long day with a "Welcome home, my dear." He melts if you use them on him, or just call him by his given name "Toshinori". He might call himself your hubby as well on occasion.
But god does it give him butterflies when you call him by his name: he wants to hear it all the time. It feels more special when you just say it with a smile than the adoring fans he once had. Sometimes he'll call your name just to hear you say his name back in response.
He isn't big on PDA, it makes him shy-- Even though his emotions are written clearly all over his face and body language. He angles his body towards you, is always the one to walk on the side of the sidewalk that the cars are, and is always making eye contact. If you give him a little kiss on the cheek goodbye if you visit him at work, he's going to be very flustered.
He has very good sleeping posture, but he's not very used to sharing a bed with anyone so he may accidentally get you with those bony elbows or knees of his, and his feet are PERPETUALLY cold. Prefers you to hold onto him while you sleep. An early riser and if you drink any sort of hot beverage in the morning, he'll always have one waiting for you if he happens to get up before you do.
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ozzgin · 1 year
Hey! Could you write a Yandere Hector Doyle with a reader who is trying to escape him? And she maybe get caught by him and gets punished for this? This would be so cool! Thank you in advance :DDD
Ooh, I’ve been wanting to write something about the death row convicts and I think you picked the perfect yandere for it. Doyle is my favorite.
Yandere! Hector Doyle x Reader Headcanons
Featuring Hector Doyle and his escapee reader that should know better. Warning: Dubious consent/non-consent, violence
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Doyle likes to think that life has a certain degree of determinism to it. But not in the romantic, fateful sense of higher meaning waiting to plan out. Rather a mathematical logic, a Markov chain that takes its course based on what the current state has to offer. So what begins to unfold with assumed probability might only need a little push in order to derail. Look at him, for example. He came to Tokyo so he could taste defeat and ended up absolutely smitten with you instead. Which, in a way, could be considered as the fulfillment of his initial goal. All of his intentions have been crushed within the second he laid his eyes on you.
And what’s so special about you, anyways? He doesn’t know himself. Maybe it’s the way you stopped when he asked you for directions, so innocent and oblivious to the fact that a death row convict stood before you. He could’ve ended you in an instant. You just smiled, browsing your phone for the location. Not a single tense muscle, nor the faintest suspicion of the immediate danger. Utterly defenseless, at the mercy of his disposition. He briefly pictured his protracted blades soundlessly puncturing your throat, followed by your pretty little face twisted in asphyxiated panic.
Tsk, no good. If you were this unconcerned with him, how long would it be until someone actually acted on these perverted thoughts? You’re pitifully vulnerable. Once the idea of foreign hands having their way with you settles in, it becomes apparent to him that he must interfere. Why it would bother him so much is beyond explanation. As rational of a man he is, Doyle also doesn’t mind giving in to his vices. Otherwise he wouldn’t have landed in prison. Or on a plane to Japan.
Oh, what corruption you’ve brought into his very soul. Obsession has seeped into every sulcus of his brain, throbbing with demands. He must have you, and most importantly he must keep you away from others. A wild rescue that has failed to show their survival capacity is condemned to a life in a fenced sanctuary. You’re no good outside. You have no sense of self-preservation, otherwise you wouldn’t have willingly embraced his presence without any attempt of guarding yourself.
Therefore, it should be rather obvious that remaining with him is the best case scenario. You no longer need to worry about outside threats under his fail proof protection. Spending time with you has also shown him that you’re not dumb by any means. Quite the opposite. So why are you acting so foolish right now, (Y/N)? Running away from your guaranteed safety and well-being…ludicrous.
What’s even more preposterous is thinking that you can actually escape. It should be clear to you by now that everything you’ve done wasn’t a mark of your volition, but of his benevolence. He has been allowing you to do things. Don’t mistake that for freedom. It seems you’ve forgotten, and as always he’ll be so kind as to remind you where you belong.
His kindness, however, seems to have led to your misdemeanors. Perhaps this reminder needs to be in the form of a punishment. Hah, forced discipline was a favorite toy of prison guards. Doyle, unfortunately, is not someone that easily bows down to authority. You, on the other hand… He can see it in your wide, frightened eyes, just how much power he holds over you.
An involuntary shiver crosses your back once you discover his approaching figure. You’ve been caught, and Doyle might not be as forgiving this time. You feel yourself becoming smaller in the shadow of your captor, pondering on your possible sentences. Like the helpless body being torn apart in Goya’s “Saturn devouring his son”, the only thing in front of you is blackness. The entrance of a starved, hungry mouth, ready to swallow you whole. Don’t ever leave him again, (Y/N). You know his only mistake is loving you too much.
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Sword gays showdown, round 2 of bracket one
*Several different versions of Zorro were submitted, I decided to count them as one guy. I don't know enough about him to judge if there are any significant differences between those versions.
For Zorro:
Has been an iconic swordsman for over half a century. Ask any Spanish-speaking person and they'd tell you how loved he is. Has strong bisexual energy regardless of which version of him you're watching. His mask is very cool.
An entire arc is just him wondering about the risk/benefit balance of coming out (being able to openly be with the one he loves, but at the cost of lifelong danger for himself and everyone who associates with him). The inherent queerness of secret identities. The also inherent queerness of hiding your real self and opinions from everyone except your closest friend, only for your parent to later admit they knew about it for a long time and just waited for you to be ready to tell them. The swordiness? Being one of the best swordsmen around is fundamental to every version of Zorro. He's so famously known for being good with a sword that One Piece translators were worried their Zoro character would be mixed up with him so they changed that other guy's name to Zolo.
Zorro = Fox in Spanish
All you need is a gif of him making the 'Z' with his sword
For Aziraphale:
Is issued a flaming sword as the Guardian of the Eastern Gate of Eden, then gives it away to Adam & Eve for their protection when they're banished from the garden. While he never attacks anyone with it on the story (he would much rather not fight), he wields it again at Armageddon and it's pretty obvious that he fought with it in the Great War in Heaven. As for queer, he's in love with his demonic counterpart Crowley and one of his descriptions in the book is "gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide"
He had a flaming sword - but then lost it lol. He got it back briefly for the end of the world at least but the guy was too busy being a gay angel on earth to ever go looking for it before that.
Had a flaming sword which he gave to humanity and sort of the reason for war because of it. Currently in superheaven.
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findelyfantasy · 23 days
Hello!!! I really like your kili head canons and wanted to ask for kili x hobbit reader head canons like maybe she’s bilbos niece that travels with them or smth idk 😭😭
Anyways I love your writing and I hope you are okay with this request!!!
Oh my goodness??? It’s been a month???? I don’t even know how to defend myself guys. I will be more active I PROMISE—
Anyway, I love the idea of this request! Thank you for sending it in! Enjoy!
Kili x Hobbit! Reader (Who is also Bilbo’s Niece):
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You followed Bilbo on his quest, despite his worry that you would get into some sort of trouble or danger.
It didn’t take long for the dwarves to get used to you being around. To be honest, they adjusted to your company quicker than they did Bilbo’s because you were more open to the idea of adventure. One dwarf in particular (Kili) was particularly interested.
As the journey went on, Kili found himself getting more and more attached to you. He worried greatly about your well-being and did his best to protect you from anything and everything that would or could harm you.
You began to notice this and thought that Kili’s overprotectiveness was the sweetest thing. Everyone else was surprised too because it’s not a side of Kili that everyone sees often.
Kili was also very gentle with you throughout the adventures you shared. For instance, he would take your hand to steady your steps if the Company was walking along a ridgeline or would even go so far as to carry you on his back when traveling through marshes or snow. You admired his strength and compassion.
When the feelings budding between you became more obvious, Bilbo tried to give you relationship advice, but it was a little bit awkward considering that Bilbo had never been in a relationship himself. You appreciated it anyway because it showed you that your uncle cared enough to say something.
As the two of you became more comfortable around each other, you and Kili shared stories from your past, like the tale behind the stone that Kili’s mother gave him or moments from the Shire that you looked back on with fondness.
The two of you would often sit by the fire at night, watching the stars and talking. It was during one of these nights that Kili confessed his true feelings for you, and a little while later where you shared your first kiss.
Kili nearly gave his life trying to defend you during the battle of the five armies, but thanks to your newly developed skills in healing, which you learned during your time in Rivendell, there were no casualties at war. You both defended each other to the very end of the journey to reclaim the mountain and would continue to do so long after.
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sickly-sugar · 23 days
what would happen if one dated all yanderes at once? 🤔🤔 who would survive lol
as their god i won't let them kill each other, but in the event that i wasn't there..
jay, jake, and bre would hate the idea of sharing their darling the most.
jay would be the one to worry about the most. all the yanderes could be pushed to violence, but it's jay's first response. jay would immediately notice jake's manipulation and kill him if i don't stop her. she would also notice bre trying to keep you away from her and kill him too. creed is too submissive and anxious, jay would honestly want to protect him just as much as he wants to protect you. sugar is delusional, and jay wouldn't hold it against her but if he notices her getting too clingy with you (very likely) his rage would get the better of him and he would get rid of her too.
"none of you deserve them. none of you can protect them like i can. you're a danger to them, and ill make sure you never fucking see the light of day."
hit count: 3. the first to go would be bre for his kidnapping attempts. second would be jake for his attempts to convince you that jay isn't trustworthy. sugar would be third for her clinginess towards you. creed is safe because jay can see that he is obedient and would never hurt you.
jake hates the others. they truly disgust him. he sees himself as better than them, and though he doesn't show it as obviously, he would do his best to convince you that the others aren't trustworthy. he would use jay's obvious violence as proof that she's dangerous to be around. he would try to convince you that creed and sugar are too unstable, that they're crazy and a bad influence. he would use creed's submissive personality to keep him away from you and sugar's delusions to convince her that he's in love with her despite his hate. through that, if he couldn't keep you from trusting them, he could at least keep those two from interacting too much. he would point out bre's attempts at isolating you and do his best to show that he's untrustworthy and likely some kind of crazy kidnapper. in the event that his attempts wouldn't work, he would hire hitmen to get rid of some and poison the others.
"oh sweetheart, i know you adore their attention but look at them.. they could hurt you. i don't trust their motivations and you shouldn't either. in the end, im the only one who's truly honest with you and loves you for who you are. just stay with me, okay?"
hit count: 4. jay would be the first to go, through a hired hitman. bre would be poisoned. creed would be sold to traffickers. sugar would be killed by jake himself, pushed to anger.
sugar is tied with creed for being most at risk while being around the others. her personality would make it difficult for her to see their motives and possessiveness, often misreading them as the other yans being in love with her too. she would easily fall in love with all of them, seeing them and darling as her new family. without my intervention, the other yanderes would immediately get rid of her for her clinginess with you and unyielding, obvious adoration.
"stay away from darling? oh its so cute how much you care about me! but there's no reason to get jealous of them, i love you all just as much!"
hit count: 0. she would be killed by jay, jake, or bre.
bre would also try to isolate you from the others, but instead of using manipulation as a first tactic like jake, he would simply hire hitmen. he doesn't trust any of them at all, his paranoia too strong. jay for her violence, jake for his masking, creed for his unsanitary and twitchy demeanor, and sugar for her clingy obsession. he would convince himself that the others are trying to hurt you, or him, and try to kidnap you away from them as soon as possible.
"don't worry hun, i won't let those nasty people near you. ill protect you. you don't have to worry about anything, because im here."
hit count: 4. he would hire others to get rid of all the other yanderes.
creed is the least likely to cause problems. his anxiety would make him less likely to try to take you for himself. but if you, at any point, implied you wanted him around, he would push past his fear and listen to any command you give him. he wouldn't listen to the others if he felt like it wasn't what you wanted. he wouldn't have strong opinions about jake and bre, just a general sense of being uncomfortable and not trusting them. he would see jay as your bodyguard and feel happy for the help, growing especially attached to both of you as jay tries to take care of him as well. he would also get attached to sugar for her attachment to all of them.
"a-are you sure you w-want me around? alright.. are the others bothering you? what do you want me to d-do?"
hit count: 0. without your order, he wouldn't hurt anyone.
overall, because jay isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, her senario is the most likely to succeed. hitmen take longer to hire, as opposed to immediate brute force. bre and jake would be killed immediately. sugar would confuse jay due to her easy love for both him and you. but eventually, her disrespect for boundaries would push him, and he'd kill her too. creed would survive, jay wouldn't be able to help wanting to protect him.
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selenacosmic · 2 months
Ok this might be a little bit dark so I won't mind if you skip it. What kind of yandere lover do you think the warlords could be if they snapped? 🤔 Would they be a super jealousy type? Or super restricting type? What if they didn't realise that they were hurting their S/O? And how would they eventually come to their full sense? You can do any warlords, but please include Nobu, Kenshin, and Shingen among them. Thank you! 🤗
Hi cherry! I don’t really do Yandere but I took interest in doing this one because it also involves the consequences and the warlords trying to change. Thank you for the request!
Yandere warlords, but with consequences.
Oda forces.
Nobunaga Oda.
Nobunaga is already a possessive person, even though he doesn’t feel like he has to show everyone that you are his, he is already confident that everyone else knows that. He isn’t worried about someone else stealing your heart, Nobunaga is confident that something like that wouldn’t happen.
However, depending on how much your life is put in danger just for being his lover, he can become much more restrictive, even going as far as thinking of keeping you in the tenshu with him. But Nobunaga isn’t unable to notice the gradual loss of your spark, and that is enough to make him realize that trapping you isn’t the right choice, it’s what snaps him back. Instead of trapping you, he would work hard to make the world you both live in a much safer place, so that your life isn’t put in danger.
Masamune Date.
Masamune might not look like the type, but he can be very protective. Much like Nobunaga, his concern lies within your life and how much danger you might face. It isn’t new that masamune tends to need reassurance that you are alive and with him, he has lost so many people close to him that his obsession over your wellbeing may become bigger.
What will snap him back is noticing how much he wasn’t letting you live your life. Him, who always strived to live each day as if it was his last, to enjoy the many good things life has to offer. To make it up to you, he will opt to train you instead to defend yourself.
Uesugi-takeda alliance.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Kenshin is the most obvious one, it wasn’t just once that he had mentioned trapping you in a cell to keep you safe. His motives would come from jealousy, worry over your safety and all else. He clings to those he love to a point of obsession precisely because of how much he lost in his life, so it’s no wonder that the moment his Yandere side took over, he would almost imprison you.
However, Kenshin would have to come and face reality, that keeping you in a cage isn’t what love is. He needs healing, and keeping you trapped won’t help the storm inside of him end. Kenshin will keep being clingy and jealous, but that will gradually become less intense as he heals.
Shingen takeda.
Shingen is the hardest one of the list, he isn’t a man who would suddenly snap and try to protect you from all men or worry someone might steal you away from him. He knows it isn’t right to keep a woman trapped, it’s like trapping a bird’s wings and keep it from being free.
The most he could go to possibly being like this would be if anyone tried courting you to the point of ignoring Shingen’s existence as your lover, and only if this person was difficult to keep away from you. Even then, he wouldn’t trap you, but rather would stay more close to you than usual.
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adiluv-moved · 1 year
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☁️୧・꒰word count꒱ 1158.
🌼୧・꒰warnings꒱ takes place pre-manor.
🦆୧・꒰adi moment꒱ request here! these were originally supposed to be combined into one post, though i decided to split them since they ended up full length regardless, lol. i had a lot of fun writing this, i think it's a super adorable scenario! hope you enjoy! ꒰˵•̀⤙•́˵꒱૭
you can find eli's version here!
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꒰🗡️꒱・Naib isn’t exactly accustomed to how peaceful life is with you, having gone through most of his entire life without any opportunity to relax. First, it was the war, which—for obvious reasons—proved to be a rather heavy strain on the man, both physically and emotionally. Even after he’d decided he’d had enough of the bloodshed and defected, living within Britain certainly wasn’t cheap, and he was still unable to seize the chance to step back—though he now had his job as a mercenary to blame for that one.
꒰🗡️꒱・I’d imagine that Naib would prefer to live in a more rural part of Britain, perhaps in a cottage not too far away from the city. Not only does he benefit by encouraging your aesthetic preferences ꒰which is for the best, considering he’s got no taste for design, himself꒱, but he also manages to keep you safe. Two birds with one stone, really. Of course, while living outside of the city does make his line of work slightly more tedious, he’s more than willing to deal with commuting than to move you anywhere closer to such prying eyes.
꒰🗡️꒱・That is to say—he kills, and he gets his assignment done. It’s simply business, as cruel as the reality is. But who’s to say that those close to the victim won’t try to seek ‘reimbursement’ of their own? He’s seen the way that people act when they’re desperate, and he’s seen just how far down they’ll stoop to achieve their goals. For this reason, he’s incredibly protective over you and the life that you share. The thought of anything happening to you is one that he actively despises, and he’s always on the lookout to make sure that nobody’s following him back home.
꒰🗡️꒱・You’re in no real danger while Naib is around, at the very least. He’s got years of experience killing and protecting under his belt, so it’s safe to say that most attackers prove to be of little to no threat to him. Sure, there are occasions where he’ll receive a couple of scratches every here and there, though those tend to be the only signs that anything had even occurred. You’ll patch them up upon noticing them, gently scolding him for attempting to hide his injuries, yet he’s always really preferred to be discreet about such occurrences. In his mind, there’s no need to worry you over a pest that’s already been dealt with… But he is thankful for your concern.
꒰🗡️꒱・As an extension of this, he’s very much insistent on accompanying you whenever you head out—a habit you’d only receive explanation for well into your relationship. Finding out that your partner is a mercenary certainly is quite the shocker, especially when it re-contextualizes the instances in which he’d depart whilst citing ‘work’. Even still, I’d say that Naib was even more shocked when you’d decided to stay with him—under the assumption that there would be no more major secrets kept between the both of you. Regardless, he still couldn’t help but be confused when he’d awoken the next morning to see that you were still sleeping soundly to him. He’d truly expected to lose you. 
꒰🗡️꒱・Although he sends some of his paycheck back to Nepal, you’d be genuinely surprised by the amount that he has left back. Whether it be just by his lack of desire to splurge or simply due to how lucrative his… career choice is, the man is rich—far more than you’d ever guessed. You’ll never be without anything that you need, considering that Naib is perfectly content to allow you to decorate the house and buy anything that catches your fancy.
꒰🗡️꒱・He’s got enough in savings to comfortably retire from his duties as a mercenary, something that he’ll do if you express discomfort with the job. It takes him some time to fully realize that that chapter of his life has finally come to its conclusion—and he’ll be eternally grateful if you attempt to help him ease the transition. Practicing for job interviews and reminding him of what excuses to use should anybody question the sizable gap in his resume does eventually help him snag a new job of his own—free from all the bloodshed of his past!
꒰🗡️꒱・One of his greatest struggles in re-adjusting to an average job would easily be working alongside other people. It’s something that he hadn’t really done since he was in the army, and even then—thinking about his old comrades had the tendency to leave a bitter taste in his mouth. His general introversion does nothing to help him, either, with him preferring to keep entirely to himself or a select handful of trusted individuals. There’s also the added factor of his coworkers just… pissing him off for no reason, as well. He just can’t seem to understand why they’re so incompetent—surely, such simple tasks can’t be all that difficult?
꒰🗡️꒱・Considering his background, you’ll have to admit that it’s quite interesting to see him getting so heavily worked up over something that’s so mundane, though you’re aware that his lack of options wasn’t any fault of his. You do listen to all of his ranting and raving, something that you’d initially recommended to him as therapeutic, though he’d only come to understand why until that first gossip session. He’d ended up getting really into it, and… I don’t think he can go back, honestly.
꒰🗡️꒱・Naib tends to get progressively cuddlier as time goes on, but I’d also say that his desire to cuddle with you is also rather dependent on his mood. It’s relatively safe to say that he’d prefer to be the big spoon—the just something satisfying to him about having your curled up, and safe within his arms—though he’d also still love to be held by you every now and then. Especially so when it feels as though he’ll drown within the memories of his past.
꒰🗡️꒱・Even if he decides to quit his job as a mercenary and return to the life of an average civilian, the pain that he’s felt—and inflicted—isn’t something that just… goes away. There are times where it’ll haunt him, where it’ll break down his walls and make him feel like a microscopic mess. It will claw at him, tearing him down and turning him into a shell of himself, where he just wants nothing more than to be rid of such terrible memories—and you wish that there were a way for you to remove them.
꒰🗡️꒱・He loves you, and he’d never hurt you, but he’s absolutely terrified that he might. Please hold him, please reassure him that you’re there for him. Reminding him that he’s got a whole life ahead of him to live, and that he’s far from alone—that he’s safe, at least now—it helps him… And he appreciates it, more than you could ever know. So, no, he’s never quite understood what it means to have a peaceful life… but if it’s with you, then… He doesn’t mind learning.
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planetxiao · 2 years
OKOK I SAW UR REQUESTS ARE OPEN THO so let me add another one to my tbr list <33 feel free to ignore this tho if it doesn‘t inspire you no pressure 🥰
ran straight to finding some prompts after seeing it, so how about "Will you notice me when I am gone? Will you come for me or search for me?" + genshin men of ur choice (but ur gonna get bonus kisses if u include alhaitham)
adjust the prompt as it suits you !! sending u lots of love <3
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꠵ PAIRINGS; xiao ; childe ; alhaitham x reader
꠵ GENRE; hurt/comfort, headcanons.
꠵ SYNOPSIS; you ask your lover a certain question just to see how he’d react.
꠵ NOTES; you gave me creative freedom, i give you extra smooches <33 ALSO I HOPE I WROTE ALHAITHAM OKAY LOL i haven’t met him in the game yet :,)
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“Will you notice me when I am gone?” You asked, awaiting any reaction. “Will you come for me or search for me?”
Xiao stiffened once the first question left your mouth. It was so sudden that he was taken aback, both shocked and concerned. His head was swirling with the various meanings it could have. Did he do something wrong? Were you in danger? Or worse, were you dying?
“What is the meaning of this?” Xiao’s tone came out rougher than intended. But you didn’t give him an answer, only another question that made his frown deepen. Xiao didn’t know what to make of any of this, all he knew was the way his heart twinged at the possibilities.
Xiao stood up, walking toward the balcony’s ledge. It took him a couple seconds to process your words, and what he wanted to say. There was so much, and yet so little. “…If you’re in danger, you need to tell me. I’ll protect you no matter what.”
Childe’s brows knit together as he tilted his head in puzzlement. What would even prompt a question like that, he wondered. His heart ached with worry; worried that he had done something— or not done enough, worried that you would leave.
His calm demeanor was cracking right in front of your eyes. The crumbling edges seeped into his voice as he asked, “Is everything alright, Y/N?” But as he was hit with another question, his vexation ran stone cold. It was not a question of what brought this upon, but who, it seemed.
Childe’s mind spiraled rapidly, but he recomposed himself in order to not worry you. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed your hand. “I’d follow you to the ends of this world and the next, my love.” He declared, kissing your knuckles. But first, he’d have to give his men a new assignment. If someone was threatening you, he would find out. And if his suspicions were correct, they wouldn’t live long enough to see the next sunrise.
“What a ridiculous question,” He scoffed. Alhaitham didn’t even need to ponder the thought. It simply wouldn’t happen. He wouldn’t allow it. But for you to have to ask… it was obvious to him, wasn’t it to you? Had he not done enough to express his love for you?
His response didn’t deter you from asking your next question, though. And as before, Alhaitham did not wish to entertain it. These sudden hypotheticals would never come to fruition as long as he could do something about it, but your persistence puzzled him. Were you trying to hint at something?
Alhaitham was a man that remained sure of himself, even in the most cumbersome situations. He spared the breath of useless words and only said what he meant. So when he held your face with one hand and leveled his eyes with yours, an ever sharp gaze that bore into your very being, he declared with the utmost confidence, “If you were to ever leave my side, I would tear this world apart until I found you.”
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꠵ TAGLIST; @sonder-paradise @snowbits
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