#he is spoiling those babies
a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
Okay random thought but Alastor looks like the type of dad to turn into his demon form because his children find it funny for some reason
He totally fucking would, his wife would literally find him terrorizing people and think that someone attacked him or the children. Just total chaos, people screaming and running, Alastor laughing as he towers over everyone-
Only to see the kids being tossed around by his tentacles and squealing like they're on a rollercoaster 🎢 Then she just 🤦‍♀️ and goes back to whatever she was doing before
I like to think that it starts when they're babies and something happens where Alastor has to go into that form in order to protect them. He's all cradling them in his claws after the fight and everyone is expecting them to be terrified of their daddy's new look.
But instead, they just giggle and try to use him as a jungle gym. Then it continues because Alastor gets a kick out of it too, and his wife has to stop him because it causes too much damage.
To them it's like asking their dad for a piggyback ride but everyone else thinks that they're about to be eaten or what's even more likely, crushed.
This is literally their relationship after finding out the kids like Alastor's demon form-
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missxiumore · 5 months
Nothing has ever made exo's dynamic make sense more than finding out that apart from xiumin they were all the youngest sibling growing up...
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theloveinc · 11 months
I know for a fact in my heart that Bakugo is one of those kids who was taken on family vacations every year as a child, with pictures of him on every trip looking all grumpy in the photos… and not only is it weird for him to find out YOU didn’t get to do that (or as often)… but it’s also weird when he’s trying to take your two year old to Tokyo Disney bc it’s just something kids are “supposed to do” APPARENTLY.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 6 months
Me: The entire Blood and Cheese incident is a tragedy for both sides, an unnessarily savage act that is morally reprehensible and inexcusable.
Also Me, whose been Team Black for 15 years: fuck them kids.
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@loturaweek2023 day 5: Runaways from Royal Nannies!
Melenor (named after her grandmother, in honor), Garrett (named by Coran, with a sadness Lotor now knew the man well enough to place), and Oria (a family name on Allura’s side) were supposed to be with their governess, right then.
As three small children ran giggling into Lotor’s legs, lifting his skirt cape around their shoulders so as to hide beneath it, he let out a huff of fond exasperation.
“And what, perchance, are you three doing here?” he asked them, the dignitary he stood speaking with giving an amused and knowing smile as he put their discussion of sewage on hold.
“Shhhshshsh!” Melenor urged, Garrett copying her and Oria copying them both with her chubby fingers.
“Oh?” Lotor arched his eyebrow. “What’s this? Are you hiding? Is that what you’re doing?”
The shushing redoubled, all three of them hissing at him louder than he’d spoken, and the dignitary lifted their pad to their lips to hide their smile.
A harried Altean woman with large muscles and hair pulled messily back in a bun rounded the corner, the sash at her hips fluttering with her rush. “Your Majesty,” she greeted, sounding somewhere between tired and defeated.
“Governess,” he returned politely. “I hope all is well, and the children are behaving themselves?”
More shushing from beneath his skirt cape, quieter now.
“About as well as they typically do, Your Majesty.”
“And where are my children, now?”
A tittering of giggles rose from beneath his skirt cape, all three pairs of tiny feet clearly visible, which the poor woman’s eyes landed on with something approaching exasperated fondness (heavier on exasperation, at that junction).
“I’m afraid I don’t know, my lord.”
“Unfortunate. But I’m sure they could not have gotten far. Perhaps they’ve gone to the kitchen again, I’ve heard there’s much to drink and snack on, there,” he gently prodded. He could look after the three of them for a bit. She looked like she could use a drink. And maybe a nunvill, but that wasn’t allowed while she was on the clock.
“A fine idea, Your Majesty, I’ll try there.”
She stalked off, swiping flyaways out of her face and leggings making a soft swishing sound as the legs brushed together, and Lotor waited until she was out of sight to lift his skirt cape to reveal the giggling children beneath it.
“You know, you really must stop causing her trouble,” he urged mildly, already fully aware that his children were unlikely to heed such words.
“We’re not!” Melenor insisted, “We just want to be with you!”
And quiznack it all if the little mite didn’t know she had her daddy wrapped around her finger. He sighed.
“I can’t imagine why. I’m not going to be very interesting, I have to talk about sewers, and pipes, and water decontamination, for hours. You’ll get bored.”
“Nuh uh!”
“Very well then, you may stay, but you must let me work,” he said firmly.
“Oh Lotor, you’re spoiling them again!”
Lotor and his children all looked up to see a miffed Allura approaching, and squeals of “Mama!” rang out as Lotor’s legs were swiftly abandoned for additional parental clinging.
“Me? My dear wife, never.”
“Always,” she accused, lifting Oria onto one hip and knocking a fist against the other. “You’re too indulgent.”
“But look at them,” he said, kneeling down and pulling Garrett and Melenor against his sides, squishing his face between theirs, “How can you say no to such faces, Allura?”
“Easily,” she said, giving him a flatly unimpressed look.
Lotor sighed. “Your mother is cruel, children. She is preparing you for the harshness of this world.”
“Where is your nanny?” she asked, ignoring his antics, and Lotor pouted.
“Papa sent her to the kitchen.”
“Then that is where we shall go. Come along, you three, your father has work to do right now,” she said pointedly, taking Garrett’s hand in the one not holding Oria and ushering Melenor forth.
He stooped to steal a kiss, which she indulged, and then continued herding them off while he stared after her fondly.
It was still such a joy, for him. To be a husband, a father, a caretaker. Someone whose children were not scared of him, not even at all. He would never have dreamed of running off from his Dayak and causing her the trouble these three caused their governess, and he would have never run to his father to hide from her. It felt good, that that was different for them. It felt right.
The dignitary cleared their throat and Lotor returned his attention to the subject at hand, putting thoughts of his children aside for the moment. He’d have plenty opportunity to indulge them all later.
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melodianaartist · 8 months
A piece of media can have a group of people who are wayy too hard on it and the same piece of media can also be imperfect. Like, the urge to defend and negate any valid critiques is there but that’s also not good. The same piece of media can bring you so much joy too btw.
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tearueful · 2 months
VOUGHT RISING better give me rising star Stan Edgar, Grace Mallory, and OG Black Noir or I'm rioting.
(A show with a Nazi and a misogynistic racist as the main characters sure is a choice)
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maliciousalice · 3 months
Count the ways I've had a fucked up life:
-Shoved my twin sister when we were 3 and saw blood come out of her ears from the knock on her head. From that point on she was half-deaf. -Twin sister and I nearly drowned at age 6 by being pulled into a powerful rip-tide at an unsupervised beach. My parents thought it was cute until we couldn't swim back and they both had to swim out to get us. I remember being really tired, and them being unsure about being able to swim back to shore.
-At age 11 witnessed my mother forgetting to apply the brake to her car. She tried to get back in and tripped, it subsequently rolled over her, crushing her foot and dragging her down the road. She bled profusely. The crimson stained pavement haunted me for a long time. I blamed myself because I arrived home from a friend's house at the same exact same time and believed I distracted her.
-Accidently electrocuted myself when I was bored while watching my siblings play on the computer. Without looking, I fiddled with the back of an old lamp with my finger tips, but I didn't know that fumbling the cables would cause it to surge. The large shock sent my arm numb for about an hour. Didn't seek treatment because the power tripped and I was worried I would get yelled at.
-Deep in the bush, during a particularly dry summer, family friends stupidly made a bonfire, and I saw our campsite get quickly lit up. As the flames surrounded us and the cars, I was yelled at to go get help/manual water pumps as if it was my fault. Somehow we managed to put it all out. We had to try something because the alternative was getting trapped.
-Was on the phone to my grandma when she had a stroke, I had no idea what was going on, to the point I thought it was a prank. I was crying because it wasn't something I was even aware could happen to someone, I continued to listen and her language skills deteriorated the longer I was on the phone. She became convincedly desperate despite her incoherence and somehow I broke away from my fear and got my dad to help her.
-My mother stabbed my older sister in the arm with a kitchen knife and they both just walked off. I remember being around the corner listening to the argument escalate and saw my older sister clutching her arm. (my sister is very violent so I think it was done in self defense???)
-Dad threw that same sister into the drywall multiple times--Not to excuse it but she was a devil, and would attack / lunge at us, and disrespected my parents from a young age. Dull thudding against walls sends me on edge to this day because it was one way to identify a scuffle with her.
-Mum had a cabinet pushed onto her by my older sister. The cabinet had a glass panel that shattered on her leg and sliced it open.
-My twin sister got upset at me and swung a 10kg metal bar stool at my leg, the blunt force tore my leg open, I now have a very sensitive scar on my shin. -My mum ran at me in an anger spell and I blocked it by pushing her away from me (that's legitimately all), she slipped on the slippery cork floors we had and fell over hitting her head hard. She was unconscious for a few minutes. Her tongue was sticking out and her eyes were open. I thought I had killed her. I wanted to call an ambulance. She woke up and I begged to her that she needed to go to hospital but she brushed it off because we had to catch a flight.
-On my way back from a lunch break I saw a woman go under a Truck. Once again I blamed myself because I crossed in front of the driver at a crossing, and nodded to him. As he rolled forward to leave she sprinted across, I turned and saw that she got hit. -My older sister took advantage of my mum and got into large debts by getting her to co-sign loans behind my dad's back. My mum was paying off things like her phone bill and eventually a car loan. This caused a lot of violent contention.
-Older Sister was kicked out of multiple times but my parents never fully cut her out and now she lives scott-free in a brand new granny flat in the backyard because of their guilt.
-lived in relative poverty and mess most of my teenage life because it was too expensive to send 4 kids to school for my parents. They worked full time but didn't really provide us with any emotional security. Both parents were very messy but blamed us for it as we got older. I tried my best to keep things clean but it was often in vain (it is to this day as things have escalated to full hoarding)
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dashing-luna · 8 months
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
but that’s enough vulnerability. everyone think about lucifer seducing his little angel siblings to his cause but he forgot how angel condoms work in the cage and by the time they find out he’s pregnant, none of them have any idea whose grace is creating new life with him
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Here, last one.
I decided to give Sal and Travis something to live for rather than each other so i gave them two kids Sal took in because they were shivering and drenched in water from the storm.
Off the fricking bat, Sal loves them. Dani is super hyper, a little dumb at times and is the youngest of the household. He always tells people his dad (Travis) is a computer because of how much time he spends around them. He also likes sweets, a lot.
Aelita is our black queen, yes she’s black and Dani is mixed. She is constantly in a corner reading books with either lots of pictures or too many words that makes Sal head spin. Aelita prefers spicy food and has a vanilla and peaches allergy. One time, a child was telling her how a pumpkin patch makes babies and thats what her parents told her. Aelita looks her and another teacher dead in the eyes and says “Your parents had sex.”
Hear me out
Hear me ouuuut
Uncle Larry drops the kids off to school and picks them up. Travis works from home so they see him all the time but Sal is often away, so he visits and calls as much as possible. When he gets home he often finds them cuddled up and asleep on the couch with one of their favorite shows or movies on. Many times it’s Bluey or a movie like Turning Red or Sing.
I feel like children would be an eye pioneer for Travis. He’d mellow out quickly. Prioritizing their happiness and health. Especially if this is Possessed Travis, he makes sure his kids are safe every day. Sending a little shadow to monitor and report to the other demons in anything happens. Many… strange.. individuals will go missing if they’re too weird with the children.
Danni absolutely adores uncle Larry and Papa Sal! They play with him all the time! Uncle Larry sneaks him treats and lets him paint in his studio!! Even if Danni makes a mistake Uncle Larry isn’t mean to him like mama was! The tiny boy they had day one is soon plump and full of love. He gives wet kisses and warm hugs to his family.
Aelita prefers Aunty Maple, Uncles Neil and Todd. Papa Travis has a special place in Aelitas life for the rest of her life. Especially after he comforted her through one of her nightmares that usually turn into panic attacks. Travis is patient with her unlike her mommy was. She didn’t have to sit in the dark room because she made a mistake anymore. She just got cuddles when she wanted, headpats when she did good and eats yummy foods she’d see on tv at school!
I can definitely picture one of them having special needs (Sal would feel so connected to a child with extra needs as he loves working with kids). Danni maybe having ADHD, ptsd and some behavioral needs that make him nonverbal aside from shrieks and grunts almost times. But he will talk his little heart out in babbles. Aelita having sever ptsd, seizures and emotional trauma that makes socializing harder for her. She’s physically and cognitively fine but the trauma of her first home has left a hefty mark.
But with the the support and love of Papas Sals and Travis, they can overcome all obstacles. (Sal and Larry definitely didn’t take the time to hunt down the people that hurt the babies while Travis was happily unaware. Totally didn’t let the demons have a field day beating their ass.
(And yes, impromptu fashion shows where big buff papa Sal and Yncle Larry March around in tutus and tiaras while scrawny and tall Travis is dressed as a pretty princess.)
((More in tags))
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dylanconrique · 1 year
forever obsessed with the way lucy looks at tim like he hung the sun, moon, and the stars in the sky. ☀️🌙🌠💙
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oglegoggle · 2 years
It bothers me when folks insist that there are literally no good reasons to surrender pets because it destroys their hearts. Like…. My dude…. That evil fuckin cat that slashed my literal eyeball should be surrendered. I found new homes for my three cats because I couldn’t take having multiple panic attacks triggered every single fucking day because they’ve got claws and I’ve got a new dose of fresh PTSD caused by that demon slashing my eye. I still can’t sleep well because of the nightmares about it. The pain and the blood and the temp blindness in that eye and the extreme fear. It’s been months. My life was fucking destroyed and my love of cats ripped from my soul. But I’m the villain? No. Needs drastically change sometimes and it sucks for everyone involved. It wasn’t good for me having cats around. It wasn’t good for my cats to have their only human destabilized and constantly rejecting their affection. They’ve got a new home where all three miraculously got to stay together and are dearly loved again as they deserve to be.
#this is goggles#he didn’t want to surrender her because nobody will adopt a black cat with hardcore behavioral issues that put someone in the ER#and she would likely be put down#yanno the way humans have been dealing with and selectively breeding their domestic animals for literal millennia#but he’s an asshole with behavioral issues himself and doesn’t give a flying fuck about others#lmfao one of his friends told me they think he should honestly be institutionalized for his myriad of out of control behavioral issues#he needs a parent more than a partner but he still continues to date and expect those he dates to baby him#but then is upset when people don’t want to deal with him because he acts like a literal spoiled child#his friends are growing fed up with his shit after seeing how he treated me and that’s so fucking funny to me#good honestly I hope he drives off everyone around him and is left with just himself#in his nasty piss and shit filled dirty laundry nest he calls a home#he reminds me so much of a guy I used to play D&D with who did the exact same shit and was mooching off his dad well into his 60s#and would throw pissbaby fits whenever he wasn’t the center of attention or if anyone told him off for acting like a child#still complains about how awful his two years of marriage 30 years prior were because his ex-wife would constantly nag him to clean up#I was so patient with my ex because I saw a lot of the ways my own behavior was influenced by AuDHD and fucked up and I actually fixed them#I fixed those flaws and now I live in a BH&G levels of clean home I’m on track for a good career#my life transformed while I was with him but his did not and now that I ain’t dealing with him the boons of my work are clear as day#and he’s mad he’s in his parents basement working his $12/hr weed job and getting nagged for being irresponsible and filthy#lmfao moron
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kil9 · 2 years
my mom when i was a kid: when you were an infant your bedroom caught fire lol but it was fine.
me: ok. im sure some freak accident that no one could have prevented in any way
my mom at 26: the smoke detector was beeping so i took the batteries out and stashed it in a closet without telling you, like a couple weeks ago. i figured you would probably fix it for me despite never telling you about it
me: ah. ok. connecting dots here. . .
#99.txt#😐😐#normal family i have suchhh a normal family ahahhahhaha#both my parents -_-.... basically didnt do anything#but they were there. physically. so whenever im unhappy as a kid its like#''wow you have both parents and a good income and house. i guess you are just sooo soo spoiled. you know there are orphans in the world''#<- so fucked up how ppl talk to struggling kids like that btw. if a kid is so unhappy in their home it isnt normal#also like ''wdym your dad is abusive he literally doesnt hit you'' 🥴🥴 okey. but ill hit u if you keep talking like that#my dad just didnt have time for any hitting 🥺#between all the screaming at the top of his lungs at newborn babies. and the cheating on his wife with teenagers. he was so busy#and maintaining a good career so he could go on business trips to cheat more lol#but yeah i had it real lucky as a kid cos i got to go on those business trips sometimes -_- fun#and my mom is just like.....#''wow i literally was nice to you as a kid and drove you places. if you complain you just hate me and are so mean and critical of me''#like.................. the older i get the more i realise just. no one was being resposible#ive tried to maturely explain this to my mom recently and its like a brick wall#''wdym. im so nice'' but have you ever been responsible? ''well i think just i have a nice style parenting :)''#but what about responsibility ?? for your kids ? ''but im so nice. what more do you want from me you ask for so much :('' TO BE RESPONSIBLE#also ''im so nice'' bullshit just ignoring all the times shes said things that make me wana kill myself#literally told me no one would want me after i was in hysterics cos she was already being mean to me#and then when i bring it up later ''oh i was just stressed out. im allowed to feel my emotions. plus i dont remember and u made it up''#ok........ then when im like. stressed out and not even being mean just using a slightly different tone its all#''wow you are so cruel just like your father and you hate me. you never consider my feelings and i think you should be kicked out probably'#lol get me out of here............................#dont even get me fucking started on my sister i dont have time to haven an episode right now -_-#guh sorry for this i dont have a therapist and it shows
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vandalizeme · 2 years
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look at this handsome boy 🖤
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spotlightstudios · 20 days
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Low-stakes dnd session tonight so here's a wip of my son Helios.
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