#he is the one who said he liked curvy red hairs with insanity in their eyes
thatwritterbeach · 2 months
So About that Alley .4
Jason Todd x ofc Alex
Unedited***Also I swear Tumblr is messing up my spelling on purpose cuz everytime I re-read something I know I fixed it's wrong again
Alex: short, curvy, red hair, green eyes, redheads go through pain meds way faster than normal people to the point I personally don't even take them, it's a joke, they last 30 min at best
Summary: Alex finds out her bf is red hood, after she spills some not so great secrets to the masked man while stitching him up.
Warnings: Vaginismus* angst, sexual assault, self-harm, depression, drug use by Alex, violence, cursing, NSFW, smut, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, guided masturbation?, p in v (not overly described), pain during s*x, hiding said pain, hickeys?, self-hate, insecurities, eating disorder, weight loss
A/N: I do not own dc booho
sorry ya'll I did not mean to release the last part, it was gonna be longer so here's this one at top speed
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Arriving at a huge menacing manor, the Wayne manor, in your pajamas on the back of a motorcycle while the driver is decked out in bright right flannel is...odd. Jason held the bike steady while she wiggled off then he engaged the kickstand and lifted himself off with ease. Alfred met them at the door and took her gear and Jay's helmet.
"Everyone is in the dining room, master Jason."
"Thanks, Alfred." Alex, unsure what to do gave him a thankful nod and clung to Jason as he led them through the maze of insanity.
"I don't think I can do this Jay," sh whispered, slinging the large bag she carried further up on her shoulder.
"Of course, you can," he assured her pulling her further into his side. They entered what she would calla dining hall where everyone was already sat, having what appeared to be a heated argument.
"I win the bet, cuz I said she was real," Tim yelled.
"No, I win for being right about how long it would take him to bring her here," Dick said back throwing a chunk of bread at him.
"Boys!" Bruce tried in vain.
"I win-" Damian began but was cut of by Jason's two finger whistle. All eyes shot to the door where Alex was very busy faking confidence, moved away from Jay, shoulders back, head up. Bruce was in a suit much to her embarrassment but Dick was in sweats and a long sleeved shirt, Tim wore something similar, and Damian was in a matching silk set that probably cost more than her entire wardrobe but he was participating.
"Tt she's small," Damian scowled.
"I think you mean short, like you pipsqueak," she snarked back before Jason could get after the demon spawn.
"Hhhmf," he replied raising his chin to the side in a holyer than though manner.
"Play nice, Damian," Bruce commanded softly rising from the table to greet her. Mentally freaking out, knowing what was coming she hesitated in her step to meet his outstreched hand.
"Not a friend of Dick's then," he accused, scowling down at her superman shirt.
"I didn't know if you were aware Jason was alive." She lied her ass off. She just recently found out he was Robin so of course she couldn't have told Batman anything other than a lie. Jason caught the inconstancy and frowned.
"What are you talking about," Dick asked joining their little group.
"Caught this one in an alley with a dealer last night, said she knew you, as Robin, Wing and Dick."
"How did you-" He turned an accusing eye on Jason who lifted his hands in defense.
"I've known for years dude, chill. It's not that hard to figure out, the suspiciously large and rich family is the suspiciously large and tech happy hero group."
"So you know everyone?"
"Yep, Superman and everyone too. "
"Dang," Tim jumped in from his seat.
"Why were you in an alley with a dealer," Jason asked what everyone was thinking.
"Getting information before some dude in a cape messed it up." Another lie.
"info on what?"
"His supplier."
"That's my job." She shrugged and moved past everyone to the table.
"I come barring gifts," she said setting the bag on the table to pull things out. "For Dick, a signed copy of (insert circus memorabilia here), for Tim, something to help you sleep and some very strong tea to help with that caffeine addiction. Damian, a travel sized chess board, we can play sometime if you like."
"Thanks," came the collective reply. Jason was still giving her the ' we will talk about this at home look' but she was ignoring him as she sat. After a surprisingly painless dinner with Damian only insulting her three times, Jason standing with a knife in hand, and Dick calming everyone back down they managed to make it to dessert.
"None for me," she told Alfred quietly as he started to place a bowl of some fancy pastries in front of her. She'd already subtly inquired on the carb count of the food which he answered with a slight brow raise.
"You feeling ok," Jason asked from beside her happily munching on his and her portion of sugar.
"Fine," she replied with a soft smile reaching past her full wine glass for water. She never drank and certainly not when she knew she was going to have to drug herself the second they walked into her apartment.
"If you don't like red we have white," Dick said, gesturing to her glass.
"I don't drink."
"Oh, master Jason didn't tell me."
"Sorry, must have slipped my mind." Like hell, he had no idea she didn't drink, he's never seen her drink but just assumed...what he wasn't sure but not that she didn't drink. Dessert done they moved to the 'sitting room' with some sodas, and Alfred plated soft soft music in the background.
"care to test your new board," she asked Damian.
"Tt, like you would be a worthy opponent."
"It's ok if you're too chicken, I get it, I'm intimidating." she said flexing her muscles. With an eye roll he sat cross legged on the floor and began setting up the pieces. She mirrored his pose and set up her side. off to the side where she couldn't see Jason moved his head to indicate to Dick he needed a word and the two moved off without a sound.
"Thanks for the clothes," Jason started, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall of the long hallway they were in.
"No problem, did she seem more relaxed?"
"Better than expected."
"So what was it you wanted to ask me that couldn't be texted?"
"When I...died, were you sad?"
"What the hell kind of question is that, Jason, of course, I was a wreck. What's going on, are you ok?"
"I am."
"But you don't think she is," he stated.
"I think she'd lying about when she found out I was hood. Three weeks ago I got so beat up from a fight I knew I wouldn't make it anywhere else so I broke into her apartment, key work broke, I had to shatter a window she was pissed. And she found me passed out in the bathroom, and started stitching me up-"
"Dude," he whisper yelled.
"Let me finish. She was talking to me like I was redhood not like she knew it was me, she was asking for advice."
"On what?"
"How to tell her boyfriend she couldn't have sex, because she was," he paused and pulled Dick closer to him to whisper the next part," assaulted when she was younger and it makes it horribly painful."
"No, did she tell you who?"
"He's dead."
"She also said she cuts herself," again the smallest whisper.
"Why would she tell him and not you?"
"The next day she said she knew I was hood all along and she was playing a sick joke to get back at me for breaking her window and lying."
"Rude but seems fair."
"Then she initiated sex. Just pulled me into the bedroom and-"
"I don't wanna hear this,"Dick whines shaking his head to clear the image.
"We've had sex everyday twice for three weeks in a row," he said exasperated.
"A lot, it's a lot so either she has insane drive or..."
"She's expertly distracting you," he finished for him.
"I haven't seen any scars or fresh cuts, but I know she's damn good at makeup she's always perfectly covered my scar," he said pointing to his cheek, where it wasn't even visible in the low light.
"So hide her makeup."
"I've thought about it but I don't want to tip her off, or make her panic."
"So you want my help?"
"I think," deep breath," I think I can't do this alone, I can't watch her 24/7 and be there when she might need me."
"Do you want her to move in here?"
"God no, she'd kill me. Maybe now that you've all met you could invite her over, or stop by 'randomly' when I'm out."
"I'm in bloodhaven now, I can't just-"
"I know, I know, but you're here like every other weekend and that'll have to be enough. Maybe the demon spawn would agree to watch her."
"Tt, she's not your pet, Todd," came an irritated voice next to them.
"How much did you hear?"
"Just that she'd kill you." Eye roll.
"She's not well, demon spawn, and I worry about her safety," Jason ground out trying to keep his voice down.
"You think she hurts herself, what insanity, even for you, Todd."
"Look, kid-"
"Don't start. Damian, you seem to tolerate her enough not to kill her, a win if you ask me, and she needs company while Jason is out. You really can't stop by once a week for chess?"
"As a favor to her, not either of you," he agreed, turning to leave the imbeciles.
Eventually making their way back into the room the boys were shocked to find Alex, still on the floor, body pointed to the tv playing a racing game with Tim. Single handing the controller she expertly steered around the corners and used her other hand to play Damian at chess, eye dancing back and forth, and maintaining a conversation with Bruce.
"What the fuck," Jason exclaimed.
"I used to do this all the time, well not this, but multitasking, it's been so long since I've gotten to use my brain," she said with such glee.
"Are you saying I dumb you down?" There was no real hurt in voice, just un-subtle awe.
"Love you too." She replied and went back to talking to Bruce about...politics? She was talking politics with the vigilante billionaire and it was civil! The game ended, with Alex in 1st and Tim hung his head in shame but ultimately leaned over to shake her hand.
"Tt, so incompetent she beat you one handed," Damian accused.
"Tough talk for somebody that just set me up to take four pieces," she tsked back at him.
"Shit," Damian muttered uncharacteristically.
"Language," Dick said with a laugh.
"Boop, boop, boop," Alex sang as she hopped a single checker around the board taking the last of Damian's pieces.
"I suppose you're competent."
"Why thank you," she mock bowed. "Care to try your luck," she directed at Dick who was leaning on the arm of a large comfy looking chair.
"Why not, you gonna play Tim and Damian at the same time to at least give me a small chance?"
"If you want?" He nodded so she helped Damian set up a second board of checkers just a few inches from the first so she wouldn't have to move. Dick shrank practically had to fold himself to fit on the floor and only slightly invaded Damian's space, not on purpose.
Again she won on all fronts and Jason was practically buzzing with pride.
"You never told me you were smart!" At the look she sent him he waved his hands quickly. "No wait! Not how I meant it, of course you're smart."
"Such a way with words," she praised helping clean up the games.
"Are you leaving," Tim whined.
"I gotta work tomorrow, sorry kiddo."
"I'm like a year younger than Jason."
"A small child," Dick said wiping a fake tear.
"But a small boy," Jason reiterated.
"Hardly out of a booster seat," Bruce joined.
"It was only yesterday I was helping you into a chair master Tim."
"I hate you all."
"Aww, he loves us," Alex cooed reaching over to pinch his cheek," and fyi I'm two years older than Jason."
"Practically a cougar, I felt hunted when she asked me out."
"Yeah, why did I do that again?"
"You got me," Dick seriously stated.
"Tt, she would never chase you Todd, I bet you had to beg for this lovely creature."
"What he said," she agreed pulling Damian into a crushing hug resting her chin on his shoulder since the were the same height. Everyone held their breath expecting a fight but he looped his arms around her and squeezed back, just for a second before wiggling away from her in over-exaggerated disgust.
"I demand a rematch this Thursday," he said curtly and left the room.
"Thank you for coming," Bruce said shaking her hand in an awkward manner.
"Come visit anytime," Dick said pulling her into a hug, and extra long one just to make Jason's eye twitch.
"Let me know when you're online," Tim softly demanded with a hug.
"I don't have any online games, still use my old GameCube and Wii."
"That's cool."
Finally making it out the door she resisted the urge to exhale in relief. Wary of Jason getting concerned.
"That went well," he remarked upon entering her apartment.
"It did," she said softly faking a yawn in hopes of him heading back to his place or insisting they turn in. He went back and forth between their apartments, needing to keep a space for all his gear.
"So about that alley?"
"Not tonight, please."
"Why were you out at all?"
"Red hood is big and scary and gets what he wants with fear yes?"
"I guess?"
"So, short redhead come around asking what you sell and for how much what do you assume."
"That you aren't a threat," he conceded with a scowl.
"so if the short none-threat asks innocent sounding questions like. I may need some tomorrow where are you gonna be, my friend wants to buy but can't leave his place any chance you make house calls. I'm looking for a side job any chance I can meet the boss for an interview?"
"You didn't."
"I did, maybe, he's getting back with me." Lie lie lie.
"I'm going."
"You are not, if they even think I've been tailed you might as well shoot me yourself, I can handle it, if I can't I know how to get in touch. Now please let's go to bed." The whine in her tone made him cave, for now. Thanking her lucky stars he was tired and they skipped the sex she fell into the deepest sleep she'd had in months.
8-10-24 see masterlist for more
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sherlockig · 2 years
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500 Follower Special~Twisted Wonderland
Finding Out Your a Girl~Pool Party Edition
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It didn't register that you were a girl when you told them. Giving them a disclaimer whenever they changed infront of you or actively discussed the topic of sweaty balls and weird hard-ons. They happily exclaimed that you were one of the boys. Preaching that famous line of everyone being equals. In that way you are like Epel who will admit his status as a farmer but others would no sooner believe it until he's happily harvesting horse manure on a Saturday.
Kalim was having another party, inviting pretty much the whole school. Of course leave it to Ramshackle's prefect to distribute invitations on his behalf properly so that everyone of the dorm leaders actually shows up (Diasomnia and Ignihyde I'm lookin' at you!). And so it begins shirts off and briefs out, the fun is just beginning and everyone's already having a ball. Adeuce, being the loyal dolts that they are look for the cat-monster and their prefect finding them in the corner conversing with Malleus. Feeling annoyed jealous they grab a water gun and splash you and your out of place jacket inciting the competition to react. Dashing into the water for safety they turn and wait for you. Shrugging off your make-shift cover up because it's no good anymore you reveal yourself one piece, bikini, or even a tight swim suit either one everyone's eyes are on you. You probably don't notice the open-mouth gawking that everyboy at this party is doing because you are jumping in or your dipping your foot testing the water before slowly submerging.
Ace is shocked for a moment before happily recharging his water gun. If he got to see this much by simply squirting you imagine what he'll see by absolutely dousing you! And if your so willing to give everybody a show might as well make it worth everyone's while!
"You really think I'll be distracted by your rockin' bod?! No mercy, right?"
Snapping him out of his nearly drooling daze Deuce hurriedly agrees. Man, you really do have boobs...I mean you told him you did and ofcourse that doesn't mean he thought you were lying he's just glad when he got off on it later It wasn't just too many layers pushing against his side when you hugged him.
"R-right! I won't hold back either!"
He proceeded to hurriedly recharge as you had begun dragging your arms from just below the water drowning the two in a waveol of your own.
Starting back the festivities everybody continues to try and act normal as possible. Of course Riddle Rosehearts is practically as red as his hair.
"I-its just so indecent for them to be wearing something l-like that!"
"But it's literally a bathing suit..." Cater sweatdropped.
"It is quite literally the right attire for this event." Trey spoke, amused.
"W-well i-i c-can't believe that their really...uh-"
"Unexpectedly curvy?"
"A good pillow nya?" Chen'ya popped up swiping from Riddle's forgotten plate and dicing in.
The dorm leader was so beside himself he couldn't begin to even articulate how startling this was for him. There were no rules that said what to do when there was female present. Should he make some? Like maybe wearing your bathing suit on Tuesdays? But only the dormleader gets to see? No way it cause a riot! It'd be insane...right?
Cater on the otherhand was debating if he should post on Magicam just how cute you were in that swimsuit. But he ultimately decided against it noting the caption: "Going to the pool with my gf!"
Trey continued to laugh as he watched his dormleader fluster over you. He couldn't deny his own interest reminding himself to cook something for you. He wouldn't mind seeing you fill up other things thanks to his sweets either.
"Now this is something I'd wake up for."
"You can say that again."
Across the pool under the shaded cabana Leona Kingscholar was awake and keeping a predatory eye on you as you giggled in attempt to escape Ace who somehow got a hold of a bucket. He was closely followed by the Hyena-boy who had just returned with not only their drinks but with quite a few wallets swiped while everyone was busy staring at you. Not to say he didn't stop to burn the image in his brain before making his rounds. Hey, when opportunity knocks!
"Please, excuse me."
Jack Howl frantically left the pool as he realized his wagging tail was splashing his Pomefiore friend. He was well aware that by definition he should expect you to be soft but his wolf side couldn't help but swoon at the sight of your feminine physique. He couldn't fight his ears immediate inclination to your squealing as you narrowly avoided the stream of Deuce's watergun. He was all too excited to closely
guard you when you tossed a watergun to him.
Floyd Leech wasn't one to pass up anything fun and he also wasn't one to hide his emotions.
"Ne~shrimpy if I can keep ya steady during the chicken fight you'll be sure to squeeze my head
"He~he~but seriously don't stop."
Azul Ashengrotto's mind was running a mile a minute. Had he known you had a body like that he would of capitalized off of it by now. Maid outfits! Cosplay days! Maid outfits! He'll have to somehow gain something over you to trap you in a deal. And of course he'd have to include a private showing. Yes he could see it now. Students on the VIP list get to see the latest peeks at what his girl was wearing. His girl hanging on his arm with every new deal he makes. His girl...his...his girl-friend?
"Azul your spilling."
"R-right. Yes. Ack!"
Jade smiled, more than entertained. At the mere release of your self Azul was spilling all over himself and his brother was quite visibly overjoyed as well. And Jade? Well Jade couldn't deny-he uncharacteristically, was willing to squeeze you and even do a whole lot more but what fun would that be if he just got everything he wanted in one go? Drinking in the red face of Azul and the joy on his brother's as he helped you fight Epel. This was the first of many entertaining moments involving you and as far as he's concerned this wouldn't be the last.
"Ha-ha Jamil!! Come join us!"
Kalim always knew you were beautiful, he thought about it everyday. He also thought it'd be great to see you having such a good time with everyone. He won't deny he felt heat rise up on his cheeks when you took off your cover up. He quickly shook his head, running over to join you and Adeuce as you two had begun calling others over to start a game called chicken fight. He really liked having fun with you and apparently Jamil did too. He couldn't wait to invite you for more fun.
Jamil Viper had recently become more pronounced in his independence so finding clever ways to deny his master, Kalim Asim, had become his new past time. But when that same master invited him into the water where the girl of his dreams was wrestling he was as obedient as can be. He found that he quite liked you when you weren't disrupting his plans. When he originally found out he noted but it never really sunk in until today. Immediately he thought of how excited the Asim family would be if they knew but for now they didn't. And if he was going to eventually separate from the name anyway how sweet would it be if he not only excelled in every aspect of school but in his loveliness too? It would be bliss. Not to say he didn't like you without the fanfare but he couldn't deny it would be so much sweeter.
Vil Shoeinheit was staring pointedly at you as you romped and rolled with your friends. He was posed gorgeously under the cabana he had set up careful to not let too much of himself be tanned by the scorching Scarabia sun. How could he have missed this?!  Was your feminine charm so sullied he couldn't believe it when you complained about it?! Was everything you did so weird simply because you were trying to blend in with worthless potatoes?! Not on his watch! As the best world class model it was his job to make sure your beauty was exemplified properly! If anyone should discover and show the world your splendor it would be him! Of course as, he predicts, you'll stumble with the new fame of the entire school. No matter he'll gladly guide you and show you how to maintain your fame. First the school, next the world.
"Rook, we'll have to schedule a date with Ms. (Y/n)."
"Oui oui Roi du Poison!"
Rook Hunt was absolutely ecstatic. Too long had he watched your curves be silhouetted by the bulky uniform or the veil of those old tattered curtains. He was finally seeing you in all your glory; he couldn't be happier. When he wasn't accompanying Vil he was sure to take pictures to engrave your image in his head. Reminding himself to try drawing a nude version later. He couldn't join in until he made a snide comment about Epel's physical ability. Which was met with streams of water directed at both him and Vil.
"Oh la la! Seems like we've been challenged."
"Then as Vil Shoeinheit, dorm leader of Pomefiore dorm I will not disappoint."
Epel was astonished to see his friend was actually a girl. Like many he thought you were joking specifically directed towards him. But you were actually like a girl? Not just looking like one? He's not gonna lie he was pissed.
Of course he isn't too mad. I mean he gets to hold hands while trying to knock you off the freakishly tall eel-mer. Of course in reality you two are fighting but man does he love your determined face. And when it just became straight wrestling he along side you were clearly at a disadvantage. But your supposed weakness brought a shared power and both of you were were working on subduing Jack before Rook just had to speak. Reviving the water gun fight was collateral for getting even with his torturer. No one was going to question how much of a man he was today especially not in front of you!
Idia Shroud was burning up. Scarabia was hot but he wasn't about to abandon his favorite hoodie. Even if he felt like dying. He knew well enough not to let his pasty pale otaku skin see the light of day. But he felt as though he was revived or rather in the pot and out of the pan when he saw you strip. Pictures were great and all but it had nothing on the real deal. Many a time had he sent Ortho to report on 'your safety' or investigate the non-magic student of Ramshackle dorm. He was never disappointed though. Like the main girl in any reverse harem anime everything just seemed to happen to you. One situation after the other he thought he was simply a fan to watch from afar until his...STYX situation. Inserted in your chaos he just found more reasons to like you. Now his hair was burning pink and so was his face. Silently appreciating the playful splash from Ortho who finally dawned his water proof gear.
"T-thanks Ortho! I was sure I would have melted at this point."
Ortho was so excited! All their friends were in one place! Having fun through a strength building activity like swimming. Plus the new development of the water games was sure to make healthy use of the growing teenage stamina! All while strengthening bonds with each other! This was great! He was noting everything for his own research.
"Wow so this the energy expected of water-themed parties? What fun!"
While Ortho was still learning about humans and the different stages of their life he had been informing himself with some tabloids. All about a teens 'hot' love life and he was sure his brother was living it right now. What an exciting endeavor! Seeing his brother heat up and fidget everytime he sees you aligns perfectly with what the material describes as a crush! And the crush is you? How perfect! He'll have to make sure his brother was presentable around you from now on. I mean he would love to have a sister!
Malleus Draconia was thrilled to have been invited by his favorite child of man. So excited to be invited he may have neglected the weight of the invitation. Fully aware of your female status he may have had an outdated reference (thanks Lilia) about what you'd be wearing. So when the prince witnessed you so casually reveal your supple silhouette to all these boys competitors he was beside himself. So beside himself he blanked; just staring at you silently as you proceeded to have fun. It wasn't until he felt the brush of his caretaker running past him to join in the fun did he snap out of it. Waterballoons were flying and slapping into anyone and everyone who wasn't already apart of the fun. Finally joining in he is easily dodging left and right while dishing out his own hits. One slip up had him splashing a particularly large water balloon in your face. He stopped worried he may have incurred your wrath to end whatever feelings of friendship
or love
you two have. Instead of disgust you broke out in your infectious laughter as you reached for your own weapon of choice firing multiple water balloons into his chest. Snapping up to return the favor he finds you carried off by none other than Lilia who is followed closely by Silver.
"Don't think hiding behind him will save you my child of man!"
Lilia Vanrouge was having a ball. As the acting guardian of the prince of thorns himself everything that was to be, had to be overseen by him. So the fact that a female was in attendance of Night Raven College was a point of extreme interest. At first the possibility of a human queen of course was considered but he couldn't deny his own intrigue in you as a character. The fun thing about humans especially you was that if all went well you wouldn't be here forever. Which just made this all the more entertaining. A time limit, the competition of a whole school, and the flightlessness of youth-it was like the perfect stage for the best drama of all time! At first he told himself he'd only meddle a little but soon that evolved to his own heart being tickled at your presence. While it always was fun to get on his son's and Malleus' nerves he in all seriousness was willing to pursue you. Who better to satisfy your needs than a fae who's been around the block before? So of course he'd jump at the chance to show everyone how likely it was that he could steal your heart by stealing you.
"Awww are you upset I have a darling sitting so comfortably in my arms?"
"Lilia?!" Registering it was he who was dashing you around the party at such speeds with such ease.
"Fa-you won't have her for long!"
"Oh! Are you mad I get to squeeze her like this?"
Silver was peeved. I mean he cherished you for the softness everyone seemed to lack. Not only physically but personality wise whether you're quiet or abrasively loud you always seem to check on everyone or specifically him. Letting him rest on you was something that left him snoozing with a smile. He didn't feel the need to compete with you. I mean obviously you couldn't measure up but you spurred a feeling he was willing to fight for. Even if it was against his father. Plus in his opinion if there's anywhere he could beat his father it'd be in his love life with a fellow human.
Your mischievous giggle answered Sebek as he wiped his face of the water and rubber blocking his view. At the recognition of your voice he couldn't help a crimson blush blooming on his face. Gorgeousness embodied in a mere human was on Lilia Vanrouge's back aiming at everyone who was still not wet. It was only you who could make him react in such a way and for diverging his duty from Malleus he hated you for it. But that didn't mean he wasn't watch eagerly as you abandoned your coverup. He turned to save face but only after burning that image in his head. And for him to want someone that his prince was set on was wrong...but if all he was doing was diverging the throne from a clueless human than maybe this was most beneficial.
Far away in the preciously closed down potions class Divus Crewel, Dire Crowley, and Ashton Vargas sat around watching intensely at the moving image of Kalim's party focused mostly on you.
With a labored sigh Crowley held the bridge of his masks beak.
"My kindness has backfired! All this free time and all she has done is share her secret! Now no one can rest easily!"
"Everyone already knew it wasn't much of a secret."
"Still its gone terribly now I'll receive copious amounts of transfers to the Ramshackle dorm!"
"I doubt anyone is going to willingly transfer to live in that dump."
Crewel growled as he witnessed the thirsty stare of another student.
"Those strays are acting like wild animals! Come Monday I'm whipping them all with 100 question quizzes!"
"Multiple choice?"
"Your right Vargas! I'll make them long answer!"
The coach sighed pitiful of his students before another image popped up within the cauldron.
"Man, everyone seems to move a lot faster when (Y/n)'s included...hmmm."
He dared not finish his thought with Mommy Crewel in earshot and silently proposed using you to get his less athletic students involved.
"Oh Cater-san posted something! 'Having fun at the party my bae's such a baddie!' (Y/n)'s dating him?"
Crewel practically knocked the cauldron over trying to look at the post on Crowleys phone. Vargas and Crowley both trying wrench the phone out of his gloved hands as he turned as red as his tie in absolute anger. In the corner of the room Lucius, the cat, listens intently while grooming himself being sure to inform his owner ,Mozus Trein , later on of his students transgressions. Fully expecting some fish for himself and a lengthy essay for the boys he sat contented. Still grooming himself he thought, 'how can I word this without giving Mozus a heart attack?' While it was true he had 3 other daughters that didn't mean it was any easier to see them being pined for so heavily. "CURSE THAT SAM! FOR EvEn GiVing hEr THaT sUIt!" In the middle of organizing his shop he sneezed; then began knocking on wood in hopes that whoever uttered his name in good fortune. Noticing a notification on his phone and opening it he smirked as he looked at the posted pictures on Cater's magicam. "I've done it again. Good luck (Y/n)!"
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nanayoungishere · 3 years
Play It Cool (Part Nine)
He decided to cook you breakfast.
Though not before staring at your sleeping face for a while.
You looked so peaceful, so content as you nuzzled into his chest. You fit so perfectly in his arms, felt so warm and soft. The little noises you made and the way you clutched him closer, murmuring his new name in your sleep, made him feel as though his heart would burst out of his chest.
He didn’t want to let you go.
But he had to, because your stomach was grumbling in your sleep. He knew you hadn’t eaten much that day, aside from the milkshake at the diner. Too busy completing course work, too busy working, too busy trying to survive another day. You weren’t afforded any time to take care of yourself.
It made him ache, thinking of how much you’ve been suffering. It made him want to cry, thinking about how unhealthy you were.
It made him hate.
Hate your boss, your teachers, your landlord, your whore of a roommate for making you push yourself like this. All those people surrounded you, all those people who supposingly cared for you and none of them even tried to help you? To relieve some of your burdens? None of them cared, despite how utterly perfect you were?
It made his blood boil. It made his hands itch with the need to grab a knife and --
You let out a pained whimper. He snapped out of his thoughts to find that he had clutched you a bit too tight to his chest.
He immediately relaxed, whispering apologies to your unconscious form, rubbing soothing circles on your back. Your face smoothed out, becoming peaceful once more, entangling your legs with his.
God. He really didn’t want to get up.
But he forced himself to, gently and slowly untangling himself from your arms. You didn’t like that at all, your hands subconsciously grasping out towards him, chasing his warmth, your face set in a heartbreaking expression that made him want to get down on his knees and apologize.
He settled for kissing you. On your forehead, your cheeks, your lips, your neck. His teeth grazing your tender flesh, causing you to shiver and blush. You slumped back into the sheets, overstimulated even in your sleep.
So adorable.
Maybe you made another mess? You got so excited, so quickly. It didn’t take much to push you over the edge.
He licked his lips, his fingers trailing down your clothed body. The sheets, your clothes were still stained. Maybe before he cooked you breakfast, he should clean it up for you? He didn’t want you to wake up feeling uncomfortable after all.
He leaned over you, his eyes darting to your face every now and then to see if you’d wake up.
His tongue unfurled. Just a little taste…
Afterwards he lovingly tucked you in, running his hands through your hair one more time before heading to the kitchen.
Hopefully he had something in his fridge…
The moment you woke up, you felt a deep ache in your chest.
And when you sat up, and looked around at the empty room, you realized why.
He wasn’t here.
Maybe he was in the living room? Maybe he went to the bathroom? Maybe he was just outside, in the hallway?
You checked everywhere, looking through closets, checking under beds, underneath the couch. You left no stone unturned and he wasn’t there.
Did he leave me?
No, he couldn’t have. He would’ve kicked you out of the apartment if he didn’t want you here.
He could be with someone else.
No way. He was so interest in you --
Maybe he’s not. Maybe he’s humoring you because he’s sorry your such a desperate freak.
He wouldn’t do that. Honey’s too sweet, too kind and nice to do something like that to you. He wouldn’t hurt you like that.
Maybe he didn’t leave by himself.
What if someone took him?
No, there’s no way someone could’ve taken him, because if they did --
What if he’s hurt?
What if he’s dying right now?
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no --
Then you saw something out of the corner of your eye. A note taped to the door.
Went out to buy breakfast! I’ll be back in thirty minutes!
Love you darling,
The surge of pure relief you felt put you on the floor. You cradled that note to yourself like it was a teddy bear, like it was a lifeline, like it was a priceless, one-of-a-kind jewel that you lucked out into having.
He was just getting breakfast.
He didn’t leave you.
He was fine.
You freaked the fuck out over nothing. Again. Just like you did last night (or was it early morning?) when you tried to fucking tie him up in his sleep.
You carefully set the note aside before cradling your head in your hands and screaming.
Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell were you thinking?! What the fuck possessed you to do something so stupid and illegal and wrong and -- and --
He would’ve hated you. Absolutely, one hundred percent, would have wanted nothing to do with you after that. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
But if you kept him to yourself --
How? How the fuck would you have kept him to yourself? There’s no way you would’ve gotten away with it. It was totally a spur of the moment, dumbass, let’s-risk-everything-on-this-poorly-thought-out-decision fuckup! All it would take was him screaming to his neighbors and it would’ve all been over.
But if you planned it out…
If you found a better place…
If you took your time…
You hesitated.
...no. No, no, no, you were not thinking about it. It was wrong and fucked up.
The things you were feeling, the things you were doing, were already bad enough. It was insanity, it was obsessive, it was wrong. And if you crossed this line, if you went this far, then you’d be a monster.
Would that be such a bad thing?
You picked up the note, tracing the words with your finger.
Love you darling
He said he loved you. He said he loved you.
That -- that had to mean something, right? You had to be in a good spot with him, right? The relationship must’ve been going good.
So far.
So you didn’t need to kidnap him. You didn’t need to do something monstrous just to keep him.
You rubbed the note against your palms. You could almost feel his fingers trailing across the page, his mind mapping out the words even as his pen wrote across the paper.
Fuck, maybe you should frame it? Keep it hanging up in your room so you could stare at it, forever.
Or maybe you can get it laminated. That way you could lick the page without worrying about the paper getting torn up or the ink running.
You pressed the note to your nose and sniffed. God, you could just about smell him and --
You carefully folded it and put it in your pocket. Then you slapped yourself.
God, get your shit together! Stop being such a fucking freak!
You jumped, panic filling you at the thought of Honey seeing you act like such a freak. You immediately started making excuses. “I-I-I wasn’t sniffing your note Honey, I swear!”
It was coming from the front door. You breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t see you.
You smoothed out your clothes and tried to fix your hair. Shit, you should’ve straightened yourself out earlier! What if he was disgusted because of how much of a fucking mess you were right now?
You opened the door. “H-hey! Thanks for --”
You stopped. It wasn’t Honey.
“Oh I… didn’t know Peter had guests.”
It was a woman. Young, in her twenties, just about your age. With bright red hair, freckles, red glasses, a heart shaped face, and a fairly curvy figure that all together, would’ve made you think she was cute.
If not for the huge, slashing scar across her face.
From the upper corner of her face, crossing diagonally towards her chin, going through her eye, nose, and lips. Like someone had taken a knife and tried to cut her face up, but settled for simply slashing right through. Who knows, someone might have.
You blinked. Oh shit, did she catch you staring? “Sorry, I --”
Then what she said registered.
Peter? Was that Honey’s real name?
Holy shit. You knew his real name!
Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter
Fuck, that’s such a good name. Way fucking better than Honey. Would it be weird if you started calling him that?
But he really seemed to like it when you called him Honey…
“Oh, it’s fine.”
Oh, she was still talking. Shit, you shouldn’t be ruder than you already were --
“I just wanted to give him these.” She said, holding out a bag. “I left them by his door, but I don’t think he noticed.”
It was a bag of cookies.
In the shape of hearts.
And it wasn’t fucking Valentines Day. Wasn’t even close to February.
So that meant --
You sucked in a sharp breath, your eyes laser focused on the cookies. On the ugly bitch that was holding them.
She was saying something but you couldn’t find it in yourself to give two fucks because it was taking everything you had not to strangle her right then and there because look at her.
Look at her.
Look at this freckled fuck.
Giving him cookies, knowing his real name, showing up at his door like a fucking hooker.
You should've known from the moment you laid eyes on her. Shouldn’t have answered that fucking door.
Fuck, what if Honey (Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter) had been here? Would she have batted her ugly, filthy eyelashes at him, pressed her flabby breasts against him, and tried to take him away?
Had she done that before?
For all you knew… she could be his ex. She could have --
touched him kissed him hugged him talked to him cradled him fucked him
The surge of rage and hatred you felt filled you so quickly and so suddenly that you had to hold the door to keep yourself steady. You could feel your vision blacking out at the edges, could feel your entire body shaking, trembling with the need to --
rip tear crush stab bash slice break hit kill kill kill kill
Because she wanted to take him from you.
Take Honey, your Peter, the love of your life, the one who made you feel, truly feel for the first time in forever. The one you feel in love with, the one who made you feel so happy, so content, the one that filled your dreams, filled your every waking moment with joy and ecstasy.
This woman -- no.
This fucking ingrate wanted to take what was --
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
“...seen him? I just wanted to give these to him before I got back to work.”
You snapped back to reality.
The bitch was staring at you, her ugly, scarred face showing an uncertain expression.
Your fingers flexed. You took a step forward.
I want to kill her.
You heard a door slam. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone step out of their apartment. A man, fiddling with their phone.
He glanced towards the two of you.
It was like you got splashed with cold water. The rage and hatred was still there, but controlled. Contained.
You had to hold it together. You had to keep your cool. Because if you hurt this woman -- if you got caught, which you absolutely would -- then he would know.
And he’d never, ever want anything to do with you again.
You tried to smile. “He’s… not here right now. Just -- just give them to me. I’ll make sure he gets them.”
Her expression fell. “Um --”
You snatched the bag from her hands. “Who are you? What was your name again?”
“Uh, I’m Lizzie Bee,” she said, pointing to herself. “I’m Peter’s landlord.”
Fuck, then you really couldn’t kill her. You’d be putting Honey/Peter out of a home.
“Right. I’m Y/N.” Your smile might’ve turned into a snarl, but who the fuck cared? Not you. “Peter’s my boyfriend.”
“Oh.” She didn’t look the slightest bit concerned. The whore. “Well, it’s nice to meet you.”
You resisted the urge to slam the door on her face. “Likewise.”
You watched her walk away, disappearing around the hall. You made sure to take note of where she went before slamming the door.
Without her in front of you, taunting you with her presence, you could feel your rage and hatred subsiding. The urge to kill was fading with every second you got to breathe and collect yourself.
You couldn’t kill her.
You couldn’t kill her.
It was too risky wrong. It was wrong and you knew it was wrong, because you were a normal person.
What normal person falls in love at first sight?
What normal person becomes murderously possessive over someone they’ve only met for a couple of days?
What normal person considers kidnapping the one they love?
Shut the fuck up.
Your hands trembled as you ran them through your hair. You had to make a plan. Had to figure out what to do to deal with that bitch.
You couldn’t lose him to someone else. Just the thought of it was --
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
please God don’t let anyone take him away from me please
You felt tears pricking your eyes. You swallowed back a sob, trying to ignore the ache in your chest.
You would figure something out. You had to.
But first, you needed to flush every single one of these cookies down the fucking toilet.
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eartht137 · 3 years
Whooo, goodness!! I spooked myself after writing the first letter. There is a dog next door to my house and she likes to stare out towards the back "alley way" and one night while I was showering by candlelight (blinds still aren't fixed) she wouldn't stop staring out at the alley way. My azz was spooked lol. That being said, here is another "letter" from Mr. Kal El himself. Enjoy curvies MMMMMMwwwaahhhhhhh!!!!
Dark Clark Kent x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Stalking (This chapter is pretty tame)
A few days later, the whole situation had hidden itself in your brain. You had so much going on in your waking life, you really didn't have time to dwell on a possible prank. Your birthday had arrived and you really weren't feeling too thrilled about it. Your depression just had to spike up and ruin the one day you thought you would enjoy, but you didn't even get to stress about it for long. You'd stepped into your office to boot up your computer for the day, and you saw it. On your desk was a letter, same vintage parchment, but his time it had an Aster instead of a Rose. You stared at it for so long, wondering if you should read it or not. You finally sat down and pulled the letter out of the envelope to see what he had to say.
Happy Birthday Little One,
I wish so badly that I could show you the best birthday you've ever had, but that will have to wait. I know you're not looking forward to today. I've noticed you haven't mentioned it much, and you almost forgot. How do you forget your birthday silly girl? I have purchased a gift every year since we met, I can't wait until I'm able to give them to you and you can unwrap each and everyone as if it were Christmas. Why haven't you planned anything? Not even a free day for yourself, what's going on? I wish you would talk to me. I want so badly to help you get better, but its a one day at a time deal. I was there you know, when you almost died? I was there the night you called your husband and told him the truth about how bad you felt. I swear it was the scariest night of my life when the surgeon walked in and told you they were putting you in an induced state for a week. All I could think was, what if you didn't wake up, or what if they did something wrong? What if they hurt you more or caused a bad reaction. I have seen a lot of things, but I have never been so sad and afraid to lose someone like you. I watched over you every night, making sure you'd come back to me and the baby. Well, you know what I mean. I know that's been rough on you, but you are making great progress. I remember you saying you'd like to change your hair, would you like for me to set up your appointment? I think you'd look delicious with cherry red hair, just don't cut it please. I love your hair. I love everything about you. I know you don't remember, but the moment our eyes met, I couldn't get you out of my head. I tried, I swear I tried so hard to stay away. I'd go for walks at night to clear my head and try not to think of you, and I'd find myself further and further away from home. It has to be fate that wants us together, because there you were, pulling in from work one night. I watched you sit there blaring your music, trying to finish the song before you went inside. I knew you right away, I had never been so....I can't describe how it felt, it was overwhelming. It had to be love that outweighed the hurt, even your "husband" walked out to greet you, it just couldn't overshadow what my heart felt. I told myself that I loved you enough to let you be happy, and I did for awhile. Not one day or night went by where you didn't cross my mind, so I decided to whisk by and take a picture of you, just for memory of the woman I couldn't have. One picture turned to two, two turned to ten. I had to get the perfect angle, but the only perfect angle is up close, in person; like I said I did try. I wish I could take you out for your birthday. I'd cook for us and we'd go down by the river, or I could take you somewhere 5 star. I know its really not your thing, but you deserve to be served like a queen. You are a queen to me. I dreamed about you, I dream about you all the time, but this one was different. It scared me so much, I woke in cold sweat. I can't bear to think about it now, but I know it was just a stupid dream. I will have to go out of the country for awhile, but I promise to still write as often as I can. I love you, so much.
With All My Heart and Soul,
"Babe!!! Babe, I need to tell you something." You said scared senseless. You rushed to your husband, showing him the letters and explained that you thought it was a sick prank. Your husband immediately called the police. He packed you all up and as much as he hated it, you all went to stay with your mom.
That night while you were up talking to your mom, she leaned back and asked you something insane.
"Is that really another man's baby?" she asked seriously.
"NO! I don't even know who this is, I swear I don't know a Kal-El. I've never met anyone like that in all my life." You whisper screamed at her as you struggled to hold back tears. She stared into your eyes for a moment before sighing heavily. Before you knew it she was crying and hugging your neck so tight you couldn't breathe.
"After all you've been through, this was the last thing you needed. I've always told you to be careful and watch your surroundings." She fussed.
"Ma I did, but I don't ever go anywhere. I stay in the house most of the time and I'm always with my family." You couldn't help but feel as if you were being attacked.
"You never know who is watching you." She argued back.
"Ma, look at me." You said standing back opening your arms to show your full body. "All these years I've worked hard to feel comfortable in my own skin. It took me a long time to feel fully comfortable around my own husband. All of these years you guys have trashed me for my weight, the times you all have told me that I get different treatment for my size, there was no way in this world I could've ever imagined that I would get stalked by-by this Kal-El fucker!" You yelled as tears flowed down your face, you could even feel your face strain in anger. "Now this is happening, and I should've been watching my surroundings. You drilled in my head for years that people looked past me for you and everyone else. You drilled in my head that people would only want me to use me, YOU DRILLED IN MY HEAD THAT I NEVER HAD THE LOOK TO MAKE IT OUT HERE, SO NOW HERE WE ARE WITH A MANIAC THAT SOMEHOW MANAGED TO FIND ME THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW OR HAVE ANY CLUE AS TO WHAT THIS GUY LOOKS LIKE AND I SHOULD'VE BEEN WATCHING MY SURROUNDINGS!?" Your head felt like it was on fire, then all at once stars appeared and you lost vision.
When you woke up you were laying on the floor with a jacket under your neck as your mom and family (that she had called) stood around trying to get you to come back to. You tried sitting up, but only felt dizzier. Your hands and feet felt numb and you were shaking as sweat poured off of your body. Your husband sat by you, fanning you and giving you water. When you began to feel better, he helped you up and over to the couch. He asked everyone to leave you alone and not upset you anymore.
"Baby what do you want to do? How can I make you feel safe?" Your husband asked.
You stared deep in his eyes and remembered why you loved him so much. He always went out of his way to make sure you were happy. You thought back to not so pleasant days when you both argued and said mean things and your realized then and there how much you took him for granted sometimes. Before you knew it the flood gates released and you sobbed.
"Can you just hold me please?" You asked in a small pitiful voice.
"I will always hold you and be there for you baby. I love you. We will get through this together, like we always do."
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creepypocky · 3 years
Hello dear! May I have a romantic and Nsfw creepypasta match-up please? Feel free to ignore this if they are closed but if you do choose to do this then thank you so much! I hope you have a great day/night!
Zodiac sign: Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Personality Type: ENTP
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight (For now might be bi but i'm going with straight)
I'm 5'4 and I have a very tiny body frame so i'm extremely petite and pretty small. I'm not very curvy and I literally have the body of a cereal box...lol but its fine because I have nice hips and thighs. I have thick brown hair that goes down to my back and it gets tangled pretty easily but its kinda fluffy. I have brown eyes and tiny freckles all over my face and body. I also have a very strong grunge style, like Flannels, band t-shirts, combat boots, leather jackets etc. But i'd also always enjoy a nice oversized sweatshirt or hoodie with a pair of skinny, ripped jeans and some converses or something along those lines.
For my personality.....this is where things get interesting. At first people find me very intimidating due to my resting bitch face and cold exterior but I promise i'm not like that ALL the time. When you get to know me, i'm a big extrovert, goofy and about everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm or some dry humored joke. I'm also that one friend in a group where they literally will do the stupidest shit ever like for an example one time it was super dark outside and my other friend was there, while I was trying to climb a tree and I failed and fell out of the tree, and landed on my back. I got straight up after that somehow it didn't hurt.....like at all? But yeah i'm super reckless and sometimes people have to save me from myself if you get what I mean. I also have a very strong "I don't give a fuck" attitude and I will not hesitate to stick up for myself or my friends....like i'm the type of person where if someone glares at me, i'll glare right back. I can have bad anxiety and I can be very self destructive. This is where my feisty, stubborn, hardheaded side comes in. If I want something then i'll fight for it even if it hurts me and i'll get into a bad cycle of putting myself down and trying to do better even if I did great the first time but I always push myself too far and other people have to stop me because I usually can't see it when its happening. I also cover my emotions up and I have a lot of trouble talking about whats bothering me or what problems i'm having emotionally so I put up a wall and I act tough, or happy and sometimes i'll be the exact opposite but I try to hide it.
Weird things about me: I've grown up in the south all my life so sometimes when I talk a few words they'll come out sounding WAYYY more country and southern then I wanted, I don't have an accent but sometimes my words just come out that way. I also love the smell of cigarette smoke....let me explain. When I was a kid my parents smoked a lot and I was used to smelling it and now it reminds me of home and is sort of comforting.
Things I like: I love swimming (I was on a swim team for about 9 years), I love horror movies, I like rain and the sounds of thunderstorms because its calming to me, I also love the smell of rain, I like cloudy days, cooking, listening to 80's and 90's rock but mainly 90's because 90's is the best, My favorite bands are Bush, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkoln Park, Pearl jam but i'm pretty open to anything. Things I dislike: Spiders.......I will scream if I see a spider.
So for the nsfw part.....I'm very shy and i'd like it if someone guided me. But i'm 100% a Bottom and I love praise and maybe a tiny bit of degradation. I also have a big ownership kink like if someone tells me that i'm their's....then I might die. Also if they told me that they "Needed" me I would also die on the spot...in a good way. I'm also a sucker for marking like lovebites and hickies? Yes please. But please tease me and edge me because I prefer not having control so someone else being in control is just...lovely. Also pet names! Like Sunshine, Babygirl, Doll....AHHhh I might melt. Things I don't like are impact play or the whole "Daddy kink" It kinda just makes me cringe
I also don't think I really have a type but.....I do tend to love people who are brooding, and intimidating on the outside but a big teddy bear on the inside because that's how I am sometimes. I hate people who are fake or just passive aggressive because they are super annoying to deal with and honestly if you have something to say then just say it to my face rather than behind my back.
Hello :)
|| I enjoyed reading through this. I'll definitely work on it now. ||
I match you with ~ Jeff The Killer!
First off, he really likes your size and style, he has a think for small girls that can still be tough and that’s something he loves showing off when you get together lmfao, he’s like, “Yeah, my girls strong. Fuck you gonna do about it?”
Now, Jeff is a really unstable, violent guy. A lot of people (even me) don’t even see him ever being interested in being in a relationship, so when the creeps saw Jeff with his arm around you, they were immediately baffled by it.
The truth is, though, this man totally wants to have someone by his side, someone that accepts him even though he’s a killer. Someone that’s open to his feelings and is willing to look past all of the horrible shit he’s done.
You’re like that to him, it took him a very long time to get used to how he felt for you at first. At first he thought his brain was just being stupid, but Jeff isn’t dumb. He knows what these feelings feel like, and he recognized them almost immediately after that.
Jeff is really insane, and he constantly leans on you for support and depends on you to keep him leveled at times. It can get pressuring, but despite it all he always makes sure to not blame you if he ends up doing something dumb because he knows it’s not your fault.
He finds your clothing style pretty hot, he really loves badass kind of outfits with leather and band names, because as I said, he loves to show off that his girl is “cool” or something.
He thinks your resting bitch-face and cold exterior is really badass too, being around you always gives him so much confidence and its a great change from the usual fake confidence he has around everyone that he keeps up as a defense mechanism when in reality he was always pretty insecure.
I honestly think Jeff is an extrovert too, like he loves being around people and interacting with them (When they’re not normal people and don’t think he’s hideous, that is). I canon this mostly because when hes alone, then he’s also alone with his thoughts and his thoughts always end up wandering to his insecurities and what he hates about himself, but you often catch him during these times and you reassure him that everything will be okay and that you still love him.
He totally relates to being the friend that says stupidest shit, you two will often just go up to one of the creeps and just start spouting random shit. He honestly fucking loves being goofy with you, and you two are always creating awesome memories together when you prank the other creeps and sometimes each other and he honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
When you do stupid shit that gets you in trouble or puts you in danger, he’s always quick to get to you and make sure you’re okay, he would probably panic a lot though. Like, “What the fuck, dumbass?” “How the HELL did you do that???“ as he’s frantically trying to solve the situation. Will most definitely sit there and laugh at you for a good 5-10 minutes once the whole thing is dealt with though.
You being able to stick up for your friends is one of the great qualities about you that he absolutely adores, especially since before he became a killer he would always get bullied and nobody would ever stick up for him, so one day when you defend him against a bunch of assholes it just warms his heart up and makes him feel so loved, but he most likely wont admit that.
He’d let it slip eventually though.
When you’re feeling self-destructive, he is 100% there for you. Although he’s not really the best at giving advice, he’ll still sit there with you and let you talk your heart out and will listen to every single word because he wants to show that same contribution towards you that you’ve shown him. He’ll constantly reassure you that not everything is your fault and that you’re strong, and he’ll make little promises to you.
If it was a person in particular making you feel that way though, he’d definitely make sure to pay a visit to the motherfucker.
He admires your determination to fight for the things you want, but to an extent. He hates it when you overwork yourself or push beyond your limits to the point where it destroys you, and he wants you to know that you’re not alone and you can ask for help, you don’t have to destroy yourself. He’s more than willing to stay right there, by your side.
He understands hiding your true emotions, because well, he’s had to do it a lot around the other creeps and around his family when they were still alive. So he won’t ever push you to talk about somehting if you don’t want to, but he doesn’t want you to pretend to be okay either. He’s more than willing to just lay with you and do whatever you want if it would make you feel better.
He honestly likes how you have a southern accent at times, when he’s feeling upset or like his sanity is draining, your accent really soothes him so sometimes he’ll ask you to lay it on thick because he could honestly listen to you talk to him and listen to your accent all day if he wanted to.
It’s good that you like cigarette smoke because I canon this man smokes very often.
When it storms at night, he’ll always hold you close to him with a blanket and just listen to the storm sounds with you because it soothes him too. This man is really pent up from feeling driven to constantly murder and just sitting with you listening to the rain and thunder is one of the main things that level him.
He’s really not the best.... at cooking.... but, this means you can cook often for him since he won’t for himself. B)
He will just put you in a car and drive for hours to no destination and blast that 80s and 90s music just to see that smile on your face.
This man will 100000000000% destroy any spider within a 10 mile radius of you.
He understands not liking people who are fake because there were a lot of people who talked shit about him when he went to school, and when he has a problem with someone he will always say it to their face and make them understand that they’re a piece of shit to him.
You like being dominated and guided? Good, because this man is at least 95% a top. He thinks it’s adorable that you’re shy and will most definitely be willing to guide you through the whole thing and tell you exactly what to do for him.
Jeff is really possessive tbh, so when he’s fucking you he will constantly say shit like,
“Fucking mine”
“You’re nobody elses“
“You belong to me, only”
This man will definitely bite you everywhere, he lives to just throw you down onto the bed and start biting everywhere on your body and making sure to leave marks just so you know exactly who owns you.
Don’t worry honey, he will spend hours just filling you with his cock and telling you that you cant cum unless you beg more, or he’ll just pull out right when you’re about to cum on him and just slap your folds with his fingers as a way to make fun of you.
He’ll call you things like, “baby” “dollface” “darling” when he’s feeling passionate but oh boy if he’s feeling angry or he’s punishing you? Be prepared to be degraded all night.
There we go <3
Sorry if this is too long lmfao, I just think that Jeff is a really misunderstood piece of shit. I hope you’re having a great day and taking care of yourself, and I hope you enjoyed this matchup. :)
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safetyhaxard · 3 years
Do You Know Your Neighbors?
It was only midday, but the sun’s inescapable heat and glaring rays had already made the diner unbearable. It usually got hot around one or two, but today was supposed to be one of the hottest of the year. The Cook had a bandana tied around his forehead in a pathetic attempt to keep the sweat out of his eyes, but the waitresses had no choice but to wipe their foreheads with a spare napkin when they got the chance.
Well, it’s not like they didn’t have a lot of chances. At this time of year, most of the locals were out on vacation at the beach or a week-long tropical cruise. Sylvia was jealous of those who could go – her boss rarely let them take sick days, let alone vacations. Even when the tables were empty for hours, the bell on the door didn’t chime, and Cook stepped away from the grill because he had nothing to do. It was weird yet normal for the only cars in the lot to be Cook’s old Mustang that still shone like it was new and Sylvia’s beat up Ford. They’d listen to the second hand of the clock tick, the sound echoing against the linoleum, just to pass the time.
She didn’t know if the constant tick, tick, tick was better or worse than silence.
Jolene smiled weakly at her, noticing Sylvia’s blank stare and thinking she needed something (really, Sylvia had just been zoned out, feeling like she’d been in a trance from the hypnotic sound of the clock). “Sorry you gotta be here, hun. It’s just as dead as usual.”
“It’s fine,” Sylvia murmured. “It’s not your fault Boss thinks he’s God or something and needs to keep us in prison.”
Jolene chuckled at that – in the way someone laughs at you when they don’t find the joke all that funny. “God or summ’,” she repeated to herself, turning away to wipe some imagined dust off the counter.
Sylvia found herself watching as Jolene moved around the stools and bar. The latter was a curvy woman, probably what some would’ve called a ‘southern belle’ in her youth. Two kids and a husband who worked long hours wore her down, though, and her job was her only escape from that monotony. She often looked older than she was with the dark circles that colored under her eyes and the wrinkles forming around her lips. Despite that, she was almost certainly the peppiest member of the staff and subsequently got the best tips.
The bell chiming pulled her from her thoughts, and both waitresses turned toward the door, eyes flashing with curiosity and eyebrows raising in surprise.
A man stood next to the first booth, hands tucked into the back pockets of his jeans. He looked boyish, but he towered over Sylvia by at least a foot, thin and willowy. His blonde hair fell into his eyes, and it looked frizzy enough to indicate he probably had kept brushing it away and then given up. Once he noticed Sylvia’s eyes on him, he gave her a crooked grin and a little wave before tucking his hand back in his pocket.
“Can I help you?” Sylvia asked, putting on a bright smile and grabbing a menu from the counter. “We ain’t had many customers today, so we’ll have to brew a fresh pot of coffee if you’d like a cup.”
The man gave another toothy grin that stretched a bit too wide. “Aw, no ma’am, that’s alright. I’ll just take a water, please.”
“Comin’ right up. You can sit anywhere you’d like to, hun. We’re dead as can be.” Something about his smile had been off putting, sending a chill down her arms, but she kept up the cheery demeanor. Just ‘cause you don’t like him grinning like that don’t mean you slip up, Sylvie, she thought to herself.
“Thank you very much,” he answered, sweeping around to perch in the booth closest to the door.
Jolene had come back out from the kitchen where she’d been with Cook to see who Sylvia was speaking to. “Good mornin’ to you. What’s a young fella like you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?” Always the charmer, she could use that to snoop into everybody’s business when they came in – quite a talent, really. It made her a good gossip, which had both its perks and drawbacks for those she spoke to.
“Just passing through, ma’am.”
“Oh, no need for that. Just call me Jo.” She laid down a set of silverware and a handful of napkins, glancing up as Sylvia came back with a glass of ice water. “Got business in town?”
The man looked out the window, a not-quite-a-smile flashing across his lips. “You could say that.”
Jolene didn’t seem to notice his face. “Well, hun, a man like you’s gotta need a hearty meal, right? We’ve got a nice bacon cheeseburger meal, but if you’re looking for breakfast, I’m sure Cook wouldn’t mind grilling up some eggs for ya. What’s your name, hunny?”
“Randall Harrison, ma’am. That cheeseburger sounds real nice.” He ran a hand through his hair, most of it staying back but a few strands falling back into his face.
“You got it, hun. Jus’ yell if you need anything else.”
Sylvia followed Jolene back to the kitchen, the latter giving the ticket to Cook. “Don’t you think he’s a little young to be havin’ business? It’s a small town anyways, nobody wants to go there. Especially not this time of year.”
Jolene gave a chortle and nudged the younger woman with her shoulder. “Now don’t go all detective-y on the poor man.”
“It’s just a little weird to me,” she defended.
Jolene arched a brow at her. “Weird for somebody to wanna grab a bite in this heat?”
“I’m just saying—“
“For the love of all things holy, don’t go bugging ‘im.”
Sylvia stared at Jolene for a moment, waiting to see if she’d cave at all. When she didn’t, Sylvia finally answered, “Fine, I’ll leave it be.”
The pair looked over at Randall, who was now doodling on a napkin with a pen — who knows where he got the red ballpoint. His brow was furrowed in concentration as he glared down at his work.
“Go keep him company,” Jolene commanded. “He came out here lookin’ for a meal, not to be lonely.”
“Yes’m,” Sylvia grumbled in resignation, walking back to the booth.
Randall looked up as she approached. “What time is it?”
“Oh, it’s—“ a look toward the clock, the second hand still tick, tick, ticking— “11:36, hun. Somethin’ you’re waiting for?”
“Just a few more minutes, then.” He caught Sylvia’s eyes and grinned, but this time, the boyishness had disappeared from his face. The warmth of his smile didn’t reach his eyes, feeling forced and icy cold. A blink, and the look was gone, and he was back to doodling.
She swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. “What kind of business do you got in town?”
“Why’s it matter?” he asked her.
She shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. “Curiosity, I s’pose?”
He didn’t bother to look back up at her as he scribbled faster. “The important kind.”
“What does that mean?”
A deathly moment of silence ensued as he stared at her. It was a chilling kind of stare, the sort that makes somebody feel more like a mouse in an owl’s claws than a person. There was a knowing gleam to his eye, and though she was certain he couldn’t have heard the conversation from here, Sylvia felt that he knew what she’d said back in the kitchen. “You’re a bright girl, Sylvia,” Randall responded at last. “You’re suspicious of me, right? But your ditzy coworker there isn’t. Your cook probably isn’t, either. You wanna know why?”
Sylvia threw a look over her shoulder and searched for Jolene, wondering why the man’s food wasn’t out here already. Having someone out here, maybe he wouldn’t be saying such strange things. No dice, though — she couldn’t even hear her coworkers speaking to each other.
“Do you want to know why?” he asked again, more insistent.
“Yes?” she stuttered, hesitating before meeting his gaze once more.
He smirked. “Check what time it is again.”
“11:36.” Wait, still?
“Something about that doesn’t feel natural, does it?”
She jerked up from the seat, an invisible weight settling on her chest. “No, the clock is just… It’s just broken.”
“It always ticks. How else do you pass the time but to listen? This is the first time it’s been silent, isn’t it, Sylvia? Is the silence nice?” Randall taunted.
The waitress shook her head. “No, it has to be broken. That’s all.” I don’t care how weird it is, the clock is just broken. That’s how things go, they break. It’s not its fault for bad timing. It’s just a coincidence.
He stood up to face her, his height so much more than hers, making her feel scared and small and insignificant. “What more proof do you need? Do you want the sun to go dark? Locusts to swarm the windows? Do you want me to turn the water in the faucets to blood? Would you rather that I don red horns and fiery robes to prove to you who I am?”
A look at her hands showed her how badly she was shaking, tears welling up behind her eyes and knees shuddering against each other. “You’re insane. Demons don’t really exist, you’re just a person.”
Randall leaned in, an icy cool hand roughly grabbing her chin to yank her gaze to meet his. “You poor thing, telling yourself lies to make yourself feel better.”
“If you’re really a demon, why are you here?”
“To deliver justice.” His eyes seemed to flash red, and though Sylvia didn’t believe him, she didn’t think that she imagined the shift in color. “Do you know how awful the people in that small little town next door are? Liars, thieves, whores, murderers. The whole bunch of them. Men taking advantage of women for fun, teens getting high on the strong stuff, people in power begging for cash they don’t need, spouses with double lives. Why that town attracts those folks, I can’t say, but it does. A little haven where no one looks twice and everyone pretends they know nothing. I think it’s time that the lot finds out what karma waits for them, don’t you think?”
She was frozen in her slip ons, but Sylvia managed to gasp, “You’re lying to me. I know my neighbors, and none of them are what you’re saying.”
“Then you don’t really know them, girl. You’re one of the few innocents, but even Jolene and Cook aren’t. Have you ever met Jolene’s husband? She killed him last year in a rage before burying his body in the backyard. Have you wondered how Cook has such a nice house on the salary this place has? His brother is a drug lord, and in return for recommending his brother to any drug addict he comes across, he gets a good cut of it. Even your boss is an asshole - working you to death and further, all so he can take the profits and pay you barely enough to survive.” He finally released her chin, pushing her into a chair and just watching as she landed on its seat. “You’re blind to it all, but it’s time you figured it out.”
Sylvia watched as the man stalked back to where Jolene and Cook were, as she found herself glued to the chair and unable to even call out their names. Through the order window, she could finally see them, frozen in place by the stove mid conversation. Jolene’s mouth was open in what looked like a laugh, and Cook had a spatula still grasped in his palm as he went to flip a burger.
Randall reached them and reached a hand towards each, the air suddenly static around him. Two fingers touched both Cook’s and Jolene’s foreheads, and it was like the light and life was sucked from them. Both went limp but still stood, their eyes losing their shine and falling shut. Their skin dulled and hair lost its volume as Randall drew his hands away.
Finally, Sylvia was able to find her words, air rushing down her throat as if her chest was a vacuum. “What the fuck?” she yelled.
He quickly returned to her, standing solemnly over her. “I’m sparing you, Sylvia. You’ll find a good amount of cash in your accounts, and no one will ask questions. You go find somewhere else to be and a better job. Forget about this place and this day, and you’ll be just fine. Don’t do anything wrong, and you’ll never see me again.”
“Did you just kill them?!”
“I’m not going to kill you, so does it matter?”
“You killed them!”
Randall glared at her before turning towards the door. “Take my advice, Sylvia. You’re a smart girl. Do better.”
Her body shook so hard that the chair legs were clacking against the linoleum floor. “You just fucking killed my friends in front of me!”
With a sigh, he turned back around and touched two fingers to Sylvia’s forehead. The air was crackling again with static but subtler. “This isn’t your death. I keep my promises. You just need to relax and think straight.”
Her vision began to swim, then go dark. She swayed sideways before falling to the floor with a crack. Pain lanced through her head, a small cry leaking from her throat. She refused to succumb to the darkness, though, and kept her eyes trained on Randall’s figure moving towards the door.
What she didn’t expect, just as the darkness consumed her — horns seemed to sprout from his head and curl around his ears, bat-like wings sprung from his shoulder blades, and fire outlined each step as he lifted his foot from the floor.
He isn’t a demon, is he — he’s the Devil himself.
The door slammed behind him, and finally the clock began to tick, tick, tick again.
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demigodlunar · 3 years
Scars - Chapter 4
-- Trigger Warning: Mentions of self-harm and bad parenting. Read at your own risk.
Chapter 4 - End It Cleanly Mclean
Piper flopped onto her immaculately made bed after her morning run with her mother, rumpling up the covers a little bit and enjoying the brief moments of silence before-
“Models do not flop onto their beds, daughter, they sit on the edge daintily.” A saccharine sweet voice lilted from outside Piper’s bedroom.
Piper stifled her groan and got up quietly, remaking her bed and smoothing her hands over the glossy silk sheets. She made sure not to miss a spot, because her mother, the amazing model Aphrodite Mclean, was no doubt watching her every move from the doorway.
“I’m sorry, mother, “ Piper said quietly, looking down at her feet that her mother commented were “too big” to be from a woman, “I won’t do it again.”
She looked up and locked eyes with her mother, the most beautiful, and cruelest, person Piper had ever met. That one thought of rebelliousness died away, and Piper forcefully looked back down respectfully at her feet.
Aphrodite had silky black hair that made its way down her back in ringlets, with only the most expensive products used on her luscious locks. With chocolate brown eyes like those of a feline. She was thin as a toothpick, with a curvy, full body which attracted a lot of men, and sometimes even women. Aphrodite’s skin was fair and spotless, her nails and clothes always complimenting each other and the rest of her. Piper really wished she hadn’t inherited her mother's insane beauty.
Her mother did another once over of Piper’s bedroom, trying to find something to critique. Not finding any flaws, she pursed her lips, flipped her hair over her shoulder and promptly left the room, shutting the door behind her.
Piper let out a breath she didn’t know she was even holding, and it made her plop back down onto her bed and bury her head in her hands.
Why couldn’t I have just gone with Dad?
Tristan Mclean met Aphrodite Ouranos at a theatre gathering. He was immediately struck by her beauty and charm, and she seemed to like him just as much. They started going out after a week, and dated for a couple months before getting married.
After they had Piper, Tristan and Aphrodite made it big, Tristan with a high-paying acting career which required him to move around a lot, and Aphrodite with a modeling job. Both of the jobs needed a lot of traveling, but someone needed to stay and take care of Piper, the beautiful baby who inherited her mother’s beauty and her father’s smile and hair.
So while Tristan went on world tours and visited iconic cities and landmarks, Aphrodite would stay at home and take care of Piper. Needless to say, she hated the job, and wanted to dump her daughter in an orphanage to be taken care of by someone else, but then an idea struck her.
If she could raise Piper to be exactly like her, independent and flawless, it would help Aphrodite’s modeling and parenting. She was wrong of course, but she obviously didn’t think that. The result of her carelessness was a five year old running around a large empty estate, eating whatever she wanted and doing whatever she pleased.
There were many, many times when Piper had been left alone for long periods of time, and she did learn to be independent, but vowed to never become like her mother. Once Piper hit her middle school years, Aphrodite realized just how beautiful her daughter was, even more so, than Aphrodite herself. That was a problem.
So she shipped Piper off to a ladies academy for middle schoolers, and when Piper came back the summer before her first year at high school, she was… exactly the same. No manners had been changed, no clothing choice had been improved, nothing.
That’s when Aphrodite took the manner into her own manicured fingers. She critiqued Piper on anything and everything she did, even if it was the slightest misstep or a small snort that escaped her mouth. At the start, Piper rebelled against her, but Aphrodite oppressed her so much that Piper gave in and listened to her mother's every whim, and stayed quiet through every admonishment.
That was what made Piper start cutting.
It was small at first, just a little glance at a knife or razor and wondering how it would feel against her skin. Then, light traces with the sharp blades on her wrist, seeing how light she could go to draw blood. What pushed past her tipping point was when Piper was idly drawing the knife across her arm, not enough to see blood, but enough to feel a small sting, and her mother walked into the bathroom to see what was taking her so long.
She took one cold look at the blade, and the marks on Piper’s arm and left the bathroom. Piper stared after her, but when she came back, it wasn’t with a hug, or words of help to drag Piper out of the world of a depression.
It was a razor. A pink razor with a bejeweled hilt.
Aphrodite held it out to Piper and said only two words: “Use that.”
Since that day, Piper seemed to enjoy when her mother would leave her alone to do her modeling, because Piper had the day to cut herself happy.
Now don’t get her wrong. Piper wasn’t suicidal for two reasons. The first was her father and her friends. She tried to resent her father for leaving her alone with her monster of a mother, but he was too kind for her to hate him, and the couple days a year he came and stayed with them were the best. And her friends, well, they were the only people who kept her sane while she was here. Annabeth, Reyna, Thalia, Leo. They were the best friends anybody could ask for, and they supported her whenever she felt sad. They didn’t know about the cutting.
The second was that she was too cowardly to try to take her life. Afraid of hurting her friends. Afraid that it would all be for nothing.
So she didn’t do anything farther than cutting.
Piper realized that thinking about the past and sitting doing nothing but dawdling was really unproductive. She took out her phone and went to check if there were any new messages, and she saw a text from Thalia. So she replied.
(AN: Thalia, Piper)
Today - 11:34 AM
hey Pipes
hey Thals
Oh nothing, just trying to get away from my tyrannical mother. Normal day.
nothing much, you?
i’m here with my brother at one of my dad’s interview things
Piper couldn’t remember Thalia mentioning anything about siblings before. And she did the normal thing and asked Thalia about it.
you have a brother?
It was a long time before Thalia responded, but when she did, Piper snatched up the phone to see her response.
Piper felt betrayed, she thought they told each other everything. But then again, she had no room to talk.
excuse me, but how come you’ve never told me about him?
never came up
fine, you win, for now. show me a pic?
Thalia sent a picture of a blond-haired boy with the bluest eyes Piper had ever seen. The thing was, she knew this blond-haired boy.
It was Jason Grace, the only person that even came close to Annabeth’s record setting grades. Once he had beaten her by a percent on a English test, and Annabeth was fuming for days, while Piper and the rest of their friends snickered at her back. But Piper never connected the dots, like how he and Thalia had the same last name.
He was also in her math class during Freshman year, and he sat two seats to her right. Piper could remember clearly some moments of that class.
Like when the teacher would ask the class a question, and Jason’s hand would be the only one up so she called on him. He would bite his lower lip and read out the answer in a confident but quiet voice, like he didn’t want anyone to notice him. Then, once Jason got the question right, his posture would straighten, in a proud way. His eyes would light up like a cloudless day sky and his lips would stretch into a smile, making the scar on his upper lip appear more prominently. Jason would push the glasses up the bridge of his nose, and sit back in his chair, satisfied.
One second. Two.
What. Was. That. Piper shook her head and felt her cheeks become hot. She barely knew Jason, yet she had been paying so much more attention to him than she thought she was. Idly, she wondered if his glasses and the tattoo of glasses she had on her shoulder were related in any way.
Suddenly dizzy, she remembered that Thalia was waiting for an answer. With her thoughts off somewhere else, she mindlessly typed a response to Thalia’s question. The good news, it was the truth. The bad news, Thalia would never let her live this down.
After she felt her head clear, she brought her attention back to the conversation and her eyes widened.
oh, that cute boy you sit with at lunch sometimes? He’s really good looking.
“Crap!” Piper yelled, for once not even afraid that her mother will come in and lecture her about the dangers of swearing.
She could just imagine Thalia cackling her witchy laugh wherever she was. Piper started to type in a message to tell Thalia to please, please not tell her brother about that message when a new message popped up at the top.
Piper, honey, I am leaving for my photoshoot now. Please keep the house clean... and no guests. -Mother >:(
Perfect, her mother is gone, now she can go through with that brunch that she planned with her friends. Then she remembered Thalia. Stupid ADHD, hopping from one topic to the other.
It was too late though, because Thalia has already replied.
yes, he is, and he’s also here looking at our conversation.
Piper felt herself blush scarlet red, and she bet anyone could see it, even on her darker complexion. Now she was in for it, she would never be able to face Thalia or Jason ever again. And once Thalia told the rest of their friends…
Piper stood up and started getting ready for the brunch with her friends she planned. Both mentally and physically. Gods, Leo was going to have such a field day when he found out about this.
Well, the routine was only just starting. ____________________________________________________________
This chapter was fun to write haha
-Blossom ;)
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yyxy-seph · 4 years
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Post Insane! Sephiroth X Black girl! Reader
𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝓈𝒾𝓁𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝓈 pt.1
Part 2
Part 3
Warning: SUPER fucking cheesy! And I’m a relatively new FFVII fan so some of my wordings might be kind of weird. But if you want more content like this from me, just hit the heart!
Also, I’ve changed some of the events in the storyline. Avalanche hasn’t attacked Shinra just yet! But Sephiroth has already had his insane streak.
Context: Zack & Cloud set Y/N up on a blind date w/ Seph! Here, we will discover an interesting history between Seph and the reader as well as witness their adorable date!
“Y/N, come here.” Zack ordered once more. I let out another sigh of frustration at how he had set me up on a blind date with no warning.
He said that he was tired of watching me worry over the thought of not being able to find a fine man, get married, and have kids as a SOLDIER.
So he set me up on a blind date with a tiny bit of input from Cloud. I know right? As if he really cares about stuff like this. But Cloud has been acting really strange about it and it kinda upsets me how they’re making plans without my input.
Before I left the SOLDIER territory, Cloud showed up just to tease me. On my way out he said “He’ll never be just a memory to you, you love him too much.”
What does that even mean? He also said that this guy I’d be meeting is a pretty, popular ex- SOLDIER.
Zack told me not to lift one finger in preparation for the date since he was planning it all. He even picked my outfit.
A little black dress with a turtleneck, low slit in the front, and cinched waist. It also had silver buttons and bows along the back. The heels were probably the most interesting part though.
They were gladiator-style, thigh-high sandals with a chunky heel. But, they weren’t just ordinary heels. They had a shuriken intruding in the back that could also be used during battle. How stylish!
I gotta give it to Zack. He could be a part-time stylist. He even called the shoes “cute and dangerous”.
He entered my view with his regular gleam in his eyes.
“I think you’ll really like this guy. He’s just your type-badass, first-class...well, former SOLDIER, long hair, certainly committed, and kinda fucking crazy-“
“I’m not sure if that description helped much for my worries.” I cut him off.
He laughed nervously but continued, reassuring me it’d be ok.
“But no really, you’re just his type too! Pretty, curvy, great fighter, determined. He really likes bad girls, and to me, you’re pretty damn bad on the field. You can fight your ass off! Proves why you’re first-class!”
A smile spread across my face.
“That’s very sweet of you, Zack. That’s why you’re my best friend!”
He beamed in return. “No problem. But one more thing before you go in.” He said more seriously.
“If he goes bat-shit crazy again and tries to hurt you, yell for me as loud as you can. Promise me.”
“Again?? And I can handle myself, Zack.”
“I know you can! Just promise me.” He said, holding my hands and tightening his grip.
“Fine. I promise.”
“Now go blow his mind with those mako-infused eyes!”
I chuckled at his words and went into the room, one step at a time in my heels.
It was a restaurant. The walls were painted the vermillion shade of red. Black stripes were also painted in certain spots, accentuating a romantic vibe.
“Where is he, where is he?” I asked myself with each step. I was starting to get nervous. All those years of fighting off countless enemies and this is what has me the most anxious and uncomfortable.
Just then, I spotted a man sitting by himself as if he was waiting on someone to join. He had silver locks from what I could see but his head was turned to the kitchen of the restaurant so his face remained mysterious.
I sat down on the empty seat in front of him, curious to meet this man.
He turned his head swiftly, to the sound of me placing my hands on the glass table.
His cutely shaped lips rose in attraction.
“Hello, princess.” He responded.
I was completely and utterly shocked. Sephiroth, the best warrior in Shinra. The guy who lost his mind and caused the Nibelheim incident. The guy who is somehow still good looking to me even after all the fucked up shit he did. The silver haired man of my dreams who broke my heart when I was younger.
Even though we’ve had little to do with each other in the past, he still meant a lot to me until he faded from my mind. That is, after he went insane.
He liked me, I liked him. It was evident. We were young and in the SOLDIER program. He took up my mental space rather than training. I liked him that much. But he was more focused on his training and never considered dating. He just thought I was a pretty face and that we’d be nothing more.
He worked his way up to first class through his amazing fighting ability while I stayed behind due to my lack of interest. Fighting was just a thing to do. It was never too important to me.
The night before the Nibelheim incident, we shared a kiss. He snuck to my dorm out of curiosity (and desperation due to his previous conversation with Genesis), it seemed. He said, “ if we were to have a relationship, I need to have a good fighter and a good kisser. If you fail at one thing, you must perfect the other. Otherwise, we never know what could be.”
I sat up on my bed and pressed my lips against his. He leaned in more, deepening it. Soon, we were making out. Until, we weren’t.
He just left after that. No words were spoken. He just slid on his coat and left.
The next night, he’d lost his mind. And once the word had spread that this happened, my heart was instantly broken.
I thought things like, ‘Why would he do such a thing?’, ‘He didn’t love me.’, ‘I would’ve been there for him through all this chaos’, ‘He just played with my emotions and used me’, ‘He didn’t like the kiss’, and so on.
With my new wound, I decided to nurture it by taking my frustrations out during training. I trained as hard as I could, making my way up to first class. Everyone was shocked, especially Cloud. He thought he’d never see the day that I took training seriously.
But here I am. And now I’m in front of my past love, Sephiroth, who never seemed to care about me and... now does? Why did Zack set me up like this?
“I-I can’t believe I’m on this date with you right now.” I admitted with crossed arms and growing hatred.
His green cat-like eyes sparkled under the florescent lights. “Sure, you can’t. But you are. And there’s no turning back now.”
“Oh, yes there is.” I shot back while getting up.
He leaned forward over the table and laid his hand on top of mine, grasping it in his clutch. “I left you...and I’m sorry for that, but I’m not letting you leave.”
He flashed another attractive glare while more of his long hair fell over his shoulder, revealing once more that it was him.
Uh, I hate myself for still thinking he’s handsome.
“Why should I stay?” I asked, half-way giving in already.
“Because I won’t hurt you like I did before.”
I sighed, still being disappointed.
“Tuh, it’s only a matter of time before you’re blowing my head off or impaling me with your masamune.”
“Baby, I would never, never you.” He stated with promising eyes.
The nickname caught me off guard, making me fall a bit more for him.
“Just sit down and I’ll tell you everything. I swear. The truth and nothing but.”
I gazed down at his hand, still caressing mine, and back up at his green eyes.
I can’t believe I’m giving into this.
“Start talking.”
He began while I sat back down.
“I never meant to hurt you, really. I just didn’t intend to be in a relationship at that time or do the things I did the next night.”
“Why did you get my hopes up that night then?” I questioned, still being defensive.
“I-I just c-couldn’t control myself. I didn’t know how I felt about you. But now I do.”
“And now I’m supposed to sit here and take you back just like that? What about how I feel?” I replied and continued.
“Will you be able to control yourself if I piss you off one day, or is that the old Seph?” How do I know you’re telling me the truth and not just using me again?”
“Y/N, I don’t expect you to believe me or take me back but just hear me out.”
“I’m waiting...”
“The night I found out the entirety of my origins, I just couldn’t deal. I’d been lied to my whole life so far and had a deep feel for anger and assassination. I hated Shinra, I hated everything. My mind had gone elsewhere and that wasn’t me. I’ve calmed down and found the real reason for my existence. And that’s being a great SOLDIER, saving the planet, being the fine man you wanted, and giving you the world.”
Not gonna lie, his words were really touching. I could see the sincerity in him. But I still wasn’t ready to give in just yet.
“It’s that easy?” I asked.
“It’s only that easy if you show me the way. I need you. I want you.”
More silence and confliction rolled through me as I started realizing he might be telling the truth.
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demigodsanswer · 4 years
50 for Chrisse?
“I heard you gave Travis a black eye,” Chris said to Clarisse as they walked towards the beach for some one-on-one soccer. Most people had left for the school year, but they had stayed like they always did. 
Clarisse rolled her eyes, “You’re not gonna get all defensive of him now that he’s your brother, are you?” 
Chris laughed, “Are you kidding? I wanted to thank you. He needs to get punched more often,” 
Clarisse tool the ball from him and dropped it in the sand and started dribbling it between her feet. “Well then, you’re welcome. Happy to do it.” 
They set up goals using their hoodies and started the game. 
“So what happened?” Chris asked, kicking the ball away from her. She ran after him. 
“Just some stupid ... never mind. It’s not important,” She got the ball back started kicking it the other way. 
“Was important enough for you to punch him,”
“That’s a low bar for me,” 
Chris shrugged, “Good point,” he tried to get the ball back, but he just ended up tripping in the sand. When he stood up again, Clarisse was almost at his goal. He knew he wasn’t going to catch her in a million years. He was getting back in shape after his year of being bedridden, but he wasn’t nearly at her level. He made himself comfortable in the sand and just smiled and watched as she scored. 
She turned around, smiling, before that turned into confusion. He waved from down the beach and she made her way over. “Are you hurt?” She asked. 
“Oh,” She sat down next to him, “so you’re just not even trying,” she smiled when she said it, but he could tell she was only half joking. 
“I was never gonna catch up to you,” he said. 
Things suddenly felt very quiet. Before he left, they were almost never quiet around each other. They would make fun of each other, or of other people together, and they could always talk about anything. Things were different now. And it wasn’t just that people knew he liked her, that had been true before. No, something was different. And it was probably his fault, considering the whole traitor-insanity-near-death-experience thing. But he could fix it. Probably. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. 
She ran a hand through her hair. It had gotten cut off in the Labyrinth, she’d told him, but it was starting to grow back to its longer length. In the summer it went from light brown to blonde in the sun, and he always liked that. 
“Yeah, it’s just ... no. It’s really stupid,” 
“Come on, i’m your best friend. You can tell me. I won’t judge,” 
“It’s your brother, he was ... ugh,” she buried her face in her hands. “This is dumb,” she said, face still buried. 
“It’s not dumb if it’s upsetting you,” Chris said. 
“It’s dumb that it is upsetting me,” Chris lifted his arms to put them around her to offer her some kind of comfort, but he ended up just letting them hover for a few moments hesitantly, before dropping them back by his sides. 
Clarisse groaned, and picked her face up out of her hands. She looked out at the ocean, not making eye contact with Chris when she said, “He was just making fun of me for being fat and ugly. Same shit as usual,” She still didn’t look at him, choosing instead invest her energy in digging small holes in the sand. 
“What? That’s stupid,” Chris said. 
“Told you,” 
“No, it’s not stupid that you’re upset, it’s stupid that they said that,” 
“Oh please,” Clarisse said.
“I’m serious,” he scooted a little closer to her in the sand, “I think --” He stopped himself mid sentence, losing his nerve. 
“What?” She asked, looking at him. 
“Uh, well, I think ... I mean ... I think you’re beautiful,” she looked confused, so Chris decided to keep talking. “Your eyes are really pretty, and so is your hair, and, um ...” he looked at her body. He tried to do it without being weird, but he doubted that he pulled it off. No, she wasn’t skinny, but who cared? He didn’t care; hell, he liked it. She was strong, and curvy, and fat, and beautiful. And there was so much else that was so wonderful about her. I just have to say all that to her and then tell her how I feel. I can do that, he though. 
“You’re also really, really hot,” 
“What?” She asked. 
“I’m sorry, I think I’m having an stroke,” Chris said, shaking his head, “I wanted to tell you that I think you’re beautiful, and smart, and funny, and a bunch of other stuff, including but not limited to being ... uh ... well, super hot,” He was absolutely sure that his face was bright red. He looked at the ocean and wondered if Poseidon would send a big wave to swallow him up if he just prayed really, really hard. 
"So ... um ...” she started, not sure where to go from there. She could feel her heart beat in her throat. She liked him, of course she did. Silena had been bugging her about not telling him all summer. And now that he looked so much healthier - his hair was shiny, he laughed more easily, he had put weight back on - he was pretty hot too. Really hot in Clarisse’s opinion, heart-beat-in-your-throat hot. “Well, I ...” 
“You don’t have to say anything,” Chris said, not looking at her. “You can just leave me alone,” 
“No,” Clarisse protested. “You just said something really nice to make me feel better. And I really appreciate it. And for what it’s worth, you’re pretty hot too,” 
Chris finally looked at her, the red color in his cheeks fading. 
He thought about asking her out or asking to kiss her, but he didn’t. His nerve left him, but he was happy to know they were getting somewhere. “I’d better head back,” Chris said. 
Clarisse’s face fell, “Oh, yeah, sure,” 
Oh that was dumb. He could hear Silena’s voice in his head, Christopher, when you tell a girl she’s hot and beautiful and she tells you that you’re hot, should you a) kiss her, b) ask her out, or c) leave her sitting alone on the beach? 
“I mean, unless,” he said, “you’d wanna go out with me some time?” 
Clarisse smiled, “Yeah, I’d like that,” 
“Great,” Chris said, “can I kiss you good night?” She nodded, and they both leaned in. It was pretty much the best good night kiss of all time. 
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Sweetlips and Innocent kisses (Kai Anderson x Chubby! Reader.)
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Plot- You are part of Kai’s cult, and you (obviously) like him. After your first kill, you got cold feet and decided you didn't want to kill anyone. Kai didn’t want you to go so he got you to “work behind the scenes” setting everything up, fixing costumes etc.
The gang questioned your faith towards Kai, began calling you names and generally being horrible. You run off crying, and Kai stays behind yelling at everyone, going as far as killing one of them to send a message. He goes to your room and sits on your bed. He gives you lots of cuddles and kisses. Reassuring you that you are beautiful. (Which you all are)
TW- Name-calling, lots of swearing (I mean, it’s Kai), Violence, Murder. (Again. it’s Kai we are talking about here.) and Self-esteem issues.
This is also my first ever x Chubby! reader. So apologies if it isn’t the best.
It came rather suddenly, being asked to join a cult isn’t something one would expect in their day to day lives. Sadly you happened to be friends with someone who was part of a cult, well friends is a loose term, more like ‘acquaintances’. But there you were, sat in front of a blue-haired male that you now know as Kai Anderson. The handsome male you had gained a crush on over the months. The male who asked you the most embarrassing questions.
When you first met Kai you were intimidated, not just by his beauty but by the powerful aura he always emits. But now, you were in awe of him; his power, his beauty. His everything.
After your first kill, you realised that you weren’t cut out for it. You had managed to talk to Kai about it, telling him that you wanted to stay with the cult but you couldn’t kill. You were expecting your instant demise, maybe even a lecture. But Kai just smiled at you and nodded his head.
“I thought as much, how about this, you set the scenes for us, fix our costumes, clean out the blood, sharpen and buy our weapons. and in return, you don’t have to kill anyone.” That was the first and last time Kai had ever managed to surprise you.
Kai kept to his word as well, he let you do all of the ‘backstage’ work and he never forced you to kill anyone. You were forever grateful towards the man and never once questioned his decisions or judgements.
It was because of this that you slowly started becoming his favourite. He kept a close eye on you during meetings and while you were handling their weapons, his excuse being that ‘he had to make sure you weren’t tampering with them.’ Which wasn’t necessarily a lie.
Right now everyone, including Kai and yourself were in the meeting room discussing the latest target. You were sat slightly out of the way since the briefing wasn’t for you, but you still had to be present. So as a pastime you decide to just absentmindedly think about Kai and about how perfect he is, and how perfect you... weren’t. You sigh silently and look down at your stomach in annoyance. Why couldn’t you look like Ivy, nice and slim but still gorgeously curvy? Ivy may not be the nicest of people but good god you’d kill to be her...  Well maybe not kill.
“Why is Y/N here anyways? she doesn’t even come with us! what is the point of her being here? She’s probably betraying us and feeding all of this info to the cops. stupid bitch. Honestly Kai why don’t you just kill her? She doesn’t do anything for us. She’s just a massive nuisance to us.” You heard one of them say, it wasn’t unusual for this to happen and you never normally let it get to you, but today for some reason you were feeling particularly sensitive.
So with glassy eyes, you heave yourself out of your chair and ran out of the room to one of the spare bedrooms Kai had set up for the people who sometimes have to stay.
~~~Back with Kai.~~~
Kai stared at the empty seat angrily, how dare they call his queen a bitch. How dare they imply that she is betraying them. She would never do that to them, to him, and he knows that.
“Okay, now that that fat bitch is gone we can talk business.” another one of them says. Kai snaps. Badly. He storms over to that person and grips their throat, slamming them into a wall.
“How dare you. How fucking DARE you, you self-absorbed slut. Y/N is far from fat. and she is no bitch. Trust me on that. I should fucking kill you where you stand for calling her those nasty- horrendous things. In fact, maybe I will.” Kai mutters with a sinister grin on his face.
He throughs the girl onto her knees on the floor. She grasps her throat, taking in deep breaths due to Kai tight hold. She looks up at the insane man with a pained look in her eyes. “I’m sorry Kai, I did--”
Kai cuts her off by shoving her down completely to the floor with his foot. “Let this be a lesson to all of you. If any of you. I mean any of you hurt MY girl in any way you will have me to answer to. Do you understand me?” Everyone is stood frozen in fear. Shocked by his outburst and too scared to speak.
Kai looks at them all, red-faced with fury. Slamming his foot into the girls back causing a sickening crack and a scream. “I SAID. DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME YOU BUNCH OF PATHETIC WORTHLESS CUNTS” The cult takes a step away from the scene in front of them, all muttering a yes, with their head hung low.
The girl on the floor coughs up some blood as she looks at the cult with pure fear. “Now I know how much you all cared for this one,” Kai smirked, gesturing to the girl under his foot. “So as a punishment. You guys will all hurt her. Badly.”
He takes his foot off of the girl and hands them a weapon. “Now.” They all stood in their place. Not doing anything.
“I said, now.” Kai raised his voice sternly. They all went up to the girl and began to beat her to death. With a satisfied grin, Kai leaves the room to the sounds of the girls' screams.
-----Back with Y/N------
You could hear the unfortunate screams of one of the cult members down the hall but you paid no mind to that. All you could think about were the nasty words that have been thrown at you when Kai wasn’t around.
You kept yourself curled up under the covers, tears streaming down your face. How could anyone ever love you? Especially Kai...
The door of the room opened, You assumed it was another cult member there to kill you while Kai busied himself with the screaming female.
The empty space dipped next to you as the person sat back against the headboard. You curled up tighter to comfort yourself as the covers flew off of your head to reveal, Kai?
You went to sit up and wipe your face but Kai gripped your wrist and lowers you back into a lying position. You looked up at the man confused and slightly frightened. “U-um Kai..?” he smiles down at you sweetly, something you’ve never seen before.
Kai lies down next to you and pulls you against him. One of his arms was wrapped around you and rubbing your stomach affectionately.
“How long has this been going on for?” He asked, lying on his side to face you. The look in his eyes being stern but worried. You sighed knowing there was no use lying to him.
“about 3 months now. I’ve been able to ignore it. But... I dunno, today it really hurt me... I heard her call me fat before I got to my room and I just broke down...” You explained, trying to hold back your tears, you didn’t want to seem weak in front of Kai.
“I should’ve fucking killed all of them...” He muttered darkly causing you to turn and face him in shock.
“K-Kai what is that supposed to mean?” He pulls you closer to him, one hand holding your head to his chest and the other wrapped around your waist. He began to run his hands through your hair as he explains.
“The girl who called you fat. Yeah, I broke her back. As punishment for the others, I told them that they had to kill her by beating her to death.” Kai shrugged nonchalantly, wrapping one of his legs over yours in an attempt to be even closer to you.
“K-kai- why did you do that, she was one of the strongest cul-” Kai cut you off by lightly tapping the top of your head with his hand. He grabs your chin and lifts your head up so you are looking him in the eye.
“I did it because she hurt you, she made you hate yourself more than you already do. And don’t try telling me otherwise. I know that look that you give yourself when you look in the mirror when you look at the ground. The way you look at Ivy with jealousy.” He cups your face with both of his hands and rolls on top of you.
“You are gorgeous Y/N, inside and out, you are the most beautiful one here because of your heart, I can sense your purity and my god, I want to take it away from you, but I won’t because that’s what makes you you and that is what I love about you. So don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t anything more than amazing.” 
He caresses your cheek and leans down pressing a soft kiss to your cheek, trailing them down to your neck. Once he gets nearer to your shoulders he pulls your shirt up to just below your bra and kisses your stomach. “Is this what you are really fussing over? If so please stop because your little belly is so cute and it just makes me love you more because it makes you more you.” 
He grips your waist and pulls you down the bed so you're at face height with him. “You honestly have no idea what you do to me. Your innocence attracts me to you more and more.” with every other word he presses a kiss from your cheek closer and closer to your lips until he is finally hovering above them. Looking into your eyes with more affection than you’d think is possible.
“I have wanted to do this for so long... So don’t let me wait any longer. Let me kiss you.” He mutters, rubbing your lip with his index finger while his eyes flitted between your own and your lips.
“I-I Kai...” You whisper, looking from his eyes to his lips also. The lips that you have been dying to feel for months now. You bite your lip and nod your head in approval. “Please kiss me...”
He grinned widely like a child in a candy store and pressed his lips against yours with urgency. The kiss was innocent and new to both parties. Kai was only used to those lustful sex kisses whereas you had never kissed anyone before. 
Your lips rubbed against one another as you wrapped your arms around Kai’s neck, resting your hands in your hair. Kai pulled your waist flush up against his body as he kissed you deeply but still trying to keep it innocent.
The innocence of the kiss had managed to turn Kai on majorly but he didn’t want to take you or at least, not yet. So to stop things from going any further he pulled himself from the kiss and stared at you panting.
“I don’t mean for this to come out in a cocky or bad way at all, I have kissed many people but your kisses by far are my favourite- I could easily get hooked to those sweet lips and innocent kisses of yours. In fact, I might need another.” he winks pressing a quick kiss back on your lips again. Causing you to flush. 
“You’d kiss anyone though so how was that meant to help?”
“I stopped. If I only wanted you for sex I would’ve kept going. But I want you. Not for sex I just want you. Look I’m not a sentimental or soppy type so I’m only doing this once, got it? I want you I want to be able to wake up in the morning with you in my arms, I want to be able to be with you all the time. I need you. I use people for sex so I get that you are concerned. But I would never do that to you. You are like a drug to me. Something I keep coming back to because I’m too addicted. Fuck Y/N I’m intoxicated by your presence. So let me keep my high and stay with me?” 
Your face turns a bright red colour as the man on top of you basically confessed his love to you. “D-Does that mean what I think it means...?” You asked cautiously just to make sure.
“Fucking yes Y/N I’m in love with you okay!? I have been since we first joined pinkies when you went bright red through my questioning. Your reactions have fucked with me Y/N.” You gasp at his blunt response. But notice his cheeks going slightly pink.
“I-I love you too Kai.” You cuddled into the male with a small smile on your face. He loves you. He actually loves you.
“You should probably get some sleep love, you’ve had a busy day.” He mutters into your ear quietly, kissing your neck softly so you know that you'll be safe with him. “and don’t worry, I’ll stay here with you the whole time.” He smiles to himself and looks at you. 
God, he loved you so much, and he’ll make sure that you will always know that.
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oikawasbread · 4 years
(part 1) Ah, okay for matchup’s, I thought it would be cool to try one of theses because I've never done one before. I’m female, and bisexual. I’m a Scorpio, and I enjoy track and cross country, dancing, which i’m fairly good at, photography and reading in general. I also find myself getting back into drawing and singing oftenly. It said I was a INTP-T. I have relatively short brown hair, which is curly. I’m mixed, more on the tan side and i’m 5′6 (I just checked)
I wear glasses majority of the time, and i’m fairly curvy. I see myself as a ambivert who has a bit of a shy shell, but can easily be broken into revealing a very energetic human being. My friends describe me as scary?? Aka, i’m not afraid to defend myself or state my opinion in many conversations. Along with that, I do get anxiety quiet often and wonder frequently if I accidentally made someone mad or not. With people I trust or like, i’m fairly loud and laugh alot- and its to the point where people have to tell me to calm down lmao. I enjoy engaging conversations almost about anything, and I wish I can have those types of talks more in my life. Alone however, i’m usually quiet and don’t start conversations unless I have too, or someone starts a conversation with me. In relationships, I’m just looking for someone who can make me laugh, while also tying me down when my emotions get the best of me, while respecting who I am. A few negative parts about my life can be simply showed with my zodiac sign with me being able to get jealous really fast and holding big grudges other small things, which are two things i’m trying to work on currently. On the positive note, I will say that I will literally take a bullet to save any of my best friends to be completely honest. I enjoy the rain, snow, and cold temperatures. I love animals and I have a very tiny doggo that I treasure with every ounce of my being. finally the last one im so sorry) I really enjoy reading about Greek gods and fantasy books. Another fact is that I get flustered really easily, which a lot of people tease me about. I don’t exactly like to stand out, which is why my wardrobe has more dark colors, as I don’t own any red/orange/yellow or pink shirts. And finally the last fact I thought I should include randomly is that I play the piano and learning it this year was one of the best decisions I've made in my life.
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Damn, don’t feel sorry for this detailed description, fr. I actually enjoyed so much writing this. As a scorpio, I relate to you so much. I spent so much time on this and you gave me so much info so i had to do a whole character analysis for you and I felt like i was writing about myself. So I enjoyed writing this so much cause I realised new things I didn’t knew about me and it feels good to know that I’m not the only one who is like this.
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Aight, I know that so many people hate him. And i don’t know if you hate or love him , but hear me out : Besides being a cancer and working with a scorpio so well, i feel like Oikawa would be perfect for your character.
 he’s totally in love with the way you style your brown curly hair. 
he says ‘’it’s almost as good as my hair’’
  he’s a total simp he knows your hair is better than his
 has a thing for your tanned skin. tbh u make him wish he wasn’t so pale :’( baby boy wants to get that tanned shiny skin! but it is what it isss
 you being 5’6 makes it easy for him to mock you. 
but he won’t exaggerate, because he knows you’re going to cut him with your sharp glance
 you’re clearly the top in this relationship. i mean you’re a scorpio. are we surprised?
 y’all r going to volleyball matches looking badass asf with your matching glasses but in reality you two are being crackheads in the last row of seats
 he clearly sees through you, but not since the beginning  
 at first, he was totally a bit scared to approach you. he’s always seen you being intimidating and sarcastic
you were like a challange to him, since Tooru himself is pretty intimidating and sarcastic
until he opens his mouth
and i think this is what makes you two so perfect for each other : you just need some time to warm up, then you suddenly become the funniest people of the group
 as a scorpio,  you can be pretty insensitive, having trouble when it comes to expressing your feelings, and when you and Tooru get into a fight, you won’t hesitate to throw some venomous words. sometimes you just can’t control your anger
but he knows you well. he won’t take it by heart since he knows how short your temper is, and he’s willing to step on his pride and put an end to your argument
 you’’re not afraid to step up. you’ve always went too far to defend your beliefs and he’s totally whipped. he thinks you would make a great lawyer haha
he loves how you always have a good argument for everything and how you can beat people in a fight just with your words. it’s truly amazing for him, the power you hold
so he avoids fighting with you
           I JUST KNOW you guys both have struggles when it comes to following rules. it comes with your zodiac sign. even though he’s way softer and innocent than you, you will drag him into your adventures. and he won’t say no :’)
 sometimes you feel like Oikawa is the only person who understands you, who doesn’t think you’re insane
he may not be a genius, but you can’t deny the fact that he’s actually clever
he understands you without even having to hear any words coming out of your mouth
Tooru knows you’re rebellious, stubborn, independent; he knows how you sometimes can feel 29843 emotions at the same time, and he’s here for you
he won’t question you when you don’t feel like talking. Instead, he would make a cup of your favourite tea, add  some ice in it, and watch you reading your favourite book while you’re drinking the tea in which he put his secret ingredient <3 love!!
you love reading about Greek Gods, and he loves aliens : so you slowly became a fan of the universe, the unknown, and he started to love the Greek Mythology
totally in love with your dance moves ; watching you dance is his favourite hobby; the way your body moves amazes him and he tries to dance like you sometimes . he may be the great king but not on the dance floor.
long story short, he’s in love with everything about you : your passion for photography, the things you’re reading (he actually finds your favourite authors quite interesting) , the way you’re singing in the shower or how you’re humming some familiar songs when you’re focused on something
he thinks he’s so lucky, and skipping some volleyball practices to hear you play his fave song at the piano is totally worth it
when he found out you’re an athlete, his brain went poof
watching you run with the sunlight dripping all over you was what he needed to get his mind off the school and vbc stress
having a thing for sports made you even more interesting and hot (he didn’t knew you could get hotter than you already are)
sometimes he can see that you’re needing approval, and he tries his best to let you know that you are the greatest at whatever you do.
you think he’s bluffing just to make you feel good, but you appreciate it so much even tho baby boy actually thinks you’re the greatest. like fr. you are his grand queen
you have a rich inner world, so you’d rather focus your attention on it instead of the external world. 
Oikawa thinks it’s pretty cute, cause you guys sometimes have lazy Sundays when you just lay in bed all day and do nothing but enjoying each others presence and your own thoughts.
Tooru, just like you, hates failure. losing any type of match puts him down, and the same happens to you. 
you feel like you wanna start over and do things the other way around, but you can’t.
the good thing is, you have each other.
 he mocks the hell out of your jealousy. whenever his fan girls are approaching him, you feel your heart stop and the oxygen fading away. you just wanna let out your anger
but he knows it, and he will reassure you that you don’t have any reason to feel that way. 
he’s only interested in his Grand Queen and no one else can change his mind.
he finds it quite fun that you hold grudges over small things, he can clearly see that you’re vengeful, and that makes you two lil partners in crime.
BUT the way you’re willing to do absolutely anything for him or your friends inspires him so much. 
of course, he would take a bullet for you. But your strong spirit is what’s making him be so passionate about everything : you inspire him
 the best days for him are when you two are around the house, and it suddenly starts raining. 
he only has to look at you once, and you both drop everything you’re doing and run outside to just sit in the rain. the feeling of the cold rain on your skin while you’re trapped between his arms makes your heart explode
 little moments like these are making you both fall in love more and more everyday.
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I really really hope you enjoyed this! I tried my best and please feel free to request again whenever you want! <33                                                                                          
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lost-in-time-marie · 4 years
An “Ordinary” Girl Saves Robin
*Found this little fanfic going through some old computer files, I was a pretty hopeless teenager 😂*
           My breath formed thin, white clouds around me as I walked down the dark street lined with warehouses, a result of the October chill that had seeped into Gotham. My fingers, paralyzed from the cold, expertly tucked my short, black hair behind my ears as the frigid wind tousled it. I hugged my red jacket closer to my petite frame and sighed. It was quite impossible for my apartment to be any farther from the college. Normally I enjoyed this walk home, but at the start of winter, it was torturous. Not to mention I had worked on homework in the library longer than I planned, so now I walked alone through a deserted part of town in the dark, really not the smartest thing I’d ever done. I glanced frantically down every creepy alley and peered in every boarded up window of all the abandoned warehouses, half expecting a figure to jump out at any moment. My fingers curled tightly around the plastic cylinder in my pocket and instantly I felt reassured.
           Wrapped in my thoughts, it took me longer than usual to hear the voices just ahead of me. My ears pricked at the sound laughter. It sounded off somehow, almost half-crazed. A chill ran down my spine and every instinct told me to run away, but for some bizarre reason unbeknownst to me, my feet actually brought me closer to the sound. My body, with a mind of its own, crouched behind a big, wooden box that stood next to an open bay of a grimy, dilapidated warehouse. Curiosity finally got the better of me and I peered around the box into the bay of the warehouse. The only small ceiling lamp cast an odd yellow glow on the scene before me. A figure sat in a chair, tied up, struggling against its bonds. Another figure, smaller and curvy, distinctly feminine, stood in front of the restrained figure, laughing and taunting their useless efforts. The woman figure was flanked by two very large, burly silhouettes, bodyguards by the look of it. I knew I should definitely flee now, notify the police, and let trained professionals handle this apparent hostage situation, but again my body, without my consent, approached closer and closer to the open bay until I was actually inside, hiding behind more boxes, the large bodyguards just inches from me. My heart hammered in my chest, certainly they could hear its humming rhythm and the loud rushing of my blood, but everyone remained ignorant to my presence. I could see the figures much more clearly now. The person bound in the chair was actually a guy, roughly my age. He had gelled black hair that hung in his eyes, which were covered by a black mask, and wiry muscles tensed under pale skin as he fought against the zip tie restraining him. I recognized the red, yellow, and green costume he wore well. That was Robin being held hostage. The slim, curvy figure standing before him in a black and red female clown costume I recognized as Harley Quinn. I read about them in the newspaper, Harley Quinn went through Arkham Asylum’s revolving door often because of the efforts of Batman and Robin, I didn’t think there was a person in Gotham who didn’t know their names.
           “Are you sure this plan is going to work, Miss Quinn? I mean, do we really want to draw the Bat?” asked one thug accompanying Harley Quinn in a deep bass voice. He glanced around the warehouse nervously and even under his long, tan trench coat I could see his thick muscles rippling. The other thug cracked his knuckles and flashed an eerie grin, excited at the anticipated fight.
           Harley laughed maniacally, “Of course it’s going to work, we have little birdie boy here as bait, and when Batman comes crashing in like always we’ll catch him in our net and bring him back to Mr. J, just like he asked, easy-peasey,” Harley grinned. There was some odd look in her eyes I couldn’t quite make out under the clown make-up. Insanity. It looked like insanity; she was obviously unstable.
           I don’t know why I did what I did next, but I couldn’t let Batman get captured or Robin injured as a hostage and it was far too late to go the police, not that they were ever useful in these situations. I jumped out of my hiding place, pulled the black cylinder from my jacket pocket, removed the lid, and pressed it to the fleshy neck of the closest thug all in one swift motion. I pressed the red button on the cylinder and jammed it hard against his skin, blue electricity sparked and a loud crackling erupted through the air. The thug fell before Harley and the other bodyguard could even react. Using my distraction, Robin burst from his chair and swiftly descended on the other thug. Adrenaline pumped through my veins; every scuff and grunt from Robin’s fight with the thug pounded in my head as if it were on surround sound speakers, my eyes picked up each of Robin’s lithe dodges of the thug’s obvious, rage-fueled attacks. My mind spun and whirred quickly as I thought of a way to help or escape. So distracted by Robin and the thug I hadn’t notice Harley spur into action, finally over the initial surprise. She grabbed my arm roughly, her sharp nails digging into my soft, pale skin. I winced. She yanked me in front of her and pulled a knife to my neck, keeping one arm securely wrapped around my torso. Robin finished off the thug just in time to turn on Harley.
           “Stop right there, little bird! I’m leaving this warehouse and you’re not going to follow or your girlfriend here gets the knife,” Harley threatened, pressing the knife deeper into my neck, producing a single bead of blood, I winced and tried unsuccessfully to squirm away. My heart pounded and my palms practically dripped sweat. Robin seemed torn; he poised to fight, but remained unmoving. Then, suddenly, a grin spread across his face, flashing perfect, white teeth. I furrowed my brows, confused by his rapid change in mood.
           “Now, now Harley, you’re much smarter than this,” a low voice teasingly chastised from behind us.
           “Not you,” Harley pouted, slumping in defeat, evidently recognizing the voice. I had a fairly good guess of who it was and already I calmed down perceptibly. Harley released me, shoving me forward, unsteady and tired I nearly collapsed, but Robin rushed forward to catch me before I fell.
           “Are you alright?” He asked, steadying me with a firm hand on my elbow.
           “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Who knew crime fighting could be so exhausting?” I joked, waving him off.
           “Bringing dates to work with you now?” Batman commented stoically as he restrained Harley. He stepped from the shadows and I could see why criminals feared the sight of him. He was tall and wide, muscular and cloaked entirely in black, the shadows seemed to move with him, hiding him.
           “My date? Yours blitz attacked me and held me hostage just to get your attention,” Robin laughed, leaning easily against a nearby box.
           “Right. I’m taking this one to Arkham, take her home just in case she has to save your life again, after that, I believe the Joker requested our presence,” Batman ordered in a tone that left no room for nonsense or refusals. Robin pushed off from the box and headed for the exit, apparently used to taking such orders.
           “Come with me,” Robin said, waving for me to follow him out of the warehouse, “You ever ride a motorcycle before?”
           “No, but there’s a first time for everything,” I muttered, obediently following out the bay and around the side of the warehouse to a gleaming, red motorcycle. Robin hopped on and handed me a helmet. I shoved it on, swung my leg over the bike and wrapped my arms around his waist. The engine roared to life loudly before quieting to a soft purr, and with that we flew through the city, weaving wildly through streets and alleys as I directed him to my building.
           At his speed it wasn’t long before we were parked out front of my apartment building. I clumsily got off the bike and returned his helmet, which he tucked under his arm.
           “Hey, for the record, I was already out of my restraints when you tazed that guy, you didn’t actually save me,” He argued with a smirk.
           I laughed, “Oh it’s okay, you don’t have to be ashamed to admit an ordinary girl saved your life,” I teased.
           He grinned and I swore I heard him mutter, “You’re far from ordinary,” before thrusting the helmet on and speeding away on his bike with a roar that hurt my ears.
                  I bolted upright in my bed, panting and sweating. I shoved my matted, tangled black hair from my eyes and glanced around my room. What a crazy dream. I shook my head; clearly I’m losing my mind. I turned to my nightstand to check the time when a red piece of metal sitting on top of a folded piece of paper caught my eye. Curious, I leaned over and examined the metal device. It was a small circle that fit easily in the palm of my hand with a red R on the top. Confused, I unfolded the piece of paper. Inside in a messy scrawl, read:
 In case I need you to save my life again, push this button.
 I grinned and recalled the events of last night, which were indeed not a dream.
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lordofthenerds97 · 5 years
Can I please have ship/pairing? Woman, 5'9, long beach waves hair, hazel eyes (my friends say they remind them of a cat), curvy/thicc (hourglass and BOOTY yo) and athletic/strong, saracstic and tude is kinda savage but I'm loyal af and got a big heart, can be silly, know how to have fun, love kids shows/movies and quote them, bit of a rebel, i sing, smart af, I'm tough and i work hard (especially for my sport), not afraid to fight for what i want, whats right or do whats gotta be done. Thnks!
Sure thing, hun! 
I ship you with…
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The first time you met Steve, you were staying with your cousin, Dustin
That was also the first time you had battled a Demogorgo, or whatever Dustin called it
You weren’t sure what it was about Harrington that caught your attention; the nail filled bat or the soft boi attitude
But you knew one thing; you were done for
He was already in a relationship though, so you didn’t pursue it. That didn’t stop your attraction from growing, though
You spent the whole Summer with Dusty and the next two summers and got acquainted with all his friends, mostly including Harrington
You saw straight through his nonchalant facade and saw what was underneath; a kind, caring, and passionate person who loved your kids as much as you did
Oh yeah, you obviously adopted the Party. They adored you, tattoos, piercings, and all. “It gives us a bada** image!” Max said. “Besides, it’s nice to have another girl around.”
Your sarcasm was a win with Steve, and you both got off on arguing with each other, though you would never admit that to anyone
“So, Y/N, what’s with you and Steve?” Dusty asked
You raised an eyebrow. “What?”
He rolled his eyes. “I see the way you two look at each other. It’s gross, but also kinda cute.”
“Nothing’s going on, Dusty. Besides, he has a girlfriend.”
That would take Dustin by surprise. So he would march out of the house, leaving you curiously staring after him and wondering where he was going. But you didn’t pay any attention, instead going back to your workout
Dustin would stalk through the streets of Hawkins, hunting down who he viewed as his brother. He would find him in Scoops, working with Robin
“Steven Joeseph Harrington.”
Hearing his full name made him wince and tense up, barely turning to look at Dustin with actual fear in his eyes. “What’s up bro?” he asked in a high pitched voice 
Dustin just had his arms crossed over his chest, an unamused expression on his face. “Let me get this straight…” he started, drawing the attention of both Robin and Erica, who were arguing over ice cream. “You’re man enough to fight a Demogorgan, not knowing what it is you’re swinging away at in the dark. You’re adultish enough to take a group of kids to the Upside Down to set the Tunnels on fire. You fight Billy on more than one occasion, taking the beating like a champ. But you don’t have the balls to tell Y/N you’re not dating Nancy?!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Steve exclaimed, coming around the counter. “How do you know I haven’t told her?”
“Nothing’s going on, Dusty. Besides, he has a girlfriend.” Dustin said, raising the pitch of his voice to imitate you. Steve immediately flushed red, causing Robin to snicker. 
“Wait a minute, Henderson. Steve actually has a chance with a girl, and he doesn’t have the guts to go for it?”
Dustin nodded his agreement. 
Steve would try to blabber a response, but Dustin wasn’t having any of it. So he would grumpily glare at your cousin, mumbling under his breath before shooing him out of the store
“Oh yeah, and thanks for the public humiliation!” 
Over the next week, things went downhill quickly
You got involved in another otherwordly fight. You found out that Nancy and Steve had broken up almost a year ago, which really ruffled your feathers. But hey, bigger issues
You got locked in a Russian Military base that was hidden under the mall
You, Robin, and Steve had all been drugged with some sort of weird truth serum and were high as kites
So the three of you had ended up in the bathroom of Starcourt, hovered over your respective toilets as you tried to get it all out of your system 
“You know, Steve, I always thought you were pretty bada**,” you said, your brain not fully having control over your mouth. “And if we’re being honest, I was ready to jump you in the Tunnels.”
Robin laughed from the other stall. “Wow, Steve the hair Harrington really is blind, isn’t he?”
“You got that right, girl.”
Steve groaned and looked between the two stalls before making up his mind. He waved a piece of toilet paper under the divider, a white flag of sorts. When you didn’t say anything, he slowly slid under and sat in front of you
You had your back against the opposite wall, your head lolled to the side slightly. Steve frowned and leaned forward, wiping away the dried blood trailing down the corner of your mouth
“I’m gonna kill them…” he said
You looked up at him, your eyes still slightly glazed over from the drug. “Why? I finally got the courage to woman up and tell you how I feel about you, Harrington.”
He raised an eyebrow. “It took a round of drugs and a beating for you to finally work that up?”
You shrugged. “Been through worse.”
His eyes searched yours. “You never cease to amaze me, Y/N. You’re strong, brilliant, and insanely bada**. I can’t believe I never told you that.”
You shrugged. “We were kinda busy saving the world, you know.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m going to kiss you now, Y/N.”
“Get a room, guys!” Robin shouted, kicking the stall
But you didn’t pay attention to her. All you were aware of was Steve’s lips on yours. The salty taste of sweat mixed with the iron tang of blood. It wasn’t the glamorous first kiss you associated with Steve Harrington, but you couldn’t be happier 
The door slammed open and You heard footsteps approaching. But you didn’t care. You continued kissing Steve like your life depended on it, your fingers threading through the parts of his hair that wasn’t caked with blood 
“You’ve gotta be freaking kidding me. It took a Russian Military base, drugs, beatings, and running for our lives for you guys to finally suck face?”
You broke away from Steve, who was still trying to follow your lips. You were both drunk on the kiss and wanted more. “Screw you, Dusty.”
Taglist: @inthemindofaweirdo @mystrangerfics @mattysheelies @hargrovesprincess @ssstutteringbbbill @fuchsia-knight @gooddoggodrogo @jaaxely @fortheloveofjbbarnes @acthenerd @dollface-80 @prettyboyhargrove @uncle-keery @sydneyisnotawriter
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jawnjendes · 5 years
shawn meets... | bella
SUMMARY: in the life of a rockstar, shawn mendes comes across some unique people. sometimes, things stray from the norm. (AU, shawn x every one of my oc’s)
AN: hiiii this is somewhat of a continuation of my last series, goth gf. you dont HAVE to read it to know what's happening here, but there will be references to it every so often. if you've been here since the goth gf days then, hi. i appreciate you. enjoy this shit. let me know ur thots.
****let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
bella's origin story | bella's playlist | masterlist
It felt awfully strange to be in Annalise's hometown, knowing she wouldn't be going home right away. The residential part of North Hollywood where her parents lived still felt like it was a million miles away. The glamorous Lyft Lux was going through the equally glamorous parts of the city, and it was almost mundane despite the fact that she had been away for over a year.
Shawn and his younger sister, Aaliyah, were frequently pointing out the exciting things they had only seen in photos and movies: the Chinese Theater, the Walk of Fame, the Hollywood sign. They were bundles of energy and excitement. Annalise was only jittery because she never fully processed that she lives in the same city as her favorite YouTuber, Bella Santiago.
Over a month ago, Bella discovered the Shawn Mendes profile on Spotify, causing her to give him a shoutout on Twitter. Then, just after the release of his newest EP, In My Blood, Bella messaged Shawn, offering to fly him out to LA, put him in a hotel and make a video with her. Shawn immediately jumped at the chance, but he couldn't go without bringing two of the biggest Bella stans he knew, Annalise and Aaliyah. The only reason why it took until the New Year for this to happen was simple: exams and Christmas.
When the semester ended, Annalise spent the holidays and her 22nd birthday with Shawn's family in Pickering, much to her own family's disdain. It was different, celebrating Christmas on the morning of the 25th, rather than the 24th. It was also different not eating tamales or pozole like she did with her family. It totally wasn't annoying when Shawn blasted that god awful Taylor Swift song on the morning of Annalise's birthday. She totally didn't miss her family either.
She had to promise her parents that she would stay in LA for the duration of the holiday break in return for missing all the important holidays. It wasn't a hard decision to make, but it was going to be hard letting Shawn go. Annalise only hoped that there would be time for him to meet her extended family during this trip. From what she understood, as soon as Bella was done with him, Shawn and Aaliyah were getting on a plane straight back to Toronto.
As it turns out, Bella Santiago is insanely generous. She reserved the three of them a deluxe suite at the Marriott. They had a view of the city, a massive king size bed, and a pull out sofa bed. Everything was spotless, and luxurious.
"She didn't have to go this hard," Aaliyah pointed out as she tossed her suitcase to the side.
"What, would you rather sleep on the floor?" Shawn teased. "And pick that up and move it so it's out of the way!"
She rolled her eyes as she did what he said.
Annalise made herself comfortable on top of the white sheets. While all of this was exciting, she was fucking exhausted. It felt like it was much later in the day, having gotten up at seven. The time change made it feel like it was well in the afternoon, but it was barely eleven.
"How's your tummy?" Shawn asked from the window. He had his phone out and was taking photos of the view.
"Much better," she replied.
Against her better judgment, Annalise had a coffee during the five hour flight, and it did not agree with her. She made good friends with a barf bag… or three. All the caffeine must have left her system if she was feeling better now.
"What time do we meet Bella?" asked Aaliyah, padding over to stand by her brother.
"Three o'clock," Shawn replied. "In the ballroom downstairs."
That prompted all three of them to take a death nap for the time being. It only lasted about three hours, and when their alarms went off, none of them felt any more rested.
Annalise was the first one to actually get up and get ready. For once, she was intimidated by who she was going to be standing in front of today. She had to look her best, even if it was in all black.
It didn't take long for Aaliyah to follow suit. Soon enough, both girls were sitting in front of the window, using the California sun for their light as they did their makeup.
The funny thing is, as much as they cared about looking their best, neither of them were going to be in Bella's video. She only wanted Shawn, who was still lying in bed half an hour before the scheduled meet up.
"What are you gonna wear?" Annalise asked her boyfriend.
"I don't know," he replied, his voice muffled by the pillow. "Will she even care about what I'm wearing?"
"You're gonna be on her channel," Aaliyah said, looking up from her handheld mirror, "which has millions of viewers, including some of my friends who will never let me hear the end of it if they see my brother looking like a clown in front of the queen!"
Shawn grinned and got up. "I'll go like this, what do you think?" He held his arms out, showcasing his plaid pajama bottoms and a Nike hoodie. He also only had one sock on.
"You'll be dead before you step out of the room like that," Ann darkly added.
“Thanks Satan.” He chuckled.
Shawn was only pretending to be calm. Inside, he was shaking and his insides were heavy. He didn't even think about Bella's subscriber count until Aaliyah pointed it out. He really wanted Bella to like him too. She seemed like such a sweetheart from her videos, Shawn hoped that wasn't just a persona.
He had spent most of the flight watching her videos (when Ann wasn’t puking up her caffeine, of course.) He made it through a few tutorials, learning a lot about not only makeup, but Bella herself. She suffers from several anxiety disorders and constantly works to better herself. She left her parents when she came out to them as bisexual, and she hasn't spoke to them or her extended family in years. She recently got out of a relationship with another YouTuber named Ethan Nestor, which was part of the reason why she spent half of 2019 in her hometown of Palm Springs. This woman has some thick skin, there was no denying that.
One of the best things that Shawn learned about Bella was that she had a butterfly tattoo on her left arm. In another video, she talked about how her viewers drew butterflies on their arms in support of her when she was down. She got it tattooed for them, and the colors of the wings were the same as the bisexual pride flag. Shawn looked at his own butterfly tattoo differently now.
The other best thing he learned was how talented of a singer Bella was. She had covers on her channel, and Shawn watched every single one. Bella had such a rich, beautiful voice, and it looked so easy for her to hit any high note. She sang Love on the Brain without any strain on her face. She sang a gayer version of You Belong with Me, and played guitar with it. She sang with Markiplier as the opening act when they were on a comedy show tour in 2018.
Shawn couldn't wait to sing with her, though he was intimidated. He thought he was a good singer, but put him next to someone with Ariana Grande levels of talent? The nerves were never ending.
It was ten til three when everyone was ready. Their only predicament was to go down to the ballroom early or not.
“Did she text you?” Aaliyah asked, clearly antsy. “Is she on her way or anything?”
Shawn shook his head. He had changed into a white tee, black jeans and a denim jacket, which the two girls approved of. “Should I message her? Or… her manager? She’s the one who made all these arrangements.”
“Hey, she might not even be here on time,” Ann said. “YouTubers are like celebrities. They run on their own schedules just because they can.”
“Bella wouldn’t do that, would she?” Aaliyah said in disbelief.
“Only one way to find out.”
And to the ballroom they went. The space was huge, clearly meant for a party. There were sheer white curtains hanging from the huge windows, and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. In the far corner of the room, tables and chairs were folded and leaning against the wall. Shawn, Aaliyah, and Ann looked around the room, all silently nervous and excited. Only a few minutes into it, they heard female voices just outside the room.
“But we’re always early! I knew I should have driven myself!”
“It’s two fifty-nine! Relax, they’re probably not even here yet!”
“Huh, I’ll be damned,” Ann mumbled, looking at her phone to verify the time.
The owners of the other two voices entered the room, carrying expensive-looking camera equipment and studio lights. They were followed by a bellhop, who was carrying a keyboard in a case. One woman was short and curvy, brown and freckled. Her short black hair was curly and glossed down, and she was wearing a bright red pantsuit.
The other woman was long and lean, decked out in a white long sleeve crop top, a black skirt, and knee high boots. Her iconic bright pink hair made a comeback, that wasn’t in her latest video. Her kind face looked airbrushed and flawless, although her brown eyes looked alarmed, like she was caught in headlights.
The first person to break the silence was the woman in red, already establishing her power. “Hello!” She held her hand out to Shawn. “I’m Sonji, I’m Bella’s manager. I believe we spoke on the phone. And on Twitter.”
“Yeah, yeah we did,” he said as they shook hands. “Uh, this Aaliyah and Ann, my sister and my girlfriend.”
“Hi, ladies!” Sonji greeted, shaking their hands as well. “So lovely to meet you! God, you’re all so pretty!”
Both girls mumbled shy thank you’s.
“Okay, so my handsome friend here and myself are going to set things up for the video,” Sonji explained. “In the meantime-” She looked at her silent client. “-Baller, come talk to your little protégé.”
Then, Sonji led the bellhop further into the room, over by the windows.
Bella still had a bag slung over her shoulder and a massive studio light stand in her hands. She was clutching it to her chest, a very performative and awkward smile etched on her bright pink lips.
“Hi!” she said after one very long second. “Uh - lemme -” She set down the giant lights and removed the bag from her shoulder. Then she stood up straight and smoothed out her hair. “Hi! Uh, I said that already!”
“I’ll say it again! Hi!” Shawn greeted, smiling politely.
Bella looked at him and opened her arms for a hug. “It’s nice to finally meet you!”
It might be weird to put it this way, but she smelled pretty. Whatever perfume she was wearing was probably more expensive than the flight over here. Shawn hugged her around her shoulders, inadvertently touching her surprisingly soft hair. You could just tell that she didn’t spare a single penny when it came to caring for herself.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting you to be so tall!” she said, looking up at Shawn. “For once, I’m not the tallest person in the room!”
She couldn’t have been taller than Ann, who was five foot five inches and felt very short most of the time.
“And this is the sister and the girlfriend?” Bella said, turning to the other two girls. She went to hug Aaliyah, who was more than delighted by the gesture.
Bella leaned back and took her hand. “I love your nails! Love the shape and color!” She ran her thumb over the white acrylics. “So cute!”
“Aw, thank you!” Aaliyah was beaming.
Then, Bella turned to hug Ann. It’s important to point out that in most situations, Annalise Flores is stone faced, calm, and collected. Today, however, Ann had wide eyes, like she was face the good Lord herself… like she was going to drop down on one knee and propose to Bella.
Shawn wouldn’t blame her.
“Me encanta su delineador!” Bella told her, gently cupping her face.
“En serio?” Ann softly asked.
“Yes, que linda! Those inner wings are to die for! What do you use?”
“Um.. uh, I think it’s NYX? I don’t know the exact one, but it’s definitely NYX!” Ann chuckled nervously.
“Well, it looks amazing!”
Ann looked like she was going to faint with that euphoric dazed look on her face. Thankfully, she stayed on both feet because Sonji grabbed their attention. She managed to sneak by Bella, take the lights and bag, and set them all up by the window. She also set up the keyboard, camera and two chairs. There were three other chairs behind the camera as well. Sonji was incredibly fast.
“We are all ready to go!” she said to the others.
“Shall we?” Bella gestured for the other three to go first.
Shawn, Ann, and Aaliyah went over to the set up, excitement only increasing from here.
"Were you two going to be in the video too?" Sonji asked the two girls.
They both shook their heads.
"Nervous? Don't blame you, the Internet is brutal."
That didn't help Shawn's bundle of nerves. He took a silent deep breath as he went for his guitar case while Bella sat in front of her keyboard. The Internet is brutal, and Shawn's own minuscule corner of it was safe solely because of the size. The fans he tweeted every so often were seemingly normal, and no one was overly critical about him or his music. More exposure means more space for criticism and plain old hate.
Bella had over five million subscribers, and at least forty thousand of them took an interest in Shawn over the last month and a half. It was a lot of new people to make a good impression to. He took another deep breath and removed the guitar from its case. There's no going back now.
"So, I don't want this to be a structured, planned out video," Bella explained when Shawn took the empty chair next to her. "I just want us to talk so my viewers can get to know you, and we'll sing whatever comes to mind."
"Sounds good," Shawn said, not really hearing himself.
"Now everybody - and I mean everybody - take in a deep breath."
The room was silent except for the sounds of everyone inhaling through their noses. Aaliyah and Ann still looked excited as they followed Bella's instruction. Sonji followed as well, like she had done this a thousand times.
"And exhale," Bella breathed out, and the others repeated. "Good. Get those nerves out, breathe away the anxiety. This is fun, we're having fun."
Shawn felt a little better, knowing she was just as nervous, if not more. Throughout all of Bella's mental health videos that he watched on the plane, none of them seemed to touch on how severe her own case was.
Finally, Bella addressed the camera, her soft voice suddenly projected. "Hey, it's Bella! Welcome back to my channel! Today, I'm here with a very special guest! Some of you saw me tweet a while ago…"
Oh god, what the fuck was Shawn going to say? He looked over at Ann, who smiled reassuringly and silently did the motions for deep breathing. Stay calm. You're a strong guy.
"So how long have you been making music?" Bella asked him as she mindlessly pressed keys on her keyboard.
Shawn recalled as best he could. "Uh, I sang covers when I was fifteen. Didn't make my own music until a few years later."
"Nice! Are you in school, or work or something?"
"Yeah, I'm in college. I'm majoring in music and botany."
"Oh, you like plants?"
Shawn was mildly impressed. Most people had to ask what botany is, and he would have to explain for the thousandth time. Then, he would be told to drop the music major because it's easier to find a job in plant science.
"Flowers," he clarified. "I work in a flower shop."
"That's so cool!"
The conversation got easier as time went on. Sometimes Aaliyah or Ann would chime in if they felt that Shawn was getting too confident. Bella giggled every so often, which made everyone in the room adore her even more.
Shawn was about ready to propose when Bella started playing Mercy on her keyboard and humming the beginning. He stared at her in shock for a few seconds before he played along on guitar. Hopefully that didn't look too embarrassing on camera. He listened to her voice for a moment before singing with her in the chorus.
He had plenty of questions for Bella after they went through that song. "Where did you get a voice like that?"
"I could carry a tune as a kid," she explained, "so I was put into singing classes to hone it. Then I did church choir, school choir… I just never really stopped singing." She paused and then chuckled nervously. "This is gonna sound pretentious, but I think I got this voice for a reason. Meaning, I have this platform and all these followers. I think I'm meant to use my voice for good. Help people in whatever way I can."
Shawn smiled. "That's beautiful. I see that in your videos. I kinda went on a binge on the plane."
Bella grinned.
"One thing that stood out to me…" Shawn hesitated, minding the camera and the future viewers of this video. "You are so unapologetically bisexual. You always make the point to the person you needed as a kid, because there is still so little bi representation in the media. And you decided, if no one's going to do it, then you'll do it yourself, and I think that's incredible."
"Yeah, I didn't have anyone telling me it's okay to feel what I feel, and I don't want anyone to go through what I went through as a teen."
Shawn nodded, glancing over at Ann once. He had talked about touching on this particular topic with her, and he was starting to have his own shred of doubt.
But, he learned from his girlfriend. Fuck it.
"I wish I had someone like you as a teenager," he said to Bella, strumming his guitar. "I mean, when I came out to my family, I was lucky. They were loving and accepting, but I still couldn't find anyone out there who was like me, in real life or in the media. I really wish I had found your videos sooner."
Bella was beaming. "I knew I liked you."
The two of them went back and forth between talking and singing. They compared butterfly tattoos, and then Bella was asking him about his other tats. Shawn learned a couple of Little Mix songs too, which led him to discover where his girlfriend got that fixation from. He was mostly amazed at how Bella was able to belt out song after song like it was nothing. Like she was meant for this. Why did she choose to be a makeup artist?
"Have you ever been offered a record deal?" Shawn asked. "Or thought about making your own music?"
"Mm, yes and yes," she said. "But singing is more of a hobby. I can't see myself delving into the music industry at all. Makeup is where it's at for me. Makeup got me through some of the hardest times in my life."
Shawn wouldn't say no to a record deal. He'd move to Los Angeles tomorrow if he could. He would do just about anything to play music full time. He glanced over at Ann again, who winked with a smile.
next chapter
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @justordinaryjen @chillingbythesea @iloveshawnieboi @shawnsunflower @someoneunimportantxx
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pcygoldenchild · 5 years
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🕷summary: It was a halloween party. You were Catwoman. He was on a hunt for a specific pussycat to tame.
🕷warning: NSWF, cunnilingus, dirty talk, bondage
🕷A/N: Time for some filthy Jongdae. I love my boy to death; he’s my baby. But I’d be lying if I said he couldn’t destroy some pussy so here it goes. (sorry for the long length!)
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Halloween wasn’t really a holiday you celebrated. You just liked dressing up in constumes and the thrill of being a character or thing. It was always fun to you. You’ve gone to a party almost every year. And you were now 20 still going to parties which meant you’ve had so many costumes done already. You were at a loss of ideas for what to go as this year. So you asked your best friend who had the other half of your excitement.
“Well last year you went all out as Lara Croft which was personally one of my favorites.” Cassie said. You were walking around the mall throwing around ideas.
“The only reason you liked that costume so much is because you made it.” you said rolling your eyes. But you had to be honest; it was amazing and fit you perfectly. You actually felt like Lara Croft and that was a dream come true because duh, it’s Lara Croft.
“Well duh. And the fact that Jongdae couldn’t keep his eyes off you. You’re welcome.” she said nudging you. You shoved her making her shuffle to the side and she laughed.
“Sure, he couldn’t keep his eyes off me but he sure didn’t say a word to me either. So just how great was it?” you replied. Jongdae was a sophomore at your university and one of the prettiest guys you’d ever seen. He wasn’t the cliche jock or mysterious hot guy. He was a bubbly personality and literally friends with everyone. But when it came to you, he was either shy or barely attentive to you. You don’t like to take it personal. Cassie says he’s like that with a lot of people but all you could see were the people he laughed obnoxiously loud with.
“I’ve told you this a million times before, he’s just shy. Everyone he’s super loud with are all extroverts. But you my dear friend, are an introvert. So what do two introverts do to become close? Nothing because they are too shy to interact.” she said. She had a point like always. But you were going to be stubborn and ignore her.
“Anyways, I don’t really have to go all out this year. I heard it’s a pretty chill party.” you said walking into a mask store. The store opened up to selling masks only around halloween.
“I heard the opposite. And I heard Jongdae will be there. Maybe this time, if you dress right, the cat man will pounce on his prey.” she joked pouncing on you. You laughed and pushed her off. Cat man was what you two called him. He always would just quietly creep around you like a cat approaching a mouse. And an idea came to your head. You looked at Cassie with a sudden exciting expression which only excited her.
“Oooo an idea!” she said rubbing her hands together.
“What if I’m the cat tonight?” you said. Cassie’s expression died.
“A cat? Seriously that’s the lamest costume ever.” she said turning away to one of the isles. You let out a sigh. She was right like always. All the years you’ve had to dress up, you’d never done something as simple as being a cat. You walked down one of the isles full of different masks. And then it caught your eye.
The perfect black shiny mask. It was a Catwoman mask. The real deal too. It would cover the entire top half of your face and head to the center of your head. It was perfect and looked so authentic. It called your name.
“Ok so what’s your approach?” Cassie said from behind you. You were so amazed by the mask in your hands you didn’t even know she was there.
“My approach?” you said turning to her. She took the mask out of your hand and held it up to your face thinking. Then she led you to the cash register.
“Well you could go Anne Hathaway Catwoman or Halle Berry. Utility belt or sexy latex?” She said. The conversation not seeming to phase the old cashier. But you still waited to leave the store to answer her.
“I have no clue. But I bet you’re going to tell me.” you said letting her guide you to whatever store was next.
You arrived at the party a little past 10pm. It was already in motion for it to still be fairly early. Everyone looked so good in their costumes. For the first time, you’d seen no repeats, everyone had their own costumes. Cassie, who couldn’t calm her excitement about how you looked, looked incredible herself. She was Poision Ivy to keep the DC comics theme with you.
“Dude, we’ve been here for 5 minutes and the entire basketball team has checked you out. They’re literally coming to find you just to stare.” Cassie said tugging your arm. You rolled your eyes and turned to her.
“Maybe it’s because I’m literally naked.” you said. After you got the mask, she made the decision herself for you to be in sexy latex but also include little accessories to spruce it up. The latex suit did little for imagination; the zipper in the front stopped right below your underboob so there was a lot of clevage. Other than that you were completely painted in latex and it hugged your body just right. A little too right. Your ass looked great and you prayed it wouldn’t be cold or your nipples would definitely show through. On your upper thigh, there was a holster for your expensive catwoman whip. And on your waist, Cassie sewed a cute utility belt. It was dainty enough to not take away from the sex appeal of the outfit but still added to it not just being a sexy constume. Your hair was down in loose natural curls to really add to the look and you wore black latex boots. Overall, you’d say you were best dressed. Just one thing...
“Oh come on and quit being dramatic. You’re not naked.” she said rolling her eyes at you as if you were being overdramatic.
“This suit covers me like milk. And underneath it I have nothing on. So I’m basically naked.” you said. She looked shocked. It was her idea to not wear anything underneath. She said it would bulk.
“Wait. You really didn’t wear anything under it?” she whispered excitedly. You shook your head and walked away to the drink table. You needed to get partying or else you were going to leave.
You got a drink of the infamous jungle juice and a turkey leg because you were quiet hungry. And you couldn’t pass up on the massive turkey legs you can only get at Disney World.
You walked over to a wall with a bar table and surveillanced the scene. You were looking for Jongdae of course. You hadn’t seen him since you got there. Maybe he was late.
“How’s the juice?” a voice said to your right. You knew that loud but smooth voice anywhere. But why was he talking to you now?
“It’s the same juice it is every year.” you laughed turning to him. He was dressed up as some incredibly handsome character. Or himself, to be honest you had no clue.
“I guess we should try a new recipe.” he replied. His eyes caught yours before he inspected your body.
“Catwoman. I like your take on it.” he said smirking his curvy lips.
“You mean the sheer fact that it’s sexy?” you said smirking back. He bit his lip. He bit his damn lip.
“A costume is only sexy if the host fits the description.” he said. You didn’t know he was so flirty. You also didn’t know why he was so bold to say more than two words to you.
“Cheesy flirt Jongdae. And who are you supposed to be?” you said trying to hide the redness of your cheeks partly covered by the mask.
“I’m a vampire. But most people are saying I came as a pussycat tamer.” he said doing a 360 for you to see. The constume looked like a vampire but he had no fangs and lack of blood. And his look was very poised. He just wore a lot of black and-wait. Did he say a pussycat tamer?
“Seriously?” you laughed. You wanted to make him believe the joke was bad but you were more effected by it than you thought you’d be. He stood a little closer to you and leaned on the bar.
“Very serious. I can really do wonders with a sweet pussycat. The feisty ones are fun too.” he said. Oh dear God.
You took the turkey leg and brought it up to your mouth. You needed something to distract you from him. But when he leaned in and bit the other side of the leg, you almost lost it. His face was right in front of yours. His lips only separated from yours by the turkey leg. His eyes fucking your brain.
“Well you’d better go and find one Jongdae.” you said after you removed your mouth from the turkey leg leaving it in his mouth. He took a large bite out if it and ate it slowly in front of you.
“I have found one.” he said placing the leg back down.
“And she seems like she’s curious of my powers.” he continued pointing to your super hard nipples. They could cut glass for fuck sakes.
“I’m moreso curious as to if you know who I am.” you said crossing your arms to cover your tattletale nipples. He laughed.
“Of course I do. I couldn’t miss that smile anywhere. And when word goes around of a fine feline prowling the premises, I know they’re most likely for me.” he said. Dude what the fuck?
“For you?” you laugh.
“I’m the Cat Man.” he said back smiling that insanely seductive smile.
“Ok Cat Man. Why now then? Why talk to me so much now? Are you drunk?” you ask incredulously. He just shook his head and stood up straight standing now right in front of you. You only came up to his shoulders so you had to look up at him or else your eyes would be trained on his lips. Not that you minded.
“I’m as sober as I can be. But you must know, I’ve waited and waited until you’d get my game. You were always the sweet little mouse. Quiet and shy. But I wanted the feisty pussycat I know you are. And here she is.” he said pushing strands off hair behind your shoulder.
“So what do you want with a pussycat like me? I’m not stuck in a tree or injured. What would I need you for Cat Man?” you asked playing into his game. He smirked, happy you obliged.
“Although I do want to make sure you’re in tip top shape, I’ve got other plans.” he said taking your arms and unfolding them. He grabbed your zipper and pulled it down a little more before stopping just before it would expose your breasts.
“I’m not an easy pussycat Jongdae. Catwoman doesn’t need your plans. Why should I let you carry out your plans?” you said expanding your shoulders so your boobs lifted, they looked incredible.
“Why? Well I’ve waited for a long time to get you. And once I’ve got you, you’re mine. Because from the way everyone has been looking at you tonight, I feel very possessive. What do you want me to say? I like you? That’s cheesy and not quite like me. But I’m making you mine.” he said and his hand slowly slid up the crevice between your boobs. And that’s all it took for him to win you over. So much for not being easy.
You were pushed against a wall in a red lit room. He wasn’t rough, just eager. His eyes never left you even when his hands did. He stepped back to admire you as your body stilled against the wall.
“You are really a masterpiece. Your body is like a marble sculpture in that suit. And your blue contacts under this red light make you look really enticing. I could stare at you like this for hours.” he said. His eyes were really surveilling your every curve intently. You pulled your mask off and let your hair fall on the sides of your face. He didn’t miss any of it.
“Do you like being such a tease?” he said coming closer to you. His gaze was a tease on its own and he had the nerve to call you a tease.
“Oh please. You’ve seen me a thousand times. I’ve felt you stare at me from across the room like in a teen movie. Tease? Not me.” you defended. You were only rambling on because he was now right in front of you. His gorgeous fucking lips were right there. He licked them.
“You’ve felt me stare at you and your body reacts doesn’t it? You straighten your back. Play with your hair. Smile to yourself. I can’t imagine what you’d be thinking about but I know it’s me. That’s why you’re a tease.” he said into your ear. When he pulled away his lips grazed your cheek. But you couldn’t just take that.
You grabbed his face and tasted his curvy lips. They melted into yours just like you knew they would. He was delectable in every sense. You couldn’t let his lips go. Every lick, every bite, every taste made your senses come undone. And you were sure you’d become the obsessed girl you didn’t think you were.
“Easy there pussycat.” he said into your lips. You released his lips with a pop and leaned against the wall to catch your breath.
“There is plenty more when that came from. I’d love to show you. Just let me taste you. Let me finally taste my kitten.” he said as he pulled the zipper down more. The latex contracting back to its tight form from being stretched on your body which reveals your very erect breast. His hands run up the sides of your stomach, tucked in the suit. They run back down your sides and rest on your hips where your underwear waistband would have been.
“You went incognito? For me? You shouldn’t have.” he smiled. You rolled your eyes and faked a laugh before his left hand came down to rest on your core. His hand was slightly above your clit but it still made you freeze. He cocked an eyebrow at you.
“That’s all it takes? Just one touch?” he asked. You never got the chance to reply because his fingers left your skin on fire with every millimeter he moved down. But he was stuck once his finger reached your clit. The suit wouldn’t allow him to move freely. So he pulled it off your upper body down to your knees.
“Fuck Jongdae!” you moaned once his mouth attacked your pussy. He didn’t even give you a warning. He just went it for the killing. And fuck was he killing you. Your hands found his soft hair as your head rested against the wall. Your eyes were shut tight and your bottom lip was crying between your teeth. The way he was licking and sucking your clit was sinful. He was going so hard and fast it was like he wanted to see how fast he could make you cum. Your body was involuntarily grinding against his mouth but that only made your orgasm more fast coming. His hands held your thighs tight so they wouldn’t close on him before he made you cum. Your hands in his hair did nothing to his tongue swirling over your clit. You’d never say you saw it coming. You lasted a solid 5 minutes of constantly being tongue fucked by him before your body gave out. Your legs shivered in his hold as your hands tried to push his head away from you. But his neck seemed to be incredibly strong and he only continued as your cum leaked from you. You didn’t open your eyes not once since his mouth found place on you. But the minute you did, once he completely stopped, you looked down at him. And he looked devine. His mouth glistened with you. His eyes taking in the way his tongue made it move. When he finally met your eyes, nothing much was needed to be said. You were his.
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