#he jokes that eda upgraded
lampmanliveblogs · 4 months
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Oh look, it’s the echo mouse Musse.
…you know, I don’t think I ever explained why I call him that. It’s because the swedish name for Mickey Mouse is Musse Pigg. That’s it. But hey, he gets to have one last appearance, pulling a Cinderella alongside Bat-Queen’s kids. I mean, that has got to be a deliberate reference to the Disney animated Cinderella, right?
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Steve’s here too, of course, and he’s cutting into a cake. As someone who likes to bake but isn’t that good at it, I like to say that I’m not very good at making things that look good, but I can make things that taste good.
This is the exact opposite of that.
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And with King growing older and stronger, he’s beginning to generate his own magic and his own glyphs! Hmm… it looks like his glyphs have a different design, but i assume they’d be the same four elements.
(also, while rewinding the scene, I noticed Eda’s wearing Raine’s earring. cute)
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The crew, who know and love me, gives me just a few more pretty lights to look at with big wide eyes, drawn to them like a moth. The Collector’s in the neighborhood and decided to put on a big ol lightshow.
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On this last good bye, they threw in a few more characters, just for funsies. We’ve got Salty the boat captain, Willow’s parents, a couple of faeries, Gus’ dad, Tibbles, and that little kid from Separate Tides.
So… this is the end, huh?
What do I even say? What do I even say? What can i say about this show?
This liveblog exists because of The Owl House. At the time, I was in a creative rut and trying to find some way out of it. I figured maybe getting into a new series might help. I was also a fan of several liveblogs, and so I thought, why not try it? I figured it might get me back to writing.
My journey, as my loyal readers know, has not been always been a smooth sailing. It’s taken me a long time to get here; I finished this episode over a year after it came out for crying out loud. There have been times when I’ve been beat down and unable to create. But never did I lose my love for this show, to contrary, it only ever grew greater.
So yeah, good show, 6/10.
I’M JOKING! I’M JOKING, THAT WAS A JOKE! P-please put that down, it was only a joke!
Jeez luise, you people… ahem.
No, I love this show. That much should be clear, no matter how much snark I inject or how many sarcastic quips I sprinkle into my text, the time spent with this show has been genuinely good. And I joke about things, how we never got Bat-Queen’s backstory for example. But, well… there’s a good reason for that. This show deserved so much better, and the amazing crew deserved so much better. Still, they delivered a fantastic story, and I will undoubtedly return to this again and again.
So what comes next?
As I’ve already mentioned, I am going to watch and liveblog, or at least make some post about The Owl House pilot episode which was leaked a while back. i don’t know what the timeframe is on that, but hopefully not too long.
I’m also gonna keep working on that Vee fic. Speaking of which, I linked it earlier, but just in case you missed it, the first chapter (and a prelude) is up on AO3 right now. I’ll continue to post updates on here, so stay tuned for that as well. I don’t know how long it will take for that to get done, but I’m really excited to work on it, more excited than I’ve been for any creative work in a long time. I’m beginning to feel like maybe I’m not a complete and utter failure and a talentless hack.
Will I continue posting incorrect quotes? Maybe. I’ll continue as long as I get new ideas and I’ll stop when I run out.
But the real question is, what is the next liveblog? Well, I’ve said that already as well, but for those who weren’t paying attention…
The next liveblog will be Amphibia! I’ve bene looking forward to that one for some time now.
My aim right now is to get started with Amphibia in July. Why July? Because that’s when I go on my vacation.
I should probably also do some tidying up on this blog, do some upgrades. I also wanna clean out my askbox, cause, uh… I’ve got a couple of unanswered asks… some of which have been sitting there for a long time now… I should really get around to that.
For now… this has been The Owl House, I’m The Lampman, and I would like to thank you for reading. Take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
Our lives became a fairy tale Without rules or laws But is there anyone who knows? If the journey has an end?
The End… for now
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mdhwrites · 9 months
Is Amity a Good Person?
This is not if she's a well written character. A judgement of that is a part of this but the bigger point is just: Is Amity a 'good' person? Does she appear to actually care about others? Does she choose selflessness over selfishness? Etc. etc.
And part of this is going to be subjective. To some people, not being mean is enough to make someone nice. Other people will ask for a bit more, especially out of a fictional character. Hell, you can even see it with most fictional parties. The lancer character who is meant to contrast against the hero is usually a pretty dickish person but you might still call them good because even if they're cursing while doing it, they are still putting their life at risk in order to save a town or the like. Meanwhile, you probably wouldn't call Vegeta a nice person, even by the time of Dragon Ball Super because he is still mostly selfish, even once he's explicitly no longer trying t get stronger regardless of the consequences to others.
So what does Amity do that is actually nice?
Oh, were you expecting me to start listing things she does? Because I have bad news for you.
See, one hang up I have with going "Amity always wanted to be a good person and so even if she loses her drive, motivation, etc. she gains the personality of a good person," is that Amity doesn't do fucking anything to earn that. She isn't unpleasant. After S1, she isn't trying to murder people or actively bullying people but like... Cool, you upgraded from Mega Bitch to Background character. Why do you claim that's a new personality instead of the death of one?
Because being a 'good person' is actually more complicated than just not being an asshole. Being nice to your friends? Of course you're nice to your friends. You care about them (put a pin in it). Noticing when your partner is in pain and wanting to help them? You supposedly love that person, much like why you might be nice to family, so OF COURSE, you put in a little extra effort.
A good person, at least in a narrative, doesn't need the excuse. They help because it is the right thing to do and then their personality dictates how they go about doing so. Maybe they write wiki pages to share their knowledge in a free way so people can benefit from it. Maybe they help out at a soup kitchen because it gives them a chance to be more directly kind and they have the time for it. Or maybe it's just that when they see someone who is potentially having problems, they risk whatever it may lead to be asking this complete stranger if they're okay.
Amity doesn't do this. In fact, as far as actually giving a shit about anyone other than Luz, she's AWFUL at it. Hunter is her kindest moment to a theoretical stranger in the series but it is still characterized by her being suspicious, judgemental and not giving him a chance until the dude is suicidal and has drawn a dozen parallels between them. Even then, she does it as part of mimicking Luz, at least with the joke she immediately makes of how 'this always works for Luz'. Then you have poor fucking Willow. This is a girl that Amity abused, especially for her powerlessness and helplessness, for YEARS. Amity even knows explicitly why Willow should hate her. What her crimes are. But... Then 'good person' Amity, showing 'care' for her friend, treats her as powerless after having thought she didn't need to do shit to be allowed to come to Willow for advice (Labyrinth Runner and Falls and Follies respectively). That is TOTALLY someone who always just wanted to be a good person and is dedicating themselves to that instead of any of their old dreams and desires.
The only person or thing she puts any effort into post S1 is Luz. She doesn't care about anyone else besides that. Belittle Eda for not focusing on taking of Luz in a tangible way during Eclipse Lake? Check. Feel justified to give marching orders to literally everyone in the house just because she's Luz's girlfriend during that same episode? Check. Including Willow, who she has done NOTHING to make up for at this point? Check. Hell, even further: Not give a fuck about stopping Boscha while Luz could just step out of the splash zone around Willow during Winging it Like Witches? OF COURSE NOT. She only gets involved once Boscha's only focus is going to be on Luz.
That. Is not. A good person. Not if the only people who matter are those she deems are worthy of mattering. Changing from actively crushing those other people to just being entirely indifferent to them and their plights is not as a big of a deal as you all seem to think it is, not for it to become the only defining trait of a character's personalities and motivations.
Are they evil? Bad? No. But anything beyond nice is giving such a character a LOT of credit. A rogue isn't Robin Hood just because they only steal from the rich. If they're still lining only their pockets and the pockets of their friends with their thievery, they're still selfish and self centered, they just have code. That's called Lawful Neutral, or Lawful Evil, in D&D for a reason. Not any form of good.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Your honor I'm in love with Raine and Eda's relationship but also I adore the idea of Stan and Eda being besties who commit crimes together.
Picture this:
Eda and Stan meet while doing a heist they both just happened to be on. For said heist they have to get married to infiltrate a couples only event.
They enter the event as the newlyweds Hal and Marilyn Forrester. They then to proceed to rob every rich person blind.
Eda and Stan are just best friends who sometimes pretend to be married for heists they go on. And sometimes they try to rob eqch other too. It's always back and forth on who robs who.
For liability reasons they never tell one another their real names. They always affectionately call each other their ex-husband/wife. It honestly just becomes a joke between the two of them.
Stan does know Eda is a witch. Woman does out right magic in front of him.
Eda knows about Ford. She's from another dimension and had promised Stan she could keep an eye out for his brother.
Well years down the line, when the Emperor is defeated, Raine and Eda have worked on their issues. Meanwhile on Earth the Stan twins are traveling the world on their boat, Ford needs to consult with an old friend.
Using a modified dimension hopper the Stans travel to the Boiling Isles to meet up with Ford's old friend Lilith. Who just so happens to be at the Owl House. Ford is excited to finally meet the infamous Owl Lady.
Lilith walks inside. "Hey Eda I have an old friend who wants-"
Ford and Lilith look between their siblings. "THAT'S YOUR EX?!" The siblings groan because crap there's two of them.
Stan and Eda ignore them as the two starting talking about their kids and pulling out pictures. At the same time they're trying to figure out if they can pull one last heist for old times sake.
Poor Raine is trying to figure out if they should be jealous or continue the bisexual crisis because oh Titan there's two of them.
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sepublic · 2 years
Clouds on the Horizon!
            …I know we called Alador a rat man, but THIS is ridiculous! Seriously, how’d he even do that, I’m confused?
         LUMITY KISS LUMITY KISS THE WAY THE ANIMATION UPGRADED!!! The animation was so SMOOTH the animators knew it had to count. The way Luz’s vines were so FLOWER filled like from Reaching Out, responding to what Luz wanted as she mentioned at that episode when showing how to grow flowers… The Lumity and Raeda parallels! The twins! EMIRA AND EDRIC NNNOOOO!!!!! I can’t believe they got put away for the final battle this literally hurts so much, and what about Bump and the other students? Not my Blight twins…
         ODALIA THAT BITCH! Doesn’t Odalia realize SHE’s gonna die too… Or does she really think Belos will exempt her and Alador’s sigils?! I was half-expecting a twist where it’s revealed that Odalia didn’t have a sigil this entire time, making her all the more deplorable, especially in light of her husband having one… Glad we got to see a look at Oracle magic, or rather some confirmation in its ability to summon ghosts to fight with!
         The way Odalia left… It kinda feels like it’s alluding to her finding a new partner, but I’m not sure if we’ll even get to see her again? IS IT GONNA BE TIBBLES?!?! That’d be an embarrassing for her as an ending revisit to all of the cast members… Also, apparently someone’s keeping an eye on the rebels?! Is there a turncloak, is it Eberwolf?! Or Darius… No… NO! Maybe it’s just the Oracle Head using some sophisticated magic… Maybe teaming up with the Potion head to make a scrying potion? Oh fuck…
         LILITH! I love seeing Lilith voluntarily step up to take the fall for her sister this time, what a WONDERFUL culmination to her arc! And King, wanting to help but he’s still the youngest of all and if he bleeds, that could be a revealing liability… This episode seems to confirm the implication that Belos is manipulating even the Collector as well, so will the Collector preemptively betray him in retaliation? He doesn’t seem to realize King can hear him but maybe he does… Either way, that connection is def coming into play! And the Collector pointing out to Belos how much HE’S changed, and he’s still having freakouts… How the human world has likely changed!
         Okay! So they’re not ignoring Hunter’s identity crisis as a grimwalker, or Luz’s guilt for helping Philip! Glad to see that confirmation and I loved seeing them team up together… Also I TOTALLY saw that switcheroo as soon as ‘Luz’ did the golden warp TO PROTECT WILLOW!!! Speaking of which, Willow new design! And Gus, too, flaunting that trophy he took from Adrian! My boi I love him… And just his and Hunter’s teamup, him using that same darkness spell from Bria against Kikimora! I saw it coming, Luz was bamboozling Kikimora as a means to get to the castle! Poor Kiki, she got DEMOTED instead of promoted… YIKES. Imagine if after all this, as a cruel joke, Belos DOES keep his promise and let Kikimora live out of a sick and twisted sense of humor.
         Odalia that BITCH. I’m glad to see Amity get PISSED at her mom so openly, and I’m glad to see Alador go against her! With him destroying the factory, that’s him destroying any more Abomatons in the future… Hopefully we can see him override the Abomatons against Belos this finale, that will DEFINITELY help because Belos has made the mistake of positioning them in fairly critical places, like his own throne room during a private conversation with Hunter!
         I hope this finale we get to see the remaining Coven Heads, at least voices, names, and a brief show of powers. A part of me is hoping we’ll see the remaining four side with Belos in Season 3 so we can learn about them, but I’m not holding my breath… Dammit Disney. And RAINE! Raine wanting to protect Eda, that last banter… Luz asking them to look after her, Raine never needing to be told that but. I REALLY don’t like where this is going. I’m getting kinda scared and concerned for another cliffhanger where Eda is sacrificed… But hey, at least we got Katya hanging out with Luz and King for once, and a look at her beetle palisman! Yes! I’m imagining the off-screen interaction as they flew to Blight Manor.
         Oh god I’m so scared. Things are closing up… I love Luz promising a slice-of-life date and mentioning the trope. And the palisman egg! That’s SO kind of Luz to let her palisman choose that for itself… But will we not see until after the final battle? Will the egg hatch until the final crucial moment? Ngl at first I thought it was a reference to Azura’s blue staff which it could ALSO be that… Just god, I feel like there’s so much we’ve had to drop; This subplot of Odalia’s new partner, the remaining Coven Heads, the beach episode, confirmation that Steve and Mattholomule being half-brothers would be explored. The concealment stone was a nice touch…
        BUT WHO’S KEEPING EYES IS IT EBERWOLF AAKDHFKDAHDKFKGKSK or maybe. Maybe! Maybe the Oracle Head is just POSSESSING someone and there isn’t an actual traitor per se! I wish I hope… THIS CAN’T BE IT! I NEED MORE DANA!!!
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takerfoxx · 3 years
The Owl House, Season 2, Episode 8, "Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hooty's Door," First Impressions!
Ladies, Gentlemen, and that beautiful technicolor rainbow in-between, give it up for Hooty.
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Well done, you ridiculous comic-relief character.
So, the current season of Owl House continues to impress. Like, just about every episode has been a banger. They've taken what worked in the first season, expanded on it, while giving the show some major upgrades in character depth, lore, personal development, and connective tissue. The first season was good and all, but let's face it: when one episode ended there wasn't a whole lot of need to pop the next one in. NOT THE CASE ANYMORE!
That being said, when I saw that we were getting a Hooty episode I was...well, not really worried, but I did have an eyebrow raised. See, Hooty falls neatly into the kind of comic-relief characters that are primarily annoying, and those are really hard to get right! I mean, She-Ra is one of my favorite shows of all time, but...you know, the horse.
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Now, the problem I had with Swift Wind is that he was portrayed as being intelligent and well-liked, but his thoughtlessness often caused problems for the other characters, usually at the worst possible of times, to the point where it wasn't generating laughs, it was just getting in the way. He did grow on me a bit in that last season, but overall, he still got on my nerves a lot.
Hooty is different. For one, the annoying qualities are amped up to being actually kind of funny. For another, the characters themselves are weirded out by him and react appropriately. For another, he's usually only around in small doses, long enough to get a good gag in, and doesn't outstay his welcome. And finally, once you get past his, well, everything, he still kind of kicks ass. Where Swift Wind kept being accidentally a detriment, Hooty ends up being accidentally helpful more often than not, and that was what this episode ended up revolving around.
See, now that his BFF Lilith has left, Hooty is making more of an effort to bond with his various housemates, all of whom have their own pressing problems: King is still stressed about where he came from and what he is, Eda's powerlessness is finally catching up to her, and Luz is now dealing with her growing crush on Amity on top of trying to get information from the mouse thingy to maybe help her find a way home.
Naturally, Hooty tries to help.
Naturally, it goes horribly wrong every time.
But what is so smart about this episode is that while Hooty's intended way of helping ended up backfiring each time, it still ended up leading to something that really did help them, leading them all to taking great strides in overcoming their problems, for which they are very thankful.
First is King, who, despite accepting Eda as his real parent, is still all wound up about his heritage. Like, what even is he? Why did his dad abandon him? I mean, it's like what he tells Hooty: sometimes just being accepted by your found family isn't enough. Sometimes you just gotta know.
I really like how receptive King was to Hooty's attempts. Like, he's obviously frustrated and impatient, but still accepted that Hooty was trying to help and didn't just brush him off. And we did learn a bit about Demonkind here. Apparently they spawned from the corpse of the Titan itself (or so they believe) and come in three categories: Bugs, Bipeds, and Beasts. And apparently Hooty is more worm than owl, and that makes him a Bug? But King doesn't fit into any of those categories!
But while Hooty's attempts to cheer up King don't work, he does end up doing something very helpful, because he helps King learn that he has a power! Apparently some kind of really strong sonic blast or something, and given how King's lack of power has driven a lot of his issues, this is a big step for him, and he has Hooty of all people to thank.
And give it up for, "What did you say about my mother?!" Such a basic joke, but it made me laugh so hard.
Also, with Tiny Nose here, this whole scene was basically Dana and Alex bouncing off each other, which was cute.
Next is Eda, who despite taking her loss of magic like a champ is finally starting to collapse under the weight of having no power while Belos still has it in for her and her family, and it's really getting to her, to the point where she hasn't slept for a long time, and seeing how it's almost 3AM as I write this, I can empathize.
Naturally, Hooty's solution is to slip her some magic sleeping meds. Naturally, it's not the best plan.
Also, don't slip drugs to your friends, no matter how sleep-deprived they might be. But it's a fantasy show with demons and fairies, and it's Hooty, so it's all good.
Anyway, you should have seen my face light up when I realized what was about to happen. A dream sequence? My favorite kind of narrative device? Why, yes, please! Yes, yes, yes!
And it is a doozy. On top of giving more of that creepy shit that I love, we also got to dig into Eda's past as she struggles with the owl beast, seeing the various points in her life when it ruined things for her, from her attacking her dad (ouch) to leading to her breakup with Raine (oof) to her now feeling unable to protect her loved ones. And she's had enough. She's going to settle things with her cursed form once and for all.
Except in doing so, she learns something very interesting. Turns out, the owl beast was an actual living, breathing creature that was targeted by that strange figure in the crescent moon robes and turned into a curse. It's as much trapped by Eda as she is by it. In learning this, the two finally come to an understanding.
And in doing so, Eda gets a glow-up, and she looks incredible. Yeah, girl! Work those wings!
And then...
Then we get to Luz.
Oh boy.
See, right before this episode aired, I was talking to a friend about how I really hoped Amity would return soon. Like, I get that they have to bench her every now and then so she doesn't overshadow everything, but she was sorely missed. And like I said, I really wanted Lumity to become canon midway instead of being saved to the end.
So, when Luz had her little slip about getting into Amity's heart, I grinned. And I hoped that whatever Hooty was going to do would give her the strength to be honest about her feelings.
I wasn't expecting him to outright kidnap Amity and force them into a freaking tunnel of love!
Now, let it be known that the owner of this blog does not condone the kidnapping of minors to set them up on dates, no matter how cute you might think they are together. And in all seriousness, playing matchmaker with your clearly uncomfortable friends isn't as cute as it is on TV.
But like I said earlier, this is a fantasy series and Hooty is a owl-worm demon, so it's all good!
And oh my God, was it adorable.
Look, the regular followers of my blog know me. I'm aromantic, and highly sensitive to scenes in which characters are made to be uncomfortable and embarrassed. The secondhand cringe is almost poisonous to me, doubly so if it's romantically driven! Like, ugh, just stop!
But I have an exception to that rule, and that is when an OTP is involved! Then it doesn't bother me as much. Actually, it was stinking adorable.
Though, hey, kudos for making that whole boat ride so very creepy. Real FNAF vibes. And apparently Hooty set it up in under an hour?!
Anyway, the climax was suitably dramatic as Hooty throws a tantrum of demonic proportions over his perceived failures, the others try to calm him down, it's all well and good, but...
It happened.
Luz and Amity both confessed.
They asked each other out.
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It happened! It actually happened! I got what I wanted! They're officially dating! They are officially girlfriends! This is real!
Look, I love She-Ra, and I respect Korra, and fully understand what they were up against. No criticism. But they laid the groundwork, so it's time to progress even further. And now we have an actual queer relationship with the main freaking characters! An openly out bisexual and lesbian girl are dating in a freaking Disney kid's show! And they're the mains!
I feel like I've witnessed history.
And oh my God, they are adorable.
Thank you, Hooty. That you to the ultimate wingman, you utterly bizarre, always obnoxious, oftentimes terrifying, owl-worm abomination-
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art-i-choked · 3 years
Would you perhsps if it's not 2 much trouble bless us with some Gendino lore
ive been waiting for this one >:) also thisll prob be the only ask i answer today lol
gendino was originally created along w 3 other characters (mendy, eda and caltis) while i was listening to psychadelic porn crumpets music, specifically this one https://youtu.be/fRQKoGrhpOI
him and the other 3 are apart of a video game idea that would sort of have a similar artstyle to wandersong (lineless, 2d, and very yummy colors) mendy would be the protagonist but recently ive just been focusing a lot on him bc hes the most fun to draw rn
the best way i can describe his personality is he comes off like a stereotypical surfer dude as a first impression. he's chill and can sometimes be really stupid around his friends but he always means well. he is also very literal, like you have to tell him straight up what you need from him or else he won't know what you're trying to tell him
he lives on a beach in a little hut and surfs the space ocean, visiting other realities and worlds when he can. his house acts like mendy's hub if it were a video game, and he would be her teacher at the beginning and show here how to move to different worlds sorta like a tutorial guy
he has a white beaded friendship bracelet from mendy (that i occasionally forget to draw)
he always has his red shades on because he's insecure about how his eyes look, and his eyes glow
gendino blushes a cyan color but has yellow colored blood
i havent decided how old he is yet
he had his surfboard upgraded by mendy which is why it can float here (before meeting her he just surfed normally)
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he doesn't really have any special powers
me and my friends have an "oh no he's californian" joke between us and he isnt actually californian but he has the capability to go to california thanks to reality surfing so lol
he has very little yellow freckles
he would kin crush from finding nemo
he would be the most die in the backrooms first out of the 4
his relationships with people tend to be very loose because he interacts with so many people when surfing realties that he doesn't really have a chance to make deep friendships with people
he's never on time to anything
if he had a favorite disneyland ride it would be space mountain
he hates wearing socks and has thrown up from seeing someone wear socks and sandals
if he were kin assigned to a pony in mlp it would be zephyr breeze
his favorite foods are sloppy joes but he has also been known to drink a combination of mustard and bbq sauce by itself and says its the best thing he's ever tried
he has shat in the ocean as a kid once and only once
his hut is filled with a bunch of souvenirs from other realities and worlds that he has visited
theoretically he could have been in the backrooms at some point in his life
even though he was created while i was listening to psychadelic porn crumpets i think he leans more towards ballyhoo! songs like beach party or the front porch
eyah thats all i got for now lol
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sepublic · 3 years
Construction Relic Theory
           In the Relic Room, we see magical relics representing each of the nine covens, such as the Green Thumb Gauntlet for the Plant Coven, Oracle Sphere for Oracles, Healing Hat for the Healing Coven, etc. The only exception is, curiously, the Construction Relic; There is no artifact for the Construction Coven! Now, speaking from a meta animators’ perspective… Perhaps there is no Construction Relic, because this could imbalance the otherwise symmetrical layout of the relics, four on each side from one another… Or, maybe the crew forgot to include the Construction Relic, and decided it wasn’t necessary alongside most of the Relics anyway, as it’d just be another static background detail.
           But what if the Construction Relic is intentionally missing- What if it was Belos’ castle?
           I mean, think about it- What we know of Construction magic, and how we’re specifically introduced to it, is the creation of buildings. And Belos’ castle is obviously an incredibly important location for him, pragmatically and thematically, and I’ve speculated in the past that it might serve an additional function as well; Perhaps something to do with the Titan’s heart? It’s also chock-full of pipes and technology, the likes of which we’ve never seen before…
           So what if the Construction Relic was used to create Belos’ castle… Or even, it took the form of it? And that’s why it’s not present with the other artifacts; Either it’s in another location, serving as the core and foundation for the castle itself… Or it just straight-up turned into it, as the culmination of Construction magic, devising and transforming into a massive fortress!
           Alternatively- What if it was Belos’ staff, instead? We’ve all talked about how technological it looks… Perhaps Belos built and upgraded the Construction Relic into the staff we see today, in order to better enhance his magical abilities? Again, he’s associated with the creation of technology, machines, and automatons- Construction magic fits well with engineering, so it makes sense that this would be the artifact most important to Belos, and the only one he keeps on his person… And it’s potentially how he managed to create so many things such as the portal, and even the castle itself!
           Furthermore, we see how Belos can essentially ‘create’ fleshy monsters, like the Intro Worm, and those stone and meat constructs when fighting Luz. This could also fit into the speculation of Belos shaping people, such as members of the Emperor’s Coven and Guard, into uniform bodies… His power could be related to that of reconstruction, of transmutation; But he does so with living bodies, and not just buildings or technology! Maybe it could play into how Belos is able to reconstruct his body, how he’s able to create his own version of the portal…
           In fact, maybe that’s how Belos would’ve been able to heal Eda; Not with the Healing Hat, but by using his Construction Relic to literally reconstruct her body, back into its original, normal self! Maybe that’s even how the Curse works in the first place; Maybe it’s actually Construction Magic, and it reconstructs the victim’s body into an Owl Beast! Construction magic, but the building materials are the parts of a person’s body… And so all this time, Luz and Lilith were looking for the wrong artifact; The Healing Hat was not the solution, it was the Construction Relic- Because the Curse is Construction-based, and unlike Belos, they never realized this!
           In fact, whether or not it’s Belos’ staff, maybe that’s why the Construction Relic is unseen- It’s deliberately hidden so Lilith can’t just steal and use it for herself on Eda, and then be done! Maybe Belos even intentionally put away the Construction Relic, to manipulate Lilith for this reason! Getting into a meta perspective, Dana Terrace says that her choice of Magic track would be Construction, given how artsy it is… And Belos is possibly that favorited masked character of hers she alluded to, in the Reddit AMA; Although it could just as easily be Owl Mask. Additionally, Belos has a bit of brown in his color scheme himself, in the form of his cowl-mask… Maybe THAT’s the Construction Relic, even! And Construction magic fits Belos as someone with a machine motif, who wants to build an entire empire and Coven System.
           Construction Relic is unusually underrepresented, despite it being Dana’s choice- Aside from Mattholomule, we barely see any practitioners. Perhaps Belos could help to fill that role in the story, even if he’s also capable of other forms of magic; Coven Leaders notwithstanding, it’d be neat to see each form of magic get fleshed out with a witch tied to it, with Construction being Belos’ favored manner of magic. If the Curse is Construction Magic, maybe it was made by Belos, given the red coloration it gives off; Though whether Belos intended for Lilith to use it on Eda, or if he just lost it and it passed through hands on the black market, until Lily bought it… And then Belos was able to recognize his own work and thus reverse it- I can’t say.
          And once again, I’m going to bring up Fullmetal Alchemist; Because if I AM right and Belos and Father have parallels, and transmutation and alchemy from that series helped to inspire the Glyphs… Then given how Fullmetal Alchemist places emphasis on the terms construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction as a central part of alchemy; Perhaps this could factor into Belos, who’s essentially doing this show’s equivalent to Chimeras and Human Transmutation… Possibly on himself, even! 
          If we got by his ability to create living constructs AND buildings with this theory, then suddenly this could recontextualize all of those buildings in the Boiling Isles that have body parts in them… With Belos either having a hand in their creation, or Construction Magic being foreshadowed as including some meaty bits as well! This could even tie into Hooty, who himself is a meaty part of a building, and is even brown himself! Maybe House Demons are a variety of demon created by Construction Witches, who incorporate body parts into buildings (possibly supplied by Beastkeepers) and bring them to life- And Belos is using the same principle with the Construction Relic, just with more emphasis on flesh!
          Buildings probably require a lot of stone and other earthen materials, and Belos can create rock formations and even move statues, or make them out of people... Suddenly I’m wondering if the Petrification Machine is connected to this relic? And if we go by the idea of construction magic assembling and fusing parts together, perhaps House Demons are regular demons who have been disassembled, and put back together with building materials to create a living house! Beastkeepers could supply body parts and demons, and maybe even help tame/subdue the resulting House Demons for usage afterwards- Working with the Construction Coven to create things like living alarm bells, watches, etc.!
           And if you even want to get REALLY meta, Construction Magic being underrepresented could be as part of a twist to get the audience to not think about and notice it… Before it REALLY comes into play! I guess amidst the comparisons to Hooty and Construction magic, that’s another similarity, based on @fermented-writers-block and their speculation on Hooty being intentionally played off as a joke for distraction…
           Granted, part of the problem with this theory is that the Relics are revealed to actually be pretty weak; Or at the very least, not particularly legendary- Anything they can do, a decent Witch trained in that magic could also do as well, I imagine. It’s why Lilith has no qualms with destroying the Healing Hat… But then again, if the Healing Hat didn’t work because it had no effect on a Construction-based Curse, then maybe it WAS powerful, but Lilith dismissed it as weak, because it couldn’t fix the curse like she needed it to?
          Perhaps the Relics are indeed what they’re hyped up to be, but because Lilith misunderstood the Curse’s nature, she thought the Healing Hat was much weaker than it actually was for not being able to fix it… If so, RIP- Lilith DID destroy a powerful artifact, then! Maybe Belos drained the Relics of most of their power, but saved the Construction Relic because of how important it was. Or, the Relics aren’t normally powerful, as Lilith claimed- But Belos was able to perform modifications to the Construction Relic, turning it into the mechanical staff we see today! Maybe the Construction Relic even created machinery that could enhance the original relic’s own magic; Potentially making it the most dangerous Relic, for its powers of Creation that enable it to bypass its own limits, unlike the other Relics!
          So of course Belos would want to keep it… And we’ve seen him capable of adding technology to supplement magical artifacts, like with the portal in the Season Finale. And with how Construction Witches from the Emperor’s Coven are clearly vital to Belos’ creation… Then it’s possible that Construction magic will be the hidden, overlooked, but ultimately invaluable ace up Belos’ sleeve, that everyone has been dismissing and underestimating this entire time! Construction magic being overlooked yet so important would be an interesting theme- Especially since out of the Coven Leaders, the Construction Head is the first and only one we’ve seen, and yet HIS appearance was played off so normally, that the viewers wouldn’t have recognized his relevance until The First Day!
          Just a normal part of the background, just another witch… But like the magic of his that is underestimated, the Construction Head turns out to be far more important than we could’ve imagined; And initially, we dismissed him as just an extra, as part of some minor world-building and even a brief joke! Suddenly, the Construction Head empowering Tiny Nose, Dana’s self-insert, with a Power Glyph derived from her magic of choice, takes on a WHOLE new meaning…!
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