#he just drank his Respect Meng Yao juice
thepurplewombat · 10 months
Character headcanon ask: LXC + JGY!
Okay, so it's finally cooled down enough that my computer has stopped making distressed noises whenever I turned it on, PLUS! we even have power for a few hours today, so here goes:
Lan Xichen
Sexuality Headcanon:
I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't give a lot of thought to characters' sexuality, at least not in terms of having headcanons for them. In my head, LXC is probably some flavor of bi, except that in practical terms, he's A-Yaosexual.
Gender Headcanon:
I think I've read one fic where LXC was actually a woman - not in the sense that he any flavor of trans, at least that was not the impression I got, he was biologically and emotionally a woman, but he was presenting male because of Political Reasons, and I thought that was quite interesting. But in general, I think he's a cis male.
A ship I have with said character:
Oh I don't know, I just don't know, who could I possibly ship the incomparable First Jade of Lan with - it's Jin Guangyao. Like, I'm not going to say that xiyao is canon and everyone who disagrees is wrong (even though they are) because everyone is allowed to be wrong on Beyonce's internet, but any version of Lan Xichen that isn't in love with Jin Guangyao is a Lan Xichen who is so wildly out of character to me that I just don't know what to do with him.
A BROTP I have with said character:
I think he'd get along really well with Jiang Cheng as friends - like, among the reasons that I don't think they work as romantic partners is that I think Lan Xichen would find being in a relationship with JC utterly exhausting. As a romantic partner, you feel somewhat responsible for managing your partner's moods, in a way that you don't necessarily feel the need to do in a friendship. I just think that the distance of a friendship would give him the opportunity to enjoy Jiang Cheng's cunty tendencies and temper, while not making him feel in any way responsible for managing Jiang Cheng's moods.
A NOTP I have with said character:
That being said, Jiang Cheng is not actually my NOTP for this character. I remain convinced that chengxiyao is a viable ship that just needs the right story to take off, and I'm sure that if I were to read a really good x!cheng fic, where Jin Guangyao is not demonised or erased, I would probably enjoy it.
No, my NOTP is Nie Mingjue. Mainly because I think he's an abusive jerkweed who reminds me of both my murderous ex and my late father (although to be fair to the Great Old One, he never tried to kill me) and I don't think that someone who is incapable of understanding that maybe other people have different priorities and points of view, is a good fit to be in a relationship with anyone who doesn't precisely share his values.
Oh and also Nie Huaisang. Just no. NOPE.
A random headcanon:
Not long after the end of canon, Lan Xichen disappears from his house of seclusion and is never seen again, because he's given the entire jianghu the middle finger and fucked off.
General Opinion over said character:
When I finished the book he was my favourite, and I was initially drawn into thinking more about Jin Guangyao because I was looking for stories where Lan Xichen has a happy ending, and a lot of the time, a happy ending for Lan Xicnen requires a happy ending for JGY as well. In the months since, he's been somewhat supplanted by JGY - it's not that I love him less, it's that I love JGY so much more (send help I am genuinely unwell about Jin Guangyao).
More general opinion - I think Lan Xichen should have the opportunity to go absolutely feral.
Jin Guangyao
My lovely boy, my sweet cheese, my rotten soldier, I love him so much.
Sexuality Headcanon:
I mean, canonically he loves both a man (LXC) and a woman (QS) so, bisexual?
I do think he has a complicated relationship with sex, because of his mother's profession and his father's...everything, but I think that like most of his traumas, he pushes it into a box and never ever thinks about it.
Gender Headcanon:
I think that when he was a small boy, his mother went on her knees every day and thanked all the gods and ancestors that he was a boy, because at that point she must have still hoped that JGS would come for them.
So I don't think that JGY has ever actually thought about his gender beyond 'thank the gods I wasn't born a girl'. Like, he could never allow himself to even consider anything other than being a man, because he was his mother's son, you know?
A ship I have with said character:
Xiyao. They're just so *clenches fist* I love them, your honor. Like, they just so obviously love each other - it's more obvious in CQL, but it's not exactly subtle in the novel either, and I just...my heart breaks for them and I love them so much.
I can also be convinced about Chengyao, because I think that Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao have got some things in common, and the ways in which they differ are very complementary.
A BROTP I have with said character:
I think that he and Wei Wuxian could have been great friends, if the stars had aligned properly.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Obviously it's a free internet and everyone can do what they want, but personally I can't ship my blorbo with someone who tried to murder him three times and hated him so much that even without knowing that JGY had killed him, he became a fierce corpse and escaped the grave to come after him. Just nope.
A random headcanon:
I don't think that JGY would have left the temple that night. I think he was genuinely trying, because at base he's an engine of survival, but honestly I think when push came to shove and he had to leave Lan Xichen and never see him again, I'm not sure he would have done it.
General Opinion over said character:
I love him. he's my favourite character in MDZS, and he's near the top of my list of all time favourite characters.
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thepurplewombat · 1 year
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thepurplewombat · 1 year
Character ask meme: Lan Xichen
Allright my precious boy is up to bat!
a song that reminds me of them: Okay so I don't usually associate songs with specific characters, but usually ships. However, after giving the matter some thought, I came up with a couple: It's all coming back to me now by Celine Dion for when ghost/fierce corpse a-Yao returns to him. Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are for post-canon Lan Xichen, and I'd Lie For You And That's The Truth, also by Meat Loaf for just, like, the general vibes of him and JGY up until the last few days.
what they smell like: Something crisp yet soothing.
an otp: Xiyao always and forever
a notp: I don't really see the appeal of any ship with LXC other than XiYao. I can cope with most of them - I've even read some decent Lancest - but I have an especial dislike for xisang and xicheng, and I am not a big fan of 3zun because, idk, the vibes don't work for me? I don't know, I just can never really get my teeth into 3Zun, I find it kind of off-putting.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: Ugh big brother LXC is so chef kiss. The way he gently ribs his stuffy baby brother and just wants him to be happy always and forever aaaargh it makes me go feral. I have been known to read fics explicitly tagged Not JGY-Friendly because I was informed they have excellent Lan brothers content, and since JGY is my poorest little meow meow, that's a big deal.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: Himbo Lan Xichen. Like, come on, he's a sect leader, he is apparently the only person in the entire gorram Sunshot Campaign that realised that they needed a fucking spy , and he's the greatest cultivator of his generation. Come on people. You can be intelligent without being an asshole, you know. Just because he's nice and he drank his Respect Meng Yao juice every day doesn't make him a himbo (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻
the position they sleep in: He goes to sleep on his back in proper Lan posture, but he wakes up cuddling his blankets and/or sprawling so as to occupy maximum real estate.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in :SVSSS would be great, because he could use a magic mushroom to make A-Yao a non-dead body, but idk I kind of want him to cross over into like, the most mundane cozy romance you've ever seen in your life? Like, I would like to read a story where literally nothing bad happens ever at all. I want a story where LXC falls in love with this beautiful boy, and the beautiful boy falls in love right back, and it should have an epilogue where they have the world's biggest golden retriever and six cats and a little house in the woods or something.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: That one he stole from LWR for his little Teacher/Student roleplay session with JGY is great, but honestly he always looks fantastic.
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