#he just has a hard time thinking outside the box sometimes
hairmetal666 · 1 year
Eddie's at a party, lunch box in tow, and he's making a fucking killing.
He sets up shop in the crowded kitchen, but that doesn't stop him from spotting King Steve in the living room. Harrington's face is still fucked up from the fight with Hargrove, and he's tipping a cup almost vertically into his mouth. He's not too surprised when--the next time he spots the jock--he has a can of beer in each fist.
More customers flood up to him, and he can't help but be a little grateful for the distraction. Harrington is one unrequited crush he just can't kick.
Lunch box cleaned out, Eddie heads outside for a smoke. He's fishing his cigarettes out of his jacket pocket when he hears a snuffling sort of shuffle that sends his heart racing.
He edges forward, just enough to make out the heap of a person half-heartedly sitting up against the house. A person in fitted blue jeans, tight polo, and Member's Only jacket; swoop of chestnut hair catching in the flash of fire from Eddie's Zippo.
The guy startles, stability wavering, eyes blinking too much. "Munson?"
"You alright, man?" He asks, though he can already tell that Steve is most definitely not.
Steve shrugs. "Why do you care?" It's not mean, sounds genuinely curious.
Eddie gets it. He has no reason on earth to show concern about King Steve. In answer, he taps his boot against Steve's sneaker, giving him a small smile. "Not sure. But I'm here, so..."
"Just needed some air. Clear my head."
"How much have you had to drink?" Eddie asks.
"One or two,"
Steve laughs. "You're funny. Has anyone ever told you that?"
"I've heard," Eddie says, can't help but laugh a little too. "Wanna talk about what's going on?"
Eddie thinks that'll be a "no," but then: "Nancy dumped me."
"Yeah, big news."
"Ugh, people are talking about it?" Steve whines. It's really cute and Eddie hates himself for noticing. Hates himself more when Steve loses his balance, tips onto Eddie's shoulder, and Eddie doesn't tip him back.
Eddie can tell that Steve isn't fully with him anymore. He's a little afraid to leave the guy alone, so Eddie talks about the latest Hellfire campaign. Sober Steve Harrington probably has no idea what dnd is, but the drunk version is kind of a rapt audience.
He's just explaining about owlbears when Steve's voice, soft and sad, says "I just want someone to love me, you know?"
The admission renders Eddie speechless for a second, his chest fucking aching for the jock. He says "Oh, Stevie," knows he sounds too sad, is sure of it when Steve's nose wrinkles (it's cute; it's so fucking cute. Eddie hates himself for noticing).
Before he can backtrack, Steve slumps over, body going limp as he passes out. "Jesus H Christ," Eddie barks.
With a heavy sigh, and way too much fondness, Eddie stands. "Let's get you home, sweetheart."
He gathers Harrington up in his arms--dude is heavy--and carries him around to his van.
Steve wakes up, head throbbing and tongue fuzzy, with no idea how he got home and into bed. Can't really recall anything after he stumbled outside, aside from talking to Eddie Munson. But maybe that was a dream? Either way, he's home, not really any worse for wear. It's enough to let him forget all about it; what's one drunken party in a life full of them?
That Wednesday, he opens his locker after the final bell, and a Hershey bar falls out. He picks it up, flipping it over to see a note on the foil wrapping, "thought you might need something sweet to cheer you up." It's not signed, and Steve slips it into his backpack, knowing he's got a silly smile on his handsome face.
The little gifts continue to show up once or twice a week. Candy, plastic vending machine toys, sketches of the school grounds, caricatures of classmates and teachers. Sometimes they even come with a note in handwriting he doesn't recognize.
Along with the little treats, he starts seeing Eddie Munson kind of everywhere. And it's not like Steve hadn't seen him before--guy was hard to miss--but he was never around this often. Wasn't around this often and he and Steve had never shared a smile, a quick bob of the head, a quiet hello.
It isn't long before they're talking. Nothing much, nothing serious. Complaining about teachers, about classmates; sharing weekend plans. Only now Steve can't pretend to not notice the way Eddie dimples up when he smiles, the subtle muscles that bunch under the sleeves of his Hellfire Club shirt, the long litheness of his legs. Steve knows he's attracted to other guys, it's just that he didn't realize he'd be attracted to Eddie.
The gifts keep coming. Once, he opens his locker to find a plastic ring fashioned into a golden crown and a note that says, "made me think of you, Stevie." There's something about the "Stevie" that catches deep in his brain, but he can't make it connect to anything.
A few months later, Steve opens his locker and pulls out a drawing. This one--it's of him. He's gazing out into space in a way that managers to be dreamy and wistful. The Steve in the drawing is lovely, and it makes something clench deep in his gut, that someone sees him like this.
Steve tries to be more aware of the people in his surroundings, to figure out who his admirer is. He's not very good at it, even as more sketches of him--all depicting him as a gorgeous, ethereal thing he definitely isn't--show up in his locker. Especially when, so often these days, the person he sees the most is Eddie.
The presents in his locker continue into April, and would probably last until the end of the school year, but Steve's got a migraine starting. He keeps aspirin in his locker, gets a hall pass out of English to get some.
When he reaches his locker, though, someone is already there, with the door open. Someone in ripped black jeans, heavy black boots, a black leather jacket, and patch covered denim vest.
"Munson?" He asks. His heart beats so hard it reverberates in his ears, making it hard to hear.
Eddie jumps back, hands fluttering, face flushing bright red. "Ste--Harrington! I--uh--," he's backing up, his hands held out from his body, like he's pushing Steve away even though they aren't touching.
"Were you--?" Steve tries to ask, but the words won't quite come. There's familiar warmth low in his stomach, a twisting that has nothing to do with his impending migraine.
"I wasn't doing anything, I swear," Eddie says. He's breathing hard, eyes too bright, and Steve thinks he might be about to cry, but then the metalhead is turning away, starting to run.
"Eddie, wait!" Steve calls, chasing after him without much thought. "Please!"
Eddie doesn't stop until after they've crashed out one of the side exits, are alone outside.
"It was you? Leaving the--?"
Eddie nods, presses his hands to his eyes. "Sorry, I'm sorry, Harrington. I just--"
"Don't be sorry," Steve begs. "It's been--I liked it."
"Even now that you know they're coming from the freak?" Eddie spits. He still hides his face behind his hands.
"It's sort of been the best part of my year, if I'm being honest."
Only now does the metalhead remove his hands, blink back at Steve, dark eyes wide with shock. "Really?"
"Yeah. It made me feel-- important, I guess? Like, maybe someone saw me as something more than King Steve."
Eddie smiles now, looks down at the pavement. "I just didn't want you to think that you weren't--" he stops then, presses his mouth tight.
"Didn't want me to think what?"
"That you weren't loved, Stevie."
The statement hangs between them, Eddie's face pinking again, as the words wrap their way around Steve's heart. Loved. That he's loved. It clenches at every part of him, and he surrounds himself with the truth of it, what all those little presents were saying without words.
"Eddie, I--" he's overwhelmed by the gesture, the meaning, the reciprocal buzz in his chest, because Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson, loves him, and this fact is turning Steve's world on it's head in the best way.
"I'm sorry, Steve, really. Please don't hate me, or--or--"
"It means so much to me," Steve says, his voice a little broken. He reaches a hand out, slow, telegraphing the movement. "Can I?" He whispers.
Eddie nods, and Steve strokes the skin of his face with his thumb. "Thank you."
The metalhead nods, leaning into Steve's touch, they shift close, until their foreheads meet, until they share the same air. They stand that way for a while, long enough that they hear the bell ringing, and only then does Steve break their quiet. "Eds?"
"Yeah, Stevie?"
"You wanna hangout some time?"
Eddie laughs. "Yeah. I really, really do, sweetheart."
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kentopedia · 1 year
when nanami dies, there's a box of letters waiting for you.
months pass before you find it. it's not until you're cleaning out his things, wondering if you can stand to get rid of them, that the letters are there waiting for you.
its no bigger than a shoebox, dark wood engraved with an intricate design, one that you're certain kento picked out specifically for you. you've never seen it before, and you open it with shaky hands, tears already pooling in your eyes at all the memories your lover left behind.
inside, there's a stack of letters, each one dated at the top with kento's name intricately signed at the end. some are in sealed envelopes with beautiful stamps. some multiple pages long and include some little haikus that are far too lovely to be about someone like you. and some are just quick little notes scribbled on napkins.
your spread them across the floor, staring down at each of the tiny little hearts he'd drawn next to your name on each note. even though you'd been together for years, you had no idea that he'd been writing all of them—hours of his life dedicated to this little pastime, and you'd been clueless.
they're like journal entires. insights into kento's life and your relationship, both the good moments and the tough ones. he leaves behind everything to you, entrusting you to keep his entire existence safe in your hands.
you read the letters with tears streaming down your face, and you choke on your sobs, trying so hard not to smear the ink from the wetness on your cheeks.
when you pull one out with shaky hands, you realize it's a decade old. the writing has faded a bit, and the paper is yellowing, but it's kento's handwriting, nonetheless.
it makes you near sick to read it. for a minute, you have to set it aside, cry into your knees as you curl into a ball, wondering when you'll ever stop feeling this empty.
this letter is from a sixteen year old kento; a quiet boy who had a silly little crush on girl in his year that was much too pretty for him. and in the letter, he says he knows you're too good for him, but he can't help but love you. he can't help but hope that one day, in a few years, you'll want to marry him as much as he wants to marry you.
it hurts, burns in your chest because even back then, kento had known you were the one. he'd known and he wrote you these letters because he'd felt that his life would be cut short. he'd felt like that since haibara died, and geto left, and it started to seem like the life of a sorcerer was always doomed to be an unhappy one.
kento had been so afraid that his friend died without knowing how much he meant to him, and he refused to make the same mistake with you.
there are letters from even when you weren't together. from the years that you were eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and kento had been so desperate to leave jujutsu behind that it meant he had to leave you too. even then, even when you were nothing more than a shadow from his past, he adored you.
you feel so outside of yourself, nauseous and filled with so much grief that you're not sure where to put it.
sometimes, you’d doubted if kento felt as loved by you as you did by him. but there's pages and pages of him speaking of how special you make him feel, even when you were separated, and he missed you so much that the thoughts of you consumed him.
you spend hours going through the letters, and then, you see one dated halloween, 2018. even breathing feels hard, but you can't stop yourself from reading it, even though you know it will destroy you, know that you won't be able to leave the house for days after reading it.
in the letter, kento says he loves you. he talks about the day before, when you'd convinced him to watch some halloween movies, and though most of them were silly, he didn't care how he spent his time with you as long as it made you smile.
he says that he feels bad for cancelling your dinner plans, and he's going to be thinking of you when he's in shibuya. that it's such a shame that being a sorcerer is so much more fulfilling than a salaryman, because it cuts into your time together, and you’re the most important part of his life.
he says he loves you again. that he really hopes he makes it back from shibuya because even though he's never told you, he wants a family with you.
he says he’s decided he'll bring it up when he gets home safe and sound. he’s not sure how you’ll feel about it, but you better know that he’ll always love you no matter what you decide, even if what he really wants is a little girl that looks just like you. and lastly, he hopes that you don't stay up too late waiting up for him—you’ve been so tired lately, and it’s making him feel bad.
his name is at the bottom with another little heart.
you let the letter fall from your hands.
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sacharinee · 1 year
more sleepy!peter pleaseee!!!
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pairing: peter parker x reader
w/c: 800+
a/n: i had the roles reversed this time lolol - this post is based on x and abt one office reference!
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peter loved sleeping next to you.
your bed was always so comfy and you were always so warm.
but sometimes it had its downsides
it could just be the frustration getting to him, but the poor boy couldn’t seem to sleep.
maybe it was the fact that you two were practically sleeping in a freezer. you always told your boyfriend you couldn’t ever fall asleep in a hot box. 
or maybe it could just be you, sleeping so peacefully, without a care in the world, unmoved and unbothered, all while being the world’s biggest blanket hogger. 
he also knew he shouldn’t have drank that extra cup of coffee earlier in the evening, however in his defense, he was exhausted, and he needed that extra boost to get through his last few classes of the day.
as he looked at you, a shiver ran down from his neck and to his spine, feeling goosebumps scatter around his arms.
the dim lamppost outside shines through your window and onto your relaxed face. peter’s jealous of the sweet slumber you’re in.
“y/n?” he reaches out to poke your puffy cheek.
you’re dead asleep. 
you were tucked away across the mattress as he tries tugging the blanket away from you, attempting to spare some for himself. your loose grip allows peter to find comfort in the heat the warm sheets bring when he wraps it around his shoulders, tucking his feet inside and tangling it with yours. 
peter feels himself finally dozing off, his heart rate slowly decreasing. he's halfway asleep when you disrupt him, feeling you gradually snatch the blanket away, stripping him of the toasty covers.
“y/n/n,” he groans. the boy is now restless as he begins to lightly poke your cheek again, “c’mon please?” 
this time, when he reaches for you once more, he feels you quickly wrap your hand around his pointer finger.
“touch me one more time, parker and i swear-”
“i just wanna sleep” he whines. he’s frowning at you with those big eyes, wishing you would turn around to face him. 
“you’re gonna be sleeping by yourself for the rest of your life if you don’t-”
“please,” his voice cracks. peter's desperate to rest and the least you could is to help out.
you heave a sigh, “peter just,” you turn towards him, keeping your lids shut, “close your eyes”
he’s quick to do so tightly, shifting around to get more comfortable, “take some deep breaths.”
peter follows your instructions, “slow your heartbeat down,” he takes a few moments to focus on the task and he begins to feel more at ease than he has the entire night. he waits a bit longer for you to continue.
“and then what?”
no answer.
“y/n!” and he’s shaking your shoulders, “you can’t sleep now!”
you groan in annoyance, “just go to sleep, peter”
“you don’t think i would if i could!?” he huffs.
“well, what d’you want me to do?”
“umm,” he takes a few moments to ponder before he suggests, “ask me about my day.” 
you blink one eye open at him, glaring, “it’s 2am... and you want me to ask you how your day was?”
peter blankly blinks in return, offering you a toothy grin, “mm, yea!”
you could only stare back at him blankly as he waits for you, and slowly you ask, “how was your day.”
he’s instantly giddy at your question (which definitely didn’t sound like a question), and breathes out a relieved sigh.
“i’m so glad you asked,” he shakes his head, “it was so tiring.”
he began to ramble on about how eventful his day was. and no matter how hard you tried to fight off sleep, there was something so calming about peter’s voice that puts you to sleep.
“-and she bought me a churro, so that was nice. oh, and you know howard? that homeless man on 31st?”
gradually, he subconsciously moves closer to you, playing with a loose thread of your blanket and tucking himself in, snug against your body. 
“he told me that he lost his pet pigeons when he got kicked out and he asked me to go help find them for him. i never realized how hard it was to swing while holding a couple of birds. but anyways, i still have-”
peter takes a look at you as you doze off and whines your name.
he’s shocked when you surprisingly move towards him, bringing an arm around his torso and tangling your legs with his.
at last, the boy seems calm down after awhile, focusing his breathing to follow suit with yours. talking did seem to help. now he’s finally warm, laying in bed next to the girl he loves most. and you’re pleased with your effort to help him sleep.
it's only a matter of time until he pipes up again.
“hey y/n, if I was a worm in a top hat who could only communicate with you telepathically, would you still love me?” 
“dammit, peter”
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writingforstraykids · 8 months
I feel kind of angsty today and I’m in the mood to just read something that makes me cry so hear me out.Minho/Chan or Felix argue with you because you feel neglected and such in because they are so busy and barley make time for you and you just want to feel a little affection and they are also upset because they are stressed and kind of blow up and say stuff they shouldn’t have and evereyone is upset.Maybe they solve it (or they don’t if you want to be mean).But I really need something gut wrenching.
(Also don’t rush and take your time with writing this if you even want to<3)
I've decided to be extra mean and make this a poly mess so you have all of the boys in it😂😂 I hope you like it and I don't make you cry too hard...also if you ever wanna talk, just let me know hun🥺🖤
You don't need me
Pairing: Minchanlix x femReader | Minho x Chan x Felix x femReader
Word Count: 2391
Warnings/Tags: angst, argument, insecurities, feeling neglected, feeling left out, loneliness, chan's a little stressed meanie, Minlix is...idk🤣
bold indicates English
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Minho races down the stairs, cursing quietly as he drops his keys. He quickly bends down to pick them up, and his glasses, which he only quickly pushed up his nose before, fall onto the floor.
"Are you okay?" you ask, amused.
"Obviously not," he says, clearly annoyed.
"Well, can I help?" you ask gently, and Minho firmly shakes his head, grabbing his sneakers.
"I'm late; there's nothing you can do about that," he tells you, and you're about to answer, but he cuts you off. "Yongbok! I swear if you don't move your ass down here in five seconds, I'll drive without you!" he yells upstairs, making you flinch at the volume of his voice.
"Is Channie already-?"
"Don't think he slept here tonight," Minho shakes his head and grabs his bag. "FELIX!"
"Minho, for fucks sake!" Felix yells back and appears at the top of the stairs. "I swear, this man is driving me crazy. As if those five seconds would make any difference at this point, my God. It's Hyunjin, he won't kill us!" he curses as he walks downstairs, his hair messily falling around his head.
"Don't you start talking English now and think I don't know that means you're talking shit about me," Minho tells him, throwing his sneakers at him. "Put those on, we're late."
"Well, if someone wouldn't have taken so long waking up today," Felix comments and rolls his eyes at him. He looks up, startled, as you carefully brush his hair back for him, trying to fix the mess. "Not now, Y/nnie, we have to leave," he gently shakes you off.
You pull back your hand and nod gently, glancing at Minho, who's grabbing his stuff and unlocking the door. "Bye, see you later!" he shouts and waves you, stepping outside. Only two seconds later, he's back. "Felix, I swear I will kick you."
"Fuck off," Felix curses under his breath and grabs his things, waving at you and slipping outside as well. The door falls closed, and you're standing still for a moment.
"Well, good morning and goodbye to you too. I love you too," you whisper to yourself and sigh softly. Turning around you spot their packed lunch boxes still on the table. "Shit," you curse and throw your head back, frustrated. You know they barely make time to eat unless you made it. Well, maybe you could visit them later, get your kiss, and check on Chan.
You stand still in the suddenly very empty house and try to remember the last time they were all home and you've spent some quality time together. It feels like months and you soon realize it has been. One of them has always been either working or not even in the country. Sometimes it really doesn't feel like you're living with your three boyfriends but some roommates who stop by now and then.
"Oh, come on, don't be so dramatic," you shake your head and chew on your lower lip. You don't know when the last time was you had breakfast all together, you got a kiss goodbye from all of them or they came back in time for dinner. Needless to say, no one has properly touched you in weeks as well. Were you that easy to forget? Are you just another assignment to get done on their daily to-do lists? Something they could just reschedule to another day if they can't make time for it?
Sighing softly you make your way upstairs and rummage through your closet, searching for a nice outfit. You find a cute summer dress they all love and decide on that. After a quick shower, you fix your hair and make yourself presentable.
Only a little later, you're walking down the hallway to their practice room and gently knock at the door, letting yourself inside. Minho demonstrates some steps as Felix and Hyunjin watch him closely and try to mirror his movements. Felix messes up a step, and Minho starts laughing at him, chasing him through the room. He wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him against his chest, kissing his cheek. "Yongbokie, come on," he giggles softly, and Felix tries to squirm away from him.
"I'm sorry, hyungie," he laughs, eyes shining bright. "I promise I'll do better."
"Once you're done flirting, we could continue?" Hyunjin groans playfully annoyed.
Minho turns with Felix in his hold, and they face you. Surprise laces their features. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" Minho asks confused.
"Oh, you forgot your lunch today, and I didn't know how long you'd be at the company," you tell them, and Minho nods gently.
"Thanks," he tells you and lets go of Felix, walking over to his phone.
Felix stretches tiredly and watches Minho as he scrolls through his phone. "You wanna go again?"
Minho glances at his watch before nodding. "We should. We have like an hour before the rest join us." You nod gently to yourself and put their lunch down on the bench next to their stuff. "Chan's at the studio," he tells you before turning the music back on.
You watch them stunned as they continue practicing and don't really notice the compassionate smile Hyunjin gives you. Your throat tightens, and you quickly make your way outside. You're clearly not needed here.
You knock at the door, and Jisung opens the door, smiling at you brightly. "Hey, Y/n," he beams at you and pulls you into a hug. "Chan hyung, look who's here."
"Ji, I told you no visitors right now," he groans and pulls off his headphones with a heavy sigh. He spots you in the door and nods. "Oh, hi."
"Hi," you say quietly, holding on tightly to the box in your hand. "I just wanted to bring you your lunch. I won't disturb you for long."
"Ah, okay," he says and gestures toward the small table next to the door. "Just put it there, I'll eat later. Thanks, Y/n."
"You're welcome," you nod and are about to leave again but hesitate for a moment.
"Anything else?" Chan asks, not even looking at you.
"Will you be home tonight?" you ask gently, and he raises his eyebrows, still not looking over.
"Because you weren't yesterday," you say and see Jisung's confused frown at that.
"Hyung, you promised," Changbin sighs from his spot on the sofa, rolling his eyes at you in secrecy.
"Y/n, we've been over this before. If I get done in time, I'll be there; if not, then not," he announces, almost a little annoyed.
You scoff at him and put down the box heavily. "Sorry for asking, I guess," you spit out and open the door, stopping when you hear him groan.
"Stop being so pushy, my god," Chan rolls his eyes and looks at you for the first time today. "I'll be there. Are you happy now?"
"You know what?" you ask lowly. "You can stay here for another night. It makes no difference if you guys are there or not, you only have eyes for each other or work. Sometimes I wonder why my three roommates even need me."
"What the fuck did you just say?" Chan asks quietly and stares at you.
"You fucking heard me," you spit out with tears burning in your eyes. "At this rate, I'm just part of the interior. You don't say good morning, you don't say goodnight, you're not home for dinner, you're not there. And if you are you're busy with work or talk to Minho and Felix only. You don't need me right now, and that fucking hurts, Chan."
"Okay, that's enough delusional behavior for one day," Chan gets up with a groan and shakes his head at you. "We'll talk about this tonight, but right now, I really don't have time for this."
"Don't bother," you shake your head at him, heart breaking. "I'll take myself back out."
"Hyung," Changbin sighs a little, but Chan ignores him.
"Come on, Y/nnie, I'll take you to your car, yeah?" Jisung says gently and wraps his arm around you, pulling you outside. "He doesn't mean it. He's being dumb."
"Yes, he does; they all do," you sniffle, and Jisung frowns at you.
"What do you mean?" he asks worriedly.
"It's been like this for weeks now. They all rush out of the house and act like I don't exist anymore," you tell him, hot tears falling down your cheeks. "I know they're stressed; I know they have a lot to do, but is it really too much to ask?"
"No, Y/nnie, it isn't," he shakes his head and pulls you into a tight hug. "I'm sure what you're describing is true. They sometimes forget everything around them when things here get rough. I'm sorry, hun," he says and soothingly rubs your back. He thinks for a moment before shaking his head and gently patting your back. "Come on, they'll never learn if they don't see what it does to you."
"No, Ji, they're busy-" you protest through tears.
"I don't care," he shakes his head and leads you down the hallway. He rips open the door to the room and pulls you with him to Minho's phone, turning the music off. "Hyunjin, you come with me. You two have something to fix here."
Minho blinks at him, confused, and his face falls, seeing you crying in his arms. "Y/nnie, kitten," he says worriedly and quickly makes his way over. "Honey, what's wrong?" he asks gently, cupping your face and searching your eyes. "Hey, look at me," he says softly.
"Y-You don't need me," you hiccup, and Minho frowns at you.
"What do you mean?" he asks, confused, and Felix steps next to you, gently rubbing your lower back.
"Babe?" Felix asks worriedly as you don't answer.
"Go get Channie," Minho tells him, eyes widening as you furiously shake your head. Chan is usually the best to comfort you when you are really upset. "No? Why, kitten? What happened?"
"Channie s-says I'm delusional," you sob quietly as Minho sits down on the bench and pulls you into his lap.
"What?" Felix asks, confused. "Did you two get into a fight?" he asks, sitting down next to the two of you.
You bury your face in Minho's chest, so desperate for such a simple gesture. Sobs shake your body as you tell them about what happened with Chan and how neglected you felt during those past weeks. It all flows freely now, and they both listen quietly, not interrupting you once. Minho's hand rubs your back soothingly, and Felix fondles your hair gently.
"Oh kitten, I'm so sorry," Minho apologizes sincerely once you're done. "I had no idea you were suffering that much because of us."
"You're right, babe, we're so busy we sometimes forget about you or act a little harsh," Felix nods guiltily and leans down to kiss your head. "I'm so sorry we made you feel like that. You don't deserve that one bit, my dear."
"I know I'm being dramatic," you sniffle into Minho's shirt.
"No, you're not," he shakes his head and rests his head against yours. You really aren't. I didn't even say goodbye properly today. Or good morning," he says, his voice laced heavily with guilt. "And...I should've told you how beautiful you look today the minute you stepped inside."
You giggle sadly and pull back. "Yeah?"
"Mhm, our pretty girl," Felix adds fondly as Minho wipes your cheeks.
"We love you so much, even if we act like idiots sometimes," Minho promises and kisses your forehead.
"I love you guys too," you tell them with a sad little smile.
"I'll go and get Channie, okay?" Felix asks softly, and you nod timidly. He giggles at the comment Minho makes and quickly makes his way to the studio. He doesn't knock at the door and steps inside. "Channie babe, we need you."
"Not now, Lix," Chan shakes his head, writing down some things for Jisung.
"Minho said if you don't move your ass over there in two minutes top he won't have sex with you for the next three months. Our tour comes up, you don't wanna risk that," Felix says with a straight face, making Changbin and Jisung crack up.
Chan glances up at him suspiciously and sees Felix isn't joking. "Oh my fucking God, fine!"
Felix walks next to him and glances at Chan thoughtfully. "Push the group back for a moment, yeah? Stray Kids doesn't matter now, she does."
Chan's face falls a little and he straightens up as they reach the door. "Yeah, okay," he says quietly and steps inside with him. You're curled up in Minho's lap on the floor by now as he's playing with your hair. Tear streaks paint your cheeks, your eyes are reddish, and you're sniffling a little. "Baby, I'm sorry," Chan sighs and gets down on the floor next to you. "I'm stressed out, I didn't sleep last night, and I took it out on you. I'm an idiot, please forgive me?" he asks guiltily and hesitantly takes your hand. He must've really hurt you if you went to Minho and Felix about it. You usually prefer to settle arguments privately.
"It's not just you," Minho shakes his head, and Felix sums it up for him. Chan nods along, and his heart gets heavier with every word leaving his boyfriend's lips.
"Oh, Y/nnie baby," he whispers with tears in his eyes. "Can I give you a hug?" You nod timidly and climb off Minho's lap and into his arms instead. Chan pulls you in tight, burying his face in your shoulder. You relax in his hold and close your eyes. No matter how mad or hurt you were, you would never deny one of Chan's healing long hugs. "I'm so sorry, you're right, we've messed up big time. I love you so much, yeah? You're so beautiful and kind, and I could never stop loving you, baby. Never. I will do better, I promise."
"I love you too," you whisper and exhale softly, your heart feeling a lot lighter now that you've told them all. Minho and Felix join your hug and kiss your hair. "You'll be home tonight?" you ask timidly.
"Yeah, we'll all be home," Chan assures you kindly and squeezes you.
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Taglist (Please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist):
@atinyniki @mal-lunar-28 @lilmisssona @aaasia111 @galaxycatdrawz @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28 @michelle4eve @lixie-phoria @gxtwllsn @xxstrayland
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thediaryofaurora · 2 months
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General HCs
Ticci Toby/Tobias Rogers
Sorry this took so long!! I’ve been contemplating writing one shots, but I feel like I should get the head canons out first. If any of you have any ideas for one shots (x readers, char x char, nsfw), my request box is open! I’ll get around to them as soon as possible. :)
- 5’11! Sleeper build and scrawny, but extremely strong upper arms. He’s not as fast as Kate and Brian, but he makes up for it with how long he can run. He never gets tired and can chase victims for hours. Lots of freckles, too!
- White with mostly German heritage. He doesn’t know very much German, just baseline stuff he learned from his mom. (Connie grew up in Germany until she was 15.)
- Medium brown hair and dark brown eyes. He’s pretty pale, but being outside most of the time he does have a slight tan, lots of freckles too.
- His dad was extremely abusive and would beat him, his mom, and his sister, it was rare for him to not be drunk. Toby killed him only a few hours after his father beat his mom to the point she was unconscious. He’d rather his mom lose both of her children and her abusive husband than endure so much pain, he cared about her more than anything. He didn’t want to sit idly by as he loses his sister and mother.
- His fingers are TORN up. Bites and picks at his nails, cuticles, dry knuckles, all of it. His fingertips and palms are also super calloused.
- Hangs out with Jeff and Ben most of the time. He’s closer to Ben and thinks Jeff’s a douche, but he puts up with him since sometimes the three of them have fun.
- He can be a jerk, but if you’re able to break past his shell he’s super sweet. He’s still sarcastic and snarky, but not necessarily mean. VERY smug.
- Had Jeff do a tattoo of Lyra’s birthday on his shoulder. It turned out surprisingly good. He was originally going to do her death date, but he felt like it was better to honor the time she was alive.
- Halloween junkie. He has a massive sweet tooth and loves autumn, so it’s the perfect day ever in his eyes.
- This guy DESTROYS in poker and blackjack. The few times his dad would spend time with him they’d play together. Even though he hated him, it meant a lot to him when he was little. Has the teeny tiniest gambling addiction, makes a bunch of bets with other residents of the mansion and usually wins.
- MIDWESTERN EMO BOY!!!! I will die on this hill. Music taste, clothing, all of it.
- His tics are pretty rare now that he’s older, but when he’s anxious they get bad.
- Exclusively wears comfortable clothes. Not because he gets uncomfortable, he could (and does) sleep in jeans and not be bothered. When he was younger he would always be forced to wear slacks, dress shoes, button ups, and ties for church or family gatherings. He HATED it.
- Him, Tim, and Brian are usually put on missions together. They’re all pretty compatible, and it’s nice to talk to just some regular ass dudes. Sometimes all three of them will go to run down diner’s if they finished their mission early, it’s the most normality any of them have in their lives.
- He and Tim bicker a LOT, but he secretly find comfort in it. He sees Tim as a protective older brother, rather than someone who just hates him. With how his dad treated him growing up, he thought all arguing was yelling and being aggressive, but Tim’s is more disagreement or annoyance.
- Almost knows how to play the acoustic guitar. He’s a quick learner, but he doesn’t have a crazy strong desire to get better at it.
- Pretty much always wears a big bandaid over his cheek gash. He’s not necessarily insecure about it unless he has a crush on someone, but it’s hard to eat or drink when it’s just open.
- He’s actually not to bad at soccer! Sometimes when it’s nice out him and Cody find a ball and play.
- Anywho, I’m in love with him.
Feedback and requests are welcome! Thank you for reading. :)
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avonne-writes · 4 months
High School AU - Timeline
♡⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂
Year 9 Of High School
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The boys meet on their first day of high school
Gale's growing out his hair to rebel against his dad
Bucky's eager to find new friends because Brady is the only one he knows
They're seated next to each other in one of their classes and become friends
They both think the other is cute and develop crushes on each other quickly
Bucky tells Brady and his mom everything about his crush
Gale doesn’t dare believe that Bucky likes him, he thinks they're just friends
But the way things develop during Christmas and New Year's Eve get his hopes up
Bucky makes a resolution to ask him out
They go on their first date in January
dive for dreams - chapter 1
Happiness, you’re a cat - part 1
Their relationship develops, but Gale keeps his family issues a secret, sometimes even lying
They fight about it and break up
But, upon his mom's (Georgia's) encouragement, Bucky approaches Gale again and they make up. Gale tells Bucky about his parents
Gale sleeps over at the Egans' place for the first time
Early relationship headcanons
Year 10 Of High School
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Someone catches them kissing in September and spreads the rumour around school
Since Bucky already wanted to come out anyway, he’s not worried or anything, and convinces Gale that it's fine
Bucky kisses Gale in the middle of the hallway
Bryan ("RAF prick" in the show) and his friends try to bully both of them but mostly Gale since he’s not on any popular sports team
Bucky and Curt track them down and get into a fistfight
Bucky gets suspended for a few days
dive for dreams - chapter 2
Gale gets mad at Bucky for drawing attention to them, but the bullying stops not too long after that fight
The boys get braver with the PDA over the course of the year
They also start exploring sexual intimacy gradually - Hands-on Biology
Around May or so, Georgia does a motorcycle course and meets Neil (Harding)
Bucky and Gale have their first time at the end of May/beginning of June
dive for dreams - chapter 3
They keep exploring new things about intimacy during the summer, taking advantage of having the house to themselves a bit more often because Georgia goes out with Neil
morning after drabble
Georgia introduces Neil to the boys. It takes some time but they warm up to him eventually
Year 11 Of High School
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The school year starts really well, it's a very happy period for them. Gale stays over every Saturday night, sometimes other nights too.
Gale has a platonic crush on a teacher
Lunch Break
Sweet Tooth
Gale spends Christmas Day and Boxing Day with Bucky and his family, including extended family
Words of Wisdom
Towards the end of spring, Gale’s dad relapses again and ends up in alcohol rehab. It really messes with Gale's emotions.
Gale starts going to the school psychologist, but his mental health gets worse. He develops the habit of going out alone in the evening and spends a lot of time in random parks, public libraries and the pool, when he's not with Bucky.
dive for dreams - chapter 4
Gale's dad comes out of rehab and promises to stay sober. The summer goes relatively well, Gale feels momentarily better
Gale bonds with Neil and asks him to teach him how to ride a motorbike
Year 12 Of High School
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Around October, Gale’s dad relapses again and physically abuses Gale
Broken Things (Gale almost commits suicide)
Bucky tries to help him cover up his bruises with his mom's makeup - drabble by @swifty-fox
Georgia and Neil talk to Gale, then also to his mom and get everyone to agree to Gale moving in with Bucky and Georgia
Gale has an emotional moment with his mom when they move his things
Georgia figures out a way to get Gale a therapist outside of school
Silence (Bucky and Gale talk about death)
Gale and Bucky get into arguments sometimes because Gale needs more space due to his vulnerable situation, but Bucky's triggered fear of abandonment wants to keep him close at all times. The fact that high school is coming to an end soon exacerbates it.
Gale and Georgia have an argument
dive for dreams - chapter 5
Gale's 18th birthday (drabble)
Gale starts getting better. He gets his motorcycle driver's license in secret, conspiring with Neil. He also starts working part-time to save up.
He offers Georgia to pay for his own food but he ends up with another long conversation where Georgia tries to make him understand that she does this for him out of love and doesn’t want him to feel like he owes her.
Conversely, Bucky starts getting worse as the end of the school year approaches. He’s scared that he’s going to lose Gale because they will be going to college. He gets really clingy and irrational.
What touches linger by @hogans-heroes
Mid-spring, Gale borrows a bike from Neil and takes Bucky on a surprise date. They end up sitting in the grass somewhere and have a serious talk about the future. Gale tells Bucky that he needs to do something about his attachment issues. Bucky agrees, feeling bad, but reassured about their college plans.
Pre-prom drabble
They go to prom together:
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Prom night drabble
They spend the summer hanging out with their friends
They get into different colleges but in the same city.
First Year of College
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Gale cuts his hair. To him, it's not just a sign of change but a symbol of his freedom from his father's dark shadow
He and Bucky move in together into a small apartment
Gale switches to calling Bucky John because it carries more emotion and connection to him
Although they’ve been living together since the previous fall, this is different, and only now do they learn a lot of things about each other. Like how bad Gale is at decoration, what triggers him and what bothers Bucky
There’s a lot of friction between them during their first semester, and they get close to breaking up, but eventually, they start communicating the right way and address their biggest problems
Basically, their relationship needs to shift into a mature adult relationship. It takes some time but they succeed (see - college transition headcanons + sexual issues headcanons)
dive for dreams - chapter 6
Gale blossoms at university
He and Bucky enter a steady and happy phase in their lives.
Gale wearing Bucky's soccer jersey
Later Life
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Bucky faces the source of his fear of abandonment - his father
Happiness, you’re a cat - part 2 (when they’re 21)
Bucky asks Gale to marry him and Gale says yes.
They get married about a year later. (wedding headcanons)
Gale studies Physics and does part of his Master's/doctorate course abroad. He and Bucky call almost every day, but Bucky still misses him a lot. (some headcanons about this, + more headcanons)
Later, Bucky claims that their reunion at the end of the programme was almost as happy as their wedding day.
Gale dedicates his PhD thesis to Bucky.
Georgia and Neil get married and she takes his name.
Headcanons about the boys' jobs after university
When they're 30, Gale has something of a mid-life crisis because Bucky realizes that having kids is more important to him than he originally thought.
During the above situation, their relationship gets really tense and strained, and they fight a lot. Gale antagonizes Bucky. (argument headcanons)
However, they do figure it out eventually, and they build a happy future together.
Thank you if you got this far! 🩷 This timeline post will be continuously updated as new stories and drabbles are posted. It will be linked in my masterpost.
TLDR - Chronological Reading Order:
dive for dreams - chapter 1
Happiness, you’re a cat - part 1
dive for dreams - chapter 2
Hands-on Biology
dive for dreams - chapter 3
morning after drabble
Lunch Break
Sweet Tooth
Words of Wisdom
dive for dreams - chapter 4
Broken Things
swifty-fox's drabble
dive for dreams - chapter 5
Gale's 18th birthday drabble
What touches linger by hogans-heroes
pre-prom drabble
prom night drabble
dive for dreams - chapter 6
Short college morning drabble
Happiness, you’re a cat - part 2
Thank you so much for reading this AU! You can find more headcanons on my blog under #hs au 😊
Moodboards and gifs 💕
Gifset by @carnevol
Moodboard by @hogans-heroes
Moodboard by @bucking-mustangs-with-wings
Fanart by @swifty-fox
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epicbuddieficrecs · 11 days
Weekly Recap | September 9th-15th 2024
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10 days until season 8!!! 👀
I'm gonna try and put together a rec of my favourite post-S6 and 7 fics before S8 starts!
If you know anyone who isn't tagged, please let me know and/or tag them in the comments!
everything comes out teenage by Wildehack (tyleet)/ @wildehacked (First Date | 1K | Mature): “Hey,” Buck says carefully, remembering how he felt when it was his turn on Eddie’s side of the table. “You doing okay over there?”
Loving You is Easy by actualalligator/ @actualalligator (Post-S7 Spec, Getting Together | 1K | General): Nothing good happens after 9:30, Abuela always said. Sometimes good things do happen after 9:30. Sometimes they're important too.
how to slay a dragon by 42hrb/ @exhuastedpigeon (Post-S7 Spec, Getting Together | 2K | General): Buck didn't know what to expect when he walked into the Han house. He definitely hadn’t expected to see Eddie sitting on the floor with Jee in front of him carefully french braiding her hair. He also hadn’t expected Eddie to be wearing a pink sparkly tiara. He definitely hadn’t expected Eddie to smile up at Buck when he saw him with soft eyes, eyes that didn’t feel like looking into an ocean of sadness, and carefully tie the end of one of the braids he was working on with a little bow. If Buck had ovaries he was pretty sure they would be exploding. 
Here's the Punchline... by misterbabygirl (Getting Together, Post-S4 | 2K | Teen): OR: The 118 find out about the will and start a running joke about Eddie being careful otherwise Buck would end up as a single parent. Eddie tries to make the same joke.
be someone by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (Post-S7, Pre-Buddie | 2K | Teen): A call leaves Buck wondering if he’ll ever be a parent. Not just a donor, a dad. A great dad. Chimney tries to convince him of his qualities – and Eddie has a hard time staying quiet. or: eddie thinks buck already is someone to chris
encounters closer and closer by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Outsider POV, Media Fic | 2,5K | Teen): OR: a group of friends asks the question what's the deal with buckley and diaz?
the clarification of equilibrium by Maira/ @carrierofthepaperclips (Post-S7 Spec, Jealous Eddie, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): “He leaned?” “Exactly. You know,” Eddie waves a hand. “Leaning.” Buck blinks. He knows he isn’t that drunk, but it honestly feels like he is. “You keep saying that word. I don’t think it means what-” “Leaning, Buck!” Eddie is clearly frustrated that Buck isn’t getting what he’s trying to say, but for two people who are usually on the same wavelength, who are often (lovingly) mocked for their ability to communicate without saying a word, Buck is hopelessly lost as far as this conversation goes. * ... or, the one where Eddie gets jealous about a conversation, and attempts to explain how body positioning works.
every dead-end street led you straight to me by ameliahart (Post-S7 Spec | 5K | Teen): Or, five times one of their exes mistakenly assumed Eddie was Buck's new boyfriend, and one time the ex was right.
i don't believe in god, but i believe that you're my savior by justhockey (Post-S7 Spec, Eddie Sexuality Crisis | 6K | Teen): The first thing that happens is a Catholic church in the too-hot Texan heat; Eddie’s hands are damp with sweat and he wipes his palms across his best trousers. His Abuelo smacks the back of his hand to get him to stop and Eddie balls them into tiny fists, slips them beneath his thighs so he isn’t tempted to fidget. So he listens. Listens to the priest, and his droning, and his fire and brimstone, burning-in-hell, shameshameshame talk. The first thing that happens is Eddie is born. Born wrong, born twisted, born sinning. He spends the rest of his life trying to make up for it.
I'll Be Your Safe Haven by eightpackdiaz (Safe Haven Baby Box, Alternate Canon | 6K | Teen): A Safe Haven Baby Box is installed at the Station 118 firehouse. Buck's really good with the surrendered babies.
doesn't take a scientist to understand what's going on by Chash / @ponyregrets (Post-S7 Spec, Getting Together | 8K | Teen): Eddie is already struggling with having realized he has a thing for Buck and trying to figure out what to do about said thing when Buck finds out he needs glasses. Which means that Eddie also finds out he's really into Buck in glasses. He would prefer to not know this.
🔥 One Hundred Miles an Hour In My Head by Chash/ @ponyregrets (Post-S7 Spec, Jealous Buck | 8K | Teen): Buck sort of assumed that, at some point, he'd evolve out of being needy and insecure. And, to be fair, in some ways, he probably has. He feels a lot more confident existing in the world than he did when he was a kid. He's sure he has the right job, and he mostly thinks that if he got hurt badly enough that he couldn't be a firefighter anymore, he'd figure out another thing to do and another way to help people instead of spiraling like he did after his leg got crushed. He knows who he is, and he knows that he's valued for it. Sometimes, he even thinks stuff might someday be good with his parents. And then there's Eddie.
karma is a cat (purring in my lap) by cuddlyobrien (Post-S7 Spec, Eddie Sexuality Crisis | 8K | Teen): Eddie finds a kitten, realizes he’s gay, falls in love with Buck and apologizes to Chris. Not in that order but kind of?
all of the girls you loved before by Wildehack (tyleet)/ @wildehacked (Post-S7, Getting Together | 9K | Explicit): Buck finishes the math on his fingers, and holds up one spread-wide hand. “Uh,” he says. “I mean, I’ve got a top five?” Everyone groans. - Buck's top five sexual experiences, plus one mediocre handjob.
Please (I've Been On My Knees) by Bookworm0303/ @insertlovelyperson (Canon, S2-S7, Post S7 Spec | 10K | Teen): The five times Buck and Eddie confide in one another about their failed relationships, and the one time they don’t have to.
Clammed Up by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Murder/Mystery | 11K | Teen): Captain Gerrard dies suspiciously at a murder mystery party held at Tommy Kinard's condo, with most of the 118 present. As the case unfolds, Athena finds she no longer knows who among her friends she can trust.
🔥 Next Best by Nejinee/ @nejineeee (A/B/O AU | 20K | Explicit): Eddie had been very clear that they needed to keep their relationship stuff off the job. That meant no make-outs, no groping of asses, and no sexy stuff. Buck was fine with that. (Part 2 of Second Best Series)
🔥 fuck it if i can't have us (series) by Wildehack (tyleet)/ @wildehacked (Post-S7 Spec | 2/? | 35K | Explicit)
i love you but i need another year (Post-S7, Eddie Sexuality Crisis | 14K | Explicit): If Eddie were still a practicing Catholic, this is the kind of shit he’d go to confession about. — Eddie watches porn, experiences revelation, replies to a lot of text messages. down bad, crying at the gym (Post S7, BuckTommy Break-Up | 21K | Explicit): On Tuesday Buck tells Tommy he loves him. On Thursday he’s giving his best friend a ride to the airport, and they’re pulling up to LAX, and Eddie says “I love you.” — Buck cooks a lot of food, thinks about love, takes pictures of local wildlife.
how come everybody's dancing but you? by showedupatyourparty (Post-S7 Spec, Eddie Sexuality Crisis | 1/4 | 7K | Mature): Buck feels guilty. Everyone he loves is going through something painful, difficult, or unexpected right now. And Buck is just…bisexual. It’s great that he’s figured it out, and it’s great that everyone has been so supportive, and Tommy is—Tommy is fine. The sex is good, at least. Consistent. When Buck gets a call from Eddie’s phone late on a Tuesday night in June, it’s cause for concern. * Buck unpacks his own feelings about his recently-discovered bisexuality. Eddie gets adopted by drag queens. They're both just trying their best to be happy.
Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Demon Buck, Canon Divergent | 10/? | 18K | Teen): Buck is a demon with the power to help with pregnancy, childbirth, and infant health. When the Buckleys make a deal asking for someone to help 'save their baby', Buck leaps at the chance as it will give him what he's always wanted: a life on earth. But demon deals are tricky and neither of them gets quite what they're after. This is Buck's journey as he navigates growing up on earth and remembering how to help those in need.
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thesinglesock · 3 months
I like how all the Ninja have their strengths. None of them are really "better" than anyone else, they know the same martial arts disciplines, and sure, often the writers have just had them mastering the same techniques all at the same time for efficiency's sake, but sometimes (especially in the later seasons) they show us how they all learn differently and are all the "strongest" in their own ways.
Cole is physically strong. He's surprisingly nimble for his build, but his strong suit is Pure Power. He can Pack a Punch and usually excels at things that require him to perform in short, yet powerful bursts.
Nya is the most in tune with her elemental power. It took her some time to get there, but once she found the right frequency, she quickly became the most dangerous elemental master in the world. Controlling the tides is like breathing to her.
Jay's strength is his creativity. He may not be the most in control of his power, the strongest, or that great at honing his skills in martial arts, but because he's able to think outside of the box, he finds ways to use his strengths that no one else on the team would even have considered.
Kai is the most disciplined when it comes to martial arts. The elemental stuff doesn't come that naturally to him, but he has a knack for picking up the technical skills really quickly, and so the elemental powers follow suit.
Zane is the most precise. He can't always master the most complex moves at first, but he never misses a target, and always knows where to strike to end fights quickly.
Lloyd is the most spiritually inclined. New mythical powers just grow on him like rashes. He works hard too, don't get me wrong, but if the moment calls for a new magic trick that hasn't been practiced in centuries he's your guy.
idk I just think it's neat that this is a thing they've kept pretty consistent throughout the multitude of seasons
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angeljeonjk97 · 11 months
BodyWork || Bell #1
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Jungkook x reader
friends to lovers
18+ (fluff, smut)
warnings: mentions and descriptions of violence, mentions and use of drugs and alcohol,
Jeon Jungkook is not the same 19-year-old boy you used to know. Fame has really matured him, in more ways than one.
“You already know how I like it baby”
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You sit behind the desk of your dad's gym, playing a mobile game on your phone, waiting for the last person to leave before you can lock up. It was now dark outside, the entire sky was pitch black, not even a star in the sky. Your head jolts up at the sound of the male changing room door opening.
A tall, muscular man with jet-black hair and an arm covered in tattoos wearing a plain white t-shirt and black basketball shorts, emerges from the opening door.
He glances over at me behind the black-painted desk,
"Yo! Where's your dad?" he asks you, throwing a towel over his shoulder.
Jungkook is a famous boxer and has been for the past 5 years, and the gym that your dad owns just so happens to be where he trains. Your dad has owned this boxing gym for as long as you can remember and many professionals have trained here, but none for as long as Jungkook.
"Oh, he left already," You respond after realising you were probably looking at him for a bit longer than you should have, "Why?"
He casually walks over to the desk, leaning against it slightly to speak to you.
"He said he wanted to tell me something but, it obviously wasn't that important," Jungkook pauses before taking a sip from his bottle that rested in his right hand.
Your dad has always been the type to never wait around for anyone. He will do what he wants in his own time, without thinking of others most of the time. That's not to say he's selfish or anything but he can be quite... let's just say... assertive sometimes.
"How's training?" you place your phone down on the desk, placing your elbows on the platform with your chin in your left hand, looking up at Jungkook's muscular frame.
He scoffs, standing up straight to face you properly, he spans his arms out to his sides, with a cocky smirk on his face,
"I'm gonna win, so easily"
You roll my eyes and smile at his painfully obvious act. Despite his skills and how he hasn't lost a single match in the past 3 years, Jungkook is one of the humblest people you know. You both have known each other for 8 years and even though he's 26 now and is known pretty much all over the world, he hasn't changed at all.
He laughs at your response before getting closer to the desk again.
"You need help locking up again?"
"Nah, I should be fine," You reply, swivelling around in the black leather barstool, jumping down and pulling the keys from your pocket, proceeding to lock the cash register up.
"You got a lift home?" The black-haired man asks watching you as you walk from behind the desk and towards the changing room doors.
"I'm taking the bus home,"
"The bus? Why didn't you ask me to take you home?"
You turn your head to him behind you, flashing him a small smile.
"I didn't want to bother you, Kook, you've already worked hard today," you answer honestly, looking at Jungkook as you walk up the stairs. He follows behind.
"Oh come on. I've told you before to ask me if you need a lift home, buses aren't safe at night," He raises his voice a little so you can still hear him, "I'm driving you home."
You stop what your doing before looking at him with a disappointed look.
"Jungkook, I'll be fine-"
"No, I am driving you home," He cuts you off, crossing his arms across his chest. He goes silent for a bit as you don't respond to him before he breaks it again with a declaring tone, "I'm going to my car, if I don't see you in the passenger seat next to me in five minutes I'm dragging you out of here."
His voice fades as he begins making his way back down the stairs. You shake your head with a smile, knowing that you can't say no to JK.
After a few minutes, you make your way out of the gym, locking the doors behind you and pulling the shutters down afterwards. Before you turn around, you hear the sound of a car pulling up behind you. Of course, when you turn around it's a black Mercedes, that had Jungkook sitting behind the steering wheel. you open the passenger door seating yourself next to him, in which he sets off a few seconds later.
Once he parks up outside your apartment complex you turn to Jungkook,
"Thank you again, kook, but like I said, you don't have to be my taxi driver all the time. Someone might see you"
Jungkook shrugs back, his tattooed arm leaning against the steering wheel, "So what if someone sees me? It's not like you're in here giving me a blowjob or something"
You slap him on the arm with the back of your hand, giving him a disapproving look. He laughs back casually as these types of crude jokes are common coming from him.
"I'll walk you in," Jungkook says as he swings his car door open before you are doing the same.
Making your way up the stairs Jungkook remains behind you the entire time, looking up through the hole that the stacked up stairs, all leading to different floors, created.
Reaching your apartment door, you pull your keys out from your pocket, rattling them in your door, as Jungkook watches over you from behind.
"You coming in?" you ask looking up at him from behind innocently.
"Aw nah, not today y/n. It's late and I gotta be up early again tomorrow for training," He gives you a guilty look, glancing into your apartment, "I promise I'll be over soon though"
You give him a sad smile, remembering how much time he used to spend at your place with you. Because of his big fight in 2 months, he's been busy since the beginning of the year and hasn't spent as much time with you as you had liked, but you're not mad. You understand how tiring training can be, plus it's not like you two don't hang out at all anymore, you still make time for each other when it's possible.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then?" You respond, walking into your apartment and facing him again.
"Goodnight y/n"
Authors note:
hiii, I hope you all liked this chapter. I know not a lot has happened but I promise it'll get better from here. This was just a little introduction to y/n and Jungkook's relationship and lore explaining. I'm so excited for this new fic so I hope you're all just as excited as I am. Please look out for when new chapters come out!!!
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strangerxperv · 5 months
Bunny hybrid Eddie x human reader x (golden retriever) werewolf Steve
( @werecreature-addicted inspired me to think outside the box for bunny hybrids)
I have some thots
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Hybrids and Werewolves Oh My
Breeding, Steddie, ruined orgasms, possessive Steve, monster fuckery, scenting, Dom/ Sub, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT/NSFW
Everyone assumes that rabbit hybrid people are all submissive. They liked to be railed into the dirt by big strong beasts. Some do like that and you've definitely seen Eddie drooling while Steve fucks his ass.
Steve is a werewolf with the personality of a golden retriever, he's the top dog, so to speak. He's the alpha in your tiny three person pack. And you are the sweet little human woman the duo love to breed.
Which is one of the only things the boyfriends agree on when it comes to you. Eddie is a mean dom that enjoys making you cry. Whereas Steve thinks you need to be spoiled and doted on.
Eddie always fucks you first and it always takes multiple rounds for him to be finished. His calloused hands grip just under your knees where he leans. Pushing your knees into your bouncing tits and forcing your legs to stay open. His massive full balls slap onto your ass without mercy. Rabbit hybrid's are made to cum fast and keep fucking to ensure a successful breeding. Finally, once Eddie has his fill of you (or rather once you're full of him) it's Steve's turn.
Steve has to fuck you last because he always finishes with knotting you. Werewolves have stamina that can take multiple rounds to finish. But there is always a thirty minute refractory period. A knott keeps him tied to you and the cum stuffed deep.
Both men are breeders and they don't care who succeeds.
The goal is for you to become round with child and tits dripping milk.
That's not to say they aren't possessive!
Steve in particular has an intense jealousy streak that goes for both his partners. Most monsters or nonhumans can scent the three of you on each other. There are some that don't care and try to shoot their shot.
It drives Steve mad and Eddie lives for it...so long as they aren't hitting on you or Steve. If they flirt with him? Eddie will flirt back just to rile Steve up so he can get fucked hard. (Werecreature addicted is def right about bunny hybrids being brats).
Sometimes Steve will actually punish Eddie and he has you help him.
The last time Steve punished Eddie-!!! 😩🤤
Steve had you giving Eddie blowjobs and just as he starts to cum you pull off, ruining it. The original idea was for you to fuck him but you couldn't be trusted to stop. So instead Steve is knott deep in Eddie and he is balls deep down your throat.
The best part is Eddie a rabbit hybrid can keep fucking and you don't have to stop after he's cum. His cock jumping in the air as cum splashes across your tits and face. The rest of his orgasm drools down his large throbbing cock. It drips down his spasming balls to join the puddle beneath him.
Steve leaves deep bite marks on Eddie's pretty slender throat. The shapes of sharp canines pierced to leave bloody trails. Hickies on his strong shoulders that will make people ask questions. And amongst those marks are smaller ones, with blunt teeth.
But of course this didn't actually teach Eddie anything.
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shmooooo · 4 months
hi isa <3 really curious on what type of dom you think the exo members are 😻👀
The way you sent this while I was going through my exo album looking for a new profile pic-
exo as doms
pairing: exo x reader (no chen, read my guidelines for info)
genre: smut
warnings: reader has a hand kink (this is very self-indulgent), mentions of degradation, spanking, edging, overstimulation, (aftercare isn’t explicitly mentioned for most of them but just know that all of them would be adamant about taking good care of you after, especially if they were rough)
word count: 851
notes: special thanks to @rose-sereniteeth for helping me! ♡ funny how we struggled with minseok and then in typical fashion his part became one of the longest 💀 i'm not super happy with this but despite having stanned exo for the past seven years, i never quite embraced them like this until somewhat recently so there's still time to figure this out - also reblogs are always appreciated!
Minseok (Xiumin)
Hard dom. He has rules in place and expects you to follow them. And while he’s sweet outside of the bedroom, during scenes he loves degrading you. He’s also a huge fan of teasing and sometimes he’ll just tease you with light touches (sometimes even with a feather) for hours until you get desperate enough. But if you dare to show your impatience by being a brat, he’ll scold you and either prolong your suffering or give you exactly what you wanted but tenfold until it’s almost too much. Cleanliness and tidiness are also very important to him so I feel like he would make you fold your clothes after undressing and be very adamant about cleaning you up afterwards.
Junmyeon (Suho)
Dom. Honestly ultimate daddy dom. Everything he does is to make you feel good. Whether that is making sure you eat and sleep enough or giving you what you need in the bedroom. He will absolutely spoil you in all aspects of life but in return he expects you to follow the rules you agreed on. And while he is sweet, he’s also very strict when it comes to the rules so you better not break them or he will put you over his knees and make you count.
Yixing (Lay)
Hard dom. Have you seen what he’s like when he’s working? All focused and hot? That’s how I imagine him as a dom. He’s more of a "master" type, especially during punishments. During scenes he acts cold and sometimes even angry with you. He doesn’t smile and when he does, that is absolutely not a good sign since it usually means he will edge or overstimulate you to heaven and back. But during aftercare he does a 180 and becomes very nurturing and caring. 
Dom. He’s an experimentalist and probably the kinkiest out of the bunch. I absolutely see him owning a toy box with all kinds of stuff in there (mostly for you). He definitely enjoys giving directions and is generally very vocal about what he wants you to do (are we surprised). He will also tease you relentlessly, both verbally and physically - he’ll call you all kinds of degrading names (usually mixed with praise, like “my pretty little whore”) and first edge you until you beg him to let you cum and then overstimulate you until you beg him to stop. Will definitely play innocent after as if he just didn’t take your body apart at the seems. 
Soft dom. I feel like unless you either fuck up or specifically ask him to be rough, he’ll generally be sweeter and less strict. That doesn’t mean he won’t tease the hell out of you though. He knows you love his hands and he’ll absolutely use that against you. Whether it’s with light touches anywhere but where you actually need him or by giving you orgasm after orgasm with only his fingers because “if you like my hands so much, surely you don’t need my cock” (bastard). But just because he isn’t usually rough with you (both verbally and physically), doesn’t mean you should underestimate him. Question his authority and he will put you in your place. 
Kyungsoo (D.O)
Dom. He’s a soft lover and that usually carries over into the bedroom. He loves spoiling you because he’s a simp at heart but he never lets you forget who’s in control when you’re doing a scene. He’s strict about you following the rules you two have established, and if you don’t, he will definitely make you pay for it. I also don't really see him as a toy guy? Like he has a vibrator and maybe one, two other things but he usually relies on his own body and the vibrator if he wants to make you squirm, something he generally enjoys but especially when he’s punishing you.
Jongin (Kai)
Soft dom. He will absolutely do anything to make you happy and praise non-stop (read: simp - affectionately). Buys you pretty lingerie but he’s too impatient to take it off before fucking you so he usually fucks you with it on. What he does have the patience for though is worshipping every part of your body. He almost has too much patience for that though, so you often end up whining for him to hurry up, which more often than not leads to him shushing you and pushing his fingers into your mouth to shut you up. 
Dom. He’s a sweet guy and can absolutely be down for a more light-hearted dynamic with jokes and teasing but once he's in dom mode, he changes. He’s firm and expects you to obey but he also rewards you for listening with praise. I feel like he’s surprisingly vocal during sex. He tells you what he's going to do, what he expects of you, and he wants you to respond too, no matter how fucked out you are. It just brings him great enjoyment to see you struggle to form the words he wants to hear because lbr, he’s a brat even when he doms. 
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
Is Dick's tendency for self-destructive habits really as bad as some fics make it out to be?
oh interesting!! In some way, yes actually.
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Batman (2016) Issue #689
Dick and Alfred!! The duo make me so happy <33
But anyway, it's weird that someone who's so effusive with his affection so often and readily "deflects a moment of genuine emotion." Which is also one of the reasons why Dick Grayson as a character is so fascinating because he's never what people expect him to be. He's like a puzzle box where every time you think you solved, you just opened yourself up to a hard, even more complex one wherein the process repeats on an endless cycle.
He's incredibly self-destructive in the way he drive a burning car off a bridge and he'll know it's on fire, he knows where he's going, but he'll do it anyway because the car has a bomb and it's safer with him than the civilians behind him.
You know what? I just realized he deflects intimate conversations because he wants to keep the focus on the other person. Since he was Robin, Dick has been purposefully neglecting his feelings in order to take care of Bruce's. Right after his parents died, he bottled up his sadness and sorrow because he was worried that Bruce would blame himself and he didn't want Bruce to do that.
It's always been "Tell me what's wrong, Bruce." He's been so busy raising his guardian, his friends, his siblings, his teammates, that Dick has sunk into the role of a performer - the spotlight's on him but the audience is the focus.
I didn't realize until writing this ask but self-destruction is just such a normal thing with him that it's become a part of his personality. In fics it's very obvious when he's being self-destructive or neglecting himself or etc because he's very aware of it but Dick in canon has just made it his thing. It's actually the Titans that realize this and yank him out of it because Dick has no idea what he does to himself.
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #28
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #28
He's not self-destructive in a way that he's conscious of it but his habits and his lifestyle don't really give him a choice. He literally works himself sick.
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The Titans (1999) Issue #9
"Maybe it's too much. Dick --have you considered that? You're working Bludhaven, even joining their force, you still clearly intend to come here to Gotham every time he calls you -- working so hard you're making yourself sick,"
"No. It's not the newness that's the problem."
People are literally telling him to calm down and he's like 'No! I'm perfectly okay. This is fine, let's continue.'
And this isn't even going into when Blockbuster blew up his life and Dick kinda lost himself to hunt him down and make him pay. People understand that Desmond burnt down the circus but Dick was still connected to the people in that circus, like he used his contacts there to sometimes inquire about things going on Bludhaven. The people at the circus raised him along with his parents so killing them was like killing Dick's aunts and uncles and friends and childhood. What happened then and after the SA was catastrophic. To Dick self-destruction has just become a part of him because he aims for perfection in every aspect of his life.
Like Donna said, "He works with the Titans, on his own, goes to school, and then he works alongside Batman..." and so on. Usually people struggle to maintain even one area of their life like just school or family but Dick's juggling, his work, his family, his friends, his relationship, his teams, and is still on call for Justice League incidents.
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Titans (2003) Issue #6
He literally dropped everything to come over and break up the Titans (OF WHICH HE IS NOT EVEN A PART OF RIGHT NOW BECAUSE HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF DEALING WITH THE OUTSIDERS) and the Justice League full on fighting.
He's not self-destructive in the way he doesn't want to get out of bed or that he isn't clean, it's just that Dick Grayson is a machine. He's got ice in his veins and he just powers through everything. Everything he does has to be top notch, so sleep and social life and happiness can say goodbye because he's too busy for that. This is why the Titans are so important to him and for him because they realize this toxic trait of his and do their absolute best to yank him out of this bad habit because Dick certainly can't stop.
So self-destruction has become part of his personality but unlike in fics, it's conducive self-destruction. It comes from his refusal to feel any emotion that isn't for others because Big Brother Dick Grayson and Best Friend Dick Grayson are always there for everyone but the second he's asked to help himself or someone tries to help him, he flakes. He's the best at helping others and being there for them but he's allergic to getting help or talking about himself.
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
pretending to be dead in front of hxh yans. because why the hell not?
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Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, and implied violence.
Word Count: 900. (this was only supposed to be 400 😭)
Chrollo will know right away. There is no doubt about that. Even if he was in another room and just happened to walk in through the doorway as you flopped on the floor like a fish.
He will probably hit you up with a "Darling, get up or we won't go to the museum tonight" or something like that. He likes using this carrot and stick technique quite a lot, but with his own spin on it using his manipulation tactics. He will lure you in with a reward for behaving yourself or take something away when you are bad.
If you continue this charade despite his threats, he will attempt to entertain you for a bit. Maybe he pokes you with the end of an umbrella or something, or mockingly weeps your supposed death. Eventually this will annoy you so much you will surrender.
His response is directly proportional to why you did this. Did you do it for attention? He will gladly give it to you, with reading to you and handfeeding you your favorite food, still warm from its takeout box, or maybe he even attempted to make it himself (though, if the dish doesn't come out as planned, as his perfectionism is a huge part of him, he will throw it out before you even find out he cooked something in the first place).
Did you do it so he would actually think you are dead so you could sneak off to freedom? Well, expect him to tease you about it from this point forward, but nothing serious happens. Unless you attempt to attack him and actually prevail, usually his punishments are bare to none.
Nobunaga is many things. Being in touch with reality is definitely not one of them. He already sees you as a fragile little baby, so trying to play dead in front of him will cause him to have a panic attack of sorts.
He believes your entire act, as bad as you were doing it. He cries and caresses you in his arms. His crusty, dry lips, unholy body odor, and his utterly disgusting breath will be the only reasons you will ever reveal your cover.
He reacts to you being alive as horribly as you expect. He will start yelling at you, scolding you like a toddler who snuck into the cookie jar and not a captive trying to get back to society once more. If he was already in a somewhat bad mood, like you rejected his advances for the umpteenth time, and he got annoyed at you playing "hard to get" again, expect to even be sent to bed without dinner or dessert. Horrifying, right?
But, then again, dinner is always raw or burnt. You are sometimes convinced Nobunaga is trying to poison you to further immobile you, so you won't attempt to escape further. Maybe this whole playing dead thing was successful, in its own way? You would rather eat pebbles than the halfway cooked rice Nobunaga puts in your pink plastic plate.
Feitan just stares at you, not blinking. He already knows what you are trying to do. He already has a staring problem, observing everything you do, from drawing to looking outside the small, barred window in your room, so his reaction, in all honesty, does not surprise you one bit.
He will just go about his day. Feitan is an expert on the human body, being the Troupe's lead torturer and all, so he knows the difference from when you are faking being sick (or in this case dead) from when you are actually sick (a possibility from both the escape attempts and the fact that Feitan's little cabin in the middle of the woods has no heat or air conditioner. He says he does not need it, so he does not recognize it as a problem).
As always, he says nothing. He only sees this as a little bit of a tantrum you're having, and lets you have your way for once. When you eventually give up or when he has had enough of watching you, he'll leave the room to do something else.
But nothing bad happens to you, shockingly. But there is major emphasis on to you. If you have refused to admit defeat, he'll torture yet another poor unfortunate soul in his basement, their screams much louder than usual, and you will break at one point or another, either asking Feitan to stop or going to your room to put your pillow (which can also be a weapon with how hard it is) over your ears.
Machi, similar to two of the three assfarts, knows exactly what you are doing. But, like Nobunaga, she still worries, although she does not show it, and she also scolds you.
But, unlike the rest of them, she tries to listen to you after she shakes you into revealing yourself. She wants to know why you did that. If you say to try to escape from her, her heart will be broken once again.
Machi may not be the most emotionally understanding, but she does in fact try, although what she does after this incident is largely the opposite of what you wanted to happen. Even though her intentions are good, in her opinion. She will become more present in your life, bringing home more gifts for you and trying to hug you whenever you ask, although she will never initiate it herself.
She hopes you won't do that again. She'll tell you as such. She was not trying to manipulate you with the increase in gifts and consensual touches, but you will feel so bad you won't attempt such a thing from that point forward.
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spidernuggets · 6 months
Jason Todd x Bitchy!Reader
Note: It's note really "bitchy" per se, but idrk what else to put
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You didn't think you were THAT mean of a person. You were only mean when you needed to be. You know, standing up for your friends, standing up for yourself. But sometimes, you think, is it too much?
You were never good with expressing your own emotions. Every time someone gave you a gift, you'd reply with an awkward, muttered "aw.. thanks, it's great." And you'd genuinely love it, but you're just too enclosed to express your gratitude.
Or when you get compliments from your friends, you telk them to shut up and go away. Your friends know you, luckily. They know you appreciate the compliment based on the flushed look on your face when they call you cool or pretty.
But when you met Jason Todd, your friends noticed how happy you looked. They knew you had an on and off relationship with your parents, causing you to act better than everyone else when really you feel like the worst person in the world. Luckily, your friends are supportive of you, and no doubt, did they get excited over your new love interest.
"You know you're not subtle, Y/n," your friend once said to you. "Every time Jason comes by to pick you up or something, your pupils form heart shapes."
You rolled your eyes at the memory, walking into Jason's apartment.
"Hey, Jay," you say, walking up behind the couch, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's shoulders and placing a loving smooch against his cheek.
He smiles, his heart getting warm and mushy from the soft affection.
"Hi, babe. I... I got something for ya," he quietly says, reaching for something in the pocket of his sweatpants.
You perched over his shoulder, trying to see what he got.
He pulls out a small black box, and upon opening, it reveals a shiny, sliver necklace with a heart charm. "It's uh..." Jason awkwardly scratches the back of his neck as his cheeks heat up and pink flushes across his face. "It's for the last time you gifted me that switchblade."
Jason wasn't the most confident in gift giving, but the fact that he tried made your heart swell. The hard part was trying to express that feeling.
"Oh.. it's really pretty, Jay. Thanks.." In your language, it translated to 'Oh my god, it's gorgeous, I want to marry you, you're the absolute love of my life'
At this point in your relationship, Jason was well aware of your shallow reactions, but knew that you appreciated the things he offered to you, so he never took your awkward reactions to heart.
Your heart was racing, but you kept thay information to yourself, so you kissed the ruffles of his hair and thanked him again.
You told him you were going to change into your pjs (his hoodie), so you speed walked to your shared room, and quickly shut the door behind you.
Your face was so warm, and you wasted no time putting the necklace on. You held the charm close to your chest, mentally screaming and kicking your feet at the gift and changed into a comfier shirt and sweatpants along with Jason's hoodie.
You were ready to go out to spend some more time with Jason, but he came into the room in a rush.
"Hey, sugar, I got some last-minute work that I got called in for," he kissed your forhead before walking past you, grabbing a bag from the closet.
"I'll won't be back until late, so don't stay up, okay? Make sure to get some sleep, sweetness."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," you mutter as he sped out the door.
You sighed and laid on your bed, staring at the cracked ceiling. This wasn't the first time Jason had sped out for a last-minute call into work. It was probably due to his little secret life he's hiding from you.
You wanted to tell him that you knew about his Red Hood alter ego, but you wanted to let him tell you himself when he was ready.
But this dash out the door has become so recent, him leaving even outside his usual schedules that you observed, you're beginning to think that..
What if he's leaving just to get some space from you?
It's a ridiculous thought, but you honestly wouldn't blame him. You agreed with the idea that your lack of words of affection and gratefulness, and attitude could eventually get exhausting.
Another memory with your friends flickered in your head.
"Does your boyfriend ever question how you act?"
A new person was introduced to your friend group. They weren't really aware of why you acted like you did.
"What do you mean?" You sharply replied.
They laugh. "I mean.. you're not the most.. expressive person, Y/n." They reply with a grin. You never like this person. Luckily, they were kicked out of the group shortly.
"Dude-" Your actual friend tried to cut in.
"Ha," you chimed. "Well, it's kind of none of your god damn business." You snarled.
They held their hands up in sarcastic defence. "Calm down. I'm just saying. Show some smiles and gratitude once in a while."
You were close to punching them right in the face before the rest of your friends told them to piss off.
But maybe they're right. Jason deserves more than a weak thanks. He needed more affection, more smiles, and more love. He definitely needs it after every shift from work.
Your relationship might be on the line if you don't up your game.
So early the next morning, you awoke to Jason's arm loosely around your waist. You smiled at his light, tired snores, kissing his chin lightly before rolling away from his warmth and comfort. You tucked him back into the blanket before heading to the kitchen.
It's been almost an hour before you heard Jason's heavy padding for footsteps coming into the kitchen.
"N/n?" He groggily calls out, rubbing his eyes, and the sight was so fucking adorable.
"Morning, Jay Jay!" You excalimed, mentally cringing at the extra sweetness. "Want some breakfast?" You brightly smiled, plating the final portion of scrambled eggs and placing it onto the table, along with the bacon, pancakes, toast, and juice laid on the table.
"Wow, this is a lot. What's the occation?" He asks confused, still tired from waking up.
"What? Can I not spoil you, handsome?" Your stomach churned from your newfound personality, which also cause Jason eyebrow to raise in question.
"I guess?" He said, unsure from your more cheerful mood. "You okay?" He carefully asked.
"More than okay, now that you're awake, baby," you walked up to him, placing a lingering kiss to his lips.
His brows furrowed. "Baby? That's new." He commented before sitting at the table. He knew that the cheesy nicknames were his department. For you, it was either Jay or a joke nickname that had some significance that only the two of you knew the context behind, like troublemaker or stubborn.
"Did you sleep well? How was work last night?" Another development. Needing to know how he was after every activity.
"It.. Good. It was good. You sure you're okay?" There was nothing wrong with the questions you asked. It was just new to him. And the seemingly forced smiles that looked like they were making your cheeks hurt were new, too.
Your smile faltered. "Yeah... why d'you ask?"
He put his utensils down. "It's just new. It's not bad, but.. it seems kind of unnatural for you." He calmly says. Then slowly questions, "Can I ask what brought it on?"
"I..." You hiccuped. All you thought since last night was the thought of Jason leaving you because you can't express your emotions as well as most others.
You didn't even notice the light tears rolling down your face.
"Hey, hey, sweet thing, what's the matter?" He quickly asks with worry, both his hands cupping your cheeks and wiping away your tears.
"Don't leave, please.." you whimper.
His face softens. "What? Babe, why would you ever think that?" Your tears are wiped away, but he continues to caress your face.
"I- I thought you were getting tired of me.. I thought I needed to- to be more caring or- or emotional, devoted? I don't know.." You stammered, looking down at his knees, avoiding his attempts to look in your sad eyes.
"Oh, my sweetness, I'd never get tired of you. I'm so crazy for you. You don't even know."
"You're always gone.." You pathetically whine.
Jason's hands move away from your face, then quickly occupied to your hands. "Please look at me, Y/n?"
He asked so nicely. You couldn't possibly deny his request. So you look up to share his gaze.
He sighs and starts his long explanation of his occupation as Red Hood. You only knew about the Red Hood part. But he revealed to you everything. From when he was brought in by Batman, he became Robin, died, all the nitty gritty.
And he ended it by revealing he was Red Hood.
You sniffled. "I know." You say quietly.
"What?" He asked dumbfounded.
You could only let out a light giggle. "I already know your Red Hood. You accidently left your thigh holsters in the closet."
And hearing your faint laugh made Jason smile. "Well, why didn't you tell me, N/n?"
"Wanted you to tell me when you were ready," you shrugged. "So.. you're not gonna leave?"
He laughs. "My sweet thing, I love you so much for you."
Your eyes slightly widen. "You love me?"
"You've no idea," he smiles, holding your chin, pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
"Mm, whatever," you mutter between his lips. Instantly, he knew that meant that you loved him too.
"That's my darling."
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strwberri-milk · 4 months
hiii!! since your ask box is open, how about the reader not being mc and rafayel being with since he thinks he'll never find mc again, but then yk according to the story line meets her. it's up to you to decide. feel free to ignore it. thank you🩷🌷
i hate angst [sob] /lh but i do think this is gonna go angst and stay angst bc,,,,i see the person he meets in the timelines basically being his true love and the one person he'll go back to no matter what :(( i decided to do like. idk reconcilation sorta at the end bc i think hed also feel bad for dating someone when he knew he couldnt love them as much as mc [sob]
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You thought that Rafayel loved you and he just had a strange way of showing it. He's always been a little cold to the people around him, flippant and dismissive but when it comes to you he warms up just a little bit. He's never been cruel to you but you always feel like he's holding back. Sometimes, he loses himself a little, hands holding onto you tightly as he kisses you hard, puffs of his breath brushing up against your lips.
At the very least you never doubted his loyalty. You knew that he wasn't seeing anybody outside of you and he treated you kindly, even if you couldn't see all of him. He was just reserved and private and you respected that - you'd never pressure him into saying or doing something that he wasn't comfortable with because you love him.
One day, you meet his new bodyguard. She's kind and polite and unwilling to put up with Rafayel's antics, something you commend her for. You never had any reason to doubt her intentions because she never gave you any just cause, warming up to her just as quickly as Rafayel did.
It doesn't take you long to realise that something's different about her. Rafayel doesn't do anything outwardly strange but the way he starts to look at her and almost boyish shyness you see in her presence warns you of the inevitable. You hope that it's just because she's someone new, that he's just trying to figure out how to act around her but when he asks you to come over to talk as soon as you can you know what's happening.
He barely looks at you as he tells you he's enjoyed his time with you but he doesn't love you the way you need him to. You don't even need to ask him to know that it's because of her and as you drive home you're so unbelievably angry. You wish that he did something worse, that he had an affair and things were escalating between the two of them to give you the ability to be angry at him but you can't. He was honest and fair with you, recognising his feelings and leaving you before they became something harmful to you.
The breakup is amicable at least and Rafayel texts you another apology in addition to a basket of gifts to you. You choose not to respond, letting the basket sit outside for days until finally it disappears, rotting in bed as you try to work on getting over him.
It's months until the next time you see him in town, walking with the bodyguard. All the hurt comes back and you have half a mind to storm over and cuss him out but when you see the look on his face you take pause. He looks happy for once, something soft and innocent that you could never draw out of him yourself. She looks at him just as happily, the two of them seeming to have some sort of understanding that you'd never been able to achieve with him.
All the hurt in your chest dissipates. You love Rafayel more than anything and still do - it'll take you some more time to get over him and as much as watching him like this stings you know that all you've ever wanted was for him to be happy. You slowly come to accept the fact Rafayel couldn't be this happy with you and you're glad that he's found her.
Rafayel still feels guilty because in his mind, he led you on. He thought he'd never find her again but now that he has the weight of what he did to you is lessened. However, he knows that if he were in your position it'd hurt him as well which is what leads him to inviting you to one of his shows as a show of good faith. The two of you don't even talk at that show but when you offer him a slight smile and wave he's glad to know the two of you have come to some sort of agreement, finally able to put to those worries of his to rest.
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Carlisle x reader - the peace of you
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Hello, could I request your 2024 prompt number 3 with Carlisle X fem Reader? Maybe the reader is immortal and has lost her family/friends/lover and had been suffering with loneliness and abuse until she met Carlisle and his family? Because he's a vamp and he knows what it's like to outlive people? And Edward can hear how happy she is around his adoptive dad - Anon 💜
3: “He/she/they carry more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. He/she/they walked through hell a thousand times.” “Why are you telling me this?” “Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in his/her’s/their eyes is when he/she/they saw you.”
Sitting in your shop, you rested your feet on the chair opposite you, flicking through some of the books you had delivered while a few people wondered the shop.
The door went, and the bell sounded.
“Afternoon.” You called.
“Hey, have you seen Edward?”
You glanced up at the teenager unimpressed, a straight looking on your face.
“I’m not his keeper, I don’t keep track of all the vampires in the area Bella. If you can’t find your boyfriend that’s not my issue.”
She furrowed her brows a little.
“Seriously? You always know where people are.”
“I’m a bounty hunter, I know where people are when they’ve got a bounty, Edward doesn’t, so, if you’re not here to buy something go away.”
“Just tell me.”
You narrowed your eyes at her and she shuffled back a little, making her way towards the doors before she left.
You didn’t like humans, but you had to live among them, and you especially didn’t like her.
So ready to just throw away her human life, everything she had just for a boy she met.
It annoyed you.
A few seconds later and the bell went again, and you grumbled.
“I already told you I don’t know where he is.”
“Well, that would be good to know except I’ve already found the person I was looking for.”
You set your book down and stood up, walking around the desk to stand in front of it as the other vampire walked around.
He smiled softly at you and you gave a tiny one back.
“What can I do for you Carlisle? You’re not my usual clientele.”
“No, I’m not here about a bounty, I was wondering if you had any of these.”
He handed you a list and you looked through, nodding to yourself.
“Yeah, I’ve got them. Do you want me to bring them to yours?”
“That would be wonderful, thank you so much.”
You smiled at him, setting the list on your desk and you glanced at him before turning away.
“Yeah, I’ll be around later that’s no problem. How is everything?”
He sighed, shaking his head.
“Honestly? It’s all over the place, but I can’t do anything about it, he loves her, we need to protect that.”
“Even if it means putting yourself in danger?”
“Everybody has someone, Bella is the someone Edward has, it’s important we protect that.”
You gave a small shrug.
“Maybe, but maybe it isn’t worth it.”
“I know you don’t fully agree with the way we do things, but I am really grateful for everything you do to help.”
“Don’t worry about it, you should go, I’ll sort these.”
Carlisle nodded, glancing at you one last time before he left.
The moment you came into town he was smitten with you, but he was finding it hard to grow close to you.
You kept everybody at arms length, you made it clear that you were by yourself, you did things your way with your own rules, and there wasn’t much they could do about it.
You didn’t hunt on their grounds, you ran your shop just outside their territory, but sometimes if they came to you for help you would help.
You were like a box of mysteries, just then he think he has you figured out there’s something new there that surprises him.
Later that night you turned up at their house with the box of books, and you carried it upstairs, setting it down on the counter and began to take them out.
You were talking to Rosalie and Alice about them, explaining what they were about and what was in them, and Carlisle stood across the room watching you.
“Why not ask her on a date?” Emmett asked.
Carlisle shook his head.
“I could never do that.”
“Yes you could, and you deserve it.” Edward said.
“She isn’t exactly the most social person, there is just no way she would agree, I think I would rather try be friends.”
Edward glanced at his adoptive father before looking at you.
You glanced at Carlisle, and all the noise Edward heard in your head just seemed to stop, then when you looked away it picked up again.
“She carry’s more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. She walked through hell a thousand times.”
Carlisle turned to Edward, his back towards you.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Edward smiled a little, gesturing to you with his head.
“Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in her eyes is when she saw you.”
Carlisle turned back around to face you, and the moment you connected eyes with him you smiled.
“I think it’s worth a chance.”
With that, Edward left, and Carlisle walked over to help you, all the others quickly leaving.
“You seem to enjoy being around them.” He said.
“It’s nice knowing you guys get the whole immortality thing, and I don’t have to pretend to be something I’m not.”
“I understand that, it does get exhausting after a while.”
You nodded your head, resting your arms on the counter.
“At least when you’re human you know everything stops when you die, as a vampire you still have to live with all that pain from your human life and more. You have to do it alone.”
“You don’t have to.”
You turned to him, furrowing your brows a little.
“You can still find people, have a family, friends to support you.”
You scoffed a little.
“Nobody wants to be around a vampire who’s bounty hunter.”
Carlisle smiled softly, turning fully to face you.
“I do.”
You stood back up, looking at him utterly confused.
“I want to be around you, I would like to be with you. You’ve spent so long by yourself that you’ve forgetting life still has beautiful moments, even for a vampire, I want you to see that it still does. I want to see you smile (Y/N).”
“If you don’t want that then it’s okay, I hope we can stay as friends but the offer is there, just a drink, that’s all. Nothing more unless that is what you want.”
You stared at him, and he could see the little spark in your eyes that was there when you saw him.
Usually you held a cold and callous look, but when you looked at him it was with nothing but pure softness, fondness.
“You don’t have to be alone..” he whispered.
“People will talk.”
Carlisle reached out, taking your hand in his.
“Then let them, I want you around, I know everybody else here wants you around as well.”
You smiled, looking away.
“I haven’t been for a drink in a while, I cant even remember what I like.”
He chuckled.
“Well, I have plenty of options for you to chose from.”
He raised your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles before he let go.
“Take some time, think about it.”
“I will.”
You left a few moments later, his offer still running around in your head.
A life as a vampire wasn’t easy, and you thought there was nothing else too it, but you couldn’t lie when you said the world was definitely better when you were around Carlisle.
You didn’t have to think too much about his offer, you were going to accept, but you didn’t want to come across as too eager so you decided to wait before agreeing, and at least it would find you time to find something to wear.
Carlisle didn’t need Edward to tell him that you would agree to his offer, he could see it on your face, the pure happiness you had when he had asked.
He had a good feeling you would agree, and he couldn’t wait for you to tell him so he could see you again, because there was nothing in this world quite like you
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