#he knows somewhat i’m grateful for knowing him but he has no idea on what scale
thoughtfulseason · 6 months
when you realise you know that person for a year and a half and it is the kindest gift from the universe
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lila-lou · 11 months
✨ His only exception - Pt. 1/? ✨
Summary: 12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another. One evening, however, something changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: Language, Soldier boy being too rough
Word Count: 1394
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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You were currently lying on your stomach on the sofa, completely engrossed in your phone.
It's been a year already.
12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another.
Of course, the job in the field, as you always affectionately called it, was extremely dangerous, but damn interesting and exciting. Until today, you didn't know why Butcher wanted you on his team so badly, but after a few unsuccessful attempts to get him to talk, you finally gave up. You weren't particularly talented when it came to fighting or stuff like that. You also had no idea about technology. Of course, you knew the quickest way to track down and locate Supes, but the other 11 girls on your team knew that too. So, you didn't know why you were chosen, but now you didn't care. Finally something exciting happened in your life and you were more than grateful for that.
Your love life on the other hand, was still a complete disaster. You're 20 years old and still single as fuck. It wasn't that you didn't have chances, certainly not, it was more that you wanted a man who could flash you. You wanted magic. A crackling and burning when he looks at you. But so far, all the men you've met have been the exact opposite. And if your mother taught you anything, it's to never settle for less.
So, here you were. In shorts and a crop top in the living room of your shared apartment.
Since the Team around Butcher has expanded with you, the Team got a new apartment. Not particularly luxurious, but not completely crappy either.
However, since the heating in your room is currently broken, you had to make do with the couch in the living room. While everyone else was already asleep, you scrolled through Instagram, checking out what your old coworkers were up to and what lies the media was currently spreading.
"Why aren't you sleeping, doll face?".
It was Soldier Boy's rough voice that startled you. When you turned your head to the side, you could see his eyes glued to your bare legs. But typical, he didn't care that you caught him staring. He plopped down on the sofa next to your feet and took a sip from his whiskey bottle without averting his gaze. There was nothing you could do as the blush rose to your face. You cleared your throat before sitting up.
“I don’t know”, you mumbled before looking at him for a second. “Somehow I’m not tired”, you added, looking away again. It was impossible to hold his gaze for much more. Despite the fact that you were the only person Soldier Boy was nice to, nice by his standards, you found him extremely intimidating. Even now, as he sat there, almost like a normal person in his gray sweatpants and black hoodie, he radiated this strong superiority.
When it became clear that there was no way Soldier Boy could be locked up again and Butcher could use all the help he could get against Homelander, he convinced Soldier Boy to rejoin his team.
Nobody knew how the hell he did it, but he did.
Butcher had recruited you and Soldier Boy almost at the same time. You were both the ‚new guys’ so to speak. Maybe that's why you got along somewhat.
“Well, I know fucking ton of ways to make you tired, Sweetheart”, he winked at you, making you roll your eyes. “Are you going to stop trying at some point?”, you mumbled, reaching for your Ben & Jerry’s on the table. “As soon as I can finally spread those pretty legs of yours”, he grinned cheekily.
You didn't think much of it. Ben was Ben and fucked everything that came his way. You knew that by now. Well, everyone on the team knew that. It wasn't even two weeks before Butcher banned him from bringing women home. The sounds those girls did, sounded like something out of a porno and kept everyone awake for two weeks.
“You’re disgusting,” you remarked quietly before putting the first spoonful in your mouth.
“Whatever”, he took another sip.
"Why are you still awake?", you asked. "I've slept enough", he replied almost bitterly. “Besides…if Everyone is sleeping, I hear your every little movement. Every tap on your phone. Every fucking breath you take… Try sleeping like that”, he murmured.
“Sorry”, you mumbled.
“Yeah, whatever doll face”.
You spent the next 60 minutes staying quiet and watching TV. In between, Ben couldn't help but mutter derogatory comments about women from commercials or the actual Movie you watched and its plot. At some point your nerves were on edge and you couldn't help but let out an annoyed groan.
“Do you have a fucking problem over there?”, Ben mumbled, looking over at you.
"You're repeating yourself! ‘Everything used to be better’ – that’s annoying”, you imitated him.
Without meaning to, you started a discussion. Neither of you was angry or aggressive, but both of you wanted to be right and keep the other quiet. However, the discussion quickly became heated. After a few minutes, the mood changed completely. Ben absolutely wasn't having neither your attitude nor your - in his eyes - disrespectful behavior towards him. Soldier Boy. Americas fucking first hero.
You could see Ben tense up. He got up from the couch and stood in front of you, building himself up. He clearly was about to snap.
“Know what the fucking best part was? Nobody was a fucking cocktease like you! No woman would dared to dance around with such tight little panties in front of me and just not let me fuck ‘em!”.
You just sat there and looked up at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
"Ben, I...". With your eyes still on him, you searched for the right words, but you hadn't found any. All these months you thought Ben was just kidding. You never took his lewd comments, compliments or his staring seriously, quite the opposite. By now you thought it was just one of his traits. He held your gaze with his arms crossed. He raised an eyebrow expectantly. His fingertips tapped his upper arm. Knowing that he wouldn't rest until you gave him an answer that was acceptable to him, you tried your best.
“I didn't think you'd mind. I… I´m not your type at all? I thought you`re into older women”. You now looked at him a little confused.
“Oh, don’t act fucking dumb now! I know women like you. Act all innocent at first, make men horny and then don't let anyone touch you! This is actually a lot worse than a slut admitting she's a slut!”, he spat.
Unfortunately, your hand was faster than your brain as you lashed out, hitting him on the cheek.
Your breath hitched as you saw Ben raise both eyebrows in surprise before his jaw twitched in anger.
"Shit! Ben… I…”.
You couldn't stutter any longer because Ben was already pushing you firmly against the wall by your upper arms.
Thousand thoughts ran through his head and they all revolved around you.
Ever since he first saw you, he was torn. Soldier Boy didn't know if he wanted to kill you, fuck you, torture or fucking marry you. He couldn't understand his own feelings. He didn't know what the fuck he felt. Even now his fantasies fluctuated like hell.
You were only human. With the blink of an eye he could squash you like a puny fly. But then he would never be able to look into those beautiful (y/e/c) eyes again. He would never be able to hear your voice again. He had dreamed so often of you lying beneath him, completely exhausted, shaking and moaning. Screaming his name in sheer desperate.
Just like that his intrusive thoughts won. Without any warning, he smashed his lips into yours, followed by his body.
A/N: I was wondering if anyone would like me to make this into a multi-part story. Pls let me know 🥰
Part 2
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kquil · 1 year
REQUEST. : Can I request a chapter where the boys convince the reader to get her ears pierced and she cries bc she's anxious when it happens and one of the boys has her sit on their lap when it's happening and help her calm down. You don't have to but i think it would be super cute —@samanddeansannoyingsis
G. : fluff ; modern au ; muggle au ; tattoo artist james ; tattoo artist sirius ; piercer remus ; comfort ; sitting in sirius's lap ; slight panic attack - not explicit
LENGTH : 1.9k
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“Did you mean it?” You ask in a soft voice as Remus swivels in his tech chair to pay you his full attention, one brow raising up at the sight of your fingers gently pinching your ear lobes.
“Did I mean what, dove?” He asks in his usual warm tone, tilting his head back to stare up at you from his seat.
“That I would look cute with ear piercings…” 
Remus laughs because how cute can you get? Especially with that curious look in your doe eyes. Reaching out his big hands, he pulls you onto his thigh and holds you close, staring down with his loving brown eyes to reassure you of any insecurities he suspects might arise. 
Somehow, Remus always knew what path your thoughts could potentially take. You felt like an open book to him, cradled in his large hands, stable and loving; ready to explore your pages with the simple intent to understand you further, as he’s already done with the few pages you’ve allowed him to read in your past. To you, Remus is safety, comfort and boundless warmth, not from the sun but from a thick blanket, reassuring and all encompassing, devoted to only keeping you warm — safe, happy and secure. 
“Yes, I meant it,” Remus whispers as he fixes the collar of your shirt, ever the habitual perfectionist, “why?” His gaze lifts and you’re lost in his honey-chocolate pools once more, “are you thinking of getting your ears pierced?” you don’t know if the lilt in his tone is to tease or a growing excitement for your potential inclination — he may have the honour of giving you your first piercing.
“Maybe…” he can tell from the slight hesitancy in your diction that you weren’t 100% sold on the idea, which brings about his own worries.
“You don’t need a piercing to be cute you know,” Remus mutters the sentiment into your temple before pressing a kiss into your skin, “you’re plenty cute as is…” 
“It’s not that,” the shaky breath you exhale is all too familiar to the brunette and he instantly knows your exact reasoning, he still lets you speak the words yourself, however, somewhat enjoying the show you unintentionally play out before him. It’s another cute display, one that rivals whenever he sees you eating something delicious, and can’t control your expression or when you get excited over something and hop in place while doing tiny claps, “I’m still kinda scared of needles…” 
The shame that crosses your face tugs at Remus’s heart and he puts a stop to it immediately. Holding your chin between his pointer finger and thumb he directs your stare to meet his own, “don’t feel ashamed of that, sweetheart. Being afraid is normal and, in some instances, keeps people alive and safe. It’s unfortunate but fear led you to the boys and me,” he hates to remind you of that fateful night but— “and now I don’t think we can live without you,” the two of you share a laugh at that.
The boys were truly grateful to you for many things. You may not know it but whenever angry, sad or stressed all they had to do was look at you, see your smiling face, hear your twinkling laugh and bask in the brightness you exude just to feel right again. You bring about an equilibrium that they are so often tipped off of, never totally right or sane when you are gone too long. 
“I—…I still don’t know,” 
“Try this,” Remus leans back to pose his hypothetical, “forget the needle and the pain, would you still like to wear earrings?” your enthusiastic nod is answer enough, “then…—“ from the corner of his eye, Sirius walks past the doorway and Remus calls for him. 
“How may I help you and our princess, Moony?” Sirius asks with a practised smiling voice as he shoots you a wink.
“Do you mind fetching the earring jewellery samples?” Sirius raises a brow but asks no questions and nods before disappearing again. While he’s gone, you stare up at Remus, who doesn’t say a word but smiles and lovingly tucks a stray hair behind your ear. Not long after, Sirius returns with a small set of samples in a rectangular wooden box, lined with red velvet and showcasing a small but beautiful variety of jewellery. 
“Aren’t they beautiful?”
“They’re very beautiful, Rem,” you reply, awing at their delicate designs and sparkling appearance. 
“Pick a favourite pair,” he prompts and without hesitation, you pick the two that immediately caught your eye. 
“Great choice, doll,” Sirius praises as Remus hands back the sample set and gives him a look, communicating his next steps. There was no debate and Sirius accepted everything without any questions, “we’ll reserve them for you,” Sirius smiles softly and quickly leaves to do just that before you can utter any word of protest. 
“Tell us when you’re ready, and we’ll make it happen so that you’re as comfortable as can be throughout,”
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Every time you visit the boys at their tattoo studio, they let you have the reserved piercings to look over and contemplate your decision with. They were perfectly happy to wait however long you needed and never pushed you towards a decision, they even expressed that it was perfectly okay for you to change your mind and withdraw from the idea altogether. 
“You know,” James pipes up with a mouthful of food that Remus quickly reprimands him for, “you don’t need to get a piercing to wear earrings,” 
“That’s right, there are other alternatives out there, dollface,” Sirius adds, licking his lips with a content smile, always a lover for your cooking, “you can wear clip on earrings instead,”
You appreciate their concern and thoughtfulness but you still want to get a piercing. It felt like a right of passage for all girls and you wanted to be a part of it, clip-ons didn't feel the same and you wanted to be able to pair your earrings with an outfit like some of your friends do. Shaking your head with a polite smile, you turn to Remus, “You’ll be doing my piercing, right, Rem?” 
“That’s right, dove,”
Timidly, you meet his kind eyes, “will you be able to hold me when you do it?” Your shy statement was all they needed to realise what was holding you back. They felt so stupid for not realising it sooner but, thankfully, they knew how to help you now. 
“I’m afraid not, sweetheart,” Remus coos softly at your disappointed expression but James and Sirius don’t let you wear it for long. 
“But Prongs and I can hold you for as long as you need, doll!” Sirius smiles as James grins toothily beside him. 
“Just take your pick on whose lap you think will be more comfortable!” James laughs with Sirius as he throws his arm over his friend’s shoulders. 
“In that case,” you turn towards Remus with a smile once more, “when is the next available time I can set up an appointment?”
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It was in the afternoon when you found yourself seated on Sirius’s lap as Remus prepared to pierce your ears. James, to his dismay, had an appointment for a tattoo so Sirius won lap rights by default, which he was all too proud to have won. 
In preparation for the piercings, Sirius helped tie your hair up so that your ears were free of their awning, he did this while Remus prepared his tools, put on his gloves and got started on a small aftercare kit for you to take home — as was customary of their studio to provide for all their customers. With Sirius’s arms comfortingly wrapped around your waist, he pressed you close so that you could feel the heat from his chest against your back and allowed him access to your neck, where he placed a soft kiss.
After a while, Remus walks over with a soft look on his face and a sanitising wipe in a gloved hand, “you two look cosy,” he comments while gently cleansing your lobes with the wipe and throwing it away in a nearby bin. 
“Our princess deserves it,” Sirius comments, his hot breath tickling your neck and making you giggle as Remus agrees.
“That she does,” leaning back, the tall brunette sits in his tech chair and pulls up a small handheld mirror and pen, “now, dove, I need you to tell me where you want your piercing. Do you want it a little higher? Right in the middle or a little lower, here?” In the mirror he holds in front of you, you see him point out where the potential piercing can go with the tip of his pen, “I want to do it perfectly for you,” he smiles warmly behind the mirror, which carries in his voice — soft and sweet.
“And if you want more piercings in the future, you can make room for them now,” Sirius adds from behind you. 
“I want it right in the middle please, Rem,” 
“Of course,” he nods and places the markings softly onto your lobe before holding up the mirror again for your final approval.
“W-won’t the pen make the sanitising pointless,” you comment, shy of your scrutiny; Remus was the expert, afterall. 
“Don’t worry, dove,” he kisses your forehead before holding up the capped pen, “this is a surgical skin marker and it’s used in surgeries to mark out incision lines,” your apprehended by his gentle tone and warm voice, calming your heart that had slowly begun to race with anticipation, “the ink is made of gentian violet, which has antifungal properties so it won’t affect the sterility of the marked area,”
When you nod in understanding, Remus kisses your forehead once more and goes to store away the pen before finally getting started on your piercing.
“It’ll be okay, sweetheart,” Sirius whispers into your hair when he hears the unsteady shake in your breaths — Remus had just sat down across from you in his tech chair with a needle in hand and a small stopper in the other. 
“Look away, darling… close your eyes,” Remus prompts when he sees your breathing pick up at the sight of the needle in his hand. He is completely ignored and nods at the tattooist behind you, “Sirius, can you help our angel?”
You feel Sirius kiss your temple as his arms give you a small squeeze. His weight, warmth and smell surrounds your senses and the boys helpfully guide your breathing until you are finally able to relax. The tension leaves your body and you finally close your eyes, apologising for your small episode. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for, dove,” Remus whispers softly in front of you, “but I’m gonna have to ask you to take a deep breath for me,” you do as he says, breathing deep and slow, “good girl…”
There’s a small pinch in your right lobe that quickly dulls into numbness before Remus secures something behind it and a lingering weight is left. You feel Sirius kiss the slope of your shoulder, muttering soft praises as he does so. There’s some shuffling before you feel Remus take his place before you again. 
“One more time, dove, take a deep breath…” he gently commands as you easily follow. There’s another small pinch but in your left lobe this time. Again, Remus secures something behind it and as the numbness lingers so does an added weight. 
Your eyes flutter open just as Remus presses a kiss onto your forehead, “you were such a good girl for me,” he praises, smiling and then holds up a mirror for you to admire the delicate earrings decorating your ears with a bright smile, “it suits you, darling,”
“You just keep getting prettier,” Sirius chuckles and squeezes you in his arms once more, ”well done, princess,”  
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A/N : i went a little overboard with the writing, i didn't know it would stretch on for so long but i hope you enjoy the read! i'm sorry it took me a while to fulfil this request, life kinda got in the way but here it is! please tell me what you think!
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @astonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @sageskisses444 @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @neeezza101 @chaosofmanyfandoms @susyelectra @fangirlninja67 @pagesfalling @thepunisherfrankcastle @axeofwars @imarimon @justkiyomi @in-love-with-4-marauders @chicken-taco-burrito @valencia-sou @feast0nmeee @lestat-whore @hvmxjjk @twilightlover2007 @diaryofabiwoman @woohoney @celestialfantasiess @willbedecided @lovelyygirl8 @iiirhiane-g @ghostgardn @mess-is-my-aesthetic
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master-muffinn · 3 months
Ttigraas slime their love languages
With Benimaru, Souei and Guy Crimson x g/n reader.
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Benimaru: Words of affirmation
🔥 Benimaru is an honest dude with a somewhat good filter. He isn't scared to say what is needed to say. 
🔥 If Benimaru has something on his mind, he will tell you no matter if it’s good or bad, you deserve to know.
🔥 Tells you often how grateful he is to have you and doesn't hold back with the compliments. If you for example wear something he likes and thinks it suits you, you will know. “Do you have a new jacket? It looks good on you y/n!”
🔥 Benimaru is a little shy with the flirting, at least in the beginning. The longer in the relationship he’ll get, the more confident, or perhaps more like that alone with you. “Are you a magician? Because when I look at you, you make everyone else disappear”.
🔥 He'll share some jokes with you too. The bad ones as well.
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Souei: Quality time
🔪 This dude works A LOT. He is everywhere and nowhere and is always doing something somewhere. Souei is reliable and hardworking and always gets things done. So when he is finally done and free he will spend as much of his precious time with his s/o.
🔪 Even if he is busy, he’ll always find some time during the day when he can talk to you, even if it’s just a few words or perhaps just a pretty smile as a greeting. 
🔪 It doesn't matter what you’ll do together, as long as he can be with you. Reading together, training, cooking, cuddling or bathing together ;) you name it! 
🔪 Under those times when it’s supposed to be just you and him alone, and someone disturbs you. Souei will get pretty irritated. Especially if he had planned it and asked Rimuru for a day off. “We’re busy. Please. Leave.”
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Guy Crimson: Physical touch
🍷 Have you seen how he tries to touch and kiss Leon? He is way worse if he has a s/o and probably will tone it down with others of course. 
🍷 He will always be touching you in some way and steals kisses quite often. Guy will basically pick you up when he feels like it and sit down with you on his lap. Pet your head and kiss your cheek. “You look so cute y/n”.
🍷 You have to deal with his weight over you when he’s ‘tired’ and in need of affection. “Y/nnn i’m sooo tireeeed~! Only youuu can make feel better~!!”
🍷 Guy can however be a little too much sometimes so you’ll have to tell him off once in a while. Like, him trying to make out with you during a meeting is probably not a good idea.
Thank you for readring! Have a good day!🥰 Reblogs are very appreciated <3
Post made by @master-muffinn
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 year
Burden | Dream Reaction #11
Reaction: When their gf feels like a burden to them
Genre: Hurt/comfort
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, dark thoughts, mental health issues
Word Count: 3593k
Author's Note: This reaction was requested by an anon, which I am very grateful for. I feel like the theme for this reaction is pretty common in my stories. So I tried my best to come up with different scenarios and not sound too repetitive. Writing this story made me think of how all the members of NCT Dream are such sweethearts, honestly. I hope you guys like this and please feel free to request more! Thank you for reading ^ ^
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Lately, there’s been this growing distance between you and Mark. You hated yourself for feeling this way because Mark was nothing short of the perfect boyfriend. He treated you with kindness and respect. He didn’t hesitate to show his feelings for you and cared for you in ways that no one else in your life has.
But you were someone who carried a lot of insecurities. Frequently, you found yourself pondering if you were truly worthy of Mark's affection. He was constantly busy with his back-and-forth schedules between 127 and Dream. Yet he still made the time to call you and ask how your day went. You felt like you didn’t deserve him. 
One evening, you were engaging in a deep conversation with Taeyong at the 127 dorm. As the leader figure of the group, you sometimes found yourself confiding in the male when it came to concerns about your relationship. Unbeknownst to you, Mark happened to be present at the dorm that evening, and as he walked down the hallway, he overheard your voice drifting from the living room. 
“I don’t know…Mark is so sweet and loving,” you spoke with uncertainty, as you held a couch pillow close to your chest.“Sometimes I can’t help but feel like I’m a burden to him.”
He observed Taeyong place a comforting hand on your shoulder. “(Y/n), you’re an amazing girlfriend and Mark cares about you a lot. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself,” he tried to reassure you.
You let out a sigh, “I know…but I just can’t shake the feeling that I’ll never be good enough for him.”
Mark genuinely had no idea you were feeling this way. He’d stay up the rest night, replaying your words in his head. You were so important to Mark, and he couldn’t bear the thought of his life without you. Knowing that you felt so insecure saddened him deeply.
A few days later you received a text from Mark, asking you to meet him at the studio. The message felt somewhat random, but you headed to his company building, unsure of what to expect.
When you walked into the studio, Mark was sitting on the sofa with a guitar in hand. At first, you were confused until his fingers began strumming to a familiar tune.
“Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shinin’. Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying,” he sang softly. “She’s so beautiful, and I tell her every day.”
 You couldn’t help but laugh, finding it almost surreal that Mark Lee was serenading you with a Bruno Mars song. But the charming smile on his lips didn’t leave as he finished the first verse.
“Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won’t believe me. 
And it’s so, it’s so sad to think that she don’t see what I see.”
His fingers continued to strum the instrument as he stood up and walked up to you, singing the chorus with heartfelt emotion.
“When I see your face, there’s not a thing I would change. Cause you’re amazing, just the way you are.” He gazed into your eyes, singing the lyrics with such love and admiration. “And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile. Cause girl you’re amazing, just the way you are.”
Your hands were clasped over your mouth, and tears glistened in your eyes as Mark sang the rest of the song. The raw emotion in his voice and the sweet lyrics touched you deeply, making this moment feel incredibly intimate. The romantic gesture felt so sudden, making you wonder what brought this all on.
After the song finished, Mark gently took your hand in his. “(Y/n), I heard you talking to Taeyong hyung the other day. And I wanted to let you know that you’re never a burden to me.”
You felt a mixture of surprise and gratitude, touched by his openness and the effort he took to address your concerns. The love in his eyes reaffirmed that he meant every word, and a sense of comfort washed over you as he held your hand, grounding you in the present moment.
"I cherish every part of you," Mark continued, his voice unwavering. "In good times and challenging ones, we're in this together. You can always lean on me. I'm here to support you through everything."
His words were like a warm embrace, wrapping around your heart and reaffirming the love you shared. In that moment, you knew that you were truly seen and valued by Mark, and your heart overflowed with love for this incredible person beside you.
While you were in the kitchen preparing lunch, Renjun was relaxing in the living room. His group had just finished their promotional activities for their latest comeback, leaving him exhausted from the busy schedule. However, you became a bit flustered when you attempted to reach for an ingredient on a top shelf but found yourself unable to reach it.
Sighing in frustration, you stole a glance at Renjun, who was lying on the couch. Perhaps he could lend you a hand with this predicament. But as you started to hesitate when you approached him. His arm covered his eyes, as his chest slowly rose up and down with each slow breath he took. You didn’t want to disturb him when he looked so peaceful.
Renjun’s eyes slowly opened as he watched you walk away. Curious, he stood up from the couch and quietly followed you into the kitchen. The corner of his lips upturned in a small smile when he saw you struggle to get something from the cabinet.
When you felt Renjun extend his arm to retrieve the ingredient for you, you nearly jumped and turned around in surprise. 
Renjun looked at you endearingly and said, “You could’ve just asked me, (Y/n).”
“I know, but you were resting and I didn’t want to bother you,” you frowned. 
In response to this, Renjun planted a soft kiss on your forehead. “You could never bother me, darling,” he reassured, brushing away a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You blushed at his warm gesture and whispered a "thank you" before returning to what you were doing before. Renjun was truly a sweetheart, and his caring nature never failed to make you feel loved and appreciated.
The day had been long and overwhelming. Honestly, you were just glad that it was almost over. All you wanted right now was to be in your boyfriend’s arms. However, when you entered the bedroom, you found Jeno engrossed in a videogame on his computer.
Approaching him quietly, you softly called his name. “Jeno-ssi.”
“Yeah, babe?” He responded, keeping his eyes focused on the screen in front of him.
You felt discouraged when you saw how concentrated he was on his game. Not wanting to bother him, you took a step back. “I—actually, never mind.”
Jeno caught the hesitance in your voice and spun around in his chair. Just as you were walking away, he reached to grab your hand.
“No, babe, what is it?” he asked, concern evident in his voice. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment now that you had his attention. Even if you tried to brush him off again, you knew he wouldn’t let you go.
“I was going to ask if we could cuddle. but I don’t want to distract you from your game,” you muttered, avoiding his gaze. You couldn’t help but feel silly for wanting something so seemingly small.
Jeno’s eyes softened at your words, and in the next second, you were being pulled into his lap. He loved nothing more than holding you in his arms and pressing kisses into your hair. The idea that you thought he would reject you, puzzled him.
“You can always ask me for cuddles, babe,” he whispered softly, his arms wrapped securely around you. “I love being with you, and I don’t want you to feel like it’s a bother.”
You slowly smiled and allowed your head to rest on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. His touch radiated so much comfort and warmth that it seemed to chase away any lingering insecurities or anxious thoughts from earlier. For the remainder of the night, he kept you in his lap as he played his game. Eventually, he retired from the computer and proceeded to cuddle you in the comforts of your bed. Jeno just loved being close to you and he wanted to ensure that you never felt like you were bothering him again.
Something didn’t feel right when Haechan entered your apartment. After sliding on the familiar gray slippers you always kept for him, he shuffled through the darkness of your living room. His feet padded down the hallway, guided by the faint glow of light escaping beneath your bedroom door. He paused outside the closed door. Apprehension filled him when he heard your shaky breathing.
Haechan swallowed nervously before raising his hand to the door and lightly tapping his knuckles against the wood. “(Y/n)?” he called out softly. “Is it okay if I come in?”
When he was met with an unsettling silence, his determination urged him to slowly turn the doorknob and gently push open the door. The second he stepped inside his eyes fell on you sitting at the foot of the bed with your head buried in your hands. His heart broke at the sight of your body visibly trembling.
Haechan knew you hated it whenever he found you in this state of vulnerability. When he was present, you often put on a brave face for him. You were always trying to maintain this cheerful facade, even when things were not okay. He understood the effort you made to protect him from your inner struggles. But the thought of you hurting weighed heavily on his heart.
With a small sigh, Haechan closed the door behind him. He noticed you tense up when he approached you cautiously.
“(Y/n),” he started to say, extending his hand towards you in a gesture of comfort.
But you shook your head vigorously and pulled away from him. “Please, just go away Hyuck. I don’t want to see me like this,” you pleaded.
His expression faltered at your attempt to push him away. He could sense the pain and he wasn’t going to let you face it alone.
“(Y/n), whatever it is…just let me be there for you,” he said.
But your head shook again, almost as if your brain was refusing to let Haechan’s words comfort you. Your fists repeatedly banged against your head, the pain momentarily numbing the overwhelming thoughts and emotions within you.
 “I’m a mess, Haechan. I’m broken and damaged,” you cried. “I’m…I’m nothing but a burden right now.”
Haechan’s eyes widened with panic and he firmly grabbed your wrists to stop your self-destructive actions. “Hey, hey, don’t hurt yourself,” he murmured, trying to calm you down. “Who put those thoughts in your head, huh?”
As more tears cascaded down your cheek, Haechan loosened his grip on one of your hands and gently brushed away the tears with his thumb. 
“Look at me, (Y/n),” Haechan whispered. He gently lifted your chin, locking your gaze with his. 
“You are not a burden, nor are you broken or damaged,” he said, caressing your cheek. “Please don’t believe those lies your mind tells you.”
His voice was filled with a seriousness that resonated deep within your heart. The tears slowed and your body gradually stopped shaking. Once he was sure you wouldn’t resist, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace. His chin rested atop your head, providing security, while his fingers tenderly stroked your hair.
“I know it’s hard for you to see yourself the way I see you,” he continues. “But trust me when I say you’re the strongest person I know, (Y/n).”
The outside world receded as his words sank in. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and surrendered to his comforting embrace. No matter how frequently the inner demons resurfaced, Haechan remained steadfast in banishing them. Within his arms, you never felt safer.
Although you woke up this morning with a fever, that didn’t stop you from attending all your morning classes. It wasn’t that big of a deal, and you fully planned to spend the rest of the day in bed. However, when Jaemin sent a text asking if you wanted to come by his dance practice, you couldn’t turn him down. You also knew that if you told Jaemin you were sick, he’d get worried, and you didn’t want that.
Despite you not feeling your best, seeing Jaemin’s smile when you entered the practice room forced you to suck it up. The other members greeted you cheerfully, and their faces lit up when they spotted the bag of food in your hand.
“I missed you so much (Y/n),” Jaemin said. He spun you around in a hug that left you feeling a bit uneasy due to your headache. But you tried to push it off, not wanting to dampen the joyful atmosphere.
As you sat with the boys, you slowly started to realize that you weren't feeling any better. The fatigue and discomfort seemed to intensify, making it challenging to keep up with their energy.
Mark was the first to notice your lack of presence in the group. “Are you okay, (Y/n)? You look a little pale.”
“I—I’m fine. Just a little tired,” You mustered a weak smile as you gathered everyone’s trash to throw away. But as soon as you got up, the room started to spin. 
Jaemin and the others stood panicked when they saw you lose balance. Luckily, Jaemin reacted quickly and caught you when your vision blurred out. The next thing you knew, you woke up a few moments later, finding yourself resting on Jaemin’s lap.
“Baby, why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?” he scolded lightly, stroking your hair. “You scared me.”
Seeing the genuine concern in his eyes made you feel a little guilty. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to be a burden to you,” you mumbled, slowly sitting up with Jaemin’s help.
Your boyfriend sighed and cupped your face in his hands. “No baby! You’re never a burden to me, especially when it comes to your health.”
Jaemin tried to convince you to go home, worried about your well-being. But you insisted on staying, wanting to support him. Throughout the rest of practice, he kept checking up on you. Despite some teasing and complaints from the other members about how disgusting and cute you guys were, you didn’t pay them much attention.
Seeing how much Jaemin cared for you and how attentive he was to your needs made you feel deeply loved and cherished.
Gift-giving was Chenle’s love language, and it was something you still haven’t adjusted to. While you appreciated the thoughtfulness behind receiving flowers and stuffed animals from your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. You didn’t like him frequently spending money on you when he could save it for something more important. At the end of the day, you understood that this was Chenle’s way of expressing his love and you didn’t want to diminish that. 
One afternoon, the two of you were at an outdoor mall on a date. The initial plan was just to do some window shopping. But there was a clothes shop place that Chenle suggested you guys check out. The two of you walked around the store for a bit and there was a dress that caught your eye. It was a simple plaid black dress adorned with white sleeves. The classic design exuded an elegance that matched your fashion style.
However, your interest was forgotten when you picked up the price tag. There was no way you were going to spend so much money on one dress. Chenle noticed your eyes widening and followed your gaze to the dress you were looking at.
“Oh, that would look so cute on you,” he remarked.
You smiled sheepishly and let go of the fabric. “Yeah, but it’s pretty expensive. I don’t think I should buy it.”
Chenle smiled and swung his arm around your shoulder. “Who says you’re buying the dress? Don’t worry baby, I got you.”
A frown immediately tugged at your lips. The idea of him paying already made you feel bad. Even if the dress was nice, you were perfectly fine with not having it. 
“Chenle, you don’t have to do that. I’m not worth this,” you said quietly. The carefree expression on Chenle’s face turned to one of confusion.
“What do you mean you’re not worth it?” he asked. “You’re worth every cent of my money and love.”
“But I don’t want to burden you,” you emphasized. “It’s just a dress Chenle, I don’t need it.”
Sighing softly, Chenle cupped your cheeks into his hands, making sure you were looking into his eyes. “Listen here future Mrs. Zhong, you are not a burden or anything of the sort. You’re worthy of anything in this world and I will prove it to you at any cost.”
His words caused heat to rise to your cheeks. But when you lowered your head in embarrassment, Chenle brought your face back up and kissed you. He couldn’t care less about the nearby customers who were now staring at you two.
Feeling even more flustered, you pulled away in surprise. “Zhong Chenle, you can’t just kiss me in front of all these people!”
“Well if you don’t want me to kiss you again, you’re going to come with me to check this out.” Your boyfriend smiled mischievously and took the dress off the rack.
Any more protests from you went ignored, as the boy was already taking your hand and leading you to the checkout area. Chenle was definitely something else, always managing to surprise you with his spontaneous and caring nature. But you were grateful to have such a loving boyfriend. You could always count on him to make you feel like the most special girl in the world.
He was just roaming around your apartment as you were in the kitchen making instant ramen for the two of you. It was Jisung’s second time visiting, and he wanted to become more familiar with your living space. He wandered into the bedroom, instantly picking up on how everything was so neat and tidy. He smiled when he spotted a framed picture of him on your nightstand. Seeing the photograph there filled him with warmth, knowing that you held him close to your heart.
However, he also noticed a small black journal on your nightstand. Curious, he picked up the object and opened it absentmindedly. His eyes quickly widened in horror as he read the top words on the second page. 
It was a list of the things you didn't like about yourself. His heart sank as he saw pages filled with bullet points, each one representing the insecurities you carried within. Dread filled him as he skimmed over the reasons that varied from your looks to what you perceived as flaws.
What hurt him the most was the last one on the bottom, which said: “I am a burden to everyone around me.” The weight of those words hit him like a tidal wave, leaving his heart heavy with a mix of sadness and anguish. 
“Jisung what are you—” You entered the room, wondering what he was doing in here.
Your body froze when you saw the notebook clutched tightly in his hands. The sight immediately filled you with panic, uncertain of how much he read. 
Jisung glanced up, looking like he was about to cry. “(Y/n), do you really think you’re a burden?”
The sadness in his tone only confirmed your fears and caused a wave of vulnerability to wash over you. You took a hesitant step closer, wanting to reach out and comfort him, yet also feeling exposed and uncertain of how to respond. But when tears began to spill out of Jisung’s eyes, you rushed to his side.
“Baby I—” You tried to say something, but the words caught in your throat.
"Was there something I did or said to make you think that?" He fretted, his brows furrowing with genuine concern.
Shaking your head, you wrapped your arms around him. “No, you didn’t do anything Jisungie. It’s just me that’s the problem.”
Hearing your confession only made him feel worse. The realization that you had been struggling with these feelings of, and he didn’t know killed him. As your boyfriend, he felt responsible for not being there to show how much you meant to him.
“(Y/n), I…I love you so much,” Jisung cried, his voice muffled against your shirt. “You’re never a burden to me or…or anyone. Please don’t think that way.”
You slowly exhaled, offering soothing pats on the boy’s back as you tried to comfort him. Seeing how deeply upset Jisung was about this surprised you. It took a few minutes for you to get him to stop crying. You rocked him back and forth in your embrace, pressing kisses into his hair and whispering apologies. Once he calmed down, you promised Jisung you’d work on being less critical of yourself and be more open about your feelings with him.
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gingerlee-holds · 3 months
I feel bad for popping a request in ☠ anyway
If you're feeling up to it, perhaps ler Todoroki x lee Reader (bc me and reader insert are inseparable /j) from MHA? Length, perhaps 900+ words if possible? But I'll be grateful for anything haha, I also don't want to force you to write more if you're not feeling inspired i'm gonna be honest here I haven't watched MHA in a long time ☠ and I have no idea what scenarios would be realistic because he's,, Todoroki,,
Personally i'm a sucker for evil/more intense tickles because I wish I was ticklish but if that makes you uncomfy do feel free to ignore :)
oh hush, you!!! i love requests, so thank you so so much!! i just hope this is somewhat what you wanted heehee- enjoy!!! i have a huge crush on this dork so that creeps in- also the reader's quirk is whatever you want it to be, cuz its not mentioned- also also!! im really really sorry if i fuck the names up cuz from what i know of the show, Todoroki is the family name, so Shoto is the given name but i could be totally wrong
i just wanna say that i really really like writing the rambly bits from Shoto about the book-
the reader is sorta a brat lol
Like Poetry
Words: 2,334 Pairing: Ler!Shoto, Lee!Reader Warnings: lotta fluff!!! not proofread!!!
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You groaned as you entered the common room. Mr. Aizawa’s personal training was brutal today, and you were not looking forward to feeling how sore your muscles would be tomorrow morning. Sighing, you grabbed one of Sato’s cupcakes from the counter and flopped onto the sofa, confident it would be unoccupied. It was about seven in the evening on a Friday, which meant everyone was either in their rooms or somewhere around town. 
You huffed into the mattress before gasping at the sound of a page being turned. Looking up, you saw you were about a foot away from, in your mind, the strongest student in your class. He was sitting with perfect posture, reading a book with yellowed pages. On the coffee table sat a mug filled with tea.
Shoto Todoroki didn’t look up from his book at you. If he knew you were there, he didn’t show it. He silently read, seemingly fully absorbed. You sat upright, shaking off the embarrassment of almost landing on him, of all people. 
You cleared your throat and gobbled up your cupcake in one bite, setting the wrapper down next to his tea. Still, he didn’t move. Raising an eyebrow, you poked him in the side to get his attention, and the surprised gasp he gave made you giggle. Shoto looked at you, brow furrowed in annoyance, but his face soon softened when you smiled and waved.
“Hi!” you said chipperly. 
He nodded politely in return. “Hello, Y/N. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.”
With a chuckle, you shoved his shoulder. “No worries! Whatcha reading, bookworm?”
Shoto tilted his head. “I’m not a worm.”
You sighed and repeated your question without the tease. You loved that your classmate was so adorably literal. 
“I’m reading this book of old poetry. I don’t remember where I got it - it feels like my family’s always had it lying around. I decided to read it today since everyone’s out.” His voice was calm as he spoke.
You were somewhat interested in the subject but mostly just wanted to hear him talk some more. It was so rare that he spoke. “Anything good in there?”
“I found this one that I liked,” Shoto said before flipping back a few pages. “Rain on lemongrass. / Ash trees weep o’er their lost sun: / Their light and love, gone.”
The poem made you hum in thought. “What’s it about?”
“Well, isn’t it obvious?” he asked. Taken on its face, it was an insulting question, but you knew Shoto was genuinely unsure whether to explain it. You shook your head in reply. “The poem is about heartbreak. A woman falls in love with someone, and suddenly, that person has to leave. The woman feels like she has nothing left as she cries into a world that has bigger concerns than her. Soon, perhaps, her love shall return, the sun re-emerging from the clouds, but there’s also the possibility that she doesn’t last until then, and the wind blows her over. Ash trees symbolize grief, so perhaps they may never meet again. The lemongrass, evoking a cheerful memory, is smothered under the rains that hide her beloved.” Suddenly, he looked up from the page. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was rambling.”
You scratched your head. “How did you get all that from just three lines?” You didn’t mind, of course. He was cute when he rambled. To your great surprise, he let out a soft and sheepish smile. 
“Well, I suppose I have too much time on my hands,” he said, looking away. You smirked and poked his side again, giggling at his surprised reaction. Shoto let out a muffled yelp and jumped, glaring at you suspiciously and rubbing his side. “Quit that.” 
“Sorry, Icy-hot! Can’t be helped!” You held up both your hands in mock surrender.
“Hm,” Shoto mumbled, looking back to the book. “This book was written entirely by hand. See? This character is slightly different here, here, and here,” he continued, pointing at different parts of the page. “And from what I can tell, its publication predates quirks, hence why they are not mentioned. If they had quirks, you would think there’d be a suggestion of their existence, no? Yet there’s nothing. For all intents and purposes, it seems like this book is a remnant of a simpler world.” His expression looked distant as if his mind were a hundred miles and years away. 
You leaned back, folding your arms behind your head. “Sounds dorky. Maybe you should tell Deku! I’m sure he’d be all too interested,” you chuckled, then looked over. If he heard your comment, he gave no sign. He must still be lost in thought. Looking down at his side, you saw it was perfectly exposed. You were pushing your luck. Then again, what is a hero if not someone who tries their luck? You pursed your lips together and quickly extended your hand to poke Shoto’s side again. 
But he was faster. As if expecting your reckless act, he set his book down and grabbed your hand before it made contact in one fluid movement. “You don’t listen, do you?”
“I do my utmost to avoid doing that, yes,” you said, giggling nervously. His grip was firm, giving you no delusions of escape. His hand was chilly, as if Shoto was threatening to encase your whole arm in ice at any moment. You tugged slightly.
He didn’t let go. “No, you need to learn this lesson.” Somehow, that was among the scariest things you’ve ever heard, right alongside the speech of the hero killer and Mr. Aizawa announcing an extra homework assignment before the summer break. Shoto pushed your legs toward the end of the couch, pinning you to his chest with both hands held behind you. You shuddered as Shoto said, “Now, learn well.”
Since both your hands were stuck behind you against his torso, you couldn’t defend yourself whatsoever when he descended both hands onto your stomach. You erupted into bright, bubbly laughter and kicked your feet like that would do anything to help. All that went through your head was repeated, ‘Oh, fuck, that tickles!’ 
You heard Shoto’s hum of approval from behind you as he clawed his fingers over the thin fabric of your shirt. “Interesting,” he mumbled to himself. 
“ShIhihihihIt! ShohOhOHohotoHoHoho!” You shook your head and thrashed all you could, but it didn’t matter. Shoto was stronger, and he would make sure you knew it. 
“Yes, Y/N?” he asked casually.
“STohohoHOAhaap!!” It didn’t have a chance of working, but it didn’t hurt to try.
“No.” Shoto’s clawed hands squeezed around your stomach in circles, taking a moment to dwell on your extra-ticklish lower stomach, which he took delight in exploiting. If you didn’t know any better, you would even say he enjoyed it as much as you were. 
“NohOHoHOhoHT TheheHEherre!” you pleaded helplessly, throwing your head back to give your torturer the best puppy eyes you could… although they were far less effective than you had hoped since they were quickly squeezed shut in uproarious laughter. 
“Here? Right here, yes?” Shoto released a flurry of pokes on your lower stomach as if he wanted confirmation.
You nodded and hiccupped, doing all you could to contain the blush that bloomed on your face at the sound of his cooing hum. Mercifully, he gave you a break, and you panted for breath against him. “Shihihitt…” you giggled, squirming in his grasp to get the ghost tickles off your tummy. 
“Here,” Shoto said, and you turned to see he was holding up his mug for you. Gratefully, you took a big sip of the refreshing tea, smiling a little at the warmth of it. It was strangely sweet; you had expected Shoto to only like the bitter teas, but surprisingly, the flavor was somewhat sugary. As if reading your mind, Shoto said, “It’s chamomile. It helps me relax.” He took the mug from your mouth and set it back on the table. 
Shoto cleared his throat. “Now,” he began, “Have you learned your lesson?”
“Is my release dependent on how I answer that?”
“Then… Never!” You madly giggled as you attempted to escape his grasp before quickly regretting it. He had you suitably pinned, and to further reinforce his lesson, you realized with terror that he was rolling up your shirt to your ribs. “Wait, Shoto-!”
Your tormentor didn’t give you time to finish. Without fanfare, his hands descended onto your exposed tummy. Instead of clawing around, as he had done before, he was using quick scribbles, which, coupled with his cold fingers on your bare skin, was maddening. 
“SHohOhoHOTO!” You had no idea you were so ticklish! By the looks of things, it seemed like he had been in tickle fights before, and from how badly he was wrecking you, he was used to winning them. 
He hummed in thought as your thrashing weakened. “Your belly button is incredibly ticklish,” he observed. It was, to your dismay, very accurate. It didn’t help that his cold finger was heightening the feeling!
“PLehEHehEHHEase! MeheHEheheercyy!” you squealed out, kicking and bucking like a horse.
“Goodness, you’re dramatic. It’s only tickling, Y/N. If anything, this should build your endurance. What if the League captured you? I doubt you’d last a minute before you spill everything you know if they knew this weakness of yours.”
Why did he have to be so monotone with his teasing? He sounded so casual as if he were still explaining the history of that old book - only he was speaking over your hysterical cackling. He was a fast learner, too: he was pretty adept at locating the spots that got an especially wild reaction out of you and cruel in punishing them.
Shoto’s fingers increased in pace while always keeping one wiggling about in your navel. “I know,” he said, “I get it; you’re very, very ticklish. Now calm down.” You could hear the smile in his voice. He was having fun! “I wonder… you’ve inspired me to write my own poetry! Let’s see…” He paused to think, unfortunately not slowing down the tickles, making you yelp and shriek. “Ticklish cutie / Squealing on the couch with glee / With a cute tummy,” he slowly said as if writing it down. With a gasp, you felt him do just that, writing down the poem on your belly with the tip of his fingernail. 
You turned beet-red as you threw your head back, your laughter turning silent. You had long since begun crying with delight, and tears rolled down your cheeks in rivers, but he didn’t stop until you started coughing. With a chuckle, he released you, and you panted for breath. You didn’t move from his lap, and Shoto didn’t seem to mind. He gently placed a hand on your forehead, tilting it toward him. 
“Are you alright?” he asked gently. You nodded with a smile, which he returned. His smile was inviting, like a sunbeam on a winter’s day. He slowly helped you sit back up and handed you his mug again. You eagerly gulped it down. The tea was warm and sweet, and when you finished it and set it back on the table, you realized that Shoto wasn’t too different. 
“Thank you, Shoto,” you said softly.
“For the tea?”
“Yes,” you replied, “and… for the tickles. It… helped me unwind.” You looked away and rubbed your neck shyly. 
“You’re welcome, Y/N. It was fun for me, too. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh like that.” He smiled again, a small treat like candy. “It’s nice to see you so carefree. You’re usually a ball of nerves,” Shoto admitted bluntly, making you sigh and nod in agreement. 
You basked in the silence for a bit before both of you suddenly looked up. That was the unmistakable sound of… And right on cue, the word ‘mumble’ began to figuratively float across your field of view. At its origin, you and Shoto saw Izuku madly scribbling in his notebook and mumbling about something. You swore you caught the words “ticklish,” “stomach,” and “squeals.” 
Behind Izuku, standing in the hallway, were Ochaco, Denki, Tsuyu, Mina, Eijiro, and Kyoka. The first two desperately attempted to quiet Izuku, to no avail. You sat bolt upright, glaring at the unwelcome audience. 
Eijiro broke the silence with a playful swat to the back of Izuku’s head. “You got us caught with your nerd shit, Deku,” he joked, making the green-haired hero look away backfully. 
“That was adorable!” Mina grinned, pointing at you. “You made a bunch of noise, so we wanted to check it out!” 
“You’d better erase what you wrote, Deku.” You spoke calmly but in a way that gave no misapprehensions about your seriousness. 
Ochaco looked over Izuku’s shoulder. “Doesn’t look like he’s gonna do that.”
“Midoriya,” Shoto spoke up. “Be sure to write that they couldn’t use their quirk while being tickled.”
You gasped at the betrayal. “Don’t you fucking dare write that, Deku!”
With a glance, Denki, Kyoka, and Tsuyu replied simultaneously, “Oh, he’s already writing it.”
With a growl, you shot from the couch. “You’re fucking dead, Deku!” Your classmates yelped with shock and ran down the hall from you, stifling their giggles. 
Eijiro, egging you on, tossed back over his shoulder a snide, “Now you’re sounding like Katsuki!”
“Oh, I’ll make Katsuki look like a fucking bag of pop rocks when I’m done with you idiots!” Your threat carried no heat since it was filled with giggles. You couldn’t help but laugh at the ludicrousness of the situation, smiling fondly at how much you loved your friends.
And behind you, on the couch, Shoto grinned with pride as he picked up his book to continue reading. He was glad he had been allowed to be so affectionate with someone for a chance. Absent-mindedly, he picked up his mug of tea for a sip but sighed disappointingly at the lack of tea inside. Maybe he needed bigger mugs. 
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ozzgin · 1 year
Hi, i noticed you were taking requests so i wanted to know if you could make something with a tall reader and i thinking REALLY tall reader 😅 ( like Jack Hanma tall). However reader as a shy and kind personality. I thought of this after seeing " Tall girl" on Netflix 🤣. I was thinking you could write about reader first meeting and a small bit of dating with several Baki AU man cause I really think Hanayama and Jack would love a girl like this.
Of course you can choose to make this with yanderes if you want or to change a bit from my request so you can make something you're confortable to write about.
Thanks for reading this, i hope you'll have a good day, bye.
How exciting, my very first request here! Thank you for the suggestion, I’m loving the idea.
Baki Characters x Tall Reader Headcanons
Featuring Jack Hanma, Kaoru Hanayama, Baki Hanma and Pickle! And a VERY tall reader.
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Jack Hanma
Jack is only interested in becoming stronger and, as he often likes to mention, has no time for mundane pleasures like women.
It just so happened that (Y/N) was getting her regular checkup at the time Jack was discharged from his last bone lengthening surgery. You accidentally bumped into him in the hospital halls and immediately apologized. Jack would have responded with his usual scowl if he didn’t end up speechless and baffled at the fact he was looking someone right in the eyes.
He wasn’t used to the feeling of encountering someone of the same height as him. He immediately regretted acting so silly and became somewhat flustered, attempting to mutter some generic scolding like “Just be more careful next time”.
You were beaming at the fact there’s someone as tall as you out there. Jack, on the other hand, was increasingly irritated by the knot forming in his stomach upon seeing your wide smile.
Truly exasperating. He could be training right now and instead he’s awkwardly standing in front of a restaurant. He’s gritting his teeth in annoyance, but his jaw instantly relaxes when he hears your voice greeting him.
He starts noticing that outings with you result in him being more focused and relaxed afterwards. You seem to have a calming effect on him. Most people are, in fact, very surprised to see you two together. Someone as stubborn and intense as Jack is now accompanied by a timid, welcoming woman.
A certain fulfillment begins to make its way into his heart. If he’s going to fall for a woman, it should be someone like you. No, it HAS to be you. You’re making him a better man and ground him when he’s close to losing sight of what’s ahead.
He would absolutely never show it, but Jack loves entering the fighting arena knowing that you’re right behind, watching him. It’s the motivation he never knew he needed.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama noticed you were having trouble with some street hooligans and quietly interfered to shoo them away. He was planning to leave the same way, without any further words, but he couldn’t help his curiosity.
He found it rather amusing that someone as imposing as you is, in fact, terribly shy. He’d wondered if you’re a foreigner given he’s never seen another girl like you. After his polite inquiries, he came to the realization that he finds your company extremely pleasant.
The first few dates were a challenge on whose turn it is to break the silence, with Hanayama’s introverted nature and your initial sheepishness leading to clumsy but cute interactions. Later, Hanayama was surprised to hear himself talking more than usual, giving you glimpses of his life. He was prepared to be a faithful, stoic listener, yet the roles often switched and he’d find himself completely open with you.
Perhaps it’s your warmth that invited him to be this raw and vulnerable, or your noble sincerity. Either way, he is grateful that you’ve allowed such intimacy to develop between the two of you.
Reputation is vital in the yakuza world, which is why Hanayama always strives to impress friends and foes alike. He couldn’t have asked for a better partner to stand by his side. He’s absolutely thrilled to introduce you as his, someone of his stature.
If you’re ever feeling insecure about your height, he will remind you to stand proud as the soon-to-be wife of the family head. Everyone already refers to you as Ane-san and Hanayama demands that you’re treated with the utmost respect.
Baki Hanma
The moment the young boy laid his eyes on you, his mouth hung out in amazement and he couldn’t help but exclaim his admiration. Only afterwards had he realized his rudeness and profusely apologized, with his blush extending all the way to his ears. Hopefully he hadn’t offended you in any way. You reassuring him with a friendly smile that you appreciate his compliment is what sealed the deal for him.
While your height caught Baki’s attention, it’s your personality that caused him to become entirely infatuated. You’re so kind and caring and he finds himself helplessly addicted to your affection.
He doesn’t mind the height difference and will constantly shower you with compliments, just in case you ever doubt yourself. Someone on the street giving the two of you funny looks? Baki will excuse himself for 5 minutes and will return with reddened knuckles. Nothing to worry about.
Even though you’re much taller, he likes to remind you that you’re still his precious darling. He loves to pick you up and carry you around like a princess. If he’s feeling cheeky he might tease you like this in public until you’re a blushing mess.
Pickle immediately noticed you among the spectators to his fights. He was struck with a faint familiarity, a female human closer to what he would’ve expected to see back in his time.
He’s intrigued and will do everything he can to see you again. Perhaps you’d even allow him to be your mate!
He loves that you’re shy and soft spoken and enjoys lazing with his head in your lap, listening to your voice. It calms him down and helps him sleep.
He doesn’t understand that your height is unusual and you might sometimes be self-conscious about it. To him, you look more normal than all those tiny humans and he cherishes your appearance.
You’re the perfect height for him to rest his chin on your head. He’ll often hug you from behind and just stand like that for as long as possible, purring lightly.
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onlyangel4 · 3 months
getting under to get over (LN4). part 2
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lando norris x !neale reader
after a break up you are desperate to have a good time on your birthday and forget about him and one of your father’s drivers seems to want to help out.
warnings-18+ cussing. mentions of drinking. mentions of the end of a long term relationship. reader was cheated on in a previous relationship. (somewhat) forbidden relationship. the next part will be pretty much all smut. heavy petting. yearning.
part one // part three
this felt wrong. your father had put together a birthday party fit for a princess to try and distract you from your break up with harry and you were incredibly grateful, but you would be lying if you said that your mind was not preoccupied with thoughts of a certain driver.
you were wracking your brain, trying to think of why lando would want to talk to you. you were friends with him for sure but if this conversation was just an innocent one why did it have to wait. safe to say your head was truly scrambled as you thought about what the conversation may be about. but you decided not to focus on that, you were in a room full of your favourite people. you were going to make sure that you had fun on your first birthday as a single woman since you were fifteen.
lando watched on as you danced with some of your best friends, your body moving to the music in such perfect rhythm. he could tell that the drink in your hand was making you forget that you were in a room with your family and not your friends. but your unbothered deamonor did make lando smile, it was part of your charm. you often became blinkered just focusing on exactly what was in front of you and not the outside world. lando had noticed this little quirk of yours ever since he started hanging out and drinking with you. he found it endearing and rather cute, but he had also been forced to watch on as harry critiqued you for not being aware of your surroundings, citing that you needed to focus more, something that lando did not agree with at all. harry never understood you, lando saw it clearly and he was sure that he was not the only one who thought the same. he often heard whispering from your friends of all the various ways that harry had fucked up in your relationship, they seemed to dislike him just as much as lando did.
lando was mingling with everyone in the venue waiting for the perfect moment to pull you aside, desperate to get a little alone time with you. he finally got his opportunity strike when he noticed you step outside, the venue had an outside area reserved for smoking, but you were using it to get some air. it was a little overwhelming to be thrown into a massive birthday party when all you had been expecting was dinner with your parents, this was a little different.
 he made his way outside his eyes quickly finding you sat down around a small unlit fire pit. “y/n”, he spoke softly to get your attention before taking a seat next to you. you smiled at the realisation of who had joined you, “hey lando”, you kindly greeted as your eyes looked over at him, “what was it you wanted to talk about”, you broke, curiosity finally getting the better of you.
“i just wanted to make sure you were okay, jasmine gave me the run down on everything that happened with harry. I knew you guys had broken up but i did not realise that he had been such a fucking asshole”, lando spoke his anger showing in his facial features for a split second before he focused back on you and his features once again softened.
you mentally noted that you needed to have a conversation with your best friend about telling everyone your personal life but that could wait, it was rather sweet that lando was concerned about your wellbeing. “yeah I’m not going to lie to you lan, it has been a tough couple of months”, you admitted.
at your words lando had frowned, hating the idea of you having to go through all of that just because of some guy who did not realise how lucky he was to have you. “you know. i never liked him, you were always too good for him”, lando spoke and you laughed, “no i’m being serious y/n he never treated you right, he was always too busy for you, do you remember when he cancelled on your holiday and you had to go to spain by yourself”, he spoke and you nodded. You did not need reminding of a trip that you were meant to share with harry but you ended up spending it alone, sulking around the pool for seven days.
“yeah that was a difficult time”, you admitted as you looked at him, “it has just been hard lando, trying to imagine going through my life alone. i know he treated me badly but i just miss him, well how he made me feel”, you were sure you saw him frown at your last words, but you were tipsy so you were probably imagining it. but lando did move to wrap his arm around your shoulders his hand gently rubbing up and down your arm, “i know y/n, you had been with him for so long it must be difficult to imagine being with anyone else”, he had hit the nail on the head with that one. you had only ever slept with harry, you had no idea what it would be like sharing intimate moments with anyone else.
“yeah, i have no idea how to love anyone else”, you admitted and for a moment you felt lando’s gaze burn into you. “my friends keep on telling me that I need to get under someone to get over him”, you spoke with a laugh but lando was not laughing, no you had never seen a more serious look on his face and it made your brow furrow.
“what if i could help with that y/n”, he spoke as his free hand moved to your thigh, “no one else is going to want to openly be a rebound”, he proposed, “i am also a little deprived in that area and you know that I would be able to look after you. i know you y/n”, he spoke and your jaw went slack, completely lost for words. he was being serious. “it will be fun y/n, I promise”, he spoke and you couldn’t help but seriously think about his offer.
“no strings attached?”, you questioned.
“if that is what you want”, he spoke, despite knowing that he would ultimately end up wanting more but right now he was focused on whatever you were going to decided.
“what about now, your father booked the hotel, we can just disappear for a little bit, people seem occupied”
you nodded softly but lando did not seem satisfied with that answer, “darling, if we are going to do this, i need you to tell me you want this”, he spoke softly.
“i want this”, you confirmed before leaning forward to meet lando’s lips with yours capturing the driver in a passionate kiss your lips moving in perfect time with his. you felt his hands move and instead he moved his hands to your hips and lifted you onto his lap. you could already feel his hardening cock underneath you as you stayed perched on his lap. you slowly pulled away from his lips to catch your breath and as you did you could see something dark behind his usually soft eyes, lust. you brought your lips to his neck, softly peppering kisses up and down his neck until you felt his hands tangle in your hair pulling your lips away from his neck. “not here y/n”, he gently scolded reminding you that your party was still going on inside and all it would take would be someone coming outside for a smoke and then you would be caught instantly.
“come on darling, lets go upstairs, then i can properly look after you”
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plussizefantasia · 1 year
Eat, Sleep, and Breathe
Flufftober Day 9: Love Confession
Eddie Munson x f!reader
Word Count: 1.2k
AN: At the time that I am writing this, I have reached 100 FOLLOWERS!!! I am so incredibly grateful to all of you! I think that after Flufftober is over I'll do a belated celebration for us! if you have any ideas of something you might want to do let me know. As always, if you liked the story please reblog! I'll see you all tomorrow.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
When you and Eddie became best friends he had never expected that you’d become such an ingrained part of his life. He’d never really had a best friend before, other than Gareth, and even then, their friendship was only because of DnD.
Eddie walked into the trailer he shared with his uncle after a long day of school followed by an even longer shift at the record store and saw you making dinner in his kitchen while joking around with Wayne. 
“Poor kid couldn’t even look at a banana for a month.” Wayne chuckled and your melodious laugh followed. 
“Now that you say something, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him eat a banana and I’ve known him for four years.” Eddie didn’t know if he liked the idea of the two of you ganging up on him like this. But he also couldn’t deny the warmth in his chest when he saw just how well the two most important people in his life got on.
He hadn’t said anything when he had entered the trailer but you had become so finely attuned to Eddie over the years that he didn’t need to. You always seemed to just know where he was and how he was feeling. It was almost spooky sometimes when he would get a call late at night when he couldn’t sleep because you’d felt that something was wrong and wanted to check in. 
“Hey Eds, how was work?” You didn’t even turn to look at him when you asked the question. That didn’t mean that Eddie couldn’t hear the smile in your voice or that he didn’t notice the way you stood up straighter when you turned back towards the stove.
He didn’t know what you were cooking, he usually didn’t until it was on a plate in front of him. But he trusted you with his life and you had started insisting that you cook for them given that you had seen the kind of food Eddie was capable of making.
“It was good, we got the new order in and the manager seems to have taken some of my suggestions about branching out in terms of genres in the store.”
“That’s great Hon! I’m glad he trusted you, you know what you’re talking about when it comes to good music.” You never stop focusing on what's simmering on the stove and Eddie thanks whatever higher being there is that you can’t see the deep flush covering his cheeks.
“Thanks, pretty girl,” it's a whispered appreciation that flows through the air and settles into your mind like a sweet flog. Eddie has always been flirty with you, you genuinely can’t remember the last time he called you by your actual name. It was always some sweet nickname, a compliment wrapped in endearment and tied with a bow of amusement. You had drawn the line when he had jokingly called you snookums last week. Since then pretty girl has been his go and you don’t think you’d be able to deal with it if he started calling you by your name again.
Eddie moves thoughtlessly throughout the trailer, changing out of his work clothes and into the well-loved Black Sabbath shirt you had gotten him for his birthday two years ago. He never stops listening to you and what you're doing. You’re not speaking or making any noise intentionally but your unconscious little humming is the song that calls to his soul and he looks forward to hearing it every time you come over.
Eventually, he returns to the little kitchenette that's somewhat separated from the rest of the trailer by a half-wall. Your call of “dinner’s done come and get it” spurs both himself and Wayne into movement. 
Wayne takes the packed dinner that you’ve already placed into a bag for him knowing that he was taking the evening shift that night. He says nothing but the small smile on his face and the shoulder pat he gives you is proof enough that he appreciates your thoughtfulness. Eddie does too.
Seriously he has no idea what he would do without you. Without you there to lift him when he just wants to stay down. Without you there to take care of the small things, making sure he has a pencil before he needs to take a test, or that time you pulled a brand new comb out of your bag for him in the middle of lunch because he couldn’t find his. 
Overwhelmed with the sudden feeling slushing through him and tipped over by the sugar-sweet smile you give him when you place his bowl into his hands, Eddie can’t hold back anymore. “God, I love you.”
Everything freezes. Eddie wants to crawl into a hole and berate himself for the rest of his life because of his lack of filter and your whole body just kind of stops.
Eddie doesn’t know if it’s because you're trying to figure out if this is actually one of those dreams that you have where he valiantly declares his love for you and the two of you ride off into the sunset forever happy, or if this actually just happened.
It isn’t until Eddie starts stuttering out nonsensical sounds and doing his best impression of a scratched record that you break out of your stupor.
“What did you say?” your question is soft and wondering, your eyes have almost doubled in size and Eddie really wishes that he was able to tell what was going on in your head before he responded so that he didn’t dig himself into a deeper hole.
“I said I love you.” His response is equally as quiet and if you hadn’t been waiting for those exact words you don’t think you would’ve really understood them with the way he rushed them together.
It only takes three seconds for you to move in front of Eddie, and then another two to put your lips on his. However, it takes Eddie a solid six seconds to catch up with reality and eagerly begin to respond. 
His hands land on your hips and he pulls your soft body into his. Your hand grips the back of his neck and starts to play with the small curls that are hidden behind the rest of the large mass. 
The two of you enter into something close to a dance, pulling and pushing and waiting for the other person to cue you. 
Eddie wishes more than anything that he didn’t need to breathe. That he didn't need to pull away from everything that was you just for something as ridiculous as oxygen. He would breathe you, he thinks. For the rest of his life, he would eat, sleep, and breathe you if he could.
When Eddie pulls away you’re not exactly sure what to do next. You want to kiss him again, want to go in for another taste of him but you know that eventually you’d need to talk. Eventually you; 'd need to reassure Eddie that his feelings are reciprocated. That you love him too, that you have for a very long time.
But for now, standing in his kitchen, just the two of you was enough. There would be time for talking later.
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blixabargelds · 1 month
on my knees for 13
hiiii broken arm fic au in which he doesn’t immediately die of blood loss <3 ~~
¹³⁾ using as gentle a touch as possible to clean them off and feeling your heart break each time they still suppress a pained whimper
“Buck, let me see it.”
Gale’s jaw clenches, quiet as he turns his body away from John. He hits a tap roughly with his left elbow, hand still cradling his healing right arm. John rolls his eyes.
“Buck, c’mon. Let me see.”
“Leave it.”
“Jesus, Buck, it’s fine. I’m not mad at you, just let me help.”
“Said it’s fine, Bucky,” Gale grinds out, and as if to prove a point he shoves his arm under the icy spray. It has the opposite of the desired effect. “Christ-”
John’s had enough. “Come here.”
Gale’s got no argument left in him. He seems to slump somewhat, leaning against the basin and making no further attempt to shield the damage from John. John peers, and winces.
There’s mud in the torn stitches. Blood and muck sliding down the trembling curve of Gale’s arm. John’s got no idea who let him work so soon, or if the Krauts had forced him into the yard, but John’s going to kill them either way. One day, somehow. He can see raw, pale flesh, too deep to be safely exposed, inflamed and caked in grime.
“You know Doc said infection could kill you,” John says. It’s flat, and not particularly kind, but there’s no room for being nice about it.
“I know.”
John sighs. He takes Gale’s arm gently in his hands, easing it back under the water. The moment the flow hits the gaping wound, Gale chokes. He doubles over, gripping the basin with his uninjured hand, white-knuckled and shaking.
“You’re alright,” John says. “It’s just water.”
Gale grits his teeth, nods stiffly. The flow gets half the dirt off, but the worst is tangled up in the stitches, threatening to get into Gale’s bloodstream. John brushes a finger over a thick lump of dirt, and Gale whimpers.
“I’m tryin’ to go easy, sweetheart,” John says.
Gale nods again, head bowed and face white. More mud dislodges from the ugly gash. More blood. John goes as gently as he can, but there’s dirt deep in Gale’s arm. If he doesn’t get it out, he might die. Gale makes another noise, another half-swallowed whine, resolve crumbling and turning into John’s body. He buries his face in the crook of John’s neck. Whimpers again.
“I know, I’m sorry,” John soothes. He tries for distraction; light, an uneasy smile in his voice. “Why’d you work like this, huh? You love that damn stump puller so much, or what? Just couldn’t wait to get those mean stumps?”
“If I can’t-” Gale gasps. There’s no humour in the grating sound of it, thin and breaking. John’s stomach twists. He works out more mud from under the stitches. “If I can’t work with it, how am I meant to fly?”
John swallows. His heart aches. He stares at his task, thinks of Gale screaming with his bones tearing out his skin, thinks of Doc two fingers deep and digging. Gale had been lucky to live. Neither of them have brought up flying. John hasn’t got an answer for that.
Another chunk of dirt comes free, and Gale groans behind his teeth. Another, and he sobs.
“Nearly done, doll,” John whispers, mercifully glad they’re alone. Gale’s choked-off whimpers are coming fast and unbidden into the ratty collar of John’s coat.
“Fuckin’ hurts,” he admits hoarsely. “Jesus, this hurts.”
John’s gentle fingers hold him still under the water. It’s running pink. John thinks he’ll have to use soap in a minute. He wonders miserably how much it’ll sting.
“I know, Buck. Just a couple more bits, then we’ll get you stitched back up. Good as new, yeah?”
Gale makes another fractured sound. John bites his lip until it bleeds.
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Hi! It's me again 😅
I wanted to ask if you could write something about Steven with a blind girlfriend again. They haven't dated for too long, so one day she asks him if she could touch his face so she can like know what he looks like, and at first, he's a bit insecure thinking that she might think he's not beautiful enough, but then realized that she has a huge smile on her face while she touches him very delicately, and then he starts smiling like an idiot, and they just fall more for the other. And at the end, she tells him that he's so beautiful and handsome, so he can't help but blush and get nervous trying to tell her that he's not, but she convinces him with so many kisses💖💖
hii angel!! this is super cute! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 @thewinterv
Steven Grant x f reader
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wc || 0.5k
warnings || none, just fluff
masterlist + rules
As someone who is blind, by nature, you heavily rely on your other senses to navigate the world. The most prominent of the four, touch.
Even though you were not able to see, you still found ways to feel grateful for all the other things in life, one of those things being your adorably sweet new boyfriend Steven Grant. You had only been dating him for the last couple of months, but there was just something so special and sincere about him that made you feel as though you’ve known him a lifetime. He was unlike any guy you’ve met before, one that was deeply compassionate and kind, one that was understanding and loyal.
With Steven you felt like you could do or say anything without the possibility of feeling judged, so today when you pondered the idea of his appearance, you felt as though it was safe to do so.
“Hey, Steven?” You ask, sitting up from the sofa to gaze in his general direction.
“Yeah, poppet?” He replies sweetly, placing his book on the desk and spinning around in his chair.
“I have a question.” You start, a smile spreading.
“A question?” He playfully responds, emphasising.
“Indeed.” You return, copying his tone.
He grins, scooting his chair towards you. “Go on.”
“Can I touch your face?”
“My face? You want to touch it?” He stutters in reply, his tone slightly awkward.
“Yeah— yeah, you know… so I can feel what you look like.” You respond, now somewhat uncertain with your question.
“You’re not gonna go thinking I’m ugly or something?” He chuckles, poorly hiding his discomfort.
“No. God, no. Steven, I wouldn’t dream of it.” You comfort, trying your hardest to reassure him.
He scoots along the cluttered hardwood, rolling his desk chair over to you. Gently picking up your hands, he holds them to his face, closing his eyes as he leans his head towards you. Slowly guiding your hands over his soft face, tracing over his eyebrows and brushing through the fluffy hairs. Your smile widens as you trail a finger over the bridge of his nose, feeling around. Whispering. “You have such a pretty nose.” Guiding your thumb over the outline of his lips, delicately tracing around the soft flesh.
“What?” You ask, hearing a soft muffled chuckle. “I don’t know… just you.” His own grin spreads as his eyes dart over your face, watching every slight reaction across your sweet features.
Playfully squishing his face together with a widespread smile. “You’re so beautiful.”
“I’m really not.” He mumbles, chuckling as he coyly tilts his head away.
Aligning his face back to you, gently shaking it to empathise your words. “So very handsome.” Leaning in, you pepper his face in short tender kisses, kissing all of the parts you thought were beautiful. “You’re so pretty Steven.”
You could tell by his lack of speech that he was processing your sweet words, thinking of ways to respond to the foreign feeling of being complimented. Whoever made him feel like he was otherwise, gave you great amounts of determination to convince him into believing he was handsome. You didn’t care how many times you had to repeat yourself, but you would do it for as long as he started to believe it himself.
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remember this guy? I finally found a design for him I really like :D
More designs, a poll, and also some lore under the cut
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Some less polished, alternate versions :)
if you like the brown leather armor more than blue lemme know
ok so here are a few things!
First, he’s very colorful now! This is because he’s a member of the nobility, and, being rich, he can afford color! It’s also kinda an unofficial sign of status.
he honestly doesn’t wear it for this reason, although he’s aware of what bright colors imply (to an extent). He just really likes colors XD
second, most everyone has long hair in this culture. Shorter hair is a sign of, well, slavery (which is, sadly, a thing; it’s been recently made illegal but the law is not well enforced… for reasons)
men wear their hair down and women typically cover theirs. It doesn’t need to be fully covered, although richer women usually prefer this.
I totally didn’t make all this up bc I wanted to give all my guy characters long hair XD
someday I’ll get around to posting actual official character posts or smth but for now I can’t even decide this poor kid’s name…
I could use some help so here are some ideas I’ve got
(if you wanna know more abt what kind of names I’m looking for, look below the poll)
ok sooo
I’m looking for something old and potentially Celtic? But I honestly don’t love any of these… none of them quite fit…
this guy is very joyful and bright, a bit goofy and very determined to keep everyone’s spirits up. He’s definitely a bit idealistic and naive, and he’s kinda a free spirit! He finds the world beautiful and wonderful, and kindaaa ignores flaws a bit too much. One of the key things he has to learn during the story is responsibility and duty.
So if anyone has a name that evokes that (zero pressure lol) I would be endlessly grateful
a random fact about my story: no matter what happens, I am determined to find a way to include mountain lions.
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passionateseadruid · 3 months
I wonder if the bride actually got along with some of the sins how Luci would react, on one hand yay family getting along with your partner on the other hand he’s jelly
Also after assault that was 100% justified and then some and honestly he should feel grateful for the gift dildos ain’t exactly cheap plus it takes a while to bedazzle shit, not to mention he caused a scene in front of her folks this is just payback dude
I wonder how the sins would react, they probably can’t do much, Ozzie probably wouldn’t approve once he caught wind of the deal being the consent king he is but they have no power over Luci
Ooh interesting callout to Charlie too, the sinners aren’t the only denizens of Hell, maybe she’s attached bc they have a chance and she sees the connection with her mom since Lilith was the OG sinner but what about the rest of her people? Don’t they deserve care too?
I love that Fizz is in her corner. It makes me wonder how her relationship would be with the other hotel members. Maybe an allyship with Alastor over mutual dislike of Lucifer much to his chagrin. I also wonder how she’d bond with Angel. Maybe he recognizes the signs and points them out to an oblivious Charlie before they even meet bc she’s fuming about how awful she is, maybe Husk joins in.
Either way I can’t wait to see how it goes!
I adore this so much.
Firstly, I must say she got the toy from Fizzarolli. He thought it was fucking hilarious, so he just gave it to her for free. Because Fizzarolli is a gay icon, and we Stan him in this household.
Secondly, I feel like she would be very very uncomfortable with Satan just because of the environment she grew up in. Also those two fuck boys (Luci and Satana(intentional)) kind of deserve the hate. I mean there’s literally a whole book on it. Not the point right now.
I’m getting this out of the way right now she absolutely hates Mammon because boo greedy capitalist tomato tomato. The rich ass gets richer and the poor imps suffer, we hate to see it. Also, she’s gonna be fucking pissed when she finds out all the shit he is put Fizz through. (Pfft I had such an unhinged thought. “Love to see Mammon go, hate to watch his fat ass giggle as he walks away.” I’m so sorry.
Beelzebub is interesting because I actually want to do something with her and the hellhounds so I don’t want to give too much away right now and I’ve been planning this since really early on probably like chapter 3 I’d say I’ve been planning what I want to do with a Bee in the hellhounds. So you’ll see more probably chapter 10 I’d say it would’ve been the next chapter but then a comment on ao3 made me kind of switch up my plan.
I will say this her and Ozzies relationship is complicated because on one hand, he’s not even worried about the possibility that Fizzarolli is going to cheat with her because Fizz is gay. On the other hand though, he understands what her being in hell means and it is not good. I just love the little interaction though with Ozzie where he sees the two of them in the pantry and he’s just like “oh OK there’s just having a chat. probably about Lucifer.”
I don’t know that much about Belphegor other than his lower is a lot deeper than what I have been led to believe. He’s just a depressed little guy. (Or is she in the shows case)
Also, I know nothing about Levi because the show hasn’t really told us much about him and I’m just like OK cool I have to write a series about this, so Vivian I’m gonna need a bit more.
I would adore it, though, if Levi and Belphegor actually were just super chill, and the bride just got along splendidly with them that would be great. For now I’m going to focus on the sins. We do know about such as Ozzie, Bee and Mammon. So far she only has somewhat of a good rapport with Ozzie.
Now the Ars Goetia on the other hand, I wanna do so much with them. There’s so much we could explore! There’s 72 cars Goetia, and only one of them was like a knight so I wanna make so many OCs. You have no idea!
As for her relationship with the other hotel guests we’re going to get to that after the wedding so that’ll be probably after I want to say somewhere between chapter 13-15 maybe I’m not totally sure.
at this point it’s pretty clear that it’s non-canon compliant but this does take place like six months before the hotel is established. Then there’s probably going to be a time skip and and and there’s going to be a “queen for a Day” chapter. I am so excited for that I’m gonna be paying homage to tangled the series because Jeremy Jordan plays Varian, and that I thought “ha that’s funny.”
anyway, her relationship with the hotel guests. her and Alastair are going to have a dynamic similar to this video.
Her and angel are basically just her and Fizzarolli again. And you guys know how she was when Renesmee was being mistreated and abused. She is going to be standing up for husk. They homies. They ride or dies. Unfortunately though she’s not going to get to meet Pentious but she’d completely adore him.
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cybrsan · 1 year
Ahhh congrats on your 100!!! I love your prompt options, can you plz do yunho with 1, 14, 36
Thank you so much! Since you didn't specify what genre, I avoided writing smut just in case.
Prompts:  1. “Come over here and make me.” + 14. “You heard me. Take. It. Off.” + 36. “You were put on this earth to give me a headache.”  Pairing: Roommate!Yunho x F!Reader Genre: Angst, Fluff Word Count: <1kTags/warnings: Alcohol usage, hidden feelings, somewhat controlling behavior
Requests are currently closed, but my masterlist can be found here.
“Jeong Yunho, give me my phone back right now, or I am going to end you.”
“Come over here and make me,” he teases, letting the device hang haphazardly between his thumb and index finger as he dangles it over the sink that is currently filled with dirty dishes and soapy water. 
You lunge at him and he immediately reacts, holding the phone high over his head and out of your reach. He laughs at you as you try to grab it from him, knowing that your attempts are useless. Not only are you unsteady on your feet from the alcohol, but he has a good few inches on you already. After a few tries, you decide to stop and save the rest of your dignity while you still can.
With an exasperated groan, you take a seat at one of the kitchen barstools, resigning yourself to simply glaring at him until he gives it back or until he erupts into a fiery blaze. Whatever happens first.
“You’re an asshole,” you chide. “I swear, you were put on this earth to give me a headache.” 
He slides your phone into the small space between the cabinets and the ceiling, and you cringe, thinking of all the dust that’s probably up there. Maybe you’ll make him clean it as revenge. He sits next to you, and, petty as you are, you move down a stool so that there is space between you. 
“I’m an asshole for not letting you text your ex? I feel like that’s unfair.” 
You narrow your eyes at him. “I’m going to kick you out.”
“And pay the rent all on your own? Doubt it.”
“You know, you really need to stop hanging out with Wooyoung so much. His brattiness is rubbing off on you.”
Yunho laughs, throwing his head back. “He’s gonna love to hear that.” 
Your conversation tapers off, Yunho getting himself a snack from one of the cupboards while you play absentmindedly with your half-drunk glass of rum and coke. The silence starts to grate at your nerves and, steeling yourself, you down the rest of your drink and get up to put on your coat. 
Yunho eyes you suspiciously. “And where are you going?” 
“Hyunjin’s house. Since someone won’t let me text him.”
“Woah,” he gets up, moving toward you. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea. Look, I’ll give you your phone back, but just wait until you’re sober, okay?” 
“Nice try,” you huff, turning around to leave.
He grabs your wrist, his grip gentle but still firm enough to prevent you from moving. “Y/N, you aren’t thinking straight. He broke your heart, remember?” 
The reminder makes you bristle, and you choose to ignore it. “Yunho, you can’t stop me.”
“I think I can,” he says, moving to stand in front of the door. “Take off your coat.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
You gape at him, shocked by his audacity. Yet, as much as you don’t want to listen to him, there is something about his aura that makes you hesitant to argue. So, for the second time tonight, you give in to him, harrumphing as you take off your coat and throw it directly at his face.
“Fine, you win. I’ll stay locked in the apartment forever, resorting to carrier pigeons and smoke signals as my only means of communicating with the outside world!”
You flop onto the couch dramatically, and Yunho rolls his eyes as he hangs your coat up for you. “You’ll thank me in the morning.”
“Doubt it.” Next thing you know, Yunho is in front of you, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. You screech, flailing in his grasp. “What the hell do you think you are doing?!”
“Putting you to bed.”
“Well, I’m flattered, but I’m really not into the whole super dominant thing.”
He ignores your snide comment, gently placing you into your bed and tucking you in so that the blanket forms a cacoon around you. You grumpily snuggle deeper into your mattress, and he chuckles. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
“Am not.”
“Are too—even when you attempt to cause me bodily harm. Now get some rest.”
“Wait,” you say, stopping him from leaving. “Can I ask you something?”
He sits next to you and nods. “Yeah, go ahead.” 
“Why do you care so much? About me not reaching out to Hyunjin, I mean.”
“You really have to ask?” When you don’t answer, he continues, “He hurt you, Y/N. I watched, unable to do anything to help, as it took you weeks to get over him. I don’t want to see that happen again. I care about you too much to stand idly by this time.”
You light up a bit at his words. “Yeah? You really mean that?”
He smiles at you, eyes crinkling, and says, “Of course.” Then, leaning down, he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry for stealing your phone earlier. Maybe I was a little drunk, too. I’ll charge it for you.”
“It’s okay. Thank you, Yunho. For looking out for me.”
“Always. Sleep tight, okay?” 
He stands up and turns off your light, and it doesn’t take long for you to fall into a dreamless slumber. When you wake, your phone is at your bedside table, along with a glass of water, some aspirin, and a handwritten note.
Please don’t go back to him. Let me treat you better.
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misshoneyimhome · 10 months
Hi there hunny! I am absolutely loving your writing, I feel like so many babes are hopping on the Willy hype finally!! Not sure if you’re actively looking for requests, but I am just in desperate need for a jealous, slightly angry William - like there’s any writing where he looses his cool because he’s just so laid back as a human. I think you could so do it justice, because I’m not meaning like scary angry ya know? Baby girl can’t. But I feel like as a partner and especially in the early stages he could probably come off as noncommittal or just almost too laid back about your relationship - mostly because he’s so secure about it and how he feels that he forgets you can’t read his inner monologue because he wouldn’t have you there if he wasn’t 100% sure. But maybe you try to call it off after seeing him schmooze at a team event and he like loses it out of fear and frustration at himself that you would think he’s not in it or you’re unspoken together but still not exclusive and you’re having fun at the club after a win just dancing but back at home he loses it (cue the stick breaking vid)! Either situation I would be pissed at him for being clueless but think my panties would melt off for an angry, jealous Willy because if you can get that reaction outta that man you’re in for a treat!!
Uh I’m here for it babe! 😍 angry/jealous/frustrated!Willy is just something of a kind, and I love it 😉 [I had a smilier idea a while back, in case you feel like reading this blurb - it has more jealousy 😉 (pure smut btw)]
And thank you btw, I always love people’s feedback, and requests are just so much fun - I love it when everyone shares their ideas ❤️
So, I went with more frustrated!Willy, rather than being jealous - hope that's ok; however, I do have a piece on the way, also inspired by the breaking-stick video, so hopefully, you'll enjoy that 😊
The Calm Before the Storm I William Nylander
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4 months and 21 days.
It had been that long since you’d found yourself in what could be deemed a relationship with William Nylander.
4 months and 21 days of coffee dates, casual walks with his dogs, takeout dinners at his place, passionate, mind-blowing sex, and lazy mornings after his hockey games.
Everything appeared to be flawless – perhaps a bit too flawless.
In many ways, William stood out from your past partners; with him there was no need for pretence or maintaining a perfect front. With him, you could freely express your unique quirks and be completely yourself without hesitation.
But despite your fondness for his relaxed, natural manner, you couldn't help but notice his reluctance to delve into deep feelings or the core of your relationship.
While he'd whisper sweet nothings and lend an ear on your tougher days, he always seemed to be so composed and laid-back about everything.
And it was slowly starting to grate on your nerves.
Initially, you found it incredibly endearing and delightful to be in his company. His ability to shrug things off, whether it was a tough loss, a call from his brother about having a rough day, or even the chaotic traffic lately, impressed you.
"If the traffic's bad, I'll just take the subway," he'd casually remark when you'd urge him to hurry up to avoid being late again.
Or he'd say, "Yeah, it sucked that we lost, but we'll do better next time," after a defeat.
His attitude puzzled you, but in a way, you also found it incredibly amazing.
However, as your relationship with this man deepened, his seemingly calm and relaxed demeanour started feeling a bit too complacent. And now, you found yourself wanting a little clarity about your relationship.
Did it genuinely go beyond mere passing time, something romantic perhaps, or were you simply someone he enjoyed spending time with whenever he felt like it?
Undoubtedly, William was amazing. Yet, the more time you spent together, the more it seemed like this situation was somewhat one-sided.
You knew your feelings ran deep for him, so you opted to give it a bit more time, hoping he'd eventually open up.
And as the partner you wanted to portray, you agreed to accompany him to a team event.
The evening was meant to be a celebration, a tribute to their team's triumph.
And amid mingling with other teammates and their partners, William wore his usual bright grin and cheerful demeanour. His laughter filled the room as always, and as usual, you put on a smile and stood by his side.
At first, your concerns eased a bit when he kept an arm around your waist while engaging with managers and other club supporters.
However, as the night wore on, his touch and attention seemed to drift away, and you felt a deep stinge of disappointment.
And by your third glass of champagne, you found yourself without your date, chatting with a few of the team members' girlfriends and wives. Luckily, you had a close bond with the girls, yet your attention was drawn to something across the room – William engaging in his always so casual chatter with a small group, including a striking lady who eyed him with a certain longing, much like you would have done.
And as William didn't appear to shy away from her flirtatious gestures, your suspicions were validated.
So, with a soft sigh and a swift glance at your glass, you hastily finished your drink before slowly making your way over to William.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to gather your thoughts as you approached him.
"Hey," you gently said, offering a friendly smile. "I'm sorry, but I think I'd like to head home. You can just stay; I'll get a taxi."
William appeared puzzled by your words, but before he could respond, you swiftly exited the venue and headed towards the cloakroom.
And as you walked away, a part of you hoped he'd follow, while another part desperately needed to escape the situation as soon as possible.
But despite your determined strides to leave, William quickly caught up to you.
"Hey," he said firmly, grasping your wrist as you were about to reach for your coat. "What's wrong?"
His expression showed genuine concern at your sudden change in behaviour, his breaths becoming uneven. He couldn't comprehend what was happening, and all he felt was his heart sinking as he noticed tears welling up in your eyes.
"Will, I can't do this..." you attempted to sound confident, but your voice quivered while maintaining eye contact.
"You can’t do what, y/n? What's going on?" His confusion was evident, and you couldn't help but let out a disbelieving chuckle. How was he this oblivious to his own actions?
"I can't continue like this; I have strong feelings for you," you wanted to yell, but you kept your voice low, trying to avoid any unnecessary drama. "I thought I was more than just a fling, but it seems you don't want to be more, and I'm sorry, but I can't keep going like this..."
"What are you talking about?" William's voice rose in frustration.
He was getting slightly irked by your accusations, yet genuinely confused about what you were getting at.
"You are more than a fling!" he almost shouted.
"Then why do you always act like I’m not and like you don't fucking care about me at all?" Now you were shouting. “You always have to act so fucking cool and tough, and I can’t take it anymore – either you’re sure about us, or you’re not!”
William, his usual calm façade shattered, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
That was when it happened.
As you’d said the words, he could feel his pulse racing, his heartbeat quacking, and his unusual temper about to burst.
You thought he didn’t care…
"God, why can't you see? Shit!" He snapped, his voice filled with an uncharacteristic urgency, his eyes reflecting a storm of emotions. "I'm just... doing this without thinking! I'm not here for a fling, for fuck’s sake! I’m just not good at this, ok!"
You froze, surprised at the outburst, his words striking a chord within you. It was the first time you’d seen him lose his cool, the raw vulnerability in his eyes contrasting sharply with his usual easy-going nature.
"You think I don't care? That I'm not sure about us?" His frustration seeped through every word. Of course, he was sure about you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have held onto you like this. That wasn't his way. "I might not say it every fucking minute, but I am sure about you. It's just... I thought you knew."
Wait, what?
The air crackled with unspoken emotions. His frustration was not because of you walking away from the event or from him, but because he'd failed to express the depth of his feelings, assuming you understood without him needing to spell it out.
To him, you were everything he'd ever longed for. He'd never met anyone like you, never formed such an instant connection with anyone before.
From the moment he had laid eyes on you, you’d walked straight into his heart. And he had been set on keeping you close ever since. You had become his anchor, the true reason to how he always felt so calm and composed – knowing he had you by his side.
But he had failed. Failed to express just how much you meant to him. And now, here he stood, raising his voice at you, feeling the weight of his heartache.
Seeing you in distress tore him apart. The tears pooling in your eyes and the belief that he didn't care about you pained him deeply.
No. This wasn't right.
Releasing a deep sigh, the tension drained from his shoulders. "I should have said it more. I know… I should have made it clearer – how I felt about you."
Gradually, a sense of relief washed over you as you sensed the authenticity in his expression. And it was becoming clear to you that he struggled with verbalizing his emotions, preferring to express himself through a physical love language.
Furrowing your eyebrows in concern, you let out a deep sigh as well.
"Yeah, you should have," you spoke softly, before surrendering to the impulse, taking a step closer and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in a deep kiss.
His hands instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer as he reciprocated the intensity of the kiss, fully immersed in the moment.
In that instance, a surge of emotions overwhelmed both of you, drawing you into a heated moment. Gradually, you took a few steps back, retreating deeper into the cloakroom, where William slid his hands beneath your lower back, prompting you to jump, wrapping your legs around his waist.
The kiss intensified, tongues intertwining passionately as he pressed you against the wall, your hands gently cupping his face. You surrendered to the flood of emotions, finally letting go and embracing the feelings you were both openly expressing.
As the passionate kiss escalated, you could feel your bodies heated up, your hands entwining in his semi-long blonde locks, craving for more than just the connection of your lips.
Breaking the intense kiss, both of you were left breathless, needing a moment to recover.
“Willy, take me home,” you whispered, foreheads pressed together. And your wish was his command.
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artemisravencourtney · 4 months
Klaroline WIP Wednesday: Mixing all the Colors like we're Making a Monet ch2
Y'all asked for this. Partially inspired by @impossiblekryptonitecolor for piquing my interest in Sentinel AUs. This fic is not a Sentinel AU and you do not need any knowledge of Sentinel AUs to understand it, bit some of the underlying themes are there so if you them you might enjoy this too!
“You know love, I always thought champagne was our thing, but I’m starting to believe it might be clubs.” She doesn’t dare open her eyes, too afraid of what more sensory input would do to her, but the smell of cedar wraps around her like a blanket. She breathes it in, and the pounding of her heart slows enough that she can tune into his. It sounds just like it did in Miami, as unique as any fingerprint, and it’s enough to make her let out a sigh of relief, tension leaving her body like a marionette whose strings have just been cut. “Klaus.” She breathes, grateful for the respite. She feels the heat of him prickling near her hand, and grabs his own without thinking, tugging him onto the couch with her. He stiffens in surprise when she buries her face in his shoulder, fingers still interlocked with his, and she doesn’t even care if he has someone waiting for him right now, he’s here, right when she needs him, as he always is. Caroline needs something to ground her in reality, and if there’s one singular thing her senses can focus on, it’s Klaus Mikaelson. Ironic, given that she came here to escape him. With her burrowing into him the way she has, it’s easy to just focus on him. The cedar probably comes from the cologne he wears, because it’s easily the strongest smell, sitting right on the surface. She breathes deeper, still somewhat lightheaded from her momentary freak-out earlier, and she can smell the sharp scent of pine needles, ozone, and death. It’s both fitting and foreboding, and she wonders if the tingling she gets on her tongue when she’s with him really is chemistry, or if it’s a prey response from being so close to a man that screams danger in every foreseeable way. “Caroline, are you alright?” She feels him brush one of her curls away from her face, feels the silky (and undoubtedly expensive) fabric of his shirt on her cheek. If she was a cat she’d be purring. She knows she has about five seconds to answer before he gets impatient and flashes them out of here, witnesses be damned. Still, she’s having a hard time putting the problem into words now that the worst of it is over. “Too much.” She rasps out, trusting him to understand her the way he always does. He hums, and she focuses on the vibrations as she does her best to tune out everything but him. “Vampires have a tendency to blur the lines between regular lust and bloodlust, especially in settings like these. In fledglings, it can make their powers come to the surface against their will.” He pauses, shifting as he tilts her chin up gently. She’s barely had time to take in those stormy eyes she loves so much before he continues, minty breath ghosting against her face, “Your features haven’t changed, likely due to your impressive control, but we should still get you some fresh air.” She swallows thickly, head still swimming, “I think that’s a good idea.” He tells her to wait there and says something to the management, who have her confirm that she knows him (which she does via a picture from Miami that he’s clearly very surprised she kept), before handing her a bottle of water and sending them on their way, Klaus grabbing their coats on the way out. Enzo is going to be so fucking annoying about this.
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