#he literally gives me a heart attack everytime he says this xD
anizense · 4 years
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I've come up with a new recipeh~
//Repost from twt @AnivA_arts
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meimi-haneoka · 5 years
LOL....Chapter 42.
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I mean, I might have become quite boring by now because ALL the chapters I use these shocked gifs, but.....I can’t help it, every time the chapters bring some shocking factor!! XD
Let me just start this reaction post with one happy announcement:
Remember my battles against illegal early spoilers on the internet? How it hurt the fandom (because people who wanted to wait for the official release were forced to avoid social media or block stuff) and the franchise as well?
Well, I’m glad to announce that chapter 42 has been the first chapter ever to not have any early spoilers leaked before the official releases, ever since Clear Card started in July 2016. It took almost 4 years and a revolution by the hands of CLAMP to obtain this result (with the early release of chapters FOR FREE on the official website in 6 languages).
Beware, I’m not celebrating just yet because next month we may get spoilers circulating again, but this chapter was really nice to be discovered all together, legally, without hurting anyone? It was a nice feeling and since it seems we might be approaching the finale, I think it’s important that we enjoy these chapters all together in a proper way.
Well, after this introduction, let’s delve into Chapter 42 of Clear Card!!
Kaito is a walking dead man
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I loved the color splash page. It always makes me happy to see Akiho and Sakura together, but this time the theme is a lot more serious. This is getting intense and the color page reflects that. This is also the first black background in a while, I always loved illustrations with black background even in the old manga.
Sooo last chapter we were left with Sakura overthrowing Kaito’s time magic and still conscious and moving. And shocked to see Syaoran and Kaito fighting. Of course Kaito needs to put a patch on this, because he knows Sakura is that powerful, but he doesn’t want her to know any of this, so he starts to “attack” her with time magic, I believe? And prince charming cleverly thinks that he might better call forth the strongest Sakura Cards in the deck, just to be sure to protect Sakura adequately. Even Kaito recognizes that was a wise move. Sakura is more confused than ever, behind the spirit shield formed by Light & Dark.
Syaoran is so fucking fed up with this that he demands to know why Kaito is here in Tomoeda. He candidly admits that he wants Sakura to produce the new Cards. Syaoran is like “No shit, Sakura’s already been producing a shitton of cards” “But she hasn’t produced the one I want”. When Syaoran asks which card that would be, Mr. I-am-an-asshole-and-I-know-it replies “If I told you that, I fear you’d get terribly angry”
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Guys, the glare Syaoran gives Kaito after this one is like.......death sentence. The amount of rage accumulated in this short kid is frightening. Syaoran might be cool and composed, but y’all remember his temper at the beginning of the old manga, right? That wasn’t “just because”, it’s still part of his personality XDD he was taming his rough sides of his personality for Sakura, but for Sakura he’s well ready to pull them out at any convenience.
Meanwhile, we aren’t sure if Sakura is listening to the heated conversation or not, but I think she isn’t because she keeps shouting “what’s going on?? What happened??” even after Kaito straight up said he’s after her Cards. Seeing her struggling and reaching from behind Light & Dark, who are restraining her, is kinda.....giving me TRC war flashbacks. Yes. You might have seen the tweet that is making me earn lots of “WHY CINZIA”, but I’m like this, I’m an ugly bitch who needs to suffer in company. I’ll make a separate TRC/CCS comparison post after ages, for this. XD
The highlight of the chapter
Kaito reveals that he knows that Syaoran came back to Japan after his mother had a divination of the future that he absolutely needs to stop. And, at that moment, ladies and gentlemen....
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This is a huge thing because a character that was exclusively in the anime canon-verse (even though that line has been more and more flimsy lately) appeared in the manga too. Syaoran’s mother, and the Li family in general, were often mentioned both in the old and new manga series, but CLAMP somehow were always careful to never show any graphical portray of it. Now, finally, after so long, we have Yelan appearing in the manga too, and she’s exactly like her anime counterpart. Regal, elegant, beautiful. I was literally trembling with excitement when I saw her!! It was.....gosh it was huge.
But one has to wonder: how the hell does Kaito knows about all this stuff? How much did he investigate on the Li family? It’s kinda easy to imagine when he could do that: for a period, Akiho and Kaito lived in Hong Kong. Right before coming to Japan.
We get, thanks to Kaito, the confirmation that nor he, nor Syaoran, were born with the gift of seeing the future. Kaito can, if he follows all the steps, see some glimpses till a certain degree, but nothing comparable to someone specialized in divination art, let alone a yumemi. Here it is, the cursed term so dear to CLAMP, indicating the ones who can see the future in dreams. Kaito says that Sakura can indeed see the future playing out in her dreams, but it’s a future far from being set in stone. She’s basically a beginner yumemi, with confusing and fragmented visions, I’d say. But when she will grow up, she will be a fully fledged yumemi. Kaito says that it’s for the strong people to decide how the future will go. And here we find again the thematic so dear to CLAMP, the future and the choices made to let it go in a direction, or another one. Kaito starts to call forth the Tina Rie Triax spell. Syaoran is like “the hell I’m letting you get away like this” and is preparing to counter-attack with Raitei Shorai, when The Queen™ decides she had enough and screams “NOOO!”, calling her staff on the spot and activating her power towards Syaoran, switching places with him! She literally forced him out of the picture and took his place!! 
The Queen takes agency
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LOOK AT THAT FACE! LOOK AT IT WELL. It’s the same determination she had in this scene:
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I knew we would see the results of that determination. When she saw the boy she loves risking his life with someone who was attacking him, she took agency and went to the front row.
You can’t keep Sakura in the sidelines like that.
Kaito is quite suprised by the move. Maybe because he doesn’t understand love or because he didn’t think she would take agency. Either way, Sakura is pointing her staff at him, the same way Syaoran was pointing his sword at him moments ago. You don’t mess with this child, Kaito.
And he must certainly know, because he mutters “That’s too bad” and rewinds time, basically chickening out of the picture. XD
Sakura is back with Tomoyo, Akiho, Sonomi and her father, but she knows something is wrong, and she walks away from them for a while to give birth to a new card!! TRANSFER is the name, and it’s the power she used to switch places with Syaoran. The fact is, she doesn’t remember nor she understands why the hell this card is here. 
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While at home Kaito thinks to himself (smile always present but blatantly a mere mask) that he needs to hurry up or he’ll be in a fucking big mess because Sakura resisted his time-stopping magic and the Clear Card survived the time rewinding, Sakura at her own home is a nervous wreck. She calls Syaoran because she has the feeling she saw Light & Dark, they don’t remember, but Syaoran confirms that he feels something is off and has the feeling someone made them forget something. Sakura closes the call promising that she would inform him of anything that would come to her mind, but as she inadvertently knocks her Clear Cards off, they all fall facing backwards, save for one: BREAK.
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And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how Chapter 42 ends. Leaving us wondering why Sakura is making this dismayed face. She’s either taking it as a bad omen, or she’s remembering what she saw when she captured BREAK, and what caused the birth of the card in the first place. Not only a soulless Akiho talking nonsense in a pretty dress, but also her boyfriend under the robe of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure. Seemingly about to hurt an unconscious Akiho. That is still an open wound in Sakura’s heart, and it’s pretty clear here.
Guys, what can I tell you, this chapter has been a mixture of wonderful surprises, painful TRC recalls, frustrating time rewindings that show us how Sakura and Syaoran are slowly realizing and fighting Kaito’s fuckery with time....I know a good chunk of the fandom doesn’t like this give-and-take-away, it always seems like the final battle is here, but we are tricked everytime. And yet, I do believe that once the story will be over, and after some time we’ll go back to read Clear Card, the time rewindings will show clearly how gradually Sakura was able to overcome and overthrow Kaito’s magic: first it was a finger, then it was an unexplicable sadness, now a new card and the impression to have seen things, and a general uneasiness because something feels off. The kids were even capable of realizing that they were made to forget something. I bet this graduality will feel more interesting and exciting when we’re not forced to wait 1 month between chapters.
Let me know what you think, too!
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nyarisu · 4 years
St. Paul liveblogging
So they drunk. I too may be a little tipsy so that goes hand in hand let’s start >w<
Spiel mit mir
Oh look a little human. More little humans.
Is that a face?? Oh it was just the fan behind the drums XD
Ooooh it’s the entrance through a drum thing!
I like Till’s boots. Also it’s the first live I’ve seen with the leg brace. I’ve only seen it in that one picture
Interesting jacket with only one arm
Oh god he’s sucking his thumb again did yoU WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS??!? (i swear it’s got nothing to do with the current situation it just bugs me seeing people do that)
Cryptid Ollie<3
This is one creepy song
Yes Till we know you’re horny you don’t need to grab your dick every few minutes XD
Wow something new happened with the instrumentals there
Did I miss that part?
I like the guitar solo so much!
Paul has dark hair??
Lol slut Till at it again XD imagine if he went that hard with Flake during Buck dich XDDD
That was one long "schlief"
The chest hit<3
The Flake jump
"doch nur ein Tiieeeeeerrrr"
Did he just finished the song with a head tilt??? I’VE SEEN THE PICTURE!
Bestrafe mich
<3 way to win my heart so early into the live also Till got shirtless pretty quick so it’s always a plus
When did Ollie got to the other side of the stage? Is he wearing shorts??
Look at this dumb bitch whipping himself again....
"du. darfst. mein. Bes.trafer seeein" the perfect song to headbang on
I love the melodic part so much<3
Ups there goes that bottle I wonder if it hit someone
Oh that back~ I love how Till’s back has clearly some muscles but it’s also most probably very soft too
Schneider is having such interesting moves
I love Till’s headbang while crouching
Weisses Fleisch
Those scratching motions are probably a little more entrancing than ment
He just dropped it XD
Paul and Richard are in synch again going back and forth
Where did Richard go? Ach, yes. He let Schneider do his hypnotic hip thrusts and Flake his spazzing. I don’t think anyone can dance quite like him :)))
Didn’t Till’s voice on this song used to be a little more melodic? Or maybe the audio was better...
The fireworks were nice
Did Richard just vanished?? XD where is he?
Oh he’s back he was just hot (with that coat :D)
Yes, Ollie has indeed shorts
I swear to god Till has such interesting poses/moves, especially while crouching or being bent
I like that 2.5 till hammer during the chorus
They changed places again and IS OLLIE ON BACK VOCALS? ON SEHNSUCHT??
What if Till trips over the mic wire?
Why do you hit yourself bby?
From this angle a part of the drums looked like a sombrero *Wilder Wein flashbacks*
And of course he slams the mic on the ground
Asche zu Asche
I like how Richard and Paul always come to the front for the instrumental
"Heißes Kreuz" and he does a little cross with his fingers
The whole mimic druning this song is fun
„in zehn Tagen” YES he counted 10 days on his fingers I love that!
Ok Richard what was that with the solo? Weird flex but ok (was this the guitar version of sexy motherfucker?)
Shouldn’t something be already on fi- oh no there it is nevermind
Till is one hunk of a man but he has such dainty and delicate poses
If DRSG doesn’t come after this song, I’m rioting
This is such an interesting song to see Till sing because it’s very sad and you can see his suffering with every move and word and voice inflection (expression too if the visual would’ve been higher)
Go Flake go! But be safe!
Wow that was one wierdly short ride I too would’ve wanted to get out as soon as possible
Ugh. Again... no wonder I didn’t recognise it. This song doesn’t even exists to me (same for the english versions)
Will Till be a slut with this tongue again?
That’s the whole song? XD What’s happening?? :))) they changed their minds and went home XD
Ok I won’t be rioting after all but... what happened?
Uuu Reesh is shirtless we’re getting serious now!
I like Paul’s very serious pose
And Till slicked his hair back<3
Till and Paul are doing again that thing that gives me a heart attack and Richard is flirting with someone in the public why is he always going to te side?
Did Till put something on his head?
Lol there it went XD
I like how Richard was strutting around the scene and started slamming his guitar. Then Paul came on the other side of Till and symmetry
Is Richard wearing paltforms? He’s already taller than Paul what more does he want?
Them singing on a side was cute
For a moment I thought Till was stalking Paul :))
What the fuck I lowered my eyes for one fucking second to see what I’m writing and Richard disappear again?? When? Hoooowwwww??
I’m hearing some keyboard thingies I’m not usually hearing on the album version and what just happened?
Is Till baptizing the audience? Wait didn’t they already do the dramatic stop once? Did they do it in another part of the song? I’m so confused do I have to watch it again?
Yeah ok they were definitely on something XD
Du hast
THE FIRE BOW!! I really love some of their effects :D
Richard is on the side again? He even moved his mic stand what??
That laugh<3 It’s a shame they never sung Eifersucht I love that song so much
I really like the drums or whatever those drum like sounds are at the beginning and the keyboards in this song
Oooh so this is where the phone scene came from? Or were there multiple lives with this?
OH MY GOD of course he had to fuCKING YEET IT
Yes, I really like seeing Till pour water on himself next question
What are Paul and Ollie doing? XD disappearing, that’s what they’re doing :))
Buck dich
At first I was ok that’s some explosion and then 2 second in I realised what it is, the who who machine o(≧∀≦)o fire edition ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh now he has a platform~ and of course he stuffs the mic in his pants XD
The guys sure are switching places huh
It’s let’s sodomize Flake time
I like how he always turns after Flake when he runs away and the whole song is like this with little acting scenes
There went another bottle
I like how Flake came on his own
I wonder how it’s to be a fan at a concert seing Buck dich for the first time I’m sure some eyes popped out of the heads
Or how it is to be a fan jizzed on by Till Lindemann’s squirting dildo XD “Welcome to Rammstein“
OH MY GOD OLLIE look who’s the thirsty bitch XD
This song will slap forever and ever
Did they trip over something or...?
Wait what? Is this really how the song goes?
But Schneider was the sparkling drumsticks so I can forgive anything. Literally the only way to sing that part right is using the sparkling drumsticks! Everytime the solo starts I’m lowkey disappointed if no sparkles are involved. And my brain plays the song with those on the background
Do they actually whistle or the just mimic it? This is something I’ve always wondered
Flake solo? are they all having their own initiatives today or....? XD
I like how Richard casually threw the towel over his shoulder
Is Flake wearing something on his head?
YES! The coat! Asdfghjkl the audience is delighted too :D How cool was seeing that for the first time??
You are one crazy motherfucker, Till
Lol @ Ollie and his cryptid moves XD
*insert that “Beyonce??” meme here but instead of Beyonce is Laichzeit*
Oh ok that was cool
Till is dancing again XD
OH MY GOD THE WAY THE MIC STAND WENT XDD IT FLEW SO SMOOTHLY I need a compilation with all the times he’s throwing that stand away
How come he’s not doing his usual slutty moves? This song is peak slut when it comes to moves
Oh, he’s pulling his hair. Oh.
Did the just say pew?
I need to dance while high on this song
The keyboard part before the last verse is strangely elevating? majestic? ascending? Yeah let’s go with that. for the topic of the song but it kind of goes with the last part (nevermind I kinda still haven’t’t figured out what that last verse means)
Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen?
I never know how to write „wollt” I always add an “h” instead of the first “l”, it sounds like a word with an “h” in it
Wow the screeches didn't use to be this loud but I like how Till rises his head everytime (open mouth is optional)
OH MY GOD YES the tongue made an apparition. I need to make giffs out of it and add it to my collection
I love those gloves but was Paul simply walking into the sparks?
Oooooh this one is new~ (editing Rena here: I have no idea what I was talking about)
I had to google the spelling of lots of words. My fingers stopped cooperating and I wasn’t even drunk
I don’t know how drunk they were but Richard was definitely at least a little high (the time frame is right too) and there were also some tehnical problems
I need to know if the Engel whistling is genuine or not
Throwing mic stand. Compilation. Now. (the Klavier one will always be first place in my heart)
And I need to get high and dance on Laichzeit
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anne-lida · 6 years
[SPOILER] My Thoughts on “Venom” Movie
So yesterday and today, I (finally!) watched the movie with my mom in flippin' 4DX (but with 2D graphic though). We never watched a movie in 4DX before, but I saved the moment and the money for this movie. ;)
Also, I repeatedly lost parts of my long review seven times. I was losing my patience, my memory, and my excitement each time I had to rewrite my review. So I decided to just make... commentary for my expectations and (stupid) wishes that I posted days ago.
n.b.: there will be so much spoilers after this (hence the title). You've been warned. Plus, there was two types of commentary here: the bold commentary (and most of "My Other Thoughts" part) is from my first watch, the italic is from my second watch.
My Expectation (what I think the movie would be/what would happen in it):
- I can see myself squealing like a fangirl at any random moment in the movie. Probably most of those moments are reference from the comic that I know. XD --> I was so noisy (my mouth almost never closed at the entire movie). I screamed or "aww"-ed like... every five minutes at the rarest? I was sitting on the farthest row from the screen and I saw almost everyone looked behind their chairs everytime I screamed. XD --> still screaming and "aww"-ing, except that no one cared about me. XD
- After I watch it, my thought might be ranging from “omg, I love the movie! I don’t care what they say, but this is the best movie ever!” to “I love the characters, I love the concept of this movie. But may I rewrite the story, please?”. --> it's in between? Like there's still something that should be fixed, but maybe not the story. Maybe it's just the pacing?--I said the pacing towards the end is too fast, my mom said the pacing at the beginning is too slow. Maybe one caused the other. But then we kinda agreed that the time from after Riot bonded with Carlton to the end of the final fight is too short compared to the other part of the movie. I think this could be fixed in some kind of novelization or... what people called for "comic version of novelization". I won't even complain if it will be a 1000 pages novel with story like this. :) --> apparently love comes from understanding and understanding comes from time; I totally forgot about those flaws after watching it for the second time and just took all the goods.
- I think the ending would determine whether I like the movie or not. I have a feeling there’s something great at the end, something… surprising. But if apparently not, my love to the movie (not the comic) might be gone. Also, I think the ending might be–no, must be based on “Planet of the Symbiotes”. --> apparently the ending is much happier than the comic, especially because Anne is not traumatized after biting a head off (at least not traumatized enough to kill herself).
- No matter how many times Venom said that it want to bite people’s head off, I highly doubt that we would see a “solid proof” that a head is actually being bitten off, even before it was announce as PG-13. What I think would happen is… something like this level of violence. We might see Venom opened their jaw, the victim and people around them freaking out, the victim’s body stop moving and thrown away, but… it might be just that. (I might called every “bite your head off” lines as BS) --> I slightly surprised that Venom bit a head on camera. No one's bleeding though. (also Venom is a big hungry boy in general, not because of lacking phenethylamine like in "Venom: The Hunger")
- I have a strong feeling that in the end (probably in the post-credit), Eddie would be thrown into jail (to the prison where he did an investigation that led him to Life Foundation) after all the damage he had done as Venom and he would meet Cletus. Begin the film in the prison, end it in the prison. --> yes, there was Cletus in the one of the post-credit scenes (mid-credit scene, to be exact). But Eddie was just interviewing him, actually (and that's the only scene that took place in San Quentin prison).
- I know that this is impossible, but why I still have a feeling that Spider-Man would appear in this movie, even though I don’t want it to happen? --> yes, he is in the post-credit scene (which is shockingly a clip from "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" and almost everyone in the theater were disappointed XD. Fun clip, though). --> my mom refused to wait until this post-credit scene. XD
- I have a feeling that the “Venom” name origin would be either so cheesy or the idea just came out of nowhere. --> it came out of nowhere. It's also the symbiote's individual name and it doesn't make sense to me (also Eddie didn't even question that?). Like if the symbiote is called "Venom", then both Eddie and Venom called themselves as "Venom", doesn't that mean Eddie is also a... symbiote? (this might be my brain farting, but still) --> maybe it's too confusing if the symbiote doesn't have an individual name and too risky to give him other name.
- Someone might be pulling my heartstring at the end. --> "Goodbye, Eddie." "VENOM, NO!" ...and there goes my heartstring.
n.b.: When they lowered the age rating, I tried to lower my expectation, just in case the movie is terrible. But the hype tho. --> I was spoiled from here and there (I was so bad at dodging it). Yet the movie is still so fun to watch that we both agreed to watch it again on the next day. XD --> ...and somehow the movie became much better after the second watch (it's like from 80-85% good to 100%). XD
My Wish (what I want from the movie):
- A flair of chocolate in Venom and Eddie relationship (this version of Venom symbiote needs chocolate real bad). --> not much as I want (just a barely mention), but it's better than none. Plus, me and Venom have a common ground now: Tater tots. --> I might be up to tater tots dipped in chocolate sauce. :d
- At least one soundtrack that I like because it is actually good, NOT because I like the movie it comes from. --> at the early part of the movie, there was "Eddie's Blues" that makes me think this movie will be different than other comic book movies nowaday. I feel like it has that mystery, private-eye movie vibe in it. (somehow it makes me think of "The Wolf Among Us"?) --> "You Belong to Us" is pretty good too. Its happy, slightly jumpy tune became a great refreshment after those tense, ominous, dark music.
- A touching interaction between Venom and the civilian (especially kids and/or women –> maybe with Mrs. Chen? She seems like a lovable side character) --> I don't think there's any (I didn't count Eddie as "civilian" in this case). Yet speaking of kids, the interaction between Carlton and the kids at the beginning made me forget that he's the antagonist :3. Also Maria wrenched my heart. )": --> Eddie is so nice to every woman.
- Please, for the love of God, just for once, let me love the protagonist more than the antagonist. --> I guess I did it? I like how Carlton's "persuasions" made me almost don't believe that he's the villain (especially in his conversation with Isaac), but every time he said "open", it broke that impression. Guess I still love Eddie-Venom duo more.
- This seems almost impossible, but somehow I want at least one song that Venom sang in the comic be featured in the movie? Or maybe a tiny scene with “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” in it? --> no, there was none. --> "I move to San Francisco for you. You are my home." Well, still sounds like "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" life to me.
- It might sounds odd and cringey, but guys, there’s a rapper in the movie. Are you seriously not letting him rap even just for the credit? --> same as above.
My Other Thoughts:
- at the entire movie, my sitting position was either way too near to the edge until my mom held me back (afraid that I'm gonna fall off XD) or pressing my back to chair way too hard and I still wished I could press it even further (omg that Riot jumpscare... my poor heart... DX). Also I raised my feet so many times because the wind effect kept hitting my feet each time someone shot or kicked other's legs.
- dear symbiotes, why did you have to land in Malaysia? Dear female EMT whoever-you-are, why did you speak in Melayu? Why this movie is already so relatable in first two minutes?
- what happpen to Yellow (I assume that's its name since the other symbiote is called as "Blue"?) and the rabbit's fate? Did I miss something?
- it might be just me, but something in Carlton's appearance or face makes him seems like a nice person who can't do "angry/pissed off villain" expression. Like he's almost as innocent and curious as the kids that he interacted with. At least until he started to kill people.
- some of the 4DX effects for this movie are not necessary IMO. My chair was vibrating when Anne hit Eddie with a pillow, and I was sprayed (like a big spray) when Eddie picked a lobster and ate it (and it scared me. Twice).
- Idk if it's because of the 4DX effects, but the street chase is so awesome ("It's incredible," said Carlton Drake--seriously, he did say that himself after that scene XD). Also, this is the scene when I slowly leaned to my mom and whispered, "Let's watch this movie again." ;). This is also the point when I felt that this movie is so impossible to be hated.
- although people said that this movie sucks, I think we all still agree that the scene where Venom called Eddie "pussy" because he didn't jump off the building and took the elevator instead is funny/amusing (even though I'm also scared of height and would do the same XD. But seriously, I would rather be called "pussy" and lost my dignity than hyperventilating or getting heart attack and lost my life). --> also the scene when Anne demanded Eddie to go to hospital made the entire theater giggles at the least.
- omg, Venom likes Anne! Venom literally said he likes Anne! Omg, I don't think this OT3 even existed in the comic. :O
- I was about to ask how Riot's journey from Sibu to San Francisco is even possible, but somehow after the second watch I just don't want to ask it? XD
- the moment Venom was separated from Eddie, I immediately thought of "Planet of the Symbiotes" comic and I... gdi, Eddie. :"(
- I was expecting Venom bonded with Mr. Belvedere for some reasons. But of course, Venom is a dog perso--I mean, dog... symbiote?
- am I the only one who see the "making out" scene as an OT3 kiss, instead of just OTP kiss? Like both Eddie and Anne were actually kissing Venom, then Venom was like, "Okay, I had enough. I'll let you both have your moment alone now while I move to my favorite host." XD
- Venom being protective to Anne even when Eddie disagreed with him? Y'all, in Venom: Sinner Takes All, Venom protected Anne only when Eddie ordered him to. But this? What the duck is this movie trying to suggest us?
- "You belong to us, Anne." *me biting my bag, trying to hold back the squeal* oh my God, Venom told her to join the OT3! Three's a family! I can't--oh God. >O<
- I quoted what Venom says (and listed what Venom eats XD) at the scene after the street chase and at the ending, almost didn't lose a beat (because I watched the trailers too much XD).
- how could I didn't expect Stan Lee to be in this movie? (and of course Tom Hardy would pet a dog :3)
- the way Eddie taught Venom how to know the difference between good and bad people is somewhat cute (almost like teaching a kid >< And Venom later acted like a kid when he demanded Eddie apology for calling him "parasite").
- I told you that the movie would be good and enjoyable even without (directly interacting with) Spider-Man. I told you that despite the trailers being dark and edgy, the movie has its own "unexpected cuteness". :)
- when can I buy the DVD or Blu-ray for this movie?
- outside me liking the movie, I watched the movie twice because I was kinda hoping that by buying more tickets would help the possibility of the sequel becomes higher. And honestly, this is the first time I watched the same movie twice in the cinema.
- also I love how the fandom reacted to the movie (especially on Tumblr). You are the best! XD Keep it up, y'all! :D
I think that’s it for now. If there’s anything else that I remember, I would update this post. Maybe.
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ick25 · 7 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 12 Review.
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Roll... Charm? Nah.
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Crash or Clash? Im so confused.
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We start this episode with Yaito and Meiru at the N-1′s gift shop. You know, since shopping is something girls do.
Meiru-chan tries out a hat only to have it taken from her by Iroaya Madoi.
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Because she felt like bothering some kids today.
After insulting Yaito’s shiny big forehead she proceeds to insult Meiru.
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The insult was better in the dub.
She finally reveals to be Meiru and Roll’s next opponent and the title card appears.
Midorikawa begins to announce the next two matches, starting with Netto vs Hinouken in the main dome, though she sounds more excited about the match in the B-dome which will be Madoi vs Meiru, the first “Girl vs Girl” battle.
Too bad only ONE of their Navis is actually a girl!
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Did she called Madoi old? Also, whats with the poses? Was Madoi fixing her hair before her picture? And Hinouken is like, “Yeap, thats me, I am a fire god”. BTW his real name is Kenichi, turns out Hinouken is a nickname.
After this we cut to Meiru-chan and friends in the locker room, where all the guys are keeping their distance.
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This girl is on fire!
As you can guess, Madoi has her compleatly burning with rage, or is it a firery aura as Higure-san says?
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Whatever it is, it engulfs Yaito as well when Meiru promises to defeat Madoi using the chips she gave her.
If anything, Tohru should be the head of the Madoi hate club since she kidnapped his father, and are we also forgeting that she is part of the World Three?
Netto doesnt understand why both Yaito and Meiru are so angry at Madoi, (World Three, Netto!) so he asks them what happend, while they’re still burning.
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And we get a scene where they are standing face to face with Madoi and the hat from the gift shop flying in the background.
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Who paid for the hat anyway?
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She is like twelve, of course she has small breasts!
But Meiru-chan fights back and unintentionally calls her old because she said “Obasan” which ticks off Madoi.
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She never said “Old hag”, she called her madame, ma’m or old lady XD
Also, 23?! Not with that makeup as Yaito and Meiru tell her before calling her old again. Intentionally this time.
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We then get a dramatic scene with the two of them insulting eachother.
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It is ON!!!
After that “flashback”, we cut to the cyberworld where Glyde and Roll are talking about how rude Madoi was to both their operators.
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Quick, Rockman! Say yes! Say YES!
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Netto says goodbye to everyone since they will be go cheer for Meiru-chan at her match. Followed by Yaito asking what happend to Masa-san, who was apparently there earlier. I like the way Higure-san starts searching for him.
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Netto is runnig down the hall on his way to his match but is stopped by a monitor on the wall about another record being broken.
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Yeap! Sharkman, the Navi Rockman met back in episode 5. Turns out he is the Navi of the strange man we saw with Miyuki and Saloma before, who is totally not Masa-san, even though he tells everyone to eat more Calcium.
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So thats his theme? Ok.
Netto starts getting excited over this and Miyuki appears next to him saying that the commander is exagerating his “rank”. This, of course, makes Netto ask her if she knows him, and she denies it in such a rookie way.
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Come on, Miyuki, you can do better than that.
She leaves and Netto continues his way to the match, and we see Mahajarama coming through the wall just to say something ominous about his battle with Hinouken.
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How does he do that? O.O
In the next scene Netto and Rockman’s battle begins, with Hinouken looking suspiciously confident. Once the battle begins, Rockman dashes at Fireman using the same attack and animation he used against Gutsman back in the first episode.
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I call it, the “Rock n Rumble”!
As the battle continues, Midorikawa announces that the battle in the B-dome is about to begin. So we cut to Roll in a redish canyon arena where Coloredman attacks her by surprise.
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Roll starts her attack with her Heart Flash move, but Coloredman is able to catch them and... Eats them?
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So Roll throws candy hearts?
Coloredman throws his ball at her, she dodges and this happens.
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He’s lying of course, Coloredman’s ball comes rolling back at Roll giving her TIME to dodge! Seriously, this is how the scene goes.
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“Why didn’t you tell me to dodge?!”
Meiru, you had plenty of time to use a battle chip! Who is the operator here?!
This was to create drama before cutting to comertials, and we return with Roll on the ground and Meiru nagging Madoi who is just powdering her face.
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Shouldn’t you be helping your Navi?
Madoi just starts mocking her which also angers her friends on the stands where Masa-san takes the oportunity to re-join them.
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Told you this was gonna be a thing.
The crowd suddently starts going wild, everyone begins to cheer for someone, starting with this kid who looks like Netto.
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Madoi is confused about this until she finally pays attention to the battle.
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No wonder they’re going crazy, this is awsome! XD
This results in Coloredman throwing his ball upwards squashing him in a comidic way.
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Coloredman gets angry and brings out his mini mes!
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But Roll-chan has a new trick up her glove, she throws her hearts at the mini Coloredmen making them fall in love with her, and she then orders them to attack him.
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After this, Coloredman literally knocks some sense into them and they then proceed to chase Roll, running her over.
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Or should I say, “Roll” her over? XD
We cut to the spectator stands where we focus on Miyuki and Saloma, not only because the light focuses on them, but because they are the only ones who are not brunnetts.
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They’re talking about how they can’t arrest Madoi, even knowing she is a World Three member, because Net criminals can only be arrested over the Net. Which is kinda dumb considering how she held someone hostage in episode 6. 
Anyway, its funny how Miyuki says this last line only to follow it with this scene.
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Midorikawa tells the audience the progress of the battle in the sub dome, as we cut to Rockman’s battle.
Fireman attacks, Rockman dodges it and lands like this for some reason.
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Talk about light on your feet.
In the battle we see that they are evenly matched as they both get pushed back by the others shots.
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Netto realizes that Fireman is even stronger than before, and Hinouken confirms his thoughts by telling him that they have train exhaustively ever since they lost the second time, (although it really wasnt Rockman who beat him)
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You already had an episode about that, remember? And you failed!
After that, we cut back to Roll-chan who has finally read the mini Coloredmen attack pattern.
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Meiru brags about it to Madoi, but she decides to play dirty by blinding Meiru with the Sun’s reflexion on her powder box mirror.
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Meiru’s reaction distracts Roll who is attacked from behind by the mini Coloredmen.
With Meiru incapable of doing anything (even less than before), Coloredman takes advantage of the situation and decides to get ready to delete Roll with the Aqua and Flame Towers.
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However, Yaito wont allow this to happend and runs down the stairs to where Meiru is to cheer her on. Madoi gets annoyed at this and decides to use her mirror on her too, which turns out be a bad idea.
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Yaito, with your forehead so bright, wont you blind my sight tonight?
Yaito’s shiny forehead returns the reflexion to Madoi who falls backwards droping her PET in the process.
This has an effect on the mini Coloredmen who get damaged and blow up, leaving Coloredman confused. Meiru takes the opportunity to FINALLY use one of the chips Yaito gave her which so happends to be a rare chip.
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Coloredman gets scared and counters with his ball, but the Triple Lance Battle Chip is too much for him and shoots through the ball hitting Coloredman afterwards, ending the battle.
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After Meiru and friends celebrate her victory they decide to go cheer for Netto in his battle.
Speaking of the battle, we see that things are heating up, literally, as Fireman and Rockman are standing back to back, talking to eachother.
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Netto slots-in the Elec Sword, Fireman uses a Fire sword and the episode ends with Hinouken saying something suspicious as he looks up at the sun.
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My thoughts on this?
Is it just me, or is everytime a shonen anime tries to focus on the girl characters, it ends up being lame in comparison?
Dont get me wrong, I love Roll and the way she battles, but the match felt more like a filler than an actual battle. I know Coloredman isnt the strongest Navi in the World Three... but he is a World Three Navi! It’s like they dumbed him down so he could lose against Roll and Meiru’s rookie fighting style. Rockman delivers punches and kicks from time to time, but Roll just pulls hair and pinches faces. It was pretty fun to watch though.
The dub decided to make this a two part episode, but it is originally two diferent episodes, this being part one and the next episode as part two because it ended in a cliffhanger.
Speaking of the dub, I find it really confusing how they changed Yaito and Meiru explaining Netto about Madoi after he asks them, the dub just cuts over to the flashback without mentioning it as such, it just looked like something that happend later rather than earlier, which makes the hat flying at the begining not make any sense.
This episode was probably a reference to the first game where Roll tried to stop Coloredman from blowing up a bus.
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Of course, she couldnt handle it and Rockman had to step in and save her, but Im not saying she did a better job here. Roll did good as always but her operator has no idea what she’s doing. Roll-chan did all the work and Meiru gets the praise because she send a rare chip at the very end, that was literally her only job!
 In the dub, a lot of dialogue was added where there wasnt, like in the part where Roll is about to get hit by Coloredman’s ball, the dub had her saying that it was too late to avoid it, better than just standing there waiting for it to happend.
To be fair, an operator also directs the Navi, telling them where to go or what attacks to use sometimes, but Meiru still SUCKS! Its until Axess where she becomes a little more competent, so we still have an entire season to suffer through her dumb operation. All we can do for now is root for poor Roll-chan.
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