#he looks like he flirts with femboys online
cry-ptidd · 1 year
For some reason, I think of Pip as bi. IDK why but he just gives me vibes that way Is it just me or is that a vibe other people have picked up on?
I’m so glad I’m not the only one with the Not-Het-Pip agenda
He definitely fucks his fellow comrades and doesn’t only pick up girls at bars
Somehow it’s way funnier if he’s in denial about it
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
V and Femboy Roommate Darling who pretends to be his girlfriend to impress his friends and parents. Tired of V whining about his online "friends" making fun of him for not having a girlfriend by now or his parents asking him when he'll find someone and looking to skip out on rent for a couple months Darling agrees to be V's pretend girlfriend in exchange for him covering their expenses. Bonus if Darling doesn't normally dress up normally/are low maintenance and wears nothing put worn out tees and sweatpants at home, and the first time V sees them when they're all dolled up is after they make the deal-
V: Okay, wait until I join the call then walk in and flirt with me a bit before I take over. Got it?
Femboy Darling: Got it~
"So, V - where's this girlfriend we've been hearing you talk about?"
V: she's-
Femboy Darling: Right here~
[Darling strolls into V's room - hair and makeup done wearing a skirt and one of V's shirts. They walk over to his desk and take a seat in his lap, throwing their arms around his neck and helping him pick his jaw off the floor]
Femboy Darling, kissing V's cheek: Hey, baby~
V: h.....hi......
"So your V's girlfriend?"
Femboy Darling: [giggles] one of them at least. V is such an amazing boyfriend. He's so sweet and always listens to everything I say. How about you tell them how we meet, babe? It was so romantic, like love at first site!
V: I.... uh....I....We.......
Femboy Darling: I think V's had enough games for one day. Maybe we can play something together sometime when he's feeling better, okay?
V: ....We don't have too...
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woetoy · 3 months
The ‘Yeah!’ Woe art you just posted kind of looks like a little streamer Twitch or Discord emote! That reminded me, Woe is a streamer/content creator, right? I would love to know more about that, like what kind of content he creates, what his community is like, if he does have little custom emotes or anything like that :3
Oh absolutely! I love Woe's stream escapades!
He's majorly a game streamer, but the streams are always very horny tinted unless he plays something scary instead. Imagine sims 4 or skyrim with the sex mods installed, or he plays resident evil for serious. He's basically repping the femboy/egirl aesthetic and acts the part too, flirting with his viewers and all. He'll do special streams also, like mukbang/eating/boba specials, just chatting streams, even something simple like putting a puzzle together, painting his nails, opening fanmail and gifts, and so on.
And then there's the full on sex work half of his gig. His followers can vote on the theme Woe will do for photoshoots and videos, and send him props and costumes, be it a maid dress or a whacky shaped toy with 50 modes. He also does Late Night streams with some goofy incentives. Like playing a scary game, but he's also got both a facecam and a boypussy cam set up and donations make a vibe go off to make him jump. Or a donation incentive is reached where he has to bounce on a toy for a whole playthrough of something.
All his stuff has strong branding, he has all the cute intro and stream over screens, emotes, gifs, an active discord server, everything! I figure he has very chill fans who show up for the silly streams, some folks with mild to extreme parasocial tendencies due to the sex work he does, some haters who can't decide if calling Woe a girl or boy is the right insult, etc. He has mods who keep that in check tho.
Overall he loves the job, it's fun being a cute hoggy online!!!
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catboybiologist · 1 year
Okay maybe it's time to make an actual designated pinned post
Edit: hiya! A new pinned post will come, but quick note that I am starting my transition MtF now. This pinned post, and all the pictures in it, predate that, however. General guide is that I'm referring to pre transition me as a femboy, and will be referring to myself as a trans woman to moment I start HRT. But I'm leaving this old pinned post up for now.
Hi! I'm CatboyBiologist. I'm a grad student in Molecular Biology with a passion for the ocean, nature, Fromsoft games, national parks, and weird tech stuff. I tastefully hornypost about men, women, and all others (so be warned), post spicy hot memes (fuck you I'm the funniest mfer alive), type out long rambles about science and nature, and play Fromsoft games. PLEASE send me cute pictures of your pets.
Oh yeah, I'm also a cis man who does this sometimes:
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I also make shitposts out of myself sometimes
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I've also made a couple guides on how to replicate these kinds of looks.
General overview of femboy stuff:
How I create cleavage looks from a relatively flat chest:
If you want a somewhat more realistic idea of what my figure looks like:
The best way to specifically see those posts and filter out everything else is probably to use the femboy tag on my profile.
Pronouns? Uuuuuhhhhhhhhh, idk dude just use whatever. It's far more gratifying to me to throw a look out there and see what people wanna use for it than to declare my pronouns. If that doesn't make sense to you, they/them or he/him is cool.
Asks and DMs are always open for science talk, cute animal pictures, casual non creepy flirting, or whatever else... With the SOLE exception of these two questions that I get WAY too often and will give final answers to here:
"Are you a biologist who studies catboys or a biologist that just happens to be a Catboy?"
Both. Do humans not study human biology?
(also I'm actually studying bio irl)
"why is it not catboyologist, hmmm? I am very clever"
To give a serious answer to a joking question I get way too much: This online persona (or whatever you want to call it) is about balancing and integrating two large parts of my personality: my career in and passion for biology, and my queerness and gender nonconformity. I wanted both of those parts to be clear, in a cute and fun username. Basically, "catboyologist" only has the same effect as my actual username if you already know my actual username- you can't interpret the "biologist" part from "catboyologist".
Plus, "catboyologist" has too many consecutive wide vowels. CatboyBiologist breaks it up so it sounds punchier.
Oh yeah and apparently I was a 196 microcelebrity? I never to thought I was popular enough for that but apparently some people do 🤷‍♀️. So uh, hi 196 tag, I'm abusing you for my pinned post LOL
I'll also abuse other tags I use somewhat frequently, so hi y'all
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Reminiscing about my NEET past.
For the most of my life, maybe without realizing it, I’ve been a very extroverted person, even if I spent pretty much all of my social life online.
(alot of the screenshots in this post are taken out of order, like a highlight reel more than anything, and they are VERY fucking cringe.) Going as far back as I can remember, I have always managed to surround myself with a decently sized group of people. When I was 13, I was Dio on the Degree-Gaming Jailbreak servers on Team Fortress 2, I had my own minigame I made up, “Dio’s Diner” where people would pretend to make a dish, I would rate it, and give them a gladiatorial thumb. I had no clue why people liked to play it. But even still, I became a regular and people started to miss me when I didn’t log on. This got to the point I started rubbing elbows with the staff team, and I nearly got a position, but I turned it down for the sake of simplicity.
Of course there was a girl. There’s always a girl, and a bro. Like some kind of formula that has to be filled, there’s a romance and a bromance. In this case, the girl was another regular by the name of “Lapis”  and the bro also a regular, who went by “CringeSimulator” Sorta weird names, but who doesn’t choose a weird one when they’re 13.
Lapis was the first girl I ever met who I kinda liked. But the nature of our relationship never went further than flirting. Neither of us felt qualified to enter a relationship. And so we didn’t. That being said we kept a habit of looking out for eachother when drama crept around the server.
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Cringe, he was a friggin lunatic, but looking back on our DMs, I wish I appreciated him more. He was a fun guy, but he was really deadset on becoming an opiate addicted femboy. While I was more set on living to see a day I would leave my room on a regular basis. 
This is a screenshot from when I found him in a trap thread on /b/, we were both 13 at the time, and he did post pictures of himself. Godspeed you magnificent dumbfuck.
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When I was 14, I was Akio, or VCLeijon in the Smolmuffin’s Oven Discord server. It was here that I went through phases where different people filled the different parts of what I considered the formula. 
There’s nothing I could compare to the experience of being in a small community discord. nights of staying awake just to see who could put together the stupidest sentence, playing roblox, ironically or unironically. whispering in eachother’s DMs about who we all liked, or who was in the center of drama. 
I liked a lot of people there, Maylin was the first, I guess. She was a complete idiot, but the kind of idiot you couldn’t help but pity enough to keep around. She had an incredible nymphomaniac aura that she spent on calls with every guy in our little server. Myself included. It is because of this reason there exists a picture of my erection held next to an empty can of monster for a size comparison.  hormones, am i right?
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Maylin fell out of standing with a lot of people in our community though, she was so dumb at times that she ended up hurting people, one poor dependent soul named Rafe ended up in the hospital when he realized that his girlfriend, Maylin, was the furthest thing from loyal.
That or he was already in the hospital. My memory is hazy and the logs for this stuff are on dead accounts.
After Maylin, Floof was next, He was trans and pre-op/meds, but he had an “UwU” voice that did something to my head. At first he said he was a 15 year old voice actor, and kept his voice high for practice, but he was also a bad liar.
 After he came clean, because I was 14, and he was 13, the slightest inclination of attraction was enough to make us both dive headfirst into a relationship. The only obstacle to that was, his boyfriends.  They wanted a polygamous relationship, but I didn’t fly with that.
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again, hormones, am i right..? After Floof, I spent some time just relaxing with my buds until my pal Matt introduced a school friend into our server. At first she was disgusted by my really, really edgy ways. But after that she soon found something charming about me, and we ended up talking every night. Many nights I’d fall asleep to her whispering lewd things into my earphones. It was too easy for me to forget that I was 14, and she was 18.  Grooming? Pedophilia? Maybe.  Fun? Definetely.
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She started some drama with the others in our groupchat, and we sorta fell out of contact. Soon after, I drifted from that friend group as well. I looked her up recently, and she’s fell off quite a bit, now a she/they/fae, she/they/fae is a streamer, with not too much success. After I drifted away from that group, I was sorta alone. When I was 15, I was Akio, on After The Flash: Sandstorm. After The Flash was a post-apocalyptic roleplay game.  You make a character, you put yourself on the map, and you pretend to be someone with more interesting flaws than the ones you have in real life. Akio’s flaws were that he had a need to fend off sobriety at all costs. Constantly drinking and smoking whenever he felt sad, coupled with an intense fear of being alone. Leading to him spending his every last cent on rum and coke’s at Cara’s Korean BBQ in the center of craterview.  Cara’s real name was Jasmin, a really short girl from the gold coast.. She was 14 when we met, and.. well, the reasons I only have a few screenshots for everyone else is that nothing else I said to them or vice versa was that interesting, however with Cara.. Nothing else we said to eachother was appropriate.
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From mutually consented light blackmail to, *very* detailed paragraphs on what we wanted eachother to do, or to do to eachother.. we spent almost every night of the month texting eachother. 
After our roleplay group broke up, we both had school to start, so we eventually fell out of contact. Even with the few more times I texted her, the same spark didn’t come back. 
Next post will be about the actual communities, and more of the bros.
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The First Blog, Wherein I Come Out As Queer & Dunno How Long Titles On Tumblr Should Be: I Had a Weird Week
Hi, I’m Michael Bennett producer of The (Bunny) Buni Perspective! and I had a bad week. Kinda of an amazing week. And here I am, talking about things I’m now no longer embarrassed to disclose.
I’m going to talk about the week in sections as they come to me, so this might jump around a little, but it ends with Bunny Bennett and a promise to see you tomorrow.
Warning frank discussion of sex, pot and LSD use and cursing you fucking dumbshits. I promise not to be too gross.
I Joined, Figured Out, and Then Deleted Grindr, In One Single Day.
Pause for applause.
Grinder is not for highly specific queers. The title queer is feeling like the correctt word for me, as it also means weird. . So I’m polly, so far I’m deeply in love with two girls. I’ll be writing more about Heather and Meghan in the next few blogs. Promise girls.
I’m turned on by femininity. Not just sexually, feminine things were the bane of my childhood and now they draw me in. To make this simple my ideal girl, in pop culture for many, many reasons, is some variation of:
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  ...35 and inserting gifs that make you blush...shame....
The thing is, I have for years been drawn to femboys and just shoved the feeling down. I can see the first guy I wanted to ask on a date vividly in my mind. I have a really hard time explaining it, but if Pearl were a boy, he’d be my dream guy. 
I’m also polly, so on the Internet I’m a ‘faggot cuck’
I promise tomorrow I will discuss the polly aspect of my sexuality in ore detail, for now just know I’m just complicated. 
Ok so, how do I convay any of that on Grindr? I can’t. I want to have a conversation. You cannot say that because it starts ‘hey’ then it’s just dick pics or boring, predictable bullshit.
I had a big realization. I’m a fucking jerk. I’ve been chatting online for decades and have treated the majority as badly as these guys treated me. Not that I sent dick pics, but if they didn’t do what I wanted I wasn’t nice or polite. Often I wouldn’t read their info well. I dunno. I felt pretty bad being ignored and hit on cause apparently I’m adorable?
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...fat piece of shit.
The REALLY cute girls on grindr were a minimum 100 miles away. None want to do a long distant thing, which is really what I want right now. And frankly the guys I want to meet are girls. And I know I’m queer because the other day I said, ‘That cock is adorable’ and that is not what a straight man says. 
I feel a lot better saying all that. Let’s talk about my favorite game I need to quit.
I Can Spot A Catfish A Mile Away After Two Full Days Of Talking Out Loud
I was playing League and I out of no where got a friend request. I take all of these, usually remembering them from a recent game. Not this time. First thing ‘she’ said was “I always get call a catfish” DOT DOT DOT
This ‘girl’ played well, we chatted in game, ‘she’ was REALLY flirty and I bought ‘her’ many skins in game, maybe 50$ worth? Can’t remember for my embarrassment's sake. I begged this person to talk to me face to face on skype and they made it into a fight every time. So I cut it off.
This happened to me recently. This person refused to talk to me while we played games (me out loud into my headset, and ‘she’ replying in chat). Every hour I begged this person to talk to me in anyway. At first they told me they only spoke Japanese and ‘she’ was embarrassed about the language, ‘she’ understood me too well for that, think I literally said, ‘What are you Chewbacca?’
I basically just talked. They replied and were REALLY needy. I mentioned skins at last and they changed how they talked a lot but then suddenly, this person couldn’t talked to me because of childhood tongue biting induced tongue paralysis. Also their name was Soka Hui? Apparently?
They told me their family was massacred. Like RECENTLY. So I looked it up:
That’s scary tho if that person recorded me.
I Fell in Love With a Guy
I did not want to. I could hear the mocking voices of my brothers from my childhood, the ghosts of my high school, the word ‘faggot’ as anything but gross, not something that turned me on. Not something I whispered to a guy, begging me to...he didn’t love me. He sounded really fucking pretty when he said I love you. He said my name so beautifully the echo of it makes me cry as I write this now. 
I would have called him a fucking faggot in 1997 and been angry. Might have gotten violent.
Now I wish Dexter would just say anything, perched in my lap and...
Well it’s stupid to dwell on things. I learned a lesson. The lesson here is ‘you can’t win, but always try.’ 
Here’s why: I did everything right, this is how Meghan and I began. Dexter and I have talked on and off for months. For about 8...maybe a year. Dexter was my dirty little secret. 
He called me and moaned and we...you know whatever, but always behind Heather’s back (she knows now). I hated to admit that guy was really...
Well he got a hold of me at the beginning of the week.
He told me that he wanted me to make love to him, say ‘I love you’ to me on his boyfriend’s bed. I took this too mean he wanted me to be in love so...we talked. 
We talked for an hour and I was so in love. He was interesting and funny. He had comedy bits memorized. He loves Star Wars.I wanted to keep talking. I thought we’d at lest text later.
I wanted to Love Star Wars with him. I wanted to meet him and do whatever he wanted. He cut off the call...I should have known an hour was kind of short compared to girls I had talked to in the past.
I didn’t hear from him for 3 days.
I had all this confused love in me. I barfed it all up. He was masturbating. Trying to get me to talk about sex and I was stammering and nervous and near crying. I told he was my first guy...the guy I was in love with, for real and he cut me off. There was a really hard to describe, painful, awkward silence. 
I flashed back to all the folder of evidence I had that he loved me, the saw the mountain of facts that said he was just getting off to me using him. Or...something. We haven’t spoken since.
I told him ‘I have a lot of cosplay ideas’ and he laughed.
He said he had to go and I said ok. He said ‘Talk to y-’ but I hung up and threw the phone. Cried. Last my game of League. Told Heather and Meghan. Cried in the shower.
I told Meghan and Heather about this guy throughout the three days he went silent. Meghan has a number of really hot ideas involving some third male person. Heather is asexual but really really like the idea of live yaoi.
Dexy...Dexter hurt me, really badly. I tried anything for a few days to distract myself, the catfish, grindr, other guys I know from chat rooms. I over bared myself to them when I could just do that here and link it.
That leads me to:
If We Got Married No One Would Have to Change Their Last Names, Cartoonist Who Draws Like Me, Puppeteer Who Made a Way Better Puppet Than Me and I Love It and Other Reason Why I Might Be In Love With Isabella Bunny Bennett
A long time ago. And right now I’m pausing to see if I can find the thing...
Ok as far as I know it’s gone? Maybe I can get it from Linkara’s title card artist.
He and I interviewed Isabella back when she in the long ago times and it was one of the all time best conversations I had ever had in my life. She is bright and funny and clever and i’m crying again, what the...Ok I came back in twenty minutes later to fix this mess. I did start crying a little. It’s hard to remember it all but Bunny was so natural, we finished each other’s thoughts. I really wanted to talk forever. She’s so...shit literally crying...
This was a very long time ago, John was still in the band.I lost track and my internet presence took a nose dive. That will get many blogs.
Her twitter posts recently (Sept’17) are really lining up with how I feel.The normal places I thought I could meet someone online, are failing me. It’s frustrating, but I can do one thing at least. Flirt with Isabella. I flirt with art:
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I got no context for this guy at the bottom...he didn’t get my context clearly.
...in the song Burning in the Stratosphere she makes a kissy noise and says...’I love you’ but at the beginning in a near whisper...chills. I wasn’t expecting it, really hadn’t visited the album it’s on til tonight.
I hope to talk more about Isabella in the future. I’m a chaos magician, so it’s likely to happen.
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