#he makes a blink and you'll miss it appearance but Huaxiu was about 14/15
arcxnumvitae · 9 months
"Impertinent brat!" He was sent crashing to the floor with a heavy thud. His cheek ached where the emperor had struck him, and though the salty tang of blood coated his tongue, it was worth it to see the handsome man's face twisted with rage.
The Emperor of Tengmen sneered. "Disobedient even now. You must think your spite an amusing show of rebellion. What, is it meant to be your own bit of vengeance for your parents?" A hand fisted in the prince's curls, eliciting a hiss as the emperor harshly yanked his head upwards to bring the prince's gaze to his glowering eyes. "Your life hangs in my hands, and yet you continue to push at me. Clearly, I've grown too lax with you."
Zhaohui didn't respond. Instead, he spat and a globule of blood and spittle landed right against the emperor's perfect cheek. The man reared back in disgust, and Zhaohui grinned. The next blow that landed was well worth it.
"I see." Panting, the emperor straightened. "Fine then. Guards!"
He didn't know what the emperor was planning as the guards drug him through the halls. Titters and chatter followed from courtesans and nobles alike despite the late hour, and he was certain he made quite the image-- the fallen prince being dragged through the halls, dressed in nothing but his sleepwear like a common criminal. He thought he saw the gaze of the imperial prince from a doorway as he passed, but the visage was there and gone before he could be certain.
He was brought to an empty chamber and thrown to the ground, before the guards retreated towards the doorway. The emperor had disappeared at some point during his shameful parade. The room was a meeting room by the looks of it, the furniture lacquered and wooden, and ornate decorations in the space. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as the prince's eyes darted around the room, and he nearly jumped to his feet when the door on the far side of the slid open to reveal the emperor and head of his council. They both stepped into the room, the emperor's fervent gaze fixed on his, his advisor's eyes downcast.
Zhaohui didn't know what this could possibly be about, until he saw the golden shackles held in the emperor's grasp. Did the man truly mean to shackle him like a common prisoner? A show of ownership? Before he could say or do anything, the older man's commanding voice rang out.
"Guards, hold the ill-mannered whelp still!"
Movement approached from behind, and heavy weights suddenly grasped at his limbs, pinning them to the ground. Zhaohui thrashed violently in their grasp, snarling and snapping back at the ones restraining them. The emperor drew closer, and Zhaohui, even in his rage, could better make out the shackles. They were were almost insulting thin and made of gold. Four each, with disconnected chains that dangled from each one.
The guards grasped one wrist and held it out in place along the ground as the prince screamed in rage. The first shackle clicked into place with a metallic tink. Then the second. Then third. And finally fourth. Zhaohui continued to kick and struggle until even the last shackle, and the glare that fixed itself on the emperor was venomous. He wanted to shackle him? Fine. The emperor should hope that he had a stockpile of these pathetically weak shackles, because he would find a way to remove them time and time again if he must--
"Jianhuren. Now." The emperor's commands cut through his thoughts, and Zhaohui froze. Red eyes traveled to the advisor, who had been standing several paces back throughout the entire ordeal, completely silent. Gaze still lowered, they slowly stepped forward until they had drawn close enough, and, after another beat of hesitation, they murmured a few words under their breath. Zhaohui's confusion was soon answered when the emperor, with a triumphant grin, wrapped his fingers around the shackle circling one of Zhaohui's wrists and tugged as if he were going to remove it.
Sharp, unimaginable pain lanced through the prince, and a tortured scream ripped itself from his throat. The agony made him want to claw at his skin, claw at his eyes, anything anything to ease it. The prince's body spasmed against the cool floor, curling in on itself to ward off a pain that had come from within. The guards had retreated at this point and harsh fingers gripped at his chin and yanked his gaze upwards. Delirious, his vision swam in and out of focus as the emperor pulled again and watched in glee as the prince let out another cry, muscles seizing helplessly. The emperor moved to pull a third time, at which Zhaohui was certain his mind would fracture if the man did, when another voice broke through the mania.
"Your Majesty."
At the cool reminder, the emperor looked back at his advisor, though Zhaohui couldn't make sense of their expressions nor what the emperor might have said in response. His vision was going dark, and as his consciousness faded as the emperor returned his attention, only the man's next words managed to pierce through as unconsciousness began to take hold.
"Let this be a lesson in the dangers of defying me."
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