#he might not be able to do those fancy kicking moves but thats okay!!!!
metrocatstudios · 6 years
He's learning!!!!!
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marvinswriting · 4 years
a beautiful roar (that’s in my head)- one
welcome to the first fic in the mean heathers au. thats right. a crossover au. bear and i have so many hcs and ideas about this au, and this was so much fun to write. keep in mind, this is only chapter one....much more to come
Tw: d slu, the ususal
mean heathers au ft bmc
Veronica stared at the hotel room laid out before her.
"Well, it's nice." Heather McNamara said, stepping into the room and lowering her suitcase.
It was a nice hotel room. A bathroom, mini corner kitchen, two beds, a closet, and a dresser. Just- 
very small.
"Remind me why we're here again?" Veronica places her suitcase on the edge of the bed Mac didn't pick.
"Veronica," Heather says resembling a disappointed mother. "We are here for Ram and Kurt. This is a big sport tournament for them and we're lucky enough to be able to come here through the school."
"And it's an excuse not to be in school." Heather finishes.
"Mhmm." Veronica teases.
Westerburg was attending some big event for schools across the nation. It featured sports for both tinies and giant and was only for the best of the best teams.
To have the tiny football team here was an honor.
"Maybe they'll fund the teams properly now," Heather said. "The tiny cheer squad and the football team have always been the better ones. They just won't fund us because we're smaller. Literally."
Veronica cackles, flopping on her bed. "This is why I don't bother with sports."
Heather grins. "No, it's just because you're lazy."
"Yo! Heather! Ronnie!" The hotel door swings open, Kurt popping his head in. "Heather wants us in the lobby, stat."
Veronica rolls her eyes standing up as Kurt disappears. "We should remember to lock that door."
"Yeah." Mac grins, getting up. "Better not keep them waiting."
The lobby was a lot nicer than the tiny room, as most things are. It was furnished with expensive-looking couches and fancy coffee tables. Sitting at one of those nice sofas already was Duke, Chandler, and JD.
Veronica, Heather, Ram, and Kurt stood at the platform where the tiny hotel ended, flagging down their friends. 
Chander noticed them first, whispering something to Duke before the green Heather got up and walked over. 
"Hi, Heather." Mac said.
"Hello, Heather."
Even to this day, the whole Heather, Heather, and Heather never got any less confusing for Veronica. 
Duke let Veronica and Heather on her shoulder before scooping up Ram and Kurt. 
She walked back over to the coffee table, dropping the two jocks roughly. 
Veronica and Mac stayed on the shoulder, where it was safer.
"So, what I was about to say," Duke continued what she was talking about before grabbing the tinies. "Another school here, Northshore, they're here for soccer and football, their HBIC is a tiny. Regina George."
"Really?" Chandler's eyebrows raised.
"Mhmm." Duke nods. "Their social hierarchy is all out of wack too. Regina kicked a friend off the squad and ruined her social life only to befriend her again later, with her social life still ruined. And the tiny got replaced by a giant only for Regina to rule again."
"Must be one strong tiny." Mac said.
"Or a little bitch." JD offered, not even bothering to look up from his phone. 
"It could be both." Veronica said.
"Wait I'm not done."
"Do tell more. I feel like I'm hearing the summary of a bad Netflix show."
"There's rumors of this dude, Damian. He's punched Shane Omen."
"Shane Omen?!" Chandler leaned forward. "You're kidding."
Northshore and Westerburg might not be close schools, but popular kids know popular kids, no matter what. Veronica who was still fairly new to the popular kid life- had no idea who Shane Omen was.
Gotta be a pretty big asshole to get a reaction like that out of Chandler though.
"Jesus, okay. Let's not piss off this Damian."
Duke nodded. "Apparently broke his nose."
"Damian's got a tiny friend, Jane, Janis, something with a J. Shane was fucking with her- as one does- and Damian just decked him."
"So, all I'm hearing is that J girl is off-limits," JD says.
"You're not threatening tinies." Veronica scolds.
"It is fun to do though," Duke says.
Veronica held the shoulder underneath her tighter.
Her giant friends would never actually hurt her, but that didn't mean they didn't like to fuck around.
"Ha! Shane's a loser." Kurt said from the table.
"You've never met him," Duke says. "Quiet."
"Who is Shane?" Veronica asks tentatively.
"A boy Heather and I would party with a couple of summers back," Chandler explained. "He came to Westerburg every summer up until highschool. Biggest asshole I've ever met but man. He's a pretty good kisser."
"I wonder if Shane's here this year since Northshore is here." Duke questions out loud. 
"Maybe. Northshore is here for tiny soccer and giant football." Mac answers.
"Two? Holy shit." Ram exclaims from the table. "You think we could take on their giant football team?"
"They'd use you as the ball." Duke deadpans.
"This place is big and loud and I'm just not having a good time." Janis sinks further into Damian's jacket pocket. 
"We're doing it for Aaron, love." He reminds her, opening the door to the hotel room Damian has.
Janis was supposed to share with Regina, but since Damian got his own room, well- Janis was definitely staying with him. 
"Couldn't we have just gotten him a 'wow you're a good soccer player' card and moved on?"
Damian chuckled. "No, sweets. We're good friends. Unless you just want a card next art show you win."
Janis huffed but provided no further argument.
Aaron was playing a game right now, actually, but the rest of the gang had to check-in. If they rushed, they could probably make it to the end of the game. 
Not that it mattered. Tiny games were recorded and live-streamed into a theater where giants could watch or playback later on the tournament's website. It wasn't the same as being in the bleachers watching the game live.
Still, Damian dropped their luggage and went to meet everyone else back in the lobby.
Cady was already in the streaming room, supporting her tiny as usual. Gretchen picked up Regina and met Damian and Karen before walking to the rooms themselves. 
The room was pretty empty because once again- replay online. 
Cady saved three seats in the front row for the other giants and grinned hen everyone sat down. 
"It's a tie with one minute left."
"I don't understand soccer," Janis said, trying to make sense of the commotion on screen. 
The ball was passed to Aaron and she watched as he dribbled it down the field, shooting it into the goal. 
The goalie reached out but the ball just bounced past the tips of his fingers, landing in the net as the whistle blew.
Cady jumped up with a cheer. "Yeah!"
"Did Aaron score a winning goal? I don't understand soccer." Gretchen asks with a nervous laugh.
"Is that good?" Janis says.
"Yes, it's good! Northshore won the first match!"
"Hell yeah!" Regina cheered.
The live stream ended as Cady called Aaron.
"Where do we meet you?"
There was silence as Aaron responded to Cady, something the rest of the gang couldn't make out.
"Okay, we'll see you there."
Cady hangs up the phone turning to her friends. "The team is taking the bus back to the tiny part of the hotel, Aaron will meet us in the lobby."
"Okay but how long with that take," Janis says. "Tiny bus means a long ride."
"Bout an hour."
"So let's explore for an hour!" Karen says. "This place is huge."
"I don't think I can put into words how badly I hope you fall." Duke remarked, watching Kurt trying to do pull-ups hanging off the edge of the table.
Veronica laughed from her spot on JD's shoulder. "Ram, push him."
No hesitation, the jock pried his friend's fingers off the edge of the counter.
Chandler rolled her eyes. "None of you know how to act."
"Please be careful." Heather McNamara said worryingly, peering over the edge of the table where Kurt fell.
"You don't have to be." Duke sneered.
 "Heather." Chandler turned to the girl sitting next to her. "I want to go look around. Come with me. JD, please try not to kill the tinies."
"Okay, Heather." Duke stood up, lifting Kurt back to the table in the process.
"Heather, you're in charge." Chandler pointed to the small girl on the table.
"So, tell me moth about the other schools."
Veronica watched as both giants walked away, their conversation fading. 
"You've reached Regina's voicemail. Either I'm busy talking shit about you or I don't want to talk to you. You know what to do, beep!"
Janis sighed, lowering the phone from her ear and looking around the room.
She lost Regina about ten minutes ago and there was still no sign of the blonde.
The was on one of the rooms off the lobby that was tiny accessible. More specifically, she was standing on the tiny platform. 
There were lots of people in the room, both big and small, but no Regina Geroge.
Janis's eyes trail over the giant crowd, trying to find some of her bigger friends.
"You lost, shortie?" A voice calls out.
Janis looked to see who girls, both wearing ridiculous costumes, staring at her.
The girl who spoke was wearing green and had sleek black hair tied into a low ponytail by a scrunchie.
"No, I'm not." Janis states flatly.
Shes had enough of asshole giants from Northshore. She doesn't need it from other schools.
The girl in red looks her up and down silently. She gave off an entitled vibe and Janis didn't like it. Very pre-bus Regina. 
"Can I help you?"
The red chick suddenly reached out and Janis stepped back.
"Use your words, not your hands, bitch."
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused."
"My name is Heather Chandler. You don't get to talk to me like that."
Who does this bitch think she was? Heather Chandler. Okay? Doesn't change anything. 
Janis was having a pretty shitty day She didn't need this.
"And I'm Janis Sarkisian. Great, we're on a first-name basis. Leave me the fuck alone."
The green chick seemed to have a moment of recognition but didn't vocalize it. Before Janis could say anything about it, a hand landed on her shoulder.
"Sorry for leaving you, I saw somebody I knew." Regina explained. "C'mon, Damian's looking for you. Don't want him to lose it."
Jains groaned. "He needs to stop worrying about me."
"Damian?" Heather asked. "Are you two- from Northshore?"
If Janis didn't know any better she'd say she looked scared.
"What's it to you?" 
"No, it's nothing. Never mind. Sorry about earlier." 
Heather turned away, dragging her friend with her.
"What was that?" Regina asked.
"No fucking clue," Janis said, turning to the tiny exit. "Let's go."
They walked through the tiny halls, making their way to the lobby. "Those girls were confusing," Janis said. "One minute it's all, I'm Heather Chandler, don't talk to me like that, and the next its all, I'm so sorry. What a bitch."
"Okay, somebody isn't having a good day."
"No, I'm not. Thanks for noticing."
The anxiety of being in a whole new crowded place, mixed with exhaustion, and just lots of things going wrong today was the perfect formula for a pending breakdown.
"I need a nap."
"Ohhh me too," Regina said as they entered the lobby. "Let me call Gretchen, let her know we're here. Oh, twelve missed calls from Janis."
"Yeah. Stupid."
The whole gang sat at one of the dining tables where the hotel was hosting a Sunday bar in celebration of kicking off the tournaments. Gretchen dropped Janis and Regina off at the tiny table to get food telling them to flag her down when they were done.
To be honest, Janis wasn't that hungry. Just tired. So fucking tired.
"Yo! Space Dyke!"
God damnit.
"Not today, Shane. Seriously."
Regina and Janis turn around to see Shane Omen, backed up by a boy they've never seen before.
Janis huffs stepping back as Shane reaches his hand. "Dude. Not fucking kidding."
Not that she's kidding normally. But, with a new environment and piles of stress, she might just start sobbing.
Like that would hinder Shane anyway.
"Please, I just want to introduce you to my friend."
"We've heard a lot about the little space alien." The friend sneers.
Space alien over dyke anyway.
Janis was pretty desensitized to the name. 
"Well, now you've met me. Leave me alone."
"Damn, she's got a bite, huh?"
Not a bad idea.
Regina wrapped her arm around Janis. "Shane. Please take you and your goons and leave."
Shane grins. "This ain't Northshore, Reggie. You think I'll listen to you?"
"It be in your best interest too." A voice calls behind Shane.
The duo turns around to give view to Gretchen and Damian- neither looking too pleased.
Shane's friend shugs. "And what would you do about it?"
Gretchen raised her eyebrows. "Excuse me?"
Without a warning, a hand grabs Janis off the platform. "What. Would. You. Do. About. It?"
Why doesn't Regina get picked up and messed with?
"Hey!" Janis pushed at the fingers wrapped around her. This was pretty par for a school day, but-
This was supposed to be a fun week to support Aaron.
What the hell.
"Put her down!" Damian steps forward. 
"And who are you to do anything about it?"
Gretchen pauses for a moment before ginning, stepping next to Damian. "That's Damian Hubbard."
Shane's friend holding me laughs. "Damian? You're kidding. Shane- this is the dude who broke your nose?"
Shane huffs but can't defend himself over his friend's laughter.
"Jesus, and here I thought I should be worried."
The fist around Janis tightens, further then Shane's ever fucking done.
She almost preferred Shane. 
"Stop-" She couldn't breathe.
Her ribs hurt.
What the fuck.
"What you gonna do about it, Damian." The dude holding Janis mocks. "Punch me? I'd like to see you try."
"Oh fuck! Get em, Damian!" Regina cheers.
If Janis could breathe, maybe she'd laugh.
There's a whacking sound as the fist around her releases and Janis can only assume Damian did fact, punch him.
She had bigger worries though as she went from an extreme lack of air to being surrounded by nothing but-
This truly felt like your average school week. 
It felt just like Northshore.
The hands, the grabbing, the freefall and the-
Janis landed on a warm surface just like normal
-the catch.
Damian's fingers wrapped around Janis the second she was securely in his hand. 
Janis looked up as she was brought to Damian's chest to see Shane's friend bent over, holding his nose.
Regina was cheering, still on the ice cream bar counter.
"What the fuck was that for?" Shane asked stepping forwards aggressively.
Damian shrugged. "Did he not literally say he wanted to see me try?"
"Yes, he did!" Regina grinned.
Y'know when a cornered dog lashes out? Yeah, Shane resembled that.
He stepped towards the tiny platform. "You're a fucking bitch Regina George. I hope you know that. I could fucking kill you if I-"
"Hey, Shane?" Gretchen tapped him on the shoulder, making him turn around. 
There was a loud smack that echoed through the room- over the other conversations around up. 
Shane's hand shot to his cheek. "Did you just slap me?"
"I'll do it again." Gretchen stood to her full height, chest to chest with Shane. "Fuck. Off."
Janis felt Damian's fingers tighten around her. Not painfully just- defensively.
Fortunately, Shane and his friend walked away, both clutching their faces.
"I guess that solidifies the rumors," Gretchen mumbled, glancing over the crowd, most of whom were staring at the four of them.
"What rumors?" Regina asked, allowing herself to be scooped up by Gretchen.
"Nothing lets just- eat ice cream."
Heather and Veronica sat in one of the tiny spaces in the hotel.
They were just little areas with sofas and vending machines but- they were tiny-sized and it was nice.
"Have you seen Kurt or Ram?" Heather asked. 
"No, maybe it's for the best. They're probably doing something stupid." Veronica said, glancing up from her phone. 
Three kids their age walked into the room, making way to the vending machine. Veronica didn't may them much mind, a lot of students stay at the hotel for the event, there have been lots of kids walking in and out. They typically didn't interact.
"Um, excuse me?"
Veronica looked up to see a girl with two-toned length hair. She wore a baggy denim jacket covered in paint and fancy patterned fishnets.
"Do you happen to know a Heather Chandler?"
"Uh, yes? Why?" Heather responded.
The girl shrugged. "You all have a similar get-up. Wasn't sure if it was a coincidence." She stepped closer as her friends finished up at the vending machine. "I'm Janis."
Janis' eyebrows raised. "Two Heather's in the same friend group? Doesn't that get confusing?"
"Actually there's three. And yes, it's confusing as fuck." Veronica nods.
Janis grinned. "Sounds rough."
The boy she was with stood next to her holding candy from the machine. "I'm Aaron, the girl kicking the vending machine for her chips is Regina."
There's a clunk and Regina bends down. "Got it!"
Janis shook her head. "Well Heather and Veronica, maybe we'll see you around."
The trio waved bye and they turned down the hall, their voices fading.
Heather waved after them before turning back to Veronica. "Well, they seem nice!"
oh ho ho when i say me and bear have talked about this for weeks- i mean weeks. this will be fun
@realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons
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faunusrights · 4 years
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Glynda was saying: “I know we aren’t friends. I know we aren’t partners. I know you’re a criminal. But—I think I can trust you. I think I have to trust you, even if you’ve done awful things before.”
IT’S BEEN A WHILE HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but dw offal hunt, like the rising of the sun, the arrival of winter, and the eventual downfall of capitalism, always returns. so lets go.
(i just quickly reread chapter 18 liveblog to remember what happened and Ah Yes I Remember Now. The Suppressed Memories)
The place was emptier without Glynda. Quieter.
/gunshot oh we’re in danger right out of the gate huh? we got some yearning right out here? right now? how quickly the turn do tables.
Cinder appraised her work, holding the beige coat up to the light and squinting.
man i forgot. i FORGET. how much i just love cinder in this fic. sometimes she kinda zones to the back of my mind where she sits waiting for me to start thinking about her again, but now i remember that this cinder is Peaque. look at her GO, minding her own BUSINESS. im proud of her. does she know i love her.
It didn’t take long to don her new, fire-proofed clothes.
in another world, in a more comical plot, she used asbestos. it didnt go well.
The subtle warmth of the Dust teased tension from Cinder’s stiff muscles, even as she marvelled at the strangeness of her own bedroom’s space. It seemed bigger now than it had the last two nights.
She chose not to dwell on it.
i choose to dwell on it! ME!!!! I CHOOSE TO DWELL ON IT. HEY CINDER WHAT THIS GAY SHIT. hello. ma’am. can we look deeper into this. i, for one, would like to, and i, for one, think its of value to think abt this. that said, small segue
Quietly, Cinder murmured, “I didn’t freak out.”
THE FACT SHE SAYS IT ALOUD LIKE EM AND MERC CAN HEEEEEEAR HEEEEEEEER i am. INFATUATED with this family. cant wait for the 100k spinoff thats basically an elongated beach episode where they go to like. alton towers. or butlins. six flags??? thats a thing in america right??? anyway. beach episode. call me. (wink wink nudge nudge push push shove shove)
 We had to stop back in because Merc left his favorite binder, and it was 2 in the morning, so it was easier to crash here for the night than mess with the ship’s autopilot.
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them,,, THEM!!!! mercury is just a son and childe. thast it. he canot change this. i love these kids so much i am SHAKING THE MONITOR RN!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAA
Stuck here in one of the homes they’d shared, Cinder missed them terribly. Missed the sound of their voices and the easy comfort of their presence. Finding the time to contact them had been difficult, between managing Glynda and Hati both, but Glynda was gone, and she’d sent Hati onwards to Atlas. She remembered her call with Emerald, before arriving in Umbraroot; she knew it had not soothed her or her fears.
im sorry was this chapter targeted at me, specifically, as a human being on planet earth? GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS FAMILY!!!!!!!!! THIS WONKY OLD BANDAGED UP FAMILY UNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thrive every time they are mentioned on the page. it is a blessing. my succulents grow stronger each time they show up.
“No,” Cinder argued softly, “I had to. Mercury, you deserve to hear it from me as well. I am sorry. And I am promising you: I’ll come back.”
For a long, heart-wrenching moment, he was completely quiet. It was good that Cinder was alone in the apartment; laying herself bare like this would be unbearable with an audience.
i am OBSESSED WITH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM GOING TO BE THINKING ABOUT THIS UNTIL I D I E. of all thing the remaster does better than og, this is just. SPEEDING AHEAD. this whole CONFLICT this whole MESS just makes everything so much RICHER its like when u splash some wine in yr fancy food or stick some cinnamon on yr favourite desserts u dont NEED TO but it adds that lil SOMETHING,,, that little KICK that just ties the flavour profile together and in this case ofgughugguhu it just GIVES SO MUCH. im making SNOW ANGELS in the WORDS on the PAGE.
“Mercury. If I could prove it to you, I would. But you have to—trust me. For just a while longer.”
“It’s getting harder,” he said. He didn’t sound like he was lying just to hurt her. That wasn’t spite. That was honest anger. And it made her feel like dirt.
im less picking these for specific instances of like, things i want to say, but more just because bits of this r rly just so /chef kiss. cinder has these.... endearingly (take that whichever way u like) human qualities in OG to rly make u realise she had ties to add to her #Doubt but the remaster is just AMPING it up and u FEEL IT and ive never been more SYMPATHETIC to a round-faced sinnamon bun of assholery and fire id DIE for cinder fall and this is a fact PUT IT ON MY GRAVESTONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Is there anything you need?” What was this? Cinder could barely focus on her words. It felt like... “Anything? At all?”
“We’re fine.”
“Mercury, wait please—” She was losing him. “I think—”
“Just hurry up.”
The line went dead.
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this place is not a place of honor.................. no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here........................ nothing valued is here................ IM DYING
Cinder began to type out her response, and that was when the nausea really kicked in. 
She recognized this now.
stress stress stress stress STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
There shouldn’t be anybody. Cinder had done everything in her power to cut Glynda from people who would interfere. To isolate her. Make it easier to bring her to Atlas, to the frozen north, to her mother and the machine…
Cinder’s esophagus quivered; furiously, she shut her eyes and thought of nothing.
god cinder don’t remind me that you’re an asshole and dipshit and also a moron im trying to be NICE and CARE ABT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP REMINDING ME YOU’RE A PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
FOR FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The front door clicked open.
Cinder couldn’t have said how much time had passed, only that it had passed slowly. What she did know was that it was Glynda returning, the sensation of boils bursting wafting off her soul. It crawled over Cinder’s flesh. She curled in on herself.
There were mites under every nailbed. Salt in her weeping mouth.
offal hunt’s brilliant use of this horror aspect is something i have tried previously to emulate and here’s a fact, take it from me: that shit is HARD. offal hunt consistently able to whack those real nasty, really Disgusting vibes on the head EVERY TIME is a work of art. i mean, kc and diesel do not fuck around, and therefore i am NOT surprised, but it’s only when u try this shit yourself that you realise: this is hard! this is difficult! it’s a huge testament to how GOOD this fic is in every way. also this whole fucking body horror aspect is something i didnt know this fic needed, but it did, and here we are. 
Thickly: “Things were going okay. If you hadn’t gotten nasty, I might have smoothed things over. I could have fixed things with my son.”
with my son
with my son
with my son
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im like sweating rn
Glynda said, “I’m scared.”
“I don’t want to tell you.”
Glynda asked, “Are you lying to me?”
And Cinder said, “What?”
“About me. About Witches. About Ozpin—” Cinder’s guts went sour. “—About anything. I need to know if I can trust you.”
“I know you’ve lied to people. Hurt people.”
Adrenaline and the image of her kids’ faces behind her eyes made a potent, sick cocktail. “—Not. Now.”
so lets like double back to when i said hey was this chapter written to target me specifically and as it turns out, yes. yes it was. yes it was and as MUCH AS I AM LIVING FOR THIS MOMENT THIS SWEET BUILDUP THE EXPLOSION AND THE CRATER IT ALL LEAVES BEHIND
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so this next bit is like. i cant really quote one section but as i was saying in Vague DMs, this whole bit feels like wading through mud. usually if you say something consumes energy to Read it’s in a Bad Way when yr bored but this is more like. you Feel cinder all over everything feels so sluggish and it’s like dragging your own corpse around as you try and leave and you’re TIRED and your LEGS HURT and you’re kinda thinking god what if i just fell face down for just a moment of my LIFE.
The putrid weight of Glynda’s soul filled the room until there was no space left for her.
it’s like being trapped in a sauna, like getting stuck in a humid waiting room. where do you GO. what do you DO. god this whole section is fantastic and offal hunt NEVER fails to fucking nail the Vibes but reading it is HARD. i literally keep having to stop and breathe like ive been holding my breath. jesus h christ.
a small intermission for a mood:
“Get fucked.”
back to regularly scheduled hell
Out of the bedroom. Down the hall. The walls were sweating with heat. She tasted smoke. 
i love that i just said how i feel like im trapped in a sauna and it turns out: thats because me and cinder both, baybee!!!! hahahaha help
Glynda’s soul chewed her to the marrow. “Move, Glynda.” 
cinder being hunted at the start of this fic: teehee! im running away! now im gonna getcha! heehee! arent i clever :) cinder being hunted now: this uh. this blows, actually,
Cinder’s pulse roared in her ears. Her hands twitched. She smelled Ochre Brown’s round face melting off. His wide smile shattered with each of his teeth, going black and popping like corn.
this chapter is probably my favourite so far for this blending of so many elements. i cant even begin to like. THINK STRAIGHT about how all of this is tying together. the lore. the THEMATICS. like i said this character rly is just Rich with what og lacked and oh is it RICH. im gonna read this chapter in future and see so much that i know ive already missed. holy shit.
“Ms. Fall,” she said. “The White Fang requires your presence immediately.”
Cinder stood there looking at it for a moment. Her thoughts were slow. Copper-tinged. Something small and indulgent whispered to her through the blood-fog.
It was obvious enough what would happen if she got into this car. The driver would take her to a secluded place, where she would be ambushed by a squadron of battle-hungry White Fang grunts.
They’d try to take her down. And she was a killer, wasn’t she? Ochre Brown wailed in her ears with every thump of her runaway heart. Her hands itched for action; her teeth, for blood.
She’d burn them black.
never mind! you are already dead,
She thought about Glynda. About her saying that if there was trouble with the Fang, she wanted to come. That she would fight for Cinder.
She thought of Glynda’s question: What aren’t you telling me about Ochre Brown?
Yeah, fuck that.
this is EASILY my favourite chapter so far. EASILY. everything about this was peak offal. the relationships. the dynamics. the dialogue. the vibes. the Grossness. the fighting. the EVERYTHING. this is some other level and its BITCHIN. PEAK. that said im now very tired. im going to have a cup of tea and Consider Things for a few hours. brb.
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sheepsandcattle · 5 years
Chapter 9
Both of their heads whipped around at once, zeroing in on a group of four men across the street, chuckling among themselves as they walked on.
“You what?” Brandon scowled at first, squaring up his shoulders as he jutted out his chin. “You know what they say, mate; it’s fags that can sniff ‘em out best.”
“Gaydar,” Curly had supplied, giggling mostly for show.
They’d heard it all before, been pushed about a few times for being a bit camp, but they were seventeen and drunk on a Tuesday afternoon and had no reason to take life too seriously. Besides, they’d found a long time ago that carelessness is contagious; most people that would take the piss would end up taking a shine to them if given the chance.
That day didn’t seem like one of those times though, because the poor bloke’s mates were cackling, shoving him playfully to keep him sweet, but he’d gone red in the face and looked over the road at them like he was thinking about crossing it. He’d said, pathetically, “fuck off,” but couldn’t think of much more.
“To be fair, mate, you’re a bit of me, you are,” Curly snorted, pointing across the road, back at him.
The stranger, still glaring as his mates chuckled (at least they knew how to have a laugh), looked like he was about ready to fire a comeback their way, but Curly already had Brandon bent over a bollard as he humped him from behind. Brandon did his best to wriggle away, but was too busy laughing too and couldn’t quite straighten himself out.
“Fucking rank,” the bloke scoffed, then added, “you’re sick,” as he stormed up the street in the other direction while Curly and Brandon stood doubled over, snorting and whooping with laughter as the red-faced wanker stomped off.
Curly’s never fancied a bloke in his life. That’s how he knows he’s not gay — and, trust, he’s had plenty of opportunities (mostly since he moved from home, actually) to dabble in all that shit, but it just doesn’t… It’s not…
But then he’s never really fancied a bird before, either and he’s had chances there, too. He’s just always felt a bit too immature to be thinking about getting himself a girlfriend so, honestly, he’s not quite sure what it’s meant to feel like to like someone in that way. All he does know is he hasn’t looked at Jordan and wanted to snog his face off or anything, which he knows is a bloody big part of it.
He can’t really say he looks at Jordan and sees him in any kind of way other than wildly bold and just a bit too cool for him. Maybe that’s all it is though; maybe he’s just chuffed because some fella he thought was cool at a party now seems to quite like him and it’s got him all giddy. But then, he supposes, straight guys don’t go on dates with guys because they ‘seem cool.’
“So you are gay?”
“What? No, I aren’t gay. I don’t want to shag the guy, m’just…” Curly huffs, stunted in thought as he forgets where exactly he was going with it in the first place.
“You’re just…” Lola smiles, amused. He doesn’t know what he just is, but she’s waiting patiently — for his conclusion or for him to find the tabs he’s trying to dig from his inside pocket as he speaks.
They only met tonight, at a party he came to with the sole purpose of dealing then fucking off, but ended up staying until now, 3am, to talk to this lass called Lola about a love life he’s never had but might have soon but also might not because he’s not gay and, in fact, might not ever have because he in’t straight either, so where does that leave him?
“Curious.” He shrugs, satisfied for only a moment before he adds, “about him. Curious about ‘im, not about my… Preference. Or whatever— Where the fuck are my drugs.”
“I told you. I’m sure I saw you sell the whole batch,” she insists for the third time in the past ten minutes. “You should keep better track of your stash, Curly.” She still says it like she’s testing it out, even after never having heard his real name. “Listen, I have these pills. You let me try a line for free, so I’ll share.”
And she does. Fuck knows what she shares, but she does, and Curly loses some time but ultimately ends up sat in the living room as he watches some bloke talk obliviously to his mate as a long, black, thousand-legged creature shines beneath the ceiling light as it scurries out of his right ear and down his face and neck, over his shoulder, down his front, exoskeleton creaking as is bends, down his trouser leg, growing longer and wider as is crawls…
“Fuck me,” he mumbles, reaching blindly to his right to grab Lola’s wrist, get her attention and ask, “what the fuck is coming out of that geezers—“
Lola just laughs, powder pink hair falling into her face as she multiples right there beside him. He’s about to comment on that, but then he’s distracted again anyway, back to the giant insect, and his eyes wider than the black hole in the ground that the creature crawls into before it closes back up again, beige carpet growing back over like ivy.
It’s the shortest but most intense hallucination he’s ever had.
“What are you on?” Jeff tries to frown but ends up laughing as Curls plops into the passenger seat of his car.
“I d’know mate. I didn’t ask,” Curly grumbles and buries his head between his legs, shutting his eyes because he’s about three wrong moves away from yoshing in on Jeff’s car mat. “I think I saw Beelzebub.”
Jeff scoffs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Buckle up.”
“Can’t.” He groans. “I’ve never in my life… esveranced—” Air gets trapped in his throat. ‘No,’ he thinks, ‘no sick in the car,’ and breathes.
“These girls I met tonight,” Curly wines. “She was about fifty of them.”
“I have no idea what—“
He groans, head shaking in his hands. How is Jeff not understanding how mortifying this situation is? “Then this bloke ‘ad a thing in his ear an’ then the floor went. And I looked like a twat.”
His mate chuckles then and says, “well, yeah.”
“Have y’got milk in? I need coffee and maybe a… What’s them things with—“
“Sorry, pal, I may be your cabby but you’re not my lodger tonight. Couch is taken,” Jeff says as the car turns left and Curly falls sideways against the door. “And we thought J was wasted.”
“J,” he repeats and then slowly raises to sit back in his seat. All the streetlights smudge together. “Jordan, J?” Jeff hums and oh God, he can just see it now; Jeff going home and telling Dean about this, Jordan overhearing, all of them getting a right kick out of it. Jordan will never text him then because he’s a weirdo that gets high, has a gay crisis and sees the devil in strangers’ ears. “Don’t tell ‘im I’ve seen the Devil.”
“You got it, pal,” Jeff says.
"No, serious,” he insists as he flails his right arm before something flies out of his sleeve and onto the floor between his feet
“What the hell was that?”
He looks down, feels about until his hand touches plastic and he retrieves a small baggy. “Are you taking the piss,” he scoffs. He knew he never sold a whole batch.
“I’m telling you mate, I’ve never known anything like it.” Curly shakes his head, slouched back on the couch as Oscar presents him with a mug of coffee. “It -cheers- it lasted about thirty seconds; monsters; back holes; seeing doubles; everything, and then it was just… Done. Proper creepy.”
“You’re not cut out to be a drug dealer, Curly,” Jules mocks as he spreads out in the recliner. “You don’t have the self-discipline or tolerance.”
Oscar chuckles as he sits beside him on the couch. “Or the stomach for it, if the steps outside have anything to do with you.”
“Better than yoshing in the kitchen sink,” Curls shoots back, and Oscar can’t argue with that because, yep, that was fucking minging and Curly thanks his lucky stars often that it was Oscar and not him that clogged the sink with—
His phone buzzes as Jules goes on a rant about said sink fiasco, suddenly reliving the fury of that night, and Oscar has to defend himself all over again.
Curls digs his phone from his pocket, just glances at first to see— Fuck sake.
He knew that dickhead wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut and, although his dramatics left with the contents of his stomach last night meaning he’s not so convinced now that Jordan would cut him off over his drug-induced (un)holy experience, he’s positive he’s not going to enjoy reading whatever punchline the guy has about Curly’s antics. He’s heard how brutal Jordan can be.
15:24 - guess i’m texting first - game over
Oh. Oh, okay. Curly can feel himself grinning already, shit, and has to excuse himself to his bedroom because he can feel Oscar frowning over his shoulder and needs a minute to just… Smile like a twat. He perches on the edge of his bed, tries to think of something exciting to say but his mind is blank.
15:25 - youre a good sport
Is that funny or rude? Both? None? Should he have said ‘lol’ or is that not cool anymore? What if—
15:25 - 2 questions
Okay, fast replies. Curly likes that but also kinda needs time to gather his thoughts because apparently Jordan is even cool over text and he needs to work out how to match that and how not to make it obvious that he’s usually the type to use text-talk and excessive smileys.
15:27 - just no maths pls
15:28 - deal. 15:28 - 1. will you be free at 7pm friday?
15:31 - yep thats good for me!
“Curly your coffee,” Oscar calls through the door.
“In a minute,” he shouts back, maybe a little too harshly, but he’s too busy stressing over whether or not exclamation marks are stupid. “Sorry, just. Hang on.”
15:32 - cool 15:32 - 2. will beelzebub be free at 7pm friday? :(
Heat rushes to his face before he ever reads past ‘Beelzebub’ and he physically slams his phone into his mattress as he groans.
“Curls? You good? You sound like a dying—“
“I’m fine,” Curly groans as he lays back on top of the sheets. “I’ll be back out in a second,” he adds and feels for his phone.
15:35 - jeff will die.
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Last Moment of Childhood
This is just a cute little story I wrote while based off of a prompt in one of the several writing prompt books I have. It is not edited that much, as it was just for fun. I hope you enjoy! 
Part One
¨Mom, I get what you're saying, but this is my choice to make. I don't see why you care so much.¨  I say as I pull a soda out of the refrigerator.
¨You are my baby. I want you to stay that way sweetie.¨ I roll my eyes at her
¨Were you like this when Dan said he wasn't trick-or-treating anymore?¨
¨Thats Differ-¨ She starts but I cut her off.
¨No it's not mom. Just deal with it. I'm too old to be even trick-or-treating this year but you already bought my costume. And Randy needed someone to go with.. ¨ I trail off as I take a sip of my drink.
¨You are going with Randy..? I thought you weren't talking to him anymore. Last week you came in here super upset and said you'd never talk to him again? Why not just go out with Lincoln like you every other year?¨
¨Well Randy invited me to go out with him. And besides Lincoln is such a little kid...Randy is cool.I have to go now Mom or I´ll be late.¨ I don´t wait for her reply and run up the stairs to grab the costume from my room.
I pull it on and sigh. I look like a damn 5-year-old.. A big lumpy orange mess. I'm pretty sure this was Dan´s costume from when he was in 5th grade.. I´ve always been smaller than he was at my age.  My mom doesn't seem to get that I am in high school now, and I need to start dressing like a big kid and not some little dork.
¨Come down here so your mother can get pictures of you.¨ My dad calls up the stairs. I stomp down the stairs to show my distaste.  
¨Really Mom…?¨  I would go further but my father shoots me a look. I shut up and let my mom take the stupid picture.
¨Alright I'm leaving now.¨ I say and with that, I rush out the door.  As soon as I'm out the door, I see Randy coming down the street with a few older boys. None of them are wearing costumes, especially one as stupid as mine.  I start panicking. I rip the stupid orange fabric off of my body and stash it in the bushes in front of my house before anyone can see it.
I run out my front gate and go up to them. They are all laughing at something.
¨Hey Randy.. Thanks for inviting me out tonight.”  Their conversation and laughter cease. Some of the older boys give me weird looks. Most of them are much taller than I am.
¨Why´d you let the squirt come out with us Randy.. I thought you were cooler than that.¨ I shrink back..  ¨
¨Oh guys, give him a chance. You can be cool, right RayRay?¨ He uses the old nickname he gave me in elementary school.
¨Please.. I'm surprised he's not wearing some stupid costume. The boy wouldn't know how to be cool if his life depended on it. ¨ I ball my fists..
¨I'M NOT SOME STUPID LITTLE KID!¨ I yell at the boy. Randy puts his hand on my shoulder and I calm down.
¨Relax Raymond.. We just gotta show him that you can be cool.¨ The older boy seemed to back off and go along with Randy's plan.
We start walking in the opposite direction of my house. I take one look back at my house only to see my mother outside, pulling the costume out of the bushes. She might be far away but the sad look on her face is unmistakable…
We ended up walking to the little convenience store on the corner of Main Street and Maple Ave.
¨Okay little guy, go in and prove your worth...¨ I look at Randy confused.
¨Beer. You have to go in there and steal us two packs of beer.¨ Randy explains.  
I try not to freak out,  but I'm pretty sure they can see right through me. Randy gives me a little nudge.  ¨Is your head made of iron? Go.¨
´You have to impress these guys.. Don't be a little scaredy cat. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out..´ I duck down behind the shelves so the worker doesn't see me. I work my way to the back coolers. Once I find the beer, I open the cooler door as quietly as possible. I have to act quickly because if the guy up front looked down the aisle he would be able to see me. I grab two 12 pack of beer, one in each hand and move behind one of the shelves again. The cooler door swings close and I curse under my breath.
´The worker heard that.. He is going to catch me and going to call the police. He is going to ruin everything and Randy and his friends will just pick on me even more at school than they already do.´
I wait a whole minute before moving. I peak from behind the shelves and see that the worker did not move from his seat.  I let out a sigh of relief. I grab another case of beer and stuff it in my shirt and then make a break for the door. I get out before the worker even notices me.
Randy and the other boys are waiting for me. ¨Holy shit, he actually did it.¨
¨Told you he would.¨ He walks up to me and takes the two cases of beer out of my hands.¨ Just ducted under the shelves huh?¨ I nod. ¨Hmm thought so. We are all too tall to do that. You are perfect for it though.¨  
¨ I also got.. .¨ I pull out the other case from my shirt. Luckily my shirt was tucked into my pants so it didn't fall out.
¨Better than expected.. Not bad short stuff..¨ the taller kid says. ¨Now time for the real test.¨ They open the case and hand me a beer.
¨Drink up.¨  
“Ah...oh… okay, yeah, of course…”  I hesitantly take the can from him. I’m waiting for them to tell me it’s all a joke.
I shiver at the sound of the can opening in my hands. I slowly bring it to my lips and take a sip. They are all watching my every move carefully.  The liquid feels foreign to me and  I have to resist the urge to spit it out. I swallow it and lower the can from my lips.
I expected the silence to end, for them to start chatting and drinking themselves. I wanted them to stop paying attention to me so I could just pour the gross drink out onto the grass without having to tell them I couldn’t drink it.  That is not what happens though.
Instead, they all still staring at me. Never taking their eyes off of me. Randy notations for me to continue drinking. They want me to drink the whole thing?! All at once??
‘These boys are going to kick the crap out of you if you don’t drink all of it. Its written all over their faces.’  I put the can back up to my lips and continue drinking. I figure, the faster I drink it, the less time I have to taste it .
The boys stare at me in shock as I throw the now empty can on the ground and crush it with my foot. The beer feels funny sitting in my stomach but I try my best to play it off like I don’t feel anything.
“How you feel Ray?” Randy asks. He seems proud. Whether it’s of me for drinking it or of himself for convincing me to it, I’m not sure.
“Fi-,” I hiccup. “-ne” They all laugh and finally their attention is turned away from me.
Randy puts his arm around my shoulder. “I knew you could do it.”
Part Two
The drinking didn’t last long. The beer quickly ran out, but it proved sufficient enough to get them all drunk so they didn't make me get more.
We walked around for awhile as they drank. They made me down a few more beers, but not too many as they wanted more for themselves. I think, in total, I drank around five beers…?
Eventually, we start making our way down to the other end of town. The area is filled with nicer houses and fancy restaurants. The tallest guy said he needed to pick something up from a guy in that area.
We get onto Holland Street and then the guys start joking about how the principle of the high school lives on this street and that we should teepee his house. Everyones too out of it to think of any reasons not to.
It seemed that this was their plan all along when one of the boys pulled rolls of toilet paper out of his bag. He had one for everyone, except me. I know they weren’t expecting me to come along but that didn’t matter. With the alcohol, my emotions were all over the place and it made me so upset. This was just another reason for exclusion for me. I thought I was finally starting to warm up to the other boys. That I would finally become a member of this group and not just some tag along. I guess not though..
They quickly found the right house and started going at it. Nobody paid any attention to me. No looks, no comments, nothing. Nobody cared.
I feel the tears well up in my eyes.  I sniffle a little. ‘ You can’t let them see you so upset. You’ll lose all the progress you made with them.’ I can’t stop the tears though. So, while they are all distracted, I run.
I take off sprinting down the street. Turning corners and not stopping. The tears flowing down my face. My mind is a blur and I just let my feet take me.
Nobody can run forever though. I run out of breath and eventually stop running. My hands are on my knees and I’m gasping for breath. I look up and see the ocean. I ran to the pier.
I use to come down here with my father when I was younger. We fished a lot. A couple years back we stopped going through. Fishing was never my thing, but it was really the only time we hung out, just me and him. He seemed to really enjoy it though. Nowadays, he's too busy to even do that with me. He still goes with Dan sometimes though.
The water looks peaceful. Waves slowly rolling to the shore. The sound of the water hitting the rocks is soothing. The wind blows and the smell of salt fills my nose. Peaceful.
But peace doesn't last forever. The wind grows cold and sends shivers down my arms and goosebumps rise on my arm. The street lamp above me flickers a few times and then goes out. Nothing left out here but me and the full moon.
My thoughts begin to clear. The fresh air helping. Everything comes crashing down on me again. The events of the night replay in my head over and over again.
´I'm so stupid. I actually thought those boys would be my friend. They don't like me. They'll never like me. They used me…´
My tears begin to fall once again as I sob loudly.
I don't know how long I was standing there crying. I feel so alone.
¨Ray..? Is that you..?¨ A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn around and see a figure standing under a streetlight at the beginning of the pier.
¨Lincoln... That you?¨ I ask. I walk towards the figure and recognize him. He is dressed up as Buzz Lightyear from toy story. He has a big sack of candy with him.
¨What are you doing out here?¨ he asks me.
¨What are you doing out here?¨ I ask him.
¨Wealthy people out this way give out way better candy so I convinced my mom to bring me out here. Now answer my question, ¨ he says
We sit down on a bench, and I explain everything that had happened to him. I stumble over my words a lot but I'm able to get everything out.
When he learns that I had been drinking he stands up in shock. He started lecturing me about how that it was so stupid to do that, but he stopped halfway through. A look of realization crosses his face for a moment.
¨You know. You don't need me telling you too. It's pretty cold out here, how about we go back to my house. You can spend the night.¨
I must have looked hesitant because he adds ¨I'll even share my candy with you. You don't want your ´Last Halloween trick or treating´going to waste do you?”
He offers me a hand and we get up off the bench.
¨Thanks Lincoln..¨
He pushes up his glasses. ¨No problem Ray.¨
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #229
“Nks Crystals, Splender and Stevenson Visit Kore”
-Two days later.-
[Doc] is feeling mostly recovered and goes to visit Splender. Xe goes to hit the path switch and gets distracted by a school of little fish using the shallow water
[Pinwheel] Is laying out in the sun in the grass-
[Doc] Notices the little dragon and calls to her softly-
[Pinwheel] Her tail flicks in annoyance-
[Doc] Notices the little flick and is reminded of Grinny. - Not gonna bug you, just saying hi.
[Splender] Hears Doc and sticks his head out- Oh!  Doc!
[Doc] Hey Splender. Nice to see Pinwheel getting some air. She seems much calmer.
[Splender] - I still try to snuggle her at night
[Doc] I think that's probably okay. Yaunfen loves to snuggle. I think they get a little bit cold with all that bare skin.
[Splender] - So what can I do for you Doc?
[Doc] I was going to go visit the subseed and drop off some more supplies for them, I wondered if you wanted to come.
[Splender] - Oooh!  You mean to see the statues?
[Doc] Yes. And I think it should give you a huge energy boost too, they haven't seen you since the fight.
[Splender] - But what about Pinwheel?
[Doc] She seems happy enough. Unless she wants to come? I mean, Deerheart has Yaunfen, I can ask her to come over if you think Pinwheel still needs a babysitter for her nap. She's likely the most lethal thing on this seed anyway.
[Splender] - I don't know...
[Doc] Ask her. You can kind of read minds, can't you?
[Splender] - She just says no...  And our mind reading does use some EMP...
[Doc] Okay, then I guess she's good. I'm not going to argue with her.
[Splender] Gives Pinwheel a quick pet-
[Pinwheel] Hisses-
[Doc] We shouldn't be gone long anyway.
[Splender] - Okay, be good Pinwheel!
[Doc] Nods and starts walking.
[Splender] Happily follows after teleporting over to the shore-
[Doc] Turns to check on him and walks straight into their exeggutor- Oh hey, sorry!
[Exeggutor] Just cocks it's heads and smiles in a goofy way.
[Splender] Pats it's leaves-
[Exeggutor] Electrical happy hum and it falls into step with them-
[Doc] ahhh, mobile shade.
[Splender] Giggles-
[Doc] Pats the pokemon- I think this guy is kinda psychic too. I feel a little bit of pressure on my mind from it sometimes. Like when TLOT is looking for me. So... how's the family?
[Splender] - Rather well, Strangled has apparently refused to leave his room though...  Slender thinks he may be trying to plot revenge against you
[Doc] Sigh- If all he wants to do is kick my ass, he needs to get in line. Mb seems to think he has permenant first dibs. And this NOTCH of mine is a fucking pest.
[Splender] - Your NOTCH?
[Doc] Yeah.... Dn. He's apparently been hanging around outside the server trying to get in since I was made a brine.
[Splender] - Ah...  Maybe he just needs some happy energy!
[Doc] Who knows. His hearts are likely just a big chunk of ice. He freezes everything around him. He gave me whopper of a cold just by creeping on me while I was sleeping.
[Splender] - I'm sorry to hear that...
[Doc] It's whatever. There are worse NOTCH's. He's not deadly, just a dick. Have you seen Lie's? Her's showed up too. He's a kid. Literally.
[Splender] - If you say so...  A KID!?
[Doc] Yeah. A shortie. And bald. No goatee though.
[Splender] - Awwwww... What was that?
[Doc] Jumps at the noise.
[Exeggutor] Looks around in concern.
[NK] -Straight up just bit off a piece of shard as he works-
[NK] -hasn't even noticed them. amazing.-
[Doc] Nk? What are you up too? Did you break something?
[Nk] -slight startle, head turning up from what he's working on. Looks like jewelry.- Just making somethin'. Didn't mean to startle if I did.
[Doc] Not at all, that looks pretty. It's a nice day for working outside.
[NK] -carefully twists pieces into place with a nod- Yeah, it is indeed. Decided I needed a change of scenery. -scrutinizes jewelry a bit-
[Doc] Wait, I know that noise! Liz was eating crystals the other day!
[NK] Hmmm?
[Splender] Is transfixed by the sparklies-
[NK] The dragon child?
[Doc] Yeah, she was crunching away on them. She gave me one and it made a decent amount of statick and a bit of lightning too.
[Splender] Moves a tendril to touch one-
[Doc] Actually, have you seen Liz lately? It's probably getting close to time to make her a humanish shape as well, if she wants one of course.
[NK] Ah, I see. -turns head to look at Splender- ... ? -carefully offers jewelry- Do you want it?
[Splender] Happy gasp- YES PLEASE!
[NK] -at Doc-Nah, haven't seen the dragon.
[Doc] Okay, if you run into them, or Mix or Sky, let them know, okay?
[NK] -gives jewelry. It's a simple golden bangle with a shard carefully welded into it- Will do. I know Mix is asleep, but Sky is here and there.
[Splender] Squeals happily as he takes it-
[Doc] That's nice work. Hey, did you make a house yet?
[NK] Yeah, two, technically. One's in the Nether, the other's a bit beyond Mix's over the water.
[Doc] Great! It's nice to see you settling in. You haven't been around much. Mix seemed exhausted last time I saw her and Firebird's been sleeping in my loft.
[NK] -thoughtful look for a moment before casual smile- I see.. It might be that flowery Brine. He's.. He's a handful.
[Doc] I haven't seen him around at all. I though GK was trying to draw him out, but he's been so busy babysitting the little dragons...
[NK] He seems pretty content to stay in that tree, and when he's not, who knows where he is...
[Splender] Happily plays with the jewelry-
[NK] -idly pops a shard out of his inventory and starts manipulating it, watching Splendor-
[Splender] - OOH!  What are you going to make now?
[NK] Not sure yet. Thinking of some kind of... Necklace maybe. Or a really fancy ring.... -twist bit-
[Splender] - I know it will be pretty!
[Doc] It's a shame. I wouldn't mind getting to know him better. You too. Have you remembered anything else?
[NK] Uh..... -curl part around his hand- Hm. No, not that's particularly important?
[Doc] I'm just curious. I mean, if you wanted to shedule a session with one of the brine's thats psychic to see if anything might shake loose, I could make it happen...
[NK] I appreciate the offer, but no thanks. Don't like other people knockin' around in my head.
[Doc] Understood. Just offering. I can imagine how frustrating it must be, and how easy to just lose yourself wandering out there in the dark. It's part of the reason I caved and let those two NOTCHs in....
[Splender] - This is such a pretty shard...
[NK] Is that why the cold one is here? Huh. -pops another shard out and begins weaving the two together- I'm glad you enjoy it.
[Doc] Yeah... that one's my burden to bear...
[Splender] - We can always help you with that burden Doc...
[Exeggutor] Plops down next to Nk and watches him work-
[Doc] How so?
[Splender] - By being there for you!
[NK] I would not hesitate to end it's life. -its said so, cheerily-
[Doc] For right now he's done nothing to deserve being murdered. He's just aggravating the piss out of me. And I'm not sure how the little one would react. We don't have any idea what the extent of their powers are yet either.
[NK] Fair, fair. I atleast gave my other half a chance. -idly crunches part of the shard off-
[Splender] - What do you mean?  Did you have a mate?
[Doc] Yeah. They're not all terrible. Firebird is decent and the ones on the subseed seem okay. Wait, what?
[NK] Hm? -pauses in his next bite, glancing at them-
[Doc] Did you have relations with your NOTCH Nk? That's different...
[NK] ...? What?
[NK] -squint-
[NK] I had nothing but ire for him from the start.
[Doc] And afterwards...?
[NK] ... I blinded him mostly and would have likely ended his pathetic life if he hadn't fled like a coward? - crunch-
[NK] -twists shards into a necklace, eyeing it a bit-
[Doc] Oh... so you lost track of yours? Hmm.
[Splender] - I'm sure we can find him and make everything right!
[NK] Oh no, I knew his location. It was a bit after that fight that Mix... spawned? Came to be? -slight shrug-
[NK] I'm certain he's dead now, or atleast, very, very hurt... -snaps a bit of overlong shard off and nibbles on it-
[Doc] Do you think those events had any relation? That's a weird coincidence.
[NK] Not a clue. Likely? Her powers directly related to the stuff that happened though, so...
[Splender] - We need to find out for sure!  We should go looking for your NOTCH!
[Doc] How odd... You know, brine powers often relate to the powers of the person who hurt them and helped make them what they are.
[NK] I'm afraid I've not heard of that before.
[Doc] It happened hardcore to me...
[NK] The cold one.. I can see that. .. Do you want? -offers the finished necklace to doc-
[Splender] - Was there ever a way to summon your NOTCH?
[Doc] Reaches out for the jewelry and rubs it lightly in their fingers- Thank you, it's lovely. But, No! I mean... the person who broke my hearts, they were... well they had a liquidy form. One of my powers is being able to melt things down into component pixels. His freezing counters that.
[NK] Be a total dick and yelling fight me always worked. But that was just being petty for shits and giggles.
[Doc] Snorts out a laugh - I respect that.
[NK] Yeah. Was entertaining to see how pissed he'd get.
[Doc] So what mellowed you out? You don't seem like the scrappy type.
[NK] Mix. Definitely Mix. Raising a child is enough to mellow out anyone, I think.
[Doc] Perhaps. I know it takes a lot of time and energy. And a minimum of two people to keep them safe and out of trouble.
[Splender] - Not always!  Brother has pretty much kept all the pasta's under control by himself!
[Doc] Well... he has a more discipline-oriented approach. And the child pastas are still kind of adults, in their own ways.
[Splender] Is distracted by a white and green flitter entering the area as it flits above them- Oooh, pretty
[Nk] -he's making another thing, nice-
[Splender] - NK...  Are you sure there's no way to find your NOTCH?
[NK] I mean, considering he's likely dead? Yeah.
[Nk] -crunch-
[Doc] Such is life. Seen any lightfoots around lately?
[Splender] - Well Doc has brought others back from the dead...
[Doc] Stops- I'm not sure I want to make a habit of that Splender!
[NK] Seen a bunch go toward your castle the other day... Don't know why though...
[Doc] Oh great... someone else I've pissed off. I'll likely find all my furnaces empty or something equally aggravating.
[Nk] I'd say everything moved a block to the right, but that's.. a bit extra, even for them. Probably moved things around in chests or something... -crunch-
[NK] .. Hm.... *apply water shard, bend.
[Doc] Well that's no big deal, it's all horribly disorganized anyway.
[Splender] - So what exactly is the relationship between you, Mix, and your NOTCH...
[NK] Hm... I wanted to murder him, she loved us both dearly, I had to try and not kill him. He acted all high and mighty when he could barely see.
[NK] .. The peace was nice.
[Doc] So why did Mix have all those shards in her chest anyway? Do you know?
[NK] .. I.. Huh. I'm as clueless as you on that. Maybe it had to do with when the seed basically self destructed.. Or something. All I remember was.. Well... A lot of pain. *distant expression
[Doc] Why did the seed self-destruct?
[NK] ..... Virus, maybe? It's.. Still fuzzy.
[Doc] Well, your group seems to be clean, things could be worse. Does Mix have gaps in her memory too? Or she just doesn't like to talk about it?
[NK] I know a lot of her earlier childhood is missing... Probably for the best. -crunch- Other than that, I'm not sure. Last I saw her she was full of life and didn't have an enderman and a chicken following her, nor a dragon...
[Doc] She told me Benny just started following them, I don't know where she picked up Sky though. And the dragon, well, Sky carried their egg all over the place until it hatched.
[NK] .. Oh. That's interesting. I'm certain that chicken isn't really a chicken though... Not sure what it really is though..
[Doc] Really? It does seem rather intense...
[Splender] - Well it does seem smarter than most other chickens...
[NK] Yeah. It gives me the heebie jeebies.
[Splender] - Hmmmm, I could try reaching it psychically, but that would probably hurt it...
[Doc] We could always ask TLOT or Cp if you think a more aggressive approach is called for?
[NK] I dunno. It doesn't seem aggressive to her, but it's pretty fighty toward anything else... *shrug
[NK] -has made a diadem with silver and a few shards. actually seems confused how he'd managed to do it-
[Splender] - NK...  What was your NOTCH like?  As in not just towards you, but others as well
[Doc] See now you made me curious.
[NK] I.. Hm... -thoughtful expression as he stows the diadem- I suppose he was stern to his people. I'd say he was downright awful to the ones that weren't testificates though. *scoff
[Doc] Well that's rude as fuck. He didn't even like Steves or Alexes?
[NK] ... *snorts
[NK] -muffles his laughter with his hand-
[NK] -clearly thinking of something-
[NK] I don't think he liked Alexander, but he kind of had to respect him....
[Splender] - What are you laughing about?
[NK] When.. When Mix was still a lil tot, he left her unsupervised.... -snort- and Alexander beat the shit out of him for it-t-tttt... -laughter-
[Nk] -hes just laughing at the memories now-
[SPlender] - Sounds like the first time Jeff had to watch Sally!
[Doc] It seems like your seed was a bit more dangerous for kids then we're used too as well.
[NK] Yeah-- it.. haha... It is...
[NK] I mean, I haven't seen a single dinosaur here beyond the ones I brought...
[Doc] I understand there are mods for that sort of thing, but I'm wary of adding stuff like that to the server itself, it can make it unstable and cause chunk errors. It's less invasive to just bring in the individual items we need. Though there's some circumstantial evidence that something like the lightfoots exsisted on TLOT and Steve's seed once upon a time.
[NK] Yeah, they seemed.. Unsure of what to think of the bone armor. -stretches a bit and makes a few loops of gold-
[NK] Surprised they haven't chosen a chief, yet.
[Doc] Well there's nothing to stop us hunting around on their seed to see if there are any left. Or digging for fossils.  What, the lightfoots usually have a chief?
[NK] Mhmm. Usually. Sometimes there's a diarchy. That was a hell of a time... -distant look- But normally it's a chief. I'm thinking they haven't thought about it since they usually make the ceremonial showy stuff out of feathers and rare materials... Maybe in time...
[Doc] So since I know I pissed them off, should I offer them something in return for a treaty?
[NK] Nah, you're fucked dude. They hold grudges forever. If you can apologize to whoever you wronged you might be good? A good offer is helping them make a home though, they're shitty at building.
[Doc] Greeeaat. I'll keep that in mind. Should I be focused on rounding them up and relocating them?
[NK] Honestly, the Cloud Runners are more forgiving, but they don't tend to forget.... Uh.. It depends on what you want. Help one start building and others'll usually show up.
[Doc] Cloud runners? What are they like?
[NK] Ahhh.. Kind of prideful? ...Very prideful, actually.
[Doc] I meant physically. I presume they fly?
[NK] Oh! Yeah. Definitely.
[Splender] Is happily humming along-
[NK] Kind of like a bird, but a reptile. Neat shit....
[Doc] And intelligent like the lightfoots?
[NK] Yeah. Highly. Made them super snobby, unfortunately.
[Doc] And all of this went down with your server? It's kind of a shame really.
[NK] I mean, I have eggs, but their original culture is kapoot. Whatever's in their code is all they have to go on.
[Doc] Doesn't matter. It sounds like they're extinct otherwise. If you have eggs, it seems right to spawn them someplace and give them a chance to live.
[Nk] True, true.... I should go and do that.
[Splender] - Doctor...  Shouldn't we be going
[Doc] Yes. You're right, but... Actually? Can I have one of each?
[Nk] one of each? Uhh... -theres a mall moment before nk has put a blend of eggs into docs hands
[Doc] Takes them gently and sets them in the grass before packing them into a shulker box and stowing them.
[Exeggutor] Is super interested and sniffs around all the eggs.
[Doc] It was nice seeing you Nk. Thank you for the jewelry too. Don't be a stranger. Come on Splender, let's go.
[Splender] Begins following Doc again-
[Doc] heads around Lie's property and past her greenhouse-
[Stevenson] -is standing on the path nearby with ryan on his shoulder-
[Doc] Waves- Hey Stevenson! And you have Ryan. How the baby?
[Stevenson] oh hey ryan has been good
[Doc] Any words yet?
[Splender] Is using one of his bells to entertain the small dragon-
[Doc] Me and Splender were just headed out to visit Kore. It's a huge Testificate town.
[Stevenson] no not yet
[ryan] -his three head are following the bell-
[Stevenson] that place sounds interesting
[Doc] Okay, you can come with. I'm just delivering a bunch of items they don't have yet.
[Stevenson] well then lead then way if we are going
[Doc] Okay, - xe leads them down into the winding tunnels and pauses at the iron door to fumble with the lever- I hate these things... they slam too quickly for my tastes with a button.
[Splender] Just teleports inside-
[Stevenson] -just goes in after doc- whoa this place is huge and made of a lot of gold
[Doc] Yeah, Cp built it. - xe casts a glance at the bed in the far corner of the room before fiddling with one of the consoles
-The offensive pod stirs and "looks" down at them-
[Stevenson] why? -ryan looks up at the plant but stays on stevenson shoulders-
[Splender] Is just patiently waiting-
[Doc] Because he tried to keep Lie trapped in it. The rest of us hounded him and convinced him it was a shitty idea. - Xe opens a portal and motions for them to go in it-
[Splender] Steps through, looking around as soon as he's on the other side-
[Stevenson] -steps cautiously though-
-There's a wave of heat as the sun of the desert falls on them. On the next chunk the high walls of a city are clearly visible, with a garland of Lie's black offensive plants around the top edges. -
[Doc] Starts walking towards the city.
[Stevenson] -follows doc- what are we in another seed just like that
[Splender] Is taking in the sights like a tourist-
[Doc] It's a seed within a seed. The consoles in the cage are each running their own copy of Minecraft with their own saved files.
[Doc] This world is where TLOT and Steve came from.
[Stevenson] werid -ryan is trying to look in every direction at once it could also most work if he had one more head-
[Testificates] There's some peeping over the walls and some commotion within as the people stir and talk and the normal routines of the city are put on hold for their visitors.
[Sprlhm and Cherie] Are waiting at the gates- Doctor!
[Doc] Hey! Sorry to pop in unexpected, but you know I promised to bring you a bunch of new stuff. Look who I brought! This is Splender. And our friend Stevenson and his babby Ryan.
[Stevenson] -waves-
[Testificates] Are peeking and clustering as they stand at the gates-
[Sprlhm] Come in! - Ushers and Doc follows-
[Splender] Waves as well-
- The main way leads up to a fountain gurgling with black liquid and protected by more of the little offensive pods. There's a surge of good energy that fills Splender and Doc both as the love of the Testificates dials up their personal brine energies and the small circutry of Splenders digital part-
[Cherie] Is staring up at Splender in amazement-
[Stevenson] -is looking around at everything-
[Splender] Breaths deeply- Oh that is delicious
[Sprlhm] At Stevenson- Are you related to Father Steve? You look a lot like him.
[Stevenson] no I am just a different steve from a different seed
[Sprlhm] Looks a bit confused -
[Doc] Just like there are different Herobrines, there are other Steves, and Alexes too. Doesn't make yours any less special though.
[Doc] At Stevenson- Steer clear of the fountain too, that stuffs dangerous if your mate is nowhere around
[Splender] Is bouncing on his heels-
[Stevenson] got it
[ryan] -climbs on top of Stevenson's head-
-The square is full of Testificates gawking and smiling. There are children too. Amusingly some of them are wearing handmade play costumes to make them look like TLOT, Steve and even Lie and Cp. One is even in some red cat pajamas.
[Doc] Has opened hir inventory and is passing around stacks of vegetables, fruit and cheese that's not native to vanilla minecraft.
[Sprlhm] Is taking notes and planting instructions for a bunch of seeds.
[Stevenson] -notices how close they look like to the other in the costume and kind of just stares at them like they are crazy-
[Testificates] Part a little bit for a rather enthusiastic couple making their way through the crowd.
[ryan] -flies of Stevenson's head and starts doing circles around a small around around him-
[Testificate pair] Both kiss passionately before the bubbling black fountain and then touch the stuff at the same time-
[Stevenson] so why are trying to make yourselves look like other?
[Testificates] Seem a bit confused -
[Child] we want to be big and strong like our Gods and Goddesses!
[Stevenson] doc if you said to avoided the black stuff why did that couple touch it?
[Doc] Hmmm? Oh, well you answered your own question. It's a couple. It's safe if you have a lover. Just watch.
[Testificate pair] Both tremble for a moment and then grab at eachother as if they needed the others kisses like air. One sweeps the other into the air and they race into the nearest house with wild abandon as the one being carried pulls at their carriers clothing.
[Testificates] Good natured chuckling from the crowd.
[Cherie] It was a gift from our healing goddess Lilinthia. She and the Doctor and our Lord Herobrine set up the fountain for all of us to share in it's heat.
[Stevenson] so the liquid makes those who touch it want to have sex and I correct?
[Doc] Oh yes. It makes our whole body cry out for whoever you love the most romantically. It hurts like hell if you're single. Like being kicked in the cubes repeatedly.
[Stevenson] -flinches at the thought of getting kicked in the cubes- yea I don't want to feel that at all
[Cherie] It makes love-making so wonderful. Our people were drunk upon it when we discovered the pod in the desert until we were all exhausted from copulating and blissfully naked. It was a glorious day, when the hateful NOTCH was killed by our valiant deities.
[Doc] Gives Splender a small elbow while grinning happily. - The surge of power that's swirling around them is intense.
[Stevenson] sounds like a crazy day
[ryan] -lands on the ground near Stevenson-
[Children] Several wander over to investigate Ryan.
[Sprlhm] What an interesting little creature.
[Parents] Trust their visitors but still watch the dragon closely-
[ryan] -looks at the kids and it's heads bob out of time-
[Children] Giggles -
[Child dressed a bit like Steve] Tries to pet Ryan-
[ryan] -all three heads try to nuzzle into the hand-
[Testificate Steve] Seems super proud and the other kids look impressed.
[Doc] Laughs good naturedly- Kinda glad Cp isn't with us. He'd have a fit over the kid in the cat suit.
[ryan] -makes a soft happy rawr-
[Stevenson] why would he be mad doc?
[Doc] Because when he's being uncontrollable and awful, Lie can turn him into a little red cat. It makes him furious, but it was the only way to nerf him in the beginning.
[Sprlhm] Nods in understanding. - It is fitting that the Herobrine of War be checked in his powers by his peaceful mate, less he destroy too much.
[Stevenson] well that's one way to control someone out of control
[Cherie] He's also really cute as a cat. Our people were astounded to see the goddess enter our temple with a cat and re-emerge fresh from her passion with a burst of fragrant flowers and a handsome Herobrine at her side.
[ryan] -jumps up with the help of his wing to Stevenson shoulders again-
[Stevenson] well is different then I am use to -pets ryan-
[Cherie] Gushes at Stevenson- So tell us of your mate! Is your Herobrine as handsome as you?
[Doc] Coughs to keep from laughing-
[Stevenson] actually I am single and the brine I am related is female
[Cherie] Oh! Is she beautiful?
[Doc] She's graceful, well-endowed and extremely unique....
[Stevenson] and has more then two eyes and more then the four limbs most have so not just two legs and two arms
[Cherie] Is obviously confused-
[Doc] As I said, she is unique.
[Cherie] Puts her hands in her sleeves - I see. Our lord has such interesting comrades.
[ryan] -makes a loud rawr which dies down to what sounds like a yawn mixed with a rawr which might be because he was actually just yawning-
[Testificates] Give him some space-
[Doc] Is he tired?
[Stevenson] yea he just needs a nap its ok ryan you can sleep on my shoulders -ryan curls around on his shoulder-
[Splender] Has been observing the children, figuring out what to give them.  He can feel their happy energy and has already siphoned a little off of them to prepare for what he will create.  He notices the play costumes and his smile grows wider as he subtly begins working on his own magic-
[Doc] Finishes handing out the supplies and dusts hir hands. - You guys want to go see the artwork now?
[Splender] - One moment please- He spots a blank wall of a building and extends his energy towards it in a rush, with a flick of his hand materials materialize and soon a small stage is sitting there, perfectly sized for children with even a small booth to the side full of props they can use
[Testificates] Assorted oohs and ahs and some applause-
[Children] Happy cries as they rush to pick through the toys and play-
[Cherie] That was wonderful! We thank you- her and her husband both bow low-
[Doc] I love it. You're the man of the hour.
[Splender] - Oh it's nothing!  Part of my job is to make children happy!
[Doc] And you're damn good at it. -pats his leg since that's mostly all xe can reach- Come on, I've been dying to show you this stuff. - Xe leads them towards the white temple facade.
-There's a strong smell of flowers as they reach the open doors and Sprlhm and Cherie show them inside. The wall seperating the room with the Patchbook from the hallway has been knocked out, but there are still lots of flowers growing on the walls and ceiling from Lie's explosion of energy. The pews have been removed and the middle part of the floor is dominated by a traditional gold summoner-
[Splender] - Oooh!  Pretty!
[Stevenson] that's a lot of flowers
[Cherie] The goddess gave us so many, but they're each more beautiful then the last.
[Doc] Stands rather still and actually feels the summoner pulling from this close range. - Splender? You're getting a little of this too, aren't you? I don't know if there's a way to summon your kind, but this is a signal that should work for you now, if you're listening for it.
[Splender] - Hm?  No...
[Doc] That's odd... maybe there's just too much background noise? Ah, well. I wanted to show you the garden specifically anyway.
[Splender] - Okie-dokie!
[Doc] Follows the Testificates down to the back of the building and into the large courtyard. The area is dotted with statuary and plots of crops and flowers. The largest is of TLOT and Steve. The brine looks brave and determined and his husband is swooning in his arms like the cover of a bad romance novel. Doc points out a smaller statue of Lie in a flowing robe with a little cat peeking out from under the hem.
[Splender] Giggles-
[Doc] Across from her is a staue of Cp with multiple arms, his hands holding his swords and pickaxe, a ball of fire and even one hand just giving the finger. The wither is there too, half his size and with it's back to him to physically balance the artwork
[Splender] - His wither's so small in this depiction...
[Doc] Well I think it's just artistic liscence. It's the right size in the big frieze at the foot of the garden.
[Splender] - Ah, I see
[Doc] Goes down the hill and makes a right through some trees, there's a sound of gurgling water and xe directs their vision up and forward. There's a fountain flowing from the mouth of a dragon carved into the wall in high relief. Below is a carving of Doc in a Vitruvian man pose. One hand has a potion bottle and the other a ball of lightning. The body of the dragon ratchets gracefully down from the wall to encircle the smaller figure.
[Splender] - OH LOOK!  It's you Doc!  That's so cool looking!  But...  I still haven't seen me...
[Doc] I'm getting too it. Save the best for last. Xe curves down the wall and they come to the huge frieze. The giant carving is finished and the raised parts have been rubbed with dye blobs to color it. Everyone s there, fighting the NOTCH, huge and terrible in the middle. Even Lie's pod is biting his foot at the bottom.
[Cherie] Our best artists worked on it.
[Splender] - Oooooo!  THERE I AM!- Much awing is done at his own likeness
[Doc] You guys did a great job. You should have see tLOT's face when he talks about his people, he's so proud of every one of you.
[Sprlhm] Is just beaming and gives his smiling wife a happy squeeze-
[Doc] At Splender-  That's not the big one of you though, they put you on the opposite wall from me. This way-
[Splender] Happily follows Doc towards the other wall-
[Doc] passes through some bushes and gestures grandly. The image of Splender is presiding over a patio of chiseled quartz blocks with comfortable benches, it's both tall and wide and spread over several blocks. Splender is serene in the center with a beatific expression and all around him are wildly intricate carved tentacles winding in celtic style knots. Some end with bells others without. It's also been rubbed with dye so his colorful suit is accurate.
[Cherie] We hope you like it. We had seen the others since and were intially unsure if you had survived.
[Splender] Happily gasps and teleports over, leaving a trail of purple sparkles behind him as he looks the image over excitedly- IT'S SO PRETTY!
[Cherie] Blinks at the sparkles- are you part Ender as well?
[Doc] It was just an adjustment. His normal tp has odd energiies that can make people woozy. Better to do as the natives do.
[Splender] Is too preoccupied with his image to have heard Cherie-
[Doc] I think he approves. He's not used to feeling so loved by pretty much everyone.
[Splender] - So much color!
[Doc] So... do you to have anything to report?
[Sprlhm] No. Just rumors. Our people have headed out in every direction to tell the other villages what's happened. Most of them seem relieved. The main opposition is from the really elderly people who kind of remember when Herobrine was more then just an old story to scare kids with.
[Cherie] And there are always a few bigots who worry that allowing the mals to pair up will somehow cause them to be violent. They don't understand that harmonizing with someone doesn't immeditely make you wonder what it would be like to use that power for control others.
[Sprlhm] The monks have been an actual presence of late too. -a bit sarcastic- Venturing down from their mountain fastness to mingle with the rest of us peasants. They seem to be searchng for something, but if it's traces of their NOTCH, I think they will be, happily, dissapointed.
[Doc] Yes. I saw his code destroyed myself. I can assure he is gone in every functional way. Would you folks like me to update the server? I think it's been a long time since that was done.
[Cherie] Is it.... dangerous?
[Doc] No. But you two are the closest we have to leaders on this side. I've already cleared it with Herobrine and Father Steve. They trust me not to error anything.
[Sprlhm] I see. -speaks with Cherie for a moment-  Then we will also trust his judgement. Can we bring you anything?
[Doc] No, I just did the outer server, so I have the .jar file still on me. I'll tend to it. - Xe lays out a command block and sits down on a bench to link up with the seed and access the admin functions. Xe types for a few long moments and then looks around before hitting a final button. There's a shiver in the air and suddenly the colors all around them pop and become brighter, and more vivid. - Nice.
[Cherie] Is enchanted- Such miracles! Everything is so much more colorful!
[Sprlhm] If I may ask.... What else has changed?
[Doc] There's some new mobs, bug fixes, you can dye beds and there are a lot more blocks you guys have never seen. I think you'll really have fun decorating with the tile blocks and colored cement. Actually, these guys are brand new and they'll fit in around here wonderfully- Xe pulls out the parrot egg and spawns a bunch of the colorful birds.
[Splender] - More colors!
[Parrots] Hop happily around the plaza and flutter up into the trees.
[Doc] If you want to tame them, feed them cookies. But take care with your words. Because they apparently repeat things that they hear.
[Testificates] A few who were tending the plants wander over to look at the chirping birds-
[Bird] says- apparently repeat things-
[Doc] See?
[Splender] Whistles A cheerful tune at them-
[Parrots] Two of them repeat the tune-
[Splender] - Oh goody!
[Doc] -mischevious laugh- Can you imagine how aggravated Cp would be if I taught one of the birds the summoner poem? It's not a call I want anyone to ignore from repetition but it's an amusing thought.
[Splender] - You should do it!
[Cherie] A wise move. One should not taunt the spirit of battle and bloodshed itself.
[Doc] Yeah, agreed. He has a long history of punching me really hard when he's mad. And we've actually been getting along decently of late.
[Splender] - But would it not make everyone here happy for him to visit a bit more?
[Cherie] Oh yes! But not when he's angry.
[Sprlhm] Can we have a few more birds? If they repeat with fidelity, it would be a good way to bring news from different villages.
[Doc] Sure! - Xe does a bit of a spin and taps the egg a bunch more times so the air explodes with chirping and colorful feathers.
[Sprlhm] Snaps his fingers and some of the gawkers run to get cookies for the birds. - Thank you.
[Doc] Smiles at the tableau - I guess if there's no other business we'll be heading back. - You guys ready?
[Stevenson] we are ready
[Splender] - I'm curious, what does everyone here think of Stevie?
[Cherie] Who is Stevie?
[Doc] Cp also has a Steve. But they aren't lovers, they're brothers. Stevie is the younger.
[Cherie] What is he like?
[Doc] He's a very salt of the earth type, mostly just concerened with survival. He had a falling out with Cp and they're working to reconcile their relationship. It's complicated. I'm not sure you'll ever see him, he's not much for exploring.
[Splender] - Much more peaceful than his brother
[Cherie] That is fitting. The fire is surrounded by such cool stones to keep it from burning itself to nothing.
[Doc] Ha. I like the way you think.
[Splender] - We should bring him!
[Doc] What, Stevie? Perhaps next time we come visit. And only if he wants to come.
[Splender] - Or we could surprise him!
[Doc] You are in a naughty mood today Splender!
[Cherie] Giggles sweetly and some of the birds imitate the noise-
[ryan] -makes a soft rawring sound in his sleep-
-There's a rosy blush against the sky as the sun heads for the horizon and the stars start appearing. -
[Doc] I think we've left Pinwheel alone longer then we meant too. She's probably getting hungry...
[Parrot] Imitates the rawr-
[Splender] - Oh no! Pinwheel!
[Doc] Okay, let's head back- Xe thanks the Testificates and makes a portal back to the cage before ushering them through and closing it again. -well that was fun.
[Splender] - So much fun!
[Doc] They're good people, and I'm glad TLOT doesn't bear them any ill will. He's proving a generous and thoughtful ruler. - Xe opens the cage door to let them all out and starts walking back up the tunnels.
[Stevenson] well this was weird and different
[Doc] Chuckles- Indeed. It's why I was suprised when Cp was so dismissive of the Testificates on his own seeds. They can be a bit naive at times but they're good people for the most part.
[Splender] Teleports to the surface since he can't walk through the tunnel-
[Doc] Leads Stevenson to the surface where Exeggutor is waiting as well-
[Stevenson] well I should head back home
[Doc] Thanks for tagging along. Hope you had fun!
[Stevenson] it was an experience is the best way to describe it -starts to walk back home-
[Doc] At Splender- well at least I gave him something positive to think about. He doesn't have a very high opinon of Herobrine's in general.
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