#he misses modern life but mainly little nostalgic luxuries that don’t give anything away
caifanes · 4 months
like obviously because the series centers around young people, parents are either going to be completely irrelevant or a second thought but it’s important to note that several characters DO have parents and it’s more important that we look at what the characters lack. a significant portion have been ostracized in some way, kohaku willingly acts out because of how it pertains to her sisters role in the village and her illness, chrome literally lives outside of the village bc of his eclectic “sorcery,” kaseki is one of the older folks as is respected as one of the main craftspeople but as far as the audience knows he doesn’t have any direct family, suika feels that her poor eyesight makes her useless to the village and displays an immense sense of self sufficiency that’s odd for a child as young as her. as for the modern people, tsukasa explicitly isolates himself due to trauma and prioritizing his sister, nikki feels misunderstood by her peers and finds solace in music, taiju’s parents are deceased pre-petrification and has senku as his closest friend, who himself was adopted by his bio father’s friend. in so many ways, these kids founded a new sense of belonging amongst each other.
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