#he prefers being thirsty on ig
7s3ven · 3 months
Guys… HEAR ME OUTTTT. Soulmate/fate au w/ Jason Grace but Y/N has a twin sister and they’re basically Romulus and Remus in another universe. Y/N is like a true Roman, discipled, glory-seeking, and a leader. Her sister is quieter and prefers to be a listener rather than a talker. But Aphrodite gets the twins mixed up so she thinks Y/N’s sister is Jason’s soulmate when it’s really Y/N and when Jason somehow figures that out. So he’s stuck between choosing to stay with the sister or following the destiny laid out for him like he always has (and believes it’s his job to do so) and choosing Y/N.
Bonus points if Y/N and her sister are actually descendants of Romulus and Remus (making them legacies ig). Double bonus points if the twins’ personalities mirror Romulus and Remus. Y/N being Romulus who was blood-thirsty, a fighter, and let nothing stand in their way. And her twin being Remus who was a little more quiet, a little more peaceful, and easier to get along with.
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Went crazy = tons of thirsty pics on IG and sleeping around A LOT. He was also very angry for a looong time, but that’s normal after a divorce breakup like that.
The breakup is the big mystery lol. I don’t know for sure and none of our mutuals also know, I doubt they asked or would receive an answer if they did. But there’s an accepted version based on several rumours that most gay people believe, so I can share that.
So, the version is that sometime in 2021, L gave R an ultimatum about their wedding. R was postponing it with ridiculous excuses and L was angry/depressed about it, that’s also when he started therapy. Anyway, they agreed to a compromise, he would keep his NY place and would travel when needed but his base would be in LA. That’s why they bought the new big fancy house together, R would start living there full time and travel to NY for work only.
However, when it was was time to move, R couldn’t do it. And my opinion on this is that, although R loves NY and would prefer to continue in the city, the reason he couldn’t move was because of his lifestyle. I said this many times here, L is not an innocent virgin, he was certainly not monogamous, but he would NOT be ok with the lifestyle R wanted while living in the same place and after getting married. Moving to LA was going to be a huge change to R, so he tried to get out of it like he did many times before.
The thing is, this time L didn’t fold. He was prepared (therapy) and he called R bluff and did not accept his excuses anymore, so L flew to NY for the final “come with me now or don’t come anymore” (Covid excuse) but R still said no. Maybe R tried to convince L to wait a little more, maybe do a  50/50 division between LA/NY, whatever, but it didn’t work obviously. I don’t know if R changed his mind later and L didn’t accept him anymore or if both were firm in their decisions. But I can say 100% that R was caught by surprise with L decision, and he did go nuts in the beginning. Revenge party was the least of it lol.
Also, I always believed R never really wanted L to move back to NY as well. If L was like RG, then yes, but R knew he was not, so the only way to work for them was with L in LA and R in NY. Of course, it was not really working for L, but I don’t think R ever saw that or even considered it. And I highly doubt they never discussed it, so in the end it was really a deep incompatibility between people who loved each other and wanted to be together no matter what (although I believe L had checked out already at the end).
Like I said, R is a very complicated person. I have no doubt he deeply loved L but at the same time he seemed to not care that L was not fully OK with the level of openness they had (and this was very clear, we all knew lol). R admired L intelligence and what he had accomplished in life but also thought Crooked was nothing compared to his work. He was very clingy and obviously needed L attention all the time but was also OK being weeks and weeks away from him. I don’t know how supportive R was when L was building Crooked, but the Weinstein story would’ve never happened without L. And again, during all this, he was fully deeply in love with L all the time.
This is all opinion of course, I cannot say I know for sure the reasons they broke up. But it does make sense to me based on what I know from both of them, their personalities and how they behaved during and after the breakup.
I accept this as the Canon answer. Well done.
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voidthewanderer · 7 months
8, 11, 31, & 66 for Arsenic, Crow, & Ripper?
@bokatan || How thirsty are your OCs?
Under cut for NSFT themes, but I don't believe these ones are actually too inherently bad? Length as well.
8. Do they prefer ass, tits, thighs, shoulders, or something else entirely as a characteristic they find attractive in others?
Arsenic: He's very much a tits man. They're soft, they can make great pillows, but they're also just fun.
Crow: Thighs. Muscle. Like, that type of muscle that isn't inherently obvious unless exertion. They really couldn't say why, mostly eye-candy reasons.
Ripper: He's an ass man. He always believed he was a tits guy, but when he met his late-ex-girlfriend, it changed.
11. Are they strictly monogamous or do they have a more open relationship?
Arsenic and Crow are strictly monogamous. Arsen is an extremely jealous person who doesn't like sharing and Crow's insecurities would never allow it. It's been a discussion in the very distant past, given Crow's closeness to Ripper, mostly as a 'what if' scenario; but it didn't actually go beyond talking about it.
Ripper isn't keen on open relationships, but he'd be willing to give it a try. It would something that'd have to be discussed with all parties involved and who exactly would be involved. He's shaky on what his sexuality actually is, not really sure where he'd be alright with.
31. What's the best way to get them aroused?
Arsenic: When isn't he? Jokes aside; flirtatious, dirty verbal teasing is a sure-fire way to get him if his partner wishes to initiate something. He might be hands on when it comes to getting his partner going, but words affect him more than anything else.
Crow: They're simultaneously one of the easiest, but hardest to arouse. Alongside verbal teasing, touching in the right places also helps a lot. They love their hips and waist being touched; massages there can really push things in the right direction. Brushing fingers along their spine. Getting to the more physical side of what would get them going, though, can be an olympic sport, however.
Ripper: Dance with him. Up close, personal, dirty dancing. He's extremely open to dancing with strangers (provocatively or otherwise), so getting him in a position that can invite that certain closeness. Catching him at that right moment is all it would take.
66. Do they have a "type" when it comes to sexual partners?
Arsenic: Not really. Obviously, now being in a committed relationship with Crow, they're his type, but before then, it was just whoever was the easiest opportunity. He didn't care what they looked like or how they were. It was opportunity and some relief.
Crow: They're really not actually sure if there is one or not. Arsenic's the first (and only) one they've ever had sexual feelings towards. As well as being their only sexual partner, they normally dipped when other relationships started to push that way, but it also felt more transactional; whereas Arsen was willing to contain himself to make it work.
Ripper: He'd tell you something like this (user eerie.bxby on IG), which really isn't too far off.
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doveofmourning · 11 days
While I'm thinking about it this is my ranking of every ghostface! (I'm counting anyone who did at least one on screen kill while wearing the mask!)
Billy Loomis: truly the OG and the man with the plan. I'm a lesbian and I also know I SHOULDN'T be thirsty for him but there's something about how deranged he is while still thinking things through so well that kinda does it for me!
Amber Freeman: oh my god she's an idiot but she's just like me for real!!! Probably my favorite sequel ghostface honestly. Plus she killed that man??? Who we all thought was unkillable????? Soooo...
Stu Macher: did you really think he'd be any lower? He was impulsive and kinda ruined the plan but he had the spirit.
Charlie Walker: fucking moron who got played hard but his kills were enjoyable and also if I'm being real estrogen would have saved her. Literally put down the knife and transition instead, Jill isn't going to love you bbg.
Sam Carpenter: Only one kill but you know damn well she wanted more and honestly the ability to have done it, IN THE MASK, with the hallucinations begging her to do more, and still stop once it wasn't self defense? Yeah okay queen you're an icon.
Danny Johnson: technically a spinoff character but I'll include him since he wore the mask and used the name!! I love Danny but also he's a creep and doesn't really feel emotionally like ghostface to me. But he's cool ig!! I'd watch a movie with him in it.
Jill Roberts: Look she's a bitch but her plan was GOOD. Honestly it's only plot armor that made her lose. She planned it well and I'm impressed with her even if she's sick and twisted.
Sydney Prescott: Barely counts tbqh but also she did do it so I'll give it to her just for being a badass, since everyone below this is at least kind of disappointing.
Jason Carvey: second best opening kill in the franchise, VERY slightly beating out the opening kill for Scream 2. I'm sad we never really got to know him and I do think he should have had a chance in that fight.
Quinn Bailey: All 3 of the main Scream 6 ghostface killers kinda suck but she sucks the least, mostly for that fight scene with Gale! She kicked ass there and I'll give her the point for it.
Ethan Bailey: He still sucks and is bland as a character but had two VERY cool sequences. (The ladder sequence which was the kill that made me saddest and most uncomfortable and the train sequence.) Bland though.
Debbie Loomis: didn't even really get her hands dirty except the once and then it was one of the best characters in the franchise so I do hate her a bit for that but also her plan was well orchestrated and her fall guy was well picked.
Jamal Elliot: Look I don't like the TV Series at all but honestly he had a good arc and a good motive and some okay kills given it was for TV. Would I have preferred him in movie? Definitely. Was he even close to the worst killer on this list? Nope!
Micky Altieri: I do not believe this guy exists tbqh. He is so deeply unbelievable as a character that he ruins the immersion for me. Some good kills but his motivation and characterization flip makes no sense.
Roman Bridger: Why would he be higher tbh. None of his plans worked even with as Machiavellian as he's supposed to look, his retcon is stupid and takes the weight away from previous movies, he's incompetent and also like why would you get involved in a film franchise about the crimes you caused to be committed? I feel like it's so sloppy and the person masterminding ghostface can't be sloppy. Also the kills in this movie suck.
Detective Bailey: Boring character, twist visible from miles away, I did not trust him even from the poster, and his motivation makes him despicable. Hate him.
Beth: Literally a caricature of a ghostface killer. She would be at the very bottom if I didn't hate Richie with the passion of a billion burning suns.
Richie Kirsch: literal actual pedophile. Like canonically. He groomed a 16 year old lesbian (maybe she's bi in the final cut?? I know in the original script she was explicitly a lesbian but maybe they changed it to make Richie look less bad idk) into doing this and I'm glad he's dead actually.
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cooloddball · 3 years
I miss the days when cockles used to flirt on Twitter while streaming supernatural.
I know.
Good times.
When Misha was helping Jensen with Twitter
When grumpy old man Ackles couldn't figure out Twitter and used a hashtag instead of @ button in his attempt to flirt with Misha
When they talked about Destiel subtext
When Misha wanted the whole world yo know that his man directed that episode and Jensen replied even when Misha didn't get Jensen's handle right. 👀
Misha your Director Ackles kink is showing 😏
They even flirted over Demon!Dean's weapon choice in his quest to k-word Sam.
When Jensen called Misha Sally in reference to their role play at JIB2 when he got a boner after hearing Misha make fake orgasm noises. Nothing to see here, just guys being dudes.
Jensen being jealous that Misha was showing his goodies to the entire world while they should be just his.
More flirty moments for the 200th episode
Jensen wanting to sword fight with his pal Misha
That time Jensen blamed Misha for Destiel and everything else
When Jensen called Misha a hemarrhoid and everyone wondered how he would know that.
I'm sure there are more but this is as far as I could go.
Also, as a side note, I think most of these were done while they were snuggled next to each other on the couch while watching the show. Just saying.
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subtle-edge-of-rot · 2 years
Heard you were looking for thirsty thoughts? Rimming the slashers. Not who'd all be up for it but there aren't enough afab slashers and sometimes you just wanna eat someone out.
That not your cuppa tea? Bullying/teasing them in the form of light degradation/praise. Condescension mixed with praise I think? I got into this whole thing of Vinny being a pervy little creepy bully and I need to turn the tables now ig. 😩😩😩
We went from zero to rim jobs really quickly and I couldn’t be more proud of you, thank you.
Brahms would definitely let you rim him, no question asked, yes please—like if he was an especially good boy he’d want that as a treat. Bo would 100% let it happen. He’ll pretend like he’s not into the idea at first, but he’s so down bad for it. Better yet, surprise him with it. Go down on him first and then let your mouth slide down and he’s gonna moan like a lil bitch. We stan.
When I think of praise and degradation my mind immediately goes to Bo. He needs to be both talked down to and praised. It helps keep him balanced. I could see Vincent providing the degradation and praise, but he vastly prefers to give praise in my eyes. He’s kind of a service top the way I see him.
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ry0chann · 3 years
i wasn’t that thirsty for oda until i read ur writing for him and WHEWWW. *fans self* u are too good at this. could u possibly write a piece where oda takes y/n’s virginity and y/n has a praise kink?? 👉👈
haha thank you!! 🥰 and yes i can
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a lesson in something new
pairing // Odasaku Sakunosuke x fem!reader
genre // smut
wc. // 4056
warnings // ⚠️ nsfw!! , college au, teacher/student relationship, slight public sex (ig?), fingering (f), vaginal penetration, virgin!reader, loss of virginity
notes // goodbye there's so much plot, why am i like this? i could've just made it pwp but nooo, i just had to give context smh.. it’s still good imo tho. also, the praise kink part is very very subtle- i just didn't want it to be too dialogue heavy
(tagging @nameless-shrimp bc she very kindly read this before it was even close to being complete. i appreciate the feedback, ty shrimp <3)
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Sitting in his class was always difficult. His stare was so gentle but it intimidated you; it made you nervous. Every time his eyes landed on you it gave you butterflies. The fact that you could never tell what he was thinking is what had you on edge. Of course, he was oblivious to that at first, but he soon started to catch on. He’d begun to notice how you squirm in your seat whenever he looked at you, and he’d see how flushed your cheeks got whenever he called your name. He assumed you were just shy— and while that may have been part of the reason, that wasn’t all of it.
You would sit through his long lectures, trying your best to pay attention but finding yourself unsuccessful. You’d get distracted so easily; eyes glazing over his toned body and heart quickening at the thoughts that flooded your mind. He was all you ever thought about, and that shouldn’t have been the case. It was wrong of you to think of your professor in a way that was unprofessional, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to have him touch you, or kiss you. To have him do all the things you do to yourself at night.
The only thing that made this situation wrong was the fact that he was your teacher, unfortunately. He was only a handful of years older than you, and you knew he was experienced- with looks like that there was no way he wasn't. Luckily for you he wasn't tied down to a relationship either, or at least you assumed he wasn't; he wore no ring and never mentioned anything about having a partner. Maybe he just preferred to keep his private life to himself- rightfully so- but that didn't matter to you. It was ridiculous how desperate he made you feel. How badly you wished for him to be the one to take your innocence; a slightly older and experienced man who you knew would treat you right.
Of course, it was sinful of you to attempt to get that kind of attention from him, but it couldn't hurt to try right? Sure, he'd probably deny you, but you wanted him to at least know how you felt. It was parlous, you knew this, yet here you were; sitting before him in the front row of the large and empty classroom, as he sits at his desk and catches you up on the book you've been reading.
He taught literature, which happened to be your easiest subject. But for the sake of getting some alone time with him, you'd pretend to be behind on the reading. This behavior would be seen as unacceptable coming from you. You've always done well in class; keeping up with assignments and never missing a due date. So why were you suddenly slacking? It was suspicious, to say the least, and just as you feared, he'd question you for it.
"Hopefully that was enough to catch you up. Be sure to do tonight's assignment."
Odasaku let out a sigh as you rose to your feet. You fix your skirt and get ready to leave- though, you're stalling and taking your sweet time doing so. Slowly, you walk passed his desk towards the door, but his words stop you.
"One question, if you don't mind. What was the reason you got behind? You're normally so studious."
You contemplated coming up with a lie, but you assumed his question was rhetorical, so you just came out with it.
You laugh a little, cheeks turning a bit pink, "I um, I'm actually not behind on the reading..."
He chuckles softly, looking down at his desk before his eyes come back up to meet yours. "I figured. And what was the reason you felt the need to waste your own time by listening to me talk for an extra thirty minutes?"
He spoke monotonically yet he sounded stern. The urge to give him the truth was very strong, but was it really smart to tell him what you really came for? Were you even bold enough to do such a thing?
"I simply stayed to talk to you. I just felt I needed a reason."
Perhaps you were.
He tilted his head in question, "Did you now? Hm." He thought a moment, then spoke again. "You don't need a reason y/n. I'll always be here."
Odasaku gave you a small smile; a smile that you rarely ever seemed to see, but one that quickened the beating of your heart.
"I appreciate that, thank you." you say quietly.
You knew his offer was on the table for every one of his students, but you selfishly had the thought that it was exclusive for you. You stood there fiddling with your fingers, trying to find any excuse to stay a few minutes longer. Oda gave you a look- a concerned one- and asked if everything was alright. You simply nod your head and begin to walk out but he tells you to wait. As if your legs had a mind of their own, you turn around to face him; he was still sat at his desk and he gestured for you to come over.
"You look unsatisfied. Are you sure you're okay?" his tone was flat but you knew it was genuine.
He looked at you with kind eyes, despite his stoic expression. It was a look that implied you could tell him anything, and you wanted to. You wanted to tell him why you were here, but you also didn't want to make a fool of yourself. The dilemma bounced around in your head and it sparked your anxiety. To avoid his worry, you move to stand in front of his desk. His eyes run over your body- it was most likely an innocent stare, though, you hoped it wasn't.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you say quietly, trailing your fingers across the edge of his desk delicately. "But... I guess you could say I'm unsatisfied."
You really were bold, huh?
He sighs, "Is there something you're not understanding that you're not telling me?"
Oda was oblivious, though you guessed it wasn't entirely obvious what you could've meant. There seemed to be small rush of confidence running through you now, and you weren't sure why. That probably wouldn't bode well for you, however, you could tell you piqued his interest. Nervously, you toy with the hem of your skirt, immediately feeling that confidence fade.
"There's just been something on my mind and... It's related to you."
He raises his eyebrows- still unsure of what you were implying- and his cheeks wear a very light blush. He clears his throat and straightens his back, "Does it have something to do with my teaching? I try to make the material digestible."
"No, you're teaching is fine Sir." you laugh. "Um, but I do wish you would teach me something..." Your words were so vague, and you knew he probably wouldn't catch on unless you spelled it out for him.
With your heart beating out of your chest now, face hot and red, and butterflies flooding your stomach, you lean down to be directly at his eye level. Your palms rest atop his desk and your eyes are glued to his. The words you wanted to say struggled to come out- of course they did; you weren't really gonna confess your love to your professor, were you? It was too late to back out now and you were already here, might as well get it over with.
"I just, um... I'm quite fond of you professor. I know I'm wasting my time telling you this, but I can't keep it from you anymore. And... I've always had this favor I wanted to ask of you, however, it'd be wrong of me to ask."
Your face was as bright as a tomato and you felt like you'd drop dead from the anxiety any minute now. You shake your head and whisper an apology before quickly making your way back towards the door. The regret had set in much sooner than you thought it would. Odasaku rose to his feet and called your name, the sound of him doing so making your heart drop to your stomach. As to not be rude, you turn back around but you hang your head low- like a puppy who had gotten in trouble. He walked over to you and placed a finger under your chin, lifting your head so you'd look at him.
"I can't say I'm too surprised... I see the way you look at me y/n."
His eyes scanned over your face, lingering on your lips before meeting your gaze.
"I'm flattered, to say the least" he says, "However..." He steps a little closer and his voice drops to a whisper, "You know it'd be unprofessional of me to speak on the matter."
His hand falls back down to his side, and you nod knowingly. Of course he wasn't gonna say anything about what you had said, you knew better than to expect him to. Yet, you still hoped he would. You let out a tired sigh followed by another apology, diverting your attention. Odasaku's eyes never leave you- it was like he was observing you; trying to read your expression.
"You said there was a favor you wanted to ask? Do you mind telling me what that favor is?"
Something was telling you he already knew- or at least had an idea of- what the favor was. The red of your cheeks couldn't have been more prominent and you were sure he could hear the beating of your heart.
"It's um... not very professional, Sir." Your voice trails off out of embarrassment.
His eyes widen but it's a subtle reaction. He crosses his arms, a sly smirk coming across his face.
"Is it? That's not very like you y/n. I'm a little disappointed; I wouldn't have thought you would think of me in such a way."
You turn your head from him and speak with an inaudible tone, "I'm sorry Sir."
You felt ashamed, and humiliated. All of this for him to scold you, and for you to leave feeling like your heart had been stomped on. What did you expect? Odasaku leans forward a tad, dropping his voice to a whisper- you could nearly feel his breath on your neck as you keep your head turned.
"I remember asking you what the favor was. I'd still like to know." he says.
The flush of your cheeks deepen. Your breathes hitch and you gulp, trying to find the courage to tell him what you want.
"I-I um... I'd like a kiss..." you whisper, embarrassed.
He chuckles, "That's all? Hm."
No that wasn't all, but how could you bring yourself to tell him what you really wanted? Slowly you turn your head to look at him- his face is closer than you thought it'd be and he wears a devious smirk. Your eyes dart between his eyes and his lips, finding it difficult to maintain eye contact or say anything.
"I could lose my job y'know, if someone found out about this. But..." he pauses, "I'd hate to see you leave here upset."
Your heart quickens and you swear you felt faint. He wasn't offering to give you what you asked for, was he? You fidget with your fingers, nervously mumbling "um's" as you try to form a sentence. Shockingly, his hand found your cheek, softly caressing it with his thumb.
"Is this alright?" he asks politely.
You nod, still speechless.
Oda gives you a kind smile and closes the gap between you. As soon as it started it had ended; a peck to your lips so quick that you couldn't even process it, or savor it. He knew what he was doing- what a tease. You pout a little, feeling disappointed that that was all he gave you. His eyes linger on your lips before he speaks.
"Did that satisfy you, y/n?"
He knew it didn't but of course he'd ask anyway. You shake your head, chewing your lower lip in attempts to calm your nerves. A smile comes across his face at your response.
"I really shouldn't give you another..."
He pecks your lips again.
"Y/n... Tell me to stop." he whispers close to your mouth.
You know you should, but you couldn't bring yourself to. You didn't want him to stop, and the fact that he was telling you to do so indicated that he didn't want to stop either. At this point, he didn't even need to say that he shared your feelings; it was obvious to you now he did feel something for you.
"I- I don't want you to stop." Your voice is so quiet you thought he may not hear you.
Odasaku instinctively took hold of your waist, leaning in again and kissing you once more. Time seemed to stop and your head felt fuzzy. You did have questions about how he truly felt, but right now they didn't even seem worth asking, you just wanted this to continue.
The kiss had become heated faster than you expected. Before you could pull away to say something, he had your hips pressed against the edge of his desk while he kissed you more eagerly. Your hands run across his chest, messing with the buttons of his shirt. You feel him smile against your mouth before he slips his tongue in, a soft whimper escaping you in response.
Words couldn't describe how you felt right now. The best you could do was "elated, aroused," and "nervous." There were so many things jumping around in your head, yet it all seemed clouded by the feeling of his tongue in your mouth and his hands roaming your body.
Odasaku brought his hands under your arms, lifting you up and setting you on his desk. His lips kissed at your jaw, lower and lower, until arriving at the base of your neck. He started to suck at your skin, dragging his hands down your body and up your thighs. His hands were quite big, yet his touch was so gentle- it gave you goosebumps. Your breath hitched at every little touch, you finding yourself to be extremely sensitive.
It was almost embarrassing how wet you already were. You'd squirm beneath his touch, sighing when his hands inched up your legs. Oda had left a few marks on your neck, marks that you'd definitely have to cover with make up if you didn't want anyone to question you about them. His fingers lightly brushed against your clothed sex, causing you to close your legs a bit. He smirked, parting your thighs and pushing your skirt up.
"This is what you want, yes? You can tell me stop at any time, y/n." he says kindly.
You bite your lip with a nod, "I do want this... I'm just... nervous."
Your cheeks had become darker than they already were and you felt more anxious than you did previously. He gives your lips a tender peck, speaking close to them when he pulls away.
"Nervous because of me, or nervous because of something else?"
"Something else..." you exclaim quietly.
"Hm." He backs away almost knowingly. "We can stop if you're not ready."
With widen eyes, you straight your back. It wasn't ending already, was it? Damn him for being so considerate.
"N-no, I'm okay. I promise." your eyes fall to the floor, and your voice gets quiet again when you realize how accidentally loud you had gotten. "Please keep going."
He licks his lips with a grin, trailing his hands back up your thighs and leaning in to kiss you. You tilt your chin up, deepening the kiss, as a form of reassurance that you were alright with continuing. His tongue slips into your mouth again, a little more eager this time. You shiver when his fingers graze the waistband of your panties. Feeling eager yourself, you prop yourself up on your elbows and lift your hips. He removes your panties, letting them fall to the floor.
Oda's fingers press onto your exposed clit, feeling how swollen it had become. He smirks at how your body twitches, and starts to rub circles into your hardened nub. You whimper, closing your eyes as your head falls back. His slender digits slide through the slick of your folds, the pads of his fingers teasing your cunt which was already dripping for him. He admires you a moment, drinking in how pleased you already are.
Without warning, Oda slipped in a finger, a high-pitched moan coming from your mouth when he does so. Your head rises to look at him, your stare meeting his admirable one. His eyes seemed to glimmer with desire, fixating on your flushed face. He uses his thumb to play with your clit as he inserts another finger. They slide in so easily, the feeling of them inside you only making you wetter.
"You're much naughtier than I would've expected, y/n." he shakes his head. "Letting me do such a vulgar thing to you..."
His teasing tone turned you on, in spite of the slight humiliation you felt from being called out. You sit up straight- bringing your arms over his shoulders and catching him in a kiss- as his fingers continue moving in and out of you at a steady pace. He groans into your mouth, quickening his pace slightly.
It was difficult trying to keep still, his fingers felt so good. The amount of times you've zoned out in class because you were thinking about this specific scenario was ridiculous, and the fact that it was actually happening had you over the moon.
He'd curl his fingers in your warmth, moaning into the sloppy kiss you were caught up in. His lips fell from yours and moved to your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin when he spoke.
"Do you think you can take more than this? I just don't want to overwhelm you."
You let out a pleasured sigh; his fingers were still twisting in and out of your cunt. Trying to respond to his question wasn't the easiest task.
"P-please Sir, I-I want you so bad..."
Your face was buried in the crook of his neck, tiny kisses being peppered onto his skin. Oda hums with acknowledgement, taking out his fingers and leaving you feeling empty. He wipes them clean on your thigh and separates from you, backing up to undo his slacks. You stare as his pants pool at his feet, your eyes fixating on the bulge beneath his boxers.
There was a slight anxiety running through you, though you hoped it was just an excitement that your brain had mistaken for nervousness. Oda pulls his briefs to the floor, gently grabbing you by the bend of your knees afterwards, and bringing you closer to the edge of the desk. He kisses you reassuringly, almost to help you relax from noticing how you appeared uneasy- for lack of better words.
"Are you ready?" he asks, now kissing along your jaw and lining himself up at your entrance.
You nod, bringing your hands under his arms and up his back, holding onto his shoulders as if to brace yourself. His length slide in easily, which surprised you because you didn't think it would. Despite that, it still hurt a little; you've never had anything more than your fingers, but the stretch felt so indescribably amazing you couldn't do anything but mewl.
He hisses at feeling you clench around him once he's filled you. "Mm you're so tight, fuck-"
Oda held onto your waist, dragging your body a bit closer to his and beginning to buck his hips. Your eyes rolls to the back of your head and you pull on his shirt, a breathy moan slipping your tongue. He moans against your skin, leaving messy kisses on your neck while he picks up his pace. Your legs had wrapped themselves around his body, attempting to close but obviously not succeeding. His deep moans rumbled through your ears, the sound further turning you on and making you wet.
He moved your skirt up a little higher- just so it wasn't in his way- and thrusts a bit harder. His hand was flat on your stomach, the other on your waist, while he ruts into you. Oda decides to lie you on the desk- figuring it'd be more comfortable for you- trailing his hands up your body and holding you right beneath your breasts. Your eyes were shut tight and your hands ran down his back to his chest.
"Good girl~ Y-you're doing such a good job- shit-"
Continuously, he'd praise you; reminding you how well you were taking him, and how good it felt to be inside you. His words of affirmation drove you crazy. You still couldn't believe what was happening. You were lying atop your professors' desk, he who was god knows how many inches deep inside you, and actively stripping you of every last bit of innocence you might've had left.
The noises you let out were bouncing off the walls of his large classroom, filling his ears and making him grunt every time his body snapped with yours. He was making you feel so good, making you feel things you didn't even know you were capable of feeling. The pleasure was like nothing you've ever experienced; your hand was only capable of so much, after all.
Every thought, every fantasy, you've ever had about him was practically unfolding in front of you. You were experiencing it all for real- something you didn't think would ever be possible. Your eyes were glassy and the bright red blush of your cheeks never went away. Oda took your hands in his, pinning them above your head and giving them a firm squeeze.
"Fuck you feel good- Mphm, say my name for me, y/n."
"Aah Oda-" Your voice got caught in your throat, a squeak escaping you mid-sentence from feeling him hit that sweet spot of yours.
He moans your name after hearing his own come from you, thrusting quicker and causing your moans to get louder. You arch your back, cursing through your moans and bucking your hips up, growing more and more antsy the longer this went on. It felt so good you couldn't sit still. You began to whine, your stomach coiling and your walls tightening around his shaft.
"O-oh I'm- fuck- I'm so close, p-please. Please Oda~"
His eyes scan your face, pupils fully dilated from how pretty you looked beneath him. He was getting close too, he was nearly seconds away. A mumbled "c'mon baby" was said before a swear replaced it, his movements becoming harder. Now overwhelmed with pleasure, you cum around his length, not being able to keep yourself from doing so. He bucks his hips a little more, letting you ride out your orgasm, before pulling out and spilling onto your stomach.
Both your breathes were labored, bodies feeling hot and sticky from the sweat that had formed on your skin. You felt so weak all of a sudden, yet you couldn't prevent the smile that spread across your face. Odasaku gives you a kiss, whispering in your ear something about how well you did- you didn't really hear him, honestly. He redresses, then walks to the other side of his desk, grabbing some tissues from a drawer to hand to you.
Oda helps you clean up, and you tiredly slip back into your panties afterwards. You get off the desk, fixing your clothes and standing on slightly wobbly legs. He holds onto your arms, just to keep you steady, and kisses your cheek.
"Don't hesitate reaching out to me if you need any more help, okay?"
You blush, biting your lip. "Yes Sir. I'll be sure to let you know if I need anything."
He gives you one last kiss then lets go you. You grab your bag from the floor and throw it over your shoulder, giving him a small smile as you exit, feeling giddy that you ended up getting exactly what you came here for.
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svnaslove · 4 years
getting high with hq boys
𝐬𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; just stoner! haikyuu character heacanons and how they get when they’re high w you
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ; recreational marijuana use, suggestive themes
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ; atsumu miya, suna rintarō, tendou satori, sugawara koshi [all separate]
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yeah i can totally see atsumu being a stoner, i can’t help it, it just comes naturally
a bong bitch, he hates bowls and blunts for some reason
if you’re going to have a sesh with him BUCKLE UP
gets kinda whiny when he’s high and an EXTREME case of the munchies
will eat three times his weight 
will take both indica and sativa but prefers indica
gets !! so !! fucking !! touchy !!
if you’re his s/o it’s probably fine
but if you’re not, you’re probably gonna end up having a crush on him because he’s so extra flirty and touchy when he’s high
“you’re prettyyyy”
“can i give you a kiiiiiss”
“y/n do you think im prettyyy?”
you’re only encouraged by his flirtyness and end up flirting back without thinking about it
“i think you’re really pretty too ‘tsum”
-atsumu miya 2020
as i said, super touchy
but not in a pervy way, like he feels touch starved out of nowhere when he’s high
plays with your hands, hugs you, kneads your thighs, kisses your cheeks, throws himself on your lap and lays his head there and you just play with his hair
will be all dazed out and all of the sudden look up at you from your lap and goes “boobs are so pretty and soft :)” “can i touch your boobies :) <3″
even though he’s high he’s still respectful so if you say no he’ll be fine and it won’t be weird or anything, you two just laugh it off and he’ll let you touch his “boobies”
in the end and in summary,
this can go two ways
you guys either end up wholesomely hugging/cuddling and giggling to each other
you two end up fucking on the coach
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resident stoner, but you wouldn’t really be able to guess it
prefers the smoke so doesn’t really want edibles
really good with the smoke tricks
his french inhale is fucking sexy
honestly really fun and chill to have a sesh with
prefers indica
also prefers either a blunt or a dab pen, mostly the pen doesn’t like doing all the extra stuff, lazy mf
he might ask you to roll his blunt for him and it’s not because he doesn’t know how because you have seen him do it before
and so quick at it too like, you’re so good at it, you don’t need me??
you were his apprentice at rolling at one point 😌
✨sensei suna✨
says the weird shit
“if i try to fail and i succeed, which one did i do?”
“why do your feet smell but your nose runs?”
you’re just as greened out as he is you’re like
“wooooooaaaaahhh riiiiiinnnnnnnnn”
in you head you’re like “omfg this guy is einstein, suna for president.”
you convinced yourself by accident once that he was, in fact, einstein and you were asking him how to make an atomic bomb
he was going with it too like, “yuh knoo, i just, got to the neighbors house and i ask him if he’s seen adam ( yes, in the context of fucking adam, instead of ATOM) and he’s like “yeah man i saw adam over at the grocery store, he was buying apples,” and i was like “yeahh an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and my neighbor was like “yeahhh” and then i went to the apple isle in the grocery store and there was adam and i was like “did you study yet adam” and he said nah so i was like “oh, well ig you should since theres a test tomorrow” and he’s like “i’ll be fine” and then comes tomorrow and he’s like, “suna, i bombed the test.” and that’s how it happens
you’re like
“wooooooaaaaahhhh riiiiinnnnnnnn”
you saw that whole story? yeah, he can make up random ass stories like those on the spot and go on forever
but he might fall asleep midway sometimes like a grandpa
would rather stay home and just talk with you while wrapped up in blankets
does get really thirsty, so have plenty of extra water for him <3
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says the weird shit like suna does and again,
“wooooooaaaaahhhhhh saaatttooooriiiiiii”
probably ends up with you two going on a trip somewhere 
but if not still makes it super fun
rents a bouncy house ??
where did he know to rent a bouncy house ??
and how did he get it shipped over to you two so quickly ??
sativa boyo
probably climbed the roof together at least once
you end up laughing so hard with him that your guts feel like they’re going to spill out
walks in from going to the bathroom and he’s like 
with a deadpan face
“it feels so weird to pee when you’re greened out”
looks like he’s legitimately scared
“woah does it really?” you reach over to chug a bunch of water to be able to pee soon
“huh ? 🧍‍♀️”
and then you both start laughing so hard that your eyes hurt from all of the crying
and then you have to pee and he’s outside of the door, “i’ll save you if you need my help, okay?”
when you start peeing you’re like 
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the most wholesome and head in the clouds experience ever when you’re getting high with suga
it’s like heaven
that is, if there are no interruptions 
doesn’t really care between indica or sativa
but he does like getting new stuff to try out like different types of kush or dab pens
he’s a literal “i’ll take anything” type of guy
kinda giggly when he’s high, it’s really cute
he knows how to braid ??
if you have long hair he’ll be like “y/nn can i braid your hair 🥺”
you guys made a freaking fort once ??😭
and it was surprisingly HELLA good
you two usually either talk about really deep stuff and it gets spiritual sometimes like you start talking about stars and god and souls
or you guys will end giggling at each other or end up watching disney movies
you tried to put on that’s so raven one time and he thought hE could do what raven could and see into the future and it was HILARIOUS
he kept stopping and looking into nothing really intensely and then telling you that he just saw the future
likes to lay on your lap too
he says you smell good and your thighs are really comfy
one time he liCKED YOUR THIGHS??
like a lil kitten lick 😭
he said your thighs told him to do it
ended up eating you out.
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recordmcqueen · 4 years
👉👈 Every ship ask for the boboiboy fandom? please? thank you //sad cape whoosh
aha now we’re talkin
1. What was your first OTP? boifang- my sister had only about a thousand screenshots of them before she finally managed to drag me in so its not like i had a choice--
2. What is your current OTP? answered this already
3. Do you have any OT3/OT+ ships? What are your favorites? hmm the only ones i have rn are goboifang and manramen x kaizo x pirate soldier guy. oh but like lowkey ayu yu x kiki ta x ejo jo dont question me okay-
4. What is/are your favorite trope(s)? idk if its a trope but like i want some brotp in my otp yknow and monsta does that right i just hhh bless. but also like the whole yin-yang thing going on with fang and bbb is just ahhh im weak
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)? hmmm in the fandom its mostly the hetshipping like i have no hate on any ships but a lot of times it does feel like theyre shipping for the sake of straight than dynamic which is really. unfortunate.
6. Do you have a certain kind of ship you’re more attracted to? bros being homies okay im so weak for the idiot memelords who all share one singular braincell its wonderful.
7. Are most of your ships “pure” or “problematic”? uhh i think as far as this fandom goes none of my ships are actively being bashed on and theyve all got pretty wholesome dynamics sooo nah? but then like i go and angst them all up so idk if that makes them problematic lol--
8. Who is the most shippable person you can think of? ...fang. probably because i think about him the most and also cause he got one of the best character development arcs and that just gives him a really solid dynamic with other characters //now im just making excuses hes my favorite okay
9. Are there any fandoms you don’t have any ships for? kind of? im kinda neutral on ships like i dont Need them (esp not in canon i actually prefer canon to be shipless bLESS MONSTA) and i don’t bash on any for the most part i can See all ships. but i dont necessarily actively Ship ships all the time yknow? so ig the answer is no...
10. Do characters have to have canon interactions for you to ship them? lmao nope (see kiki ta x ayu yu and probs a dozen other ships that dont come to mind at the moment)
11. What makes a great ship in your own opinion? uhhh dynamic??
12. What drives you away from a ship? lack of dynamic-- shipping for aesthetic is nice but i just appreciate the good art without really connecting to the ship itself yknow
13. Is there anything you ship but refuse to interact with the community for? mm yes. idk i feel like the fanbase is polarized between “soft pure bean with no or few ships” and “thirsty simps 18+ only” and both categories scare me too much to chat ships with lol
14. Has a fanbase ever made you ship or not ship something? Why? yES but not the bbb fanbase thankfully cantsaythesameforthelastfandomuhm
15. Do you like/participate in ship wars? Why or why not? already answered this one
16. Are there any ships you just can’t/don’t understand? What are they? boya. also saifang, come to think of it (the latter is significantly less popular). in both cases i consider them as a familial bond and cant really see them any other way? like i see bbb and yaya as mlm wlw solidarity and sai as an older brother to fang more than anything else so yknow hshsh
17. Are there any popular ships that you just don’t like? What are they? i mean the collective fandom otp is boicest so yknow. not my jam uwu
18. What is your favorite unpopular ship? bruh my otp is unpopular ToT
19. Do you prefer fluff, angst, or smut for your ships? angstangstangst *cough* ill take a nice order of fluff please and thank you kindly uwu
20. Do you prefer bigger fanbases or smaller ones? big fanbase have more content and its easier to find ppl to talk about rarepairs with. small fandom already have so few people its near impossible to find anyone to talk about your toiny ship with and even harder to find fellow fans irl. big fandoms have more potential toxicity tho--
21. Have you ever received hate for a ship you liked? lmao yeah but not for this fandom //probs cause i rarely talk about bbb ships in public anyway lol
22. Do you have any ships that you ship, but would never want to see as canon? all of them. i praise monsta every day for making their content 100% gen and i would never want it any other way bLESS
23. Have you ever had a ship become canon, but you didn’t like how it was portrayed? not in bbb for obvious reasons lol but in another fandom i Guess? idk how canon is “canon”
24. What is your favorite canon ship? *sweats intensely* captain kaizo’s dragonfly ship looks badass wish they kept it instead of the new round thingy he has that looks like it could impale someone- okay but papa zola and mama zila are heckin wholesome i love them and im so glad pipi has good loving parents
25. What are your favorite ships from a dead fandom? i dont think any of my current fandoms are Dead per se..
26. What are your favorite shipping scenes? “the captain praised me, what of it?” “open the door to my heart!” but also mONSTA WHY WOULD YOU DELETE BBB INVITING FANG TO STAY OVER AT HIS HOUSE FROM BBBM2 OTL //at least it meant we got it released internationally early so i could enjoy that much from canada
27. What are your views on reader x canon ships? already answered
28. What is your best shipping advice? whats with all the ship hatin ToT even if yall heathens cant understand multishipping, surely “mind your own damn business” and “live and let live” are easy enough pills to swallow??
29. Do you like OCs (Original Characters)? already answered
30. What are some of your favorite shipping blogs? are there bbb shipping blogs? i know theres the ramenzo one.. i dont think boifang has any active ones and my other ships are too rare to be considered lol yeah im pretty sure the only fandom shipping blogs (if any) would be boicest rip
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
(Slightly NSFW ) ..JUST A LIL
Mkay ..disclaimer this is all in good FUN, I’m also a fellow 94 liner, so if the boys were in the US, we would’ve been in HS together!
This is Obv very Westernized and I’m writing this as if they aren’t the art school AU’s people typically write
(EDITED 8/5/2020)
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-A whole thot thot, I mean don’t get me wrong he’s a total sweetheart but he’s still a walking  thirst trap, no cap, no filter! He’s kinda ”famous” on social media(Prob like 15-20k) Snap, IG, FB, you name it...for some reason he always seems to work out shirtless. LOVES to take pics so you KNOW he worked out shirtless!
-Please don’t let any form of R&B play at a party...It’s a wrap, what you tryin to see? Some grind work? A little hip roll action? You want a lap dance? Tongue out and all! The Asian alllll the black girls girls love(Obviously not just black girls but lets be real..it takes a certain...appeal..and Jimin has it!) 
- Gives off that whole “My dad owns, about 5 nail salons and beauty supplies in the hood” kinda vibe! (Meaning hes comfortable around different walks of life,he doesn't feel out of place easily, hes the type of person that everybody can gravitate towards) The boy has swag and he knows it…got everybody from Megan to Brian thirsty as all hell! 
-Will win best hair his senior year..without a doubt, well if he doesn't fry it first!... Looks like a walking Pantene commercial, yes, more so because he can’t go two seconds without running his fingers through his scalp!
-KING of subtle shade...knows all the tea but acts like he doesn't as he slowly sips his Starbucks. The type to honestly forget he’s told 3 different girls they could wear his jersey/Letterman jacket! Until they all text him Thursday night ....
-A jock that’s cool with everybody! The type to cuss out his fellow athletes that are total dick wads and bully people... I feel like he’d be a damn good running back, he has the right height a muscle build up for it. 
-Owns a pair of buffs, don't lie to yourself you know you could see it too...wears skinny jeans with Timberland's 😒, still wears 3878374 rings. Believe it or not he gives me like Tilly’s/Zumiez/PacSun vibes!
-Drives a red obnoxiously loud scat pack that’s tinted way past the legal shade! He drifts on the weekends. Jimin would be your local plug IDC,IDC,IDC...LOL I said what I said, got a whole eighter hiding in a fake bottle of orange juice!
- Just flirting his way through high school living his best life… will fuck someone up if need be, has a slight temper, sassy as hell, can roll his eyes with the best of them. ”Would it be ...too extra if I changed outfits and dates during the dance?..Serious question guys! ” 
- He’d be the one that all the girls say gives the best head ...I mean..those lips..that tongue..HELLO! Stroke game on point...I feel like he’d have no filter when it comes to talking about sex publicly. No shame, loves to tease you, at the worst times, down to sneak off to the bathroom, or the janitors closet! Will bend you over behind the bleachers after they win a football game...if your down...gang, gang!
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-An Asian with light skin tendencies ...the one that low key may think he’s black (I’m joking!! lmao,,,maybe) 
-He’s that one person that legitimately everyone likes...no matter how hard you may try..you just can’t dislike him! 
-He actually is class president!
-Hangs out with all the basketball players and has the freshest Jordans..but can’t hoop! He’s on the school newspaper..writes the sports column...is still that free spirit telling you to live your best damn life.  
-Either looks like he’s going to a business meeting or like he just picked out damn near everything from Champs there’s no in between! 
-Makes and sells beats on the side, would also have a strong social media presence! He’s be the type to have a ton of followers on Sound Cloud and Spotify!
-The type to try and talk is way into and or around everything “I understand hats are against the wardrobe but I’m just trying to express myself and I think it’s right to give everybody self expression” Wears glasses, though none of us really know if he needs them forreal forreal…. Wears a snowman on his wrist (A big iced out watch). 
-Drives a white BMW 430, puts cones around his car in the parking lot..Yoongi and Jimin kick the cones...faithfully..everyday!
-Don’t let his niceness fool you, will cook your ass in the blink of an eye if need be! Prefers a good verbal situation though, the king of a good word battle will have you all types of trying to check the dictionary to understand what he just said! Got you standing there like a misplaced student in honors English… 
- If shit get’s physical well..we can’t let the president fight soo...he’ll call Yoongi or Jimin to handle it for him…. Because...well his Jay’s are brand new..and only 10 other people have them...sooooo..OR maybe it’s lowkey because he can’t fight all that well...baby’s not coordinate OKAY!? Don’t @ me! 
-Oophfff daddy long leg! Lmao nah but you know he’d be the one...the one that every girl says he’s packin..and he is...He’d be little more reserved..and modest when it comes to his skills but he’s damn sure not shy! Would deff skip lunch, for a quickey at the park..yes the park.....would leave for lunch in a suit...come back in some joggers....real subtel....
Yoongi -
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-The unexpected jock ...the one who can kick your entire ass in basketball, one of the stars on the team! Shooting Guard, has a championship ring from every year he’s played!
-Picks and chooses when he wants to be social. Just judge his mood based on his  face that day!
-DJ’s every party and school event. Often gets into trouble for not playing the clean versions of songs!
-He’s on the morning broadcast with Jimin and Jin...also forgets to censor himself. I.E “Peter Pan opened last night and it sucked actual ass!” 
-Lowkey highkey funny AF, king of sarcasm and one liners!
-Purposely owns an old school Chevelle instead of a new car, also drifts on the weekends.
- Lives in like the flyest loungewear...joggers, hoodies,Jays..doesn't look like he tried but still looks bomb AF. 
-Another one that will creep up on you when it comes to his skill in bed, the one that girls say there surprised with how passionate and attentive he is! In contrast to how  hard his exterior can be, the type to take his time and make sure your more than satisfied….
 -Always, ALWAYS has his headphones in, lives and breathes music! He raps on the side, competes in underground competitions, and win’s without even trying! Refuses to ever participle in the schools talent show because he can’t swear therefore they are hindering his creative flow! 
-Constantly looks like he’d rather cut his own testie off than be “here” right now. 
-Will walk out if you don't let him go to the bathroom when he feels like it, actually he’ll just walk out period…”Yoongi where are you going!?” . 
“Oh I need another espresso shot before I sit through this extremely falsely sugarcoated reality of how Columbus “discovered”  a place that was already there!” 
Jimin: “Aww man, sit down I got you! I was just about to have Pizza Hut sent to the office, you wanna add into my postmates order!!?” 
😩😂😂😂...I canttttt ..maybe I’ll do the other four!? Again all in good fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I often wonder what the boys would be like if they were born in the states. Then I realize the lack of filter they’d all have especially JIMIN and I’m grateful for the cultural differences that come with them being Korean born !
UPDATE- 7/29...I think I might turn these headcons into a lil sum sum...writing these reminded me that I actually enjoyed HS (For me my “shitty” period was like elementray and part of middle school) But I made HS my bitch, and had so much damn fun lol !
7/30- PART 1
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collateralfiction · 5 years
OBJ Short
“Aye, three stacks, where you at, my love?”
With a little help from my coconut and avocado oil concoction, I carefully combed through my tresses and slicked my hair into a low ponytail at the back of my head. I was growing frustrated with having my natural hair out for so long that I was honestly contemplating siting through 5 hours of faux locs. And God knows I have zero patience to sit for an extended period of time, let alone have someone in my head at that. With Air Pods sticking in my ears, I could barely hear my best friend yelling at me from downstairs. Sliding back into my fluffy slippers, I stepped out of my room, looked over the staircase and down at her with a cheesy smile.
“Well don’t you look amazing. Jimmy Choo?”
“Absolutely and why are you not ready?” she sassed, placing her hand on her hips.
“Girl, it’s only All-Star weekend. This is not the Met Gala and the only reason I’m going is because you asked me to go. If I had my way, I would rather sit home and not get classified with a bunch of thirsty women trying to trap someone else’s man. Been through that and I’m past that,”
“I know how you feel about it, mama. But honestly, we’re just going for a good time and to network like usual. Stop acting ugly,” Kory laughed.
“You know I would rather stay in and catch up on The Walking Dead but fine. My outfit is already picked out too. I just need to throw it on. Being natural is so time consuming,” I complained as I watched her take her time up my spiral staircase.
“But it seems like you had more than enough time to do that face of yours,” she laughed, hugging me tightly. It was always Drew and Kory or Kory and Drew. If you see one, you would see either one of us not too far behind. That’s just how it went. I would say I was a social butterfly but when I find people I click with, I tend to stick with them and have reservations on wanting to make new friends.
“Oh girl, you know I love a good beat. I didn’t do anything too crazy. Just foundation, highlight, eyebrows, eyelash and lips,”
“So again, a full beat,” she laughed, pushing me into the bedroom.
“Oh, bitch. Call us an Uber or something,” I said as I dropped my robe and quickly ran into my walk-in closet to pick up the outfit of the day. Since it was only a simple basketball game that would be filled with multiple press outlets, celebrities and spectators, I still had to look my best. I wore a bright two-piece neon green sweater skirt set, and paired it with my favorite Versace sandals- if you must know the name, they’re called the Triple Strap Platform High-Heel Sandals. The heels in itself is perfect for me because with my little above average height and toned legs, it’ll just bring out even further my Goddess like features. Not to bring all the attention on me, I grabbed one of my favorite fringed black jean jackets to seal in the look. I normally carried a bag with me, but I figure a Fendi fanny pack to sling across my body would be so much easier.
“No Uber. We got car service and it’s downstairs waiting,” she said as she leaned against the doorway. “Woah, mama. You look damn hot. You’re sure to get someone’s attention tonight. Use the Burberry Her scent. It’s so refreshing,” she suggested.
“Thank you, babe. I’m pretty much done. We can go before I find something else I need to do,” I smiled.
“Wait, we have got to take some photos first. Because you know after this, we’re going to the afterparty,” she expressed, walking into the connected bathroom. When I moved into this house almost five years ago, everything that I had in here was crafted to what I wanted specifically. Everything had to be of my standards and whether that was me ripping everything out and starting from the ground up, so be it. My bathroom had one of the largest mirrors in the house, spanning from the floor to the ceiling as soon as you walked in. That’s where most of my photos were taken as people have noticed a certain pattern on Instagram.
“Smile, bitch,” Kory said, immediately smizing like the professional model she is.
I turned to the side to show the profile of my body and the shoes, smiling seductively in the picture. We took turns taking solo pictures of one another until we both sought out at least three good pictures we both could put on IG. Soon after, we both dashed out of the house and into the waiting car.
The ride to the Staples Center was nothing short of traffic and corny jokes shared between Kory and I. We couldn’t help but laugh at all the Instagram models suddenly making an appearance at a sports’ filled event. I could understand if they were going to support their love ones or something else in between. But to just be here for clout and attention is lame. At least pretend like you keep up with the festivities.
As we entered the world-renowned arena, we were escorted promptly to our seats to make it in time for the National Anthem. But Kory and I couldn’t help but say hi to many of the familiar faces we passed. I preferred to be seated in the skybox up top, but this was the All-Star game. It was only right that we sit courtside and by Gabrielle Union, DJ Khaled and Ludacris. Kory had someone grab us some refreshments while we settled in comfortably and I couldn’t help but to take out my phone and do a photo-op with Mrs. Wade. The arena begun to darken with the announcement of the National Anthem beginning. As much shit this country has put people of color through, I didn’t feel the need to stand. But if the players were going to stand tall and hold their head’s high, that was the least I could do. So, we stood and laughed.
Fergie was chosen to sing the National Anthem. Aside from being a part of the Black Eyed Peas, and a few hits of her own, I wasn’t the first one to be eager to put her music on. But hey, this meant more publicity to her and probably a great marketing tool. I didn’t understand the need to change up the format of the song, but Fergie’s slow and jazzy rendition missed the target. “What in the world?” I muttered, stifling back laughter. Kory’s snickers and slick comments had me and Gabby ready to throw the towel in and walk out of the arena. After taking a look at Draymond’s face, I knew from that moment on I could no longer hold it in. It even progressively grew worse when she yelled “Let’s play some basketball!”
The chatter continued around Fergie’s interesting remix of a song before the game begun to really start. I was actually happy that Kory convinced me to come out tonight because it made me realize how lax and chill the All Star games are when they’re competing in the name of charity and having fun. By the time halftime came around, Team Stephen was ahead by two points and it was still a close game. Pharell, N.E.R.D and Migos led the halftime show performance which gave me enough opportunity to get up and walk around. Kevin Hart and Drake were on the opposite sides of the court and I made it my business to harass the two men who call themselves my big brothers before making a quick beeline to the bathroom.
“Ass check,” Kory said. I laughed as I turned around so she could take a look. The things she would say would be so out of pocket and random, but I swear she’s the only person I know who could get away with it. “Great so when Mr. Blonde Curls comes over here for a sneak peek, everything will look proper,” she smiled.
“Who?” I questioned, sliding my glasses atop my head.
“Odell Beckham Jr. He is so damn fine. But I know he doesn’t like black girls but the way he’s looking at you, would make me eat my words all over again,”
“Girl, you just said a mouthful that will have to be addressed later,” I said, shaking my head as I turned my head to follow the direction of her eyes before our eyes both locked together and my words got caught in my throat. It was him. I quickly turned around and grabbed her hand to move her back to our seats. “I think he was looking at someone else. Come on, let’s go sit before it starts back up again,” Out of curiosity, I turned my head around to see if he was still staring at me and to my surprise he was.
I hadn’t seen this man since LSU days, how does he still recognize me?
“They ain’t never gone invite my black ass up here; we cutting up way too much,” Ben laughed, taking another sip of the Henny and coke mix. You couldn’t really take Ben anywhere but what would be a party without Ben? It was impossible. He was needed whether you liked him or not. I couldn’t miss the 2018 All Star Basketball game even if I wanted to. The stars were aligned for me to attend. I was in L.A. to see my pops and brother, have a few meetings lined up with Nike and hey, the All Star weekend just happened to fall in my lap. Right time and place. I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity. And, I had my right hand man Ben. Perfect. “You’re making fun of the back of this nigga head. He finna spin that camera on your ass and show them what they don’t really want to see,” he said as he continued to blabber on and on.
“Don’t be upset because Dave Chapelle ain’t laugh at your corny ass joke,” I snickered. “Or the fact that the bets these kids have been making thus far, you’re losing in all of them. That’s crazy, broskie,” I said.
“You know what? That just sounds like words from a true hater. My new mixtape gone have you as the very first athlete that gets dissed, can’t wait,”
“Don’t matter to me long as I can still dress,” I said, shoving his arm. He was always trying to come for my dome and by now, I was used to all of his antics.
“Ain’t no one worried about you and that damn Supreme satchel my nigga sold you on,” he said, kissing his teeth.
“Man, I’m tired of this. Keep my seat warm,” I said as I stretched a little and grabbed my empty cup of beer. The arena had plenty of employees but not for a tiny second would any of them leave our section alone just to make sure we were satisfied and had everything we needed. I’m sure they were excited to see big stars and this is probably not the first time, but I would get tired quick waiting hand and feet on us celebrities. Absolutely not.
The halftime show was underway which put everyone else’s attention on the performer, my eyes were locked on someone else. She passed me on the way to her seat and I couldn’t place a name to the face, but I knew her. Her laugh was the same as I remembered it; so vivid. But where did I know her from? I had to distract myself with things around me or else I’d be staring at her the whole time, trying to figure it out. And knowing Ben so well, he’d pick up the pieces. I was tempted to walk over there and say something but how do you introduce yourself to a stranger without it being strange? You don’t. I posed for a few photo-ops before finding myself a bathroom, grabbing some snacks and making my way back out just in time for the start of the third quarter.
I wasn’t too interested in the game after my mind was warped with trying to figure out how did I know her. After another hour and a half of the game, team Lebron came out with the win. It was a close game and it was no brainer that Lebron James was walking away with the MVP award and title for the night. He scored 29 points, had 10 rebounds and 8 assists. Tell me he wasn’t dedicated.
The floor was mixed with a bunch of people; reporters, players, celebrities, you name it. I lost her in the crowd of people, and it wasn’t helping that Ben was trying to build the courage to talk to Beyoncé, knowing damn well he was the last thing on her mind. “Yo, bro, we finna head over to the afterparty,” I wasn’t too interested in going out myself but after convincing myself that a night out wouldn’t do me any harm, I agreed to go. Besides that, I couldn’t let my boy have all the fun.
She was there again.
Cabaret was a popular club in New York and had recently opened up a spot in Los Angeles. It had only been opened for a month thus far but the way the lines were wrapped around the block, and the fact that the club itself was at its capacity just showed you how well thought out and lucrative it is to open a club of this magnitude. I nodded my head to the beat of the music as I followed behind the security team to Snoop’s VIP area. All I saw were girls, girls and more girls, big ass bottles of champagne and a thick cloud of smoke. But sitting behind in the corner was the same woman I saw earlier at the game, with her friend I’m assuming, talking to Lonzo Ball. What are the odds? Everyone must know everyone in Hollywood.
“What are you staring at so damn hard?” Ben asked, after grabbing a glass of champagne from one of the waitresses and handing it to me.
“Her,” I mumbled. “She looks familiar, but I don’t know where from,”
“You fucked her?” he said, stepping in front of my view.
“I gotta fuck everyone to say they look familiar?” I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest.
“You fucked-“
“Okay, happenstance which doesn’t really count. Move outta my way real quick,” I said.
“Aye, you want me to help? I could be the wingman, ice breaker, whatever your stiff ass needs,” he chuckled, throwing his hands up. I chuckled, shaking my head as I passed him by and went towards the direction of the lady in question. I stopped midway when I realized I didn’t really have a game plan and the fact that she was surrounded by people only really meant that this wasn’t the moment to approach her. Let me fall back.
“Beckham! Brody, what’s happening, boy? I haven’t seen you in weeks,” I turned around and smiled, bringing Drake into a brotherly hug. Out of all those that put on a show in this industry, Drake was really a stand-up dude and even a few months back, I was crashing at his place till I was well adjusted. I could never repay him for that.
“Ah man, Champagne Papi, what it do, man? I’m out here with Ben crazy ass, just getting in some fun in the sun,”
“Or stirring up some trouble. Aye, listen. I’m about to head on out but I’m having a little get together at my crib in Calabasas. Come through, I’ll send you the details,” he said as he patted my shoulder. “Bring Ben too. He’s good times.”
“This nigga finna be hype as shit. Will do, brody,” I said, giving him one last dap before I parted ways and greeted Snoop. I wasn’t that big of a drinker to begin with, but no one would know it by how hype and energize I was by just music alone. It was sort of like a painkiller for me. Just the beat alone could put me in a great mood no matter what the situation was. The club itself didn’t look like it dying down anytime soon and maybe an hour or two into the party, I had lost Ben in the crowd of people. With a dead cellphone and cloud of smoke hanging around me, there was no way possible I would be able to locate him. So, I sat on the couch, hoping he would notice his friend with the blonde curls wasn’t dancing any longer.
“I’ll be right back, Kory. I promise. I just need to get some fresh air,”
“Drew, I am not letting you leave by yourself. I’ll come,” My ears perked up at that revelation as I turned my head to the left to listen. They were there the whole night and in their own zone with conversation. We locked eyes a couple of times, but they were quickly cut short by either her friend, Kory, blocking my view or some random girl trying her best to persuade and talk to me.
Her name is Drew.
Drew Jordan.
We went to Louisiana State University together.
That’s exactly how I knew her; a short flame that quickly fizzled as soon as I made it pro. I got up and grabbed my bottle of water and followed behind her slowly, watching her every movement. She still looked the same as before and I just didn’t know how I could forget a face like hers or a smile as radiating as hers could be. All of a sudden it felt like reality was sinking in. “Drew?” I called out as soon as I stepped outside. She stood off to the side drinking from a bottle of Sprite. I had watched her for five minutes before deciding to call her name. She turned around slowly and her eyes widened upon seeing me. “I probably caught you off guard, I ain’t mean to do that… I just been staring at you since the game and… I probably sound like a straight up creep,” I laughed, walking towards her. “Do you remember me?”
“Doesn’t matter if I remember you, everyone knows you,” she smirked. “But, how could I forget? How are you, Odell?”
“I’m doing great.. I can’t complain. I love how you say my name like we don’t got history, girl,” I teased, taking a step closer towards her.
She chuckled slightly and twisted the cap back onto her soda bottle and looked at me. “Well, if I do say so myself, I do recall once upon a time someone denying my phone calls so…” she trailed off.
“That wasn’t intentional, baby. I mean- Drew,” I said, tucking my bottom lip into my mouth to prevent me from saying anything else but I think it only had the opposite effect as the words already came out of my mouth.
“Calm down, Odell. It’s an Orleans thing, I get it,” she laughed. “I also understand that your career took off so damn quick, so I’m not surprised we lost touch. It happens in life,” she shrugged. I could tell she was cold by the way she tried to grip her jacket closer. It was corny but I was thinking I should offer up my jacket for an added layer of heat.
“Do you want my jacket? I think trying to look cute caught up to yo stubborn ass,” I teased, already shrugging my jacket off and placing it around her shoulders.
“Now you know I have a jacket of my own and now you’re going to get sick,” She said.
“That’s fine, that just means you gotta come to the crib and take care of me,” I winked.
“You haven’t changed at all,” she snickered. “I’m sure your girlfriend wouldn’t be too thrilled to see another woman’s face all in her man’s space,”
“Most likely not but you’re not just another woman. You’re a pretty woman that I got history with and I don’t have a girlfriend so it works out even better,” I smiled.
“Oooh, lucky me. Maybe I’ll finally get a text back from you,” she laughed, the dimples in her smile making my stomach flutter upside down.
“Nah, you ain’t never gonna let that go. Are you?” The quick shake to the head was all the confirmation I needed. “How about this, I take you out tomorrow from brunch or something along the lines of that and we just catch up completely. No bullshit, just like LSU days,” Her lips twisted to the side as she tapped her finger on her chin a few times in contemplation. From what I remember of Drew, she has always been stubborn but that’s what attracted me to her instantly. She had a good head on her shoulder and what could be looked at as arrogance was actually her just being confident which is one thing we had in common from the jump.
She was fiery, passionate and a damn bad ass athlete. Not to mention I thought she was so beautiful and still do, to this day. She was naturally a tom boy; she dressed in nothing but Nike tracksuits and Jordan’s. But she made it work because she always had her hair done up, nails on like Flo Jo and would do her make up every now and then. Then when she really wanted to show out, she would completely dress up and would wear the tightest possible dresses ever. And of course, that would piss me off because of all the attention she would get from guys. If it wasn’t from me and me only, I didn’t want her receiving anyone else’s attention.
We fit together like puzzle pieces.
“It’s a deal, but only on the ground that I get to choose the location,” she smirked.
“You know I like to take control. Let me pick it and you pay,” I countered.
Her laughter radiated and became louder as she bent down a little. “Fuck all the way off!” she continued to laugh. “You still owe me for running me dry from my Tiger card. I swear you was only my friend for the food,” she recalled.
“Nah, you know better than that. But the 5 dining hall was the spot. You know damn well I couldn’t resist them omelets,” I laughed.
“No, you’re absolutely right. Well worth it,” she smiled. “Well, I guess this is the part where I assume we exchange information again?”
“I follow you on Instagram already,” I admitted.
“Since when?” she questioned.
“Today. After the basketball game, actually. I had to make a completely new account once I hit the pros and your old handle no longer worked so I had to do a little extra work to get your current handle,”
“Boy, bye. What extra work? You still just as dramatic as ever,” she waved off. “I guess I can do a quick follow back,” she teased.
“And while you’re at it, maybe slide me your number too,” I said, reaching for my phone, only to remember that it was dead. “Shit, or maybe you put my number in and just text me. My phone is dead,”
“Ah, making me do the work. If I text and don’t receive a text back, you’re going on the blogs, Beckham,” she said, pointing her nails in my chest.
“Deal, baby girl,” I smiled.
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holywankenobi · 5 years
SW fandom rant
To be honest, I don't really know how or where can I start talking about this. If you aren't interested in any of the Star Wars drama that is going on then skip this post, cause its gonna be long... these goes for the SW fans we are concerned about the whole situation itself. I barely have the strength to do this and exposing my opinion about certain things makes me uncomfortable but it's been a long while since I'm keeping things to myself. There's much information I have to process so please be patient with me since I barely know how to express my emotions in the right way (that's why I'm holding myself back a lot here: it will seem I'm calm... but I'm not. I'm angry and tired at the same time).
We all know where it all started. The Force Awakens premiere in 2015. We will start from there.
As ANY star wars movie, there will be people who liked it, people who loved it and people who hated it. And there is where some fans clash with the others. Fans who enjoy practically every movie or SW related things and those fans who demonize every movie (specially the ones from the new Disney canon) and the only thing that matters for them are the episodes IV, V, VI and the Legends canon (some of them also defend the prequel episodes I, II and III, fact which I'll talk about it later). And they bash against everyone who likes the Disney sequels.
BOI IM SCARED OF TELLING PEOPLE THIS WAS MY FAVOURITE SAGA SO FAR. And I already had problems with Legends hardcore fans.
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Let me tell this straightaway... Star Wars are movies for kids. They've always been. George Lucas said it. They seem to be thirsty for feeling again what they felt when they were kids whenever a SW movie comes out but they always exit the cinema with a feeling of extreme disappointment.
I was talking about the last movie with my co workers at the beginning of the year and they complaint it was "too Disney". And that's precisely what I'm trying to explain! It's ok whether you like the sequels or not like them. Everyone has his own taste. I just find funny complaining for a whole saga originally made for kids for being "too Disney". I dont know if you get my point here.
Then there's those who hated the prequels, that said there was nothing worse than the phantom menace, those who hated on George Lucas for doing such a crap, but now praise the prequels because Disney is satan for them and they want the old canon back. George Lucas ended up selling SW to Disney because, he ain't no fool, he knows this fanbase is one of the most toxic and ungrateful that has ever existed. And he saw it with the prequels feedback... Then they now have the guts to demand him to continue the old canon? Smells like hypocrite-crying fanboys to me.
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My whole point is....It's ok if you are a new/Disney sequels fan, it's ok if you are a prequels fan, it's ok if you are a SW original movies fan, Legends canon fan, OG fan, casual fan, hardcore fan... as always you understand that not everyone will agree with your point of view, not everyone will like or think the same way as you do, or live SW the same way as you do. There's a difference between respecting and agreeing with, concepts which sometimes get mixed and taken as the same thing, which is not. Respect other fans mean "I don't agree with you but I know how much this means for you, so I won't intentionally mock you" WHICH THING LEADS US TO THE NEXT TOPIC:
*takes a deep breath*
Man. I dont know. He's a full grown up man and he's behaving like a 5 yo on his social media...... John is the actor who gives life to Finn (the ex stormtrooper). It all started with this sexist comment he responded to a fan in his IG. 
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Then people (naturally) got offended, specially reylos. But instead of apologizing he kept on going, remarked what he said and also did a video to mock the reylo community.
You think I'm only defending a ship here but no. Its bigger than that. He has the right to feel left out in this saga because I agree with him IN THAT FACT. He is probably the actor which is more into the SW world, he was always a big fan (of the whole cast I mean). Thats why fans love him do much. And I did love him too. And he (naturally) wanted to have more spotlight on this saga ( I think Finn was one of the most wasted characters of these movies tbh) But instead of taking it the mature way he's having a tantrum on his IG because Finnrey did not become a real thing, he's trolling reylos and encouraging SW haters and antis to bully them whose are already having a hard time with TROS end (which I'll talk about later because I dont like their attitude about it either).
And it's not just raise the hate on shippers thing dude you could just apologize because you said something sexist and offended a lot of people who ship reylo and really means a thing for them. The whole thing that the greatest achievement a man can have with a woman is sex is just DISGUSTING. Rey kissed Ben but now he's gone Finn has the road clear and can fuck her? BRUH.
This is all so wrong and he was the one who started it.
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I'm really relieved Adam does not have any social media because omg I would be suffering so much rn...
I honestly have never emotionally connected with an actor so much as I did with him. His whole acting is so good and I could really notice on this last movie. I'm starting to watch his other movies. And not just his acting, he's so professional off camera too.
I'm really happy and proud of him for his Oscar nomination, he really deserves it TT
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But I'm worried this whole John Boyega thing affects him. Idk how I would feel if I were in his shoes, if my coworker was saying those things on social media and then smile at me like nothing is happening. But honestly what hurts me the most is he's having a worse time with "reylos".. I think the rumors of him having an affair with Daisy Ridley was what messed things up. I honestly dont know if its true, I've got some info but it's hard to believe. Because there are so many haters manipulating fake info that I dont trust anything and anyone anymore.
And this is where I talk about:
This is gonna be hard....
First of all, I don't consider Daivers (Daisy x Adam shippers) as part of the reylo community. I'm sorry. But its fucking disgusting you going to demand Adam to divorce from his wife, abandon his son and then start dating Daisy because of this rumor or because you can't separate fiction from reality.... I read he even recieved death threats ARE WE NUTS??? They (Adam and Daisy) having a good chemistry working together doesn't mean they are in love, kids...
Driver has an awesome wife and a lovely son. Daisy is currently dating someone.
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Infidelity is gross. No more. And I would be so disappointed at them if this turns out to be true. But seeing all what's happening around the actors and specially having all this haters out there... I'll say this was all false information.
Daiver is not real and won't be. So stick only to the fictional ship.....
About Reylo itself. I find REALLY funny how people who dont know shit about what this ship means say it's an abusive relationship. Bullshit. I wouldn't be shipping them if so.
Also the people still stating it's not real/canon hiding themselves behind the "Ben solo is dead lol" argument. Do you stop loving someone when they die?
Yes, they love each other. No, it wasn't always reciprocated love. They started being enemies in the force awakens, friends who understood and cared for each other through force dyad in the last jedi and ended up being lovers at the end of the rise of Skywalker. Rey wants to revenge her family (her falling to the dark side) but also wants Ben Solo back, and he wants to be the most powerful leader on the galaxy and still being kylo ren. But they eventually meet in the middle between light and dark and Leia finally reaches out to him to make him turn to the light.That's their fight. That's the angst. That's the tea. "No one is ever really gone" there's always hope. Star Wars is centered in HOPE. And their story represents it at its finest.
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NOW. The reylo community.
Despite you liked it or not the end they gave to the saga... I think JJ Abrams doesn't deserve all the hate he's receiving... he probably did a lot of things wrong but seriously... just stop. Not only from reylos but the whole fandom.
Sending hate won't lead to anything now...
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I enjoyed The rise of Skywalker. Indeed I spent half of the movie crying and I loved it.
You can cry as much as you want the loss of Ben (although I have hope for him still being alive in a way, there are plenty of theories) but that doesn't give you the right to death threat JJ. And I think I'll stop here cause I'm already tired.
Everyone has their own taste, preferences, favourite characters, ships, whatever. I pray for people stop judging others for their tastes, specially in this cursed fanbase. Sorry if I ever misbehaved trying to defend what I think or like. I just want this place to be supportive and safe for everyone and everything what's happening is not helping... We are all SW fans and that's our connection point. Dont discredit others for having another point of view...
I'll leave it here, but I'm open to debate or talk about anything I said in a respectful way.
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fmdkangjin · 4 years
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                         famedkrp idol hc meme 〔 fin. 〕
✈ for an airport fashion headcanon  ↴  〔 241w 〕
kangjin’s personal style is a lot different from what he’s put in for interviews or especially the stage performance costumes that often show his midriff or low v cuts to show his middies. he dresses really dignified? lol idk if that’s a good way to describe it but he’s very well put together, muted and clean. nothing to draw too much attention, lots of long trench coats, soft colors like tan, light blue, white, gray and browns. he tends to wear smart shoes or boots, usually jeans to soften his look so that it isn’t quite so serious like he thinks slacks would seem. he might seem like the type of person who would wear lots of black but when it comes to his airport fashion he is rarely seen in any colors that dip high in saturation or low when it comes to shades. lots of scarfs, long or boxy silhouettes, super duper soft and mature. he doesn’t really dress like a maknae. sometimes after concerts on the way back especially if it’s early he might get spotted in some of his more sporty or casual clothes like jeans and a baggy, adidas/puma/supreme shirt or something, a baseball cap and his usual boots so he looks a little bit mix and match. kangjin is very sporty so his wardrobe definitely is more filled with sporty clothes than anything else but he doesn’t usually wear it out unless he’s very tired.
❂ for a voice-related (singing or rapping) headcanon  ↴  〔 256w 〕
kangjin’s head voice for me, i was excited to answer this. ok so starting with vocals. kangjin’s vocals for me are very close to his positions references, specifically an almost exact halfway mixture of hyuk and leedo? something very emotional, of a mid tone, to the lower end, and really well suited for ballads or slow songs, emotional tracks since he’s very good at projecting emotion into his voice. i think when it comes to rapping, which is what he’s best known for, he’s a little bit stronger and with more impact. his vocals are very soft, soothing and especially if he’s singing slow and soft, he can really give a gentle performance. but when it comes to rap, he’s just got the vocal training by now and the endurance and rhythm to maintain it with a lot of punch. also his voice is quite deep and when he speaks it’s very monotone with a soft lisp, but while rapping it’s even lower, kind of how leedo had a deeper voice while rapping and shows more range while singing. but comfortable in the lowest voice while rapping, since it kind of closest matches his speaking voice while is also very low and deep and a little slow, he’s comfortable there. it’s what he trained for the most, too. kangjin has more passion for his vocals and he enjoys pushing his voice to the range of high to low, but definitely is most often stuck by dimensions in tracks at his lowest tone.
☎ for a bad fan experience headcanon  ↴  〔 214w 〕
probably some of his least favorite fan experiences are to do with fans asking him if something is wrong with him meeting him in person or in signings. since kangjin can sometimes come across very differently in person he’s always asked if he’s ok, if something is wrong/not feeling well, and he really hates seeing fans perceptions of him up close and personally like that. the way he doesn’t stand up to his own image created of himself, the persona of perfect golden boy he created, it haunts him honestly not to make him sound dramatic but it’s horrible lol. he’s always shaken by the amount of fans who seem to think his muted personality on off days or when he’s just carefully talking to fans to manage their expectations means that something is wrong. since he doesn’t seem to be as over the top and cheerful as he can sometimes be during games or interviews. since long schedules meeting fans sometimes he loses the endurance to put up a whole show and falls somewhere in between? where he’ll smile and make nice but nothing loud, nothing theatrical or big. fans taking note and reminding him always hurts, it’s like a reminder that he lives with a mask he’s supposed to be keeping up.
♡ for a social media headcanon  ↴  〔 216w 〕
kangjin prefers to stay very far away from social media if he can help it, because really it’s just not good for his mental health. he wants everyone’s attention and love but not at the cost of his sanity, and every negative comment about him just strips that away from him. though he does have an account he doesn’t use it, it’s managed by his favorite manager, he usually just sends images or sometimes other information, or just asks his manager to post for him. kangjin’s stans are kind of left thirsty for his content unless his manager is posting frequently. sometimes his manager takes things into his own hands and posts for kangjin with his permission, so some weeks, like concert weeks or anniversary weeks, his social media manager takes care of it more closely so that kangjin looks accessible. he doesn’t read forums for himself and doesn’t check his twitter unless he’s feeling brave. the times he checks it most is during his birthday tweets after posting selfies he occasionally scrolls, when he makes a quick “stay well and safe” post, or after concerts when he wants to make his own post about the state of his mood. usually he feels sentimental and brave after concerts so that’s when his stans are most fed.
☏ for a good fan experience headcanon  ↴  〔 222w 〕
i don’t think kangjin has any particular fan moments or one fan who stands out tbh but ig he finds it enjoyable when fans match his speed? some fans are loud, some are disappointed, but the shy ones, quiet and just happy to see him without being over the top about it he loves those ones. the ones in signings who get his autograph and give him gifts and quietly talk about how he’s someone they love and look up to. i think those fans make the whole thing a lot more bearable for him. also the fans who see him looking a little bit more casual or muted than usual and just seem content or happy with it? he loves those fans they’re the ones he connects with the most. for the record he also really loves male fans, he’s really strong with ‘boy’ fan service, male presenting fans usually get warm and kind smiles from him and plenty of physical hand touch fan service too. he finds them very brave. there’s a few he remembers, and a few who’ve given him gifts that he still can put their exact faces to the gifts, some of his gifts he donates tbh lol but he doesn’t with the fans who specifically touch his soul or the gifts he finds personal, hand made.
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beandraws · 5 years
50 questions tag!
Tagged by @g-exo and @jongin-be-my-jagi thank you💖
1) what takes up most of your time?
The internet
2) what makes your day better?
Seeing my friends and when everyone is in a good mood and there’s no arguments or stress
3) what’s the best thing that happened to you today?
My friend who’s on my bus got hit in the head with a kindergartners lunch box 😂 we died
4) what fictional place would you like to go?
Hogwarts or narnia the magic would be amazing💕💕
5) are you good at giving advice?
When I know that the person I’m talking to will listen and take in the advice then yes. If it’s someone that Ik won’t listen to me I won’t try.
6) do you have any mental illness?
7) have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
8) what musician inspired you most?
I’m not sure I don’t really think about stuff like that and I wouldn’t know how they inspired me ????
9) have you ever fallen in love?
Being 15 I’d say no.
10) what’s your dream date?
Something comfortable and casual. Sitting watching a movie would be nice🥰
11) what do others notice about you?
I don’t talk often. My math class has a game going trying to get me to talk to them
12) what is an annoying habit you have?
Believing everyone hates me
13) do you still talk to your first love?
Since I don’t have a first love it’ll be first “bf” which was not a bf cause it was 4th grade but whatever. We don’t talk he dumped me cause I wasn’t blonde told me to dye my hair if I wanted him back and then he moved away a year later. :)
14) how many ex’s do you have?
I’ve had one real relationship but 3
15) how many songs are in your playlist?
16) what instruments can you play?
I used to play piano and I know one song still
17) who do you have the most pictures of?
My best friend and Jongin
18) where would you like to go before you die?
California, Korea, Alaska, Japan, Hawaii, and everywhere else I can
19) what is your zodiac?
Aquarius ♒️
20) do you relate to it?
Sometimes? Sometimes it’s not me at all but for the most part yes
21) what is happiness to you?
Not everything in You’re life may be perfect but being in that moment right then you are happy with yourself in that one moment you’re happy
22) are you going through anything rn?
No just a little stressed about my sister but it’s all good
23) what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
Dating someone after knowing how much of a jerk he was
24) what’s your favorite store?
Marshall’s or hot topic
25) what’s your opinion on abortion?
I don’t like it but it’s the moms choice ig. But if it has a heartbeat it’s a living baby don’t kill it. Adoption is always an option.
26) do you keep a bucket list?
In my head😁
27) do you have a favorite album?
Uh exo love shot ig those are some good songs
28) what do you want for your birthday?
Stuff to decorate my room 🤗
29) what are most people’s first impression of you?
They think my hair is pretty I think? That’s what I get from a lot of strangers
30) what age do you seem according to most people?
No one ever guesses so I have no idea
31) where do you keep you phone when you’re sleeping?
On the floor next to me, my bed or on my nightstand
32) what word do you say the most?
Probably why
33) what’s the oldest age you would date?
it depends on my age like when I’m older I can see 10 yrs older is max but rn like 2-3
34) what’s the youngest age you would date?
1 but I prefer older🤷‍♀️
35) what job/ career do people say would suit you?
Artist ig💕
36) what’s you favorite music genre?
Anything but screamo and country
37) if you could live in any country in the world where would you live?
Murica 🇺🇸🇺🇸
38) what is your current favorite song?
Twit- hwasa and thirsty- mckay ft wutan
39) how long have you had this blog?
2 years
40) what are you excited for?
41) are you a better talker or listener?
Listener I don’t like talking that much
42) what is the last productive thing you did?
Walked to class??
43) what do you want for Christmas?
I’m not sure maybe some laptop/ mirror stickers
44) what class do you get the best grades in?
Art and biology
45) on a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling rn?
46) what can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Traveling I’d say and hopefully art and maybe with a boy🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
47) when was your first heart break?
When my boyfriend in middle school broke up with me and two days later he had a new date in his insta bio and it was before we broke up so I found out he cheated on me. :) he’s a player and still to this day tries to get back with me so I blocked him :)))
48) at what age do you want to get married?
When I’m totally sure I’m in love
49) what career did you want as a child?
A kindergarten teacher or a singer
50) what do you crave rn?
Nothing at the moment I just ate so I’m all good
I’ll tag @loser-dot-com @annyeongbaekhyunnie @guillotineyg @exoplvnet don’t worry if you’ve already done it I’m sorry 🙈
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fxrris · 6 years
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hello my friends it is i, ur friendly neighbourhood canadian moose !! i’m 20, use she/her pronouns, and i’m a virgo sun, pisces moon & scorpio rising. also a future vet but we don’t like to talk abt school because yikes !! i’m rly excited for this y’all don’t even know. this is my bby ferris & she’s a bit of a nut buT i hope u like her anyway ?? i’m a thirsty hoe and i wanna plot w all of u so HMU or just LIKE THIS and i’ll come to you !! u can also peep her pinterest board HERE for a lil more vibes but more info abt her under the cut !!
holy shit! did you see that? oh wait, that’s just ferris mcelroy, the local madelaine petsch lookalike. apparently, she’s been in Moon Valley for twenty-one whole years! they’re very enthralling, but also pretty reticent, which is why: a bouquet of wilted flowers, dirt caked under chipped fingernails, smudged eyeliner, and moths surrounding a flickering light describes their vibe effortlessly. I wonder what this 21 year old hopes to discover in good ol’ Moon Valley.
she’s v inspired by jennifer from the movie phenomena and a lil bit of luna lovegood !!!
so ferris was born & raised in moon valley and has lived there her entire life !! 
she’s always been a bit of an unusual gal ig ?? a quiet girl who kept to herself while her identical twin sister, piper was like...the more outgoing & friendly & popular one. but the two were still best friends & ferris didn’t really care that ppl didnt like her as much
she actually preferred it that way bc she’s always really liked being alone. she very very rarely spoke up as a child and ppl and teaches especially thought she was just dumb but she is actually v intelligent
1000000% nature hoe !!! she grew up always being outside and playing with bugs and in the trees. always walkin around barefoot and trying to talk to and befriend the plants and animals
she very much believes that she has a deep spiritual like......paranormal connection to nature?? fully believes that she can communicate with and understand plants, animals & insects and sense how they’re feeling and vice versa. she is very in Tune with the world around her
so she’s quite sensitive and her mood / attitude / emotions are also v heavily affected by like....nature and the weather and stuff u know. but she’s happy when it rains.
tw: missing person / death !! her twin sister piper went missing shortly after their 17th birthday and her whereabouts are still unknown. no one knows what happened to her and her mom still hasn’t given up the search. it was such a tragedy and it rly tore the family apart as u can imagine??? about a year after, ferris’ parents split up and her dad moved away bc he couldn’t rly take it and her mom is.....still pretty shook up about it. she refuses to stop trying to find piper and bc of that people think she’s a bit nutty ???? but what else is she supposed to do u know thats her babY. and she lowkey.....resents ferris bc she is just a constant reminder of their once picture perfect family and her mom always lowkey liked piper more rip
even tho no one knows where piper is or what happened, ferris fully believes 1000000% that she’s dead and the two of the can communicate. she was really devastated when she first disappeared as u can imagine but after speaking to her sister she is no longer upset about it bc she believes that her sister is at peace now and in a better place. she claims that her sister speaks to her in her dreams and also that she can communicate with her spirit. 
is it real ???? is it just her way of coping?????????? we will never know for Sure.
lots of people think she is just like.....out of her mind & full of it but she doesn’t rly care ??? like....these are her experiences and if u dont believe her oh well !!! join the club !!!!!
she has major insomnia that only got worse after her sister disappeared. she’s basically the queen of the no sleep club and she’s always tired but.....the bitch can’t sleep !!!!
she is basically in her own little dream world at all times and can be p disconnected from reality ????? like....she’s always got her head in the clouds
she lowkey ruins everything good in her life and is consistently fucking up. she has a tendency to push ppl away ?? just because like......idK she just doesn’t rly think people would like her if they rly got to know her so it’s better to keep people at a distance to start with rather than get attached and have them fuck off???? she’s never had good luck w relationships so it’s kind of sketchy to her
but she feels everything so deeply like.....she’s an incredibly sensitive person she feels everything sO MUCH
her house is an bug zOO. like, she has pet tarantulas and stick bugs and giant millipedes and ant farms and probably cockroaches and shit too like.....it’s GROSS but she thinks they’re rly cool and she likes to talk to them
she’s worked at the amusement park since she was 16!!!! she sells cotton candy :’)
her sexuality is v fluid and she identities as queer !!! she doesn’t rly think abt it too much ig ??? she just......likes whoever she likes and it’s not some big deal to her u know
did i mention that she luvs bugs bc..........................she luvs bugs
smokes a lot of weed probably mostly to help her sleep but also bc.....why Not. when she’s high she’ll just talk about shit forever man which is wild bc she barely talks when she’s sober ???
as for wanted connections i literally want...........everythinG but here is a lil list of ideas !!
a best friend !! probably since they were v young like,.......the one person who rly knows her inside & out and she can trust with anything
a drug dealer !!!!! i imagine she would be like kind of friends w them ?? since she is prob blowing up their phone a lot lmao. also just ppl she can get high with would b cool as well
an ex !!! she probably got scared and pushed them tf away and ran for her LIFE bc she just.......has Issues and it’s hard for her to connect w people
her sister’s friends !!!! this is something i REALLLYYYY want bc piper was v popular and well-loved so it would be interesting ??? they could like....resent her or think she’s a total freak or remind them of piper and they want to be her friend or literally anything i just Want it
maybe some hookups or somethin
someone who like....deadass just thinks she’s a fucking weirdo
also !!!! someone she has a big crush on but.....she is like too nervous to talk to them or like act on it or anything
some friends maybe
literally anything
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Hi! Do you think you could write an aftermath situation with the Chocobros comforting Reader after he/she is rescued from Ardyn who physically/mentally harmed Reader? (Though, I imagine Ardyn being very fond of mind screws considering what he does in the game). Thanks!
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I love how twisted Ardyn can be (BlameArdyn2017) this actually shouldn’t have been as much fun as it was, but it was so much fun!!
You gave a soft cry in your sleep, yet settled down the moment that you felt the warm embrace of Noctis surround you. He was mindful of the scars around your arms and wrist, having to be even more so when moving your head to rest against his shoulder. As the crown, that burning hot circlet of a tiara that Ardyn place on your head had done some serious damage to your forehead and would leave a scar for life.
During the day you were mostly fine, yet at night when you slept, nightmares of the memories returned. The terror and torture that Ardyn had placed you through, you had only been gone for a week, but to Noctis and yourself it felt like a lifetime.
When you finally stumbled back into their group, Noctis made certain that he was forever at your side, never to leave you again. So when he found himself be awoken to your tears, Noctis would cuddle you close, stroking your hair, pressing soft kisses against your face and hands.
“I’m here.”
That’s all it took was just his voice and you’d calm down, or your eyes would flutter open. Only for the two of you to stay within each others hold, you wouldn’t say anything, just staying within the man’s embrace.
Noctis was absolutely determined to pay the man back tenfold of what he had done to you.
Prompto absolutely refused to let you go, no matter where you went, he was beside you. Holding your hand, an arm wrapped around your shoulders, your shoulders touching. He couldn’t bare to let you out his sight again. Never again!
You returned bruised and batter, including one of your ribs, at first they feared it broken yet it seemed that whatever blunt trauma Ardyn had hit you with, you had always managed to curl yourself away so he never hit the same place twice.
In the evening Prompto would hold you close, until you fell asleep, all of his attention on you. Ensure that in a moments notice that you would not have to even call for him and he would be there.
He made certain that even in moments where he couldn’t be there to physically hold you he provide a stuff chocobo, covered in his cologne and scent so that you could rest peacefully. He also made sure that his phone was on, and that you had the loudest ringer, calling you before the hunt, after the hunt and on their way back to make sure that you were okay.
Prompto wanted to ask, he wanted to ask so bad just what happened, but tears swelled within your eyes the moment that you begun to speak, and Prompto would gather you within his arms, holding you close, often leading to tears of his own falling.
Yet every time, Prompto would dry your eyes, pressing a kiss to your cheeks, before asking if you were thirsty. You’d give a soft nod, he would fill you up a glass of water, only for you to drink half, he would finish it and than you both would curl up together.
“I’ll protect you.” Prompto would whispered against your hair, determined to do just that.
He knew, he knew right off the back when you returned, a scar across your left eye, another scar down the center of your chest.
“To match your beloved.” Gladiolus remembered you telling him. That’s what Ardyn did, he marked you, so that you and Gladiolus would be a matching set.
Yet what Gladiolus knew immediately was that you weren’t okay, physically or mentally. You kept pretending that everything was fine, that you were fine, that you weren’t troubled by whatever torment you had faced since you had disappeared in that hunt. That trap Ardyn had set up.
You were jumpy, you startled easy, and you didn’t speak of it much, only that what Ardyn had in store for the party you were determined to not allow to happen.
So by the third night, after dinner was finished did Gladiolus take your hand, moving you both deep into the woods. He knew that he could protect you from any deamons that would attempt to attack, but he knew that you had to get this out.
Gladiolus pulled you to his chest, “Go ahead, Babe, I’ve got you.”
He didn’t hear it at first, but he felt your body hiccup, than wetness on his chest, closely followed by your muffled wails as you clinged tightly to the man. He followed you to the ground as your knees buckled, pulling you into his lap as he allowed you to keep crying.
“I’ve got you, Babe, I’ve got you.” He repeated time and time again, as your body finally seemed to run out of tears, yet a stray hiccup left you time and time again.
“I…I was so scared Gladio…” You warbled, clinging tightly to the man.
“You were so brave, you did amazing. My girl is so brave.” Gladiolus whispered, stroking your hair and back. He wasn’t certain of just how long you sat within his lap, as he gave you comforting strokes along the back, rocking slightly. Yet eventually he heard you snore softly, moving as gently and quietly as he could, the man carried you back to camp.
Moving into the tent, allowing you to use him as a mattress tonight, knowing that he wouldn’t get much sleep for the next few nights, and he knew that you deserved rest after what you had been through.
The next morning, Gladiolus emerged from the tent, you still curled tightly within his sleeping bag, only awakening when the man shifted. “I’ll be right outside, Babe.” He replied with a kiss to your forehead, as you dozed back asleep alongside Noctis and Prompto, stepping outside to be greeted by Ignis.
“Is she doing any better?” Ignis inquired.
“She finally let it out, but I think it best that she rest for the day.”
Ignis placed a hand on Gladiolus’s shoulder, “She needs you here, Gladiolus, don’t let your anger get the best of you.”
Gladiolus knew the other was right, but that still didn’t stop him from thinking of all the ways he was going to tear Ardyn apart.
No one could fault Ignis as he rushed into the hotel, where you had last sent him a message less than 5 hours ago. You had gone missing, and when Ardyn had attempted to toying with you, everyone was shocked at how easily Ignis had handled it.
Yet those who knew the advisor, knew that he wasn’t going to take this laying down. Ignis was beyond livid, the man was furious! The entire time you were gone, the others could see it, in every moment that he was left alone with his thoughts, he was trying to piece together where Ardyn had left you, stranded and alone.
So to find you in the hotel room, leaving a message with the front desk to let in the men with a password of “Fluffy Chiffon Cake”. One  of your favorite shared meals. Ignis stepped into the room, a double room with two full bed in the room next door, yet a single Queen in this room.
The others figured that you needed time alone, as they moved into the other room.
Ignis quickly moved across the room, finding you curled on ‘your’ side of the bed, ‘his’ side of the bed empty, as if you were expecting him. Yet you curled around the pillow, holding it tightly like you would the man should you experience a nightmare. Moving to the bed, Ignis didn’t have the heart to wake you, as he removed his suit jacket and shoes before taking the spot of the pillow.
You didn’t flinched or even seemed to notice the difference, only curling around the man holding tightly to him. A strangled wheeze going through your body as you nuzzled into him.
Ignis glanced to the bedside table, seeing 2 Hi-Potion bottles, an Elixir and sleeping pills. Which would have been the reason that you didn’t stir one bit. The man sighed deeply, only to pull you closer, as he closed his eyes. For now he was fine enough with you in his arms.
Only to awaken to Gladiolus shaking his shoulder, “We’re getting something to eat, want us to pick you and y/n up something?”
Ignis glanced to you, draped across his lap, your hold on him no longer as tight, and that wheezing noise he had heard earlier was not as noticeable, “I’ll be there shortly, I want to make certain it’s something that she will eat.”
Gladiolus nodded, “We’ll be waiting downstairs.”
Ignis waited for Gladiolus to leave, before moving silently from the bed, only to hear you moan softly, before your eyes flickered open.
“Ig…” You whispered harshly.
Ignis leaned forward pressing a kiss to your lips, stroking your hair from your face, “My love, I’m so happy to see you.”
You gave a soft purr, dragging him forward for another kiss, which he happily provided. Only to softly whimper another “Ig…gy.”
Ignis smiled, your voice sounded harsh, “I’m going to get you something to eat, when was the last time that you ate?”
You moved your hand from underneath the sheets that were pulled underneath your chin signaling 3 days.
Ignis pressed another kiss to your lips, “Rest easy love, I’ll be back within 30 minutes.”
You gave a soft hum, before closing your eyes, blindly reaching around for an item, only to smile as Ignis draped his suit jacket over you, as you immediately cuddled into it. A soft hum of pleasure at Ignis’s lips against your temple before returning to sleep.
“I’ll return shortly, my love.”
Ignis was true to his word, returning actually within 25 minutes, a bowl of tomato soup from a restaurant in town. While he would have prefered to have made you a bowl himself to make sure that you could stomach it, this was the only thing on the menu that he knew wouldn’t upset your stomach.
Yet he was shocked when he returned to find the bed empty, his mind thought the worse, but heard the shower running. Only to stop as he placed down the bowl of soup on the desk in the room. “Love?”
The cracked bathroom door immediately slammed shut,throwing the man off. Yet he figured that you needed privacy, still that did not stop him from stepping forward, knocking on the door. Trying again, “Love?”
That’s when he heard it, it was soft but he heard you sobbing, almost as if your had a hand over you mouth to stop the sobs from coming out. Ignis wasted no time, stepping into the bathroom, you in the old button down top of his you wore for pajamas, a look of horror across your face, before you quickly turned away.
“Love?” He called again, as you slowly turned to him. Only for Ignis not able to hide the gasp that escaped. Your neck, across your neck was a wound, that seemed as if you had a collar or rope around your neck, that dug into you, marking you forever to leave a scar. Tear filled eyes looked to him, before you rushed forward, holding him tightly. This would explain as to why you were having difficulty breathing and speaking.
“Shh, shh, I’m here.” Ignis replied, scooping you into his arms, before moving to the bed. Holding you tight within the long lean arms, curling around you as you both sat up, you resting your head against the strong shoulder, while Ignis rested his head upon your own. A soft hum of a lullaby in his chest as soft hands ran up and down your arms and back. Proving he was here and never going to leave again.
Ignis knew that he was beyond livid now, and Ardyn had better hope that Hell gave more pity than the vengeance Ignis had planned.
“Nyxxy.” You muttered softly, everything hurt, your arms and legs felt as if they had been stretched to their maximum length, and every movement, even the slight movement of rolling your head felt like hundreds of needles rushed into your skin.
The bed immediately dipped beside you, as you felt a hand brushing back your hair, “I’m here, Baby Doll.”
Nyx was never far from you now, since The Fall, the man had no idea just how he managed to get so lucky to survive. Yet you were captured by that asshole, that man who had set all of this up, Chancellor Ardyn. The man strung you up, and after you refused to give the location of the Prince, he tossed you away like trash.
Only for Nyx to find you, and bring you home to nurse you back to health until you could make your next move. Potions were starting to run thin, but you were able to speak, and move better each day and spent most of the days awake now.
“How many days?” You groaned, as he moved into bed. Using the power of the Kingdom to heat his body much like a heating pad, that would help your muscles relax just a little.
“Going on 2 weeks, but don’t worry about that, you worry about recovering.” He replied, pressing a heated kiss to a bruise that had been refusing to heal on your temple.
You gave a soft sigh, right now you were certain it was just the last two of you in Insomnia, and all of Nyx’s attention was on you. Making sure that you healed, he would go out during the day, grabbing what little he could find, potions, foods, and the like. Loading up so that once you were able to move you’d both be able to go and assist Noctis and the others.
A loving soothing heated touch brushed over your sore shoulders, who knew that hanging suspend in the air for 3 days would wreck your body so horribly. You rose a hand, despite the absolute amount of pain it caused you, resting it on the cheek of the man, who had save your live.
“Nyxxy, if I’m not better by the end of the week, go find Noctis without me, he’ll need your help.”
“I’m not doing that.”
You groaned softly, “Our duty is to our King, Nyx, our King is Noctis, and we must go to him, even if that we means you.”
“I’m not leaving you to die.” Nyx replied, pulling you close. “I’ll carry you out of here if that’s what it means, but I refuse to let you die here alone. I love you too much to let that be your fate.”
You sighed softly, this is what you got for falling in love with a Hero.
“Shit.” You muttered softly, stumbling weakly against the shifting rock face.
“Are you alright?” Cor called, immediately at your side.
“I’m fine, let’s keep going, we can’t keep them waiting.” You replied putting on a brave face, as you moved up the rock slide, attempting to not show the slight hitch in your step from the fracture in your leg that did not set right due to you not properly resting it.
Cor watched you move, too stubborn to bring up the pain he knew that you were obviously in. Considering the day he had doubled back into Insomnia and found you among the decay and ruins of the city, a toy for Ardyn’s mercy. His personal little Lucian labrat that he had running around, following this false dream after that false dream of your days perfectly normal and beautiful. Only to force you to watch the beloved city crumble in a new way each time.
When Cor had found you, you had actually attacked him, only seeming to believe the man was real when his katana met the blade of your broadsword. You both managed to get out of the city limits, halfway to Hammerhead before Cor forced you to call it a night. He had noticed how you had leaned all your weight to your right leg. Often when resting you would lean down to massage and mess with your left leg hidden within your standard Crown issued boots.
Only when you both had settled in for the night, Cor no longer allowing you to push yourself forward on foot, did you explain the tortures you went through. The entire time Cor held your hand, rubbing soothing circles across you good leg and helping you set a more proper splint for your bad leg. Hopefully it would hold until you could get to Hammerhead and see an actually physican.
Both you and Cor knew that your relationship was one long seated, something that just came second nature at this point like the swings of your swords. So when Cor stated he would double back for you after  going to find Noctis and the others, he had to attempt he wasn’t surprised at your blunt.
The torture did not seem to affect you much, a soldier such as yourself did not earn their title by allowing a psychopath to toy with them for a bit. Yet still Cor knew, and had experienced multiple times, that you would often keep going until you dropped, and would bottle things up inside until you finally would lash out on something.
More than likely him.
“Y/N, do this for me.”
Cor sighed, “Fine, at least let’s both rest in Hammerhead for a day, we can have them meet us there.”
You puckered your lips, “You promise not to leave me like you did in Salv?”
Cor remembered that, you had a fever of 104 and the only way he had gotten you to stay put was by having the entire encampment leave you in the middle of the night. Boy, did he ever get on your bad side for that number, he was on the couch for a month.
“I promise.”
This seemed to do the trick, as you curled up beside the Marshal within your shared two person tent, holding tightly to the callous hand as he proved you a potion to help ease the man he knew that you were in, yet refused to show.
Cor smiled as he laid down beside you, pressing a kiss to you lips, as you hummed softly, moving in to cuddle closer to the man. Cor sighed softly, tossing an arm over you. He loved everything about you, yet he had to admit, sometimes that stubbornness that he loved so much, also made him frighten for you.
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