#he said no. cause it'll get cooler when the sun is down
cetoddle-archive · 1 year
godddd i cannot wait until i'm out of here and on my own fuck this house forever
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notaversetohedonism · 3 years
Daisy Chains and Daydreams
Pairings: Mostly Moxiety but with some Logince as well because I love them and couldn't resist
Content : Fluff, Probably a bit long winded but it's the first fic I've ever finished 😅, mentions of food as a potential CW, as well as mentions of anxiety/panic attacks as well as general feelings of mild anxiety
Word count : 1960, jus a little one shot :)
"I'm boredddddd" groaned Roman, leaning his head back so that it rested on Logan's lap. Logan flinched slightly at the gesture, but was able to keep his composure well enough not to let out the squeak playing on his lips.
"I suppose today has been rather slow" he replied, turning a page from his novel without looking up. Virgil and Patton walked into the room quietly, perhaps hoping that the other sides would not have noticed their absence. No such luck, unfortunately.
"Hmm, Winnie the Blue and Patty-Cake," Roman began with a smirk "Couldn't help but notice that the two of you were, should I say, mysteriously absent?" Virgil simply shot him a death glare, where Patton looked sheepishly down at the carpet, a blush forming upon his freckled cheeks. God. His freckles. Typically his face was clear and bright, but on the odd summer where the sun shone a little brighter, they appeared. Virgil, as should surely be apparent, was a fan. Before they had gotten together, he often lay awake at night staring up at the ceiling, imaging tracing every single one beneath his fingers.
Virgil collapsed in an undignified heap on the couch. He, as the most cynical side, was not a fan of weather in general, but he despised these summer months. How was he supposed to maintain his edgy persona without a hoodie to pull over his head when he had had enough with Logan and Roman's nonsensical bickering? The only thing that had convinced him that dying of heatstroke was not the way to go was Patton tentatively offering up one of his many identical blue shirts.
Patton sat down next to his boyfriend, sliding his fingers into Virgil's and tracing his thumb in gentle circles on the top of his hands. The one gesture that was sure to make Virgil melt. As if he wasn't already doing that in this ridiculous heat. He looked up at Patton, the softest of smiles on his face. In return, Patton gave his usual wide, brighter than the sun itself, grin.
"Hey everyone! I had an idea!" he suddenly burst out, as if the thought had just entered his mind and he had to get it out before it left again.
"Yeah Pat?" asked Virgil softly, a light blush emerging just barely visible underneath his foundation when he saw the identical smirks on Roman and Logan's faces. Patton of course, noticed this. He gave Virgil a look the two of them had come up with together, asking with his eyes if Virgil was ok with this or if he needed to stop. Reassured by the slightest nod of Virgil's head, he continued,
"Why don't we go for a picnic? It'll be fun, and with the breeze it'll be cooler out there than it is in here!" Patton giggled, practically clapping his hands in excitement. There it was again. The ache in his face. Virgil, despite his reservations, had absolutely no intention of giving one of his typical cynical remarks that would have no doubt have been rewarded should any of the other sides been the one to suggest the concept. Logan and Roman both at the same time had said
"Sure!" causing them to blush and turn away from one another. Patton had been badgering Virgil for weeks to let him help set them up, but Virgil had gently insisted that this was something for them to discover in their own time.
"Let's do it," Virgil said, his voice starting out very quiet but becoming a little louder as he continued "It could actually be fun" Patton all but squealed with joy as he jumped up to prepare the food. That was another thing Virgil's mind would often wander to.
They could all cook to some degree. But Logan followed the recipes so meticulously and to every minor detail that the food was often a little bland, Roman had a bad gague of how hot was too hot, and Virgil, naturally, was petrified by the idea of burning himself on the hot stove. When Patton stepped up to the stove, however, it was like a whole other world. One could taste the pure love worked into every bite. The sides would typically cook for themselves, but if one was having a particularly rough day, or if they got sick, then Patton's cooking was sure to make them feel better. Virgil often received it after a panic attack, and more often than not it was the thing that grounded him.
"Oi, Panic at the everywhere, go get ready!" Roman's voice cut through Virgil's thoughts. The nickname still bothered him somewhat, but he could tell Roman was making the effort to be a little nicer to him.
"Alright Princey, if you insist." he smirked, sinking out and back into his room. He wasn't the biggest fan of wearing shorts, but he knew wearing jeans probably wasn't his best idea. He pulled on some loosely fitting jean shorts and, of course, Patton's blue shirt stayed on. He sat for a second on his bed, no longer feeling the need to repress his smiles now that he was alone. Patton saw them; when Virgil was with his boyfriend he couldn't keep them in, but he still felt a little wary around Logan and Roman. They had accepted him, but as the anxious side he still had his reservations. As he sat, Patton suddenly appeared at his side.
"Virge, are you ready to go? We're leaving soon!"
"Gah, Pat! What have we said about appearing in here with no warning?" Virgil exclaimed, but with no real bite to his voice Patton knew he was only kidding.
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! This is gonna be so much fun!" Patton giggled, pulling at Virgil's hands. Virgil would never in a million years admit it, but secretly he found Patton's somewhat childish nature the cutest possible thing.
Before they got to their picnic spot, they had a short walk to complete. Roman and Logan forged ahead, arguing about something Virgil didn't understand, nor did he really care about. He was with Patton, and he felt safe. Their hands were loosely intertwined, their pinky fingers locked but not so tightly that Virgil could not pull away should he feel the need. It had taken a little bit of time and a lot of clear communication, but Patton was now very good and understanding of the way his boyfriend felt about affection. He craved it deeply but it often overwhelmed him. But right now, Virgil was quite possibly the calmest he had ever been. The two didn't exchange many words as they walked side by side, only the occasional comment on the beautifully scenic park, or a stifled giggle between themselves as Roman or Logan would make some loud statement.
Finally, the close-knit group of friends found the place they were seeking. They stood in a little alcove discovered by Patton and Virgil on their first official date (by that point they had actually been on about seven, but Virgil was not exactly good at reading the room and thought Patton was just being friendly. Friends kissed on the forehead goodbye, didn't they?). Tall willow trees encircled them. The space was small, but not so small that it felt uncomfortable for their slightly larger than usual party. But what Patton and Virgil unanimously agreed was the best part was the daisies. They grew here wild and free, mostly white and pure but with some pink and some purple, exciting and joyful.
"Thank goodness! I understand that being fit and healthy is necessary for me to remain the most handsome Prince in all the land," Virgil barely stifled a snicker, "but seriously guys? Now I see why your dates always take such a long time!" Logan said nothing, but gratefully slumped onto the soft grassy ground. All those long hours and late nights working tirelessly on his computer did not leave optimal time for exercise.
"Ok everyone, food time! I know it was a little short notice but I hope you all like what I've prepared for us!" Patton said, grinning. Virgil looked inquisitively into the basket that Patton had carried with them for their whole journey. And just. Wow.
Sandwiches in the flavours each side liked best, as well as at least five different types of cookies, and best of all? A rather respectably sized vanilla cake. Their favourite. Roman clapped his hands, Logan raised his eyebrows with a pleasant surprise, and Virgil once again gave his tiny smile. Just a slightly lifted corner of his mouth, but still one Patton recognised well. His own mouth initially mirrored Virgil's, but his smile only grew from there into the one the sides knew so well.
"Alright everyone, dig in!" Of course, no convincing was needed here.
After having stuffed themselves silly, the group sat on the ground, quiet and content. Even Logan, who at this point during an outing would typically be badgering the sides to get back so that he could finish his next series of extraordinary projects, simply closed his eyes and looked up, barely concealing his satisfied smile. With his closed eyes, he did not notice the barely concealed glances of pure adoration given to him by Roman.
Virgil sat propped against a tall, sturdy willow tree, staring at Patton's back lovingly, quietly pondering what the taller side was doing: his back hunched slightly, humming a tune to himself. Within less than five minutes of wondering, he had his answer.
"Uh, Pat? What's this?" he stared in mild confusion at the interwoven daisies sitting in a loop against his pale wrist as Patton looked at him with soft eyes.
"It's a daisy chain! See, I wove them together like this!" As Virgil sat patiently listening as his boyfriend weaved together the pretty little flowers, a thought wandered to the front of his mind. "How on earth did I get so lucky?" Overcome by emotions and bravery, he dared to utter,
"Pat, is it ok if I kiss you?" As Patton gave him an unreadable look for just a few seconds, he wondered if he had crossed a line. But suddenly, he was rewarded with an enthusiastic
"Of course!" and a pair of lips on his own. As Patton eventually leaned back from the kiss to regain some of his air, he suddenly stared at Virgil intensely.
"Uh, y-yes, Pat, what is it?"
"Your eyeshadow, it's purple!" Patton conjured a mirror, shyly holding it up to a stunned Virgil's face.
"And it is. The credit for this one goes to you, Pat." Patton, clearly thrilled but wanting to make sure his boyfriend was comfortable, opted, instead of saying a word, to lay his head down in Virgil's lap, looking up at him with what could only be described as pure adoration. In that moment, it was just them. Roman and Logan's quiet chatter faded into a barely audible whisper, the bird song silenced. They were together, and they were in love. A realisation that would later strike Virgil, and he would spend many am hour wondering how best to say so to Patton, but for now, they sat happily.
But what was the most exciting thing about the beautiful day they all shared together was that by the end of it, as Patton layed his head on Virgil's legs, Virgil saw Roman and Logan's tentatively intertwined hands, the awkward but hopeful smiles on their lips. Virgil decided not to tell Patton right now. Because at this moment, with his hands gently running through his boyfriends soft hair, a daisy chain around his wrist, he felt calm. He felt happy. Maybe tomorrow things would change, but just this once, Virgil decided it was alright to focus on today.
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fatherlyssa · 4 years
The Past.
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summary: old feelings and relationships are reunited between y/n and ethan.
"Y/n, you have to come! It'll be so much fun." Cam whined over the phone as you pulled it away from your ear. You placed the phone on speaker and sat it on your bed, continuing to do your laundry.
"Cameron," Your voice trailed off as you held the shirt up in front of you. It was one of his t-shirts. One that you didn't have the heart to throw away or give back to him. You owned it for so long and wore it so often there was holes forming around the neck. The him happened to be Cameron's brother. "I don't think it would be a good idea."
You thought back to the last time you saw him. The cardboard box in your hand was full of everything of his that was at your house. Items ranging from his hairbrush, mouthwash, toothbrush, clothes, pictures, and a couple of movies. You didn't want anything that was going to remind you of him in the slightest.
His reasoning behind the breakup was simply, "I don't love you anymore. Not like I did."
The words replayed in your mind everyday. Everytime you looked in the mirror. Everytime you passed a Sonic because that's where you two ended up every Friday night. A cookie-dough master blast in your hands and a brownie blizzard in his.
How can you just love someone one day and not the next? It never added up in your mind. But you were never raised to beg for anyone to stay in your life that didn't want to be there. So, you let him go. You left his house that day and never saw him again.
The downside of the entire thing was his siblings were your best-friends. Cameron remained one of your closest friends, but Grayson drifted away. It was understandable. Where Grayson was, Ethan followed.
"Look, as far as I know. He's not even going to come. You know how him and Grayson are with alcohol."
Cameron was having a get together at her new house. She had a pool with a jacuzzi made into it and it had a slide going down into it also. It was very nice to say the least. The party wasn't for anything in particular. It was for her to say, "Hey, I have a pool!", and that's okay.
You and Cameron were of legal drinking age so you didn't turn down a beer or seltzer, but Grayson and Ethan's morals stood strong. Usually.
The thought of being able to lay out by the pool while just hanging with some people your own age didn't sound bad at all. It sounded relaxing and that was exactly what you needed after the stressful work week you had before.
"Okay, fine. I'll come, but-"
Before you could finish your statement, Cameron was shouting excitedly about how much you were both going to have. She told you what time to come and then hung up abruptly.
You were going to tell her that if he showed up, you were leaving. No if's, and's or but's about it.
You looked over your outfit in the full body mirror you had set up in the corner of your room. You had lost a little weight within the last five months. Your appetite just wasn't there like it used to be. Nor did you ever have time for with work and all the overtime hours.
The top of the bikini was strapless and was open in the middle, exposing the valley of your breast to the world. The bottoms were just a plain black cheeky style. The bikini was more revealing than what you would normally wear, but it gave you a new found confidence. The confidence that said you didn't cared if showed up at this point.
But, soon it washed away as you put your blue jean shorts and thin white t-shirt on. You were back to your old reserved self.
The drive to Cameron's house took you no longer than fifteen minutes. The closer you got the more your anxiety rose. Several cars were parked in the long driveway and a few on the grass along the curb. You decided to park on the curb, not wanting to get trapped in the driveway if something were to happen.
"Y/n!" Cameron spotted you as soon as you walked through the front door. She was already sporting a bright yellow one piece that made her look super tan and slim. "Here. Your favorite." She reached her hand into a red cooler that was in the kitchen and handed me a mango White Claw.
"Thanks, I'm gonna need about ten more." You laughed with her as you popped the top and took a couple of sips.
She began introducing you to couple of her college friends. A few of them you had already met from other get-togethers and a few were new. By the time she had walked around and talked to everyone with her arm around your shoulder, you had finished your drink.
You were never one to sit around and babysit a drink. You had tried in the past, but it never worked out.
After excusing yourself from the crowd of people in the backyard, you walked into the kitchen. It looked as if everyone had moved the party outside. The sun was shining brightly and a few people had already gathered in the pool also.
"Oh! Excuse me.." As you stood up from where you were bending down by the cooler, the back of your body collided with someone else's.
"No worries." your breath caught in your throat as you turned around to face him.
His hair was gone. He had buzzed it. You knew of this because you watched the video. Seeing it in person now, you realized it suited him well. His shoulders seemed more broad than they were before. He had definitely been working out.
You shook your head and pulled your eyes away from him. Without another word added to the conversation you walked away. Part of you wished you wouldn't have apologized to him, but your good nature and manners would have never let that happen.
"Come get in the pool, Y/n!" Your eyes landed on the blonde haired boy with dark brown eyes. Introduced to you as Bryce about ten minutes ago.
"I will in a minute!" You told him with a smile as you opened your new drink. It was a lemon flavored white claw. Why would I grab this?
Your mind was still racing from the prior happenings. Should you leave? If you leave right now he'll know it was because of him. He'll think he has some sort of upper hand on your emotions still. You have to let him know you don't care. Even though you still do.
You took a seat in one of the lounge chairs that were placed around the pool and continued sipping your drink, watching everyone around you have fun. While you were stuck in your shell of anxiety.
When you were younger, early teens probably, you used to get anxiety attacks quite frequently. They came at random times even when you thought you were okay. After a year of them happening you were taken to the doctor and put on a certain medication. The attacks went away.
About a year ago, when you were happy and full of life you stopped taking them. You didn't need them. The people in your life at the time had taught you how to not worry about things so much and to just go with the flow.
Now, as you sat on the lounge chair you felt like you were a mile away from everyone else. You could them all talking, but you couldn't understand what they were saying. It was happening again. And you hadn't had one in so long, you didn't think you could remember how to handle it.
You stood to your feet, cupping your hands around your face to try and focus on what was in front of you. You could feel your breathing begin to get uneven as you stepped into the house.
Your feet led you to the bathroom on the bottom floor, your back sliding down the wall with your knees pressing to your chest.
Focus, Y/n. You're fine.
  "Y/n? Are you okay?" It was him. He noticed your absence from the party. He was the first of your friends to witness one of these episodes. And he was the first person in your life who took their time and helped you through the episode.
Before you could respond the door opened and he knew what was happening. He closed and locked the door behind him, sitting down directly in front of you.
  "Shh," You didn't know you were making any noises. "You're okay. Everything's fine." His words sent a calming effect over your body.
Even if he was the one who caused the attack, he still somehow was managing to stop it.
  "Look at me." His voice wasn't harsh. It was easy and smooth. You had no choice but to follow his orders. His eyes were still the same. Still had the same shine to them. "Breathe with me."
Your chest rose and fell with his. Your hands still cupped your own face. It was a thing you did that you noticed seemed to help you. It blocked out everything that didn't matter.
  "Your hair looks pretty." He said, his finger reaching up to twirl a piece of it around his finger.
He had noticed the highlights you got. Most of them had faded and blended in with your natural hair color, but he still took notice.
  "Thanks. So does yours." You giggles at the fact that he really didn't have any at that moment. He took the sarcasm like a champ, flicking an imaginary ponytail over his shoulder in the process.
Silence overtook the bathroom. It was comfortable and not awkward. Who would have thought sitting in a bathroom with your ex-boyfriend would be anything but relaxing?
"Why haven't you been taking your medicine?"
Here came the parenting Ethan. When you were together, you didn't need to take them. He was your medicine. He made you forget your problems.
"I forgot." It wasn't a lie. You really did forgot about it. Most of the time you were too busy to sit and wonder or overthink things that would lead to these episodes.
The silence flooded back and all you could hear was each of your breathing. At this point neither of you knew what to say. Was there anything that needed to be said?
Ethan moves abruptly and stood to his feet in front of you. You stared up at him as he outstretched both of his hands down to you. You were hesitant at first, but slowly let your hands slip into his. They had the same warm feeling. The warm feeling that made you feel safe.
As you brushed your shorts off and pushed some of your hair behind your ears Ethan spoke up.
“Hey, Y/n?” You peered up at him, your eyebrows furrowing together a bit.
In an instant his lips were pressed against yours. The kiss shocked you, leaving you stunned and pushed against the bathroom wall. Almost as if you had just gained your consciousness, you let your lips move against his.
It was rough and needy. It was something both of you needed.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, letting one of your hands cradle the back of his neck while the other one fell further down his back holding his body tightly to yours. His rough fingertips pressed into the bottom of your thighs and he picked you up, turning the two of you around so you now sat on the sink counter.
His lips pulled away from yours only to reattach themselves to your neck. A small moan fell from your lips as soon as he sucked on the one spot he knew drove you crazy.
“Ethan,” His name fell from your lips smoothly, “Wait, stop.” You forced the words out of your mouth.
As much as you didn’t want the actions to stop, you knew they needed to. This was wrong. You two were supposed to be broken up. But here you sat on a bathroom counter with your legs wrapped around his waist and his lips pressed against your neck.
“Why?” He stopped the magic he was doing on your neck and moved to look you in your eyes once again. “Don’t you miss this? Us?” His eyes held hope and lust. Which are the two worst emotions to mix together. Because nothing good ever comes from either.
“Ethan. Of course I do. You did this. You ruined us. You walked away from this.” You scooted your way off the counter and began to leave the bathroom.
Only to be stopped by a hand grabbing yours.
“I know I did. I did that because I knew I wasn’t good enough for you. I’ll never be your knight in shining armor that comes to save the day. You deserve someone who doesn’t forget your anniversary and brings you flowers. I knew I could never be that person for you.” His voice cracked at the end. Your gaze began to get blurry as you focused on his t-shirt.
“You don’t get to decide whether you’re good enough for me, Ethan. I get to decide that. You were perfect. I don’t need flowers. I can’t take care of myself What makes you thing I can take care of a plant?” You chuckled as you wrapped your arms around yourself to almost try and hold yourself together.
He silently stared at you for a second until he spoke up again.
“Do you still love me?” It was a whisper. Almost like he was dreading an answer in return.
“Never stopped.”
You didn’t want to be stuck in the tiny room with him any longer. You could feel the bubble growing in your throat and that was you needed was for him to see you breakdown. Twice in one day.
You didn’t bother telling Cameron goodbye or any of your new friends. You headed straight to your car and left. Never looking back to see if he followed or if he chased you down like the do in movies. Because you knew if you did, your hopes would crushed looking at the empty road.
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ridiculousravenclaw · 5 years
The Life of Elara Ware : Chapter 2
Elara sat on her butterfly patterned bedsheets, a heavy leather bound book in her lap. She was studying alchemy this year and wanted to get a basic understanding of it before school started. She was lost in concentration when her bubble of thought was burst by light tapping at her window. She looked up to see a shabby brown owl rapping its beak against the glass. She smiled. "Hi Errol". Elara crossed her room and opened the window. The old bird half hopped, half collapsed inside. Looking out her window Elara saw it was now starting to get dark. The sun retreated below the horizon casting shadows of deep orange and red across the sky. It was a beautiful summer's evening, a light breeze provided respite from the unforgiving heat of the day. Errol lazily nipped at her hand letting out an exasperatedly quiet hoot. "Sorry boy, here" She detached the tightly rolled parchment from his leg then opened the empty bird cage perched on top of her drawers, gesturing for him to go inside. Errol happily obliged helping himself to water. The Wares family owl Alizeh had to stay in Elaras room as her mother couldn't stand her hooting. But she was currently out hunting and Errol looked thankful for the hospitality.
Elara undid the scroll expecting to be greeted with another message from George, so she was surprised to find it wasn't his handwriting at all. 'Hello Elara. I know George has been in contact with you but I dont know exactly how much he's said or not said so I thought it best to write you myself. You are of course still welcome to come and stay tomorrow. Though I must warn you it'll be a bit of a tight squeeze. My eldest sons Bill and Charlie are home and are in the twins room meaning Fred and George are currently in with Ron and Harry. Oh yes, Harry's staying with us as well I hope you dont mind. You'll be in Ginnys room, but again, tight squeeze. We have Hermione staying in there too. I hope this is all okay with you. I've been told to expect you by flu powder at about 11. Our house is called The Burrow, I don't know if George had said. Anyway it's all still a go is what I'm trying to say and we'll take you to Kings Cross as planned. Look forward to seeing you Molly Weasley'
Elara smiled. The note really was unnecessary but she couldn't blame Mrs Weasleys lack of trust in George giving her all the correct details. She quickly scribbled a reply on the back of the note. 'Thanks again Mrs Weasley this is really kind of you. 11 o'clock. Flu powder. I'll see you then'
It took some convincing and several treats but Elara finally managed to get Errol out of Alizehs cage and attach the note to his leg. She wasn't sure if Errol was quick enough to get the note to Mrs Weasley before tomorrow morning but it was worth a try. She sent him on his way then made her way downstairs to the living room. There she found her mother silently working her way through stacks of documents she had laid out on the sofa. Her long brown hair was wound into a messy bun on top of her head and her black rimmed glasses were perched on the end of her narrow, slender nose. She was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a light blue t shirt that hung off one shoulder. She was sat cross legged, brows furrowed in concentration. She hadn't noticed Elara walk in.
"Watcha doin?" Elara said. Her mother sent several pages scattered across the wooden floor as she jumped in surprise.
"Jeez sweet pea don't sneak up on me like that!"
Elara laughed and stepped forward to help as her mum started chasing papers around the room. "sorry. I wasn't aiming to scare you"
"yeah? then why are you laughing at me?" Her mother retorted as she tried to smack Elara on the backside with a recovered sheet. She tried to put on a disgruntled face but she couldn't hide her smile as her daughter dodged her attacks.
"hey! I'm helping!" Elara replied, smiling goofily back as she hopped out of her mothers reach.
"causing mayhem more like"
Elara folded her arms defiantly, a devious grin on her lips
"fine. I wont help then"
Elara put up her hands in mock surrender and started walking towards the door.
"hey! not so fast. This is your doing so you can come tidy you cheeky bugger"
Elara complied with an exaggerated curtsy as her mother started to reorganize the pages.
"honestly. all I came down for was to tell you I'm going to the Weasleys at 11. now you've got me clearing up like your personal slave" Elara put on her best dramatic sigh which made her mother chuckle.
"think how I feel. it took me ages to put all this in order now I've got to do it again"
"hmm, well if you will insist on throwing things around the house"
"oi!" her mother retorted but once again she couldn't stifle her smile.
"11 did you say?" She added after a moment.
"how were you going to get there?"
"flu powder" then at the look of confusion on her mothers face she continued "that's the one where you travel through the fireplace. wosh" Elara flailled of her arms to illustrate.
"oh right. the one that scares me to death you mean?"
"that's the one"
"great!" Her mother gave her a double thumbs up but her eyes showed her disapproval. Elara rolled her eyes.
"mum how many times? it's safe. I've been using flu powder since I was 7. Everyone does"
Her mother sighed, nodding her head reluctantly "I know, I know"
They picked up the last few pages in lazy quiet before Elara went to kitchen to make them both a cup of tea. When she returned she found her mother staring into the currently empty fireplace like she was waiting for something. Elara silently stood by her side handing her a floral patterned mug. She looked at her mothers face obviously deep in thought. She looked almost upset. "mum?"
It was several moments before she answered.
"you know it doesn't matter how impressive and mystical and amazing all this is. Theres still a massive part of me that wished you took after me, not your dad."
Elara couldn't deny she felt offended, and it must've shown on her face
"no no that's not what I meant. Oh hunny your magics incredible and you make me proud every day. Please know that. It's just. I dont know. I can't lie. I'd be a lot less stressed if you just grew up to be a hairdresser or something. Something ordinary. Something risk free" Elara felt confused at the direction the conversation had taken. Quick to defend the life she loved so much she answered
"Well wheres the fun in that? mum I'm perfectly safe in the wizarding world. you must know that. it may still be weird to you but its who I am and its normal for us."
Her mother looked at her for a moment. Then smiled a strange, sad sort of smile. She started to say something, then stopped herself sipping on her tea instead. Elara could see a million thoughts spiraling behind her mothers eyes. Then, finally "yeah. yeah of course you are." Then without a word she turned and left.
As she stood alone in front of the mantelpiece, Elara had the feeling like she was missing something. Then a most unwelcome thought; that there was something her mother wasn't telling her. Her mother had always been a worrier. Fretted over her wellbeing day and night. It never bothered her. In fact Elara Ware had grown so used to her mothers fussing she almost didn't notice it anymore. But now that she stopped to think, since returning from school that summer it'd seemed to get a lot more frequent. Obsessively checking in on Elara through the day. Restricting when she could leave the house, not letting her go alone. At first Elara thought this was just her fear of her baby growing up. Now that she'd sat her exams, chosen a career path, got a boyfriend. But now she wasn't sure. Whatever it was, her mother was definitely upset by it.
The next morning Elara woke up later than she wanted to. She ran downstairs and inhaled some cereal so fast she was sure she must have set a new world record. Then back upstairs for a hurried shower, which unsurprisingly resulted in shampoo in her eyes. Swearing repeatedly and dripping water onto the tiles as she went. Elara stumbled blindly across her en suit reaching for a towel. cursing herself for not putting one out first. Quickly drying herself off she threw open her wardrobe, looking at her limited selection of clothes. most of it was packed in her trunk. She glanced out the window. It was raining and with the rain had brought cooler weather. She picked out her favourite pair of jeans and a loose white shirt with lace criss-crossed across the back.
It was only after she had triple checked her trunk, glancing at the clock and seeing she still had 30 minutes to spare, that Elara finally allowed herself to relax a bit. Mentally scolding herself for waking up late and turning her morning into a mad rush. She was gazing at her reflection in the mirror and without realizing found herself fussing with her hair. She couldn't explain why. Elara had never really cared what others though of how she looked before. Yet there she sat tucking her brown hair behind her ear, the pulling it forward, then tucking it back again. Perhaps it was the nerves of seeing her boyfriend again after weeks apart. After all they hadn't been dating that long when school ended for the holidays. Or perhaps it was the stress of meeting his whole family. But then again she already knew half of them. She may never have spent much time with Ron, Percy or Ginny but they were already acquainted. Then of course theres Fred. the twins came as a pack. you rarely get one without the other and she'd been going to school with them for 5 years.
She tried to shake the nerves, focussing instead on the thing she'd always liked about herself. She gazed into her eyes which were the only ones like them she'd ever known. Her right eye was a cool blue, like a river. Her left eye a pale light green flecked with yellow. The muggle doctors said it was a genetic condition with a weird name she could never remember. it didn't matter. Elara loved her eyes. they made her different. Different was good. She looked at the clock again. 20 minutes. She picked up her trunk which she'd played at the foot of her bed and began to haul it down the stairs.
"you'll write wont you"
"nah I won't bother I'll just leave you in suspense the whole year"
"Elara Ware!"
"I'm joking! I'm joking! C'mon mum I'm in my 6th year now. I'm a big girl. I'll be fine. and I'll be back before you know it."
Her mother sighed and pulled Elara into a bone crushing hug. "I know. I just worry" Elara chuckled "yeah funnily enough I've noticed"
Her mum ignored this "I love you" she mumbled into Elaras hair. "I love you too" Just then Elara noticed the time on the clock "ooh mum I've got to go. its time" Elara wriggled out of her mums grip and stepped into the fire place where her trunk was waiting. "mum the powder"
"oh yeah right"
Her mother grabbed a small clay pot from ontop of the book case. It was peculiar in shape, unpainted and unvarnished. Elara had very vague memories of making it at muggle school when she was about 7 years old. Inside was the floo powder. Elara grabbed a handful and offered one last smile to her mum. "Bye mum"
"Bye darling"
Elara dropped the floo powder onto her feet and shouted "The Burrow" With that she started to spin. Faster in faster as her living room dissolved into a blur of colour. But just before she lost sight of her mother completely she saw it again. The same sad look in her mothers eyes. She was trying to hide it but still it was unmistakably there. Why? what was Elara not understanding? Before she could even fathom the answer the spinning stopped. She was no longer in her living room. She stepped out onto a well worn rug to a wall of welcoming red headed smiles. and there standing the closest the one she was most excited to see. beaming the brightest of all "miss me?" Said George
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ashhdaniellee95 · 5 years
Meeting Calum & Hanging Out
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{This was a dream I had a few days ago, and I'm really thinking about making it a series, so let me know what you think.} WORDS: 1,662.
So i applied for a dance competition with my cousin, and that didn't go well as I had planned. So as I walk in tears and shame, I walk through different stores, and different stations.
I also happened to walk through 5sos' head building and studio where they hang out with their friends, and think of new songs to record.
I walk through, and happened to catch Calum's eye, so I keep walking, and he notices me, so him and his friend walk a little faster and catch up with me.
"Um, excuse me miss." I turn around. "Yes? Oh Calum, hi." He smiles. "Hi. I saw you walking loney through here all by yourself, and just wanted to make sure you were okay." I smile at him and nod my head. "Yeah, I'm good. I just came from a competition I applied for, but that didn't go well. So I decided to walk through here by myself, instead of on the sidewalk outside, hoping I would feel better, and I do, a little bit. I'm glad you asked."
I see his friend nudge him towards me, and he comes up and asked me my name. "Ashley. My parents named me. They're not here, they're back in North Carolina. I came to California to get away."
"So um, I was wondering, if it's not too weird or stalkish, if I could get your number?"
I smile. "Of course." I grab a pen and a piece of paper from my pocket, and write down my number, and give it to him. "I haven't changed numbers since I came here. I moved in two months ago, and i'm still settling in."
"Ok. Well, I've got to get going, but I'll talk to you later." He comes up and gives me a hug and we walk off.
I walk down the path with a smile on my face. I go to Walmart and walk around and find some things, get some snacks and drinks, along with some chips and dip and chips and salsa. I also get me some clothes for the next couple of days, and some food.
Before i check out, I grab a few drinks from a few coolers, and then go to check out. As I'm heading to my car, I feel my phone ring, and I grab in from my back pocket and answer.
"Hello?" "Hi, is this Ashley?" I know that voice; Calum. "Hi, yes this her. Is this you Calum?" He chuckles. "Yeah. How'd you know it was me?" "I've been a fan of the band since it first started. I would know who's talking just by the voice. I hope that's not too stalkish." He chuckles, "No, not at all. I think it's cool that you'd know which one of us it is by our voices. I think that's really cool." "Thank you." "So i um, was actually calling to see if you'd like to hang out tonight, sometime. If it's not too much trouble."
I smile. "No, that's fine. What time, were you, thinking?" "I'd say, probably around 8 or 9. If that's ok with you?" "Yeah, that's fine. What did you have in mind?" "Um, well if it's not too much, maybe I could come to your house, since you said you were still settling in. Maybe hangout there for a while, get to know you a little better." I smile. "Yeah. I um live in an apartment complex. It's nice though. When you come just ask for me, cause she knows me very well. And tell her that I just moved in two months ago and she'll tell you where to go. And I'll send you the address when we get off. "Oh, ok. We'll I'll see you later then. Bye Ashley." I smile. "Bye Calum." I smile and hang up.
I text him the address to the apartment complex, and put everything in my car, and head to my 🏠.
I get a cart from the maintenance room, and take it outside and put my groceries in the basket, then grab my purse and my keys, lock my car, then head inside.
I greet the office manager with a smile, and head to the elevator. I step in and press the number 4 button, and the doors close.
Once it comes to a stop on my floor, I wheel the cart out and into the my apartment then take everything out and put away.
Once I have everything put away in the refridgerator, and the pantry, I sit on the couch and watch TV, and fall asleep.
About an hour and a half later, I hear my phone ring, so I wake up and grab it from the coffee table, and answer it. "Hello?" "Ashley, right?" My ears perk up. "Yeah. It's Ashley. What's up?" "Can I come over? I'm kinda bored at the moment. I know it's a little early," I look at my watch; 07:46pm. "No that's fine. You can come on. I actually just got back from Walmart like an hour ago, but your fine. Come on. I'll be here." "Ok. I'm on my way." "Okay, I'll see you in a little bit." He says the same and we hang up.
I go to my room and change into another pair of blue jeans, and a 5sos shirt on, then relax while I wait for Calum.
20 minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. I smile then gather myself together, and walk to the door and open it. "Calum. Hi. Come in." He walks in towards the kitchen with a flower plant in his arms, and sets it on the counter. I close the door and walk to the kitchen.
"Hi. Thank you for bringing the flower. It'll be nice to have in the kitchen. What kind is it?" He smiles and rubs the back of his neck. "It's a Gerbera Daisy plant. It has gerber daiseys. Their my favorite flower." "Oh that's cool. Let me water it." I grab a small cup from the cabinet, fill it with water and take it to the flower. I pour a little of water around it so it can be healthy and sit it in the window seal to get some sun.
Afterwards, I offer him something to drink, and we go to the couch. We talk a little bit about ourselves, both of us getting to know each other and what not.
"Hey, do you wanna play 20Q's? You ask a person a question and they answer. Like, what's your favorite color?" He thinks, "red." "Ok. You ask 10 Q's and I ask 10 Q's. That way it equals to 20 Q's. But since I already asked you one question, I have 9 Q's left. Get it?" He nods his head. "Yeah, I think so. So all I do is ask a question about you?" "Yeah. That's it. Go ahead." He puts his fingers on his face like he's thinking, then asks a question. "What's your favorite color?"
I smile, "blue. Because of the sky. It's different shades of blue at different times of the day. Ok my turn. Who's the better friend in 5sos to you?" "I would say all of them because they're really good friends." I laugh. "ok. Good one. Next question." "Ok. Um, favorite ice cream?" "Between chocolate chip cookie dough, rainbow sherbet, and cotton candy." "They all sound so good. Your turn."
This continues, until it gets down to Calum's last question. "Who's your favorite band, and why?" I smile and answer, "5 Seconds of Summer is my favorite band because they have music that everyone can dance to or even sing along with, and because the guys are really down to earth and so nice to everyone. Even though there will be some haters in the crowd." He nods his head with mine. "Yeah that's true. Not everybody will like our music. But we express our thoughts and feelings through our music." "That's a really good answer. Hey, you want a beer? 🍺" "I would, but I'm driving. Maybe another time."
I nod my head. "Ok. That's fine." He looks at his watch on his arms, and jumps. "Oh God. It's gotten late. I um, should be going. It was good getting to know you better Ashley." I smile. "Yeah. You too. Let me walk you out." We get up off the couch, and walk to the door. I open it and walk out with him and head downstairs.
The elevator dings, and we walk out, the both of us walking to the main front door. He stops first, me following suit, and we stand and smile at each other.
We stay like this for a few minutes, until we hear a cough from the desk beside us. "Right, um. So I'll see you later?" I nod my head. "Yeah. I'll see you later. Bye Calum." He smiles and gives me a hug. "Bye, Ashley. It was nice hanging out with you." I smile back, "You too, Calum." We wave at each other, and he walks outside to his car.
I get dreamy eyes as soon as he drives away, and the desk manager notices it. "Okay, who was that, and why didn't you tell me he was coming over?" I turn around to face her, and give her the death stare, "La'Trina, he's a friend. You know I only have a few friends, so I met him today, and he wanted to hangout, so we did. And that's ALL we did, nothing else happened. I promise. Plus, you'll get to meet him, soon." "Mhmm. I know that look. You're in lovee. And don't deny it." I smile at her, "Maybe just a little." "Mhmm." "I gotta go. You keep up your work Mrs. Desk Manager. Good luck." I fold my arms and walk to elevator and wait. When it dings, I step in and wait for it to close, then scream and do a little dance. I hope I don't alarm anyone. 😌
{Part Two Coming Soon!}
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